COLUMBIA AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. k'. LEVI L, TATE, EDITOR "TO HOLD AND TRIM TUB TORCH OP TItUTII AND WAVE IT O'ER THE DARKENED EA11TII." TERMS: $2 00 PER ANNUM. VOL. 17. NO, 35. BLOOMS bURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1863. VOLUME 27; DEMOCRAT, 'SELECT POETRY. Stonewall Jacksou a Sentinel TlicRr-v. Ur.'Mnnm. of Itlchmond. in n aorinnn on tip iiiiu h lril nml lam Mud Htokewall Jackbus, natnte thu following litciitent : J ' I'ri'Uona In tho firtt battle of Manassca, warn the troops unilcr Htonuunll Jarkanii tmel mado a forced inarch, on hnltlny at night they full un thu Brouml n. huiisto.l nnil fa In I. Tlio hour nrrived fur anting t lio tvatch for tin night. The otllrcr of the ilay went tit tha (irniral's tent ami aalil. " Uencral, till men ar a 1 weurii'il, uml there is not onu'liil in nulecp. Slinll I awnku llicni I" " n," s r I il hc nolilu Jarkaon, "let thani fli-ep, nnil I will watch the camp to-night." Ami nil night Ion); he rode rnuml that timely camp, the lonu remind for that brave, but weary ami silent boily of Virginia hemes Ami when the glorious morning brok.-, the soldiers auoko friah anil ready for action all unconsrlona of the noble vigils kept over their peaceable alumbcra. 'Tuna in tho d)ing of the day, 'ihu iltirknrsiigrrw so still Thedrnua pipj of oveuiuu birds IUii liiialiuii upon llu hill ; Athnnrt the shadows of tlio vale, rMinnbured tho men ot might Ami one Inns reulrypaced Iih rounds, To Hutch the tamp thai Might. A pravo and solemn man was he, With deepunJ sotubre brow; The ilreiimlul i yi'j a,:cnieil hoarding up Home iiiiaccoinplMieil vow. 'Jlw wistful uhinio peered o'er the plains, litiuutt. the starry light And with the miiruureii name of God, lie untitled the tump that night. The future opened nnto him It's era i id uml awful sindl ; Manasrns and the Valley march L'oiiio heaving o'er his soul -ltichiiioud and sh.irpubjri: thundered by With that triineiiiioua light, Which cave iiiui to tin angel hosts, Who watcliud thu luuipthat uium. Wc mourn for him who died for '!, With that rmit-tloM moan ! While up the valley of the Lord, lie marches to ihu I lirono I He kept the faith ofiuen ami mints, sjub.l.iiu and pure ami bright, lie sleep: - and all is well w nil him. Who watched the camp that night. Profilers ' the midnight of the Cause I a shrouded In our fate ; Tin1 ili-uiou Goths polute our halls With fire, and lust, and hate. Via strong b'Wiliant be n-nuri'd Strike home for Heaven uud Itight I 1 he loiil ol Jai kmn f talks abroad, And guards the catup at night I " cry ono was bewildered. VVo weru fired oil Irom tliroo eidos, tlio only nvcnuo of escape being in the direction of Richmond ! Tbo Corps was 'completely surrounded, and ad cummuuioatiou cut off with otbur lighll'iil ((iiiiKiiim of ilic iilncks ni icksutirg Abolition Hiilauiliioiiy Sad l'iciurt uf Death and Horror. wbetber siok or well who wore not in some 'employment. Ono morning I went out to inform a certain Lieut. W , who with an inadequate forco was executing tbo order, that ono of them in tho Baptist church was dead, and that another, a wo- By the President oj the Unittd Slates of America . A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, Tbo term of service of a part of the volunteer forces of tho United Thu Rev. Win. D. Butler, an agent of tho CbrUtain Commission, sends frnin Corps and Gun, Aluado. By an effort wc Vioksburg a most deplorable account of scattered the force in our I'rout, aud only the sufferings of theucgrocs who have been established our communication with tho induced to abondou tbo plantations aud rest of the army when near tJutlelt's Sta- C01uc hito tbo American camp, He says lion. I may here stale, that it was Kick- j "After Pemberton marched out with bis etts'Pa Hattcry which scuttered tlic'eno- army, Vieksburg was looked upon by tbo my ; ho others on-MU fire.. Wo marched negroes as the very gate of heaven, and with heavy columns ol flankers, and five they caimi trooping to it as pigeons to their Brigades composed tho rear guard, in ad- roost at . ight. When Gen. Sherman re union to our Cavalry. turned from the puisuit of Johnson, crowds the dead, and that sotno (lavs ho found as On Hearing Biistoo Station wo beard 0( them followed his army across tbo Rig many as twenty ; that in one house he firing in our Iront, which proved to bo tbo Block, 'and f-pread themselves over the fouud six dead bodies, with living ones sit enemy firing at tho rear of the column of country bctweeu it and tbo Mississippi at . ting and lying around theiu.apparchtiy un the fifth Corp?. Why Gen. Sykes aban-1 Vieksburg. Wbuii visiting tho Missouri concious of there situation. Holes wore dug doned us to tho unequal contest with A. ! troop in Ucneral Sherman's corps, I saw on tho rivers bank and the dead buried. l , mil s corps, is a mystery yot unrav- large numbers of tbo c negroes, grouped Tho searching out and removal of these in camps or compauirrs, in a most wretched negroes consumed about fiftcon or twenty and pitiable condition. Their only sbel- days. About 3,000 were thus removed tor was biush, pieces of old tents, quilts, to the low grounds opposito Vieksburg, and whatever else would afford them any aud there lift in tho weeds, without any protection. They lived upon such food as shelter, under the care ol a man who was they could obtain in camps by working appointed to orgauizo them into .a camp, lor the other soldiers or in other ways and separate small pox cases from the gratifyiug them. After tho departure of rest in general to do what he could for Pemberton s army on the 15th of July, their relict, lie soon fell sick, and a cor- thousands of these miserable creatures tain Captain was appointed to filled the vacant houses, churches, sheds take charge of all tho contrabands in and and eaves. Hero they crowded together around Vieksburg. The Captain was soon sometimes twenty or more in a single prostrated, but was at work again wheu I A N TJMjJ3R A FT. The First Fmlls of (lir tin's Election. 300,000 m: c.illkd foil elled ; but certain it is he ha.Mened on, leaving the gallant si cowl Corps to fight its way alone. Ono Battery aud a portion of Webb's Division bad crossed Broad Run when the enemy opened heavily on us. Tho railroad was between u, and tbo main object on both sides was to oh tain it so as to use its cmbaukments as Drcasi-worus. lucKctir uattery was or dered into position at a gallop, but was obliged to -crosa a plain one-quarter of a mile wide, fully exposed to their firo, as wc galloped between ;tbc two contending forces. About this timo the enemy alto opcucd on our line with artillery. Iletb's Division of tho rebel army then advanced in Hue of battle towards the railrail, and Gen. ll.iys, to counteract the movemeut, charged with his entire Division from the column in march, aud seized the road be fore ihe enemy reached it llii'ketis' Bat tery opened on their right with shrapncll and canister, and soon 'compelled il to mass on theceutro. Wc paid ao attention to their artil ery, thouoh their shell were in liking wild music in our midst. For a man lying behind a I'ut'cc dynig Ho told me that ho bad detailed, for tbo purposo of removing tho negroes, twenty army wagous.; that ho hauled thorn, well, siok and dead, with all their traps, to the river , States will expire during the coming year, where ho had a steamer to convoy them and whereas, in addition to the men raised across to a point opposite the lower part of by tho present draft it is deemed cxpedi- the city ; that he had ono wagon to haul j cut to call out three hundred thousand volunteers to oeryc for three years : Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, Pre.-idcnt of the United States, aud Commander-in-Chief of tho Army and Navy thereof, and of ibo Militia of tho several States whon called into active service, do issuo this, my Proclamation, calling upon tho Governors of the different Stales to raiie and liavo euli.Metl in the United States service, for the various companies and regiments iu the field, from their re spective States, their quotas of three hun dred thousand men. I further proclaim that all volunteers thus called out and duly eulisted, shall receive advauce pay, premiums and boun ty, as heretofore communioatctl to the Gov ernors of tbo States by the War Depart ment, through the Provost Marshal Gen cral's office, by special letters. .1 further pioclaitu that all volunteers, reccivod under this call, as well as all Ono of Many Cases of Oruolty. From the ttanjor (Mains) Democrat. Joseph II. Crommctt, of Enfield, in this county, ged 28 years, was drafted in tbii district last August. lie was a poor lab oring man with a wife and two little child-1 . t.r. i i...r it.. t.i Add) ess of Hon. v. L. VnliaudiguaB, To (lie Democracy of Ohio. Democrats of Oiiio i You b-avo been beaten by what means it is idle now to inquire It is enough that while tens of thousands of soldiers wcro sent or kept rcn. He appeared beforo tho Examing ! wlbin ynur State, or held inactive in camp elsewiiero to vote against, you, tna Confederate enemy were marching upon the capital of your country: You wero beaten ; but a nobler batlla for Constitutional liberty and freo popular government never was loug t by any peo ple. And your unconquerable firmness COMMUNICATION. For. tiis UauMuiA I'sv.orniT. Letter from tho Potomac Army. Cam? os Hull Rcn DTTLC-Grinen Va.. ( October 17. 1-M, ' Alt Dear Sir : The -p-ist week has been an eventful ono to tho Array of tbo Potomac. On Saturday last, Oct. 10th , '"w tuomeuts our position was critical as it was ascertained that Gen. Lee's army we -had gallopud away from our infmtry was in motion, and moving rouud to our supporters, and 'the rebel left was closing right flank. Our Corps, the second, went on us each moment. Our canUtor alone a short di.-tanco from Culpepper on the saved us. Soon the other Batteries came Luray road, aud finding tbo enemy in into position, and under the fierce s-torm force, wo commenced intrenching to rosUt of hell aud bullets the rebel lino gave way, an attack bout midnight the entire aud tied in confuiion to the woods. Sev- army commenced falling back, and by oral hundred remained, and gladly sur Suuday evening wo were all safely acro' rendered themselves prUoners. We uow the Rappahannock. On Monday the en-' turned our attention to ono of the two eir.y commenced niasfiug bis forces near rebel Hatters playing on us, and in short Brandy Sution, and (Jen. Meade prompt- order silenced it. Our sktrmiMiers ad- ly met the movement by massing his troops vanced and brought off five pieces, the at Rappahannock Station. Never wero sixth beiug demounted by our fire. All Corps more skillfully handled, and inrfead were 3-ineh rifled gnus, four oftbein bear- of retreating further we advanced towards i"g the stamp "U. S." aud t e other beiug Brandy Nation in different lines of battle, of Conl'ederato origin. They were much readv aud willing to meet the enemy ou cut up by our fire, but had not the impress 1 vcl ground. But it was not his inteution of a singlo bullet, proving conclusively to :i'ht tin re. At 11 o'clock, Monday that the capture was duo entirely to tbo tiL'ht, wo re crossed tho Rappahannock, , artillory. and commenced falling back to this point,! Oiher guns wero silenced, and so aocu encamping for the night near Auburn. ' rate became our raugo that no guu nor Our cavalry had several tevcro Ghts, and Hue of infantry could be brought within a wore severely repulsed near Sulphur mile of us. The enemy about dusk got Springs. By ski.lful manoeuvrcing the ou our left flank, but a prompt change of euemy got iu our rear, and at one time, I our front saved us. The shelling after am informed, cut our commuuieaiion with dark was a grand sight. After tho cn Washiugton. This caused uo regret on gagement was coucludcd, we saw the gal- our part, because wo had thirteen days lant I'a. Reserves comiug to our rescue, room, weary, weak aud tick from their left Vieksburg, August 21st, Captain long mutch and ab?tiucncc, spiiitless aud appointed a chaplain to take charge of sad, and many of them longing to be ( nee these had been removed from tbo city, in ! others not heretofore credited, shall be more on old masa s plantation. On tho place of the man who was first appointed. 1 duly credited on and deducted from the uioruiu"; of July UO having slept the uigbi He entered upon his labors, but was soon quotas established for tho next draft. I previous in the Presbyterian church, I prostrated with disease, and was convoyed lurther proclaim that if any State shall went out catlv to examine the premises. acro,s the river iu a skiff, whence be made fail to raise the quota assigned to it by the The first object that attracted my aitention bis way to a house, adjoining that of tho War Department under this call, then a iu the rear ol the church was the tall skel- United States Chiistain Commission. draft for the deficiency in said quota shall eton of a negro man sitting on the ground Here ho was found alono and very tick, be made on said State, or iu the districts with his back to a poit. aud bis head bang- Uo was invited to our house, where ho was ol said State for their duo proportion ol iug down upon his breast, and bis armj still remaining when L left the city. The said quota. And tho said draft ihall com resting almost powerless at his side. He Chaplain tola me that tlicso negrois had nvid.-nilv w.i vnrv sink. 1 ruisi-d hi bonrl suffered and wcro still suffering untold j j - - - a little and nked what ailed Sir,' he feebly exclaimed, him. 'Oh, I have tlio diaro:a and the fever.' "Havo you no friends ?' I asked. Ycs; my mother and sisters live iu that house, there,' pointing to a little frame building containing about a dozen or more inmates, 'and I have come mence on the fifth day of January, A. D, 1804. And I further proclaim that nothing in this Proclamation shall interfere with ex uouru in tuin city, anil tlio t c presented a certificate from bis .physician , Dr. C. P. Hubbard, of Burlington, stating that be was an unsound man and unfit for mili tary duty. Ho had been siok fur five years, and during all th"t time had bctn unable to do a full bard dav'a work. Tha cxaminiiitf surucon. as we aro inlormed.l and courage, even in tbo midst of armed tossed the certificate aside with a slutring! miHtary force, secured sou those first of trecmcn s rights tree speech anu a ireo ballot. Tho conspiracy of tho fifth of May fell beforo you. Be not discouraged ; despair not of the Republic Maintain your rights ; stand firm to your position i never yield up principles or your organization. Listen not to any who would have you lower your standard in tho hour of defeat. No mellowing of your opinions upon any question, even of policy, will avail anything to conciliate your pol itical foes. They demand nothing less than an absolute surrender of your prin ciples and your organization. Moreover, if there bo any hopo for tho Constitution or liberty, it is iu the Democratic party alone; and you fello -cit i, in little while longer, will see it. Time itnd' ovents will force it apon all, except those only who profit by the calamities of their country. I thank you, ono and a 1, for yoursym- pathies and your suffrages, Bi a-sured that though in exile for no offence but my political opinions an i tho free expres sion of them to joa in p-.-aecuLlo ptti lio assembly, you will Ut.d me ever staadfast in those opinions, a id true lo tnc 1 onsti union and tho State and country of my birth. C. L. Valla SDionAM. Windsor, C. W., Oct. 14, 1S03. want and wretchedness ; that nearly four hundred had died since ho had taken charge of them ; that from Dften lo isting orders, or those which may be is twenty die daily. Sometime they would sued for the present draft in the Statet crawl off iuto tho weeds aud die, where where it is uow in progress, or where it their bodies would bo fouud only by the has not yet commenced. The quotas o steuch which arose lrom their decay. the Slates and districts will be assigned out here to bf cool.' I passed to the front I hat there was no white man with them by the Department, through the Provost and on tho stone door sill I found another but a nephew of his; that rations were Marshal General's office, due regard bein lyin" with a eourd filled with water at his furnished them by tho Government, but had for the men heretofore furnihud side. As 1 looked at hi dirlv aud wasted sometimes he bad difficulty iu getting them whether by volunteering or drafting, and form. I thought bis sufferings would be over the river ; that once they were fivo the recruiting will be conducted iu accor but short. He bad a burning fever, and days witho it receiving any food, aud the dance with such instructions as have beeu some hind negro had brought him the wa negroes in dispair threatened to kill him, issued by tho Department. tor. I roused him up a litilo, and be told thinking the fault was his. He also stated In issuing this Proclamation I addres me that had no medicine, no bread, noth- that they had no tents or shelter escept myself not only to the Governors of th ing to eat. A soldi r happeutd to pass brush, to shield them from tho sun, or several States, but also to the good aud just then with soma biscuit under bis arm storm, or dews of night Capt. A sta- loyal people thereof, invoking them to lend I asked one for the iK-gro, which he read- ted to me that there were in this camp their willing, cheerful and effective aid to ily gave. I had uo uiediciue. I turned 2,000 ; at Youngs Point, 8.551 ; on Pa- tho measures thus adoptod, with a view to to enter tho basement, and was met by a paw Island, where ho purposed gathering roiuforco our vietorius armies now iu the third negro, with swolleu feet, trembling most ihcm 2,b00 ; aud ou Black's planta field, aud bring our needful operations to from weaknos and want, askine for a lit- tiou ou the aztio 2,400 in all over 10,- a prosperous end, thus closing torcver the 000 s(),ue morning I wmt among tho fouudation of sedition and civil war. wretched masses where they wero hauled In witness whereof, I bavo hereunto set to the bank of the river preparatory to my hmd aud caused tho seal ol the Uni beiug scut across, 1 tried iu vain to find ted States t9 be affixed tie water. A fourth negro was passing with a bucket of water and the sick man was served, aud bis levered lip? cooled. Such was my morning visit before six o'clock. All there men told me that they had been scrvauts ol officer iu the Union armv, and wheu taken sick wcro driven held our services I enclose tho following ' women and children, gathered in little congratulatory order. groups on tho pavement, iu vacant lots, "The Major General commanding an- and in the yards that surrounded houses nounces to the army that tho rear guard, ulready filled to overflowing with others of consisting of the Second Corps, was at- tlc Ham0 coior. The want and wretched tacked yesterday, win o marching by tho . . c . r ,. flank. The enemy, after a spi.ited contest no of tuew unfortunates stared us fully was repulsed, losing a battery of five guns, "I the face. I went iuto a Baptist two colors, and four hundred and fifty church, where a largo number bad takeu prisoners. Tho skill and promptitude of quarters. I shall not attempt to describe Major General Warren, and the gallantry hp grenB t uaU bore I1U ai fiul and bearing ol the offieeis anu soldier of . , . r i the SecoudeCorps, r- entitled to the hi!,- pitiable a group of suff--ring humanity t est commendation. By command of Ma , was ever gathered together I learu rations, and needed no advice from the but fortunately we had repulsed tho enemy, 1 away. After breakfast I i-ct out with an Capitol. Doubtless the enemy were try- j saved our trains, and successfully covered other delegate to isit one of tho po-t hos ing to cut off Meade as they did Pope I st the rear of the Army ol the Potomac. To pitals. A- we passed along thu stieets wc year, but uuforiunately for them they have j show tho estimation in wliich Gen. Lee ' encountered on every hand negro men, no Stonewall Jackson now. On Wednes day, at daylight, our Corps re-commeDccd its march, briuging up tho rear, tupport iug the Osvary. The other Corps passed on to Centrcville without obstruction. Before speaking further of our move incuts, allow me to tay a word in relation to tho second Corps. It has tho best rep utation in (he army, and boast that it never lost a gun or alar, though in the severest battl s in Virginia, By hard ' &yhiiug it has been much reduced in num bers, aud for some timo has been ibo oinallest Corps in the army. Its perfect discipline is not to bo wondered at when wc consider that it has had as its comman ders Richardson, Sumuer, Couch, Hun cock, and is now commanded by General Warren. Wo reached a small place called Au burn, and received orders to water and feed our horses and let tho men breakfast. Beforo wo got into position a sli irp firo of musketry opened on us from tho lclt, and almost immediately a rebel Battrry opened on us at short rango from tho right. We wheeled into lino, and instead of break fasting commenced firing, and after unin 100 rouuds completely silenced and drove off tho enemy's artillory. Wo bad scarcely done this whan the command ''Firo to the rt ar," was given, tho ooemy having ad vanced clofn to us in that direction, J?r- I some women who were able to work, as 1 we wished their labor at our house. All I were either sick or taking care of the sick. I saw nothing but one sad sceno of misery." 'J bus tho poor blacks, who wero to have thuir condition bsticrcd by being set free, arc actually starving and dyiug of want, They cannot livo upon fieedoni alone. They need bread, aud must be supplied by the Government of tho United States, while tho fumilies of the white soldiers and conscript are left to tho charity of their neighbors, This is abolition plulanthro- VII remark, and Mr. Crommctt was promptly pronounced an able-bodied man. He ob tained a furlough lur fiftcm days, and re turned home, Ho was unable to raise three hundred dollars or to procure a sub stituc. The thought of leaving his desti tute little family dependent on tho cold charities, of tho world, and the conviction that the severity of military duty must soon terminate his life quickened tho dis ease which was already fastened uno.i him. At tho end of bis furlough he reported himself to the provost marshal hero for duty, a sick, brokeu-hearted man. He was sent to Portland two weeks ago last Wednesday, and thence to tho conscripts' camp on Mackie's Island. Here ho be came very sick, and a kind-hearted fellow conscript, although an entire stranger to Mr. Crommctt, "ecing that be must die, procured a telegraphic despatch to bo sent to B.mgor, and then to Enfield, informing his friends cf his condition. Immediately Mr, Freeman Crommett, his brother,took the wile of the dying man and proceeded to Portlaud, whero ho arrived Monday rnt a . s . . iventng. iney immediately c tiled ou .Major U biting, ol tho post, tor a pass lo the island. Major Whiting I had bvl'ore mo as filthy and is d jor General Meade. from themselves that tluy were mostly S. Williams, A-s'tAdj t General." from beyond Jackson. Thoy were In considera'ion of our services, this uio.-tly plantation negroes, aud many of Buttery was allowed to bring tho guus off thuu wero longiug to be bach to their old the field, and to take them to Genera! homes. Wo passed on to tho hospital. Meade's Headquarters. Tho toipscup- While the surgeon iu charge was pointing tured iu addition two colors, 500 prison- 0ut to us tho grounds and stating his plans a 1 1 1 ! it , I ... ers, and Killed auu wounueo boo oi mo wu srw a poor neirro who had crawled tho terraces which sur- euemy. Our loss was small, aud in our we srw a poor hall way up to Battery numbers only seven men, being round the buildiug, and apparently dying, oue-fourth our iiuuibor at Gettysburg. Tho Doctor remarked that he would die We now hold the liue of Bull Uuu, aud t,erc ; tUllt ho had crawled up to got some expect to advance again, hiving been ro- medicine, and that they wero frequently iul'orced. The cspiit of the Army never found dead in tho shrubbery and in the was better, aud fatigue and piivations aro fcuc(j corDora unflinchingly boruo. There is constant ' , , ,. i "About tho first of August tbo military skirniiikiuir between the two linos. i . . . . . , , .RTIJ 1 151UST authorities became alarmed loost a pesti- ' lenco should break out among them and t.Mv nRA.t vmt .nore.." said a ladv to cx,el,a t0 tll army- lemptory orders hor woreer half. "I nose it," was the la wero issued to at once rcniovo aoro.s the ovnic reply. 'tiw all tb negroes, of every ago and mx Done at the City of Washington, this seventeenth day of October, in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and ol the Independence of the Unitod Slates the eighty-eight. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By tho President, W.M. H. Sewam), Scc'y. of State. refused a pa?a that evening. They told him tho urgency of the case. He told them to call at his office the next morning at 8 o clock uud he would give them an auswer. They returned to their lodging3 that night with heavy and sorrowful hearts, lor they fe,t an rtppiessivc premonition hat the spirit of their husband and bro ttier was last passing away. Long before the hour named the ufHioU'd liieuds were at the office door of Major Whiting, the next moiuing. Eight o'clock came, and he was not there. Au hour passed and still he did not com). What to bun was the grief of the wile and brother of the dyiug couscript ' He had forgotten bis promise. They then began to search tho oity for him, aud succcded in finding him at eleven o'clock, in a lager-beer saloon. The major then heartlessly informed them that be intended using the boat plying be tween tho city and the camp himself. At three o'clock that afternoon Mr. Crommctt fouud an opportunity to send a letter to the i-laud informiug his brother that be aud his wife were near him and striving to reach bis sick bed ; but when this letter came, the eyes for which it had been intended bad been closed iu death for hours I Such is this brief tale of official cruelty. In the first instance it deprived innocent If three months moro of earnest fighting shall not serve to m ike a serious imprssion ou the rebels if the end of that term shall find us no further advanced than its be ginning if some molight fate has decreed that the blood and treasure ot tho natiou shall ever bo squandered in fruitless ol- lurts let us bow to our itcsunu, ana make the 'est attainable peace. jriUimc,Jan.22. The thrco months were up long since, but thu 'Jribunr still delays gpuiing out for tbo "best attainable peace." Will H. G. fulfill bis promiso "Just onco!" gefr If the great powers of Europe shall sec fit to interpose, treat them with polite uess and most distinguished consideration. Wo oanuot be rcquirod to arrest tho war until we shall have substantially agreed Who abe UuspoNsinLE ? Porr bleed ing Kansas is auio the r o ,iiei t oi tb : commiseration of Abolitio'ii-m. Abo, ti ouism has never had but two objects of co niniseration negroes and Kdnsas. Had it not commiserated Kansas murder en wlun .1- bn B own, Jim Lane, Mont gomery, Jen lis 'n, an I m n of that ilk, n indurated a rein of terror, Lawrcnco would not have been burned. The Mas sachusetts Aid Society lives yet in Kan sas. Tho Border Riffitiu h a ti, lives ytt in Missouri. They were created to mako war upon each other, and have fulfilled their mission. Jaybawking by Jcnntson aud Anthony upon a small scale in Mis souri has been rttaliatcd by Quantrill by jaybawking on a hirgo scale in Kansas. When tho count y wns peaceful and law supposed to be supreme, the Christian clergyman Beecher taught that"thero was more of moral foice in one of Sharpe'a rifles, than in a hundred Bibles." Ex. U. S. Senator Dave Atchison taunght the same. Tho desciple.s of these teachers met on tho borders of Missouri and Kan say for the enforcement o their doctrines. They have been 'cbforciDgthem ever since. When one of Bcecher's followers was" "wiped out," there went up a wail from those engaged in the "interests of God and humanity." When ono of Dave's adhe- littlc children of their feeble but yet pro tnnfll n ulllf.lil nrifl In t II of',,m1 i flMllinrl ' to an Vfldotionato wife aud a dear brother . rents fel1, Mwsouri mourned for a son lost the poor boon of receiving the last tender, ' enforcing the rights of the "Sunny words, and closing the glazed eyes, of a South." The burning of Lawrence is tho husband and a brother. legitimate result of the organization of the Massachusetts Aid Socictv. and of its The Election, What's tho Matter. UI)tcrpart, the Blue Lodges of Missouri. Tho New York World is critically ex- It is tho legitimate result of that contempt' aining the cau-cs of Meade's retreat to the for a law aud lawful rctiaint inculcated ou tho conditions of peace ; wo cannot bo , Potomac, and thu i sums up tho products by Beccher and Dave Alcbison is dead, and his victimcs, murdered by Quantrill , have presented their accusations to his; God and his judge. Bjcehcr is alive, and we present thco accusations against him to his countrymen. He dare not plead to" thjin. Lucago Times, ' ' f i 7 Mrillfitcut 1 . Ul lid WtiVf"4 "Question Wbat is the number of Re- in be faidu as ed Puul'cau soldiers fiulouglied to go homo Hi tnttwosuion I a"J votu l'lu l,um,3ilva"'a election 7 r.. o.) iuci ' Answer From filtcen to thirty thousand. Bttia-GE.v. ItonnttT Andeuso.v, in re sponse to an iuquiry from tho War De partment, has stated that tho flag which he hauled down from Sumptcr on tho oc casion of its surrender to the rebels is still m his possession, and has never left bis custody, Ciiichamauoa, as it has generally been pronounced since the river became histor ically famous, is harsh and uncouth. Some writers give it a softer intonation, and call it Ohiok-a-raay-u-ga, e.pccted to consider any proposals ot mod itution until they shall have first been no eep'ed by tlio rebels ll will thus be May ot thereabout before ice can . r.... n.i ioii Answer r mm hltren to thirty -., souu. OnnstJnn W isthn limiubl.,.,. miliar. As the first of May his como and gone. ;ty in Pennxylvnuia 7 Answer Twelve it is not improbable that II. G. has rc- to fifteen thousand Question When opeded his negotiations with the French were there soldiers withdrawn from Gen. Minister to bring about a peace. " It may Meado aTmvI Answer-Two or thrco 7, , , T .. , week- ago. Que-tion When did Gen be, indeed, that Colorado Jouctt, tbo as- efnl M(lu beg.fJ hjs arrallgomtrjls t0 rc. tuto diplomatist and collaborator of the trGat lrom tho advanced position in tho Tribuno in tho peaco movement, win is enemy's country which be then occupied 7 now again across the ocean, is charged Auswer Very soon after his army was with a mission to tbo French Government "kened by this taking away of Repub ., , . . tc . lean soldiers for political duty in Penn on this very subject. If not premature, K . . 0 W r u.u will tho Tribune ploase state tbo prospect sullered by the enemy to make this re- for foreign intervention. Woild, treat unmolested 7 Answer No ; it was hastened and made compulsory by a vigor- It is estimated that tho wheat crop in ons udvauco of tbo rebel army, now rcla- tbn Smith, this venr. will amount in nenrlv lively so stroug that Gen. Meado dared not imperil what remained of his own army by staying and giving battle. Stephen A. Douglas is buried in tbo out-shirts of Chicago, in a beautiful spot by the lake shore, 'i'liero is uo monu ment erected over him, with name or his- bacco have been planted only to a limited tory ; a simple mouud, with a wooden extent. Net York Tribune, I feooo around it) telU wbers Douglas lies. 00,000,000 bushels. In 1801 over 31, OOt',000 bushels wero harvested. This great iucreased is accounted for by tho tact that uuusual attoution has beeu paid since the beginning of tho war, to tho cul tivation of tbo cereals Cotton and to- CQr- A young soldier in tho Army f the'1 Potomac, writing to a frieud in Boston," modestly requested a uccdlc-book, having lost his at Gettysburg. Tho article was forwarded in duo time, aud wrapped in the folds was a card photograph of Gou. McClellan. In acknowledging tho gift tho soldier writes; "Tho pioturo of Mc Olellau is very fine looks very natural all that is wantiug is tho smile. It did my eyes good to see it. It bad to go tbo rounds of tho regiment, and from the old members received six harty cheers." B6f Aitemus Ward says: "I have al ready givou two comins to tho war, and Island ready to saorifeo my wife's brother rathur'n uot see the robclyn krusht. Awi if wusi comes lo wtus, I'll ?hed overr drop of blud my able bodied relation baa' got to prorcroot tha wir." it