Farmer's Department. THE FARMER,. In a swoct healthy air with a larm of his own, Secluded from tumult and strife, Tho farmer, more blessed than a King nu his throne, Enjoys all tho comforts of life. When tho swcct-smclling spring sheds her pcrfumo around, Aud musio enchant cve-y tree, With his glittering plotighsharo ho fur rows his ground, With a mind independent and free. When winter howls dismally over tho earth, And want tells her talc at hts door, Serenely ho sits at his clean blazing hearth, And dispenses relief to tho poor. Then lot idle ambition her baubles pursue, While wisdom looks down with disdain, Tho homo of the farmer hath charms ever now, Where health, peace and competence rein. HOW TO SAVE MANURE In Franklin county, Mass,, tho placo of my nativity, most of the tillable land lias increased iu value probable one hundred per cent, within tho last twenty fivo years, by means of tho careful husbaudry and application of manures. Most of the barns are constructed with three stories, with a view to this object, a part of the iniddlo story being devoted to stabling, with light floors, so that tho droppings with tho urine may be precipitated below, through convenient trap-doors. The low er story, or cellar, opens generally to tho cast or south, convenient for driviug in a toam loaded with alluvium, gathered from shallow holes or basins made on the lower sido of tho road at the openings of cross bars, which are so necessary in that hilly country to prevent the water running in the road or wild much, or with dirt of somo kind or any kind, to be mixed with the droppings, and absorb tho urine and escaping gases. Sometimes old brine aud refuse salt throwu into the heap, some times suds from the wash-room ; some times clear water, to prevent mould or fire fang. I believe those who know some thing of chemistry never add either ashes or lime to the manure heap, as this would set frio the ammonia, and, as to profit, would be something like burning bank bills in order to get the ashes. But how thall we who havo none, or only a part of these couvenienceSjSavo ma nure! Answer: Have a small yard for -the cows, with a shed on one side if con venient ; with plenty of bedding of straw, or mnch, or alluvium, or dirt from tho woods, or any other place where it can be i spared 5 throw the droppings into heaps, under cover if possible, and add as much dirt or more every day. On to this heap throw everything that can be raked or scraped I old loaves, chip manure, horse droppings, suds, salt, old or new, old brine, etc. Every farmer can do this, and mako acres rich every year which othcrwiso might have to grow poor. FACTS ABOUT APPLES. We have an old apple tree whioh was revived by trimming and grafting it with Baldwin scions fourteen years ago. It has been greatly neglected, and was fast running tp ruin when tho work ol rcvolation was commenced. The trimming and grafting process was not done at once, but judi ciously continued through three years. During this time the sward was dug up and pulverized, and tho soil for a diameter of twenty feet about tho tree was manured aud dressed two or three times with good wood ashes. The manure was slightly dug in when applied. The new grafts began to bear moderately tho third year, and gradually increased, until in 1 SCO thoy gavo us seventeen barrels of apples. In 18Gl,thcy yielded only a peach or two, and tho present year, ISO'J, twenty one barrels, most of which wcro medium sized, marketable apples! Another tree, which had scarcely a sound limb upon it, was renovated at tho same time. This, howover, produced tho Hunt llussot, apple, and did not need grafting. The dead wood was cut away, tho top thinned a lit tle, and a mound of good coil raised a foot in height about the trunk. Tho ground under tho branches was dressed with athes and old composts, about every other year for six years. TI10 tree commenced bear ing tho summer surceding the care bo stowed upon it, and has atoraged about two barrels per year since. These apples wero especially valuablo, as it was tho on ly tree on the place that furnished any fit for family u'c. By considerable pleas ant care, and a modcrato expenses, wo havo been enabled to gather this year about one bundred and Iwenty-fivobarrola of very fine apples. New B. Farmer. BUCKWHEAT AS AN EXERMI NATOR. The following is "going tho rounds," uncredited : "Buckwhoat, whenowu on lich ground, will kill grass effectually. It must bo sown as soon as tho grass is plowed. In such case, a few crops will exterminate quack. Buckwheat seems to to be poison to other plants ; and it is even known to destroy insects. Jt dons this probably by destroying tho roots of Iho grasses aud herbs upon which they feed. No insect ever touches buckwheat in tho ground" Miller's Store. FliESU Irrival OF Spring & Summer GOODS. Tim subscriber has Just returned from tho Citlca with Gnothcr large nnil select nnortmct of Spring mid Summer Uooils, purchased nt riillalclliln, at tho lowest figure, nnil which they aro determined to tell on m moderato terms ns run bo procured clacwkcro In llloouisburg. lilt rtocK comprises ladies' km noons, of choicest styles anil latest Cushion. dry noons, Jiffi) auocKiims, HJWDWJIUK, QUEKtfSIMHK, CKIK1II IIV1KK, HOLLOW IIWfB IIIOX, MILS, JIOOTS $ SIIOKS 1MTS CWI'S, &e fc, ye., In short everything usually kept In country Stores o which ho Invite tho nubile generally. The Highest price paid for country produce S. II. MILLER. Bloomsbtirg, April 18, 19C3. THE FOUR ACTS OP DESPOTISM A NEW AND IMPORTANT WORK. nV D, A. MAI10NY, OF IOWA. Author of 11 The Prison of Statu." Price ill ctsi In paper coven. Hound in muslin, 'S cti. Thlf work contains full and official copies of four principal Acta of tho last Congress, which wilt forever tlx 11 sllsnin upon that body: 1. 'IiikTax Hat, hy which all the property and re sources of the people arc. mortgaged tu the present Administration.. S. Tire Finahle Uit.t,, which places nil tho currency of the country In the hands of the Secretary of the 3.,'iiK8lCofr!timo But, by which nil the bodies n fionr men who ure not worth $300, aro placed In the lands of tho Administration, 4. 'i'ti b Ixdkmmiy Act, (filling climax,) which pre sumes to Indemnify the Vrcsidcnt for all tho wrong hu tins committed in Ihc past, or may commit in the future. Theso four acts arc each preceded by a cnrelul nn alysis, by Sir, .Mnhony, nnd their unjust, oppressive unconstitutional aud odious features pointed out. As a book for rcferonce, it will be Invaluable to the Far mer, the Mechanic, the I'olltician, tho Laborer in fact to every person, for these nets reach from the loftiest mansion to the humblest cabin in the laud. These four nets aro not published together In any other fntlii. They make n largo octavo pamphlet of ICO pages, In good sized type, and aro sold at the low price of l'ifty Cents in paper, and Seventy-Five Cents in uinslin binding. In order to furnish those of our readars who may de sire this Important work, uc hate made arrangements With the publishers to supply it through our oilite, nnd all who wish copies can order from us. Wo will fur nish tli cm at Publisher's rates. E7 Bend on the orders at once. Fifty Cents In paper binding. Bcvciity-Five Cents in muslin. Address Editor Coiumdii. Democrat. May ao, ISM. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. THE undersigned respectfully informs his old friend and customers, that ho has purchased his brothers nterest in the above establishment, andthc concern wils hereafter lie conducted by himself exclusively. lie nas just reeciveil ami oners lor Fine, ino larg est arul most extensive assortment of ir'ANUV STUVKS ever introduced into this market. His stock consists of a complete assortment of hi- hest Cooking and parlor stoves in the market, togeth er Willi Stove Fixtures of every description. Oven and llox Stoves, Radiators, Cylindar Stoves, Cast Iron Air Tight stoves, Cannon Stolen, &c, Ace. stovepipe and Tinw are constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds of repairing done, as usual, on short notice. The patronage of old friends and new cuslonmrs re pectfully solicited. A. M. RUPERT. HloouiMiurg, ovcmcr jq iccai. it. ABU DEORATIVE ESTABJil 11 MEN T, Ho. 125, South Eleventh Street near V7 itut, PIIIIjADUIjJL'IM1, Enameled Glass, Trcsco, Oil und Encaustic Paintiii John Ciiihiv. C. II, Giucix. January IS, Ifidl 3iu.. Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBURG, PENN'A. Office: Jit the Exchange llotil, Main St RErrraR to Hon. John Walls, Lcwishnrg. r.i. William Cameron, President of the Lowisbuig Hank. J. II. Flicker, President of the Norlhumbcrluhd Hank Uloomsburg, Juno S7, IHG3. ly. ELI HOLDEN oaf TNVITEs the attention of every rendc fcfrij, X tills paper, which includes many thous fc-jLOf his old patrons and ucqiialntanees To OiiSi unusually largo und beautiful varily AMERICAN and IMPORTED WATCHES, CLOCKS and elegant designs of JEwEI.RY. Silver Wurc,&c, ELI 110LDEN. 708 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA arch 7, 1S03- 12m JAMES H. SMITH, IMPQRTKU .tXD IV110LLSALK Dl'JILrM BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKEYS. GINS, AND LIUUORS, GENERALLY. No. 32S Walnut Sis., between SU Mh PHILADELPHIA. C. R. IIEIY, Traveling Agent and Salesman. CT-Ordiks UtsrccTrui-LY Soucirtn. November 2J. Igca. y. American J fljotcL (Opposite Intif.enuenic Hall,) CHESTNUT STREET .I'.ETWEEN FIFTH & SIXTH, I'lllLJWKU'HM. WYATT U II Ell LINGS, 'ropriffors. November 30, lSlil. March 13, IB5S WALNUT HOTJEIi, LIGHT STREET, Columbia county, Fr rpHE undersigned has located nt the nbovonauc I hotel, formerly occupied hy i'ctcr Schug, and tolit its n shnro of public patronage. 7" Good accommodations for man and beast. TL best kiml of liquors nt the bar. J. 1). RICE, Proprietor. April II, If3' JOHN S. LEE & C0.7 No, 10, NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. SHU'S; illAEO'JKS mo SHIP CHANDLERS, Bpun Cotton for Caulking, Rnpci, Twines, 'far, Pitch, Oakum. Mocks, and Oars, 'cc Au-ust 4, lAVl P.'ui, BUNDS AND SHADES. J. WILLIAMS. No. 10 North Sixth street. Phlla- dclphia. manufacturer of Vn ilinn Jllimls and Window Shade tCy The largest and finest assoilini nt in tin city, at the lowest prices, lllllids painted and trimmed equal to new. Store Miaries made aud lettered. April 4, ieC3.-lm 4-iioii:snirs for sale. Pittsburgh Commercial College. Iliiigliainjiliii " Crittenden's ' " Philadelphia. riraiiun, nryaiu (t i n Thesn Scrips, aro in. imuunts of fjl.1 and (lo and are nsoniueli cash, by tho Student on eiitring either of ill 1 above Colleges. Young mdn desiring In obtain ntlnisli ed Collegiate Education, will hero find a good specula lion by applying at lliuolhcu oil In, Nov I.lotM. COLUMUIA DEMOCRAT. FUISIIBIOTII ItUOTJIKKB. WHOLESALE TOBACCO. DEALER p 103, NORTH TIIIUD STKKKT Five doorsbelowKace, PHILADELPHIA JOHN DOLL 502 MnrUt HI., Philadelphia IMPORTER of Toys, Pipes and fuuey Articles, 3 The Lirgeit variety of Pipes, Toys, llukels un FANCY GOODS TO HE FOUND IN 'J HE CITY. Pleat call und Examine, March7, JSC3 rURtTs'FOli ALBUM, Over COOditftreiit varieties selling froiu73cls to $I7S per dozen. Win. G. PERRY, Publishor. S, W. Cor. -i!h It. Race Philadelphia. BLANKS! BLANKS! I Of every description, for sale at this office JL F y VLSI HfWJPIW&l FOR EVERY BODY. TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. Just como toC nnd W Krcniner's Store, In Jersey town, l'n, whero you willilnd all kinds of Dry Goods s such as Ladies Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Iioisory, Shawls Sic, Grocorics. Qncenswaro, Ilardwaro Ccdarwaro, Tin-ware, And Drugs. Fish, Meat, Salt, Flour, Tobacoo, Scgars, lints, Caps, Boots, fc Shoes, IRON AND NAILS. In short. cvcrylhlns that Is generally kent Inn ceun- t ry store. Wo will sell you goods nt fair prices and take nil kinds of produce ns pny such ns flutter, Eggs, (Itnln, Lumber, Shingles, Oak plank, and in fact anj thing that anybody elso will buy nnd sell ns cheap as can bo sold In the country. We will not be undersold by Jew or Gentiles, Como thou ono and all, judgo for your selves. Bring your trade, but don't ask for trust. c& WKREAMER. Jerscytown, May 2, lt03. THIS NEW GROCERY STORE. MORE FRESH GOODS. Just cccivcd at Erasmus' New Store. Molasses, Sugars, Teas, Coffoo, Rice, Spices, Mars and Caps., Fish, Salt, Tobacoo, Scgars, Candies, Razcns, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great variety of notions anil etcete ras, too numerous to mention. Zy Hotter, lings, Meat and produce generally taken In exchange for goods, A. U, ERASMUS. nioomsburg, May 9, ieC3, Latest stile lowest prices. JUST Received n new assortment of latest styles of J fall Fapcr including Barriering, and Ceiling l'apcr, nnd a general variety of material in his lino, which vv ill bu Icmnd on tho SECOND FI.UO inincdl atoly over Iho store of Mr. I. T Sharploss, entrance ono door cast of l.ulzcs Drug Store iu tho ltunert lllotk, where all persons wishing goods iu his lino win uu aiicuucii to, in ptrsoir aiiit an times. COT Fopcr Hanging executed to order land test style, at short mlice. Li. J, TJ1UMN 1U Rlnninohurg, May 9, 1E03 3m PORK'S HOTEL, Eloomsbiirg, Columbia County, Pcnna. SLIASDODSON, Propricf or. n'alces pleasure in announcing to tho pulilic that he J has taken and thoroughly refitted the Forks Hotel fcrmerly occupied by Robert H.igeubuch, Uloomsburg, aud is prepared to accomodate travellers, teamsters, drovers and boarders. ILs table will be supplied with best products the markets nlford, and his liar will be constantly furnished with the choicest Minors, KvA large and commodious stable has heen erected, with a convenient stable attached. Attentive ostlers will always be iu attendance, and he trusts his obliging attention to customers will secure him a liberal share cf patronage: llloomcbiirg, Fa.. Nov. 29, I8G2. rVB5W FANOJY GOODS, rPnE subscriber has just received a lot JL Hosiery Trimmings and New Goods, such as S Hi IP El V IE B ALSO: GLOVES, DOLLS. fc'PAVS, SATCIIELL. HOOP SKIRTS, POIIT.MONIES, AND OTHER NOTIONS. By Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines for sale. Also-Sundny School Hooks and Ilibles. AUn-Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer, which will give to gray its natural color. A. D. wniin. Next Door below Court House. Uloomsburg, Slay 30, ltC3. XGHIJ!6S WT&i aMIE Proprietor of this wcll-kiiown and centrally Iocs led House, the Exchanob llon i,. situate 011 Mni. Street, in Uloomsburg, immediately opnositu Iho Coliiui bin County Court House, respectfully informs his friends and the public iu general, that Ills 1 1 011 so is now iu or der for the reception nud entertainment oftravclers who may feel disposed tu favor it with their custom. He hui spared no expenso iu preparing tho Ejciianoe, for the entertainment of his guests, neither shall there he any thing wanting (on his part) to minister to their personal comfort. His house is spacious und enjoys an excellent uuMin-ss iiir.iiiou, E Omnibuses run at all timoi between the Exchange lintel nnd the various Rail Road Denots. In- which trim. elers w ill bo pleasantly conveyed to and from tho re spective ciuuuns 111 due tune to meet me unro. WM. 11. KOONS. Uloomsburg, July 7, 18C0. V A LLANDIG nAM'S RECORdT" a MIIS work contains the principal Speeches of Hon, . C. L. V A LI. AN Dl (lit AM, Oil JWOLITIOX, TJIK t7AVOA", AVfl TllF. CIVIL W.lll, also parts of other Speeches, Letters, Votes, etc, It is halldsOllK'lV tirillted III! COO,! "H tltion Inrnn Pin. nii.l has a very finely execnted steel engiavtil likeness of .,(1. v umiiiuiKiiuiu. Tliu work has been carefully enmpibd nnd edited. Also ret iscd nud approved by Mr. Vallaiidighoiu. it is hating 11 large sale. Price, paper covers, CO cts.; Cloth, 1.00; delivered by mall r express, prepaid, on receipt of price, A liberal diseount to Agents and dealers. Publl.hed by J. k CO., Columbus, Ohio. K7" A copy will le sent to every editor w ho inserts the nbnvo and tills notice before July 1st, 1HI3, und sends amarUi copy of his paper to thu publishers, June 0,ie03 lm, NUH' JERSEY MNDS F0U SALE, ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS, Buituble for Grapes, Peaches, Pears, Raspberries, Slrewborries, lllnrkborries, Currents, &c, of I. y,l, 10 oa '.'0 acres each, at the following prices fertile present, via: ! acres lor 8WI0, 10 acres fur 1111,5 acres for 8WI, SJ acres lor 10, 1 aire for S'W. Payublo by one dollar n week. Also, good Cranbiiry lands, and village lots in Client jvood.M by 100 feet, at 10 each, payable by una dol Inr n week. The uhovc land und Inriu lire situate 11 t.hcntwoud, Wiuliingtnn towiiBliii, llurlingtoii county New Jersey. For further Information, apply, wilh P.O. btamp.fora circular, to il l.W .VL'f f lltir ...,. l l.l i.i,,UI, No. no Cedar Street, New York, N.Y. January 17, 1-03. GREENWOOD SEMINARY. Millvillc, Columbia Count;, l'cnn'a. This well knowli School for both scics will 011c.11 NOVHMIIER 3d, I MM. ' The recent additions to thu buildliijsj remlcr nctun oilntious for more than sitty hoarders. Thocourseof study will embruco threu dcporlmor.t Hie Normal, thu Scientific, und the Commercial. 'iho Principal will be assisted hy experienced lend., crs , fully iiialilled for their respective jiositious. Parents and others may rest insured that no efforts will be spared to make the School worthy of patronage und that the welfare of Iho students, lulelletlually physically, and morally, will receivooiirioiibtautrnru I or application, circulars or further particulars, nil press th undersigned, at Milluille Columbia county Pn T. MAXWELL POITS; JUIIN II, FATillN, A.M., Millvlllo, Pa., Sept. 13, ier,J. Pilmlpai. JOHN C. YEAGER, MANUFACTURER U WHOLESALE DEALER IN m:ats, caps, S'J'RAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No 2.',7 North Third Street, Phila'd WAR PRICES OVER SECONDARRIVAL . 0 v JfW r0mI&SChV Spring Goods, T T t 1 TT1 1 J J J...MUvyiiitA,iJKiis OF (JOOBS BLOOMSBURG, I'A. Who has Just received, nnd Is mm opening rt prima stock of New Goods from Ih Eastern markets, which wilt bo sold low for cash or roduce. PRINTS at 13, 10, 18, 20, 2! and SJ cents, Brown & Blcachrd Muslin at 20, 20, 35, nn I 10 cents De Luinrs, Lhalics, anil Lrcss Goods, a Jullsuppli at 18, 20, ai, nnd up to 00 cts liAUli'iB' Ol'EUA CLOTH rou DUSTERS. Also, a (rcsli supply of GROCERIES, SPICES, tyC. Aho, a large lot of QUEENSWARE. GeDAIUVAUE. IlAUnWARE. and Stoneware, Boots and Shoes , And all kind of Merchandise tisuually kept In a coun try store. Call nnd ciaiuluo No charge fur showing Goods. May U, lc!03, IIiniinderilgneirnntsn extensively engngect in tno UatterlaUng lluiincis, and keeps constantly nn hand ud for salu at his Warcrooms, a largo assortment of WISHED gg) COFFINS, Ry which ho is enabled to till orders on presentation Awn Keeps a good Horse and Hearse, nud will ut ol times bo ready to attend Funercls. SIMON C. SIUVE. rilooinsbtirg, January 2J, IBiO Win. B. -BRADBURY'S PIJlNOFOR TEESTABLISHME1S T No. 427 Broomo Strcot, Ni:w Yoiik. The subscriber respectfully Invites the attention of his friends and the public generally to his Piano-Forte Establishment m no.ij, uroeme tstrect, conor of Lrosliy Street. Having withdrawn his interest, stock nnd material from tile latellrniofLightet llr.nlsburry," which firm was dissolved on the. 'list January, ult and having purchased the entire stock of Piano Fortes and Piano Forto Material owned by his brother, Edward 0. Ilradbury, in the said firm, ho is now preparped to supply the increased demand for his cilebrated Piano Fortes. Employing tliu must skilllul and experienced workmen, with a large stock of the bust and most thor oughly seasoned material nud an abundance of capital lie Jias taken in hand the personal supervision 0f Iho the whole business of manufacturing his instilments nnd is enabled to turn out Piano-Fortes of unequalled tone anddurablencss. URAD1SURVS NEW SCALE PIANO FORTE. In the arrangement of our new scale, drawn nud pre pared Willi tho utmost care, expressly for our new instruments, we havcruhUd every improvement iviiicli can in any wny tend to tho pcrtertion of the Piano Forte, and we can confidently assert, that for delicacy of touch, volume, purity, brilliancy nnd sweetness of tono, combined with that strength niU solidity f frame necessary to durability, these instruments nrc one qualed, "SiUENOTH and P.E'L"iY" is our motto, and wo invito the closest criticism of the best unbiased Judges in the laud' try Every instrument warranted for five years, WM. II. IIRADIIUIiy, 407 llroomo St., cnr. of Ciosby, New York. .March 14, ltfti3.-3m Liickawniinii & Uloomsburg- Railruatl O N AND AFTER APRIL 20, i'f,3. PASSENGER TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: 31 O V I N O SOUTH. J'adsenffer. heroin. 5:i0 A. 31. 11.00 A..M (1.40 Arriic t'J.'JO P 31 t?,50 8.33 V.'U A 31 0.M N O R T II Leave Pcranton, " Kingston " Uloomsburg " Rupert, " Danville, Arrive at Northumberland, 31 OVIN G Leave NorthiimberlaHd, " Danville, " Rupert, Uloomsburg " Kingston, 4.30 P. 31. 3. 10 5.4.1 5.30 a.or, 1. 15 P. 31 Arrive nt Scranton, !M0 P. 31. 3.30 A Passenger Train nlsoleavcs Iwii'-ston nl KS0 A. 31 for connect witli train for New Vork. Re turning, leaves Scruuton on arrival or Train from New York ut4.'.'0 P. M. Tho Larkauanua,and lllnnmsburg Railroad connects with the Delaware, Lackawanna and VYcsicru Railroad at Scrantou, for New York and intermediate points east At Rupert It connects with the CnttawiBsaUaiirnad.for points both cast und west arriving at Philadelphia ut 7.U0 P. 31. At Northumberland it connects with the Philadelphia & EricR, It. and N. C R. R. for points west nud south t-nssengcrs arriung nt iiurrisiiiirg 4 ,'iu t- m. : Phil adelphia 10 P. 31., ttallimoro 10,'Jil p. 31. GEO. II. HUNT, Snn't J. C. Wells, (7cn7 7'ic.e( 'ent. Kingston April lt. U03. isc3. urn. riiil.i(lclihia & Eric Rail Road. This great lino trnverses tlio Northern nnd Norlh west counties of Pennsylvania to tliu my nf line, on Lake Uric. it lias been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, nnd under their auspices i being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. Il is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Ilarrisburg to DriRniiod (5d Fork) (1,7 miles) nn Iho Eastern Illusion, and from Shelheld to Enu on the Western Uii isiou, (7rl miles,) TIME or I'ASSENOtll TKA11.S AT NOK1 Ill'MUKRt AMI. Mail Tram leaves, East o 5:1 A. M I'.press Train " 111 a-j P. M. Mail " " West 4 2.1 " Express " " fl s a. M. t'nrs run through with ciiAhOK bolh ways on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, nud llaltimore and Lock Haven. New nnd elegmit Sleep, lug Cars acrompiining the Epres Train both iMys between Williamsport and llaltimore, and Williams, port nnd Philadelphia. l'or information respecting Passenger business, an ply at (he S. E. Cor. litis nud 3I:irkct Sis. And fur Freight businessor tliu Company's! Agents : H. II. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market Sis., Plnl'u- J. IV. Reynolds, Erio, J 31. Drill, Agent N. C. R-It., llalllniore. II. II. Houston, (len'l. Freight Agl , Philadelphia, Lewis I.- lloupt, (len'l. Ticket Agt. Philadelphia. Joseph D. Potts, Geii'i. 3Ianagcr,WilIiaiuiioit. January 17, Ic03. WES TIE BtN HOTiEtTi, Nos. 9, 11,13, 15, 17 Courtlandt Street, NEAU 11ROADWAV, NEW YORK CITY. This old eetabllshrd and favorite resort of tho Ihisi ucss Cnmmuuily has been recently refitted, anil is com plete iu everything that can niiHister to Iho comforts of lis patrons Ladies and families urc specially and care fully pruvldcd for. It is centrally located in tho buiness part of tho city, nnd is contiguous to the principal lines cf steamboats, cars, omiiibusses ferries, &c. Iu consequence of thepressiiro caused by the Rebel lion, prices have been reduced to One Dollar aid lnftii Cents vcr Dau. The table Is amply supplied Hilh nil tho luxuries of in .itmnii.niii UMnnnl In I nl nCF,,,,, r.,1.... t...i. - - .i Ihcscusoii.andJecnua! to that of any other hotel in Iho country. Ample accommodations are olfercd for upward of 400 guests. fjy Do not bclicvo runiicrs.hackincn, nnd others who may say "uiu ivesiern lioiei is lull 1). D. I'rnnrI, .in, THOS. D WINCHESTER. Feb. 15, Ides, WILLIAM G. PERRY, BOOK-SELLER, Stationer, Book binders, Plunk book manufacturer, and Deuler in Imported and American Stationery. South West cor, 4 1 It & Raco St.. Philadelphia. Persons visiting Ihn city, or tending orders will do will to take a memorandum of Iho ubovo Address, The stock is largo and well assorted, I'ricn Ijv. Piiotookai-ii Albums, Selling from bOcIs tu .'3 each, The newest styles nud largest assortment iu thu City Win. (!. PERRY, PuhlifchiT, i W .ot lih i Race eir Philadelphia 1 mm imi! IF YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR GO TO SI.,n.,S. CIak. in I Inf. I CIsailI Iln vitnijj s uiuiu, in iiifjni oiiiei, i ci. OALIOOE, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, llcady-Mndo Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, limits, Lard, Tobacco, Scgars, Hats, Boot'', Cnps, Shoea, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c, &c. tn addition to our large stock of Dry Goods, wo huvu f large and full assortment of Ready Madu Clothing nor Men nnd Hoys wear which wo nrc dctcrmlneil to sell cheaper thin can he bought elsewhere, Call and sec, nnd judge fur yourselves. H. W. CREASY & CO. Light Street, March 1, 13G3. LJ1RCE ARRIVAL OF New Spriug& Summer AT PETER ENT'S STORE, w Liaiir sritr.r.T, coi.ummji coumtv, r.i, I I AS lust received from Philndelidiia. and Is now II opening at the old stand lately occupied by 3Iart 1,111, u spicnuiu a'soruncni 01 4n..4?ira suai is&jfci isTiii sisvw fltm it.i ji i which win nu soui enenp icr CAP1I OR COUNTRY PRODUCE His stockcouslsts of Ladies Dress Goods ihukcttstyles ami i.uesi iasuiuus Ualiccs, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery , Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Casbimeres, batmcts, Cotfonatlea, Kcntuehy Jeans, Thread, kc. Groceries, Queenswaro, Ccdarwaro, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c. BOOTS cc SHOES, HATS k GAPS. In thnn rery thing usunliy kept in n countu store The patronage of old friends, and the public 'general ly. Is respectfully so'icited. The highest market price paid for country produce. , , , PETER EXT. Light Street, .May 30, 1SC3. iVVi'IOXAL COJniElUl.L COLLEGES LOCATED IN PHILADELPHIA, S.E.CCRNER7TII AND CHESTNUT STS., New York City, Brooklyn, Albany, Troy Buffalo. Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, and St. Louis. look-keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Arilhntctii Commercial Law, Forms, Correspondence, &c., pinct cnlly tuught. These Colleges being under the same general nud lo cal management, und unitine tu each thu niltautage of nil, offer greater facilities for imparting instriu:. i 1 than any other similar institution In the country, A Scholarship issued by uuy 0110 is goad in nil fci n unlimited lime. Tiie Philadelphia College has been recently cnlail and refurnished in n superior manner, nnd Uimwfi 1 largest and most prosperous Commercial Institution .1 thu State. Ilryant & Stratton's series of Text Rooks, embrnc Hook-keeping, Commercial Arithmetic, und Coinmer Law. lor sale, and sent by mail. Q.7" l'or fill I particulars send for a circular. October l(j, JeC-J- I'Jin. , 1 Hon. Wilson McCandloss, Judge of the United States i-ircuil uourl, I'resldent. Corner Penn nnd St. Clair Street, P1TTSI1URGII, PA TIIE LARGEST, CIIAPEST AND REST. S35.00 pays fnru fil l Cominerciul tauirse, P5- No extra ch.uges for Manufacturers, Steamboat, Rnilmad and Hank llook-Keeping. Ministers' sons nt half price Students enter and re view at any time. 'I his institution is couilucted by experienced Teach ers and pr.K tical Accountants, w ho prepare young men for aetiio business, nt the least expense and shortcut time, for tho most lucrative und rctpousiblo situations. Diplomas granted formeiit only. Ilinco the universal preference for fc'iuduales of this college, by business men, I'rof. A. COWLEY, the best Penman In thu Union, who holds the I irget number of lin-t premium, and overall competitors, tenches rapid business writing, For specimens of Penmanship, and Catalogue con lalntng full information, em lose twenty-llvo rents to JENKINS & SMITH. Principals. Uy Attend where the Sous and Clerks of llueiness .Men und Hankers graduate. April 111, lr-le.'-ly. April 4, 1803. lEc.uliKi; ITCuil Biontf. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. G I RE T TRl'NK LINE FROM TIIE NORTH AND rotten le, Libauou. Alleiitowu. Ctston. ttc. -e. Trains leavo llarrlibiirg for Phil.idctphia. New York Reading. Poltsvllle and all interniediatu stations, at H a. in., and 2 p. 111. New York cxptess leaves llarrisbtirg at 2.13 a. m , nrriving at New York at U .15 tho same innniiug. Fares from llurrisburg 1 To New Yoik J3 15 j tn Philadelphia 53 3J and PI). Uaggago checked through. Returning, leave New York at C a in., 12nnon, and 7 p. m (Pittsburg Express). Leave Philadelphia at cU3 a, 111., and 3.30 p 111. Sleeping cars in the New York express tralns.tlirouglj tu nud from Pittsburgh without change. Passengers by tho Catawissa Railroad leavo Taiuit'iUH nt W.50 11 m and 2 15 p m., for Philadelphia, New York ami all Way Points, Trains leave Pottsvlllo at 0.15 n. in., nnd 1.30 p. m for Philadelphia, llurrisburg and New York. An Accommodation passenger train Icovcs Reading ntOuiln, in, aud returns from Philadelphia at S.uOp.m, C3" All the nbovo trains run daily, Sundays excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsvillu ut 7,3U a.m., and Philadelphia at 3,13 p. 111, nt reduced rutcs to aud from all poinls. ' . i.uuimiiiuiiou, miieugo, season, nnil excursion tickets O. A. N1COLI.S. Jlay 23, 18C3. Ocneral SuperinttnJcitt, EXCHANGE HOTEL, I'UJILIC SQVAIU:, MLKr.S-VAllIli:. I'M. Tiigumlcrslgned, having taken this well-known stand (formerly of .Major Piiterbaugh), respectfully soli j lis the pntroungo of tho public, No pains will be spared iu any of its departments, to render ullsfuctiun tu all guest. Tho TAIILE and the 1IAR willulwuys bo supplied Willi the REST THE .MARKET AFFORDS. $y Good rHabllngfor Horses and attentive Hostlers. Tho "Exchange" is eligibly situated on tho Public fi'Piare, und has therefore peculiar advantages toper, sons attending Court or doing business in the public olliccs Charges moderate, N It. Whviictcr you como to lown, please call. ... 'I J YAPLE Wilkei Ratte Nov 15 Ubt ' Friends and Relatives. or TIM! SBAVE S0O33EK8 AMD HOILOWAY'S PILLS, AND OINTMENT. Alt whn havo Friends and Relatives in tho Army or Nnvy ihnuldtnko esiieelnlrnro that they bn amply sup plied with these Pills nnd Ointment ; und where Iho bravo Soldiers nnd Sailors havo neglected to provide Ihemselves ill) Ihein, no heller present tan bo sent Ilium by their Friends. They have been proved In bo the Soldier's never fnlllng friend in Iho hour of need, COUGHS AND COLDS AFFECTING TROOPS, Will bo spcodly relieved nnd effectually cured by Using Iheso admirable medicines, and by paying proper cttcnllon to thu Directions which nrc attached to each Pot or Ilox, SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPETITE, 1NC1DENPAI.TO SOI, IllCIlS. 'llioso feeling whlcli so sadden us usually arlsofrom Irotiblo or annoyances, obstrnilcd poispirntlon, or cat ingnnd drinking whatever Is unwholesome, thus dis turbing the hcnllhful ncllnn of the liver nnd stomach These organs must be relieved, IF you desire tn be well Tlinl'ills. taken nccordinz tn the Printed lnsrlucllnns. 1 will quickly produce 11 healthy action in both liver nud I stomach, audi ns n natural coiisc'uckcu, 11 clear head nnd good appetite. WEAKNESS OR DEIHI.ITV INDUCEU IIYOVER FATIGUE Will soon disappear by Iho ilsoof these Invaluable, Pills, nnd the Soldier vill quickly acquire additional strength, Never let tho Rowels bo either confined or uudulv acted upon, It may seem strnuge, that 1 1 0 1 -loway's Pills should ho recommended for Dysentery and Flux, many persons supposing that they would increase the relaxation. Tills is n great mistake, for these Pills w ill correct the liver and stumnch, and thus remove all the acrid humors from Iho system. This mediclnu will give tone and vigor loth" wiiole organic system, however dernnged, wliilu health nud strength follow-ns n matter of course. Nothing will slnpthoru laxnliun ofthu bones so sure us this famous medi cine. . VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION I INDISCRETIONS OF YOUTH. Sores nnd Ulcers, lllotchcs and Swellings, can with ccilainty be radically cured, ifthc Pills are taken night nud morning, und Ointment he freely used as stated iu the printed instruction. If treated in any other man ner, they dry up in cuepart tohrcak nut iu another V herons this Ointment will remote the humors from the sy .tern, and lenvo the Patient a vigorous Slid healthy man. It will require a little perseverance in bad ca ses to Insure n lasting cure. FOR WUL'NDS EITHER OCCASIONED RY TIIE 1IAYONEP SAIIIti:, OR THE I1ULI.ET, SOSES OR 1IRU1SES, To which every Soldier und Sailor nre liable, there nre 110 medines so safe, sure, aud contuuicnl, us Hoi loway's Pills nnd Ointment. 'I ho wounded and almost dying surl'-rer might havo his wounds dressed imme diately, if ho would only provide himself uilh this matchless Ointment, which should be thrust into thu wound and smeared all round II, then covered with a piece of linen frum his knapsack and cnmpicsscd itli a handkerchief. Talking, night nud nooning, (lord Pills, to cool tho system nnd Prevent inrlaiuation. Every Soldier's Knapsack and Sen man's Chest should be prHvided w Ith these valuable Remedies. CAUTION! None nre genuine unless the words "lloUriwiiys, Nuw York and London " aro dlscernnble as a Water mark iu erery lenf of thu buolt of direitions around each pot or box ; the same may plainly seen by hording the leafto the light. A handsome reward will he given to niiyoue rendering such information as luny lend to tno detection of nit) party or parties counter feiting the medicines or vending tho same, knowing them to be spurious, Soldnt manufactory ot Profecsor llnlhnvny, E0 .Miaden Lane. Now York, und by nil respectable Drug islsnnd Dealers iu .Medicine, throughout the world, in boxes at 25 cents, 11 ml St each. X3"'l here Is considerable saving by taken the larger N. II. Directions for the cuidanco of patients in evcrv disorder are infixed to each box. Juno 20, lrti3, y. economy is wealth CURE YOUR COUGH FOR 18 CENTS TVic best un i cheapest Household remedy in the World. JIATIAJtF. ZADOC POUTER'S I MADAmE ZADOC POR TER'S Curntuu llalsam is warranted if used occnriling tn the direitrnns, to cure in rill cases Coughs,, Whooping I'imeli, Asilnua nud all affectious of the throat aud Ldngs. 3Iadamo adnc porter's Pals. mi is prepared with nil thu requisite skill, from a combination ol'ihe b,tiem I'lliesthe vegeinlile kinadotii I fillords, its remedial quail- 1 in s are bared on lis power' to assist thclnnlthy circii , lation ufthe blond, throuch the Lungs, It is not a vio. lent remedy, but emollent w arming, seiircliliiir nnd eir eclive; can be taken by tba oldest ppfinn cr the young est child. , Madam'.adoc rurtir's bal- I sam has been in use by ti i pu'ilic for over IS years, a ml j lias ncqrired Its present said imply by being recommen. ' led by those who hao used it to their afflicted friends ! and others. 3Iost Important. Madame Zador Porter's ruratlve 1 llalsaiii is sold at n price which brings it iu thu reach of every ono to keep it convenient for use. Thu time- ly use of a singlebottle will prove to bo worth 100. times its cost, NOTICE. Save your money I Do not bo persuaded to purchase nrtules at Is In $1 which do not contain , Iho virions of a 13 cent bottle or.M.idame Porter's Cu- ! rntive llalsum, theenst of manufacturing w hlcli is ns great as nlnio-t tiny other medicine ; nud the very low Prcce at which ft is sold, makus the profit tn the sell.' or nppa. "ntly small, am! unprineipaled dealers wih sometimes rerniumeinl other medicines ,,n which their profits nro larger, unless the customers insist upon having .Madame Porter's and noun other. Ask for Madame Porter's Curative hnlsnm. price Elccuts, nud vn large bottles at 2.3 cic'its, and tnku no oilier. C5-Soiil by nil Druggists and Storekeeper nt I3cts. n,. l in larger bottles in 25 rents. HALL RUCKLE, Pr prietnrs, New York. Jauu.iry 2t. 1E03. OKI T T E N D E N ' S 1I1IUDL PI. IA COMMERCIAL. COLLEGE, A7. E. cornei nj Hh and Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. Tins Institution-, which was ratahllshnl In 1RU n.i Is now consequently ill the elgUccuth vrar tf lis exig ence, numbers among its graduates, hundreds of the moslsticcessful .Merchants and llusiness .Men of our Country. Tim Outer of the Institution is solely tnnirord young men facilities for thorough prepurationfor busiiusB. THE llnxKCHUSTAl'oiirnre. Ihok.tcrnhur. ns nnnlirn. Me tn the various deparlmeiits of trudo; fcnmnntliiii, both plain and ortiunitutal ; Commercial Inio, Ma'he matict, .Vui alios Ci'i il I'.in'iiiecring, Droning, I hon ogarpit, and .Modern Languogti. Ttk Svsiem or iNsrr.ccrins Is uccitllar : no rl.isses nr set lessons arc iniido use of, but each student is taught Individually, so that lie may commence nt nny time, und attend at whatever hours aro most convenient. Cxtai-ouies nrcissiicd mmmVinfler the 15th of Anrll containing iiamas of the stitdeni.i'or th.i year, and full particulars of term", &r.., nnd may be obtained ni any tiino by nddreeiug the Principal. In Extensive Actommouxtions, vldt-tprcad reputation and thu lengthy ciperlciur of iic l'rincipal, this Institu tion ohers Incilitlcs superior touny oilier in tho coun try, fur young men wishing toprepnro for business, nud to obtain ut Hie same limu a mrcoMi, irhirh vtll prore a recommendation tot theiii them to nuy .Merchnn tilo House. KT'CRrTFNnEN'sSci-iM of Trealiiei on Ilnnic.Krri.. in"- now noro widely circulated than any other work on the subject, are fur sale nt the College. S. HODGES CRITTENDEN, tflfiiriiry-al..a!!', Jan. 23-1802 IS,,,. I'",N"PM,: Exchange Hotel, flATE COL, It. n. JONES.J No. 77 Dock Stnnt. Post Office, Philadelphia. This well known establishment maintains its usual celebrity, and its well knuwn reputation of beiuir Iho liet ' . HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Shall be sustained. Rooms may bo had ut all hours per night, JT cents per week, 52 50, per month, l& J ho liar and Laliug Departments tiro furnished Witt I the best of over thing the market can produce. I GAME, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, "'"I delicacies of every clime luny beliad at a luome Fx Meals at IS cents nnd upwards, nnd may bo had from A, 31. till IS at night, Genilemon may rest as.urod Hint no expense will be spared to render this Hotel n inndel one, J. OTTENKIRK, Propr. Man Ii 7 fC3-3m ' 1 FOR TIIE SONSTITUTI 3 AND THE FOR DIABETES AND DISEASES OF Till! Thtt Dangermn anil Troublctome Dlttntet, uhlthhatt thufar ltcthtcdtht letl tUrctttd Trcatmtnt ccinis ComptcUlj Controlled b) the HKMmn'now Itore Mil TIIE CURATIVE properties of the medicine dliect Ihemselves tn Hm nr. , gnus of secretion, nnd by so altering the condition of the stomach and liver thntlhe slnrchy principle of the food Is notcotivertcd Into sugar BOlong us tho system I Is under tho Influenco of Iho I CONSTITUTION WATER, v. Inch glvo those organs time to recover their Id nllhy , tone nnd vigor. Wo nrp nblo tn stalo that the Constitu tion Wntcr has cured every case of Diabetes iu which ii has been given, STONE IN THE HLADDFR, CALCULUS, GRAVEL IIRICK DUST DEPOSIT, AND MUCOUS OR MILKY DISCHARGES AFTER URINATING. Diseases occiiring from ono nnd tho sam riiuso will ho entirely cured by Iho Constitution Wntor, If taken foinny lenglh oftliuo. Tho doso should vary with thu severity of Iho disease, from twenty drops In n iea spoonrul three times a day, Iu water. Durlnglhe nas sago nftlio Calculus, thu pain nnd urgent sniipt'us should bo combated with the proper remedies tbuu followed up with tho Constitution Water, as abovc di. reeled. DYSMENORR AOiA, OR PAINFULL MENSIRlIA T10.V, AND IN .MENORRHAGIA OR PRUFL'SE ' FLOWING, Uoth diseases arising from n faulty secretion rftm menstrual fluid iu Iho nue case belugtno Hull , at,.j nccoiup.niled by severe pnin ; nul the oilier u toopm fusc secretion, which will bo speedily cured by i Constitution Water, ' That disease known ns FALLING OF THE W031I! which Is the result of a relaxation nrthi! Ileamenls at that organ, and is khown by n sunsuof heavinesB and dragging pains in tho back and sides, nnd nt times ac companied by sharp lac! Mating or shooting pni ii till.,,,,,, , the parts, will, In nil removed byihemeiiliiui. Theru Is number class of symptoms nri'ing from n;.' RITATIONOFTIIH WOMII, which physicians call Nervousness, which word covers up rnuili Ignorant" nud in nlnecnses out of ten the doctordoes not really know whether the symptoms are the disease, or th' uiscittu uni symptoms, vv e can only enumcrati) tlu'm hero. I speak more particularly of Cold Fei t, P.ilr.Hi, Hon iu tliu Heart, Impared .Memory, Wnkefnliiei-s, Flash es of Heat Languor, Lassitude, nud Ilimncseof mon SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION. Which in the unmarried female Is a constant recurring disease, and Ihrniigli neglect the seeds ol inoru Breve und dangerous maladies nre the result: nnd ns moiiih niter month passes without nu ell'ort biing made "to , ' sist nature, thu suppresioii become chro' ic, ihe pa tient gradually louses her nppetitc, thi bowels are constipated, night sweats come oh, nud comvmptiuu finally, cuds her uircor. LEUCOERCTA OR WHITES, 1 his disease depend upon an lull imulinn of mucous lining oft 'o vagina and womh. It is iu all cases nc roinpauied by sevcio pain in the back, nccrosi 'i how 1 1 nud through Ihe hips. A teaspoouful of i, medicine may he taken three times a day, with . i t jection ofa tablespoouful of the mi'dicliiii', mix . e . n ha' f-jii lit of soft wntcr, morning and eveniur IRRITATION OF THE NECK UF TU'- I HP : " i INFLA.MATION OF Till', KIHNEV .NU : , j TARRII OF THE III. Alii) ER. STRANG! If ANDIICRNINGORPAINl'CLURl.'s.Vl INT. For lhesedis"ases it istrulya ",'Vor i.'i . -n 1 i too much cannot be iu its praise A ' v ' . . been siiuw to relive Hie nnit urg' ut s o . Are nu troubled with that distresi-mg p , , . small of Ihe hack nud throui,li lit, bi. , V , , a day of Constitution nu r u ill r. Ii. , j n.Kc. . i FOR DYSPEPSIA, It has no equal In relict log the Most ilijtre'n: jr ,, toms. AIo. Headache, lli'iirthiiru, Acid Stooi.., V ' King Food, &c. Taken teuspoimfiil alti r oitinrr' i i dose iu all cases may be iui reused il'ilesired, but 6hr be dune gradually. 1 PHYSICIANS Have long since giveu up th" use of biichu, riilnbinn l Juniper iu the treatment of th se diseases, iilidunlv use them for wunt of a belter remcilj. CONSTITUTION WATER Has proved itself equal tu tin Uk that has devolved upon it. DIURETICS Irritate and drench tho kidneys, nnd by eorMant us moo lead loclir mie. d.geneiatios ami i ihriued dis ease. Read. Read. Road. i DArtvn.!s-,P:i., JuiteSlMi.'. Dr. Wm. II. GKcno JJocr Air: In lilnurj. ifi,j, i i vvasnltlicied with the sugar diabetes, aud f.irliv : in. nibs 1 passed more than two gallons of water in tweiity-r n hours. 1 was oh Iged to gi t up as often t nortu.i times during tilt night, nun iu live months 1 l.-t ; liity pounds iu vvi igtli. Ilurning the no i i .' . lHil, 1 priicured two bottles of Cutistil'iti ,. in twodnys lifter using it I experienc .' Ii tl. : i taking twit bottles I was euiir. ly i ! , ,, t I regaining my usual good health. Ynui , ii. ' J. V. I. Hi i I Huston Corners, N. Y., Dec. I- I. Win. II. Gregg tc Co.: Gents: I freely give you liberty to make us, i it follnwingl'irtillcatooftli'j value i,r i-'oustitiunui vv' ter, whtcli 1 cm reccommeiid in t Is . - hulte-t io.iu.i-i -My wife, who was attacked with pain in th" sli u, ders, whole length of the hack, nud in her limbs, wr Palpitation of thu heart, aliunde. I w itii Falling of 1 Womb, Dysinenorrhiiea. nud "Irritation ,,f thu t'l der," I railed u physieian, win, atletnled In r at, three months, when he lelt her worse than Iu- 'i her, 1 then employed ono cf the best physician could llnd, u ho attended her for nboiil nine i.i," ti aud while she was under his cure she i'j.t not sul quite as much pain ; he finally gave her up and tc "her case was Incurable." l'or, said In , "she was t a condonation uf complaints, that medicine gi-: n one operates ilg'ilust some other of tier ililltciiliu s About this time slie commenced to use Con uu WxiER, nud toour utter astonishment, almost de dose seemed to have the dsired effect, en,;.-,, I.i p improving rapidly udcr its trenliiiuut nud now iuiuinls in'irely he,- ilnmesliu ulfairs. Sh.has le ken any of the Cos tiuiion f iralnut I'ourc and wo are happy tu say that it has produced a p nent cure. W3I. M. VAN IIFN3CIIO 3Iii.i.ronn, ','onn., Nov, IU Drt, Wm.H.Giieciii j Dear Mr: I havefor several years been i w illi that tnoublesoiiiuiiinl dangerous disea u- . w hlch resisted ml remedies nud do I. is ou, Cu.sAriruiioNAi, Watlu, und you i,. ty I , -'treil t . was pleased Willi the result, llbasci't i uu niidyou may mako any use of my nam- v ... . , . v -in regare to the inedlciue, us lliaveLiii.i .. iu its ellicucy. Y. i- iV Pil) 'I I JMl. THESE ARE I'ACTSENO' '.,1 There is imclass ofdlseases that pro Ho fit'i h.'iusling eileits upon the human cousin , on . I', betes and diseases of the Kidneys, llladdi i in I i ... ry Passages, and throuch u lalse mo.lepiv th. in , lerlcd until they lire anndvuiitcil ns in I le m : , r control of ordinary remedias, und wo pr. s C'ONS'PITUTIOV WATER To the public with the eonviitioiithnt it has rici .--.-i il relieving tiie class of disenses for which it h found so eminently biu'ceesful iiicuring ; and w i that wo shall be rewarded in our efforts in pla. i valuable remedy iu n form to meet Ihe requlren patient nud physician, FOR SALE RY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICI ,', W.M. II. GEORGE CO..M'ropi i 3Iorgan & Allen, General Agents, No. 4l ' . . : i New-York, Sept. ill). Isli-J, , ,, . EVANS & VTW- itl lh''T4hfSlji SALAMANDER SAri S I ?JXViaft'1fflRA'rfct. PliitaJtlphm, I i lis n jrrev V'iiiTi&Sl and a large ussouuie i lfsWt?W?fC Thief proof Sale aai ,?d!!lSEly lo, Iron doors, i r j , W:ZkmZ, "l"'. imn shutter:, i CfiffflffiytJ? makes of lu-ks spun, .. . , in the Hulled Stales. lice bafet in one fin. M came out ri ;i i lentt in L'ood condition. The Salamander Safes of I'q iad, 1'dii . i world. EVANS X- 't :t. havo had Iho surest demostraUou :i, , f .'.'r v 'nr u.iiuiu nun ineir mntiuraclure nn'i t s at lenglh full ivurriiiit'il tin-r.prs nk tn I ' nee u mauti oi inem as rendering an ul i ,. in against tiie terrlllc eleiusiu. Philadelphia April I.' . Mrsirt Leant ft Watson: i, n,i , ! " Ihe highest satisfaction to stat, t., -ii in . i i the i very protective qualities ui i- . i 1 Safes which we purchased li'y j ,oi,i,-u, ,. wo saved a largo portion of jiiwilr) . ..i.u i Ii , t ic, exposed to the culainlnous, lire i. ... utt ' , the morning of the 11th itisl., When we relleet Hut these safes wera loc i roiirth story of the building wo occupied or, , . fell subsequently intou heap orbiirninn ruins i . vast ronceiitrnllmi of tho heat caused Hie br molt, we cannot hut regard the preservation . i imblo contents us most com iucing pro' f of curity nllorded hy your safes, We shall tuke great pleasure In rccninineni men of business ns u suri relinncu against (lie GEOJtGB U PIM3IONS & IIRO., . r7",Ihey haw since ptirihaied six largo Safi Jul" '". I"n lAngu.tVd.