VberaB, a rebellion now exists whereby tbo loynl State govornmonts of several States bavc for a long timo bean subver ted, anil many person have committed and aro now guilty of treason against tbo United States; and "Whereas, with rofcroneo to said rebel lion and treasonf laws havo boon enacted by Congress declaring forfeitures and con fiscation of property and liberation of slaves, all upou terms and conditions therein stated, and also declaring that tho President was thereby authorized at any timo tnoroaitor, by proclamation, to ex tond to persons who may have narticiiia tod in tho existing rebellion, in any Stato or part tbcrcol, pardon and nmnssty.wiili Bach exceptions and at such times and on mich conditions as he may deem espodi ent for tho publio wclfaro : and Whereas tho Congressional declaration for limited and conditional pardon accords with well-established judicial exposition of me paruomng power ; ami Whoroas, with referenca to said rebel lion, tho President ofMrt United States has issued several proclamations, with pro visions -in regard to tho liberation of slaves ; and Whorcas, it is now desired by some per Bons heretofore engaged in said rebellion to acsumo their allegianeo to tho United States, and to rciuaugurate loyal Stato governments within and for their respec tivo States : thmcforc, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of tho United States, do proclaim! dcclaro, and make known to all persons who have, uir cctly or by implication, participated in the existing rebellion, except as hereinafter excopted, that a full pardon is hereby granted to them and each ot thorn, with restoration of all rights of property, ex cept as slaves, and in property cases whore rights of third parties shall have intervened, and upon tho condition that ovc.y such parson shall take and subscribe an oath, and thenceforward keep and main tain said oath inviolate; and which oath shall be registered for permanent preser vation, and shall bo of the tonor and ef fect following, to wit : ''I, , do solemnly swear, in prcsonco of Almighty God, that I will honceforlh faithfully support, pro tcot, and defend tho Constitution of -the Uhiicd States and the union of tho States thereunder ; and that I will! in like man ner, abido by and faithfully support all nets of Congress passed during tho exist ing rebellion with refeicnco to slaves, so long and so far as not repealed,- modified or held void by Congress, or decision of the Supremo Court ; and that I will, in liko manner, abide by and faithfully sup port all proclamations of tho President made during tho existing rebollion having xefcrenco to slaves, so long and so far as not modified or declared void by decision of tho Supremo Court. So help mo God." Tho persons excepted from tho benefits of tho foregoing provisions arc all who are, or shall havo been, civil or diploma tic officers or agents of tho so-callod Con federate Government ; all who have left judicial stations under tho United States to aid tho rebellion ; all who are, or shall havo been, military or naval officers of said so-called Confederate Government above the rank of colonel in tho army, or of lieutenant in tho'navy; all who left scats in tho United States Congress to aid the rebellion; all who resigned commissions in the army or .naval of tho United States, and afterwards aided the rebellion ; and all who havo engaged in any other way in treating colored persons or wliito persons in charge of such, otherwise than lawfully as prisoners of war, which persons may have been found' in tho United States ser vico as soldiers, seamen, or in any other capacity, And I do further proclnim,-dcclaro,anrt make known, that whenever, in any of tho States of Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennosse, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, and North Caro lina, a number of persons, not lets than one-tenth in number of the votes cast in such Stato at tho Presidential olection of the year of our Lord one th6usand eight hundred and sixty, each having taken the oath aforesaid and not having sinco viola ted it, and being a qualified voter by the olection law of tho Stato existing .immed iately before tho so-called act of secession, and excluding all others, shall re-establish a Stato government which shall bo repub lican, and in nowiso tfhtravening said oath, such shall bo recognized as tho true government of tho State, and the State shall receive thereunder th'e benefits of tho constitutional provision which declares that "Tho Un.tod States shall guaranty to every Stato in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion ; and on ap plication of tho Legislature, or the Ex ecu ive, (when tho Legislature cannot bo convened,) against domcstio violence." And I do further proolaini, declaro,and make known that and provision which may bs adopted by such Stato government in relation to tho freed, p'coplo of such Stato, which shall recognize and declare their permanent freedom, provido for their ed ucation, and whioh may yet be consistent, as a temporary arrangement, with their present condition as a laboring, landless, and homeless class, will not bo objected to by tho national Executive. And it is suggested as not improper, that, in con structing a loyal State government in any State, tho natno of tho Stato, tho bound ary, the subdivisions, tho constitution, and tho goneral code of laws, as boforo tho re bellion, bo maintained, subjcot only to tho modifications made necessary by tbo con ditions heroinbeforo stated, and suoh others, if any, not contravening said con ditions, and which may bo deemed expedi- nt by tuoso lraming the new state gov ernment. To avoid misunderstanding, it may bo proper to say that this proclamation, so far as it relates to Stato government, has no reference to States wherein loyal State governments havo all the while been main- tamed. And tor mo samo reason, it may bo Droner to further say, that whether members sent to Congress from any State ehajl bo admitted to soats constitutionally, rests exclusively with tho respective Houses, and not to any extent with the Excoativo. And etill further, that this proclamation is intended to present the people of the States whorcin tho national mthority has been suspended, and loyal itote governments have boen subverted, a "node in and by which the national auth ority and loyal State governments may be j(i..eilibliihed within said SUl9s,or inany 1 of them andjwhilotho mode presented is tho best tho Excoutivo can suggcst,vilh ins present impressions, it must not b o understood that no other possible modo would bo acceptable. Given under my hand at tho city of Washington, tho 8th day of Decem ber, A. D. ono thousand eight liun li. 8. drcd and sixty-three, and of tbo in dependence of tho United States of America tho eighty-eighth. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By tho President : William II. Seward, Secy, of Stato. schunck's ruuioxic si'iiin WILL CUIUS CONSUMPTION. SCIICNCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP WILL CBRSJ 0 N S U iM P T I 0 N BCIIENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP WILL CURE 0 0 N S U M l T I 0 N. SCIICNCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP WILL Cl'HK CONSUMPTION. SCIICNCK'S SEA WCCD TONIC will ccnit DYSPEPSIA. SCIICNCK'S SCA WCCD TONIC will tore DYSPEPSIA. ECHCNOK'3 BnAVEr.U TONIO WILL CORK , DYSPUl'SI A. J SCIICNCK'S Sa"VCCD TONIC WILL CURB DYSPEPSIA. HCIIEN'CK'S MANDRAKG PILLS WILL CCRG LIVEll COMPLAINTS. SCIICNCK'S MANIIUAKU PILL3 will core . LIVEll COMPLAINTS. SCIICNCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS WILL CURE LIVER COMPLAINTS. FCIIENCK'S MANDUAKC PILLS WILL CORE LIVEll COMPLAINTS. DR J. II. SCIIENCK lias n large suit of room, nt No 32 Itoml Street Now York, whero lio canle found every Tuesday, from 9a, in. to 3 p. in., anil nt No. 3D North Sxtli Street, I'liilailcliiliia, Pa , every Snturdny. lie keeps a largo supply of medicines at Ills rooms, wlilclicaii be lind nt all times. Those wishing ndvicc 11 r mi cxnniiiintion of the Lungs will do well to call mi bim as nbove. I la make no charge for advice, but for a thorough examination witli the Ecsplrometcr, his pricu is 83. Many persons are afraid to have their lnngs examin ed by Dr. Schciick fur fear they will be found Incurable mid by that means it is put ofV until it is too late. How much better it would ha to know their condition nt once, ns by nbuijdanca of evidence, Dr.S. has shown sulficienl certificates in this city that he has cured advanced stages of Consumption. Dr. Schonch's Principal Ofllce is No. 39 North Sixth street, Philadelphia, wliero letters fur advlco should bo directoi. I'rlco of tho Pulmonic Syrup and Sea W.ced Tonic each SI per bottle, or 3 the half dozen. Mandrake Pills, 23 cent per box. 1T3 1'or cnla bv nil Druggists and Storekeepers. . October 3, lcG3.-3m. j. r. EVER. v n. MOVI , New Drug Store, WHOLESALE AND HETAIL THE undersigned would inform their friends and the public pcnornlly.that they nave taken the stand for merly occupied by Geo. M. Hngenbuch, in the Exchange lliuldjiig, mi Main street, in Illoomsburf, where he has Just received a full supply of i$rugg, i?Bi'!iciefics, Faints, (ills, iHJJij)s, &c , Which will be sold on moderate terms for ready pay. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sort and size. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded, at nil times nnd ou short notice. Cr" Confectionciy of the best selections, nnd Soda Wnter in reason. f7 A share of the public custom is respectfully so licited. EYER Sc. M0YC1!. ninomsburg, April 11, 1603. BLOOMSBU11G SKYLIGHT, Picture Gallery. THE undersigned informs the citizens of Blooin. nnd neighborhood, that lie lias taken the largo room nt the Exchange Block, extending over Harney Stnhner Oakery, nnd the Rnokstoro whero lie has put in a largeijkylipl I. It is only by Skylight that good pic tures can botr ten especially groups nhero each person can be tnkehj 1st ns well nB separate. Ilehusgon to considerable expense to innke his es tablishmcnt first class one, and ho therefore solicits a liljiyvU patrn ige to enable him, to constantly introduce thRiiiuJe ) improvements of the nrt. E?"Co'in produco taken in Exchange for plrturei IIENI'.Y UOSENSTOCK. liloounburg, Nov. S3 1FC1. fNov. ft '52 n. c. iiowe ii, SURGEON DBNTIST, RESPECTFULLY.olTi-rs his profess Ional services to tho indies and gentle men of l.loomsbiirg and vicinity. He is iirenarod to ntiend to all tho vnrintn. operations in the line of his profession, and is provided with the latest improved FOliCEIJHX TEl'.TH; which will bo inserted on gold, platina, silver and rubber base tolookwtll as the natural tooth Mineral plate nnd block teeth manufactured nnd all operations on teeth, carefully and properly attended to. Residence and oflico a few doors abovo the Court llouso, samo side, ' llloomsburg, JuneO. 1563, TINWA11E & STOVE SHOP. THE undersigned respectfully informs his old friend nnd customers, that lio has purchased his brothers nterest in tho nbove establishment, nnd tho concern wils hereafter bo conducted by himself exclusively. no lias just received anil ot ers lor sale. I no lore. est nnd most cxtenslvo assortment of FANCY STOVES ever introduced into tills market. His stock consists of a comnlcto assortment of ho best Cooking nnd parlor stoves in the market, togeth er with Stove fixtures of every description, 0cn nud uox oiovos, i.auiators, uyiinunr Btoves, i;nl iron rtir Tight stoves, Cannon Stoves, &c, &c. Stovepipe and Tinwaro constantly on hand anil manufactured to order. All kinds of repairing done, ns usual, on short notice, The patronage of old friends nnd new customers re pectfully solicited. A. M, RUPERT. liloomsbiirz, November 3d JPHO. tf. PORK'S HOTKL. Eloamsburg, Columbia County, Pcnnct. SILAS DODSONil'ropriDlor. Takcspleasuro in announcing to tho publio that he lias taken and thoroughly refitted the Porks Hotel formerly occupied by Robert llagcnbuch, llloGinsburir, ami is prepared to accuinndata travellers, teamsters, drovers and boarders. IKs table will be supplied with best products the markets afford, nnd his l'ar will be constantly furnished with the choicest liquors, fyA largo and commodious stable has been erected, with a convenient stable attached. Attentive ostlers will always bo inattendanco.nud hu trusts his obligiug attention to customers will secure him a liberal share ef patiouagc: illooniebure. P.i.. Nov. 23. HR2. ATTENTION I Til ALL miO.M IT-MAY COXCEIiX. The undersigned being a regularly "licensed Auction eer," horeby offers his services as such, to nil who may feel disposed tu give him u call. His great expe rience in the business, will enable him to render satis faction to hli customers. At tho sametimo ho Cautions nil Auctioneers, "not licensed," from following said calling, as the fine fixed by the United States will surely be imposed, and tho law carried out (0 its full extent, All persons doiring to obtain my services, will please inform me to that vlleit beford they advertise, J. D. RICE, Auctioneer, Light Street, Nov. 14, 1cC3. STILZ & HARTLEY, Consolidation Rank lluilding, 320 North Third Street between Vine Callowliill, p 11 1 1. A D e 1. r 11 1 A. Jun 20, 1663 ly. LIGHT STREET, Columbia county, Fr rj-ilIC undersigned has located nt the nbove narr.rr x noun, formerly. occnpiea oy reter tscuug, ana sojk us a sunn 01 puouc patronage. 07 Good accommodations for man and beast. Tt best kind of liquors at the bar. J, D. RICE, Proprietor. April 11. 1663- THOMAS BROWN, Barb'.t. RLOOMSBUHG, COLUMUIA CO., I'A. Shop in Oouit Ilouis Allsr, nstt tks Dmiirit OAes, KiTistktrU, IIM. s COME ONE I COME ALL! 1 J J. B ROWER WILL expose to salo every day tliii Fall and Winter, (Sundays excepted,) a largo nnd well selected nsiottmont of American French ami English (inoils, Just from tho F.nstcrn markets. Plain IDesi (looits nro the latest fashion, inch ns Cnshmcro Merinos, Pule Mohair Silk Finish, Alpaccas of nil shades DELAINS at 18, 22, 20, 31 and 35 cts. CALICOES" from 18 to 20 conts. SHAWLS alt. wool, long k Equaro, at prices to suit purchasers. NUBIAS AND WOOL 11001)8 Or EVERY PtSCRIPTIOK, Cloths, Oiissiniers and Jeans, for Men and .lloys wear, cheap. Dailies' Collars, Cuffs, Blcovcs, Head Nets, and dress trimmings. Rlcachcd and Unbleached Muslins, wlll'be cold nt n very small advance. Hosiery, Gloves, Emhroidoring Braids, & small wnres in great variety Linen Carpet Chain and cotton yam. Boots and Shoes, Ladles' gaiters, toilet slippers, children's gaiters nnd shoes, and n largo stock to select irom mail prices. Trunks and oil cloth satchels, (luccnstvaro nud llnrdwnrc, & ft Q ft X K X R $ s TOBACCO AND SE GARS, nt low ptlccs, nnd In fact nlmost everything In my lino that innv be called for. a' I hive nun based n inuih lar ger stock of goods tiinn usual, nnd nm determined to sell them nt very small prollts, for ready pay. Ladies will find it to their ndvnntngo lo buy their Dress Hoods nt this establishment, ns i win prcsen. to every Lady customer, who may des iro it, one of Mud aino'Deniorcst's Intnst sleeve patterns, ('nil nnd sco tho Mirror of Fashion, Just published, with lull nnd rcllnb'o description ot tnu laiost raris lasuious llloomsburg, Sept. 20. 1S03. B. & n. T. ANTHONY, MANUFACTURERS OP PIIOTOORAPIIIC MATERIALS, 001 Broadway, Netu York, GABD PHOTOGRAPHS, Our Catalogue now embraces considerably over four thousand different siibjccts(tn ivliich nddltiuns nre con tinually being made) of Portraits of Eminent Ameri cans, etc., U : "2 Mnjnr-Gcncrats, 1DU Rrlg -Generals, 2.V.I Colonels, til Llout.-Coloni K '.'07 other Ollicers, LO Navy Odlceis, 5'A3 Statesmen. 127 Diilnos, 111! Authors, 30 Artl'ls, i Stage, 45 Prominent Women, 1 17 Prom inent 1'orclgn Portraits. 2,500 Copia of Works of Art, Including reproductions of the most eclcbrnted Engra vings, Paintings, Statues, he. Catalogues sent on re ceipt of stamp, An order for one dozen pictures from our Catalogue will be filled on receipt of 31 to, and sent by mail, free, PnOTOGRAPllIO ALBUMS. Of these we mnniifarturc a gre.at variety, ranging In price from 50 cents to ot) each Our Album) havo tiro reputation of being superior In beauty and durability to ony others. The smnller kinds enn be scut safely by mail nt n postage of six cents per nz. '1 lie more expeusivo can bo sent. by ex press. Wo also keep alaro assortment of Stcrcscopes and Stercscnpie views. Our Catalogue of these will bi sent to tiny nddreys on receipt of tiamp. E. &1I.(T Anthony, .Manufacturers of Photographic Materials 501 llroadw.ay, New York l'rlends or relatives of prominent military men will confer a favor by sending us their likenesses to copy. They will bo kept cuefitlly nnd returned uninjured. Pino Albumt made to order for congregations to pre sent to their Pastor, or for other purposes, with suita ble Inscriptions, Ice. August lcG3-Cin. THE GREAT WORLD'S r'AIR EXHIBITION HELD IN LONDON 1P5I. THOS. W. MATTSON Was'nwardcd the Prize Med al for his superiority overall competitions in the United States for his improvements .Travelling Tiunus, He being tho inventor and Manufacturer of Elastic steel Spring solid Solo l.eatherand solid Riveted Ironl'rnmo Travelling Trunks, Valises, Ladies Hat Uascs, Carpet Rags. Leather Hags, Umbrellas nnd Hobby Horn's, Hoys' digs, Propellers, U'heclbcrrows, 4ic, which he is prepared to sell nt the lowest manufacturing price. The most extensiro Trunk and Carpet Hag Manufactur er in Philadelphia. 40-J MAttKLT STREET, ono door nbevo Tourth, South side, PHILADELPHIA, Op"Salcs room on the first tloor. 17Trunks neatly mpalrcd or exchanged for new cues. Call nnd see, as wc sell very cheap for cash. lov. 14, Ifcfi3 JSino. National Foundry. BLOOMSI3UKG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. THE subscriber, proprietor of tho above named ex tensive establishment, is noiv prepared to receive, orders for All Kinds of Machinery, for CaUcries, Blast Furnaces, Stationary Engines, Mills THRCSIIING .MACHINES, &C. &.C. He is nlo nrtrnared to mako Stoves, nil sizes nnd nntterns. nlow-irons.'nnd cvervthlnir usually inado in tlrst-cinss i oiinuncs. Ills cTlensivc facilities nnd practical workmen. nr jiinit him in receiving the laigcst contracts on the iiiou reasonaiito terms. E7" Or.iiuof nil kinds will bo taken In exchange for castings. ffS-Tliia establishment is lncn.cd near the Lnckawnn na A- iiioomsDurg iuniro.ui ucpnt. ' - HIT PETER RILLMEYRR liWomsburg, Sept. 12, 1603. Exchange Hotel, LATE COC, R. D. J0NES.J No. 77 Dock Street, next door to the Post Oflico, Philadelphia. This well known cstablUhmcnt maintains its usual celebrity, and its well known rcpuiatiun of being the best HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Shall be sustained, lionms may be had at all hours' psr night, 37 cents-; pcrcck, fji Su, per month, SI The liar and Eating Departments nro furnished witt the best of everything tbo market can produce. CAME, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, nnd dclicnclcs of every 1II1110 may be had at a inome i notice. Meals at 12 cents nnd upwards, anil may bo had from 5 A. M. till Unttiight, (lentlemeii may rest ns.urcd that no expenso will be spared to render this Hotel a model one, J. OTTENKIRK, Pronr. March 7. Ic03-3m. .mzmtmn HOTEL 3 PUBLIC 6QaiJ!E, W1LKES-DAUKU, l'A. n,ncun''ersigned, having taken this well-known stand .L (formerly of .Major Put ubaugh), respectfully solb its tho patronage of Iho public. No pains will be spared in any of its departments, to render satl. faction to nil guest, ThoTAULE and the l!AR will always bo supplied with tho REST THE MARKET ATrORDS. r7" Good Ktabllug for Horsts and nltontlve Hollers. The "Etchiuge" is eligibly sltiinled on the Public Square, and has therefore peculiar advantages toper sous attending Court or doing business in the public offices. Charges moderate, N. I). Whenever you come to town, plenso call. H. J. YAPLE. Wilkcs-liarro, Nov. IS, 1EC2! . NEW JEHSEY UNi.S TOR S.CLE, ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS, Sultuble for Grapes, Peaches, Poars, Raspberries, Strenberrles, Illackberries, Curri nts, &e of 1. 2i 3, 10 on 20 acres each, ai Iho following prices for the present, via: 2u ncrcs lor 32110, 10 acres fur SI II), 5 acres for SCO, 21 acres for $40, 1 acre for 20, Payable by 0110 dollar a week Also, good Cranbury lands, and village lots in Client wood, 23 by lO'i feet, nt $10 each, payable by ono 1I0I tar a week, The above laud and luriiK. nre titmitr- a Cheatwood, Washington township, llurlingtnn county New Jersey, I'or furthor information, apply, with P. O. Stamp, fora circular, to JUT.ANKLIN CLARK. No. 60 Cedar Street, New York, N, Y. January 17, 1-G3. S'I'OVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. 'I HE undersigned would inform thn cilizcusor I llloomsburg and vicinity, that lio has lust o rf-BTi eived and offers for sale one of tho most extensive assortments, or cooking ami r am y STOYE; ever introduced into this market. The Christopher Ci unibiu, James Robband Globe are among the first clas cooking Stoves, all of which nre air-tight niidgns buruei His Purlor stoves are haixiioine and the assortment vr ricd. ALSO-Particular attention is paid to Tin. Wan nnd House Spouting, upon short notice. All kinds oj repairing will be done itli neatness und despatch. Vj?" Country produce taken in exchange for work. PHILIP 6. .MOVER. Eloomiburg, May 10,1602. M. k T. P. WATSON LIVEllY STABLE ATTACHED. not, SjCDim Sr, BiTVfuii M 'it tt Ar.r, Pu la K'c N, bW. m HIS INSTITUTION Is under tho sole f inngcmcnt .1 nnd direction of Prof, I). W. Lowkll, i long Prin cipal of tho .7 niffOUAMTOtr COXMRIiCIAL COLI f OF.. I Tho course of Instruction .nibrnces nllth requisites of a thorough practical bulnf. ediicntl ' and has been lately extended by ths Irtifodiietlon 1 in Actual . Iluslnoss Course. In Which the Student en In tbo I rcjulnr routine ol business transactions. 'inpllflcd 1 nnd familiarized by menus nt n store, (In hlch the ocftidf bvsinit$ of buying nnd selling go"' is carried on by ench Student,) nnd lluslncss Offlcos ti Hanks of Issue and Deposit, Rnll-Roadlng and S' 11-lloating Post Office, Telegraph, Ate, he. , The Proprietor has spared not'imaor r mo In inn-' king this Course tho most thorough no nnplctoof any ever presented to tin' public, nn I 1 n fully as sured thntnficr having been liliuscll'riange.l In actual , business, nnd having had many years' experience nt teaching tho fclnce of Accounts, and belutf 11 1 dud by a full nnd oincclcnt corps of teachers, he will bo en bled to makii thorough and successful graduates of nil who may place themselves under his charge, Pi:jfMi.Ysitt PI In this essential branch of a biislnss cdiicntlon no Collogo nlTers better facilities to the learner. Tbo Speuccrian system will b ) tnncht In all Its varieties by tho most skillful inn-lcri. of the alt. Specimens of Writing from this Institution havo received the hljhcst encomiums from tho press. For general Infnrinallon, terms, &c, ndrlress for Col lege Monthly, which will bo mailed free; ror speci mens of Penmanship, enclose two three cent stamps. Address I). W. LOWELL, Principal. Lowell's Cmnmercl.il College, llliiBhauilon, N. Y. P. S. Ono of Hitter tc Duncan's No. 1 highly finished fine, perfect point, quill spring flnld Pens, wi.'li holder nud case, warranted for one year and lo suit, w ill lio sent, free of charge to any one who will tcmlt 33,50 to tbo nbove nddress. October 3, 1603-ly. NATIONAL C0M31EHC1AL COLLKGBS LOCATED IN PHILADELPHIA, B.E. CC11NER7TII AND CHESTNUT S I'S., iYCt York City, Brooklyn, Albany, Troy Buffalo. Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, and AV. Louis. nook-keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Arithmetic Commercial Law, Forms, Correspondence, &c., piact cully taught. 'I heso Colleges being under tho same general nndlo cnl management, and uniting in each the advantago of all, offer greater facilities for liiipnrfiug iustruc ; 1 than anvritlier similar institution in the country. A Scholarship issued by any no isgonl in all ft 1 n unlimited time. Tlio Philadelphia College has been recently cnlail and refurnished in n superior manner, nnd Is nowfl I lurgestnnd most prosperous Commercial Institution li the Slate llrynnt k. Stratum's series of Text Hooks, cmbrao Ronk-kceping, Commercial Arithmetic, and Coinmer Law, for sale, and sent by mall. 0!? Fur fill I particulars send for a circular. October 18. k.C'J Urn. TIIEunderslgn''iii!intsn extennvciy engaged in the UntUrtahitii business, nnd keepsconstantly on band nd for sale at his Warerooms, a largo assortment of FINISHED COFFINS, lers on nresentntlon Ry which he is enabled to nil orders on Also Keeps n good llorso and Hearse, and will nt nl times be ready to attend Fiincrcls SIJION C. SII1VE. Illoomsbnrg, January 29, 1B50 F 11 E S 11 A R It IV A' 1. 111 19 I tea I ..' BUB StitV. r-tcLtSU I'iilJiJ 1LV SV lit 1 JUlSi sJiUU-i -FOR- EVERYBODY "J HE undersigned, grateful for past patronage, tespec 3 fully iuformshlscustuiners nnd the publlcgenerally that ho hasjust received .from th Eastcnie cities, th largest and most select stock of F II and Winter 3 That has yet been opened in- Sftrdmsburg, to which he invites tho attention of Ills JYiciids. nnd anrns 11, nm . that they are offered for sale nt great bargains. .His IHUk. ."Ill 1',,1-l-B 14 ii.mn ur", mien. ,, UllNTI.EJIEN'ri WEARING APPAREL, Consisting in r'AsinoNAnLE Huess Coats, of every des cmiliim: ; Pants, ests, r-hirts, Cravats Stacks, Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, ic. GOLD WATCHES i IS I) JSWiLllY, . Of every description, fine and mean. I N. II. Remember " Loicenberg's Cheap Emporium I call and sec. No charge for examini! Goods. I DAVIU LOWEN'llEUG I llloomsburg, August 23, 1?03. (June S5i ) First Great Arrival. , OF & Willllt GOODS ! The undersigned, has, Just replenished hU Ptoro House in Oraugcvlllo, with a well-telcctod usssrotuient FALL k WINTER GOOUS 1 Consisting in part of Cloths, Silks, Muslins, C.issi mere.Clngliams, Calirocs, Shawls, Ho.U-ries, Carpets nud Ladies' Eanov Dress Goods, generally, from 1J1 tu 15clsund Prints from l.'i u-.-ictt. ItiiADiraUDh CLOTHING. Mats Salt. Roots & Slrt3 .Mackerel Molaaises, Sugar A. Gnoct ith all oiner 1 tov. hich he inviti customers. Havi bought low and witli 1 bo h,'..t, an f tfileit. usual y kept in co miry St -res, iim-uiiy uiii'iiuoii tu iiii 1111.1 lew ; been 111 the City in the right me aid cash -lu will bo able lo turn clo sell for small profits and nrt int pay. Ills friend are linked to pop in and sco ho sights. WM 1'RITZ. Orangcville, Nlv 1 1803, FANCY FURS ! FANCY FURS ! ! John Fareir;), (718 A?citrect. Lolow 8th, eputh ndo, Philadelphia. Importer, Manufuc'lurer of pnJ Dealer in nil kinds of t vii- A-rrjc i for Ladies' and Children's Wear. i I wish lo return mv thanks to mv friends of Ciiliiiii- bin ami the surrounding counties, for their very liberal patronnce extended tn me during Hie lust few years, ! nnd would sny to them that I now huvo in store, of my own importation nnd manufacture a very extensive as. j sorimeut of all tho different kinds and qualities nf I Fancy Furs for Ladies und Children, that will bo worn i during the Fall and Winter t(asons, ' lleing Hie direct Importer of all my Furs from Eu-1 I rope, and having them all mmufactured under my own i supervision enables mo to rlfer my customers and tho ; public a much handsomer Set of Furs fur the same i money. Ladies please giye me a call before purchas- nig i i lease rememocr int name, uumuer anu. street, JOHN 1'AKCIRA. No. 713 Aich Strict, 1'uiiAiJH.riiu. Sept. 12, IEC3.-Sinos. JOHN O.YEAGER, MANUFACTURER k WHOLESALE DEALER IM I f A 'I'M ( A P. lJi VXl A - 1 STRAW GOODS,' BONNE TS AND AKMTinnTT, i?t nuMi-tis: i Alll ll'lUlAJj l'LOW J'jHb, No. 357 North Third Street, PhiU'd. V.T W, UK, ' Another Call. 300,000 MOltE MEN WANTED! REVOLUTION IN HIGH PRICES. LARGE ARRIVAL OF Fal! & Winter Goods, AT PETEll ENT'S STOHE, ;a unnr smvxr, coi.vmma cov.vrr, m, nAS Just received from Philadelphia, nnd Is now npeiilngjit tho old stnnd litoiy occupied by Marti tc Ent, a splendid assortment of 1! fr$ fiw$ mmmummm which Hilt bo sold thoap lor (!A?1I Oil 0OUNT11Y PUODUOE. Ills slockcnnsljlsuf Ladles Dress Goods cliolceststylcs nud latest fashions Calicos, Muslins, . Oiiiguams, Flnnnols, Oarpots, Slmwls, Hosiery, Silks, HEADY MADE CLOTHING. Oassiinoros, Satinets, Cottonatlcs, Kentucky Jeans, Tliroatl, &o. Groceries, Queens ware, Cedar ware, II aid ware, Medioinos, Drugs, Oils, Paints, BOOTS & SHOES. HATS k GAPS. in short f cry thing nsuntiy kept 111 a country storo Thcpalronace of old friends, nnd tho public general ly, Is respectfully solicited. Tho highest market price paid for country produce. 1'LJ'LiK IjN Vt Light Street, Nov. 7, 1B03. BARGAINS 1 BARGAINS ! IF YOU WANT TO BUY Fall & Winter Goods, GO TO Cicasj's Slom, in Liplil Slrrrf, Ta. II'Ao Keeps all Kin.ls of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CAHPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-Made Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, CotTecs, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tolincco, Sspars, Hats, Boot", Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paint?, kc, ko:- In ndditlon to our large stock of Dry Roods, weliavo a large nnd full assortment of Ready Made Clothing for Men mid llojt, wear which no arc detcrniined to sell chnper th 111 can be bought elsuv. here. Cull und see. and Judge for yourselves. oRBABy fc Light Street. Nov. 7. lPCa ' THE NEW GKoMillY STollB. MORE FRESU GOODS. , Just received at Erasmus' New Store. Molasses, Sugars, Teas CoiToo, Rico, Spices, HaTS and Gaps, Fish, Salt, Tobacco, Solars, Candies, Razcns, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great variety of notions nnd ctcete rn3, too numerous to mention. O Duller, Eggs., Meat and produce generally taken in exchange for goods, A. U, ERASMUS. llloomsburg, -May 0, ie03, FRESH ARRIVAL OF MIJi & WITH GOODS, A T Miller's Store. rplIC subscriber ha Just returned from Iho Cities X witli another largo and select nssorliuct of fp FALL AND WINTER GOODS, nurchased at Philadelphia, nt the lowest figure, and which they arc determined to sell 011 as moderate tonus as ran he- procured clscwhcru in llloomsburg. His stork comprises lames nit ms noons, of cholc-sl styles nndlatest fashion. jj.ni' aaans. aa'd aii'ocr.itiF.s, 11 iltnll'lIlK QUEF.Xll'AltE, CF.nAlt WAKE, HOLLOW IVAl'.E lltOK. .VAILS, BOOTH If SHOES HATS !f CAPS, &c, 4-e St In short everything usually kept in country Stores to wliiih ho invito the nubile generally. The Highest pricu paid for country produco, S. II. MILLER. llloomsburg, Oct. 21, lf03. . IIARRISHURG, PA. THIS old establiihcd House has undcrgoiid extensive imprnvemmcnts, nnd been Ihoioughly raiovntcd nud refuted. It is pleasantly located in tlio heart nt rj'rnun!iy. '" cn"' a"c" ,u 1"u Cn'"01 l'"Mic lL- I'or tho urconiniodation of our guests, wo havo recently commenced to run a Couth to and from the Kallio.id. Ill this manner iiupleiisaiit delay in leaving the Depot for the Hotel will bo avoided, and ninth muro tiiiicullorded guests for meals when leaving the llouso. Intending Hint the IIUEHLIIR IlOUBEshnllbe really n homc-liko resort for Iho Urunger nnd traveler wo ro spectfully 1 (i.ieit a icntiiiuuiicii fine pu lie patronage, GEO. j, IIOI.TON, Oct. 3, Ie03. Proprietor. AND GENCRA'L jOOM MISSION M E R C ' I A N T I IILOOJISRUKO, COLUMUIA CO., 1 . U7rARTI(CLAR ATTENTION OIVtN TO PATENT IU lT.rj September 3, 1801 3m, F. 0. HARRISON, M. i TTTOUI.n rnsneetnillv liifnrm Iba rlllxnn VV burg, and vicinity,tliathoco.iti..ue.th!o . ,, medicixf. axu suiiaim; , nd solicits n share of public patronage. uXllltT h b",w " ttuirr t, Mit. ECONOMY I.S WEALTH. OUllE YOUH COUGH FOR 13 CENTS The Lai ani cheapest Household remedy in the If 'or Id. MADAME ZADOC l'OUTEIl's Mir id m mmm MAI)Ar.I ZADOO 1-Crt. TUB'S Hurntltr llnl.nm Is wntrnn edlf used tccohllng to the illrettion- In euro in nil cases I.'oUlIis. Unt il. Whooping I'ouuli, Asthma and all nlTccllous uf tho throat and Ldngs, Mndnmo Zndnc porter's llalsam Is prepared with all the rcqulslto skill, from 11 combination of llin best rem 1 cdlcstlio vegctnblo klnndoni I nll'orils, its remedial 'iiinll lies nro bared 011 In power to assist the healthy clrctl 1 lotion nftho blood, through the Lungs, It Is not n vio lent remedy, but cinollcnl wnrmiiig, searching nnilelf ccllvpj can bo taken by Iho oldest person or tho young est cniiu, MailamZndoo Porter's bat- snm has been In use by tho , iiubllc for over 18 years, nnd ns nciriml lis present snln imply uy ucing recnmmeu led by Ihosowho havo used 1 It to their afflicted friends 1 nnd others Most Important. Mndaino Zadoe, Porter's Curallvo llalsam is sold nt n price which brings it In the reach of every 0110 to keep It convenient for uso. The limn ly uo of n slngloboltlo will prove to bo worth IUO times lis cost. NOTICI'., Pavcyruir mnneyl Do not bo persuaded to purchase articles at Is to SI which do not contain the virtues of a El cent bottle of Madame Porter's Cu rntlvollalsnm, tbocosl of manufactiirinj hlch is ns grent ns nlmost nny oilier medicine J nnd tho very low prece at which ft issol.l, makes the profit tu tho sell, cr nppn, Mitly small, nud unprliiclpalcd denlers ul snmelinies recominciidotherinodlclucs nil which their profits nro larger, unless II10 customer insist upon hnviuf Madauio Porter's nnd 110110 other. Ask for Mndnmo Porter's Curative llalsam, price mcents, and n Inrgo botllcs nt 2, ocits, nnd tnko no other. lD"Sold bvnll Drugsl.tsaiid atorckccperc nt Llcts. In laigcr hollies ni '.'.' cents. HALL RUCKLE, Pr prietors, Now York. Jnnu,iry '.'!. 1603. $100 REWARD ! Fop, a Medicine that mill Cure counns, i.vi.ucrzjt, ricKuxa i.vthe riino.tr mioovixa-covau. on nKLir.rn cox kV.vi'TirK coveins, ciuickas Over Five Tltoiisaiid Jlotlles have been sslil in its native town, nnd not a tingle In stance of its failure is known, Wo have, in our possession, nny quantity of ccrtill catrs, F01110 of them 1 ruin eminent physicians, who have used it i n their practice, and given it t lie pre-cmi-iicncc over nny other lompound, It does dot dry up a cough, but loosens it, so as to enable the patient to ex peclorite fiecly. Two or thruu doses u ill invariably cure tickling in tho throat. A half bottio has often completely cured thu most SfUBliORN COUCH, nnd yet. though it is so sure and speedy in its operation it U perfectly harmless, being purely vegetable. It Is very agreeable tu thu taste, and may bj numiiilstercd to children of any age. IN CASES OF CROUP wc wilt guarantee n cure, if taken In sesson. No family should bo without it. It is within tho reach of all, the price being ONLY 25 OENTS. And if an Investment and thorough trial does not "back up" tho aboio statement, Hie money will bo re funded. Wo say Ihisknowing ils merits, nnd feel con fident that one trial will secure for it a home in every household. Do not wnsto nway with Coughing, when so small nn investment will mro vou. It mav be bad nf nnv re- I spi ctable druggist in totwi, wiio will furnish you with 1 a circular of genuine certificates or cities it h.is made u. u. uurtiiit a 00.. Proprietors, New Haven, Ct. ti3 At wholesale, by Johnston, Hollowav&Cuwilcn, S3 North yixlh tjtient, Philadelphia, Pa. I'or sale by Druggists In city, country, and everywhere, Sept. 2 j, ldOa-Cm NEW ARRIVAL. Fall & Winter Goods At A. J. Evans' IDT!!!.(i ffl'OilliJM! BLOOMSBURG, PENN. LATEST SYLES CAIiAP GOODS rj'HE nnderl2ncd respectfully infnnns I111 friends 1 and the iubhc generally. Unit he ha- Just received from the Eastern cities, a large assortment of being tlio best assortment ever offered in this market. Also a complete assortment of l!oy Clothing. In fart everything in the Clothing Lino I'or those who prefer lo leave their measures, a perfect lit guaranteed, and nothing hut tlu b,st workmanship nllnwed at this es tablishment, lie ulno Keeps on hand n largo assort ment of BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS ANI) CAPH, together with n variety of rolions. ZJ CALL AND SUE I'OR -VOURt-EI.E. ' A. J. EVANS. Pdoomsburg, Nov. 21, 1?C3. TVT E W AND SECOND HAND SAFES, X. tI I'or sale c cap. nt New York fr'afo Depot, 71 Wil- li nn Street, New Yrk. i i A. I R E G G. Lll.l IE S rntc SIZC AND PRICES OP PROOP H H'EsJ 0 UTS I D 1'.: 1IL HEIOIIT, WI11TII. SIM II. No. 4 21 20 2d !u. 2 2d 2 21 o. 3 30 21 21 No. 4 2" 21 No, S 31 31 21 No. 0 40 31 21 I.VSIDF: lU'lOHT. WIDTH, ' tlErTII. No. 1 17 II li No. 1 19 I3J lij No. 3 21 15 12 No. 1 2J ltj in No 5 21 21 11 No. 0 31 21 1J rnice. .. $:o 00 . 10 00 70 0 ) . es 00 , 11)1) (10 . us 00 No. 1 No 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. .1 No. II November 14, l?fl3. Green woo Seminary. EXOLisu, ciissic.tr. Axn commercial school I Vlt BOTH SEXES. T.fM. IOTTS, PniKcir.n., Mathematics, Hook Keeping gwl Xatural Sciences. 'J. B. TATTON, A. 1,1. , Elocution. Literature, and Indent anil Modern Languages. The Scholastic year Is divided Into four quarters of eleven weeks ratli. commencing ns follows: On thu second Monday in Augubt.tlie first .Monday in November the third Monday in January, und tho second Munday in April. THE EXPEV'SCS Per quarter for Hoarding nnd Tuilion In English, rnngo from J I 00 to SU (Jd. Languages, Music and Draw. Ingjirn extra. bv I'or Circulars or further particulars, address tho Principal nt MILI.YII.EE, COI.UMUIA CO., PA. October 3, lt-03 Iy. ROSEJIONT CEMETRY. HTimc is Money." TTASIt not been fully demonstrated, tint it is great ful Ll ly lo wait until juu havua friend dead, before you goto look altera placonfburial ; then nro you least pre pared to select, yuusiniinl being in iidietincted ttntc.ynu will us likely get u bad shape or Pud slzo lot ob good und desirabto one, Rusemuiiiit Conn-try company offers n great many nice located lots fur salo ; nnd now whilst yoiiundyourlamilynriiiiilieallhis the time toscleiln lotaud put iliu order, by calling on tho undersigned j ou ta ui.-ul.uii i ,iiiuvu io uiuKruiinu, examine tuciu una as sertaiiithe cost, I. W. IIART.MAN, Trcaiurer. RIominBburg, Sept. 12, 1603. 3m eft. It, WMMMEMW Attorney at Law, Ilazhton, l.uzcrnc co., Pa. RErrxsR to Hon. John Walls, Lcwlsbiirg, Pa. William Cameron, President of tho Lcwisbuig Rank. J. 11, Pucker, President of Iho Northuinberluhd Uauk Illooinebiirg, June 27, 1M3. ly. PHOTOGRAPH ALRUMS, JL Card Photographs, lllank Hooks, Family Ribles, lilliig Paper ADou largo stuck of goods suitable for Holidays. Small pronts, quick sules. iiali; t iu:n'ni:rs, ., . ,c. I'ourth and Arch, PliHuUelphta, BLANKS! BLANKS! I Of vry aoripiion, for ttnU nt thiofli 1 Q0LDIE11L IN THE AIlMY AND Otm PEOPLE AT IIOMH Aro now offered nn opportunity by which thoy can ok tain a 0001) AND DOiIAIILE 'PfttE-PlCli, at n v"r , low fljure. Our Wnlches nro wnrrnntsd to keep tt'nvt u,,u jvuit uim iiiu oujcr is ntiowcu 1110 urlvllcgo dl ujamlnnllon beforo payment Is required, tinnroved Duplex In fiill lluby Actions, A first class Hunting Time-Piece of sitter mati-rlnl m.. ,.,i,i,. ," r.t.,1r.:';n.V V?.?,,.C'l,.k" 8i'':.!V"i :V'rh' roug,. ;,(.,cct(fd r,o.n th i s, m ,m te al ly tho most cine H c.c0, ludgcs ! acids win not .'trncYii 1 ?, Tic E",': mnvemcnt. Iinnrnv,.,! ii,.i. ,,. ru ....... V" snoop seconds, and Is not to bo oxcelb d In general nn penrancc This Is decidedly one of the best articles ever nirerod for ttndsrs nnd speculntnrs. Engineers, einlgruiils. niidiorsoiu travelling, will find them su. perior to liny other .nlternlloti nf tllmata will not of feet their accuracy. Price, packod In goo I sbnpo nnd good ruunlng order, only 93J, or cftso of 0 for SJtlO. SII.VIIR DOUULU TIME HUNTING LEVER3, Rest (luallty Silver Cases, over which cloclro-flns plated Id k. gold, similar lo our Improved Duplet, nnd superior adjusted movements with "Stop," to he tued In timing horses, ctc.J hns Pour Indexes for Washing ton nhd Greenwich time, sweep cccond, and all tho Improvements'. All in nil, taking its beautiful and faultless nppenrnnco and Its superior movement Into consideration, wo regard It ns decidedly thu thmpm nrtlcle ol the kind In the innrket. Price, In good run- ,i, wmiui, it..... ur cusn ni 11 lor 9uu. Is" Vo ink so pay in ndvnnce, but will forward cither of Iheni to rcsnutisibls tmrtlss. to nm- nnti of tha loyal Stales Willi bill tnynblo to oxnrcssmnn when 'bo Roods nro delivered, giving the buyer the prlt'llign v. I'AiiiiiiuniiMii. una, n 1101 sansiaciory, 1110 wutch can bo returned nt our expense. Tlicextrcs eomnntiles refuse mnkine rotlprtlnn a soldiers nud other parlies In thu disloyal Males, con se'iui'iilly all such orders must bo nccnnipnnlud by the rasu 111 insure internum, wc innic n deduction of twe dollars on cither natch when the payment Is forwariT In advance. Money tnnv bo sent by express at our cx pense, TliOS. OA I'I'ER'I Y CO., vj anil vjiiromi bi,, opposite nty Rank, . Providence, R, I. Octnliar SI, 10C3 tmo. THE GREAT 01 Vlil.BliV SlflUUT, NEWOItK; Eliice lis organization, has crentad n new cia In the jii.iury .'I niiuiesiuiiiia 1 ens in mis country. I hey havo Introduced their select!, ms or Tens, and nre selling them at not over two cents ( Oi Cents) per pound above cost, never de viating from the ono price asked, Another peculiarity nf the Comnanv Is th.itthslrTi Taster not only devotes bis time to Iho selection of ineir i ens n. id lunuiy, vniuc. iinu particular stvlcs fur purl Iru'ar localities of countiy, but lie helps tins 'l ea buyer to choo-o out of their enormous stock such Tens ns nro bet adopted lo his particular wants, and hct only Ihls hut points out tn him the best bargains. It Is easy t" see tho incalculable advantage a Tea liuyer nas In this establishment over all others, If lie is 110 Judge of Ten or Iho Market, If Ills time is vtilunblc ho has nil the benefits of n well organized sys tem of doing business of immense capitol, ot tliu Ju.lgu -incut of n professional Tea Taster, and tho knowledge of superior salesman. Tills enables nil Tea buyers-no matter If they ate thousands of miles from this iiiarkct-tupurchasc on lis good terms heru a the New York merchants. Partio" can order '1 'cas mid will be served by dn ns well as though they came themselves, being sure tn get original packages true weights und tares j and the Tens nrci Warranted n represented, wo issuo n Prico Li-t of llio Company's Teas, which will be scut to nil who order it tompri.ing Hyson, Young Hyson, Imperial Gun powder Twankay avd Skin. OOLOS'G, EOUCHO.VG, ORa'n'GE & HYSON PEKOK. Japan Tea of evejy description, colored and iinrnlar ed. Tills lltt lias en "Ii kind of Tea divided into lour Classes, namely j Cargo, hljh Cargo, I'iiie, I'inest that everi 111a may uuder.itiiuil Irom description and lbs prices annexed that tho Co'npany nre determined to uudcr-iltthj uholoTs.A trade. We guarantee to sell all our tens at not over two cents ( UJ ccnts'.per pouud nbove cost, believing this to be nttr,ictlc to the ninny who have heretofore beon paling enormous profits. CHEAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY. IMPORlEns AND JOQllCRS, No.il Vcsey Slrcct, Now York. Sept. 12, IEffl-3mo. , EVANS & WATSON y.WU HALAMANDEIl SAl'ES, RE- ia&r-$- S'rnt, PkUiUphh" have on WrprVVAlfSt,'''l ? large assortment of Pim H!? llli,,f l'roor Salatnaiidor Safrs. i8lliif?'ijbJi)RF l. Iron doors, for banks nnd y&r ;vLX5-?i-. shutters iron sash, all -ft:J-y.yJ?!SS3J makes of locks equal to any ma'to in the I'nited States. Firr Safe in onr fir), tents in pood eoiulition. All camt out right; uith cm Thn Salamander Safes world. of Philadelphia against th) EVANS & WATSON, have had the surest deinostratioif in tho I'.dlowing eel tlflrnte Hint th"ir nniuiifiiitiire nf Sjlamander S.if, s has nt length full Iv warranted thu representations whiih li.ive been made of IIipiii as rendering nil undoubted S'Turity against the terrific 1 lenient. Philadelphia April 12. 115. Ji'cssrs ;nns.V Ifalrn: Gentlemen-It affords us the highest satlf.iitioii lo sinte tu you, that owing u Hie very proti ctive ipinlities of tn of thu Salamander, Safes which we pun h.isid ofjou Home five luonili since wi- suved n large porlion of Jen elry, nnd nil our books, ier i -,po"ed In the f nlaminnus, liiu ill RanstcaJ place on the morning of Ih litis lust.. Win n e reil.'ct list Hu su safs were located 111 tin fuiirtli slortofthe building W3 nrcupied and that they ('.II subio'iuently into a heup of burning ruins, Mhero the vast tonci nlrntl f the heat caused the brass plates to Hi-It, we cniinot but regard tlio preservation of their lal liable contents as most couwncing proof of tho great curlly nllorili'd by your safes. We shall tnko great pleasure in rccniuinendinctlJi.n, men of husitit s its a sure reliance against tiro. GEultGE W. SIMMON'S 111(0., Jet. iUtn. Sy'Vhi-y linvv sinco purchased six largo Safes. July '."J, ItiiJ. f August 20 18Sf. 1803. J803. PHILADELPHIA k ERIE S. ,A $1 w '.O c4j Tills great linn traverses tho Northern and North -vest counties of Puun?)lvania tu the city of Eiw.on Lake Erie. It has b.'on lenrcd by tlw Pcn'isilrania Rnilroa.l Conipauy, nnd under th ur iniipi es is being rapidly , i'ielieil ihrnughoiit ils i nine leuglli. II is now in uso fur Piisieirrer and rrelht bucliini from llnrrivhtirg l Euip'Tium, il!'3 milcsnm the East 1 ( m Hivisloii.iiud from Sheliield toj:riu i7d lull-sl on the i Western lliisi"ti. I TI'IK (II- I'YcSUNOttt TRAINS AT ,OU I HCMnLPI.AhD. j Mail Traill leaves, East 53 A. M. E.press Train ' 1 2J P. M. I Mall " " West 4 47 " I Express (J 4.i A.M. I I'nrs inn through wiru niiNor both ways on thess trains between Philadelphia nud Lock Haven, and llaltimore ami l.nck Hntuii. Now and elegnut Sleep iug Cars nceompaning the Express Train both wnis i butueun Williamspoit and llaltimore, luid Willi.iins port nud Philalelplii.i. i'or information respecting Passenger business, cp ly nt tho S. E. ('or. Iltli und Market Sis. And for rnight biii,iiiesof the Company's Agents . S. II. Kingston, Jr , Cor. 13th und Market Sis., PhilV J. IV, Ro nolds. III ie. 1 J M. Drill. Agent N. C, R- R., nnltimrre. I II. 11. Houston, Geit'l. 1'reight Agt , Philadelphia, j J.ewis lr llniipt, Gcii'l. Ticket Agt. I'liilndulphia. I Joseph II. Potts, Gcu'l, Maiiuger,Vjlliiiu,spuit. uciouwr oi, ico.1. Nos. 0,11,13, 15, 17 Coui tlantlt Street, Nil All HROADWAY, NEW YORIC CITY. ! Tills old-established and favorite rosort of the I!ui 1 ness Commuiiily has been recently refilled, und is coin ' pleto in cver)thing that can niii.i.ter to the coiul'orls of its patrons Ladies mid families are spec ijll) undeare fully procided for. It n centrally located in tho bu iness part of tho city, nud is contiguous tn I In principal lines of steambeits, cars, umuiuusfcs ierrit'b, &c In couscipii'iico of tho pressure caused by the Rebel lion, prices have been reduced to One Dollar at d l'ij'ty C cuts per Day. 'I ho table is nuiply supplied with nil tho luxuries of the season, and is equal to that of any other hotel in the country. Ample accommodations aro offered for upward of 4C0 guests. IT?" Ho not beliovo riinncrs.harknien, and others wbr may sny "the Western Hotel is full." D. I). WINCHESTER, Proprietor. THO'?. D. WINCHESTER. I'eb. 15, leliS. rjiIlEProprietorof this well-known and centrally loci .1 toil House, tho i:,eiuN(in Ilort-i , siluatu on Mai, Street, in llloiiuisburg, inline Jiatcly -'poosite (he Col dm bin County Court House, respectfully inform! his friends and the public in general, that his House is now in or dcr for tlio retipliun nud entertainment nftraielcrs who tuny feel disposed to favor it with their custom, Ho h u spared no expense ill prepaiiug the ihsiik, for IlK entertainment of Ills gnosis, neither shall there be any thing winning (on his part) to minister to their persmi.il comfort. Illi house is spacious and enjoys an excellent business location, K" Omnibuses run nt nil times between the Huchangs Hotel and the inrious Rail Road Depots, by which trav elers will bo pleasantly conveyed to and from tho re spective Stations in due time to meet the Cars. i WM. II. KOOSS, llloomsburg, July 7, 1S0O- A; LL KINDS OF STOCK FOR TDE a o id a v e Photograph Albums, Card Pictures, Gold Pens, flu lllbles and Fr-ter RooKs, Ice, Uc, Call und luuk at our Stock, or eud your orders fy mail, WM, O, FERRY. IlooKsrum, S, W. Cor. Fourth i.nd 1 'e. Nov. II, IA1-3m PHILADELPHIA RB0UW7 vmmn Mom Second Sheer, above Arch, -PHILADELPHIA. A. r. BLAIR. PROPRIETOR lilt "trf Jfisrt OH, 1, IHJ.