Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 14, 1863, Image 2

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edited bv i.kvi t tate, rnorntETon I
fenturday, November M, I8G3.
rt-n.i, N1M,,
( Puejoettotho Decision of the Democratic National
Convention. )
A. Logan GniM , Esq., Counsellor and
Attorney at Law, of Lapoilo, Sullivan co.,
publishes Card in this Dcmcorat. Any
of our people having legal business to
transact in Sitllivau will do well to em
ploy Mr. Grim. No has tbo reputation of
n goou Lawyer and an honest man.
Hon. David It. Montgomery.
This gentleman has been elected to the
State Scnato by the Democratic patty, by
a majoity 2,288, thus redeeming tbo Thir
teenth District. Mr, Montgomery is a
worthy gentleman a largo Farmer of
Nortulrmbcrland sound democrat, and
will mako a reliable Senator. Wo rcjoiou
In his triumphant succofs, and no longer
will our District bo misrepresented by a
Shoddy Abolition Republican.
Mr. Perry's Book Store.
Our readers will find in these columns
notices of Mr. Perry's Book Storo and Sta
tionery House, Corner of Fourth and Race
Streets, Philadelphia, wbero they can al
ways obtain by calling or sending for, any
thing in his line at low prices and ol a good
quality. Wo speak knowingly of Mr.
Perry and adviso our frionda to givo him
a call. Ho labor: to render gcnsral satis
faction to all his customer.
It. Wilson Pluuy, a younger brother
of the celebrated Philadelphia Stationer
wo notico by the papers, who went to the
war as a privrto iu tba 104th, Pa. Regt.,
has boon promoted, step by step, to a dis
tinguished portion in the staff of Genera1
Montgomery. This is creditable to Colonel
Perry. ''True merit is bound to sbiuo."
rctersou's illagozlue,
We ar in rcccip'l of this popular Maga
zine, for December. It is a splendid num
ber. "Peterson" will be greatly improved
in 18G4. It will contain nearly 1000
pages of double column reading matter ;
14 steel plates , 12 colored steel fashion
plates; 12 colored in Berlin work, em
broidery or crochet, aud 000 wood engra
vings proportionately moro than any
other periodical gires. Its stories and
novelets are by tho best writers. In 18C4
Four Original Copyright Novclots will be
given. Its Fashions are ahvay tho Latest
and Prettiest. Every neighborhood ought
to mako up a club. Its price is but Two
Dollars a year, or a dollar less than Mag.
azines of its class. It is the Magazine
for tho times I To clubs it is cheaper still
viz : three oopios for S5,fivc 7.00, or eight
for 10. To every person getting up a
club, (at these rates,) the Publisher will
send an extra copy gratis. Specimens
sent (if writton for) to thoso wishing to get
up clubs. Address, post-paid, Chaulks
J. Pjsteuson, aOO Chestnut Street, Phila
delbia. $300 For Tlireo Years.
The Provost Marshal General iu a lato
letter to tho Assistant .Provost Marshal
General of New York, declares that tho
payment of tho $300 commutation entitles
a drafted man to the samo exemption as if
he had sent a substitute or gone in person.
Tho Stale will therefore receive the same
credit for such persons as if they had giy.
en in personal service, and in like manner
towns which havo raised tho money to pay
their quotas will receive the same credit as
if actual substitutes had been furnished.
The President has ordered that ''every
citizen who has paid commutation shall re
ceive the same credit therefor as if he had
furnished a substitute and was osonoratcd
from tho military scrvico for tho time for
which be was drafted namely, for three
Union Leaguers. This motley crow
of "green-back" enthusiasts is still "ply
ing their vocation." Their great and next
aim is to have tho Government administer
ed in all its departments by men who are
willing to work delusively for tho negro
utterly ignoring the white man. They
think they see danger when an official,
who, because" of his probity, honesty, effic
iency and unapproachable character is re
tained in an official position. Every man
lo bo loyal and safo in their judgment
must spit upon tlio lonsutution, trample
down States' rights and bow to theuniver
behests of an imperial despotism ; no coun
try could exist when such politioal mal
contents control its destiny ; tbey aro in
capablo u( administering a government.
with Juries. Having
Z rZ:
iiiicu uiiun uiiuvsb uiiui v umci uuu
stitu. om.1 right of tho people, tbo radical '
Aboliiionists'now talk ot dicing with
(rial by jury. Tho Philadelphia Bulletin
has broken ground on this question, and ,
no doubt other papers of tbo samo school
r ..!!.: in 1
.an. a
r. . t.u XTn r
Mnuia iiuh gnus wuiuuiauu. no
should have been disappointed had tbo
.Irfll.A- . L - - nc..1i.i,l tn . I, n I ti n mw
"'ools who nro All Led by Knaves.
Overt TrtEAso.N ini Ohio. In tint op.
,ns lho Etiglislt laiiguacc oan mnko it, thntl
llto Vullnndigliam loadora in Ohio aro in
roalitv rebels in tlltrmlcn. Tl.ia cnllptiin. I
concocted so riso tin sntlilnnilv w'tli n o.
lected band of traitors, rulcnso tbo lliroo
or four thousand rebel prisoners at Camp
, - --.
Chase, break upon tho Punitcutiary and
.Stato Arjonol.tirm themselves, and
uuau iuuiyaii aim ma umcerj, aoizo tlio
K 1 A A M n 1 A 1 II 1 , ....
Mnko in behalf of robcldom, ouelit to sat-
ii,f' cm loftl mnn'bo ho vhom Lo may,
of tbo object of political loaders in oppos '
ing tbo Government in its efforts to put1
uown the rebellion and rostoro tbo Union.
Wo -copy this from tho Gcrmantown
Tikgraph. Tho alleged plot alluded to ( how tho military despotism established in
was a miserablo canard, invented by tho ( Maryland during tho last two years, man
Administration party to influenco tbo Now , agc3 to control elections in that State.
York and Now Jersey clcctiong. And i Tho same forco, precisely, has boon cm
yet tho editor of tho Gcnmantonn 7tc j ployed by tho Adminisiration to prevent a
graph swallowed it as a yerlilablo narra- 'free exnrossion oftlm nnnnlnr will J., ntl.or
Jtivc, Why, Major Froas. what a eredu-
lous old ass you aro ! It is just such fools
as you whom tho Abolition leaders havo
been, for tbrco years, systematically play -
ing upon. Thoy tell you that everybody
who will not acquiesco in every absurd
and unlawful act of tbo Administration, is
a traitor, and you bolievo them. And
.t i.i it i.
WUCn thev lleclaro that two nv Ihrtmmnn
estate ot tinio, by forco ol arms, you ac
copt it all as a reality. It is just such
imbeciles as you who who arc helping a
treasonable faction to lead tho nation to
The New York Day Book.
Tho editor of the Now Hampshire States
and Union, speaking of tbo abovo paper,
says: '-It is sound to thocoro,and is almost
the only paper in tho country that deals
rightly and Democratically with the negro
question. If tho Democratic party, twen
ty years ago, had taken the ground occu
pied by this paper on tho negro and Abo
lition questions, and stuck to it, like true
men, we never should have had this war,
and the country to day would havo been
pro -porous and happy. The quicker they
accept this position, and act earnestly up
on it, tho quoikcr we shall havo peace and
a restored Union, and, wo may add we
never shall havo these desirable results on
any other ground."
See prospectus in another column
- 1 1 t
The Habeas Conrus. Tho War De
partment has made a modification of the
Prcsidotit's proclamation suspending tho
habeas corpus act, that hereafter tho civil
courts will bo allowed to take cognizance
as heretofore of all cases for tho discharge
of minors improperly enlisted and illegal
ly obtained by tho military authorics.
This announcement, is made by the Ad
jutant General in a dispatch to Mr. Simon
Steam, a lawyer of Now York, in relation
to the casa of a minor in which he was
interested. TIub decision will afford a
sensiblo relief to tbo community and legal
profession, and relievo tbo President's
proclamation of a feature that has render
ed it difficult, if not impossible, to nlUnin
jredress for thoso who cannot Incllw !,
detained in tho army.
Republican Treason. Extraordina
ry developments have recently been made
in New York, Henry B. Stanton, tbo
Deputy colloctor of the Port and other
prominent Black Republicans officials of
Mr. .Lincoln s havo been deteeted in the
act of sending merchandize and supplies,
in violation of law, to tho rebel authorities
at Richmond, of course receiving laro
pay and profits from Jeff. Davis' govern
ment. Some rioh exposures are cxnected.
Here wo have another evidence of the hon
e.ity and hyjtij of somo of tho Lincoln
office-holders, Nothing is too dishonora
ble for them to do if thoy can Cll their
pookots with money.
U. S. Revenue Tax. Farmers who
butcher their own stock that is tho stook
thoy have raised or fattened on their
farms and in that way sell it, must make
a return under oath to tho Assistant As
sessor of all atoek thus slaughtered and
sold. Thoy do not need a licenso unless
thoy sell 81,000 worth ; but they are
hound to pay 20 oents per head for all oat
ilo over 18 months old, 5 cents for all uu
der 18 months, G conts for each hog and
3 cents for each sheep.
ThePeaof Necessitv. This plea
haR been the plea of restrictive tyranny
from tho beginning of time. If exclusion
or severity iu church or Stato is to bo do-
fended on this ground, what is it but tho
general plea for despotism and cruelty tbo
world over ? Tho Christians woro perse
cutcd by tho Jows and Pagans because
Hebrewism and Paganism wero in dan-
If fear or neoessity can justify wrong
or outrage, then snatch from tho sontoncn I
of unmerited obloquy thoso tyrants and
dospoti history has so long covered with j
The Lesson of To-Dav. It is that tho ;
nrACA-nnllAn -( lU TT..!-- ! - '. . 1 1 . . for 8n, ;70. n ::
uiubi vuli'jli ui .uu ijiiii.ii i?t nrnir li i v I
which is itself to bo valued and cherished, )
P - eipally because it is tho consecrated I
guardian of tho most.raablo principals of;
ilti I
0lv liberty
In New York City the Democrats havo
raaionlity of over 10,000, which is a
1 1 : rr r nt.n..i torinn nln.n
juiiiujj uji ui auuui oiuuu liioi juni, '
whilst tho Abolitionists gain about 700.
T' U ! b rr ! li nn.lw n . n waw
M.nm CiiVllA nillVU nail
How (lie Elections nro Controlled !
AniiEST of Candidates in Uai.timohb
Countv. 8hortly after tbo opouing of
tlio poll) thti morning in Ualtin
Messrs. Geo. II. Carman, It. E
and llioiiaril Hlnnon. Imtnnni,
Ualtimoro county,
1. It. tttlivln llnnlr
and Kiohard G
datcr for tbo ofTicos of Clork of tbo Circuit
Court, Sheriff and State's Attornoy, wero
arretted liv nrilnr nf tlm mllifnru iiiiUn.
J w. -MW lUIIIIUI J l H. H 1 1 I
tics. They wero broucht It) this city and
i'iuu to tuc rrovost iMarsiial s olliea
... I. .... I
wbero ihoy wore detained until about four
ociook yestoruay aitoriioon, when they
were unconditionallv rnlonsnil. Tlm nlmr.
gs prt
ges preferred agaiust them wero not ma do
Tbo abovo. nnrno-rnnli !a til,-n fmm dm
1 liaftimore Sun oflt 'IM,r0fl W Tt alt rtlifa
(of military power in tho elections that tho
I New York 'Iribunc, in its edition of tho
.aoth of Septombcr last, said :
J "If iho President elect is to tako and
keep his offico by virtue of the bayonet,
voting soon becomes a dreary absurdity;
f?rA hiSinct ia uUiumtoly to choose
i tho President, the pro iminary ballot rnieht
. ' J uiijjiu
I m well bo dispensed with.
Tho I'scndo Union Parly.
The Administration party, in the late
oleotions, took ground in favor of prose
cuting the war vigorously for what they
call nn ''honorablo and enduring peace."
But facts havo shown tho course of the
Administri.tioiijthus far.shows that pcaco
without subjugation peaco without tho
abolition of slavery peace without tho
conversion of tho State into tnrritoiier
pcaeo without confiscation of all the pro
perty of all tho people of.tho South- pcaeo
without a total destruction of the Union as
it was, and the Constitution as it is. is not
tho kind of peace which tho Abolition
party wants or is fighting for.
Now Jersey Election.
"Faithful among tho faithless," New
Jersey remains true to tho Constitution
and Union, by chosing her vote in favor
of the Democrat. The result of the elec
tion in this Stato on Tuesday last, is brief
ly summed up as follows :
Senators holding over Abolitionists,
4 ; Democrats, 9. Newly elected, Dem
ocrats, 5: Abolitionists. 3. In the House
tho Democrats olect 39, the Abolitionists
29, and one is in doubt in Uurlington co.,
The Legislatures will now stand Sen
ate, 14 Demoorats, 7 Abolitionists; As
sembly, 30 Democrats, 20 Abolitionists.
One joint ballot, 53 Demoorats and 27
Abolitionists, and ono doubtful.
Ihero were no Stato officers elected
this year.
New York Election. Tho Admin
istration has achieved "another great vic
tory for the Union,"not in the field, whero
suoh victories ought lo bo gained, but in
New York. As wo antioipated, the
election in that Stato last Tuesday, was
carried by tho Abolitionists, who have a
majority of about 20,000 on tho Stato
ticket, and both branchos of tbo Legisla
turo. Tho Democratic majority in tho
city of New York is about 20,900, which
elects all the City Judges, &o.
Senatorial Vote 1803 The fol
lowing is tho official vote for Senator in
this (13th) District :
Countios, Montoomerv, D. Willits, A.
Montgomery's Maj. t288
It is stated that it will be urged by
members in tho next Congress to amend
tho Conscription Bill, by increasing tho
pay ofprivato soldiers to sixty dollars a
month, to stimulate enlistments and thus
crush out the rebellion speedily
In New York coal is selling at $10 per
tou, and doalers predict that it will bo
held at $15 beforonext Sprinc-. And vet
the statistics of the coal companies show
an increat;e of moro than twenty per cent,
in tho quantity mined this year over last.
In New York coal is selling at 310 per:
ton, and dealers predict that it will bo
held at 15 before next-sprintr And vet
me statistics snow an incroato of more
than twenty per oent. in tho quality mined
this year over last.
- -
A suit against the Hon. Simon Came
ron, for alleged illegal arrest and impris
onment at Fort Lafayette, whilo ho was
ary ot "nr W,H corae on for "al
at "alt"ro a few days.
A gentleman of Boston, who has been
bitterly denounced as a copperhead, con-
. iriuuieu ono tuousatut dollars to tbo fuud
to Pay r volunteers.
.positions to increase tho salary of
t-j. ..t , tt . i . I
luu 01 01 luc u"'l0U 'ai " " Ul '
tTlT'0"' '
'Prr.. ,1.. t I. 1 1 .. I ,
!,. ...mi ... ,. .
V i
... D
Rr.-i... . . . .
iuunuil lUWIlSilip, in AlCrCOr OOUIlty,
Ohio, gavo Vallandigham throo hundred
.mJ ft.H.ntnn u . I I . . 1.
and fifty-nino votes, and Brough none,
War iVcvrs. j western Virginia by an altaok of tho enemy
Tho Army of tlio Potomao under Gon. uPon LouJoll 011 lho railroad between
Mcatlc advanced south of tho Itnppahau- Chattanooga and Knoxvillo. Gonoral
nook on Saturday last without sorlou op- 1uVnsil10 rcut principal part of his
position. Tho enemy, driven out of their forcos lo I,oml" lo Protcct ,,is ronr' but
works retired quietly t and now tho two ar- lho oaela h a 8uddcn nltnck aB' aonoral
mics arc back at the original slatting point. Granl lolcSraI'lls to Washington, has cut
1,730 Confederate prisoners wcrQcapttlred o!hh advanco Positlon on tho Lil,1 Tcn'
in tho recent movements, and tho Federal noisoo, cast of Loudon, ond captured half
loss was about four hundred. , 1,10 comturDU' Tllis "ould bo about threo
When the right wing of tbo Army of'ffou! "l' Afl.a punlebment for
tho Potomac reached the Rappahannock, hia l'a,foa,8 itl,, Administration has necep
tho enemy were found to be in considora- cd BaT"M 8 rcs,6uation' Who is to
bio force, and holding this side of the river. fucoCod ll,m 13 not moutloncd'
Tho rebel batteries, earthworks and rc A rumor was in circulation on Monday
.in..i,a it. l.-i.- i .... . that Fort Sumter surrended on tho third
t.uuu. w'miuiu mu uiiuua on ooill Pino ot
tho Rappahannock
Gon. Sedgwick at onco advanced and
stormed them, and this was done with
groat gallantry and impetuosity, causing
miioh slaughter, and taking a largo num
ber of prisoners. When Gen. French
reached Kelly's Ford, about six miles
below Rappahannock Station, tho enemy
throw an entire division across in support
of their n'eket lino on thiq shin. Ron.
i?..,.t. t,..:i.. .i
x.mvu uuauij, iuuk a position so as to
bring bis artillery to bear upon them, and
ho proceeded to shell them with marked
effect, not only killing a large numbor, but.
throwing thorn in utter confusion, seattor- j
ing them wildly nnd taking many pris-
oners. Ironeh folio wod up his advantage School and who has had ample npportu.
and immediately throw tho 1st division of nities of judging, is but the opinion of all.
tho 3d corps, commaudod by Gen.Birney,1 "After having visited nearly all tbo
across the river, which ended his opora- leading comorcial Schools iu tho country,
lions for tho day. ; i foe constrained to say that the Iron City
Gonoral Sedgwick had previ usly crossed. ( Collego of Pittsburgh, Pa., stands unri
and at 0 o'clock this morning tho two ( vald, and without an equa'. I know of
wings of tho army had formed a junction 'no Institution more eminently dersorving
and held both banks of the river. 1 0f public confidence and public patronage
Tho enemy, after their defeat in thcto than this. John F. Davis, Suptof Com
two scparato engagements, wero so hotly ' mon Schools for Fulton Co. Pa."
pursued by our victorious forcss that they I - ---- -
threw themselves into tho river in the thoir Assuar it Boldlv. Thcro arc no
efforts to escape, and many wero citliSr I ,Lcr A-lct!icIncBB reliable effoctua! and
i , , . , , : convenient a Ho bway's P s & Oint
drowned or killed by our infantry. All;mcntl Blw.,,8 ready for use. They ore in
tho artillery of tho rebels on this side was ! valuablo to tho Soldier exposed to Wounds
uapiurcu. n is rcportcu to Do ecyen guns,
1 t . .t
auu wiero is no uouut tuuir entiro oamp
equipage fell into our hands, as (hey were
compelled to lcavo the latter in their hasty
Uufords cavalry crossed at Sulphur
Springs to cover tbo right flank, several
miles above Rappahannock Station, and
Gregg and Kilpatriek crossed below
Kelly's Ford, to cover the left flank. No
definite information of their operations
had been received up to noon to day.
The enemy, after crossing tho Rappa
hannock, under cover of the night, moved
in tho direction of Culppopcr, and tho ad
vance ot our lorces, supposed to consut of
cavalry, was reported to bo at Urandy
Station early to-day.
On Monday our wholo lino again ad
vanced, and Gonoral Meade no doubt
pressed rapidly forward after tho retreating
Another dispatch to tho Press dated "In
tho Field, Rappahanock Station, Nov. 6"
says :
Last night the Potomac army held tho
lino of tho Rappahannock, not without a
deadly struggle and the loss of about tbrco
hundred men.
The 1st, 2d, nnd 3d corps went to
Kelly's Ford and drove lho enemy from
Mount Holly Church over tho river. On
the right tho cavalary gavo way to the 5th
and Oth corps. Gen. Sedgwick's oommand
was on tho right of the Orango and Alex
andria railroad. Gon. Freuch on tho
Wc drovo thorn to tho river. The Fifth
Wisconsin and Sixth Maine, supported by
tho rest of brigade, stormed tho enemy's
redoubt, captured a brigade of North Car
olinians, and tbo Louisana battery of
seven pieces. Russcl commanded the division
chiefly engaged ; Col. Ellmakcr, of the
119th Pennsylvania, one of the brigades.
On the left of tho road Griffith's was pos
ted. From their position on hill shell
after shell was droped into tho fort on
their eido of the railroad.
Tho robols were obliged to leave tbo
fort. Tho 3 brigade of tho 1st division,
Oth corps, clambered through embrasures
nnd over tho parapot into tho stronghold.
Hero wero taken tho 5th, Oth, 7th and Oth
Louisiana regiments, with four pieces of
cannon. Tbo samo night tbo enomy ro
treated, his pontoons being lelt us,
Lao commandod in person. His head-
ijuutivia ntio at uuijitupper, iiWCll S at
Brandy Station. Thoy had gono into com
fortable winter quarters.
Among tbo Pennsylvania regiments
that participated and suffered iu these en
gagements were the 110th, 83d, 118, 49th, I
and OUtb.J
From Chaitanooga tho army correspon
dents univorsally dcclaro that tho two
armies intend to go into winter quarters.
Grant does not yet seem to bo receiving
adequate supplies, for ho is putting boats
on tho river to mako them moro abundant.
Tho Confederate military forco is eaid
to bo ono hundred and ninety thousand
i ono niinurect anu ninety thousand!
r ii, Mi.dvi.! i . I
castor tho Mississippi, and twenty
thousand west of it.
. .
General Augur will, it Is reported, bo
fa pe,Mnl f 'h Wasl.liDe-
T T ' V7
r) lini rtnrrtrrininrifl ftiMtA nnnift txAnnii nnirml
VVtUIUUIHUM V k 1-4 lllf,U iytUW0 tUlOLill
'in the North. General IJutler tako com
at Fortress Monroe.
n i ii i .1 .'
" ' i
important intelligence. Monday morning,
bo was forced lo a suddon rotroat from
ho advance recently made towards South
. i , i ...
jinsi, anu mat mo ion was occupieu py
by our troops. Subsequent news by way
of Philadelphia and New York spy that
Sumter is still occupied by the Rebels.
Tbo Charleston Mercury says that the de
termination of Beauregard is, that in no
event will tho city bo permitted to fall
into tho hands of "tho Yandcos." Should
bo bo satisfied thatGillmore and Dahlgrcn
can bring their guns to boar upon it, so as
to piaco u ai tucir mercy, it was Deucvcu
t ,,, ... i.l..,
he Wl,ld h "f"' "nd tbal
eX"''' omerScno-Ilad
- ' ,', ,
Iron City CoLi.Eai:. Tbo following
from ono who is accnuainted with the
or"s, severs aim jjdwc! uomplainta.
I lint? tintfon tViti ii.,ln i -
Thoy never fail.
Only 25 cents por box
or pot.
The Missouri Radicals and ''red logs"
havo been beaten horse, toot, and drag
oons in the reoent election iu that State.
The Schofield Gamble conservative faction
have prevailed by about 13,000 majority,
when further returns will probably iu
crease. The Nine Months' Vot.iTNTrpna Ti,n
Secretary of War has decided against tho
claims of nine months' volunteers to na
tional bounties ; but the heirs of a nine 1
months' man who dies or is hilled iu the
service are entitled to the Uuitcd States '
bounty of $100, besides the pay duo to I
tuo soiuier at tne uato ot ins decease.
The widows and mothers' soldiers arc
also entitled to pensions under act uf Con
gress, approved July 14, 180'J.
One of tho most striking features of
the Russian banquet on Monday was the
spontaneous ovation to General MeClellau.
Tho New York Herald says that the mom
ent that personage's name was mentioned
by thu clerk who read the letter of regret,
all the guests sprang up, hurrahed, waved
handkerchiefs and boquets, "and gave
twelve enthusiastic choors for thuir favor
ite soldier.'' How utterly foolish it is to
endeavor to destroy tho .iotifidonco of the
people in this bravo soldier and patriot.
- - ' a) a . i -., i , M
It has been ordered that deputy mar
shals and special agents aro not entitled
tied to tho reward of 30 for tbo nppre
hension and delivery of deserters. De
scries arrested must bo delivered to tho
provost niarshall of the district in which
tho arrest is made. No rewards for ar
rests will bo paid otherwise.
Tho latest dodge of the Washington
pickpockets is to strew tbo floors of tho
concert saloons with oayenno peppor.
When the audience applaud fhora is some
8uucziiig in consequence, and when the
handkerchiefs aro pulled out the picks
pockets' hands arc inserted.
Gen RosEcnAxs Siielvkd. Tho Day
ton Ohio Journal, an Administration paper
asserts that "Secretary Stanton expresses
the determination, qualified by profanity,
that Rosccrans should not have another
command whilo ho is Secretary of War."
Just So, A Republican army officer,
indignant at tho manner in which the war
has been managed, recently remarked :
"If this war had been under tho coutiol of
tho Democrats, tho rcbols would havo been
driven into the Gulf of Mexico, long ago I1
At Denton, Oct. 29th, by Samuel K.
Kline, Esq., Mr, Daniel Youno, of Jack
son township, to Miss Levina Cole, of
licnton townslup, allot Lolunibta county.
On tho 4th inst., by Rov. Isaao Austin,
Mr. Alvin Haiivev, and Miss Sauaii
Doston, both of Sugarloaf, Columbia co.
On the 10 inst.. bv the Itcv. Wm. .T.
Ever, Mr. John Eiiom, of locut townsip,
l0, Miss IIeniuetta Rodine, or Cata
wissa township.
On tho 2d inst., by Rev. Isaao Austin,
Mr. G. W. RoiiEivrs, of Union, Luz. co.,
to Miss Dia.ntha Sotlifi-, f,of Culloch
twp., Sullivan county.
At tho resideuco of tho brido's father,
Nov. 3d, by Rev. Josiah Forrest, Mr. A.
Usanost, to Miss Mauv 0. RouiiiNS.both
of Col, co.
By tho samo, on tho 7th inst., at the
' .,, mi
parsonage in Orangevillo, Mr. Uiihisto
0rSmES, of Luz. oo., to Miss Lu
cy II. Rakeu, of Columbia oo,
In Ccntro township, Columbia co,, on
Saturdty night last, Mr Chaules Good
man, aged about 30 years.
T. U...I.... i . I .1 -mm
in iieniou iwn., uo . oo., recently, ssir.
I'niNEAs biTi.Kit, aged about JU years.
0n Sunday, Nov. 1st, in Valley twp.,
Montour oounty, Besj, MoMahan, aged
00 years, 1 months, and 10 days,
New SVJfucrtiscmcnte
I on cllflVttnt ftilo, bcit mnitmc nl In Ilia i-'Ity, auJ
telling nt very low iirlccs. Hemt for .iCMalngm,
wm. ti. iT.nny, ruBLwuR,
B. W. Cor. Fourth nnd Uecn.
Nor. It, 180.1 3in rilll.AMIU.rillA,
I. Card 1'liMogrni'ln. Blank lluoki, rurally niblc,
Wilting rancr AIo n large itnck of gooJa aultabln
for Ilulldayi. Small proflti, quick inlca.
HAM. it nr.NNtm
Tourtli nnd Arch, I'lillnclelphla.
Not H, te03-3mo
rou Mi:noiiANia t "ountv orricna,
Made of tin) licit IIhcii slnck, ruled nnd bound, to any
clcnltcd pattern, OrJcri by mall promptly nttenddtt.
SUirorACTcmsn HrATiossn,
B, 11. Cor. Fnurlli nnd llnrc.
Nov. 14, l8G3-3m I'IIIIjADCLI'III A.
rttotogrnph AIIjuiiii, Curd l'icturca, Cold Tent, H no
IlllilcB 11111I Trajer Hooks, tec, .c. Call alid look ut
our Block, or lend your ordcra i.y itftil.
WM. H. raiUV. nooKUkti-Bn,
S, W. Cor. l'mirili nnd lineo,
Nov, 14, 1SS3-3U1 1'llII.AUni.l'lllA,
x. c. mi.. n- Tiiourio.i,
No. 43 JS'oith Wharves,
id- n u t t n x. , iTii"u u s u,"" il a m s, & c. a
Nov. 14, ieG3-2mo.
Dinner i'roji the indian
Which ho will aoll. WHOLESALE or 11ETAIL, nt
Alao, HORSE IlLAMvEM, very low
402 MurkctS'.toet, Ut door nbuve 1'iiurth,
Suulli tide, l'hiladclpbia.
Nov. 14, 1803-3.
L'st ilc of IViincas Sitter, dee'd.
UTTERS of administration on the
( J Estate of l'h 1 110,19 Sitlcr, late of Demon tun.,
Columbia county, deceased, h.ivc been granted by the
Itrgi tor of Columbia county to the iimtorsic lied ; nil
persona having claims ugniust I ho otntu of Iho dece
dent nro rc'tuestcd to present thoui totlie loliiilnislrnlnr
at liia reaidi'iico in paid towntlilp, wiihuut delny, and
all pernor.:) Indebted tn make pa. forthwith.
Nov. II, 1SG3-Gw. S'J t'O.
Tho undersigned being a regularly "liceii'cd Auction
eer," hereby oilers his scrvkes as such, to nil whit
may feel disposed tu givo him a call. His greut oipc
ileuco In I hn butiness, will i-nnMo him to render satis
faction to bis customers. At the same time he l.'nutiima
all Auctioneers, "nut licensed," from Iblliming ani.t
calling, lis the line Hied by the Cited States will
surely be imposed, nnd the law curried nut to itB full
extent. All persons du-iiiiig lo obtain my services, wili
plcjsc inform u.u to that cllWt before they advertise.
J. D. ltlUE, Auction!. Kit,
Light Streit, Nov. 14, U03.
Notice i. herebv el von to all nor snn m int,rnl nrt.
me ioiiovvlug accounts novo ueen uied in lho rrothon
ctarj's Cilice, nt llloomslmrg, Columbia touiity, uud
will be presented to the Court of Common Pleas of tho
said county, on Wednesday, the Otli day of J,li'cember
next, at 111 o'clock iu the forencun ot sjjd day, fer con
firmation and allowance.
1. Account of Michael Sleeker, ono of
the committee of Michael Kinney, n lunatic.
2. Account of Oliver Evans, committee
of the pcrsou and estate of David Hampton, n lunatic.
Illoonuburg, Nov. 14, IbiiJ.
Waa awarded the I'ri7.e Med
al for his superiority overall
competitions in the United
states for his improvemeiita
Travelling Trillins,
He being lho inventor nnd iSWimlv
Manufacturer of ,,.l CiAK.
Spring, so id Sole l.eailiernnd solid P.iveled Iron Frame
l'rnvelliug Trunks, Valises, Lad eg Hat Uai-es, Carpet
Lags. Leather ll.ic. Umbrellas and Hobby Horses,
lo, s' nigs, Propellers, Wlieilbcrrows, Kc, which ho
ii prepared to sell nt tho lowest inn.iufnrturing price.
The iiioatuxtrnsiTe Trunk and Carpet Hag .Manufactur
er in Chiludelpliii.
4JJ MAKKLT STUEET. ono door nbrvo Tourth.
, , South side, PHILADELPHIA,
K7.-ales room on the first lloor.
C"Trunks neatly repaired or exchanged for now
cnes. Call and see, as we sell very cheap fur cash.
IVov. 14, Icon 12mo.
THE subscriber has just received n lot
Hosiery Trimmings aud New Cuods, such aa
s e g v ta a
C7 Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines for tale.
Also Sunday School Honks and f.ihles. . .
Also Sirs. Allen'. Hulr Restorer, which will givo to
gray ita uatuial color,
Next Door below Coutt Houso.
niooinsburg, Nov. 14, 1MB.
I'or sale c cap nt Nv York Safe Depot, 71 Wil
liam Street, New Yrk,
&. A. GREGG.
OUrs ID E:
.. ji) 00
. t,0 (10
, ;a uu
. w on
. 100 oo
, us oo
No. I
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. S
No. 0
November 1 1, 1803.
rjtRIAL LIST, DEO. TERM, 1603.
1 riiilip Wintersteen is Valentino Winterstecn.
S Henry Wells t-a (ieorgo Kin ay, Jr.
a Jacob Eyertu Abrabaui Klasn.
4 Abraliaiu Klase is Jacob Eyur
5 David LeW, it al n fainuul I, Ilcttlo.
6 Daniel F Meybert vs Joseph Gcnsil.
7 l-lijnli McMuitrle, et al ai Christian Wolf.
8 John II Jrowii, ct al i-i Leonard 11 Rupert.
0 James Harding ri Elius Iteese
10 Louisa Cow en r Eliabclli Daliua,
1 1 Jacob Hams i'J Titer Jaroby,
IS Jncnl, Moml t-a Tiluiaii Naglr,
13 Ceorgo Hughes, el nl t-a J V Crlswcll, et al,
14 David lteinbiiid vi .Micli iel tlruvir.
13 llussel t' rJtula-r it William Ikeler.
10 William A Kline vt Oeorgo W llotrnian, ot al.
17 llebecia Vandcrslico ra tienrgi. Dodson,
15 N 1, 1'auipbell is r?.iumel Joliusnn.
11) l'ranklln l.nngerberger'a Ailni'rai'a Christian Wolf.
50 II t flejbert ri lieubcii Nicely.
51 It f Iteighard k llro tt Silas 1) Edgar.
3.' Daniel J t'.irey re llaitz Sc. Eut,
SJ W A Kline i- li w Holl'iiun.
S4 Joseph 1-' Long ri Isaac I) I'atton
S3 Euos 1, Adams ts II I' Bejbert, el ol.
SO Charleall lleaa ei tilephcii Wolf.
27 Joseph Harlniau is lteubeii Liua.
2S llebecca Transun r William Traasue.
SO r.llas llccao uau vt Isaac ltutter.
30 Jacob Tcrnlllegu I'J Thomas Meredith.
31 Hylvcstor J I'am uau ra U I-' Itciglurd, el al.
'.ii ItlckctWfc flow an rs Emanuel Jolinaon.
33 Jacob lluck, El' Jesse lluck,
31 I) II llojurt it al ra William lleunison ct nl,
Attorney and Counselor at .aw,
XT' Military a other claims piomrtly attended to
Odcbar 31, l!M.
UElllIir. WIDTH.
No. -1 M
No. a 'JO Si
No. 3 30 SI
No. 4 3J aa
No, 6 -Jt 31
No. 0 40 31
naioiiT. width.
No. 1 17 II
No. 'J l!i nt
No. 3 SI 15
No. 4 S'J 18
No S 31 St
No. U 31 si
TVTOTIflH is linrnliv nii i .11 1.
JlN creditors nnd Mlior" pcron lntcrc,in.i i..??
natatoa of lho reapoetlvo ilccedenta and inlnn.. Ah 10 the Orphan,' Oonrt, to bo I 0T1 1 m "Zt '
butg. In tho county nforeaald, nn Wedne.,ln ,l1nnn,"
dnyjoM)ou.bor. Im, at t o'clock WV&'$
1. Account of B. F. Harlman, admlni..
trntor of John r.vnna, lato of Mourn torvn.hlp, d.j
2. Account of Renj. P. Fortner, admin
latrntor of Itowland Hughe., lato of Loemtiwp ,
I a. Account of John Kiefer, ntlmiiiKtrjl
tor of Jacob Oerhart, lato ot Maine towiuhlp, dcc'.j
4. Account or Benj. P. Forlncr, admin.
Jatrntor of Jacob llnbcr, late of franklin livp,, dciAl
5. Account of William Rabb, one of tL
ndnilnlitrntori'rfa tonh non, cum tcstnmrnto nnnom t,r
, Linn, lato or llouiluck town.lilp, Joe'd.
0. Account of John S Sterner, adm'r
of Nathan arcenwnll, Into of Scott tovnh!p, Jofj,
7. Account of John Frcag, Guardian tf
( Caroline Kimrr. by hla administrator Henry C. m-o,
I 8, Account of John Freas, Guardian 0
Henry Knorr, by hla ndmlnlatrator Henry 0. rreoj.
0. First and final accoant of Jeremiah
J.iruby, ndmlnlatrator of Jolinaon Linden, lato of n,i
nrcreek towiuhlp, der.'d, 1
j 10. Account of Johnson H. tkelcr, Guar
''" of Daniel Wctllvcr, acnuf Wllllairi WtllvM,i,
of Ylndlaon townahlp, dee'd. ..
I 11. First and final account ol Peter K
!Sf.fKuo:rem of u,u
I r,.oo.,burg Novo. ,803. UANlU1U:n'""'
BY virtue of sovcral writs of .llias Vci -tliltont
Viponm to mo directed, issued out of th,
Cuurt of Ciimmon Plena of Columbia county. l'a vM
liu nYMitur,,! ,m ixtt.ll ... .1... r '..
, llloomaburg, on Jlo.ulay tho Tth day of Decembei, l-r,3
at onu o'clock In tho afternoon, tlio (olluivim; reai't
All that ocrtain lot of ground situate in
l.nciiat township, Columbia county, bounded and dei
crlbcd na follows, to wit: On the nuttlnveat by n lot r
I John Monad', on the nortlionat nnd southeast by lainl,
' of Jacob Veagcr. contnlnh.g tixty fuel it. btoailth.ouj
one hundred and sixty foci in (l.ith, n lieronn nro cr -c
ted n two siory I'llAME DWEI.LINO HOUfU, a fraen
Hhoomaker Hlip, n rmme Stable, and other outbullj
lugs with the appurtenances.
I t-eized, taker ... rxi cutlun and to bo add aa the Ptm
orty of llnmilto.i 1'ialior. "
All that cortaiii lot of ground situate in
nriarcreck township, Columbia county, containing flu
litres, more or liss, bounded nnd described as fullowa
to Hit: On tho west by tlw main road, on the noitli bj
a public rond, oil the vast and anutli hv lands of Hnub-ti
Miller, whereon nrc rrecteil n good I'll A M U DWl.l.i.
IVflt.n.TML1 uUTllll r .. I t,.T n, .
, all iii.uer raof nnd enclosed, with running water iu tlm
. btlilflf MP. with thn nmiiirtnttiiiir-fiB.
Seized, taken in execution nnd tu bl sold 01 tho prop
irty of Henry 'I'raugh,
Uloom9lmrg, Nov. 14, le03.
WIIEItEAH, the lion, William Elwbll, rrcaliteni
Judge of lho Court of Oyer and Terminer nnd Ci-n
eral Jail Delivery, Court of lluarter Sessions of tho
Peace nnd Coutt of Common fleas and Orphan's Coutt,
in the SL-th Judicial Distriit, composed ol the comities
of Columbia, .Sullivan nnd Wyoming, nnd the lion. John
M'lteynolds&iitepheii llalily.AssocliiteJu.lgesofColtim.
bia county.have issued their precipt.beurlng date the Tth
day oft'ept., in the yrar of our Lord ono thousand ijcM
hundred and sixty three and to too directed for holding i
Court of Oyer and Terminer nnd Oeneral Jail delivery
tieneral (luatter Sessions of tin.' Peace, Common I Ita.
and Orphan's Court, in llloonu-biirg, iu the county tf
Columbia, on tho first Monday, (being the Tthdaiiof
December next, and to continue one week.
Notico U hereby given, to the Coroner, the Justices of
tho I'f nee and Cniistnblcp) of tho said county of Columbia,
that th")-be then nnd there In their proper persona nl
10 o'clork in the forcni on of said day ith tlnlr records,
iu'piisitious nn. I other remembrance to do thorn things
which to their offices appertain tn be done. And thu
that are bound by rtcogniz.mco.-toprosccutc ngnlnat tho
prisoners that nro or may be ill the Jail of said count) ol
Columbia to be then and there to prosecute Ihi in as shall
lie Just. Jurors are requested to be punituol iu their at
tendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated hi lllooms.
burg, the 7th of November, in the year of 0111" Lord ono
thousand eight hundred nnd siit-tbn c, and in thu cih
ty-eighth year of the ludependeiiceofthn Hulled States
of America. J. II. l'UUMAN,
Nov.H. ISC3. Hhcrlir,
TElt PER WEEK I'OK$1:20 1'Ell YEAR I
The ouly .Yno York Paper na,le up tittum-ily for Ct'iin
trt cirriialioii. JWiri ef the Ktch, ititM.e tUttle, fr
Juu.anJ other .Market), eaiefully Iteporttd.
Ncw.York Day-Jook
For 1864.
trun'E Mr..vs tiBisitrii s-st.itb nows
rnur.Kjii. u.viu.v.
'PHE NEW VOItr; DAY-BOOK is nn independent.
I Demorr.Vir journal, holding with the lato .Senator
Douglas, that "this fiovernment U m.ideon the nliiti
basis, by while men, for Ihebcuellt of whits men ami
their posterity for ever." It is a large double sheet,
with lorty eight columns of reading matter, uud in all
ri'spcrts wliotli.-r for .Maiketi, Mi-u s, Literary or Ag
ricultural information- is not inferior to niy ns n
political or familj iicwspiper. In its pnliticrrl depnt
ment, it grapples boldly with tho real piot?en befori
tho American People, and present the only pliHosophy
of it hich can resist the sweeping inarch of Aboli
tionisni. His Democratic ill :he truu sense of ,1m
term tho defender of the People's Plights, but it is thn
upholder of no rirty chlcam-ry or rricery. It is not
only for peace, but it shows how, and how only, pir
niaucnt I'caco ennbo obtained, and this glorions Whilo
.Man's Oovcrnuient of Washington restored, viz . by
the utter route, overthrow, and extermination or Ab
oliiionism from American soil.
The Day-Hook is nor the only weekly po'itical paper
in Now York cily made up exclusively for country cir
culation. All tho others aru ri'ha-hed from the col
umns of sonic daily, which render. It almost
impossible to givo so complete nml general n summary
of lho ueWB n. in the other case, 'ersons about sub'
scribing should tako this into consideration. Demo,
rrats, also, mutt see to it that sound papers aro circu
lated among the People, or Abolitionism will never b-t
put don 11. T7" All who desire to refute thu nrgu
meats of Abolitionists, should read The liy-Uouk.
TERMS: Ono copy, one year $. 00; Three copies,
one year S5 00; r'lvo copies, one yi-nr 37 50 ; Terr
copies, ono year, and one to ihc getter up of the Club,
$14 00 'I wemy copies, one year, and one to the getter
up of tha Club, SJl 00; Additional copies, each $1 SO.
Tho name f tho post oirice county, and State, should
in all cases, bo plainly given in every letter
Payments always in advance, and all papers will Ir?'
stopped when the tini'i of subscription paid I'nr expires.
Address VAN EVItlll, IIOltl'ON & CO.,
No. ICS NtiBiau etrcet. New ork,
SPECIAL OrFErtS. Wo desire this year tn place
before a million ofnnrlhrru renders the great dnctrin a
'Ihs Day'ltook tenches on the question of the Races.
we confidently believe If (hi journal worn placed in
the hands of one-half of lint voter of thu nuithern
rituto between this time and VnvciulM'r, telM, the Dim
ocrnls could not fail to carry t'.o next Presidential elec
tion Wo therefore make tho following oll'irs. not in
the light of prizes, nnd not eeu liecauao it will ho
prohlablo for wo cau scarcely atrrd it but solely to
Bicure u wide dissemination of the view which wo
profoundly believe will save our country :
ULCUS Ol' TWHNTY.-I'nr a club of twenty, bn
side tho extra paper now offered, wo will semi a copy
of Dr. Van Evrii's great woik 011 "Negr e and Negri'
Slavery." the third edition of which is lust ready
1'rlce $1 09.
CLU1I3 OF riFl'Y.-Torn club of fifty subscribers,
nt $011, wo will send 0110 extra paoer, nnd a completo
set of our "Auti Abolition l'ltbllcntious," the prices of
which, taken together, amount to Si 75
CLUIId OF ONE IIUNDHED.-IU relation to cluba
of one hundred, wo will aay this: Whoever will aend
ui one Imndrcd subscribers al onu time, the club to bo
scut to ono address, nnd begin nnd end at ho same
tlm e, will receive the papers at $100 1 1
V. E.. II 4 Co.
Nov. 14, 1863- 31,
Bloom Augustus Mason, Stephen Knorr,
I'eavcr Samuel Fisher. Eliaa Miller, WmSchell.
Hrlurcreek Even II Adams,
lleiiton Peter Applcman, John OPildino.
Centre Daniel liowcr, Oeorgo llcss, I'ctir Miller,
Aaron ivcichuor.
Catnwissa Joseph Alnrli, Clinton Margeruin,
Fishingcreck Daniel Mcllcnrv, llciijnmin Mcllcnry.
Oreenwood Sylvester Albertson- John McMurtry,
Hemlock Amos llnrtman.
Jackson John Savage,
Mudison Uobcit Fruit, William Caraahan, Lewis
Maino John Nuas.
.MiniinLuwri nco Wultera, Stephen Dcilterick,
Mt. t'leaaant Wm, J. Ikeleq , William Howell,
Montour Levi Weaver.
Orange David Herring, John l'cttcbono, Jeaae flram,
l'inc Franda Hunter, Valentino Wintersteen, Henry
Sugarloaf James Hcia. .
for decemw:h term, 160a.
Tcnton Thoniaa Seigfrled.
I'riarcrcek Muaea Davis, John II Smith,
Fishingcreck Jnuiea Edgar, (ieorgo McUdde.
Hemlock Mathias Applcman.
Jackson John Mcllenry Thoinas W. Young.
Locust Henry Fisher. Wiu.Mlller.Abrahom Vesgfr.
MilUin John rnyder, Hamuel Snyder
Mount Pleasant Aaron Kester, Jr.. John Wonulck,
Maine Solnuioii Slimuan, John Harmony
Madison I'erry Chriatain, I'hlueaa Welliver.
Orang'iAaron K. I'atterson, Cornelius Delias,
rigailoafJoscph O. Ileal, Andisn- Hen,
BcetlJohn Shunian