Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 21, 1863, Image 3

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tSJ- In anothor oolumu, wo publish a
list of tho mon exomptcd from tho lato draft
In Columbia county
fSSp Rev. E. A. Sharretti, of Orange
villo, having rccoivod a call from tho Lu
'thoran congregation of Danvillo, has
moved to that place.
6SF Blank Articles of Agrcoment bo
taccn Teachers end Sohool Directors oan
bs had at this office, neatly printed on
good .paper.
Sgy Wo direct tho attention 'of capit
alists to tho Farm advertised by Daniel
Lciby, in another column. It is repre
sented ns a first class property, and will
be sold ou oasy terms to suit purchases.
tST Wo publish another communica
'lion from "Artillorist," in tho Army of
tho Potomac." Nows from that Army,
through this boiuco is reliable, it not being
corrected and sieved by tho Administra
tion at Washington.
BS7 Almost everything in tho way of
Produco is advancing. Butter is now sol
ling in Bloomsburg, at SO conts and rggs
20 conts, and all other county produco in
proportion, tho demand being greater than
tho supply. Glorious greenback times 1
figy Tho meeting of the Teacher's As
sociation of Columbia county, held in tho
Bloomsburg Academy on Saturday last
was well attended. Our County Super
intendent 13 increasing tho interest in the
oauso of education considcrahlo. sinco his
promotion to his present position.
- Hon. L. B. Rupert, is improve
ing liia brick building, occupied by T.
J, Thornton, as a blacksmith shop, on
Main strict, by a pood and substantial
slate-roof. Tho improvement is a good
ouo, and should generally be followed by
persons occupying property tubject to
severe heat by fire.
Sr lie v. D. J. Waller, has erected
and is completing a handsome biick
dwolling houso, nearly opposite tho Bloom
sburg Hail-road depot. It has all tho
modorn improvement' and will bo one of
the finest residences (if not tho finest) in
our town. Mr. Waller expects to occupy
it duriug the coming spring.
CS2r The lato election shows that thcro
ars 1801 Abolition voters in Columbia
county, all of whom arc no doubt in favor
of "a vigorous prosecution of tho war'
until tho rebels lay down their arms. And
yet "wo venture to assert that not one out
of this wholo number will rcpond to tho
President's last call for 300,000 moro
'loyal1' men. You havo ttiuo until tho
nth of January. Step up, gentlemen, tho I
As islant-Provost Marshal's offico is in
figgr Ilev. D. U. John, pastor of the
Bloomsburg M. E. Church, entertained
and amused tho "Loyal Leaguers" of this
plaoo, with a speech at tho Court IIouso,
on Friday evening a week. His idea in
regard to tho Supreme Court decision on
tho Conscription Act, was rather a weak
and uncreditablo affair, such liowovor,
as wo had expected from a fanatio of his
class. Tho Reverend gentleman, wo think
is out of his calling, when ho denounces
and rebels against tho 'laws of tho land.'
BSy On tho opposite column, we pub
lish gratuitously a coroplcto Business Dir
ectory of Bloomsburg. Tho list contains
many names that has heretofore never
appeared in print, thinking probably that
advertising is of no bonoGt. This idea if
entertained is wrong, as many judicious
advertisers of our acquaintance will testify.
'Advertising is tho lifo of business," and
in a community where it is followed enter-
nr!m nnrl inini-nvnmnnlg nrn flin rn.n!t..
Wo will continues when convenient to our
columns, to givo it an occasional inser
tion. In this connection, wo offer the !
i . . .i Tr . .
same inducement, to tho different towns'
and villages in tho oounty, namely, if
furnished a list of tho business men and
establishment!! Of their repectivo places, W0
will givo it ono or moro gratutious inser
tions in tho local department of tho ''Col
umbia Democrat."
Our exchanges arc fillod with ao
counts of burglaries committed in their
respeotivo localities. In Wilkesbarro house
breaking has been of lato an almost every
Uight occurence As thioven novcr stay
long In ono place, it would be woll for our
pcoplo to bo on tho look-out, as thero is
uo telling when they will makoa raid upon
uj. Prevention is bettor than euro j
look to your fastenings , soo that every
. . , . . . i
locKiiio oruer-, every unit, Becle, dUu .
buy a pound of powder, clcatl Up your
gun and bo prepared to givo tho fellows a t
warm reception , that is tho way to servo ,
them. Or what, is bettor eiill; sccuro i
them aild havo them brought boforO JudgO
Elwell ; ho baa a very effoctual way of(
breaking ra3csls of such habits, which thoy
will eternally rptfietif ot paifdouod by
Cor, t uitin.
BSy Thursday noxt, Novcmbor 20th, (
litis boon designated by Abraham Lin
coin as a. day of Thanksgiving, $-o. Form,
crly tins appointment ttas mado by Iho
Governor of each Slato for tho pooplo
thereof, Sinco, however, nil power has
boon wrealctl from tho Slatos by tho Fed
eral despotism, this privilcgo, or prcroga
tlvo, or custom, has gono with tho rest.
It Is of litllo moment who docs tho ap.
pointing, for bread is broad If tho devil
does send It ; but it shofrs how very small
a despotism may boeomo in Its usurpations.
After a whilo, it Is presumed, thoro will
bo no uso for a Govornor at all exoept to
report at Washington tho slato of his
colony, and, after kissing tho "loyal" foot,
to recelvo tho gracious privlogo of a re
appointment, Liko a faithful echo or an
obedient Epaniol, our colonial governor
camo niong a snort umc alter, with, ms
"proclamation" fixing tho sune day for
praise, prayer and thanksgiving.
S&" In answer to tho inquiry of our
correspondent whotlior tho "lato meeting
of tho Bloomsburg Loyal Loaguo was for
tho purposo of organizing a company of
volunteers for tho war under tho Presi
dent lato call !" wo arc unablo to give an
affirmative answer. Nothing of tho kind
has transpired. No public notico has
boon given of tho formation of a volunteer
company for tho country's defence by tho
Loaguo, and as thoy arc not backward
about making their patriotism known in
words, wo presume there is no truth in tho
rumor that they aro forming a -military
company. This is moro especially true
from tho fact that somo of tho Leaguers
arc offering their rifles for salo.
Wo have been requested to an
nounce, that the young Ladies of Blooms
burg, will givo a Concert in tho Court
IIouso on next Thursday evening, to con
sist of Music, Tabloaux, fco. Tho pro
ceeds to bo appropriated to tho wants of
tho sick and wounded soldiers. Wo be
speak for them a good attendance.
Attorneys-At- Law.
WILLIAM (J. HURLEY, Market Street.
JOHN Gf. FREEZE. Ilaglstcr's Office. Court House.
ROIIURT 1'. CLAItK, Cast corner Main and Market.
E. II. LITTLE, (District Attorney,) Court Alley.
WESLEY WHIT. South side of .Main abovo .Market.
SAMUEL KNOltR, Court Alky, mar Court Mouse.
PETERS. RISE EL, south sido of Main, abuvc Marktt Offices.
"Columbia Democrat," (LEVI L. TATE, Proprietor,)
Court Alley, north side of Court lloue.
"Slar of tho North," (WM. II. JACOI1Y, Prorrictor,)
HOUth side of Main, below .Mnrket street.
"Columbia County Republican," ( PAI.EMON JOHN,
Proprietor,) South sido .Main above .Market.
Dr. F. C. HARRISON, Exchange Hotel, Main street.
Dr. J. II. McKELVV. North .Main st below Market.
Dr. J. C. ItlJTTEIt, Market above Main street.
Dr. J, R. EVrtNS, Soulh'sido viaini below Market.
, North-east corner of Main
noil Market
II. C. & I. W. I1ARTMAN,
NJrlh-west corner Main
nnl .Market.
S. II. M1LI.EB., South side of Main, abovo Mark-t.
A. J. SI.OAX, South Blilc of Main, abjvo Market.
J. J. HIlOWEll. Corucr of Main andiron Streets.
L. T. SHAItl'LHSS. South side Main below Market.
A. II. ERASMUS, North Bide of Main abovo Market.
JOHN K. GIRTON, South sido of .Mum abovo Market.
C. .MEMIENIIAI.I,, South Ahlc .Main above .Market.
WM. IIUIIII, South tide of Slain above Main.
IIENItY KLE1.M, Main Street, East Blooiiisburt'.
Exchange Hotel, WM. II. KOON3, Proprietor; Main
Street, above Market, Smith tide.
American House JOHN I.EACOCK, Proprietor, South
side of Main, abovo Market.
Forks Hotel, SILAS DOHSON, Proprietor, head of
Main Street.
J. M. CIIA.MIIERLAIN, south sido Main above Market.
T, J, MORRIS, Bouth side Main, Went Uloomsliurg.
EYER h MOVER, South side of Main, abovo Market.
E. I'. l.UT., south side of Main, below Market.
J. li. MOVER, South-west Main & Market Street.
Miss fl. D. WERIl, North tiie of Main abovoMarktt.
Miss MARY 1IARKLEY, North sidu of .Main below
Market Street.
MISSES' II AII.M ANS. South sido Main abovo Market.
M its E. I'HTEll.MAN, South side Main above Market.
H. C. IlOWKlt, North side of Main above Market.
GEO. E1SHCL, South sido of Main, above Market.
Foundry and Machinists.
PETER I1ILLMEYEU, near the Uloomsburg and Lack.
awanua Railroad.
JOSEPH SHAKPLEf'S, Third Steet, abovo Mnrkct.
LEWIS II. MAUS, South side Main abovo Market.
Clothino Establishments.
DAVID LOWENUUltO, South sido Main above Market.
A. J. EVANS, South side Main, near Iron Struct.
Stoves and Tinware.
A. M. RUTEIIT, South side Main, below Market.
P. S. MOVER, North side Main, ubovu Court IIouso.
Saddle and Harness Manufacturers.
W. J. 11EIDLEMAN, South sido Main, below Market.
J. 1). PLRSEL, North side Main, below Court House,
Boots and Shoes.
PIIII IP UNANCST, South sido Main, abovo Market,
HENRY KLEIM, South sidu main, near Iron struct,
A. SOl.EDEIt, South side main, abovo Iron Street.
W.M. KARXS, Mnin stroil, East llloumsburg,
JOHN HROIIST, Main street, West Illoomsburg,
11, GIRTON, Iron Street, south of Main street.
Cabinet Makers.
S. O. SHIVE. South sido .Mnin, near corner of Iron,
JOSEPH HrtltKLHY. South sido .Muin below .Market.
V, South side .Main below Marke
. South corner Iron and .Main Sts
1 g. w. iokrll,
Main street, West Illoomsburg.
STEPHEN KNORR. North sido Main, below Market,
T. J. THORNTON, South sido Alain, below Market,
M c. Amion , .Mn n street, East iiiooinsuiirg,
JOhn fuiisel, Main street, Wtstiiioom.burg.
Watciics, Clocks and Jewelry.
R. CATCIIART, Snath-west corner main and matkot.
II. ZIJITERNER, South sido Main, below market
j LEWIS UERNARD, South corner Main & Iron Si's
Carriage and Waqon Makers.
i WM. SLOAN & SON. Market bolowMain Streets,
J. S. EVANS, North sidt) .Main below Market.
I UROUST U UOWMAN, .Main St., West Ulooiusburf,
Tomb Stone Cutters.
R A. JACnttV. Main Street. East Dloomsburs.
A. WHITMAN, South sido Main, below Market.
Tanners and Dealers in Leather.
W.M. North aldoMain. near Forks Hotel.
! JOHN K. UROTA Establishment West lUoomsburg.
Bookj, Stationery, &a.
' P. JOHN. South sido Main, abovo Market.
1 J, O, f REE.E, Register's Ollice, Court IIouso,
Pottery Establishments.
i JOHN IHCKS, Dctwcon Main and Third Street, below
I Market.
RAUU, Third street, west uoomiourgi
II, RUPERT, South sido Main below Slarket.
M. VAN UL8K1UK, South sido MainaboveMarket,
CoNF,;CTIONEtt( &0,
Di aTOH.VER, South sido Main itreul, above Market.
Livery Keefeu.
jacoii diuhl, tear of the court House,
Winb and Liquor Store.
d. W. ROUIIINS. Main etrcel, near corner of Iron,
Daouerotyfes, Amurotypej, &o.
it. uosbnbtock, south side Main above Muket.
THOMAS BROWK. Court AWf, mr Comt Ho'JM,
Berwick, Pa., Nov. 12, 1803.
E'litor Democrat: Permit mo through
your excellent papcrto return my sincoro
thanks to oil coiioornod in tho liberal Do
nation mado mo on tho tho 10th, by tho
friends of Bloomsburg and Danvilk May
tho Good Loiid prosper, and roward thorn
for their unmoritcd kindnoss, is nry sinocro
prayer. Yours respectfully,
G. W. SCOTT, raslor
Danvillo & Bloomsburg Baptist Churclics.
List of Emptlons for Columbia
HKAUQUAUTlniS of Frovont Marshall IStli
District, Fonnsylvanla,Troy,rn, 1S03. Tho
IionrJ. of Unrollmont of tho 13th Cengrotslonal
District of l'ontnylvnnln, havo granted, ttio fol
lowing exemptions for lliocaueoa sslgnoJ,tiurlng
their sessions, from tho 1 1 tit to tho 30th of Octo
ber inclusive,
Dhabiutv. UciiJ, V. Brooks.Samuol A. Illttor,
Chits A. Moyer, Danlol Loaoock, Jacob F. Fox,
Frank 1'. Drlnker.Jamca Rogers, Joslah ltalston,
William W. Kelfler, Jcromlah Cooper, Ueorgo Vf.
ltathbotio, Jacob Shaffer, Abrnm Ferry, James M.
Thornton, Honry Fornwald, Ilonry U. Wells,Jno.
Urobst, tloorgo W. (laumor, Fhlllp C.Whltonlght,
Ooorgo JIoycr,jr., William l'rico, Isaao Cnuvford,
Charles U. Earkloy.
Fatiieii oi' MoTitnni.Ess CAtLDnr.. Hiram
W. Thornton.
Only Sou off Indigent Parent. Abram B.
Undeh Twenty. Snrauol Miller.
Fatiiek's Election. KobortC, Fruit, Jonathan
11. Dluiui,
Only Son or Widow. Jotoph Wcavor,
AblENAni!. John Colcmrin, Win. Hughes.
Father's Election, Albort Searls,
Disaiumtt. Andrew V. lloth, Jamoj Erwlno,
S. L. Spencer.
Oveii 35 and MAnntED. John Clark, R Francis
Father's Election. Itoubcn Houch.
Disability. Daniel Wonncr, William Snntoo,
KUij S Stoker, Isaao Lardonbach, 11. C. Labour,
Ezra Clinpln.
Substltuto In Scrvico on Third cf March. Silas
Father of Motherless Children. E. Trimmer.
Disability. Edwin John, John E. Heacock,Al.
fred Kline; William l'attorson, Jcjso Hnyman,
l'axton Kline, Abraham E. Kllno, John Cromloy,
Thomas Mather, Avory 0. Smith, J. 0. Olrton.
Only Son of Indigent Parents. Win. MeEwon,
Wm 11. Mather, John 0. lllchort.
In scrvico on Third uf March. Dan.Pattcrson.
Under Sizo and Weight. E. M. Parker..
Only Son of Widow. Abraham Slebcrt.
Father of Motherless Children. Abraham Dro
blcbis. Substitute in Scr vleo on Third of March Per
ry D. Black.
Disability li S Young, Uoorgo W. Farvor,
Ecnjaniln Savngo.
Iu Scnkoon Third of March Gcorgo Rcmlcy,
Washington Knouse.
Disability Thomas S Stackhousc, Qoo Fox,
Mother's Eloclton Robert Potter.
Over 33 and Married John Johnston, Emanuol
Rogart, Montgomery Cox.
Disability Peter liachman.
FolonySilas E Lyon.
Substltuto In Third of March rotor Eckrotl',
Daniel Bluffer.
Non-roiident E Smith, flldeon Fchnol.
Misnomer David Knouso.
Difohility Edward B Hull, Wm Knorr, Abiah
Philip', Wm Kunklo.
Mother's Election Emanuel Frants.
Two Brothers iu Scrvico L Prosscr.
Disability II Naglo, Morris B Frois, W IIoss,
Josso lloffioaii, Jolin 11 Hill.
Only Son of Indigent Parents-John W Clark,
Samuel Noyhard.
Father' Elcclion-Pctcr M Boono.
Substitute in Service on Third of March-Tho3.
W Fry.
Disability Jackson A Tobias, Gorco W John
pon, U 11 Eut. John C Kllno, 11 M C Fowler, Ij
Krcsslcr, John W Shannon, Butler Edgar, John
Miller, Reuben Sitler, John A Whito, J Jlurtmaa
5Jndor Twenty Patrick Daley.
Mother's Election John Whitenight.
Over 35 and Married E Hartman,Gcoro Brine,
fJenrn S Patterson.
Father of motherless Childron E Wolls, II 0
Subatituto in Scrvico on 3d of MarchWin S
Crevcling, V Crosslor.
In service ou Third of March Robort 8 Ent,
Robclt Pattcrsou.
Diiablllty James B Harman, lavid E Hay
man, Robevt G Padcn.
Only Son of Widow M S Hayhurst.
Father of Motherless Children J C Hughos.
Under Twenty Chas Aliunde.
Disability. Thomas S Sorow, A J MeCarty,
Martin Klino,Wm E Jot nson, Wesley Ilittlo.Wm
W Klinu.
Father of Mothorlcse Childron. I K Appleman.
InServicoon 3d of March Michael Hock.
Dlcability. Wm Mastcllor, John W Dilts.
Over 35 and Married. Joslah R Fritz.
Substltuto in Scrvico 3d of March. P Hess.
Dlcability. John F Conner, Joslah Klino,
Samuol Kriekbniiui, Caleb O'Bryan.
Substitute in Service 3i of March. J Koifcr.
Non-resident. Russell Knrnes.
Over 35 and Married. John Kcafcr.
Disability. John Shotlor, R W Stout, Cyrus
Day, T II Runyaii, Jas W LVcs.
Father's Eioctlon. Jacob Stoufor.
nrnthnr'a Kleeiion. Alfrod Pccir. J Zeisloft.
Only Sn of Indigent Parents. Dau. Wolliver
Fatherless Children. Jno Kramer, A S Allen
Usability. Donlol Shaffer, Henry 0 Grotz,
Illrum Girton, Wm Appleman. Michaol Whito
night, Vivian Stovons, Joseph K McMichaul.
Fathor's Eloetlon. Gcorgo W Fnutt.
Aliencso. Gcorgo Ivy.
Over '35 andMarriod. E P Evans, Dan.Yocum,
Ralph Ivy.
Only son of Widow. Win PurEell.
Disability. David Strouso, P Drurahellor.ClIn
ton M Harder, Daniel Clnjwell, Wm Strouso, P
1'cnstcrm.ichcr, G R Hayhurst, Chaflcs Gaumor,
Jacob Miller.
I in sorvlco on id ct aiarcn, lju w numti,
Alienage. Johu l itigernld.
Over 35 and Married. Wm Richart.
Disability. Noah Critz, Wm Huber.
Quota Filled. W Clark, Bcnj Zimmerman.
Disability, John PIfcr, Albert Millard, Isaiah
Frederick John Wolf, Samuel Michaol, R Zim
merman, Ifcnry Folk, Silas Mensiugor.
Substitute in Servico 3d of March. J II Davis .
Disability. Aaron Drclsbach, D LoEgaborger,
Henry Swenlt, Washington Fry, Franklin Schell,
James Prcscott, Lewis Fcastcr, John Hcnninger.
Over 35 and Married. Edward Scholl, Thomas
Miller, Georgo DroUbach, Reuben Henningcr
Under Twenty ; Wm Beury.
Iu Scrrice 3d of March ; Aaron B Johnson
Disability ; Abraham Raup, N Kostcnbader,
Jocob Mcllck, Daniel K Lockard,J H Howcll.Wm
Hclwlg, Henry K Baro, Ocorgo Leiby, Chas H
Non-resident; Henry Boycr, V II Long
Only Son of Indigent Parents ; Samuel Prlc
Disability William Kline, Nathan Knapp.Wm
Fisher, Arias Benjotnln
Substltuto iu Sorvlco 3d of March ; D Miller
Disability I Chas K Mcnscli, Isaao J Vocum,
John M Banks, Georgo Kroiobcr
Disability ; Wm M Hoagland, M Conner, A
Mull, F Wuruioker.
Father of Motherless Children ; David Camp,
Uriah Tlllcy.
Over 35 and Married ; A W Rea, R Philllps.M
Horan, M Snyder, M M'Nulty, 0 P Mosler
Undor Twenty j Daniel Mosler
Over 45 ; Johu Butlor
Alienage ; L Hart, A Rider, Wm Nelly, T
Cuno, Henry EcTrtlng, P Quiuu, T Holly, W Sim.
Throo Brothers In Servico j R Nixon
Non rosident i Jacob Chambers, JnoSuydor
Substltuto in Servico 3d of Msrcb s Wm Tiffer
Only Son of ludigeut Tarents t Y Hoover.
NOTICE is hereby given to all legatees I
creditors and Mlicr" pemoni Intcroatou In tlio
ntatfs of the terpectlve decedents and minor, that
tho following Administration rind Guardian accounts
have been filed in tho omcu of Iheitcc'ittor ofColinnlila
ennnty, and will bo presented for confirmation and al
Imvnn.nln (tin nntl.nti nl.n h.U n( ftlnnma.
burg. In tho county aforesaid, on Wednesday, the Olh
uayor ueccmuer, iBta,ot a ociocit in tno nitcrnoon or
laid day.
said day
1. Account of 13. F. Ilartinan, adminis
trator of John Evans, late of lltoem tuwnshrp, dee'd,
S. Account of llcnj. P, Fortner, admin
istrator of Rowland llughos, lato of Locust twp., dee'd.
!). Account of John Kicfor, administra
tor of Jacob Gerhart, lato of Maine township, doe'd.
4. Aooount of Bonj. P. Fortnor, admin
istrator of Jacob Huber, late of Franklin twp,, deo'd,
5. Account of William llnbb, ono of tho
administrators il bonli non, cum'testninonto nnnoxo of
William Linn, lato of Hemlock township, dee'd.
0. Account of' John S. Sterner, adm'r
oi Hainan urcenwau, iaio oi bcou lownsnip, ucc'il
7. Account Of John Freae, Guardian Of
Carollno Knorr, by his administrator Hctir'y 0. 1'rcas
8. Account of John Froas, Guardiau of
Henry Knorr, by his administrator Henry C, Freas.
0. First and final accoaut of Jeremiah
Jacoby, administrator of Johnson Linden, late of Ilrl.
arcrcek township, der.'d,
10. Account of Johnson II. Ikclor, Guar
dian of Daniel Wcllivcr, son of William Wclllvcr, lato
of Madison township, dee'd.
11. First and final account of Pctor K.
Hcrbcln, Ciecutor of last Will and Testament of Dam
lei Ricgcli late of Locust township, dee'd.
DAN1UL LLC, flljlillr.
Illoomsburg Nov.0, 1SG3.
In the Orphans'1 Court for the County of
Columbia, Estate of George Uartma
lute of Benton iownship, deceased.
ALL portons Interested will tako notice, that the tin.
ilcmlgned, nppolnted Auditor by tho Orpliana'
Court uf i.'olumbia county, to settle and adjust the rates
and proportions nf the balanco or assets in the hands
or George SI. Ilarlman, Cxccutur of George llartinau,
deceased, to and nniotigtlie respective creditors of tho
deceased, according to tho order txtablislied by law,
will meet the parties Interested at Robert I'. Clark's
ollico, in lllonuisliurg, on Tuesday tho !Mth of Novem
ber, fii:i, for ttio purposes of his appointment, when
nud where all patties intcrcsteil aro requested to pro
sent their claims, or be debarred from coming in tor a
haru of such aseils.
RonmtT r. clark, auduob.
Illoomsburg, Oct. SI, 1BGU-41?.'.
In tho Orphan's Court for tho County or
Columbia; E3tato of John M. Bucka
lew, lato of Fiahingcrcck twp., dee'd.
A I.I, persons interested will tako notice, that tho
rX undersigned nppolnted Auditor by the Orphan's
Court of the county of Columbia, on exoeptious Hied
tn the account of William lluckalcw, one of the Uxcc
mora of John M. lluckalcw, dee'd., will meet the par
tlna iitrrctnil nt Urn IE croril nr'n OtTii-n. ill ItlonnialtiirD
ou Wednesday, the twcnty-tiltli nay ot ftovcnilier, I
A. D for the purpose uf his appointment, when
and wiiere an parties intcrcsicu aro reuuesieu to ui
tend if they think proper.
JUIIi i. 1 IU.I.1., lUDITOn.
Ulooinsburg, Oct. 21, ltUl.-$2.
In the Orphans' Court for tho County of
Columbia, Estato of Solomon Swank,
lato of Beaver township, deo'd.
ALL persons interested will take notice, tba. tho
undersigned appointed Auditor by the Orphans'
Court of the county of Columbia, on exceptions Illcd
tn the account of Tllmon llittenhoiise, nud lteubsu
Swank, administrators of Solomon Swank, dee'd., will
meet the parlies interested at thu Recorder's Ollico, in
Illoomsburg, on Thursday, tho twenty-sixth day nf
November, lfli3, for the purposo of Ids appointment
when and where all parties interested are- requested
to attend if they think proper.
Illoomsburg, Oct. 24, leCJ.-4t.V-J-
Auditor's Police.
In the Orphans' Court for the County of Columbia, Es
tate vf Lduin Holmes, late of Fishingcrcck totcnslup,
ALL persons interested will tako notice that tho un
dersigned appointed Auditor by the Orphans' Court
of Columbia county, to report ditribntiou of the bal
aucc in the hands "I' Mary W. Holmes, administratrix
of Cdwin Holmes, deceased, to and among the respec
tive creditors of tho decedent, according to the order
established by law, will meet tho parties Interested at
tlio ollico of Robert 1 Clark, in Illoomsburg. on Wed
nesday, the twenty-fifth day of November, 16C:i,fortho
purpose of his appointment, when ami w hero all parties
uterested ure required tn present their claims, ur bo de
barred from coming ill fer a kliuro of such assets
ALU. JACKSOX, Auditor.
In tho Orphans' Court for tho county of
Columbia ; JstatQ ot Jonn i'nee, dec u
Catawissa township.
ALL persons will take notice that the undersigned
niinuinted Auditor by the Orphans' Court of Colum
bia county, to mako distribution of tho balance iu the
hands of Lewis Vctter, Administrator of John Price,
dee'd.. will meet the parlies interested at Robert I'.
Clark's Ollice. in lllooinshuri.'. on TUUSDAV. Novem
ber 231 h IeOII, at 10 o'clock, a.m., for tho purpose of his
appointment, when and wlicro nil persons
are reiucstea tu prebcnttncir ennuis or uo ueuarreu
irom coming iu lorasnarcoi bucii iibcis.
ROUCUT I'. CLARK, Auditor.
Rloonisburg, Oct. 31, lr3-4w8-'.
Estate of John Whitenight, dee'd.
LETTERS of administration on tho cs
state of John Wliiteiiight Into of llloom township
Columbia county, deceased, liuvo been granted by the
Register nf sal. I county tn tno tno uiiuersigncu who ro
sides in the 'nine township ; nil persons having claims
against the estato ot tun dec'ticm are rcnucsicu to pre
sent them to the administrator nt li is residence with
out delay, and all pertain Indebted to inako payment
Oft. 10, 1803 SI. Administratrix.
Notico Is hereby given to all persons interested, that
tho following accounts havo been filed in the Prolhon
otary's Ollice, at Ulooinsburg, Columbia county, nnd
will hn nreaentod to the Court of Common Pleas of tho
said county, nn Wednesday, tho Dill day of December
next, at JU o'clock in tno lorenoon or sniu uay, isr con
firmation and allowance.
1. Account of Michael Steekcr, ono of
tho committee of Michael Kinney, n lunatic.
2. Account of Oliver Evans, committeo
of the person and estate of David Hampton, a lunatic,
JACOU HVLRLV, l'relh'y.
Illoomsburg, Nov. 14, ldS3.
ro all trawi it Mir coxcers:
The undersigned being a regularly "licensed Auction
eer," hereby oilers his services us such, to all who
may feel disposed to give him n rail. His great expe
rience in Hie business, will eiublu him to render satis
faction to his customers. At tho same time ho Cautions
all Auctioneers, "not licensed," from following said
calling, as tho lino fixed by Iho United States will
surely be imposed, and the law carried out tn its full
extent, All persons desiring to obtain my services, w ill
please inform me to that t iled before they advertise.
J. D. RICE,,
Light Street, Nov. 14, 1E03,
No. 43 Noiti Wharves,
E7- H U T T E R, cirElTs"ir"Tl A M S, & c. 21
Nov. 14, ieC3-12mo.
iinr.vnoi.n'B extract urciiu.
And a positive and Specific Remedy for Diseases of
kA lit... Or.-nl, IVanlin.i. KiilltVfl. Ornvol.
Dropsy, ii all diseases of the Urinury Organs, Sea
adverti nt In another column, Cut it out, ana send
for tho M, Howoro of Counterfeits.
Nov. si. 1803-lmo.
riiotngrinli Anmins, bard Pictures, Gold Pens, fino
lliblcs ,, I Prayer Hooks, Sic, 4c. Call and look at
our Slot l, or send your orders by mail.
W. Cor. Fourth and liaee,
Nov. II, 1883 3m
nnoTOGRAPn albums.
I(0 different styles, best assortment in the City, and
selling ut very low prices. Send for aCotalogns,
WM, G. PERRY, FuBt-iiuiB,
8. W. Cor. Fourth and Usee, i
Nor. H, IS3m rillLADELriUA.
I'ublto Sale
TN ritltSUANCr, of an order f the Orphans' Court of
x i;oiunioia county, nn irniurony, ina iwrniy rigiun
nay oi novcniner ncir, ni ju n ciock in mo lorcnoon,
l'elor lint, administrator of Alcm Mnrf, lato ofBcott
i' mpmo in iiu
by l'ubltc Vendue, on the premises, a certain
Trad of Land,
Bltunte In Scott township, In said county,
beginning nttlio north corner of Caleb liar-
ion s larm, ncing on tuo norm lino
of 1'iirnart No. 1. and Ivins Hast nf
li Caleb llaiton and Cllns Krum, and
adjoining John Roblnon on ttio
south, and Harmon Kllno and Jacob Keller on tho cast.
And containing
and twenty perches, strict measure. Late the llttato
of said deceased, situate- In tho township of Scott and
county aforesaid,
Jacob Kteiilt. Clerk.
pnldoneonOrmallonof Bnlo.anil balancoln ono year
from conllruiatlon, with interest from confirmation by
the Court. ITTIMl ENT, Administrator.
Illoomsburg, Octobsr 31, 18G3.
Orphans' Court Safe
IN pursuance of an order of Iho Orphans' Court of
Columbia county, on
Saturday, the Hist of November, 1863,
at Ido'clork In the forenoon, Amsy Whitenight and
Mary Whllenlclit, administrators, &c.,nf Peter White
tiliht, lata of Hemlock township, in said county, dee'd.,
will expo jc to salo, by public vendue, on the premises,,
nnd Real Kstatc, bounded and 'described ax follows, to
wit: on the North by laml of Gcorgo Whitenight, on
the Hast by land nf Mathia-. Whitcnicht, on the Smith
by land of l'oswell folk, and on tho West by land of
Aaron Miller,
Late the cslato of said deceased, situate in the town
ship of Hemlock, and county nforesabl,
TRRMS OF SALH : Ten per cent, or tho one-fourth
of the purchase money to bo paid on day of sale; one
fourth less the ten percent, nt the confirmation of tho
ale, and the balanco in ono year from confirmation
with Interest from confirmation,
October SI, ltG;i.
18G3. 1803.
9& A X ft " R A&m
This great line traverses the Northern and North
west counties of Pennsylvania to tho city of Uric, on
t.ako I'.rle.
It has been leased by tho Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, nnd under their auspices is being rapidly
opened throughout its entire length.
It is now in uso for l'asienger nnd I'reight business
from liarrisiiurg to iuiporiuui, (iiu muesjoii inei.asi
ern invisioiiiunu irau cikukiu iu uiiCl,o nines; uu uiu
em Division, anil
Western Division
Mail Train leaves, l'.ast fl 5:1 A, M.
Impress Train " " 11 US 1'. M.
Mail " " West 4 47 "
Rxiire " 8 43 A.M.
Cars run through with niAKor both ways on these
trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and
llaltlmore and Lock Haven. Nuw nnd elegant Sleep
Ing Cars acconipaning the Ilxpress Train both ways
between YVilli.nuspnrt aim Baltimore, unu Williams-
port ami riiuaiieipuia,
l'or information respecting Passenger business, ap
ply at the S. C Cor. llth and Market Sts.
Aim lor r rcigui uusincssm me company s Agents;
H. II, Kingston, Jr., Cor.Jlitli and Market Sts., l'lill'a'
J. W. Reynolds, Uric.
J M. Drill. Agent N. C. R: It., Baltimore.
II. II. Houston, Gcn'l. Trelaht Agt . 1'hltndelpbla,
Lewis I.' lloupt, Gcn'l. Ticket Agt. Philadelphia.
Joseph D. 1'ottK, Gcn'l. Manager, Williamsport.
October 31, iei!:i.
rpitlAL LIST, DEO. TERM, 18G3.
I Philip Wintcrsteen r Valentino Winterstecn
li Henry Wells rs Georgo Kiti.oy, Jr.
3 Jncob Eyer rs Abraham Klasc.
4 Abraham Klase rs Jacob Eyer
5 David Levi, rt al rs Samuel L nettle,
li Daniel F Soybert vs Joseph GciibII.
7 l.lijnli McHurtrlc, ct al rs Christian Wolf.
8 John II Brown, ct al t;j Leonard B Rupert.
0 James Harding ts Elias lleese.
10 Louisa Gowcn vs Elizabeth Dalius. tr
II Jacob llanis tis Peter Jucoby. r.
11 Jacob Komi rs Tilinnii Nagle,
13 Georgo Hughes, tt ul rs J V Crlswetl, et al,
14 David Relnbold rs .Michael Grnver.
15 llussel V Stoker rs William lkeler.
II", William A Kline rs Gcorgo W llolfnian, ct nl.
17 Rebecca Vauderslice vs George Dodson.
13 N L Campbell rs Samuel Johnson.
10 Franklin Longerbcrger's Adm'rsrs Christian Wol !
'Ju D F Soybert t Reuben Nicely.
ill II F Hciglnrd k Hro vs Silas I) Edgar.
2J Daniel J Carey re Hnrtz & Ent.
23 W A Kline vs G W Hodman.
Si Joseph F Long rs Isaac D Palton
23 Euos L Adams rs D F Seybcrt, ct al.
SG Charles!! !lss rs Stephen Wolf.
27 Joseph Hartmani't Reuben Litis.
iM Rcbecea Transuo rs William Transuff.
33 Wins Reese uso rs Isaic Rutter.
30 Jacob Tcrwlllcgur rs Thomas .Meredith.
31 Sylvester J Faux use rs II F Reigharil, et si.
31 Rickctts 1: Stewart rj Emanuel Johnson.
33 Jacob Duck, Ex'r.cs Jesse Huck.
31 D II Uo-art ct al vs William Dcnnison ct al.
Hlooni Augustus Mason, Stephen Knorr.
I'eavcr Samuel Fidier, Elias .Miller, Win Schcll.
Rrlarcreek Even 1) Adams,
llenton Peter Appleman, John ODIIdine.
Centre Daniel llowcr, Georgo Hess, Peter Millet,
Aaron Kclchner.
Catawissa Joseph Martz, C'mton Margcruui.
FishiiiKcreek Daniel Mclleiirv, Ucnjnniln .Mcllcnry.
Greenwood Sylvester Albcrtson. John McMurtry.
lleinlock'-Anios llartinau.
Jackson John Savage.
Madison Robert Fruit, William Carnahan, Lewis
.Maine John Nuss.
.Milllln Lawrence Walters, Stephen Doitterick.
.Mt. Pleasant Win. J. Ikclca, William Howell.
Montour Levi Weaver.
Orange David Herring, John Pettcbonc, Jesse Drum
sleller. I'i ne Francis Hunter, Valentino Winterstecn, Henry
Sugarloaf James Hess.
Renton Thomas Scigfried,
Hriarcrcck Moses Davis, John II. Smith.
Fishingcreek James Edgar, GeotgoMcUrllo,
Hemlock Vnthins Appleman.
.l.irkGiinlnlm .Mrllmirv Tlinmnq W. Ynumr.
iKicust Henry Fisher. Vm..Millcr.Abmham Veager.
Alltllin .lnlin Hnviler. S.imitcl Pnvdcr
Alouut PleasantAaron Kester, Jr., John Wannick,
.Maine Solomon Shuuinu, John Harmony
.Madison Perry Cliristain, Phintas Wcllivcr.
Orange Aaron l. I'atterson, Cornelius Hellas.
Hugarloaf Joseph O. llcss, Andrew Hess.
Scott John Shuuian.
IN LONDON lrejl.
Was awarded the Prlzo Med
al for his superiority overall
competitions in tho United
States for his improvements
Travelling Tnmiis,
Ho being tho inventor and
Manufacturer of Elastic steel
Spring mild Solo Leatherand solid Uivcted Iron Framo
Travelling Trunks, Vullses, Ladles Hat Uascs, Carpet
Rags. Leather Hags, Umbrellas and Hobby Horses,
Hoys' Gigs, Propellers, Wheelberrows, &c, hich hu
is prepared to sell at tho lowest manufacturing price.
The mostuxtensivo Trunk and Carpet Hug Manufactur
er in Philadelphia.
402 .MARKET STREET, ono door ahevo rourth.
South side, 1'HILADELl'IUA,
C7"Sales room on the first floor, I
HTTrunks neatly repaired or exchangod for new
ones. Call and see, as wo sell very cheap for cash.
Nov. 14, Ic03-12mo. I
TI1E subscriber has just received a lot
Hosiery Trimmings and New Goods, such as
3 E ? CO V B S
Ej- Wheeler Wilson's Sewing .Machines for sale.
Also Sunday School Uooksund Hiblcs,
Also Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer, which will givoto
eray us natural color,
A. D. WEU1I.
Next Door below Court House.
14, 16C3.
Bloomsburg, Nov,
' Estate of Peter Hess, doe'd.
LETTERS of administration on the Estato of Peter
Hess, lato of Sugarloaf twp., Columbia ro., dee'd.
have been granted by the Register of Columbia cn., to
thu undersigned ; all persons having claims against tho
estato of tfio decedent are requested to present tlicui to
Ilia Administrator at his residence in said town,
ship, without delay, and all persons indebted to make
payment forthwith.
HENRY C. HESS, Adni'r-
not. 7, tw.-ow .t: oo.
oi icoiioiie
r-RWAnnn nv
DR. 0. M. JAOKSON, Philadelphia, Pa.
WILL effectually enro Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia,
Jnundico, Chronic nr Nervous licbllity, Diseases
of tho Kidneys, rilid nil dlsoasos arising fromadUor.
dared Liver or Stomach
as Constipa
tion, Inward Piles,
Fulness of lllood tntbo
Head, Acidity of tho Stomach
Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food,
Fulness of weight In the Stomach. Sour
llrtictatlons. Pinking or Fluttering ot tho I it
of tho Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hur
ried and DiOlcult Ilrcathlng. Fluttering nt tho
Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when Ina
lying posturo, nimnessoi vision, lints or wcus
bgforo the sight, Fever and Dull Tain In
tho Head, Deficiency of Perspiration,
Vcllowiicss of tho skin and Lyas.
I'liln in III n Side, Hack, Chest
Limbs, lit.. Sudden Flushes
f Heat, Hunting In thu
Fleeh.Cntistaiil Im
aglningsofcvil, & depression
of snirlts.
And wilt Positively prevent Yellow Fever. Pillions
Fever, fcc. Tiny c tilnln no Alcohol or bad Whiskey.
Thoy win cure tno above aiscases in ninety-nino
cases out of a hundred.
Induced by the extensive sale and uulversnl popu
larity of lloofland's German Hitters, (purely vegeta
ble,) hosts of Ignorant Unncks and unscrupulous ad
venturers, have opened upon suffering humanity tho
flood gutes of Nostrums in tho shape of poor whiskey,
vilely compounded with injurious drugs, and chris
tened Tomes, fjtomnchlcs nnd Hitlers.
Icwaro or the Inniimarablo array of Alcohol b nrcD-
parations In plelhorii bottles and big bellied kegs, un
der the modest appellation of Hitters; which Instead
of curing, only nggravntu disease, and leave the disap
pointed sutler In despair.
Are not n new nnd untried nrtlclc, but have stood
.he test of fifteen years trial by t ho American public '.
and their reputation and sale, are not rivalled by any
similar preparation.
Tho proprietors havo thousands of letteti faoin tbo
most eminent
Testifying of their own personal knowledge to the
beneficial effects and medical virtues of these Uitturs.
Do you want something to strcngthtn you)
Do you want a good appetite!
Do you tcatit to build up your Constitution 1
Do you want to feel well
Do yow want to get rid of nervousness J
Do you want energy ?
Dc you want to sleep well 7
Do you want a brisk and vicorous feeling f
From Jfco. J, JNVrlon Brown, D. D I'ditor of the Ency
clopedia of Itcligious Knoiclcdgc.
Although not disposed to favor or recommend Tatent
Medicines in general, through distrust nf their Ingre
dients and effects ; I yet know of no sufficient reasons
why a man may not testify to the benefit ho believes
himself to have received iromnny simple preparation
rnoemaKcr, l.sq r mo removal m mis prejuuico oy
proper tests, and for encouragement to try them, when
which I hnd not felt for six months before, and had al
mnst despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God l
. .1 t . . . . . . .
and my Irlcmi for directing mo to the uso of them.
Philadelphia, Juno 2i, 1601.
There are many preparations sold under tho name of
Hitters, puttn quart bottles, compounded of the cheapest
whiskey or common rum, costing from 20 to 40 cents per
gallon, the taste disguised by Anise or Coriander Seed.
This class of Hitters Inn caused nnd will continue
to cause, as long ns they can bo sold, hundreds to die
the death nf tho drunkard. Hv their uso tho system is
Kept community uouer tne inuiicnce ot ricononc stim
ulants of the worst kind, the desire for Liquor is crea
ted and kept up, and thu result is all Hie horrors at
tendant upon a drunkard's life and death.
Fr tnoso wno uesirn and win nave a l.ia,uor Hitters,
we puiuisu mo loiinvviug rcceini. .ci ono uoitie oi
llonil.iiid'8 German Hitters and mix with thrco quarts
of good brandy or whiskey, and the result will ho a
preparation mat win tar exrci in medical virtues and
true excellence any of the numerous Liquor Hi'tcrs in
the market, and will cost much less. You will have
all Uiu virtues of lloofland's Hitters in connection with
n good article of Liquor, ut a much less unco than
tbeso inferior preparations will cost you.
Wo call attention to nil having relations or friends
in tho army to tho fact that "IIOOFLAND'S German
Hitters" will euro nine-tenths of the diseases induced
by uxposures and privations incident to camp life. In
the lists, published n linos t daily in the newspapers, on
tho arrival of the sick, it "ill bo noticed that a very
largo proportion aro lutferlug debility. Every case of
that kind can bo readily cured by lloofland'H German
Hitters. Diseases resulting from disorders of the ci
geslive organs are speedily reflioved. Wo have no
hesitation in stating that, if theso Hitters were freely
used among our soldiers, hundreds uf lives might bo
saved that otherwise will bo lost.
Wo call particular attention to the following remark
able and well authenticated cure of one of the nation's
heroes, whoso lifo, to use his own language, "his been
saved by tho Hitters."
PmLAOELrniA, August 23, 1S63.
.Messrs. JoncsSf Evans, Well, gentlemen, your lloof
land's German Hitters his saved my life. There is no
mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers of my
comrades, somo of whoso names aro annended. and
who were fully cognizant of all tho circumstances of
my case, I am, and have been for the last lour years,
a member of Sherman's celebrated battery, and under
the immediate command of Cnpi R. II. Ayres. Through
the ixposure ntlemlnnt upon my ardorous duties, I was
attacked iu November last with lntlmuination of tho
lungs, and was for sevcutv-two daVB in the luisnital.-r
I was then removed from the White Mouse, and sent
to tills city on board tho Steamer "Statu of Maine,"
from which 1 landed ou the 2eth of June. Since that
time I havo been about as low as any one rnuld be and
still retain a spark of vitality. Forawcek or moro 1
was scarcely able to swalluw anything, and if 1 did
force a morsel down, it was immediately thrown up
1 could not even knrp a glass of water on my stomach,
Lifo could not last under Ineso circumstances ; and, ac
cordingly, the physicians who had been workiNg faith
fully, though unsuccessfully, to rescUo me from the
grasp of th.i dread Archer, Irnnkly tcld me they could
do no moro for me, ami advised rue to see a ilergyman,
and make such disposition of my limitedfunds as best
suited me. An ncquuintancu who visited me at the
hospital, Mr. Frederick Steinbron, of Sixth below Arch
Street, advised mo, as a forlorn hope, to try your Hit
ters, and kindly procured a bottle. From tho tinio I
commenced taking them the gloomy shadow of i rath
receded, and 1 am now, thank God for it, getting belter.
Though I have taken but two bottles, I have gained
ten pounds, and 1 feel sanguine of being permitted to
rejoin my wife anil daughter, from whom 1 havolieurd
nothing for eighteen months; fur, gentlemen, 1 hm a
loyal Virginian, from the vicinity of Front Royal. To
your valuable- Hitters I owe thu certainty of lifu wnich
tins taken the plaro of vaguo fears to ; our Hitters
will I owo the glorious privilcgo uf again clasping to
toy bosom tknso who aro dearest to me iu life.
Vcry.truly yours,
Wo fully concur in the truth of tho abovo statement
nswebad despaired nf seeing our comrade, .Mr. Ma
Inuc, restored to health
John Cuddleback, 1st New York Uattcry.
Gcorgo A. Ackley, Co, C, llth Maine,
Lewis Clieualier, UJd Now York,
I. E. Spencer, 1st Artillery, Haltery T.
J. 11. Fnsewell, Co. II, 3d Vermont,
Henry II. Jerome, Co. 11, do,
Henry T. Macllonald, Co C, tith Maine,
John F. Ward, Co. E.,5th Maine,
llejmali Koch. Co. H.,7i!d New York,
Nathaniel II. Thomas, Co. I'., Wth I'enn.,
Andrew J. Kimball, Co. A 3d Vermont,
John Jenkins, Co. II., lUlith I'enn.
See that tho signature of
C. SI. JACKSON," is on
tuo WKArrER of uacii uottiu.
Should rour nearest druggist not have the nrtlclc
do not be put oil" by any of tho intoxicating prepara
tions mat may oo ouereu in us piaco, nut send to us,
und wo will forward, securely packed, by cxpross.
Principal Office nnd Manufactory,
Tio. GUI Arch Street.
Jones & Evans,
(Successors to 0, M. JAOKSON & Co.,)
C3" FOttflALK by Dmgslits and Dealers In very
town in the Ualted States,
OttobeiJl, leSB-Umo.
in iiojiopeiiiaiiieiiiayinuscomriouieioinobeiieutor i, they be then and there in their proper persons at
i .tS'ii.t. ihn mn,n mirillv in , j,,,,a ' 10 o'clo,l( In the forenoon of said day with their records.
Per n m IlitierS nfenar?d br Tie ' ft J nTr?hi ! innui,itions and other remembrance to do tlios thing
German Hitters, prepared by ur. c, M. Jackson, or this ' ,n .i.pir ofliccs anncrtain to be done And thoso
city, becauso I was prejudiced against for many S1'lc!1 'V, ,nd byrccoguance tSprosMUteogast tha
y.nrs, under ho Impression that they were chiefly a,. ' ' ,iZV!SauMt
Qicnnnnc niixturu. i nni lnucuiou in inviricna ir.otcrt
Hon. Peter Atsff, democratic room,
borclcotof tho legislature, for Luzerni
county, died at Ithicu N. Y,, at tTio tiomo
of a rclativo, on Monday evening jast. Iu
getting off tho cars nt that plaoo lib stum
bled and fell, and struck hla ticad on t1it
T rail, and died in a Tow tninutos sftor
Jlrrcst of the Murderer of Mr.tS. K. Smith,
Mauoh Chunk, Nov. 10, About seventy
of tho Huckshota tho rioters have been nr
rostcd and sent to Roading.
Tho inurdor of S. K. Smith has also
been arrested and intontiCad. ,
Tho Tenth Regiment of Now York Vol.
untocrs aro now stationed iu tho diitriot
whero tho lato disturbances look plaoo, and
the riotera aro boing arrested and forwft'r
ded to Reading for trial.
The Small pox h eomowhat troublo
some iu Look Ilavon.
HPI1E people of Iho county of Columbia
i are respectfully, Informed that tin undersigns
has fo. sale, at the
m nLooMsnuRc, the best and cheapest
To bo found anywhere In tho County, consisting or
Note, Letter. Legal and Cap l'aper, Tens, Holders,
I'cnclls, Ink and Envelopes i ALlsO
new and Second-hand books,
Comprising History, Poetry, ricllon.ThJ.
ology and the classics.
nf Holm's London nubllcatlons. frotfk
which selections can bo made, and Hooks furnished to
order; by special arrangement with New York Agent'.
and Speeches; and copies of the United States, an
Slate Constitutions, iu various styles, always on hand.
Ulooinsburg, Nov. 7 . 18G3.
WHEREAS, tho Hon. Wiluam Elwcil, Trcsldont,
Judge of ilia Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gen.
erol Jail Delivery, Court of Ciuartcr Sessions of the
Peace and Court of Common Pleas and Orphan's Court,
in the -Gtli Judicial District, composed of the counties
of Colunibla.Sulllvan and Wyoming, nnd the Hon. John
Sl'lteynoldsic Stephen llakly.AssociateJudees of Colum
bia countyjiavulssuedthelrprecept.bcarlngdate tho "lb
day of Sept., in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and sixtv-threo nnd tn mo directed for holding a
I Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail delivery,
General (luartcr Sessions of the Peace, Common Fleas'
! and Orphan's Court, iu Illoomsburg, in the county nf
! Columbia, on tho llrst .Monday, (being tho 7th Uay) of
December next, and to continue one week.
Notice is hereby given, to the Coroner, tne justices or
LUIlIIIlIllil 111 uu ILiUIJ illlU LIJUTU uiuiVLUtu tllCUl us Dills, is.
C " iurors nr0 reouestcd to bo nunctuol In their at-
f.0.',! 1 ooms-
V'i , j sheriff
nov.n, ittid. oue"
First Great Arrival
PALL & Willi GOODS !
The undersigned, lias, Just replenished hit Storo
House in Orangcvillc, with a well-selected asssrolusDt
Consisting In part nf Cloths, Silks, .Muslins, Cassl
mere, Ginghams, Calicoes, Shawls, Hosieries, Carpet!
and Ladies' 1'anty DnEss Goodi, generally, from 12J to)
octsandrrintslrom i.') io.jcib.
. -r-.-r -si i rn r AmTTTTri
i U W. A I 1 Y M A ) Hi I ) I i( ) I I'l I l ( T
Mats, Hoots & Shoei Mackerel Molaassei, Sugar (
With all other nrtiles. usually Iieutincouutry St ires.
to which ho Invites thocnrly attention of old nnd lew
customers. Having been at the City in the right imo
bought low nud paid cash he will be able to compete
with tho best, and sell fur small profits and prcmpt
pay. His friends aro invited to pop in and see ti
Orangcville, Nov. 7, 18G3.
For salo c! can. nt New York Safe Denot, 71 Wil
liam Street, New Verk.
&. A. GREGG.
' t in r.-are. nmi Cunstab ea ot t no sain county ot uoiumDia
utioiiT. viinm. ospTg,
No. 4 21 20 2U
No. '1 20 21 St
r.o. 3 30 2t VI
No. t 33 Si 84
No, 5 34 31 St
No. 0 tl 31 8t
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No. 1 17 II 12
No. a io 13, ta
No. 3 SI IS 13
Nn. 4 S3 13 IJ
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No. U 31 SI 1J
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No. I
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
No. U
November II, 18C3.
Estate of Jertmi'ih K. Hess, dee'd,
Letters of adniinijtrutioii de bonis non on
on the citato of Jeremiah K. Hess, late uf Centro
township, Columbia rnunty, ilecwased, have been gran
ted by the Register of said county tn tho undersigned;
al persons having claims against Iho estate of the de
cedent aro requested to present them to the Adminis
trators without delay, and all persons indebted to luako
payments forthwith.
JOHN W. 1IE1SEH. Scott,
Administrators da bononis non,
Sept. 12, IfC3, CwS'2
Attorney at Law,
llazlcton, Luzerne co,, Pa,
Herri's u to lion, John Walls, Lewisburg, Ta.
William Cameron, rresident ot thu Lewlsourg iianic.
J. U. Packer, President nf tho Northumberland Hank,
Ulooinsburg, Juno "7, 1H03. ly.
Estate of Elins Pettier, deo'd. ,
LETTERS of administration on the Estate of Eliaa
I'eoler.lote of Fishingcreek twp. Columbia co.,iee'd.
havebcen granted by the Register of Columbia co.,to tho
undersigned ; all persons having claim, against the es
tale of thu decedent are Veqiiestcd topresent themto
tho uudcrsJgncd, at I is residence in said township,
without delay, and all persons indebted to make pay
ment forthwith.
Oct. 31, 1603-Cw S3.
A T 7 0 It ,V E Y- AT-LA r.',
Mrt-tTARY Ilessmess attended to Promptly.
OFFWEln Court House Alley, un&cr Dsmocrat OMn.
August ft). leWl-Kin,
I Card Photographs, lllank Hooks, Family Hiblcs,
Willing r a per Also a largo stock uf goods suitable)
for Holidays. Small protlts, quick sales.
Fourth and Arch, Philadelphia.
Nov 14. 1803-3mo
Mude of tho best linen stock, ruled and bound, to any
desired pattern. Orders by mail promptly intended to.
MiNuricTUWKO Stationer.
. E. Cor. Fourth and Uses.
1 No. 14, ie6J-3m
.i i