Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 12, 1863, Image 2

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SaturdayMorninff.Dco. 12.1063.1
" onr OonMImilon Bnard It ever!
Our clotlons Union hold It doar I
Our Blarrr riag.-.forsaio ll never I
... iiuuu uaucassian.
our only peer!
( ConvcCntlo'nh)1 dccl,lou of democratic National
Tho True Objects of tho War7
It is a subjoct of gtoat astouishmcnt to
- w - -1
Nn.CV n 7 V , tU0)aia,csto n,IltJ Provinces, and finally) Harding vs. Elias Roesc.-Ac
florin rio not see, at a glanco, tho real .reconstructing tho Union on tho basis of n tioi on a noto Attachment execution
object of this most unnatural, war. They strong Central Despotism, overriding tho .Kaldy & Clark for Plaintiff; Howell for
euroly had warnings onough of tho comim; States and holdinir tho teoDlein eubiootio . 'J10 defendant, Vcrdiot of tho Jury is
Btorm before It burst upon them : and it
Btorm boforo it burst upon thorn"; and it
certainly requires no miraculous vision
now to eco amid tho fierco rago of tho
tempest that is upon us, tho domon ehapos
that aro directing it. It was foreshadowed
in' the speeches of Abraham Lincoln
ana his premier, Mr. Vm. H. Seward,
beforo tho last Presidential oleotion, when
they dcolarcd "that this country could not
remain much longor half slavo aud half
frco.'' Tho very timo when tho irrepress
ible conflict should sccuro it all for free
dom was definitely fixed by tho last men
tioned individual in tho following sigiufi.
oant sontonoo from one of his oampaign
speeches :
liTie next Administration will deter
mine the question as to whether freedom or
slavery is to prevail, and that in a toaxi
to settle the question forever."
Tho Republican press and orators now
do'not hesitate to proclaim that tho over
throw of slavery is tho object of tho war.
They do not hositato to declaro every
where that it ia high lime our statesmen
began to understand that this, result of
emancipation is inovitablo, and prepare to
rcect tho emergency. "Toll mo tho com
pany a man keeps, and I will toll you what
mannor of man ho is," is a truthful pro.
verb. Tho Administration from tho first
has taken into its councils such leading
Aboittionists as Mr. Horace Greeley1,
o. . o ... n . '
Banalor Sumner. Governor Andrews.
n r . . " irou, a oiaio moro oyai tnan Massae hu
Governora Dkxnirom nnil TJ.Mrro iL.p ' ' u
Henry Ward Beeouer, and Francis
n n, .pi... .. ,
X', ulair. Iheso men are oontmually to
hpfnnml ni.Wi.Mn- ......
, u . viuukUj VUU JLfcUV,
been honored with a seat at hB n.. J
Board during tho sessions of that body.
On all matters of pressing moment, both
before and since the commencement of the
war, thoy have been consultod and havo
Iirojected ; movements of the War Dapart
inent havo been submitted to them for
tboir approval or disapproval. Tho official
favors of the Administration havo been
levished, too, upon the extremists of this
olaas with no sparing hand. To mention
out ono instanco ; That arch Abolitionist,
Mr. Giddinqs, to-day holds the place
of Consul-General in Canada, tho vory
outlet of "tho former underground railway
bo labored so hard to construct, and of
which ho was the superintendent for many
Somo writsr has very eloquently said :
'Tho Roman republic was overthrown not
by'CassAR and PoMPEif, but by the con
dition of things that made Caesar and
Pompey posiiblo.' And so somo futiiro
bistorian may havo to 6ay as ho mourns
over tho ruins of this republic that it was
destroyed by tho condition of affairs that
permitted suoh insano wo have
named to become a power in the Stato.
The abolition power now in tho asoendanoy
at Washington, and that has precipitated
the country into all the fearful evils of
oivil war cannot bo despised as it was a
few years ago. Tho cloud, so small when
it ro3e, now hangs like a pall over tho
very domo of the Capitol itself. Out of
that cloud proceed from timo to time forked
ligktrings, that aro striking down one by
ono all the monuments of our former great
ness, and threatening toinvolvo tho whole
republio in ono torriblo and destructive
conflagration. Tho littlo band, whose
nanio was a byo-word and reproach, has
now grown to bo tho party in power,
musteriDg its hundreds of thousands, and
onlisting all tho remorseless cnorgiss of
INew ilngland fanaticism. It was this
power that liko tho deaf addor stopped its
cars to tho voice of tho, charmer pleading
for pcaco in tho last Congress.
tu iu mu iaai uungrosa, it ia Wis
power to-day, that under tho pretense of
eaving tho Union, is enforcing its fanatical
designs in tho abolition of 6lavory, and
promises to involve both North and South
in a oommon ruin.
tlm Ifninn ;a ,:,.:,., f-.:-..i
The Message.
Tho Daily News says ''tho Messsgo
it short, brief and pointed." Wo nro un
oblo to ceo tho point, unlets it is- contained
in Ibo following paragraph i
mw v..wn.u i4t.gJU I
A nrl nil nlin l,r..m .1
in treating colored persons or whito per-
ions, in ohargo of such, otherwiso than
lawfully as prisoners of war."
Thus making the "contleman from Af
rica" tho fisrt person in this now dispen
nation of Niggers, obolitioniitg and whito
Tho Thirty-eighth Congress of the Uni
ted States met at Washington on Monday.
Hou. Schuyler Colfax,of Indiana,was elec
ted Speaker of tho IIoubo, Ho Is a Re
publican. Tho Demoorals principally vot
ed for Mr. Cox, of Ohio.
"1... . cnuany Abolition body is, by
T fni.!. t; ..... ....
tins tirao, unaor full hoadway.haTiDg dec Doccmbor 7th 1803, agreeably to pro
tod their Spcnkor.without trouhlo.h
jonty oftwonty, whioh socurci to them
t , , 0"8, If ll,ismfti"tya bo
tration measures, wo may, look for a full
" ,
development of Abolition policy within a
short lituc. Wo rcioico that it is so. for
ithon wo shall know prcoiscly whore thoy
Hiauu ana now to treat tuoin. Wo trust Commonwealth vs. Sarah A. Fullmor.
that noithcr apprehensions nor modosty I -Indtctroont Forgery Truo bill Uis
on thoir part' will induco thorn to conceal ttlot Attornoy for Uomtnouwoalth Clark
any part of their plan for carrvimr on tho R!hcl for tho Defendant. Verdict
- uvfa,v,wi iuuuviu uiu
IflKltlfT nfirfl nf Hlrt nnrtmAa VArlitAinr il.n
by tho militarv arm. Wo dnsi ta
by tuo military arm. We desiro to seo
thoir polioy and plan presented with sueh
distinctness that hcroaftcr thoro oan bo no
ivt'.u iui uuiuujuiiwutuiu uitirK lor JJG-
misunderstanding or misinterpretation of fondant Ploa of guilty entered Sontonoo
them. Thoy owo this much to tho oountry 10 00 &uo anu 00Sl8 f prosecution,
and "a decent respect for tho opinions of 'i Commonwealth vs. Charles Eissonhardt,
the people, should, hduoo them to act fair- 5 nJ'w"' Th and h' Lil,U
i ,,, ... . , , , .. . . ' ami Clark for CommouwealthPrcezo lor
ly, to drop subtorfugo, and take their stand Defendant-Plea of guilty cntercd-Scn-squarely
and honestly upon tho platform tenco St 00 fino and costs of prosecution,
of moasutea which thoy intend to carry I Rickctts & Stewart. VS. ISmnriiml .Tnhn.
Wo havo had enough bush-fighting, aud
n Eories of skirmishes, or a f-enoral baltlo
in the open field, would bo a great relief, r1TlVa0I"tonwealtf1 vs' .Mlmcl Hartor.
n.l.,iT.M i...,- n. L ' Llh 8 '".' V3 wbioli tho two Darkies
. uUaiou lllu vuulcbi, uuiwuBu
might aud right to a moro speedy eonolu
Wc thorcforo pray Mr. Lincoln and his
Congress to play at bo-peep no longer,
but show thoir gamo at onco. And if des
potism is their aim, crush tho people at a
blow, instead of subjecting them to pro
longed torturo.
'Ci '
Wo direct tho attention of our readers (o
tho history of tho election in tho State of
Delaware, as published in another part of
our paper. Among all tho dicraceful
things attempted and done by tho prescn t
administration nono is mora Iiumi1inHnr
cithor to it or to the people.
ou wiiiuu uosuiq loot nas never
A State on which hostile foot has
F P-, - rIurmsmD w" ,na"
eml ls an7 criterion, has been and
in. . , . - , V. . . , . ,
hborately stripped ofits municipal rights,-
dod from its former sovereignty, and
has become onco more the Province of Del
aware. Tho election was a mockery more
than half tho votersin thogallant littlo Stato,
not coming to tho polls. around which wero
Schcneks soldiery, by order of tho Presi
dent, Kontueky, Maryland and Delaware are
carried by force Pennsylvania, Ohio and
Now York by fraud. Look at tho history
of these' States and then talk of .elections
by tho sovereign people I ! I
An Attfdl Picture. Tho total ex
penditures of tho United States Govern
ment for every Adminiitrationfrom Wash
ington down to the close of Mr. Buchanans
Administration, during the period of soven-ty-two
yoars, was 2,235,G77,1G1. Tho
expense of Mr. Lincoln's Administration
up to tho present timo has been 2,133,
170,000 ; which for the next year's expen
ses it is estimated 51,200,000,000 will have
to be added by the first session of tho in
ooming Congress, which will make tho
total expenditures of Lincoln's Adminis
tration of four years run up to tho enor
mous figure of 83,333,170,000 ; or 81 ,097,
402,830 more than tho total government
expenditures during seventy-two yoars.
This is a fearful picturo to contemplate. '
Portrait op McClellan. Mr. John
Dainty, 17 South Sixth street, Philadel
phia, has just published a Bplendid eques
trian portrait of Major General Goorgo B.
McClellan, a ho appeared on tho battle
field of Antietam, It is a faithful likeness
and a striking picture. ; and the publishor
offors it at a price low enough to enable
the soldiers who fought under''Little Mao''
and thoir numorous friends whoso name
is legion to buy a copy, so as to keep
constantly in their mind's oye a truo rep
resentation of ''tho coming Man,"
Civil War Averted, Tho Albany
Evening Journal, an Abolition paper says
"tho danger of civil war in tho North is
avertod in tho late elections." The moan
ing of which is, had the Democrats sue
' ww uv-
, . 3. . UI,"",'W0 auminisiration
aDa 113 minioni would havo made tho at-
and its minions would havo made tho at
tempt to put them down by tho bayonet,
thereby inaugurating oivil war, rather than
to yield up tho political power which thoy
possess. We ask Democrats and all mod
erate men to reflect upon this.
B-The Pee John says Vallandighara
has takon to drinking whiskey.
If so he must be fitting hirasol for some
hirrli nnnitinn. (nipl. a tlint nm -.
D I . --- MW .UH) uvtl UULUIIOU
bv Andu finrtin. fir TCrl. Sfnnlnn A aV..
and decent man is below par. But nig.
gers and whiskey aro capital elevators,
JEQf Why don't somo of tho Lcaucers
volunteer, undor the lato cal of tho Presi
dent I Aftor uch touohing exhibitions of
wordy patr'.ot'.dm, they ought to bo -able
to stand tiro as well as steal !
Jt is' rumored that there will hn n h)nm,
up in tho Cabinet before long, and that
Messrs. Stanton, Wells and Blair will re
tire. Dr. R. S, Simmington bag been appoin
ted an Examining Surgeon for Montour
Court met iu Bloomsburir, on Monday
Pjrcsidont; and Hon. John McKevnolds
and Hon. Stephen Baldy, associates on
Tho eos'ion of Monday was occupied
I 1 v .uvumiij IT no UUUULIC:U
1 by tho usual miscellaneous business, and
Inn nnnn nn tkn. i'i.n ,i:
'of during tho terra wero:
'1 . i r o
uueomea io years ot ago.
,for Ul 1,aintlff S2S30 03-
Commonwealth vs. Jacob TCIslW -Tn.
diotmont Assault and Battery Littlo &
Ircezo for Commonwealth Clark for Do-
son. Action of assumpist Hurloy for
1 laiutiffs 1-reczo fur Defendant Ver
. dict for 1laiuliff for 500 05'
i,roi0 ja,, Little and Clark for the Com-
monwealth brecza and Jackson for tho
Dofendaut. After tho ovidenoe closed, tho
caso was given by tho Commonwealth, and
tho Jury rendered a verdict of 'not guilty.'
Patterson to uso of Fox vs. Keighard
& Tronsue. Aotiou on' book aooouut
Clark for Plff; IIowol forDeff. Sli 54.
Court adjourned on Thursday.
The Delaware Election.
The whole vote polled at the recent
Congressional election in the Stato of Del
aware was 8,007 of which Smithors (Ah)
recoived 7,009,and Drown (Dem ) 8 votes!
At the general election in 1862, tho wholo
voto of tho Stato was 15,980. The rosult
of tho election of 1803 shows a fallinc off
in the aggregate voto of 7,973. Tho Dem
ocrats withdrew thoir candidate, and a few
of them undor pressuro voted for Smithcrs,
while Mr. Brovyn received eight votes. It
is alleged that to bo entirely safe, many
illegal votos wero cast for Smithers ; and
Smithcrs was elected
Smilhersl Phcebus what a name
To fill the speaking trump of future fame.
The Suits Against .Ex-Secretary
Cameron. In tho Unitedatcs Circuit
Court, in Baltimoro, on Monday last, the
cases of Charles Howard, Win, H. Gatoh
cll and John W. Davis, late- Police Com
missioners of Baltimore, against the Ex
Secretary, of War, Simon Cameron, to re
cover severally, twenty thousand dollars
damages for, tho arbitary arrost and im
prisonment ot tho plantiffs in July, 1861,
wero finally disposed of. The suits wero
takon from tho dookot by consont of tho
plaintiffs1 counsel on tho statement in open
court, by the counsel for defendant, that ho
waB authorized by his client to say that
tho latter (Simon Camoron) had no part
in the arrest and imnrinnnmnnt. nf thn
plaintiffs, or eithor of thorn.
The North American which has earn
ed a country. wide reputation for its doop
discoveries and wiso sayings, cravolv in-
forms us that the prolongation of tho war
is owing to tho tact thas there is an orrran.
ized Constitutional and thoUnion Demo
cratic party in the North ; that so long as
this organization continues tho war will go
on ; and modestly roquetts that it be dis
banded, and that wo ail fall into ranks
under the Abolition banneer, ''Can the
Demoorats raiso to a height of patriotism
EUllicient to make such a sacrifice!" il
asks. Wo think not. Tho "height" is too
groat. Our "patriotism" oonsists in venor
tion for tho Union ;'it shown by our efforts
to savo them wo cannot elevate ourselves
sufficiently to turn traitors and join the
Abolitionists in' their offorts to destroy
More Taxes. It is announced that tho
oxoiso duties on distilled spirits are to bo
largely inoroased, and it is probablo that
tho advanco is but ono of many others.
The revenue of tho country from foreign
uuuwb pun vcij vuuoiuuruuioj uih as mo
duties is still very cousiderablo, but as tho
premium on gold goes up importers will
fall off. nnd thn ndr.; TOtn i,. . v
fall off, and tho deficiency will havo to bo
supplied by diroot taxation. War is a
luxury which must bo paid for.
McClellan Nominated.
Tho Conservative National Committee,
which met ot Cincinnati, Ohio, on Friday,
December 4tb. 1803. nominated Rnnaral
George B. McClellan as their candidate for
tho Presidency for tho United States. Hon.
Amos Kendall was chairman of the meet
ing. Who aro the Knights of tho "Golden
Circle"? A suspicious looking shin
plaster is now in circulation as acurronoy.
It has on its faco a "golden circle," and
purports to bo a new issuo of Chase's cur
renoy. Is it ono of tho emblems of the
"Knights of tho Golden Circle" ?
Hon. Jacob Cope, lately a Member of
tho Luglslature, died last weok, in North
ampton county, in tho 67th year of his life.
Ho was on honest man and lifo.long Dom.
oorat. Mr 0., had fillod many important
position of public trait in his Kmc
"GOnnncnT on Fast Llvintr.
An old man, who ha beon living in tho
moat abjeot poverty for Bcvoral years, vi
braling betweon Worcester county and
Borks, Massachusetts and Coneotiout,as b
was shifted by selootoion who wished to
oloar him from their precincts, last
found n refuge, but perhaps only a tempo,
rary ono, in tho Stato Alms-houso at Mon
sou. Forty yoars ago this sarao man did
a hoavy grain and shipping business in
New York, and was among tho most in
fluential and respected of tho merchants of
the metropolis. About tho timo of tho
completion of tho Erio Canol ho, with oth-
ors, conceived a grand sohemo of doing on i nnu" lsl Corps 1 bolievo orosscd at Cul
immonso foreign trade, and went to Europo pepper Ford, tho 3d and Oth at Jacob's
taking most of his wealth with him. ' Fain. I Mills, whllo the 2nd advanced between tho
ily affairs did not run smooth, and ho gave 1 to Gpnnanna Ford. At tho latter
up his grand project, went to Ldhdou, led Placo wo expected a strong rcsistonco, as
a gay life, was feasted by lords, became tuo enemy had thrown up a strong lino
very intimato with tho household of a no- f earthworks, eapablo of containing 20
bio Earl, and was presented at Court by guns' Wc- could find no position for our
tho Araoriean Minister. artillery equal to theirs. It was night be-
Afterwards ho crossed to Paris, whoro fro l'10 troops nil crossed, and wo cn
some imbroglio obliged him to accapt tho 1 camped on tho plank road, a few miles
challengo of a fighting marquis, who sent from thoivor. Next morning, tho 27th,
a ball through his right arm ; but our pau-' wo resumed our march, and proceeded
per being a poor shot, severely wounded along tho Fredoricksburg and Orango piko
his own second instead of the marquis, and as far as Robertson's tavern, with but lit
he liad to leavo that city. Then ho went tlo opposition. Wo reached that point in
to Munich) and made lovo to a nieco of ono advance of any othor Corps, and as tho
of tho royal families, was accepted, got enemy showed a bold front, it was docmid
drunk nt a palatial ball ovqrhis conquest, unsafo to attack them with ono Corpi.
made a bad thing of it and loft Munich Our artillery was potod as well as tho Da
with despatch. Ho continued in his exoes- turo of the ground would permit, and tho
ses, gambled away all his property, was cannonoers immediately throw up corth
a vagabond in England a few years, then works in front of tho guns. Towards
in Now York,and then throughout western ovening tho skirmishing was severe
Massachusetts. His lifo is a sadder com- serious movo was mado. Tho 3d Corps,
mcnt on fast living than was over written ! on our right, met with oonsiderablo oppo-
sition, and tho 5th Corps, on our left, lost
. TnE attention of our readers is respect- ammunition wagons from nn attack mado
fully invited to tho advertisement of Messrs by guerrillas.
S. M. Ward & Co., which will bo found I On tho morning of tho 28th tho 2nd
in another .part of this paper. We arc Cor'ps again advanced along tho pike, un-
personally acquainted mm the mombers of.
this firm, and Can vouoli for thoir respon
sibility in all business arrangements which
thoy may mako, as wo have a thorough
knowledge of their mercantile integrity
and their full ability to meet all abliga
tions. Tilts notice, of courso, is intended
for such of our readers as havo no acquain
tance with this firm ; to all who kuow them
no recommendation will bo necessary.
Army and Nuvy Gazette,
TrtE Governor's central organ affects
to bo very indignant at our suggestions that
for controlling tho elections in three sov
ereign States by military orders, in viola
tion of tho Constitution of tho United
States and of the Constitution and laws
of the respective States,the President ought
to bo impoached, and would bo if we had
anhonest, upright Congress. Wo thought
also that wo wore modorato in tho sug
gestion of impeachment ; for less than half
tho crimes against law and liberty wli'ioh
this administration havo oom'mitted, Louis
XVL died on tho guillotine and Charles
I.- on the block. Patriot $ Union.
It is suggested that the ooming Con
gress should raiso the pay of private sol
dierarom 813 per month to such an extent
as shall enablo their families to live In somo
sort of comfort. It is well known that
many of tho families of threo years' men
aro now subsisting mainly on public and
private oharity the revolution in prices
during tho two years' absonce of their
heads having rendered 813 entirely inad
equate to their support. A raising of pri
vates' pay would at least bo a temporary
PAiinoNED Gov. Curtin has pardoaed
the Romig riotors, oonvicted and sentenced
in tho lato term of tho Lehigh co., Court.
What a magnanimous Governor I How
readily ho interferse in beahlf of all wooly
hoads "distressed by law." What is tho
uso of holding Courts if this toady of tho
administration, this boasting consorvalor
of tho'publio poacc and morals, can step
up and nullify tho conviction and sentonco
of judge and jury 1 Carbon Democrat.
A rebel is ono whoj rovolts against tho
Constitution and laws of his country. Tho
man who says tho Union as it was shall
not bo restored if ho cm prevent it, and
tho Constitution as it is shall not be pre
served, and tho laws as thoy Eland shall
not be enforced, is a rebel and a traitor.
We care not whether his namo bo Howell
Cobb or Charles Sumner, Jeff Davis or
Thad. Stevens, whether ho lives in Wash
ington or in Richmond.
lu&u pluauro m caning
tho attention of our readers to an adver-J
tiscment-that of Howe & Stevens' Fam-
"J" wooKB paper
Theso Dyes havo becomo a housohold no-
cessity, and so general in thoir use that
many a well dressed lady finds that many
lil JlTi"3'? ! V3'
oy me am oi tnoso JJvea maile as i'ood as
Adopino tub Advance Pay System.
Tho. New Castlo fPa.l Courant announ-
ces that after first ot January next, no pa- 0 s'6'lt f lca0 formidablo works Gen.
pers will be sent from that offico until paid urren hesitated, and when hs found that
for, and all papers will bo discontinued ho 00uld not P0"1 a 8,'Del gun to advan
when tho timo expires unloss reuowed, ta' ho delectl tuo attook and acnt for
That is tho right doctrine, nnd wo are I Gon" Meado Ho soon arrived, and coun
pleased to sco that tho country' press is tcrmaIlJc(1 Jbe order to advantage A
gradual ly coming up to it. couplo of dosertora also brought tho timely
intelligence of tho arrival of rcinforcomeuts
IiiEHii are 8,000 teams connected with to Geu. Lee. Tho hoavy cannonading on
tho Array of tho Potoraao. If plaoed in J the right, which was intended to distract
a singlo lino thoy would extend over 00' their attention, ooased as coon a? tho idoi
mllei' of charging thoir right was obandqnod, ,
WRiTTtH ma tmk Columbia Dcmoca&t.
Letter from tho Potomac Army.
Camp neak Rerrv Hill, Va.j
December 8d, 1803. j
My Dear -Sir :
On tho 24th of Number it was in
tended that this army should movo in oon-
junction with Grant's. Rut on that morn
ing a hoavy rain set in making tho roads
impassablo, thorcforo tho order was coun-
fnrmntlllnrl nnrl lltn i-nna ..ilttt. it-1 .I.mL I
od went haok to camp. On tho morning
of tho 20th, howover, wo 'again raado a
move, tho different Corps moving towards
different fords on tho Rapidan. The Cth
til it reached Whito Run. whnm tl,n ..,
' -"j
wero found to bo strongly ..posted. The
opposite bank was steep, and on its sum
mit thoy had erected formidable earth
works, covering guns whioh commanded
every avenue of opproach for a inilo at
least. To add to our chagrin itebmmenc
cd raining, and kept it up nearly the entire
day. Towards noon their Infantry was
discovered moving to our left, and Ar
nold's and RicketU' Batteries wore ira
midiatoly ordered to tako position at a
gallop and open on them. Thoy did so,
drove back their Infantry, and silenced the
only Battory tho enemy opened on them.
Towards evening Rickctts' Battery throw
some poroussion shells into their works,
compelling them to leave off working until
after dark. The men in a short timo threw
up intrenohmcnts equal to those of tho on
cray. Nothing of consequenco was performed
during the day, though the Corps wero
constantly ohanging their places in line.
At midnight the Infantry and artillery of
tho 2nd Corps wore withdrawn.
On Sunday morning their riflod Bat
terie of tho 2nd Corps, Arnold's, Thomp
son's, and Rickets' wero ordered to strip
their carriages of rations, forage, baggages,
and to dismount ono ammunition chest,
theroby making themselves as light as fly
ing artillery and to prepare for a rapid
flank movement in connection with tho In
fantry of tho 2nd Corps. Wo moved
aoross tho country towards tho enemio's
right as rapidly as tho bad roada would
peimit, and about noon roaohed the Orango
plank road, whoro we formed a small num
bor of Groy'a Cavalry. Ricketts' Battery
was put in. tho advance, and the wholo col
umn slowly advanced. Tho nature of the
whole country from tho Rapidan is a per
fect "Wilderness," and as tho country, is
covered with an almost impassablo jun
gle, you can imagine tho difficulties under
which wo labored. The advance of any
thing liko a line of battle was impossible.
After advancing about throe milos be
yond Now Hopo church, and reaching a
point only eight milos distant from Orange
0. H., our skirmishers came in contact
with thoso of the enemy. We pushed them
gradually baok to their supports, although
they contested the ground stubbornly.
Night came on it becamo necessary to halt.
It was bitter cold, but we had to 'stand it
as our blankets wero in tho roar, and no
fires oould be built.
During tho night preparations wero mado
to make a grand assault on tho cnemio'a
right. Gen. Warren was to load it. In
addition to his heroio Corps, Gen. Moado
sent him ono Division from the Oth Corps,
and two from tho 3d so at loast
, man would havo boon in tho ohargo. It
wnsto como off at 8 a. m. But in tho
nioantimo tho wer0 not idlo Dur.
ing tbo night thoy throw i,roaSt.wrks
of rnnt i1(1:u, m1 0,Pn, ,, ;., ,,.,.
frant ni.pnfl nn nt,n:a f ,
th h wbich u wou,d bo Jdioul
Ptoovcn when no" opposition was
--luiiiuu. ho coum oven count tnoir puns
and limbers, from which tho horses had
boen unhitched, showing tho confidence in
llic,r """"J t0 "pulse any assault. At
On Tuesday, tho lstinst,,it bcoanioov
idont that wo oould not drivo thorn Author
without tho greatest dangor to ourselves.
Noaly ono weok'a rations wero exhaust
ed, all tho forage, and no communication
oped with Washington, Tho wagons, nm
hulonccs, &c.,' wero sent to tho roar,' but
no material alteration wai mado in our
lino of battle. Tho mon continued to throw
up intrcnchincnos, as though falling back
was ont of tho qurstion. At 8i p. m tho
troop3 wore quietly wltudrawndeaving our
pickets in position, and tho camp-fires
brightly burning. A portion of tho dis-.
... i .1.1 i. 1
tanco was gono over ni tuo uouoicquicn,
All night long was tho weary inarch con
tiuued, nnd not until sunriao of tho 2nd did
wo reach Culpoppor Ford. Our pickets
did not leave until 4 a. m., and succeeded
in gaining tho shoro in safety. This morn
ing tho troops were all safely back in their
Tho objeot of tho oompaign was to pre
vent reiuforcewouts from going to Long
ttrect, or if thoy had gono to attack Leo's
weakenod army. We not only succeeded i
in the former, but compcllod Davis to send
moro troops to Leo. Tho faot that Meado
refused tooccupy Fredericksburg heights,
although ho could havo douc so, proves to
my mind that all idea of taking Richmond
by that route is abandoned.
Tho only casualty in our Battery was
Serg't. F. II. Snider, who was aovorely
wounded in tho thigli.
rorLowino ncinLcrioit, wincn uriunkr.. tiik voice or
tub Nation n is thetxCe standard or loyalty :
"Thiit tho present deplorable civil war lins been
orct'il upon tho country by the illsuiiionUtn or tho
Southern status, now in arms oirniiut tho Constitutional
(lovcrnmont, nnd In arius around tho Capital; tbnt in
this National viiicrifi-ncy, Conitrcssi banishing all feel
ing of inoro passion nr resentment, will recollect only
its duty to tin; whole country i 'Ant this tear is tifi vagci
on thtir vartin any suirit of oviircssion.or for anvvvr
post of conquest or subjugation orpurpostpf overthrowing
or xmsrjering vun tut rights or isiavusnca ins muttons oj
those Statu, but to defend and maintain the supremacy of
the Constitution, and ti) preserve the Union, vith the dig
nity, equality, andrighls of the tetcral States uninpairtd;
and that as soon as these objeett are accomplished the tear
ought to cease."
Sabre Cuts, Gunshot, Wounds, nnd all
other kinds of Wounds, also.Sorcs, Ulcers
and Suurvy, heal safely nnd quickly under
the soothing inOuenco of Ilolloway's Oint
ment. Il'hcals to tho bone, so that the
wound never opens again. Soldiers, sup
ply yourselves. Only 25 cents per pot.
Kan Si&uerfecmcnt
Estate of Charles Goodman, dee'd,
LETTERS of administration on tho cs
statu ofCharlcs Goodman, Into of Rriarcreck twn..
Columbia county, deceased, havo been granted by tho
ltcgistcrof null! county to tho tho undureisned who ro
sides in Ihu nine township; nil persons having claims
against tho ostnto of tho decedent nro requested tu pro
senttlii m to tho administrator nt Ills residence with
out delay, and all persons Indebted to mako payment
forthwith. 1 '
Tec. 13, 1653-Cw?;2
ALL persons subject to tho Draft of
tho 5lli January, 1SS4, and having claims of ci.
cmption on tho following gro'.inds: -Alienage, Non.
residence, Unsuitabloness of ago, or Mnnlfest perma
nent liisabiliiy"can havo their papers properly druwn
by calling a! the oflico of the undersigned, in lllooius
burg, Oflico neit door below A. J Sloan's store.
1 ho Trovosf Marshal has given notica lint
persons having claims on tho ground, nbuvo mjntlnned
must present them on or beforo tho .10th of December,
inst., otherwiso they will ho debarred,
lllooiusburg. Dec. 12, lW.j-3t.
Donation -Party.
WE, tho Committee of tho Pastoral
charge of the Itev.- 3, XV. Lisciier, would ro
spectfully announce that thn friends of Mr. I.ksciuh
propose flaking hint a Donation l'.irly, ou
All nre cordially infited to attend, whether they bo
reached by a card of invitation or not.
I'etcr .Miller, I Thomas Troy,
II. A. Swcppcnheiscr, Henry Hess,
Committee of Jleidlfr's CSurf.
Jcroininli lless, I llelfori',
iuicunci uese,
John Fensteriuakcr,
Committee of Salem Church.
1 O, II. lless,
I John Heller,
Commiptss of M$i:i Church.
Charles II lless,
Aaron Mnstcllcr,
Charlos No;s,
John Harmony,
I Kelcbner,
Ilnjamiu Nuss,
Comm'iiti of Union Church,
Jacob llcilman,
Committet Ctf -Vbu Caluinhta -loA
Josoph Weiss,
December 12. 18i3-2t.
50,000 Agonts Wanted I !
17K nnfl Watches, Gold Tens and Tencils, Vest
I il.UUU Guard and Neek Chains, Chnlelain chains
and rins.tEngraved llrncelets, Engraved Spring I. oik.
cts, Seal Stono Kings. California Itirigs. ChasocF ltings,
Masonic Kings and Pins, Cents California Diamond
Ear Drops, beautiful Sets of Jewelry, Now Styles Studs
and Buttons, etc., worth 5400,01)1), to be sold for Ono
Dollar each, without regard to value, aud not to be
paid for till you know what you nre to get.
In all transactions by mail wo tlmll charge for doing
tho business 'ir, cents each, which must be enclosed
when thu request is mado to know what you can havu.
Alter knowing what you cun havo. then it will be at
your option to send SI, takothoarlicloor not.
Five urticlcscaji bo ordered for SI eleven for SJ
thirty for S3-sixty-nve for SlO-nnd ono hundred 315.
With ihc information ot what you can have will be
sent a Circular giving full instructions to Agents and
a full Catalogue of tiro articles, and then it will bo at
your opiion to semi nui! get tho nrtlcio or not.
Also, fur 31, I will send a solid Silver Shield nr
either Army Corps Tin, w ith your 11a e, regiment ami
company handsomely engraved upon it.
Address 8. M. WAitD & CO .
llox 4S7C, New York, sod Uroadwoy.
December IS. Ifu3-3ni.
lMl'OUTANT TO I.ADIIJS. Dr. lUnvcT'a Temale
Tills have never yet failed iu removing difllcultis aris
ing from obstruction, or stoppage of nature, or in re
storing Hie system to perfect health when suffering
from Spinal Alfectious, Prolapsus, Uteri, tho Whites,
or other weakness of the Uterine Organs, Tho 1'ilU
are perfectly harmless on thu constitution, and may bu
taken by tho most delicate Tomato without canting ills-trcss-ihu
same time they act liken charm by strength'
euing. invigorating nml restoring thn synem to a heal
thy condition, nnd by j ringing on tho monthly periol
with regularity, no matter Iroiu what causes the ob
struction may arise, Tho should, however, NOT bo
taken during the first three or four mouths of pregnancy,
though safj at any other time, ns miscarriage would bo
tho result.
Kuch box contains (Hi rills, price $1,
111. IIAUVr.VtiTUUATIsr.iiu Diseases of females.
Pregnancy, Mjscairinge. Unrreniicfs, sterility, Uepro
ductiuu nml abuses of nature, und emphaticnlly tho
1. ailies' Private Medical Adviser, a pamphlet of lit
pages, sent free to any uddrcss. Six ciuts required to
pay postage.
'I he Pills and book will ho sent by mail when desired,
securely sealed, nnd prepaid, by
J, 11KYAN, M. I).. General As-nt,
, , . , No, 70 Cedar St., Now York.
E?"- Sold by all tho principal drugs ists.
December 12, lfeOJ ly.
TDJE subscriber has just received n lot
Hosiery Trimmings aud New Goods, such ts
oLovus. ALB0'
rrrtvi . . ANI) Tlir.rt NOTIONS.
K7" Wheeler Vilsorfs Sowing Machines for sals.
Also-bunday School Hooks and Bibles.
Also-Mrs. Allen's Hair lteilorcr. whkh will civoto
gry its natural color,
A. D, WH1H1.
, . .t Door bclaiy Court Home.
Bisomibiiri, Nor. u, 1303, .
or1 TUB
Bravo Soldioro aud Sailors.
tho Soldier's never TaUIti? friend In tho hour of need
Will ho upeodly relieved nnd oflcttually cured l,r
using these nilinlrnblo mcdlcineg, ami by paying prunar
Bttintlon to tho Directions which aro attached tu nicb'
l ot or llox,
Hioso feeling which sosnililpn us usually ntljofroa
trouble or nnnoynnccs, obstructed poisplratlou, or est
Ingnnd drinking whatever Is unwholesoiiie, thus ill.,
turblng the healthful action orthe liver nnd stomach
These organs must ho retlovcd, if you desire to bo w
'I lie Pills, taken according tu the printed Inirtuclintu
will quickly nroduco a healthy action In both liver ni
stomach, ami, ns a natural consequence, u tlcar lin.i
nnd good appetite, "
Will soon dUoppeor by the ineoflhoto hnalimU,
Pills, nnd the Soldier Hlil quickly ncquliu additional
strength. Never let Hie llowcls ho cither ennflned nr
unduly nrtcd unou. It may seem Strang.-, that Ilol'
lowny's Pills should bo recommended lor liysenterr
nnd l'lux. ninny persons supposing thut they would
incrciiso 'tho relaxation. This is n great mistake, for
these Pills will correct the liver mid stumath, mid thus
remove nil tho ncrid humors from tho system, This
medicine will give lone und vigor to the wholo organl.
sjsteni, houotcr dernnged, uliilu health nnd strength
follow nsniHatter of courso, Nothing will nop tho ro
laiallun oftho L'oue s so suro u. Ihla famous incdl.
VOI.UNTCnn3, ATTIJNTION indisjiii;tions oy
Bores anil Ulcers, IllUclies nml Bnclllnes, can wIik rndicnlly cured. Irtho Pill, nretakcu nlc S
and morning, nnd Ointment bo freely used as state,! In
tho printed instructions. If treated in any nher mm
tier, they dry up in cue part to break out in another
Micrens this uiutuioiii will remote tho humors rrmn
tho sy.tem.niid l vo the Patient 11 Igorous slid heoli ir
man. It will require n littlo pirseveruiico in bad r.
ses to Insure n lading cu:i
UAYONllT, SAlllli:, Oil TIIU I!UL1,LT. fcOSIM
To which every Soldier and Sailor nro liable, tber.
nro no niedines so safe, sure, anil convenient, ns Ilol
lownj's Pills and (Jintnient. 'I bo wounded nnd aliun.i
dying sullercr might have Ills wounds dressed imn n.
dlntely. lfho would only provldo himself with tl,l.
matchless Ointment, which should bu thrust intntii.
wound and smeared nil round it, thon covered with
piece oriinen from his knapenrl; and couiprersed with
n handkerchief, Talking, night nnd morning, Oortl
Pills, to cool the system and Prevent iuflainntion
llveiy Soldier's Knapsack nnd Seaman's Chest should
bo provided with thetu nluable Keuiudles.
CAUTION! Nono nre genuine unless tho ivori.
"Ilollowiiys, New York nnd London " ura dl?cernabl
ns a Water-mark in every leaf of tho book of direction,
around each pot or box j thesamu may plainly nei,
hnlitlli!' the leaf Ln Ibo llirlil. A !,:., I,.!,. , " 'K
ho gien to any one rcnilcring such Information ns mar
leud to the detection of nil) party or parties counter'
Iklll'l ,LI.l.lllbB V, ..llUlllg lt'J
them to bo tpurious.
same, knowing
Soldnt loauufuctory 01 Professor Holloway M
Miaden l.anc. Now York, and bv all resnenni.i., !,'...-
istsnud Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civiltaj
wo.-ld, tuboxes at23 cents, and St each.
CJ- I here Is considerable saving by token tho loner
N, 11. Directions for the gul Innco of patients In crcrr
disorder aru affixed to each box. '
SJ Dealers in my well known medicines can tan
Show Canh, Circulars, ice,, sent free of exnense b?
addressing iTIIOMAS IIOI.I.OWAY.
. Ed Maides Lai-, Naw.Ynas.
Dec. 12. ltC3.-ly. June 20, lm.
Blacx, .
Daiik IIloc,
l'ltLKCU ll. OS,
Clark r lluonn
Dark IIkown,
I.ruiiT liitown.
SM'rr Uiiohk.
Daiik Drad,
LlUKT 1)1140,
Dark Cuban,
Liout Gncs.-t,
ItovAi. Poaris,
Tor Dying Pilk, Woolen and Mixed Coods, Shawls,
Scarfs, Dresses, Itibhons. Cloves, lionnetl
Hats, Feathers, Kid Cloves, Children's
Clothing nnd nil kinds of
Wearing Ayparel.
ZQr SAV1XG OF 81) PER H.T. -a
For 25 rents you can order na many goods as would
otherwise cost five times that sum. Various sbailos
can bo produced from th-j same Dye. Thu process it
simplo, nnd any one can uso tho Jyo with perfect suc
cess. Directions in English, French and German, inside of
enrh package.
For further information in Dyelug, nnd giving a pr
net kiionlcga what colors are best adapted to dyo
over others, (with many valuable recipes.)
Howe & Stephens' Treaties 011 Dveing aud Coloring.
Sent by mail on receipt of pjlco, III cents.
Manufactured ly 1IOWI1 & STT.VRXS.
ECU IIiioadwaY, Bostos.
ITTor sale by Druggists und Dealers generally,
Z)eceuiber 12, lgC3-bmos,
J ItANiiD IN all CASts-Can be relied out Never
fail to enrol Do not nauseate I Aro spoedv in action!
Nu change of diet required I Do not interfere with
businoss pursuits I Can be used without detection I
Upwards of 2U0 Hires the past month some of them
very severe cases. Over one hundred pliy.lcians hav
used them in thoir practice, and all speak well-ofthi ir
efficacy, and npprove of their composition, whkh is
entirely vegetable, and harmless oil the system. Hun
dreds of certificates eau be shown.
Hell's Specific Pills nre the original and only genuins
Specific Pill. They are uilaiitcd for malu aud female,
old or young, and the only reliab.o remedy fur cfT.-ctiiig
n permanent nml speedy cure iu all cases of Sp'rma
torrhea, or ujiinal Weakness, with all its train of
evils, biicIi liHtrcthral aud Vaginal Discharges, Gleet,
thu Whites. Nightly or It. voluntary Diuii-ioiis. lucon
tiuuance, Genital Debility and Irritability, Impotence.
Weakness or Loss of Power. Nervious Debility, &c
nil of which arises principally from Sexual excesses or
HelMbiise, or somo cnni-lituiional deraiigemeiit, und
incapacitates tho nillurer from fultilliiig llu duties of
mairied life" In nil sexual diseases, us Cuuorthia,
Gleet, and Strictures, nnd in of thu llladdr
and Kidneys, they act as a charm 1 Relief is experi
enced by taking 11 single box.
Soul by nil the principal druggists. Price 81.
They will be sent bj mail, securely sealed, aud turn
fidcutially, on receipt of tho money, by
No, M Cedar St., New York.
Consulting Physician for tho treatment of Seminal.
Urinary. Sexual, and Nervous Diseases, who will
bc-ikI, tree to nil, tho fullovWng aluablc work, in seal
ed envelope :
Tils l'lnitTii Tuot'SAND-Dn. IIHUS TRKATISi!
011 Sell'-Abure, Premature decay, Jmiioti-uco and Ion
nf power, Sexual Discuses, Seminal Wcaknesa, Nightly
KmisfcioNC, (ii'liila' Debility, fee., tt a pamphlet of U
pages, coiitaiulng impurtaut advice to thu ulllieled. aid
which shoulihbj read by every rulf-rer, as the mentis
of euro in lliu severest stages is plainly set forth Ttw
stamps required to pay pustugo,
December 12, ItOJ-ly.
Psw IlAvtrt, Dee. 11, I'fil
Having been taught that medicines, in order to b
valunlde, must originate with some particular faculty
or school, we considered puteiit'mcdicinor, (so called.)
n humbug, until after losing our beloved child with
Croup, wo wero forced by the sutfering of another, from
the samo disease, mid tho advice of friends tn try Coc's
Cough llalsam. Little ijddio had gone, and, though wo
loved him, we would not call him from his quiet rett,
to share tho sorrows, of this unfriendly world, Hut
Willie, is there, nu remedy for thee 1 Wo ioiiud it m
Coo's Cough llalsam. It relieved him in about twenty
minutes, to our great joy, and the surprisu of others.
,, lujiuu' uu oireu iu uisprit.u nun 11113 price,--.,
blessing, and we aro glad to learn that Mr. Coo has
made arrangements wBh purlieu, whereby it may be
como more extensively knonn, In view of this let 1119
say to every parent, when your child is eall'irieg with
Croup, give this llalsam, giro it freely. If wo did not
believe it tubu tbg test ruinody for you, wo certainly
would 1101 say iu Truly yours.
Ml.ltCY GWINDlib.
For isle by Druggists crerynhcro.
U, U, CLARK, U CO., Proprietors.
New IIavsn, Conu,
tt7"Sce sdvertisomont ia another coluuiu,
Doccmber 12, 16U3-31.
Oyster Saloon.
''ipiIE unilersigncil would announce to
JL to tho nubile that he has refilled his SALOON, on
door Last 01 his llakery, on
Main Street, Illooinsbiirg, Va.,
tndls prepared to aceommodato both Ladles fE&.
uud Ueutleincii, Ho is prepared to furnish$ij 93
Oysters, Wholesale J- Retail,
niooinibHrg, Nov. Sit 16C3-lt
Of every desciiirtiou, for stuVat'thii office
All tvho hiivo Fflcmts nml Itdmivrt In thn Afm? 0
Nvy ihnul. toko Hint thoy bi .np f VJ.
pllc.1 with ,1110,0 T II. oinhiH iit iml whtrVth,
brnvo SnMlcrit nntt Halrora ItaVo iipbIocIi-U to' nroHJ.
IjieniielvPii with them, no hcltor prvtcnt cmi Le .ent
.IIUIll UY lllCir t MM II.. " ICV l.Vn iann