Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 05, 1863, Image 3

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Bloomsburg, Pcnn'a.
Saturday morning, December s, ibcj,
JDQT Rovival nioetings aro nightly hold
in tho M. 12. Church of this placo.
fe5T lloll. ClIARIiE9ll., U.
B Sonator, loft Bloomsburg on Wcdncs
day morning fa route for Washington.
Cr Diviuo service in the German Ho.
formed Church of this placo, on Sabbath
(to-morrow,) ovening at o'clock. ,
KBr Whiter is upon us iu earnest.
Tho cold chilly winds reminds us forcibly
to prepare for its continuation. !
JDfiT- "Dipthcria, its cause, prevention
nnd euro, " with many other curious and
Valuablo books, for salo by Col. Freeze,
at tho Recorder's office., iu Bloomsburg.
car Wo aro requested to announce, 1
that Uov. G. W. Scott, will preach iu tho
Bloomsburg Baptist Church to-morrow,
, . .' .,,,, I
(Sunday.) at 10 o clock, and ,n
tho evening at Oj o oloclc.
a i iT7 " i t. i
CST A pass book belonging to Daniel
Jones in account with John Dunkolbergcr
of Shamokin, Fa., was found in the street
of this place a few evenings since, and left
at our oflioc for the owner.
B&r' TllO Musical Convention Under tho
.. '. . . .
direction of Prof. Killip, which has been
iu progress iu tho Court House, of this
place, during tho week, ended with a pub-1
lio Concert last evening. Prof Killip has
rendered entire satisfaction in his labors, ,
.. I
r- (.Plitio nA U.i: :if r W
SOT- ''Politics and Religion' Uy C. W. ,
A , has man j good lines, and a good
many bad ones. Take it all together it
will not pass muster, and wo must de
cline it. Wo hopo our correspondent will
try again. Study brevity, it is the soul
of wit.
5ST" A good many abolition blood
thunder last man and last dollar
mous wero preaohed over tho country on
'Thanksgiving day," but so far as wc
havo learned not one of tho preachers or
listeners havo volunteered in conscquenoo
C2i Counterfeit fifty cent notes of the
new fractional currency aro in circula
tion. They are made by splitting ten and
fifty cent notes and sticking halves of each
together. Tho way to guard against
them is to look at both sides of all fifty
cent notes.
tr Formerly, men would say l'I am
glad I was in church." Now, many say
"I am glad I was not in church," parti
ularly, when, after an abolitionusormou,
it is assorted publicly, that ''the Demo
crats and copperheads got thoir bellies
tsST" A disease has broken out among
tho Hogs in different pa'ts of' our county,
which is killing tliem off in large ntim
bcrii. Wc understand that Mr. Jeremiah
Hagenbuch, of Centre township, has lost
fiomo eight or ten fattened Hogs by
EST Two deserters wcro arrested
forwarded to Harrisburg, by our
assistant provost marshal, Capt Silver, on
Thursday morning latt. They were hand
cuffed. Truely, a pitilul sight to thus
sec our friends and neighbors draged from
their familcs and business by compulsion.
JJ Philip Creasy's Powder Mill situa
ted at the mouth of the Biiar Creek, near
Berwick, this county, blow up on last Fri
day morning week. George Arzz, fore
man of the establishment, was considera
bly burned about the face and chest. It
is announced to have been caused by some
defeot in tho stampers.
" Wo know wo need not call special
attention to the improved appearance of
our paper ; nor to tho greater editorial
labor bestowed upon it. Wc do so how
over, for tho purpose of saying that wo
intend to keep up tho spirit aud tone of
tho old Columhia Democrat, and put it
far ahead of all competitors. Our ar
rangements aro completo and permanent.
B" It you want to buy fino Holiday
Presents for the little ones, go to Barnard
Stohner's Confectionery Store. Thcru
you will Gnd tho largest and handsomest
Stock of Toys, Fancy Notions, &o over
bsforo displayed in Bloomsburg. Ho keeps
nn endless assortment of Creams, and fine
Candies, as our ''dovil Jim," Mill testify.
BSD The Diptlieria prevails to a con
siderable extent in Columbia aud adjacent
counties, in numerous instances tlio uis
ease haB proved fatal. Four children of
ono family wcro stricken down at tho saino
timo by this terrible ''demon of tho nur
tory,' thrco of whom died. Two wero
lmrinil nn flin fifimn ilnv in nnA rrrnuo.
"Insati. to archer, would not ono suffice V
EST Tho third rail on the Lackawanna
and Bloomsburg railroad will bo laid ovor
tho ontiro lcnctll Of tho roid in a lew days,
. , , , ... . , ,
o mat oars toaucu ciuier at Fiortuunmcr-
land or Scranton can traverso the wholo
distance on tho wide gagiio, without Iran-
bhipmcnt. A train can tlien bo loaded ut
any point on tho road, and go direct to
Philadelphia. The g:cat increase of busi.
HfM and the demand of the coal trado
rendered this chance ueeesjary.
I As Iho call uhdtr tho coming draft 5a
for "truo nnd loyal" mon, it is suggested I
that virulent bopperlicauMsin will ostalilish
a valid claim for exemption,
I Scarlet Cloaks, aro coming into fashion
among tho ladies. Tlioy aro much ad
mired by tho reporters of the press. Thoy
havo not yet made llioir appcaranco hero.
I J56T Tho frcahot in tho Susnuohanna
, nvor, caused by tho recont htrwy rains,
, is gradually subsidise, but tho stream is
etill in rafting order. Within iho last
two weeks a considerable numbor of rafts
and arks havo floated .past this placo on
tho broai1 bosom r our beautiful river, cn
rou, J" tbc lowor nwrkols. Tho hardy
Bom 01 ",0 nu"'n regions on tiie upper
uluuuuua iuiuin rouiuuorativo nnccs lor
their lumber nnd timber.
" w wxwmuiu w.,;
rresuient Judge UoU. William Elwell.
i Associate Judges. Hon. John Mo'Rcv
nobis, Hon. .Stephen Baldv.
District Attornoy.- Epliraim II. Little.
".T?0 nah vrm ,
U erk of tho Courts. Jesse Co email.
Kcg,8or RnJ llooordci,Jolin Q Froczo
'Commissioners. Charles II. Ilcas, ltolir
Mcllonry, Thop. J. Vandorslico.
rrcasurcr.-Daniel Mcllonry.
Commissioner's Attornoy. J, G. Freeze,
.Commissioner's Clerk. Robert 0. Fruit.
CS? Tho "Government" pays the tran
sportation of soldiers to and from their
places of resideilCO, when they are sent
'i .. ,. . n, ,
.home to voto tho Abolition ticket. But
when the corpso of a soldier is sent homo ;
"om tuo "eld or hospital, the fncncU have 1
to pay tho uxpeuacs, amounting to from
"no to two huudrcd dollars. This looks '
. r....i :!.. 1...1 n ..
uiakfigm, wuu.i wu rcuuci
, . .M,.;! ,
a corpso can t voto, it is not so surprising '
nftpr all Thrn reflprlinnn nro Rinmif..rl
.UlLr .ill. X I1LSO reULCUOIls arc FUMeslUU
ujiiie mi luJla i.uur muuruig iuuu, II
fi iniul nfmii-9 Ims lionn nn.nnolln,! tn ',
ovcr a
hundred dollars for the transmis-
jsion of tho remains of Lis con, whilo his
neighbor's son was sent homo alivp, at tho
expense of ''Government" for tho pur
pose of votiuir.
Bf?V " Wn linTnril nnfliltwf !n cnwln
that tho worst class ol men who arc mak
ing tracks upon Southern soil, arc so call
ed preachers of the gosptl, who have en-,
couraged in this work of persecution, itn.j
prisonment, drunkonoss, lying; stealing, 1 S
assasination and muruer. J.Jio nave aid
cd in the Work of devastation-the nonnfrir !
!,,. i fill .v. :"li. I
uiujf mil. lumuuuitu iu un mi: iuuu nuu
mourning ; tlioy havo oausou tears of tens
01 thousands ot widows to iiow ; tlioy iiavo i
dono tlieir lull part in handing dowu to
posterity an army of orphan T children ;
thev havo aided matorilllly ill fillinJ tllOU- '
sands of "raves with tho best citizens of
the counlrv, North and South j and fear-
fuljto relatf, they have maiuly contributed
to send thousands to hell who might havo
been redeemed by tho blood of Christ, but
for this war. Wo cau never hear ono of
those base hypocrites preach if wo can get
beyond tho sound of hu hateful voice. 1
Let all patriots resolve upon tho same
course, aud thus, in all loyal sections, 1
drive the monitors into tho shado of pri-1
vatc life." ,
Tho above is taken from the "Knoxvillo
Whig" which we have copied from tho
Pittsburg Chronicle, Tho Whig is pub
lished by Parson Brownlow. What ho ;
says of the "so-called preachers of tho j
gospel," in the South cau bo said with j
equal propriety of many so-called preach-'
era of tho gospel in tho North. Every j
word contained iu tho above extract isj
true of a class of our Northern clergy. 1
TheV should bo Speedily driven from the
1 J
pulpits which thev aro disgracing, like tllC
11 - D '
Saviour drOVO OUt tllOSO Who had mado the
temple, a den of thieves. Perhaps if they
arc left alono the Devil will destroy them
as lie did tho swine in tho land of tho
Gadarenes. Let what will, becoino of
them, one thing is plain, every truo fol
lower of Christ, every consistent christian
withdraw themselves from these
dcccivilltf lvilllT hvnOClitC1
o j i
eST Wcalher-prophets, who baso all'
their arguments upon certain supposed
infalliblu signs, nay that tho coining win
ter will bo an unusually severe one. Each
aenson I hi? is tlin CSV of nvM'V one. and of
- -
what ovory ono says tho good
folks generally tako it for granted is so.
Old people inform us that theso weathorj
prophets luvo existed since the days of;
.lonas, and each of them havo a particular j
sign by which to foretel the soasous. Tho!
principal reasons given this year for tho
early approach of cold weather aro the j
. i- --I 1 I i I. !-.!..
movements 01 USUCS UIIU miyrutory uuua,
and tbo unusual care of tho amphibious
nnimoln tn nrnuiil.t nrrninsl finlil. AVIiilo it
i3 (rue that on Allwiso Providence has
gifted his irrational creatures with an iu
stinct which enables them to provide suit
ably against the seasons, yet it is a grave
quoslion of doubt whether or not these
self-same creatures aro making any raoro
f a preparation this year than they havo
usually been wont to uo. Iho winter is
not likely, thorcforo, to bo any colder than
other winters, but will be one of groat
sovoritv amonc tho poor. An unusual
' arauunt of sufforiD8 and dislrcs3 La3 bcon
i anticipated by our various bonevolont soo-
ictics, and already arts thoy crying aloud
for tho charitable to como forward and
rollOVO tliem Ot part Ot tlie Duruen Dy im-
...i tu...: ., rPlm .,sann w!,,tnr
urui uuuiiiuuuuui, pinwn ,
will, indeed, bo an excellent opportunity
for thoso who havo made their thousauds.j
i tho few mouths that war has distressed, j
to expeud a portion of their easy uiadoj
w-calth towards tho relief of tbo many hus-1
oaU(3s who have not been so fortunate asi
theuuelve ,
Tho followine; payments havo been mado
I ll ' ; ! . " , "J,"'
i" mo umiuiivih jstmuLi tea uuiuu, uuiiuk lowanco 10 inn urpuans- cmori. 10 on 113111 ni mourns
.t. f M i tann . Imtir. In thn county nfurotalil. on Wcilncadnr. tho Dili
inc. uiuinii oi nuvuiuucr, iou.i
1) I) Montgomery
Western llutrl
$1? 00. Iton 0 It Iluckalew SO no
"a 84 ffiL'ffiS.61 g
Howell tt llourko
Win J I'crry Esq
Nntlnnal Hotel
David It Randall Esq
John Glgger
Frederick Lawbacli
Inane llcss
American Ten Co
Hiinc Luu Esq
8 0u Hrveut HI ratten & Co II un
8 DO James Wright
2 00
s no
0 110, Abraham Arwlno
1 75 00 llarklcy, Eio,
I 75 J I) Itlco
I S.V Daniel Kecfer
1'J Oil Anna Young
10 00 Wm McNInch
S 00 Est of llr A J llrass
A III! M 1! Jnrk.nn. l'.an
s oo
0 oo
1 73
3 S3
1 73
3 73
n oo
a oo
M 37
S 73
a co
a no
a oo
l l'J
1 73
4 00
a oo
a 2
I 75
B 73
3 no
1 IB
a bo
a mi
l no
s on
l oo
uaviu ream.
Solomon Sterner, Esq 8 (Hi Hudson Owen, Esq
John Snyder, Esq
S 00 I'ri'dcrlck Nlrcly
rmiuuei Mcmucy
Kst of J Covciihovsn
A I) Whltmoycr
Joseph Wirt'
Jacob Demon, Esq
H (1 Kennedy, Esq
'J'hoiim Unvls
Mntlicw Mrllenry
lllrhard l'liiiucr
IVter Itoiilno
ll.'inii'l l.rll.y
mint I, HeUvIc
1 joiiii w iiuiitcr
2 00 0 1. Monro
AO IinacC'ulp
B 00 of IJnnlcl 'Icier
1 00 John F Ilicttcrick
1 00 Hugh A Ilartman
1 in Jniob l'nrvcr, Jr
10 00, IVnf (J I'nrrand
7 00. lion W J Woodward
1 AO Daniel Alcriclo
0 (10
1 so
llnrria llnrlmnn
Sami W llartmln
Hllas (Jigger
lllram llittcnhciidcr
Mnntcuiury Uolo
Henry l.nznriu Hruiicr
ltcv Iteubeli NVIion
i. a wcrinmi,
l im
si oi e.mri viinry
2 IIOi
a o
J(cph OA'mlih
tJnpt A (IThornton
lanc llnienlinch
Inane K llildlno
i:ilaa Drilielbla
1 (XI
1 00
a as j. it, runniiiutoii
ID" Tho cold fcasoua uaually bring lean rtctlptt to tho
Printer. We havo rcnon, however, to tliank our friends'
for rcasoii.iblo pnyinciita, trusting they will remember
that with enormoiitly Increased expenses, we muni, nc
cosarlly require, nt least, prompt paymciita to incetcn.
g.igcinenlK Will those Indebted, mid thoje espcclslly,
to whom we have sent bills, be just tNouoit to remit tho
"" a um isTTiiiatTi ix notF oeT
fistulc of Daniel 'Angler, dee'd,
T otters of administration on tho Estalo
J-j of Daniel Zclalcr, lalo of Jlount T'casant town
ahin. C'nliimbl.i cotintv. decoascd. Ii.ivo hpfii L'rnti,
nil persons having clalmaWnlnsttlin u's0tato'o"tho"Ilc'. i
redem nro re-mcsted to preent them to the Adminis. !
ted dy the Ki'jilstcr of anlil rounty to tho imderslcned ;
irairix wuiioui neiay. mm mi pcrnoiia uiueiitcu to inaKo
payments foitlinltli.
C'ATHAlMXn zmoi.Eu,
Mt Plea'ant, Nov 23, 1'B'I 0wS2 Adni'rx.
12 si nte of Cornel1 us Vnnliom tkc'il.
T I'.TTr.HS Tetamontary on tho ratnto of Oornellua
J. Vanhnrn, late of Hemlock township, Columbia eo.,
.lcccn.c.1, have ib-cn granted by the llegister of Wills.
i:., to tho iimli'ralgned residing ill aMuynml Hemlock
,"wn,,". ,AU .person havi.ig (liilnn against tluj e.
..,, r . . , 1PClM rllt r(1 rR(.Ktid to nresent t hem to
the uxecutorK nt their retldcnco in aalil township.
!,(,,, dolav, mid nil persona Indebted to make paj-:
ment forthwilh. DAVID A. V NI10ItN,
Valley township. Montour co.,
Al!lv'll1I VAMIlllii.
Hemlock twp., Columbia ro.
Novcnibsr 2?, 1P63-GwS!.
o r
Personal Property 1
Wit.!, be exposed to public vendue, nttheJcsidonco
of Iho subscriber iu Madison township, Columbia
county, on TIT.SDAY. lir.Cl'.MUUU feth, lf03, the t'oi
lowing valuable personable property to wit :
Two Shores, Ono TwoHorac thick vngnn, nnr-
ncss, Plows. Harrows, liny by tho ton.uorn gr4KiJ
,..,1 n., I... ,., l', l.,WI1in liir,.l W.JIi
toircthnr with oilier articles loo tedious to mention.
(C7 Salo to commence at 10 o'clock ill tho forenoon of
said .lay, when terms mid conditions will be made
November S3, 1603.
nvn, .t,v,q xtriTTPP
V110 iI,02s 01 b JL1(jL
Notice i hereby given to till persona Interested, that
the fnllmvliiL' iiernunis have been filed ill the million
olary's Office, at lllnniusburg, Columbia county, nnd
will be presented to the Court of Common l'leim of the
said (ounty, on Wednesday, the Otli day of December
next, at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon ol auld day, for con
tinuation and allowance.
1. Account of Michael Steckcr, ono of
the committee ot .iilcliai.1 hiuncy, n lunatic.
2. Account of Oliver Evans, committee
of the person and estate of David Hampton, n lunatic.
JAi.UtS KVLIU.Y. 1'rttiry.
Illoomsburg, Nov. 14 leiiU.
Oyster Saloon.
TnE undersigned would announce to
to the public that he has refitted his SALOON, one
door Uat of Ilia ilakery, on
Main hired, Bloomsburg, Fa.,
nml is prepared to accommodate both I.adicx t
and (jcntlemcn. Ho is prepared to I'umltll $vv
Oysters, Wholesale J- Retail,
nioomsbiirg, Nov. 21, ISOli-dt.
Estate of John Wiitenight , dee'd,
TETTERS of administration on tho cs
islrtte of John Whitenieht late of lilonni lownsliln
Columbia county, deceased, hayu been granted by the
ltigutirof said county to tho the undersigned win) ro
sides in Iho nm township; nil persons having claims
against thu estate of tlm decedent are requested to pre
sent them to the administrator at his residence with
I 1,111 lll'lliy, UIIU Uli I'l'rauiiB iiiucuiuu iu iiiuixi; iMijiituiti
Oct. io, icco-st
Estate of Eins I'ealer, dee'd,
t F.TTFltS n( ml 111 i 11 i st rat i q 11 nn the F.slatc of F.lias
Ij i'ealer, late of Fisliingcreck twp, Columbia cn.,dee'dr I
haveheeii granted by tha Ilegl'ter of Columbia en., to ths
iiiidersicned ; nil persons having ilahm nslainmlii: es- i
1 ," !L'" , '!.,.?f,,':I.'ts r I V 7".V '. ,l 0 J' V! f '.'.e t'.'i !.u !
I without delay, and all persons indebted tu make pay:
incut forthwith.
JACOU l'HALUn, .Mm'r.
Oct. 31, IHB-fitv 52.
Estate ol Samuel If'harti, deceased.
LHTTHUS Testamentary on the estato of r-amucl
Whary, latu of Locust township, Coluinbiu county,
deceasoil, havo been granted by Hie Register of Wills,
ike . to iho inulersi'Mied u soresidiii" ill said townsiiin
.11 .... ..,!.. .I..I....I n.nli,,, ll.n n.V,r nr tli...l.,.
cedent are reque-ted to pros-lit them to the Executor
nt hi residence in said township, without delay, and
ull persons indebted to iii.iko paym in lurtutt nn. ,
Nov. 21, 1603-CwSI j
Estate, of Fhineus Si tier, dee'd.
j E'J
t i Es
ETTEIIS of '.Kiiiiiiiislration on the
stutu o( l'hliieas Siller, lato of llenton twp,,
Coliinilii.i county, dece.ired, have been granted by the
iti.,-1 ir nf I'oluiiibiii cuiintv to thu un Jer.-ii'lieil ; all
persons having claims against tho estato of the dece
dent are requested to present them tutho administrator
,,js'VCsid,!iicn in said township, without dilay.and
! ln4BfcJ
I Nov. 11. 1B83-0W. S3 Wl.
Estate of refer m, dee'd.
I F.TTEltS of administration on tho Estato of Peter
J Hess, lato of ngiiiloaf tw p., Columbia co., dee'd.
have been grnulod by the Register of Columbia Co., to
the undersigned ; nil persons hat Ing claims ngainst the
estato of the decedent are requested to present them to
tho Administrator at his residence in said town
ship without delay, and all persons indebted to iiiako
payment forthwith. IIENRV c. C8Sl A(llB.r.
Nov. 7, f 03. Uiv ?3 00.
,?jAMEto the premises of ike subscriber, In Centra
j township, Columbia county, on otiuttho tlrst of
August lust, a
x'OUIlg JJUlf,
I i-!ed to P Ji'lrSiiaS;
J tVTt tho law."0 Mv"m f "CCOr'"'""' '
j Cenlfe twp Kov 7, ier,3-nt '3AA "VSB'
rtUE partnership heretofore existing between theu
J dersigiied, iu tlio inanufacturo of Earthen Ware.
HlonniBliure. w as illsllllvcd tills dav llV mutual T011S
'I ho Hooks nnd yecouuts will be settled by John llicto
who will continue the business at thu old stand.
Bloomiburg, Nov, It, lfoJ-Sw.
" ffilEW IB AlBiBStE-SH!P
THOMAS BROWN, liarb'r.
nLooMsnuito, columiiia co.. pa,
Hasp is Oovrt House Allny, Mtt ft Bmttrtt OfHe.
VMrMikitH, IIM,
NOTICE is hereby given to all legatees
creditor! nnd oilier persons Interested In tlio
the following Administration nml (luardlnn accounts '
connly, nnd will bo promoted for confirmation nml nl-
.lay of December. ItUl.nt 3 o'clock In tho afternoon of
sold day,
.1. Account of B. V. Ilartman, adminis-
trolorof John Evans, late or Hloom township, iiccu
2. Account of Beni. F. Fortucr. admin
istrator of Rowland Hughes, Into of l.ociuttwp , de'e'd.
3. Account of John Kiefer, administra
tor of Jacob Gerliart, Into of Maine township, dee'd,
4. Acoount of Benj. F. Fortnor, admin
istrator of Jacob Ituber, lato of franklin twp., dee'd,
5. Account of William Rabb, ono of tho
administrators lonl non, cum testnmcnto nnncxo of
William I. Inn, lato of Hemlock township, dee'd.
0. Account of John S Sterner, adm'r
of Nathan Orccnwntl, lato of Bcctt township, dee'd.
7. Account of John Frcac, Guardian of
Caroline Knorr. by his administrator Henry 0, 1'rcna.
8, Account of John Frcas,Guariliau of
llcnr y Knorr, by I li nilnlstrntor Henry C, t'reaa.
D, First and final account of Jeremiah
Jncohy, ndmlnlstrator of Johnaon Linden, lata or llr 1 -nrcrcek
township, dee'd,
10. Account of Johnson II. lkelcr, Guar
dian of Daniel Weltlvcr, son of William Wcllivcr, Into
of laillsoii township, dee'd.
11. First and final acoount of Fetor K.
Herheln, Hxt'cutor of last Will nnd Testament of Dan
lei IlleL'cl, lato of Locust township, dee'd.
DAXlUli I.UU, ItttUttr.
tlloomalmrc: Nov. 0,1303.
WILL bafxpoaod to ante by public venduo, upon
tho premises, now orcuplod by l)a Id I elby, on
Satuudav, JJL'OKMUI.U 12th, 1803,
Two Tracts of Land,
containing One Hundred nnd Hlahty Acres in nil, situ
nte In I.iicuH tovllliii, Columbia county, lato the I
tato ..f IV'derlck l.eiby, dJceased, ninnliiln? Innda of
yrus Johnson, J.diu line. Ocorgo btlnc, and John
l'errv. mostlv limirnvcd land.
BaidTrntt- nr Plantations will bo cold In two se pe
rnio parts so na to make rnruia of nrnrly equal size.
That ie to say the homestead will contain, about
somoTOor f acres of which ii cleared land. There
nro erected upon the premlc a of the first named prop
rrty, n (IOJD lllllCK IIOI'HI!, well flnithcd, a large
Frame Hank llarn, good r-prlng House, Wagon Slied
and tho usual outbuildings, ith a never-failing Spring
of writer, undn largo uriliani 01 select l run Trees.
The second named Tract contains nbout
some sixty five acres of which arc cleared. Thero are
crectc'l upon the promises a I'lt.MJi; 110USH, frame
ll.irns, outbuilding and good Orchards.
lL?"i(jfe in commence na 10 o'tlcck, .4. M., of tald day,
when attendance Kill le gleca and conditions he made
knoicnly llANII'.L, I.I'.IIIY,
.IttQrncij for the lUlrs,
Locust twp , Nov. SI. 1FC3.
1 Philip Wliitorstcen re Valentino Wlntcrstccii
2 Henry Wells r Georgo Kin oy, Jr.
3 Jacob flyer rs Abraham Ulavo,
4 Abraham Klaso vs Jacob Hycr
5 IMvid Levi, it ul rj Samuel I. IScttlc.
(I ll.iuicl 1' Seybert rj Joseph (.'ensil.
7 Mljnli McMurtrle, et al r. Chrislian Wolf.
8 John II yrrowii, ot nl vs Leonard 1) Itupert,
0 James Harding is Hllas lleeso
10 Louisa (iowen r Lli..iljelli Hallua.
11 Jacob HariU cs l'ctcr Jacoby.
12 Jacob Bond r Tilinau Naclc.
13 (leorgo lliishe, it ul r 1 V Criau-ell, ct al,
U David IteinboM en .Michael (Jrovcr.
IS llussel l" titokcrra William lkelcr.
IU William A Kline r George W lloirman, ct al.
17 llebcccn Vandcrslicu cs Georgo Ilodson.
18 N 1. Campbell vs Samuel Johnson.
Ill Franklin l.'wgerberger's Adm'rs vs Christian Wol
20 I) 1' Sejbert vs Kcuben Nicely.
21 II F Iteigbard 4i llro rs Silas 1) Edgar.
2J Daniel .1 Circy le Hail?. Ic lint.
23 W A Kline vs G W lioll'inan.
24 Joseph F Long vs Isaac 1) I'nlton
2.1 linos I. Adams vs I) F Sejbert, ct al.
20 Charles II Hess ri Stephen Wolf.
27 Joseph llartiiinu rs Kcuben Lilis.
28 Kebecca Trannie vs William Transuo.
29 Hlias Keese use rs Isaac R utter.
30 Jacob Tcrwlllegsr vs Thonia Meredith.
31 Sylvester J Faux use rs 11 F Ilelghard, ctal.
3.' Itickcltsb Stewart vs Cmanuel JohlikOii.
33 Jacob Hack, HVr.r, Jesse lluck.
31 H II llogart et al vs William Deunlson ct al.
Elonm Augu-tiK Mason, Stephen Knorr.
I'cuvcr Samuel Fisher. Hlias .Miller, Win Schell.
llrlarcreckHvcn II Adams,
llcnioii l'eter Appleinan, John O Dildino.
Centre Daniel Hotter, Ocorgo Hess, l'eter Miller,
Aaron Kelcliner.
Cntntvlssa Joseph Marti, C'lnton Margernm.
Fishiiigcfcek Daniel illclleurf, llenjauiiii McIIcnry.
tireciinnoilSylv"tcr Albertsoil. John .McMurtry.
Heiulo, k Amos Ilartman.
Jackson John Savage.
Madison Itobert Fruit, William Cariiahan, Lewis
Maine John Nuss.
Milllin I.awri nco Watters. Stephen Deittcrick.
Ml. Pleasant Wm, J. Ikcle.i, William Howell.
Montour Levi Weavor.
Orange David Herring, John l'cttebonc, Jesse Brum
sutler. Pine Francis Hunter, Valentino Winterstccn, Henry
Sugarloaf James Itcsa.
tor DEcr.Miinu teum, 1863.
Ilcntnii Thomas Seigfricd,
Hri.ircreek Sloses Davis, John II- Smith.
l'i'hingcrcck James Ldgar, Ucorgo McUride.
Hemlock Mnlhins Appleinan.
Jackson John .Mcllonry Thomas W. Young.
Locust Henry Fisher, Win. Miller.Abraham Ycnger
Milllin John nivder. Samuel Snvder
Mount Pleasant Aaron Kester, Jr., John Wannick.
Jloine Solomon Shiimnn, John llarmony
Madison I'crry Cliristnin, I'hluias Wcllivcr.
Oraiig" Aaron II. Patterson, Cornelius Bcllai.
Sugarloaf Joseph O. Ileal. Andrew Ileus.
Scott John sliuman.
Cheap Grocery Store.
rvni: undersigned having bought out the Grocery o
I David Slroun, has removed Ids Hat nnd Cap t'tore
up to Stronp's old btand. where in anuilioii to u supc
rlor assortment of
i p, ii , !,,.,
1 J lli IS 0,11(1 LtllJo
. 'Af. ulHU 11,1 e"5
T .
Cigars bpiccs,
Dried Fruit, Butter,
Coal Oil, Diug3,
Parlor and Hand Lamps,
Books. "Writing Pnpor & luk.
Hardware und Cedarivnrc,
FncUet Knives, Combs,
5'C, tj'C, j'C.
Together with a variety of articles generally kept In a
AIso-A fine lot of KIDS, MOUOCF.OS nnd Limnos to
which lie invites the at cation of Shoemakers and tho
Illoomsburg, Dec. 5, 1603
VUUfSllil ,
mnnnDt vn Tmr"C3
,-u'i'' lui ci j iiuuua.ii ibuuim,
Which ho will sell. WHOLESALE or RETAIL, al
Also, HORSE IlLANKETS, yiArr!iQyt
113 MurkctSt, Utdoor above Fourth,
South tide, Philadelphia,
Nov. 14, lEfJ 1.
a. c. f-ira.
A. D. TH0M?90!l.
No. 43 Noitt, Jf'tarves,
C7 n UTTER, "oITeB TeTTi A M S, ie c. CQ
Nov. H,180:i-12ino.
OTFlOE-ln Ccurl llevst Alley, under VemttrK Ofitt,
August X, l&ii-tm.
c4 'ii r.-.n
A puro and powerful Tonic, corrective and nltorMlro
of wonderful cllleacy In disease of tho
Csrca Dyspepsia, I.lvcr Complaint, Headache, General
Deblllly, Nervousnes,-, Depression of Spirits Con
stipation, Colic, Internilltent Fevers, CInmpa
mid Spasms, nnd nil i omnlnlnt of either
Sex. nrising from Iloilily Weakness
whether inherent In thn system er
produced by special causes.
Notiiino that ic not wholesome, genial nnd restorn
tlvo in Its iiaturn entcrn Into the composition of 1103.
'JT.'rrniFS STOMACH IlirrnHS. This popular pre
partition rontnlna no mincrnl of nny kind, no deadly
Iintaulcnl element j no fiery excitant ! but it Is n conibf
na.lon oftho extracts of raro balsamic herbs nnd
plants w Itli thb purest nnd mildest Of alldiffuslvo stlui
vlcnts. It Is well to bo forearmed against disease, nnd, so far
ns the system can bo protected by human means
ocalust maladies cnzcndcrcd bv nn unwholesome at
moipnerc. Impure water and other external causes,
HUSI'IVl'TDH'S HITTERS may be relied on un safe
guard. In distrlrla Infested with Fcter nnd.lune. It lias been
found infallible ns n preventive nnd irresistible n n
remedy mid thousands who resort to it under nppio
hcnslnn of nnattaLh, escape tho scourge : and thousands
who ncelcct to iivn I themselves of lis nrotcct vo oual
idea In advance, nro cured by a very brief course of
tins marvelous meuirinc. i over nun Ague patients
after bciue oalid Willi ntiinlno for months ill vniu. un
til fairly saturated Willi that I'angcrous alkn'oid, nro
not unfrcoiicntly restored to health within a few days
by the uso of IIOiThTTCR'B IlI'lTEliS.
The w eak tolnacll la rapidly Invigorated and the ap
potlto reslored by this agrceablo Tonic, nnd hence it
works wondcra in eases of Dicpcpsla and in less con
firmed forma of Indigestion. Actim; ns a gentle mid
painless nppcrlent, na well na upon the liver, it also
Invariably relieves tho Constipation superinduced by
irregular action of the digestive nnd secretive organs.
rcrsonsof fccnlu habit liable .Vcrcoiis Attacks, fio
ntss of Sjilrlts and J'ilf of Languor, And prompt and
permanent relief from the Hitlers. The testimony on
ihls point Is most eonilui-ive. and from botn sexes
Thongnnyof Ullllus Colic is immediately nssuaged
by a single dose of the stimulant, and by occasionally
resorting to It, tho return of the complaint may be pre
vented Aa a general Tonic, IlOSTETTI'.ll'S 111TTEUS pro
durorirects which must bo experienced or witnessed
before they can bo fully appreciated In cases of Con
stltutional winknct. premature decayaud dcbilityaiid
decrepitude arising troin old uge. It exercises the elec
tric influence In the convalescent stages of all diseasca
it operates as a delightful invignrant. When the pow
ers of nature nro relaxed, it oneratcs to rcinforcc nnd
re-establish them. Lost, but not lest, It tho onls safe
stiiiiiilent, being manufactured fiom sound and innocu
ous materials, mid entirely free from the acid cloincnta
present more or Ice In all the ordinary tonics and
stomachics of thn day.
No family medicine ha been 80 universally, and it
may bo truly added, deservedly popular with the Intelli
gent portion of tho community, us IIOSTETTEU'3
Prepared by
l'lTTSIltinoiI, Ta.
ESold by nil Druggists, Grocers and Storekeepers
November 21, 1303 ly.
Genuine Preparations.
me and specillc yetneJy for diseases of the bladder,
Kidneys, u ravel, ami oropsicai swi'iiings.
This meilicine Increases the naucr of oicestinn. and
excite the ah-orbents into healthy action, by which the
Winery or Calcareous impositions, mu an unnatural
Knlargeiucmeiits are reduced, us well as pain and in.
For wcauncss nrising irom j.iscsses, nauiis ot jii9-
flpiitlon, Hnrly Indiscretion of Abuses, attended Willi
i.n r.illou iiiL' sviuntonis :w
lndl'posllion to Hxcrtion, Los of Power,
Loss of .Memory, Difficulty of l-'renthing,
Weak Nerves, Trembling.
Horror of Disease, Fain Iu tho Hack,
Cuiiersal Lusjitudo of the .Muscular Hjstein,
Hot Hands. Eruptions on the Face,
Dryness of tlio Skin, Flushing of tho Uody,
l'allid Countenance.
These symptoms, if allowed to go on which this
medicine invariably removes, soon lollows
1,1 nun of which tho Patient may require
Whocansny Hint they aro not frequently followed
by those "Direful Diseases,"
Many nro aware of tlio cause of their suffering, but
none will eoi.fess the records of tlio Insane As)liimsl
And melancholy deaths hy Consumption bear ample
witness to the truth of tlio assertion.
Tlio Constitution once etr.-cted with oraanlc weakness
requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and Intig-oj-ilc
the system, which lleluibold's i xtract Ituclol in
variably does. A trial will conviuca the most skeptical.
In many affections peculiar to Females the Extract
line lul is unequalled by nuy other remedy, ns iu Chhi.
nisls or Retenlinn, Irregularity painfulucss, or Sup
pression of Custniiiary Evaluations, ulcerated or scir
rhous stalo of the Uterus, Lcuchorthan or Whites,
r-terility, nnd fir nil complaints incident to tho sex,
whethir arising from indiscretion habits of dissipa
tion, or in tho
Take no moro Balsam Mercury, or unpleasuit Medi
cines for unpleasant and dangerous diseases llelm
bohl's Extract Uuchu and Improved Rose Wash cures
secret diseases ill all their stages. At little expense,
I. jitle or 110 chiiiigu iu diet. No inconvenience, an no
It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Uri
nate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and
curing strictures of thu llrelhra, alia) lug palu and in-
II. immailoii, so frequent in tlio class of ilisenses, and
cxpclllmrail poisonous, diseased ami wnrimut matter,
Thousands upon thousands who havo been tbo vic
tims of quacks, und who liuvo paid heuvy fees tn bo
cured in n short timo, hat u found tlmy wero deceived
mid that Iho POISON" has, by the uso of 'powerful
astringents" been dried up in the system, to break out
in 1111 lumravatcd form, and perhaps after marriage.
Uso Helmbold's Extract Uuchu for all affections nnd
diseases of tho Urinary Organs, wnetlicr existing in
Main tnd Female, Iroui whatever cause originating and
liu matter of lmw long standing.
Diseases of these Organs requires tho aid of n Diur
etic, llcliiibotd's Extract Huchii is tlio (ireat Diuretic,
and isci'rtnin to have desired ell'ect in ull Diseases for
which it is recommended.
Evidence of iho most reliable and responsible char
acter will accompany tho medicine.
Price $1 pur Bottle, or G for $5.
Delivered to tny nddress, securely packed from obscr-:
vatiou. Describe s iiiptoinsi in all boinmuiiicatioiis,
Cures guaranteed, advicu griills. Address letters for
information to
II. U. 1IELMROLD, Chemist,
101 South Tenth st., below Chestnut, 1'hila.
IIELMHOLD'S Medical Depot,
IIELMUOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse,
5U4 UttOXDWAY, Nkw Volk,
Dcwnro of Counterfeits and unprincipled dealers
who endeavor tu disposa "of their own" and ''other"
articles on tho reputation attained by llelnibold's lieu
uiuc Preparations, Extract Uuchu, Extract Sartaparilla,
Improved Roso Wash.
All Druggists Everywhere.
ask ron HELMiionn's. takf no other
Cut out tho Adverlisninent and send for IU
And avoid imto'sMon ltd taotUN.
Ifot Alcoholic
l'KEPAttnn nv
DR. 0. M. JACKSON, PLiladolpliia, Pa.
WIIX effectually euro I.lvcr Complaint, Dyapcpala,
Jaundice, Chronic orNervoua Debility, Dlsenaea
of the Kidneys, and nil dltentas arising from B disor
dered i.lvcr or Stomach,
audi ,
no Constipa
tion, Inward I'ilea,
Fulness of lllood to tho
Head, Acidity ofthc Stomach
Nniiscn, Hcnrtburu, lllsgust for Fond,
Fulness ofwilghtin the Btoluach. Hour
I'.rmtatlona. Sinking or Fluttering at tho l it
of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hur
ried and llllllciilt Urciithlng, Fluttering nt the
Heart, Choking or Sull'ocatlng Sensations when In a
lying posture, Illumes- of Vision, Dots or Wcba
boforu the alght. Fever mid Dull l'aln in
, iho Hcadi Deficiency of l'craplrntion,
Yellowness of tho Skin nml Eyes,
1'Llli In tho Side, Hack, Chen
I.imb, tic Sudden Fluahoa
cf Heat, 1 In ruins In tho
l'lcfli, Constant Im
nginlngsnfevil, ic depression
of spirits.
And will poltlvcly prevent Yellow Fever. Eillioua
Fever, &c. 'Jh.y c main no Alcohol or bad Whiskey.
They will' cure the above disease) in iilncty-niuo
cases out of a hundred.
Induced by Iho extensive sale and tiulveraal popu
larity of Moorland's German Hitters, (purely vegeta
ble,) lio'to of Ignorant Quacks and iinscrupulcna ad
venturers, have opened upon suffering humanity the
flood gates of Nostrums in tho shape of poor whiskey,
vilely compounded with Injurious drugs, and chris
tened Tonii'8, Stomachics nnd Hitters.
Ileworc or tho innuuiarablo array of Alcoholb prep
parallona in plclhorir butllee and big bellied kega, un
der the modett appellation of Ilittera ; which Instead
of curing, only aggrnvatu disease, and leave the disap
pointed sulllr iu ilctpalr.
Are not n now and untried article, but have stood
he test of fifteen years trial by t no American puelic -.
aud their reputation and tale, aro not rivalled by any
similar preparation. ,
'J lie proprietors havo thousands of letters faom tho
most eminent
Testifying of their own personal knowledge, to tho
beneficial effects and medical virtues of these Hitter..
Voyou vant something to strengthen youl
Do vou leant a good appetite I
Do yon irant to luild un your Constitution 1
Do you vant to feel teellt
Do yoi vant to gel rid of nervopinetst
Do you leant energy ?
l)e you vnnt losltev iccllJ
Do you want n brisk nnd vloroui feeling ?
Fron lice. J. Xneton Vroirn.l). D., Kditor cf the Ency
clopedia 0 aciigiozs Anou-tetige.
Although not disposed tofavor or rero-nmend Tatcnt
Medicines in eelieral. through distrust of their imrre
litems nnu enecis : i jci hiiow oi nn siimcieui reasons
why n man may not testify to the benefit he believes
himself to havu received from any simple preparation,
in the hope that ho may thus contribute tutho benefit of
1 do this the more readily in regaul to lloofland's
(Herman Hitters, prepared by Dr. C, .M. Jackson, of this
city, because I was prejudiced against tl.cni.for many
yccri, under ho impression that they were chiefly an
alcoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend Robert
Miocmakcr, lisi., for tho removal of this prejudice by
proper tests, nnd for encouragement to try them, when
eullcring from great and long continued debility. Tho
usu of three holies of thou Hitters, at the beginning
of tlio present year, was lonowcii uy eviueni rcuci,
nn l restoration to a degree of bodily nnd racntnl vigor 4
which I had not felt for six months before, and had nl
mint despaired of regaining.
1 therclore lliai'K liod
I and uiv friend for directing 1110 to the Use of them
Philadelphia, June 22, JSC1.
I 7Vicrc are many preparations told under the vane oT
Hitters, vnt tn ovart bottlos, cortpounded of the eheanett
whiskey or common rum, costing from till to 41) cents per
gallon, the taste disguised hy JJvisc or Coriander AVcd.
This class of Hitters has caused and will continue
to cause, as long ns they cnu bo sold, hundreds to dio
the death of tho drunkard, lly their use the system is
kept continually under tho influence of ulcohulic stim
ulants of the worst kinJ, the desire for Liquor Is crea
ted aud kept .up, and the result is all tho horrors at
tendant upon a drunkaid's life and death.
For thoje who desire and will have a Liquor Hitters,
wc publish tho following receipt. Oct one bottle of
llontlaud's (iernian Hitters and nnv with three quarts
of good brandy or whiskey, and the result will be a
preparation that will far excel in medical virtues and
true excellence any of the numerous Liquor Hiiters iu
the uiarkitnmi win cost much less, 1 ou )vn nave
nil the virtues of Hnonand's Hiiters in connection with
a good article or Liquor, nt a much less prico
these inferior preparations will cost you.
, '
and tiiu rniENr.s or soldiers.
We call attention to all hating relations or friends
in the iiriny to tho fact that IIOOFLANH'S Herman
Hitters" will cure nine-tenths of tho diseases induced
hv axviosures and privations incident to camp life. In
tho lists, pnblishcd almost daily in th newspapers,
u, nnivnl ot the sick, it Mill be noticed that a very
I.ire iironorliju are itilfering debility. Every case of
that bind can lie readily cured by lloofl.ind's Ccriuaii
iim,.r4 nu.ases resulting Iroui disorders of the i- 1
gestivu orguns nro speedily removed. Uo have no'
hesitation in stating that, if these Hitlers wero freely j
u-ed among our sohliers, hundreds ol lives might bo
saved that otherwise will hi lost.
,on . .. ti 1. n 1 ,,.,1,1,1,, t 1 Im CM I nu ill!- ronii r t-
nld"aiid well authenticated cure of 01111 oi the nation's
heroes, whoso lire, to uso Ills own langungu, "Ins been
saved by the Hitters."
.., Inihis. It is vouched forbv numbers of mv
comrades sonio of whoso names are oppended, nnd
who were lull)' cognizant ol all too circumstances oi
my caso. I am. nml havo been for tho last lour years,
n member of Sherman's celebrated battery, and under
the immediate command of Capt R. U. Ayres. Through
the xposuro attendant upon my nrdorous duties, ! was
nttacked in November last with ini.-jniiiiatinu of tho
Inues, pud was for seventy-two days iu tho ho-pital,
1 was then removed from the White House, and sent
to this citv on hoard Iho Steamer "Slutu of Malno,"
fruinwhir'li I landed on the --til of June. Since that
timo 1 hato been about as low asauy one could bu aud
still retain a spark oftltality. Foraweck orniorel
was scarcity able to swallow- anything, and if 1 did
force a morsel down, it was immediately thrown up
1 could not even Koep a glass of water on my stomach,
Life could not last under these circumstances ; and, ac
cordingly, tho physicians who had been working lailh
fully, though unsuccessfully, to reseuo rue from thu
grasp of th.i dread Archer, frankly told 1110 they could
do no more for me, and advised mo to soo a clergyman,
and make such disposition of my limited funds as licit
suited ine. An acquaintance who visited mo nt the
hospital, Mr. Frederick Steinbron, of Sixth below Arch
Street, ndvlscd me, as a forlorn hope, to try your Hii
ters. and kindly procured n bottle. From tho timo 1
commenced taking them the gloomy shadow of i oath
receded, and 1 am now, thank Cod for it, getting better.
Though I havo taken but two bottles, 1 havo gained
ten puiinds, and 1 feel sanguine of being permitted to
rejoin my wife and daughter, from whom 1 havo heard
liothiiigfur eighteen mouths; for, gentlemen, lam a
loyal Virginian, from the vicinity of Front Royal. To
innr viiliinhlo Hitters I uwo tin) certainly of life Wllllll
has taken tho placo of vague fears to your Hitters
wilt I owe tha glorious privilege of again i lasplng to
luy bosom tknsu who arc dearest to mo iu life
Very truly yours,
Wo fully concur in tho truth of the nbovo statement despaired of seeing our comrade, Air. Ma-
lone, restored to ueaiiu
John Cuddlebaclc, 1st New York llattcry.
Ocorge A Ackley, Co. C, 1 1 Hi Maine,
Lewi. Clieualier, U'.'d Now York,
1. E. Spencer, 1st Artillery, llaltery T.
J. II. Fascwell.Co. 11, ad Vermont,
Henry H. Jerome, Co. II, do,
Henry T. MncDonald, Co C, tit li Maine,
John F. Ward, Co. E.,5th Maine,
llejniau Koch, Co. H..71M New York,
Nathaniel II. Thomas, Co. F tutli I'enn.,
Andrew J. Kimball, Co. A., lid Vermont,
John Jenkins, Co. 11. lUtith l'eiiu.
BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. tho signaturo of "C. M. JACKSON," ll on
thu Waxn'ta of eacli bottle.
Should Tour nearest druggist not have tlio article,
do not ba put oil' by any of tho intoxicating prepara
tions that may bo olfered in its placo, but send to us,
and wo will lorunrd, securely packed, by express,
Principal Office atui Manufactory,
Wo: CSI Arch Street.
Jones & Evans,
.n. .nnr t i nrronxT p. rt-
QbUCCCSSOrs to VJ, iu. iUjiwJiy ev vju.,1
7? n T1 lVTtl Ti S!
CJ- FOR BALE bv Progglir 8 itnt In rtVy
New York Charter Election--
Gunthcr Elected Mayor.
New YohltjDsc. l.Tlio Charter Elco
tt'jn to day poised off quietly resulting in
tbo election of C. Godfrey Guutlicr, tlia
tho Independent Democratic caridfdale.for
Mayor, by a plurality of OTcr 0,400 over
Alderman Roolo, Dcm.
Tho rclurns from tho wliolo city, with
the exception of onb district, iho following
us tho rafiilt of tho voto for Ma) oft
0. Godfrey Guntlior, (Dom )
Francis I, A. Boole, (lJera.)
Orison Blunt, (RepJ
Rctrogade Movement of GenJ
The news by last evening's mail, from
tho Array of tho Potomuo, was to tho
effect that Gen. Moado had ro-crosscd tho
Rapidnn River and taken up quartets iu
hii old position, North of tho river. This
rctrogado movement was caused by Leo
having boon re-inforcod and strongly in
trenched und fortiOod. Thcrefors tho cam
paign of tho Potomao Army is over till
Wc notice among tlio casualties during
tho series of fights, the namo of Sorgoant
George Mears, Co. A ,(Iroa Guards) Otli
Pa. Reserves, shoulder.
Sergt Mears is
from this place.
Wyoming Seminary
Commercial College.
THE next term of this Institution will
commence November 10 lfcC?.
finco tho lute fire commuting Ilia Hoarding Hall, new
brick buildings have been erected nnd the old ono en
tirely renovated. The newch ipel lain the center build
Injr, is much larger than the old one, nnd by slide par
titions can bo made toinclude all the lower floursoi tho
two new wings', nltosetlicr making, the'largest audi-
enco room in Nortlicrn l'enin) Ivanla, ,
Recitation rooms, students' rcoms dining hollas well
ns the buildings throughout have been mode In every
repcct in plenfnnl und convenient us thoso of any
school In tho country.
The Indies reach tho chapel, recitation roomsand din.
ing hall without going Into the open air.
A full board of thoroughly educated, experinced nnd
successful teachers, n superior Ghomlrnl and l'hiloioph
leal Appnraliii, a large and well selected Library, a
valuablu Gabinot together with all appliances of n first
class Bemlunry, ensure tho patron's of this Institution
nil the advantages they (an desire nt school for their
sons nnd daughters,
Thooe who way wish to prepare the selves for teach
ing will havo nsgood advantages hero as at any exclu
sively Normal School,
Eligible and spacious apartments having been fitted
nnd furnished fur a Commercial College, no pains wilt
bo snared to make it equal in every respectto the very
best uonimcrciai o.nooi.
Hwill embrace two departments. Theoretical nnd
I I KltMUAI.. ,I1C ,U U,U 1,1,1 UG tll. Mvii.kl .Ol.
System of Peiiiunanship, a thorough know ledge of Hook
keeping, the best n d most prnclicnl methods of com
' imtniE Interest, Percentage, Discount, llrokcMgc, In
surance, Commission, Equation of Payments, Duties,
Taxes, Partnership Settlements, &c. tc.
In the Practical Departments will hu put in nrtual op.
cratio sallaiikwilh its Notes, Hills, Drafts, Checks,
Deposit, Ticket-., tic, fee Wholesale and lletall
Stores; 1'ntt. llailroid and Steamboat offices r-upalird
with all customary fixtures. Special attention will be
git on to Business Correspondence, ttulcs Lawg.Cuttnm,
nnd Operations, mil nothing will be omitted which
may tend in the shortest possible time and in the best
manner to prepare students fur success in the business
duties ami employment oi me.
There will al-o bo established in tho College two
Telegraph tllllces furnished with superior Instruments
nr.rl lliey win oo renuereii ns cuuipiuiu in evcij rc,i-t.
as thu best ollices in tho Amerlinn Telegraph I'oinpa-
ny. The teacher of tills L'raiich is a practical operator,
and will give nil necessary attention to his department
Such will bo the facilities for ncqulfm? the nrt of Tele
graphing that students ca-i becoino practical operatorJ
in a very short lime.
Hv connecting this department with the Academic
the entire expense fnrn Commercial course is reduced
one-half what is usually charged in stlinolscxcluslvely
Commercial and yet the advantages hero are unsur
passed. 'Diplomas will bo awarded to those who satisfactorily,
complete the Course, and we shall take great pleasure
in aiding iu all such to secure situations in business.
CSend forn Circular.
Applications for ad mission tothc College or Seminary
or for further particulars in regard to either, may bs
addressed to It. NHLMW,
Oct. 31, ICIXl liw. Kimhtos, Fa.
rr,IIE PeoPl0 of lbo count? of Co'"n,,'
I JL nro respectfully, informed that the undersigned
Mas io, Faic, ui ino
To bo found anywhere in the County, consisting of
Note, Letter. Legal nml cap I'nper, reus, Holders,
Pencils, Ink and Envelopes; JtLbO
Comprising History, roctry.ricllon.The-
oingy ami Hi" Classics,
of Holm's London publications, from
, which seieniniis can uunmuc, ,11 u i.nuss mr usiieu io
I order; by special arrangement with Ncwork Agentsi
"nd Speeches; nlid copies 1 of the United States, and
State Constitutions iu lutious st)Ies, alwavsoii hand.
juii. e. rr.Lbzu.
Illoomsburg, Nov. 7 , 1S03
Hon. Wilson JMcCandless, Judge of the United Slats
circuit court, nosiuenl.
Corner I'enn nnd Ft. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, I'A
$35.00 pays foru fu'l t'oiiiinerclnl Course.
EV Nn extra cliaiges f,v Miiuufaclurers, Steamboat,
Railroad and ll.iuk Hook-Keeping,
Mlnirters' sons at half prico Students enter and re
view at any time.
'1 liis institution is coiiuiicieii uy i xptricnceu r encn
era rind prnitir.1l Accuiintaiils, who prepare young iiitn
for active business, at tlio least expense alio! shorter!
time, for the most lucrative und icspunsibto situations.
Diplomas grauteil lor merit only, nonce me universal
preference for graduates of this college, by busluctii
Prof, A, COWLEY, tho best Penman in tho Union,
who holds tho largest number of first pre.niuinf.'and
overall competitors, leaches rapid business writing,
Cmoei.xus containing full information sent rate on
npplicalioh to the Principals.
' ' JENKINS li SMITH, I'rinelpals.
K7" Attend whero the tfons and Clerks of llusiucts
Men nnd Hankers graduate.
April IU, lr?'J ly. Ajirll 4, 1803.
SElliiUl!'ll, S13aOJi.
WILL conimcnco tho Hecond Ouaricr of her Select
School in tho Hasemeiit of the Reformed Churcli
in nioomsburg, on MONDAY, SECOND OF NOVUM.
HER. ietr.1. The School will bo divided into three clnss
es, vU:
rillMAIlY Including ibfldren iut comnieiiclng, prlca
per Uuartcr of 11 weeks, S"J Ot).
l.XTEltMEDIATE Ipcluding Rending, Writing, Spell
ing, and those commencing tleography, liraninuir,
and Written and Mental Arillimetic, price per
Quarter, $3 00.
UiaiW.n Including Reading, Writing, Spelling, (Irani-
iiinr, (iougrapny, innorj ut r no i.niieu ctatcs. ana
Written und ia'iilal Arithmetic, 41.00.
I.etsoim in tho Ornamental branches, vir. : Italian
and (irccianOil Panning, Drawing, Needlc-work, etc.
at extra charges,
Persons wishing io nave uair-worK oone, men as
Hob and Guard Chains, Rings, er Ear-Drops, can b
accommodated. A
nioomsburg, Fa., Oct. S4, lS03-2m. ?
W A 'JC: 5i
Jewelry and Silver. I Tare.
THE undersigned would rckpectfully invito your at
tention to his will selected slock of Fine Cold and
Bilvcr Wntchos. Flue Colo Jewelry, of every kint
and variety of styles-computing all of tho newest ntU
most beautiful decig . c
Alio. Solid Silver Ware, equal to Coin and the best
make of Silver Plated Ware. Each ar lido is warranted
tn i,n ns renreseuled.
rxj-winches of Jowlry carefully rep alted ana.
inaction uuiai..i:vu
(Buemiors in Staulfor HulejA
K. MO MkbT r, Ilw?.
JL, ,,.. .niyWaMiM -wyitiMBtiesiWW-Ta