Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 12, 1863, Image 3

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jtrTlio attcndancont Court this wook
was not very largo. Wo givo n synopsis
of Ibo proceedings in nnotbor column.
Sr Mr. J. J. .lloglaniVa Storo, at
Gontorvlllo, this county, wo learn, was
lUHroyod by flro on Monday last.
HOT ltov. Wn.iiiAM Qonnnion, by Div
ino Permission, will preach in tlio Ger
man Reformed Church of Blooinsbu'rg, to
morrow (Sunday) at 3t'olock, P. M,
B5r Wo diroct uttoniion to tho card of
W. Wiht & Co., to be found in another
column. Persons desiring aid and assist,
ntico in exemption from the coming draft
hould not fail to apply to this firm.
whom, it was last week published had lost
number of his Hogs, inlorms us that ho
has lost Lone, and benco, wo oorrcct the
Vaf Jessb Coleman, Esq., Prothono
tary oleot, has taken his oath of office.
Ho is a good man, and will no doubt make
k popular and effioiont clork. IIu has ap
pointed Daniel Lee, Esq., clerk
tfg' Tho Canal is closed by 'Jack Frost'
for tho winter. Tho high prico of coal
in tho Philadelphia market was nu induce
ment to keep the boats moving as long as
C- Wo loam that two valuablo milch
cows woro killed, by being run over by
tho cars on tho Blodmsburg aud Lacka
wanna railroad on Thursday last. Thoy
belonged to Mr. John S. Sterner and Mr.
Jacob It. Groul.
tSS Tho Baptist Congregation oi this
placo, have comnicnoed a protracted meet
ing in their new church 'in Third Street.
Tho meeting will be continued until tho
end of next wcok. Rev. G. W. Scott,
will preach on Sunday next at 10 o'clock
in tho forenoon and at OJ o'clock in tho
tST On uvory hand our exchanges aro
speaking of robboriea. Banks, dwelling",
tores, Bhop3, etc., aro nightly broken open
and robbed. Tho time? are getting sadly
out of joiut, nad supremely "loyal." It
has been mob, s-ob, enob aud rob over
iuco tho woolvhcadi) eamn into power.
, m i p . , c l. -r .tr T I
. i no ineiitiB 01 uev. .j. v. jjus-
ctiEii'3 dekigu paying him a Donation
visit at bid residence near Third Street,
' Bloomsburg, cn Wcduosduy Hco 23,1803.
Wo havo no doubt, he will receive, as ho
desirvca, a generous donation by tho
friends of his church and tho public in
CS7" Tho Jtepubllcm announces in its
local department, that C. F. Kuapp is in
Philadelphia, but will return on Monday
or Tuesday. Why an announcement of
this individual's movements are published
as a celebrated personage wo know not. j In Boomsburg on tho 8tll of Deccnil,or
Perhaps his mission thero interests tho 1803, by the llev. J. 1. Diuiui, Mr. Isaac
"Loyal Lengers." Wondor if any more Haiitma.n, of Henton, Piinter, and Miss
fire arms aro lo bo distributed among the Emma Jani: Tatk, of Bloomsburg.
organization, of whioh this individual ap-1 On the 3d inst., by the ltev. William J.
pears so counpirous. lEyur! r. CiiAtUiUS T. Kixa, of More-
! land township, Lycoming county, Pa., to
Tin: DiurT. It may not bo agreeable Miss Sakaii Moykr, near Washington
news for those persons who were drawn , vlI1,i Montour county, Pa.
in it inm ,i,.n ft nvnmino,! nml '.lisnlmrir-il ! In Uorwiok, on Thursday, the 20th ult.,
, ,. , .... . , ., .. ., .in
for disability, to hear that in tho next dra
ou the 5th ol January, it urawn, tlicy will f
havo to undorco a reexamination. Such
is tho oasc, however, for it has been bo
ordered by Provost Marshal General Fry
who hna charo of this graud ''Cooking of
The Portland Courier says it learns from
pretty good authority that all tho nine
wombs' soldiers aro lo be included in the
class from yliioh the nest draft is to bo
mado j at least that recommendations to
such effect havo nlroady been propared by
tho War Department.
65 Tho Catawissa Hailroad Company
havo after many years of patient waiting
and exploration at length discovered a
voin of eoal upon tho grounds occupied by
ons of their depots. A samplo of very
superior. "whito nib" was on exhibition iu
tho Board of Drokcr'a room in Philadel
phia, a fow days ago, said to havo beon
taken from tho abovo mine. Wo congrat
ulate, the stiiokholdors of the Catawissa
upon their discovery, after years ofpationco
awaiting it, and wo look lorward to a
rapid decline in tho price of coal whenever
their mining operations commenoe, at
which timo wo will bo enabled to havo our
fuel at lesa cxhorbitant prices.
EST Preparing for tho Holidays. Bul
two weoks moro remain boforo th Christ
mas holidays will be upon us with all
their wonted joy and morriment. Not
withstanding articles of almost every de
scription havo groatly advanced in prices,
thero is every proEpeot that tho amount
which will be expondod for presonts will
not be deoreaeod from former years. Tho
storo keepers aro increasing their stook,
nnd already preparing for tho young folks,
Tho windows of tho toy bhops and con
fectionary stores are already being fitted
up with artioles suitable for gifts for par
ties of all ages.
The young folks may promise themselves
.-is i i n .) rAi:-i
when old, St. Kick drives around with bis
jsWdgaload ef tots and good thing.
j.ost.a pair of Gold Spectacles, on- in ogrocn Morocco Oaac, was lost,
1U oireot or Jispytown, on uuuron ol tftpytown, Columbia county,
last Wednesday. A liberal toward will' 1,cnn'a') wiU &a a "Christmas Din
bo paid tho ritfder for their return. An-1 oni SiIPcr7 nt thftfplaco on Friday
piy 10 tuo unucrsigncu.
Bloomsburg, Deo. 12, 1803.
BQT Provost Marshal Goneral Frv linn
issued an order to tho Boards of Enroll
ment, requiring them to publish and post
at not loss than five places in each sub
district, tho names of all enrolled men.
Notico will bo given on each of thoso lists
aud in tho. newspapers, that any- porsou
who is enrolled mav annoar Imfnm dm
Hoard and claim to havo his namo striokon
from tho list, previous to the draft, for any
plain cause which would exempt after tho
draft, such ns non-rcsidenco, alionaco, un-
suitableness of ago, and manifest, perman
ent, or physical disability. All persons
aro requested to notify tho Board ol sueh
persons as aro liablo to enrollment, but
whoso names do not appear on the lists.
The lists and uoticos for this district
aro now being printed, and will bo posted
in a few days. In other districts thoy havo
already boon posted. Tho auth of Decern.
ucr is tho dato iixcd for tho expiration of
tho period during which exemptions shall
bo made previous to tho draft on tho 5th
or January, mocnectot tnis order is
practically to set in motion tho groat Na
tionai raining inacnincry. JUvcry man in
tho first class not struck by unlucky chance
in tho previous raffle, shall bo notified
that his probability of uiisfortutio is about
as good now as on tho 5th of January,
and to take measures at once to "draw his
dry-goods," swear his swear, or absquitt
There is nothing said about paying the
exemption fee previous to the drawing, for
tho main reason that it is expected tho
radical Abolitionists of tho coming Con
gress may striko out the 8300 clause of
tho Conscription Act. Should that bo donet
(and there is no telling, even through the
distorted fanoy of lunacy, what may not
be done except to remove the wholo in
cubus,) that poor goose tho first class
which was so severely plucked at tho last
draft, will be divested of its last pinion,
and tho country swept of its able-bodied
citizens olean as tho exposed cranium of a
ceutouarian. By tho timo the third draft
shall arrive which would fall upon, the
second class tho "back of tho rebellion
will be broken," no doubt for sure, An.d
then what a happy timo thoso rich old
oovics will have to be sure 3afa in per-
b0n wholo in pocket ! Thoy can then
g;vo thankVthat their youth was peaceful
ami their old ago prosperous and unrufll-
Cd. Thoy can also boast of their native
isnd, which favors a ''privileged class,"
and lays its burdens always upon tho poor,
' the weak, and the youthful. They can
j.say truthfully, too, that ''loyalty" is a
' fountain whose waters are priceless. Ilap.
pyngo! Jolly prosperity I Fortunate
by the llev. A. Barnetz, Mr. WiLiiiAjr
0. Uahnes. of Pittiton, to BIfas Fbancis
Davenport, of Berwick
On Thursday evening, the 3d inst., by
tho same, Dr. Gi:o. W RiTTu.Niiousn. of
Orangeville, to Miss
Lime Ridco.
Alice S. Lowe, of
On tho 5th inst , by Rov. D. C.
Mr. John J. Hummul, to Miss
GAUET A. Doone, all ofEepy, Pa.
In Mount Pleasant township, Columbia
County, Pa,, on Thursday, Nov. 2Cth,
of Dypthcria, Mr3. Tvutii Ann, wife nf
IJcnj- W. llecco, and daughter of Joseph
and Margaret Ann Ikeler, aged 20 years,
7 mouths and 11) days.
In Greenwood township, on Tuesday,
tho 1st ult., Elizauetii J., daughter of
A. J. & A. M. Watts, aged 2 years G mo.
and dnys.
In IHoomsburg, ou Friday, Deo. 4, 18G3,
Charles Ivahleu, hsq., long a respect
able citizen of this place in tho G2d year
of his life.
Iu Hemlock township, Columbia county,
on tho 2nd of December 1803, Isauella,
youngesl daughter of Jcese P. and Mary
A. Beers, aged 1-1 years and 8 months,
In Danville, on tho 1st instant, Semon
wodeu, lormorly ot Uloorusuurg, ageu
about G2 years.
In tho Plains, near Wilkcsbarro, on
Wednesdav of last week, James wil
LIAM3, Esq., a wpalthy and .worthy'
Farmer aged 58 years.
In Orangeville, on Friday of last week,
Mr. William Feister, in tho COth year
of his life
Iu Williamsport, on tho morning of tho
3d inst , nltor a short illness, Ivov. T. V,
Got walt, tho boloved pastor of tho Mul
berry atreet M. E. Church, of that place.
In Greenwood twp.. 25th ult., Mar.
qauet, wife of Petsr Dittenbender, at an
advauccd age.
In Denton township, on the 2.)rd ult
Mary M., wifo of Daniel Kitchen, Jr
aged 29 years 2 mouths and 11 days. j
In Benton, on tho 3d inst., Benjamin son of J. G. & Marv C Keeler.
aged 2 years 7 months and 18 days. J"
Tn lV;l1.-slinrrf. nn Rnnrlnv Nov. 20(1)."
A,. 1,4.MW W ..", J ' '
Benjamin F. Bannet, ged 28 yet,
todio'8 Christmas Festival. ,
Tho Ladies connected with tho Luthern
tho SJSlh December. Christmas Dav
Tho proceeds to bo applied to tho benefit
of tho Church. Tho 'friends of tho do-
nomination aro rospoctfully invited,
Espy, Pa., Nov. 28, 1803. Ht. ,
TO Till!
Tho following payments havo been mado
. ii,. f'l,i!., l, . i iv ,
to tllO Lotlimbia IHmociUt office, during,
tllO month of NoVOlllbor. 1803 !
U 11 Montgomery
SI7 TO. lion C U lluckalew
ID 00
western liotci
j 4 oo
3 CO
John ri'oulcr, 1 15
Unwell & llourko
Win tl Terry Esq
Nntlnnnt Hotel
David it Randatl Esq
John Digger
1'rvdericK Lawbach
Isaac lies
unaries Thomas l 37
liryantr-'trnttcii.'tCo 1J tw
n uii
e uu
James Wrlaht
si uu
i! do
r, oa
; oo
1 75
n B 3
1 73
3 75
0 00
s ou
SJ 37
0 00, Miriilinin Amino
l 7.1 (jn imrklcy, nsq
1 751 J 1) 111 ci.
I 'ii Daniel Kccfcr
12 00 Anna Ynung
10 00 Win McNInch
i! 00 I'.(t or llr A J llrnsj
.1 Oil l P. Jn. Unn l1.,.
ThosCnH'orly Ic Co
American Tea to
Isaac I. "I. Esq
imviii t ramz
Holonioll Btcrncr. H nil llii.lmn flui.,,. l .i
John Snyder, 1t B OU Frederick Nicely
I'cmuey i an John w HUntcr
.a. ui 4 vynvviinovsn
a IK) (; I. Mnoro
B 7.i
2 00
2 00
2 00
I li
1 75
4 00
2 00
2 t'3
1 75
2 75
3 01)
1 lU
2 20
2 CO
1 00
5 00
1 00
A 1) Wllltmover
VI Isaac Uuln
Joseph tHii'
2 00 i:t of Daniel Zlglcr
I uu John F Dictterlck
1 00 Hugh A llartnmii
1 Id Jacob Fnrver, Jr
10 10, l'ruf O Fnrrand
7 00 lion WJ Woodward
Jacob, Csq
H 11 Keniibdy, Et
ThoniHS llavis
llicliard riumcr
l'eler llodlno
Daniel Lelby
nilas r, Ilelwlg
t. A Herman, llv
list of Sanri Wliary
Joseph U Smith
Cnpt A U Thornton
Isaac llngculiucli
Isaac K Ilildino
Ulas Drlbclbis
1 mi Daniel .TIcrirlo
a oo
1 So
1 (III
Harris llartmau
Sam'l W Hnrlman
llllan digger
Hiram ilittcnbendcr
Montgomery Colo
Henry I.n.arus
John llruncr
ltev Ilcubcn Nelson
!2 on
1 00
1 75
1 0(1
J. It. Fenuingtoii
O" 'Ihu cold seasons usually lirlng lean receipt) to tho
Printer. Wo havo reason, however, to thank our friends
for reasonable payments, trusting tlicy will rem ember
that with ennrmourly Increased expenses, wo must, ne
cessarily require, nt least, prompt payments to mctten.
gngemcnta. Will thoso Indebted, nnd thoso especially
to uhom wo have sent bills, be jesr tNocon to remit the
.TV0 humbug, but nn entirely new thing. Only three
monthi in this lountryl No clap-trnp operation to
gull tho public, but a genuine mcneymnking thing 1
read tho circular of instruction onco only, and yon will
understand It perfectly. A Lady has just nriltcnto
mo that she is making as high ns twenty dollars some
dnys I giving instructions in thi art. Thoii'mids of
Soldiers are making mrncy'ropldly nt it. No person
has to bo urged to patrnmzo it. It is a thing that takes
better than anything ever before offered. You rnn
mnkc money with It homo or abroad on steamboats or
roilrond cars, nnd In the country or city. You will be
pleased in pursuing it, not only because It will yield n
handsome income, but nlso In consequence of the gen
eral admiration which it elicits. Ills pretty much all
profit, A mere triflo is necessary to start with.
Thero is scarcely one person out of thousajuls who
ever pays any nttcntion-in advertisements of this ki ud
thinking they arc humbugs. (,nscucntly thoso who
do scud for instructions will hnvc n broad field to make
money in. There is a class nf persons in this world
who think that becauso they have been humbuged out
of n dollar or so, that ovtrything that is advertised Is a
humbug. Consequently they try nomorc. Tho person
who succeeds is the ono that keeps on trying until he
lilts something that pays him.
This nrt cost mu one thousand dollars, nnd I expect
to malt'moiiey out of it and nil ulm purchaso tlu nrt
of mo will dothu borne. Ono Dollar sent to mo will
insure the prompt Return of n card of instructions in
tlio art. Tlio money will bo returned to those not sat
isfied. WALTER T. TINSM'.Y,
No. 1 Park Place, New York.
Oct. 24, 16fl3-3nio.
TO CONS1JM l'TI VE-S The linde'rsigned having been
restored to health in a few weeks, hyavcry simple
remedy, nflir having sull'ercd sev;ial jenrs with n so
vcre lung nllcction, ami that disease, coiiMimp.
tiun- is anxious to make know u to liisfellow-surTcrcrs
the means of cure.
To all who defcire it. lie will send a copy of the pre
scription used, free of ch.irgci with the dircctioiiH fur
preparing and lining the same, which they will find n
suru eure for consumption, aslhm.i, bronchitis, &.C
The only object of the advortiser in sending the pro
scription is to beiicfi the nlllictod, nod spread informa
tion which he cnnrclvCH to be invaluable, nnd he hopes
every sullorer will try his remedy, u it will cost them
nothing, mid may prnvo n blessing.
Parties wishing tho pretcridtiou will please address
liov. llDWAllI) A. WILSON, Wllliamsbursli,
Fcpt. SD, 1SM.-41U . Kings County, Now Yoik,
in-r unnr.n'.q v.xtiiacv HUCIIU.
Till'. (iltCAT DIURETIC.
nr.i.jifiiar.ri's extracv huciiu.
nn: aiitJir murktic.
nrr.:rnnr :rvs rnrHACT ituoilU.
tin: oitr.AT diuuetic.
irnr.AitKit.n'S i:TRACT HUCIIU.
run great Diunr.Tic.
An.l o positive nnd Specific Remedy fur Uiscnnis of
tho llladder, Organic Weakness, Kidneys, Crnvcl,
Dropsy, and ell uiht-ascs of tlio Urinary Organs. Sea
ndvertUunii'iit innnoiher column. Cut it out. ana send
for tho .Medicine nt once. Uewnre of Counterfeits.
Nov. til, le(i3 lino.
for the benefit and ns u caution to jouug men, nnd
others, who i tiller Irom rervou Dfinlity, I-ariy necay.
and their kindled niliucnt-siipplyiiig thu menus ot sell
cure. Ily one who nas cured lilm.eir niter being a' ic
tim of misplaced confidence in medical humbug and
quackery. Ily enclosing a post-paid directed envelope,
single copies nijk)' bo had ol ihu author.
i.Alll.ll.lliU ,,1.1X1 rwu, Lit.,
Hedford, Kings county, Now.Vork,
January 21, 15C3 ly.
A Gentlemen, cured of Nevous Do-
bllily, Incompetency, Prematura Decay and Youthful
Error, actuated by u desiro to bcncit others, will bo
happy to furuiah to all who need it (free of charge) thu
rccipu and directions for making the simple Remedy
used in his case. Those wishing to profit by his ex
perienceand possess a Valuable licmedy will reecito
lie same, by return mail, (carefully cntcd) by nddrcn-
ting JOHN 11. O01IEN.
io, iu:nssau Qireei,,, v.
New York, August 15, 1SU3. 3m
Uniformity olPrlces ! A New rcaturu in Htisslness
Every ono his own Salesman! JONES 4t CO. of tho
Crcscnt One Prico Clothing Storo, No. !J01 Marketstrcet
abovo Sixth, Philadelphia,
Iu addition to having tne lurgesi, most varied aim
fashionable stock of Clothing in Philadelphia, made ex
pressly for retail sales, uavo constituted every one
lis own saleinan, by having marked iu figures, on cnoli
articleat tho erylowest price it can bo sold fur to tlicy
cannot puisiuiy must uu
Tho poods aro well sooueed ami preiiaredand great
pains taken with tho making so that all tun buy with
the full assurauca ot getting a good article nt tho very
lowest price. Also, n largo stock of pint" goods on hand
of tho latest style and best qualities, which will he mado
to uruer, in ino musi mtuiuiianiu uuu uert iimuuci, j
per cent, below credit prices. i
Remember tho Crescent, in Mailtet above Sixth street
o 2UI. JO'ES it CO.
long tested the truth that there uro first principles in 1
.Medicine ns there is Iu Science, mid this Mediilneis
enmpnun led on principles suited to thu hiamfold na
ture nf Man 1 The cure of Colds is in keeping npcu
tho pores, uud creating a gentle internal warmth, und
Ibis is canned by tlio uso of this Medicine. Its remedial
qualities uro uascu on us power to in-lsi uio iieaiuiy
and vigorous circulation of blood through the lungs, it
enlivens the muscles and assists the si. n to perform
its duties uf regulating the heat of tho system, and lit
gently throwing off tho waste substance from the sur
face uf the body. It is not n voilcnt remedy, but emol
lient, warming, searching and effective. Sold by all
drugfiisls ut 13 and i!S cents per bottle.
J uly US, JfG3-3li,
nAMKtn tho premises of tko subscriber, in Centr"
i township, Columbia county, on orsbtut tho first of
Aujust last, a
Young lhdl,
of a black color, with white spots' The owner is re
quested to prove property, pay charges and take him
away, otherwise lie will of uccording to
tho directions of tho law.
Centro twp,, Nov 7, 1S03 3t
riMIIJ partnership heretofore existing between the un
X dereigned, iu inc.iiiunufacturo of Earthen Ware, in
Hloounburg, was dissolved this day by mutual consent.
Tho Hooks nnd v"01"1' will bo settled by John Hicks
who will continue tho business ot tho old tand.
ELI S llll'KS.
Dtoomsburg, Nov. SI, ie6J-3w.
HOT IMGlOffl W&mo
THOMAS BROWN, liarbw. ,
in nnusuimr:. COLUMBIA CO.. I'A.
u t. n,,, um,. illau mu iW nMitr! filiit. '
I 3,1 . WUB.. ..-UB " " ' " - - . ...
i kombsuM. iim,
Public Sale
WILL bo exposed tn sale hy nbl Ic vendue, upon
tho premises, now nccnplcil by Putrid I clby.'on
SATUnuAV, Decemiihi 12th, 1603,
Hfhiin WrtirlQ flf fjftnf?
....... f J. ,
containing Ono Hundred nnd Eighty Acres In nil. situ
nt In Locust township. Columbia county. Into tho I
Into of l'rodcrlck Lolby. deceased, adjoining Innils of
Cyrus Johnson, John 1 1 1 no, tleorge Htlno, nd John
Perry, mostly Improved land,
HaldTrncIs or Plantations will bo mid In two sp.
rate parts so as to mako Farms of nearly equal sixo.
That la to any tho liouicitead will contain about
somo'Oor Eft acres of which la cleared land. Thorn
nro erected upon tho premises of tho first named prop,
crty, n (1001) MUCK IIOUBH, well finished, a large
Framo llnnk llnrn, Rood Spring llouo, Wagon Hhed
n"d tho usual outbuildings, with n never-falling Spring
of Water, and n large Orchard of select l'rult Trees.
'r," ocond named Tract contalna nbout
MilLrll-Ljt yiOilXiO,
some sixty Ave ncros of which are cleared. Thero aro
erected upon tho prmnlscs n FEAAK HOUSE, Framo
Darns, outhulldlng and good Orchards.
!$alt to commence na 10 o'tleek, A, M of laid day,
when atlendanct will br gleen and condition! bo mailt
kntnnby DANIEL I.I'.IIIV,
Attorney for thl Ilttn.
Locust twp , Nov. 21, 1803.
Cheap Grocery Store, j
ri'im undersigned having bought out tlio (Jroceryo
J David Stroun, lias rcmiaed his lint nnd Cap Store
up to Ptroup's old stand
where in addition to a supo.
rior nssortuicni ot
J3 ITats and Caps,
Molasses, Sugar,
Coffee, Teas,
Tobacco, Snuff,
Cigars, Spices,
Dried Fruit, Butter,
Coal Oil,
Parlor and Hand Lamps,
Books, "Writing Paper & Inks
Hardware arid Cednrwarc,
lhckct Knives, Combs,
ij-c, if-c., tj-c, J-c.
Together with a variety of articles generally kept in n
Alsn-A fino lot of KIDS, MO!iOi:f'.03 and LtNlNns to
which lie Invites tho nt cution of Shoemakers and tho
nioomiburg. Dec. S, 1603
Maj-Gon. George B. MoClellan,
On the liattlc'Ficld oj Anlhlam.
Sue or i'ictork 10 by 21 inches.
THE Original Tainting was made from life, to order
of tho puniihcr, hy the celebrated Artist, C. Scitos
SELe, Esq., (who is tho only one the Oencrnl ever sat to )
It represents lilinon his celebrated horse Daniel Web
tier, (presented tohim by the citizens of Cinciniiatm
taking nn observation of the field, in the latter part of
mu iiiiy, in mo nni"i- were I. tiling pick, ill llle loro
ground nre'seen tln desolations of the battlo -broken
guns shnttered trees, .tie. In Ihu distance, nmongiit the
s'liok nnd dust, nro staff officers, artillery, cavalry and
Irfantry The whole picture is nn ndmirnble composi
tion, nnu nispiays too raro genius or the ' rtist.
Plnglo copy, to ono nddress, 33 00
Two copies " 5 DO
Thr.-e " " 0 00
Sent by mall post-paid.
Persons acting as Aeents and nrderitn ono mnv nt
throe dollars, ran havo subsequent ones ut two dollars
each. Travelling Canvassers ordering largely, will be
supplied on liberal terms. Address
JUII.N DAINTY. Publisher.
17 South Sixth St., Philadelphia.
Decembers. 18(13.
Public Vendue.
ill bo oxposud to Publio Vendue, at
V T tho late residence of Henry Deiglimiller, In
Hemlock township, Columbia county, Pa., on
. Saturday, Dtcember 12th, 1803.
Thu follow ing valuable described property, to wit:
One two-horso Wngnn, Ono top nugy, Ono Spring
Wagon, One Truck Wag"", One Thrcsbing.Mnchlne.
lleaper, Sicigh, Plow, Culling Hnx, Table, Stands, to
gether with oilier articles, too tedious to mention,
Sale to commence nt 0 o'clock, on morning of said
day. when terms nnd conditions will ha made known. by
December S, 16(33. Administrator.
' uivi? ninmrciVTi t n t i? o
Which he will
Also, HOnSE 11LANKETS, very low.
102 Market St, Ut door above rpurlh.
South side, Philadclpbia,
Nov. 14, 18C3-3.
Tlio Great American Tea Company.
No. 51 Vesey Street,
rTAS created n new era in (ho history of wholesaleing
L Tea in Ihls country. They havo introduced their
selections of Teas and sold them at not ocr '1 WO
CUNTS per pound above cot, never deviating from the
ono prico usked i believing this w ill lie attractive to tho
nnnv wh.i have heretofore been paving enormous tiro-
fits. Parties can order Tens and will bo served by us ns
well as though thoy came themselves, being euro to get
original packages, true weightnand tares , and tlio'i'eus
nre warranted as represented. Our t'nicc List is new
ready. December 5, lSb3 3w.
Estate of EUas Pcalcr, dccUl,
LETTERS of administration on the Eslnta of Elias
Peaicr.late of I'ishiiigcreek twp. Columbia ci..C.
liavcbeen granted hy tho Register ofColumbia co tn the
undersigned ; nil persons having claims ngaiust tho es
tate of tho decedent aro reipiestcd topresent themto
tho undersigned, at 1 is residence in said township,
without delay, and ull pcrwus indubtcil tu make pay
ment forthwith.
Oct. 31, l?C3-Cw S3-
Estate of S'umtcl IJ'hart, deceased.
LETTERS Testamentary on tho 'estate of Samuel
Wliary, Into of Locust tow iihliip, Columbia county,
deccitseii, havo been grunted by tho Register nf Wills,
ice, to the u inters iglicdu sorcaldlng ill said tuwnship,
u'l persons having iluims against the estate of thedu
ccdeutnro requested to pres-nt them to tho Executor
nt his residence in said township, without delay, and
all persons indebted to mako payment forthwith,
JOHN EE1NMJLD, Executor.
Nov. SI, 1SC3-b'wS0
Esl'ite of l'hineas Sitler, dee'd.
T ETTEHS of administration on tho
iLJ Estate of Phinens Hitler, Into of Denton tnn
Columbia county, deceased, havo been grunted by tliu
liegi-ter of Columbia county to tho undersigned i all
nersons havini! claims attainst tho cstato of the decc-
dent are roqucsici to Pfei t cm loi o auiiiii isiraior
111 " -- -- 1',
nil nersons indebted tu mako nutmeiit furthwith.
Nov. 14, 1PC3-CW. 5 J HO.
Estate of Daniel Ztigler, dee'd,
T ettors of administration on tbo Estate
J- of Daniel Zeiglcr. late of Mount Pleasant town
ship, Columbia county, deconsed, have been gran
ted by the Register of in J county tn the undersigned ;
all persons having claim n out the estate of the do
cedent urn requeued lo I at them to the Adminis
tratrix without delay, un . i. I persons indebted to make '
payments forthwith
Mt 'leoiant.'Nov. 11, 1 J-Gw$3 Adm'rx,
Efl'Ue of Cornel us Vanhorn, dee'd,
J' I'.TTERS Testnmeiitin on tho estate of Cornelius '
J Vanliorn, Into of Hi n.incktownship, Columbia co., 1
deceased, have been gram. I by tho Register of Wills, !
tic to the undersigned r. 'Idiiigiu Vollcyond Hemlock 1
townships. All persons n wing claims against the cs-,
tato of the decedent nre ? quested to present them to i
the Executors nt their i sldenco in said township,
without delay, and all in suns indebfd tomnkepsy.1
meat forthwith. DAVID A. VANHOIIN. I
V. I 'y townshlp,.Montour co.,
hemic-!, twp., Columbia eo, I
rrrivtsri, 1
Korimfcir ii, till-
TIT" I H 0 S'Eji'EJ C!
A puro and powerful Tonic, correctlvo nnd nltcratlro
of nondorful cllleacy In dlscaio of tho
Cvrcs Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Heailacho, Gonoral
Debility, Nervousness, Depression offplrlts, Con.
stlpntinn, Colic, Intermittent Fovers. Cramps
un il Hpnsms. and nil I nmplalnt of cither
Sex, nrislng from lloilily V'enkncss
whether inherent In tho system er
prnuuecu ny special causes.
Nirrnisa that Is not wholesome, genial nnd restora
tive in its nnlurc enters into tHn composition ofHOS
TETTER'S STOMACH IllTTI'.nP. This popular pro
paratloii contains no mineral of any hind, nndendly
botanical clement: no ficrv excitant! bift It is a couibi-
nniion nfltliu extracts of rnru balsamfc herbs nnd
plants with tho purest and mildest of ulldifrusivo lAim
It is well to bo forennned against dlsrnsc, nnd, so far
ns the liuninn system can be protected by human means
ngninst maladies engendered by nn unwholesome nt
mosiiherc, Inipuro wnter and other external causes,
HOSrETTKR'd MTTEnS may bo relied on ns a tafe
fuard. In dtttrhts infested with Ferer and Anne, it liasbeen
found infalllblo as n preventive and irresistible ns n
rcmcity nnu tnousanus Who resort to ituniicr nonro
hensinu nfnniitlack.cscnpctho scourge; nnd thousands
who neglect to nvnii thmiselvcs nf its protective uual-
ltics in advance, arc cured by n very brief coitru of
tins marvelous meuicine. r ever nnu Aguo paucnis
nfler lielni nnlid with oulnino for months in vnln, nn
til f.iirlv saturnted with that itnnacrou alkn'oid. lire
not nnfrcquently restored to heollh within a lew days
by tho use of IfOSTHTTIIll'H lllTTEilH.
The weak stomnrhls rapidly invigorated npd the np
pftlto restored by this ngrceable Tonic, and hence it
works wonders in enses of Ditpcpsla and in less con
firmed forms of Indigestion, Acting ns n gentlu nnd
painless npperlent, as well ns upon tho liver, itnlso
invariably relieves the Constipation superinduced by
Irregular action of tho digestive nnd sccretivo organs.
Persons nf fecolo habit, liablo AVrcous Attocks, tow
nms of Spirit! and Fite ?f Languor, find prompt nnd
permanent relief from tho Hitlers. Tho testimony on
thispointis most conclusive, and from botn sexes
The agony of llllllus Colic is immediately as'iinged
by n single dose of the stimulant, nnd by occasionally
resorting to it, the return of the complaint inny be pro
vented As a general Ton'c, IIOSTETTER'S HITTERS pro
ducn effects which must bo experienced or witnessed
beforo they can bo fully appreciated In enses of Con
stitulional wiakuess, premature decnyand debility and
decrepitude arising from old nge. it exercises th elec
tric intilicnce In the convnlocent stages of nil diseases
it operates ns Q delightful iiivigornut. When tin) pow
ers of nature nr relaxed, It operates to re inforco nnd
re-establish then). Lust, but not lexst, it tho onls safj
Ft i mu lent, being manufactured from sound nnd innocu
ous materials, nnd entirely free from tho acid cIhiuciiH
nicseiitiii'ore'nr lcs In nil tho ordinary tonics and
.. .lin.lnv
Nn family medicino ha been so universally, and It
may ho truly lidded, deservedly popular with tlm intelli
gent portion of the community, us llOSTETTEPi'a
Prepared by
ut"Sold by all Druggists, Grocers aud Storekeepers
November 21, 1303 ly.
Genuine Preparationsi
a nosl
tive and specific yeuieJy for of tlio bladder,
Kiuneys, liravci, aim uropsicni swciuugs.
This lucdiciiio increases the pawer uf digestion, nnd
cxclto llSFabsoibcnts into healthy action, by which tho
Winery or Calcareous definitions, end all Unnatural
Enlargeinclncuts are reduced, as well us pain and in
Tor weakness nrising from Exsesses, habit9 of Dis.
sipatiou, Early Indiscretion of Abuses, attended with
the following symptoms. -w
Indi.positlon to Exertion. Loss of Power,
Loss of .Memory. . Difficulty of U'rcathlng,
Weak Nerves, Trembling.
Horror of Disease, Pain in the Hack,
Universal Lassitude of tho Muscular Sy.tcui,
Hot Hands, Eruption on the l'nce,
Dryness of the Skin, Elushing of the liodv,
Pallid Countenance.
Tlicsc symptoms, if allowed to go on whiclAhis
medicine invariably removes, soon follows
iMrorucY, Fatoitv, EriLErnc Pitt,
In ono of which the Patient may require
Who can say that they nru not f re'iucntly followed
by those "Direful Discuses."
Many nre aw are of Ihe cuiso of their altering, hut
none will confess Ihe records of tho Insano Asylumsi
And melancholy deaths hy Consumption bear ample
witness tu the truth of tlm nssertion. '
The Constitution onco effected, Willi organic weakness
requires the aid of .Medicine to strengthen nnd Invig
ojate the system, which llclmbold's Lxtract lliichu in
variably dues. A trial will convince thu most skeptical.
In many affections peculiar to Females tho Extract
lliichu is unequalled by any oilier remedy, us iu Chlo
rosis or Retention, Irregularity, painl'iilncss, or Sup
pression of Customary Evacuations, ulcerated or scir
rhous slato of tho Uterus, Lcuchorrlian or Whiten,
Sterility, and fr nil complaints incident to the sex,
whether arising from indiscretion habits of dissipa
tion, or tn tho
Takeno more Halsam Mercury, or unpleasant Modi
cincs for unpleasant and dangerous disomies Helm-
hold's Extrait Huciiu and improved RoFO-Wnsh cures
secret diseases in all llioir stages. At little expense,
Little or no chaiigo in diet. No inconvenience, nn no
It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Uri
nate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing nnd
curing strictures of tho Urethra, allaying pain and in
(lamination, so frequent in tho class of diseases, and
expelling all poisonous, diseased and worimut matter.
Thousands upon thousands who have been the vie
tiuis of quacks, and who havo paid heavy fees to bo
cured iu n short time, hnvo found they were deceived
uud that tho "POISON" has, by tho uso of "powerful
astringents" been dried up in the system, tn break out
in an aggravated form, and perhaps after marriage.
Use llclmbold's Extract lliichu for all affections and
diseases of the Urinary Organs, wncther existing in
Male mill I'cmale, from whatever causu originating and
no matter of how long standing.
Diseases' of fhesc Organs requires the ni l of a Diur
etic, Hclmbold'sxtriict lluclin is tho Croat Diuretic,
and IscertainaVivu desired clfsct In all Diseases for
which it is rectnTuicndud.
Evidence of ilie must rclfablo and responsible char
acter will uccorupauy tho inedicftie.
Prico $1 icr Dotlle, or C for $5.
Delivered to eny address, securely packed frnm obser
vation. Descrlbo symptoms in all bommunicntioiis,
Cures guaranteed, advice gratis. Address letters for
information to
II. 11. IIELMnOLD, Chemist,
104 South Tenth. st., below Chestnut, Pliila.
IIEL.MHOLD'S Medical Depot,
HELMUOLU'S Drur and Chemical ll'arehoute,
591 IlKOxtiwxY, New Yobk,
llcvtaro nf Counterfeits and unprincipled dealers
who endeavor lo dispose "of their own" uud ' other"
articles on the reputation attained by llclmbold's (ien
uine Preparations, Extract Uuchu, Extract Sarsupurillu,
Improved Rose Wash.
All Druggists Evorywlioro.
Cut out the -tdvcrllsnflient and send for tfc
i nfajltV n' 'v,'
rnnrAHED nr
DR. 0. M. JACKSON, Philadclpbia, Pa,
WILL effectually euro Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia,
Jaundice, Chronic nr Nervous Debility, Diseases
of IhO liliineys, nnu Hit uiscases arising iruiu u uisor
dored Llrcr or tftoiuiich,
ns Cnnstlpa
Hon, Inwnrd Piles,
Fulness nf lllnod to the
Head, Acidity of the Gtomnrli
Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for food,
Fulness of weight In the Btoniach. Hour
Eructations. Finking nr I'liittering at tho I it
of tho Stomach, Kwlnimlng ef tlm Head, Hur
ried nnd Difficult llrciithing, Fluttering at ttia
Ilcurt, Choking or Suffocating dilations when In a
lying posture Hiinnesioi isiou, uois nr ivodb
beforu tho sight, Fever nnd Dull l'nlu In
tho llcod, Deficiency of Perspiration,
Yellowness of tho Skin and Eyes,
l'clti in the Side, Hack, Chest
Limbs, Ac, Kuildcn Flushes
cf Heat. Iliirning In tin,
I'lesh.Constnnt lm.
ti depression
of snlrltn.
And will positively prevent Yellow Ferer, ttlllious
Fevrr. kc 'III v c ntnin no Alcohol or bad Whiskey
They will euro tho above dlscasos in ninety-nine
cases nut or a itunurcii.
Induced hy tho extensive sale and universal popu
Inrity of Iionlland's (.'crinaii Hitters, (purely vegcta
ble.l hosts of lenornnt (luacks and iiiiscruiiiilciis nd-
venturers, have opened upon suffering humanity the
Hood gates ol Nostrums in inn snap.) ol poor W'lilsKey
vilely compounded with injurious drugs, and chris
icueu l ollies, i-ioinnciiies uuu timers.
Ileware or the iunuuiarablo array ofAlcoholla prep
paratlons in plcthorlr bottles nnd big bellied kegs, un
der the modest appellation nr Hitters; which instead
of curing, only nggrnvnta dUcnse, und leave tho disap
pointed suffer in despair.
Are not a new and nnlried article, but have stood
he lest of fifteen j cars trial by tlm American public '.
and their reputation and sale, are not rivalled hy any
similar tirciiuration.
'Ihe proprietors liava thousands of letters .faom tho
most eminent
Testifying of their own personal knowledge, to tho
beneficial effects and medical virtues of the to UltUrs.
Da you want tomethtng to ttrcngthtn yout
Do you vatit a good appetite I
Do you want to tuild vp your CdnififMlfoftf'
Do you want to feel well!
Do yon want to get rid of ntrvoninteet
Do you icant energy 1
De you wnnt tosteep wclH m
Do you want a brltk and nVoroiis feeling J -If
you do, use 11001'I.AND'd OhilNAiV IllTmnS.
h'ron Rev, J, Xcirtw Brown, D. D., Editor of tht JUncy
elopedia of Htligiout Knouledge.
Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent
Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingre
dients nnd ellects ; I yet know nf no Btitticicitt reasons
why a man may not testify to tiro benefit ho believes
linnsell to nave received irnmuny simple preparation.
In tho liope that ho may thus contribute tu tlio benefit of
1 do tills the mare icadily In regard to Ilootland's
Herman Hitters, prepared hy Dr. C. SI. Jackson, of this
city, becauso I was prejudiced against tkcin for many
yiiirs. under he imprcssiou that they weru chiefly uu
alcoholic mixture. I nm indebted to my Irieiid Robert
r-liocninker, Esq.. for the removal of this prejudico by
proper tests, nnd for cniourngcmeni to try them, when
Buffering from great and long continued debility. 'J'hu
usa of thrco bottles of lhe-o Hitters, at the beginning
nf the present year, was followed hy evident relict,
and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor
which I had not felt for six months before, nnd had ul
most despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God
nnd my friend for directing mo to iho use of them.
Philadelphia, Juno ?, 1661.
T!tert are many preparations sold under the nam) of
llitters, put tn quart bottles, compounded of the cheapest
whiskey or common rum, costing fromin to -11) cents per
gallon, the taste tliigulscd by Anise or Coriander &ced.
This class of Hitters lias caused und will continue
to cause, as long as they can bo sold, hundreds lo dio
the denth of the drunkard. Hy their uso tha system is
kept continually under the influence of ulcobollc stim
ulants of Ihe worst kind, tho desire for Liquor Is crea
ted nnd kept up, nnd the te&ult is nil tho horrors at
tendant upon a drunkard's life ami death.
l'or thoso who desiro and will have n Liquor Hitler,
we publish the following receipt. Uet one bottle of
Hood. mil's Cerium llitters uud mix with three quarts
of good brandy or whUkcy, and the result will be a
preparation that will far excel in medical virtues nnd
tiuc excellence any of the numerous Liquor DiMcrs iu
the market, and will cost much less. You will havo
nil the virtues of llooll.nid's Hitters in connection with
n good article of Liquor, at u much less prico than
thesu inferior preparations will cost ou.
Wo call attention to oil having relations or friends
in tho nrmy to Ihu fact that "IIOOFLAND'S Cerinm
Hitters" will euro nine-tenths of the diseases induced
by nxposurcs and privations incident to camp life
tho litts, published nunnst daily rn the nowspapcrg, on
the urnvnl of Hie sick, it rill bo noticed that a very
largo proportion nro liiil'cring debility. Every case of
that kind can bo rcudily cured hy Hoofland's Ccrmuti
Hitters. Diseases resulting from disorders of the ( i
gestive organs nro speedily reflloved. Wo havo no
hesitation in stating that, if these Hitters weru freely
used among our soldiers, hundreds uf Uvea iniuht be
saved that olherwiso will be lost.
Wo call particular attention to the following remark
nbln and well authenticated euro of ono of thu nation's
heroes, whoso life, to uso ills own language, "hid b.'cn
saved by thu Hitters."
I PniLir.ELrntA, August 23, 1?C2.
Messrs, Jonest? r.vans, Well, gentlemen, your Hoof-1
land's German Hitters has saved my life. There is nn
, mistake in this. It is vouched for hy numbers of my
comrades, somo of whoso names aro nppciidcd, nnd
who were fully cognisant of ull the circumstances of
1 my case. I am, and have been for tho last tour years,
n member of Sherman's celebrated battery, and under
the immediate command of Capi R. 11. Ayres. Through
the (xposuro attendant upon my ardorous duties, I was
attacked in November last with inlluniuiation of the
lungs, and was l'or seventy two days in the hospital,
1 was then removed from Hie White House, nnd sent
tn this citv on hoird tho Steamer "Stutc of Maine." i
from which I landed oil tho ":Ih of June. Siuco that
time I have been nbout ns low as any one could be'aud
still retain n spark of vitality, l'or. u week or morel,
was scarcely uble to swallow anything, nnd if 1 did
forco a morsel down, it was immediately thrown tip'
I could nntevenkecpagtassofwateronmystomach,
Lifo could not last under lliese circumstances ; and, nc
rnrdlnalv. thu tdivsiciaiis w ho had been worklHe: faith-
I fully, though unsuccessfully, to rescuo mo. from the
j.tasp of tin dread An her, frankly told mo they could
do no more lor mi', ami advlseu mu to seo a clergyman,
nnd mako such disposition of my limited funds as be.t
suited me. All ucquiiintaiicu who me nt the
hospital, Air. t'reilerkk Steinbrou, of Sixth below Arch
Street, advised mo, ns u forlorn hope, to try your Hit
ters, and kindly procured a bottle. Prom tho timo I
commenced taking them thu gloomy sh'ddow ol' i l ath
receded, and 1 nm now, thank Cod for it, getting belter.
Though 1 havo tnken but two bottles, I have gained
ten pounds, and I feel sanguine uf being permitted lo
rejoin my wife mid daughter, I'roiii whom I have heard
nothing for eighteen mouths; for, gentlemen, lam n
loyal Virginian, from thu vicinity of l'ront Royal, To
our voluublo Hitlers I owo tho certainty of lifo wnicli
lias taken the place of vaguo fears to our Hitters
will I owe the glorious privilege of again clasping to
my bosom tkosu who aro dearest to mo ill life.
Very truly yours,
We fully concur in the truth of life Ebovd statement
as we had despaired of seeing our comrade, Mr. Mu
lone, restored to health
John Cudillehark, Ut New York Dattcry.
Ocoigo A. Acklcy, Co. C. llth Maine,
Lewis Cheunlier, U.'d New York,
1. E, Spencer, l.t Artillery, Ualtery F.
J. II. 1'usewcll, Co. U, 3d Vermont,
Henry II. Jerome, Co. 11, do,
Henry 'P. MucDonald.Co. I'., Utli Maine,
John r. Ward, Co. E., 5th Maine,
llejinan Koch, Co. II., T'.'d New York,
Nathaniel II. Thomas, Co. P Mih 1'enn ,
Andrew J.nCiinbali, Co. A., 3d Ycruiunt,
John Jenkins, Co, II.. lOoth l'enn.
Sen that tho signature of "C. M. JAC1CSON,
it on
tuo tvanTiin or each bottle.
Should your nearest druggist not have tho article.
do not bo put off by any of the intoxicating prepara-
iious niai may uu uiiurou in us piacu, uui seuuiuus
and we will torwnrd, securely packed, by express.
Principal Office and Manufactory,
Wit, G'.U Arch Street.
Jones & Evans,
(Successors to 0, M. JACKSON & Co.,)
O FOR HM.E by Druggists IimIsti la ujttt
. - i jc j vtl .Ii. X - - . .")
United States Supremo Court.
Tbis morning tlio United Stales Suprcm
Court mot, all tho Justices being present,
vix ! Justices Tanoy,Vajne,Catn, Nel
son, Greer, ClitTard, Swaine, Milles, Davia
and Fold! The only businrsi transacted
was an announcement by Mr. Chief Jus
tice Tanoy that tho Court had olocted D.
W. Middlelon.Esq., of ibis olty, being tho
Assistant Clork, to bo Clerk of their Court,
vice Mr. W. W. Carroll, deceased.
Capture ofGen.Thos. F. Meager.
Goneral Slesghor, who Was with tho ar
my as a visitor to bis old brigado, was cap
tured, in citizen's clothes, usar Mino Run,
during tho recent engagement and u noSr
in tho hands of tho enemy.
riinn cncnnTAnY or Tin: treasury h mt
J yet given notice nf any Intention to withdraw this
popular Lnnn from' sale ot par, and tin I II ten days ti.
lice Is given, the undtrtignod, as "Uencral Sub. crip
tiun Agent." wilt continue to supply tlm public.
Tho whole amount nr tin Loan nlilhorin. d la t iva
nundrc4 Slllllom of Dollars. Nearly Four Hundred
Millions havo bven already subscribed for and pnl'l in
to tho Treasury, mostly within the last seven months
The large demand from abroad, mid the rapidly incrous
ing home demand for use as a basis fur circulation by
National Hanking Associations now organizing in nil
parts nf tho country, will, Inn very short period, nb
sorb the balance. Sales havo lately ranged Irom (en n
filled) million weekly, frce'iuemly exceeding threu
11111110111 daily, and as It is well known that tlm Hecro
tary of tho Treasury has ninplo nnd unfailing resour
ces in tho Duties on Imports and Internal Ktveuuee,
and In the isruo of the Interest bearing Legal Telidur
Treasury Notes, it is almost ft, certainty that he will
not find It necessary, for a long time to com to seek,
a market for nny other long or permanent Lojni, tlm
Inti rest nnd Principal of which are payable In KOLIJ.
Prudence and self Interest must force tho minds of
tho contemplating the lonuallon of Notional U.uik
lug Associations, us well as theliiliidsof all who hno
idle money on their hands, to tho prompt conclusion
that they should loso no time In subscribing to this
most popular Loan. It will soon bo beond their roach,
and ndnnce ton handsome premium, as wosthsru
mil with the -'Seven Thirty" Loan, when It was til
sold nnd could jio longer be subscribed tor ut par
It 1, u Six ufer Cent Loan, the Interest and PJnr.lpal
payable In Coin, thus yielding over Nlnu per cfnt. por
nnnum at tho present rate of premium on coin;
The Government requires nil duties on imports to ha
paid Hi Coin ; these duties havo torn longtime pnt
amounted to uvcrnUuarter of. n inillioikAf Dollars
daily, a sum ucaily three times greater than that ro-
qulreu III inc payment ui uie interval un u w.u
mid other permanent Loans. So that it is hoped that
tho surplus Coin in the Treasury, at no distant day,
will enable tho United Stales lo resume specie pay
ments upou all liabilities
The Loan is tailed 5-20 fr6m the fact that whilst tho
Bonds may b run for 'JO years yet tho Government has
a right (o pay them off in Oold at par, ut any lliua uf
Ur 5 years. , 4
The interest Is paid linlf-ycarly, viz: on tho first
days of November nnd May.
Subscribers can hnvo Coupon Honda, which are pay
able to bearer, nnd urc 850, SIOU, $500, and Sl'OO; or
Registered Uonds of same denominations, and in ae'-ll-linn,
$5,000, and SlO.OtO. For Hanking purposes .nd
for investments cf Trust-monies the Registered Urnids
are preferable,
Tiieao -VL'u'a ennnot be taxed bv States, cities, towns
or counties, and tho Covcrnmcut lax on them is only
ono and-a-half per cent, nn the amount of iilcomo
,Wn, In. nmu nf lit., linlrtnr HIT hlindrei!'
when tlio inioini) of tho holder exceeds six hundred'
dollars per milium ; all oilier investments, sucti ns in
csmo from Mortgages, Railroad Stock nnd onds, etc.
must pay from throe lo five percent, tax on the incomo-
Hanks and Hunkers throughout the Country will con.
tlniio to dispose op the Uonds ; nnd all orders by mail,
or otherwise, promptly attended to.
Tin. incoivcnience of a few days" delay in the deliv
ery of the Uonds is unavoidable, lbs demand being so
great i but as interest bounnences from tho day of sub
scription, no loss is occasioned, and every fclTurl is b4
tug mad to diminish the delay
JAY COOKE, Substrlption AgtnU
114 South Third Strut, PbilaaeApcilii..
nmnbM J, loCT-'dra.
Magic Timo Observers.
Being a Hunting or Opon Fact or tedy's or n'ntltme'n'a
naicii i.oniuiiitu, wm i uim, - tnu,i,g iu,pi
amost I'lcasfng .Vovelty
I Ono of the prettiest, most convenient, nn 1 decidedly
the best and cheapest time-piece for general and rella
able U8U ever ofl'erod. It has within it and connected
wjthits machinery, its own winding attachment ren
, dering n kny entirely unnecessary. The cases of tliis
Watch aro composed cf two metals, the nufr being
i line IU iarat gold. It has the Improved ruby nclion
lever movement, and Is wnrrnnted an acturato timo
piece. Price, superbly engraved, pr ciso of half duzca
g.'Ul. Sample Watches, in neat morocco boxes, $33.
I Silver Watches I
Jrit Class Hunting Timepicots for accuracy of mattment,
I bcavty of tnatcrial.and, aioie all, cheapness tn frite,
these watches must insure universal approbation,
i An imitation s faultless that it can hardly he dctes-
tcu ny tne most expericnceu juuges mo material bo
lug nf two metals, the outer ono first quality Sterling
Silver, whllelhi! inner one is German Silver, it cannot
be recognized by cutting or heavy engraving, making 11
not only iu appearance, but in durability, the best re
semblance of Solid n'lerllng Silver In existence.
Tho sale of thoso Wutrhcs in the army is a source of
on.'. nnons profit, retailing, as tli.'y very readily do, a
Stta and upwards. Many hundred dollars can be mado
in single pay day by uny one ol ordinary busiucj
In i tac'-
in iiuiji.ajLi.i. i ii neavy Homing
cases beautifully engrnved, white enamel dial, and
fancy cut hands, iu good running order, by the half
dozen, $ Sold only by tho cuso of six I
Upon receipt of twt dol.ars, as guarantee of gooi
faith, w will send watches hy express toanypaitof
tho loyal" ptatcs, collecting balancn of bill on delivery.
This ensures buyers against fraud, giving litem th ir
watches beforo payment is required. Send ortlers to
tho eolo importer. OAlfVS WIILA'ION.
No. 1'.'. Jewelcr'd Kxchango,
Cor, Cortlandt St. and Broadway, New York.
Bieimber 5, lSGJ-lfn.
A, C. l'AC't.. t, 0. TIIOMMOS.
No. 43 Noitt Tt'harves,
C7 11 UTTE R, "ctTiTe 3 E. Tl A M 8, : c. -Nov.
14, lfiii3-12iuo.
" mrmmh motel,
(Late Vhite Swan,)
D. 0. RIEGRISr" PitorRiETOu.
Formerly fi am Enlc Hotel Lebanon, Pa
March" Si), 16C3-lSm.
Estate oj Peter Jess, dac'it.
LETTERS of administration on the Estate of Petr
llets, lato of Sugnrluaf twp., Columbia co d.
have been granted by the Register of Columl i , lj
the undersigned ; all persons having claims a; rrtt :
estate of the decedent uro requested tp ptcseiu iu ., o
the Adininistrator nt his residence Iu 6:il,lto'
ship, without delay, iild .all persons iudcLted I - I'iji
payment lorthw i Hi.
HENRY C.HUS3. Adm'r.
Nuv. 7. FC3.-GW $J 00.
TIIE people of tlio county of Columlb
JL are rrspectfiilly, informed that tho uml:rn;cja
has fo. sule, ut tho
Tobe found nnywhero in the County. conltlij r"
Note, Letter. Legal nnd Cap Paper. Peiii, 11 ii s ,
Pencils, Ink and Envelopes; AIJSO
Comprising History, Poetry, riction.The
jGBlRtQ, "logy and Iho classics,
xt ...i1 0f John's London publications, fr -i
which selections can be made, and Unol.s fcr'ii. he t
order; by special arrangement with Now Yur.: Ac. t-.
and Bpeeches; nnd copies of the United St-.t. s, niiK
State Constliutiuiii, la tarious styles, always ou l.ane,
JOHN C. 1'KbUu
Uloomiburg. Nov. 7, 1663. -
ATI; r-.t T-t.A r,
Militaht Dctsmtss tT-riixmD tu hokrtii - -0Wi'-
Oturt llntt Atttt, tr.i.r Btw.' afl
AutJ, KM-la