EDITED BY LEVI h. TATE, MOmtETOn - ' - ' BLOOMSBURG, PA. Saturday, November 21, 1863. rOIttPtlESIDENT IN 1861, GEORGE B.M'CLELLAN ( Putiject to llio Decision of the Democratic National Convention. ) Tlio Consoription Act. Wo publish to-day the decision of tho Buprcmo Court of Pennsylvania, delivered bj Chief Juttico Walter II. Lowrie, assorting tho unconstitutionality of tho Consoription Act. Tho subject boing ono of intense intorcst, will oommond itself to tho attention of tho publio, and it will bo n gratoful relief from tho doubts and per plexities that have boon ongondored by tho enforcement of tho act, to have the enigma solved, and tho wholo matter sifted and thoroughly analyzed by a oompetent judi ml tribunal. Ot courso, tho vials of Radical wrath will ba opened upon Judges Lowrie, WooDWAnn and Thompson for expounding tho law according to their con scientious interpretation, and not in accor dance with tho wishos of a faction. Tho Philadelphia Press, as usual, is foremost in tho application of abuse. It suggests that tho decision is tho result of the spleen and vindictivencks of the Judges in their disappointment at political defeat How this gravoohatgo can apply to Judge Thompson, who was not a candidate,, the ingenuity of tho Press, perhaps, can ex- plain. The Justices of tho Supremo Court of Pennsylvania havo enjoyed a reputation as learned and upright officials. They havo disoharged tho responsible duties of their position to tho satisfaction of their fellow citizens, and till now roproaoh has not visited them, nor accusation of official dis nonescy sumea tnoir namo3. Jiut ono decision that runs counter to tho Radical desire is sufficient, it seems, to blast the well wen honors of a long career of use fulness and integrity. They arc dishonest Judges, forsooth, because they oannot bo bought nor intimidated into complianco vith tho Radical will. They have ad judged falsely, becauso they have not prostituted their high calling to the uses of tyranny and fanaticism. Such is the reasoning of tho Administration organs, who make it a point to villify every Judgo that does not adopt their theories upon all questions, and to laud extravagantly and quoto as patterns of judicial worth all those that reflect from tho Bench tho ideas of their faction; However much tho opinions of Adminis tration organs may bo at variance with thoso of our constituted tribunals, wo trust that all parties will accept tho law as in terpreted by its ligitimato expounders. There may bo no penalty for insult, but thero is for violation of the law, and that penalty will attach to the highest in au thority as well as to the humblest citizen. Tho Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has declared that certain citizens of this State have been deprived of liberty, placed un der military restraint, and subjected to great privation, suffering and danger, by a process which the Constitution forbids. If tho Administration havo erred through ignorance, now let them rectify tho error. They havo no claim upon tho Pennsylva nia conscripts in the field ; it is not wo that say so, but tho Supremo Court of Penn sylvania. If the predicament is perplex ing, it gives our rulers occasion to reflect upon tho advisability of adhering closely to those principles which have heretofore govornod in the Republic, and of enforcing no harsh measurss of doubtful legality without due investigation by oompctont tribunals. Andino Views. 0. Farrand.an artist of Now York, who has travelled extensively in South America, will be at Bloomsburg for so mo days. He will exhibit views in tho Court House, on one or two evening, among them several dozen of Scenory in tho Andes and of Spanish Amerioan cities, whieh will in terest and instruct whatever audicnoo may attend. Mr. F. has also othor American views and many fino European ones, and views of oelebratcd piooes of Statuary. Persons who do not reeido in town, and desire to see Mr. Farrand's views can at tend on next Monday evening. Tho pic tures aro represented mora than 12 foct in size, and aro splendid. The several dozon of South Amerioan ones are entirely Lew and taken from nature by Mr. F. Three Crops in one Season I We havo io our office, and to which wa invite tho attention of our friends, a bunch of ripo Syberian Orabs,being tho third crop grown on a Trco in our yard during tho past season. In July and September thero were ripo crabs and blossoms growing to gethsr and now (in November) we have third crop of ripo Fruit. Wo think this an unusual ocouronoo. William MiUjer. a foroigner, died ol maniaapolu, in a stable in Bloormburg, ,.. ti..i. Dn!n lnt. Aced about'groat nation must bo born again 60' years. He has boon h.ro buM ' i Btitutional. Tho supremo Court, of this Stato, in n caio brought bolora tho Court by separate opinions of Judges Lowrio, Woodward and Thompson, composing a majority of tho Conrt, has boon decided to bo uncon stitutional and void. Judgo Woodward, in his opinion,which is most convincing, and whioh wo will endeavor to givo in full next week, says : "I do not thcrcforo, feel the forco of tho argument drawn from tho distressing cir outnstancos of tho time Bad as thov are wo make thorn worso by substttutmc nbi- mrj puwui mr uuunuiiuiuuui ruiu, uut II MH f , .. l i . i . i - wo mauo tnora better or not not worse tho judioial mind ought not to bo oxpected to ujtpruvu mo BuoBiiiuuuu, lor n can rccog nizo no violation of tho Constitution as a legitimate vindication of tho Constitution. To placo ourselves under despotic sway in order to bring back Robels to tho Constitu tion we havo given up is a procedure that porplexcs tho student of tho political sci ence, and will quito confound tho historian oi our limes, ''Thero aro other features of tho Con sript law that doccrvc criticism, but, not to extond my opinion farther, I rest my ob jections to its constitutionality on these grounds : "1st. That tho power of Congress to raise and support armies, docs not include tho power to draft the militia of the State. "ad. That the power of Congress to call forth tho militia cannot bo exercised in the forms of this enactment. ''3d. That a citizen of Pennsylvania cannot be subjeotod to tho rules and arti cles of war until ho ho is in actual mili tary service. "'1th. That he is not placed in suoh ac tual jervice when his namo has been drawn from, a wheel and ten days' notice thereof has been served upon him "For thoso reason I am for granting the lnjunouon. This is the law and Constitution as we have always supposed, but what attention will bo paid to this authorativo declaration of laWi by t he ''Powers that be," in these days of lawlessness and arbitrary rulo, ro mains to be seen. To Our Advertisers. Wo publish in tho Columbia Democrat, from week to week, a number of advertise ments of Real Estate, Executors' and Ad ministrators' Notices, Orders of Court &c, for whioh the parties interested could just as woll pay tho cash as not : but which from the habit of tho thing, thoy tell us to their accounts, whoro they aro generally remain from thrco to six months, and often longer, beforo payment, Now, whon we state that all our cspenscs have to be met with cash that not a sheet of paper is used in our office until it is paid for and that .1 . . 1 1 i if mom wuo worn ior us noea tueir wages every Saturday night; it may be imagined that wo often stand in need of monoy that il .1 flit a mis advertising enomu nnng us. .any ono will understand that it is no easy mat- ter to comply with -'cash system" in what he buys, and at tho same timo allow tho "credit sytem" on what ho earns. In ineso aays oi universal casn payments, it lo namo) which preeipitates tho fate of will not bo considered unreasonable in tho'1 thousands. There is, howovcr, a possi printcr to remind his friends that he is no bility of recovery from the prostration exception to tho rule. Wo thereforo hope produccd by these causes, long after their our customers will, in all cases where it victim has ceased to hope for it. If wo may bo convenient, favor us with tho cash aro r:i,tiT informed, the most astonishing for their advertising.favors, instead of hav ing them charged. Wo havo no disposition io do oiose-usiea or msoDiigmg,; nut mauo jn this country, have been effected through this request simply as a "business necess- thc agency of Doctor Holloway's inesti Uy" of whioh all should see the forco. mablo rcinodica. Mere skeletons of men, The Land Department. ! oul of whom tho vcry principl of vitality A statement appears in tho Harrisburg 88emod to havo bcen draincd' haT0 bcon Talegraph, Governor Curtin's Central Or- rostorod to hoalth and vi80r by tLo Pera' gan, which is so glaringly false as to bear .tion of thc 1ills and of tho Oent, condemnation on its own face. Tho books in oaBO of ParalJ, rheumatism, &o., wo 1. M I1 . To of tho State Treasurer will show that in , the first six months of Gen. J. P. Barr's men wM broak down tUeir enorelc by term, beginning with May and ending with over exertion-if, in their anxiety to "go October, the receipts on acoount of land,ahead)" thny wiH "ido tho most pre were 812,575 37. cious of God's blessings, health it is woll During the samo period last year, says , they should know how to repair tho mis- tho ) Patriot Jj? Union, when tho Surveyor Genoral and his clerks wero Republicans, the reccips on account of land were S3, 423 27. Tho receipts for tho single month of July last, in Mr. Barr's term, exceed tho receipts for tho entire year of 1862, under Republican rule, and wo challenge contradiction. Military Despotism. Gen. Schencii, in his last official mil itary aot in Maryland, ordered the Pro vost Marshals in tho Stato to tako part in superintending tho election on Wednes day week. Gov. Bradford, whoso 1 yal ty wo prosume no man questions, pro tested against tho outrage and issued a proclamation declaring that the unrcstrio ted liberty of thc citizens' right to voto shall prevail, even if tho power of tho State be oalled on. Gen. Schenck order ed thc Baltimoro papers not to publish it, and the proclamation had to bb issuod in pamphlet form. tST A coramitteo of tho Vermont Leg islature, to which was rofcrred a bill giv ing thc soldiers tho privilege of voting while absent from the State, has reported that such an act would be inviolation of the Stato constitution, Republican. Abolitionism is so largely in tho ascen dant in that benighted region that tho soldiers' votes aro not needed. Henco it is not ''constitutional" to givo them "the privilege of voting whilo absent from the Stato." In Pennsylvania, our Abolition ists say it not right to deprivo them of this "pnvilego.' Mr. Secretary Chaso in his specoh at Indianapolis, tho other day, said : 'This 1 groat nation mast bo born again,' We aro afraid it will provo a Wer baby Willi a Green back, r lrom mo Jf otomao Army. Camp near Mountain Greek, Va., Novombor 12th, 1808. J My Dear Sir: On Saturday tho 7th inst., tho different Corps composing tho Army of tho Poto mac took up their lino of maroh for tho Rappahannock. Tho wind blno tho dust in such olouds that it was almost impossi ble to sco. Tho 5th and Oth Corps form ed tho right of our line undor command of Gen. Sodgwick, and tho 1st 2nd and 3d formed tho loft under command o( Gen. French. Near sunset tho difforont Corps reached tho river. The Oth halted at Rap pahannock Station, and ovcry ono sup posed it would attack tho enemy next morning in their entrenchments. Tho en emy had tho same opinion, thcrcforo id not poit their pickets moro than CO yards in front of tho earthworks. But Scdg-1 wioh wanted tho works that night, and accordingly sent over a detachment to tako them. Not a gun was fired by tho ad vancing party ; but rushing forward thoy secured tho pontoon bridgo, n number alio fording tho stream. It then becamo a hand to hand conflict, resulting in tho oapturo of tho forts with Cvo guns, 1300 prisoners, and several colors. It is a remarkable fact that all tho in juries on both sides wero caused by bay oncti and clubbed muskets. Our mon took tho suppers which tho ''Tigers" had prepared for themselves. A portion of 1.1 "I 1 ......I I.. I tho 3d Corps captured several hundred prisonors at Belly's Ford. On Sunday morning tho entire army crossed, and in different lines of battle advanced towards tho onomy, but they re treated without a struggle. They had built comfortable Winter quarters, and evidently expected to remain in them dur ing the coining Winter. Our cavalry ad vanced to Culpepper. On Tuesday the different Corps regularly encamped, and to all outward nppearanco wo have finished the campaign. Enclosed I send you a letter trom near Bradny Station, from a member of tho 44th Georgia Rcgt. It was sealed and directed, and was writted tho evening boforo our advance ARTILLERIST. Wo havo not spaeo for tho letter spoken of above ; besides which it is not of publio value. Ed. WRECK OP HUMANITY. WHY SHOULD THEY SINK ? The excitement of ''the chaso" has al- wavfl been SUDD0S.a to havo a healthful tcai)onoy . but there is a kind of chaso whiohbreaU3 icva the constitution, debil- Uale3 , fram0) aml shortens life We mean the headlonff, unintermittinc hunt after tho aimjghtv dollar," which is tho gr0at business characteristic of tho present day. It bcgct3 olher CviU (unnecessary curse of what is oallod general weakness aml debility, which have ever been known "car an C(luauy Iara' account, xi chief, when they come at last to rcalizo the fact of their prematuro decay. The wrecks of humanity, who, without any particular disease, appear to bo sinking fromo mcro exhaustion, would find, without doubt, immediato relief from Doctor Holloway's romedies. Phila. Tiibane. Curtin's majority in. Pennsylvania will not reach sixteen thousand. In view of this fact wo think the Demooraoy of the Old Keystone Stato performed wonders on election day. With tho Stato flooded with greenbacks, furnished by tho Treas ury Department ; covered with paid stump orators scut from Washington, and tho ten thousand Gsvcrninent employees ordered from hire, with thirty thousand soldiers and the inmttcs of all tho hospitals every where ordered to -Pennsylvania to voto for Curtin, all candid man must say with us that tho freemen of Ponnssylvania did a glorious day's work in preventing tho Abo litioniets from not getting over sixteen thousand majority! Washington Union, TrjE Philadelphia & Erio Railroad is now in uso for passongor and freight busi ness from narrisburg to Emporium on tho Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erio on tho Western Division. Oars run through, without change be tween Philedclphia and Look Ilavcn and between Daltimoro and Lock Ilavcn. Sco advertisement in another column. Genoral Burnsido is now a privato cit izen. Ho retires with noar a million in Uaok to his credit. Exchange, Big thing to bo Commanding Goneral, if thoy rotiro from sorvioo likd Burnside. Further comment U unnecessary I ' War News. The nowa from jho Army of tho Poto mao sinco our Inbt publication, is of no great importance Tho nowspapcr corres pondents wbo, two days ago, wero confi dent of driving tho enemy Across tho Rap idan and following him quickly to Rich mond, havo alroady begun to tono down their lottcrs . It is stated by thorn now, will not bo able to march bo- that Mcado jond Culpcpcr on account of the scarcity of supplies. Tho railroad, whioh is a per fect wreck nil the way to tho Rappahan nock, will havo to bo reconstructed boforo these supplies can reach the army, and a long bridgo across that stream rebuilt. Tho road is complotcd to Bcaloton. Ono of theso writers states that Mcado "has accomplished his mission," tho meaning of whioh our readers caB judgo. Tho guerillas continuo as activo as over. Tho New York Times says : "To go boyond our pickets is death." During tho laab , month theso partisans havo captured seven- ty wagons, fivo hundred horsos and . wagons, mules, ono hundred officers and men, and much valuable property. Secretary Stanton has discovered a huge Canadian maro's nest. Lord Lyons communicatos to him a statement from tho Governor General of Canada that certain refugees who have taken asylum thero contcmplato a hostile invasion of tho Uni- ted States. Lako Erio steamboats aro to J bo seized tho prisoners on Johnson's T1 ... .1 1!1 ...1. T.T-1- Island liberated ; Buffalo sacked ; San dusky burned ; Eric, Cleveland and De troit besieged. Tho North is to bo over run. Telegrams from tho Secretary of War, who seems to bo in his usual unenvi able fr.amo of mind, havo warned thc chief officers of the threatened towns to bewaro of tho danger. All tho means at tho com mand of tho Government arc to be cm ployed to quell the now rebellion. Gun boats and rovenuo cutters aro to plough the wators and camps cover up tho land. A lato dispatch from Charleston Bar announces that "Sump ter is entirely de molished," but that it is still hold by a party concealed in somo of the croviecs of the ruins, who restore the flag whenever it is shot away. A Fortress Monroo dispatch says that General W. Fitzhugh Leej who has boon confined as a hostage at that placo for some timo, was put on board a steamer on Friday en routo to Winter quarters at Fort Lafayette. News prom Rebel Sources. Des patches from Charleston to tho Richmond papers, under date of thc 13th, stato that through tho night previous Gen. Gilmoro's mortars and rifles fired at tho rate of two shots per minute, and on tho morning of the 13th his firo was increasing in rapidi ty. Two men wero killed and ono wound ed in the fort during tho night's bombard ment. Affairs in Arkansas. Tho news from the Far West this morning is interesting, It seems to bo pretty cortain that our for ces havo chasod tho Rebels to tho Texas lino, and wo have a report that General Marmaduke has becu captured in Mar shall county, on tho border of tho "Lone Star" State. Retaliation. Tho Cincinatti Gazette says : By way of retaliation for tho inhu man treatment of Union prisonors at Rich mond, tho Rebels on Johnson's Island havo boon rostrioted to Government ra tions. Thoy aro no longer allowed to supply themselves from tho Sandusky markot and at this tho Sandusky people rejoice, the market prices for neoossarics having been advanced by tho demand from tho Rebel thousands on tho Island. . By direction of tho President of tho United States, Major Charles J. Whiting, Second United States Cavalry, is horcby dishonorably dismissed tho servico, for disloyalty and for using contemptuous and disrespectful words against tho President of tho United States. Thanksgiving. In hia proclamation setting apart Thurs day, tho 20th instant, to bo a day of thanksgiving and prayer, Gov. Seymour, of New York, makes a suggestion in re lation to the destitute- families of soldiers and sailors, which wo should liko to see universally complied with. Ho says : Let us offer fervent prayer that tho re bellion may bo put down, our Union saved, our liberty preservod, and our Constitu tion and government upheld. As a becoming proof of our thankful ness to God, and as a proper evidence of our gratitude to tuo armies and navy, 1 urco our citizens to mako contributions on that day for the comfort and support of the- destitute families of thoso wbo havo lost their lives or become disabled in thc servico of their oountry. In the midst of our abundance let us remember charity to thoso who aro in want, and in tho hour set apart for so cial and religious thanksgiving and praise within tho limits of our Stato, let us en courage those who aro engaged on distant and dangerous fields of duty by showing sympathy and kindness towards their fam ilies, which noed our aid and support. Why Prisoners of War are not hx- ciianoed, Tho cartal of exchange of i says that that noblo body of Pennsylvan prisoners has been suspended bocauso tho nts has re-enlisted for throo years, and rebels will not admit the officers and sol- f Snr ,1" 'Snfil!0 Td, "'f ,. . , , ,.11 ,1 winter and recruit their ranks. Wo trust diers of colored rcgimonts to be included , tho latter report i(J corrcot) for truly thc in its Tho Richmond papers rant at our war-worn remnant of this brave and trrod government for its cruelty in dccling to ! corps has won a right to a brief respito exchange on rebel terras, but it would be from tho S0" ?'. Cola s""'; They .... , , . . c, 3 havo participated in near overy battlo in still moro cruel and unjust, after inducing Nirginia) tUey Lava dono tlieiwork wcn, colored mon to join tho army, to refuse to ond ti,eir famo will livo immortally in extend tho protection of tho Government to' history, a proud monument of human Ihem. 1 bravery and enduranoo, EDITORIAL INKLINGS. Mn. Lincoln won't take his pity in his own monoy. Perhaps Dr. Ayer don't tako his own pills. Under tho bonicn ruloofGcri. Schcnck Baltimore city east 10,000 votes. Under ot ausPioc' 51 "oula oa5t 35000 1 The tficrwicfc Gaztlec says the Berwick Congregation of that placo aro holding a scries of meetings. Mr. Jcsso Rosonorantz, of Sluoum twp, Luzcrao county, killed two Doer at ono BllUt, WIHIO OUl UUUUUJJ 111 UUt lil'lguui. hood, not long since. At Berwick, Gth inst., W. Wickham Caso, lato of tho Univorsity at Lowlsburg, was ordainod to the Gosnel ministry. Ho serves tho Uorwick and Briar Creek Bap tist churches as Pastor, Blundemno Burnsido has heon defeat ed in East Tonncssco, his two advanced positions takon and about 1,000 of his mon mado prisoner?. His resignation has been accepted. The largest locomotivo in tho United States, if not in tho ' world, has just been built for tho Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company. It lias twelve driving wheels and weighs moro than 100,0U0. Judcie Woodward beoomes Chief Jus tico of Pennsylvania in liou of Judgo Low rio. Tho Abolitionists will find Woodward moro in their way than over before, when they undertake to forco unconstitutional mcasl)rcg upon ti,0 pc0plo of Pennsylvani The wind, on Friday week was very sovoro in many parts of tho country. In Danvillo, tho Baptists and Catholics had oach a now house of worship built up to tho squaro, but tho wind blew down the walls. The now postago currency is now out and being circulated, and a greater hum bug was never palmed off upon '.'the peo ple." How unlike tho old democratic currency of Gold and silver. The great plot in Ohio, prepared to op erate upon tho Now York and New Jorjoy olections, and therefore forwarded by tele graph has exploded. "No body hurt." For tho Ohio election they had a forged lotter from Vallandigham forged, and it does not bring a blush to their cheeks. kjtog) fory) bribery and fraud is the trade of thc "woolyhcads." The Stato Superintendent has issued n call for a meeting of tho Co. Superinten dents at Ilarrisburg to commence on tho 12th of next January. It is hoped that tho meeting will be a full ono and that muoh good will result as it will, if the members unite harmoniously and vigor ously in an effort to that effect. School Journal. The Grand army tho Potomac has had eight commanders in twenty-four months, viz : General Soott, Gen. McDowell, Gen. McClcllan, Gen. Pope, Gen. MoClollan, (again,) Gen. Hurnsidc,Gen Hooker, Gen. Meade. This is at tho rate of a now com mander every three months. What man ever suocesfully, run a saw mill, or boot and shoo shop, with as many changes of boss sawyers or forraan, this war I Those draftsd mon who havo already been exempted for certain physical dofects can consider themselves lucky, for tho Provost Marshal General has just issued an Order cutting down about half the list of diseases and infirmities that disqualified for military service. This order was ren dered necessary by tho groat number of exempts. Tho Surgeons aro also' required to bo moro strict in their examinations. The opinion of Chief Justice Lowrio, pronouncing tho Conscription act of tho last Congress unconst'Uutio?iul, is publish ed on our lirst page. Of course thc opinion of a JudffO will . . . f j . - ., . I have no weight with an administration that disregards constitutions, laws and courts ; but it may havo some weight with tho peo ple, whose rignts it endeavors to sustain against tho encroachments of arbitary power. It should and wo think will bo universally read and studied, Official Lying. The Springfield (Mas,) Republican, thinks that thero is loo much lying at Washington, it says : "Sec retary Stanton has from the beginning mado it a leading aim to bamboozle tho people. No body complains of tho con cealment of army movements ; but out right lying about battles that have been fought, admits of no excuse. What mon strous and futile conoealments and perver sions we havo had for weeks as to tho dis astrous repulso at Chichamauga. The Allentown Democrat publishes tho following item in its last issuo nndor tho court proceedings : Commonwealth vs. Samuel Prankenfield. Tho defendant, an old man 77 years of ago, was indict ed for fornication and bastardy, on oath of Polly Frankcnfield, who is tho widow of defendants son. Defendant declared himself innocent, but tho Jury thinktng otberwiso found him guilty, and thc Court sontenced him to pay a fine of $ and thc usual lying in ezpensos and maintenance of tho child. Battle of GETTYsnuna. From Gen. Mcado's official report of the battle, or rather scries ot battles, lought near Gettys burg on the 1st, 2d and 13 tl of July last, wo gather tho following account of lossoa, trophies, kc: 'Iho Kobels loss killed, 0,500 ; wounded, 2 1,000 : prisonors, 13,- 721 ; total, 40,221. Tho Federal loss was killed, 2,834 j wounded, 13,700 j prisoners, 0,043; total, 23,185. Grand total, 03,407. Difforenco in favor ol tho Fedorals, 17,035. Tho trophies takon by our loroes consisted of 3 guns, 41 stand ards, and 34,078 small arms, TnE Reserve CoRPs.Tho Lanoaster Exnress. on the authority of a nrivntn Inf. tor from tho Pennsylvania Resorvo Corns. To Aums I To Arms I Tho Citizen Soldier will find a moro doadly foo in tho brackish, muddy water and damp night air than in tho most determined enemy, Ilollowny's Pills bo purify tho blood und strengthen tho stomach and bowls that tho soldier can enduro the hardships and slut bo strong and healthy. Only 25 cents per box. Invasion or Texas. Tho nows from tho RioQrando is most cnoouragitig. Our dates bring tho accounts of tho progross of our troops down to the 4th instant) when everything looked promising,and it scorned Impossible for tho Rebels to muster a forco sufficient to rotard our speedy occu pation of tho most important points in tho Stato. On tho 10th inst., by Rov. Win. J. Ev er, Mr. John Ehwin, of Locust twp.,autl Miss Hannahetta, daughter of Peter Bodinc, Esq., of Catawissa twp., all of Columbia co. On tho Oth ult.,by Rev. Wm. B. Fox, Mr. Wm. Hiiu'enstiel, b Mrs. SorniA Kekn, both of Briarcrcck twp., Col. co. On the Oth inst., by tho samo, Mr. Sam uel Reinhard, to Miss Susan Ervine, both of Briarcrcck twp , Col. co. At Townhill, on the 13th inst., by Rev. E. Wadsworth,Mr. Matthias Williams, Jr., to Miss Matilda Masters, all of Huntington Luzeruo co,, Pa. By John Tato, Esq., 3d inst., He.nrv Hall, and Mrs. Nancy M'CoRTNEit,both of Hrady tp., Union co. At the parsonago in Orangovillo, on tho 14th inst., by the Hcv. J. Forrest, Mr. B. 0. Hess, and Mahala Buokalew, all of Columbia county. At the house of tho bride's father, by Rev. P. F. Eyer, Mr. Amos M. Oiil, of Danville, Montour co., to Miss. Mattie M. Eyer, of Bloomsburg, Col. co. On Iho 18th ult., by tho Rev. Wm. B. Cox, Mr. Emanuel Kishhach, to Miss Mary Whntckneout, both of Nesoopec, Luz. co,, Pa. On tho 27th ult., by the BPinc, Mr. To bias Weise, to Miss Catharine Rood ler, both of Hollenback twp., Luz. Co. At Rupert, on the 13th inst;, Isaao Jones, agod about 03 years. On Saturday, thc 15th iust.,Miss Anna E. Ecic, daughter of Samuel and Vnshti Eck, of Roaringcrcek twp., Col. co., aged 10 years, and 0 mouths. In Locust township, on the 20th of Oc tober, Samubl Whary, aged about 02 years. In Hemlock township, on the 12th inst., John Aluert youngest son of Jesso T. & Mary A. Doers, agod 11 yean, 1 month and 2 weeks. Cud called t! c gentle l.imli ntv&y 'J'ii dwell with 111 in iibove i Dtlt nil I linw hard it in to part With thoso wo dearly love. Tarou'cll, our Allitrt dear, farewell I 'Ihy 8cet young voice U Mill j A nlnce is vacant at our hearth Which never can be tilled. New iucriisemcnts. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. riMIB partnership heretofore existing between thc un J dcrsigncd, in the manufacture: ofL.irthen Ware, in llloomsburg. was dissolved this day by mutuul consent. The Hunks and yccounts will be settled by John Ilicka, who will continue the business al thc old stand. i:lias nicies, JOHN 1I1CKS. ninomsburg, Nov. 21, 1EG3-3W. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. EUate of Samuel fj'hary, deceased. T r.TTlIRS Testamentary on the estato of Samuel 'Icccasu.t. havo been granted by the Register of Wills, ic, to the undcrsigncdn sBrcsidlng in said township, XJ wi liarv. Into of Locust townshin. Columbia cuunlv all persons linving claims against tho estato of the do cedent arc requested to pres. nt them to tho l'.xccutor at his residenco in said township, without delay, und all persons indebted to mako payment forthwith. JUIl.N 11L.1.MIU1.LI, tiecutor. Nov. 21, ieC3-G52 Oyster Saloon. fJHIE undersigned would announco to JL to the public that he has refitted Ills SALOON, one door Bast of his llakery, on Maiu Street, Bloomsburg, Pa., and is prepared to accommodate Loih Ladiess und (.(.'iiucmcn. lie is preparcu to liirnlsli Oysters, Wholesale J- Retail, BY THE CAN OR -OTHERWISE. II. STOlINl'.lt, BloomsbHrg, Nov. 21, 1803-41. Public Sale OI' VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. WILL be exposed to sale by public vendue, upon tho premises, now occupied by David 1 ciby, on Saturday, December 12tk, 1803, Two Tracts of Land, containing Ono Hundred nnd Highly Acres in all, situ ate in Locust township, Columbia county, late tho 1 1 tutu of Frederick Lelby, deceased, adjoining lands of Cyrus Johnson, John llinc, George Stine, und John I'erry, mostly improved land. Said Tracts or Plantations will be sold in two aspe rate parts so as to mako Farms of nearly equal size. Thai is to say the homestead will contain about ONE HUN D 11 ED ACRES, aomoTOor 89 acres of which is cleared land, There arc erected upon thc premises of the first named prop erty, n (1001) UKICK IIOUSU, well finished, n largo Framo Hank llarn, good .Spring House, Wagon Shed and the usual outbuildings, with a never-failing Spring of Water, and n Inrgo Orchard of select Fruit Trees. The second named Tract contains about EIGHTY ACRES, some sixty five ocres of which are cleared. There arc erected upon the prsmiscs a FltA.WE HOUSE, Framo Darns, outbuildings and good Orchards. B"&( (a comment! aa 10 o'ctcck, A. M.,ef midday, when attendance Kill he gittH and conditio nt bo made known ty DANIEL LEIHY, Morntu for the lliirt, JLocust twp , Nov. 21, 180.1. NEW ARRIVAL. Fall & Winter Goods At A. J. Evans' n m BLOOMSBURG, PENN. LATEST SYLES OAEAP GOODS THE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and tho public generally, that he has Just received from tho Eastern cities, a large assortment of being tho best assortment ever offered In this market, Also a comnlcte assortment of llovs Clothlni.. In (n.i everything in tho Clothing Lino For those who prefer ' In leave Ihcir measures, u prrfect fit guaranteed, and nothing but the best workmanship allowed at this m, tablishiueiil. Ho also keeps on hand a large assort ineiit of BOOTS AND SHOES, io, IIATS AND CAPS, together with a variety of notions, uv uaitu nr u OL.U r w vuunstii.t , -a Blsoiniburgi Nor, SI, KM, A, J, EVANS, CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. A puro nnd powerful Tonic, mrroctlvo nnd nttotalltC of wonderful clllcncy In dUcaio of tho STOMACH, I.IVICR AM) BOWELS. Crc Ilyspppla, Liver Tomplaint, Headache, Cenetu' Debility, Nervoinncn. Ucprestlnn of Cplrltn. Uon, itipatlon, Colic, Intormlttf nt Fcvern, Crnmp and Hpain, nnd nil t ntnpTnl nls of either Sex, nrlslng from llodily Wenknou whether Inherent In tho system or produced by special cause a. Notiiino that Is not wholesome, genial and restora tive In Its nature enters Into the composition nfllOj. TI'.TTElfS STOMACH MTTCHS. This popular pro. tmratlon contains no mineral of any kind, no deadly botanical clement; no fiery excitant i but it isn cointf na.lon nfhho extracts of rnro balsamic herbs and plants with tho purest nnd mildest of all diffusive stira, ulcnts. It is well to be foroarmed against disease, nnd, so far as tho human system can bo protected by human means against maladies engendered by nn unwholesome at mospliere. Impure water and olher external causes. llOd I'ETTEH'.i HITTERS may bo relied on as a rare- In distrltts Infestod with Fever and.lgni, It has been found infallible as a preventive nnd Irresistible ns a remedy nnd thousand who resort to ft under appre hension ofnnuttnck. escape tho scoitrac ; and thousand who neglect to avail themselves nf its protective qual ltics in advance, nro cured by n very brief course of this marvelous medicine. Pev, r and Ague patients, after being palld with quinine fur months In vain, tin. til fairly saturated with that i'an?orouH alka'nld, nro not uufrciiucntly restored to health within u few days by the uso of liOsTiiTTr.lfS IIITTl'.IIS. The wenk stoninch is rapidly Invigorated nnd tho op. pctito restored l.y tills ngrceable Tonic, ami hence, it works wonders in cases of UUpepsln and In less con firmed forms of Indigestion, Acting ns n gonllo nnj painless npperlent, ns well ns upnn tho liver, it also invariably relieves the Constipation superinduced by irregular action of tho digestive, and sucrctivo organs. Persons of feeiilo habit, liable .Vtrrowi .Ittrcks, Lou ntti of SpMH nnil Fitt of Languor, find prompt and f ormation relief from the Hitters. The testimony uri his point is most conclusive, and from hum sexes The agony of 11)11 ins Colic is immediately assuaged by a single dose of the stimulant, nnd by occasionally resorting lo it, thc return of the complaint may be prj, vented As n general Tonic, IIOSTr,TTi:R'0 1UTTER3 pro tluro effects which must be experienced or witnessed boforo they enn bo fully appreciated In rases of Con stltutional weakness, premature decay and debility and decrepitude arising fiom old age, it exercises the elec tric influence In the cnnvaleccnt stage of all diseases it operates ns a delightful Invignrant. When the pow ers ol nature arc relaxed, it operates to re iuforci and re-establish them. Last, but not least, it tho onls saf Ulniu'ent, being manufactured from sound and innocu ous materials, nnd entirely free from tho ncld elHinonts present more or less In all tho ordinary tonics und stomachics 01 mo (lay. No family medicine ha' been so universally, ond it may bo truly added. Acserttdly popular with tho Intelli gent portion of the coimnuuityv as UOsTCnXll'tf UIITtllS. Prepared by IIOSTETTER & SMITH, i'iTi siiunit. r. G7Sold by nil Druggists, Grocers and Etorekeeporl everywhere. November 21, 131-3-ly. HELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparations. COMPOUND I'LUID EXTRACT HUCI1U, n pos. live and spcritlc ycuicfy for dlnoaics of the bladder, Kidneys, (iravel, and dropsical swellings. This inediclUR increases the pawcr of nigestlnn, nnd excite tho absorbents into healthy action, by which I In Winery or Calcareous depositions, end nil Unnatural Kulargfiiicinciils are reduced, lis well as pain andiu flamation. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUOIIU. Kor weakness arising from Exscsscs, habits of Dn (iKition, Unrly Indiscretion of Abuses, attended ullU the follow Ing symptoms :v ludixpositiou to fixation. Loss of rower. Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Mrcathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Tain in tin) flack, Universal Latitude of tho Muscular By. Run, lint Hands, Uriiptions on the Face, Dryness of thc Skin, Ulushing of Iho Uody, l'allid Countenance. Theso symptoms, if allowed to go on which this medicine invariably removes, sonn follows ldreiEscv, fvrciTY, Cnurxio I'itt, In one of which the I'atient may require W'hocaneny that tlry aro not frequently followed by thoso "Direful Diseases," "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are awnrn of the cause of their suffering, hut nouo will confess the records of the Insane Asylumsl A nd melancholy deaths by Consumption bear umplo witness to the truth of the assertion. The Constitution oncu effected Willi organic weakness requires tho aid of Medicine to strengthen nnd Invig njatn tho system, which llulmbold's l.xtrnct lluchu in variably docs. A trial will convince the most skeptical. FEM ALES -FEMALES. In many afTectlons peculiar to females tho Extract lluchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlo rosis or Ketcntiiin, Irregularity, painfulncfs, or Sup pression of Cuetomary ill aruutions, ulcerated or scir rhous state of the Uterus, Lcuchorrhun or Whites, Sterility, and fir nil complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from indiscretion habiis of dissipa tion, or in tho DIX'LINU OR CIIANGU OF LITE. -!o: Take no'moro flalsam Mercury, or unpleasant Medi cines for unpleasant and dangerous diseases Helm pie i He boid's Extriut lluchu and Improved Itnco Wash cures secret diseases in all their stages. At little expense. Little or no change in ditt. No inconvinlcncu. an nu exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives htreugth to Uri nate, thereby removing nbruclinns, preventing and curing strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and in flammarion, so frequent in tho class of di-eascs, and expelling all poisonous, diseased nud wornout matter. Thousand upon thousands who havo been the vic tims of quacks, nud who havo paid heavy fees to ba cured in a short time, have found Ihsy were deceived and that the 'POISON" has, by the uso of "powerful astringents" been dried up in the system, t" break out in an uugravated form, and perhaps after murriugo. Uso Hclmbold's Extract lluchu for nil affections and diseases of the Urinary Organs, wnether existing in Male '.ml l'einnlc, from whatever cause originating and no mailer of how ioug ttandiug. Discnses of these Organs requires thc aid of a Diur etic, Helmbold's Extract lluchn is thc Great Dliirelie, and isceruin to have desired clftct in all Diseases for which it is recommended. Evidence of tho must reliable and rciponsibla char acter will accompany tho medicine. l'lico $1 per Bottle, or 0 for $5. Delivered to uny address, securely packed from obser. valiou. Describe symptoms in ull bniniuunicnlions. Cures guaranteed, advice grails. Address Utter for information to If. U. IIELMnOLD, Chimin. 104 South Tcnth-st., below Chestnut, Phlja. IIELMIIOLD'S Jldfical Depot, UELMIlOLD'd Drug and Chemical ll'arehauu, S'Jl Broadway, Nkw Yoek. Itcwaro of Counterfeits and unprincipled dealers who endeavor to dirposo "of their own" nnd ' other" articles on the reputation attained hy llclmhold's Gen uine Preparations, Extract Uuchu, Extract Sarsaparillii Improved Iloso Wash, SOLD BY all nnuaoisrs KrFRYirnF.nr.. ASK FOIt IIELMIIODII'M. TAKF NO OTUEtt. Cut out thc Advcrtisamcnt and send lor it, And avoid imposition and cxposuro. Nov. 21, 1803 ly. DIRECT FUOM THE INDIAN COUNTRY, FIVE THOUSAND ROBES, Which ha will sell. WHOLESALE or 11 ETA I L, si VERY LOW PRICES, Also, HOUSE ULANKE'M, crryn;vMATTti0ffi 403 MtrketSt, nt'doo'r nbovo Fouith, boulh tide, Philadelphia. Nov. H, 1803-3. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Eslitc or Phineas Sitler, dec d. T ET i J Esl TTERS of ndmiiibtratlon on Ibo Estato of Phineas Sitler, lato of lieniori twp.. Columbia county, deceased, havo beon granted uy in I llcglter or unluiniiia county ui i 1 persons having claims against tho county to the undersigned ; all against ino estate oi uiu ucv.- ,i,.,,, , ,i,yl,i m nresaut them tot lie, ai inliiistraior at his residenco In said township, without ueiay, auu all persons indebted to mako naymeut forthwith. ' JOI1V wllEIHHLtNE, Alm'f. Nor, II, to63-liw, 82 W