cou'hbia mmni SATOnDAV MOIININO, OriGUEH 31, 1863. THE PRINTER'S WANTS. Wo wnnt'Cidcr, Corn, I-'umpkitiSjGrnin, Ikcf, Pork, Poultry oud Money. Also, a few loads of Pino Wood. - Stone Coal- 13 selling at 131oonisburfi wharvoa at tlio following rates i No. 5,1 In Madison, on the 21st inst., Mr. Con 2,C0 , No. 4, $3,00 ; nud No, a, 81,00. . relies Yanhoun, aged. about 74 years. 0 I At the General lliWital, near Gettvs- Oe.NScnit-TS.Tho Syraouso tiioiuilisl argues that 'A man coerced against Ills wilt, To go to war, will seldom kill." Consiitu - p 1 Inn between an Abolitionist 'Union wiui nn 11, ami tuo ouicr goes lagaint't the Union with a but. Standard Dumocuatic Document. Tiic New Tcstamont and the Constitution of tho United States. Wo commend them rovercntly to our peopla. Do You Know of One? Reader, do you know of ti singlo loud-mouthed, braw ling Abolitionists, that has professed to bo full ot fight and fury in this war, who has been drafted, and means to go ? Ni:w Goods. S. II. MilijCH, has just received a large and beautiful assort ment of Fall and Winter Goods. Those in want of choice goods should give the Ex Sheriff a call. The falling leaves arc a nuisanco on streets or walks, but nro very good ma nure on grass, strawberre beds, &c. Sweep or rake thein out of tho way, and put them where they will bo useful. A Speculation was got up in Blooms burg on Tuesday evening last, in the 'shape of a "Curtin Supper ;" at Dodsou's Forks Hotel. The object was to keep up spirit and rejoice over tho abolition vic tory in Pennsylvania. Dit. IIiUAM C. llowun has lately im proved his rcaidenca on Main Street, Bloomsburg. The Doctor U an energetic man, a good citizen, and a strong and un flinching Democrat, Long may lie wave "Lost his reputation Co'.. Tate." Smut Much inc. A thing thnt will never happen to you, Dr. John, or any other Abolitionitt of your ilk. Dr. Pee Johu, denominates Joseph C. I'UOHEU, Eq., aa "Iiueher, the black 'jjuard !'' A moro gentlemanly Granger, lhau Lawyer Huolier, lias rfever spoken to the people of Columbia. Hut this I'cc John, would malign the character of the Angel Gabriel, if ho were not a Tory-Abolitionist. CSrTho "Smut Machine" boasts of' he re election of Curtin, "notwithstand-1 ins ho pardoned tho lllooubuig Hiotcr.,." . .... . . ... . , ! J ins is wnat ail decent people cspcc'eu, viz : that the election of Cuvlin, would be an endorit'iiu'iit of rascalitv uuil outrage. It is a premium offered for violated trust' und Constitutional obligation. It is slated that the health of our loyal league, as developed before the IJoard of Enrollment, is in u deplorable condition.' The Provost Mut.-Ii.iI and his asistants, wept, profusely over the sad spectacle. j Ono can scarcely conceive hew so much i infirmity eould make such a noise as our. . ,. . ... . . . 1 tLyut. 11 ivuua uui uuii;i inu uaiiijaiu 8urcly their lungs arc not diseased, though; their courogo ami patriotism may bo. "Before the draft, Tilton, ol the New York Independent, wrote "'Honor to the consoripts who, scorning pitiful evas ion, obey the behests of the law." After the draft, Tilton fouud ho was among thoi elected, and went, and went and paid j bis littlo 8300. j TnERE were a number of brave young j "patriots," in our midst, who during the last campaign, talked eloquently about their determination lo "ttand by tho sold iers in the field." Now that the President has issued a call for three hundred thou sand volunteers, wo aro anxious to tco whether they really intend to do so. In j Dloomsburg, a oonspoious chap who waS loud in tho abolition ''glee club" in siug ing "down with Copperheads," and "every drafted mau shall go," forgot his patriotism hut not three huudred dollars, when sum moned to Trov, as one of tho cloct. Such fanatics aro tho last men, that will 'stuud by the soldiers In tho field,' j W.E are extremely liappy to announco to the juvinilo portion ol iho commuuity that to-night, (Saturday) is "HallowVeu" or "Hallow eve," as common parlance has it. According to old Scotch traditions this was tho night on which tho fairies and witches held thoir high old carnivals ; and amongst all olasses of people it was cele brated with inoiry makiugs. Fortunes were told aud destinies read by many ttrango devices. Iu this practicol age of ours of course nobody believes in fairien oud witches, and thorcforo tho young folks tako it upon themselves to conform to tho old cunotns ns ncarlv ns circuuibtanoes will allow, by raising tho ancient on .tbt-ir own sewwt. In GatawLsa, oh ilto aad inst., by Rev. Mi P. ( rostliwnilo, Mr. W.M, McNkal, M MUa MltY 13-Lldwkj, of ( atawlsii twt). JIEA 'JTMH. In Locust twp.. Ctiluinbht on., on tho 120th o( October, SammA W.uiy, aged about 02 yenrs. At tlio rcsideneo of his son. in Frcdor- I icksburp;, Wayne oo., Ohio, on ttio 18ih 1 i list., Mr. Honi.RT McCoy, lato of Wash , iiigtouville, Montour co.,ngcd 77 years. Tn Mount Pleasant, mt itm 27i1. imt Danifi, Ziat.r.n, need nbunt 00 vears. hurit, Sept. Sath, 1803, I'laulnce. son of Joseph llurtniaii, aged 10 years, 1 mouth and 14 days. In IilonnHburg, on the 14th inst. of v.. hiiu i-iiii mac., iTuf LEVI One sweet flower h ts drooped nnd faded, Ono sweet Infant volco has fled. One fair bmw tho crave has shadod, Onu dear object nowUdead, Hut wo' find rclleffrniii sadnina, Tor our chl'd In happy now, It lui kiult In toul felt chidnesr, Where the Mined angels bow. BLOOM SliUUG MAIIKETS. Wheat'j-nus.Sl 20i Green 80 Dried Applci 50 00 00 oo ID 12 10 00 25 ;Kyu.." " Corn " " Oati..'' " Huekwlicat'' Potatoes " . Clovcrsccd l( Tiinoth'ysecd 2 75 Dried Peaches 3 00, Uuttcr $lb 75 Lard 50 Tallow ' i Eggs. . .. '3 doz. 50 Hay... "ton. 13 50 Chickens " pair 11ECEIPTS POU OOTOBEIl TO THE Tho ftilluwinir paynicnts have been made to tho Columbia JJnnooat office, during tho mouth of Oetooer, lbO.) i rVil rn A,.r . Hnrll'tv 1H OlH Jnllll Melvill 2 Ol) 2 00 1 00 a ou 2-J CO 10 00 Iri (li) 2 00 4 M a io a nu a Tj J T5 1 n Mra M A Alideruon 15 doi Wm II' Has Jnliu .Miller 2 aif.Mrs t'rincilla lless iMnntuninervCoi 1 flu il njor b'liuiuol Ivnorr A K Sniilli 1 00 Miller u , ei 1'red'li V Ey.T 11 Miller Johu Wutters Joseph llagermail Jacoh .Millard Tlinina Jones .luiucl Johnson William .Miller William Oman linilieu l'uhriiiger Juiiifi Uuiiiiett 1 75 MathliH (lllljert I !'j John Snyder, (.Mifflin) 2 00 S J llre.irley 1 Daniel Snyder Alex. .Mci'.riile Win fl Uitiik, Enj., John I' Dorr Win Y Adams Iho, Miller, Philip ArhciibaeU -M M Appli in Pliincas Welsh. Charles A luiurr of Henry Wauick 2 Clil 2 30 1 73 1 00 50 00 .1 uJ 1 IT 1 SU 1 00 2 (Hi ii.iiil.i i;.,y i' ir-r'Ulilteiiiiiht 5 Ot) O Phillip Llian Ouoilman Andrew He-j 3 50 1 00 I 5 00 s ."; ; , ot ' Juries il al ins 00 John Kline, v.Mt. P.) I'.ntof JohnWIiitEnU'hte 00 Zilu IJarneB Ceo P Drii-fbtili 1 T5 Isaac Cruwfurd 1 75 1 00 1 50 e oo I 75 1 50 1 25 2 00 Nathan I'.rc.llii-ndcr Haul 1 W".Mlllrr, Jacob A t-wi.lmr Lewis C Orecu t'oliiuibla County U.-uhiii Waxsr Cbr.sinn Hartley 3 00) L'hri.tiau Small 5 do ; Itolir .Mellenry a 50 f 1 us. Ii MlCoIIuiii 2 05 J IrnacNiiss 18 75 1 Levi Wriebts 2 25l Phiueas WcUh 1 out John I'nnis, Sr.. We airain return thanks to our custom ers far I'lto.Mi'T PAYM'MTS. Il is this alotiu that can ccmro "the freedom of tho Press and tho continuance of Constitution al Government." Our friends to whom we havo sent bills, and till otheis indebted, whether much or little, wi'l greatly oblige us by promptly remitting, (by mail.) the amount of their respective indebted ness to the office of tho ''Columdia Dem 07P.AT." EST It AY COW. ClJ "f 'i" uh, a iwiA- biiixdu: con. blind in one ejc. The owner i rdpiested to come fin ward, prove property, pay ch-irgps and laku her awaj, otherwise slio will be disposed of as tho law di- I r ctx iin.ML.,, uciiioer -i. icuj,-oiiv. i ri,jtn to the premises of tho subscriber, V J in S-igarloaf township, Columbi.-i coui'ty, about the first of June latt. a li V. J) U E 1 V F r. li, supposed to bo about two ycari. old, Willi a slit in the ro-i.t i-.-ir ninl ii oL'ee out under It ft ear. 'I'll'' w uei is requested lo provo properly, pay iliargns, and take lier away, or she will be di-posed ol uccon'iuz to law. ' AI.INAS COLE, October 21, ISC", -35L ESTIiAY. jMamf. to tha premises of the subscriber, J in Centre township. Columbia couuty, on or about tho middle of teptemlier last, UL.iCK.ixu iriim: bi0TTF.n bull, supposed to bo about one year old. The owner is re qiiLbled to provo propeity. pav charges aud tako him awn!, or In will be ditpund f acLOrduig to law. ' CHAKLES UOOD.MAN. Centre twp . Oct 21, IcK). -3w Jl JiSI'RAY COW. Came to the premises ol the subscriber, iu Locust Township, in Columbia county, onTues day, September SUtli, IsoJ, a IILACU c WHITE SPOTTED COW. The owner is requested to come forward, prove prop charges, and lake her awuy, or .ho willhu disposed of according to law. , . CHRISTIAN SMALL. October 17, lSC3-0t. ESTRAY. into the promises s of the uudcr- a 1AME J signed, residing in Locust township. Columbia county (near Nuniiilia.) about Hie lOtli cf eeptember SSTnll MM! BMXM.B coir. Jj(T'5j suppou'd to bo about five jears i ch.irgos uud tako horaw.ty, or she will I.e. disposed of I according to law. GEORGE U1TNER. ! Locust tw p., Oct. .1, 1E53--3W ESTRAY. riOME into the premises of tho tin y,I,.r.i,m,..l. rcsidine in Locust township, (near Nuniedi.1.) on or about thotlli of August, a n rnv i. ow. supposed to be about U jears old, bundle and "t'io civn-t is requested to prove propeity, pay ! I charges, and taku her uway, or slm will bo "loosed or as tho law directs. JOHN 1I1LLIO. Jll. Sept. 10. let!3. 3W. 51 - ESTRAY. CAME to tin premises nr tuo itnuersifnco, in io tour township, l olumbia county, about ten weeks itico. :t?Sl TEN SHEEP. The owner or sold cneep nro reques ted to conia forw ard, prove property, pay charges anu lane iiieui uway .. , .,. .. i.n snldtis ihe law directs da otuerwiso "- iM-virv iMfil'.n Bcpt. U, U03 -S1 ESTRAY. 1 CAME Into Ihe enclosure- of the subscriber, some three months fince. in Mifflin township, Columbia county, a , , . T i 55 Large Male JTo?l "ll-S? slinpos-d t weigh about 150 lbs., and IJin eJr-iSS III.., The owner .. req.i..t.4 to ,i7oTo piopeity- pay cb .rges and tako him away or he Will 00 sul.l JICUIUI". ( lll.o Aug. 8. 18C3.-3wSl-l't) U. SWEITENIUSEU I TEACHERS WANTED nwi'O good School 'icacuers nn. b 1 columbis. county None but those wi II good cer. ttfirates need apply I to such goon l'u renv,..n f " ! irnr. SPECIAL NOTICES A FO't'KINi: F am," either men cut womenm M O hiiinliuK but mi uillrely m w thing. Only three month in this country I No clap-trap operation to null Iho public, hut a gf nulno mc no) -making tiling I -read t ho circular cf Intlruitlnn oncoonly, and yon will understand it perfectly. A t.nJy has Just written to mo that sho Is making as lilgli nn twenty ilollnra laino days I giving iustriittlrns in this ntt, Thounnds of HoMicrs n(o mnki tif; menoy rapidly nt it. No person has to bo urged to piitronir.a It. It In n thing lliat takes littler tlmn anything ever before offered. Voil con make money with It homo erobrnnd on steamboats or railroad enrs, and In tlio country or city. You will bo pleased In pursuing It, not only became It will ylolil a handsome Income, but nlo In conscqiit uru of the geti' profit, A mero trifle is necessary to start with, There Is scarcely ono person out of thousands wlin ever pays any attention to advertisements or this kl ml thinking they are humbugs. Consequently thosowlin do send for Instructions will have n broad field to make money In. There is a class of persons In this world who think that because they havo been hunibugcd out of n dollar or so, Hint over) thing thai is ndvcrtlsed Is a humbug, ronsi'i'iently they try nomore. The person who kucicciIs Is Iho ono that keeps on trying until ho of lilts something that pays Mm. j i This art cost inn ono thousand dollars, and 1 cipect to mako money out of It mid all who purchase the ait I of mo will dotho same. One Dollar sent to moulll ! Insure the prompt refill n of a card of Instructions In tlmart. Tho money will bo returned to thoso not sat , Isflod, WAL'I i:il T. Tl.NSI.EV, No, 1 Park Place, New Yorfc. Oct. 21,lSd3-3mo. communicated. fVLXOX.IHY COXaU.YrTOI.Y,CVIMVLU VISUJSE. A CARD. n,-n.-0iemititii, , , .... TO ( ONSUMrm l.-'Iliounilcrslgnedliavlngbeen ' restored tn health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, nftr having suffered several years with u bo vcrc lung ullection, and that dread disease, consumption- it nnxluu' to mako known to his fillow-suirercrs tho means of cure. To nil who desire it, he will send a copy of the pro. scription used, frco of charge! with tho directions for I preparing nud using the same, Mlitch they will find n sure cure for consumption, asthma, bronchitis, ttc The only object of tho advertiser in sending tho pre scription is to benefit the al'lictcd, mid spread informa tion which ho conceives tube invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as It will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, Parties n ishing the prescridtion will please address liuv. EDWAItD A. WILSON, Wllliamsburgh, ircpt. 20, 1SC3 1 in Kings County, New York. A Gentlemen, cured of Ncvous Dc- billty, Incompilcncy, Prematura Decay and Youthful l.rror, aituated b) a ile.-iri-to henelit others, will iu liappy to filini-li tn all who need it (free of charge) the recipe and ilirecliun-. for making the simple Keinedy uciim hi cue. od in ills c iso. Hum' wiililuglo prolit liy liis ex- perlejn-o nu.1 pokkcm a aluublu Itemedy will tercivn lie same, uy rciuru man. (cnreiuiiy sraieo; ny nuure ting JOHN It. OCUEM, No, 1.0 Nimsau Street, N, Y. New York, August 15, ItKI. 3m Uniformity ol Trices ! A .New feature in llus.-iness Every ono his own Sulesuim! JO.S'LS .t CO. of'lhe Crcii lit One I'lii.o Ciotliiug Store, Nu. 204 Marketslieet above 1 1 -c t ! t , Plulaib-lphia, In ad litioii to hating Iho largest, nmn vnticil and fa-hiou.ible luckofi iothiug in Philadelphia mailoex pressly lor retail hales, liate eutistifuteil every one nil own s.ileioan, by having marked in figures, oneaoh articl'iat tie- very lowest price It ran he sold li r so tie ) canaut possibly vury-il must buy alike. I he goods are will sponged and prepared and great pains taken w itli the m iking so that iilltan buy with Hie full in-maura ol getting -i good article at the very lo'.V'st price. Also, a larg, stoi k ol'piei e goods ou hand of the latest stylo und best qualilii s. which will be inndo to order, in thu most fat-iuoimhlu and best manner, 25 percent, btlow iredit prices. it -member nit urcbcuit. in Mantel above sixiu sireei 2)1. JONES CO. SSC3. ISG3. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE .J! A I :- a O A K This gient tiiio traverses Iho N'.-'rtliern and North .vest counties of l'consjliaiiiii to tb'i city of line, on Lake Liie. . ,, It has b'cn leased by the I'eii'isylv'i'in Railroad Company, and under llnr auspii es is In. 'g rapidly opi-io-d throiigli'iiil us entire length. li is uo.v in ii-' for Passoucer and I'ruight h'lBiness from Hnrri-buri: l Emporium, il"j miles) on the l.ajt oru Division, nud from SIil-HicIJ t J 7c)inlss)on the Western Division, rmr. ur pa-slsoejr TRtrss at .vor.riiu.MiiKnt.AMi. .Mail Train leaves, East !i 5.1 .1. M. Ezprets Train " " 1" 5J P. M. Mail " West 4 2.1 i:piess " ' ' ..Si A.M. Cars run through wnn ciusor both vvpys on tliese trains bitweeii Philadelphia mid l.oelr Haven, und ll.r.timoro and Lock Haven. New and elegant Sleep. nig Carj lirconipaning the Hvpress Train both ways betwi-Lii Williamsport and Daltuuorc, uud Williams port and I'hiladilplii.i. l'or information rcsperting Passenger business, ap plynttlioS 1',. Cor. ilth and Marki-t Sts. And for l'reiglit bueiuessof Hie Company's Agents : S. II. King-ton, Jr.. Cor. J Utli nud .Market tfts., PhH'.i- J. tV. llejuolds, Erie. J .M. Drill. Agent N. C. R: It., Ilaltlmnr". II. II. Houston, Oeu'l. i'r. ijlit Aet . Philadelphia, Lewis I.- Iloiip', O.-u'l.Tii ket Agt Philadelphia. Josi pi. II. Pott-., i.i ii'l. .Muiiiiger,Will,auispott. O.toL-el 31, IMl:l. AIUEJUTWiU'S KOTIUU3. In the Orplniis' Court jor the Cuun'.y of Columbi'i, LUntc of liiorgc JJartmun, lute oj Benton township, aiceasid. VI.L peiions inleresteil w ill take notice, that the on deriigiied, appointed Auditor by the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, to settle and adjust the r.ites and propoitions of Hie balance or assets iu Hie hands of Ouoigo .M. Harinian, E.v cutHr of Oeorge llartin.iii. itecea-' aud among the respective crediturs ot the deceased, according to iho order istabiished bylaw, will me, t Ihe paitieb itilen sti-d at P.obeit 1'. Clark's olnre. in jlloouisliurg. i n Tuesday Hi -.'-Itli ot Nun in ber, ItLS, lor the purposes of his appointment, tiheii and where all parties intercstoil aro requested lo pre sent tin ir claims, or be debarred lrum conilng iu l ira share ot such assets. P.OIlEltT r. CLARK, Auditor. lilooinsburg, Oct 21, ieU3--US'. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In tho Oiphan's Court for ths County of Columbia; Estate of John M, Rucka lew, late of Fishingcrcek twp., dec'tl. ALL persons interested will take notice, that the undersigned appointed Auditor by the Orphan's Court ol the county of Columbia, on cxocptiofis filed to the uccount of William lliickalow , one of tliu Exec utors of John M. lluckalew, dee'd., will meet tlio par ties interested nt tile Recorder's Office, in lilooinsburg on Wednesday, tho Iwenty-til'tli day of Nuvuii.ber. A. D.. IctiU. for thu purpose of his appointment, when and where all parties interested aro requested to at tend if lliey Hunk proper. JOHN O. FREEZE, AUDITOR. Ulooinsburg. Oct. 21, leb3.-4lt-.'. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Iu the Oiphaus' Court for tho Coanty qf Columbia, Estate ot Solomon Swank, lute of Reaver township, dco'd. I, I, prisons iiiter.sted will tako notice, that tho Cl .........I A. .l,i. l. .,. Ilmlian.' Court of Ihe county of Columbia, on exceptions filed to the aii-ouut ol Ti.iuoii liiltcnhniise, and lteubtii Swank, adniuusttatorsot Solomon wuuk, dee'd . will luce I the pintles interested at thu Recorder's Office, in lilooinsburg, on 'Ibursda), tlie iweiil -sixth day ol November, 1.-03, for tliu purposo of Ins appointment when and where all pailu s interested arc .equoiled ,o attend ,f they WIRT, A I'piToa. lilooinsburg, Oct. 21, leC3.-4tSJ. xx uuitcrsiouv" "i'ip"? 11 s-1 -v- w w. m . . S. . fB- Z .... iUIIllltia" noi.te. In Ihe Orphans' Court fur the County of Columlla. Es tate of i.Vifia Holmes, late cf tuhmgcrttk loifiuAv, deccard. ),l. persons intcresieu w in nine nuuco ui.u mo mi dertigued uppoiuted Auditor by tlie Orphans' Court r,r i-.,ioi,ii,,'i i-ouniv. to renort distribution ufllio hal ance III thu bands ef Mary W. llulmes, adininis.ialrix ofEdwiu llulmes, deceased, to and among tlio respec tivo ri editors ol tho decedent, according to the order cstabli-hed by law. will meet the parlies interested ut tliu office uT liob it F. Clark, in HlooiusUurg. on Wed n,.,t!,v. ii,.. uiitv-ttitli dav of Noveinber, Ii03, 1'ortho purpose id liisappolutuiiut, when and where all parlies merest d are req Uie.l topresnit their il iluis. or bo do barreu from coming iu for a charooi such ussets , M E JACKSON, Auditor, Uloou.barg,Oct.2l, Ic'03-4tSJ. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of John Whitenight, dee'd. 1 ETTEHS of lulminUrtttion on the os- S ,.,,,,o ni Join, Wliltenieht lato of I, loom township Columbia count), ueceaseu. inivo u.- - Regi.t rol'sai.l county t" the the unders ghed whi by tlie , io ro sides in tliu iinio township; all poisons Having nanus I,. nin. t iho estate oftliii decedent uro to pru sent them to the administrator nt Ills rcsideneo with out deluy, mid ull persons Indebted to mako payment forthwith. CATHARINE WIIITENIGHT, Oct, 10, 160362 Administratrix. BLANKS! BLANKS! I Of every description, for eale at this offioa Orphans' Court Sale OP VALUABLE REAL EsTATU. rtf iursiirmcn of tin ntiV r of Iho Orphan' Court of I'olumblii county, mi Saturday i the 21s of NuVvmbcr, 1803, nt 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Amy Whilsulght nml Mary Whltriilght, ndininlstrotcrs, ate, of Peter White ii I all t. Into of llemlnck township, in said county, deed., will expose to talo, by public vendue, on tlio premises, n curtain PIECE OP LAND, ami Rant Estate, bounded anil described follows, In wit: on tlio North by land of tleorgo Whltcnlpht, On the East by Inn. I of Malhla Whltunliiht, on tlio Hnuth by Inn il of l'oiwcll I'flk, n ml on llio Wu3t by laud of Aaron .Miller, CONTAINING EIGHTEEN ACRES. I.nlo tin estate of saU deceased, situate In the low V bIiiii of Hemlock, mid county aforesaid. JACOIl F.YF.RLY, Cfr. TEEMS OP HAI.Ef-Tcti pur celit.of the one.fourtli of tho purchase money to bi paid on day of nolo j one fourth less tlio ten per emit, nt the confirmation of the sale, ninl tlio lia l.-ineo in (mo year from confirmation tilth Interest from confirmation, October SI, lfC3. PCJRFjMJ SAMi o r Personal Property. WII.I, ho exposed to public, vendue, at Iho resldcntn of the uib-criuer, in Mudlson township,- Col uin- , ui:i cuuuiy, uti J Tucxduy, iOth day of November ,1803, he following pcrsonni;prnpcrty to wit: j ONE YOUNG STALLION, I TWO HOUSES. Tiinni: CiOOD Altl.CH COWM, one Bucking I 'oil, two head of young Cattle, a flock of 1 choice Hlieep, n lot of Hogs and Slloots, Grain in the ground, Corn rodder, one Two-Horse Wagon, one Bprlng Wagon, riled nml fclclph, Plows, Harrows, Corn : Marrows, running .Mill, Haines, &c, Including his j farming utensils, together Willi n lot of blacksmith i"uts, ,ii,-.j; ,-u aiiti ih-iiiiiiik. i iuoi-s, ciiives IWIU Carnet, with lariety of household and kllchen fur- till nro too teillmii Hi mention. E.ilo to roninienc at 10 o'clock a.m.. when condl Hons will ho ma le known by JOSEPH llAflErtMAN. Mndlon twp., Oct. 21, 15UU. House and Lot fjMIE underslpncd ofTers io soil at privato sale, a do 1 sirnble ami pleasant residence Incited In Light Street, Cnlunibi-i en., about H miles North oflllomus burg, on .Mam Street, and icutral In said village. There is erected upon said premises a good ta FKASIU mVKlsLlXO HOUSE, f!pll with a well-fitted rUoro House nttached, w Ith IHtillt an excellent well of water at tlio door, stable anH Irilit trees and all rthvr necessary conveniences, in a high state of cultivation. Tlio ttore House and stand are of tlio liist onler, nud present nu excellent and eligible opening for tlio Mercantile businens. The i biiildliig)ias nn opi n t-la-s trout, iimlcr nauilsomonwn- iui! and encircled by thriving shade trees I ('aid property will bo told at a bargain, or exchanged ' for u iniLll farm or other real estate. At.I'KED MOOD. Light Ftrcot, Aug. 2'J, lcC3. FJiEHU dR RIVAL OP i mm goo A T Milter's Store. rf'HE mln'riber has Just returned from fbo Oities 1 w ith another largo and select assortmet of FALL AND U JNTL'l GOODS, purchased at Philadelphia, at tho lowest figure, and wlin Ii they are dwlcrmined lo sell on as inoderato tern's as can be prorurcd elsewhere in lilooinsburg. His sto, k comprises ijwif.v iti noons, of choir, si stylos and latest fashion. niir aoom, .ixn onoci:nn:s, 11 IHDlVlllK QVlU:.V.illK, CF.H.1U HV)7(K, HOLLOW IKillE J1IO.V, X.11LS, BOOTS .V SllOfS 1MTS .y MPS. : , Src, JJ-e., In short everythlngusually kept in country Stores to w.'in h he inv'ite the public generally. Thu Highest pu-o paid fur country produce. y. II. MILLER. Illoomsbu.-g. Oct. 21, 1W.3. QOLD1EUJ. IN THE ARMY j AND OL'lt PEOPLE AT HOME ' Are now oC'.'ieil an opprlrtunity by which they can oh lain a GOOD AND Delll.UILE Tl ME-PH.'K, al a very low fuurc. Our Watches uic warrnntsd to kucp timo uuejear, nnd'tho buyer is allowed the privilege of h -iiiiination before payniunt is required. ' h iproveil Duplex in full Uuhy Actions. A first class Unn'ti 'ig Titiie-fieco of silver material, over which is n ectro-V'no plated IS'., gold, most durably wrought, ii ii' iu" th'i imitation oo faultless that it cannot be , ii, ted fro'" tho soqd material by tlio most expe.-i-e,.,.,.,l iudnos f acids will not e-llict It. London inado n oveiili'iit. liopruved Duplex in lull ruby action, has . ' K.,.-onils, k'Ud is not to bo excelled in general ap neirauce 'i his is decidedly one of the best articles ! v,-r otl'-red ror trai'ers and speculators. Engineers, oiiiiirrants. am. perso.'i" travelling, will find them sii L'u'..'1 .;"..'.. i..,r . iteration ofc i.uate will not af- frrt tli.-ir accurnr-. Prlc c packed iu irood shape und good ruiming order, only V-'. ' u SILVCR DOUI1LE T1.M-' "iw" j Rest Ouality Silver Cases, over which clectro-fino plated Irk gold, similar to our '''l'f"vI'-,J u?Ill,":n"i slip, nor adjuetcd inoveme "t '., "', "B10l l"v , , in timing horses, dr. ! Imsi'our ii.'dexes lor Washi g lull and Greenwich time, sw.'ep ci'iom 1. ami .ill t no improiemei.ts. All in all. ta.'Mng its beaiitiful a d faultless nppearence. and its sn.""'"''.!..; .1,, , , I coi.Mderatioii.we-regarditas dec " the e J t artn I.- ol Ihe kind iu tho market. l''ice. ' goud iuu nine orib r, S15, or case of (I for S'Wd c.-.,.i ! " le ak so pay iu advance, but w -II forward eillierof tin-in tcwresponsiblu paitus. to any part ot the loyal Slates with bill payable to ixpr.-fsin.-in wne i iliu goods are delivered, giving thu bu)er tilu I"-1."'"" of ivaiuinatiuii.and. if not satisfactory, tlio wate'ii can he returned at our expense. The express companies refuse making colleer,'""s oil soldiers und oilier parties iu the disloyal Stotis-consequently nil such orders must he nrcouipmied by " rash to insure alleiilion. We make a deduction ol'tv molars nu eitln r watch when the payment is forwnri. iu advance. .Money may be sent by exptess at our ex- , pensc. TIIOS. CAFPI'.R'I V "CO., 03 and MUroad St opposite City Hank, Providence, R, I. . October 21, 1003 (mo. ADM INIST K ATO R'S NOTIC E. Estate of Alexander Mcars,dcceiacd. 1 UTTERS of dmmiplration on the Estate ofAlexan j Per Mearo. lato of Locust township, Columbia coun ty, deceased, have been granted by tho Register of Co iiiinhiu county, to tlio undersigned, residing in Locust township Columbia county, all persons having claims against Iho Estate ofthe decedent areTeqnested to pre sent Hum to the Administrators', without delay, aud oil persons indebted to mako payment forthwith. PETER K. IIERIIEIN, JOHN YEAGER, Jr.. Aug, 23, 1603,-Ow SJ 00- Mm'rs. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Eitite of Sarah Stevenson, dee'd, j ETTE11S of administration on the ? 1 Estato at Sarah Hecnsoii, Into of tho Stale of New Jersey, Hie properly li ing in Columbia cc. Pa., deceas ed, liaio been granted by the Register of Columbia eo. lo Riihnid Demon, o .Madison tmviichrp. Columbia c unit)', pel. -ons having claims neuliist Iho estate Ihe deceased nro requested to present theni to tho ad luinlstrator at Ins resilience In said tow uship, wi tho delay, and all persons indebted tu make pa) incut for RICHARD OE.MOT1', Adiil Juno 20. :?03-(iw 2 0U. A D M IN 1ST 11 ATO R' S NO I'ICE. Estate of Franklin Mc Bride, die' d. I ETTEHS of administration on t'lo Estate of Fraifklin jMrllrido, lute of Hemlock -.w p., Columbia Co., dee'd. have been granted by the Register of Columbia Co., to Die iiudersil'iied ; all persons having claims ugiuust the (stale of the deredeut air requested lu present them to the Administrators at their residence in said town ship without delay, aud nil persons indebted to make payment forthwith. Ill'GII D.McllRlDE, Adm'r. August 1), Mj3.-fiw $J 00. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Estate oj 11. II. Norland, the d. ETTEHS of ad ministration on tho Estate of II, II. Hogel.ind, late of Locust twp , Colombia iniinty, deceased. Invn been grained hy Iho lli-gi ter of t'nliiinbli county to tlie undersigned ; all persons having claims against tho estate of Hid dece dent are reipie.ii.,1 to pres ut i Iii-iii tnihu administrator at Ins residenre in said township, unbuilt delay, and all persons indebted to make payment fottliwith. 1 P K. 1IEUUE1N, Adm'r. Augitrt 8, lsii3-ilw. $2 O0. ADMIN IS 1'RATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Jcrtmiih K Hess, dee'd, 1 nttcrs of adniiiiixtrulioii dc bouts nan ou jj ,m tho estate of Jeremiah K Hess, lato of Centre tcuwislno. Columbia county deceased, have been gran- te, by Hie Register of said county to the undersigned ai ,,1-rconB liac hie rtniiiis ucaiust tho estate of tho ilc- Cedeniaro requtsli d lo present thein to tho Adminis trators without delay, and all persons indebted to make payments forthwith. ..,.,,,.,,,, . 1 GI ORGE K HESS, Centre, JOHN W. IIE1SE11, Scott, AdnMltrtteri i lcssi s, srt. ij, laes.-ew?: WJUvHICX. ml , OHJbV jBx ' HAitiusnuna, pa. t plllH old ci-tabll'lnd Housn liasiinderpotirl cutcnrlro .1. iniprovoinint.ntsi and been thoroughly renovated rnd n fitted. II Is pleasantly located In lit" li"arl ol tho City In easy acccsi to tlio Ktato Capitol and Public OrntiiMK Zj' Tor the accommodation of our guests, wo havo recently commenced to run a Coach to and from tho Itallrnad, In this manner unpleasant delay In leaving the Depot for tho Hotel will bo avoided, mid much moro time afforded guests for meals when leaving the Intending that tlio tlUEIIt.nit IIOlJflK.slmllbe really n hnino-llko resort for the strnnper and traveler wo to, epcclfully KOiklt nconllnuoiici'f flnepu 11c patronage, GEO. i. IIOI.TON, Oct. 3, IB03. Proprietor. rpiIE subf-'cribor has hist rcoeivod a lot JL Ilotlcry Trluunlngs aud Now Uoods, such ul 8 IB p Kl V IB 3 , A l. b u : O LOVES. 1IOI.1. H, LTAYH. HATCIini.T,. HOOP HKIRTS, POIIT.MOVIP.H. AND OTHEll NOTIONS. tD" Wheolor k Wilson's Bowing Machines for salt). AUo-Fuuday BcTiikiI Hooks and Bibles. Also-Mrs. Allen's llalr Kcstoicr. vlilch will giro to gray Its natural color. A. D, WEI1I). Next Door below Court House, Dloomiburg, .May 30, 1803, W A W If !K s as Jtwclnj and Silvcr-tf'arc. 'IMIE undersigned would respectfully Invite your at I tentiou to Ills well seletleii slock of 11 nu Uold and Pllvcf VVntrhes. Pino flold Jewelry, of i vory kind and vniMy of sij lis-comprising all oflheiietest and i most bi'iuiliful designs. Also. Solid Silver Ware, equal to Coin-mid tho best make of Silver Plated W are. Each article) Is warranted to be as represented. , ft 7" Watches of Juwlry carefully rep aired and rut itfactlon guaranteed. JACOn IIAIILEY, (Successors to stautfer It llarley,) Nu. C2! MAKKkr Sr., I'utL'i. Sept, 5, 13(13 3m. SELEl- T SCHOOL. w. lVvnl-iFt ii-ltl rnmni.n.n hl nn., ltl Term of school October tho 20 1603. Tbev Iih h room for a few boarding Scholars, and are prepared to receive both primary mid advanced Pupils' Prices range according to tlio studies. Namely Al phabet and Spelling, $2,110: Reading, SU.33 j Geography Writing nml Wrlteii Arithmetic, S'J.SO; Grammar and oral Arithmetic, 3.00; IIMoryand Philosophy, 350, Algebin and Astronomy, 400. Instruction civuu in Orunsurutal Transnarent Paint ings ou glass, ulso In water colored and oil Paintings if desired, lilooinsburg, Oct. lOtli, 1F03. 3t. AND GENEItAL COMMISSION MERCHANT -UI.OO.MSIIUIIG. COLUMI.IA CO., PA. PARTICULAR ATTENTION OIVIIN TO PATENT RtOBTS.I September 5, 1:01 3in. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. MMIE nartnershili heretofore cxistlus bitwecn Hie on J dersigncd, merchandizing under the name and firm ot .Miller Siehktr, in Jcrsejtown, was dissolved by iu, ,m 7L-iteioui.r jcua. in per sous Indebted to thu Into firm will nlcnso call ami .et I tie. Tho Uooks, fee, will remain iu the fctoro, for e snore lime tor seiiicuieiii. J. N. MILLKR, ' A. SWISHEU. lerseytown, Sept. 13, l?03-3m. ROSE MONT CEMETRY. "ZYmc is Money," HAS It not been fully demonstrated, that It is great fol ly to wait until you haveii friend dead, before j ou goto look alter a place ofburial ; then are you leat pre pared to select, your mind being in a distracted will as lik'ly get a bad shape or bad sir.3 lot as good and desirable one. Koseiuouni t'emetry company oilers a great mary Hire located lots forsalu;aud now whilst you and yoitr family nrc iu liealtli i.s fun time tose'ecta lot and put it iu order, by calling ou tha tin ler signed ou can be arrbiopauied to the ground, examine them and as sertion the cost. I I. W.IIART.MA.V, Treasurer. Rloiumsburg.Sopi.12. IrOJ. 3in S " IU SSOLUTlOXlilM' Alt TN li'. THE co partnership heretofore existing between tlio undersigned, trading and Merchandizing in Vatn- ill,!, Columbia county, under tue lino of RclgharJ & Nu!,was dissolved on the 15th of Jiiho, 1S03, by mu tual ronsc'iit. The Rooks. Notes. Accounts, fcc., of the Into linn. ore now in the hands of .Mr. Iteigliard, in tin Store, for Immediate settlement. All persons interes ted will please call and settle GEO. P. REIGHARD, CHARLES .SUSS. Malnvllle, Aug. P, ltfia-Cw $2 00. MOUNT VE&IWJ HOUSE Second Sit eel, above Arch, PHILADELPHIA. A. I RLAlIt, PROPRIETOR. laic cf "f-ur House," Mlanllb Cily. Oct. 3, lci)3. .E 'jtt.a Xe X 5J' X'' m 35 ATTORNEY AT LAW, BLOo.vsiivna, r.i. Office in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charles Ruckalow. Illonmslnirg, Dec. 4. lr'50. M. k T. P."WATS0N LIVERY STABLE .iTTAClED. imnTii S.cPMD Sr. lli;rvte.s .MxRitsr It Arch, l'.m. 4 Nuv JO, I SOS. NOTICE. rHE .'inderrlgned, respectfully ia forms hie old friends X mid .new customers, tnui no win continue tne Mercantile Jiuiitess, nt the OKI Sta.nd. in Jerseytown, to which ho has added 1 HELL'CT STOCK OF .T.IV GOODS, tnwhirli the fltlcn.'ion of customers and the public is invited. Jerseytown. Sep.'-12. l?C33m. J.N.MILLER, U Li' L'OLDEN m INVITE-S tlio attention pf every rendo J thisvnper, wlneh .'inludcs many thous (i-of his old patrons .'ind a.qunlnlanccs-q o tbriinusually larco an. I beautiful vanty AMERICAN .and IMPORTED W'A'ICIIES, CLOCKS and elegant designs of JEwELliY. Silver Ware, &c, ELI K'OLDEN. OS Market Street, FIULX DELFIIIA nr 7, IPO'J 1-Jin JAMES IMPORTER .1.VD H. SMITH, miOLES.?lC DEALER RRANDIES, WINES, WJIISKEYsS, GINS, AND LICIL'ORS, GENERA LLY. iXo. Walnut Sis., between 3d '5' -Mi PHILADELPHIA. C. It. HENRY, Traveling Agent and Saietmuil. ITT" Ordirs ErspECTrULLY SoitciTUD. November 2-J, I eC2. y. WAMED A Journeyman Blacksmith IS wanted immediately, by tho undersigned, at Ins 1 Shop iu lluik Horn, Huiulock township, n good Jour neyman lllneksiiiith, to whom constant employment auj liberal wages w ill be given. AMOS 11. IIART.MAN. Ruck Horn, Aug. 8, lc03-3wSI UJ. BRICK FOR SALE 1 THEitddersiged has on hand a lot of wi llurncd Prick of gren variety lor sale. All person whu w isli good brick should apply ut once. tO- TERMS uCASll. .M,r,rn . in, ten leuiu.llA it. iimnuie. llloonisburg, July 25, 1803-31. PICTURES FOR ALBUMS Over COUdiirercnt varieties selling from TJcti to C175 pur dozjH. win. u. l'JUiitJit, rtiuiisuor. 12. W, Cor, -llli Race Philadelphia. SPE0IAL NOTICE. l,t persons-Indebted to the late firm el .Miller tf I'.ner, Mirch nits in lilooinsburg, tire hereby uoti fled. Hint the Hooks. Notes and Ai counts of said firm nru in thu Store for collection, nud must he settled by the first of October, without respei t to inose concuriica, M1LLU v EVER. lilooinsburg. August 15, 1803 PETER YOIIE it SON, HAVE recently opened a HOOT AND SHOE SHOf. ill LIGHT oT lit-I.T, Columbia county, Pa., and aitj prepared to do the best work on tlio shortgit nctieetrw at the lowest prises. Give Ihem till, n" ano Arrru Aran, an no PAfleiiNonn. U TBAINfl WII.Ii KUN AS rot.lW8 MOVIMU B O U T If PnHrrgcr Jlctom, SW. A. M, 11.00 A, M 0 40 Arrlvo I5J0 I' M 6.5.1 . AM 9.. HOIIT 4-10 P.M. s.m &.IS .Ull I,eve Brranton, " Kingston ll'oomsburg Itupcrt, " Danville, Arrive atNorthmnberlaud, MOVING I.cavo NorlhumbcrlaHd, Danville, " Ilupnrt, " lilooinsburg Kingston, Arrive al Hcratilon, tiM 1.45 P. M P.I0 P. M, J.30 A Passongcr Train ntsoleavcu Klnraton at 6.20 A. M for Horanlon, to conned with train for How York. Ito- v "i'A' m"? ? M.'m"" n "rlral f Tral" fr"m Na,T The Lackawanna and litoomsbtirg Railroad connoets with tho Delaware, Larkawanm and Western Enllroad at Hcranlon, for Now York and Intermediate points cart At IUipett II connect with Iho CattawlssaUaiirnad.for ?olnts both can aud west arriving at Philadelphia at .00 l M. i At Northumberland It comiects with the Philadelphia I U Erlell. It.nndN. t) It. It. for point west and south , Passengers nrrlvlng at HarrMiurg 4 50 P M. J 1'liil- aucipuia iu i: ,vi r.auinioro iu.vo r. ai, v OEO. II. IIUNT.JiVji'I J 0. Wells, (7in';, ICingston iptlllf. IM,3. Heoatliiiy Rnii Etoad. .SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. GREAT TRUNK LIME TIIOM Tllb NORTH AND Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Potlsvillc, Libation, Allciitnwn, Easton.&c.. kit, 'J'ralus leave llarrUburg for Phlladctphia. Now Yoik ItcudniR, l'oltsvlllo aud all iiittrmcdiato stations', at 8 a. in., and 3 p. in. New York cxptcss leaves Ilarrlsburg nt 2.15 a.m.. arriving at Now York at 0.15 the same morning. Fares from Hsrrishurgi To New York J5 15; to Philadelphia $3 3J and $') 69. llaggago chockod through, Returning, leave New York at 0 a m ISnonn, and 7 p, m., (Pittsburg Express), Leave Philadelphia at 8.IS u, m and 3.30 p ni. Bleeping cars In the New York cypress tralns.througk to nud from Pittsburgh without chango. Passengers by tho Catawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at n..-io n. m., nnu via p in., ior rmiaucipcia, new Hon and nil Way Points. Trains leavo Potlsvillc at 0.15 a. rn., and 2.30 p. ra for Philadeljihla, llnrrishurg and New Vork, An Accommodation passenger train leoves Reading uttiOOa.m.i and returns from PhUadclpIiia nt 5. OOp.m, D7 All tho above trains run dally, Mindnys excepted, A Sunday train leaves Pottivillu nt7,3u a.m., and Philadelphia at 3.15 p.m. Commutation, mileage, season, nml excursion tickets Ht reduced rates to mid from all points. li, A. if it.uui.n. May ga. I.V.3. ntmrill Suprtlntrniml. Wm. 13. RUDIJURY'S PIJJNO'FOR TEHSTABLlSUMEh T No, i'll Rroomo Steet, Nv.xr Yonrc. Tin subscriber rcsiioctfullv Invites tin attention of his friends and tlir public generally to Iris Piano-Forte Establishment at No.-l Ji Ilroenie Street, Conor ofvrosbr Struct. Having withdrawn his Interest, stock and material from thu latotlrmcf"Llglitefc l!radsburry."wblch firm was dissolved on the 31st January, tilt., and having purchased tlis entire stock ofl'iauo Fortes and Piano. Porte .Material owned by his brother, Edward G, liradbury, in tho iald firm, ho Is now preparped to supply tlio increased demand far his celebrated Piano Fortes. Eniplo) ing tho most skillful ond experienced workmen, with a largo stock ofthe bast and uiostthor. ouahly seasoned material and mi abundance of capital lie has taken iu hand tlio personal supervision of the the whole business of manufacturing his instilments and Iscnaliled to turn out Piauo-i'ortes of unequalled tono and durablencss. llltADIIURY'8 NEW SCALE PIANO TORTE. In tho arrangement of our now scale, drawn and pre pared with tho utmost care, expressly for onr new iiistiuincnt, wo havonddud every improvement which can tn any wny irnu io wiu periecimn oi mo I'lano I'orle. and we can coufldcnllv assert, that for delicacy of touch, volume, purity, brilliancy and sweetness of Ions, combined with that strength and solidity of framo necessary to durability, these Instruments are unc qualed, 'SiRUNOTti and De'V-tv" is tur motto, and we Invito the closest criticism of thu best unbiased Judgcu In tho land- E7 Every instrument warranted for five years, W.M. II. IIRADI1URY, 427 Ilroomo St , cor. of Ciosby, New York. March 14. li(.3.3iii DIShOLUTIO.N OF IMftTAKUSlili' ' pflE partnership heretofore existing between O. W, I McKetvy and J.S .McNIuch. in the maniil'acliireof paper at Catawissa .Mills, under the firm of C. W. Mc Kelvy fc Co.. is tilts day dissolved by mutual consent. 'Iho business of the lato linn will bo settled by C. W. MiKtlvy, nt Catawissa Mills. C. W. .McKRLVY & CO. THE undersigned, hai ing purcliased tbo Interust of i J. S .McN'mch. in the lato firm ofC W. McKcln-te Ku., would inforiii liis friends tliat lie will continue thu inmufuclure of Paper, and purchase Rags, as hereto fore, uud solicits a continuance ol thu paronago so liberal) bestowed on tuo late nrm. C.-W: aicKELVY. Catawissa Mills, Oct 3, IBC3. DRAFT ! IMF Jmportar.l to Persons liable to Draft in the counties 0 Bradford, Columbia, Sullivan, Montour ) Wyouri ig, Do you wish tn have your Exemption Papers cor ret liy made out ? t)o yon wi-h to obtain reliable in formation iu regard to yuurclaimsfor exemption I Do von wish to employ an experienced person to aid In iirociirinn yaur exemptions t If yon do. call ou meat thu oibce of Justice ri rcc. In Troy, Rradford louuty, Pa 1 and after Wednesday Sjpt. H'.tli leb'3. I shall have the servic-s of Lxpcriunccd Persons to nssist me, so that claimants cm have their business attended without any delay, - barges moderate. II. W. PATRICK. Cilr.ber3, I-03. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of llcry Smith, deceased. LETTERS Testamentary on the estate of Henry Smith, late of lieiituu township, Columbia couuty, deceased, have been granted by tlio Register of Wills, &.C. to tho undersigned also residing in said township, all persons having claims agsinst the estate of the de cedent ure requested to present thein to the executor i.t his resideucc iu said township, without delay, nud ull persons ihdcbled to make payment forthwith WILLIAM SMITH, June 20, 1S03-CW. $3 WILLIAM G. PERRY, pOOK-SELLER, Stationer, Book-i i i hinders, Wank book manufacturer, nr.d Dealer in ; Imported and American Stationery. I Suuth West i or. -Ith & Kuce St.. Thiladelpbia. I Persons visiting the city, or sending orders will do ' well to take a memorandum of the nbovo Address. , The- stock is largo and well assotted, l'ren Ijhc, I PiioTooRArit albums, selling from ducts to 5-.'5 each. Thonewest styles and largest assortment m tho City. Wm. li. l'lSKKl., I'liblislmr, S. W. cor. 4lh&i Race strs., Philadelphia BLLJ)S AND SHrfDEh. BJ. WILLIAMS. No. 10 North Sixth street, Phllt- do Iphla, manufacturer of Venitin Blinds and Window Shades, 0 The largest and fiin-Ft assortment In the city, at thu lowest prices. Illiuds painted and trimmed equal to new. store Shades mudsaud leUercd. ; April 4, lefi3.-tm Wilson's Albany Seedlings. j 1 00.000 STRONG NEW PLANTS, XVJU . JKJJ of those duo now und productlvo vn-, riety predoclug Strawberries Irom 4 to 41 inches In ciicuniference, yielding over two hundred burhels to1 nu acre, 1 wilt cell ul the cxtreiuo low price cfg 1,00 per hundred, or Sii.O" per thousand plants to any onu ad eln-ss, as the best time for planting is here. (jr,, 'eis sliuuld bo cent immediately, with cash, or It ran be collected al nn) LXpress Otbco Address JOHN F. FRANK, I'SlilTHANNA Nl'lISCHICS, Sept 5. l-r.3-lin. Selins Grove, Pa. infti.'fliiiUuii is Hanlfd, OT tho wheroabouts of u little hoy, named Jamcs MiOaAin, aged about 14 years, fsir hair, spare fig ure mid .'''j'.ily freckled iu Hie lace. Said boy is -up-nosed to be engaged on the Canal, ns a Holt Hr.ver, iiroL'.ildy b, w een Pittswu and Danville, or perhaps on I a u'est llrauub Canal. A liberal reward will be paid I uiiv ,'ierson who will give iul'oriiiation of Ills pie.ent wliereabo'u's. to his .Mother, tliu undersigned, at Espy town. Colu.'ubla county, or to the Editor of this Journal, atRluu.u.burir. CATHARINE KEMPTON. Espyteaivii.jVug. 22, l?03-3w BAIUJUNi IN SI'ATI0.AHY. a.iPOOress StcJ Pen, 600.000 quires Blank loots 050,000 K.irV'M, Plates, Ink. t-U'fal" Wrapping paper, Pass books. Lead-Pc.''"!;- Oold-Pons. very tine. School hooks visiting Cards, Uc.. a lurgo portion of which is stock purchased before the ns: ii; pneos and -..Illiii. lou- run cash. . Wm. G. PERRY. Itooks.'llcr Stationer. S. IP. ear. tth, ,y Ran. PkUadtlfhia. March 7. 1PG3-3 luos. JOHN DOLL 502 M'irkst St., PhUadelphia aMPOHTER of Toys, I'ipes and fancy Articles, 13 The Inrgert van ty if Pipes, Toys, Uaskcts nn FANCY GOODS TO III'. FOUND IN HIE CITY. l'loa call and Examine, March7. 1803 ' KlUSUUntlTlI st IlItOTIlKUH. WHOLESALE TOBACCO HE ALE Ef NV.lOa.NUUTIl Til tltl) 3T11EET PW dour she low Bare, rHii.ADct.rnu VI All NEWS. Gen. I'oscorans Lafi been rclii ved, and General Thomai, & rcry poor oommandon baa chargo of tho army at Chatauoga. Gen. Grant ban boon nlnocdtin oommand of tlio Department. Gen. Durusido is ttill in Tcnncsjeo. Gen. Meade, having been reiuforcod largcly( has advanced again to tho old position beyond tho Rappahannock. Guerillas havo again appoarcil on the Mississippi. The boarded a steamer at Helena, and robbed Lcr of a largo sum of money. General Milroy baa boon fully exonera ted by tho Court of Inquiry whioh lately tried him for abandoning Winohotter in Juno last. SCHfiNlK'S I'tJIiMOMlC SVliCr will cons OONSUMPTtOH. SUUENCIC S PULMONIC dYIiUP will tints CONSUMPTION ncnENCK'fl pui.MONia orauf . rriti ccn OONSUMI'TlOlf; ECHENCC'S PULMONIC SYRUP WILL COKE CONSUMPTION. CHENCK'S BEA WEHD TONICI will ccno DYSPEPSIA. eCUENC'K'S SEA WEED TONIC m'Lt ctms dyspepsia: BCnENCK'8 s"eTT'EED TON10 will ccna DYSPEPSIA. SCliENCK'3 s"eaVEED TONIO WTLL CCP.S DYSPEPSIA. HCEENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS will conn LIVER COMPLAINTS. ECIIENCIC'3 MANDRAKE PILLS WILL CCRE LIVER COMPLAINTS. SUrjENCK'3 MANDRAKE PILLS will LIVER COMPLAINTS. SCIIENCK'S jEvNDUAKE PILLS WILL CURS LIVER COMPLAIN I'S; DR J. II. SCIIENCKhasalarsesult of room, nt No 32 Uond Street New York, where he can bo found every Tuesday. Iroiu 0 it. in. to 3 p. m., and at No. 30 North ' Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa , every Satnidny. j 'lie keeps a large supply of nieoiciiics at Ills rooms, which call ue nau ai an nines, -inose wishing auvico or an examination of Iho Lungs will do well to call ou til in as above. Ho mnkesno charge for advice, but for a thurougli examination with th? ltcspiromclcr, his pfiro is SJ. nl liy Dr. Schtiwck for they will bo fountf Incurub .Many persons arc mraiu io nave ineir lungs exaimn. ila ..n.i .i. . .......... j. i. ..... ..- .....ii i. i ... in.n ii.... mllc, ,cl!l.r n l)Uld 1,3 to know their eoo-ditiun at once. as by abundance of evidence, Dr.S. has shown sufficient i eriiiicatcs in tins city mat nu lias cureu auvnncca stages of Consumption. ( Dr. Sehench's Friuupal Office Is No. 30 North Sixth street, Philadelphia, where letters for advico should bo directei. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Sea Weed Tonic raeh SI per bottle, or $5 tho half dozen. .Mandrako Pills, -'5 cents per box. trj For sale by all Druggists and Storekeepers. October 3, lSo3.-3m. SAPONiFIER. O R COXCKN'TSUTKI) LYE, THE FMILY SOAP MAKER. THE public sre cautioned against the spurious artic les of l)o fur making soap, fcc. now offered for saie. Tho only genuine and patented lye is that made by tho Pennsylvania salt mauuljctuiiug lompaiiy, their trails mark for it being "Sapouilier or cunrci.lrated lye." Tliogreat success of this article has led unprincipalcil parties to endenvorto imitate it, in violation of the Company's patnnt-. 4 All manufacturers buersor sellers of tin spurious lyes, are lieri by unified that the company have eui. ployed ns their Attorneys, George Harding. Esq., of I'hila., aud I William Rakcwcll, Esq , of Pittsburg. j And that all manufacturers, users or sellers of lye, in violation of ihe rights ofthe Company, will U: pros ocuivu ui una-. TIHE SAPON-FIER, i nr rnnrsMitrntnil Ivo. U for soli! fcv nil Dmvltita. CZrn- ! ccrs and Country tiloreu. TAKh NOTICE! The United States Circuit Court, Western district or Pennsylvania, No, 1 of May term, iu looJ. in suit of the Finns) Ivoni.e salt uiaiiuiacliiiiug company, vs. Tims. G, I'h.ise decreed To tlio Co i puny on November 15, leti-.', the Exclusive light r'unt. d by a patent ownd uy inein tue cuponiner. l utein caicu uciouer xi; I lc5o, Perpetual Injunction awunted. THE PENNSYLVANIA V WIVES: 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pitt St. and Duqueuse Way, Pittsburg. Aug. 15, 15C3,-3m. Greenwood Seminary E.VOLlSa, CLASSICAL ,?.VJJ COMMCr.ZIAL SZUOOC I OR BOTH SEXES. T. M. POTTS, Pntscti-Ai., .Vathcmatiei. Belli Keeping and Xatural .'.eicneu. Z. B. rA'lTON, A. M , fjetulijn..lliralurr, and .Indent ani Modern Languigu, The Scholastic year is divided into four quarter of eleven weeks each, cumuienclug us follow.: On tha second Monday iu August.the llr-t Monday iu November Hie third Monday iu January, uud the second .Monday in April. THE EXPENSES Per quarts r for Hoarding and 1'intiun In Engliih, range from SJ) 00 to Sii 00. Languages, Music and Draw, ing are extra For Circulars or farther particulars, address tha Principal at MILLVlt.LE, COLUMUIA CO., PA. October 3, ItQ-ly, ; Nationfti Foundry. ! BLOO.MSHUKG, COLUMBIA CO., PAs THE subscriber, proprietor of tho above named ex. tensive establishment, is now prepared lo receive orders fur All Kinds of Maclilurry, for Collories, Wait Furnace, Stationary Engines, Mill I THRESHING .MACIIINLS. &C. icC. ' lie i. nlso prepared to make Stoves, all size and j patterns, plow-irons, nud everything usually inado lu first-class Foundries, His oxtenstio facilities and practical workmen, war jantt liiui in rccsiitiig the laigest contracts on lb most reusuuabio terms. W tiraiuof all kinds will be taken in exchange tor castings. i H5 This establishment is loca.ed near th l.nrkunrsB. naf)' llloonisburg Railroad Depot. PETER UlLLMEYEk. Plwomiburg, Sept. 12, 13C3. LEATHER 1 LEATHERN THE undersigned would announce, that ho lias on hind ntliisllalatidOap Linpoxlum, on i.alu St., Hloomn burg. assortincnt of dllUent kind of leather, suchii. lino calf skins, wofocco, (red andlicKiand linings i cf which be will le cheaper tbun ca . he hid t-lsewheri in this market. Call and cumins Hum fnr Toursslri,. moomsburrMsy .!,, JOHN X.iliKTqN