wnunrum DiJMUUitiu. rfm-sM Conscription bill, which should bo im M ! mediately ndoptod. It is as follows : tnnm tv t 1 "ZktT.ZZ jmrw by levi u tate, proprietor BLO OMSBURG, PENN'A : v - - Saturday Morning, Jan. 9, 10G4. ey..i.-.j,Li . .i,... i ,, ii , " our Oontintion.uarii it evert Our SlorlODl Unlnn...hnlil II rlMi I Our glorious Union. Our marrr TMc.fr... f. Our Starry rui...foraVo It ncVirt , The promt Oattcasalan our only pcorl " ' " ronFUEslDECTW"" - GEORGE 33, M'CLELLAN i BuhJ.ctto.hc demon '.f , National ConvctUion,) im.Jc,ijut.-jiXJwjU,lJmm Democratic State Committee. Tho Dcmocratio State Central Commit, tco aro requested to Moot at tho MER CHANTS' HOTEL, in tho citv of Pl.lln. dclphia, ou Wednesday the Hth day Jan- uarjf, at four o'clock p. m. county, and wo aro not sure but that it Cuaules J. BiDDiiE, Chairman. would bo wisrr to still further modify the ij x aw 0 far as to giro the Provost Marshals The Insolence of Power. ! tho dictionary power to hold their ex Tho arrogance anil intolerance of tho ' aminations in such other towns in tho party in power towards thoso who honest-' county as they shall see fit. For tho ro ly differ from them as to tho Lett and lief whioh Mr. Coffroth'a amendment wisest means of preserving tho national would give, however, wo aro suro that tho lifo and prosperty, is fast developing into people will return ''much thanks." such practical and mischiovous measures J that a silent acquiescence in their design, is no longer tho part of patriotism or man liness. Some excellent writer has said that "lassiyo submission fortho insolence of ; PHti i3 us uuugL-rous as u is oowaruiy, ny int'lllllrf nnrl ntirtrtiiMnnni. A. 1 1. .........(j vvuiiuu lunuci upyita- sion." It is the leaching of all history, 1 that the unrestrained exercise of political ' authority leads inevitably to tho tubver- 1 tion of popular rights, and every species ' of oppressive exaction which tho passi ju 1 v " v. wl.wWiiiiij iui i their gratification. Men seek and exer- else power by an instinct of their nature OI nV.irirn And firnhlllnn finil nnnnoanrv frti. as imporativo as hunger or thirst, and ' where, as in tho unfortunate iu3tancc now presented by our own country, it falls in- iu """"a ui uiisuruyuiuus ami lucaiia- Ut C .! 1 .1 . .. .1 uiu liwiiuies, tvuo mauiy urcam tnemscives tho Heaven appointed agents for recon structing tho organization of society upon tho basis of their own wild theories, noth ing but tho utmost vigilance on tho part of the more rational portion of tho peoplo will prevent tho best interest, and inoro vigorous lifo of our country, from being as madly and ruthlessly sacrificed to tho de mon of fanaticism, as wore the deluded victims of tho crusader, whoso bones whitened tho plains of Lombardy and Pal estine. It is no longer to bo concealed that tho conduct of the war has been diverted from its legitimate purposo into a partizan strug glo for tho retention of power, and that the two cloments of jealous hatred tow ards the conservative party and of blind ed zeal for tho abolition of slavery, aro intensified into the madness of despera tion. As tho imbecility and ineapaoity of the politicians who govern the country, threaten tho overthrow of tho party thoy havo raised up witli so much patiout labor and unscrupulous depravity , the men who have risen with it to tho surface, and aro floating along on tho topmost waves of power, begin to nerve themsevos for a final and desperate effort to retain their ascen dency. In view of this object, all consideration of patriotism ami humanity aio entirely disregarded, aud their hypocritical pro fessions aro becoming so transparent in the light of coming events, that nono ex copt those who aro wilfully blind, can be longer deceived by theiu. Tho Constitu- tion, in thoir eyes, has lost all its saorod ness aud efficiency, and under pretexts so shallow and specious as not even to have tho merit tif plausibility, U openly viola ted and despised. The palo spectre of two hundred thousand victims that havo been already offered up as on unavailing sacriCec to tho insatiablo Moloch of fanat- inisin tho biltur desolation nF :ii inntW I households, whoso light and joy is buriod forever in nameless graves tho ccitain . r . , r .. .. u. c. i-nijesi, puce iiuu, ur u von uont prospect of an indefinite continuawo of,, , , . . "'""" , .... ,,, ., . i have that look at tho Act &c, 3d Scs tho war, and a repetition doubly manifest- tl- , , ' ed in its horrors, of tho past two unhappy years of our history theso aro all power less to eject the seared conscience of men, who, by loug and patient persutenco iu the moit unblushing falshood and shamo. less hypocrisy, havo seduced tho peoplo to elevate them to positions of trust; and it is not surprising that they havo determin ed to maintain tho ascendency they havo thus wiokodly acquired, by destroying tho liberties thoy wcro sworn to sustain, pervades every dopartment of tho Federal nnd desolating tho nation for whose inter- j government ; that a return to rigid eoon cit thoy were empowered to legislate. 0,"y ?d accountability is indispoiiMblo to 1 r , arrost tho systematic plunder of treasury i by favored partisans; while tho recent .Acording to Gen, Hallcoks Report startling developments of frauds and cor our losses for the year last past, in killed,! ruptions at tho federal metropolis shows wounded and missing, wera Ninety two an ontiro change of administration is thousand seven hundred and seventy men ! j imperatively demanded." And all this wasto of lifo in a war, now avowedly for an object unconstitutional and i improper-Tho abolition of Slavery. Tho 1 protenso that it is for tho restoration of tho Union having been long siuco abandoned. A hundred thousand mon it year I No woudcr we havoyconscription. Who ap proves tho object, let him go to tho wars. Northern patriotismjust now, consists in a strong inclination on tho part of tho j rioh Abolitionist, to conscript his poor j neighbor and compel him to whip the I Southern seoestionisti. , j lion. A. K. OorrnoTii, of tho Uodford X)lfitfldt. llflR tirnnntrwl nn nmnrwl instil l "Resolved. That tho Military Commit- . tco 6 directed immediately to inquiro into ho cxpoiJionoy 0f amending tho act cnti- ' AP A?tor onroll)DK nntl colling out i tho national forces, and for othor purpo- 'sos, approved March a, 1803, to compel tho provost marshals of tho different con grcssional districts to hold thoir cxaniina- .In... f- ..I ! 1 .1! 1 .!!!... . .1 wu,,a lui 1,UJ uisnuimy, or any oilier CUUSO of CXClIiptlOll, nt tho COIIIltV ill tllO rcspcctivoUBressional districts.' ,"'7 ,lips ffbio.h ho w3'0 """"ty. ,,M C0 8V0U, one. In the largo cities, tho limits of a Congressional district aro so cdiilincd, that it is very easy for tho citizen to reach tho oilico of tho Provost Marshal, but in tho country,it will bo no tlight inconvenience for a poor man to ovon 8 ' tuo county town of his own Death of Mr. Barton. Mr. C.vr.En Barton, Senior, ono of our oldest and most cstimablo citizens, was killed on tho Laokawanna and Blooms- burg Hail Uoad, Between Rupert and ijiooinsburg Stations, on Tuesday mom- . il . tin.l i f t - . . nig iua iiuiu oi ucccmuer. llo had boon absent from horns with his Son, in Ohio, over two years, and on arriving at Rupert it is supposed, was walkimr on tho It. It.. . and when almost in sight of his homo.was ! run over on the track by tho Cars and so ' mi.tnil nrwl K. .-..1 - , utuiuiuu uuu uiuiauu ua lu UiluaU Ills UCaiU beforo day light. Mr. Barton was one of tho most upright men and excellent citi- zona with whom it ever was our fortune to 'bocomo acquainted kind, noble, noncrcus and true to a fault, wo know him inti-! maiciy anu cstocmou him highly. .... . Tho unexpected death of Mr. Barton, was indeed a severo shook to his wifo.chil - dron and relatives at homo, who were anx-1 oraainca tuat l"e Ucncrnl Assembly shall iously waiting to welcome hira.aflor so long ? D ,h , Tu.CS(lar of J ia C . , , ou,""fa(Caoh year; and uwrcas, in obedience an absence, to their fond embrace, and to thereto tho Senate of Pennsylvania is now all our citizens, who would again havo , assembled ; andwherens, by tho Eleventh gladly greeted his return to-BloomsburcJ "fiction ofthe samo Article it is ordained frovidenco willed it otherwise. He was about 72 years of age, and we believe, had j not an enemy in the world. The Christian Witness. The Rev. Mr. Given, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, has issued a Drosnectus for tho publication, at Columbus, Ohio, of ' ,Mcss- Boardslce, Buoher, Donovan, .i::,.o . r j ri , Glatz, Hopkins, Kinsey. Lambcrlon, Lat- a religious paper to bo entitled the Chns- M!SherPrV) Montgomery, lteilly, Smith, Han Witness. The Hev. Mr. Given is a Stark, Stein. Wallace aud Penny, Speak learned and ablo minister. He is a loyal cr, 10. man, and, in October, voted for tho patriot The lollowing gentlemen voted for Mr. Vallandigham for Governor. For this of- ' Penny, viz : leuce, and no other, ho was tried before tho Conference, and refused a circuit. Terms, $2,00 per annum. Wo wish tho Reverend gentleman success.. The min isters of our day are, too many of them, little better than ignorant, conceited blas phemers. A brighter day of Ziou and our betrayed Govornmont will soon appear. The reign of iufidel fanaticism must bo drawn to a close. Wo adviso all loyal Methodists to subscribe for tho Christian Witness, BS?" Letters to Congressmen. Many of our readers aro, perhaps, not aware of the fact that tho change in the law referring to tho franking privilege re quires them to pay postage on all letters addressed to'membera of Congress. Tho privilege of sending letters free is still re tained by tho member, who is permitted to frank his own letters ; but thoso addressed to him will not pass through tho mail unless prepaid. Bradford Agus, Now, Charlie, you ought to know better than that j especially when tho act of 3d March 165a, section 31 paragraph 5 ox- J says : the authority to frank is senators and representative in congress. TT C? I'V . . nnn r i f , Save This Plank. The Chioago plat form, having served its purpose to foist abolitionism into power, is now abandoned as a useless fabric; but to illustrate the honesty and consistency of tho party which adopted it, ono plank from the ruins is worthy of preservation. It declared : ''That tho peoplo justly viewed with alarm tho reckless extravajrrnco which A Rebel Raid. There aro indications that tha rebel GoDeral Eary contemplates a movement up the Valloy of Yirginia,and perhaps on this of tho Potomac Ho has bctn hovcriug, with a considerable forco, about Strasburg; and the last advices from Winchester stato that our pickets have been driven in. Wo havo como to beliovo that speculation nnon armv movemnntu .nmnnnfo , r . to very littlo,and havo concluded patiently I to wait tho upshot of ovents ; weadviseour readoro to ''Keop their powder dry" and follow tho samo oour?o, Pnww uiiiiumimiui iui liniuci u This body convened on Tuesday last, pursuant to tho requisition of tho Consti tution, at Harrisbuag, tho Seat of Stato Government. Hon. Da id H. Montgom ery, our Sonator, with Hon. John 0. Ellis, and Hon. George D. Jackson, our members, vrcro on hand and ready for duty. Our Senator and Members aro sound National Democrats, and will on all ocoasiout,, bo found faithful to tho Uni on am! tho Constitution. Tho House having a olear abolition ma jority, organizod at onco, by tho election of Henry C. Johnson, of Crawford Co. ae Speaker, and A, W. Iltncdictpt Hunting ton, Clork. Tho Democrats supported Hon. Cyrus L. Pershincj, of Cambria, for Spoakor and Col. Jacor Zmar.EU, of Duller, for Clerk. Abolitionism prevail ed and thoy will liavo all the official plun der. The Seuato, was in a sort of a fixation, thoro being 10 Democrats and 10 Aboli tionists only present Senator White, of Indiana and Armstrong being on a visit to Richmond. Hon. John P. Penny, of Alloghenny co., temporary Spcakor of tlfo last Senate, assumed tho Speakership. To this assumption tho Democrats very properly objected. A motion was thou mado to qualify tho members. Hoforo tho oath was administered, however, tho fol- lowbg communication was presontod by Senator Hoi-kins, of Washington, and was ordered to be entered on the Journal : Tho undersigned, Senators elect, here- by protest against the right of the Sonator Irom Aiisgiicnny, the lion. John P. Pen 1 W t f n I in 1 n I C t rt r r tlinm I ,n nt NY, to administer to them the oath nf of. lioc, ho not having boon elected Spoakor of this Senate as is required by tho Con stitution. That they take tho same under protest, intending thereby to yield no right and they hereby request that this protest bo culcrc(1 "P01 tu Journal of tho Sen- aiu WILLIAM HOPKINS, 123d district. JN'O. LATTA, 2d district. D. B. MONTG OMKRY. 1 3th district. II. B. BEAKDSLliH, 8th district. Mr. LAMB Kit TON offered tho follow- iug resolution, which was read, considered ! and adopted I F Whereas, By tho Fourth section of , tno Ffth Article of the Constitution it. is i lu , u"uu "ous SUft" CU00E0 118 apcauer and othor officers, icsolvcd, That the Senato do now pro ceed to elect its Speaker. Tho clerks were appointed Tellers. riRSI BALLOT FOIl SPEAKER. Tho following gentlemen voted for Mr. mer) viz : Messrs. Champnays, Clymcr, -Connell, Dunlap, Fleming, Graham, llu?e, House holder, Johnson, Lowry, M'Caudless, Nichols, Ridgeway, Ttirrell, Wilson and Worthington 10. Mr. Clameu voted for Mr. Pexny, and Mr. Penny voted lor Mr. Olymer. Neither candidate having a majority thcro was no election. SECOND BALLOT. Clymcr 1G Penny 10 Various motions wcro then mado and movomcnts attempted to retain tho abolition Speaker, but tho Democrats maintained their integrity and their oath. Finally A motion to adjourn until 11a. m. to-morrow was not agreed to ayes 15, nays 17. Mr. LOWRY offered a resolution ro spcotfully requesting Jeff. Drvis either to capluro another Senator or release the ono which he now has In his custody. Mr. KINSEY moved that tho Senator from Erie (Mr. Lowry) bo deputed to pre sent the resolution to Jeff. Davis. (Laugh ter) The resolution was declared out of or der. EIGHTH BALLOT. Clymcr 10 Penny 10 No organization yet on Thursday. "Tho Lady's Friend." This is tho titlo o( a new magazino pub lished by Deaoon & Peterson, No. 319 Waluunt Street, Philadelphia. As its titlo indicates, it is emphatically the ludtfx friend, and is rcpleto with everything cal culated to please and instruct. Tho corps of contributors to its columns embraces somo of the bot litorary talent in this country and in England, Tho fashion plates in thi3 number, January, aro su perb and of tho latest stylo, whllo thcro is 1 an ahundanco of patterns of all classes and descriptions. It is edited by Mrs. Peterson, a lady of acknowledged liter-' ary ability. This now cntorpriso is cmi-; ncntly deserving tho patronago of our lady frionds. Prico $2 per year. Congress is tryiog to lcgislato against tho ' exportation of Gold. If it will wait another , yoar, no legislation will bo necessary, as ' thero will bo nono loft to send away. j Parson Brownlow says ho ran away ' not out of cowardico, but because ho well knew that if tho rebels took him he would have to pull hemp without a foothold. The Ilondorson, Ky., Nttos. hoists the naint of Gen. Georgo B. McClellan for President, aud Milliard Fillmoro for Vice President, ongrcss. rnl. t a . . ... j.nu i uuusyivama signs, snys, uuring tho roign of Robcspicre, and the ltovolu- ' tion in Franco, wioked and foolish men' tried to dethrono God. Oburohen wore dostroyod.as is now dono by our Abo' Hobfispicrs. I "I am going to order your old church itowor to bo destroyed," said an unbeliov J . tng rovoiutlontst ono uay to a pious peas- nut. "I wish you to havo nothing loft 0 remind you of your old superstitions.'' ! Tho poasant replied bv pointing to tho heavens. Yon will bo' obliccd." said he. "to leave us tho stars," whioh aro far oi- Q- lNI' U S- Y' lho "A- Q- M-' Part 'der.andnrosecnfroma far greater of which initials always suggeit steuling, . tauoo than our old church tower. If tho nnd in tbU oa, docs ,10t disappoint ox lohurchis destroyed, tho sun, tho moon, ' pectationa. As a quartermaster ha has and stars will never ccasa to speak to us for lnonlua bccn knovv to 1,0 lnrgc'y cn. I of God." "Tho hoavons dcclaro tho glo- 6afiod in defrauding tho government, but ry of God, and tho firmament showoth his uls "ywy cuons io -orusu mo rcDoi handiwork." 'lion." But unfortunately somo of tho Tho present Amorioan Congress has ta- Doraooralio press of Ohio, gave suoh a ken ono step in tracks of Atheistical thorough ventilation of his villainy that Franco, that ought to ohill tho blood of luo n,ilitary authorities woro compelled to ovcry christian, and call down tho cxeora- j Prcfef charSCB afiaJllst M- Wo give tho tion of all good men on Congress and tho chrges-cach ono of which is followed Administration. Tho election of a Uni- by specifications giving a history ofthe turian Chaplain has a portontous meaning. ! ''lJal" man's thioving. Tho charges aro Tho Unitarians deny the Divinity of jc. ! as follows : sua Clnist tho very essence tho only1 CiiAnon 1st Soiling without proper e , , - i ... i n orders lor that purpose, embozzel nz aud foundation of tho christian s hope. Ev- )i,in,,i,.; r,,,,,,;' ,! in ''fauuu , . . . ... . i misapplying L-oinmissary and Quartormas- cry dootnno of tho christian roligion is tor stores belonging to tho United States." built on tho groat and necessary truth that '-Ciiaroe 2d Conduct unbooomiug an Jesus Christ is God equal and co-cqual officer and a gentleman." with tho Father. And Abolition Congress "Ciiarqe IJd Stealing, cmbczzling,ond has impiously denied this precious doe- , misappropriating 'and applying to his own trino, robbed the Saviour of his Divinity, r pr0pcrtjr -uf tIlc United and tho christian of his hope. Tho sol-j The' specifications would fill several omn repudiation of tho Saviour by the ' , ,i ,. , ., . - L. , . Tf . . , columns, und area fair picture of tho representatives of tho Federal Union, is a . . ,. ., . . ' , , . ... . , ,., transaciions of "loyal" men everywhere. dark paco in our history. God forbid u. . t ,n , . ., ,., , , ,, ..,, . V o moan of course "loyal' officials, for that the poop o should ratify this outrage I ,.,.. r 1(, . , . . ,,1 ' ,. , , , b i '"any of tho "loyal" masses arc siuocro in on tho Bedoemer of mankind, by longer ,. ,,.., . , ,. ... ' , J b their dcvotiou to a cause thoy believe to countenancing the vile party who perpo- r ,, , r,. . . . o 1 J be lor tlio irnnd ( t tlin nnnnlrv nit um. tratcd tho infamous act The Presidency; ,,. v ,r i r , , I ho New York Journalof Commerce of Saturday contains a leader on tho Presi dency, aud says : 1. The next President ought to bo a new man, not mixed up with Washington politics, intrigues and plunder. This in dicates McClellan. 2. Ho should bo a man of youth and vigor of mind. Applies to McClellan. "Ho will bo called upon to d.roct the pa cification of the people, and the restora tion to prosperity of this afflicted nation,1' says tho Journal. 3. llo should know how to lead armies and to achieve peaco as tho grand object of war, as wo aro now to ehooso a man who is to be Coinraander-in-Chiof of Ar mies in a timo of great war. This points straight to McClellan. Tho Journal adds, "is thero any ono who has failed to mourn tho ignorance of military affairs at Washington?" 4. Let him bo a man of refined chris tian heart. This alao applies to McClel lan, who is a strictly conservative chris tian man. Tho Journal argues out all thoso points at length, but mentions no name. The GitEAT Prizi: Fight. Tho Aisu brings an account of the great fight for '(jH,000 a sido betweon Ileeuau and King, which took place on the morning ofthe 10th, at Tuubridge, England. King won in thirty-five rounds, the fight having las tod thirty-ono minutes. Tho London times devotes a leader to tho affair, and also publishes a graphic special account. It editorially says : Ileonan was game throughout, from the beginning to tho closo of the fight, and ho put tho ,lhug" on so as to crush his antag onist by dashing him to tho ground. Kings taoties were different and moro creditable to a professor of pugilism. They consisted simply in striking a series of fledgo-ham-mnr blows ou the moBt prominent and sen sitive parts of Ilcenan's physiognomy until the later collapsed from cxhaustatiou. Tho affair was over in twenty four rounds and thirtyfivo minutes, Thero appears to havo been littlo "science" on cither sido, but it was nevertheless, a lair stand up light, without a cheek, aud ended in a de cisive victory for King, Tho Timis concludes it? articlo by as sorting that "prize fighting is moro revolt ing than bull fighting aud ought to bo dis couraged." 'The Home Journal" for tho coming year nil! appear in an entirely new dross, new typo having been procurod for the purpose. With tho January number will be commcEced a uew story, translated from tho Fronch, entitled "Do Valvrc.de." Other original and thrilling stories will follow, whilo tho rcsiduo ofthe paper will bo filled with sketches from tho felicitous pen of Mr. Willis, foreign as well as homo gossip and correspondenco, and othor in teresting aud amuting matters: Torras-r-For ono copy, 82,50, for three copies, $7,00, for a club of six copies, ?12, iml at that rate, for a largo club always in advanco. Thoso who wish to begin with tho now volume, will soud their sub scriptions at once. Addresi, Morris & Willis, Editors and Proprietors, 107 Fulton St., Now York. No man who understands tho history of this Rebollion oxpects that tho leaders of it will over submit on any terms. Thoy . . . .... ' aro in it irrevocably ,for bettor or for worse. Columbia Republican, R. L. Armstrong, of Cineinoli, for har boring a deserter, (his own son,) has been fined S100 aud imprisoned six months. "A iioyai" man. ' ?..-... r...l. , . if.. ...' abating lunweziiixng unit juisuzpiyuig Commissary QvarteniiMtcr's 6totes. Among tho most ''Jacobinical" presses tllftt "n cxislcu in 11,13 00,IIUry 811,00 f'd wnr commonood, has beau tho Ohio """""" ",u ."uuw.t5.u-. -Muro, tho subjoct of raisinrj voluutocrs for Ila9 Ponly nvooated tho suppression and tho ar beng uluJcr colsi(J()roton jn tho WR of Democratic presses, tho "star-' Sounl lloni WlD Di Swan in lho oourso n1,n.n,.M f Vollo.11l,,,m I ... ' . .. .' .. """" -yv... v '"'"""'b'""" nnu measure mat win uamn to ctor- "nl lnhmV tho reoor,ls of thl9 ndministra. lion' Tll P"C'P"l proprietor of this papar is ono 'Captain F, V. Hurtt, A. a ..j , u um.. over you sco ono of theso "loyal" place hoi- 1 ii.i uc s ,iavo "n 0J 10 and you will ' in very many ca"cs iind him liko the edi- i . . - '"J 'juiu viuu, singing halllaujahs, to Abraham, whilo ho robs, or in the languago of tho above charges "steal" from tho poople, When ever this clasB of "loyal" men cease to havo a chance to ''steal" they will cease to favor tho war. Yet it is by this class of scoundrels, that oven honest abolitionists aro made to beliovo the war is for tho ' ; Union. Washington Jlcvicw. Secret Organizations. The central organ is seeing ghosts again, and, conscience condemning it, exhibits tho most marked trepidation. Prompted by the devil aud its own fears, it makes the bold assertion that tho Democrats aro or ganizing secret societies "bound tosothcr by tho foroo of a solemn oath to fight the Government" and again, that the fugle men meaning the guides or leaders of the new order ''have aworn never to he sat isfietl until they have destroyed every vestige offrce government in the Stata of the American union. It is useless to characterize such rook- less assertions by the epithets ihey deserve, and by which alono they can bo succinct ly defined, Except tho conductors of that sheet, who havo become ho habituated to misrepresentation aud falsehood, that they probably credit their own fabrications, we do,uot suppose there is an intelligent, re spectable man in the State who will for a moment beliovo such unfounded and im probable charges. The editor has evi dently been dreaming of tho proceedings of the Union League, and by a strange freak of memory transferred its sins to the Dcmocratio party. That tho Democrats have, to any con- sitlerable extent.organized secretly, for any purposo, is not true that they havo or ganized at all, seorctly or openly, to 'fight lho government,' or 'destroy every vostigo of treo government in tho States of the Union,' is false but that thoy should or ganizo secretly and soon to oppose tho usur pations and treasonable policy of the ad ministration, to counteract tho evil designs of tho Leaguo, and to devise measures for carrying tho next Presidoniial election and preserving tho "freo covernment" guaranteed to us by tho Constitution, wo verily boliovc : aud so believing, in what ever light tho central organ may view or rcprosent it, wo heartily aud earnestly com mend tho plan to tho Domooracy of the State. Patriot t)- Union. The Saturday Evening Pont. The Published of this old and valuablo Litorary weekly journal, havo entered upon their forty-third year, under th most favorable auspices. Mrs. Wood the eolebrated English authoress commeuecs in tho first number of tho year, ono of her charming novels ontitled "Oswold Cray." Marion Hatland, Virginia F. Townsend, and various othor exccllont writers will contributo to its columns some of their best stories, In addition to theso it will con tain weoklv rcnorts of tho Markots. Anri. , . 1 o- - ; cultural rcadinp tho latest news ilnma etc., making a most valuable family, liter ary, and news paper. Ono of Wheeler & Wilson's celabrated Sewiug maohiues, worth 45, is offered by tho.publishcrs to any ono who will got up a 01llb of thirty, sending them SCO ' 1,10 torms 01 tuc L ost ur0 bi Pcr ?ear for BiDSl copy two copies 63, Four cop en. ..tfl.ii ...i.. ies 80 Eight copies (one lo getter up of O 4 N club) 13, Ono copy of tho Post and one l,,li. T?l,l e' u Ot tho Lady's IirlOim 8J, bpecimon, Bml,n, a ni:.! . ' DUmbOra SOnt freo Oil application. AiMrnaii Tip trnv ! IIptmham aUUrCSS, JJLACON A, I'ErEP.SON. No 31 n Walnut Kl Phil.l'n i0, rtlU t aiQUt 01., I Illlll a. Truth Well and Boldly Ex pressed. (icn. Meridian's .4 rmy Popularity. A short timo linoc. in that hot-bed Abolitionism, tho Massaohusotts Legitla- ot his remarks on tho question, saiu By-and-byo, in tho wisdom of tho ad- ministration, It was seen fit to divide tho , Army of Virginia into four parts and then to retnoVO General McOlelhll. NoW,lliark the result. After the olo.o of a pleasant ' summer afternoon, whon tho Army of tho Potomac was under tho command of, of tho Uuitediatosand General Halicok riding down to General MeClclhin's tent, nltrl noL'tnrr Inm if Itn tvAitwi ntftltt tnl'n i'opc, you might havo seen tho rrcsidonf command of tho Army of Virginia. Ho said, "Yea, under certain conditions." lho conditions wcro complied with, nnd, sir, when tho news was promulgated in camp that ho had consented to tako tho command, tho soldiers coming back ''wan, woru nnd weary," begged and pleaded to bo led back to meet tho enemy, I give names whon I quote conversation. Tho President, in tho prosenco of lion, J, II, W. Pago, a few evenings after that, said : "Tho politicians tried to proveut my re appointing General McClellan. But I knew that his p:csonco was worth any ten generals, if I could compress them all into one.1' And it was. He ro-organized his forces, and you will remember tho battlo of Anttctam and its results. The politi cians wcro still at work, and last autumn, a year ago, after the administration had been defeated in all tho principal loyal Statos, McClellan was removed. Perhaps the Democratic victories iu Pennsylvania and iNew lork showed that it was neccs- j sary to removo him. And I now say, iu I nil sinpnritv. nnil Tlmnn Snnntnra pi II l,nn I mo without any party feeling, that it the telegraph wires could" to-day bring tho in formation that Mr Stanton had resigned, and that General Ilallcck had been ro inoved, nnd that General McClellan was appointed Commander-iu-Ohief of the for ces raised and to bo raised, tho I illhWnVS i i, , ' -.ii-' and by-ways Would "sworill With Voluil- teers" coins to finht tho battles of their fa"' b '" "fa"' mi. u.iiin.!i oi uiLir Country, heuators KIIOW It to b'. true. A Severe Assault and their Colors 7a- , . (ecu. it is not often that wo hear of a more chivalrous assault, and with suoh dyeing sucooss, and so few killed as has been made on Howo it Stevens' Family Dyo Colors, and that too by ladios,wholly uuaccustoni j 0d to anything of tho kind. Kvery lady in tho country should continue tho assault until theso colors aro found in cvry house. bold by (ill druggist throughout tho COUIl- rtgorpaigau ramsauTO RECEIPTS FOR DECEMBER 'J'O Till! COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. 101 T!ic following payments have been mado .1 . n. i Ulu iJimaam oiiice, uuring tho month ot JJecomher, loUU: Ks. ofllenj. Ilnyman 8l tltlf Stcplien lluttnn. J. U. reiinluston, I .'.!! P.. J. Ilicks. Win. ILduiiK, '-' 5ii; A. (,'. Kabb, I 3 7. ; 6 50 , 501 I 50 ! 350' UU j iseiv i. (il u ui Liu acuy. uu j. j. iirrmer, lq Hon. I). L. L'hanin, I nil Miss Mntv llailir. Judge Kouna, 1 50; Joseph llenrv, John J. Mclli'iiry, Jr "W Auiiu.tiia iVurlurt, Inai.ih L'revcliug. 00 Juliu lliuiry, U It liogart, 0 00 Jus "ph llaiierman, Jacob I,. Carey, 'i HO Jowpli I illi-y, Charliii Piiitt, i III J. I,. Ile.ullf, V. W. Yupli'. 5i; Maj. Wm. Ii. Koona Win. Iliirculiurh. 1 ?.'. Hon. IVter Cut. x n 1 All ! 25 50 31 On .HI ' il. .11. stuveni., 1 uu i;.. ji.Mah llasimbuch I TS John liruuir. I Oil, IN. of Mi-ui Murr, 14 no Joseph lkcb r. " 00. (leu. Weaver. i; . I (l.i l'.t. of (.'has. 1:00.1 man Oil; Aaron untli, 3 SO (lideoti rti'ikf r. .'Ml Thomas ia, I Sj .Mr. .V. Ilornbach. 1 7j; Jacob llycrly, I'.al. 7 00 A. II llartmun, 1 Oil, i:ii,ln K. llubbiu., T5 Jacob llond, 3 7a; Col. John u. Trei.!-, 77 7, Jacob llriiwn, IIsT , 3 HO Sauiucl 1C, Allien. uu, 1! 75 t,'cora.o lli'liilemau, - no. I'.: II. HnyJ.'r, :i III) John s'cnlt, loO'ilai IJoiKnu, 'J UU ItiuibenT. I'oulk, 17JJ.it Hvnna. M. D.. 4 .'jO niomaa .intcu, - a. V. tchlichur. Iiau'l. Ni.yhard. (II. II.)4 00 rrudericK urtlicr, I on I 75 Joiin Bnyiter, i.a. u'r Willi.iin .Xo.teili'r, 1 ". fliaa, r. Mann, l. 13 (10; lion. John (J. JJIIih. 1 j 75 Jno. II. Uorni'llaou, 1 Sta lie v. 11. A Khiwrctl, 10 uu Sanrl tihl, (llomluck) I .10! llov. I!. Murray, I iu John lleaule. 1 II0 OiorKC W. freeze, l i5 John II. Vniiliorn, I 75" Abrabaiu Coleman. i! no 1'ra. J.Kline, 5 UM r.. Henry Dickmiller, 7 1)0 Lewis lkkroat. 1 75! Grorgo White.ide, 5 tin Samuel Snyder, MltTlinl 7.VJ .Moore t'revilini!, 4 (10 Jcni.o Coleman, I'm. JS ul Wm. P. Mclliidt-, I ii II. W. Creasy & I llro, S wijr-amui l Stitilc 10 (X'J liauiel B. V.iuderilice, 'J 75 tiler. I Jay CooKo & Cn Us. of I'rk. Mcllride, David JJeinott, W. Wirt 4c Co. Hush I). McllriilD, J. S. McNinch, Ui-i. Comm. of Pwiiii'a. Levi Cox, Dlins Diilieiiu, J,. (1. C. Wiahart. 1 25' f. 11. lie Wolf, i:.q.. io no m tiuoriro II, K ulien. 1 till 1 out Jones At llv.tua, IU uu 4 '.'3 10 US V 50 1 75 3 UO 1 75 2 00 7 110 1 Ivi Jones Wi buter. 5 25( John (ntenkirk, Ksq. 10 to; A. .M. i cl'owa, 5 74 David KliullVr. J 4:l! Isaac llhodes, 7 5oJ Win. .Miller, (Hcott.) 2 (JUMls. Wm. Mcuslnecr. Ilauicl llagi'iibuch, Hon John .Mclleynolds.2 I0 A. H. Keeler it Co, Jeremiah llugcubuch, 2 00 Joseph 1.1 1 ley, NctnSlDucriisemcnta THE DRAFT. AFEHS necessary in all claims or came a of exemption from the comine Draft will be piumptly und c-ircfully prepared by MICllAlll. P. IIYUIILY. Office, 2nd door west o(tho Court House. laoonuburK. January U, 1H03. 3w. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. fplin Ileal Kstntc formerly owned by Hlins m. t criniaii 111 ioursuurii, ivoiuioma county, 111 rn., is uiieren ui rrivaiu oaie, conaimini- 01 ia Two I'ramo Dwullines and n framo Storu House, with the nece.sury outbuildings, all iu good order. Tcrma r.nty. Tor furtlier information iniuiro of Unmuel Achcnbiick, Oraugcvlllc, I'a, January 0, ItOl. ;im " EXECUl'OR'SNOTICI'L Estate of Wm, Mcnsingcr, Sr. deceased. LIVITEIIH Testamentary on tho calatn of William Mcnainger, tir.. lalo of Allllliu twp, Columbia co. deceased, have been granted by tho ltegiater nf Wills, Sic, to tho undersigned it i residing iu said towu.hlp, all persons having 1 lui inn againn thu estate of the de cedent aro reipiened lo present thciu to lho I'.xecutor at his residence iu said towmhip, without delay, and all persons indebted to mako payiunt I'ortliH ilh. WILLIAM .MtNolNcmt, Jr., Jiiceiifer. January 'J, lfOI-tiwSS PARENTS making elections of Sons, must have new papers prepared, and presented previous to thu drall. Ily nr.lcra juit received, old elections will not do. No other class of persons need report before tho draft, W. WHIT CO., First dsor below Sloan's tftcro. llloonubitrg. Jnn. 9, 1604. Prices Reduced ! 14 ,M A'fittll l,n,,trr;l.ei.JrX '.'L0.'.1'" rfV "ciii.ivpjy cahii or KEAIJ I'AY HlfKI rJSM ninl linnet h.u i rtix-m n. etioiioirh"tockoroodnt 1 REDUCED PRICES. 1 huuuku intvuo, LADIEd AND .Mlr-Sr.d CAI'rt. (JI.OVK1. Nil III AS, BIlOKtJ, HOOTB, AND A i;f.NI:KAL VAIUUTV ' . ,t , OF (iOODS AT A IIAltCM.V. cr CalUnd aeehnlisl of pncsi, Connlry Pro. duce wanted, Bloonnbiirg, Ja:t 5, 1501 FEBRUARY COURT. Court Proclamation WHEBEAS, hf 116. Wulum Etwnt. I',..,, . ludM cfthe Court of Ovt and Tttmin,, i o " nf I luufs utiii. vwuii ui ytiKi mm trUiiriH, .if I r Oi ...i I. ii ii.ii. u. i.,i f o. ... . o" "'" tai 0 . . WW I ii il a r n ha I'mtit .. T ,1 .. . . ... inn . - I J tSihSudutM D?."tfubt? mpV.ed 'tI't"1," touitl KS ' ' "VftVh'T huSd,edBnityV7to Court of Oyer -nd Terminer ana Otnpri j,iih?i?.VJ?.? Court nf Oyer nnd Terminer nnd CHnml Jail do i v'Jf.? Columbia. on il0 nt , Monday, (beinc m, 'lit' Ty.'.' mi Vl no !ll0 ' ' ioni nt IO o'clock In tho forenorn ornl1 1 ilny nm .F'f" .fflT Ami tiio0 timt nro bound by ncogtmanco, m mo,!..,?,1! ?.0V& FV" , ftunSrVM . nlolilh Vnnr nftlm lii,Lni,.lI,,iAn..r n.,. . V11')' 1 " i i-'ju. Juiorjnro tuimteitot. euhi ofAme"ca' 7oaiAitT. ruuS United Sim,. OM40NWC1LTH, 1 'HUM A r o... . f " -""i umiji vail, i, JCO-I. GRAND JURORS. tlloom-Matliew Wynkoop, John llruolcr. Ilentoii-Sainucl K. Kline, iteuben (liliboim llrlarcrcek-Arclilbald llonry, Jaiuei Adami DcLit'ertrcirUenJUI'''11 1''owlL'r' 'rill"ll" Blrauio, Lw, I'JshliiRCrcck Samuel Coleman, I r nnktin lutin l.uwrcnca. Hemlock Jniue. Una!, (ieorgc lluiiel. Jackion Mathciv .Mcllcnry. IloUvlg1-5Iark W"lia"", Gc0- rnltniahor, ll(iu7 .Mount ricnaant Andrew Ikolcr, Alaillion Jno. Diillmali. Oranga Monet nvcrett. Bugatloaf-llcnry C. Hcho, Alinaa Colo, TRAVERSE JURORS. lllnoni l'etor Illllmcycr, Caleb liart.m, Jr Henry O I'hiliips, Levi L.Tute, Jacob It. Cruul, llenjauiiu r llarlmuH. Ilurouuh of Herwlck-Jcrcmlali 8. Handere. lleavtr-Jiio. lloata. Ilriarcrcek Win. Lamnn, Cmmcr Ucltcrlch. Centre I'rcderick HaRenbuih. Cat.nvioa Jacob Klitler. Franklin Chriitlon llrobt, Jot. Kltller. (irccunood tinmucl Sogart. Hemlock- Ham'l Ulil, Jetue Obi, Ccorga llartman Jackion Win. Kobblnt. Locum-UonJ. Wnaner, l'etor Hclwi". ten., Lucai Fahrincer. Aliilliii Chrlttlan Wolf, Ocorjo Rruwn, I'hiutai Smilli, tfleplii.ii I'utic, ' Madiaon-Kliat ilojrart, Abraham 11. Sn i.lmr Mount Nuuanut John llippenslecl. Montour mint Duiterich. Orniigc John Snyder, Aimer Wlh Ab DilJlno Mi'olt lluaton llobinou, Jaeob Terwllllger ifissasiiwsi wirjr NOTICE is hereby given to all legateiM crcdltora and other pertont Intirctted in tin cilatea of th0 ri-apcctivu deccdunu and nilniira, tint BbnrllT'. flmn tlln,.l "fnn ra '"."""'"U ndiuiiiUtrntlon mid liiurulan account. I '""'ii been filed m tlm Olliiuofthp Ili'dalcrorCuluiulilii county, and ulll l,e prm-ntcd for cornlunatlan uiid ii ' I"""" 1,,,IB "mmm1 Uout, to ;,u held nt iiioom.. .buru, In Uiu county alore-nlil, ou Wi-dneadai-, tho Jt.l day of I'.btuury, lelil, at o'lliuk in the nhcrnnon iii j ..lid ilay. .,?,: v"0." f Wil'iam Miller, Executor Lliinhi Hi .Miller, latu of Mount rioaaant TommliiD d"1'-1"1' 2. Account of Reuben Swank, nilmini- tiator with nill an'irxcil, of Jacub tiujnk, I, no u( ' i'1'"" twHii.hip, ueceuami, a. first and final account of Joseph 1, fiuardian of ri.irah U. N'hitenUht now ,1. i.ii.i .. i. :. ... . .... j. . Correll, minor child of Ueo. liil.m i irlit into ,r Ui.lu.m ahip deceuscil, 1. Fiot ami final account nf Hudson Owen, nilmiui.lrntor of IVter hhinir, lite of llrn k U,rou-li, ileci'aa.'d. 5 Account of Benjamin Ycihe, Guar! ! ln,1.of 'V,lr'" ''). minor ihiU of .ar.,n Tiy i f J1it:i,., ' G- Ac('0UIlt of Robert Stiir adn.inistr,, , (or ( f lti pti U( j h ( (. ii)()iiiti ir; ilnk , I 7- lfU:, owt of Ui.lcoi, Xu,, k I miniiitratnr tie ban. non, of Jarob ?Usi, late of ,i I townahip, dercaaj.l, 8. rinal account of WiliKtii Snjdn (iiinrdlnn of 'I heoilore I'aluier. ti.ui .. rm mi. j clil'd of Thomaa I'almcr, late of II o im tuvviiship it.- Account of IVter I loim ach, .uim r ' of Jonathan Try, late of .Montour tim ii .hip, di-.,iii. , K). Account of Aaron Miwriovi-, mI..." I . or Hiram Ucrter, late nfUreeuo. towunlnp. il. iM. 11 Account of Levi Vii.;lil.i, 1 dminis. trutor of Joseph Ikller. late of Muu'w iu twp , ii j IU. Account of lilizahfth Vurk, j.dmin. ''r,l,r'1 "f Oidcon York, late ufjaikmui tp . i. ,m 1'J Account 0! John liciiituil I . J.-wis lli'lnbolil, Hamucl IteinboM nud William II. i:..ib .1,1, . i.i'(iunr3 01 i.orneiius lie 11110 il. l.iluol Lull..! 1. iv ,. etiip. di'ca!,..d. I n. wvuiiiiu unit uii.il ncronitt 01 .J.l(-;on 1 1 VJ.. 1 .....1 n..., . 1. -r . 1 Tlmmaa. adm'r. of Caleb 'I hoiuas, lata t.f Jlailn, 1 1 loNMiship. deceased. l.i. Account ot William Kabi), one of il,c nduiiuihtrators 10 boni inn. cunt t'-.tauieutn 111110.11 of William 1. 1110, lulu of Hemlock towuihip, dun ,ti. , 10. Account of . I ncks(ii) Thoin is, a Itn'r. of Andrew hoemalier. late of Madiaim Inp , ib-cM 17. Account of Win. Drcisbuoh, Guard ian of Chrlktiana, Polly, Parah and I.ewH, ininur clnldri n of thu said Uuardiau by his first wilu. 18. Account of John Nuss, eseoutor of John Klinferinan, late nf Main township decua' I. Jllllfi (1 rilnU.C, llcgtjtrr. IllnouiaburR, January 3, ld04. A Walking Skeleton. QOMl'l years ao yj im. schi:nci was a WAI.KIVR SKHLUTO.V iibnut the stic Is nf l'liiladelphia. nud linally w.n reduced hi pi in ,1 h. was uuabl.) to muro any longer, and was tah.a ov. r to Vow Jeraoy 'J'O 1)1 U Then' lie lay confined to his bed. and Dr. Tln'intuii said hia lungs werc;one, and ho would not livu a wres. lu that low state he heard of, and obtained nmn KOOTd AND lll.KH.1, nnd mado n medicine tint soon mado. achaneo in Im whole syitem. II ciptlicd all Ihi mi tier from tlm lunK. mucus from thu stomach, ktartnl the liver, and, iu fact, cupelled nil thoiuorbul umiter from thu ei.tem. Hid APIT.TITi: began to improve, and it waa with difficulty li.j could bo preentcd from ciiting too much. Ho took tlu mint ... 1 nourishing food, and in a short time, he b.gan to u . I l Mill 1V1. miiiiui' Vow he is a great, hearty man, wcighius over two h jn drcd nud twenty pounds. Liu PULMONIC SVIIUP, SUA WliKD TOMC, and MANDHlKi: TILL, am acompotition similar to the medicine thai niicl him. Ho is now traveling from ono city to anuihur ' log patients aud administering hn, mgdiciues, 1.114 it it said ho will take n person iuthu LAST STAtiHri OF ( '0X61 MITIOM. mil in a few weckstheyarc abouti in n tolerable gooi health. Ilia medicines chaugn thu wlio). system, and thu patient soon begins to have A UOOll Al'lT.TlTi:. As tho fond nourishes the system he finds that ho is get ti g lleshj. Nature ovcrpowrs his disease aud ho gets well. Thia is tl gro.u ffature of DIt. SL'HL.NCK'S Mi:i)IC'I.Vi:3; they mako now manor, ucwbloorl, aud by keeping till digcstivu organs healthy, disease must be czptlled. Uoad his adv. iu another column. January 0, lcGt.lt, Public Vendue! ILL be exposed to public sale at lho reaideuco of luo subscriber 111 Franklin inn 11 ship, Columbia county, on Friday the 5th day if February , 1801, Tho following valuable dcscrlcod property, to n it Ten iiead of CaUlc, TwnSherp onotwn horao Wagon, ono new top lluggy, tuio riled, una deign, new sett of Vnnket Hornets, one aell of lead Harneis, (mil sett of single Harness, l'lsns llarruwa, one Patent liny Hake, together with ollu'r urtlrlea too numerous lomcrtion. 0-" Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. in., of .ail day, when terms und conditions will ho made known. NOll UtlTLsl. JAMl'.fl K. EYHIt, Am Honour. Franklin township, January l, 1BIM. S. Ii. IcWBsi"4 CLOTHING HALL. No. 202 North Second Street, Hiil'a. CONSTANTLY on hand a full aasorltncnt of Keady Made Men and lloy'a Clothing and dents Furniili ing (iuods, at Whbicaalu and lit tail. January 'J, IMil.-Giu. Lackaw'a. &. DlooniBbui'ff R. R D "VTOTICK is hereby piven that tho an- 1 nual meellng of Htoc'klioldcra wHibe held at th' , public hou.e of Henry llass. noor Ihe Klug.ton Hepn. mi Monday, tho 11th day of January nut, belivi m tho hours of lo-elork noon and 1 n'llnfk, : M for tm purposu of tleitlng o I'rei ident and twilvo DirtUr t i aervo for the entutng yeat, , HUY.NOt t f. "i-1- i lecftuh-r ii, led,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers