Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 14, 1863, Image 1

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VOL. 17. NO. 37.
Tho Little People.
A ilrcary place would to tills earth
Were there mi little peoplo In It;
Tim song of life would Inso its mlitli
W ere tlicro no children In begin It.
Notitlle 1'iiriin llki units In iirow,
An I llmnilnilrlne lienrt surrender!
No Utile Imiiils nn lireu t uii.l brow,
To keep tliii tlirllllui' love-chords tender.
No Inlu ulllilnnur nuns to leap
No little fj.t toivnrJ tlumbcr tendinis
Nn little kneo In prnyertn bend.
Cur tips the swtot words lending.
What would the indies do f r work,
AVcre there no pants nor Jackets tearing 1
No tiny drones to "inlm I ler !
No cradle for their uatcliful caring t
Vn roy h ij-s rit nintry mom.
With sntcliel to the school. house hasting?
No merry shouts as home they rush ;
No precious nioml fur their tasting.
Tall, crave, (rrnwn peoplo at tin door.
Tall, Ernvf, brown pi;op iat the table i
The men on liii-ins nil Intent,
Tin dames lugubrious as thry'ro able.
The ft rnor pools would get more stern,
Unfeellu.' lmturii's more Inhuman,
And man to !( Ic rol.lness turn,
And woman would he less than woman.
Tor in that rllmo toward which we reach,
Throush Tune's mysterious, dim uiifoltling,
Tlu little ones wilh cherub smile
Ari still our t aider's face beholding.
So rai l Hi" voice in whom we trust,
WhiMi in J iden's realm a preacher,
lie nude n child confront thi proud,
And be in simple gulsi Ih 'lr teacher.
Life's ong, indeed, would lose Its charm,
Were there no babies to bigin it ;
A doleful p ace this world would be,
Were tlure no littlo pcop'e in it.
"I1 inuwi iiwj l imurxTMvm-ujj-xM.zi-xap-MJJi
Saturday, Aovembci' fll, IS6S5.
Wo cive below, fiont various of our cz-telnni-s,
facts and figures and calculations
r ln'ive to tin late flection. It will bo
recti tint i ho D mocratic voto i3 the largest ,
uvi-rea't iu the stnte. Tho legitimate I
ih moerntio incrt'.w has boon very large, j
mij mom than thirty-Gvo thousand over
last year. The figures show that that in
ereJrc is regular, legitimate and ihat it1
will remain with us and can bo relied on.
ltii therefore matter of congratulation,
and our lricuds should take heart accord
ingly. On tho other hand it is equally clear
that the abolition vote in tho State is a
fpuriou3 oue, got tip for tho occasion. If
it is not, let then show it by going and
filling up tho army which is to continue a
vigorous prosecution of this war, Tho
forced or fraudulent increase of tho aboli
tion vote is apparent by reference to threo
or four localities. Tho abolition increaso
in Allegheny County is G3?5 ovor last
fa I i i Philadelphia 850 in Tioga 1712
in Eiie county 2001. Wo might refer
to others, but it is cnou-h for our pur
pose ; and it proves, either that tho aboli
tionist never went to the war at all, or all who wont, and more too, waro nl
lowed to come home to voto for Curtiu, or
that the increase is fraudulent. It may
bo, and is in part all three for tho in
crease is out of all fair proportion to the
population and previous polls.
Other figuroi and calculations apppar
in tho extracts below, to which wo ref'cred
above. Ed. Dcmocuat,
the wisTr Finrn.
f From the Huntingdon .Monitor. J
Tho result in the Statu is, if properly
viewed, a withoiiiii,' rubuko to tho party in
power. Notwithstanding tho immense
power and patronise of the Administration-
tho lavish cxpendituro of money,
and tho perpetration of tho most outrage
ous fraud-) ever practiced upon a free peo
ple, tho tool of the Administration hasbut
.the uiengru majority of 15,000 votes to
ibom-t ol .md wo have tho proud t-atisfao-ition
of knowing that, hud not tho free
voico of Pei usylvania been stifled
fraud. Geomo W. Woodward would
our nest Govt rnor.
Two hundred and fifty thousand voters
legal voters of Pennsylvania rallied
around tho standard of constitutional lib
crty, yet their voico was swallowed up in
oi'atrzeti irauti uvcr nine uiuuviuu
lackeys of tho Administration, who servo
their masters as clerks aud stipendiaries of
tho White llou-o and its suburbs came
from Wellington City alono to vote at
our rVction. and the counties bordering on
New York Stuto have been colonized by
the Aboli ioni-ts to a fearful extent; yet,
iiot HiitUfu'd with their labors, still fearful
of huoced-i, they make our nubia army of
hertio who tub braving tho horrors of
war, mud y to pour out their blood upon
the nltnr of freedom and die, if need bo,
in del'pnco of their country and their coun
try i flag, an engine to continuo in power
m eorrupt nnd perfidious a set of political
pro-t tutcs a cvor cursed God s earih.
Out of thi.t notlo army of soldiers, parti-
sau officers selected and sent liomo ovor I tatcd to uso force. Tho moans they used
twcnty-Gvc thousandlsoldicrs Republican wcro more convenient and alb ; thoy knew
soldiers to vote. No avowed Democratic too well tho temper of tho Dcmooracy to
soldier could get a furlough to come home' use it except in tho last extremity. Wo
and voto for Wood ward-not onc-but all 1 all know and feel that if justice and right
who would vote for Ourtiti had a furlough had prevailed, Judge Woodward would bo
presontedthcin, and a free ticket homo in Governor to-day. But wo havo como out
the bargain. A more daring, a more of the contest with pure robes; there is
damnable, a moro cowardly attempt to j not even tho smell of corruption or injus
stiflu the free expression of public opinion, 1 tico upon them. Wo can work checr
u moro deadly stab at tho purity of tho fvlly, sleep soundly, for wo havo a clear
iWM-box, was never attempted by any set conscience. Wc did what wo could to
of men, and yet they claim to bo Union redeem our country, but failed for the
men. J hey havo proved by their con- time. The future will be more propitious.
muvi, u iiiiugiiusa lu aiiuuuivu vuuiury mm
nAM.. it.!.... t. ........ I. -1.1 .1 1.. .i I
w vi (.iiiiii. iiuuusi iiiuu iiuiu ucur, 10 iua
one cud .'in U aim party success
as it may seem, it is nevertheless true that
the voto in Pennsylvania is nearly thirty
three thousand nfore than Was over polled
beforo. How can any honest man reoon
file thU voto with hoiicsty and fuir deal
ing? We have sent over two hundred thou
sand soldiers to tho army, yet we poll
more votes thati ever before. Is it, can it
be honestly donu. Do you believe that
jicaily ono hundred thousand men voted
iu Pennsylvania at the lato election who
never voted in their lives beforo ? If not,
how is this immense vote to bo accounted
frT Wc have but one explanation of the
unparalleled voto polled by our adversar
ies that is fraud. By fraud have tho
usurpers stifled the voice ot the peoplo.
By fraud have they usurped another lease
of power. The Democracy battling for
principle, endeavored to stem the tide, and
nobly, manfully did they fight the good
fight. Thoy have been beaten by fraud
and treachery, and know it, and are there
fore ready to meet all the issues forced, or
to be fbiccd, upon them, in the future ,und
fight tho battle over jgain.
'Democrats, take heurt ; maintain your
township organizations whora you have
them; form organizations where you have
them not, and with your armor bright and
gleaming prepare to meet tho foe in 1801.
Tin; Result, nnd How it was Atlaiucu.
f Trout tho Kittauing Mentor. J
To the bravo and true men of Pennsy
lvania, who looked to the second Tuesday
of Ocl iber as a day of redemption from a
tyranny the most hateful and a corruption
the mot disgraceful, tho roiiilt of thi
day would Ire a most bitter disappoint
ment With leaders the bravest and
truest, and with an earucstuess, Fpirit and
eonttaucy that neve- beloro lulled to ln
.ure victory, they have to acquieseo in
dcl'eat. And calmly ttud heroically do
they bow to the decree of fato. Thoy
knew thoy deserved success, they feel that
they earned it; hut it has eluded their ef
forts and disappointed their hopes. The;
have done their duty ; they havo tried lo
avert the ruin of their country, hut in
vain. The dcstro er must siill pursue de
struction, and the suffering must sutler
mill, llut why is this? Many causes
contributed to briiir it nbout. Among
them fraud, lalschood anil corruption stand
piomiucut. For the common honor of
our country, and tho character of repub
lican principles ami institutions, wo are
borry to admit this, but it is certain! v true,
And tho truth had better be known, that
tho people may consider on what a sandy
foundation their liberties rest, and either
apply tho corrective in time or quietly sink
iuto the condition of slaves, lo which they
seem fait tending. If the election last
Tuesday wei k had been tho fair explos
ion of the legal votes of Pennsylvania,
v.e should not say a word. I5ut it was
not. Tho Uepublieans boasted that they
had -10,000 so.diers in tho State to vote
for Curtiu 1
If the soldiers had been treated fairly,
and had beeu I'urioughed without disciim
iuatiou to come hon.o and vote, we would
not complain. Uut whilo in tho army
Democratic documents were excluded from
them ; they were lied into tho belief that
Democrats wcro their foes ; ttill this was
not sufficient. Uut as tho election ap
proached, Democrats wero retained in the
licld and Republicans futloughed. This
is no bunuositioii, but a fact that is well
An intanee coma to our own
knowledge. We had the statement from
tho father himself, and no man Mauds
higher for truth in our county, llo told
us that one of his boys he has two in tho
army wrote to him, saying that ho was
offered a furlough, if ho would eomo homo
and vote for Curtiu. This as an honest
man ho could not do, and staid ; while his
biother, a Republican got, a twenty days'
furlough, and came home to voto the Rep
ublican ticket. This is a single instance,
but it shows tho deep injustice done tho
Democratio soldiers as well as tho Demo
cratic citizens. In many districts iu this
county too, persons wcro allowed to vnti
who wero not oua.ified. JSonic were nut
assessed, and .-ouie had never paid taxes;
while others had no rcsideuco. But it was
much worse oven this in some other places.
But it was much worse oven than this in
some other places. Money was freely
ucd, aud votors wero brought at so much
ahead. But even this was not enough,
but in fomo places tho ballot box itself
was violalod and tho returns falsified.
This is tho ease in tho First ward in
Pittsburgh, where tho wholo Democratio
ticket rati ono hundred and forty votes
aud upwards, yet seventy-seven only wore
returned for Woodward. Moro than a
hundred citizons of that ward sworo that
they vntod for him.
With facts liko thcso boforo us, need wo
bo surprised at tho result ?
Tho usurpers aro dosperato and resort
in dnsnnrato means. If fraud had not
beon sufforod they would not havo hcei
Ve Will UOVCr UOSpair
. 1
" The darkest day,
Irtre till to-morrow, will have passed away,'
From tho rittibiirgh (D.illy) Tost. J
That the Slat of Pennsylvania has been
carried by fraud at the recent tketin, no
ono can doubt. Here arc tho jigurcs to
prove it.
The number of votes cast in tho
full of ItiOO for Gove nor, were 492,000
Add to this number ten per cent.
l'or natural increase, tfce. 48,260
Total 541,800
Pennsylvania has sent to tho Geld
about 232,000 volunteers, &o ;
of this number we suppose, at
least one half have been killed,
wounded in hospitals, and in
the army, A:c , which is deduc
ted from the vote 110,000
Tho vote of 1803 should not ex
ceed 4!
Of this number the Democratic
party polled for Woodward. 251,171
Leaving the actual Abolifion voto
of 1803 171,095
lustcad of which they pretend to
have polled 204, .106
Exccs3 of fraudulent votcsg 97,801
The State of Pennsylvania lias been ear
ned by the Democrats in a lair vote by a
majotity exeeediug 82000 votes.
The Abolition journcls arc continually '
representing to their deluded readers, that
in .Baltimore now, as in New Orleans or
in Nashville, great changes ot public
opinion arc goiug on in their favor as if,
independent of the military forcible action
of their Sehenecks, their Du lers, &c ,
Baltimore just now is represented to be in
a state of negro and white equality aud
fraternization and if w could credit them
ihe old ''Roughs" there now dim Mi a
negro even more than they chcrisd a white
All this is delusion the old dolu-ion
and the writers up of it know it well
But take Schneck and his army from Bal
timore, and not a single Lincoln member
of Congress can bo elected from that city,
or from the State. The public meetings,
so called, aro humbugs military hum
bugs cluquer concerns, jot up for cheats,
and intended to be cheats.
The gullibility of Republicanism, as it
seems to us, amounts to a disease, a mo
nomnnid. They, no doubt, credit all
these stories from Baltimore, and New
Orleans, and Nashville aud Memphis, just
as they credited tho fauoy that in a holi
day of throe months 75,000 men would
end this civil war, aud that all we had to
do was "march on," with "John Brown's
soul, ' from the Potomac to tho RioUrande.
l'ivo hundred thousand of ear souls not
John Btowu's soul have uow taken their
flights f oin our bodies since John Brown's
''soul marched on," and where this flight
of souls is to end God alone knows, as tho
war goes ou. (Nevertheless, tho Repub
licans continuo as gul iblo the same won
derlul credulous maw ! hen aud where
is this Republican gullibility to end ?
a p.i:ih injury.
Trom tho Sun.bury Democrat
re-election of Andnw G. Curtiu
has failed like a sad presentiment of future
' evil unon the people ol Pennsylvania. It
was aeeomp ished bv tho Administration
tlii n ii ' 1 1 iu.nortt-d votes utid L'rceubacks.
ami is uottlio expressian of tho bon li.Io
residents of the State. Even the Repub
licans, as they look into the future and
consult incir owu ueuer liiuuifui, enu
but feci that it is the greatest calam
that ever betel our Commonwealth, In
stead of arresting the plunder, tho ruin
and the overthrow of our Govornmtitit by
the election of a man who regards the
Constitution, tho liberty, tho life and the
pioperty of tho peoplo, we havo foisted
unon us for threo years to como a man
I who bus pioved rcoivatit to them all.
Jennsyivama nas neon mauo 10 enuorso
the wild revolutionary doctrines of tho old
Abolition party, aud to approve all th
outrages of tho corrupt men at Washing
ton. If tho Republicans of this Slato do
not livo to regret the part thoy havo taken
in tho mattor it will bo bocnuso they aro too
coirupt lolove good goverument or too ig.
noraut to appreciate their position. That
thoy will pay dearly for their partisan
blindness uouc o in deny.
How Governor tiji iifi was Elected.
Every day brings us not only reports
and ground of suspicion that frauds of
the most astounding charaoter wcro per
petrated by tho Aboltitonists at tho lato
election, but cvideuco going to show that
their success was owiug to such means
ontiroly. In tho city of Pittsburg thoy
had full sway. Their majority was enor
iuoub, tho iuorcaeo of their voto unproco-
dentod, That the ballot-box was tamper-'
cd with, is too mild a charge. Thcso on
omics of libcaty actually disfranchised
numbers of citizens, not by preventing
their voting, or going through tho form of
it, but actually by suppressing their votes.
In tho First ward of that city, one hun
drcd andjifty-stven men voted for Gcorgo
W. Woodward, who substanliato the fact
by their oaths, (and how many moro voted
that way wo do not know,) whilo tho re
turn mado by tho election officers gives
Woodward but 78 votes, Ono other in
stance. In tho county of Bradford, an
other of their strongholds, tho vote for
Governor was 0,079. According to tho
last report of tho Kovonuo Commissioners,
Bradford county has 9,882 taxables ; of
this list it Bcems that only 209 an; not vo
ters, which is preposterous. Wo havo,
from all parts ol tho State, proofs of simi
lar stuffing of the ballot-box, or tho crowd
ing in of illegal votes. Wo believe that if
a fair investigation could be bad in every
election district, il could bo proved that
George W. Woodward Was elected Gov
ernor of Pennsylvania on tho second
Tuesday of Oct, last. Denu Press.
How Some Things Were Done. An
investigation is going on relative to tho
voto in the i'lrst Ward in the citv ol l'llts
burg. The election officers all abolition
ists, reported Eighty-Eight votes as
cast for George W. Woodward Tho voto
for Judge L iwrio was one hundred and
eighly-sevcii. Already one hundred and
fiiy-icvin voters, sixty-niuo more votes
than wcro reported for Woodward, have
jcomc forward, and sworn that thoy voted
for Judye Woodward Tho President of
tho medio? pledged himtelf thtt this
'number would bo still increased. Allcg-
hany county gave 7055 majority for Gov.
Uurtm. JeJersontan.
Treatment of tho Croup.
A "Physician's Wife," at Carrol Co.,
Illinois, writes to the American Agricul
turist: "Croup gives warning in advance
and woe to tho mother who fails to hoed
that warning. Last Sunday morning the
good of the sermon was lost to me by tho
dry hacking croup cough of a little boy in
one ot the front seats. As tho setmon
progressed ths coughing grow deeper and
harder, and I thought the services would
never get through. A mother iu front of
me clutched nervously at her shawl every
time the little fellow coughed, as if she
would fain pull it off and wrap it around
the child. There he sat with a low ncck
eil jacket on the throat, and part of the
chest exposed and ; tho sight of a
corpse would hardly havo chilled mo more,
I was a stranger to tho lady who sat be
sido him, but learned it was his mother.
'Do you know your child has got the
croup I' said a woman as she came up the
aislo. 'Yes, ho was croupy last night,'
she replied quietly. 'Why don't you tie
some thing round his neck then V said tho
friend, 'and if you want to save his li.o,
give him an emetic when you got home ;
rub liniment on his throat and chest, and
get him iu a perspiration, keep him warm
for a day or two and give him light diet.'
Tho mother passed out and I hope she
followed the directions. 'Why is it ? 1
inquired of the frieud. 'O, it' Mrs. 15.,
it not two weeks since she buried a child.
There is no disease more simple to euro
than croup at its outset, iuflamatory croup
excepted, and no disease moro baffling to
physicians when allowed to proceed too
, far. Now is tho croup harvest: ono day
is warm, another is cold, and in many
families tLo whiter clothes aro not ready
until nuar Christmas This ought not to
bo. Mothers' ought always to have some
simple remedy on hand for child diseases,
for with many families a ductor is eo dia
taut, and his being at homo so uncertain,
; that sickness may have mado
fatal pro-
gross before ho arrives, Tho butchering
! season is at hand now, and it is proverb-
. . . ,,.. ,i ,lri,
i 1 1 v i:iiiiiii v. i luaii ii j i.l.1 uuu iiri u
, J rJ- o-- r
I . ,
steak aro too tempting for tho children's
appetites; and tho stomach out of order, I
have noticed, will bring on croup, nearly
as soon as taking cold, A mother who
seldom employs a doctor, said to me, 'I
havo never known an cinctio to fail in
curing croup if given in time.' It is al
ways used in our family, and always with
tho banie success." Sco simplo cough
remedies in tho October SJgrkullurist,
How To Raise 150,000 Men. Wo in
vito tho attention of tho President to the
following short and sensible and patriotic
paragraph from tho Louisville Journal.
While somo ol his ''loyal" friends in
Pennsylvania aro doing their best to pro
vent voluntary culUtmcuts,Prcntieo comes
lo the rcscuo, and shows iu four lines how
one half of the number of men required
can be obtained. lie says :
"Wg don t know that tbo President can
raiso 300,000 now volunteers, but ho can
placo Buoll and McClollan in the field, and
that would ba worth half tho number. "
Tho soldier itands aloft not now
Ho seeks the crest sf famo :
Ills country's love hound on his brow,
Her blessings on his name!
llo served tier well when foe men threw
Tho gauntlet In her fnce,
And fierce the strife that brought to view
The manhood of our race.
His strong right hand was nerved to lsail
Potomac's gallent men
Crave men ot evviy clime nnd creed
From rugged mount and glen-
With him they fought and bled and fell,
And struck tho foe in an down I
And blood-stained Antletam speaks welt
The soldier's bright renown.
Though Cataliucs Infest our land,
As In the Itoinnn time.
And stay tho might of him whose hand
llrands treason as a crime ;
Though reckless men do sorely press
The hcro'B dear bought fume,
A nation's throbbing heart will bloss
Mct'lcllan's honored name.
The Horrors ot Wav.
One of tho editors of tho Atlanta (Ga.)
fntclligenccr , who visited tho field of
Chickamauea, ten days after tho battle,
writes to his paper an interesting account
of his observations, from which wo take
tho following extracts :
"Wo leave tho Chattanooga road and
turn to tho right. We ride along the avo
nuo, and on every side, thickly strewn arc
tho marks of tho sharp-shooters' skill, and
the terrible effects of shell and grape from
tho masked battery. Tho loss was not
alone, however, with us, but the foe also
met his fate. Ho lias left tho dreadful evi
dence of many dead bodies. Iu the woods
near the upper end ofthis opening, wo saw-
one of the bluo habited doad
u?,.t. rm .fill.
his back against a log, his arms to bis
knees and his fingers dovetailed
Apparently he had sat down dclibcraiel)
to die. The worms were fcastiugon him.
His jaws was hanging down ; his black and
glistening body, which had swollen until
it burst off his clothiug, was one of the
most horrible and disagreeable sights we
evor witnessed. Closo by, another man
crawled upon a log, and placing his back
against a buih, and resting his head on his
hand, the elbow bent, the body :n a rc
dining position, he had pulled his cap over
his eyes and given up hh spirit from tho
At tho back part of the held, sweeping
eastward and south of cast, was a large
destructive battery. Tho worn places
where each enn was placed indicate that
ten or moro guns wero in a battery there.
The dead horses and Yankees lying about
tell how vengeful tho assault was, and how
successful. But from the hill where this
battery cast its storm and rain of shot,
and shell, and canister, aud grapo.tho evi
dence of a terrific fire and more apparent
here than anywhere clso on tho Geld. The
woods aro very thick in trees and bushes,
and tho limbs, trunks, and branches, as
they lie cut off and torn in all directions
mado an abattis through which our forces
rushed aud charged to 6ilence the loud
throated voices of those doath-dealing ca
nines. Wo past through tho path of
of the artilcry storm, and here and there
arc tho craves of our soldiers. On the sec
ond hill with trees and limbs lying thick
about, evidences of tho terrible passion of
man, tho graves of many brave Texans,
tho 24th aud others, rest calmly, marked
bv the careful hands of frionds , back of
thoso are a number of Georgians. Thence
wo turn to tho left and follow the savannah
load. At intervals tho open woods show
siiins of the conflict being moro severe
than in tho thickly wooded spots. It is
along here, wo arc told, General Hood and
his men mado such tcrriblo onset and
shughtcr. They and that portion of our
army which advanced from thu Red House,
and along the road to the right of tho saw
mill, did execution which is perfectly Icar
ful. The caruage was awful every avc-
nuo had been swept as by a broad bosom ' who has command of the soldiers in this
of destruction in the hands of Hecate. J State, happened accidentally to go into
Battery paths are inuuieroblo. Hero thoy , Olney a few hours after tho office was des
fought there they retreated leaviug troyed, and that ho had tho soldiers who
dead horses, men, broken caissons, piles woro engaged in the mob arrested, then
of ammunition, relit olothc3,and a destruo- mado an asscssmout among them for tho
tion generally. On ono point on tho riso wholo amount ol tbo property destroyed,
of a bill, wo saw tho body of an immense 1 aud ordered -hat the um assessed to each
Newfoundland dog. Ho evidently was tho ' of them should bo doduetcd from their pay
pot of somo battery, ond was shot whilo 1 and duly paid over to tho proprietor of tho
following it up. Close bv him wo counted
thirty-eight dead Yaukees, nearly thirty
dead horses saw more than a ton of shell
shot and canister, and all the broken and
abandoned parapheralia of a strong
tery all within tho spaco of eight
Tn hue is great excitement iu Kentucky
beacauso of tho rumor that tho Federal
Govcmmont is agoing to arm the slavos
both tho loyal disloyal mastors,
Ico for Dipthorla.
A correspondent of tho Providence Jour
nal Touches for tho efficacy of ico as a
euro for diptheria, croup and all ordinary
iuflamation of tho throat. Tho manner
of application is as follows :
''Break up a small lump of ico in n towel
and put the pieces in a bowl. Take posi
tion slightly inclined backwards, either on
a chair or on a sofa. Proceed for half an I
hour with a teaspoon to feed yourself with
small lumps of ico, letting them dissolve
slowly in the back part of tho if outh or
tho entrance of tho throat. A single such
application will often break up a common
soro throat, which otherwise would havo
a course of two or threo days. In caso of
a bad sore throat, use tho ico frequently
and freely. Iu case of ulceration or dip
theria, keep a small lump of ico constantly
in the mouth.''
PnoM the Paws Gawosani.
This effection which comprises tho
known under the various names of bad
soro throat, angina, croup aud tho French
angine couenncus, has hitherto beeu con
sidured ono of tho most difficult to cure.
We soino time back gavo an account of
Dr. Trideau's method, which consists in
administering borax, under tho form of a
syrup ; but wo now God in tho llevuc
1 licrapculique. i paper oy Uc. ue urand
Bouloguo, Vice Consul at Havana, iu
which he mentions ico us an lniaiiibio spe
cific. As this, from Us extreme simplicity,
would, if effective, be far superior to any
yet tried, we cannot refrain from quoting
tho cases mentioned uy the author, who
had published this remedy as far back as
I'ebruary, A. X) , looU, aud consequently
complains, ("not without reason, if us effi
cacy is such as he describes it) ot tho in-
excusable negligenoo of practitioners in
not taking notice ol it, thereby allowing A , . . .
many valJable lives to be lost. Tho fol- to Lorney, by the Secretary of War, tho
lowing cases came under his observation tla' after tue late option :
afier that data Iu March aud April, "Washington, Oct. 14. Thanks for
1801, tho disease in question broke out your telegram. All honor to the Koy
under an epidemic, and chiefly attacked 1 stono State ! Sho upheld the Federal
adults with such virulence thai iu one week areh iu Juno, and with steel and cannon
three young women died in one house, j shot, drove rebel invaders from her soil ;
One of Dr. De Grand's patients, afflicted j and now, fn Octjber, she has again rall
with plcpbacite, was seized with it and as ; ied for tho Union, aud overwhelmed tho
ho could not immediately attend, owing to
tho severity of theoase, another physician
wa3 called in, who ortlercd emetics and
aluminous garble, whieh produced no ef
fect. At lenjith Dr. Do Grand caino and
found tho tonsils gratoly swollen, and a
false membrane covering them. Ho iiunio-
diatuly administered small pieces of ice,
and by the following morning tho tumo
faction of the tonsil? had diminished by
half, and tho false membrane had nearly
disappeared. That very ovening sho was
enabled to take food. Profiting by this
example, a few days after her brother was
seized with sore throat, presenting the 1
same preliminary symptoms ai thoso of 1
his sister, but he without waiting for tho
doctor, took somo ice, and was rid of his ,
soro throat in a few hours. Somo days
later Dr. De Grand was summoned toa
young lady who had been laboring under
tho disease for somo forty-eight hours, all
romedies had failed, and the parents, re
lations and friends of the family wens ,
plunged in the deepest sorrow. When
Dr. Do Gradd
ordered ice, a general cry
of astonishment was uttered by all present
Ico for a soro throat 1 Impossible. It
was sheer murder 1 Dr. De Grand main- i
tained his ground, and after much expos- ;
tulation, during which time was lost, he
obtained his end. Beforo twenty-four
hours wcro over, tho patient was in full ,
convalescence. Being at Vera Cruz on a !
mission, lie was requested to see a young i
man who was attacUcu with malignant
soro throat, and had been treated without
effect by cauterization with hydroehlsric
acid and astringent gargle3. Here, again,
he had to battlo with the prejudices of tho
family, but at length allowed to adminis
ter ice. Tho young man recovered in the
course of tho following day. Ooetor De
Grand has now been using this remedy
for tho last twelve years, without having
met with a single failure.
Tub RiaiiT Wav to do it. The print
ing office of the (111.) Herald was destroyed
a few dajs ago, as we learn from tho
Springfield Journal, by a mob composed
of soldiers. Tho provocation is not stated.
It is stated, however, that Gen. Amnion,
Herald. Soldiers who aro sworn as they
aro when sworn into scrvieo, to support
tho Constitution and the laws, should bo
tbo last men to violato aud tramplo tho
luws under their feet.
Six soldiers from the army of the Poto
mac arc to be shot for desertion, tbo find
ings having been approved by General
Meade. It would require a large cravo
of. yard to bury them, if tho samo punishment
1 was meted out to all deserting.
Gonoral Buoll.
It is understood that tho Court of In
quiry in tho caso of Qon. Buoll has aoquit
tcd that officer of all tho charges brought
against him. This result will be received
with tho utmost satisfaction by all who
nro cognizant of tho merits of the caso,
Especially West of tho Allcghonlcs, whero
tho character and military career of Gen.
Uuell arc more intimately known than iu
the East, his acquital will bo hailed with
tho liveliest satisfaction, as the vindicatim
or justification tardy though it bo of ft
much maligned soldier. Gen, Bucll had
tho misfortunes to be one of tho victims
sacrifice to tbo nation's ovra incxperieno of
war. It is tho old story that appears so
often in tho histories of all dcmocraoioi
suddenly plunged into war. Such men
tho Greeks exiled, and then raised monu
ments to their memory ; such men Revo
lutionary Franco sent to the guillotine, and
afterwards transferred their ashes to tho
Pantheon ! Wo hope American history
will never be blotted with such acts. It is
hard enough to submit, ah General Btlcll
has had to do, for more than a year, to
public suspicion and malico. and the slings
and arrows of an outrageous lortuno. Tho
revenges of time come round, however
a court of his peers has has cleared him of
every charge that ignorance or malico
brought against him. Wo now sincerely
trust that a field will bo assigned to Gen.
Buell where his great military talent will
havo full scope.
Army and Navy Journal.
UemOCratS to D9 JliZOmpt.
Th(J followi telegram was disoatohed
i foe at the ballot-box.
Edwin M. Stanton.
Hero the Democrats of Pennsylvania,
to the number of 1254,000, aro described
by Mr. Stanton sitting in his easv chair
at the head ol tho War Department aa
"foes. ut course no ono will supposo
Mr. Stauton to bo so crazy as to want his
I "foes" in the military service of tho Uni
ted States. It is a dangeious situation
for enemies to occupy. Therefore, if Mr.
Stanton has any pretensions to truth and
candor, he will immediately issue an order
to each Conscription Board in Pennsylva
nia, commanding them to "put tho har
ness on nono but 'loyal' men, (thoso who
voted for Curtin,) and exempt all "foes,"
(those who voted for Woodward.) If Mr.
Stanton fails to do this, ho will stand bo
fore tho world ihu most arrant of doma-
gogues. Clearteed Jleinibhcan.
Miluoy Not to be Court Mar
tialed. Tho President announces that
"no court martial is necessary" in tlio caso
of Gen. Milroy, will bo remembered
last summer abandoned his artillery More
and munitions of war, to the Confederates'
at Winchester, and, as tho wholo country
believes, shamefully abandoned them. So
wc go, Ah Glellun saves tho capital to bo
deposed. Bucll, at Shiloh, turns disaster
into victory., and hurls Bragg's legions out
of Kentucky to bo court martia'led.
Thei-o men nro soldiers, gallant soldiers,
aud gentlemen but thoy arc Democrats.
Milroy is not FUfpccted to possess any of
the qua.itics ; but he as a radical, and of
the exterminating stamp. Twenty-five or
thirty pieces of artillury, thousands of pris
oners and a great amount of stores wcro
lost at Winchester, aud Milroy was in com
mand; But Mr. Lincotu decides that no
oue is to blame, and he is the commaudor-in-chicf.
A JOLLV fellow had an" office next
door to a doctor's shop. One day, an
elderly geutlcman of tho old fogy school
blundered into tho wrong shop.
"Is tho doctor in I '
"Don t livo here," said the lawyer, who
was in full scribblo over somo musty old
"Oh 1 I thought this ivas his office."
"Next door."
'Pray sir, can you tell ma has the doo-
tor mauy patients ("
"iSot liviug."
Tho old gentleman told the story in tho
vicinity, and the doctor threatened the
lawyer with a libel suit
In a lecture at Portland, Maine, the
lecturer, wishing to explain to a little girl
tho manner iu which the lobster casts his
chcll when ho has outgrown it, said,
"What do you do when you have outgrown
your cloths I You cast them aside, do you
not?" "Oh, no 1 replied the littlo ono,
"Wo let out tho tuckt," Tbo lecturer
confessed that she hai tho tdvantnge of
him there.