Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 17, 1863, Image 2

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EDirr.D by lkvi i.. tath, rnorntETOR
Saturday, October 17, 186,
Tho Elootion in Columbia Co.
Wo givo to-day tlio reported voto in tills
county upon Tuesday, from whioh it will
foe scon that tho magnificent voto of last
year is fully maintained. Our voto will
nearly ronoli 1000 majority, which, for a
county of the size of ours, is most decided
find gratifying. It is a vote of about two
to one, tho advantago being in our favor,
and it fixes permanently tho character of
the county as one of the leading Demo
cratic counties of tho State. Tho decision
of tho pcoplo'of Columbia county against
Governor Curtin is indeed strong and is
righteously given. Tho majority hero
against him in I860 was 738. It is now
nearly 1000 ! When tho majorities for
Judge "Woodward in Columbia and Mon
tour are added together, it will bo seen
that tho whole Democratic voto within the
limits of what was Columbia county for
merly, is belter than it ever was before at
any contested election. Wo oro proud of
this result, for wc know it to bo tho honest
voice of tho people, and believe it to" bo
an intelligent and just judgment pronoun
ced by them upon public affairs.
Wo put Slcnker's majority for Auditor
General in this county, in 1802, at 1550,
This is tho correct number, although pub
lished erroneously as 1C70 from some or
ror of addition.
IVdicre nearly all tho -election districts
have dono so well, it may to thought in
vidious to yilect particular ones for ap
proval. Tiut wc cannot forbear express
inn our admiration of the very elegant
voting in Madison, Beaver, Main, Pine
and Fishingcreck. But all have dono well,,
tho township of Bloom alone excepted
where much of tho voting iB dono under
the suf crinlendcnco of losses, and where
there is consequently less of independonco
and manly voting than in any other placo
in tho county. Among tho farmers and
independent voters of tho county gener
ally, who act with honesty, intelligence,
and perfeot freedom from sinister influence
the voting is cxcollcnt, and it to the high
credit of those who have exercised the
right of suffrage.
State Election.
Wc go to press on Thursday morning,
to permit our office 4iands to attend tho
County Fair. At the tirno of this writing
tho iojuU for Goreruor of this Stalo is
not certainly known. But upon the whole,
reports by telegraph appear favorable to
Curtin. Dut they aro eo wild, par
tial and exagcratcd that no fall reliance
can be placed upon them. Tho following
aro scattering reports which seem probable-
For Woodward, Berks, G.GOO; Wayne
850 ; Luzerno 3,000 ; Lehigh 1,700;
Bedford COO ; Monroo 1,500 ; Columbia
1,550; Sullivan 300, &c.
For Curtin : Philadelphia 0100, Brad
ford 300O, Chester 2200,Lancaster 5500.
70 hero the Army is.
The JV. T. Herald, of the SGtli ult.,
says there aro 50,000 Federal troops, in
that city, the flower of tho Army I Anoth
orpaper says there aro 15,000 in Philadel
phia. In two cities 05,000. In Cincinnati,
St. Louis, ond Louisville, thero aro also
largo bodies? Thoughtful men ask, why
aro they there 2
B-It is estimated that tho Republican
victory in Maine cost the United States
Government 81,000 per day including
Sundays in tho shopo of pay to the crowd
of civil and military officc:holdcrs, from
Vice-President Hamlin to Brigadier-General
Bustced and Hamilton, who stumped
tho Slate against the Democratic candi
dates for more than a month before elec
tion. Japan. According to the Japan Her
ald tho JapancBo have five mcc-of-war,
two of which aro royal presonts ; the oth
ers aro animated to have cost $300,000.
They have thirteen scrow and six paddle
sUamers, two barks, nine brigs, and two
Echooners, giving a total of thirty vessels,
for which thoy .have paid 82,351,841.
At the latest advices, part of tho Eng
lish fleet had' left Vcdo bay and gone South
perhaps to take the Loochows.
SSrColton says : ,(Ho that would thor
oughly fit himself for tho government of
human affairs, should have a wisdom that
can look back into the things that aro
past." How very unfit then, aro tho men
who .now govern our affairs. They can
neither look baokward, forward or any
way. Thoy are as blind as bats, and
stupid as moles.
IIeavv Grand Juuv. A heavy grand
jury recently mot in Burlington county,
.Now Jersey. Of tho whole twenty four Ono hundred thousand. Mon at Wash
men, the lightest weighed 210 pounds. J Jugton, who are in position tospoak know
One weighod 284 pounds, another 270, ingly, say that unless tho Union successes
ono 200, and two each 200 pounds. Eight oontinue rapidly thero must bo moro men
of tho number weighed over 2C0 pounds, raised. So let tho Provost Marshals keep
'Iho aggregate weight of the 215 pounds wheels ofohance well greased and in smooth
t'o each man. running ordflr.
Columbia Co
1SG3. 1SG2.
C3 oi -j
o M D
rovYNGiiirs. S ?' S 3
BE AVE II 17fl! 8 M4 0
BENTON 157 50 114 42
BLOOM.... 196 283 178 210
BRIARCREEK... 142 70 123 43
CATAWISSA.... 115 145 80 102
CENTRE 180 07 163 77
CONYNGHAM... 127 85 100 41
FISHINGCREEK. 245 55 230 40
FRANKLIN 7 maj 48 41
GREENWOOD... 159 155 150 137
HEMLOCK 1G7 52 155 38
JACKSON 08 8 80 10
LOCUST 22G 121 168 '92
MADISON. ..... 214 44 193 41
MAIN 105 3 07 5
MIFFLIN 104 42 182 33
MONTOUR 03 43 53 41
MT. PLEASANT. 39 maj 08 40
ORANGE 115 77 102 G3
PINE 101 19 89 16
ROARING OR... . 49 35 41 20
SCOTT 151 1G4 103 113
SUGARLOAFs .. 137 29 134 18
2932 1382
1550 maj.
umbia County will bo near 1000.
The following Preamble and Resolution
passed at the great Democratic meeting
at Allcntown, on the 7th inst., should bo
read by every Democrat :
"And Whereas, We aro fully convin
ced that much of the bitter hatred and
heart-burning strifo which it cursing our
land to-day, and filling its once happy
homes with widows aud orphans, is owing
to tho persistent efforts to a class of men
who, aa miuisters of tho Gospel of Jesus,
arc pledged to tho teaching of "pcaco on
earth and good will to all men," but who,
closing their coward eyes to tho sins of
their own congregations and communities,
compoutui for this hypocritical blindness
by denouncing tho sins of thoso who aro
too remoto to profit by their teachings or
tesent their impertinences, and, having
thus arrayed one section of this land
againtt'tho other, seem now to exult in
tho horrid carnago which is destroying
our people, and are urging on a war so
fierce and bloody in its details that even
devils might blush to adv.cato it, and are
repelling with vindictivo hato all thoughts
of amicable adjustment, Therefore,
Iiesolved, That, while wo cheerfully ac
cord to every rnau tho fullest right to cn
tortain and express by opinion and voto
his personal prcfcrcnco on all questions of
publio policy, we liere deliberately pledge
ourselves and recommend the Democracy
of the State and nation to plcdgo them
selves, henceforth to withhold all social
and pecuniary support from every minister
oi too Uospel who lias prostituted, or
shall hereafter prostitute, his sacred call-
rug anu n. puipu ana instm ins congre-
cation bv tuo niiblin discussion of nartienti
liii. n, it,n i,;m. nr .,iTan ,,!!.
dates for office.
Result of the Conscription.
Daily tolcgraphio reports aro now being
made to tho Provost Marshal General, at
Waahington,of tho number of men obtained
by the conscription, so that an approxima
tion of tho final result can bo made.
It is
not thought that the number will exceed
Reply of Bishop llopklus to Bishop 1
Wc havo heard of embalming in pr'ussio
acid, but never had a visible oxamplo of it
buforo wo road tho rcoent admirable cpif
tlo by Bishop Hopkins. Yet there is noth
ing ficrco or denunciatory in a tinglo par
agraph. There is tho dignity of the Bish
op, tho'Courtcsy of the gentleman and tho
gentleness of the Christian, manifest in
every line. ' IIo docs not render railing,
for railing, but contrariwise," in accor
danco with tho Apostlo's injunction. Tho
attack of tho Pennsylvania Bishop was so
unprovoked, unnoccsary, nnd so full of the
malignity of a political partisan, that it
might havo stirred the heart of oven so
puro and gontlo a naturo as that of the
Bishop of Vermont to rebuking with bit.
torncss. But his high Christain nature
was proof against tho temptation, and ho
responds to the attack simplv in the lan-
j'guago of rebuke and Christain exposlula
tion ; hut tho rebuke aud expostulation
manifest what is meant by tho phrase
''heaping coals of firo" on tho head of an
adversary. What a scathing, withering
rebuke upon the consistency of this Bishop
turned politician, is administered in the
following passage:
"For many years you mot in brotherly
council with theso Southern slaveholders.
You invited them to tho hospitalities of
your houso, and paid them especial defcr
cucc. Tho now light of Eastern Abolition
ism had not yet risen within our Church ;
and if you then thought, as you now think,
you took excellent care that no man among
your Southern friends should know it.
Moreover, your favorite 1 hcological feeru
inary, only thrco years ago, was tho Vir
ginia school at Alexandria, raised to Great
prosperity by Bishop Meade, a slaveholder,
and I am sure that nothing at variance
with my Bible viow of slavery was taught
in that institution."
Bishop Hopkin's allusion to the site of
tho new lights in New England, tho en
couragement of irrcligion, and tho impious
innovations countenanced by Now England
religious societies, is as just as it is true
It shows that he has been no idle, obser
ver of the condition of the community
about him, and manifests a statesmanlike
sogaoity in tracing tho cause of our present
troubles to their true origin. Horace has
warned painters against combining a mans
head with a horso's neck, of making a
beautiful woman terminate in the tail of
a fish; and wc would advise tho Benior
Bishop of Pennsylvania against a similar
incongruity, by trying to write the head
of a prelato in lawn sleeves, with tho scaly
tail of a political eorpant of tho Loyal
League pattern, crawliug on hi3 belly in
all the dust and slime of that political
arcnp, whero venomous asps aro content to
Operations Against the Navajoe Indians.
Full and interesting dispatches have
been received at the War Department from
Brigadier General James II. Carleton,
commanding tho Department of New Mcx
ico, respecting the operations against the
Navajoe Indians Among the dispatches arc
roports from Colonel C. Carson, com
manding First R"giment Now Mexico
Voluntocres, well know as tho "Kit Car
son" who accompanied Fremont in his
expedition over tho Rooky Mountains to
California, and who commanded the ex
peditions against tho Navcjocs during tho
past summer. He has been very succcs-
ful in his operations against this war-liko
tribo, killing and dispcrsnig largo num
bers of their warriors. The report of Gen
eral Carleton recommends tho establish
ment of a reservation forty miles square ;
at tho Bosque Redondo, far down on tho I
plains, for tho Navajoes, where these In-
dians will not come in contact with settlers.
With regard to this tribe, lie says4
.friinv -Iiova Hfl TnvnrrimnYif In w-itrA
j 1 ugming onsucu, mo rcsun oi wnicii was
treaties. They are a patriarchal people.1 125 rebels killed and wounded, 300 taken
Ono set of families may make promises, prisoners, and four pieces of cannon cap
but the -other set will not heed them. tured.
They understand tho direct application ofj
forco es a law. If its application bo ro- CnuETj Treatment. -A soldier be
moved, that moment they become lawless. longing to n Maine regiment, captured in
This has been tried over and over again,' the battlo of Cliancollorvillc, fivo days in
and at great expense. The 'purposo powj Richmond, and afterwards parolled, has
is never to relax tho application of forco written a letter to Uis sister, from Parolo
with a people that can no more be trust- !Camy, Annapolis, whero ho is waiting
cd than you can trust the wolves that run' with 12,000 others to bo exchanged. He
their mountains To gather them to-' represents the camp as in a horriblo con
gothor, ittilo by little, on to a reservation dition, and as bad as ho could wish any
away fiom tho haunts and hills nnd hid. placo to bo, if men wcro put there for
ing flaces of their oounlty, find then bo crime. Tho mon aro thero from all reg
kind to thorn j thero teach their children , jments with no officers that care anything
how to read and write ; toaoh them tho ' about thein no order, no roll-call,
arts of peace leach them tho truths of ho says, anything but drunkencss aud pro
Christianity. Soon thoy will acquire j fano swearing. Many aro thero who will
new habits, new ideas, new modes .of life. ! kill a man for two dollars. Several have
Tho old Indians will dio off, aud carry
with them all latent logiug for murdering
and robbiug. Tho young ones will tako
their places without these lowiogs, and
thus, littlo by little, thoy will become a
, and imfot people, and Navajoo
' . .
I wars will bo remembered
only as some
thing that belongs entirely to tho past.
Even until they can raise enough lo bo
I self-sustaining you -can find them cheaper
than you can fight them."
Another National Bank. Wo no
tico that the second national bank of
Wilkosbarro, Luzorno county, has been
duly organized. Tho capiti'l ofS100,0Q0
; has been paid in, and tho Board of Direc
tors elected, consisting of Thomas F. At
herton, Samuel lloyt, Abram Nc&bit, A
II. Roynolds, John Sbary, Goorgo Corey
and M. L. Everett. Thomas F. Athcrton
was ohosen president, aud M, L, Everett
From Europe
Air, Mason instructed to withdraw from
J ngland England and tht Mexican
Empire Polish recognition.
Cape Raoe, Oct. 2. Tho steamship
Saxonia, from Southampton at 8 r. m., on
the 23d inst,, arrived off tiiis point at
noon to day.
Tho news by tho Saxonia is highly in
teresting. Tho London limes says that tho fate
of Charleston is only a question of timo ;
that its fato is virtually decided.
Tho Times also says that .Mr. Mason
sent to Earl Russnl on Monday a notifi
cation that he (Mason) had boon instruct
ed to withdraw from England; Mr. Ma
son proceeds to Paris.
La France says that n Federal steam
corvctto had arrived at Brest, from Me
diers, having boon sent with another Fed
oral corvctto in pursuit of the Confederate
steamer Florida.
Tho Florida was to leave Brest on the
23d of September. Slio has boon com
pletely repaired, and would proceed im
mediately to meet tho Second Federal cor
vette, which is at Lisbon, and attaok her
beforo she cad bo joined by tho one at
BreBt, which is topairing.
La France says that tho Federal Cor
vctto Keilrsago, will be treated at Brest
liko tho Florida. Both boligoronts will
enjoy tho satno rights and advantages.
The Confederate loan is quoted at 20
to SO por cent, discount.
On the 8th ol October the Emparor
Napoleon will receive tho Mexican depu
tation on its return from Trieste.
Tho Memorial Diplomatique says that
England has entered into an engagement
to acknowledge the present Mexican Gov
ernment, as soon as tho Archduko Max
imilian announces to tho deputation his fi
nal acceptanco of tho throne of Mexico.
England and France will then immediate
ly accredit official representatives. Eng
land has promised to favor every means
for the realization of the loan necessary to
placo Mexico into a position to fill her en
gagements. La France says that if tho three Pow
ers make a common communication to
Russia, it will be of a different character
to an ''ordinary note," and, in diplomatic
languogo, "receive another name."
Tho Paris Journal considers tho inser
tion in the Alonitcur of the "Polish Mem
orandum," as tantamount to tho moral
recognition of Poland as a beligorcnt.
Tho Rubsian Emperor, in a speech, had
promised reforms and extended privileges
of Poland.
Eleven Russian iron plated gunboats,
with the turrets, will be completed by
Twenty thousand Russian soldiers arc
reported to be stationed at Finland.
Tbo Sacking of Shelbyville.
The Rebels capture 1,500 Union Prison
ers and 257 Wagons.
Louisville, Oct. 9.
Our Nashville correspondent says that
but three building wero burned by the
rebels at Shelbyville, tho Court House and
two other houses. Tho town was plun
dered throughout, and some fifteen hun
dred prisoners aro reported captured,
which is doubtful.
Major Lester, of the 4th Confederate
Cavalry, captured Capt. Smith, of General
Sheridan's staff, 257 wagons, including
fifteen sutler's wagons, and 487 men, at
Waldron's Bridge. Fivo hundred and
oighty-seven wcro captured at McMinn
villc. General Crook, commanding a bricado
of cavairy lwelvo miles beyond Franklin,
yesterday afternoon came up with a por
tion of Wharton's rebel cavalry. Sharp
I - i l 1. r i ? I
lost their Uvea in that way. A stranger
was found dead in tho dead houso, and
three with their throats cut and pocket's
pioked on tho banks of tho river. There
is a gang who gat men drunk to rob them.
Fall or Rook. A day or two since
tho largo tablo rock, below the suspension
bridgn at Clifton, fell, taking with it a
large section of tho bank. Tho concus
sion produced by tho fall is said to havo
shaken the bridge from cad to end as woli
as a portion of tho land aud tenements in
the vicinity, causing many to imagine that
an earthquake had taken place. The
rook and earth havo formed a small Island
in tho river, but it is expected that tho
action of tho water will speedily romovo
it, as tho ourrent is very swift and strong
nt tho spot. Of lah years tho rook slides
iiave been very frequent in tho vicinity of
tho falls ; almost too frequent to give per-
I sons confidence in their title deeds.
During Iholasl woek pnsllho Democracy
held somo ol Iho largest nnd moM spirited
meetings ovpry held in Columbia county.
Thoy wore attended by th6usand- the peo
plo scorning moro thoroughly nrousod In the
causo ol Democracy nird I.iborly than over
nt any previous enmpuifjn. It is with tliem,
l.ibeilyor Tyranny! They f col that to enjoy
their Freedom nnd Civil Liberty longer they
must eloct tho Democratic Ticket, thereby
place tho power nnd control of this Govern
ment Into snlo handswith persons whom
thoy can trust and enjoy their constitution
al privileges ns they hnvo heretofore under
Democratic rule. This being hampered and
chained down by tho hands of tho present
despotic and tyrannical Administration for
exercising a freeman's right, is a thing not
to bo tolerated nny longer by a onco free ,
whim noonlo. Thcv havo borne Ibis ilea
" - 1 1
polic pressure long enough. A change of
rulers is being called for from ever qnarier,
that white men may again enjoy iho right
cl speech, of suffrage, nnd trial by jury,
without ilia intermeddling of the Washing
Jon tyrants and imbeciles.
At JensKYiowNa Democratic Mass Moot
ing was hold on tho 8th inst., which was
the largest political gathering over assem
bled In Columbia county. Tho number of
peoplo present have been estimated at from
four to six and eight thousand I Thero wcro
no less than five thousand people in attendance,
to the best of our judgment, and wo have
seen a fow gatherings within tho past year,
though of a military character. The weath
or was not favorable lor an out-door meet
ing, as it rained considerable of iho timo
during tho day. In spito of tho inclemency
of tho weather, a mecling was organized,
on iho ground prepared for Iho occasion,
nnd speeches delivered by Joseph C. Bucii
En, Esq., of Lewisburg, and Col. William
Brindlk, of Lycoming. They made able
and patriotic speeches, and were patiently
listened to by both male nnd female. Tho
speakers wero' Irequenlly applauded, Ihus
giving Iho doctrine promulgated a-hcarly
endorsement. Al llio closo, each speaker
was tho recipient of a beautiful bouquet, pro
pared by the hand of the fair daughters of
Columbia. Hon Chas R. Buckalew pro
sided ; and the Vico Presidents were, Hon.
John McReynolds, Hemlock; Hon. Stephen
Baldy, Catawissa; Hon. Jacob Evans, Green
wood; Hon. Robert Moore, Danville; Hon
Joseph Dean, Derry; Hon. Peter Ent, Scolti
Thos. A. Funston, B. Essig, Madison; John
J Barkley, Bloom; Daniel S. Vandorslice,
Eq., Ml, Pleasant; Benjamin Wintersteer.,
Pine; lram Derr, Jackson: Sam'l McHenry,
Benton; Richard Fruit, Anthony; and John
Moore, Wesl Hemlock. Secretaries Col.
I Levi L. Tate, Capt. Thomas Chnllant, Win.
H. Jacoby, and J. S. Sanders, Esqrs
In Conyxciiam Thursday evening, Octo
ber 81I1 the Democracy of thai townhip
assembled at thn Public House of Henry Ga
ble, Esq., and after the meeting being called
lo order, Col. J. G. Fkeee, Hbn'ry S. Maiir,
Eeq., of Schuylkill co , Joseph H. Campbell
E;.q., of Danville, and W. Wirt, E'q , ad
dressed the Democracy in able and spirited
speeches. The staunch and sialworlh De
mocracy of Cunyngham wero out in their
might, eajer to hear ihe issues of the cam
paign discussed in an earnest nod patriotic
manner. This township is going o do bel
ter. She will completely submerge all Ab
olitionism within her limits. The doctrine
of Secession aud Abolitionism is a dead let
ter in Conyngham twp. They are in favor
of constitutional liberty, free speech, fieo
press, and no suspension of the wrii of
habeas coipus in a Slate not in rebellion, nnd
maintain that under iho constitution thero
is suffii-ieni power lo put down the present
rebellion, and had the constitution ond laws
in accordance thereof been observed and
respected by the men in power, this unholy
and wicked war would have been brought
to a closo ere this. But as ii is, no one can
yet seo tho end of the difficulty. At the
close of tho addresses, the speakers were
cheered hecrlily, as well as wero our gal
lant nnd noble candidate for Governor
Gkokgk Washington Woodward. The meet
ing adjourned, all being highly pleased with
tho proceedings.
In Miffiimvii.i.e, on Thursday evening
last, ihe Democracy had a meeting. It was
organized by makin S B. M. Yants chair
man, and Lewis Eckroat, John Michael,
William Pettil, Geo. Brown, John R. Yoho,
Phineus Smith, Daniel Noyer, Thos. Aion,
Vice Presidents. S)lvester Diclerich acted
as Secretary. The meeting was addressed
by E. H. I.inLK, Esq., of this place, in his
usual able and patriotic manner. The meet
ing was spirited, being largely attended
for an evening mooting in thai section. Tho
Democracy are fairly aroused in little Mif
flin. Look out for an increased Democratic
majority in this township.
At Slabtown Friday afternoon, October
9th the Democracy had a meeting which
was presided over by Bbnj Wagner, Esq.,
assisted by a number of vice piesidenls ;
and Gera Hower, Secretary. After the com
pletion of tho organization, earnest, patriotic
nnd spirited addresses were delivered by
Gen. Patton, of Bradford, Henry S. Marr,
Esq., of Ashland ; Capt. Thomas Cualfant,
Benj. K IIoades, Esq,, J H. Campbell Esq,,
of Montour county, and Col, J. G. Freeze,
of this place, The mooting was an entire
succoss. Tho speeches wero rapturously
applauded, We neod not fear of having a
good roport from the Democracy of Locust
and adjoining townships on Tuesday, elec
tion day. They appeared lo bo all roady
for Iho coming contest. At tho adjourn
ment, threo cheers war? given in such a
manner, for Woodward and Lowmc, that
mado tho welkin ring.- The speakers re
ceived ihe thunks of llio meeting for their
patriotic and earnest efforts mado in iho
cause of Democracy.
In IU'avkii, at Franklin Shuman's, on Sat-
urday afternoon, Oct. lorn, K. II. Little,
Ksq,, addressed a largo and enthusiastic
gathering of the Democracy on Iho present
issues of iho campaign. HsNnv Lair, sen,,
presided, assisted byJohn -Shuman, Samuel
Caso, John Fry, Daniel Romor, leaac Davis
Esq., Christian Shuman, as Vico Presidents
and Wm. I.ongenbcrger and Allen Mann,
Secretaries. They had a good meeting,
The speaker did jusiico lo llio cause, elid
ing from the audience, in several instances,
irnmondous applause. Tho mooting ad
I journed after giving thteo cheers for tho
speaker, and soundly cheoring the!' stand
ard bea'rors, Woodward and LowniK.
In RoiinsmJn'o Saturday tho lOih inst
.1 i j. ... nl.l.n.linnta.l nn.t
too uemocrncy imu mi uiu-mc.iun... ......
spirited meeting. Hon. I'kter Ent, was
mnilo ch'alrmar. Jacob Kvntis, J. A. Fun- I
Mon, John Frail, lram D-rr, Samuol Me- ,
Henry, l'hilip Appleman, Samuel Kisnor,
Hobort Hobbins, Henj. Mcllenry, Josopn
lkeler, and John Mcllenry, Ken , wcro cho
sen ns Vice Presidents of llio meeting. And
Isaac A. bewii't and Andrew J. Albertson,
Secretaries. Addresses were delivered by
Elijah It. Ikf.lrr, of Millvlllc, and Col. I.kvi
L Tatk, of tho Columbia Democrat. Tho
spoeches wore of a purely Democratic stripe,
consltullional In every scnsool tho word.
The meeting was well attended people
i)0in(, present from various sections of llio
county, IWsiuison lowr.snip iiirnea oui n
delegation on horso-back, some thirty I Tho
people nro thoroughly aronsod this Full n'l
over I Threo cheers for tho speakers, and
Woodward aud Lowhii:, wcro given fli tho
closo of Iho meeting with a will that is
raroly witnessed nt political gatherings.
Rohrsburg is in a hot-bod ol Abolitionism;
but with all that, Ihero are thoso among
thnm who knowing their rights dare mnin
lain them.
At Light Street, the evening of tho
lOlh inst., Iho Democracy of Scott and
adjoining townships held a meeting in llio
School House, nl which Josiaii H. Foiiman,
SherifT of Columbia county, presided. Tho
vice presidents were, Wm. White, Georgo
Oman, H F. Reichart, James Freeze, Jere
miah llngonbuch, P. T. Hartmun, John G1
Jacoby, Wm. Mo'sloller, Jriiirs Johnson,
Augustus Evcrhart. Samuol Shoemaker, P.
Yohe, J. R. Brugler, Esq. Secretaries
Peter Sling anil J. S. Kdchman. The meet
ing being organized, Col. John G. Freeze,
Hon. L. L. Tak: and E It Ikklmi, deliv
ered addresses. The people in this town
ship ate like they are in other places men
tioned in this column alive in tho causa
of Woodward, I.owrie and Civil Liberty I
In Scott wo may look lor quite a change in
the voto compared with lhai cal fir Curlin
Ihreb years ago. Curlin then had a hand
some majority, but Ibis Full his mnj.i'i y
will sink into nothingness. We are great
ly mistaken if Wondwurd does not carry
iiiu iuiu-uii. i ii i n MiCTJiinK nun a uuu
elled. Mark the result. Tl.e meetin? ad-
. . ,.- -ri.! I. ..I n ,..l
jnurued in -rood order.
InCentri: nliirae nnd enthusiastic meet
ing was held on Tuesday evening the Gih
inst-, nl tho house of John Grovttr, by the
Democracy. I'ktkh Millrk, Kq., pre-i-ded.
J. K Frederick, S.ilomon Neyhart,
Lafayetle Creasy, Jeremiah Ilnuenbiich,
John Dieicrich, Wesley Hess, Daniel Noy
hart, Jacob Sanders, were vice president',
find G A. Herring, Samuel Ne) hart Secre
taries. Lioui. A. 1!. Tate and K H. Lin lb
addressed iho meeting. A ood turnout was
had; and ihe peoplo ol Utile Centre are nil
in motion. We can safely put her down
for an Democratic majority. She
will do her duly.
A Democratic Mgrtims held in
lin , Columbia county, on Monday
pvoning his!. It was nddresed by J. H
CASirDKi.L, K-q., of Danville, nd F 11 Lit
tlk K-q. Ii was a spirited and p.iinoiic
meeting 'I ho Democracy ol Franklin me
sturdy and ime hearted in the cause ol Un
ion end Democracy. They Maud unwnvir
ing, determined to vote for iho mar. ol their
f choice Gkoi ge W. Woddivaiw. Frank
lin is soundly Dumo.-r.iiic, and uoo.l lor a
snug liulo majority for thn I'ornncra'ic
Tiik Democracy oi Epy had a rneeliug
on Monday evening last, John Kudbi-om,
presiding. Ii va addrested by Col. J. G
Freeze, in an able and convincing speech,
which sel ihe Republicans of lhat place to
thinking. There was a lar,;o turn out (or
the place, considering, too, ilul it was an
evening mealing. Scoll township was for
merly ono ol the strong holds of Republi
canism. Hut from what infnrmnli.m we
can gather, Woodward stock ib best in lhat
township this Fall.
Star of the N'rtli,
The JlcLcllan Tcstimoi'.ii'.l.
The first proposal to present a testimonial
to General McClellan mol with unexpected
approbation, and corps aud diviriou com
manders, without exception, favored ihe
projrtct, many of them heading the lists
with magnificent sums, All contributions
wero to be voluntary, and it was found ne
cessary to limit tho amout given by privates
lest more money should bo raised
could bo properly disposed of. Twclvo
thousand 'dollurs were raised in a single
corps. Every member ol General Meade'd
staff, except one, contributed, the General
himself selling tho examplu, and when the
order was received from Washington to dis
continue the colleciion, and refund the
money, iho astonishment ol tlio officers and
men was only equalled by iheir chagrin,
nearly cveryofiicer of note in the army hav
ing been permitted lo receive testimonials
Tho troops wore at a loss lo account for this
unexpected proceeding, until the malignity
which prompted iho measure was betrayed
in the treatment of officers who interested
themselves In tho movement. Col. Davi,
Assisiant Inspector General on tho staff of
General Meade, a class mato nnd an iriti
male friend of General McClellan, who took
tho subscription list around among the ofli
cers al headquarters, has been reduced lo
the rank of Major, and ojdered lo Sante Fo.
O.hor officers aro under Iho ban, while Ihe
troops, mortified and indignant, pocket
llioir contributions and await a moro con
venient season.
TlGZF- A Tlomnornlin Bnonlz-ni- vnm fi-nfli.
! t ,, , , . ' ' ,
rcrakcd at a meeting m Wc.tcra
I I'oimsylvania, that one King had lost liu
l lieal aod another his throna for acts far
less infamous aud tyrannical than thoso of
Ahraliam Lincoln, and thi't lie would
havo lost his hoad for his nets had thoy
occurred in any other country hut his own.
I.ouis Philips was driven out of Franco
for much loss tyranny than lias disgraced
this Abolition administration.
Ewton Argus,
Vhoal$ bus. 81 20i Green Applet
80 Dried
uu iJricd 1'cachcs 3
OOulter gltj
75, Lard n
50 Tallow "
1,. - l,,I,.n, ,
(Jlovcrseed "
Onions "
(Eggs..., 3 doz, lo
50, Hoy... " ton. 13 On
50 Chickens " pair 2s
On tho 8th inst., by tho Rev. Wm. J
Lycr, Mr. Lafayette LowonKnaBii cf
Beaver twp., to Miss Mahy J. Fox 'of
Union twp., Schuylkill oo., Pa. '
Nat? SUtocrtisemcnt
C'nmo to tho promises of tho subsoribor
' In LncuitTowiitlilp, In Columbia county, on Tyi.
dny, September 29tu, 1803, a '
iiLAcit c white eroTTEncow.
Tho owner l rcqucdoil tocoum forward, prove nroo.
crly, pay charges, nn.l lako her nwny, or .ho willu,
ilipoed ornccordlnj lolaw.
October 17, 1603-Ct.
Estate of John Wiitcnight, dee'd.
IETTERS of administration on tho ca.
jslatoofJolin Whltenlsht lalo of Illoom lownthlo
Columbia cuunty, ilcccascil, linvii teen granted by tin'
llcgistcror said county lo tho tho undersigned wiio ro
sides In ihe .nine tnwntl-.lpi all persons having claim,
ngaimt tho ostato of tho dec-dent uro requested to pre
sent IIicm to Uie ailnilirirtrator nt hit ri-liii-iiri u.1,1.
out dclur, and all persons Indebted lo make pnyinom
Oit. 10, 1803-83. Administratrix,
Hf 4 IL W, Wynknnp commence
rm of school October the 211 Tiiv l.,-.
II. ll, ,,..1
room for a fow boarding Scholar4, nnd nre iirepsred t.)
receive both primary and advanced 1'uplls-
Trices rnnKO nccording lo Iho studies. Namoly At
phabetiind Spelling, SJ.OO! Heading, SMS; Uengraphr
Writing nnd IVritcu Arithmetic, 92 W: Uramimir lin'l
Qtnl Arilhnialic, H.llOOi History und I'halsophy,310
Algebia nnd Astromy, 40J.
Instruction given in Ornamental Transparent Taint
lugs on glass, alto in water colored and i ll TRiutingi
llloonuburg, Oct. 10th, lSfi3. 31.
rj-ni: partnership heretofore Misting between (.'. v.
t.iti,ti, linn j. a .,iciiiicu, in in.t iiianuiatture M
paper nt Catawissa Mills, under the firm of C. v .Mc
tli-i manufacture if
b firm of c. v
Celvy fi Co., is this day dissolved by mutual ronncnt.
YV. McXcIvy, at Caluwissu .Mills
1 uu business ol tun Into linn will In; ull.ed ui;
TIIU undersigned, having purchased thn intcrast ct
J. S McVlnch, in Ihe Inteilrm of I' W, .McKcIvy Uu
.cm.l.l I..C...... 1. 1 a l.t I- .1.... 1 II. .."
I. ,,,v""- " --ii' minium: ia
. iiinuniHciuru oi i aper, ami purcna.u nags, ns hereto.
t meraytw!!ronVi!u1!";::,n,01 the ''..
C. lIcKI'.LVl'.
Catawissa Mills, Oct 3, ie03.
CIamb into the premises of the under.
J signed, residing In Locust townshln, Culnmtla
county (near Nuinldia,) nbout tl'c loth if dcpteuii,,,,
Sflfw ' ) ink- nnrw'ir p nnri-
.,..1, - - - -" ....... ...... burr,
supposed tu bj aliutit fivo years
onueris requested to nrove nron
charges and take hcrnway, or she will lo dispotud if'uiii3 ,u tiin .
Locust twp.. Oft. 3, Ifu3-3n
rj'lli: I lamination c.f Teachers for Columbia eouniy,
.1 will lake place nt Ihu following times and (.lac,
Centre at l'owli.-rsMllo, September 41 ; Catawissa si
Cntnwistn, Fi-pt. 2i ; lli rwicK lior rJupt, S3 ; .Mi tlliit al
Mitllinvillo, Scpt.'Jd ; lleaveral .Milliner Hchonlhouv .
Sept i.'D j Maine nl AininWIle, fcpi. 30; lioarinjcrci);
nt .Middle School lionrc, Oct. I ; Conyngham nt Cuwri
lilln, Oct. S; Lncuit nt N'umldia, Hit a; franklin ct
ClaytonN Huhool hoiie, Oct. 5; r:ing-, nt Orangevill t.
Ou. 7; Fis'iiiigcrek at Tenter's Hclo-ol bouse, eOtt. ? ,
lleiiton nt llcnton, Ort. ii ; Sucnrlnaf nt Cole's rf(
hnue,Oct 10; Scott nt Light Mtrect, Oct ; Mmtion
nt Jits.' tmvn. Oct. Ill; lienilockut Duck llnrn.lirt ';n,
.Montnur nt llietcrirk's School Ihihc, Oct 'Jl ; Mount
Tli'unnt at Jou-s' School house, Ou. MS; llninreik n!
Marlz's Sihool house, Oct. 'J.I; Oreenwuo.t nl lt(.i,.
burg, Oct. '.'ilj Jackson nt Il.Tr's School hous';, Oct. i'. ,
Tine nt Wurimm til.-. Oct. HO
The cxorcis"s nt nil this places lo cominen-n ,-.!
in o'clock, A. M
Teachers will pleas" Hi piinetuil in attendance. t
rcilors are respectfully rcipu-Hed lobe present
CII.Mtl.L'S (1. IIAKKl.llV.
rioom.-burg, S-pt, 13. IdliX Co Siipl
Bucljlcr J fijewse,
rplllS old established House lias undergond citonlrs
L improvcmuicnts, and been thoroughly renovated
nnd refitted. It is pleasantly located in the heart r.l
tho City in easy access totlw rilate Capitol auJ I'utdie
t; rounds.
BL' Tor the neenmmodntion nf our guests, we hav
recently commenced to run n Co idi to and from tho
Unilroad. In Ibis manner unpleasant delay in I.j.imiu
the Depot for the Hotel will b avoided., and inurli
moru tluieatrorded guests fur meals when leaving III)
Intending that the nUnilt.CIl IIOUPF. shall ho really
n home-like resort for IIm sirnnger nod traveler we r-
spcctl'ully tollcit continuance rf tin; pu lie. patrnnngi
GllO J. lillt.TO.V.
Oct. 3, 1S03. Tropriclor.
Important to Persons liable to Draft in
the counties of lirwljord, Calumbii,
Sullivan, Montour if- Wyomi ig.
Do you wish to hnvo your Kxemption Tnpers rcr
reitiy mado out ? lloynu wifll to obtain reliablu in
formation in regard to your claims for exemption ( H"
you wish to employ an experienced person in hid in
procuring your i-xeinptlnns I If yon do, cnll on me st
the olfice nf Justicu rieico. in Tiny, llrndlord coumy,
l'a., on nnd lifter Wednesday Sept. Kith lii.3.
I shall havo tho servics of Lxperienced Tcrenn ti
assist ine, so that claimants can have their busil cn
attended without nny delay, ' harges moderate.
October n, ISM.
To Teachers.
V7" ANTED. Twelve Male Teachers
T T to tako charge of the public schools nf Union
township, SclHijIkiil county. Thu cxniniuntinii mil
tako place at Ilirgtown, on Wednesday, the Slat day
of October, IUKI, commencing at 11) o'clock, t, M. 'I ln
Schools u ill open on Hlo llret Alondny in .November.
. mm cuiiiiiiui: lour iiiuniiis.
THOMAS ItYAV, Sterttan.
I October 3, Igra 3wl
rpHC co partnership herelnforo existing between th
I X undersigned, trading nnd Merchandizing in lain
villi', Columbia. county, under tuu linn of Iti-igli.ird -t
Nuss, iui dissolved on the IS Hi of June, lc03, by inn
' t ii nl consent, Tho llnoks, Notes. Accounts, &c.,it III"
1 lain linn, are now in the hands of Mr. Iteighard. in tlw
. Store, for Immediate settlement. All persons inter.'
1 ted will nlcaso call and settle.
ceo. r, NUSrf.
Maixvllle. Aug. 8, 1G3-Cw tfi W.
ni.oo.Msuuna.coLUMi'.iA co, ta.
C7rsn.Ticui.An attention oiven totatent moms i
September 5, 160.1 3m.
momi vEfiow hose,
j Sscond Si eel, above Arch,
I Lois of "Surf Unvit," Mtnii City,
Oct. J, ICU3.
ft 1 T' W & t
lii.ooMSHvna, p.i,
Odtco in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Cliail"'
nionmsburg, Dae,
I, lfi.Hl.
iSlla&ison jp, fyoiw,
iiimTii S'cnD Sr. niTwrm Ukllit-T i. AittWil'm"
v in, hfi'i