It It, t IS CURE ITOn CANCERS. Our attention lias recently boon called to a euro for cancers, says tho Milwankco Democrat, which is of tuch importance, that wo wish lo mako it known aa widely as pouiblo, Some eight mouths ago Mr. T. JJ. Mason, who keeps a inusio storo on Wisconsin street, ami is a brothor to tho well kuown Mason ascertained that ho had a cancer on hia face the tho zo of a pea. It was cut out by Dr. Wolcot, ami tho wound partly hoaled. Subsequently it grow tvgam, and while ho was in Cin cinati on business it attained tho sizo ot a hickory nut. Altor remaining thero sav oral weeks under treatment ho has como back perfectly cured. Tho process was this: A picco of sticking plaster was put ovor tho cancor, with a circular cut out of the center a little larger than tho cancer, and a small circular rim of healthy skin next was exposed. Then a plaster mado of chlor, ido of zinc, blood root and wheat flour was spread ou a piece of muslin of tho sizo of the circular opening and ap plied to the cancer ior twanty four hours. On removing it, tho oancer will bo found to havo been burnt into and appear the color and baldness of an old phoc sole,and tho ciacular rim outsido of it will appear white and parboiled, as Jif scalded by hot steam. Tho wound is now dressed and tho outside rim soon eoparatea and tho cancer comes out a hard lump, and tho plaoo heals up. The plaster heals the cancer so that it sloughs out like dead flesh, and never grows agaiu. This rem ody was discovered by Dr. Fell of Lon don, and has been used by him for six or seven years with unfailing success, and not a case has been shown of tho reap poarauco of the cancer where thia remedy has been applied. It has the sanction of eminent physicians and surgeons in Lon don, but has not. uutil recently been used in this couutry, and many of the faculty, with their proverbial opposition to inno vation, look upon it with distrust. CS?" Stable Floors sloping to the Rear allow tho urino to flow off away from the animals, henco they are so constructed. Geo. P. Rissell, King Co,, Wash,? Ten, protests against this practice, and presents forciblo reasons. He says: "No sound animal, sacking rest t ikes a poaition with tho fore-foot higher than tho hind, but ra ther the reverse. The philosophy of it is, that tho four-legs (of neat cattle and hors er) arc straight and calculated to support tho groater weight (without muscular ef fort). Suppose tho horse to be in motion, then every ono can sec tho hind logs to be iustrumtnts of progression, and that tho fore-legs do littlo raoro than cateh tho re bound, and sustain tho weight of the body. Do urge it upon the wholo to cease tortur ing their animals by forcing them to stand w th their weight thrown upon their hind legs." Mr. Bissell constructs hi stable floor of slats, with spaces between them sufficient to let at least all tho liquid ex crements fall through, while the rear of the stall is i to I inch higher than the tront. DIPTIIERIA. Wo have received a receipt for tho cute of Dipthcria, from a phisician who says that of 1,000 cases in which it has bocn used not a singlo patient has been lost. Tho treatment consists in thoroughly swab bing tho back of tho mouth and throat with a wash mado thus: Table salt, two drachms ; black peper, golden seal, ni trate of potash, alum, one drachm. Mix and pulverise, put into a teacup which fill with boiling water ; stir well aud then iiill up with good vinegar. Uso every half hour, one, two and four hours, as re covery progresses. Tho patiout may swal low a littlo each timo. Apply oua oz. each of spirits turpentine, sweet oil and aqua ammonia mixed ovory hour to tho wholo of the throat, and to tho breast bono every four hours, keeping flannel to tho part. N. V. Tribune. TO TAKE GREASE SPOTS OUT OF SIL.K. Tako Ventian talo of chalk in very fine powder, any duantityj moisten it slightly with soap water, very light ; form cakes by pressing strongly this paste, and dry in an oven. When you want to take out a etain, scrapo with a knifo this c.ikc, cov er tho whole with tissue paper, then, tho lack of tho silk being on olean cotton cloth, press ou u hot iron. Tho grease r. oils, and tho talc takes it ; rniso the pa per, and with the help of a knifo take oil tho stain, which makes a kind of paste. Rub tho spot with crumb bread, and shako it. If the stain is not takan. out perform the operation a second time. CSMVui. II. Washburn, Maine, writes that ho has successfully treated his trees for bark louso in tho following manner : lie makes a wash of i gallons of water, 3 pints of soft soap, 1 lb. of sulphur, 1 pt. of salt, and a or 4 lbs. of limo, and onough clay to make tho mixture as chick as cream When vegetation bogins to start in tho Spring, the trce3 aro thoroughly ueraped, and the mixture applied by means of a brush (stirring occasionally,) to tho trnnk anailmb, Ho says ,.,at twoycara ofthisj WA treatmtnt Iiaio corupleteiy freed him from 'kinds for weieh tho hishei'.mukotpiiffs wuibj raij Hilt. rcR CONSUMPTION. BOlIENClt'8 PULMONIC SY11U1" ' will cum 0 0 N S U M P T 1 0 N BCIICNCK'fl PULMONIC SYIlUP hill (tint CONSUMPTION. BOIICNCK'S PULMONIC HYItUP will ccna CONSUMPTION. BCIIUNClt'S SUA WtUD TONIO WILL CORE DYSPEPSIA. SCIii:.NCK'3 SKA WP.ED TONIO WILL CURIt DYSPEPSIA. PCIIBN'CK'S PUAVUKI) tONIO will tunc D Y S P E I S I A. Ot'llUNCK'H BUATvnUD TONIO will tune I) Y S P E P S I A. rcnuN'cica mandraku tills will tone LIVER COMPLAINTS. SCUUXCK'S MAND11AKE 1'ILW will cons LIVER COMPLAINTS. HIUIP.NCK'3 MANDP.AKU PILLS will ccr.c LIVER COMPLAINTS. ECHKNCK'S MANDUAKU TILLS WILL CCIIE LIVER COMPLAINTS: DK J. II. SCIinNCIC has n largo suit of room, fit No 32 Monti Street Now York, w horu lie can bo found every Tuesday, from Dn.m. to 3 p. m., and nt No. .13 North Stlh Street, Philadelphia, P.i . every Saturday. Ilci keep? a largo supply f medicines nt Iih rooms, which can be had at all tinier. Those wMiing advice, or an examination of llic Limits will do well to call on Mm as above, lie makes no charge for nilvicu, but for a thorough e lamination with the llcspiromctcr. his price is S M.tny persons nro afraid to have their lungs examin ed by Dr. Schuck for feur they lll bo round iiiiurnhlo nud by that mean., it is put ell' until it is too late, How much better it would bo to know their condition at once, as by abundance of evidunre, Ur. S. lias bIiohii Mitllcieut certificates in this city that lie lias cured advanced stages of Consumption. Ur. fcichetich's 1'riurlpal Offica Is No. 39 North Sixth street, Philadelphia, where litters for advice should bo d I recto I. I'rlco of tho riilmotiic Syrup and Sea Weed Tonie each $1 per bottle, or $3 thu half dozen. Mandrake Pills, iJ.i rents per box. JTi" Tor sale by all Druggists and Storekeepers. October 3, l;l.-:Sni. j. r. tun. L N. MOT If) New Drug Store, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TIII1 undersigned would Infer"' their friends and the public gencrully.thnt they havo taken the maud for merly occupied by !eo. M. Hugcuburh, lu tho Exchange Building, ou Main street, in lilooiiisburi', where ho has Just received u full supply of Ba'tiys, Medicines, Paints, nils, iLiilSipS, &z ., Which will be sold on moderate terms for ready pay. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sortand size. Physician' prescriptions carefully compounded, nt all times and ou short notice. KV" Confectionery of tho best selections, and Soda Water in season. U A share of tho rubllc custom is respectfully so-1 liciccd. EYLTt & MOYER. flloomsburg, April 11, I6G3. 13LOOMSBURG SKYLIGHT, Picture Gallery. rH!P. ttnilprnlmipit tt,r i-Ifl-snti nf nlnnm X and neighborhood, that he has taken the largo room ' at the Ciihange Ulock, extending over Harney Stohner llakcry, and tile Bookstore where ho has put in a largo Skyllgl t. It isouly by Skylightthat good pic tures can lieu ion especially gtoups where each person ! can be takehj 1st as well as separate. I fie has gon to considerable exnensc to make his es I tublisluucnt lirsl class one, and ho therefore solicits n liberal patro ige tocnablu him, to constantly introduce the mode l improvements of tho art. Co'iu -y produco taken in Exchange for picture ' Hli.MtV UUSi;, STUCK. nioomsburi;, Nov. 23 IfOI. Nov. I) V H. 0. HOWE R, S0UGEON D3I1TIST, spKTret, nrsPUCTriTLliY his profess tii-.-4$l2'f ional services to tho ladioi and ccntln. MJjYhvrt5) men I'filloomtburg and vicinity, He is u-tr prepared to atlend to all tho various i operations ill the line of liis profession, and is provided I witlillielatot improved I'01ICl.Ljil. rr.LTJt; which ' will he inserted on pold, idatina, silver and rubber baoa 1 tolookwell hs the natural teeth. i Mineral pl.ito and block teeth manuf.icturcil and all ' operations on teeth, carelully and properly ultended to. ' KesidellCO Ullll olllce It few iTnnra ..llini,, tlx, fni,. . House, samo side, lllooinsburi;, JuneC. 15G3, TINWAIIE & STOVE SHOP. TUG undersigned respectfully informs his old friend and customers, that he lias purchased his brothers ntcroft in the above (stablithmeiit.nudthe concern Mils hereafter bo conducted by himself exclusively. jf lie has just received and offers for sale, tho larg. e-t and most extensive assortment of l'ANUY agjjfi aTO Vila ever introduced into tliis market. His stock contents of a complete assortment of ho best Cooking nnd parlor stoves in the maiket, togeth er with Stove fixtures of everj description, Oven and Uox moves, Kndiators, Cyiinihir Stoves, Cast Iron Air Tieht stove", Cannon Stoves, itc., &e. Stovepipe .Hid Tinware ciuistantly ou liand nnd manufactured to order. All kinds of repairing done, as usual, on short notice. Tho patronage of old friends and new cuslomirs to peLlfully solicited. A. 31. KLTUIIT. Illoomsburg, November .1(1 16(il). tf. CORK'S HOTEL, Bhamsburg, Columbia County, Penna. SILAS DODSON, Proprietor. rrakcspleasuro inannouniing to tho public that he t liaslaken nnd thoroughly relitted tho forks Hotel formerly occupied by Hubert Ilagcnbuch, Hloomsburg, ami is prepared to accomodate travellers, teamsters, drovers ami boarders. Ills table will be supplied with best product tho markets afford, aud his Har will bo constantly furnished with the chuicest liquors, 1CA lario and commodious stable has been erected, with a convenient stable attached. Atteutivo ostlers will always bo in attendance, and ho trit'ls his obliging attention to customers will secure him a liberal share of patronage: Uloomebure, r,i..Nav. S3, 1602. STILZ & HARTLEY, OSfBiMMEriF ITAOILtDlRSf, Consolidation Hank Uulldinr;, 320 North Third Street between Vine ij Callowliill, r a i l a n c l r n i a. Juno CO, 1603 ly. LIGnT S'J'UEET, Columbia county, Fr. rplli: 1 ho undersigned has located at tho nbovo nnuici' hotel, formerly occnpied by Peter tfchug, and sol'r Its n share of public patronage iTi" (Jood accommodations for man and beaut. Thi beat kind of liquors at the bar. . . J. D. It ICE, Proprietor. April II, IcG3- LEATHER! LEATHER! ! TIIH undersigned w ould announce, thai ho has ell liar. J athlslltitnndCap emporium, on Main St., Hlooius. burg, aiinisortuieutof dilloreut kind of icalln r, such n fine calf skins, morocco, (red nud Marie) aud linings, all cf which lie will sellcliiapor than can bu had clrcuhere In this market. Call and vxeminu them for yourselves. J01INK, lilltTON. LIcorasbnrs.Msyai, I8. I-'IUSIIMOTH il UUOTHUUS. WIIOLLSALE TOBACCO D J3 A L E 11 p At.103,NOUTlI THIRD STItEET five dooribelowitnce, PUILADCLI'IIIA JOHN DOLL 002 Market St., Philadelphia SMPOUTEllof Toys, Pipes and fancy Articles, t) Tho largcrl variety of Pipes, Toys, Uaskcts an fANOY COOD3 TO nr. roUNIJ IN 'JKU CITV. Pleas cull and Diamine, Jlarch7, 1663 iebagas for goo. C UW KHBAH COME ONE ! COME ALL! I J. BROWER Jlhh rsposo to salo every day this T T I'nll nnd Winter. (Siindays ciceptcd.) n largo and well selected nssottmeat of ft. t 1. . .1. -...I l'..-lf.f. 4......Ih iuui icitii rrtiicii iiiti riii mi iiiiuiis, jut from the Pastern niatkctf. Plain Dress floods aro mo laictl l.isnion. siirn an vnFinurre .iicriuos, iuiu Mokalr Silk rililsli, Alpaccas of nil shadea. DELAINS at 18, 2U, U5, ill and U5 cts. CALICOES from 18 to 25 cents. SHAWLS Ar.r, woorj, long & square, nt pricss to suit purchasers. NUBIAS AN) JI'OOL HOODS or near rtstnirnoN. Cloths, Cassiniers and Jeans, for Mon nnd Hoys wear, cheap, Dailies' Collars, Cutts, Sleoves, Head Nets, ami dress trimmings. Dlcacltcd and Unbtcanhal Muslius, wlll'be sold nt n very small advance. Hosiery, Gloves, Embroidering Riaids, Sc small wares in great vaiicty. Linen Carpet Chaiu and cotton yarn. Boots and Shoes, ladle' gaiters, toilet slippers, ihlldreti's gaiter" and shoes, and a largo stock to seli ct fiom nt nil prices. Trunks and oil cloth satchels, (lueensnnro and Hardware, & R o : R 32 .2. S TOBACCO AND HE G A 11 S, nt low prices, and In fart nlmott cver thing in my linn that may be called for, as I hive purchased n liiuih l..r Kcr slock of goods than usual, nnd am determined to sell them nt very small profits, for ready pay. Ladles Hill llnd It to their ndvnntnge to buy their Dress (ioods at this eitaldislimeiit, as 1 will preson. to every Lady customer, who may deslrn it. one of Mud. nine Dcniorot's latest slecva pnltrrns. Call and sco tho Mirror of fashion. Just published, with lull and rcllali'o description of the lateEt Tails fashions. lilooiusburg, Sept. ). lt'GU. E. & II. T. ANTHONY, M ANUr ACTUK UR3 01' T II O TOO 11 A T.II I C 1 A T T. It I A I. S, 501 Jlroadtvat) New York, Our Catalogue now embrncce considerably over fo'ir thousand dill'cn lit subjects (to uhirh addition? are con lluually being mnile) of lortinits of tholnciit Aimrl' cans, tie., viz :vl .iTnjor-iiem nils, luu ling .tipncrnis, 'iVJ Colonels, ''i l.ieut.-l.'nloiiels, '.0? other Otlleers. U) Navy Ullicers, i'W t-'tiite'ineii, li!7 Divines, llii Authors, 30 rtiftsHJ h'lagc, -ID TruiuiiiLiit Women, 147 Trom incut l'oreign Torlraits. 2,500 Copies of Works of Artf Including rcprodiutions of tho inni-t cell bratcil Cngra. vings, Paintings, Statues, tec Catalogues dent on re ceipt of "tamp. An order for ono dozen pictures from our Catalogue will bo 111 led oil receipt of 51.t0, and bent by mail, free, PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. Of these we manufacture a great variety, ranging In price from 3D cents to ..iu each. Our Album" have the reputation of bein r superior in beauty and durability to any others. Tho smaller kinds can bo sent safely by mail at a poslagu of hix cents per oz. 'luo inoru expensive can bo sent by ex pros. tVe nlso keep a lar'C assortment of Pterescopes and Stercseopic views. Our Catalogue of theso will bu sent to any m'drcis on receipt of stamp. 11. 4c II. T Anthony, Manufacturers of Tlmtnsraphic Materials Sill Itro.'iihviiv. PJnvv York friends or relatives of prominent military men will confer a t'uvor by tending us their likenesses to copy. They will bo kept caiefull and relumed uninjured. 1'ino Alliums made to order fur congregations to pre sent to their I'astor, or fur other purposes, with suita ble Inscriptions, &ic. August -ii, lsi;3-Cm. National Foundry. RLOOiMSBURG, COLUMBIA. CO., PA. rrillK subscriber, proprietor of the nliovo named ex. J tensive establishment, is now prepared to receive orders for All Kiuds of Ulaciiiuerj, for Collerics, lllast 1'uriiaces, Stationary Ungiticr, Mills THItnaillNG SIACIHN'Cd. i.0 . &L He is also prepared to make Stoves, all sizes and patterns, plow-irons, and everything usually made in lht-c!asH foundries. His extensile facilillcs nnd practical workmen, war janlt him in recviviug tho largest contracts ou the most reasonable terms. Sy Craiu of all kinds will bo taken in exchange for castings. rjjTliis establishment is loca.ednear the Lackawan na A- llloomuburg Uuilroad Depot. Turmi uiLi.Muvnit nisomsbnrg, Sept. IB, 1EG3. Exchafic Hotel, l.iTE tOL, R. r. JONES, No. 77 Dock Slrei't, ucxt tioor to the Post Office, Philadelphia. rph',3 well known etfihliehuient maintains Us usual X celebrity, and its well kuuw it repuiation of bent the best HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Shall be sustained, liooeir may be had at nil hours' per night, 117 cents ; per week, i I, jm r nionlli, blJ. Tho Ilarntid Luting Departments aro furnished v. tt'j tile best of everything tile market can tiruduce. GAME, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, nnd delicacies of every clime may bo In J at a luome ft notice. MeaUut 12 cents mid upwards, ami may he had from S A. M. till l.'at nitlit, (jenlleiiieu may rest assured tlint ,,n v,,i.,ii vvil 11,., tn .r-nilfr tins. III. tel.'. model one. I J. OTTENKIRK, Piopr. Slurch 7, lEC33m, Wall Latest Etilc lowest prices. JUSTneceivcd anew aiorti:i'iit of latest styles of JJ'ult Paper i neluUitg Bantering, and leiliiig Paper, and a general variety of material in his line, which will ho found on Iho SiH 'ONl) f l.OO luinedi ately over tho store cf Mr. L T Sharplcss, entraiico one door cnM cf Lutses Drug More in the Itupett lllock, vTlicru all persons wishing goods in his lino will be attended to, in p.rson' at at all times. cr Paper Jleuiffi?! izeetited to order and best style, at slion wlire. D. J, TIIOHN'IO.V. Cloonioburg, r.lay'J, 160.1 3ira puislio bfiu.iia:, mucus- luuiw, r.i. fpni! undersigned, having taken this well-known stand 1 (formerly of Major Puterbaugh), respectfully solia -its thu patrouago of tho public. No paina will be spared in any of its departments, to render talUfailion to nil guet. Tho TAULU and tho IIAK will always lie supplied Willi tho I1UST TIIU MAKKUT Al'FOItDS. r7" flood stabling for II orsi-b and iittentivo Hosiers. Tho "f.iihnnge" is eligibly situated ou the Public fiquare, and lui thereforo peculiar udinntages to per sons attending Court or doing business in thu public olhcos. Cliiirges inoderntc. N. 11. Whenever you lomo to town, please call. II. J. VAPLU. Wilkes-llarro, Nov. 15. Ii02! m' JEUSEV J,Aii)S TOI't SALE, ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FAR-MS, HultuMo for firapes, Peaches, Pears, Itaspberrles, Stroivberries, Illuekbernes, I'urreiits, lie, of i. i!i, 111 on neros inch, in iho following prices fertile present, via: SU acres tor SiOU, lu ucrea for 4110,5 neres for Sill, '.'J acrca for SID, 1 aero for i0, Payublo by i-uo dollar u week. Al jo, good Craubury lands, nnd village lots in Cheat wood, tli hy 111" feet, nt SHI each, payable hy ono del Inr u wiek. The above land and luriin. are situate a I'heiitwood, Washington tow nship, llurlinytou county New Jersey, for further information, upply, with P. o. Stamp, font circular, to II. l'RANKLIN CI.AIIK, No. 00 Cedar Street, Xcw Vork, N. V. January 1", 1-03. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. 'pllll iinderslgnod would inform tho citizeiiior rrrir I IllooiushurK and vicinity, Ihat ho husjust o lamK eii'td nud oilers ftir sale one of the moite.teiisivu TSiy assortmont uf COOl'INd ami I'ANi'V HTOVlli tvur introduced into this market. Tho Christopher l.'i uiiil.u i, Jiimoa Hobb nnd (ilubo nro umoiig tho first thu cooking rjtoves.ull of which nro uir-liglitiindguuburue: Ills Parlor stoves are handsome and tho assortment vs ried. ALtiO-Partieiilar attention is paid to Tm-Wuru nud House rlpouting, upon khort notice. All kinds of repairing will bo done wall neatness nnd detpuuh, ny- Country product- taken in exchange for work. I'illl.lP (3. MoVi;i!. Illooinsbur;. May 1U, 18oQ. Sinwxican (Onnosite Inafeuuenic Jail,) ciiu3T.UT8TKni:T,uuTWi:r.N nrru fcaix'iii. rUlLJWF.LPHlJl, W If ATT & Hr.UI.INOS, Propritififi. .Votiisisi , U. IKuri-S 13, 1S-S9 'PHIS IVSTITCTICV Is under the solo management .1 and direction of Trof, D-W. Lowell, so long Prin cipal of thu ni.wiuMTo.v coMMnuciAt The course of Instruction embraces all tho requisites of a thorough practical business education, mid has bi'i'ii iHtc-lv etteiiilnd hv tho introduction of an Actidil Iht'liiess Course, lii w huh tho tfuith nt engages lu tho refitlar routine of business trftniaclions, cxeinplllled nnd f.iinillarlzeil hy means ol u store, (hi which tho nttvtl of buying and selling goods is carried ou by each Htndent,) nnd Ihlslness Olllccs, vizi Hanks of Issue and Deposit, llall-lto.iding and Htcain.llo.illng Tost Olllce, Telegraph, led kc. The Troprli tor has spared milium or cxpcnio In ma king this Course tho lnot thorough and complete of nny ever presenli'd to tho public, nud feels fully as flireil that niter having been hlmsi Ifengaged lu actual business, mid halng had many years' experience nt teaching thn A'cinto of Arcnunts, undlulntf aided by n full and Llllreii'iit corps of teachers, huwlll boon bled to inaliii tlioro'lgh nnd surcesfilt grniluatos of nil who may placo tluinsidvos under his charge. r :. v.v. 1. vs ' Inthls essenllal brniich of a buslurs education no Collage oiI'cm better f.tcllillca lo thn learner. Tho Hpeuccrlau system will bo taught In all its varieties by tho most skillful masters of tho nrt. cperinicn of Writing from this Institution havo received the highest encomiums from the press. for general Information, torinj, &e., address for Col. lego Monthly, which will bo mailed free; ror sped, mens of Teuuiaiishlp, enclose two three cunt stamps. Address I). V. LOWIll.L, Principal. Low ell's Commercial Colli go, Uiiighnmtou, ,V. V. T. S.-Onc of Hitter A. Duncan's No. I highly fluldied fine, perfect point, quill spring Gold Pens, Willi holder nnd case, warranfod for aim year ami to suit, w ill to sent, free of charge to any onj who will remit S3.3U to the nbovu address. Octobcj a, IMIII ly. NAT i5: vt. f'ninniiicni. ium t.vtiva IftBJ .UlUtllJillVllllJ UUUIJIill.U LOCATED IN PHILADELPHIA, a. n. cciiNcurni ami ciikstnot st.. New York City, Hrnoklyn, Albany , Tioy Ihiffalo. Detroit, (Icvtland, Chicago, and V. Louis. Hook-keeping, Tenmnnsliip, Commercial Arithmetit Commercial Law, forms, Correspondence, Uc, piuct cnlly taught. 'I hose Colleges being nncler tho sane general and lo cal Management, nnd unitiiiir in each thu advantage of all, oiler greater facilities for imparting iiutruci i I than any other similar Institution in tin; country. " Si liolarship issiiud by any ono is good in all fci n unlimited lime. Thu l'liiladelphia College1 ha been recently cnl.iis and refurnished in n superior manner, nnd n uowfl I largest and mutt prosperous Commercial luslilutiou w the Statu. Ilryitnt h Piratlnu's series of Text Hooks, embrac, Hook-keeping, Commercial Arithmetic, mid C'otuiuer Law. for sale, and sent hy mail. IE7" forfull particulars send for n circular. October It, litM l-.'iu. ' .l,;?M-'A.h'i.,' ... . -7sA C CJN xi.yli.,'! ri'Iinundersigneiri' nrso extensively cngageii in tho J Uvdcrtnhi.tir Business, nnd keeps constantly on hand nd for talo at his U'urcrooms, a largo assortment of FINISHED gjj COFFINS, Ily which ho is enabled to nil orders on presentation Also KeepMi good Horse and llearoe, and will at al times bo ready to attend f unerels. SI3IOM C. 311 1VU. Ulnnmshtirg, January 23. issa FllESIl AR II IV A L mummmmi -f on EVERYBODY "y HI- under(.lgned, grateful for past pntronnfo, respec 9 fully lul'oniis lilsi ii.-tiiiiii.'rs ami thrptihln geuerallv thai ho hasjut reeived from thu llasturne cities, ill largest and most select otock of Fall and Winter That has j .1 hei n opened in Woomsdiurg, m whiili lie in vit.-n tliu nttf ntion et Ins fiiends, ami insures them that they nn- otlVied for i-alu nt great bargains, ills tftoik c'lnprises n largu a i,ortmeut of i;i:.sTi,i:.Mf..S's wdauino appaukl, ConeiFiiiij ui i'AMtio.i.ini.1; Dulss Ciurs, of every iles cription; Pants, Vest", Hhirts, Cravats Stocks, Cotton Handkerchiefs, Clloves, Suspenders, lc. GOLD WATCHES JEWELRY, ' Of every description, fine and cheap. N. II. Iltnieiuber " Ijiiccnlierg' Cheap Emporium.' call and see. No chargo for exauiiug (ioodn. DAVID LOWUNIlf.Itr, Dloomsburg, August 29. 1C3. (June 1C5U.) FANCY FURS ! FANCY FURS ! ! John Farcira. 718 Aich Strict, loiow 8th, EOUth iido, PlIILADDH'IIIA. Importer, Manufacturer of and Dealer in all hinds of FA.vnv firnsi TO -iy-J . J-t-Lift?'. for Ladies' and Children's Wear. I w ish to return my thanks to mv friends of Ciliim bia and lhu surrounding counties, for their very liberal patronage extended to nie during III! la-t fun jiars, and would tayto tln-iu that 1 now havo in tore, of my own importation nud uinuufuituru u very extensive u fin In ii' n t of all the ditl'cr'-iit kinds nud qualitiei of 1'ahiy f vks. fur L.idies and Children, that v. ill bo worn during the fall and U inter seasons. Iking the direit Importer of all my furs from Eu rope, nud h:i nig them all manufactured under my own eupervision enables mu to olRr my customers aud thu piibliu a much hand'oiner Het of furs for tho samo money. Ladies please give luo n call before purchas ing I Please reiucmber thu name, iiuiiiln r nud Mrcct. JOHN I'AllUlltA, No. 71S Ar.cil Sinter, I'iiiladii.i'HU. Sept. 1J, leoa-Smo. GIRTON'S CHEAP HAT STORE UEMOVFD. AnoWicv Aj-rivnj oi" Woods. Now is Your Time to Buy, I NOW HULL ClIDAl'im THAN i'VLlt, nrilD iindcrslgncl having buimht out tho firucerv n X Hand ritruup, has removed his lint mid Cap t-loro I up to Stroun's old ttaud. whiro in addition tu a tune- rior arsoiimcnt of SPIHSU AM) SUMJIIBR Hats and Caps, Comprising every soil, size mid quality, wlilchwlll bo sold nt unusually low pacts, lie will continue tho tiro, eery and Notion business as carried ou by Mr. Slronp, Also-A lino lot of KIDJ, MOIIOt I'.OS and Limnos to which he invites thu at entioii uf r'hoeiiiakcrs and tho public. JOHN K. CIUTON. llloomtburt', May 30, lfC3 MM JOHN 0. YE ACER, MANUl'AOTUIlllIt & WIIOLLaALU DllALUU IN (AH ATS. CAPS, STRAW GOODS, RONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No 267 North Third Street. Phila'd. Ker , US Another Call. MORE MEN WANTED 1 INVOLUTION IN JI1GII PIUUES. LAUGH ARRIVAL OF Fall & Winter Goods, AT PETER ENT'S STORE, ix i.taur stm:kv, colvmiha cou.vir, pa, TIAS Juit received from Philadelphia, ninl l,"o;v II opening at tho old stand lite y occupied by .Marti fi lint, n f pleiulld nssottincnt of which will bo sold cheap for OAS II OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Illstockcoiislstsof LadlcaDrcn Uoods choicest styki and latest fashions Calicos, Muslins, Qinghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawltf, Hosiery, " Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. .,- CaStllllOrcS, batinuta, Cottonades, KontucV:y Juanif, Thread, &o. Groceries, Quecnswarc, Ccdarwaro, Hardware, MetlieinoSi Drugs, Oils, l'aints, ko. ROOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAP. In shon c ery thing u-uiliy kept in a country storo The patronage of old friends, and the public general ly, Is respectfully so'icltod. Thu highest market price paid for country produce. PPl'Ull L'NT. Light Street, Nov. 7, 1SC3. BARGAINS I BARGAINS ! IF YOU WANT TO 13UY Fall & Winter Goods, GO TO Crcasy's Store, i Light Strrel, Pn. IFAo Atfw (dl Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, W1IAWLW, Read -Mado Clothing Sugars, Mola'-scs, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, liacon, Hams, Lard, Tohaeeo, Sugars, Hats, Root", Caps, Shoes, Drug?, Oils, Paint?, &o.j In addition to our large stock of Dry Roods, we havo a large and full assortment of Heady Made Clothing lor M?n and Ploys wear which wo aro determined lo sell cheaper thni can bo bought cUcwhere. Call nud see, and judge for 5 ourselves. . II. W. CItCASV & CO. Light Street, Nov. T. Ib3. irvt FOR EVERY BODY. I TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. j Just come to 0 and W Kreamer'j Store, In Jersey ' town, Pa. wlieie jou willilud all kinds of Dry Uujdsi such us Ladies Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, flannels, Hsiscry, Shawls &o. Cirocciies. Qncenswaro, Hardtvaro Cedarwarc, Tiu-warc, Ami Drugs. Fish, Meat, Salt, l'lour, lohaceo, Hats, Cap?, Roots, IRON AND ears, & Shoes, NAII.S. In short, evcrythin; t ry stoic. that la generally kept in a coun We will n II you goods at fair prices nud tako all kinds of produco as pay btich as Hotter, Lggs, Oram, Lumber, r-hingles, link plank, and in fact anything that any body else will buy nud sell us cheap as liui bo xold in the country. Wo will not bs undersold by Jew or (.'entiles, Come then ono aud all, judge for your selves. Rrini; your trade, but don't ask for (rust. o & w KIICASIKU. Jersejtown, May SJ, It'll-). 'I FIE KEW vJIifit'EHY SToKK. MORE FRESH GOODS. Just received at Erasmus' JSew Store, Molasses, Sugars, Teas, ColTeo, Rice, Spires. MaTs and Caps Fish, Salt, Tobacco, Sogars, 't Candies, Razens, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with n great variety of notions and etcete ras, too numerous to mention. inT" Hotter, L'ggs, Meut and produto generally taken in enhance for goods, A. 11, UltASSlUS. Uloouisbure, .May 0. 1S03, FRESH ARRIVAL op Mil & WINTER GOODS, A T Miller's Store. rpilR subsrrlher hai Just returned from tho Cities JL Willi another largu and select iiMOitmet of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, purchased at Philadelphia, nt the lowest figure, nnd whiih Ihey nre dtteriuiued lo sell on asiuodcratu terms us can bo procured Uuowhcro itock louiniiies in Uloouisbure His Lii;i.'4' imi.i-s ooons, of ihoiciti stylus and latest fashion. uur ooons, ,ixj miocEiur.s, II 'I nn ii'.m i: i ui:k.ysii:ihk, cf.dah iv.ip.i:, hollow nwm IllOX, X.111.8, HOOTS if SUOKH WVS f( CAPS, &c, .J e., c, In short everything usually kept in country Stores to which ho invite the public generally. Thu Highest price paid for country produce. S, H. MILLER. Msburf,0,ai. lt MaMoniri Friendsand Relatives. . op Tim Bravo Soldiots and Snilors. I10LJ.0AVAY'S PILLS, AND OINTMENT. Ml who hivo frlenils nnd llelnttves In tho Army or ntie.i will, ihcsii Tills nnd Ointment i nud where thu pllc.i wiiii iiicso r is nuu " yo m " , '"- - . SI whl ; m no beVhVr re,ri,l can 1,0 sent " o. ;-'.. , i. i i... I'uuuiia .v.tiii wiiun ........ ..m i, j ,tiiiiriii vi ' 1 nn ri Will bo specdly relieved and nlTc ttually cured by using theso ndmlrable lucdlcines, nnu uy paying proper attention tu the Directions which nro attached to each Put or Uox. SICK IlLWDAOIIlia AND WANT Of AT nilTL, INClDDNPAI.TOBOLDIUIlri. 'Ihoso feeling which so sadden in usually nrlsofrom trouble or nnnoynnces, obtrin.ted peispiratloii, or cat- Itlgnnd drillKillg Wllllioicr is unnnuiesuiuo, urns ur fid g the health ful nctl on of the live and s omacii - i Tleso or'ai i "list 1 e re level, if) ou desire to bo will e Pill.: takeii according to the Aiuled insituclions. ..i,,....i.i,i .iiu.n n l,,i..,lll,e iii Hon lii both liver mid i .. in .,i,irlle iirndiirn n healthv nctlon in both liver ami stoiilaih. and, as a ,.i ,.00ll nnetlte. liaiUllll bUIIOL'lUUIIkk, U bIWU, 1IVUH WL'AKNfctfSOll Df.UILITV INDULT'D 111 OVKIt l ,VJ lUUIi Will soon disappear liy the usorf theso Invaluable Pills, nud the cfoldier will iUlckly ucsulto miditlonal strength. Never let tho lloweis bo illher conllncd or undulv acted upon. It may seem strange, that llol loway"'s Pills thould bu recommended ior Dysentery nnd flux, many persons supposlnt' that they would increase tho relaxation. This is u great mistake, for these Pills w ill correct the liver and sumach, and thus remove all Iho acrid humors fiom thu system. This iiieditino will give tone nnd t Igor to the whole organic pytoiii, however di ranged, whllu health and strength follow ns a matter of course. Nothing will tnp thu re lax'ilion of tho l.'owua tu suru ns thlj lainous modi line, VOLUNTULItd, ATTENTION I INBISOUKTIO.S'3 Of YU1JTII. Sores and Ulcers, lilotchcs and Snelllngs, can with certainty ba radically cured, if tin; Pills are taken night nnd morning, nnd Ointment bo frocly used ns Mated in the printed instruction'. If treated In any .ther man lier, tin y dry up in one part to break out in another v hereas this Ointment will romoio tho humors from the ry.teiu.niid leavu thu Patient a vigorouaaud healthy man. It will requlro il littlo pirsuveraiico in bud la te tn insure a lating cure. t'Oll WOUNDS f.lTllllll OCOAH10XUD 11V TIIII DA VON'UT. HAUllli. oil Till: liULLDT, eOlSUd Oil IIUUIbLd, To which every Poldler and Salmr nro liable, there nro no undines so cafe, sure, and convenient, ns llol luway's Pillstiud Ointment. Thu wounded nnd almost dying siillerer might havo his wounrts dressed inline dlati Iv. if ho would only provid" hiiim If with this matchless Oiutuieut, which should bu thrut lain the wciind and sni"areil all louu I it, then covered with a pieeu of linen from Ills kuapsark and lompresed with u hundkinhlef. Talking, ni;ht nud morning, Cure Pills, toeeol the syMem and Privonl lull iniatioii. Kvery Soluler's Knapiack and Heaman's Chct should be pro Ideii w ith these valuable l',i meilli s. CATJTION ! Noiiu are g.'iiume unli ss thenords 'Ilollinn.s, New vorKand l.oiidon " are ilisei' us a Walei-mark In every leal of the bonk of ilirutions itround i in h pet or bo ; the same may plainly seen hy lioliiing the leaf to thu light. A haudi-unie toward will lie givi n to any one leuderiug such information as may lead to llio deUilion of un party or p.utiea iiiiiutei feitiiig the medicines or vending tho sntu ', l.nuWilig them to h frpurious, Sold nt ninniifactory oi Professor llolloway, HO Miudcn l.nne. New Vork, uudby all rupectaha Drug i .-1 1 ;iikI Dealers in Medicine, throughout tho liviUed wo.-ld, in boxes at 'Jo cents, and SI each. O'l hiTois coutidcrablu satin!,' hy taken the larger sizes. N, I!. Directions fur the guidance of patients In every disorder are affixed to each box. Juno id, ieb3,-y. i ECONOMYIS WEALTH ' CURE YOUR COUGH FOH 13 CENTS The best uni cheapest Household i cmeilij in the World. MADAJin ZADOC l'OHTEa's MADAmII .ADOO VCR. TLU'S Curative lialmni is w an anted if u-.i.ii eccording to the ilirei linns, In euro in nil irises Co'iglis, Cold.-, hoi lu Cmi"!,, Asthma ninl all air.'ctions of the throat and Ldngs. Miidauie ailoc porter's llnlsam i- prep-ired with nil the ri 'iui-iii. skill, from a teiilhliu.tiiill of Hie h '.-tleni- odies tin- ii, table hiuadnm nllords iU ri iii'-ilial ipiali tli". are bared on iM power to it i -1 Hi,, h. althy eiri-u lati oi at th hl.,,,1, ihrutigli th I iii.s. ii id ni,i a im. h n! i i,ii . y, leit emoilelit warming, Marching and elf eitii'i ; i an 1,,. taken by the old. st pi-moii or the young, e-1 iiiild. ntiii'innador Port, r's Inl h.o. bi i n in tis-e hy the ul, he fur uvi- l(i yeaif, and ins ncunred it present cale nnpiy iij n. nig recoiiiiin u led by tlnse who halo used it to their iitlliite.l frieudj as ninl others. Most Important. Madame Zadoe Porter's Curative llnlsam is sold nt a pilec which biings it ii), tliu reach of eiery one to keep it eoriv.-nient for usj. The time ly use of a single bolllo will prove to bo worth 1 00 times its lost. NOTICI'.. r-'ave your money I Do not be persuaded tn purchase articles at Is to $1 which do not contain the v J I tues of a 13 cent bottlu of Madame I'orlur's Cu rative llalsaui, the cost of manufacturing which it as great as nlmo-t any other medicine ; and tho very low prece at which It is sold, makes the profit to the sell, er nppa. "ntly small, and uupriucipaled dealers wi' someliiues recommend other medicines ou wlurhtheir profits nro largei, unless Iho customers insist upon liai inj' Madame Porter's and none other. Ask for Madame Porter's Curative llul'um. price Llcents, mid ui large bottles at 25 oeuts, and take no other. BJ't'old by all Druggi-ts ami S-torckccpurcnt Llcls. n. 1 in larger bottles ni C-! cents. II ALL HUCKLl:, Pr printers, New York. January 21, It'ii'J. 41 Fou a Medicinu that m ill Cuke COUailf, IXFLVF.YZ.1, TICXUXO l.XTlir.TllliO.tlT mwopi.vo-counii, on ur.i.n-.rj: cox SUMPTin: coughs, .is eon's mmm mimfu Over Five Tiionsauil Uottli-s have been said in its native tow n, and lint a tingle in' ; ttauce of its failure is known. 1 Wo have, in mir possession, nny quantity of cirtin I cites, mnio of them from imiueiit physiciaiH, who havu used it i n their practice, and gli eu it thu pru-ciui-nemo over ni:y other ompuuiit! . It does dot tlrv up ,i cough, hut loosens it, so as to enable Ilia patieiit'to et peLtomlo Ireely. Twoorthruo doses will ininriably I mre Inkling in tho throat. A half bottle hud often completely cured thu most j STUIilJORN COUGH, ' nnd yet. though it is somro and ipoedy in its operation it is perfectly harmless, being purely vegetable. It ia very agreeable to thu table, aud may bo aiuuiiiiktered . to children of nny ago. i IN CASES OP CROUP , ivo will guuraiiteo n cure, if taken in season, No . l.iuiiiy bhoiild bo without it. It in within tho reach cf . all, the price bung j ONLY 25 CENTS. I And if nn investment and thoros-gh trial docs not "hack up" the abuio ilatemeiit, Hie luuuey will bo re funded. Wo say this knowing its merits, aud feel con. lident that one liial iflil secure lor it a homo in every hoiisel'old. Do not waste away with Coughing, when so small aiuiiveslmeut willcurejou. It may bu had of any rc-i-peiiiiblo Druggisi in town, who will furnish you with u tirculnr of genuine u rliilcates of cures it hau mado C. U. CLAUK ti CO., l'roprietors, . New lUvbN, Ct. ITrAt wholesale, by John.ton, llolloway AiCowdeii, Vi North ."iilli r-ireet, l'liiladelphia, Pa. for salo by Druggists in city, country, and uvcry where, Sept. 2d, liOa-Um ' ROSEMONT CEMETRY. "lime is Money. T,TASlt not been fully dcmonitrnted.tlnt (I is great fol XX ly to wait until )ou liavou fiieud dead, before )ini entn onk uf tes nhp.,n,Mi . .1..... ,. . r , w - ,.,v- uiuiiui,, - 11, en uru yun it-nil pro I ir',. taV,i'lX' yuur '" '"S hi a distracted ttulo'yoii , "il as likely get n bad khapeor bad sizo Iotas good nud , desirable one. ltosemouul Cenitlry company oilers n trl;ul ,"'"1 "lr '"c.'itod lots lor salo i uud now whilst , , uiuniiivuiiii is tuu imiu iube:ecin lot and put it 111 order, by calling 011 thu iinderignud )ou can buuccoinpaiiiedto llicground.ixauiiiiotheui and us cvitulu the cost, , , I.W.IIAtlT.MAN, Trcmurtr. UloiniiHburg, Sept. Ii. Icult.-Uui, pnoYoWAfurjujis; IL Unrd Photographs, lllank Hooks, family Iliblcs, Writing Paper Also 11 largu stock of goods euitablo for liolidajs. Hniall prclitj, uuiik tales. IIALL Si IIP.NNPItS, Fourth and Arch. Plill.-Meinhu 1 S0Lmmu m TU AllMY iVilll UUll I Kl'liL 111 IIOJIIJ Aro now off red nn op tulu u (Ji)Ul) M) ill liLllAltLU PI ihi-PIUL, Mnnti U lihunu wnifautMl t I; iW, iu imiirui our i .iiiiLsmo wnlr.luli tu k il tiae. oiu yuir, nnd the buy r is nli,v. il th piivll.aJ I Inihroved Duplox In lull lluby Actions, A Hut cits. Hunting Titne-Pleco of ell v r uiiilerl.'il, over whkli", ""J .. .ni. .,. .n ,i iu,j i. ,..u ...iik.n.liil Bit J1III11IIK5 lil.H l callli .. ,,.., .,., n, uiuinriiii uy ins inosl ctoitl. enced Judges I ncldn will not eirocl It. I.on, on Ma hi movement. Improved Dupb x In full ruby a ti.m, hra sweep seconds, and Is not to bo excelled In g. neral un piarnnce. I his Is decidedly one of thu bc-t nrtiaii ever olkred for traders nnd speculators. lInMiiiouro. emigrants, nnd parson, travelling, w ill Had th. ni ti! , prtior tu liny other , jilt, ration of ili.natu w ill not uf feet their accuracy. I'rlco. packed in goo 1 thap , nni food running order, unly r case uf tl f .rSJUll. i sn.viut uouiili: timi: iiuxtixo Li-.vnna iiesi wuauiy unver unses, ovor which olectto-llnr P1"1'''1, ls Bold. lmllar to our Imprnvod liupl. x'uti Wnntiilli; , and Urecnw ich tl no .,'l!:"'v,)'"?''' "s beautiful i uitiiiiKH iniDL'iirni r. 1 nn.i lit titrifir mm . . . , j '"-i v,. in good iua unia oruer, g.u, or case ol (i for 8.uil. ' "AVji nsk n pay In ndvance, but will formal cither of Ihem to responsible paiths, tn any pan uuero ineiii m respu nsioio paitiis, tn any part t noioju i mnteg w itn tiiii ptyabln 1 1 t xpre.-sman wh ho goods nro ileliw red, giving tho buyer Ilia nrlvlK- ol exaniiiintlun, tint satlsf ictory thu wutchtn be returned at our rxpeiise. TheexpresJ inlnpanles refuse making fnllec ii :is o. soldiers and t In r parlies in tho dltloyal Htut-1, . ,,i seiptenuy an sucu nruers mtl he nci'ump ,nn d b tli ' ' urn ittl-ii l"ii. Wo make n duUuitlun d'tw 'I'1"'1" "" I'llher watch when the paMuetit I, tltnut MW 1 . J'xprejs at our er .. . I liur. l A 1 1 1,11 1 i r. I t) , vjanu t'jiiruuu ct opposite city llnnk, Provldeiice, It. t October?.!, 1903- lino. THE GREAT si vi:i!si;v aTiinin', nlwxoisk; Sjince lis nrgaiiiznlloii, lias crmtnd n new era in t!u history of wholesnilliig Tens In Ihlf country, 'liny havu IlilroJ'ired their sehi lions of Teas, nud are selling them at not over two n uts ( Oi Cents) per pound nhovo cost, never Ul viuting Irotii the one price ajl ed. Another pcculitlrity of the Company is that their Tec Tatter not only devotes his timu to th; s, lecio u as to finality, value, and paillni1 ir tM i lor particular localities i f country, but lie help Un- 'IV buyer to ihoo-e out uf their cnorniotn stork ,-jui 1 u lis tire best adopted to Ills particular wants, ami m only this but points out to him th,- he.-t bar" ,a- Itiseary to see tho inealciihihle ndvnntiige u T Uujer has in Dili estnhllshmiut ui r all otli is, If he Is no Juilgii of Ten or the Mutkt t, if hi - time , Mduablu he has all the bandits of n w II nig.mU J s. ti in of doing business of imiu e cirpili I, ol tin. , ui meiit of a profes-loiuil Tea Taster, and the know I .u, of stipi rior sales-man. This i uald, s all Tea buyers no miitli r if tin y a thousands of mlks from this market - to pun ha ,e on good terms lure ns the Nlw Vork merchanis. I'artle" inn oriLr Teas and will be s.m ved by us will as though they iiune theiiHelves. b i,in- stir l original puikugcs Into weights ur.d tares ; and iho 'I are Warranted ns represented, wo iksue al'ricu l.i-t if the Company's Tens, wl. .c will be sent to all who order it ; compn.-lng Hyson, Voiing JJyson, Impcibit. Gfi powder Twahhuy and fskin. uoi.ovc, soucno.vt;, oitAVof. u ii vsh.n rniti.. Japan Ti a of eveiy ilevcriptinii, colored no I one I ed. This list Iris i.o h kind i f T.'a diiftl ., i-,t.,, namely i Cargo, liinh Cargo. I'. ne, I'm st ' cvuri jiio may understand Irom desinpln n uu , i pilres annexed that the Company aro dternuiod iiudi-rsi II tho whole Ti:a trade. Wo gu.unntcc to sell all our tens at n a ov r t . cents ( tiJ cents) per pound cost, h lo viog i . to be altr.ntive to lh" many who h uu hvi . i.,i,.ru i. rajing eiiurinoiM protiti. UUUAT A.Mlll'.lCAN Tin Cii.Ml' ,NV. nieoartn ano j..u,n-as. Vesey Street, N n icr Sept. 12, ISC3-PiUio. , J3YANS & WATriUA ili "S'vP.'ii- fALAMAXDD.l HAfLH. gKfei'.v " l':rr''!' I'hUnJ.tphti. h.iv f vj' . C and n large assortment .1 V rJvW! fjr Thief proof S.iliiuiaii.l. r il'SAJ&f (l-'w lso, iron doors., for banks rjT- tr rtores. iron shutters ir n ' , ifdfJSl'.iiJff'v makes of locks! tu any u.i in the I'nlted f-tatcn. FircSnfctin one frj. All tama out right; Kith t- tcvls in irood toniUlion. The Salamander t'afea of Philadelphia u world. EVANS & WATKON, have had the surest denmutrntiou in the fn Mowing t t i li nut i: that Ihelr ni.'iuufiirliirii of Halam.iudi r i-'tifi s nt Ii nglh fully wiirruufd the repn seiitalimis v. hi h h been made of them n rendering an uuiloubt' ti u cm ug.iinst the terrific ikuu nt. I'hiladi Iphi'i April !'. l-o .1, l'rattt ,y Watson' Ceutp no 11 It lilt" .s the highest satisl.irtiou to ttale ,tu, that .inig Hie vi ry protective iii:ililn m ftn'o of the rali.u r'ufe." whuh we pureh is. il of y u smo liv in Ii m wo savid a large portion of Jewelry, and all our '. ,.r A.1-., xpi.- d lo the ealumiuouH, Hie in llaiHtead j la the morning oMh- 11 1 It insl.. When we ri l!ei t rhvt these afes wi r lorate ! ,'i i' fourth .-toiy of tin building w . oec-ipii d and lh I lii fi II HUbseipi. utly iutoa in ap of burning linns, n- i i vait inn . nt r.ition of the heat cnuM'd lh brass ; I .t i . . uu 1:, we cannot but regard ihe pri serv.itinii of m .r v. liable loiiients as iuri-,t tonvim ing proi f of the ei at eiinlj iitlordi d by your .-ale-i. U'. shall Ink"- great peaur.. in recoiuiiiendiug then men of Ihii ni'Ki as a -lire n limn again-t lire. ;i:oi!t;i: . himmoxs nun . ,m u.n. Fi'Vh y hai'o since pnrchas. d .-i hire. Safe . July ao, l.-.o.'. .t,gu,t 20. 1 .. 97) w Hon. 'Wilt-on IIrC.ind!ei,s, Judg- ef the L'nitiai ot .. Circuit Court, President. Corner I'enti and St. Clair ritred, PITTrillL'llCII, I'. Til 11 LAItfJf.ST. CIIAPLS'P AND IlCsT. I !35.00 pays fora fu 1 Cojnunrcial Cuurse. I ti v No e.vnn ili.ngi - for Manuf..iturer Kteamb. 1 llailroad and II ink llo.ik-L'eepiug. 1 Ministers.' nous at half price Students enter and Tiew at mi) lime '1 his iii-titiitinn is eou'luetiiil hy i.perieiir I '!' it ers and praeli- al Aciouutati's, who pr. p ir-- vmii. for in live bu-iness, ut lhu Ii asl epi o-- ana --h liuie, fur the most lucrative and rcspoi.sihl.' itu,. i Diploiuai. gianti d fur merit only. In in the t n pri fucnce for graduates of this cull by ba i , men. Prof. A. C'OWl.LY, tin bei,t lViuuan ii He lo who hol,N the largest uiiuiber of iir-1 pr in"i- . ' uvi rail competitors, faeln s rapid b'i in.'s wr.iiu I Ctitorr. ns no'iliiiiiiog full inlorinaitoii sent ikii. ei upplicutioh to tho Principal, j JDNKIN-i fi SMITH. I'nni ipala , O1 Attend w her the .Sous nud Clt rs-t, of hu in. s . Men and Hank, r-i graduate, April Hi, ISW-ly. Airil.-I.lSC3- 'No3. 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 CouitluudtStrc.I I NU.Ml imOADWAV, NLW YOKK C1T This old-established and favorite renin of th, I' J lies Coiuuiuuiiy has been recently refilled, ao is I pleto in everything that can minister to thn L"iU"il lis patrons Ladies uud fauulica ure pu jiiilj .uut i ! fully provided for. 11 centrally located in tho Im inc.-:.- part ol tie c nud is cunligiiuits tu ihe principal lines ol ui. uiube . cars, ouinihosscs ferries, &c. lu cousc'iucuco of Hie piessuru caused by tho lle' lion, irices have been induced to One Dollar aid PifUj Cents jur ! '1 he table is amply supplied with nil the luxuries I iho season, audiae'iual to that ut any other hul I i'1 ! country. ! Aioplo accomniudatlons uro j!n.rod for upnnrd of 1 gut, lif Do not heliovu ruiiuers.hai kmuii, and others n 1 may say "lhu Western llot-I is full." I D. 1). WiNC'lIUSTi::!, I'roprn tor 'VHOi. D. WlXCIIllSTLlt. 1 fob. 13, lfG2. Tl fi-ft.i i XiVXXlSJ rpiir.Proprntorufthis well-kpow u and i oiriM) loi 1 ted House, tllO D.XtlUN'IlE lloiUL, on tiu I ftrcet, ill lllooiiiihurg, luiineJinlely nio-,l. I'm Culm , bin County Com t llmise, rcpecllully I'sfurins hi" fr" , mid tho public in general, that his Dou-i i m " " tier for the reception nudeiiterlailiiiienl 1 1 Iran i 'swle may f . I disposed to favor it with Un ir . u -i j.1" 11,1 spared no espouse in prepauug th'' 1A. iom'i f,,r fh entertaiiinienl of hi gucts. neilh. r sh ill Her In uti) thing wuutlng (on his pari) lo iinnist. i I" lh1 " I" j comfort. 111:, house is spaiiuus and enj") ' iL' " business location. I u'y- Oiunibitses run nt all times betweui Hi'' lltchang I Hotel and the various Kail lload Depots, hy w hn n trnv elers will bu pleasantly eoiivejcd to nud fnuntlio rc 1 si ttvii s-lnrlr.ii.. ,,. .In. tl ... ,1,.. I'nr . WM. 11- IvOOXB. Illuouisburg, July 7, 1SC0. (Lalo White Swnn.) RACE STREET, ABOVl'l THIRD l'HlbADHIjimi.V. D. 0. SIEGRIST7 PuorriiCTon. Formerly from Engle Hotel Lebanon, Pa J03, IIOU8IJM, Cliiw;, March W, ltfOa-l'-'ni. LL KINDS OF STOCK FOR THE G!l k fl 2) A V OI,r,lni,pn,.1, 111, (-nr. I I'lilnreu. (1,1,1 I'l'lli, U" I Libles and Prayer Hooks. &c.,..c. Call uud look u- uur block, or send your orders uy mnil. WM ti PilllUV IIOOIiFF.tXl'B. i Off. ?T)fl. 3 i 0.w ci-.wA for Roodj, n.Ksyj; the Annoyance. ate. I Nov H. lS0J-3m Koy II, lt63-Smo 1