FRESH ARIIIVA L FAIiliANDWfflllGOOllS: AND EVERYBODY "TIIF. undersigned, grateful for past patronage, rcspoc t fully Intorms Ills customers nnu iiicpunncilciieriiiiY ihattio lias Just rcccivcit from thu Easterns cities, Hi largest and most select stock of Fall and Winter That lias yet been opened In Bloomsburrj, In which he Invites tho attcntioii of Ills friends, and insures them timi Hipv nrn offered for sale nt arcat bargains. Ills Block comprises n largo assortment of GENTLEMEN'S WEARING APPAREL, n( Ptimn in, p TlnrH 1ftiTf. nf nvprv lifts crlptlonj rants, Vests, Shirts, Cravats Stacks, Cotton IIandKorcniet,uiovcs, Busticiiucrs, uc, GOLD WATCHS JEWELRY, Of every description, flno and encap. N. II. Ucinembcr " Loitenbcrg's Cheap Emporium.' call and sec. No charge for cxnmlng Goods. david lowenrero Bloomsbu rg, August 29. ieC3. (Juno 185a.) E. & II. T. NTIIONY, MANUFACTURE RS OF 1MIOTOG RATll 10 MATERIA IiB, 501 Broadway, Nciu York. ARB PH0T86BAPH5, Our Catalogue now embraces considerably over four thousand different subjects (to vvlilch ndilltlons are con tinually being made) of 1'ortraits sf Eminent Aincrl cms. etc.. viz : VJ.Malor-Gonorals. IPO Drill Gcncral. 2.VJ Colonels, 81 Lieut.-Coloncls, COT other Officers, 00 Navy Officers, 5j Statesmen, 1S7 Divines, IIU Authors, 30 Artists, 112 Stage, 40 Prominent Women, 1J7 From inent Foreign 1'ortraits. 2,500 Copies of Works of Art, Including reproductions of the most celebrated Engra vings, I'aintings, Statues, &c. Catalogues sent on re ceipt of stamp. An order for ono dozen pictures from our Catalogue will bo tilled on receipt of 51.80, aud sent by mail, free. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. Of these wo manufacture a great variety, ranging In price from SO cents to $50 each. Our Albums havo the reputation of being superior In beauty and durability to any others. The smaller kinds ran bo sent safely by mail at n postago of six cents per oz. Tho more cipensivo can bo sent by ex press. Wo also keep a largo assortment of Stcreecopcs and Stcroscoplc views. Our C.italoguo of these will be sent to nny address on receipt of stamp. E. k H. T Anthony, Manufacturers of Photographic Materials 501 llroailway, New York Friends or relatives of prominent military men will confer a favor by sending us their likenesses to copy. They will bo kept caicfnlly nnd returned uninjured. Fine Albums made to order for congregations to pre sent to their raster, or for other purposes, with suita ble fuse rip t ion s, fee. August Si, leoa-cm. NORTH CENTRAL RAILWAY. Summer Time Table. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch of the Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of Northern New Y ork. ON and after Monday, April 20th lSG3'the Tasscngcr Trains of the North Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Sunbury, llarrisburg, aud Baltimore as follows, viz: SOUTH WAR Di Mail Train leaves Sunbury dally (except Sunday) 10.10 n.m. " leaves llarrisburg, 1.15 p in. 11 arrives at Baltimore, 5.35 " Express Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday,) 11.07 p. m, " leaves llarrisburg (except Monday,) 2.00 a. m. " arrives at Baltimore daily (ex cept Monday,) 0.13 " llarrisburg Accommodation leaves llarris burg. 0.30 " NORTHWARD, Mail Train leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday,) 0.15 a. m. " leaves llarrisburg . 1.15 p.m. " arrives at Sunbury. 4.05 " Express Trains Baltimore dally, U.15 " arrives at llarrisburg, 1.35 a. m. " leaves Hnrrisburg(cxccpt Monday) 3.00 " " arrives at Sunbury, 5.3S " For further information applv at the Office. I. N. DuBARllY, Supt. llarrisburg, Aug. P, 1803. GIRTON'3 CHEAP 1TAT STORE REMOVFD. Another As-viva I of (Roods. Now is Your Time to Buy, I NOW SELL CHEAPER THAN EVER, THE undersigned having bought out tho Grocery o David Stroup, has removed his Hat and Cap Store up tostroup's old stand, win re in addition to a supe rior assortment of SPRING AND SUM3IUR Hats and Caps, Comprising every sort, size and quality, which will be sold nt unusually low prices, he will continue tho Cro eery and Notion business as carried on by Mr. Stroup, Also-A lino lotofKIDS.MOROCEOSand Li.stNosto which ho invites the at cntion of Shoemakers and tho public. JOHN K. GIRTON. Bloomsburg, May 30, 1863 BLOOMSBURG SKYLIGHT, Picture Gallery. THE undersigned Informs tho citizens of Bloom, and neighborhood, that he has taken the large room at tho Exchange Block, extending over Messrs. Stnncr k Fox's Bakery, nnd tho Bookstore where he has put 111 n large Skyllgl t. It is only by Skylight that good pic tures can ben en especially groups where each person can be taker ist as well as separate. llohasEOii to considerable exnenso to make bis en tablishmonti first class one, nnd ho therefore solicits a iioerat pairo- ago to cnauio nun, to constantly introduco the mode a improvements of the art. Ey Coun :y produce taken in Exchange for pictures HENRY ROSENSTOCK. Dloomtbnrg, Nov. 23 1601. Nov. o "sj (Late Whlto Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVK THIRD PHILADELPHIA. D. 0. SIEGRIST7 Proprietor. Formerly from Eagle Hotel Lebanon, Pa T, V. RHOADS, Clerk, Maroh 29, 1803-12iu. STILZ & HARTLEY, Consolidation Bank Build jng, 320 North Third Street between Vine $ Callowhill, , PHILADELPHIA. Juno 20, 18C3-ly. JOHN 0. YEAGER, MANUFACTURER & WH0LE3ALE DEALER IN .HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 257 North Third Street. Pliila'd. Nov. 29, 1802. GIBSON'S WMkMWWn QBASS AND DEItATIVE ESTABLIIIMliNT, Ho, 125, South Eleventh Street noar V .nut, FIlIIiADKIil'MlA, Enameled Glass, Fresco, Oil and Encaustic Palntin John G idiom. q, , Oibsik. January 12. 1801 3m.. ilHaftison (sin ffiousc, M. & T. iCWATSON LIVERY STABLE JITTJICHEB. ."""I" bmd St. Etwsim .Varkit c Arch, Puai Nv S9, 1802. BLANK SI BLANKS! ! Of ovary description, for sale at this oilice WT" IXJTjiBfllLN W"l GONE ONE! COME ALL? I I J. BR0WER WILL exposo to sale every tiny tins Fnll nnd Winter. (Eundnyi excepted,) ft largo and well selected assortment of 4 t..llrt. 1',. ,ln illlll'l lUiiu I'li'iuu mu ...iiyiisii uuimn. Just from tho Eastern mntkets. Plain Dicsa Goods nro mo latest insninn, sucu ns t-nsuiiicru mi-rnius, &uiu Mohair Silk Finish, Alpaccas of all shades, DELAINS .it 18, 22, 25, 31 mid 35 cts. CALICOES from 18 to 25 cents. SHAWLS all wool, long & Equarc, at pricas to suit purchasers. NUBIAS AND WOOL HOODS Of EVERY BEJCmlTION. Cloths. Cassimers and Jeans, for Men nnd Boys wear, cheap. Dailies' Collars, Cuffs, Sleeves, Head Nets, nnd dress trimmings. Uleachctl awl Unbleached Muslius, will bo sold nt a very small advance. Hosiery, Gloves, Embroidering Braids, Si small wares in groat variety, Linen Carpet Chain and cotton yarn. Boots and Shoes, ladles' gaiters, toilet slippers, children's gaiters nnd shoes, nnd n lnrga stock to select from at all prices. Trnnks nnd nil i loth satchels, Uuecnswaro and Hardware, R cs ft ft E S j, TOBACCO AND SEGARS, at low prices, and In fact almost everything In my lino that may bo called for, ns 1 havo purchased n inuili lar ger stock of goo Is than usual, nnd am determined to sell them at cry small profits, for ready pay. Ladies will find it to their advantage to liny their Dress Roods nt tliis establishment, ns I will prcicn. to every Lady customer, who may ilcsiro it, one ol jiau nmo Dcniorest's Intcst sleeve paltcrns. Call and sco tho Mirror of Fnsliinn, Just published, with lull and rcliab'o description of the latest Paris fashions. Bloomsburg, Sept. 20, 1803. First Great Arrival. SPRING GOODS IN ORANGEVILLE, The undersigned, lias, Just replenished his Storo Ilouso in Orangevllle, with a well-selected asssroltncnt f SPRING & SUMMER GOODS Consisting in part of Cloths, Silks, Muslins, Cnssi mere, Ginghams, Calicoes. Shawls, Hosieries, Carpets ami Ladies' Fancy Dress Goons, generally, from 2 to 75cts and Prints from l.'l toSJcts. READY MADE CLOTHING. Hats, Boots & Shoes .Mackerel Molaasses, Sugar ISc Salt. GROCERIES GENERALLY. With all other artlles. usually kept In country St ires, to which ho invites the cnily nttcntionof old and lew customers. Having been iittho City in tho right time bought low and paid cash he will bo able to com jcto with the best, and sell for small profits and prtmpt pay. His friends are invited to pop in nnd sec tho sights. WM FRITZ. Grangcvillo, May 2, 1803. 3m Latest stile lowest prices. JUST Received n new assortment of latest styles of Wall Taper including Bantering, and Ceiling Paper, and n general variety of material in his line, which will bo found on tho SECOND FI.00 mniedi ntely over tho store of Mr. L T Sharplcss, entrance ono door east of Lutzcs Drug Storo in tho Rupert Block, where all persons wishing goods in Ills lino will bo attended to, In parson' at at all times. EST Popar Hanging executed to order and best style, at short wtiee. li. it TIIOHN'IUN. Bloomoburg, May 9, 18C3-3m PUBLIC SQUARE, W1LKES-BABRE, PA. TnEundcrsigned, having taken tills well-known stand (formerly of Major Puterbaugh), respectfully solii its the patronngo of the public. No pains will bo spared in any of Its departments, to render satisfaction to all guest. ThoTAULE and tho BAR will always be supplied with thu BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. C7" Good Stabling for Horses and nttcntlvo Hostlers. The "Exchange" is eligibly situated on the Public Square, and has therefore peculiar advantages toper sons attending Court or doing business in the public offices, charges moderate. N.B. Whenever you como to town, please call. H. J. YAPLE. Wllkes-Barro, Nov. 15. 1FC5! MANHOOD Hoio Lost ! How Restored ! .' Just published in a sealed Envelope : Price G cts. A Lecturo on the Nature, Treatment, and Ridicat f Cure of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness, Scxuel Debility, Nervousness, and Involuntary Emis sions, inducing Impotency, Consumption, and .Mental Physical Uebility, by Robert J. Culvcrwell, SI. U. The important fact that the awful couseiuctu es of sclf-abuss may bo eillctually removed without internal medicines or the dangerous application of caubtlcs, in struments, medical bougies, and other empirical devi ces, id hero clearly demonstrated, and tho entirely niw and highly successful treatment as ndol'tcd by the cel ebrated author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, nnd at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the adver tised nostrnms of the day, This lecture will prove a boon to thousands aud thousands, CHAS. J. C. KLINE, & Co; 137 Broadway, New York, PostOIHco box, 45f0. Aug, 15. 1CG3. (Nov, 1, 1SU2.) KEW JERSEY LNi)S FOR SALE, ALSO. GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS, Suitublo for Grapes, Peaches, Tears, Raspberries, Strcuberrics, Blackberries, Currents, &c, of 1,215, 10 oa 20 acres each, at tho following prices for tho present, via: 20 acres lor S-00, 10 acres for $110,5 acres for SbO, 21 acres for $40, 1 acre for $20. Tayable by one dollar a week. Also, good Cranbury lands, and village lots in Cheat wood. 25 by ion feet, at $10 each, payable by fino del lar a week. The above land and farms, are situate n Chcatwood, Washington township, Burlington county New Jersey. For further information, apply, with P. O, Stamp, for n circular, to B. FRANKLIN CLARK, No. 00 Cedar Street, New York, N.Y. January 17, 1:03. II. C. HOWE R, SURGEON DBNTIST. RrsPEC'lTULLY oners his profess ional servlrcs to tho ladies and gentle men of Bloomsburg and vicinity, He is I'l.ctttm iu utiLuu tu u,i mi, various upv-iutiuits in nil niiu ui ins jiroiusginu.nnii is provided with tho latest improved POHCEUilJi TEETH; which will be inserted on gold, platina, silver aud rubber baso tolookwell as tho uaturul teeth. Mineral plate and block teeth manufactured and nil operations on teeth, carefully and properly attended to. Residence nnd office a few doors above the Court House, sumo side. Bloomsburg, Juno 0. 1E03, STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. fPHn undersigned would inform tho ritlzeiibor I ri, OM, I ,l(.l!t.T l,n . i,. - u.,., ,,v.., ,14Uh 11V II4SJUSI O lata eived and otrcrs forsalnouaof the most citi nsive nacnrtii'mnta nf f 'I Ifli: I VI! n.l L,vii u........ ever introduced into tills market. Tho Christopher ol umiius, James noun anil (iiobearo among tho first tlas cooking Stoves, all of which aro air-tight nudgas biiruci tlla lnrlnr ttnvi.a nm li.n.nnm nn.l nn .... ...ko ... .luituau.uu tli.u ,llu iiaBurilllL'ril VC ried. ALSO Particular attention Is paid to Tin-Wart nnd House Spouting, upon short notice. All kinds of rupmmii; win uu uuuu wiui nearness anil despatch IC?" Country produce taken In exchange for work. PHILIP S. MOYER; Bloomsburg. May 10,1602. (Opposite Inaeenaeticc Hall,) CIIESTN UT STIt E ET .11 ET W EEN PJl'TII t SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA, WVATT U IIEIIL1NOH, ,, , Proptietort. November 30, 1801. March 13, 1858 LIGHT STREET, Columbia county, Fn 'piiL undersigned has located nt the above nanirr L hotel, formerly occupied by Peter Schug, and sollc its a sharo of public patronage. . ET" Good accommodations for man and beast, Tlx best kind of liquors at the bar, . ,, , J. D, RICE, Proprietor, April II, 1863- ' Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBURG, PENN'A. Offico :M the Exchange Hotel, Main St, Rirrxin 7fon77oiinWaHi, Lowisbiirg, Pa. William Cameron, President of tho Leisbiitgl!ank J. 11, Packer, President of the NoithumbstlahcfBank Blooiniburg, June S7, 1603, ly. THIS IN3TIT0TICN is under the solo man 'J nnd dlrectldn of Prof, I). W., s j lo tiffm lit i cipnl of tho mmUAMTOif COMMERCIAL COUMB. Tho course of Instruction embraces nit th requisites of n thorough practical business cducntt i, nnd has been lately extended by the Introduction u an Actual Builncts Course, In Which tho Student ee- ,uei In tho regular rniitlno of busine, tinnsnciioiis, nnd famlliariied by menus nl n store, ( actual luslirns nt buying nnd selling go on by each Student,) nnd Business Ofllc nf Issue nnd Deposit, Rall-lloadingand Vo't Olllco, Telegraph, &c, ke. The Proprietor lins spared notlmoor i kins this Course the most Ihorouch aim emnlllicd which tho ' is cnrrled . Ir. t Banks mil-Boating eno in mn- complete of nnv ever nrcsentei! to tho nubile, nnd feels fullvns surcd thai after hn lug been himself engaged in nctunl business, nnd having had many years' experience nt teaching tho Sclnco of Accounts, nnd being aided by n full and clncelcnt corps of teachers, ho will been bled to mnko thorough and successful graduates of all who may placo themselves under his charge. PEJfMAJtSiriPt In this essential branch of n bttslnss education no Cnllego oilers better facilities In tho learner. Tho Snencerlnn svstem will be tniulit In nil Its varieties by tho most skillful master of the nrt, Specimens of Writing from this Institution have received the highest encomiums from tho press. For general Information, terms, &c. ndrtrcss for Col. lego Monthly, which will bo mniled frco; ror speci mens of Penmanshiprenclnse two three centstnmps. Address II. W. LOWELL, Principal. Lowell's Commercial College, Binghamlon, N.Y. P. S. Ono of Rltter Sc. Duncan's No. 1 highly finished flno, perfect point, quill-spring Gold Pens, m t 111 holder nnd case, warranted for ono venr nnd to suit, will bo sent, free Of chnrgo to any one who will remit $3,50 to lllo nnovo nuiireps. Octobci 3, lefi3 ly. NATIOXAL COilLHERClAL COLLEGES LOCATED IN PHILADELPHIA, 8.E.CCRNER7TH AND CHESTNUT STS., New York City, Brooklyn, Albany, Troy Buffalo. Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, and St. Louis. Book-keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Arlthmetit Commercial Law. Forms. Corrcsnondunco. fcc. ninct cally taught. 1 ucsa uoiiegcs uemg under tho sumo general nnd lo cnl mnnaecincnt. mid unltinrr in each the ndvantarro of nil, oftcr greater fapllltlcs for Impnrtlng instruct i i than any other similar institution in Ilia country. A Scholarshln issued bv anv ono lsnood in all IV. i n nnllmited time. Tho Philadelphia College has been recent lycnlni and refurnished in a superior manner, nnd is now 1 1 I largest and most prosperous Commercial Institution 1 1 tho State. Bryant & Ptrattnn's series of Text Books, cmbrac Book-keeping, Commercial Arithmetic, and Coinmer Law, for sale, and sent by mall. E?" For full particulars send for a circular. October 18. lelia 12m. Hon. Wilson McCandlcss, Judge of the United States Circuit Court, President. Corner Pcnn nnd St. Clair Street, FITTSBUROH, PA THE LARGEST, CIIAPEST AND BEST. $35.00 pays for a full Commercial Course, lit- No extra charges for Manufacturers, Steamboat, Railroad and Bank Book-Kceping. Ministers' sons nt half price. Students enter and re view at any timo. This institution is conducted by experienced Teach ers and practical Accountants, who preparo young men for active business, nt tho least expense and shortest time, tor tuc most lucrative una responsible situations. Diplomas granted for merit only. Hence the universal preference for graduates of this college, by buslucss men. Prof. A. COWLEY, tho best Penman ntlielln on. who holds tho largest number of firet premiums, ami overall competitors, teaches rapid business writing, For specimens of Penmanship, and Catalogue con talntng full information, enclose twenty-live cents to JUiVKlKS & M.iirni, I'riucipals. C7" Attend where the Sons and Clerks of Business Men nnd Bankers graduate. April iu, itjua ly. April 4, ikki. THE underslgm-irls arso extensively engaged In the UniltrtaMne Business, and keeps constantly on hand nd for sale at his Wnrerooms, a largo assortment of FINISHED esj COFFINS, By which bo is enabled to till orders on presentation Also Keens a cood Horso and Hearse, nnd will at al times be ready to attend Funcrcls. SIMON C. SII1VE. Bloomsburg, January 2D. 1859 Miller's Store. fresh Irrival OF Spring & Summer THE subscriber has just returned from tho Cities witli another largo and select assortmct of Jii i!8f; ami Stiitum;!' -too!s, purchased at Philadelphia, nt the lowest figure, and which tliey aro determined lo sell on as moderate torms as can bo procured elsewhere in Dloomsburt'. lily stock comprises LADIES' DlthSS GOODS, of choicest styles nnd latest fashion. DIIY GOODS, AMD GROCERIES, HJHtDWAIl R Q UEKXi H'AIIE, CEDAIt WARE, HOLLOW WARE IROM, MAILS, HOOTS X- SHOES HATS y CAPS, &c, $c .ye., Ill short everything usually kept In country Stores o which he invite the nubile generally. The Iligheslprlce paid for country produce. S. II. MILLER. Bloomsburg, April 18, 1RC3. Exchange Hotel, fLATE COL, R, D, JONES, No. 77 Dock Street, next door to tho Poit Office, Philadelphia. This well known establishment maintains its usual celebrity, and its well known reputation of being tho best HOTEL ON TIID EUROPEAN PLAN Khali bo sustained. Rooms may bo had at all hours- per night, 37 cents ; per week, S2 50, per month, 810, Tho Bar and Eating Departments are furnished wits tho best of everything I do market can produce. OA ME, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, and delicacies of every clime may be had at a momo t' notice. Meals at 12 cents nnd upwards, nnd may bo had from 5 A. M. till J.'ntniclit, Gentlemen may rest ustiircd that no expense will be spared to render this Hotel a model one. J. OTTENKIRK, Propr. March 7, ie03-3m, NEW FANCY (ROOMS. THE subscriber has just received a lot Hosiery Trimmings aud New Goods, such as SIS (PEHffiSf, ALSO: GLOVES, 110LI.H. bTAYS, SATCHEL!.. HOOP HKIRTS, POUTMONIES, AND OTHER NOTION'S. Dv Wheeler k Wilson's Sewing Machines for sale. Also Sunday School Books nnd Bibles. Alto-Mrs, Allen's Hair Restorer, which will give to gray iu natural color, A D.WEIin. Net Door btlow t'outt House, Elooraituig, Miy 30, lt03, S4 I I I i iisif; IF YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR Cheap Spring Goods, GO TO Ci-easy's to re, ill Light Irccl, l'a. ALL KINDS OP UOOBS ! CALIC0E, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS lleady-jftlado Clothing Sugars, Molassos, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, llama, Lard, Tobacco, Sugars, Hats, Boot", Caps, Shoes, Drucs, Oils, Paints, &c, &o. In addition to our large Btock of Dry Coods, wo havo flarao nnd full nssortmcnt of Ready Mado Clothing nor Men and Boys wear which wn are determined to sen cticnpcr in in can no nougnt cisewncrc, uau aim sec, nnd Jndge fur yourselves. H. W. CREASY & CO, Light Street, .March 1, 1803. LARGE ARRIVAL OF New Spring& Summer AT PETER ENT'S STORE, ArV LIGHT ST11EKT, COLUMBIA COttVTl, PA, HAS Just received from Philadelphia, nnd Is now opening nt the old stand lately occupied by Martz lc Ent, a splendid assortment of flL-sSfllfifiTjj; which will bo sold cheap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. His stockconsMs of Ladies Dress Cowls choicest styles aud latest fashions Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Casiimcros, Satinets, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, ko. Groceries, Quccnswaro, Ccdarware, Hardware, Mc'dicinos, Drugs, Oils, m Paints, c iVC. BOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS. In short nrcry tiling nuntiy kept in n country storo Thenatronnei- of uld friends, mid tho nubile eeuernl. ly, it respectfully solicited. 'i lie nigncm inaract price paid lor country produce. PETER ENT. Light Street, May 30. 1PC3. Wew FOR EVERY BODY. TERMS CA SJI OR PROD UCFJ. Just come toC nnd W Kreamer's Storo, In Jersey town, Pa. where you willrtnd all kinds of Dry Goods: such as Ladies Dress Goods, Printe, Muslius, Ginghams, Flannels, Ilsisery, Shawls etc. Groceries, Qnccnswaro, Ilardwaro Ccdarware, Tin-ware, And Drugs. Fish, Meat, Salt, Flour, Tohacco, Scgars, Hats, Caps, Boots, & Shoe?, IRON AND NAILS. In short, everything that Is generally kept Inn couu t ry store. Wo will sell you goods nt fair prices nnd take all kinds of produce, ns pay such as Butter, Eggs, Orain, Lumber, Shingles, Oak plank, and in fact anything Hint nny body else will buy nnd sell ns cheap ns can ho sold In tho country. We will uotba uudersold by Jew or Ger.tilcs, Come then ono and all.judgo for your selves. Bring your trade, hut don't ask for trust. C ti W KREAMER. Jerscytovvu.MayO, lc03. THE MW GKuCKKY SToIlE. MORE FRESH GOODS. Just 'cccivetl at Erasmus' New Store. Molasses, Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Rico, Spices, I-IaTs and Caps, Fish, Salt, Tobacco, Scgars, Candies, Razens, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with n great variety of iiotionsnnil etceto r as, trio numerous to mention. LO-Butter, Eggs, Meat and product) generally taken in exchange fur goods, Bloomsburg, May 0, 1PG3, ' r,UAS,,US' FANCY FURS ! FANCY FURS ! ! John Farciia, 718 Atch Street. Imlnw RiL eouth sido, Philadelphia. importer, Manufacturer of and Dealer in all kinds of vSTBTi.' FAMCi- FUIISI .-J-MLm for Ladies' and Children's Wear. I lo return my thanks to mv friends of Colum bia mid the surrounding counties, for their very liberal luiiiuiiutiu uAi'.-iiiicii in-; uuriuu inu last itsvv years, and would say to them that I now have iu -tore, of my own importation nnd iiinuufacturo a very extensive as snrtment of nil the ditl'erent kinds nud qualities of l'iNcy Funs for Ladies, Dial will be worn llUllllpj IIIU 1 UllllllU III.UI C-UHllllH, Being tho direct Importer of nil my Furs from Eu rope, and having nil manufactured under my own supervision enables me to oiler my customers u ml the public n much handsomer Set nf Furs fur tlio same money. Ladies please give lou a cull befuru purchas ing I Please remember the name, number nud street. JOHN FA It El It A, No. 71tJ Ancil Stbeet, I'iiiladhlniia, ceit. iv, iruj. jiiius. JAMES H. SMITH, IMPOM'EH AMI) WHOLESALE DEALER BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKEYS, GINS. AND LIQUORS, GENERALLY'. No. 1)28 Walnut Sis,, between lid ly -Uh ., PHILADELPHIA, C. B, 1II.NRY, Traveling Agent and Salseuian, tC" OltDilts RssrrcTruuY BouciTro, November W, lC2.-y. I "-4 ' i r ." w Friends and Relatives.1; OF THE HOiLOWAY'S PILLS, AND OINTMENT. All who havo Friends and Relntivcs in tho Army or Nnvy should tako usveelalcaro that they bonmply sup plied with those Pills nnd Ointment J nnd wheru the iravo Soldiers nnd Sailors havo neglected to provide Ihcmselveswilli them, no bettor present can lio sent them by their Friends. They havo been proved to bo the Soldier's never railing rrlcml in tho nour oi need, COUdllS AND COLDS AFt'ECTIWl TROOPS, Will bo spcodly relieved nnd cirectunlly cured by using these ndmirnblo medicines, nnd bypiylligpiopcr attention lo the Directions which nro nttnehed to each Pot or Box. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF AP LT1TE, IXCIDENPALTO SOLDIERS. 1 lioso feeling which so sndden us usually arise from trouble or nunoynnces, ob.-truited poiHplratlon, or cat Ingnnd drinking whatever Is iinnliolusome, tints ills turblng the hcallhful nction of the iher nnd stomnch These organs must bo relieved, If you desire to bo well Tho Pills, taken according to tho printed insrtiiclinns, Will quickly produce n heulthy action In both liver nnd stomach, and, ns n natural consequence, u clear head nnd good nppetltu. WEAKNESS OR DHRIMTV INDUCED 11 V OVER FATIHUE Will soon disappear by the usonf these invaluable Pills, mid tho Soldier will quickly neqiilrc additional stremith. Never let tho Bowels be cither confined nr unduly nrted upon, It may seem strange, tint 1 1 ol -lonoy's Pills should bo recommended for Dysentery nnd Flux, many persons supposing that they would Increase tho relaxation. This is n great mistake, fur these Pills ill correct tho liver nnd steiuach. and thus remove nil tho ncrid humors from tho r ytem, This medicine will givo tnno nnd vigor to the uliolo organic system, iiuwcvcr dernnged, wliili henllh nnd strength follow ns a matter of course. Nothing will stop tho re laxation of tho Bowes so sure nt this famous medi cine. VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION I INDISCRETIONS OF VOUT1I. Sores nnd Ulcers, Blotches and Swellings, can with certainty be radically cured, if the Pills are taken uislil nnd morning, nnd Ointment bo frerly used as stated in the printed Instruction. If treated in any .tlier man ncr. they dry up in enn part to break outiii niiollier W licrcns this ointment will reiiiovrtliu humors from tho sytcm, nnd leave tho Patient a vigorous aud heallhy man, It will rcquiro n llttlo perieverauto iu bad ca ses to insure a lasting cure. FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED II V THE BAYONET, SAlllli;. OR THE BULLET, SOSES OR BRUISES, To which every Soldier and Snimr nro liable, there aro no mcdines so safe, sure, and convenient, in lln. lowny's Pillsand Ointment. 'I ho wounded and nlmott dying sull'erer might havo liis uouiuls diesed Imiuo diately, If ho would only prnvido lilmsclf with this matchless Ointment, thich should be thrust iutniho weiiud nnd smenreil nil round it, then covered with n pieco of linen from his knapsm k nnd cnmprensed with n handkerchief. Talking, night nnd morning, (lord Pill j lit cm. I Ihn tiVhlni.i ,m,l l'P,i',.n, I ,, ll , r, , i ,,n Every Conner's KiinpsacKanil Seaman's Chest should be provided with these valuable licmodius. OAUTIOIJI None lire genulno unless the words (.',, ,,j r, iuiauiiii l.lllliiui. liru tllLI'rilill)IO ns n watur-marK iu every leaf of the book of dirct limit nround each pot orbov ; thesamemay plainly seen by noiuiiig l li e leal to uiu light, a liauiinmo reward w ill bo given to nny 11110 rendering such inliiriuatloii nt may lead to the detection of nnj party or parties cnunlcr feitingthe medicines or vending tho same, knowing them to be spurious. V Sold in manufactory ol Professor llollnway, 80 Mladcn Lane, Now York, nnd by all respectable Drug istsnnd Dealers iu Medicim, throughout the clvilzed wo.-ld, iu boxes nt'.'.", cents, nnd$l i.icli. there is considerable, saving by taken the larger si.cs. 'N. I!. Directions for the guidance of patients in every I ,llK"lili-l ,11 ! illllAl-ll iu VUi.ll UUX. Juno 21), lto3,-y. tl ,7i fltrtv UU n'jvv -a sn ti i For a Medicine that will Cure COUGHS, l.VFLUEVZA, T1CXLLYG I.YT11E TIII.O.IT mioopr.vG-couGH, on cox- AUMPTirj; CUVG11S, AS Q UU K AS coe's mum balsam. Over Five Thousand Kottlrs have been said In its native town, nnd not a .-ingle in" stance of its failure is known. Wo have, iu our possesMon, nny quantity of certltl cates, (.oiiii! of litem f ruin eminent phy.iiiiiu, hu have used ii I n their practice, and given u the pre-emi-nencu over any other i onipuuud. It does dot drv up u rough, but Ioosl'Iu it, so as to enable tho palieut to ex pectorate freely. Two (,r three doses will invnri.ibly euro tickling in tho throat. A half boltle has often completely cured Uu limit STUBBORN COUGH, nnd yet. though it is so sure nnd i-poedyin its operation it is perfectly harmless, heing purely vegetable. It is very agreeable to tho taste, and may he aumiiiistcred to children of any age. IN CASES OF CROUP wo will guarantee n cure, if taken iu se..son. No family should bo without it. It is within the reach of nil, thu price being ONLY 25 CENTS. And if nn investment and thorough trial does not "hack up 'the ubove statement, 'ho money will lu re funded. U u say this knowing Us mrits, and feel i un filled that one trial will secure for it a homo in every liouscbold. ' Do nut waste away with Coughing, when so small an investment will core yuu. It m.iy bo had ufnny re spectable Druggist iu town, who will furnish tun with a tir -ular of jjenuine certificates f ciircs j, u'aa llia,lu C. O. CLARK CO., Proprii tors, . . , , , . , UW IliVtS, Ct. . u.ll0Jc"lle' '')' Jnlmrtnii, llollnway itl'owili'ii, 23 isortti fcixth tftiurt. Pliiladelphia, Pa. For salu by Druggists in city, country, and everyw here. tfeplJJ, Ieii3-Cm THE GREAT 31 VEI1SEY STREET, NEW OltK ; Sinco its organization, has creat.ul a now era in tho history of wholi'saillng Teas in this country. They have introduced their selections of Teas, nud arc selling them at nut over two cent. ( 0! Cinls) per pound ohuvu cost, never do v iatnig Irom the one price usiicd. Another peculiarity of the Company is that their Tea j asier nut inn uutcies i,is lllllf lo tho Hileitmu of theirTeas as to quality, taluu, and particular stvles for particular localities of country, but ho help, tho Ti-.i bujer to clioo-o nut of their enormous stock such 'Peas ns nro hc.t ndoptcd to his particular wants, aud nut only this but points nut to him tho best bargains It is easy to seo the incalciilablu ndvauta"o n Tea Buyer has in this establishment over all other's Ifho is nojudge of Tea or the .Market, If his'timo is valuable ho has all the benefits of n w i II organized sys tens of doing business of immense enpitrd, of the judge, nient of u professional Tea Taster, and tho knowluip'o of superior salesman. This enables nil Tea buyers-no matter if they nro thousands of miles from this market- to put chase onus good terms hero nstho NtrTf York merchants. Parties can order Teas and will bo nerved by us ns well as though they came themselves, being suruto-tt original packages true weights nnd tares ; and tho Teas uro Warranted as represented, wo issue al'rico Li, t of tho Company'. Teas, which will be sent to all who order it ; comprising Hyson, Voting Hyson, Imperial .Gun. powder Twuitkay and Skin. OOLONG, SOUCHONG, ORAVGE ti II YSON PEKOE. Japan Tea of evejy description, rolored nud uncolor I. This list lias rath kind of Tea divided into fom c.l into four Classes, namely : Cargo, liisli Careu. l'me. ! inevi ti. ever! sue may understand from description and the prices annexed that tlio Company are dctcrml ncd to iiiider.clltlie whole Tea trade. Wo guarantee to sell all our teas at not over two cents ( U." cents) per pound ubov-u cost, beliov ing this lo be utlractivu to the muiiy vvhu liavo hervluforo been paving enormous profits, Oil EAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY. IMPORTERS ANO JOUJtni, No. 01 Visey Street, Now Yurk, Sept. 12, lfC3-3ino. IfOKK'S IIOTIJIi. J Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pcnnti. iSLlAS DODSON) i'roiiriclor. 'I'akesplfnsurc liiaiinoiiiicing to tho public that ho I has taken and thoroughly rcfittHd thu Forks Hotel fcrinerly necupied by Hubert Ilagenburh, Bloonisburc, a ml is prepared tn nccumodate travillera, teainsters. drovers and boarders. II. i table will bo supplied witli best products the markets all'uril, and his Bar will be constantly furnish-d Willi the choicest liquors, i, fA largo mid commodious stable has been erected, with a convenient sliilile attached. Attentive ostlers will ulna, s be iu attendance, nud hit trusts his oldfinz attention to customers will secure him n liberal sharo ef j patronage: I Blooiucburg, PaNov. 2D. leC2. k o :k s. n x: a u xx . . Printer, Hooltuimlcr li Umikbook .17 A N U FA V TU R ER,- WllOIESALE AND Rlil t.l, DeaLKK FRINTINO, Will 1 1 v n.l IVHAPl'JN'O PAPERS A 111 NT roll TIIK CATAWIS31 I"AI"Eri MILLS, Main Street, first door below tho Public Snusro. WILKESBARRE, PA. Nov. 23, lctll-J2i, economy is wealth. CURE YOUR COUGH FORllj CENTS The beat an I cheapest Household remedy in tho World, MADAME ZADOC l'OUTEIl'a sBEftir mum mmmv MADAME ZAIIOO PCR. TI.R'8 Curativo Balsam is wnrrnnted If used cccnnllng to the dlroitious. to euro In nil cases Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Asthmt nnd all nITectlims of the throat mid Ldngs. Mndnnia Zadnc porter's Balsam Is prepared with all tho requisite skill, from a combination of the betrciu. edlcstho vegetable klnudom nirords, Its remedial quail tics are bared on lis poncr lo nslst the healthy clrcu. Inllon afllio blond, through tho l.uniM. It is not n vio. lent remedy, but emollent warming, searching nnd cfT cctlvoj enn bn taken by tin oldest person or tho young, est child. Mndani'.ndop Porttr's, sam has been in use by tho iiiunc inr over is yenrs, nnd ins ncqnrrd Its present sale inipiy iiy neing recoiiiliieu. led by those who havo used it to their nfllictcil friends nud others. Most Important. Madame Zndor. Porter's Curativo Italsam Is sold nt n prlco which brings It in tho reach of every ono to keep It convenient for use. Tho time ly use nf a single hottla will prnvo to bo worth Mil! times Its cost. Ntrrn'b.. Have your money I Do not bepcrsindcd to purchase articles nt Is to .?l which do not contain the virtues of a 13 cent hottlo of.Mnil.imo Porter's Cu rative Balsam, thocot nf mnnufnctiiring which is ns grea' ns almost nny other mediclnn ; and tho very low preco It whirh ft It sold, makes thp prollt to tho sell, cmppa. 'iitly small, nud iluprineipnled denlcrs wll sometimes rec omnionil other medicines on whichtheli tirofitt nre larger, unless tho customers i-lt upon I fiavinf Mailnme Porter's nnd noun other. sk for ' IMnilaniu Porter's Curatlvn llaltnm. price 1 :i c- i j, and mi large iintllct at 'Jo oeuts, nnd tako no other. try Sold by all Oruenltsnnd Storekeeper nt 13 cts, n,. l in larger hollies nl i'i rents. HALL ti RUCKLE, Pr prlelors, New York. January 21. 1603. CHIT T E N DEN'S Villi) DEL I'll 1 A COMMERCIAL. COLLEGE, N, E, cornet nj 1th and Chesinut Streets PHILADELPHIA. Tins IstTiTi'Tlov, which wns established In 1841, nnd is now consequently in tho eighteenth year f Its exist enr.o, numbers iminns its graduates, hundreds of the miistsucrcssful Merchants and Business Men of our Country, TiikObifct of the Institution Is solely to nlTord young men facilities for thorough preparation for business. The IlitAsciirt TM-itTnro, Hook-hcrplng, n.t npplica. Me to the various departments nf traduj Penmanship, both plain nnd omnium I, il ; Commercial law, .Mathe matics, Xafigatlan Civil Engiiucring, Draieing, I Aon ogarphij, and Modem Langtiogcs. TikSvstkm op iNsrr.fcTioN lsp"cullar; noclasses or set lefOiiBiire made u-e of. but each student is tniigbt inuiviuiiaiiy. siuii.icuo may commence at liny nine, anil , attend nt whatever houranre most convmicnt. Catauioi'fj nreijsuod onnoiafter tlio 15lh of April containing nauias of the student. for the year, and full particulars of terms, lie., nud may bo obtained at nny nine ny uiitiresiu nie i rincipui. In E.rt:iivr A eoMMODtnovs, iriilr-spread reputation nnd the lenmhti rrptrlcmt nf the Principal, this Instilu tionoilers liieililles "iiperlur touuy other in tho coun try, furynttug men toprepnrc for biisiues., ! nnd'toobtaiu al the same time t oir-LOMt. vhieh vitl 1 7rut-r a recommendation fur them them to any Merchan tile House. CT'Cniii.MiFN's cf of Treatises on Book-Keit inu, now nnro w idely circiilatedthau any other work on tho subject, nro lor salu nt tho College. 5. HODGES CRITTENDEN, Allorncy-at-Laic, PlUM'tl'All Jan. &5I?2 12m. , EVANS & WATSON- ...t - : T- - kala.madi:r safes, ri ;..!'?;,' MOVED tn Mi. Ill Soirth Fourth S'Jiiifi. S'rerl, Philadelphia, have on i- . ' i'''lH nnd a large nssortment of Fire -,' 'Isis Thief pmi.ft-.ilniuander Safis "r'l;i'-0i-.i'-"'!v! I", iron doors, for Innks nnd fvt "tores, Iron shiilt. rs iron sich. all .'.iM.? makes nf locks equal lo any iiiads in the United Plates. j Fire intfcs in our frJ. tents in iroott condition. All came out right; viih mr Tim Salamander i?.ifcs - world. of Philadelphia against lit KVANS & WATSON, have had tlie surest demostrntion in tho following cci tiflcate that their innuufarture iifS.iInninnder Safi-s lint nt length fully warranted the representations which havu been made of lie in as rendering uu undoubted security against the clement. 1 Philadelphia April 12. 150. Mci'rs Erans .y Watson: Or ntlenien-It nirords in . the hialie,! satlsfactlou to state tn you, that owing ;m lb-very prolectlve qualities uftwo nt" the s-alnman.ler, Safes winch we purchased of you some live month siiii wo paved a largo portion of Jewelry, nnd nil our bonks, &c exposed to tho enlaiulnous.flro iiiltaiistcad place on I the morning '-nil" lith nisi,. When we reflect rlr.t these safes wero located in the fourth srory of the building wu occupied and that they tell sub.-ioqii, ntly iiito.-i hi np of hiiruiiig ruins, wliero IS vast enneentratfun of the heat caused the brass plates to un it, we cannot but regnrd the preservation of their vd - liable contents ns most convincing proof of the great Sf- . cunly nifordi d by your sates. We shall tolie great plensurein recommending tb . men of business as h pure ri liiinee ngaiin-t fire. GEHIKJE-W. UIMMO.Vr) U IlltO., Jcau'.t,. tij- i ney nat-o since purchased six largo Safe's. July 2D, Ifcii.'. rAngust2J. jjt Nos, U, 11,13, 15, 17 Couttlandt Sticct, NEAR BROADU'.VV, NEW YORK CITY This old-esiiilil.hiil and favorite resort of the Busi- i ness Coniiuiinily has been recently refitted, nnd is com plete, iu everjthiug that can minuter to the comlurts of its patrons Ladies aud families are specially and care fully provided fur. I It is centrally located iu tlio bu-inoss part of the city, nuil is contiL'uoiiK to the principal lines of steamboat, cars, ouiuibusses ferries, &zc. lu couseqiic-iicu oflho pressure caused by tho Rebel lion, prices have been reduced to One Dollar tn d 1'iftij C cuts per Day. Tho table is amply supplied with all the luxuries of Ihn season, and is equal to that of any other hotel iu th'j country. guts. ' ,ur U''"nr" " ,w llZr" Ho not hehevo runners.hackmon, and others w ho may say "tho Western Hotel is full." 1). I). WINCHESTER, Proprietor. TIIOS. 1). WINCHESTER. Feb. IS, It-ti-J. i mmmm mm I rjillF. Proprietor of this well-known nnd centrally loca I ted House, the CtTiuMiK I Im ul, situate on Mui, Street, in Bloiiuishiirg, imineJiately -punslte thu Colinii bin County Court House, respectfully informs his friends nud tho pubUe in general, that his House is now iu or dor fnrthe red ptiun uiidenteitninuient uf travelers wliu may feel disposed to favor it with their custom, lie has spared no expense iu preparing tho Exuua-ioe:, for ilia entertainment nf his guests, neither shall tliero be any thing wauling (on his part) to minister to their personal lomfort. Ills homo is spacious nnd onjoyg nil excellent business location. sj- Omnibuses run nt nil times between the Exchange Hotel nud the various Kail Road Depots, by which trav elers will bo pleasantly conveyed to and fruintho re , spettivo Htatiuus in due timu to meet the Cars. 1 W.M, 11. KOONS. I Bloomsburg, July 7, lffO- J. '' fcvtn. L .1. MOYER. New Drug Store, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL rpilE uiiilersigneil would inform thdr friends and the 1 public gi iiernlly.thal they hate tnken tho stand for merly occupied b lieu .VI. Ilngeiibuch. mtho Exchange Building, mi Mam street, in llluomsb'iri', where he has just reieivi u a full supply uf MriiS's, iTH, Picnics, Equals ei ils, BiiutilJM, A: ., Which will he sold on moderute terms for ready pcy- Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sort utiJ sir. . 1 hyslcinns' prescriptions carefully compouniled, ol nil times nud on short notice. ' - i.'nufei tioneiy of the best selections, nnd Soda Water ill season. L- A (haro of tlio public custom is reipcctfully o liclted. EYER 4c MOYER. Cloonisburg, April 11, 1603, TINWARE & iVroVE SHOP. THE undersigned respectrully informs his olil frlen t nnd customers, that lie has purchased his broth,', merest iu tho abovo establishment, nnd tho conrern w i!) hereafter ho conducted by himself exclusiv ly. ,. lie lias Jml received nud Hirers for sale, the larg; ,iftl est and most extensive assortment nf FANC' jj-SMVj STO VES over introduced Into this market. -Z2i Ills stock cuiit'i.ts nf a complete assortment "' ho best Cooking nud pnrlnr stoves iu the market, tnfttli or with Stove Fixtures of every description, Oven mi .Box Stoves, Radiators, Cyliudar Stoves, l.'nst Irun Ai'; Tight stuves. l-'.imioii Stuves, &c, Sir. Stovepipu 'Piiivvaro cuiistnutl) uu h mil nud manufactured to or u-r All kinds of repairing dune, ns usual, on short ,n Tho patronage of old friends and now cus.uio . 1 pectfully tolliited. A M. RI fell' lllouuisburg, Nnveuiber.ld l'CO. tf IFor .Wale Clu'ni A I"--'' r,- 1J Cnso nnd Secntary combined apply to J, O, I'UEEZU Mloomsburg, August ii, lrtrj. mm mmiKw