Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 14, 1863, Image 4
jmnncfs (Solumtu ROTATION OR CHANGE OP CROPS. A subscriber to tlio American AgricuU Hhitt, at Suniursct co., Md,, vritc3 1 ''I liavo nlout 80 acres of medium quality tillable land. Soil, a sandy loam. One half is In com IIio other halflics fal- low, with a natural growth, nuito thick and green. According to tho system ol planting prevailing in this Pot. insula, this fallow ground would bo put iu corn nest year, and tho other patt lio nut to recruit itself with its natural Growth. I find thut co much corn makes exhausting work, and I thing such a system of tillage is gradu ally impoverishing tho boil. , I tliiuk I could do better, as follows: Suppose I turn under my present fallow ground, while it is yet green; horrow it well ; drill it with wheat, and immediately after givo it a top dressing of limo. Leave enough ground, however, of this half, to sow down in oats, to make groin for my horses. Than next Spring, sow tho whole half with clover. At the same time flush up the other half, and nut it in some bet ter gras- (timothy or clover) tiian its natu ral growth, to bo cut in tho Summer and cund for stock, and then turned under in the fiill to receive wheat and oast, and thenceforth to continue ono half in wheat mid oats with clover, anil tho other half in clover for cutting, and turning under. It seems to nie that this system would make vastly less work (especially if having all necessary machinery,) and would also rapidly improve tho soil, and exterminate th weeds." Remark. Probably tho propossd chango of treatment would be an improve ment. The light growth of grass and weeds ordinarily springing up on a sum trier fallow, is a veay inadequate! return to make to land from which a crop of corn is gathered every alternate year. Corn is a strong feeder, and must draw heavily upon tho original productive elements of the soil, unless there bo added something to replace what is required for the growth' ol the crop. Under such a system tho fer tility of the land will deteriorate year by year, until it becomes "worn out," as is seen in thousands of acres in Virginia, wore uuin'termittcd cultivation of tobaco La, drained the soil of its fatness, and left too poor to pay for plowing, until brought into condition by the addition of fertiliz ing material, liut the plan suggested. imiy be still further improved by the in troduction of r lock to feed off the clover during the season after the wheat and oats have been harvested. Thev will nive ,1, ' a goo a accouut ut the loou tliey consume iu tbe weight of heel" added to their frames, and alto in the manure which they havo scattered over the fit Ids. This will more rapididly bring up the condition of the land, than removing tho larger part of the groth, by cutting and curing. It will also 1.- "..'! . . . 1. 1 . i I . .... Spiing, fatten, and turn them offinthe'Jai UtltS QUCl UtipSj Fall, a to cut the clover for their con iumption in Winter. THE MULE. A correspondent of the Wisconsin .Far mer sums up the merits of the rnulo as compared with tho horse as follows : 1. He is much more easily and cheaply raised than tiiu horse, 2. H caU but little more than half as muce whi'u matured, 3. Uo is satisfied with and thrives upon a coarser and less espensivo kind of pro veudtr 4. It costs less to keep him to harness and 5 jB. i-hoes. He is proportionally stronger. Ho i very much tougher. 7. lie is les liable to diseaso. fi. He has more senso and docility. 0. He i belter adapted to some impor tant kiuil.i of work. Ill lie is a true puller, and, when loaded, a quirk traveler. 11. Hi' tells for a better price. 12. He is belter looking. 13. In making but flectness he Is ex- colled by the horse. JELLY CAKE. Mix ono pound of sugar and ono pound of butter until light add eight eggs gradu ally and mix; flavor with extract of orange, then add fourteen ounces of flour and mix well through; then spread the dough out in thin round sheets on white paper, about a large tublespoonful in each. Lay the paper on pans and hake in a quick heat. Do not bako them too much. IVhen cold tako them off tho paper, nnd pat them in piles of two or threo thick, with any kind of jelly or jam between each layer, tiiui ofl' tho edgo all round, nnd fcilt :ugar ovit iheui, or they can bo iced and oriiaiueu cd. Torn Husks. There is ready sale fnr thii tirtiolo ut about SIO per ton at the farm in many section. It is not worth tlii for fodder, and the difference, if it be cash, will pay fur saving them. Cube rem Cancer. Tako tho bark of red ouk and burn it to ashes. Apply this io the causer, till it U fated out. Look well to your stock. SCHICK'S POIiMORlC SYRGP I WILL COKC CONSUMPTION, BCIIENCK'S 1'UI.MON'IO tlYltUT WltL CCRC CONSUMPTION BCIIENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP will tone CONSUMPTION. BCHCNCK'8 PULMONIC BYRUP will cent CON SUMPTION. BCIIENCK'S SUA WEED TONIO , WILL CURB DYSPEPSIA. OIIUNCK'S SEA WEED TONIC WILL CURB D Y S P E P S I A. BCIIENCK'S SCA'VEEt) TONIC WILL CURE DYSl'EI'Sl A. BCIIENCK'S SUaTvEED TONIO WILL Cl'RB DYSPEPS1 A. fCtlENCK'S MANDRAKE TILLS WILL Cl'RB LIVER COMPLAINTS. BCIIENCK'S MANDRAKE TILLS WILL CCRE LIVER COMPLAINTS. BCIIENCK'S MANDRAKES-ILLS WILL CURB LIVER COMPLAINTS. SCIIENCK'S MANDRAKE TILLS WILL CURB LIVER COMPLAINTS. nil J. II. SCIirACK lias n largo suit of room, at Na Si llnnd Street Now York, whine ha cull bo found ovorjr Tuesday, from to 3 p. in., nml nt No. S'J North Sjxlli Street. Philadelphia, Pa , every Saturday. ii u Keeps n large supply 01 mruicines ni ms room, wliiclicau be tiail nt nil limes. Those wishing ndvlco or mi examination of the Lungs will do well to call on Uliu as above. Ho makes no chargo for ndvlce, but fur a thorough eiuinl nation Willi tbe Ucf plromctcr llli pri'o is S I- .Many persons arc afraid to havo their lungs examin ed by Dr. Schenck for Tear they will bo found incurable and hy tint menus it is put oir until It is to late, I low much better it would ha to know their condition at once, as by abundance of evidence, Ilr.S. has shown sufficient certificates in this city that he has cured advanced etoges of Consumption, Dr. Schench's Principal Office is No. 3!i North Sixth slrcct, Philadelphia, whore letters for advice should be dlrectel. Price of tho Pulmonic Syrup and Sea Weed Tonic each SI per bottle, or S3 the half dozen, .Mandrake rills, 2.1 cclits per box, S3-For sale by nil Druggists and Storekeeper!. Octobers, ieC3.-3m. NORTH CENTRAL RAILWAY. Summer Time Table. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Dranth of the Susquehanna, Llmira, and all of Northern New York. ON and after Monday, April 20th lECS'tho Passenger Trains of tho North Central Hallway wilt arrive nt nnd depart from Sunbury, Ilarrlsburg, and lialtimoro e.) follows, viz : S OUT II WAR D. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 10.10 a. m. " leaves Ilarrlsburg, I.ISp m. " arrives nt Itullimoro, 5.33 " Express Trulu leaves Sunbury daily (except funday,) 11,07 p. m, " leaves Ilarrisburg (except Monday,) 2 00 a.m. " arrives nt Galtiinoro daily (ex. cept .Monday,) C.15 " Ilarrlsburg Accominodaliun loaves Harris. burg. 0.30 " N O R T II W A R D. .Mall Train leaves Baltimore dally (except runday,) 0.15 a.m. 11 leaves Ilarrlsburg 1.15 p. in. " arrives at Sunbury. 4.115 " Express Trains lialtimoro daily, 'J. 1 5 " arrives at llarnsburc. 1.35 a. in. " leaves llarri-burg(exccpt Monday) 3.M) ' " arrives ut 'unhury. 5.3S " For further information applv nt the Ollice. 1. N. buBAUKY, Surt. Ilarrisburg, Aug. 8, 18U3. CllKAP HAT STORE REMOVFP. Anollici' Arrival ol' boosts. Now is Your Time to Bit;. t NOW SELL CHEAPER TIIAN EVER, HMIE undersigned having bought out the Oroccryo J David Stroun, has removed his Hat and Cap Stora up to Stroup's old stand. whro in addition to a supe- nor assortment ot srillNG AKD SUMMER Comprising every sort, size and itiality, which will bo sold at unusually low prices, he will continue tho Gro cery and Notion business as carried on by .Mr, Stroup, Also-A fine lot of KID-, MOROi EOSnnd I.ininos to which ho invites the nt cntion of Shoemakers und tho public JOHN K CIRTON. Illoomsluirg, May 30, ISG3 BLOOMSBURG SKYLIGHT, Picture Gallery. THE undersigned Informs the citizens of Bloom, and neighborhood, that he bas take 11 the large- room nt tho bxenango mock, extending over Harney stohncr llakcrv. nud tho Bookstore whero he has nut in a largoSklip' t. It is only by Skylight that good pic tures can boti xeii especially cronns whero cuch ncrson can be lakeJ tst as well as separate. iicn&sgoii 10 consuicnyiio expense to maKO tits cs tablishment first class on", and ho th-refore solicits a liberal patro tge tncnable lilin. to constantly introduce 1110 mnae 1 improvements 01 tlio art. E7 Coun -y produce taken in Exchange for plrturcs HENISY UOSENSTOCK. Bloonnbnrg, Nov. S3 IfOl. Nov. B '52 II. C. II 0 W E R, SURGEON DBKTIST, RrsPECTFIJLLY olTeri Ills profess lonal services to the ladies and gentle men of Idoomsburg nud vicinity. Ho is nrenared In atlnnl m nil flu,,. operations in the Hue of his profeiinu,aud is provided with tho latest improved l'OHCKLAL Tf.F.Tll; which will be inserted on gold, platina, silver and rubber baio lulookwtll us tho natural teeth Mineral plato and Idoik teelh manuf.irturcd nnd all operations on teeth, cnrefuily and properly attended to Residence and otllco a lew doors above, the Court House, tunib side. llloomsburg, JunoO. Irli3, JOHN C. YE ACER, MANUFACTURER & WHOLESALE DEALER IN SSUIATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 257 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov. so, ieu. 3AT30WAl HOTEL, (Late White Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVK THIRD PHILADELPHIA. D. 0. SIEGRISTT PiioniiETOit. Formirltfiom Eugle Hotel Lebanon, Pa T, V. UIIOADS, I LURK, Maroh -J, Ifcli3 12m. STILZ k HARTLEY, Consolidation Dank Building, 329 North Third Stiecl between Vine if Callow hill, PIIILADCLr II I A. June 20, ieC3-ly. WALNUT BBOTKL, LIGHT STREET, Columbia county, Ft i HE undersigned has located nt tho ubovo naic" I lintel, formerly occupied by Feter Hchug, and soi!f its a share of public patronaje. IC" Cood accommodations for man and beast. TI best Uud of liquors at the bar. J, I). KICE, I'roprletor, April II, ISC3- LEATHER t LEATHER 1 1 THE undersigned would announce. Hint ha Lai on hard alliis llui an J Cap Emporium, on Main St., Illooius hurg. an assortment of different kind of leather, such as line calf skjus. morocco, (red nud blacx) and lining all cf which he will sell cheaper than can bo had elsewheie in this market. Call andeietnlne thonifo y-j"''' Blsemibarr.Msy U, lit!. COME ONE! COME ALL? I J J. B ROWER T7'ILL expose to salo every dny thii TT Toll nnd Winter. (--uiidays excepted,) n largo and well selected ntso, lim it of Amirlcaii French and KtiRiisli Goods, lust from tho rnitcrn niitkcts. Plain Dress Onoitt aro tho latest fashion, th ns Cashmere Merinos, Pule Mohair Silk finish, Alpaccns of nil shades. DELAINS at 18, 122, 25, 31 and 35 cts. CALICOES from 18 to 25 rents. SHAWLS alt, wool, long & squaro, nt prices to suit purchasers'. NUBIAS AND WOOL HOODS or kviry sascmrtion. Cloths, Onssimers and Jeans, Hoys wear, chenp. Dadles' Collars, for Men and Cuffs, Sleeves, Head Nets, nnd dress trimmings. Matched and Unbleached Muslins, will be 6old nt n very -small advance, Hosiery, Gloves, Embroidering Rraids, & small wares in great variety. Liuon Catpct Chain and cotton yarn. Boots and Shoes, children s garters nnn t.ndlAa anUpem. Intlet altnners toilet snocs.nnu a largo siock io scicci nom . ui prices. Trunks and oil cloth satchels, Qucenswnic and Hardware. (G k a & E 3R 1 B TOBACCO AND SEGARS, at low prices nml In fart almost everything in my una Hint ittnv Im en lip, I fnr. nn I h rive purchased a inuih lar gcr stock of goods than usual, nnd nm determined to j sen mem at very smnu proius. ior ri-uny Ladies will find it to th-lr advantage lobuy their Dress Cood at this establishment, as 1 will prcsen to every Ludy customer, who may desire it, 0110 of Mail, tune ncmnrosl's latest slecvn pollerns. Call and see tho Mirror of Fashion, Just published, with lull and rcliab'e description of the Intcst Paris fashions. Bloomsburg, Sept. 'JO. I?u3. E. & II. T. ANTHONY, MA.VUFACTUK URS Or P II OTOO R A T II I C M A T 13 R I A L S, 501 Rrcarliuay, New York, Our Cntalogtio now embraces considerably over four thousand different subjects (to , hlc li additions are con tinually being mane) of portraits of Eminent Anuri cans, rlc , iiz:-7'2 Mnjor-Oenerals, 1MI llrig -(Jencrals, !25U Colonels, P4 Lieut -Colonels, V07 other Officers, W) Navy Officers, 525 M.itcmen, 137 Divines, 110 Authors, 30 Artists, 1 1-2 Stage, 10 Prominent Women, 147 Prom inent Foreign Portraits. 2,500 Cupid of Works of Art, Including reproductions of the most celebrated Engra vings, Paintings, Blatues, &c. Catalogues sent on re ceipt of stamp. An order for ono dmcn pictures from our Catalogue will bo tilled on receipt of Jl.bO, and tont by mail, free. PHOTOGRAPHIC albums. 01 these we manufacture a great variety, ranging In price from 50'cents to SoO each. Our Albums have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to nny others. The smaller kinds can bo sent safely by mail at a postoge of kit cents per oz. The more cxpensivu can be sent by ex press. tVc also keep a larfo assortment of Storcscopes nnd Flcrescopic views. Our Catalogue of those will bo sent to any nridre'g on receipt of stamp. E. & II. T Anthony, Manufacturers of Photographic Materials 501 Broadway, New York Friends or relatives of prominent military men will confer n favor by sending us their likenesses to copy. Tliey will be kept cniefully nnd ri turned uninjured. Pino Albums made to order for congregations to pre sent to their Pastor, or for other pnrposes, with suita ble Inscriptions. &c. August 2.', ltG3-0m. National Foundry. BLOOMSUUKG, COLUMBIA CO., 1A. THE subscriber, proprietor of the above named ex tensive establishment, is now prepared to receive orders for All KiUils of Machinery, for Collcries, Bla.t Furnaces, Stationary Engines, .Mills TIIRKSIUNC MACIIINLS &C fcC. lie i3 also prepared to make aioves, all sizes nnd patterns, plow-irons, and'g usually mado in llrst'Claas I'oundrien His extensive facilities and practical workmen, war jantt liliu in reoiWiig tho largest contracts on the uio-t reasonable t' run. (iraiunf all kinds will be takeu in exchanke for catiin: nrJ-Tlii cstRblisliinuht is near the l.ackawan 1K1.V Iilooiiburg Railroad Depot. PE1E11 BILLMEYCR Blaomburg, Sept. 12, Ic'i:). Exchange Hotel, ' ( LiTE col, n, a. jokes, J No. 77 Dock Street, next door to tho Post Office, Philadelphia. rphls well known establishment maintains its usual Jl celebrity, nnd its well known repuiation of being II10 best HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Shall he sustained. Boom may bo had at nil hours pur night, 37 cents i rrr week, S J 50, per month, 81" Tho Bar and Eating Departments are furnished wilt the lujtnf everything the market can produce. CJME, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, and delicacies of every clime may bo had at a niomc ft notice. Meals ut 12 cents and upwards, and may he had from 5 A. M till i atnight. (ienllemen may rest us-urcd that 110 expense will be spared 10 render this Hotel a model one, J. OTTENKIRK, Piopr. March 7. 15C3-3in. Latest utile lowest prices. JUST Received n new assortment of latest styles of I full 1 apcr i nrfuding Bantering, and ( filing Paper, and a general variety of material in his line, whiih w ill be found on tho SC'INII Fl.'K) lumedi ately over the storo of Mr. 1, T Sliurplcsa. entrance ono doer end of Lutxes Drug Moru iu the Rupert Block, where nil persons wishing goods in his lino will be .Iteuded to, In p'.rsoif at at all times. S" I'upar laniip tzecuted to order ami test style, at short wtice. L.. J, 1 lll'll. Illocmoburg, MayO, lSC3-3m eCSHASB HOTEL 3 PUBLIC 4Ql.4iE, H'lLKES-DAltRE, JVJ. nUKun-'crsigned, having taken this well-known stand .1 (formerly of Major I'uterbaugh), respectfully sullo its I no p itrouago of tho publie. Ko pains win do spareo in nuy m lis uriiurimuius, iu render satisfaction to all guest. ThuTAULE and the UAlt willalwuys do supplied nun tne UEST THE MARKET AFFOItES. Qt?" Coml -tabling for Morass and attentive Ho, tiers. The "Exilianee" is eligibly situated on the Public Si'iure, and has therefore peruliar advantages toper suns attending Court or doing business in tho public oftices. Charges moderate. N. II. Whenever you como to town, picaso run. 11. J. YAPLE. Wilkcs-Carrc, Nov. 15. ldfii! KKW JEllSEJ MAIDS FOU SALE, ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS, Sultublo for Cranes, reaches. Fears, llasnberrlcs. Mlreuberrics, llUckbcrries, Currents, tc., of i.'.'5,i 10 oa SU acres each, ai tho following prices fnr the present, via: Vi acres tor 8 '!(. 10 acres for 411U, S i acres for 400, 51 acres for 840, 1 acre for S'-U. Payable 1 by one dollar a week. Also, good Cranbury lands, nnd villago lots in Cheat wood. S3 by luufeet, at 410 euch, payable by onj dol lar a week. The ahovo laud uud larni' an- situute n , Oheotwood, Washington township, liurlingtou county New Jersey. For further information, apply, with 1. o. tituiup, fur a circular, to I) FRANKLIN CLAHK, No. 00 Cedar Street, Now Vork, N. V, January 17, 1-03. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. . ! HE uuderslgned would inform the citizensor rvAt I llloomsburg and vicinity, that iio luaju.t elved and otfersforialuoiioof the mostettensive tSR? nssorlmeiils cf COOKING ami FANi V STOVES ever Introduced into this market. Tho Christopher Ct unilnif, J limes llnbhaud Cloboaro among tlm llrst cls cooking Sieves, nil of which are air-tight and gas btirnei His l'urlor toves aro handsome and the assortm -nt v ried. AL0 Funicular oiu-ntlnii Is paid to Tin-Wnn and House Spouting, upon short iintict. AH kinds o,' repairing will bo done w itli neatness uud despatch. try- Country produce taken in exchange for work. FHILIF d. MOYEIt. nlooinsburg, VaylU.lfcCU. (Opi JTNUT wsile Jnaeentientc Hall,) PHII.AnHI.PHlA, W Y ATT tt IIEULINflB. Propriitori. November SO, 1601, March 13, 1S5I IT m JjB I rrlllS INSTITUTION Is under the sU nianogotnem i .1 nnd dlrorlion or I rot. u. W. Lowell, so long Prln cipal of tho BlXilltAMTOX COMMFACIAL C 'LEGE. Tho course of Instruction embraces ti !io requisites of n thorough practical business edur ion, nnd lias been lately extended by the lulriiductli lluslncss Course, In which the Student regular routine ol business tmnsnclioi nud f.iiulllnrlicd by means ol a storr actual lutintst of buying and sollne on by each Student.) and lluslncss Ot. of Issue ond Deposit, ltoil-lloadingn i of nn Actual ii prices In the - exemplified hi which tho . ids Is carried ., viz! Hanks .-tonin-lloallng Post OIHCe, Tclcgrapn, c. c. Tho I'roprletor has spared notlmoor . ipensoln ma kins thl Course tho "lnt thorough mm completo of nny over presented In tho public, and fuels fully as sured tint nrtcr liavlnp ' n himself engaged In actual buslniss, nnd havlnc had many years' ixperlcnce nt teschlng the ,cinco of Xci ounts, and being aided by n full nnd cltlecient corps of touchers, he will bo on hied to maki) thorough and successful graduates or all WHO may placu themselves unucr ins cnurgu. In Hits essential branch of a buslnss education no College offers better facilities lo tho learner. 'His Bpcnccrlnn system will bo taught in nil Its varieties by tho most skillful innstcrk of tho art. Hticclnieni of Writing from this Institution havo received the highest encomiums from tho press. Tor ennernl information, terms. &c. ndnross for Col. lego .Monthly, which will bo mailed free; rnr sped. ., f Penmanshln. enclose two three cent stamps. Address I). W LOWI'.I.L, Principal., 1 owell's Commercial College. Illniiliamtoii, N. Y. P. S.-One of Hitter & DuncniCs No. 1 nigniy iininicu fine, perfect point, quill spring Cold Pens, with hplJT nnd case, wnrrantod for onu year and to suit, will be sent, free of charge to nny ono wiio will remit SJ.uOto the above address. Otlobej 3. Ieil3 ly. NAIIOXAL I'OMMEttdAL t'OLLLfiES LOCATED IN miLADELPIIIA, S.E.CCRNnR7TII AND CHESTNUT ST3., Nuo York City, liroohlyti, Albany, Troy livjjalo. Detroit, Urvcand, Chicago, ami Si'. Louis Book. keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Arilhmetii CnmmeMnl Law, Forms, Correspondence, &c pinct cally taught. 'I licso Colleges being under tho same (tenornl nnd lo cal management, and unitin? iu each tho advantage of all, offer greater facilities for imparling iustrue i 1 than nny other similar institution In tho country. A Siholarsbip issued by any uno Isgojd in all fci n unlimited time. The Philadelphia College has been recently cnlni. and refurnished in n superior manner, 11111' iauowfl I largest and mott prosperous Commercial Libtitutiou .r the State. Bryant & PlnUton's scrios of Text Books, embrac Book-keeping, Commercial Arithmetic, and Commcr Law, for snle, and sent by mail. K7" For full particulars send for a circular. October IS, 13m. Han. Wilson McOandlcss, Judge of tho United States Circuit Court, President. Corner Pcnn nnd St. Clair Street, PlTTSBUItGIt, PA THE LARGEST. OIIAPEST AND BEST. 535.00 pays fora fu'l Commercial Course. lis No extra charges fnc Manufacturers, Steamboat, I'ailroad and Bank Book-Keeping. .Ministers' sons nt half price Students enter and re view nt nny time 'I liis institution is conducted by experienced Teach ers and practical Accountants, who prepare young men for active business, nt the least expense and shortest time, for tlio most lucrative and responsible situations. Diplomas granted for merit only, Monro tlio universal preference for graduates of this college, by business men. Prof. A. COWLEY, tho host Penman in the Union, who holds tho largest number of llrst premiums, and overall competitors, tcaehes rapid business writing, For specimens of Penmanship, and I'ntalnguc con talntng full information, enclose twenty-live cents to JENKINS & SMITH, Primipals. Hy Attend tvltorctho Son and Clerks of Business Men .nnd Bankers graduate. April HI, lhC2 ly. April 4. 1803. --- fs. --aii. i- ..1? mm T'linunderslgneiftsnrso extensively cncaieit In trie I Uadirtakinir Busincis. and keens constautlv on hand nd for sale at his Warcrooms, a largo assortment of FINISHED f-OFPINS, By which he is enabled to till orders ou presentation Keeps a good Hoisc and Hoarso, and will at al times be ready to attend Fuuorcls. SIMON C. SII1VE. Booni6borg, January 23. 1839 FRESH A li It 1 V A L IMIiLANDllTl!R(i()OilS HE undersigned, grateful for past patronage, rcspec 3 fully informs hlscustumcrs and th puhlicgcuernlly that lie lias Ju.t ri ceiv 'd from tho E.Htcrnc cities, til largest and mot nelect stock of I? all and Winter C $ ; tf ?C fiW pi Cj-vJ- k.4U X jkAXAMistCji That has vt been nnened In Dlonintbure. to which he invites tlio attention of his friends, and assures them that they are olfered for sale at great bargains. His Stock comprises u lareo assorlment of UENTI.'JMEN'S WEAIUNO A1TAUEL. i.'onr liiuie oi t iHiioNAiiLE Dhlcs Coats, of even- des criptmn; l'ants, Vests, rilurts, Cravats Stacks, Cotton liauuKcrcuicis, uiuves, nusiieiiiiurs, etc, GOLD WATCHES AND JKWliLllY, Of every description, lino and cheap. N. II, Remember " .ouenlcrg'i Cheap Emporium.' call nnd see. No charge, for exaniing Hoods. DAVID LOWEN'llEnO nioonmburg, August 20, 1BG3. (June lfj',1,1 FANCY FURS FANCY FURS ! 1 Johu Farcir.i, 718 Aich Street, below 8th, EOUth ldo, PlIILADELlUUA. Importer, Manufacturer of and Dealer in all kinds of FANCY FUltSI !" for Ladies' atid Children a Wear. I wi.h to return my thanks to my friends of Colum bia ami the surrounding counties, for their very liberal patronage extended to mo during tho last few yours, and would snyln them that I now havo iu tore, of my ,, i nxnilm, nnd 111 an u fact u re u very extensive as sortment of all tho ilill'erent kinds uud qualities of Fjincy Fobs for Ladies anil uiuiuren, mat win oo worn during tlm Fulluiid Winter seasons. , I gthe direct Importer of all my Tun from Lump- and having them all inanutucturcd under my own upervUlou euakles mo to oiler my customers nud thu public a liuiidsomer Set of Furs fur tho saiuo money. Ladies please give me n call bef, re purchas ing I Flcaso remember the iiaine.jiuuilRMUjd jtrm. No, 718 Amu Siiuir, Fiu-.tuii.riiu, Sept, 1?, I53.- 5mos, PETER YOUE & SON, HAVEt-'feiillyiptli-'iln 1-00 T AMI SHOE flIIOf ill LW1IIT KI'Ill ET. ('iiliimbiato'inty, Fa., nndnv prepared to do Iho best work on thoshoitcsl lioticutir ut Hie lowest prises, lelbem a oil, April 11, IrU. -f1- vV. ..... llAAAl y MEM HitW I EVERYBODY Another Call. 300,000 MORE MEN WANTED I REVOLUTION IN HIGH PRICES. LAllGE ARRIVAL OF Fall & Winter Goods, AT PETER ENT'S STORE, ix Linnr srnKF.r, cotmmdm cotwrr, m, HAS Just received from Philadelphia, and Is now openlng.nt tho old sland Utc y occupied by Marti tt I'M, a splendid assortment of j which will ho sold cheap' lor OAPII OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills stockcoiislstsof Ladles llrcss Goods choicest st)les and latest fashions Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiory, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cas-imercs, Satinets, Cottotiadcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &c. Groceries, Quccnswaro, Ccdarwaro, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c. BOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS. in slinnorery thing tisimliy kept in a country storo Thepatronnco of old friends, and tho public general ly, Is respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid for country proditre. PETER ENP. Light Street, Nov. 7, 1SC3. BARGAINS'! .BARGAINS! IF YOU WANT TO BUY Fall & Winter Goods, GO TO t'reasy's Store, in Light Slrcct, Pa. Who Keeps all Kin 's of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-Mad 0 Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tohacco, Sojrars, Hats, Boot", Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paint.'2, kc, kc. In addition to our large stni k of Dry Goods, we havo , a largo and lull assortment of lieiidy .Made Clothing j lor en niiil lloys wear whirli u are determined to ; s.MI rli'-iip'-r th n can be bought elsewhere. Cull and tec, and ludgu for yourselves. II. V. CKEASY fc CO. Light Street, Nov. 7, ltC3. '3? FOR EVERY BODY. TERMS CASH OR PRO DUCK. Just come toC and W Kreniner's Htnro. Ill Jer-ey-tou n, Fa, where you willtind all kiudi of Dry (JooiU: suchns Ladies IJrtss Goods, Prints, Mucins Ginghsnis, I-'lannels, Hrtisery, Shawls etc. Groceries. Qncenswaro, Hardware Ccdarwaro, Tin wore, And Drugs. Fish, Meat, Salt, Flour, Tobucco Solars, Hats, Cap, Boots, it Slmcs, IRON AND NAil.S In short, everything that is generally kept In a coun t ry store. We will sell you goods ol fair prii i's nud take nil kinds of produce ns pay-such as llutter. Eeus. (.rain, l.uiubir Shingli-s, ;, k plank, uud iu fact nnj thing 111, it any bony tlso will buy uud s, V nsch np a cm be sold iu tho country. We w 111 not be iiudcmolil by Jew or Ci!utiles, Come then one nnd all,judgo for your selves. Briiit; your trade, but don't ask for trust k w unr.AJiEK. Jcrseytown, Jlay 2, ItG3. THE KEU' GRoCEKY SToltE. MORE FRESH GOODS. Just received at Erasmus' Ntw Store. Molasses, Sugars, Teas, CofTco, Rice, Spices, HaTS and Caps, Fish, Salt Tobacco Sogars, Candies, Razens, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together witli a great variety of notions and ctcete. tas, too nuuicroiis io menuon, 1 (C7"lliittor, l'.ggs. Mint and produco generally taken in exchange fur goods,, A. II, ERASMUS. Uloomsburg, .May9, 1803, j FRESH ARRIVAL OF FALL & Willi (1001)8, Miller's Store. fplli; subscriber has Just returned from Iho Cities JL null unuther largo and select nssortmit of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, and which they aro determined to sell on as moderate terms as i an hu procured elsowlieru in llloomsburg, His stork comprises ladies' mthss onons, of choir, st st) les and latest fashion. DHY GOODS, .1X1) a IKS, iintim'iitF. QVErx-ir.iuE, CF.DAll ll'AltE, HULLUir WARE IltOX, XAII.S, HOOTS ,y SIWF.S HATS if CAPS, tec, yc iyc In slmrl everything usually kept in country Stores In whl'h lie invito I he nublir generally The Highest price paid for country produce. S. II. MILLER. llloomsburg, Oct , 74, If f3. Friends and Relatives.' m. ixviiujw OP TUB I ViTt A17f OAS IrM V 125 AMT IvHiVib &vls!ljr.OsJ tll9W in A fl a INTJKI SOft-jlauV rkJi ' 110j LOWAY'S PILLS. AND OINTMENT. All who have friends nnd Bclnlives In tho Army or Nnvy ihonliltnko nspcr lairnre that they bo nmply sup plied with these Pills nnd Ointment! nnd whero hu litnve Soldiers nnd Snllors havo ni giecteil to provide themselves) with them, no better present ran be sent them by their I'rlends. Tin y havo been proved In bo the r-oldler's never riillln? friend in the hour of need, COUGHS AND COLDS .UTECTING TUOOPrf, Will bo speodly relieved nnd elTeitunlly cured by using these admirable medicines, and by piylng proper attention to tho Dirct lions which nre attached to euch Pot or Box. SICK HEADACHE AND WANT "P AP ETITE, INCIDENTAL TO HOLDIEUS. Those feeling which sosmden us usually nrlefrom trouble or annoyances, ooirui ieu puipiiiuiiiii, -r mi lug and drinking whntevi r Is uiiwholesouio, thus dls- j turblng the healthful action of the liver nud stomnch 1 II.. ...I tr-nu .In.l... ,ft lin I, nil i licso organs inusi oe rune, i j m.iti , 'I lie Pills, taken according to the printed Insrtuctlom, will quickly n healthy ncllon In both liver nnd toinncu. and, ns n natural consequence, n clear head nud good uppctito. WEAKNEsH OR DEIUI.Il'V INDUCED BY OVER I'ATKIUE Will soon disappear by the uscof these Invaluable Pills, and the Sol. Her will quickly nrqulio additional strength. Never lit tin! Ilouels be (Ither conllned or iindulv nrted upon. It tuny seem slrnnge, that Hoi lowny's Pills should bu recommended for Dysentery nun Flux, nimy persons supposing thut tliey would Increase thu rcl xntlnu. This Is n great mistake, for these Pills w ill correct tho liver and stjiiinch, nnd thus remove nil the acrid humors from the system. This niedicino will give torn; nud vigor to the wiiolu organic system, however deranged, while health and strength follow ns n matter uf course. Nuthlng will lnp the re taxation of tho llowos so suru in this famous inidi clue. VOLUNTEEP.3, ATTENTION I INDISCRETIONS OF YOUTH. Sores nnd tjlecrs, lllolihes nnd Swellings, can with rettninty bo raditally cured, if the Pills are taken night nud morning, and Ointment be freely used as stated in Hie printi d instruction-. If treated Iu any ther man ner, they dry up i'. ,ne rati inbreak out in another t herens this ointment will remove tlio humors Irnni tho sy tern, and leave the Path nt a i'lnroilsaiid heallliy man. it win r quiro u niiiu in-rseverain o in uau i.i ses tnlnsuiu a lutiiia cure. FOB WOFNDd EITHER OWASIOVI',11 BY THE BAYONI'.T SAllltt,, oil Till BL LI.ET, SOSES Oil HltUISKS, To which every Snldier and Pallor are liable, thero are no mediucs so safe sine, and convenient, as Hoi- loway's Pills nnd Ointment. 'I he wounded nnd iilmo't ! dying hi Here r might liavo Ills wounds dressed imme diately, if lie. winild only providi himself with tlii. matchless ointment, whiih should be thrust into the wound and smeared all lo'ind it, then covered with it pieco of 1 1 il eti from his ku.ips.i'k and couipiivsc.l with a handkerchief Talking, niclit and morning, Oorri Pills, to cool the system and Prevent infl.iination. l'.veiy Soldier's Knapsack and Seaman's Chest should be provided w Ith thfso t aluable Bemedies. , CAUTION! None ntu genuine unless the words "Ilollowavs, New York and London " are dlcernable us a Walor-uinrk iu every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box ; the same may plainly s3in by holding the leaf to the light. A liainlMjine i iwnrd will bo given to anyone rendering suih iufuruiittiiui us may lead to tiiu detection of nnj party or parties counter feiting the medicines or vending the tain,:, knowing them to b- spurious. Snldat maiijfictory ot Professor Holloway, 60 Miadcn l.uiie. New York, and by all respectable I ) r u z istsnnd Dealers In Medicine, thriuiihoiit the chil.ed world, m boxes ut'.M cents, and $1 cucli. CLf 'l here is contideraldo saving h) taken Iho larger sizes. N. B. Directions fur the guidance of patients in every disorder nrentlixcd to each box. June 'JO, Irti.t.-y. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. CURE YOUU COUGH FOlt 13 CENTS The best unl chenji"sl lloitscholt cmedy 'n the I lot Id. MADAME ZAUOC I'C-HTEIl'.S MA II AmI! Z.MIOO I'CIt TEH'S Curative liaNinn is warrauteil if used recording to thu di ret lions, ti, cum iu rll casi's roiialu. t ol u, Vhonpliig I'nueh, Asihm.i nml nil atfectious of the throat mid l.dugs. Aladamo Xudnc porterV llnlsam l prepared with all the requisite ski I. Iroin a roiiibin.'ilmu of the hr-t rem-edirsthi- vi'gtlabli- Miiadum ull'nrds, its remedial .jur.l i ties are bared on in power lo nssiht the In alihv i in u latum afllir blnml, Ihnnigh the l.uugs. It nut a uu lent n inedy, but mmli'iit warming, seardiini' ninleir ective; can he takiui b) th i oldest person or thu jiiung, est child. Madam 7.adoc Tort r's hnl .nm ha. been iu use by tho ut'ilir fnr over It? years, nnd ins apnrired it present sain inpi- tiy in lug ri-cninmen d In those w ho have uod I it lo tiieir ntllicted li lends ' and oi hers. ! Mot luiportaul. - Ma, 'nine Zadne Porter's Curative n sold nt .1 p Ic- which brings It iu th reach of every one to ke -p it couvein ut fnr use. The time ly usn nfa single bottlu will prote to be worth IUU tiiix's its cost. NOTICI.. Save your money I Do not he persuaded to purchase art jc i-s al 4s tn 51 which do not i-outain the virtues nfa Flcut bnttl of Ma 'uiueM'nrt -r's Curative-llalsam, tliecixl of manufaiiiiriiig w hirh is ns greo'. as alnio-t any ollo'r niedii Inn ; nnd tho very low preci- at which fl i- sold, makes III- profit to Hie cell er nppa, Mtlly small, and tinpriueip'iled dealers wi' Eouii'iimes rcLomiiirndoth -r medicines nu which their prnllts arc largi'i, unless iho customers insist upon linving Madame Poller's and none other. rtk for Madame ''orter's ; uralive I alsam price lllceuts, and ii large bottles at'?3 oe-its, uud take no other. KT-Siilil liy all iruggl tsand Storekeeper at I3ct. a,. I iu larger bottles ni cents. HAL-. UUCKLE, l'r prinors, New York. January ii. in! I. $100 KB WARD! Fort a Medicine that will Cuiie couan. ixflvf.yxji, riCKi.ixa ixtuetuhoat, on itr.i.n.rE cox I'Tin: covctits, as quilk as j SOB'S dDUl AUAM. i I Over Five Thuusniitl liotllis have been said in its native town, and not a tingle in stance of its failure is known. Wo have, in our possession, nny quantity of ccillfl cates, some nf them from eminent physicians, who have 1i8e.1l it i n their practice, nud giM.11 it the pre-emi-iiuiico over ai:y other 1 luitpound. It do,.'S dot dry up u cough, but looncut it, so ns to enable the patient to ox pectorito iri.-ely. Two nr three doses Will luwirialdy cure tickling in tho throat. A Jialf boltlo has often completely cureu thu nin.i SrUUbOJlN COUGH, nnd yet. though it is so sura and speedy in Its operation il is perfectly harmless, being purely vegetable. It is very agreeable to tbe taste, and may be aiiministercd to children of any age. IN OASES OF CROUP wo will guarantee n cure, if taken Iu season. No iamily should bo without il. It is within the reach of all, tho price being ONLY 25 CENTS. And if an investment and thorough trial does not "hack up" thu ubovo statement. Hie money will bo re funded. Wo say Hus knowing its mails, nud feel con- lulert that ono trial will secure fur 11 a home iu every house' old. Do not wastu away with Coughing, when so small an investment will euro you. It may bo hud of any re spectable druggist iu town, who will furnish jou with, a circular of genuine lerliilciui b of cures it lias madu C. U. CLAItE ii CO., Proprietors, . . , , New II AVE!, , Ct. Ti" At wholesale, by Johiiiion, Hollowct fcLowdcn, 53 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. For salo by Uruggistsiiicily, country, uud everywhere, Sepl.'.'j, leu3-(im MAIN HOOD- Hat)! Until Dixtnrcdi llr.ii, 1), i.lnr,,1 J 1 i.uiu .imtufbi, J . i published in a scaled Euvslp , l.icturn on the Nature, Ti i Price Hits. it, and l ullcal ! r-llsn nf Sln,.r,.i,.i,ppltn... ... 1 1 !!'.. t, ., e j Sexuel Ik'b.iity, N'ervousuuss, nu i .nvoluulur Euus siuns, inducing Impoieiicy. I.'ousuiui'tlou, uud .Mental I'h'iical Hebilily, by Itohirt J. 'ulv,-rw ill. l- D. i Tho important fan th.i iiwful consequences of' self-nbu.s may bo cll'-cluully romovnd without iiileriinl medliiues or the dangerous npplieniinu of caustics, in struments, medical bougies, uu I nth r ompiri Ml dcW ' ces is hero clearly demoustraled, and thueuinely u.w and highly successful treatment as adul'ted by Hu cel ebrated aiillinr, fully tvplulucd, by menus of which oi cry ouu is enabled to euro himself perfectly, and at thu least possible ''ml, then by avoiding ull the adver tised nostrums of the. day. This leituro will prove u uuuu iu iuuusuuus aim inousailds, OIIAS. J. I', KLINE, & Co: 137 Uroadway, New Vork, 1'ottOtlico box, 43tt, Aug, IS, Hi;i, ,Nnv I ICO'4 ) .daks S01D1ER' - IN T,,E m" ? AND OUR PEOPLE AT IIOMB Arc now olTered nn opportunity by which they can ob. talnntmuilANU DUitABI.n TlME-PIUi'., at nvVy lowtluurc. Our Watches aro wnrrantsd to keep tliaa ono jenr, nnd tho buyer is allowed tho privilege n vxnuilnatlnn hi l'uro piiyuiciit Is required, jiiii,ri'vi- v.inui i u iuii t.iii, Hi-nuns, a urst tints llunilng Tiuio-Piece of silver material, over which it ileciro'duj plul.'d IB k. gol.l, most dur.ibly wrought, making Hi Imitation so faultless that it cannot bi dctJded frnui th sold mnteilal by tiiu most experi enced Judges I iicliiswlll not effect 11. London Made movement. Improv .1 Duplex iu full ruby action, has sweep seconds, nnd is not to bj oxcelled In general ap penranre, 'I Ills is decidedly nn of tho hjit articles ever otT-rod for traders and speculators, Engineers, emlgriiiit. nnd persons travelling u III find tlu-m in. perlor lo tiny other , nlternllon of cll.unto will not of-f.-ct their nrciirncy. Price, parked iu gun I shnpu and good ruuniug order, only $3.1, or cue of 0 for $MU. SILVER IJOUDLE TIIE IICNTINO LEVEI19, Uest duality Silver Cases, over wlilrli electro. Due plnted IS k. gold.timllnr to our Imprnvvd Duplex. and superior ndj uslcd movements with "-lop,"tn bJ used iu timing horses, etc ; hus four Indexes for Washing, ton nndtireenwlcli time, swerp cecoiid. nud nil (lie improvements. All in all, taking Its beautiful nnd faultless nppenrauto and 41s superior movement Into consideration, we regard it n decidedly the cheapest nrlli Ic ot the kind Iu the ninrki t, Price, In good run ning order, $1.1, or case ofd lor Wo nsk o pny In ndvnuce, but will forrvnrd either of them tij responsible pnrtius, to any part nf the loyal Slates with bill piynble to expressman when Hie goods are delivered nit lug the hujer tho privilege of examination, nnd. if tint satisfactory the watch enn be returned nt our expense Tliootpreos companies refuse making collections on soldiers nud other parties In the dislojnl Stntes, eon sennenlly nil surh orders must bo accompanied by the cash to insure attention. We inn en deduction nftwo do Inrs on either watch when the payment it turn aril advninc. .Money may he sent by express at our ex liciiso. 1 IIOS, I. Ari l, II I Y l'll.. 1 111?, I. A Ft 1,111 1 tuanu roan ei opposiini ity i.oiik, Proxidence, 11, t, October 21, 15G3-4mn. THE GREAT I 51 VE11SEV 9THEET, NEW 1 OUK; Since its organisation, li,i crcatad a new era in tho history ol uholesiiillng Tens 111 tills country. 'I iicy I have Introduced tin Ir seleetlmis of IVas, and Iurc sidling them at nntovir two cents ( Ui Cents) per pound ub'ivo cost, never do vlutiug lru..i tin: one price ns cd. Another peculiarity of the Company is that their Tes Taster not only ilinoteshls time to tho selection of ithclr'IVas as to quality, value, and particular styles fur particular localities of country, hut lie helps the Tea biiver lo thno-u out oi'th"lr enormous stock such Teas ns nre Ije.t adopted to Ills particular wants, nnd not only this hut points nut to him thu best bargains. It is easy to sec the incalculable advantage n Tea nuyerhas in this establishment oi "r all others, I fhe is no Judge or Ten or the .Market, If his time Is velualilc he has all the bciiiUls nf u wi II ntgaiil d sys tem of doiue business of immense e.ielti I. of the Indee. inenl of a professional Ten Taster, uud the knowledge I nf sunn, Ins -lr fi lll.'lll . This t mi Ides all Tea buyirs-en matter if they aro thousands of mills from this market- to port base on m good terms lure as thu New Vork merihants. Parties can order Teas nud will bo served by us as well ns though they came themselves, being Sure to fit original packages true weights and tares ; nud tho Teas are Warranted ai r 'pros'-nted, we issue n I'ricu l.i.t of the Company's Teas, tilth will be stnl to all who order it; comprising llyson. Young Uyson, Imperial Gun powder Twanhay ami Skin. ooi.ovo, poticnoyo, ouasce iivson rr.Koc, Japan Tea of evejy description, colored arid uncolor ed. This list lias cneli kind of Ti n divided into four Classes, nana ly ; Cargo. Iii-li Cargo, I'iue. Finest that uveri Jnu lii.i i' understand from description and tho prices annexed Hint tho I'o.npauy lire detcrmi lied to miller! II Hu u lu ll: Tea trade We guarantee to sell all our teas nt not over two cents ( IU cents) per pouut lIi.ivc cost, bi-lievlug this to bo ntlr.ulive to the many n ho have herUoforu been paj ing i minimus piofits. UI.EAT AMEltlC.W TEA COMPANY. jnd, No SI Vcsey Street, New Vork. Sept. 12, lPfiD-Smo. EVANS k WATSON jlffrS S I It. I ll.l.MII.U (iri., i.r ll!i.L, ..lV'4i MOVED to V ) toirtk Fovrlk 'thi..f;', Hired, rhltaUlph a. have on 'i-Xcv-'j kt''1ii-?,'-, nnd a large assortment i.f Fiie ti5rTJ?.'8'-rv,'fSil Tliief proofS-ilamander S.ires. K" KUiliJi SUilft- 'so. iron doors, for b,inl. and f?'- Z&k-'SjsT-'i. s,nr,'s-shutters iron sash, alt 'Wfrv J! makes of locks equal to any ma ta in the 1'nited States. Firt Sic in eiic fin. .Ill cant out right; vilk tor tevln in ircod cottthliitn. The Salamander Safes of Philadelphia against Ibv world. FVANS k WATSON, have had tlii surest I'emnstr.itlnn in the f illowlng eel tificate that tlHr mauuf.iilure if Salniiinn .-r Saf, s has at length fully warrant d Hi - repr.'seiitalious ulikli liuvo been made ot th mii us rendering a;i undoubted s-cunty against the terrilic elemeut. rhllndtlphia April 12. l?5n. ,RiH Front S,- Watson: (.entl, mi 11 - It lltfords ul the lushest satisfaction lo net-- to you, owing l i Iheviy r t'-i tiv- oualitl siftwo nf ih.i S,ilaiu-inder, S,if s which we purih.-.s d of somo five mnntii sine; we aed a lure- portinii of Jew, Iry nnd nM our lun.ks, fce.. i.pied to th.- e,'il,ii,iiti ju,!ire in Raiutead place on the mnriuug of ih - llli inn.. W:i n . e r. M ,t Mi.t Hi s saf s w n- lnrate.l in tl.s fnurlli wii .il'lle hiiiUiug wi occuiii'd and that tin y f'll subsi ,ti, nil) int., u h ap uf burning ruins. wh.T' tin vast lulu' iiliatluu of the h at caitsi-d ill brass plat-s t-i mi-It. we e.inui t but regard tin- preservation of their val liable cnntents a most com iucing pro f of tlu great se curity ntl'nrdeil b) your sates. We shall leke great pleiisureiu recnmnrniliiifj UVui . men of business us a ur.' reliaure against tire. (iEOIICE . SIMMONS it illto.. .eitlhri. CvThe) haw since pnrihased n. large Safer). July io, lets.'. August '.'0 1P . C R I T T b S D E N ' S rniLUIEl.l'lliA (O.ViUKHMAL. COLLEGE N. E, comet nj 'th ua-l ('hrs'itul Strerli PHILADELPHIA. Tim Iistiti-tion. which was tuabllthrtl in t?U and is now coiisequentli 111 the rijfhtnnth ytcr f Its exist euro, numbers among its graduates, hundreds of -ho most ucecssfiil Merchants -1 ml t'.usiuesd Men of eur Country. Tils: On iter of the Institution t soli ly to. afford young men facilities fnr thorough pri'par.ilioufor business. The lliiAiiii.3Tfi.iiTare. ItuoK-lirepni;, as applica ble tntlm various departments of trade; t'einimuthtp, liolh plain and oriiam ' ; t.',nncrc'ul late .Ma'hf matte, NaeliratfiKi Cnil Engineering, itra itg, hm. ogtirpti'J, n,n .Modern Ijiitgnuges. TtK SviiKH or- lssirccr:n isp'cullnr ; no classes or set lessons are made u-i- of. but 1 nch student is taught individually, so that In, may commeuei-nt 11 ny time, and attend nt whatever hours nre most convenient. Catjilogcf. areissued asim-f nfter the 15th of April containing nnmos of tlio student, for 111 1 year, ami full particulars "ft -nn, &c , nml may be obtained at uny time by uddre ing tho Principal. Is F.xtfssivk Accommootions, tcitlc'ipreail reputation nnd Ho- leu nihil eipencnte of the Principal, till liistitu tinn otfers fui ilitii s superior tunny ntheriii the coun try, for young men wist lug tnpri'par- fnr busin'ss, and tn obtain nt the same time a diploma, vkich vitt pr"ve a reccmmtiidatwn lor llicui them to any Merchan tile House. C7-CuiTEsrrx's 'rrirs of Treatins on llnoK-Kmf-INfi now noro widely than any other work ou tho subject, aro fur sal nt tho College. 3. HODGES CHITTENDEN, .'Htornty-at-Lair, 1'RIXCIMI.I 1 Jan. 55-lSO'J 12in. tVBJSTa'SS Hit i Bi3., Nos. D, 11, li), 15, 17 Couitlandt Street, NEAR UROADWAY, NEW YOIiK CITY. This old-established and favorite resort of tho Ilusi uess Community lias been recently rciilled. and is cum lilcle ill ever) thing that call minister to the comforts of its patrons Ladies and families ate specially und care fully provided for. Il i centrally located in the hii-iness part of the city, nml is contiguous to the principal lines cf steamboats, cars, nuinibusses ferries, ice. In consequence of tlm pressure caused by tho Rebel I lion, prices linvc been reduced tu One Dollar a cl 1'ijtij C cnts per Day. 'I lie table is amply supplied with all the luxuries of tho season, and is equal tu that of any other hotel in III country. ( Ample accommodation! arc oftereil for upward of 401) i guests. E7 Do not bolievo runners, hackinen, and others who may say "the Western Hotel is full." 11. 1). WINCHESTER, Proprietor. ; TIIOS. D. WINCHESTER, I Feb. 15, lefitf. ffMIE Proprietor of litis wtll-kpow n and coniraiiy ipea I J ted House, the ExunMiK llotn , siliiato on .Mai, Street, in lllunmsburg, imme. lately ".mosite the Lolum hiu County Court House, respectlnll) informs Ills frieuus I and tlio public In general, that his House is u m or I dcrlnrtlie reception nndeutertiiininent of It., -swtiu ' may feel disposed to favor it with their custom, llo has spared no expense III prepaiing tlio Emimmiu, lor liio ' iiiilertninuiciit of his guests, neither shall there be any. thing wauling Mil Ills pnrO to minister to their personal , comfort. Ills house, i spacious and enjoys un excellent i business location. 1 IE- Ouiiiihuses run nt nil times between Iho Excnango Hotel and tlm vurious R iil Depots, by which trov elers will ho pleasantly conveyed tn and from the re speclive Stations in duo timo to meet tho l.'nrii. , 1 W.M. II. KOONS. llloomsburg, July 7. WO- IMIKiiMNi IX STATION A, 17. 2,500 OrMi Meet Pent, 600,000 jilr Blank hooU CiO.OOO F.ntclopet, Slates, Ink, Curtain & Wrapping paper, Pass books, l.end l'eiicili (;iid-lViis, very tine. tiilioul book visiting Cards, ice u largo portion of w liich is stock purchased before iho riso in prices aud nuw telling low ion cash, Win. G. PEIIRY. Ilookieller ic Stallener. . I 1 .1. nr. 4I, tr Unit fHlUdfU: Msrsi 7 lin-3 aos