COLMIHA" DIfiMOCRAT. """bLOOMSBURG, PEIMN'A. Saturday JMorning, Dec. 19, 10G3. C Tho lalo coltl suap is but n remin der of what wo may ,6hort1y expect. Wo can rco in Iho ndvauco guard all tho ploasuroa of a happy and dreary winter happy to those who, witli tho attaches of a wealthy Hfo, can revel in the enjoyments car Spirited and successful religious clluectotl thorowith dreary to Ihoso who rovivalj aro progressing in tho Methodist w'ltI' il0ulllg 1'onrts, oko out at any season itld Baptist Churches of thiu ptao:. !tt ll0"My wretched existence. Whilo wo ( (Cherish the hencQts which a kind l'rovid- "u ",u ua l""'"'S ;cnco is ever bestowing on us. let thotnsclvca with katc. Old Hyctns his forgCl ti10 U0N1.1T ,,0011i aroused tuoui witli n promise ot ice. I i W IlonuiiT R, ArrrnuK, Esq., one I of our most enterprising follow-citizmis of Rloomsburg, died on Wednesday last,' after a ecvero and protracted illness. RECEIPTS FOB NOVEMBER TO THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. or i n u Bravo Soldi o a and Sailors. -:o:- Tho following payments havo boon mado to tho Columbia Jkmoatil office, during tno moiiin oi iNovomber, loti.i : us not Christmas 1ST Next Friday is Christtua3. Thu old custom of greeting, upon tho approach of this festival day, by clubs of lads drcs sod in odd costumes, uttering quaint ro citations, which formerly prevailed, icoms 1) II Montgomery western iioioi Unwell & Hourke Win (1 Perry Esq National Hotel U.tU.I H llaiidatl r.ii Joint Ulgger rredcrick Law bach Imuic Hess Thoa L'nffeily tc Co Alnctirnh Tea Co lenne. Lulu 1:1 unv la 1 rani7. $1. CO. Hon C n lluckolcw SO Ofl II (Hi Julio 1 I'linlcr, 1:11 I is 3 I'll Churlca 'I liomna I .17 (i (nil UryntimrutluiccCo 15 no 8 UU Jnincs Wrlcht 0 mi Abraham Arwlno 1 5 Oil llnrkluy, Eiq I 73, J I) Kim I 20 Daniel Kecfor 12 (XI Anna Young 10 HO Win McN'luch B 00 Kiit of llr A J llraia s no ,M i.Jnikann, i f nloiiinii Sterner, Esq ts IK) Hudson Owen, Lai John Hnydcr, Esq 00 l'roderlck Nicely 'J 00 S! 00 S 00 C 110 I TJ a vs 1 -5 a 73 I) 00 12 u; pills. ' Smmmki' Samuel lie mlii; i' Est f J Cnvcnhovan A I) Whltmnyor Joseph Wise Jamli Dcmott, Esq ii U Ki'iincilv. Esn I i nomas iiiivii Don't forget to attend tho Ladies' to have gone tho way of most old-time j iVffrrimu' n3 Fectivnl al Eipy on tho iiuth. 1 customs, and has given way to n moro iiM0'!!!1!! ' xncy aro mailing extensive arrangements popular nyie oi amusement during tho ' , ao,'!;!, to accommodalo all who attend. festive ecason, Wo recoiled, however. ,:,t "f lml yiiory a , , ' ' Jusepti i, annul n nnu uiu now ic'llllliuciu oi IU0 OIU bOllg, which in our boyhood days impressed us, i dpi A (I I liotnlnu I Isaac llngcnhuih I Isaac li liilillna ; Ellas Dribclbii I ill John VV Hunter a (JO C 1. Mnoru 50 Iinnc Culp . a 00 i:t of Daniel '.In I or I 00 John T Dlotlcrlrk I 00 1 1 ii a li A lljrlmati I 10 Jacob I'nrver, Jr 10 10 ProfO I'urrand 7 00 Hon H' J Woodward 1 .V) Daniel .Mcriclu C 01 Harris tlartman 1 SOI thini'l W Ilartmaii Ellas (Jjggir I U rani Hitlcnhender Montgomery Cclo llrury I.nzirus John llruncr ltcv llcnb mi Xrlion J. 11. runnlngtoii UOLJ.OAVAY'S AND OINTMENT. All who ham PrlnniN ond Uotnlivn. In thu Armv ot !i :i7 N'nvy flioiililtuko rpcelnciirn that t'my bsampiy biiii. (-.' pllcil Willi lliar-n rill nmt Ointment rid wlii ro tho nrnvo ttiMni"r nnn Hauort navo iieii I lo nrovliM l)D do; 00 1 (111 1 1 (III1 il '.'3 a 73 'J 00 3 00 00 1 u I 73 4 00 U 00 O 1 73 J 75 a to 1 H i! SO il 00 1 00 . (10 1 00 ' Chtllma caiiioj ,ul oncn n year, Hut ulien it coir, It brings gooil Ltioeta." C2y We frequently rcooivo notioes of tuarringos and deaths, by mail, unaecom-L i t .. . ! i . ... i tnat pameu oy a re.pousioic name, oucu Invariably reject. - - v I to suggest to our readers that tho good HS A J J'jUAHMUS O.Uab.lSlimetU 13 old CU'tOm ot exchaU"ill' UbtistmaS lire """'''y'eWi'nt'M'rompt payments to inert in .nVrnollont. ..lnnn 1.1 h,v frnsh Cr,!.. 1 ......... , . . .' ' ' RlEMuiiH W III those linlebte.1. r,n.l tlios rsperlally i -j -.w... ....a, aunia nag 110l uccn, ttuu vc trust never aml hesclU withal so cheap, that we don't iU be abandoned, and that now h the wonder everyboly palronizos him. Aiij- Cnns to bo making pieparationa for the tiling you wain in tno uroccry lino, pure, gift-givitig H-asou. Dy cousultina Ireslt auu cucnp, can t.o nau at his More, VJ The colli seatons omally bilng leanrtcctpti tnth' Printer. Wo have reinon, however. In thank uur frlemlj ir rensnnnlil'j paymcntH, trusting they Kill rein'iiilier that with ennrmou ly Increaa'id expenaea, wo must, lie- to inert iti i f specially to whom wo have sent bills, bo nir lkouuu to remit tlu SPECIAL HOTICEB our CSi" W. Wiut & Company, who are attending to the cairs of drafted men in this county, arc having a big rush- They have given especial attention to tho r.ub jeet, and arc prepared "to do tho business of conscripts, carefully and promptly. Let all who wish llu ir papers prepared go and seo them. OftVe, below Sloan's ttoro, advertisements, tho reader can learn suit- 1 able dacos where Holiday presents can :bc obtained, from a needle to an anchor The Pec John has something to J clergy of the KoitL and iScutli advocated ay thia week .ibout the loss of our '-Gold long ago, pi ace, good-will, law aud order Specks.'' If tho fellow bus them wo trust ' to mau, this sicouisod lebellion would he will bo honeat unougli lo hand them never have been so in magnitude. Of tills City, hn undiibt"illy flicovpr'l In his com bina'lon for the treatni'-nt of llyf.t'psia ono of tho pn'atc.t rt'itpilies tint ln ever 0 'i'ii clven to nntr. ( rlnir humanity: llolia. treated within tin' past two yearn sntiii'ihlni; over iiIiih tboiisaiiil niavg in III. t r I -vato practlro, many of which had delli'd Hie skill of eminent physii l.ius in I'.nropc u::il Am rli.ii. mnl in every cam wh"re tho ineilicines wito taHcn nccorilini: to dirertinns, tlnv have mado n nerlect euro. the nbovo cae. were of over twcniv arn .tanclinz. '1 hope who riri-troubled with Dy.prpMii vnuld do w ell lo call at the Doctor'o nlli'o. lie elves yo'.i ml. vice free. Persona at n distance can consult by lelter i ... ti 1 l u .i . unscrioiiii: ine sym noma nr. w iuari a ir-'nimeni pin eUangltlg. llail lie, as well as tllO Ctltiro up In u secure p.Kkace with full directions, U nt by express on in" r"cei,i r.i Hit llr-inin. X. I' In .'II ra-ei wber' thf disease has net heroine chronic. Rr. W'i!rirl' lljspep.i 1'illj nr.' nil that 4 required. Sent by mil on tho receipt of One I'ol nr AddroK. Dr. I.. Q. L'. Wlslurt, l'nilade'phin.-J'Aia-dflpMa Udger, Dec. 10, lf3-l'iii. Ur In a conversation with one ol our 'fighting war clergy" a few evenings ago, we wero somewhat aetoni&liod and amazed by hearing him say, that "he prayed for j'cacc." Trudy, times and things are fast over. Wo begin to supect (hat limy have j;ot into tho capacious maw of borne "Loyal Leagtior," or ';Govcrnment con tractor," and theso fellows now hold on to Gold like a Abo to a dead nigger. They engendered tho feelings of the honest, originated a f-pirit of hatred between the two bcctions of country, by preaching liberation to tho black man, and cshortiug on the cruoltv of his master. Thus has 1ST iho rebellion been atsisted by tho Clergy. Persons who wciu heretofore draf-1 ""-'hJ- ted and jiut in substitutes, p.tid commuta tion or were exempted by reason of phy Yet not satisfied by this mammoth work ' of carnage aud destruction, tho field of; I f.i!iion.ib,.' ! I r. ndy ,,r ' J I r.1 1. ... 1 i -.1 i nlinie Slxih. 1'lillailelldiia . . .... . . . . . I .1 IIU I I ,11 11.1 I, UI I 111' 111 . .I.IA II'.llTII 1 11 1 I 1 I I 1 . tea dtaabi itv. necJ lint nivo (lioinse Ivev i J ' i in aiiam.,11 io muns any conecin about tho coming draft their name being out of tho wheel. Wo make mention of thia faot ai a good deal of mis apprehelion 'n rfljat in regard to the matter. This is lcliablo. 1ST Mr. L' T. Sn.Mtrr.KSs. having dis posed of tho major part of hi immense Mock of Fall aud Winter Goods, is now in tlis cast la ing in another supply of the me soit for the bt-nefit of lii-i numerous customers. They will arrive in n few days, rud tiB-they tro likely to go off like hot cikos, wo would r.di,c all who wish to fcciire bargains to call eooii. AdvertitiO mcnt next week. E!m Maj.SA5iiii.ii Kxonn, who lately located at U!oom,'biirg, as nu Attorney nt Law, has taken down his thingle, and gono to Washington. Wo understand he lias received the appointment of Captain in tho U. S. Army. Tho Stw intimate that ho takes charge of a ccLiral com pany. Thn may be fo, as ho was chair man of tho Abolition Standing Committee of this county tho past year. BMIR CONFESSIONS AND EXVli. a nu:ci:oi'ANmtvoi.M rubii.hed for the bi nefit and .n n rnution to youir men. and other?, who mir-r from Nervous Debility, I'aily Decay, an 4 tbeir 1,1 ml le, I iillment-ioipplyiiiE the ni"aus offi If. cure. Ity one w ho inn cured hlins Of after bcitis .1 vie titn of mispliccd conltdence in medlal liuiiiliii? ant qucekery. I!y nrlosinu 11 pogt.paid din cted eiiveiope, ti.iRle cupioa may b' had ol tlie nnihor, 1 N.VI'II Willi. MAVF.MR, Us, I liedfurd, Kings lojnty, ?.'c-Vork, 1 January 21, l?03-ly. Unilorrally iiirnces ! A New I'ur.ture in llussines livery one bis own r-'.i I "s 1 11 .1 n ! .lO.NIl.S i; rfi. ol'lhe CriwuiiDne Piiiv Ciothin htore.No. Sill Mjrkelnruci tho lariest. nio.t varied and milk ( f Clclliiim In l'hlladelihia ma l"ex- tail HM'fc, nao coualittiieii vvtv c.uiHiit noisildv varv 'ill inUct Inn alike 'I lie are till tpoti.'ed and prepare an 1 great ptiiii.Uk' n v. illi tlie in ikins so that nil ran li'iy Willi the lull ns'iiraoen ol puttiuz u i"md tirliclc a', the viry lowt tt price. Also, n Inrc stock r,f pii-cepoo U on liand of the latest atyle and best qualities, whlcli w ill be made to order, i'l the nui-t f.ihhiouiible und best manner, S3 per ci nt. IkIow credit prices. liemeiiilu r tiic Crescctit, in Market above Hixth street 0 eoj. joi:ri u iji). to onother channel. They preach for the prolongation ol tho war, uulcss slaverv, ! "w'n il-"'""'.'' iinvun marked m fiL-ure;.. .,,'ieioh ' p article at tie-v , ryI0u c.1t price it cm In solo ler (otln-y tticie tiiai'K de.iyj bo lorever auolisnod advocate iho eaiuo of tho Abolition-disunion parly, ho'.d forth in the Leagues' and wi-wamsof tamo party denounco and stii'inatizo law-abidinir and "uuion- saving Democrats," a Traitors, copper heads antl bouiucrn syiiipatnizers, until the Churches where onea Christ and him Crucified had been preached, is now do 1 ided, and many good members, hereto fore faithful ntteiuU'is, seek religious con solation mid joy, at their own firesides and private cloiels, Often do wo wish for the good old days n!" our fathers, when man would take man by the hand, and welcome him as brother, to pure and un dofiled religious cxi'icises liut wc are not upbrading " our friend, because his prayer is t'er peace. It shou'd be, if not tho hourly prayer of all true followers of tho inecU aim lowlv Jesus theinselvcawllli them, no better pr can be sent them by lln ir l'ricnda. Tin y have proved to h me roiuicr snever laiunj irieiiu iti , 0 uir ti neoa. COUUIIS AND COI.IIB AlTlTTINd TROOl'ri. Will bo fpeodly rtlloved nnd elTerttially cured by lis InR thoae luhnirnblo incillrines, ami by p. lying proper atleiitloii tu tlm Directions which art) altuelied to each Tut or llox, , HICK ill'.ADACIIlia AND WANT CU' AP LTITf, INCIDIIiVrAI.TO HOI.IIIIUIS. 'I hose feeling which snansMeii u usually nrhofrom trouble or nniioyuncea, nb.ttuiteil poisplrntlou, or cot ins nnn uriiiKiiii; wiiatevtr Ik unw noiesome, inns (lis. . turldnu Hie Iiealtliful nttlon nftlie liver nnd stomnch ' These rireana must be relieved, If joti desire to be well 'I he I'MK taken act tTilt.ij; to Hie printed iiisttiiitlona, will ipilckly produce it heulthy uction In both liver nnd atnniath. nnd, na a natural coiiscpience, u clear head tllld eOl'il lippctlte. I w'i:AKNi:as oit tu'.nii.irv iNnucmi nvovr.n Will scon dKippenr by the nscof theso iiivnluabla I Pills, and the Hddliir will qukkly ncouiiu uddltionnl rtrinmh. Never let the llowi.!i bo cither confined or unduly nrted upon. It may eciu stiiiu'ro, that llol. I lire. nt's l ilU i-nould bi recouimeudeil lor Ifeulery nnd l'lux. many eri.iis aiipposlni; that they would iiicrcns. the r lutulio'i. This is u nrcr.t mistake, for ' these I'lll will corr c'-flio rtrer and stumarli, and thus remov" nil the ncrld un.o't fiom til- sptcm. This , medium- will itivc tone ami vlitor to the w'liobi organic , . Bisl.un. Imt.ever ih raujd, wlilN health and rtrcngth i lollovv as ft Matter of course, f.othinz will tnp tho re- . , laxalton of tin I'owee so euiu at this famous modi- ' ' Clll.'. i ' VOMIXTCLUd, A'lTKXTtO.N'l INBISCKKTIOXS Or VOUTII. j Sores and Ulcer", I'lotthoa nnd Pwcllinirs. enn wlih ' certainty lie radically iiired. iflbc Pills are taken ni"bt iind inoinin?, nnd lUntment bi Oeely used na staled in , the primed Instruction . If Iri'iiteil in any .ther man- ' nep tlir e ,lrv lit, 1 1. r ,,r,rt In lr...,L- 1, ..t..l.... .llatiy or( ,eri an this Uiiitment n ill reiuovu Hie humors Irom the y 'teiu.nnil lenve the r.i'.ieiit a 1 isuuuisiiu,! hcnltiiy 111,111, It w ill reiiulro n littlo perseverance In bad cj hes toitikiire a lasting cuie. roil wound.-) nii'iinit oocasiomid hv thm iiAvoMir, u.vup.k. on tiii; nui-i.irr. sosr.3 oit !iiiui!5i;tf, To which cveiy K.ildier nnd r'ulior nro liable, thorn are no iienlints m Ktife's'iia, and (oiiveulent, n. llo. loway'i rillH.ind Ointment, 'lb" wounded ami Mmos.t ityiiii! Mtn'erer mltlit hnva his wounds dres-ed iiniito. dLtily, li'l.s wnnii only pir, ide lit in If with this niatclilest (linttueiii, w hifh should be thrunt iotoihj wcuu.l and am 'an I all roJitd II, lb ui covered with a pi 'ce ofliueii from kunpjtii I: and cn.uprescd with 11 ham'kerchief Talklne, nl-Iit and 1 : 1 ' r 1 1 i 1 1 ir , UorS Pills to cool tli: sjeteni anil Prevent iutlauialiou. l'.v.'iy Holdi' r's Koapiiirk and ;'oiw,iau' Clieat.-liO'.ilJ bs prin ided with there v aluabU Uemedius. OAUTIOIJl-Niino are pf miiin unless the words "Ilutlowaj s, N"v V'irk,inU homlon " nru dun-, rnabia us 11 H'nt"i-niarlcin efery lehC'of file book or direction around 1 aeh pot ,.r Im, j ilusaine maj daiulv seen b,y holding the lour to the libt. A li.uolMiui,-i,.aari ,v be given to anyone n ii.teiiuj! suili inlurmatinn as may l"u,i to Hie dtteclion of Trtij party or parlies counler f illnrthe mudicinen or v.-ading thu name, kiuwin; tto in to bi siurloit., ri.dd in m luitfictory 01 Profeor Hnllowny, to Mladeii l.nne. New York, ami bv all rnspectable liru". istsmid D.-iP ri in Medliue. thronijhoat tho ciWIied wo.'Id, 111 botes at'-'o cen's nndSl each. l.V I hero Is considerable saving by taken the larcer nus. II. -Direction, for th.n fiui J.anco of patients in every disorder are iilllted toea'hbox. u 7' Dealers in toy wi II know n uicdirines can hive Show Cards, (.irculnrs, fur., pent free of i tpi'iise, by uaJr-ssing TU 'M 3 HOI.I.UWAY, to Mmues, XlivYiikk. Dec. 1J. lC3,-ly. triune M, li,3. HOSTBTTEH'S CELEBHATED STOMAGS Not Alcoholic A IIiailLY CONOLNTltATED A VURK TOXIC. itt; In DOCTOU IIOFFIiAND'8 GERMAN MITERS rnciAttr.M nr UU. 0. M. JACKSON, Philadelphia, Pn WIM. etTectunlly euro I.tvcr Complaint. Dyspepsia, Jaundlco, Clironlc or Nervous nihility, Disease cf tha Kidneys, nnd all diseases uriiltig froiii r dlaor- dereJ Mvcr or Ktomacli, Slltll na Ooiutlpi tlon, Inward riles, 1'nlners nf lllood tollis Head.Acidlty nf Ilia Htuiunch Nauaea, lleiirlburn, iigut f"f Fold, fulness ofwilcbtln the Gtomnth, Hour llructatlons.Kiiikinitur I'litlle rinjnttho I It of tho titnmnch, ftwiinininn uftha Head, Hur-.-.n,i n,l IHillruli llrcjthliiz. riutlerini nt till Heart, Choking or Buir.icatlng, ensatloni when in a unit! nosiure, nioniei "i- i.,uui .m,ib , boforo the idpht. 1'otcr mid Dull rain tho Head, Di ficieticy of Perspiration, Yellow nets nf the rSkiti nnd Dyei, 1'lln In tho giilo. Hack, Cheat J,lmb,fcc.,Buddcii l'luslios if Heat. Ilurnlnz in tlu rii'Bh.Cnustaiit lm aitlulniisnrcvil, U depressiuil of aiiirit.. And will positively ptevent Vfllow Fever, nilliuui l'evrr. &e.. 'J h y c iiluin no Alcohol 'or bad Whiikey. They will euro the nbovu diseutua in nlnely niuu cases outof 11 ImnUred. .... Induced bv the extensive sain and uulverinl ponu latity of llooflaml's (Jermtin lllttera, (purely vegeta- IJIQ,J 01 i'4oiriini Mum ivs ,ii'i iii..m,miii,i, ,., inntiiror.!. Iinto otiened unon siifn.riti2 humanity th Hood gates of Nostrums in tho shape of poor whiskey, tllel compounded with injurious drugs, and chris tened Totiies. C'toniacliics nnd Hitters. Iluwnro or the luniimarablo nrrny of Alcnhollj prcp parntions In plcthorli buttles und big bellied kens, un- iler tl lo.lest oppelljtlon or Hitters t which Instead of curing, only nggravuto disease, und leavn the disap pointed BUlfer in iterpair. IIOOFLANU'S GEUMAN BITTEUS ! Arc tint .1 new and nntried article, but have stool hot' at of tiftcen years trial by the American public mid their reputation and sale, ara not rivalled by nuy preparalion. 'Iho proprietors liavu thoutnnda of lotteri fioro tha moitemluetit cLunoyMcx, LAWYER. PHYSICIANS. ano I i;.Tiit..,i, I Health of the i it klcu. WAfllllKOTOK, I)ucct:.lfr ll Tlio Prcaidont lias so for recovered hi health as lo cnablo him lo i4t tforda Thoatro nightly, lo witness Ilaokatt. . -m TttK House passed n rtsoluiionn Mon day, that tho adjournment on ycilorday should bo until tho Cth of Junuiry, at sixteen dollars n day. TnE Conscription Uil! is being Iromru dously nmcntlcd. COMMl'MC,TKD.J PULMOXJliY CQXsUXJ'TOKWVUnWLC DlSilASa. A CARD. TO ('OVHnMITIVn-i-Tlicundprsipncil li,ivlni;hn rcninri tl to liralth ina l'v uet'M, hjavtirj tititl'li; mni'Mly, alt.'r lnviu tufl'i n;l sii,rnl jiars whh a jo vorc uiz nlli'ction, nml that tlrcad iIiimio, cuiiump tii'ii - anxinui to nriko know n to linf.'llcv-sail'jrorE the iiiftui. t'f cure. Toull vvlin ilusirrj it,h will mn'l a copy nf tm pro spriiiliun iiiietl, tr'-f of cli.irut'l with lliy iltP'ttiuns fur prcpurm;' anil u-in tli" fijiuo, whUh tlu will fmit a mru fiiro fur cunsumpiioii, it?tlnin, bruuciutift. Lc Th'' only tlijlft t th a tverti r in humliiitr tlio pre script, 011 u to bt'ii -in the aillirtnj, ninl tprcfiil mtt-ruta. tioti uliuli li'i coco lti lotto invuln.iIilV, ami he lutpCA ivry cull' T' T will try In remedy, as it w 111 out tliew iiotliiiip, and imiy prove a lt ts i nj. L'artti'd w iflnus tho vr.rntttiou will please aMrea Cuv. I.DWAIUJ A. WIl.HO.V, WllluiuVlrurffh, fc'cpt. -i. iffij-4in Kin(s County, it w ork. A pure ftnl powerful Totnc, eorrctlvo (im! Bltutfltlro tf wonJorful oillcacy In dlflcaio of tho ST031ACII, LEVER AND BOWELS. (.'ro. Dyspepsia, Mvcr Complaint, 'leadnche, Ocnoral Ucbllity, Nervousness, Depiesslon of fplrlf. Uon. tllpalloti, Colic, Inleriiilttcnt I'uvers, Urnmpi un I, mid all 1 nmnlaints of cither Blx, r.rlsltti! from llodily Wenkness tvhether Inherent In thi system or prnuuceu ny special cutacB. N'nTllisn that Ic not wholesome-, genial nnd restora tive In Its nature enters Into tbn roinposllion nflKM Tl.TTUin STOMACH IIITTKIIS. This iOiular pre paration contain 1J10 nilMoral of any kind, 110 deadly botaiural tli'incnt i no firy exrltant 1 but It Is u combl na Inn of (tho extracts nf laro balsnmlc herbs und plants Willi the purest and mildest ol' nil diiTusivu Mini ulrntH, It is well lobe forenrmed ncalnst disease, nnd, so far ns the litimaii system rati be protected by human means r.jninsl maladies ensendered by nu un'whnlcaoino nt luosphere, impure water nnd other external t-nusea, IlOdll'nXlfJ ill'lTl'.r.a may I13 relied 011 ns u rare--uard. In districts Infested with rcrrr aitdjlgvt, It lias been found us 11 preventive nnd Irresistible ns a remedy mill thousands who resort to it under nppre. honttion of ftiiattack.escnpothoscniirce; and thousands who negliTt to nvnii themselves nf lis protective qual ities in advance, nro cured by n very brief cotiro of this marvelous medicine, l'evrr nnd Acuo patients, uftor being palid witli quinine for months In vain, un til fairly saturuted with that I'auceroiis ulkn'old, are not iinfrenueully restored to health within n few days by thu iiao of no.-.Tiirrnn's mrrmts. The weak stomach Is rapidly lm icorated nnd tho ap petite restored i.y this agreeable Tonic, und henc-It works woudeis in eases of )isprwl;t nnd in less con firmed forms of indigestion. Acting ns n Heinle nnd painless npperient, us well ns upon tiio liver, il nlso invariably leliovcs the Constipation superinduced by Irregular action of the digestive and secritlvc organs. tte, inn Hoot relief friini ill., nuter. The ti.stiuiniiv nn bsnct.ciai obecta anu iiicnicai iriues or tneso umiri. this point is mii.t conclusive, and fiom bntu sexes The agony of Uillius Colic is immediately us-iiaged by a i-iuglo dose of the nlwiiilaut, and by occasionally resorting to it, tho return of the complaint may be pre vented As 11 general Tnn'e, llOSTnTTHn'S niTTIlRa pro iliieeelleits whlrli must bo experienced or witnessed lo fore Ih ' can be fully nppleciated In cases of Con stitutioinl wi aliue-s, jireiinture decay and debility and decrepitude arising fiom old oge. ft exercises thv elec tric mtlueneo In the convnli"-ci nt stages nl'nll diseases it ni. r.ii.i n. a delightful iui igoraut. Witeii the pow ers nt nature nrc relaxed, it oiorates to reinforce nnd r -establislitbeiii. Last, hut not b ust, It tlie ouls safe MinmVnt, bi ing tiAiiiifartured from Muindunil innocu ous"riul, and 'entirely free from tha arid elements present more or less'ln nil tho ordinary -tonics and stomachics of the day. N'o family medicine In. b"cn so universally, nnd it may be truly added, dcicrrcdlij popular with the lutein, gent portion of tho conimunil), us llO;TU'!'Ti;ll'S UIITKII."-. Trepared by IIOSTKTTlilt & SMITH, l'l riatll lll.ll. It. ..It.. ...mmnnrm Inliflh.m h..,, CT-Sold by all. Druggists, Grocers und Storekeepers luinm fro'in great and long continued debility. Tim tST Since Monday last, the familiar face of J.vco'i) Kviuily, lsq., familiarly known as "Old Jaku" has been miised from thu Prothonotary's office. It seems like 11 new era anion" tho changes taking place old thinga arc pasr-inx away, and the places vhioh have known them CS1- In all cases where cseicption from riralt i.i Q.-teil, on the ground tliat "two Tor more than a quarter of a century, or moro eous are liable to military duty ," : duritijr the lifetime of one ueneratiou of the ehoico must be made belore Dcceuitcr !lnL,ni day after day, tho same desk saw aOth.audnot poMpoiU'd until tlu r:l't 3lr. Kykklv seated beforu it. For more has been made. Last dralt, owing to the ' lhil.ty J0arSi th(J papei.s of thc law beini; new and imperfectly under- j o Co!umliil t-ountv havo ,la33ed thrcush etood, parent. wLro allowed to exempt one ,lis moMng hintls. Couuel aud buitor., whore two were drafted. This cannot be ' h.lVQ battkJ hoi, day nU(, diiapiienred ullowcd iu tlm Jautiary draft, aud tUosa sheriff and Constables have had their interested cauuot bhtiuo us if, ihrouyh ' clltrilIlcc, aiul csist.s, and passed from thc tneir own ucci, nieir claims lor es- ,oraory of incuJudi:e.s, learned aud eruption upon this ground are mado late to have any effect. , memory to j stately have succeeded each cf- retires of the Lat week (Jol John O. Fkkezc, faa duly i its. ta'. led into the Itegistcr and Recorder's office, to which the people elected him. Mr. Lei:, has been ficient nnd popul r officer, and with the respect and confidenco public. Ool. FmiEzn, lias experience in the offico, haviug been duputy under Jesse 0. Clark and under Daniel Lee, for (several years, and is possescd of tho neeejs'.ry qualifications to make him, what wo aro convinced tho people viil always find him a correct aud accommodating officer. Dr. V. II. Fkehze, has been ap pointed Dijputy by thc Colonel. A good selection. CROUP. New- IIvex, Dec. 11 l-T.o. Having tu-en taught that iiiediriucs, 1,1 order to b3 valuable, 111111 1 originate with fome particular Lit ally I or seltoid, we considered pal 'lit mediiine, (so railed., a humbug, until niter lining our beloted iinMuiili t.'roup, wo were forced bylhii siitlering r fanotlier, 1'iotii the riimi- 111 -ease, und the ad ice ol frtvinli to try Cue's Couith Little llduie had gone, aud, though we ' loved hint, v.-e would mil call him lion hi ipiu-t re.t, tnsliiretb, sorrow,! of this liul'rn udly world. Hut 1 Wilne is tUeru 110 remrdy for thee ? Wu found it 111 Coo's Coiitth Jlalsam. It relieed buu iu about twenty minutes, lo our great joy, and the surprise of others. We caunoj be hired to ditieluo Willi tliU priitlesH bb'K-iug and wc are glad to barn that .Mi. Coo has mule nrrangemenls with parties, whereby 11 may be. come more extenrtvely know n. In view of this lei me 6aytMer parent, when your child 19 .'lit nig with Croup, gun this Hal-nun, giro it Ireely. if v Old not , b.lieve it to be thu test reined) for you, we certainly 1 would nui say it. Tiuly youu. i:iiw.i:i owivuli.. jiinicv gwini'i,!.. I Tor t; ale ly Druggists ever where. ' C. O. CLAlilv, & CU., l'roprietois. Nr.v 1Uc-i, Conn. K7"-?ce advertisemi nt in cnotlier column. Dsccmber li, lfi;:)-Hl. EXfCCUJ'OK'S ITOTIOE. l'.ttnte of Utmul its funhorn, the'd. V DTTF.US Terdauientary on the cjtate of Cornelius tJ Vanhnrn. lain of Ileml'icl: tow iisbip. Columbia co., deceased, have b 'en granted by the Itegi-ter of Wills, Jc, to the. undersigned rciding in VaUey and Heinlock to.Mihhijis. All peiso t- liavi..g 1 lainu against too es tate id' tlie decedent lire rcpiefli'if lo pres. ui them to tbi llxteutors at tht ir residence in sunt township, without delay, and all persons in ill. la d to make pay ment foitlmtth. liAVIl) A VAXIio'iX, db-y u..nrihii. iSloiitoiiren . Al.ltAli Vil VAMIOIt.N. JOII.V U VAMIDliN, IJetniOLk twp., Columbia ro. r.iflutvrs. Xovcr.ihjr 2?, ItM-fwS?. ADMIN 1 111 ATItIXKOTK;E; of Daniel Ztighr, ileel. T ctter.-t nf admi'ii-itralion on the Mstate J of Daniel Z' ijler, late if Mount town, ship, Columbi t tointiy. decas.'d, have been giau- led t, the It gtter ol' .aid inuilt to tile nnil.'i-wii,ii,..l ' all p ... ni having lining against the itate of the i'c ceiietn are re'iur.ted lo pre-cat litem to tin Ailminia tralnv. without ibd.iy, aiij all persons indebted to make paj 1:1. nu lotlliwitli . CATII.MUXi;!, Mt '"nant, ov. OS, JrbU l.w-? J Adiu'rx. Do you vanl icnilM'i! to tlrtngthtn you? J)t you rant a Rood appttitel J)o you Kunt to build vp your Contlttuttont Do you Kant to feci wtllt Do yo rant to get rid cf ? I10 you uant energy 1 Dr you irnnt toslerp veil? Do you icantn I'ruk and 1 icotovs fetlinp ? If yo do, use HOori.AXl)'- OLIIS AN DtTl'CRS. J'rou ltcv. J. Xetrton UroKit, ). ., 1 dltor of 'the Ency clopedia cf HcligtoKa Knowledge. Altliou-'li not (lis posed to favor er reco'nmend Tatent Medicines 111 general, througli district of their iogre. dii nts and i fT'i ts ; 1 yd know of 110 suliicieiit reasons why a tiuiu may not testily to the benefit h believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the bopo that he may thus contribute tutlio benclit of others. ldolbm tha more icadily In regard to Hoctl'ind'a German Hitlers, prepared by Dr. C, .11. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against tl.01.1 lor many vii rs. under ho impression that they wero chiefly an al oliolic mixture. 1 am indebted to my I'riind Itobert f-hnemakor, L.q., for 1 lie remnvul id this prejudice ny eveivwlur-. November 21 !2i-.3-ly. IIELMBOLD'S Genuiuo Preparations. COMPODXl) n.Uin llXTKACr nUOHU. n poal tiv j and sp-cltlc ; "tne ly Tor di.'ia-ea of the. bladder, Kldm:)'', (iravel, aud dropsical swellings, Thia medicine inrre.isfH the i.-ter ot itigestlnn, nnd excite the ab orh"'nts into healthy ncliou, bv wliich tlio Wnirry or Calcareous depoiilions, cud nil Unnatural r.nlargi'ini'ineuts are reduced, us welt ns pain nndiit-lUmation, IIELMHOLD'S EXTKACT BUCIIU. A I ) M I X I S T it A T O I ' S KO 1'IOH. Ebf ut c 0 lter cv.v. ilcc'tl. flTTHU-'of ndiiiinistratnni on the INtato of Peter liess, late ol ruparlo.ii'twp., (.ulumbia.eo., dee'd. have b.en;d l,y the Iirji-ter iifColuiiiblaio,, to the undersigned ; all persons liaviue claims against the lect'deut lire requeue, 1 to present thein to estate of th tho Administrator ship wilho'it delay payment forthwith Nov. , K3.i;w 3J OA, nt his residence in said town- iwl all persons indebted in m.ito IIC.N'RY C. II CS3, Adiu'r. lMPOll'l'.WT TO I,Allir.sJ.-l)n. Haiimt's I'kmilc Piii.s have never , t failed in remuvlng dillicultis uris' ing liom obstruction, or stoppige of nainre, or in re storing the system to perl, it health wlo-n sutleriug fruni rjpinal Alf'clisiis. Proiapnis, Ul-il, the White-., or other nt the Cleilue Uranus. The pjiis are terfectly lunnleBson Ihe coiislilution, and mnybu taken by the most deli'itte fe.nalj without; dis tress -the sum" time tti y act like u tharni by ttri iigtlt. euiiig. invigorating and restoring the system lo u lu-ul tin condition, aud by b ringing on Ihe monthly period w ith regularity , 110 matter Iroiu what causes Hie ob siructioti may arise. The should, however, NOT bo taken during tile llrst tlnee or four months of rregunncy, though safe ut any oilier time, as 111 1 scarr 1.13U uojIJ be the result. 4 itch box ernt.ilns lin Tills, price Si. If. IIAIlVnY'riTllHATISCnu lli.iases of . ctnalcs. rrtgnnnry, Miscairiage. llarrciiuess, iSterility, lleprn. duction. and abuses 01' nature, and I'luphatirally the I.ttdiia' I'riv.i-.e Medical Adviser, n pamphlet of M pages, sent freo to any address, "Six ends required to pa) postage. '1 be l'lllsand book will be sent by mail when deiiicd, securely sealed, nnd prepaid, by J. IlirYAN M. 1).. General Agent, No. "(1 Cedar st N'ew Vorls. Vj- Sold by all the principal drugiists. Deiei.iber 1'.', I03 ly. ADMIXISTKATOH S NOTICE EsUUv if lutiu$ Pmhr dtc"h . JvnT.ltH (f afliJiiniitrati-H, (hi tl. Uintu uf Tlins iLx lViil''i,l;.tL- ofrisliincri'ck twp ('nluuilji;i co.,ffcV., lia t'livcii prantcU hy tlio Ui-guior uf t olmiiliin m.,iii the uiKicrMtfiicU ; nil pt? r 1011 having i-hititintrninttlK ts t.'tte of lln th'crtlcnl ura rtiiju. att'd to pruseul tlicinlo tho mifif.Ttniu'4, nt J i! residence in suhl tounsltiji, williout dul.ty, ati'l all permits iin!(htcd t) uuiKc pay inuiit l'urlliuitli. jsVcou n:.i.i:nt .Wmv. Ort. 31, lf..1-rw ?2. ELL'S SIMiCIFIC FILLS Wau- hantld IN all Casls Can bo relr donl Never failtocure! Do not uaiiscntc I Are 6peedv inmtioul Wo had the pleasure on Monday of taking by tho hand Lieut. Uiiaui.t: li. DnooKU'AY, ol Hickctt's Mattery, First Pcnn'a. Artillery, who hid becu on a few days' visit to his friends in this county. "Dnriinr llin timsntit. irnr. T.tntiL 15rockwav ,, .,o ,nl, nolivn vorvirn,. nml bits had tlie U0O,iS ftt Hartihbarg a full share of tho varied and perilous ex periences of campaigning. He first en listed as a privato in tho Iron Guards, Oth Hegimcnt l'cnn'a, Ilcficrvea, but before throe months ho wa appointed 2d Lieu- tAnnr,. n,,,l nc.,.r,nil Ir. TnM.,rtt 1? T7ircl Penn'a. Artillerv. With thu battery ho Gcncr"tu )vho" P""'ltvn and rob r.,,1 .lii-ntin-linitr. tho nt.morable caMi- beO' "ro t!o rule, how blight is such an m. p.,ni.,..,in ,,,,1 the nnllnni. eseeptiou. Farowell, Jakb! At,,nill .1 i ,l. l.ln. nf Frml 3 i M mJ 0Ur ero 'tUlW,UH. UW 14 VMM -MV- w, - -" Mill e,w.kshrrr. Chancollorsxillo and Geltv. clear, and our account as easily balanced ; Viarg. Ha was promoted First Lieutenant 03n loo.k back, uPon . .1 , ! .11.i... .. ll.a WllUOUl COIIiptllUlluu, nuu a men time emots, jor iiuiiuuii y uu iuc field Higher binora yet awa't hm oilier upon the Bjucb, passing from that, to a judg ment feat btill higher ; but yet, term after term, tin old Fiothonotary was at his pot. He teemed to have becoino a fixture of thc Court. Thc litigation of tho County had passed through his hands the papers, the facts, the jokes, the witnesses aud the lawyers Jake could tell you of them all. Ho had witnessed tho Ibrcrisio battles of a race of old lawyers, whoso i'aiuo is now the proud heritage of tho liar ; who-o in-j tegrity aud courtesy ihey may iniitate.but ' cannot excel j and of whoso ability and legal knowledge, tllO judicial system Ot Xoiliangj of ,lit nqum-d' with D ... ! busiiw-s. pursuits! Can he used without deleiiion I Pennsylvania j tllO Witness. , Upwards ot diuroH tlie past month- some of them - . T 1 vt rv severe cases. Over one hundred phyman havo I he career of such a man a3 Jacob ue',i tiiumiu their practice, and an speak weii or nmr . ,. r i i r ellicacv, nud approve of their composition, which is LYKItl.Y IS Worthy Of the contemplation Ol fm,-ely egetuble, ami hurmb ss on tliotybtcni. Iluu- ,,. . n." . , ,. c , drcds of certillc.itiis can be show n CVCl'y llian. HIS long OlllOial ll 10 UBS Hell's Upicinc Pills arc lbo riginal nnd only gcnulua i i tt t. i i r i Mieriuc riu. i uey are auapien lor innio nuu lemaie, clOrCU. UlS DOOUS and rCCOrda have pas- UA or young, nnd the only, e remedy Mr-ir.ctiii? , . , ,, . . m'i .- n pu nu jiil lit and spe. dy cur. in nil cusus of Hnenua- sed into other hands, 'iho accounting ,r'ti.,r geuuuai weakness, wnh all iu irnnt of evils, such as I'raiirai atu vagiuni nisi narges, i.ieet, the Wlntes. Mghlly or Involuntary Minis-ions. Iuluii. tiniiauce, fit uital nbilit and Irritability, Impoteiiro, Wt akiuss or Los. of Power. Nertiotis J)i tnlity, &c , nil of whtih nii-es priuiiiullv from Sexual l.seessesor ti.-ir- buse, or some constitutional derangement, and incapacitates the siilTjrer from tulnllins the dunes of luairicd life lu till seviial iliseases. us (ionorrhej, (ilect. ami itricturus. and in Diseases of the Hl'idder and Ki.iiu)?, they act usncharml Kclaf ib experi enced by taking u single bo, ri id by all ill-- principal druggists. Trice 31. They will bu sent b, mail, securely sealed, and con fidetitijlly, on receipt u,' tho money, by J. IlKVAX. M. D. No. TO Cedar M., New York. Conaultins Thyslcian for the triatinsnt of aeiuinal, Uunury. HcmmI, nnd Xenons Diseases, win) will send, treotnull, the liilluutng valuable work, iu seal ed eiivt lnno : Tut 1'iritETli Thoi'3-id-Dr. IHUJrl TitKATHU on Mlf Abuse, I'renuluiu Decay, Imiiolence and loss of power, rjeual Di.oiises, Seuiiual Wtakn ss, Nightly Emission.. (ii!iila Debility, &.C..&C, a pamphlet of 01 pages, :nnltiiuiug important notice to tho utlluted, nnd whnh should bu read by every mlTirer, ns Iho means of cutu in Iho severest ttagea li plainly act forth. Two (lampt repaired to pay posiase, December IS. Icod-ly. A. LOGAN- GHIM, Attorney and Counsellor 'ot l.itw, LArORTE, SOI.MVAN CO., PA 17 Military auad nthn eUima piompi1)' atwnlM's fJrlobai SI. IfM liA'KOU'l'OH'S NOTICE. J&teite ol S'limid ll'tnrt, diceanetl, Tr.TTl'.llS'iestam 'iitary .rn tlie 'estate of f.'.uiviol j Whniy, late of l.ocusl township, Coliimld'i county, deceasee. li ivo hern gr.inied by the llegister of Wills, i.c , to the und' r iigned a nri -in ing in said low tiship, all person, liax lug t laiuis against Jhe estate ol the do coilentare reipie t'd to pr-a ut them to tlie llxeculor lit in- residence in said town-hip, without delay, and all person indebted to make payee nt lorthwitli. JOHN' UUINlJUl.Ii, Kit tutor. Nov. 21, lr'M i;ws: 1'or weakness nrlsm; frotn, Iiabils of Dis. sipatioii, I'.arly liidiscntion of Abuses, attended with the lollo-.ving symptoms :v liidi-posiliou to nscrtion, I.ns of Power, Loss of Memory, Illfilculty of Wreathing, t'eak Nerves, Trembling. Horror of DHease, Tain in'the Had;, I'niversal Lassitude of the Musiular Hy.tcni, llol Hands, i:rtiitions on the I'ace, Dryness sf the Skin, ll iisliing of the Uodv, Pallid rountoiikticii. These syinptouis, if allowed to go on which this medicine invariably removes, soon follows iMl'liri'.NCY, rATL-WY, Hl'ILI I'TIC 1'lT T, In one of which tho Patient may re'imro Wlio cm say that they are not freijuently followed by those "Direful Disenes." "INtfAMTV AND CON'SI.'.MITIOX." Manvaie aware of the cause if their stiircring, hut none will confess the records nf the Insane Asyluuisi And melancholy deaths ry uiinsumpuon near ample witness to thu trutli of Hie assertion. The Constitution once t fi'.-cted with organic weakness requires tli i aid of .Medii lu" to strengthen and Invig- oral - the n-lncli neiinuopi'9 i xtrnci iiuchu iu vaiiubly does. A trial w ill convince tlie niObl skiptical. :o:- F E 51 A LliS FF. .MALES. In mmy niTeciinns peculiar to ret.talos the Ritrnrt niicliu in iine'iuallod by any oilier remedy, na iu Cluo. rosis or lietentimi, Irregularity. injuruucr., or Sup pression of Ciiiloinary Hvatuatinus, ulcerated or scir rhous stale of Iho UUrus, l.cuchorrhui.i or Whites, irtenlily. and f tr all complaints incident to the sex, wluthi-r nrisiti;! from indiscretion liabiia of diasipa lion, or in rhu drulinc oa ciiAxr.n or lifk. usu of three bottles of the-:u Hitters, at the beginning of the present year, wus lntlowtil hy cviaent reilci, and restoration to n degree of bodily and li.cntal vigor which I had not felt for sii months before, and had nl most despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God , und my irieild for directing mo to Iheuso of thoni. I J. NEWTON mtow.v. I Philadelphia, Juno 22, 1S01. PAKTICULAIt NOTICE. I There are nany preparations told under thi nane cf Ili'ters. put in quart I'Oflos. compounded cf the cheapest vtiah.ty cr co'nriti't ren. n.ft;i from ;M ro l'J ents per gallon, the taitc iis.'-a'-cd by Anise or Coriander iicd. This t lass of llitti rs has caused and will conlinuo to laiisc, as long as they cm bu sold, hundreds to die the dentil of Hi ' drunkard 11 v th' ir use thu system is kept continually under the intl.ietice of Llcuholic stitn , ul.uil- ol' tlm worst bind, the desire for l.i pior Is crea ted and kept up. nnd the result H nil tha horrors at tendant upon n drunkard'!, life and death. 1'or lii'i-,0 who desire und will have u Li'juor flitters, wo publish the following receipt, (let mm bottle of llootlainl's Herman Hitters and ink Willi three 'uarts of good liramly or whiskey, and the result will be a preparation that will far c.vrcl in medical virtues and tiuo cvcellence any of thu numerous Liquor Ili'ters in tlie marki t, and will rosl mm h less You will huvu nil th ' virtues of lloofl.uid's Hitters in connection with n good ariiele of I.jmior, nt a much less pnej tlittil lluse interior preparations win cost you. ATTENTIOTsOLDIERS 1 and tiii: riucNLs or soldikrh. mnn sncnnTAtiY or Tin: 'mr.AsUfiY h w I yet given notice of un;' Intention to with t, i .tit a popular Loan fr- ni sulent par. nud until 'en dnjs hh tlc la given, th ' iihdirs.sneu, en 0 nuiI Bulisuir tion Aseiit." will mhtnr to su; ply the puullc. '1 In wholo nmount V'i Loin nuiliorlzfd is I lr Hundrod Millions of DollJrs. ..-r'.j '.'our ' ''If 1 Mlllluiis have ben air ndy sub.rribed for nud pi-' ' i to tho Treasury, mostly wit'un the i ist aeun nwiilhi Tho lugu ilernni, ! li ui.i ulima.l. n i tna liipl llj Incrtai Ing homo demand for use ns u bn--is fur iirrii'.iti in by Nutlnnal Hanking A.sorlntiouH m w orcunismg l.i n,. porta of the countrr. will, InuVeiy short p inem i L orb tho bahnco. fcal a li ive lat ly ran.; I fr" n t nil I'ineon nildlom weekly, free'l'i1 mly excelling r.r.-fi millions dally, and n. it la wll fcn iv, n timt th K r tary of the '1 rcasury Iris ample and tinluilinj r es".ir ces lu tha Duties in l.nporl" j'M,1 Kt uu s. and Iu tho issue of the lhtereit hoerlug l."iil 'leu br 1 rensury Notes, It is alum l a r, inlnt that be t 1. 1 not llnd it necoaiary, for u ions lime to torn , to s K, (i market fo'' ny other on or psrmuiient l.''n ' u lnt rest and Principal r,r which or i puy.ibl i , t.n.jl. IVudenco and sell nii'rest uiu-t lorcc-th.) ui.i - 'f thosn eontemplntlng thu li rnmilon of Nntion I I' i . In, Aocint!otia. as wu 1 as Hi,- mlnilsof Ml li ' r. Idle money on their h ,tid, to tlu pi in t com I s that they shouiii loso no time in suuscrmio; m i. most popular l.oin. It w ill soon bi ineir i .'it. and ndvniico lo u linndsouie premi'ii.i, a wnstii'ts. suit v Ith llin -.-'eYPii Tbirl.,' Loan, w hull it wa.ul aol J nnd could no lunjcr be sunn . luju tor ni I er Ills u SIX iir Cent I.Outi, the later, st ..nd fri;iil;al navablolu Coin, thus yn lilie : r Mm per cut -f nnnuni nttho present rate f pre mi on ooi.i Jlii) uoverriuiini re'iuires uu ouiies on mii i'-u paid in Coin; these duties have fora : -iij? :m pa . amounted lo uver n Quart-r nf u nu lion of nuinti dully, a sum lien ly threo limes gn aler than tint .m quired In the payment of the lulere.t en all sh u und other permanent l.ojiu lo tlul ll Is li pe i lb. I the surplus (Join in the Treasury, at no d will onaldo thu United Stites tn reaumu speci j ur cients uiito all liabilities , , Tho Loan Is called a-UJ from th.- fiit that t!i llouds may ha run for sit) year- v tl. : Government h.n n right to pay thoni off In Gold al par. at any tu.w Li ter. 7 years. . , , Tho Interest is pal l hair-yearly, via: on the days of November and May. Subscribers can havo Coupon Honda whlrli nr pay able to bearer, and urueSO. $100. 8''K). uiidSIUUl. ' llepistercd llonds of bjiiio o'oik ...,i..,iinns nu i'i il 'i,i Hon, 85.0U1, and 310,0 0. I' r Hanking p irpo. h lid for InvestmonU .r Trust-tnoiiics Ihj lUsisUrei. i.o.ias are preferabbi. Theso i-IM'a cannot be taied bv FtaK", illi-., tow k or counties, nnd tha Government '..,.t on liie.ii Is miiy one and-a-half per cent, on the umo '. of inn .i.e when Hie, of tlio holder exceeds fi.t h.t.n.rec, dollars per milium ; all other inve tmeuis. surli 'i i' coino from Alortgatjes. iiallroad rtock nud i-'ouiis. it mitst pay from three lo five per cent, lux on the !. oiu liaiiss nnd Unukers throughout ihe Couniiy v. Hi t ' tinue to dispose of the Unnda : nun uli ore rs by u..i.i. i or otherwise, promi.tly attent!"i in. ' Tin, incoivciiicnce of a few nays' dalay In the i'"liv ery oftlis Uotids is UHavoidabl , tic i)iiiii.i' b. , ni ' trpat ; but as interest bointnences from i':e day oi sub acriptinn, no loss is occasioned, nnd every c-Hort ie Us- In; madulo dimliiifh tb.i delay ' JAY COJKi:, Sulscriplioa .";vii. 114 South Third titfeur, l'hll.rfl!;,hli. I DceoiTibJt 5, 160;l-3rn. j HOLIDAY PRESENTS 8 I Slagic TimtT ObscrvtTS. ' ftcinc a nunlingor Opon Fate or .2-'e. or flentlenteti'if Hatch Combined, uith Patent itlf-llltidiiig Impru nr.M , arnost Pleating .Yettrlty ' One of the prettiest, most convenient, and ileclthdly thc be-t and cheapest tlu. -piece for e ti"r;.l end relia- nole use ever offered. It lus within it nut ecu. i J witliil3 machinery, its own wiudii.l. nttaihoi i.t i . . di ring a li.y ciitlre'y unneces-tiry. Tli.) c. s -t "I ilna j Waich arc composed ol tun meta s. the no fine 10 carat gold, It has tlu Imp .jv J tn, . lever movement, and is warranted u.i tuc '., 'i jiiece. PriC2. superbly engraved, per cas. ot h iii ? L).01. Qaiuple Vutvhes, In naat iiiOjoco boxs, ; I Sihcr 'U'nichcy ! ADMINISTKATOHS' NOTICE. KU4eof Phineus Sillei , tlcc'd. t ETTEliS of adiniuisiriiiion on the & j llatat! of Phineas Pitler. I.ito of llenton twp., Columbia c.iunty, deceascl, have b"cn granted by lite Iti gi K-r of t olumbia eoitnty to iho undersigned ; till jiersons having claims ag.tiii'.l the estate of Uiu dece dent aie re nested lo present Iheinjtnihu nduiiuistralor nt his r 'st leiic i in said lowuship,'wilbiiut delay, and all persona indebted to make pament f irlhwith. JOHN U. IILilSllLINLl, Adia'r. Nov. 14, rj'jl-tiw. ,J no officers at tho feat of Government will on foot up aud halance his account ayo bal ance it- for there will ho found not one cent ol defalcation to Jacob Eyew.y, on no, nor among his Constituency of thirty years, is thcro a man to rise up and say, that as an of ficer, the record of Jdcoh Fyerly is sul lied by a singlo tpot. Is not that a proud legaoy to leave to his children to tho world ! In these do- Oyster iSulo'on. fjPIIK uiiderHoned would announce to ii to the pul lie that ho has refitted his HAl.OON, oca door Kastof his lialteiy, uu ' Klaiii 'olrccl, Iliodin.-hntf?, I'a., and Is prepare I to nccnnimodate both Ladies jKx uml Cenlleiueu. He is prepared to furnish ST'- Uijilca, Whahiule .J- Rituil, "vii DY THE CAUlt OTIIl'.KWISK ii. sroiiMia nioiimiDrg, r-nv. -I, 11-1,3- 11. 1 The Ureal American Tea (utujiauy. No. 51 Vescy KTiiKcr, iN'A'll'-J'tJicA'. HAR created n now ernin (he history 01 whot.saeng Tea-in this country They havo in r iduced tln ir 1 elections of Tea1, and sold tie 111 nt in' over '1 Wl) CUNl'S per poun 1 time , !, l0Vl r ,,, , ,inr fr,,nl n,,, -!o: Take no more llalstm Mercury, or unpleasant Jledl-, cincs for unpleasant aud dangerous llelm bold's l'.Mract lluchu and liiipreiveet liose Wash cures secret diseases 111 nil Ih 'ir stages. At little cipeiisu, t.i'lle or no clititige in dit t No inconvenience, an no L'xposuie. It causes a frequent desire and gives strensth tol'ri nate Iherehy removing obstiucuoiis. iireveuting and curing strielur, s of the Urethra, nlbtyiiig Pain and lu ll Immunol!, -so Ire pionl iu thu class of diseases, and expelling all poi.,onous, diseased nud w oruout matter. '1 hoiisuuds uion thousands w ho h.ivo been tho ir tims of quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, liavo louinl thu)' were deceived and that Iho -POISON" has, by the use of -powerful astringents" been dried up in tho system, to break out ill an aggravated form, nnd peil.'jps alter marriage, -:o:- L'se llelmbold'a Extract lluchu for nil nifectiona and diseases of the Urinary Organs, wncther existing ill .Malt) Mnl reiual'', Irom whatever cattsu urigiuatiug and no matter of bow lung Handing. Diseases of these Organs r quires Iho aid of a Diur etic, IKdinbold's i:lrait lluihn is the Ureal Diuretic, nnd iHcertiin lo liio destrcd ell'ect In all Diseases for which ll is recomiU''ii,U.I. llwdcuci! of .he most reliable and responsible char acter mil accompany the imsdlcmu. Prico $1 per Bottle, or U for $3. V.V call attention tn all having n lntions or friends ', in the army to the fiet that "llotlt'l.ANIi'd (,'ermni . Hitters" will euro nine-tenths of th , dis.-as' s induced Iiy axcosures and privations ineiilent to camp life. In ' the lists, publi-h'd nuuust daily iu tin- new spap irs, on tlie arnval ot the sick, it will be noticed thai n very larg'' pr( portion are sutlering debility. Ev, ry case of1 Unit kind inn be readily Hired by Hoof mil's Ceruiaii I llitt'-i-'. Diseases resulting Irom disorders of Hit- 1 1 J ge-tive organs arc apeeniiy rtmoveu. ivi; neve no hesitation iu stating that, if Ihoso Hitters were freely used iiinuiig our in. I. lie re, hundreds of lives i.iiglit La saved that otherwise will bi lost. Wo i all particular attention t the follov. ing remark nlii" nnd wi II authenticated cure of onu of the nation's heroes, whoso life, to usj liis own language, "hi3 been feaved by tlie Hitters." I'iiiLADEirniA, August 23, 1M;2. Marrf-JonaS? :.. Well, gentlemen, our Hoof. land's (ii rmaii l,ilt. r- has saved in life. There is no mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers or my comrades some of whose names aro appended, and who were full) of nil tlie eircumstauces of my case, lam and have been for the last tour years, a member of Sherman's celebrated battery, and under tlie immediate command of Capt It. 11. Ayres. Through the exposure attendant upon mynrdorousdulics, I was attacked iu Not ember last with liillumiualion of tlio Inugs, and was for suvoiity-tno days in the hospital. I wastlin rsnioveu irom uiu mine nouse, 1111,1 sent, to lliis ciiy 011 board the Hleanter "?i,i 0 of .Maine," from winch i lauded on the Jlh of June. Binco that time I lune bee n about ns low us any one toiild be and 1 still retain a snark of vitality. Torn Week or more 1 was scarcely able lo swallow anything, and if 1 did force a morsel down, it wus immediately thrown up "gain. , 1 1011M not even kcrp a glass of water on my stomach, Life could not last under these clrcuiiislunccj ; and, ac cordingly, tliu physicians who had been working faith fully, though iittauccessfully, toresitio inn from the grasp of tin dread Archer. Irnnkly told mo they could do no 1110,0 for me, and advised nia to sea .1 clergyman, nud make such disposition of my limited funds as best suited in- An aequuiutatici' who i-iled me at the hospital, Mr. I'redorick gleinbron, of riixlh b low Areh Street, ndi ised me, 11s u forlorn hope, lo try )oitr l,it ters, and kindly prneiirod a bottle, from Iho lime I coiiimeneeil fikutr; them the gloomy shadow nf 1 eatlt receded, and I am now, thank l!od for it, gelling better. Though I havo taken but two. hollies. 1 have gained leu pounds, nud I feel sanguine of being permitted to rejoin my wife ami daughter, irom whom 1 have hetird noihiUL' for eighteen months; fur, gentlemen, lain n oval Virginian, I rum lie Me nitv 01 1 rout 11ny.11. 10 your valuable Hitlers I owe the 11 rtaiuty of life wiinb has taken the place of vague fears lo ) our Hitters will I nwo Uu glorious privilege of again cl. taping tu my bosom tkosu who arc deare.l to me 111 life. Very truly yours, ISAAC IIAUINH. Firtt Clan lluntmff Wmrpieo t for cccvacyef nrrer.iert. leattty of material, at.d, abJv all, cA.-e4'ri(s i pru, lhe$ matches rvjsi iti-uri U'iiirr;af aprjba t) An imitation fnultless lint it can li -rdl' .k '?t 1- ted b) the most exp 'risnced judges '1 iu 1,1 1. ml b. Ing of two metals, the outer one first qu-. .it :t im; Silver, wlnle tlio inner one-ia German t. t'er He L lie letiignized by cutting or iiiavy eitgrntlng ...a", g u not only 111 appear, mco, but iu durability, thc u si re- sembla ice uf tiolij .terling Silver in eAislem '. The sale of thee-' Walchea in the army isn s iurci of cni -ruiJU prolit, ritniling. as tin v very reidty o. ,1 and upwards. .Many hundred ilcllais c..i I 1.1. ,c in single pay nay by any one of ordinary busmen tac . IT- AT WHOLESALE ONLY ' Iu hnvy linntlii2 casus, beautifully engraved, white cunmi.i dial mid fancy cut hands, in good running order, b the 1 .11 doit'-n, SI!J. Kold only by tlie case of six I Upon receipt of two dot ar., as guarantee of - ' faith, w w i'l seni wntilies by express tnii't fa the loyal0 Slates, collecting bil.ince of toll r oe iv Tins i-ii.ii res buters acaiiitt I rati 1. rivina In. wtilches beforu iiuyment is r-qmr-d. djn tho sole impo.ter. U.MlS WIIEV No. li. J welir's I 1 1 Cor. St. nud Uroadway, t D'-cember o l.-o'l -Ini. FAMILY DYE COLOli their Hla;s, Dark 0L79, l.toiiT Hiec, rurscit Hi ft, Cmttr Ititonn. Dtnx llROWS, I.raur UttowK. riseir llf.otts. CniM-ot. Dark Drao, Liuttr Dili 11, Dark (Jitti.i. 1.1U1IT UllLLS, mm MiOrFTA, Maroo.i ORtSOS. I'tMf. 1-J.trLg, IIovai. I'oitriD, -AI.MOV, rcir.LiT, -LAIL, S ILFfcRIX. for Dying Fil k. Woolen und Mixed fli-r.lj, Scarfs, Dresses, Iiibbons, (lloves, Hats. I'ciitli'-rn Kid Gloves. Children's Clothing and all Minis of Wearing Ayparcl. SST-ASAYIXG OF 811 I'Bit CKST "C3?. 1'or S3 cents ynit can order us many goods as evonU otherw tse cost live times that sum. Various !,- - a can be produced from tlu s.tuie Dye. The pro, ts is simple, and any one ran usu tho J))o with p-rfei i su cess. Directions in English, Trench and German, insi :- f cm Ii package. I'or further infornntinii in Dyeing, nnd giving n per feit knowledge vt hat colors are bu."l n-lnpl 'd to over others, fw ith many valuable recipi s ) pnrtlia. Howe- & st.upliuii' Treaties on Dyeing nuJ Colon ij; bent by mail on receipt of price, hi cents Manufactured by 11 OWE A: S'i'l.VIA'B, St:u Hl'.O.DWAY IOSTO.1. LT7"ror sale by Druggicti and Dealers C'ti'-raliy. December I'd, leb3 oinos. one price asked , in my wli i hate t fits Panics i an well ns though ti original packjge-. aro warranted a: tendy. i.' this tt ill b" attractive tn the ro been paying enormous pro " itcas und w ill lie served by us tit i iietheuiseltcs, being sure lo ges i weights und tares , and ihe Teas resei led. Our I'nu s. List is new December 5, iPtt'J 3w, when wo bu as our Jilo , forward with-1 MIS 3t? 1)11 out fear. Which ho will Alto. IIOUEE HI 40; Kir, t lS 1 ALLi3 iicjsOiisac CT FhoM THE INDIAN : TIipUSAKD ROUES, WHOLESALE or RETAIL, M :Y LOW I'lllCES. KET1, very low T. W. MATTHON, rktS 1st door above Fourth, tfouth side, rhiUdslpbia. Delivered tn tin- address, aecurcly nacked frotn obser' vation Describe sjmiitoius In all bommuuicalions.t I urea guar.liilecu, aitvlce gratis. Auuress leueis tor infortnaliuii to II. II. IIELMIIOI.D, Cheuin, lUt Smith Ttnlh st , below Chestnut, l'inla. IIELJIHOLDH .Widirel Uepot, llELMUOLD'JS Drug and Chemical ll'arehoute, 5'JI liauAUtt'W, New Yolk. licwaro of Counterfeits and uuptluciplcd dealers who iiiJeator to dispose, "of their own" nud ' oilier" articles on tho reputation attained hy Uelinhold's lien nine Preparations, Extract Illicit it, Extract barsaparillu, Improved Ito.o Wash, FOR 1) V All Druggists Evorywlioro. ask ron iii:i.mi!odiv(s. Cut out tlm Advi TAKr Nf) OTHER. Mr, ut tlm .dvciliami;u.UU) efodfojtf. .sJayBW'lsiiAiitrip.i and srpiJfiil. We fully concur in tlio truth of tho ubovo statement aswc had despaired of beciug uur counude, Mr. ,Ma lonc, restored to health John Oiiildleback, 1st Now York llntlery. (leoigo A Arkley, Co, C, 11th Maine, Lenls Cheualier, H.'d New Yoik, , 1. E. Spencer, l.t Artillery. Ibiltery I . J. II. I'tisewcll, Cu H, ,'ld Vermont, lleiir) 11. Jerome, Co. 11. do. Henry T. MucDouald. Cn (ith Maine, John 1'. Ward, Co, K. ath .Maine, llejiii.iii Koch. Co. II , T-.M New York, , Nathaniel II. Thomas, Co. 1' , ti.ltli Peun., Andrew J. Kimball, Cu, A., lid Vermont, John Jenkins, Co. II. lUeiih l'eliit. 11EWAHE OF L O UN'PJJ ll FE1 TS. rVc that thu slgnnturo of "C. M. JACKSON," is on tlie Wraiter of each bottle'. I'HICEI'Elt HO'lTLE T3 CENTS, oit hale doz. ron si oo. Should Tour uenrest druggist not havo tha article, do not he put oil' by liny of tho iiitoxictiiig irepara- liona that may mt otiereu in us place, mil setiuious., and wo will lorwurd, aicurely pacScd, by express. ' Principal OQke und Manufactory , j Wo. fi Arch Street!. Jone & Evans, ! (Successors to C. M. JACKSON k Co.,) PROPRIETORS. n3-FOR PAI.r. by Dr'IBsTiti nd DuUri I it ery tetm is tlttall! Wj vjtnsrl. UW- t'lniti KEW ARRAMJBmW! rlIB pcoplo of the couuty of Coluni'iin g are rf spcclfiilly. informed that the uudetiignei lis 3 fo. sale, nt the RECORDER'S OFFICE, in nLooMsuuue, tiii: n cni:rEST' ASSORTMENT Or To bo found iinywitcre in tho Comity, consisting of Note, Letter. Legal and Cup l'..T, Pens. HuleC.i, Pencils, Ink und Envelopes; .it.Sd NEW AM) SECOND-IIAN'i) IiOOKS, .. Coniirising II. "lory. Poetry. rieli'in.Tho AfHifjp ology end (h ilass-e.. gjrslSsr Cala ioffuct 4 UfAew nf 0lui 4 l,01i tl . , , , pMi.tunto.-ir fron winch selei tjon. can be made, and 11 '"s f'irui-liei' n order; b) special urrnngeinent w nl. New York AZ'i) s. BOOKS.UOCUJlENTS.I'A.MPIlLE'n nud Speeches; and copies of tlio United states, ant citato Constitution-, iu tanoussttlcs. alwatsmi l.aud. JOHN G. i'l.ELZL. Hloomsburg, Nov.' 7. 1SG3 ELI IIOLUEN fTNYITI'.S tlio attention of every rfriler of s i this paper, which includes mmy tlmm.iitd refills old patrons ami ai qucliitances - p.i til a C unusually larte iiu.l beautiful v..riiy of AMERICAN aud l.MPORl'EII WAiClIES, CtOl'KB and elegatii dt'sij.. uf JEv. ELI'.V. Siivi r U r c, EM 1101 DEN. 708 Marlio Sree, l'iULADELt'UIA. March ll:tlU-I5m ULANK SI BLANKS! ! ftf ovrrv dfitcyiption forlat r.i'fSe-.- mmtmwf sn av . t r