ifcumci's olitmu. CAMPAIGNS OIDEIt. Wo annciP, from a very respectable lourco the following on tho subject of CaroptiigDc Cider. The process of mnking o good nrticlo of cider, aa free ns possible from nlco bolio influences, is so simple that nnj one who has tho apples can have it in his family : 4After tho apples nro crushed, press out thejuioe, put in a clean essk and leavo out the bung. It will work without anything put in ; in four or fivo days draw off, and put into another clean cask. Do this three or four times, allowing as many days between each changing. It does not work well in cloudy weitner,and so must be left longer. If it docs not lino well it will not keep sweat, To assist tho fining, dissolve six ounces of gelatine for each hogshead and mis.! do this previous to tho Inst change of cask. Tho quantity ot cider depends upon the .sort of apples used. Two parts sour ap ple and one part street will make good cider Now observe, let there bo no time lost in the whole process, but allow sufficient time to do it well. It is particles ot pulp left i:i the cider that causes it to turn s ur. To effect the proper claiifying and work ing, it will requiro four changes of cask, that is if you want fir.-t rate cider. Do not put any water in any part of the pro cess having all juico. Alter the lost change tho cider may re main in the cask, bunged up two or three months. You can then bottle off lay the bottles down in u cold, dark cellar- some will burst, but then you must put up with it. It will bo fit to use during tlw sum mcr, when all parts of the work have been well done. The bottled cider will bo equal to ehampaigne and will keep sweet. Some put brandy, rum, gin or other good spirits' in it does not preserve it, but only makes intoxication. If you ran got pine-apples very cheap, two or three crushed up in a hog.-he ad of juice will boa great improvement. If you keep the cider in casks, be sure that they fl'c sound and air tight, and very clean. Wa-.li out with cpld water, and scald out your cask fumigate with rag or aiilpher melt the sulpltcr and theu dip tho rag . in, a piece about one foot square will bo sufficient for a hogshead light the rag and , then put in the hogi-hcad leave out the j spile peg only. This will destvoy all must or milduo, or any other bad taste in tho cask," BEST TIME TO FEED GRAIN TO SHE UP. Noon is preferred lo morning for this purpose by a correspondent of the tountnj Ctntltmun, for three reasons: I'irst, Lc came, at noon, their appetites are partly Eati?fied, and therefore iho stronger ones will crowd the weahes oi:es less than they would.do iu the morning ; second, becau.-c the sherp will cat the conr.er fodder bet ter before eating grain than af erwards; and, third, because, by eating at noon, the grain will be better mingle-with the coarser fodder already swallowed, anil be more likely lo rise with their euds for thorough mastication, by which the great est amount of nutriments will be extracted from a given amount of food, TREATMENT OF KICKING COWS. J. C, of Norfolk, Conn., says in a lei tor to tho Agriculturist: "Tho followino treatment, which I havo tried for some years, has never failed to stop the evil Put a strip round the cow juht in front of the hag ; and buckle it rather tight. If tho cow tries to hick, draw the .-(rap a little lighter. She. will never get used to it, and it never does auy injury. She will keep on eating as usual, but has no iuclt nation to lift'her feet, even to walk about." This may answer the purpose ; ihe exper iment is easily tried. LOOKOUT FOR COLDS. This chaugoahlo weather is just the ti un to catch colds and levers. Don t let thr warmth of the sun seduce you iuto throw ing off your coat, or to leave your windows opeD, and let the Cro go out. Ugly cold. arc thereby engendered. Now is ju-t tin time, also, for tho searlct fever to seize, with its tcrriblo grasp, the forms of tho lit lie ones. Dunt let iho childreu be espoed to tho weather without bcinn; as warmly dressed as ou cold days, for these snuffles and colds arc the precursor of aoutlet fever and certain death. Albany Knich. VENTILATION. All public halls sLould be ventilated by a system that is independent of tho action of attendants and the cnprii: of individual among tho audience. Tho public begin to understand this matter it bus been pois oned hy foul air in public rooim long enough; and the proprietors of hulls and lecturo soom.', if they would con-ult their pecuniary interests, will heed the reason able oomplaints of Ihe public in regard to th& important matter of ventilation. t&"Ho that thinks himself tho happiest man really is to ; but he that thinks bim- lolf tho wisest man is generally tho great ee fool, FRESH ARU1VA 1. FALL AND WINTER GOODS AND EVERYBODY- tin untrrvlcnoi1, frrntrful fur pat patronage, trspec i fully inform iuciituniet nml ihi pulallc pctic rnlly Hint lio has Just rccrivoil from tlia F.aitcrne cities, tli lnrgcttnr.il most select stock of fcall and Winter That has yi been opened In niooinjluirs, to which hit iiirttca tho iittoiitiuii of hi friends, nud ns'iiren tlicni that they nro offered for rnlu nt great bargains. III Block comprises n lnrgti assortment of tJCNTI.'JJir.N fl WEARING APPARF.L, Consisting oi r-sinnNAtii.v. Dm ss Cotrn, of every ties crlptlont Pants, Vests, Shirts, Cravnta fltscks, Cotton Handkerchiefs, Glovi'i, kuspciiilcrs, tke. GOLD WATCHES JEWELRY, Of every description, flue nnd cheap. w. II, ucmcniDcr ' Lctrtnocrg vnrap i.npvTiun, call mul ice. No charge for exninlnir Hoods. david LownNiiniio Dloo unburn, August 29. 1603. (Juim lhj'J , E. & II. T. ANTHONY", M AKVT ACTUIl UR4 OP I'll OTOOEATII 10 Jl A T Kit I A J, fc), 501 Broadway, New York. OABD PHOTOQRAPHJ Our ('atnlnituc now emhrnces conaltlcrnlily over four thnu.nnd ilill't rcnt aulJecl(to , hirli mlilitiou. nr eon tluunlly lielnu uiaile) i.f l'( rtr.iilH of Eminent Armrl .enna, etc , viz : ''2 inJor-(!unerala. It'll llris .Ocncrala, M'J U'lloncta, (-4 l,eut.-l.'iiloiiela. 'JIT other Ollicera, U) Sivy OtSeera, 5Jj MatuMiien, lil Dlvinca, 11(1 rtuthors, 30 .rtit., 11J !iifa. 15 Prominent Women, 147 Prom inent foreign Portraits. 2,500 Cpia of Works of Attt Including reprocluctlniia of the mot celebrntcd Disra vlusa, l'ainlins. Hltuea, &c. (.'uinlojuen sent on re. tclpt nf stniup. An onter for one. dozen pictures from our C'nMloiriM will he filled on recoijit of $1 to, nud sent hy mail, free. photograT'iiTo ALBUMS. 01 theai! we in.iNiifa ture a great varinty, rnnjlng In prico frotn 3U cents to emh Our Alhiim have tin reputation of licinl sup, rinrln heniity nml iliirnhility to any others, 'I'll.' smaller kinds i an to sent lUifely hy mall nt n postage of si ceut4 pur oz, '1 ho more expensive can be sunt Ly oi Aprons. I l'e also keep a lnt'Q nsjorlinoivt off terescopis and , Ptt-rescoplc ievs. tlur Cttaloauo of llie-e will ht i sent to any nddri'.s nn receipt of stamp. U. II. T Anthony, .M:inuf,irlurt'r of Photographic .Materials I il l llroadivay. N w York I I'rli'inla or relatives nf prominent military men ill j confer a favor hy fcmlin:! us their likuiiets.!- to copy. Tliey will b.t kept caietully ami returned uninjur.i. I I'iiio Alliums made to order f r eouereHalions to pre. , sent to thHr Pastor, or for ottur purposes, with smta- b'o fuscritinus. &.c. August '.'.'. lcG3-Vm. K01.TH l&VI'RAL KAIiiU'AY. ' Summer Time Table. TWO IT. At VS DAILY to nnj from the North end I West Pram!) , f tin; busijuehauna, Klinlru. anil nit uf i Aonnorn ,evv orK. i ,N nud afti r Mnud.iy, April COih Iil3'th" P.i.euje. , ' Train, of the N'oitli I entral i niiwuy wilt urrtvo ut nnd depart from Siiubury, ilurrlsburg, unit talliiuoro as lolluus, viz: SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunhury dally (except Simla) " leaves llarrishurg. " urrives at nltimore, HxprcssTraiu Itiaves tuiibuy daily (except -ii ii day.) baves llarriburg ( xcepl Monilny.) ' arrltrsat Piultimoru daily (ex cept .Mon iay, llarrishurg Accommodation eues Harris burf. 10.10 a.m. I 1.5 p m. .5 :u " i I h.oi p. in, S 0U a. in. C.I3 " 0.30 " SORT II W A u n, Mail Train leaves Baltimore daily (except i .-uiulay.) 0.15 n. tn. ' leaves Ilurrisburg p. m. '- arrives at ounbury. 1 u " Express Tinins llaltimore daily, 'J 15 ' " urriies at llarrisburg, 1.3.1 n. ni. " Kates llnrribiirg(etcerrt Monday) 3 00 ' ' arrives ut Sunhury. 5.33 ' Tor further information upplv at Hie Office. ' 'I. .V. UiHAHRV.Supt. llarriidinrg. Aug. P, 1pH3. 1 GIRTOK'S CUi'AP HAT bTURE REMOVED. Anolhcr At rival of Woods. iow ii Your Time to Buy. i now sr.u. ciii'An:n thn hvuit, 'J HE undersigned having bought out the llrocery o I liavi.1 Ptrumi, hnsnimni d his Hut nnd Cap Store up to Btroup's old stand, wlnre iu addition to a supe rior assortment of isi'iimi AM) SUJUHiR J3 Hats and Caps, Jp? Comprising every sort. sio and nuslity, whlchwill bo torn at uousoaiiy iuw prices, lie win rtuitluue tim (jrn. (cry and Notion business as carried on by llr. Stronp, Also-A lino lot of ICin-s. MOIIO I.Oand I.isivoato uhii h lie invites the at elilion of Shoemakers ,iud the -public i JOHN K GIltTOX. j Illnomahurg, May 00. ISI',3 BLOOM.-BURt.' SKYLIGHT, Picture Gallciy. 'pilU undersigned informs tho citizens of Illnom, 1 and neighborhood, that he has taki u the large room nt Hie exchange Illoi k, extending uver i nrney tnhner llakery. and tho lloustoro wIhtc he has put in a lurgerikylig' l. Ilia null by Skylight that gwul pic tures canhetr lo-. espeiiallygrojis where each tierson can be tukesl tst ns wi II us separate. Ileliasgnn to iontiilerablo cxiensn to tnako his ra t iblishnient first class nn, , nud he th"refnre solicits a liberal palro igu toenable him tn constantly introduce, tho mode i improvements of the nrt. Cr- Co'in 'y produce taken iu nichange for pii lures Hi;.ltY UOriUNSTDCU Illoonisbarg. Nov. '.':i ltci. No.r. "jj (Late Vhlte Swan,) II ACE STREET, ABOVX TIIIKD 1'Hir.AUKI.PHIA. D. C. SIEGRiIItT PKorniUTon. Eomnrlifoni liable Hold Lebanon, Pa T. V. IIIIOADS, crxnic, JIaroh -J, lioa-l'.-iii, STILZ & HARTLI'.Y. Contolidaliou L'link HgllJing, :J29 North Third Si ut between Vine d Caloimnll, , B .O.o . iiiLAncLrniA. Juno 20, IPC3-Iy. JOHN 0. YEAGER, MANUFACTl'ItCU U VVIIOLUdALU IHIAI.KR IN .iiA'r cPn STRAW GOODS. RONNR'S AND AR'l'IFICIAL FLO WE US, No. 257 North Third Street Phila'd. Nov. 20, 1502, GIBSON'S AND DHR.VriVE ESTADMiniKXT. Mo, 125, South Eleventh Street near VJ iut, Et.amcled GI.ua, rrcaco, Oil and Eucouatic Pnlntlu Joui Oiuiox. c. II. Uiiir im, January 12, iiill 3m. . LAST NOTICE. I will he in Jereytown nn the Election day, Octnbsr I3tli. All persons indebted to my I'atlier by .Note. or Do k Kccnunt. nro i-aructly ri ipi.tud to niict inr nn that tuy and pny tliir respcclivs dues, This notice will posilivily bo the hit. fOSIEU VcCAY Sept 15. IM. BLANK SI BLANKS! I lWrry dMcripi9nr for sale at thUofficsj GOME ON13 5 COM U ALL ? I J J, BHOWEK T ILL xpoFo to salo rvory day'thi IT I'nli nn l Winter, (S-'umtnya ciccptoil,) ntnrgo nun wen sciocu'ii nam inicni ni AmtTicuii French .'mil llnsriis't (.noils, Jul fr-tm Iho rnst'tn markets. I'lum Dress (Jnods nro Hie latest fashion, nu ll ns Cnliun re Merino, 1'UIO Mnhnlr fill Finish, Alpnccns of nil sh.idea DEL-A INS al li, at!, ','fi. Ul mid 35 eh CALICOES from 18 to 25 fonts. SHAWLS all wool, long & squaro, nt pricus to suit purchasera, NUMAS AN) WOOL HOODS or rvtRY etacnirnoM, nintl,. nnaaiincp. niul .Tfnna. far Mnn iinri y...,,,.,, v,..o.,....v. . ...... ... . .w, Ilovs wrnr. rlienn. Dailies' Collnrs. Cuffs, fileoves, (lend Nets, nml dreas trlmiuiuKS. lileuuhal awl UnU'.ctvhed Muslins, will ha sold nt a fry small mlvnncc. Hosiery, Gloves, Eiiihroidurinc Braids, fc small wares in groat variety, Linen Carpet Chain and cotton yarn, Boots iind Shoes, Ladles' palters, f Met slippers, children's palters and bhncs, and n larjfl stock to teleit from nt nil priirs. Trunks nud oil cloth sntchels, Uueeuawnro nnd Hardware, CKOfiERISSi TOBACCO AND 6 EG A IIS, allow prices and In fart almost everything In my lino that mav ho called for. at I have pure hated a nnit.li lar ger sior'k of ponds than usual, nml nm determined to sell them ut wry small prnllla. for ready pny. I.aili's will dud it to lli 'ir ndvniitnL'e to buy their Dress Oooil. at this establishment, ns 1 will preseo to every Lndy customer, who may desire it, one of .Mud ninf'heninrost's tati'st sleeve patterns. I nil and see tin.' Mirror of I'nshlnn. Ju.t published, w itli lull and rclinb'e description of tho latest Paris fashlolia. Ulooiusburg, Sept. M. litil. First Great Arrival. SriUNO (300D3 IV OltANGLWILLU, Tho nndersiiin' il, ha, just replenished his Ptnro lluii-o iu OrangcYlUc. with a wcll'selettctl aesroliucr,t f SPRING Sc. SUMMEU GOO'-S Coni Mi 113 i 11 part of Chillis, I'ilks, Hiisllus, 1'iijpi mere. (tiiiL'h.inis. t'alii nes, Shawls, lingeries, Cnrntis and Laius.' Vksi v Dhls-Cood'. generally, from !'.'( tn 1 t fnil I'rlnl I'mii, lit tn.lits. ilJiAUY MADtt CLOTHING llntj, Hoots & Shoes Mackerel Molaasscs. Sufarlt Salt. GFIOCEUIES GENERALLY. With nil other artlle. iijiial y kept in country ft re, towhicli l.u invites thmaily ittiention uf old mid lew cu.tomers. Il.tvlni! been nttlie I'itv in the riuhl .1110 bniiKht low ami paid cif.il" he w ill be nble to com etc with the hot, nud sell fur small profits nml prt ipt pay. His friends nro iutltcd to pop iu uml sod thu sights, vt m rrtrrz. Cranfcville, May 2. lfOS.-Sai L- tot .-tile, lowest prrcc-t. JL,-IT received a new assortment nf latest stylus of Jl'ult Injier i u lading Bantering, awl rili'.( r.iner, and n trencml vnrietv of mat-rial iu his line. whii.li will he found on lh rill1 ON'II ri.'H) iiimeili- lately over th store of Air. I, T Sharpless, enlruncu cine dm r ent of Lut7.es Drug -tore in tho Hup'rli Itloc k. where all persons w ishin gniti jri his line will he itlrii. let! to, in p.r'ou' atut nil time-'. wsy i u;q' Uaii' tZvoitcdto order , ant best biytc, ut shun islicr. i:. j, r horn 'i on. Illoi i.ioturg, Vnj 0, IM3-.ini EXCHIA-NGE 0THLg I'viiL C sqv.uu:, iriuu.s bjihrk. ' r.i. 'PitKun''er-igiieil, having taken this well-known stand I (Tnriut'ily of (Injur Pot rbaugli), rvspcctfully soKj its III," p itronaie nf tin- nubile. No paln will be epar d In any of its drpartuients, to render niiffat Hon lo all guest. Tho TAItl.i; and the IIAIt w ill alwaj be supplied wiih tho Ut.il' TIIU MAP.KCT An'onn?. n"7 fiooil -tabling for Mora-sand attentive llo tl-rs. The "Uxi'li.inge" is eligibly situated on Hie Public K'Pi.ue. nnd has ihiTtfore n" uli.ir advautases toper sons nttetii'ing Court or doing bu-iucss In the. public ortiees. I'hares inoilerate. X. I!. V.'lienevcr you come to town, please call. II. J. YAPLE. Wilktb-llarro. Xov. 15. lpr,2! MANHOOD JJotv mi! How Ilistoierl! I ct.i .7..y Just publihed iu a "ealetl envelope : Pnct C ,ts. l.eitnro ou the Nature, 'I'icatinent. find n-idicul thire of -inTuiaturrlio? i or Seminal Weakness, St xuel liebility. ervn'i-uiss. and Involiiutari Hmis siuus. InJuciu'.' Iiupot.'iicv, t'ouFUmt'tiou. and Mental Physicul Uebility, by l!ob''rl .1. i nil erw. ll, i. II. The imp-, riant f, I tliat th -awful consequence of self-ubu-s may be L-tl'-ituaUy reuiovt'd without internal ineilieines or tlu diioyi rolls a(iilit'ntou of eu'iftic-, in gtruiiients, medical bougi -t and other ompiriia! tlei ci s. is here ile.irly deiuoitrat d, and the entirely iuw and highly sucosful tre.ilment ns ndol'ieil by tho iel ebr.tt. d nuthnr, fully fxplriued, bv means -of w Inch every one is enalil 'il to run' himself perfectly, and at the least posjibl,'" ost thereby avoiding nil thu ndver tised no-trnuis of Hie day. Tins let lure will prove a boon lo thoasaii'ls and thuii'uiii.ia, rilAS. . C. KI.IN'C, U. Co. 1'17 llroadway, New York, PostOlliie bos, 43-0, Aug. 10. lew (Nov. 1, IclJ ) ,li;i!Sl.V lAMKs FUR SALE, ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS. Suitublc for Graies, Peaches, i'enra. llnspberrles, Ftrewb "rrirs. Ill.ickht rries. Corn lit-, tr t f i. '.'15, ill on ill arres each, a. the fnllow'ng prices fertile prei-ent. via: '.Hi acres tor .VJUu. 10 ncres fur Sill), 5 urres for i II. 'JJ ncres for Sio, 1 ucro fur 820. Payable by one dollar u week. Also.gond Crnnbury lands, and village lots in Client, wood, '.'j hy Hi" feet nt Mil each, puab!c by nnj ,ll laruweek. The above land anil larm- are hituM- n i 'heat wood, Washington townshli, llurlingtou county New Jersey, i'or further informntion, upply, with P. O Stamp, lorn circular, to II. 1'f! W'KI.tV I'LAUK, No. fio Cedar Btrect, Now York, N. Y. January 17, 1-U3. aiairAi"i,BS,fl'B2Y. n. c 11 O W E R, SURGEON DBKTIST. luni t't i , t. .,1, i i'ii ts ins proiess ional services to tho ladies and g' ntle- Vi men ot i l oomsuurg nun icimty, lie is j.. nrt'onreil to nt run to t l nt varinn operations in tin) line nf his profession, and i pnn i-led witlnhelalet improwil ;'u.'Cf.i.V Tt.KTll; which will l.o i ii si rtt',1 ou gold, platiua. silviruud rubber basu ; toloiduvell thu untural lei Hi j Mineral plate uml blnik teeth manuf.irtured nnd nil ' operations on teeth. eur.'I'u ly uml properly attended to. lUMtieufu ami omcu u lew uuors nuovu tnuLuurt House, same sitlo. Dlaouisburg. JunoO. lrf3, STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP II niiilfiriii tmpi u mi til n Tn ni i t Im -. t i ..... ' niouiusuiir,; Jinn vicirmy, inai niiiusjui elicit uud olf'-rs for sale one of the must extensive ' LbStirtuieiils ol'I'lltiKIMlnud PAN V STiU'i', I t vt r injroiluteil into this murkit. Tin hri-!o,h"r Ci 1 unilius. James llnbh and Clnbe are among th (list , nA cieikiiig titoVLS.nll ot which are mr-tight an I g.is huruet Ills Parlur ton e ni- baudsmuo uud the -.,,,i:,,. ,lt w I ried. AL-0 Parlifiilar ntt ntiou is paid tn TnMVnri nml House , "punting, upon ilmrt imliti . ill kinds o; I repairing wiil be dune with neatness tnni despatch. (jy Country produco taken in eii-hangc f.,r wurk. 1'IIILIP d. .Muvt'.n 1 rdooiutburg. .V.oy I'J, litU. fOpwsite liiittcn Khu. Hall.) OIltSTNU'i STIIP.HT ItCTW V.V.S Hl'TII & tllXTII, rillLjMrWIII.). IV V ATT & lintlLIVOH. I'ropTitlo' t. November 30, IRP1. f March I3,lf58 W,LiIJ'r" lIOTCili, LIGHT STRLET, Ct.luniliia county, T( I 111: iiuilersl.'iie I las lucate.l ut tin- nbovn nair ' hotel foriiu rly occupied by Pet.ir Hchug. and scl' its n sliiirn uf public patmnnje. C7 Hood arcominoilatitius fur mutt and h"ast. 7'' belt kind of Lipiors ut Ihe bar. J II IlICH, Proprietor April 'I. I-II3' A TTOkNL'JY AT L.AW. BL00.MSUURG, PEtNN'A. Office: At ine Ezcuiffje Utftl, Main bt Hrrrns. to Hon John Walls, Lewlsburir Pn. William aiucron, PrealJeiit cf thu i.nrisbuig Ilank. J, U. Packer, Preiident of the Northumbirlehd Uink HMXiburff, JMit 37, -If . (5; THIS IN'STITI'TlrVlmin lerthPiinlo m.ltion I nn,l illmrllon of 1'rof, 1). W. I, iWeix, so lo? ' clp.il nf thu ItlXaUA.MTOX COMMKWIAL COUXOK. Thn course of Instruction eniliMces nil tin) reanlaltes of n thorough pructlrnl builum ciliientlon, nml lint linen lately mended liytholnlr ilnttlon of nil Arm I l!ulucs t'ourso, In u Inch th.i MUilenl engages hi tho remlnr routine o( business tin -anions, exemplified nml lamlllarir.,'11 hy meniiaol 11 stor, (In uhlch tho attual insists of liuylnit nml Hug goods la carried oil hy each Ht'lik-nt.) mitt I'.iialni i lllllrf". viz; llinka of Iaaimnml i'ep,it, ltnllll'iii.niK nml i!tenni'lhntlng Tout oiHco, Telernph. 4ce & The I'rniirlftnr hn annreil ilnioor exnenc In tun- klni! till. Ciiiirao tho mnt V' ."mh nml cmiip Mo of , nnyiver nrejenti lothu li ie, nml fei is tuny as. siiretl III I alter halnff been In usrlf cnjnireil In actual business, nml li.nlnu had many yenrs' experlciice at teal I1I112 tho f rlneo of Accounts, nml lieiiic nltleil by n full nml eineeient corps of teai li 'ra, In u III boen bled to niakii thormmh nml aiKces'ful ermiiiatcs of all who may placu themselves under his charge.. In Ihls essential branch of a bulnB education no Collaso oirers heltcr facilities in tho leamrr. Tho PpcHci rl.iu system will h i tauiiht In all Its varieties by tho most skillful masters of the art. cperl ns of Writing from Ihls Institution havu received tho highest iHcomiuiiis from the press, I'or mineral Information, terms, &r niMress forCtd lege Monthly, which will bo mailed free; ror speci mens nf Peiiui.inshlp. enclose two three cent stumps. Address II. W l.tmT.I.L, Principal. 1 owell's Commercial College, lllnchamtnii, N. Y. P. B.-Ono of Hittijr & Duncnn's No. 1 highly finished fine, nerfecl I "i 11 1. 'mill aniiuz tiold Pens, with holder nnd rnsi, warrnutotl for one year nml to suit, will bo n jut. free of charge to any ono who will remit $3,50 to the above adiln ss. October a. H,3 ly. NA 1 10.NAL ro.ll.UEmlAI, 0M.Li:S LOrATMI) IV PHILADELPHIA, s.r..ccitNr,R?rn andciikstnut sts Ptciv York CUy, UrooUiii, Albany, Troy livffalo. Detroit, (I'Vchmd, Chicago, and St'. Louis Ilook.kccnlng, rennianship. Commercial Arlllinn li, Commeriial Law, 1'orms, CorreMiondouce, Ace. timet call)' tuught. I 'I lieso Colleges being under the same .roncrnl and In. ril mnnageinent, nml unltiiu in rncli the mlvuut'igu 1 nf all, oir.'r crenler I'.ieillties fur imparting instrtic . l than unv nth r similar instil n t ion iu the country. A Hi hnlarrbip issued by any onu isgo id in all fcl n unllmifd lime, i The 1'hiludelnhla Collfirc Itaa been rccrn'lv enlai . and refurnished iu u superior manner, nud is uowr, largest nnd most prosperous Commercial Institution , Hie f tale l.ryant t Ptratton's si ries of Text Honks emhrac llook kcepiug, 'oinmeri ial Arithmetic, and Commcr Law for rale, and sent by mull. I'or fill' particulars semi for a circular. October If. lei.S- l.'iu. Hon. Wilson McCandlcss, Judge nf the United States Circuit Court, President. Corner Perm and Pt. Clair Street, PITTf HUlttJII, PA Tin: i.Aiti;r.-T, ciiai'iist anh mist. $35X0 pays fnra fu 1 Commercial C(Sitrio. r I- No extra charges fi Jlunufacturers. Meambnat, Railroad anil Hank llnok-h'eeiiiou. Ministers' sons at half prico .Students enter and re riew nt any timo 'I his iu.litution Is conducted hy experienced Teaih crs nnd naclieal Accnuiitanis, w ho pr" pare joiiug men fur actio luihitio, nt the least expense and shnrte-t time, fur th'- itin-t lucrative and responsible ituatinus. Uiplomas granted for incut only. Hence the universal preference for graduates of this college, by Im.-iuo's nioi. Prof. A f.OWI.I'Y, Iho bett Penman in thu t'nion, who holds the larg' iriuib.'r of first pre.uiums, and overall i oiupi'tiior'. tearh 's rapid hu-lne-s writing, I'or specimens nf Penmanship, and t ata'ngue con talmug lull information, em lost, twenty. live i unit to .1' NKI.V d. .-JKITII. Prim Ipals. ITT Attend where Hi" t'ous and Clerks uf IIiihiios Jlfii nml Hankers gratlu.ite. April I'l, lebj-ly. ApriH. 1S0;1. THE nndcrslgnetri" nrso extensively vngaged In Hie i Undertaking lluitntjs. nnd keeps constantly ou Jiauii tid for sale at his W'arorooina, n largo assortment of ! 'E-D gysffa OFFINS, , Ily whii h he is enabled in III! orders on iresentatinn Also-Kim-jis a goml Horse and llearso, and will at ul times ho ready to attend I'uuerels. SIMON C. SII1VK. i l!lonins.bi'rg, January 20. 1S59 i Exchiifigc Slolci, i I LATE COL, n, B, JOKES, J I No. 7 7 Dock Snoi't, uest door to the Pot Oflit'O, Philadelphia. ! i rj'his well known rstabli-diment malntiins its usual 1 1 celebrity, and its well suuwii repui.ilinti of beiiiy I tlio best HOTEL ON THE EUROPE AN PLAN I Phall he sustained. Iluoni mny bo had at nil hour- puruiglit. 37 rents ; pir wei k, S2 50, per month, -Sl(). The liamnil Hating Ilepaiturnts aro furnished wits , Hie best nl' everyihiiig Hi - mark, trail produrc. (JvME. FRUIT, VEGETAKI.KS, I nnd delicacies ofevt ry clime may be hail at a inomo t's notice. tloalsat 12 cents nnd upwards, amluiay be had from 3 A. M till I2.it nigl I. (;ciith;me!i may rest ns,ured that no expense, will bo spared to render this Hotel a model one. J. OTTENKIRK, Propr. , 3ui. March 7. 1603 CATTAWISSA Rail-Road COMPANY. supkbi.ntkxdent's orricn. Willinmsport, April Ul, 1803. On and nftcr Moni'ay, 2ilth iust. Pas-eegcr trains win ! iss hi pt-ri u. it'iiuw h : 11 1 1 1 .1 . Mail. Pass Unpen Arriving at Phila. at Phii'i lAprcss l-.isa Rupert Arilviug nt l'hila at ami al New Voik ut Niagara HNpreas. Pass Hupcrt nrriviug at m illiamspnrt ut I'.liuira Mail pass Itnp. rt arriiing ut illiauirport at M 37 12.50 1.51 ,'iM 1U.S.1 I.I.', :i,:;.i 5,.-,s nm. pm. nut, pm, put pm am. pm, pm. (Mgncd) II. STANLHY COODWIV, Aui(. P II I L A D E L P II I A. paper hangings IIOWHLL & HOl'llKIl, C'urncr rourlli and Mark, t Htretts Philadelphia, havo now iu slock, a lino variety uf WA I. I. PA PEll S, Out up eipessly for their -'priug Trade. WINDOW P PHIt OP HVl'.UY tJRAIIi:. n which thv'y i't-lin thu ultuulion of ctoreko"pcrs, L - in Hi'-lr ret.iil.-p.irtuieut, will be luuml tho choicest styles of thu ilou. Mar li 7 ldo3 3 inus.ieas Tnc Old Guaud. t Montliiy Ji'urnnl, dt voled to th" Prin rlplc- of i77 and l"e7, Designed tn unmask the I L'siirpaiiiiu, liespotisiu ami crimes o this Ami to di f.'iid thu diictriues of -tales Rights, nud o I uustiiiiiloual Libuny, as held by our lit voluliouary Path ts. ! I'ubli.h, d by V. Cll lUNfBV lll'UR L. Co , 1 13 Nas sau stri t't, Now Vork. i 1'iuti. Mutl'i iiumbars IS cents, rnrwnrdetl by mail or ' xpress lu.,11 parts of thu I nlt 'il states nt SI a ,ar iu uilvnme. Auy pt rsmi sni.ijng uu sulisirl- , burs will retvlvu nn ailililinn.l ropy I'jr un'j year. I li II. IMi3. ' j.IOO lUwi wnllng I'.ipor.iuclildlng of note, l.ette I Foul-cap, rti'riiion, Hill, c Drawing pupcrs selling n - luw rititfcs lor lasn. u' r lil.sirnv o,.,; m. Li, lJ'illHV;, M.HlOlinry, 8. W tr th, .t Ke miUdalphit. - .iXwWJ'-y-J.TCsJ, . 'ia-lS's . . I il i !ni!iiiKi.iSSa W kOU WANT TOBUYYOUU Cheap Spring Goods, 00 TO Ki re, in Light Treasy's Ircrt, I'a. Alii, KIM Olf 1)00)8 ! OALinOK, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, OAllPETS, 1IOSIEKY, . . . , . ,ir 1 o oil AW IjO, Picady-Mfdo Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrupy, Uofl'ecs, Teas, Fish, Salt, Uacon, Hams, Lard, Tohncco, Stfpnrs, Hats, 5oot", Uups, Shoes, l)rng, Oils, Paint?, &c. In nddltlnn tn our Inrce stork of Dry Goods, we have f largo nml full assortment of Heady Matlo Clothing tinr on iinil llnrMti,inr wliif.lt iv, . urn il.'t r ml 11 fil 111 'nil cheaper Hi li can he bought elsew burn. Cull nnd sec, nnd Jo dee for yourselves. fi I II. W.CIIHASV t CO. 1 Light !-trcet, March 1. lKI. l.i nan ahhival of New Spring& Summer' AT PETEll ENT'S STOKE, ix Linnr srnr.r.r, colvmhia nwxrr, r.i, II'' AH just received f rum Philadelphia, ami is now mieuins at the old stand I ite y iiccunled by Murm i & lint, a splendid assortment nf I 1 which will be sold cheap Inr i 6a?II OR COUNTRY PllODUCE. Ills stoekcousi-tstif Ladles Dress GoikIs choicest styles and latest fashion CJalieos, JIu-linis, Ginghnms, I'lanncls, Carpets, yhat.'ls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE LOTIIIN'fi. Cas-imeres, Satinets, Cottonadesi, Kcntuohy Jtans', Thread, &o. G roccries, Queens ware, Ccdai ware, Hardware, Medicinss, Drug, Oil", Paints, &a. I500T3 & SHOES. HATS & CAPS. In short rery thing ii-untiy ki-jit in n rountry store 'i'he itatronai:" of tdd fri -nils, and the tt'iblic'ueneral- ly, u rt'Mju-r ttiilly n irit.-tl. I lie uigne-i iiiHraei price pain inrcouiiirv irn,iure. PCTHIl I, NT. Light Street, May 3(1. l?fi.1. 616 FOR EVERY 13LDY. TERMS CASH Oil lliOIUCh-:. Just none toC and W Krenmer's r-'tnre. In Jersey tnwu. Pa. where on wilnlud all kintli-of Dry ;,, Is: sticlias Ladies Dress Goods", Prints, Mu-Hus, Ginghams, Ilt-iscry, (iroct'iies. l-'lannels, Shawls etc. Qnconswarc, Hardware Ctdnrwarc, Tin w in', And Drugs. Fish, Meat, Salt, Flour, Tob ceo Solars, Hats, Cap.'', Roots, & Slmrs, IRON AND NAILS In short, everything that Is generally kept ina coun' tryi-toie. W'u w ill sell jou gnnils at fair pri't'S and take all kinds ofproilinv 'is pay - nu ll n l,ull"r. Hit's i.'raio, l.umbir Shingles, t 'ak plank, ami iu fad auwhing Hi it any bony ,'lff will buy and i-il' asth np nsean be -,,l I iu tli country. U'o will not hv umkrsoltl by Ji w or tie..tiles, Come then ono ami nil, judge for your selves. Bring your tiadt', hut don't it-k for trust V i V KKHAMHIl. Jerseytown, Mny 2, lrf.3. 'HIE SEW (ilMClH.V s'l o ti E. MORE FRIiSH GOODS. dust 'cceiucU at Erasmus' Nw Store. Molassrs, Su;;ars, Teas, CofFoo. Rico. Spit'c, Ilivrs and Caps, F.h, Salt, Tohacco, Solars, Candii-s, Razcn-, FEED AND PROVISI NS. Toitether w ith a great variety ofnutiuuaanil etcete tns, ton nuiueroiis tn iiivniinn. ST" Hutter. I'.ggs, Meat and prndiuo generally taken iu cmhaiigo fur goods, A. II. Hit tsSMUS Pliinni-buri:, Mav P. lrti.3, FANCY FURS FANCi FUR-!: JhIiii l'iin-ii-;', 710 Aidi Strut, hclow f)ih, EOUtll Mile, I'illLAIlKLl'llIA. linpcrk'i', Manuljiciun r of ami Di'ttltT in nil kind.s of i:xcr i- i' hi, i for Ladies' and Children's Wear. I w i.li lii ri turn mi thanks In tnv friends nf C luni bia anil tlu surrounding nnnm s. f..r tin tr very lib r.il patrolman -t nded to oi ' UHriug the l.i-l f,'W y.nirs, nudwoiill say to tin m Hrit I now h..ve in tnre.ifmy nn li iuipiirtutiou nil I mauiifai lure n very t u n, ive u surlm nt of all Hie tlillVr 'lit kin, I- nut ipi.ilities nf I'sniv iViu fur Ladies until hildreii, that will bj worn during Hie Fall nnd int -r seasons. Peiug the direit Importer of nil my Furs from I n rope, uml having tin m all luauiilatturetl uml, r my nn u siiiervlsinn - enables me to nil' r my cusloim rs anil til.) public a much handsomer del nf Furs for tlu a'imo limn,, y. Ladies tleuse give mo n cull bit, r iniichas iug I Please remember the name, number nml strut. JOHN' l AIIUMlA, Nn. 718 Auctt Hintt.r, Pini.Auti.ruii. Sept. 12, If 03.- fluios. SCIIOOI.lSilll'S FOB SHIi. Pittsburgh Commercial College. IllugllllllipllU " " Crillendiu's " Phllailnlpbia. Htr.ilton. Ilryunt & Cn.. " Thesi -crips, art innuiounts nf sj i.'i and $VI ami nro l-so much rush by Iho clludciit on em ring fit In r of Iho nbuvu 1 olligiis Young iinlu desiring toobtain a lliu, li ed Collegiate lMucntioii, will here lludugood specula- cu t niiegiaii) liuucniion, win noru itlonbyapplyiug.ittho olliceoftln Not, I IM1- COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT i 1 i aft al 1 m I i BRAVE S01JD1ERS AMD SAILvHtb. 110. LOAVAY'S PILLS. AND OIN 1'MENT. ,11.. L. ).... IM.,n.L.nil n,.l,.i... In II, n t.n.cn, 't 11 " it" 11 tt- 1 ii. M.n him, ,. "." " ; . .. Nnvy hmililtakii ipetin mr.i that Hi ,y In; innply suo ft 1 lei wiiu iii' so riiis nun , iiiiuiK-ii, , linn ttiiirt' uiu binve fnlei rs nnd Cilbir have in gietted to provide III "ins Ivt s with th m. 110 better preft nt ten l,n sent th 'iu b) tin ir I'rb mis. Til y have been proved to bu the foldb r's ni' v r lallitu Irl.'lnl In the hour of need, j COUIIIlit A Ml Ct'l.l'H AH'CCTINU THODl'rf, Will he speenly nlleveil and iir ilunlly inri'il by us luc Ill se mlmirahl" uu'dinni's, nun b) i.ij nig prop. 1 ut entiiiii tu III Directions which tire, attached to each Pol or II. nt HIl'K IIHAD tl'lU'.S AM) WANT ' P Al' KTITI.. IXCIDIINI .iLTO HOI.DIPIIH. 'I hnse feeling which so sudden us usually nri"i' from trouble or uniioyumi'" oh tru. ted pi'isplrnlioit. or e it dug nml drinking wnniuvi r is uuw m.i. some, 11111s nn turbiugth, ht iilthfiil 1 1 1 1 i . 1 1 of the llvi t niitlstiuiiuch t.n 'lliese organs mut be relieved, if J ou dislre tub well I I he Pill-, taken according to tho printed iiisrtiiclhui, will ipilikly proil ,rc a h 'iillhy nctnui In bntli livir nnd stnioacli. ami, us a nn'.uinl coiiM tiiexce, u clear litud 11IIII gntm lipit, tilt:, WtiAKMM'OK DIlllll.II'V iNDUCLI) 11V OVL'Il I'ATItlUU Will soon ills.nppe.ir by Ihi usoof there invaluabli! Pills, nnd the tSululer will 'inlckly uetpiiic mlilili il sir. mith Never li t Hie How els he ither roullui il or uuiliih titled upon. It may seem strung', Hint llol- imn''s Pills should be reio embM Inr i Jsintery ami I'lut many persons supplying that Hi y wimld Ineri'ii'i' III'.' r"l utlou Till- Is n grtut mltiilii. for these Pills "HI correct the liver anil stimaeli. uiul thus remnv" all the acrid humors from til' systi in This nieuiilne wl'l give tone nnd vigor to Hie whnlu orgnnlr. system. Inm,'er dt ranged, whilj health and strength follow ns a matter of court". Nuthiug will .top tho re laxation ui'the l owos so sure u- this famous medi cine. VOIX'NTUnitS, ATTilNTIO.VI INDISCUCTIONJ OI' YtlU'l'll. sfores and l!lter, l.lotrhes nnd Sm-lllngs, can with cert.untv he radltallv ruri'il. ifthe Pills aretaki-u nk'lit and luuruliiL", nml Inutmeiit ! Ireely used as st.ileit in I the printed lu-tiiicllon . If tn nted iu nny ther man- i lit r. ill y ilry up i 1 1 ne (i.irt to break out in another I " In reus Hiis tiiuluient w ill remove Ur- humors Irom Hie y I -1 i . i , I h ave thi' Pall 'lit a N igiiroiis Ju l heulihy man. It w ill r, noire a little p, rn'U'rant e iu bad ta- 1 si's to l;i-uii! a I i-tiiig dire. I'Oll U'OUMiM HIT. till! OCCAs-IOVr.ll I1Y -run I HAVONHT sjAllI!" , 1)11 llli: IIL'I.I.UT, .-OSI'.rt oi: iiiiLMiiia, To which eveiy Hnl.lier unu -aimr are liable, there I are no metlines so safe sure, and convenient, nt Unl liiwa's I'lllsnud Ointment. 'I ha wonmlrd nud nlmii-t dying sulb-rer might hao hlswouinls dresM-d imme ili.it' ly. tfhe wmihl only prut idu him-ilf with till matihl.'ss i 'Intment. hith shoul l be llirusl into t li , wt nud nml sm uiriid all inind il. Hun entered with a -piece of linen from his l.unpsU' k ami tompiessed w nil u haliiiki rihief 'I'alking, night and morning, linr-i Pills to coid the ty-t'Ui nnd Prevent inll.imatiun. I.v 'ly.'-otni r's Uouisat-k nnd tfenin in's Cliest llould be proi'iiled w ith th i- vnliiabl. Ileineilies. CAUTION !- Nnne nru genuine unless the nurds "llollow.u-. X w ink nml Limdou " ore ili-eeruable us a Wiiter-mark in evi:ry leaf of Iho bimk uf eirc timis nround t neh put i.r bn ; ihe snme may plainly s -i u by hid, lug the leaf to th ' light. hamlriiin.' i itardwill be given to nny une reuderimr sm ii iulnrinatliui us may lean tn itie t.eti t linn of an) part) or parties rnuut.-r-f iling the molii'lui'S or v.'ouiug Hu same, knowing them t i h spurious, Soil nt man if.ictory ot Prof 'S-or llolliiway, Pll Mia I 'll l.ane. W'.v urk. no I hy all n pert.iblu iirug itdsuud II utlers in Meilieiue. thruiighuut thutiilvil wu.-ld. inh'iM's ut'.'.i ci nis. nud $1 cm h IJi" I le.re Is considerable tav lug by taken the larger sires. . I!. Iiircctions for the gui lance ofpatiunts in every disorder are nllixed to each box. J il no '-'0, Iri,:i, -y. 100 It S3 WARD! Foil A iM F.I) IC INK THAT WILL CURE cavans, iXFi.vr.rzj. richi.ixn i.vrjiirnn.o.iT miuurixti-vovoii, oit hi ui.vr. cox iir.vrTJn: ivL'tiiis. m uuuksis Fivp 'MiuaMimi tiilic have hern -n, in its native town, and not a single in stance of lis l.ulure is known We hat e. iu mir p'u'Si's-iou, any 'piautiiy uf ct nil rj.t -s. -,.iiif nf llieiu limn ilium ut ph iiiin, win, have use. I u 1 1 Hi, il print ir n, uml an ,-n it Hi pr,1 iiiii n, 'life nt , r at ) ulli, r t ' i in m ii 1 1 il . It im siltii dr up u cntlgll. bat I iw li. It, s,i ,l- tn enab'L' Hi pati 'ill' to i'X p.'ilnr.l, truly Tw ,i or thrne i;i,s,i, iumiii.iMv cure lii kliu.' iu th thrtuit. A hull' bnttle b,10 uftii't COUiplt.t. I) t.lll'll 111, uio&t .Si Ui UORN COUGH, and jit. tbou!.'h it is so sure nud sp . d) in its r.pcratiop it ! pTl t Hy h.iruiless. In inir pur l v gflable. It j , M'ry ngri't-nble tn tli-- taste, and u.ny be auiuiuistered , to children t f nny age. J IN CASES OF CROUP we will guarantee a ruie, if taken in sicmiu. Nn I faint 'y should Ira milium it. It is within thu reacli of an, me price li, nig ONLY 25 CENTS. And if an Investment nn.l thorough trial din s not "h it k up ' the nlime statement, 'he in, hi, j will n . re funded. U'o sny this knuw'ing Us ui'ril-, nud f..,. i on fnlei t Ill-it one Irial will secure for it u h'.uie iu eery hon-e old. I), i mt waste away with d ugbii.g, wluu so mall on nt stni nt w ill i nre nil. It inn) h h i, nf any r si, itnblit irugtiul iu t.,wn. who will luiui-li )nii witU a irmlat t f g, mini e. rtilhati - i l i ur, s n li.,a madu C. U. Ci.AI'.i; & CM.. Priipru lur. . , . , New IUit. t r. r; At wind, 'sale, by Ji.hn-ton. Ilnlluw.-n &i mnl, n, CI North CiMh Ht t. I'lnla.b Ipbia Pa. I'ur sale by llrugei-t', iu til y, c ,mii try , uud uv. ryw lure, isept 2 , lend -Jin THE GREAT 01 VF.I.HLV rillllH.T, M.W l)i,K; giuceits nrgaui.alion, ha rrmtad i, mw era iu the history id whid.'sailing Tins in tliisi minirj. 'I h -y h.ne introd'iceil their si b i ti.'iis n 'Vas nud tro s. tliug llieiu i.t nut our two cent-to. Cents) pi'r pound above cost, n, v(,r ,,.. Mating troin the one price ai i d. Another peculiarity uf th Cnmpany i-, that tin ir Tea Taster not only ili vtdt s ins lime tn tin' si leetiou nf their Tims us lo quality, wilue. .mil p.utn ular slj les fnr p.irticu'arlninlities I'l'rouutiy, but he lulp- Hi,. i',a buyer lo i h"ii-i' o il of Hi ir enurinous -lock such 'Peas ns are bo-t ado leil to his particular wants, uud not only this but poinls out l In ni Hie best bargains. It is easy to see Hi' intnlculnhl,' mlv. mtage a Tea liuyer has in this t slabl shuu-ut ui r nil nHu rs, II he is nn jimi't.' nf Ton , r tlu Murket, if his time is vuliialdn In: h is nil the beuetiis of a w, II nrgum?. d sys tem of iloiug bu-im ss of imiueiis.' i .ipitt 1, of tin. j nlge. iiii-nt nf it prnP'ssiumil Tea l'aoter, nud the kiiuwledge of s'lpi riur s, 1. -small 'this i iiald sail Tea huytrs-un matter if tiny are Ho u sail .is of mil.-s fmm this market l,t part base on as good ti-rm In re as lite Ni w York men hauls I mil.-- tan order leas.iud will he siued by us ns well lis thuill.ll they t-aille III ni'.eK es. being sure to gi I original puckag' Irio wi itihts uml tares ; uud th ,t Tun a lira it uirantt'tl us r -pr-seutLd, we issU" u Prite Li t of tint I ompany's Teas, whuli will bt- sliii tnall who order it; cnmpri-iug Jliion, young lhjon, Jiupcriul Gun powle Ta-aidcaij wit Skin. IJOI.ONfi, MlUCIIO.vfl, ORAMii: & IIVSON PI'.KOF.. Japan Tea nl'cveJJ description, iidnred nud uncolnr cil. This li-t lias i a h kind nf T.'U ihv nloil mtn Fimi r Classes, mini ly; Cargo, huh Cargo. Fine, Fiuetttli.it ovcri Juo may umlerstaml from description ami the prh'es anneke.l that the I'ninpany urn tlelermi lied to under illtln whok'TtA trnde We guuiuulei-tn sell all our Has nt not over two cents ( il.' cents) per pound above cost, believing this to b,' n llr, ii live tn tin- many whu havo hcrttpforu been paling en, Tun, us pri tits, U-.LAT A ViHiilCAN Tin ClMP NV. IMf lKlkn. NO JIIUSIRS, No SI Vlsii' r-treet, New York, Pept. 12, lrr,3-3mo. nwn iKiTiiL. ntuniitbtiur;, Columbia County, Penmi. SlIAS DODSONi I'roprlr lp. , nkes pli-nsure iu minnum ing to the public that he h is I II, n uud Hioiougb y r, lilted the Fnrks Hotel fcriin rly m-i UU tilt) Rnb rt llng'iibuih. Ibimusburi.', uml is prepur d to acruuiudule Iravell rs ti iiinsl, rs. drovers ami boar h rs. II, s table w ill b" supplied n it Ii b st proiluits Hi mark, ts nirnrd, ami hi. H.ir will be coutlautly famish il lulh the ihuicesl Honors, C.' A larg ' an U'iiuiiiiodioii stabb- has h 'en erected, with u ceu, i-ui oil stable nltaciietl Att-'iititu Ostlers will ni unv s h" iu attelninncii, ami he Iru.ls his obliging all, iitiun to custuui' rs will secure him a liberal share i f puliiiuage; l looiiieburg. Pa.. Nov.2J. It-OJ. tt O ,B X. F. T- SJ A U & ii.-;.,, it.,., i, i..-...t,.. i. ii.. . i.i , iiutii, i;tniuiiiiiti-;i tv li.litlkiMlllli .1 A N U E A i T U R E R. Wiiot.'i-u: anu .(. Dkai-irin PRINTlNti. Will .-. WRAPPING PAPUUc AtltST TO l 'lllli I ATAWIIS H,'tR M IMS, Main r-lri't t, first door lo low tho Publlr Spnar", WILKESBAltUi:, VA, .Vsr.tl, 1U1-1. E C O N OJYJ8E A LT H ! CURE YOUR COUGH FOR in CENTS Tlis bent uni cheapest Household remiju i?i the World. y mawame' zadoc rotvrrn'ii fniRTAw mmm t-.fJ'l lafuri-ireinv - ' " -mm giAuj, u MA HAMK ZAllOC Pen. Tl'.II'fl Cur P, tvnrrunledir,!,,.,! ,.,," to the dlrct lions, t., cute i' nil case, I'nugii,, , n)J nnd nil ntT,.fH,iu of it, thront and Ldnga, Madnmo Zadoc porter's Msani . piepiredwin, j, the requisite ,k , ,rPma" cemhluallou (iflhnb, .t,t.m, """'V'Titahlitkiuam irfords, Its reinedial .p,aii. ties nre bared ou 1,, j.',,,,, o iissi.l th, healthy rir n lalloiinflh blood, thrum, the I liuss. It is unt J lent remedy hut ciuoilntit wurinliig, senrchlug nmleir I'dlve; enn he lak.'ii li. tli,, oldest nenon or tho j ,uni. est child. .Vnilam'ailnc PorUr's bsi snin has hern In u by tho uiMlrfor ovr Wynirs mid ' is gpr-nri'il it. pri't nt sale miplj by Iil ina feroniu! n "d hi thnso w ho havu u M It to their lilllitteil l,l,,. nn.l niliera, Mot Important -Madame Zador Purler's ruratini Pnlsani Is sold at a prlc whkh In lugs It in tbn re ,c of every nue to li. p II ciinr 'nl nt for use The t Iv u. ofa slugl'boltl. will pruv.i to be worth lo tliiirs its cost N'O'l'K'l . Have your money I Do not ,P pcrsuadrj to puri'hase nriirles nt Is to Jl which ,.o tint ctuit ui! th' Irlu fn 1 Iceut hittl of Mn inin l',,rt"l i I'm' rnllve llnlsf thecot of manufa, taring w Inch Is ,n greal lis nlino-l nny tillr-r uii'dli ine r.n I the very lov irece 'it w hleli ft I sol I, makes His p.nfii t i the i or nppa. utly small, nud uiiprl'irip-ib' I r. roui' limes reooniinend nlh r medleiues nn w hnii tl, profits nro lurg"r. unless the ciiflnmers iii-l t nn B fi'ii i in' Madame Porter's and none ntln r nk for Ma, lame I'orter's t urative t nluui pri, 1 .' ceiita, an,! n large buttles at S.5 oeuto. nnd take no utln r OT'-r'olil by nil nruggl Is and Storek epercntl3ct, a,. 1 in linger bottl 's ni J5 rents. IIAI... I'.UUKl.U, Pr prlotora, New York Jnnu.iry il. ISOJ. C R I TTKlD E iNrS " rinLiiiELi'iiaA nuUiiiEiunL. CO LLEGE A'. E. cornci rj th uml ClteshuU Stretu PHTLAUELPHIA. Tills Institvtiov. w Midi w a tslahHfhtd tn tPH flrij is now consequentlv in Ihe ti?iireth urnr f its r,,t. enee, iiupiber" among Its craduntes hundr ,1s of t.n inost-urcessful .Mcrihants 'itul lliibincas Men of our Country. Tnr OBtrcT of thi Institution iso y inafl'T I v men f.uilitiesfiir thorough pr 'pnrntionfor bit in .,. Tin: llnAvrm-s Ttfuin nre, (not-iert'nr, ns appli v hie tt tin- various dt'iiartmeiit. nf tr.nle ; I't'ima -ir botli plain and oruaui. ul il ; Caiinieraa! law Ma t tmirirs, XaiwMlon Civil Ktiginttntig, lltirmg, oj"rA.v, nnd .Mxltrn l.tifftnffC3. Tip Sv-ii m hi IssTin'crins Isp-eiiliar inrtu ,flI sft lessons are ma, In u-e of but t nil) -ml, nt M t , lt Individually, sothatlie ma cnmiiifuee ni in timi and attend ut w'halt'ver hours are inu-t t unv i. t Cat it uncus nri-ssiiil aiiiniillitnfUT th,' Ijili nf pl cout'iiniug nnm.is of th,' stndi nt fur th v. -tr. nn : ' i parlit ulars of ti nn-, &c.. nnd may ho obtain, d nt .inr time by .nltlr." lug Ihe Principal. In HxrENiiVE AtroMMoni itnss, trtjc sprrml rwtitim nnd t II.- rni'l,; riiitrlcnic rfthi I'ri'iapat tin- In t, tiou utr.'rF- fat ililies fU)eriur tonny nihe, mi in, r ,un try. for young men wi-biug to prepare f,,r I u- s. nml tonlitain ut the snme time a ti.pLn.'tv. i-a,, ,lUl pr'-rt a rtcon mendutoix for them th, ui to r,ny MvrtKaa tile llnii-e. tVCi'iirvnts's -"rriM e Triniht! on t'ontt-KfEF-IMi now noro widelycirculntedthau nny nthi r worx en the subject, are I'or saW nt the I ',.11 g S. HOUGHS CIUTTI.NOI'A-. 1'11ISC1P,U Jan. 23-Iff,2 12m. EVANS ay W'A fM) f'ALA.M.WDI'.rt SAI'I t. p" , tr? - t "?'. .S ; s.ji. i. a iiar.!. . kiov i.n .'..'ii,; is r.-t siuviiii iii as lu.-iiw, ; ' KrUliS i.'.VSH-i". -"-'.'"' Vil.i It tkil I. at.,. nml u larL'e nsvirtnn , , i Tln-f prno rsalam-in i, r - ,i s. I-'t. iron tloor, tor h -t ks ,i stores, iron shut! -rs iron i.f, ) luukes orlock-t equal in nny n.ais in the rnited Fifit. s. IV'S 5nVs in one Jiri. lent in ivd ro'tilition. Ml came nt righ' : t-na s Tli" Salamander f-afes r,f Philadi Iphia ajai.it its world. EVA NTi k WAT:-ON, h ive had the .itresl ileinostration ia 111" felloe tifltate Hint HHr uiauiifai tor,' ol'Halam.in I, r - 'nr nt lenglh fully warraim-il th r, r,'s,'iitatit,ns h n Ii , I i made of lli"iu as rtndering an un.."iil.ti ,1 s, ur, y ag mist ill ti rri.lc 1 1, mem. Philadi Iphia April 1" l-Ji .Vrtir r.rws If llairnn: r;t iitl -m, n It alT is is th' lnirli' st satisfaction to state tn voti, that nw , ,i! to th Very protei III',' U :t 1 i 1 1 n ftln "of th Sna.n.t r. t-'afi s v.Iiii h we pun has d of ym some tl v niomh suite we -aed a larire pnriinn of jewelry, and nil ..nr oo fcr., t pos -.1 to th l aianiiuous.lire in llausteni1 plare , u tin- morning tifth lllli m-i.. When we r II ut Hwt Hies, safswere Incati d in the fourth snr td'th building wj in 1 1,, I uml that Hi r f dl siib-""iii'iiil) into ,i li np i f buriiiiiL' num. w , r the wist contvnlrutliui of the Ii at caused Hi brass pt ,i s to im ll. we caiim I Inn ii nri th r. si riatimi of t ,r ualdi' cnnti nts us most nm nn ing iiriu f of th . ,o curiiy utronit'il bj mir sat,--,. V" sliall Hike great pi unir iu reroiiiiiieinlin, men nt bii'.im'ss ns n -ur r. ham .n.ini fin (iHOIKJi: U. t-niMuxri i. in-, ) ,.,,,, rr'-lh" ha- since purihasi tl six large S.if .. July -J.., Ird.'. ! August 2J ; it No.4. 0, 1 1, IU, lo, 17 Couitlaiult Sfcef NIIMt IIP.OMIWAY, NCW YORK I PI V This nlil-ostnlili-h.-il and favnrit,- resort nf ihe h" in ss Cnmi.iuuil) has been t c nil., rt-fili. tl uml is oui d.Me in ier)HiiUL' that can u,i,ti,'tT tu the cumloris rf its patruos Ladii and lainilies nr,- sp -tiall) aim tar, - full) pro-, nit ti fur It i ci uttally located iu th Im ms, part of the city an. i is c inligiiniis in th,. principal lines of steambnals, cats, iuiinibus-,'s fi-iri, s. &:e. In i-niis. 'luence nf Hi pressuro caused by the Rebel lion, pnet s hai, I, ..ui r. duct d tu (Jm Hollar a. d i iji ( cuts per Pny ' li - table is .'imply supplit d " ith all Ihe Imur "s of the seatnn.aud Isc'iuul tu tnat of any other hot, I in the country. Ample accommodations nro oir-'red fur upward of t'-0 gue-ts. Do iml h -lii'vo runners h.iekmen, nnd nthers it In mav say "the We-tim lint I is full." II. I). WINCIUOTF.U, Proprietor TIIO:-, II. WINCIIHSTHII. Feb. 15, lrl,2. r.t ( 1 1 a i( , 1 fyi f.t rrtri'tor of thin wi-ll-knou n and centrally lori iit'iicL, inn lAinvMib. iiotci , f-nu.iii' on iiai. Hlrocl, in lilnoni?lmr'. iiiim isiicly 'inocit tin1 'oIuiit bi.t Cinint) I'mirt Umj-n , ul Hot,-' , ri'nprt ituiu i ioriiis hts I in t.'i'iiiT.i). tli.il Ins lloiifo is titiw .ri'rprittullj (nriiifi lits l'n tn'p ami th: iHililit iter fur tli- r ( i-iitiou an .fiiti'Miunim ni t i ravt-lurs i nu may t -v ili-porx i m tavtirit w till Hi' ir iihtmn Hi liat t-iuircil m 0 n-i in irp;iiiiiu III- Iaiimm.k fu Ok1 cm rtiiiniiiunt ut'ltM Kin tits, ihiIIi-t uli'ill llicrt- bt ,in lliiiiu wauling !m In part tn miniM'-i ut tlicir H'r-,t n.ti romriirt. Ili liiiuic is up itiuus aiul unjoyn uu cictllt nt liiiMiit-n Ifiiatin'i. I! v)niiiihuf'(t r'lii at at) timo-. tn tueui thu lldnnsi Uotfl ami tin n r ion s ltnl Hn.nl !)rpf-N, hy whu h tttn ulcrs will tut plrjinnntly coiiM'jeil tn anil fnua thu re fpcctivt- fc? t a t j i 1 1 h in rliK- time tu meet t h 4'ar W.M. II. KOONrt. Jlnoin.lMirp. July 7, ICO j. v. tcn, New D it u g S t o u l, WIIOliESALB AND IlIiTAIL fl'IIIJ uutlersigmil w onld inforu' Hu ll friends mo h i publie gLiit rnll) .that lin y Imvn taken th stand f r iiii'rly on iipli-d h) (1 mi A llag- ubuili tu th Lxchangs lluiloing, ou Mam street, iu lilooiii.buri', where lie hai just rett'ivi n u lull sitpp y ot iUfns, J2i iliciiti'M, B'niuts 3l iB, Which will ha sold on iiiuili rate terms for rendy pay Also, NlJTKJM- generally, of every variety, sun .n si- I'hylcians' presrtiptlous carefully coiupnunded n till limes und ou shuit notice, t.'ouf itioueiy nf the best selections, and o? Water in seusou. A -unto of the public cuttom Ii rrspcrtfully iv Helled. F.YF.R t MOYCR IHoonisburg. April II, If 03. TIN W AUK & .-sToVH Slltil'. 'I'Mi: uudersigtieil rsspeclfully Informs his old frieu ' 1 and customers, thai he has purchased his bmlb ulcrcst iu the nbmu I'atablithuient.aiul the conei ru wi t heictl'ler lie conducted by himself exclusively . Ho has Just received uud oilers for sale. Ill U' -li,) est uml limit I'Mcusivo assortmeul uf i' H f-fjSl ST I) V II ri ever intriiiliic'd into this inark d ,ii!T, His stotk consists of u lomplt't. nssnrtui, nt " he bsei Cooking nud parlor stoves iu ihv unrki t t'igciii er with (Stove i'ixtures ot iwrj .lescnptiou liven an llox Stoves, Radiators, Cyliudar tjlows, Cast Iron t Tight ttnv, s. Cannon Hloves, tc. 4:r. Htovcpipe nnJ I'iuwuro coustnully on hand uud muuuf.ii lured to ordc, All kinds of repairing ilone. ns usual, on shot t'otlt e Thu patronage oi old Irlends and new uisioiiuirs pettfiilly suliciieil A. M. ULIXI'.I lllnonisburg, Nnvenibsr 3d lfr.n. tf, Vor S:tl' In'i A first rnto H ok Case nnd Secretary coniblnul-tpily ta J, O, I'lUIBiiU E'lotaiti'l- Aurt If, IM