Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 19, 1863, Image 2

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Saturday Morning.Dec. 19,1063.
'B'"'u'"' ' i" .
' Onr Contltullonsnard ever I
ijor glorloni Union held It dear !
Onr Htarrr Flag forsako It never!
Tho proud Cancasslan our only peerl
' Co nvcml'on.'')0 ',etl,loa. of "c Dcmocrntlo Notional
Tiieue will bo cervices in the Baptist
Church, Bloornsburg, on Sabbath morning,
at 1 0 o'clock, and o sermon on the subjcot of
Haptistn, after which tli'c ordinance of Bap
fistn will bo administered in Fishingorcok
below the b-idgo.
Hon. Chab. II Buckalew, our United
States Senator, is at homo on a visit to his
family near Blooa.sburg, and will remain
during tho temporary recess of Congress ;
lusting wo bclievo, till tho Oth of January
A tax is recommended on pianos, docs
guitars and looking-glasses, &c, &c.,
btamps on receipts, excoutions and every
other possible paper document. Also GO
cunts a gallon additional on whisky. What
will Andy Curtin do !
We observe among tho list of Now Pat-
cuts issued from tho United States Patent
Office; ono to Silas Dodson, Esq., ol
Blooinsburg, for Improved Machine for
polishing rice. Wo understand it to bo a
valuable improvement, and highly credita
ble to tho ingenuity of tho inventor.
Josii. GiDDixas has lolt Canada be
cause kidnapping and cold were toojiiueh
for him. Could'nt Lincoln send him
South? It's warm enough there, and ho
could steal niggers and run them North to
tho great gratification of all abolitiondom
Do give Josh a chance.
IQI . '
"Tue Little PiLaniM." This is the
title of a monthly journal, published for
tho rmuscmcut and instruction of children
edited by Grace GrGcnwood, who is atal
tntsd and instructive vrritor. Prico fifty
cents a year for ainglo copies. Specimen
numbers will bo sent free to all applicants.
Address, post-paid, Leader K. Lippen
oott, 319 Walnut street, Philadelphia.
The Commissioner of Internal Rovenuo
reports that a good raauy of Old Abe's
Collectors fail to make returns- So then.
Go it boys whilo your hand's in. It is
only the peoplo w'bo suffer. Sco to it that
your fan-iles aro amply provided. Go to
tho cities, visit your friends, make your
selves merry. It is only the sweat of the
poor man, You aro the tervauts of Unele
A Resolution introduced into Congress
by Fernando Wood,, providing for tho ap
pointment of commissioners to Richmond,
with a view of arranging for tho termina
tion of tho war, and securing peaco under
tho Constitution, on terms of justice and
equality, was defoatcd,on motion of Wash
burnc, by a vote of 08 to 50.
Of courso peace is not the object of the
Republicans any more than of the secess
ionists; much lc3s peaco "under the Con
stitution " . that t( leaguo with death,"
that "covenant with hell." And still
worso "on terms of justice and equality !"
Pie John will of courso defend tho action
of Congress, thus opposing peaco under
the Constitution and crying for war, blood
and conscription.
The War.
Tho war drags its slow length along.
Thcro is yet abundant rnonev. therefore I
tho army of contractors keeps the army of!
roldiers in tho field. Mcado has cono into !
winter quarters ; and Congress, in cush
ioned seats, is dovising ways and means to
continue and increaso tho toxation and
conscription of tho people.
Bluudering incompetency at Washington
directs military operations, and folly and
uuit lum a uu 1
nnd red with continued blood-letting ; and
no mortal ken can percoivo happy issues'
evolving themselves from our present com
Board of Enrollment.
We again visited Troy, on Wednosday
last, nnd looked in
upon tho Board of
Enrollment. Thor aro indeed hich
minded gectlcmcnly officers, discharging
tlioir ardous duties impartially and to very 1
general satisfaction. Mr. Commissioner
liniEit, with whom many or our peoplo
aro acquainted, is not only a superior
goutleman, but a most efficient officer and
has won universal rcspoctandi confidonco,
ta aro authorized by tho Board, to an
nounco, that persons enrolled preparatory
to tho approaching Draft, need not report
at liead-quarters until after the Diaft takes !
, laoe, for exemption, excepting those only j
who havo boon selected by Parent or Pa-
rents as tho choice for their support and ,
that time u uo'V limitod uulil the 30th- day
cf Pcmbor
fanaticism control tho civio polity; whilo ' bta,os in wl,,c'1 ,noy rcMo and of tho
the deluded peoplo liko tho frogs who had 1 United States, unless they swear to sup
n serpent for their king, hido in horror Port moasure3 wl)oso direct purposo is to
from tho servants who havo become their ' dojlroy some of those very rights?
rulers. The future is dark with rorrow, ' Viewing thin last specimon of "procla-
"Tho MossagoT
President Lincoln's third annual Moss-
ngo wo print to-day, from nn ucrurttlc oonv.
n iwl iia! f i ,, .
. uu. Him transmuted Dy tcicgrnpu
tO tlin Oml Imnnr. ...1,1-1. , 1
j rr"'i nmuu uuniniucu imiii.
wulu w,uia, uu ivcnoracioriitio uoa
..ujr u.iamurnoio ucgroo ot public attention
! .1 111 ....
wo mean tho war policy of tho Admin-
istration of being a direct emanation
from tho broln nnd pen of j A, Lincoln."
As might havo been expected, it goes to
mo iuu icngtu ot t lie radical programme
and proclaims to tho world that so long
as u.o execu tvo power oi tne Uovcrnmont
its present hands, tho anti -
sures it has i initiated tbo illo-
slavery measures
gality of which
1 resident shall not bo relraoted or mod-
..... i !f 1 i ...
ihlu, uui uu u uio wnoio people ol tho
South wnro In lnvcl
.-.,.. w, u. IUo lu-iuui-
.uw, lumouer 10 suumu to tuo JL'oUcral nu-
thority m strict obedieuco to tho require -
wonts af tho Constitution ; but that heneo-
ioiiu ui war is to uo prosecuted primarily I
for tho abolition of slavery, in defiance of ,
law, in disregard of tho declarations of the;
T I 4 11 . . '
injugurai Auurcss made undor tho solemn
sauotion of nn oath, and in violation of tho
. almost unanimous pledgo by ConcrcsB in I
July, 1801. Tho recent State elections
carried ns tboy notoriously woro, by (ho
mtcrteronco ot tho military arm of tho Ad -
ministration aro cited as ovidenco that
tho people approve these radical measures,
and will support them to tho end. And
so, tho prediction long ago made, but, up
10 a very recent dato. stoutly denied, that ' "SrKl'l'uri" wortuy tno position it occu
it was tho ultimate design of the Abolition-' P'oa as t'J0 wst wor f 'to character now
ists to usurp the power to wipo outslavory 'S!UC '" tm'9 country. It is issuod in
in tho States that, when tho Union ..) quarto from, suitable for bindinc and af-
formed, had, by tho oousentof nil, reserv
ed to themselves the exclusive control over
it, is littorally fulQlled. Let us not omit
to note hero, the important admission by
Mr. Lincoln that the exercise of this power
by tho General Government is uulawjul.
Truo, ho attempts to qualify it by drawing
an imaginary uisticelion between "a mat
ter of civil administration" and "a military
measure." But,can any one tell us whence
tho Presidont derives his right to do in the
ono case what is clearly not conferred in
tho other I
Tho plan proposed for tho reconstruc
tion of'lOynl State Governments" in tho
States now in robellion, could not have
originated with any one but Mr. Lincoln
himBelf. It is certainly original, and in-
gcniou3 enough too ; but it wants the verv
important requisite of practicability. Is
it at all likely that any cousiderablo num
ber of tho peoplo of tho South will consent horso-stealing fanatics to openly incite
to take an oath of submissron to the very slaves to ravish ond assassinate their own
measures which they considered, when I crs havo forbidden the General, who
merely threatened by a political party or- 'twice savod tho Capital, from renlTinr to
ganized in hostility to them, so gross an
invasion ol their constitutional rights as to 1
justuy secession from tho Union ? And.
it may be pertinently asked, whero does .
tho President get bis authority to prescribe I
mis or any other lorm ot oath as a test of
lojalty? Thcro were, at the time-when
the wholo country believed, and the Pros
ident and Congress declared, that the war
was to bo prosecuted for tho solo and sin
gle purposo of preserving tho Uuion, a
largo number of men in tho Southern
States in some of them a majority, and
in all of them except, porhaps, South Car-
ouna, a strong minority who remained
faithful to tho Union, and opposed the act I
of secession with all the influence they poa
scsscd ; but who, by tho force of circum
stances that they could not control or
overcome, were compelled to submit to the
domination of tho Rebel Government.
Thero aro, oven now, as we firmly heliovo,
not a few such mon left in tho South, in
spite of the studied ofibrts of Mr. Lincoln
and his radical advisers to drive them over
into the rebel ranks. These men havo
dono nothing voluntarily to destroy their
status as citizens of tho United States, or
to forfeit any ol their constitutional rights.
"c5 tan" ready to resumo their rela-
l'0DS to Federal Government, and with
tIjcra "10 performance of all their
soon as mat uovernment is able to per
form its duty, by extending to them its
protection. Is it not, then, a monstrous
assumption of arbitrary power, to pro
claim that men of this class shall not bo
restored to their richts ns citizens of the
- a - mw
niado law" by tho light of availa
bility, of reason, and of justico, wo aroal
most lorced to belicyo that it is not pro
posed in seriousness ; but merely to delude
a too credulous peoplo into tho belief that
a plausiblo effort has been made to restore
the Southern States to thrir proper placo
in tho Union, in order that its rejection,
foreseon and fort designed, may afford a
pretext for tho proseoutiou of the war for
abolition unto tho bitter ond
or, at least,
until another Presidential election, con
trolled and carried by military intimida
tion, shall have passed.
Our Christmas Turkey I
Mr. JosEru Lilley, a prosporou. Farm-:
or of Scott township, whom, it seems,
neyor forgets tho Printer, ono day last
wcefc, brought us a fine, fat whito 'J'ur-j
key lbr Christmas Mr. L., afto preson-;
Mr. L., afto pieson-
ted us with a delicioue bunch of Cellery to
assift tho Turkey operation, Oh 1 what
fond anticipations cluster around the
Printws' family Cin lc T
Our Book Tablo.
TlIF. SntEUTiPtn AMCinnAv ,,-!t1 ntn.
mimi nn ni,,. n M,n 1.1 ,.r i
. r
This journal occupies a Hold pcouliar to 1
,. i .... . ... i
hscii, auu 13 the otily 0110 of the hind pub
mil in i, .
T. . ..
I f la utlfimeltii,,
. ' D
in fact, all classes of readers, In it may
bo fouud valuablo information concerning
various trades and details nf nil tlm 1nM
j and best improvements in maohinory, tools
and processes; instructions how to pro-
euro loiters patent for inventors, together
1 with illustrations and descriptions of all tho
recent i.tvent.ons made in this country and
' in Europo details of rcocnt discoveries iu
j chemistry and a.tiolcs on tho application
descriptions of tho bckt and most annroved
tarm implements and original and well so
ituivu in ui-jus ruiauu to agriculture; in
short a popular restimo of all tho best
. scientific information of tho dav. nrcsun
ted in uu attractive form and affording a
constant supply of instructive reading. 'It
is published by Muun & Co. at U7 Park
Row, Now York Citv. Terms. 83 for one
. .
year; 81 00 for six month; 81 for four
I months ; twenty copies in a club for 810.
TlIE American Agriculturist. This
vnluablo work should not only bo in tho
1 uam13 01 cvcry lllIcr of '"o soil, but find
1 'ls I''a0G 'n every household. Orange
VI)0t A. M., assisted by a practical corps
; 1V0 worlllDS Iue" llku hmiself, dovoto
! "iclr cntirc energies towards making tho
forded at tho low prioo of one dollar por
year. J ho January number 1 80-1 com
mences a new volume, affording a good
opportunity to subscribe This work con
tains withiu its closely printed pages a
more extended variety of ai tides treating
upon matters of practical interest than any
publication now issued in the country.
Wo aro glad to learn that its circulation is
rapidly increasing, encouraging tho Pro
prietor to proseouto his work with increas
ed vigor and spirit. Addross Orange
Judd, 41 Park Row, Now York.
General McCIcllan's Report.
At tho Report of General MeClellan
is in tho hands of tho nrinter. Vnr mnm
than a year, tho self styled champions of
"free speech'" who deemed it intolerable
to live in a Union in whioh it was not per
mitted to crack-brained Yaukeer, ami
the attacks with which tho Government
presses floodod the land. At last not
from any willingness to show fair nlav n,
to do justice, but under tho npprchensiou
of Congressional inquiry they permit the
other sido to hava a chanoo
DrscnARGED Soldieks. The Coming
Draft The Provost Marshal General has
decided that soldiers who havo received a
disohargo from tho army on account of
physical disability, may bo received anew
under tho last call for volunteers. They
will not, howovor, ho allowed to ro enter
the service as votern soldiers, but will ro-
CCIV0 on'v tuo bounties offered to fresh ro
emits. The decision will ho of interest to
many, as it opens a door whioh has here
tofore been closed agaiiibt them. It is also
stated that all men who veto in tho ser
vice on the 3d of March, 18G3,aro exempt
from tho operations of tho coming draft.
All such persons, by producing thtir dis
charge papers to the hoard of cniollmcnt,
can havo thoir names stricken off the list
of enrolled persons, Tho frionds of tiioic
who havo volunteered since tho last draft
was made, can havo tho names of such
volunteers also stricken off the enrollment
list by furnishing the board with tho proper
evidenco of enlistment.
Gen. Halkck's Jlepoit. This docu
meut is of too great length for publication
in our columns. It gives an interesting
history of tho movements and actions of our
armies during-tho past year, verifies the
report of a sharp oorrospondenoo by tele
graph between Gen. Rosecraus and the
War Department, eulogizes Generals
Moado and Grant, aud expresses a hope
rather than bcliof that tho war will soon be
brought to a close.
Liiojtenant General. Tho hill rcvi
ving tho ofiico of Lieutenant General, of
which notices wa given in Congress on
'Tuesday by Mr, Washburn, of Illinois, is
iutonded to give Gcu. Grant the position
to which his talents and his victories arc
genorally thought to cutitlo him. Gener
al Grant's best friends at Washington
speak of this as a fitting reward for his
services, and deny that he, or they in his
behalf, havo ever thought of making him
The corn crop is 130,000,000 of bush
els short, and it is thoujrbt tho Government
will forbid distillation ; tho grain being
all needed for tho army. If tboy quit
making whisky what will become of "tho
Government" of Pennsylvania? It will
bo very thirsty.
j . ErjWEIJj has tI)i3 wee. I
i i ii- n , 'o n- n .
been holding Court in Sullivan County. ,
b M ' !
Court coraraoucos on next Monday in
Danville "
'I'm,. tt , t!. ...
1 iluMlinil uui iviuk HCUl Wlliun ia iu
. I a a
rooDjr, tho sportind mon,
rp..n i t J I. i j- .
u. roporroa...;eniu oi uoi. urccKin-
rWfio, is not oonfirmed,
Ha was lately
""nadud nt Diilton, Georgia.
Jo,in liy t agtn.
TA ... .
It is said that President Lincoln has vain, however, for scarcely had they start
the small-pox or the varioloid. If it should od on their mission when tho iron-clad
should happen to bo tho former, will the
Government of tho Uinted Otates bo pock-
marked ?
r-VOBT MarsbM General Fry Wl.
that loss preparations nro being made in
Pennsylvania by tho Statu authorities
than in any other State to raiso volnnteera
to avoid the draft.
The woolly heads ncnt to double the 1
President's salary. That's right : don't
muzzle tho ox that troadeth out tho corn,
Make it a million. Call it a inilliontary-'
Co.aRcs3 will bo asked to add to tbo
number of clerks i;i the government employ
as well us to increaso the salaries of thoso-j
now authorized. Tho Quartormaster Gen-1
eral's Bureau alone aks for one hundred
and sixty moro. j
. The Washington correspondent of a
Republican contomporary, recently wroto :
"Mr. Chasa each day can mako certificates
oi liicientediiess lor a million ol dollars,
and thus avoid borrowing."
The "loyal" citizens of Allegheny
county, that gave Curtin over seven thou-
sand majority furnished nt tho last draft
135 soldinrs tn "fiirlif. fnr Uin TT
, ii ti. r ,i. ,i,r. ., nno
ptcd I '1 his is a picture of obolition")oy
Coming The Holdidays nnd draft No
-tho forraor tho delight of the
juvcniles,and tho latter much to tho regret
of children of larger growth, cepecially
such of them 03 voted for Curtin under
tbo imprussion that his election would
avoid another conscription.
The eighth campaign towards Richmond
has just been concluded, and thu Army of
tho Potomao is on tho samo ground ooou-
picd by it last year. But oh 1 to think
how many lives have been lost, how many
families bereaved and how much Ircasuro
spent in this tread mill "On to Rioh
mond !" It is enough to make tho rngols
Thb Provo3t Marshal request? that tho
uamcs of such persons as aro known not
to bo enrolled to bo forwarded to him. Wo
hopo this matter will be attended to so that
tho enrollment will bo full. As it stands
at present it is quite imperfect, wauy per
sons subject to draft not being enrolled,
and what is queer about it, nearly all of
thorn belonging to the Abolition party.
Let the peoplo of the county sec to this,
as every man liabla to the draft is interes
ted in it.
Volunteers, Rbad This. For the
derrangement of the system, change of Di
et, W otinds, Sores, Bruises, and Mruptinna,
to which every Volunteer is liable, thero
aro no remedies so safe, convenient and
sure as Holloway's Pills and Oiutment,
thoroughly tested in the Crimean and Ital
ian Campaign. Only 25 cents per bos or
To Pebions Claiming Exemption.
For tho benefit of persons who claim exem
ption from tho draft on the ground of being
the only support of an aged parent, would
stite that thero is no necessity for presen
ting their claims at present, as no exem
ptions will ho granted on this ground until
aftor the next draft, This course is adop.
ted because the caiuo of tho cxoniptiou
might bo removed by death prior to the
draft, and will bo enforced in regard to those
who were exompted from tho last dr aft by
this cause,
The Consription. Tho opinion in know
: - -i . . . uj . .. , , ...
tug circius m asmngioti sconis to ue mat
The changes ,n tho law, it is .urmised, will
" nftf rn inn r o i r. r r hi am . l i ;
" B
money to a sum equal to the bounties no-:
ceary to bo paid for volunteormg-to
reducing tho number of eXeptio..s-and ,
to throwing tho now existing two classes
. M.. . U1UIB luuluai(
Gleasons- Litebary Companion.
This valuable Literary Weekly will com
raenco a now Volumo January 1st, 1801,
in grand stylo, with now type and an en
tire new dress throughout. Tho "Litera-
n I, , . .
ry Compamon" is nn elegant, mora and
. r i n 11 -i t
refined miscellaneous Family Journal.-,
Its columns nro devoted to Polite Litera-1
i tt Ti , .
lure, wit and Humor, Prose and Poetic
Oems. An unvalled corps of writers and
artist? havo been engaged for tho coming
year, and sevoral now and popular feat-
ures will bo introduced. Each number
..... m.u...u,v uwiiitwu. j.u me biiu
"l.ltnrnrw finninfiniro" in ctmn lOAam,.
"Literary Companicn" is eomo fifteon
huudrcd equaro inchei, forming a mam
moth weekly of sixteen octavo pagos, and ,
containing nearfy twioo as much reading
maltor and of a m,ro refined character I
,Lau nn' otht'r weekly paper. Terms, j
ouiy -a your, oiiinpio oupios sent iree.
,.. . . ,, , rT,
Published weekly bj L. Gleason, corner
of Treniont and BroaBeld streeU, Boiton
Wo liavo news from Oliarloston as late
as Wcducsdoy last. On tho prvious
Sunday a most distressing accident befel
one oi tno iron-o nus. -Tlia weehawken
I .. n t ti s s
few minutes beforo two o'clock slio raised
. Binal of dja,r,., wll!fih Wfl. , . nn.
,..i t, n...i.: i t t
,..,) i. i,., ...:.i.,. a ..i .-..........
O IF '
tugs also sailed towards hor. It was in
displayed a new signal
and was found to
bo sinking. She settled swiftly down by
the head, careened slightly, and disap-
' P-d beneath tho waves. " Twenty ofher
orcw sprang to tho boats as Bhc sank ; as
,na,,y mor(s wcro "scucU by the tugs and
launches sent to her assistance ; but thirty
woro taken down with her and drowuod.
Tho Siege ol Charleston progrotsos slow
ly. Firiug on Sumter ha3 ceased, and
b'ut very few shells have been thrown into
tho city. Fivo buildings wcro struck, on
Tuesday, but no one was injured. On
Wednesday, a heavy firo from tho Con
federates drove General GilnrTo'a work
ing parlies out of Gregg and Wagner.
By advices from Fortress Monroo, wo
learn that tho Confederates havo refused
to receive any further sapplies for the
Fcdural prisoners iu Richmond. Thov
j say, and very justly, that tho North has
'oast an unmerited imputation unon their
honor, by stating that their supplies woro
' not distributed as intended : and. in'ordor
! to avoid any further trouble of tho kind.
outuoritie's Richmond refuso to ru-
coivo any moro supplies, and thus givo uo
,oauso for ,ha 'i'1"-
ueucral Meade
on hia
Tho following is an extract from a letter
of General Moado to a friend in Newark,
New Jersey, written just beforo tho last
iiittemeiit of the Army of tho Potomac:
"I am fully awnrc of tho great anxiety
in tho public mind- that something should
bo done. I am in receipt of many loiters,
some from persons In high positions, toll
ing mo I had bettor have my army de
stroyed and the couutry filled up with tho
bodies of the Fohliers than remain inactivo
Whilst I do not mffor myself to be influ
enced by such communications, I am and
havo been mo.U anxious to effect something
... C3 )
but am determined, at every hazard, not
to attempt anting unlens my judgment
indicates a piobability of accomplishing
somo object commensurate with tho dc
struclioo of life necessarily iiuolvcd. I
would a thousand times ho relieved, chor.
cd with tardiness or incompetency. th;i
in '
haG n.v ,r,I.,n,l ..,M '
j Him vTuii- iuw. u. iii;;,itv.
ton slaughter, uselessly, of bravo men, or' C0,l'lr-1-l,-I!S3:3w.
with having jeopardized the great cause by! Caution.
doin-r whp.tT tlimiirlir urrnnr. A I.', persono nre hreliy rautioned against purchns-
uoiub whbi 1 lUOUgllt W rODg. Jrx iae r , nnyniso takim; n ir,inler of a certain
, . , t I Nolu of Intuit, purporting to havo been given byllieuu,
j cl.-'sii- cd to Jama 1'cUrman, of forty llollau, fur tin
faKUMON FtlOM THE DEAD. In the fipm. I',111,01""-' "f ncerluin mare, as the aninnl is net what
shn was repre.tenled to bo, (iiiil I am ill teruiined nui to
Ctary JtlSt consecrated tit Gettvsbur-r will any part thereof, unleM eompelleil he duo
, . , . u"Vsuu,ol course of ,iw. .M utY VAXrllCKill.
be interred near two thousand men. Sis 'w'" tp . Dec. 10, lgai-sw.
hundred of thefo camo from
New York.
Tho Hock Island Argus rcniarkes:
."TlieSC are tilt) bodies of the Soldiers,
fiirnUlmil rxr nn,.n.nn. O t i-
Ilirjltsueu Dy UOVCmor beytUOUr to driVO
W srnis mil nf IW.I ,' l .i
iioe s army out ot Pennsylvania, and they
unt-uau ntuie man rijUllsyiva-
nia, tho Stato invaded, and n,.thir,1 nf..n
j ......v xjj
the Hilled ro,n seventeen Slates J If tho
dead cannot sneak, their nnmlipr rnlml.-oa
with terrible emphasis tho Abolition Lsa'
gum' abiuc ofGcveruorSeymour and the
iiouto oiatu oi wiucu 110 is Governor. '
TirK Rnlr. ,., v;i r it.:-
. ... b,, ujtl.o u, lula ir ure ,
the restoration of tho uuitv of the-nation. '
,, .. , ""'V 'luii'iii,
iue preservation OI tllO Constitution, aud thO
supremacy of the laws of tho country.
Gen. G. J, McCktan.
Theso are words fit to be inscribod on
the conservative standard in the coming
Presidential eluetion, and ho who holds
aloft tho standard bearing this inscription,
"lUM-iuui uiiu, will icatl
borvattvo hosts to victory. Mark the nro.
diction ! Louisville Journal.
Loyal. Our advioo to
I our rcauers is,
to keep your eyes on tho
' 1 J
intensely loval man. If ho visits Tourfr,"n.,.,0,l,il,,e,'.M
If UJQ u Ao ;
eer on the track of tho "inteuscly loyal"
nei;llbori And -f (legiro Q
trailur at ,loart anJ a maQ wh() woB,d
hU birl)irigbt lbr a uie6g of u Qr La
counlry for thirly pie0Pa 0f 6iUer,rauko tho
acquaintance of ono who is eyerywhoro
boasting that ho is 'intensely loyal."
Logan Courier.
Death or an Editor. J, K Calhoun,
Esq , editor of tho Armstrong Democrat,
nnd formerly a member of tho Legislature,
,ll.l . I.!. , T . '
ul reoiucuco in jvutaninc, ot tv-
nt,n;,i frt PlI . '
pnoiu fever, on tho 5 h instant. Ho was
n ninn .'-.. ... ... ?. ,
'Zn 7, t ' "u oonilu-
ural,1 mtolligonce, a sound lawyer and
yj Wi0r
IT is not often lhat va enmn in
with an artiolo that wo feol justifiod in
recommending to our numerous readers,
uut tno nrtiolo of li'amily Djo Colors,man
..e-... i i -r-r ...
ufaotured by Howo Stevens, advertised
in to-day's paper, we feel wo can hearlily
commend to all who may havo use for dvos
of any colors, l-'or sulo by all dm 'ists
, . . . ,
The rebel government talks of paying
ino so u era iiuera y a er t ho war. Its
. , .
liborality reminds us of tho poor follow'a
will : "I havo nothiug, I owe everybody,
(h rut I ma to the poor."
The Springfiold Republican U ono of
tho fow administration papers that is bless
od with a few grains of common sonso, an
witness tho following, whioh contains moro
wisdom than will bo found in tho 'lKbUnc
and llloomsburg Smnt Machine for a
wholo yoor : .
"Thoru is a goucrol juhilntioti in tho
Republican papers over the assumed death
of tho Democratic party. They hod bet
ter not tako that lor granted. A party
that has fuel thrown morn votes than
Jhoforoin any State except Massachusetts,
aim uos neon ucnteu only by
tho most extraordinary sflbrts, oan hardly
bo considered dead. The
moral of the political situation of tho.Re
publican leadors Is that they havo no i-uoh
excess of strength as to mako it safe for
thoin to bo reckless ordolinnt ns to means
and muasuros ; that they tiro still on trial
beforo tho American peoplo as to their
ability and integrity in the conduct of the
government; and that they can only hopo
to obtain p. renewed lease of power by
demonstrating that they can and will uso
it for the general welfare, rathor than for
privato and" partisan ends.
In Boaeh Haven, on Wednesday last
December 10, 1803, of Consumption, Mrs
l ranees A. Talc, wife of Lieut. Jesse C.
Tate, of Blooinsburg, nged about 27 years.
In Blooinsburg, on Wednesday last, Mr.
Robert li. .Miur, aged about 45 years.
In Town Hill, iLuzcrne county, on last
Wednesday, Mf. E, A. Wadswortl Brother-in-law
to Senator Buckalow, ocod
about 50 years.
In Light Street, Columbia county, on
Monday, December 11th, Mr. Jacob Keller,
aged near 80 years.
In Roariugcreck, Columbia county, on
tho 18th of November, 1803, Matilda
Ann, daughter of Uharl'sand Mary Dver,
aged 3 yoars, -1 months aud 'J7 days.
In Greenwood, on tho Oth ult., Ann
Craig, nged 80 years.
hi Benton, on tho 30th of September,
Man Frances, da-icbter of Christian and
Sarah Ann Laubaoh, aged fi years, 1 mo,
anu iu uays.
In Wyoming. Luznrnc county, on the
24th ol Ofitobrr, 1803, John P. Laub'ich,
(formerly of Columbia county,) t.god 33
years, and 23 days.
In Norton, Summit countv. Ohi n. on
tho .'JOth of Nov. 1803, Jlngeline, daughter
of Henry and Either Koons, ond wife of
J. B. Weaver, Esq., aged 35 years and 13
d ays.
She moved West with her husband and
parents from Blooinsburg, in tho Spring
of 1802. Sho loaves a husband and three
children who deeply mourn hcr.los-a.
I 7tT fft V t" T
C'lAMK to tho prPiniies of ike sulncrihsr. In Fish
Ingciurk lownhir,, Columbia county, on the Third
I "f 'aT'i'iloc
COW or Rltlilrtii cm nn
with short fill. Thenuntrig requested to provo prop.
er'.v. pay rhirjes and take liim nwny nllierivlsn she
'"!'" r nccor.lins to tlij direciM.ns of the
Auditor's Wotide.
In the Orphans' Court for the Courtly of CclumHIn; r.i-
I "'- J .i.tmrjun, luitl CJ scon loicismp, UCCtaSed.
A persons Intero-ted will take nntio lint the mi
Vr, "I'l'mntml Auditorby the Orplnn-T Court
of-;oliuiblaeoiiuiy, to maUeiliirib.itu,n ol'ihe hilaiKu
i '.","10 I''1,1"19"1 nmtiel II. Andtiaon, ndiniuislrator of
J"1"' Anderson, deeou.c.i, win meet um paru.s at his
olllco, iii lUoonisburg, on Weduesd.iaMliu '.'Oih ilav ol
January, A. n.. Ir-iil. nt III oVIoek, )., f.,r th., pur-
S"?"?'.1 P"';'
..b,c.i-i, iu.ii,'m,-u in ,lreelll nieir claims or u.i
debarred from coming iu for a share of such assets.
I!. H, MiTLi:.
I loomsburg. IJec. 19, J S03 IwJJ. Jtudlttr.
' Auditor's Notice
'WfiS? t?.
" e"""3J wmna.
'Pill! treililors of niias Werlnian
re III
and n'.l other per
il that i: II. I iul
,x ''nsinteri;ktod. will take notice lliat I! II. I 1 1 tie
"as ueeu uppoiuieu oy ino rouri i Loiumon 1'h ns ol
"J0 ';,,UI,'' "r V'01,1)1"1;''1' n',''!."!r, l".,,,a.l") siairitniiimi
of th) balance in the hands of John Htaley and Jolin K
has been uppoiuted by the Court ofCoiumon Pleas ol
Orolz, assianous of Uii,l8 Wetlmau. The auililor
hereby gives not I o that ho will attend at his office, in
lllettiu.sliiirg on TliurMl.iv, ihe til.t day of January, A.
1)., Ibol. for the purpmo of atleiuliiig to the duties ol
his appointment, when and wh'ro all p. rsous interes
ted iu tlu tuid fund can attu nd if they think pioper,
and present their ( laiins, or be from coiiiinc iu
forr slinro of the fund. U. II. MTPI.I:,
liluomslicirg, Hec. Ill, 1SC3 IivJJ. .'lutlilor.
Anrlit.n' WnHnn
! i'mhv and laac MMnisttaton cjr lmac
late of llimloc towmhip, Colwnbia cj.nly Jt-
rj'O the heirs of said Isaac V.'ngner, deceasid : Tuke
.1 notice, the unders igned Audit. r, uppuinud bv the
Orphans' Court of Columbia county, at thu llote'iuber
term, thereof, A. I)., lcD3 to mako distribution of the
balance in the hands of the Admiuistrators. ninone
Hie heirs of said deeensed, will intend to the duties of
"IK 10l 1Mlir$l wn
Public Vendue.
Will be oxpoaed to Public
the lato residence of Henry i
Vendue, at
llcnrv Deiehnilller. in
Hemlock townsnip, Columbia county, t'a , ou
Monday, December 21st 180!),
The following valuablo described property, to wit :
One two lioise Wncon, Ono top IliiKcy. One Spring
Wagon, Ono Truck Wagon, Ono Threshing Machine.
Iteaper, Sicigh, l'loiv, Culiitrs llnx, 'i'.ible, Stands, to
gether wall oilier ankles too tedious tn mention,
r-'alo in commeiico at 9 o'clock, on morning of said
aay, wuen terms uu,i conuuions will b.i mailu known. by
AUOUSTCd C: ItAlill,
December 19, 16IJ3,
Estate of Charles Goodman, dee'd,
FETTERS of administration on tho cs
Jstato of diaries Ooodman, lato of llrlarcreck twp.,
Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by Ihe
Register of said county to the Uio undersigned who ro
Fides iu the mine township ; all persons having claims
nsainil Iho esiatu uf Ilia decmlent uro requested tu pre
sciitthein tu tlio administrator nt his residence with
out de-lay, and all persons Indebted to make payment
forthwith. '
Dec. II, JSG3-0wS-J
A LL porsons snbjeot to tho Draft of
J the Sth Jnnllurv. ll!4. nml lint-lni r1.-,im. ...
I ciuption on the following grounds: -Alienage, Nnn.
j residence, Uusuitableness of ago, or Manifest perma
nent uisabiiuy, can navo tneir papers properly drawn
by calling ul iho olllco of Uio uuileisigued, iu lllooins
burg. Uificu next dour below A. 1 Homi's store,
, W. WIRT lc CO,
E7" llio 1'ruvnit Marshal lias given notice that
permis having claims ou the groundi abovn ludiilloui'd
must present them on or beforo the 30h of t'ce'mbtl
init .ollieiwij.) they will bs detuned
Ulecmibuij Dtc 12, U3 3l
Is flic Vital i'liiiclnln of tim I Inn Tr.,.
r.Mnliicil l.y iitttillor ffnctn In the ill.llllatlo,, ,'r
riuiiS. V WW,h ,,,,''", B'"1""'' WP.t?l7. i,'.r
fill'sll". "I0 m!'llcln, ,h" cu", "hn all othtfi hTi
A Great Rcmttly for Cjinsiunntion,
MioThfrncXu m1'1"1 ,uch ",,lfl"1" " "
I)n. WiiitAnT-Iloar Sir : I hud n afr dtsodr f
lough nml sore throat fur on year, nnd my whola .,.
In-! win but Utile huno of rrcovcrliiB. My dlijal;
Imllh-d he pnwf r of nil iiiu.Uciiiut, und In n liholt tli,,'
I mint have pons to my urave, hut tlinnk Ood, my ilauVh.
,r-l',,alvVJlvn"1' Uot rc,t "'I111 ,,,e w'nt to your.lor.V
No, IHN.Hocond Street, and related my caioto taa
purt ImKcJ ono bottle of your I'ltic Tree Tar tiofd,r
nml I commenced to Uso It, and in iu week I w.
much belter, nnd nfier utlim three bottles I ntn pcifsctlt
well, u wonder to oil my friend., for they nil pronouo
ced me pail euro, 1'ublioli my rnne tryou think propar
No. I3'.'l Vlle ttitcl, Phtltdelplili,
Tav Cordial.
Mr. WittD eayel '
Dr WiiruuT. tJir!-! hal Ilronchltl. Inflamatlon ot
the 1,uiir, HhortneM or llreaih, nnd Palpitation of lb
llcnrt in Iholr nort forms ; I had been treated by e
oral ot the iijo.t eminent physicians In Philadelphia,
but they could jipt stop the rapid courso cfmy dlsea.e.
vnd I had despa red of i:ety beliifr restored to health!
1 as truly on thu verge of tin crave. Your Pine Tfe
I ur Cordial vns lilejily recommended to me by.i friend
I tried it, and am thankful to gay Hint, after Uiitiz four
arcu, urt.t ono small bottle. 1 n restored In perf-ci
health. ou can clio refercnie to my house, fo. ten
N Second Mreel, or nt my office of liicilvcr of tai-j
rrom 0 A. M, tu il P. M corner of Chestnut and Slitu
'reets. fc jous Wiso.
Mr. Wit hart, air t return you my Rtalffal thunli
for the discovery nu hae made In making a insdM.n
that will euro lnfl iiiatioti of th. l,uns n I I.U.e
Oouii'nint. When 1 commenced to use your I'lneTree
TarOordial I was, to all appearances, near my grave.
I had been for n lencth ot time kpittlnj blood, nil
would at times vomit it. My physicians (f,ir I eai.
Hloved I wol pronoun, cd mo tni mru; l,ni ,,v .1.,..
I had used our 1'lno Tree Tar t'ordul, which did har
so nun ii goim in... Fiiu nrevareu on ine. ai a lait rotart
to try It j aud thank Ood, t cmmjii-ed to uao it, I bars
taken twelve hntlli. and inn pjifecily c.ired, and aui
ready and williiiR ttiat any perion that U sick khould
rail on me. and 1 will tell tlmn what vour Cordial hts
domi lor mo. All my Mend, nnd iii iRl.linrs were utterly
nslonUhed nt my epeedy r-lurn to licnltii . for they hil
seen mo vomit blood iu n clotled slate, rroQ.urmlr
Puhtlsh my care, for I want every persou that is s'uff
crl g as I was, to kdmv or your invulu-ible m-dkino.
Itespectrutly, Jcrn-s Vshiuh
rrase Street. sl doors above r.lchmoiij street. IhtJ.
The Pine Trco Tar CoHlnl will euro Couphs. Rirs
rhroat, and lln-a-t Itronrhith, AUhma, Croup, Hoop,
lug i.'ouh, Ulpllierln. nml Is also nn ixrellent reoucf
fur diseases of the kidneys, and female complaint
liKtVAP.n or" t:ouvi'i:urEiT.s
Tho fjjnulue Iia tlu iinmo i t tin proprietor and
pine iree blown In the bottle. All others are ipurleui
1'iues. l-'irrr Oi..irs Ar Out tlott,A rsii llorvu, -Prepared
only by the proprietor.
Ir. L. Q (. UISHAltT,
No. 10 Noiitii Seco.nd St.,
r)ccemh-r 13. lfi3- Cin.
Cheap Grocery Store.
rl III. undesigned having bought out the firocery
up to f-troup's old stand.
iiuviu cirouii, ims renioveii his uai
Hat and Cap flora
where in addition to sups-
nor ucsurtmcm nt
Hats and Gaps, pH'
Mo'asM's, Sintir,
Cofree, Tea,
Tobacco, fJuafi,
Ciari. cipiers,
Dried Frnil, Buttor,
Coal Oil, Drugi,
Parlor and Ilsnd Lampi,
Books, vritmg Paper & Ink.
Hardware and Ct dnrto trc,
P Jut A'nivct, Combi,
;e., tj-.-., ,j-c, ,J-C.
Together with a rerifty of sit ides generally kcptla e
Alui-A fine lot of KMW, MOItOi 1:0' and Li.nsas li
which he invites the at eiitlon of Shoemaker nd tli
Illnomsliurg, Pec. S, IPP3
Donation I-arty.
WE, tho r'om.nittcc of the Pa?tnral
chare.- nf tins l!ev. J. W. l.rsnna, wouH r.
spectrally imnouiicc that the friends of Mr.Ltscui
propose inaki-iir him n Donniou Party, ou
WEDNEsn.VY. DECEMIIt'R 23, 163,
All aro eordiaMy invited to attend, whtthcr Uler k
reached by a card of imitation or net.
Peter Miller. I Thomas Trey.
II. A. Sweppenhslser, Ilenrv Hess,
ConrjiKrt nf Jlridltr l C'Aarsts
Jeremiah Hen, I llclford.
aiicuu'ii uess,
I John Kensteriimker, .
(Vnr.itlec cf ia'tm C'iurst,
I C, II. Ilrss,
J.dwi II, Mar.
0imitae cf .Vilm Wr.
t'lnrlcs II Hess.
Aaron Maitellcr,
Charles No,
Jolin Harmony,
1 Kelcbnrr,
I lljnjaiiihi Noss,
Comr.i'Ke cf f'jinm I'Atirsk.
I Jieoh Ileilnan,
Comnltiia cj -V.t! Colvnlla (Wtinl.
Joseph Weiss,
DscJinber 12. 16d:i-2t.
50,000 Agents Wautod II
U.Utn Dl'Toi'.TUXlTY.
7K finn 'nlr,'es, Ould IN ns and reneils, Veil'
i .UUW Ouard ami Neck Clnins. ( htlelnin dnins
and Pins, Engraved llracelits. l"n;'rave,l Fpring Lock,
ets, Heal Stone llinso California Itiues. Chased Ilings.
uinnic liings and Pins, (Jeuts Californi i Ulaniond
Car Drps. llrauiiful Sets of Jewc Irv. N'ewPtylos Stnds
and Uuiton. dr.. worth $ lOJ.tltlO," to be sold for Oils
Dollir eaeli. w iihoui reunrd to value, and not to bs
paid for till you know what you are to -ct.
In all transactions bp mail we shall charge for dnlni
the biriiness '.'J cents each which mint bj enclosed
when thu ropiest is made to know ivhat you ran have.
Alter knowing what you can have then it will ba et
your option to sen I 81, takotlioartiflDor not.
1'ive nrtules can lie ordered for SI- leven for S2
Ihirtyfor S?5-slty-fivo for 810 -ami one hundred 515.
Willi the infMruiaiinu of what j on enn have will ba
arm n Circular lining fu I instructions to Agents mil
n full Catalogue of tho articles, nod then it will bi at
your opiion to send and get the nrliclo or not.
AUo, for 3'. I "ill s nil a solid r-ilver PliM.I or
cither Army Corps l'ii, wilh jour na o, teiinciit anJ
company handsomely cegravad upon it.
Address H. M. WAttD !t CO, ,
lloj -is-il, New York, sjj llroadway,
December 12. IBU3 -3m.
Mnj-Qon. Goorgo B BToClellan,
On the Ihitth'Ficld oj Anttctam.
Bimor I'icTuaz in, by 21 tNciirs.
r"PIIi: Original Painting was mide from life, tn nrdtr
J nf tho publisher, by tin celebrated Artist, C. Scnos
stLt, l!q., (who is tho only miothu General ever rat tn)
it represents rum on ins reienraieii norso iiainei -.iv
ster, (iresented tohlin by the cilir.eii" of Cnicinnatll.)
taking nn observation of tho field, In tho latter part of
the day, ns the Rebels wero falling back. In Iho fere
ground aro seen tlw desolations of the battle -broken
guns shattered trees, Uc. In the distance, amongst 'Us
Buiok nnd dust, nro stair officers, nnillery, cavalry and
i r fa ii try Tho whole picture is an admirable composi
tion, and displays the raro genius nf the Artist.
price or Tin: engraving.
fiinglo copy, to one nddrcis, 01 M
Two copiws " i Oil
Throe " 0 03
Pont by mail post-paid.
Persons acting ns Agents ind ordering one copy at
t hr.ic dollars, tan have subsequent ones at tno dollars
each. Truvellliig Canvassers ordering largely, will bi
supplied on liberal terms. Address
, JOHN DAINTY. Publisher.
17 Houth Bulb til., rhlladclpbls.
December J, 1EC3.
s, c. nvi, ' s. c tuoxtso.
vnoi,ESAr.i: J)55j dealehs ix
No. No'lk iriarvcs,
rr it i ti c u c ii e eVi- im m ?, tit jz
Ktx 11 18'-3 I'm"