Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 28, 1863, Image 3

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Bloomsburg, Ponn'a.
E" Court coinmcncos in Hlootusburg
, -j Monday morning n week.
JJST Gold is "gain going up, it rritiior
rum ply speaking, greeubacks tiro going
tuT A few loads of oak or pi no wood
;I bo taken at this officii, in payment of
.iwcnption or advertising, it oncrou soon,
w i v""-t,' t"-uSUiui.pox, he closes tlio door of his hut,
were closed and sermons appropriate to tho
occasion proanbed in tho ohurckoi.
eST Blank Articles of Agreement bo-!
tween Teachers end School Directors can
bo had at this office, neatly printod on
good paper.
fctST By decision of tho Stato Superin
tendent, School teachers aro exempt from
duty on Thanksgiving day, Christmas,
Washington's birthday and '1th of July.
867 Dypthcria prevails in many parts
of our county. Wo publish in our agri
cultural department a receipt, which is
paid to be a certain euro for this com
plaint. Prosorvo tho receipt.
IK" As yet no effort has been mado by
tho "loyal" citizens of tli 13 county to
raise their share of tho "vigorous war"
racu lo Gil Father Abraham's call, What
is wrong. Came, rouse ! rally I or the
tiling's "gone up'"
Sf The western train on tho Lacka
wanna and liloomsbnrg Hailroad passes
this placo in tho morning at 8.40, and up
in the evening ut 0.20. Tho mail from
Philadelphia arrives hero about 5 o'clock
in tho evening.
C All who want good pictures taken,
sbotild not (ail to step into Itoseustook'a
rooms in tho Kschango bloi'k. His rooms
mo on the third door ; cutrnnco nest door
to tho Posst Office. Mr. Bosenstock is a
gentleman and an accomplished artist.
CST Capiain B. B. Bicketts, com
mander of "Itickctt's 2nd Pennsylvania
Artillery, Battery F." arrived in Columbia
county, on Wednesday last, direct from
tho Army ol the Potomac llo represents
the army in good spirits, anil certain of
viotory if an engagement soon occurs.
- The War Depaitmcnt lias ordered
tho printed lisH of persons enrolled in
each Congressional District shall bo made
and posted whero the people can sco them,
for tho purposo of instiling an accurate
reenter. Kxemiits who lintl their names
in the Hat may apply at once for roliof.
-.- -
David I.owExnuno tho fashion
able clothier, has lately returned from the
Eatern cities, with a largo and well sel
cctod Mock of Cloths, Cassimers, Vest
ing, and gentlemen's furnishing goods of
every ilcscripiion. Despite the hard times,
Lowenburg is determined that the people
shall be clothed.
tB' What means the lato strikes for
higher wages by almost every class of
working men and employees ? Every
one knows the answer. Iu consequence
of tho war and the inflatiou of our cur
roncy living is enormously higher. At
the old nominiil wages men cannot livo.
Ilenco tho strikes.
t&" A Musical Convention, under tho
management of Prof. Killip, of tho Gen
esee Normal School, will bo held iu the
Court House, Bloomsburg, commencing on
Monday, Nov. !i0, 1803, to continue four
days. It is hoped that thero will bo a
good attendance of all who aro interested
in tho promotion of ''musical knowledge."
6 It is especially important just now
that clergymen, in marrying a couple,
should not neglect to give a certificate of
the marriago or to mako a registration of
it. In the caso of the death of a soldier,
tho widow muft have a certificate of mar
riage beforo sho can rcccivo a pension.
Beautiful marriago cortifioatcs can be pur
chased at this office,
ESy The following resolution, found iu
tho Court House a few days age, has been
handed to us for publication. It it sup
posed to have been offered at tho lato
meeting of tho Bloomsburg Loyal Leagues :
Resolved, That in no case, will wo as a
body leave our homes and firesides, unless
. , i . i , t e. -
our town uc invaueu ny a ugiiiiu;j iou.
Wha1, gentlemen, loavo our town and
inhabitants, to tho mercy of a " fighting
foo," without protection. This resolution
could not havo passed your honorable
body. Your patriotism, surely, would
prompt you, iu protecting your "homes
nnd firesides.
EST A glorious opportunity is offered
to tho loyal braggarts who havo been
boasting of their excessive loyalty to tho
"Government" for tho past few yean.
Gov. Curlin, advertises for 38,208 of theso
fellows. Tho Governor wants nouo but
"loyal citizens," to fall in, and fill up the
ranks, but wo fear this test will prove that
tho peoplo of our couutiy aro all disloyal,
as wo can find no ono willing to volunteer.
Wo hope tho mon who, provious to the
late election, wcro in favor of Curtin and
no draft, will now voluntcor. Turn out,
ye boabting loyalists,
you preach.
and practico what
connoclcd with llio
Espytown, propoo
.Lullicrn Oliuroh ol
giving n piiDiio
Christmas Day,
dinner and Biippcr on
at that nlaco. or tlm
benefit of tlioir Church.
Sco their card in
nnothor column.
The weather for aomo daya past
has been mild and gonial, such aB wo look
for, as tho Indian Summon This i3 n 1
good timo to set out fruit trees, and to at
tend to thoso already plantod and grow
ing, by muiohing tliom, or plaoing around
thorn straw manure, loaves, or any tub.
. Blanco that will proteot them from scvorc
Kins ms uog, anu men snoots mtuself,
For arresting a contagion' wo can imagine
no plan more siraplo or effectual. Ex.
Wo believe this remedy is also recom
mended as an infalliblo euro for thoso af
flicted with "nigger on tho brain," and
thorcforo wo recommend it to ouo or two
persons in this vicinity who seem to havo
it ''bad."
tSif A novel proceeding took placo at
tho laic session of tho court in
county, Pa., which proves that tho dry
desert of tho law is now and then enliven
ed by some oasis of fun not laid down in
tlio chart of Coko and Littleton. Tho
members of tho Bar of that county pre
sented lo tlio court, Judgo Johnson presid
ing, a petition asking tho court, iu consid
eration of tho fact that legal business had
become dull, to select two members of tho
Warren bar to attend to tho business of
tho profession, whilst the rest of them
shall be assigned sorno respectable and
useful employment ; and that a tax should
bo levied on thoso who should bo assign
ed employment outside of the bar, for tho
support of tho two who should remain.
Tho matter was taken under consideration.
Wo congratulate tho good peoplo of War
ron county on tho prospect of having all
but two o( their lawyers assigned, at their
own request, to "some rcspcctablo and
useful employment !"
CSy Whilst hundred of our uufortunato
soldiers, prisoners in Biehmoud ara star
ving to death, millions of dollars arc being
expended by the authorities in Washing
ton to got up balls and parties, which aro
nightly attended by civil aud military offi
cers, to tho utter disgrace of the nation.
Tho oricd of men for broad in prison aro
heal trending and hourly soldiers die of
liinrrntinn nmn tnn wpnl.' in nnf. llin prnc.t
ilio nliiti-liimr if. in tlifir linnv finorors. nnd I
" , , I
yet the danec goes on at head-quarters j
and UOt ail effort IS made to CZchaUCO i
Pl'lSoncrj Ol' rfcllCVO tllO Wants Of thoso that
suuer anil (lie. ASUlcro IS a uou ami a,
, , , .,! 1
judgmeut, the eyes of the rich revelers,
,. ,v . i,.- . t,1
,. jv i 1
sporting Over SUltering, dying men ami
i i- , . j , , ,
latlgUing at WHlOWS Slh3 and orphans
... l, 1 1,n ;mnon
tears, may he lifted up thro that impassa-1
, i c i.i :i :..
UIO gull spuiiuu oi iu uui wui,, vi"" iui ,
consolation and relief. "Justiea will bo
done though tho heavens fall." Is it any
wonder that the calamities of war continuo
in this nation ?
'I'lio nniniml irnreile anil ronspn-
fcy 1IIC UlUlsUai scarcity anu conscq
uent high pneo of coal throughout the
country, has induced the trial of various
methods for lessoning tho .expenso now
incurred bv consumers in tho nurchaso of
the article. We havo seen many saving
expedients suggostcd, amoug which tho
following, from a Cinctnmiti paper, ap
pears to bo about the simplest aud best.
It is certainly WOrth atrial, as it IS Claim-
ed that a great saving is efiected by
adonliou of tho plan : "The asho
cinders arc not to bo thrown away; but
dampened to a kind of mortar, and again
placed on the fire, They burn readily,
and by so doing there is tho economy of
having a hot fire with one-tenth of tho
fuel, besides not being troubled to convey
tho ashes lo a receptacle. Wo do not
know of a stove that cannot make ashes
enough to supply itself, only a few nug
gets of coal hcing used. First mako a
fire in the usual way, and when it begins
to burn freely, placo a lump of coal (the
best) near the Move door or front of the
grate then heap on the wet ashes or
cinders, and pack them down, tho vent
below be'iDg unobstructed. Tho process
i3 simplo and a few trials will satisfy the
At tho Exchange Hotel, Wilkcr Barro,
Nov. l'Jth, by Kev. E. M. Aldeu, Mr. G.
W. Mankind, of Jackson twp., to Miss
Martha E.DuiE6UACii,of Hemlock twp,,
all of Col. co.
On tho 17th inst. , at the rosidenoo of
tho brides father, by tho Bov. Samuel
Shanuo'n,Mr. John W. IIuNTEtt,of Sereno,
to Miss Saiiaii J. Aeon, of Morcland, Ly
coming oounty.
On tho 10th inst., at the Parionago, in
Orangovillo, by tho Bcv. J.Forrest, Mr.
John Meuiul, to Miss Mary MnAHS.both
of Col, co.
At tho M. E. Parionago, Catawissa, on
tho 10th inst., bv tho Bov. M. P. Orostb-
waito, Mr. Lloyd P. Fox, to Miss Mauy
A. Scott, all of Locust twp., Col, co.
In Bloomsburg, on Thursday evening,
tho 10th of November, 1803, Mr. Wil
liam Cox, aged about 47 years.
In Benton, on tho 23d inst , Mauy,
wifo oi Dauiel Kitchen, about 2,ri years.
In Greenwood, on tho 23d inst., IIenky
Kitchen, aged about 00 yoars.
On tho 13th inst., of Typhoid Fovor
v,.ni, nt nnlnoicsa in III ft'
Maooie i ktteu, ot uatawissa, jn tue
23d ywir of her ago.
1ST Tim Udys
either men on womrnii
NO l,ll,l,ff nn Millrnlo .!,!.. Hll.
iiiimiiug, iii t an entirely new thing. Only three
months In this country I No clan-Iran nr-orntlon to
gull tlio public, lint n genuine money-making thing I
rend tlio circular of Instruction nnco only, ntnl yon will
understand It perfectly, A Uily ha just written tn
no that ha to making as high as twenty dollars snino
ilaysl giving instructions in this art. Hiouinnds of
H"i,iCrs nro making mtney;rapidiy nt it
No notion
has to lie urged lo pntronir.o It, 11 Is n thing that lakes
better than anything over before offered, You can
mako money with lf,homo ur abroad on steamboats or
rnllroadcars, and In tho country or city. Von will ho
pleased In pursuing It, not only bocnusc it will ylold a
handsome Income, but ato In consequence of tho Ren,
eral admiration which it elicits. It Is pretty much all
profit, A mcro trifle is necessary to start with,
There Is scarcely ono person nut of fhoilsands w'ho
over rays any attention to advertisements of this kl nd
thinking tlicy arc humbugs, Consequently thoso who
do send for Instructions will have n broad field to mako
money In. There Is a claea of persons In this world
who think thnt becauso they havo been humbiigcd out
of a dollar or so, that everything tint Is advertised Isn
humbug. Consequently they try no more. Tlio person
who succeeds Is tho onn that keeps on trying until ho
hits something that pays hlin.
This art cost m ono thousand dollars, and I expect
to mako money out of lt-and nil who purchase tho art
of mo will do tho same. One Hollar sent to inowlll
insure the prompt return of a card of Inductions in
the art. Tho money will bo returned to those not sat
No.l l'ark Place, New York.
Oct, SI, 18C3-3mo.
put"vo'tr coxsuxrToix.ctjn.iitu: disease.
TO r0XRUMrTlVK3-Thc undersigned having been
restored to health in a few weeks, bynvcry slmplo
remedy, r.ftei havpi; tunVred several years with n go
vern lung nllcctlun, uiul that dread disease, ennsump
tlon- Is anxious lo mako known to his fcllow-suffercra
the means of cure.
To nil who desire It, he will Bond a copy of tho pro.
scrlption used, free of charge! with tho directions fnr
preparing nnd using tlio same, which they will find u
Kiiro cure fur consumption, asthma, bronchitis, he
The only object of tho advertiser in sending the pro.
scrlption is to benefit the nlllicted, nnd spread Inform,!.
lion which lie conceives to be invaluable, and ho hopes
every sufferer will try Ills remedy, as il ill tost them
nothing, and may provo n blessing,
l'artics wishing the proscrldlion will pleaso address
IIcv. nnWAKI) A. WILSON, Wlllinmshurgh,
Pept. 20, ISCH -1m icings County, New York.
UF.iMnot.if a
F.xriiACr nuunu.
Tin: cituAT niunnTic.
rim giii:at n
And a positive nnd Specific llemcily for Diteancs of
lliu JililllULT. t-TKiiniu rilKlir!, , I II 111' a,, ui,
Uropsy, and ell nisenscs of tho Urinary Organs. Sec
ndvtrti-einent in another ciluniii. Cut it ont, nno send
for tlm .Meiliciac nt mice. ISowaro of Counterfeit.
Nov. si, liiij li
Jl. nirAcr.oi'ANiv.tvous iNVALin.-rubiisiid
fnr tlin l.nm.flt tin.! n j n nnttnii fn vnnmr tun it . nitil
! others, wlio sufTur from Nervous Dcbilltv. I'.arly Decav.
anH their kindled ailment snpplj lug the menus of M-lf-
' cure, ny ono who nits rureil Jiinucii niter nciug n vie
1 1 i in of nijsiilncuil confidcuco In medical humliii" mid
qiiackniy. Ily t'liclosing n post-paid dlrrcted envelope,
eingii! copies may be nail ol llio ituiiiur,
Ileilford, Kings county, New-York
January 84, 1303 ly.
A Gi:ntlejien, cured of Ncvous De
bility, Incoinpctcnry, I'leinaturo Deeny nnd Youthful
Urror, nitiiated hy desire In hencfit other', wiH do
liappy to furnish to nil who need it (free of ch irgc) the
rod nnd directions for making the simple ltluuly
lllril in Ills case. Those wnhlng to profit hv his ex-
perienco nnd possess n Yaliinhh: Krinedy will receive
i ho same
uy reiurn man, (rnrPtully senlcilj liy niiures-
No, CONnssnu Street, N, V
Now York, August 1 3,
Uniformity of Prices ! A New l'caturo iu liiis'inos
Every ono Ills own F.ilesinanl JONCS CO. ot'lho
CresxntOnorricu Clothing Store, No. 201 Mnrkutfclrect
nl.rv.-n .llrll. 10, i I n ,,) I ,
m .i,l.liliuu to Having the luget, most varied ami
fashionable slock of Clothing in Philadelphia, undo,
pressly for retail sales, have constituted i vory o
"is own salcuinn, liy having marked in figures, on ea
ms own saiL'iiiun, ny Having innrKeii in iiuures, on eaon
nrticlenttlio m -ryloweei pneoit cinbe solunirsothey
cannot posswiv vnry-.jn iiiui inn aime,
Tll0 poods nro well sjinnred and prepared and great
pains taken with tliu making so that nil can buy with
lirm nranca of p,.u,neBa g00,i nnhiout tile very
lowestoric'. Also, a l.irce slotkof nifceeoods unhand
of ( stylo and best qualities, which w III be made
lo order, in Ilia mojt tashionnblc aud host iiiminer, A,
Iter cent, h"lmv credit nrices.
Renieiubcr tho Crescent. In Market above Pixth rtrcct
o svu joi;s &l co.
LDITOI; or nn.MOCRAT. Dear Sir : Willi your
crmissinn I wish you to say to the readers of jour
f.pcr that I will send by return mail lo all who wish
I, (Ireei n HCCipc, Willi lu'l tiisiruiiinus lor maKin,
and using a simple Vegetable llalm, that will eirertu
uJy r(f Ci jn odayrpliiiplc blotches, tan, fre.kle
and nil impurities ni'tlinskin, leaving tho same soft
clear, siimutli nno ueaulitul.
J will ni.'o until free to those having llald Heads or
l,aru t.ices, simple directions and information that will
enable them to start a lull irrouth of LiiMiiiinit llnir.
I Wliisser, or a Mouslni he. iu less ihan :ii) il'ivs. All
applications answered bj return mail without charge.
KCbpCClltlllV Villus,
Tllo'rt." F. ril ATM AN. Chemist,
July 25, lS(',3-3m No. feai llroadwny, New York
SI ADAM 0 roiiTEIl'S CI'UATIVi: UALfit.M has
long tosl' d the truth that there aro first priuriplos in
.Meiliciui! as there is In Science, and tills Xeduinois
ronuioiind'.'il on principles suited to thu manilold ua
the pores, mid creating a gcntlu internal warmth, and
tlui is laiised'by the usu of this .Medicine. llsrcui:iliai
qualities nro nascii on us powi.r to as. 1st Hie Healthy
nnil vigorous circulation c nino l through llio lungs, it
enlivens the muscles and assists llio skin to perform
its dutiis of regulntiu!.' the ol thu tvitcin. and in
gently throwing oil tho waste from Hie sur-
Mcc ut the uoiiy, 11 is noi u vciiml remedy, hut emoi
I tent, warming, searching uud clf.-itlvc. Sold by nil
lr;;tiUu at 13 and S3 cents per bottle.
J nly ii, k-ij:i-:ini
1W A!Mffllr
r?"UlE peoplo of the county of Columbia
aro respectfully. Informed that tho undersigned
has fo. tale, at llio
IN BLooiisnuno, THE mot and CHEAPEST
To bo found anywhere in tho County, consisting of
Note, Letter. Legal and Cap Taper, Tens, Holders,
I'encils, Ink and Envelopes; .i.yJ
Comprising History. roctry.rictiou.Tho.
ology and the cliis.ics,
Ca fit loirucs
of nohn's Loudon iiublicntlnus. from
which selections can ho made, and Hooks furnished to
oraerj uy special arrangement with .ow lorn Agcuie.
nnd Speeches ; nud copies nf tho United States, nnd
State Constitution', in tarious styles, always on hand,
llloonif burg, Nov. 7, liC3
ft Qc KfiKBBUl1 q)
Attorney at Law,
Hazlcton, I.uscrne co.. Fa,
ItErFEsn to Hon. John Wnlls, Lcwitbiirg. I'n.
William Cameron, President of hn Lew isbmg Bank.
J. II. Tucker, Tresidont of tho Northumberland Dank
Uloonieliurg, Juno SI, ltio3 ly.
I HO iliil'erent styles, best assortment in tint City, aud
selling ut very low prices. Bond for a Catalogue,
S. W. Cor. Fourth und Usee,
Nov. 14, !603-3m TIIILAUELTH1A,
Military ilessiKrsJ attinued to 1'no.MPTtv.
OFFICE-In Court House Alley, under Democrat Office,
August 2.1, lfil3-b'iu.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
XT- Military ad other claims ptomptly attendeii In
Oclebor 31, 1613.
TTAVr ,erc.,Mv nniMlod a HOOT AND SHOE SHOP.
il In LIQIIT HTitUET, Coliinibia county, l'u., and nw
ptepared to do Ills best work on tho shorten notice 6C li
',,,, l)Wait prun, iririMHii,
u. iT
NOTICE is hereby given lo all legatees ;
creditors nnil ether persona Interested lit tho
a,n,p til inn rf ttifirl lln ,Irft,Iftti,B (,,, inltmt. Hull
IIIH following All llllnlll ttltlOh Rllll (Hmrdlan OCCOIllltj
,mvc tcoii fllcil in ibooillc uf vim II. pistcrnH olumbln
mo t. mowing Auminiiitaiinn ami tjuanilan accounts ;
connty, and will bo presented for Miiifirnuillon nnd 111
lownnro to tlio Orphans' I'nurt, to li held nt Hloonis.
butg. in tho county aforesaid, on Wnnu mt-iy, tho Oth
day of December, lo3,nt 3 o'clock In the nfUrnuon of
said day, ,
1. Account of B. F. UartHian, adminis
trator of John Evans, lata of llloem toivnshlp, dee'd.
2. Account of Bctii. P. Vottner. admin
istrator of Itowtaud Hughes, Into of Locust twp , dee'd,
.1, Account of John Kiefor, admiiwtra.
tor of Jacob (lerliatt, lato of Maine township, dee'd.
4. Account of Bciij. P. Portlier, admin
istrator of Jacob lliiher, lato of franklin twp., dco'd.
G. Account of William ltabb, one of tho
administrators ,e Jmtlj nen, cum testnmcnto nnnexo of
William l.liiu, lata of Hemlock township, dee'd,
0. Account of John S. Sterner, ndm'r
of Nathan Urconwall, lain of ticott tou'iulilji, dco'd.
7. Account of John Frcas, Ouitrdiun of
Caroline Knorr, by his administrator liinry C. Kreas.
8. Account of John Froas, Guardian of
Henry Knorr, by tils administrator Henry il. I'reas.
0. First and final accoaut nf Jeremiah
Jaeoby, administrator of Johnson Linden, lato of Uil.
urcrcek township, den'd,
10. Account of Johnson II. Ikclcr, Guar
dian of Daniel Welllver, sonnf William Welllver, lato
of Madison township, dee'd.
11. First and final account of Peter K.
llcrhcln, llucutor of last Will nnd Testament of Dan l
id Itlcgcl, lato of Locust tntvnshln. dee'd
DAN1IIL LUC, ncilitcr,
tlloomshurg Nov. 9, ISM.
Public Sale
WILL he exposed to salo by public vendue, upon
tho prcmitcs, now occupied by David I ciby, vn
Satuhday, Decemhuu 12th, 1803,
Two Tracts of Land,
containing Ono Hundred and nighty Acres in nil. situ
ntn in Lncutt township, Columbia county, lato tho I'
nno i uuuni ,,i:iu,, iiccl.isuii, unjoining latins (l
Cyrus Johnson, John 1 1 inc. Ccorso Stino, nnd John
I'erry, mostly improved land,
SaidTractsnr riantatinns will bo sold In two sope
rate nnrts so as to mako i'aniis of ncnrlv nninUi.,'
That is to say the honiesteud will contain about
some 70 or D acres of which Is cleared land. There
nro erected upon the prcmUi's of tho first named prop-
rly, n t!0JI) IllllCli HOUSi:, well finished, a latgo
I'rnino Hank llarn, good Fprlng House, Wngun Shed
mid llio usual outbuildings, nith ancvcr-fniling Hpring
of Water, andn largo Orchard of select I'ruit Trees.
The second named Tract contains about
some tiny five acres of which nro cleared. Tlpro aro
erected upon the prumiscs a i'ltAJIU IIOUSJ;, l'ramo
uarus, nuuiuiiiiius imu good urcnarus.
lL"nc to commence ta IU o'clcck, .V.. ft saldilm
uhen ellcndaitci icltl be f(cc ami conditio ,is bo made
miokii by DANinii LI.IIIV,
.lUornt'j for the Heirs.
Locust twp , Xov.SI, l?cn.
rjplUAL LIST, DEC. TEBM, 1803.
I Philip Wintcrstcen us Valentino Wlntcrsteeu
ii Henry Wells ra (Jeorgn Kill oy, Jr.
3 Jacob Eyer rs Abraham Klan.
1 Abraham Kluso m Jacob Eycr
5 David Levi, tt al rs Samuel L Ilottlo.
li Daniel I1 Soybcrtfj Joseph Ccnsil.
7 LI Unit MeMurtrle, et al rs Christini Wolf.
S John II irown, el al rs Leonard il llupcrl,
tl James Harding vs Elias lieeso.
10 Louisa Gov. en r. Elizabeth Dalius.
II Jacob llariisvs Tetcr Jacoby.
1'J Jacob Hon 1 1 rs Tilnmii ISaclr.
13 George Husho, tt al rs J V Criswcll, et al,
1 1 D.itid lli'inbidd rs Micli.iel G rover.
l. Uiisscl T Bloker rj William Ikeler.
Hi Willi im A Kline rs Georgo W llolfman, et nl.
17 Ucbeccn Vanderslicc rs Gcorgf Dodson.
IS N L l-'niupl.ull w Samuel Johnson.
Ill Tranklln Lmigtrberger's Adm'rsrj Christian Wol
20 I) r Seybert rs Itcuben Nicely.
ill U K Kcighard A. Ilro et 8ilai D Edcar.
SB Daniel J Carey te tlarU & Cut.
a.1 W A Kline vs (I W Hoirinau.
S!l Joseph I' Long rs Isaac I) ration.
SO Enos I. Adams vj D V Scjhort, et al.
'Al Charles H Hess rs Stephen Wolf.
J? Joseph Haitmaii v3 Keobcn Lins.
SH ltcbeccn Tr.iusuii rs William Transue.
3.) Elias lleese uso rs Isaac Itultcr.
SI) Jacob Tcrwlllcgsr vs Thomas IHcrcdith.
31 Sylvester J I'nux "so vs II !' lteighard, ct nl.
3J llickcttn Ai Stewart es Emanuel Johnson.
3J Jacob lluck, E'r.t'J Jesse Duck.
34 D II llo-art ct al vs William Uennison ct nl.
ninam Augustus Mason, Stephen Knorr.
I'vaver Saiuuil fisher. Elias Miller, Wm Schell.
llrlarcreek Even D Adams,
llenton Petor Aprlcman, John O Dildino.
Centre Daniel UoWLr, George Hess, Peter Miller,
Aaron Kelchncr.
Cntawisk.i- Josoph .Mart!!. Clinton Margerum.
l'Hhiiigcreck Daniel Mclicurv, llcnjomln Mcllenry.
Greenwood Jylvefter Alhcrlson John JlcMurtry.
Hemlock Amos iluitnmn.
Jackson John S.ivii';e,
Jlndlson I'.obcrl I'ruit, William Carnahnu, Lewis
Maine John Ntiss.
.Miltlln Lnwriiico Wallers. Stephen Deltterick.
Mt. Pleasant Wm. J. Ikclci, William Hon ell.
Montour Levi Weavur.
Orange David Herring, John Tettebone, Jesse llriim
steticr. Pine Francis Hunter. Valentino Winlcrstccn, Henry
Sugarloaf James Hess, '
llenton Thomas Stigfried,
l.riarcreek .Moses Davis, John II Smith,
fishingcreelc Jnines Edgar, Georgo .Wcllildo.
Heinluik Mnthias Appleman.
Jackson John Mctlenry Thomas W. Young,
Locust Henry fisher. Win. Miller.Abrahain Yeager.
Mifflin John Snyder, Samusl Snyder
-Mount Pleasant Aaron Kfstcr. Jr.. John Wannick.
.Maine Solomon Shuuiau, Joliu Hart.iunv
Madison IVrry Cliristam, I'hintas Wciliter.
Orangu Aaron It. 1'alteri.on, Cornelius Ilclla9.
Sugarloaf Jo.eph O. Ilesi, Andrew Ilesf.
Scott John Shuman.
for salo cl cap, nl New York Safe Depot, 71 Wil
liam Street, New Yrk.
&. A. GREGG.
iiruiitT. winm. esprit.
no. i sh uil sd
No. ij Sfl ej si
No. 3 30 a o
No. 1 Si iii i!4
No, 5 31 31 21
No. U 4U 31 tl
No. 1
No. u
No. 3
No. 4
No 5
No. 0
.. 530 HO
. CO ou
u li'i
. in)
. 1IK) Oil
, 113 tin
No. :i
No. 4
N'o. 5
No. U
Novcmbc r 1J, 15il3.
A?. '
Which ho will sell. WHOLESALE or RETAIL, at
Also, HOUSE IlLANKKTd, very low.
r. w. jti.vrrsojr.
402 .Markets', 1st door nbovo Fourth,
b'outh side, liiiladelpbia,
Nov. 14, 1803-3.
A, C. riOL. A. 0. THOMPSON.
No. 13 NoUh Jl'hnrvcs,
Nov. 11, 1P03 12mo. ,
& K a is: k s
iry and Silver-Ware.
ri'HE underH.'iicd would respectfully Invito your at.
J tcntiou Iu his well selected stock of Finu liold and
Silver Wutch . Fine (.old Jewelry, of every kind
. and variety ot -tj les-comptising alt or hid nun est ami
most beautiful designs.
Also, Solid filver Ware, equal to Coin and tho best
mako of Sllvur tinted Ware, Each article is warranted
, to ho as rcprci. nted.
IC" Watch, i of Jewlry carefully rep aired and sat
' Isfuctlon cuurnnteod.
(SucMlinrs to Stauircr te. Harley,)
Vo, Hiuii St, riia'A,
fp, I, 1M1 St.
A pure and powerful Tonic, correctlvo and alterative
of wondctful cfll'acy In riisiaso of tho
trei Dyspepsia, t.iver Complaint, tleadacho, General
Debility, Nervousness, Depression of Spirit", Con.
iiipnuon, uoitc, intermiltcni revers, t;rampi
uiul Ppnsms, and all nmplnlnts nl either
Sex, nrlslng from llodily Wenknoss
whether Inherent In tho system nr
produced by special causes,
N'otniKO that is not wholosnmo. nenlnl nnd restora.
live in Its nnliirn i nters into the composition ofllOS-
ii.i riiii n H i ininuii niTi iiiiu. Tins popular pre
paration contains no mineral of any kind, no deadly
botanical clement: no llcrv excitant : bin it is a enmhi.
tin.lon of (thu extracts of rare hnlvamlc herbs nnd
plants with tho purest and mildest of nil illfTuslve stim
iilcnts. It Is well tn bo forearmed ngn nst d seaso. nnd. so far
as tKc human syrtom can bo protected by human moans
ngnlnst maladies engendered by an unwholesome nt
mospliere. Impure wnter nnd other external causes,
HOSI'ETTEll'd IHTTEas may be rel ed on ns n sufo-
iu nmriris iniosicu wiiu i ever anajigne, 11 nasuecn
found Infalliblo ns n preventive nud Irresistible ns n
reincdv and thousands who resort to it under nnnro-
heiision of nnuttnek, cscapo tho scourgu ; nnd thousands
w no neglect to avail tnoinseivcR or its protective qual
ities in advance, nro cured by n very brief cnure of
this marvelous medicine. Fever nud Ague patients,
after belnR pnlid with quinlno for months Hi vain, un
til fairly ratiimtcd with that dangerous alkaloid, nro
not unfremiontly restored to health within n few days
by tho uso of IIOSTIlTTIIIt'S 1IITTEIIH.
Tho weak stomach Is rapidly invigorated nnd tho op
petito restored by this agrecnblo Tonic, and henco it
works wonders In cases of Dispcpsla and in less con
firmed forms of Indigestion. Aclini: ns a gcntlo nnd
painless npperlont, ns well ns upon tho liver, it also
Invariably rulovcs tho Constipation superinduced by
irregular action of tho digestive nnd socrctlve organs,
Tersous of feeblo habit liable Xcrvous Attacks, tjow.
r.ess of tplrltt and File of Languor, find prompt nnd
permanent relief from tho Hitters. Tlio testimony on
this point is most conclusive, nnd from botn sexes
Thnnguny of lllllius Colic is immediately nsuaged
by n slnglo dose of tho stluiulnnt, nnd by occasionally
resorting lo it, tho return of the complaint may bu pre
vented As a general Tonic, HOSTETTEU'9 IH'lTERfl nro.
diiceelfccts wliicii must bo experienced or witnessed
beforo thoy enn bo fully appreciated, in cases uf Con
stitulional wakness, premature decay and debility and
dccrenltiido nrlslng from old ago. it exercises the elec
tric intl'ienco In tho convalescent stages of all diseases
it operates ns n dclicnluil invignrnnt. V hen the now
crsut nature nro relaxed, it operates to re iuforco nnd
re-establish llicm. Last, but not least. It the onls safe
st mulent. being maniilnctured from sound uud innocu
oils materials, and entirely frco from tho acid elements
present more or less in an tlio ordinary tonics anil
stomachics of tho day.
No family medicine hai been so universally, and it
may bo truly ad. led. descrveillj popular with the Intelli
gent portion of the community, ns IIOSTETTEU'3
Trepared by
riTTSIHiaOlI, Pa.
nr7"Fold by nil Druggists, Grocers ond Storekeepers
November 21, 1303 ly.
Geiminc Preparations.
tive and specific jetuely for diseases of tho bladder,
Kidneys, Gravel, and dropsical swellings.
This medicine increases tho paivcr nfttigcstlon. and
excite tho absorbents into liealtliy nctiuu, by which the
Winery or Calcareous depositions, end nil Unnatural
Enl.irgememcnu are reduced, as well as pain audio
Tor weakness nrlslng from Exsesses, habits of Dis
sipation, Early Indiscretion of Abuses, attended with
thu following symptoms :w
1 1 1 c 1 i - j 1 1 r i t i i ) 1 1 to Exertion, Loss of Tower,
Los of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing,
Weak Nerves, Trembling.
Horror of Disease, Pain in tho Back,
Universal Lassitude of tho Muscular Sy.tom,
Hot Hands, Eruptions on tho face,
Dryness f the Skin, Elushing of thu IJody,
Pallid Countenance.
These symptoms, if allowed to go on which this
medicine invariably removes, soon follows
In one of Hindi tlio Patient may require
Who can say that they aro not f icimently followed
by those "Direful Diseases,"
Many are u are of tho ciuso of their suircring, but
none will confess the records of tlio Insane Asytumsi
Ami melancholy deaths by Consumption beuraniplo
witness to the truth of the assertion.
1 ho Constitution once ctlctea witu organic weakness
requires tho aid of .Medicine to strengthen and luvig-
ojate the system, which ilelmbold's l.xtract lluchuin.
variably does. A trial will convince tho most skeptical.
In many affections peculiar to Females the Extract
Uuciiu is unequalled by any oilier remedy, ns iu Chlo
rosis or Iteteution, Iriegularity. painfiilucn, or Sup
pression of Customary Evaluations, ulcerated or scir
rhous stale of tho Uterus', Leiirhorrhnu or iitcs,
Sterility, and far all complaints incident to tho sex,
whether nrisnig from indiscretion habits of dissipa
tion, or in the
Take no moro Hal 9am Mercury, or unnloajant Modi-
clues for unpleasant and dan;oroii diseases Helm-
hold's Extract lluchu uud Improved Hose Wash cures
secret diseases m all their stages. At little'cxpenso,
Little or no cluugo iu diet, No inconvenience, an no
ii causes a ircqueiii. uueiri: unu mvoo Kin-um i u-
nate. thereby removing obstructions, provciltiiig and I
curing strictures ot tuc ureinra, nnaying pain unu in
flarainarion, so frequent in the class of diseases, and
expelling all poisonous, disensed and wornout matter,
Thnueuuds upon thousands who have- been tho vic
tims of quacks, and who hnvo paid heavy fees to ho
cured in a short time, havo louiul they were deceived
nnd that the -'POISON" has, by tho uso of "powerful
lulringeills" been dried up ill the system, to break out
ill an aggravated form, und perhaps after marriage.
Use Hclmbold's Extract llncliu for nil affections and
diseases of tho Urinary Organs, wnethcr existing iu
Male md Female, from whatever causo originating and
tin matter uf how long standing.
Discnsi-s uf theso Organs requires the old of a Diur
etic, Hclmbold's Extrait lluchn is the Croat Diuretic,
nnd iacertaln to have desired etl'nct in uil Diseases for
which it is recommeiiiUd.
Evidenca of ilia mast rclinbla nnd responsible char
acter will accompany the medicine.
I'rico $1 per Bolllc, or G for $5.
Delivered to eny address, securely packed from obser
vation. Describe symptoms iu nil bominunlcatloiis,
Cures guaranteed, advlcu gratia, Address letters for
information to
II, II. IIELMnOLD, Chemist,
104 South Tenth-st., below Chestnut, iinla.
IIELMIIOLD'S .Vrdisai Depot,
HELMtlOLD'S Jrur and Chemical Warehouse,
. i j 4 llnuAinvAY, New Voek.
Beware of Counterfeits and unprincipled dealers
wiio endeavor to dispose "of their own" and ' other"
articles ou thu reputation attained by Hclmbold's Con.
uinu 1'icparntloiis, Extract Uuchu, Extract Sarsaparilla,
Improved Hose Wuth.
' AH Druggists Evorywhoro.
Cut out thu Advcitisamcntniid send for it.
And avoid imposition ami sipoiurt.
Kot.41, ICOa-ly.
rtinPAnnn nr
DR. 0. M. JACKSON, Philadelphia, 'a.
WILL eflVctunlly cure Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia,
Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease
of Ihc Kiiinc)s, nnd nil disenso nrlslog from a disor
dered Liver or Stomach.
ns Cdnsllna-
lion, Inward Piles,
fulness of lllnod to tlio
Head, Acidity of the Stomach
Nausea, Heartburn, lllsgiitt for Food,
Fulness ofwilgbtln tho Stomach. Sour
Eructations. Sinking or Fluttering at tho t it
of tho Stomach, hwimmlng ofiln Mend, Hur
ried and Dlfllcult Ureal 111 n . Fluttering at the
Heart. Choking or flulfocnting Sensations when in a
lying posture, Dimness of vision. Dots or Webs
beforo llio sight, fever and Dull Pain In
the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration,
Yellowness uf tho Skin nnd Eyes,
' PUn in tho Side, Hack, Chest
Limbs, 4.C., Sudden Plushes
ef lltat. Ilurnlng in tho
Flesh, Constant Iin
nglningsnfevll, cc depression
of spirits.
And will positively prevent Ydlnw fever, lllllious
Fever, &c. 'lli.y r. main no Alcohol or bad Whiskey,
Thev will euro tho above- diseases In nlnctv-ulno
cases out of a hundred.
Induced by tho extensive sale and universal popu
larity of llootland's German Hitters, (purely vegeta
ble,) liots of Ignorant tluar.ks und tinscrupiilcns ad
venturers, linvu opened upon sufTeriug humanity tho
flood gates of Nostrums In tho shapo of poor whiskey,
vilely compounded with injurious drugs, and chris
tened Tonics, Utomnchlcs mid Hitters.
llownro or the iiinumarnblo nrrny of Alcoholla prep
parallons In plethorit bottlos und big bellied kegs, un
der llio modest appellation of Hitters; which instead
of curing, only nggrav.itu disease, und leave the disap
pointed suffer in despair.
Arc not n new and nntrlcd article, but have stood
-ho test of fifteen years trial by t llo American public ;
and their reputation nnd sale, nro not rivalled by any
similar preparation.
'lhe proprietors havo thousands of tetters faom tho
most eminent
Testifying of their own personal knowledge, to tho
beneficial effects and medical irtues of tbosu Hitters.
Do you want tintthinj; to strcngttton you?
Do you. uant a goal eppttttet
Do you leant to build vi yuur Constitution?
Do you vaitt to feel veil?
Do you Kant toget rid of nervonsness?
Do you leant energy ?
Dc you rcnnl tosleep lerll?
Do you uar.i a brisk and rigorous feeling 1
From Ilev. J. Xtirton Brown, D. D., Editor of ths Eney.
clopeilia of Iteligious Knowledge,
AltllOllzh not disposed to favor or rccommnnd P.itnnl
Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingre
dients and i tt'icts ; I yet know of no sufficient rensons
why a man may not testily to tlio benefit he bcllcies
himself tn hnvo received fromanv slmnlo nreimrntlnii.
in the liopo that ho may thus contribute' to tlic benefit of
I do this tho more readily in rcgatd to Hoofland's
. Gorman Hitters, prepared by Dr. C, M. Jnrksou, of this
city, becauso I was prejudiced ngaiust them for many
I yenrs, under he impression that they were chiefly an
i ukoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend Robert
shoemaker, Esq., for tho removal of this prejudice by
1 proper tests, and for encouragement to try llicui, win n
BUU-'rlng from grcnt nnd long continued debility. Tin)
usu uf Hues bottles nf tho'u Hitters, at the beginning
j of the present year, was fullowfd by evident relief,
nnd restoration to n degree of bodily and mental vigor
1 which I had not felt for six months before, und had nl
most despaired of regaining. I therefore thank (.VI
nnd my lrlenu lor directing mo to Hie use or them.
Philadelphia, Juno 22, 1601.
There are many preparations sold under the name of
Hitters, vut in tiuart bottles, convounded ef the thcatxt
ickiskey or common rum, eotting from till to W cents per
gallon, Ike taste disguised by Anise or Coriander Seed.
This class of Hitters has caused and will continuo
to cnuso, ns long ns they can bo sold, hundreds to dio
the death of the drunkard liy their uso tho system is
kept continually under the Inllueuce of elcoholic stim
ulants of the worst kind, the desire for Liquor is crea
ted and kept up, and tho result is all the horrors at
tendant upon a drunkard's life and death.
For ihuso whodi aire uud will havo a Liquor Hitters,
we publish tho following receipt. Get one bottle of
Hootland's German Hitters and mix with three quarts
of good brandy or whiskey, and the result will ho a
preimntlon that will far excel in medical virtues and
tiue excellence any of the numerous Liquor liiiters in
the market, and will rest much less. You will have
all tho virtues of Hootland's Hitters In connection witli
n good article of Liquor, at n much less price than
these inferior preparations will cost you,
Wo call attention to all having relnlions or friends
in tho army to the fact that "HOOf LAND'S German
Hitters" will euro nine. tenths cf the diseases induced
by uxporures and privations incident tn camp life. In
tho hets, pnblir-hcd almost daily iu tin- newspapers, on
the arrival of the sick, it will bo noticed Hint a very
larg" proponlju nro nitTering debility. Every t asn of
that kind can bo rcadilj cured by HnoiUnd's German
Hitters. Diseases resulting from disorders of the i i
Restive organs nre speedily removed. Wo havo no
hesitation in stating that, if tln so Hitters uvro freely
used niuiing our soldiers, hundreds of lives might bo
sav ii mm oiiierwise win u" msr
We call particular attentiun to tho follnn ing remark
nlili nuil v,.H itiirlinutirrit,-,! pur., C nt, rtfllin nntln.i'.
lioroes. whose life, to use his own language, "his been
saved by Hie Uittera."
( rn.LAOELrntA. August 23, 100.
' .Messrs. JonesS-Jeans. Well, gentlemen, your Hoof-
land's German Hitters ins saved my life, Thcro is nu
mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers nf my
comrades, some of whoso names aro uppended, and
who were fully cognizant nf nil tho circumstances of
my case. I uui, and havo been for tho last lour years,
a member of Sherman's celebrated battery, and under
the Immediate command of L'apt It. 11. Ayres, Through
tho exposure attendant upon my nrdorous duties, I was
attacked iu November last with iiifiumuiution of thu
lungs, ami was for seventy-two days in tho hospital.
I was then remqved from the White House, and sent
to tliis city on hoard tho SK'anier "Slate of .Maluo," I lauded ou tho 2eth of June. Since that
time I Ii i ve been nbout ns low as any one could ho nnd
still retain n spark of vitality, l'oruwcck or more I
was scarcely able- tn swallow anything, aud if I did
forco a morsel down, it was immediately thrown up
I could not even keep n glass of water on my stomach,
Life could not last under these circumstances ; uud, nc- tilt- nhveiriuli whn ll n d l,r ik wii!(lu(t rnllli.
fnllv. tlinueh uiisii.roLfnllv. in roiruo mil, iv.uh iiw.
' grasp of th.i dread Areher, Irankly told mo they could
dnnonioro for me, and advised mo to sco n clergymnii,
, nnd inako such disposition of my limiteilfuiids as best
i suited me. An ncuuaintaiico who visited mo nt tho
hospital, .Mr. Frederick Sleinbron, of Sixth below Arch
otrtei, iiuviscu mc, as a loriorn nope, iu iry your nil
tors, ami kindly procured a bottle. From the timo 1
commenced taking them thu gloomy shadow of , eath
receded, and I urn now, thank Cod fur it, getting better.
Though I have taken but two bottles, I have gained
leu pounds, nnd I feet sanguine of being permitted to
rejoin my wife and daughter, from whom I hnvu heard
iiothingfor eighteen mouths; for, gentlemen, lam a
loyal Virginian, from the vicinity of Front lloyal. To
0',tr valuable Hitters I owe the certainty of llio wnich
hns taken tho plaro of vnguo fears to j our Hitters
will I owe the glorious privihgo of again clapiug to
my bosom tkoso who are dearest tn me iu life.
Very truly yours,
We fully concur in the truth of tho nhove statement
asvtciiuu iiespaireu oi bceiug our comrauu, .nr. .'la
lone, restored to health
John Cuddleback, 1st New York lhittcry.
(Jcorgu A Arkloy, Co. C., 1 1 lit Maine,
Lewis Chcuallcr, Hid New York,
1. li, tJpeucer, 1st Artillery, ll.iitery F.
J. II. Fnsewcll.Co. I), 3d Vermont,
Henry II. Jerome, Co, II, do,
lleury T. MacDonald.Co (,'., lith Maine,
John F. Ward. Co, E.,3th Maluo,
llenum Koch, Co. II., 7'Jd New York,
Nathaniel 11. Thomas, Co. 1'., t'Stll 1'enn.,
Andreiv J. Kimball, Co, A 3d Vermont,
John Jenkins, Co. 1).. luCth I'eiiu.
Bee that tho signnluro of "C. M. JACKSON." is on
the WaAiTtn of each bottle.
liticr. rnn norrLE 75 cents,
OK HALF 1)07,. FOU 91 01).
Should yo'lr nearest druggist not liave tho article,
do not ho nut ufT by nny of tho intoxicating nrcnara-
tiom that may ho offered in its place, but semi lo us,
unu wo win torwnru, securely packed, by express.
Principal Office atid Rlanvfttctory.
Wo. 3I Avch Street.
Jones & Evans,
(Successors to 0, M. JACKSON & Co.,)
tJ-FOll HALE by Druggists and Dialers In evory
town in llio United States.
0tob9tll, UOS-Uiho.
Capture of 5,000 Prlnoncrs.
Tkc fJnefaiy'H Poflitlon carried
by storm. DragcRetrcating.
Our loss 8tigUtThat of the
Enemy very Heavy.
Information wn received liy last ntrjlit's
mail, from Gen. Orant, ol a groat battlo
fought on Tiiosday, resulting in a com
ploto viotory over tlio Reliols. Our army
lias carried at tlio point ef (he bn) oiiut
Lookout Mountain top, JItalon IliJgo,urtl
all tho entrenchments and tiflo-pit.i around
Chattanooga. Tho bravery exhibited in
this great contest by our troops has never
been surpassed, Our log j is small, wliilo
that of the enemy is heavy In prisonrrs.
The following haj been officially rceuivd
from Gen. Grant
"Major Gen II W iuUcch, Gtmtnl il
Cliiy' Washington,
" Chaltanoogff, Nov. 2.1. Tlio fighting
lo day progressed favorably.
"General Sherman carried tho oud of
Missionary Bidfro, and bis right m now at
tho Tunnel, and his loft at Obick-dmaugit
"'lhe troops from Lookout Valley car
ried point of tho Mountain, and hold tbri
eastern slope nnd point high up.
'I cannot yet tell tho amount of casual
ties, but our loss is not heavy.
"General Hooker reports li.OOO prison
ers taken, besides which a small number
havo fallen jnto our hands from Missionary
"U. S. Grant, Major General."
We last w eck announced tlio death of
Hon. Peter Walsh, member of Assembly
elect from Luzcriio count v, Tho Scran
ton Republican of this week denies tho
itatement, and sriv that Mr. V,'., U ulill
I alive. Wo aro pleased to kiiov? wo vfero
in error in announcing Ins ueatn.
Wyoming Seminar y
Commercial College,
TIIU next form of this Institution wilt
commence November 10 1803.
Since tho lato flru consuming thu Honrdlng Hnll, now5
brick buildings have boon erected and tho old ones en
tirely ruiiovalcd. Tho newch'ipel Is In the center build-lur-.
u ldiich Inri'cr than the old one. nnd by slide par
titions can be made toincludo nil the lower lloursofthn
two new wings; altogether making the largest audi
ence room in Northern rennsylvanin.
ilecitation rooms, students' rioms dining hnll ns well
, as Hie buildings throughout have been mado in every
re'pect us pleasant nnd convenient as thoso of nny
ehnolin the country.
Tho ludies reach the chapel, recitation roomsand din
ing unit witnoui going into ti.o open air.
A fuli hoard of thoroughly educated, experienced unil
1 succes-fiil teachers, n superior Chemical and I'hilosoph
leal Apparatus, a large and well selected Library, a
valuable Uablnot together with all appliances of a first
class Seminary, ensure the patrons of this Institution
nit tlio advantages they nan desire al school for their
sons and daugiiters,
Tlioe who may wish toprcparo tho. solves for teach
ing will havo nsgood advantages here as al any exclu
sively Normal School.
Eligible nnd spacious apartments having boon fitted
nnd furnished for u Commercial College, no pains will
be spared to make it equal in every respect to lliu very
best Commercial HJiool.
It will ombracu tno departments. Theoretical nnd
1 I'raci icAt.. Iu tho former will bo taught tho Kponccrlnn
Pjsiem of I'ennmanslilp, a thorough knowledge of Hook
keeping, the best ai d most practical methods of com
puting Interest, l'ercintiigo, Discount, Urokornge, In
I FCranco, Commission, Equation of Payments, Duties,
Taxes, Partnership Settlements, ice., te..
In the 1'ractical Departments will l put Inartuclop
cratio s a Hank with its Notes, Hills, Drafts, Checks,
Deposit, Tickets, ic., &c. Wliolesnlo and Retail
I Stores; Poet, Hailroad and Steamboat offices supplied
with all customary fixtures. Special attention will bo
given toUUsincss Correspondence, ltulcsLaws.Cu-tom
nnd Operations, and" nothing will bo omitted which
may tend in the shortest possible time and in the best
, manner tn prepare students for success in tho business
duties nnd employment of life.
I Them will nlso bo established in the College two
1 Telegraph l Hikes furnished with superior instruments
I nnd they will ho rendered as complete in every respect
. ns lhe best offices in the American Telegraph Compa
ny. The teacher of this branch is a practical operator,
und will glvo uil necessary attention to his department
Such will ho the facilities for acquiring the art of Tele'
graphing that students can become practical operators
i in a very short time.
hv connecting una department witu me Acaaemic
tho entire expense for a Commercial course is reduced
one-li.iif what Is usually charged in schools exclusively
Commercial and yet thu advantages here are unsur
passed. Diplomas will bo awarded to those who satisfactorily
complete the Cours.', and wa shall take grcnt pleasure
in aiding in all such to secure situations in business.
(D Send lor a Circular.
Applications for adniiiiiui tothe College or Seminary
or tor lurthcr particulars in regard to either, may ho
addressed to It, NELSON,
Oct. 31, ldi)3 Ow. KiMiiTox I'a.
Fail & Winter Goods
At A. J. Evans'
i) IM S nnil)
ii urn m
riMIE undersigned respectfully informs his friends
.1 uud tho public generally. Hint ho has Just received
from tho Eastern cities, a large- assortment of
being the bsn assortment ever offered in tills market.
Also a complete assortment of lioys Clothing. In fact
everything 111 tho Clothing Lino For thoso who prefer
in leave their measures, n perfect fit guaranteed, nnd
nothing but the best workmanship allowed tit this es
tablishment, Ho ulso keeps on hand a largo usiort
ment of
HATS AND CAPS, together with a variety of notions,
Eloomshurg, Nov. 21, 1803.
WILL commence tho Second Quarter of her Select
School iu the llascmeut nf the Reformed Church
in llloouifburc, on MONDAY, SECOND OF NOVUM
UEtl, 1603. Tlio Schuol will bo dii idod lutothrce class
es, vU:
rMMAllY Including children Just comnienclng, price
per lluarter of 11 weeks, J u.l,
.T.U;.'0.i77:-Including Heading, Writing, Spell,
iug, ami those commencing Ceogrnphy, Crniuuiar,
nud Written and Mental Arithmetic, price per
Quarter, S3 00.
IliailEll Including Heading, Writing, Spelling, Cram,
innr, Geography, History of the United mates, and
Written and eutal Arithmetic, sruo.
Lessons In the Ornamental branches, viz: ltalinn '
aud Grecian Oil l'aiiiliu, Urawlug, Needle-work, etc.,
at extra charges.
Persons w i.hlng to have Hair-Work done, such as
Huh nud CuarJ Chains, Kings, nr Ear-Drops, can be
Illoouieburg, l'a Oct 24, IcC3-2m.
Estate of Peter ess, tlec'tl.
LETTERS of administration ou tho Kstato of reter
lloss, late of Sugarloaf twp,, Columbia cn dee'd.
have been granted by tho Register of Columbia co.. tn
Ihc undersigned ; all persons having claims aguinst tint
cstuto of thu decedeul are reque.ted to present ihem tu
thu Admlnistratur at his reiidenco in f aid town,
.hip without di lay, aud all pertons Indebted tn mala
payment loriiiwuii.
Nov. 7, F03. Cw 32 00.
Estate or Phincns Siller, dee'd.
LETTERS of iidmiuistratioti on tho
Estate of I'hlncas Sitlcr, lato of llenton twp,,
Columbia county, deceased, havo been granted by thu
Regi'tor of Columbia county tn the undersigned j all
persons having claims against the estate uf the dec.
dent are reque.ted to present them to the administratnr
at his residence in said township, without delay, and
nil persons indebted to mako pa) mem forthwith.
Nov. 14, 18t!3-0w, 8'J IK).
THOMAS BROWN, liarb-r.
Shop In Oourt Home Allsy mil the DsmtirH Offlcs.
Hsvsxlisrl4, 1143,