L. L. Tote, Editor &, Proprietor. - ' - I BLOOMSBURG, PA. SATURDAY, NOV'ER 20, 1063. FOR PRESIDENT IN 1864, GEORGE B.M'CLELLAN ( Bnhjecttnlho Decision of tha Democratic National Convention, ) Opinion of Judge Woodward. "Wo print on our outsido pago to-day, a synopsis of tho opinion of Judgo Wood waud on tho conatilutionality of tho Con ccription Law. Tho opinions of Judges Thompson and LowniE fully conour with that of Judge Woodwaiid in his conclu sions. When our readers havo perused tho opinion of Judge Woodward they havo tho strongest argument against tho constitutionality of tho law whoso validity was in question, and in our estimation its reasonings ato unquestionable. Wo hayo no doubt that their decision would bo con firmed if carried to tho Supremo Couit of tho Unitod States. That the law is. as decided by our Su preme Court, is plain. Will tho decision bo respected by thoso in power I From our experience, in sooing ovory law and provision of tho Constitution which stood in their way trampled upon, and superce ded by military necessity ," wo havo littlo hopo for any respect for this decision, by oar rulers. Wo aro completely at the mercy of men who know no law but "mili tary necessity." Tho free institutions bequeathed to us by Washington, Jeff RB0N and their compatriots, are sought to "bo prcsorved by violating tho Constitution, which they gavo us, to limit power and prcservo our rights ; and thoro seems to bo no hope for tho people. S3?- Is tbo past history of the Unitod States a record of shame, of cruelty and oppression? Is tho Constitution a"leaguo with death aud a covenant with hell"? Is tho flag a "flaunting Ho" ? Abolitionism answers in the affirmative. It seeks to efface tho record tho country has mado among tho nations ; to annul or change tho Constitution, and to dishonor and mu til&to tho flag. With them tho teachings of tho past go for naught ; tho warnings of thoso who founded, and of thoso who havo sinco ornamented the Rcpublio, aro troated with contempt, Scraping with their muck-rakes in the cess-pool of their own passions and thoir inlenso bigotry, they heed not tho glory of the past or tho. possible splendor of our future. As tho Huns and the Vandals of the North over ran and desolated tho cultured beauty of Southern Europe, heedless of tho relics of empire their barbario hands wore destroy ing, this sectional party, based upon pas Bions inflamed and hatred carefully nour ished, will overthrow and break to pieces tho fair fabrio raised by a wisdom they cannot comprehend and based upon a spirit of toleration thoy nro incapablo of imitating. Invasion of Rights. Tho ensuing (38th) Congress will em brace among its members of tho Abolition faith quite a number, who though bearing tho "broad seal," and ostensibly ropreseiv ting tho people among whom thoy live are in reality no more expononts of tho polioy, confidence and sentiments of lho constituency to whom they aro accredited than would a Fcjec Islander or a genuine native Ethiopian. The great marvel is that a man profess ing a duo regard for popular appreciation, civil liberty , and bis own moral status, should so thoroughly disregard every prin clplc that is ennobling and just, and occupy a position upon a tenuro so slight and ex ceptionable that his own instinctive sense of right should mantlo his brow with shame, confusion and mortification. IIo is ever confronted with tho humiliating reflection that he is an interloper, and a poaoher upon tho rights and wishes of an outraged and indignant people, who, if it were prcotioable, would visit upon him that retribution and repudiation which their utter contempt prompts them to en tertain for him. Prof. Farrand's Exhibition. Prof. O. Faiirand, of Now York, (of whom wo spoko in our last issue, and who lias spent soveral years among tho Andes of South America, as a Painter of tho ecenery of that country), gavo a publio exhibition of Esteriopticon Views, on Mon day and Tuesday evening, in our Court House. Theso viawa and scenes wero in teresting and ontertaining. Our citizens who did not attend, may now regret, that thoy missed a most edifying entertainment Twenty-four men, with thoir arms tied upon their backs, wero brought to Reading last week, by a dctaohmcnt of soldiers, and confined in tho military prison in that city. Thoy woro arrostcd in Carbon county on tho chargo of being en L'anecl in riotous proceedings which result od in the death of Mr. Georgo K. Smith, a coal operator. Are the courts abolished in Carbon county, because thoso men are dragged to other oounties by soldiors. Nearly hundred thousand majority in Ohio go for w&r. , But how many of thsm will go to the vrart len Callei for tho Array Tho numbtr of fighting man callod out from tbo Nortborn 8tatej, undor tho Ad ministration of Proaidcnt Linooln, mny bo briefly summed up as follow t B? Proclamation, April 1601. " Mav ' ' May Act of Oongrcss, July 22 " 25 . Proclamation, July 1, 1802. " Aug. 0, " Order July, 1803. Proclamation, Oct. 17, 1803. juu,uuu Total. 1 805 000 ,, . , .... . , ' ' 1 X 11113, UUilll V ltU UlllUUUS Ul U1UU IlilVU , ., , , , . , , bcon called out, making a number equal . , . , ., . , .. , . , . . . to about two thirds tho total voto cast in i .., ., . . .. .T ., , I lHRII fnr l'rrvmilnnl in Hin Nnrthnrn nr fron i o, . mi . . i States. Tho tnon. who havn rrnnn into ' - - o tho service undor thoso sovoral oalls, con- ... , ... , ,, .,.. m : e 1 .. country men in tho first promiso, or in .i r..n i i i ii. , thO TirilTlQ Ol Well llflVI'InnPll nnil nlnnnna 1 r i B.w mrnilinmV Hut n tnrnn nnrl.An nf I j- .1 ... i i ii i i lumber dl Hon no on till,n0n l,o, ij j'i'Iobe8t method of conducting District . . , ., ,,. their friends, tho country and tho world And for what has this great wasto of life i i i it t hnnn m nil a 7 niattfArij ' .... , , , , ' . I and the return of order, peaco and har mony,as of old I Thoro is, under tho pres ent radical polioy that conducts tho war,no nrosnprit of f.llis. hilt nf iKcuninn nnnrnliv nnrl Inlnrminnhln vnr nn,1 Wb,1.I,p.I In. stead. Tho policy is to overrun territory, j luld bo bold at tho B'oonabirg Acade extorminato tho white inhabitants, but J 'y, on Soturday the ISth of December t o .;i rnn, ..t !i i tt..!.., mcxt. wo had before tho war. Nothing has been really accomplished in that direction by all tho wasto of human lifo that has already bcon made, and nothing will bo by the un scrupulous Disunion radical party now in power. Our Book Table. The Atlantic Monthly for Decem ber, now before us closes tho Xllth volume. Wo do not in any rospeot endorse tho pol itics of lho Atlantic It is tho mouth-picco of the Boston abolitionists, and Yankoc destruotionists, proporly so characterized by tho Post Master General. In tho last number they go in boldly for consolidation ; and desiro to seo America what Franco be came under Louis XI. Let history tell what that was. Tho new volumo proposos to havo now poems by Robert Drowning; a novel by Hawthorn ; Dante, translated by H. W. Longfellow ; Papers by Mrs. Stowo ; a novel by Trowbridgo ; essays by Prof. AgasBiz, &o., &e. Terms S3 a year, by Ticknor & Fields, Boston, Mas3. Godey ron December. The Decem ber number of Godoy reminds us of the near approaoh of tho Christmas Holidays, and by tho way, wo would suggest to any ono wanting to mako an acceptable present to a lady, that wo know of no more appro priate gift than tho Lady's Book. It will bo a monthly remembrance of tho donor. This numbsr of tho Book contains two extensive Fashion Plates, and a superb colored Fashion Plate of seven figures. Tho steel engravings arc "Tho Daily Gov erness," a beautiful plate, and an embla matie title, containing five distinot pioturcs "Telling Christmas Stories," "Gather ing Christmas Greens," " Juvenilo Amuse ments," "Youth," and "Old Ago." Terms 83 per annum. We will send tho Demo crat and tho Lady's Book to ono address for 84. The administration nowspaper organs n Philadelphia Bays : ''If Mr. Jefferson Davis, with his pres ent principles, lived in the North, all his energies would be given to organizo oppo sition to lho government. He would de clare it unwortby of publio confidence, a hatclul tyranny, a disgrace to modern civilization. IIo would ridicule all its officers, and affirm that all the national dictorics were in spite of their imbecility, and all tho national defeats in consequence of it." Mr, Jefferson Davis may bo a very bad man, but ho is not a witling. If this war is to continue, ho would much rather it would be prosecuted by the present admin istration at Washington than any one whioh is likely to succeed it. Gen. Lee has said "Tbo authorities at Washington havo dono what ho would havo wished them to do could ho havo controlled them." Mr. Jefferson Davis would not mako war on his most efficient allies. Tho "govern ment" at Washington ban accomplished for him what he never could have dono for himsolf. It has united southern aud divi ded northern sentiment. Mr. Jefferson Davis regards tho administration at Wash ington juBt as the Mobilo Register regards it. ''Givo us," it said, "mcn like Sumner and Wilson and Stovcns; they bate tho Union, and curse it, and so do wc" Another Democratic paper. Mr. Wm. Loflin, having purchased tho Jefferson Star office, Brookvillo, Abolition, hat is sued tho first number of a Democratio pa per called "Tho Now Era," at the bead of, which floats tho names of MoClellan and I Bramletto for Presideut and Vico Presi dent. Tho paper is a neat ono and has a liberal advertising patronage. in Provost Mm shals Relieved. By speo ial order No 17 from tho War Depart ment, all deputy provost marshal ond de 1 1 t aro reli d from farlher autyl where the enrollment is completed, inutcs ol tho Meeting of the TcaoliorB' Institute. HliOOMSnuno, Nor. Hth, 1803. Pursuant to an order issued by tho County Superintendent, tho Columbia coM Teachers1 Association met, at the Blooms- 75,000 burg Academy, on Saturday, Nov. Hth, 05,000 , at 10 o'clock, A. M. 25 000 CHARLES G. BARltLEY, was olcct OOo'oOO C(l President, andWM. I). Ely, 8eoretary, UOo',000 pro tern. 300,000 , On motion of II. Y. John, a Committee was appointed t0 jrnft n programmo of ox iwiDU UliUillUUU. J IJU JUIIUTVlllg rn't r n ft.. . 1 n n ft a am ' I ' 1. n I. 1 1 '. . . i 1 . nr r jiuiauus vtcru uiniuiuiuu viz ; iuessra. vj. , , TT it 1 I 1 11 tin., -r G. Barkly, II, Yi John, A. B. White, J. T- , ... ' ' K. Hrnglor, and MissO, G. Freeze, fe ,. . ,, ' . On motion of Cant. Whitmoyer tho ' J "u meeting adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock, J v.v., p jjt ' . At lemoon Session Tho meeting convened at 2 o'clock. m, ... lho committeo on oxorciso reported the ' . .,!. . b 1st. Miscellaneous business; 2d. Ad- dress by Prof. Walker ; 3d. Discussion ; Institutes i 4th. Address by Rev D. 0 T . ... J On motion of Mr. Barkly, a committeo vt tuitu vtuiu uituuiuiuu iy inuuuiu uuu revise me oia uonstuution, consistiDgoi Mr. Barkloy, Capt. Whitmoyer, and Mr. Price. On motion of Mr. Barkly, it was agreed tLat 1,10 n0Xt mL'CtinS f ttl8 Association On motion of J. K. Brugler, tho follow- lowing persons wero appointed to make the nocessary arrangements for tho next meeting viz ; Mr. Brugler, Mr. John, and Mr. Hughes. A motion was mado by Mr. Doiteriok, that we hld a Teachers' Institute. Af ter considerable discussion pio tt C0H.it was decided in tho negative- Prof. Walkor was thon oalled upon to address tho meeting, which he did in a very able, instructive manner, upon lho dutios of the Teacher to himself, to his pupils, and to society. Mr. Bocklcy then offered tho following : 1st. Resolved, That wo rccognizo in tho Teachers' Association an efficient agen cy for tho olevation of the Teachers' Pro- leseion. 2d. Resolved, That as Tcaobers, dovot- od to the best interost of our1 race, we aro bound to avail ourselves of this, oudevory othor faoility for improvement, and tho Teacher who is remiss in this is not wor thy of recognition as Toaoher. On molion of Mr. White, theso Reso lutions wero unanimously adopted. On motion of Mr. Hughes, a vote of thanks was tendered Prof. Walker for his impor tant services rendered lho Association. On motion of Mr. Barkloy, the meet ing adjourned to convene in four weeks, at 10 o'clock, A. M. CHARLES G. BARKLY, Prcs't. William D. Ely, Sec'y. Bank Directors. Bank of Danville. The following gen tlemen wero elected as Directors of tho Bank of Danville, for tho ensuing year, on Tuesday, tho 20th instant : E. n. Baldy, Dr. Wm. H. Magill, Thos. Woods, Geo. B Brown, Peter Baldy, sr., G. M. Shoop, J. C. Rboads, Sam'l Wolf, P. F. Maus, of Danville ; John K. Grotz and William G. Hurley, of Bloomsburg ; John Sharpies, of Catawissa ; Georgo J. Piper, of Milton. Northumberland Bank Tho following gentlemen were elected Directors of the Bank of Northumberland, on Monday tho lGth inst., for the ensuing year : J. B. Packer, Wm. I. Greonough, Geo. F.Miller, James Davis, J.O. Horton, Wm. II. Waples, A. E. Knapp, Daniel Iloim, Samuel John, M. B. Priestloy, Charles R. Paxton, Wm. M. Rockefcllor, J. M. Huff. Samuel J. Paoker, of Sunbury, has been cloctcd Cashier, in place of Joseph R. Priestloy, deceased. Iron City Colleob. Perhaps tho most snccessful Commercial College in tho West is tho abovo which has now reachod a degroo of prosperity hithorto unexampled even beforo our national troubles. So nu merous are the applications that it is diffi cult to furnish accommodations for all the students who desire to enter. Tho policy of the Principals has been to givo Diplo mas to no ono not thoroughly qualified in every dopaitnienL ol study, and this has resulted in giving tho institution such a repttitation as is of great value to its grad uates, giving them great advantages in se curing them situation. Tho teachers aro all woll accomplished and attentive, and a courso here sccuro a thorough oomorcial cduoation. For terms, &., seo advertise ment. The Democratic Vote of Ohio. Tho Democracy of Ohio, although boat on at tho late olcolion, polled a larger voto by 10,000, than the highest voto they over oast beloroT and 37,000 groatorthan their I . inii rm n il n i. . 01 10Ul- xaa "iiowwg ugurcs snow " Democratic voto of Ohio for Govcr- hor in tho years named : Mcdill 1803 Medill 18C5 Payno 1857 Ranncy 1850 Jowett 1801 Vallandigham, 1803 133,000 131,000 150,000 171,000 1 50,000 187,000 The thirty eighth Congress asaemblea on .1. w, jn..- IUU IIU VI 16VVUIUUII EDITORIAL INKLINGS. There aro fortytwo sorerinns in Europe In this country thdro aro thirty millions, and a very fow without n crown. The British ship Reward lately left St. Helena with 130 negro emigrants, bouud for Bcmarara. Laborers in Idaho Torritory get 85 a day and board for digging a hundred dol- lars worth of gold. The Mormons ato boaton entirely out' of sight by tho Brahmius of Iudia, some of1 whom havo as many ns one hundred and thirty wivos. The Potato rot irmakine fearful rava grs in Ireland. In some districts three- fourths of lho cron is dostro-jcd Tho ' iourms oi mo orop is uosiroycu. juu recent heavy and continuous rain is con sidered tho causo of tho calamity. The Republican editors arc greatly al armed lest tho Domoeraoy Bboll "ombar ritss" tho administration. To read theso papers ono would suppose tbo administra tion as easily embarrassed as a young lady entertaining hor first beau. Conouess will meet noxt Monda'v a week. The "loyalty and intelligence" , , , , . ,. r i v arc alrody cngagod in .a disgraceful squab- bio as to tho offices, but the boauty of it would bo, if, in tho ond, they would slip 1 .... . ... . . . through thoir lingers anu get into tho nanus ho must do the lattor. lteinforcsd by Ucn: of "traitors' Sherman's command, whioh is muoh lar- Tiie Lesson- or To-Day. It is that tho' Br than tho highest rebel guesses havo preservation of tho Union principally do. j placed it, Gen. Thomas's forco must largo sirablo for tho sake of tho Constitution, ly exceed that of tbo enemy. If numbers, which is itself to bo valued and cherished, , prinoipaly becauso it is tho eonscerated guardian of the inostimablo principles of civil liberty. It is stated that five out of the cloven representatives reoently elected in North Carolina to tho Rebel C ongrcss arc Union men. Why, then, wero they not returned to the Federal Congress f That is tho placo whero all Union Representatives be long. Tun Fist MAUitiAon "And Adam said, This is now bono of my bone and flesh of my flesh ; sho shall bo called wo man, becauso Bhc was taken out of man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and thoyhall be ono flesh." No cards. Mil. Lincoln Bays that "whatever the result of the present struggle may bo, wo can consolo ourselves with the reflection that wc did all wo could for our couutry." This is as happy as tho ministers who, at tlio funoral of a lovely daughter, consoled the puronts by reminding them that they had "lavished muoh cxpenso upon her ed ucation.' Retired. Brigadier Genoral Robert Anderson, tho hero of Sumter, has been placed upon tho retired list by tho Presi dont of tho United States, upon the re commendation of tho Retiring Board. Tho retirement of Gon. Adcrson is understood to be in entire concurrence with his wishes as tho health of the groat soldier has long been such as to necessitate his seeking a condition of pormamont repose. Delaware Election. Tho oloction in the State of Delaware was held last Thurs day, and wc prcsumo will be heralded as a brilliant Union victory I as tbo various Democratic organizations throughout tho entire State, in viow of tho military inter ference of tho Administration, resolved not to attend tho polls to tnko part in such a damnablo mockery of the electivo francbiso. "Keep Pegging Away.' This bril liant motto of the Prcstdcnt should be tho motto of tho Democratic party in the eon test for truth ovor falsehood and liberty over despotism. Let U3 "keep pegging away." Tho fact that we have been do featcd by onormous frauds, is no oauso for discouragement, Our greatly inoreascd voto shows that in any fair contest wo arc largely in tho majority, and the tide will be all in our favor .for tho year to como. The Battle of Gettysburg. Messrs J. B. Lippincott & 0o Philadelphia havo iust published a neat little volume of 48 nasas. entitled "Notes on tho Rebel Inva- sion of Maryland and Pennsylvania, and Mm Until- of fJnitvBhiirr. " Tho author U nrnfi'sanr iH. .Tnnoh. of Pennsv 1 vania nn- fs.i,. ul,. wun,i ,,nr. i n. i' .1 . lii- if ly all that ho narrates, and who derived his , , , , .. vi . .. f knowledge of what ho did not witness from ,, , , ... . . tho best authorities. accompanies his narrative, and makes every thing perfectly clear. Tho volumo is for salo at all the Bookstores. Identity Ascertained A month or J 1 .1 it.. 2 i T I ' two ago wo puonsucu me uiat a uoau soldier had been found on tho battlefield of - 1 .... I fit. A. 1 1 .fit II ucuysourg, wuu me picture in "Py children clasped m bis bands, winch pic i .i i i. -c -i-... i iuro wag in tue nanus oi uv. jjuunis, oi Philadelphia, awaiting identification. It is gratifying to state that the wido publici ty given to tho touching ciroumstanee through tho modium of tho press produced tbo desired result, and that tho identity of tho soldier has been fully asscertainod: Tho namo of tlio deceased was Hummor ton, and his widow and threo children, reeido At Portsvillo, Cattaraugus county Now York. Largo numbers of photo graphio copies of tho pioturo upon whioh tho dyiug eyos of tho warrior father olosod havo been sold, and tho profits realized from their salo will be appropriated to the benefit of tbo children. "WAR NEWS. Unless all tho indications art exceoing ly dcooptivo, tho oountry will soon bo star tlsd by important war news from at least four vital points Central Virginia, EasU cm Tennessee. Northern Georgia, and tho region around Charleston Tho robcl news from Charleston shows that Genorol Gilmoro and Admiral Dahl gren mean inisohiof to that city. Tlio monitors havo got to work m earnest, anu woro endoavoring to open up tho channel i jnCcndiars shells had boon fired into tho strcots, and thoro was every indication when tho last tologram was sent that tho Federal army and navy wore about to try and carry tho defoneo by a coup dc main Tlinnnvt nowa from that noint will bo xiionoxi news irom inai puiut nui uu awaited with breathloBS interest. i i. . . .1 .1.1- At last accounts uenorai uurnsiuo commanu was in cxircmo ponu no mm ...., ,r su lost a i oi iasi Acnncsscu aavu ivuoxvuii;, , . , . , , where ho was mvestea and in dangorof capture. Tho administration reports him aafo : but the country Las lost aUfattumt such Announcements on tho part of tho War Department. Matters havo a very " , ' , , , , Ti gravolook in that quarter. Longstrcct is an able general, whilo Uurnsido is not. j Gen. Grant, wo aro assured, has his ar- . . . 1 my in motion. This threateninc move- mcnt of Longstreet upon Eastern Tonnes- . .. A ii .I sco compels him to tako tho initiation against Bragg. The latter must either fall back or fight, and, to save Longstroct, skill, and valor can give us a victory, wo ought soon to hear of ono in lho neighbor- ( hoou ot ijhaitanooga. i Gen. Moado's armv is also in motion, and Leo must cither fall back to Richmond m, . or fight a battle. There aro indications that his purpose is to retreat, and the sud- den sending away of tho Union prisoners would seem to indicate that the rebel gov- crnment is of opinion tint a sioco of their capital is not an improbable event. It is well understood that General Meade is advancing against Lee under positivo orders. Ilia own judgment iB against to important a movement without a large forco. So, if a reverse should oc cur, the fault must not bo laid at his doors but at those of the President and General Hallook. All tbo movements in tho field seem to bo co-operative, oxecpt tho ono to Texas. If Genoral Banks was now operating againt Mobilo instead of Brownsville, he would have kept 20,000 robols employed at the former point who arc now swelliug tho armies of Bragg and Lougstrcot, If wo lose Eastern Tennessee it will bo because of this aimless Texas expedition. Lot us hope by the coming national hol- liday wo can offer up our thanks for a de feat of Leo, Longstreet and Bragg, and the oapturo of Charleston. Pauolled Union PaisoxEns. Colonel Hoffman, Comniissionary-Genoral of Pris- oners, reports that there are now about fourteen hundred paroled Union Prison ers in tho difforent parole camps through out lho country. This number has accu mulated since tho 1st of September last by occasional deliveries from tho Rebel prison bouses. At that date all the Union paroled prisontrs in our hands wero dc olarcd exchanged, to balance a like dec laration mado by the liebels. Sentence or a Iloitsn Contractor. Cincinali, Nov. 24. C. W. Hall, ahorso contractor tor tbo Government, was found guilty and sentenced to six months' im prisonment and fined 810,000, for defraud ing the Government in tho purchasing of horses: g Death or a Soldier. It is with rc grot that we announce the death of Mat tiiew O. Tate, son of Georgo P. Tato, (and brother to the Editor of this paper,) of Lawrence township. IIo died on Mon day ovening, Novombor ICth, at tho ago of 10 years 0 months and 8 days. He was a member of Company K. 84th Penu'a volunteers having enlisted in tho service of his country soma sixteen months ago ii0 P""F ' gB'"" l lcncl;sburg ana Uiancc.lorsvillc; in May last. At tho latter place he rccoived a Minnie ball into tho right breast, and PaBDS trough tbc US inflicted vory scvero and danorou3 wound, from , , , . . ' , whioh ho has been sufioniig ever sinoo.and . , 1 at last terminated in death. Matthew was " I n finiitin limn " IllMrtll T"V Yf TVI (Oil Otlfl n ITA ft f soldier. In his death his comrades in army havo lost a brave companion, bis couutry a gallant defender, his parents a dutiful son, and his brothers and sisters a I kiud and affeotionato brothcPi nifl early ;doalUwiU be fcinooroiy mournca by his I rciatiw8 and friends. Pcaoo to bis re - 1 BaiMlflMrwj Journal rl Small Pox. Small Pox has alroady sacrificed somo of our best and bravest troops. Soldiers, listen to tho voice of rea sou, supply yourselves with Holloway'i Pills & Ointment. Tho Pills purify tho blood and strengthen tho stomach, whilo tho Ointment removes all pain, and pro vents pit marks. Only 25 cents per box or pot. TncitE aro 2,800 mon employed at tho Springfield Arsenal, who completo 000 muskets daily. Thero aro in tho Arsenal 133,000 pieces stored, of whioh 40,000 are kept boxed ready to bo sent away. Prospeotus for 1064. the World. An Indcpcndont Democratic. Dally, Eemt-Wkl)r, una vv.eKif iicw.iu.i. uhioN 6V7uiTvoiaD"ANn Anaua. Tun World, to which tho Now York Weekly Arouh lias been uiutcu, uas to day five times tlio aggrogato circulation .tion of tpapcr. in 100- any Uomocratio or conservative nowtp It addrcs'es weekly alone more than flOO c-.t.rtilwirfl nnrl nnholntil mirnlmRfira. I and roaches at least half a million readers. I Willi U,0 ptoadv inoreaso in circulation which it now enjoys, theso numbers will bo doubled by tho 1st of January, 1801. Nothing less than this should satisfy thoso who boliovo that tho only hopo of restoring , thO Union atlU tllO authority 01 lUO UOU- '.(...: m.li..rnM.l nl.,1 ,lii,lml DitKu..vii uu.i uii.v (tin """"J ', V rb i i I jmlljB 0 l030 ,oso fannlieism has hcl- pod to provoko, invito, and prolong tho 1.l .. l!-l.l 1 war; anu iuui to aocompiisu tms ouu, no , V 1 ' throuirli nblo and ciitcrnrisinc nowsnanors, . . , , , ., of sound political knowledge among tho worWng mcn, ti10 thinking men, and tho voting mcn of tho North. Enterprise, industry nnu monoy will bo liberally expended to make Tne World l" 0031 ""wapnpor . from ovcrv part of tho world will be early d nutbc'iuio. Whorevor .tho telegraph extends, or railroads run, or stoamboats ply, it will gathor tho latest intelligence. f.i l . i - r -f ..l! I i n na n ro sinii oi ui,uoiniiiauuu uui respondents with all the federal armius, who will telegraph and write to us tho ittlcst nows frSmho various Boats of was. It ba correspondents and rcportors in cv- cry polilican and commercial centro in . . ..A -i i.. i America and Europe, whoso letters and dispatohos will leavo nothing worthy of note unknown lo its readers. Speoial oxertions will bo used to mako its reports of tho Crops, of ihe Cattle. Pro duce, and Money markets, comprehensive aud accurate. Realizing that tho bono and sinew of tho country aro to bo fouud Up0U ;,3 farms nmj ju jtlJ workshops, Tho World will gather tiom every quarter in- formation and news concerning Agricul- turc a,ml .manufactures, and will endeavor to make its issues peculiarly valuable to tie parm(!rs and Me'rchants of the country, j The war in which tho nation is engaged against armed and infatuated Rebels, aud t"0 radical poliey ol tho administration w,lieh prolongs it, have conspired to bring together upon one platform all consorva tivc, Union loving aud Constitution-loving men, of whatever form, name aud creed. Many of thoso who, within the limits of the Constitution, fought tho battle of the ballot-box under the leadership of tlioso patriotic siatc&mcn of other aud better days, Henry (JIny and Daniel Wobstcr, together with tho masses whoso principles wore thosa of such patriots 33 Andrew Jack son and William L.ftlarcy, Silas Wright aud Stephen A. Douglas, now ntand shoul der to shoulder upon the somo platlorm anil under tho Bame banner. Ihe plat form is a plaiu one It is to restoro tho Union, maintain tho Couetitution, and entoroe tho Laws. Whatever makes for this end, exercise of forco or tho polioy of conciliation, The World will advocate ; whatever makes acamtt it, J ho World will oppose. It will oppose every enemvto the Union whether armed in rebellion ai the South or insidiou-dy planting the scons of disun ion anil essential disloyalty at tho North. It will oppose every violation of tho Con stitution which is the only hopo aud bond of Union, and our ouly authority lor ex horting or compelling the allcgunco of tho South, It will oppose infraction of the laws in high places or in low, by reckless and mis guided partisans, or by the administration winch has tiocn than example. It will fearlessly oxereisa the Freedom of the Press ; if, will eonstanly uphold and defend freedom of Specoh, and Pree- uuiii ui mu .Damn. To the lawless acts of tho Administra tion, its arbitary and unjuit arrests aud ex patriations, its ileum! of tho right to the writ of habeas corpus, Its illegal proolaina lions, its abrogation of siato and federal laws, its despotic acciimumulationsol un granted power, aud its subversion ot tlio safeguards of civil and personal liberty, it will constantly oppose the letter aud tho spirit of our supreuio law and the advocacy ot sound doctrine, until American freemen shall bo roused to the recovery of their rights, their liberties, their laws, and their muted and well balanced fovcriituunt, by the resistless decision of tho ballot. Profoundly impressed with tho desiro to contribute all that it may to tho great work of the this generation namely. 1 o rcstoro our uational unity, aud to place the United States again foremost among the nations of the earth, and first in the peace, prosperity and happiness of its peo ple Tho World seeks from thoso who do sire such things their sympathy and sup port, and, above all, the lavor ot llim who crowns every good work. TI2IIUS: Daily World. Yearly subscribers by mail v3 UU Semi-Weekly World. Single subscribers por annum .... 3 00 Two copies to ono address 5 00 Threo " " 7 00 Pivo " ' 1U 00 Ten " 22 00 Weekly World. Singlo subscribers por anucm, .... 2 00 Three oopies (address on each paper) 5 00 Pivo " 8 00 Ten " 15 00 Twenty oopies (all to ono address) 25 00 Clubs of 20 and over can havo tho ad dress put on caoh paper for an additional charge of 10 cents each. Por every olub of 20 au extra copy will bo ndded for tho getter up of tho club. For ovory olub of GO, tho Semi-Weekl y; I f n color, with whito pms The owner u ro nd for every olub of ono hundred, tlla I ffl uuuy win uu um, wueii requesiou,in lieu Of the extra Copies of WOekly. Additions to Clubs maybe mado at any elnn-rod frronfnil.?np0r8l T b cnangeu trom ono Club to anothor, but on request o tho porson ordoriug tho Club, and on receipt of fifty cents extra, singlo papers will bo takon from tho olub and ! BCUt to a SOparatO address. I Ail ordors must bo acoompaniod by tho ' cash. Address THE WORLD, 35 Park Row, New-York. Tiri ' . Z ., I CST" Who IS going tO favor US With a! T.,.i. r rl..!.4... t , o luruoy for our Christmas dinner I Sure- 11. til 1... . .i . 1 - .. ly, somo one should havo a warm spot ia I his chanty for tho Printer. Ladle's ChrJstmau Festival. Tho Ladies oonnoctcd with tho Lulhcrti Church of lfrpytown, Columbia oounly Pcnn'a., will givo a ( hrirtmas Diii! nor and Supper,' ntthat plnco on Friday tho aoth Beocmber, Christmas B,iy,- Tho proeeods to bo. applied lo tho benefit Of tllO f!lllirMl. Tim frlntula nt ll.. .1. nomination nro respectfully invited, Kspy 1n NnVi 28 1803inti V) 0111 0 nilOvftft Pill Olltf: Ut I Mil 1 1UUU ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Kstatc of Daniel Ztigler, tlcc'd. T ottora of admiuiitra tion on tho list ato r, immci .oJKlcr, into oraiounl ricaiant town fi "j? .U?.'"?..""JitJ'i . !lccea,.l!jl hcoil , .. . UJr unJ Hi'HiFicr ni sniii county in inn iindcraliinod "II prraona having claims nsnlnit llio entnio nf lho .in! "ileni Htu rcqucunl In present them to tli Admlnlf imirixwitiKMit.icinv.niiiniiiiorsonsinJoMGjtui,,.!.,. imymcnta Coillmltb. CATHARINE ZElOt.CR, Ml flcivinnt, Nov. 53, 1803-RW8J Adm'ri. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. jst'itc of Cornel Us Vanhornt eke'd. LnTTnitSTaitamentiirymi tho otnto of Cotncllu Vanlioin, Into nf Hemlock township, Columbia c decerned, hnvc been crnnteil bv tho ItcKlstor of Willi. he, tn tlio undersigned refilling In VaMeynnd Hemlock towniiijs. ah porsuiiiiavi..gciaim4 against mo v. Lttl7:TZVrV uithmil delay, nml nil ncrsotn ImlcMi'il tntnakonat. meiit forthwith. DAVID A. VAN'ilOIIN, Valley township, Montour co, AI1IIAIIA.M VANHOItN, JOHN H VANIIOItN. Hemlock Uvp., Ccluinbmeo. Liceutcrl. November SS, I&43-0W89. PUBLIC SALE o v Personal Property I WILL be eiposnl to public vendue, nttho JS.lrfcncn of tho subscriber In l rid Ihoii township, l.'olifmhla eounty, on TUKSDAY, DUt'UMIlP.U 6th. K-03, tho fol lowing vulunlde personnble property to wit: ONE HORSE, TWO COLTS fyt. MTwo Shoals, Ono Two.llorsa .SPM L'Jifr3 Wnuou, One Truck VVngnii, liar- 3?s ne.'s, Plows, Harrows, liny by tho ion, Corn K-fe And Ont bir Ihu lituhfd. t'ldrr bv the linrrol. tSK rJ-:-c"i together with oilier urticloH loo ledinu to mention, $y fulo to commence nt 1U o'clock In Ihu forenoon of nid day. when terms nnd coudillons will be made know n by ANSA YOUNO. Novembsr 2?, I?C3. 18C3. J8f,3. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE ft A X J. h R O A jrf Tills pri'nt line travcrson tbo Northern ami North wi-ht counties of rentinylvnnin to tbo city of Erio, on l.nkc Uric. It lias boon lenmil by tbo I't-uuntlvntiln Knilron 1 Coiupnny, nnil unoVr their iiiispi.ses U bulng raj.iilly opcui'il throughout its ontiro li'imlh. it is mnv In uso for I'iiiisiinccr nnil I'rrijht businrm from Ilnrrisbiiru to lhnpnriam, (lICi iuitcn)oii tho Hast en! Division, unit from tHlellidil to Lrii; v7d iiiIIjm) uu tliu Western Division, HMK OF I'APDCSaUR TIlAlHj AT nOIlTUl'MDCtlLANtl. Mull Train leaves, i:.ist U S3 A. M. Ez-oreis Train " " 11 Si V. M. INI.ill " " West 4 47 " Express b A.M. Cms run through with nuxor both wave on thosa trains between Philadelphia nnd Lock llavon. ami llaltluinro nnil lock uavrti. new una eicc'iiil bleep, ing Cars nrcompanin' tlio Hxpruxs Train both ivajj between Williamsport anil llalllmoro, mi J Williams, port anil Philadelphia. i or Huormaiion respecting rnsspngor Dullness, np ply nttho II. ('or. lltli ami .Market Hit. nd for Freight buslnus-iof tlio Company's, Agents H, II. Kingston, Jr., Cor. I3tli Mini .Market HU 1'hll'a J. IV. Heynolds, Ilriu. J M. Drill. Agent N. C. R: n., llnltlinore. II. II, Houston, (ien'l. 1'reiglit Agt . 1'hil.idclpbin, I. O'.mm I.' llnupt, Ceu'l.Tiiket Agt. Philadelphia. Joseph II. l'otti, Oen'l. .Manager, Wllliuinspott. October ill, IS.ill. pilOTHONOTAltY'S NOTICE. Notico is hereby given tonll nersons Interested, that tho following nccouuts li.ivo been file. I ill the I'nulion nlnry's Ollico, nt llloomsburg, Columbia county, and will oe prcbouieu to ino t,ouri oi i;oiiiiuoo ricns m ino said county, on Wednesday, tho Uth day of December next, nt 10 o'clock In the forenoon t n.uJ day, for cou firmntinn and allowance. 1. Account of Michael Sleeker, one of the committeo of .Michael Kinney, n lunatic. 2. Account of Oliver Evans, eommittro of tlio person nnd e.tato of David Hampton, n lunntic. j,v un i.u.i.Lii, ireiiiy. Illoomeburg, Nov. 14 IrjiKI. Oyster Saloon. "TIE undersigned would announce to to the Mil.lic that he has refitted his SALOON', 019 door Last of ills llakcry, on main Street, CloomMmrg, Pa., nnil Is prepared to arcommodato both Ladiess. und (ienlleiuen. IIo is prepared to furnlsh.4 LJf Oysters, Wholesale ij- Retail, v&fjjf BY THE CAN OK OTHERWISE. U. STOIINUl. nioomsbHrg, N'ov.21, 18ij3-4t. TTEN'TION 1 TO .ILL WHOM IT MJ1Y COXCERU. Tho undersigned being a regularly "licensed Aiicion ccr." hereby otrers Ills services us such, to all who may feel disposed to give him a call. Ills great ixpe rieuco in lho business, will enable him to render sitii faction to Ills customers. At the name lime ho (7nulons till Auctioneers, "not licensed," from following sai l calling, ns the fine tlxed by lho United States "ill finely be iuipoaed, nnd lho law carried out to is full extent. All persons ilmirim; to ilit;iin my servicci, will ploa.e inform uio to that elleit before they advent. J. D. Itlt'i:, .U-CTioxert. Light Street, Nov. 14, 1603. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of John Whilcnight, dee'd. ETTERS of administration on the cs- state of John WliitclHeht Into of lilnoin liwnshlo (Volumbia futility, deceased, havo been grautiJ by ttu Uegislcrnt saiti county m mu 1110 uniicrsiguei nnoru sides In tho Mime township; all persons hav Jig claims ucalnst tho estate of the decedent nro rcqucstnl to pro sent tnein 10 1110 numinisirnior ui 111s rosiuoco wim - out delay, 1 forthwith, CATIIAI1INK WM ITHMGIIT. Oct. 10, I8C3-8-. "Administratrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOVICE Estate, of Elins Pettier, dci'tl. 3 KTTHRS of administration on tho Usl.to of r.llns l'enler.lale of l'lshiugcriM It twp. CoIiiiiiM.i co.,tjcc'4., havebeen granted by tho Register of Colour la co., to tho .....l...c.......l nil .n.an.,u I. .1. nln.1 1.. I tato of the decedent aro reuuesteil toprseut tliemlo j tho undersigned, at I is residence in sad township, .Miiinub oeiiiy, uuii uu pmMJiis lliuoitieu u iua&e incut forthwith. JACOn I'lIAlEIl, WJiVr. Oct. 31, UOJ-Ow fl. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Samuel H'hary, deceased. Lr.TTmtS Testamentary on tin c:sto of Samuel Whary, Into of Locust township, Olunibia rounty, deceaseil, have been granted by the ltigister of W ills, ice, to tho undersigned a so residing a said township, n'l persons having claims against the estate of the de cedent aro requeued 10 presiut them to tho I'.xecutor at his residence in said toun.-hlp, without delay, and all persons indebted to mako paymtut forthwith. JOHN KGINUOLD.Kieeulor. Nov. 81, ieC3-Bw8? ESTHAY. (flA51Etn tho ireiuiHCs of the nibscnbor. in Centra j luwndilp, Columbia county, 0.1 or about tho first of Aujust last, a Young Hull, 11... Ui !,:.. .,p .1... i... """'' 18AAO IIES3. Centre uvp.. Nov 7, lSC3-3t . NOTICE TE '"""""S-"' -P'f'"' ' rorm.hi.o.u frUnd. JL und new customers, that no win contnmo tho Mercantile Business, attiicoidstandjnjQrscyivn.toHiiichhohnfeddoii select srocxjoF av.'c aooos, ""'.j11"10 nUen,ln" ofenstomers and tho publioli uv lt ' j.n.milluk. Jcey""v- sent. 13, i;J3-3ni. DISSOLUTION (jv PARTNERSHIP. riMIE iartiicrshln lieri'vrnra oxistine betveon tho un. 1 dcrsigned. in tlio iiUufacturo of Karthcn Ware, in lllnonnburg, was dissnlf cd this day by mutual fonscnt. The nooks ami vecoutti win bo pJttied by John nicks, hoWiiico.uinu,thei.u..uo..uithooid,Htaiid.iK8 i nlo6m,burc, Nov. l) J0UN' ",C,:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers