Farmor's Department. M.M-.-U .,.. ,. ,. .. 111. J EFFECT OF SHADE ON SOILS. fTMIH subscriber lm just returned from llio Tlllcs 11. 0 Kendall, in a I... communication . iVn? aiui SmnZv MooilH, to the American Larmur, niaiiitnins that ! purchased nt Philadelphia, nt tlio lowest figure, nn.i , , , .ill.... ,. which llioy nro ilctcrniliiol lo ncll on n inmlPtnlo trrnn (InrKllCSS favors IllO UCpOSlt Ot llltratc olios enn lo procured elsewhere In nioohislnirg. Illi , i ,i .. . i . .. stork comprises yioiasu in uio sou. illicit is one oi mo causes of tlio fertility produced by sliado j but lio holds that a mora important in fiuenco is exerted by tho earth-worm. Mr. Kendall says : Hut this chemical combination and de posit is tlio avant courier of a more pow erful fertilizing agent that works exclu sively under tlio cover of total darkness. This is tho common earth worm. These iudustrous manipulators of tho soil shun Eunshino and tho broad glaro of day ; but givo thoni a dark corner, a shaded nook, tho cover of a Cat stone, a plank, or a heap of rubbish, and their labor incessant, in defatigable, and moat efficient as a ferial iziog agent. Cover over a bit of stcrlie earth with a plank so as to exclude the light and cxcludo moisture, and within a month there is a manifestation of the prcs enco of nitre where tho olosest chemical test could have detected nono before. Within another month conies the army of fubtcrranean sappers and miners boring tho whole surfacu soil to tho depth of a foot, into millions of holes, passing every particle of it through their long, flexible organism, and leaving in their excretion a compost beyond the power of human skill to equal. Under tho administration of these wonderful workers in tho dark ness, in tho spaco of two years, tho hard packed sterile ground, has been thoroughly cut up as was ever an unpaintod, woodeu botlomcd ship by tho terrcdo, after three months inactivity in the waters of Tampa Lay. By the agency and industry of these wiggling, automatic Jethrow Tulls, - . . .. i ., - t mu UUOIC organic birUCtlirO 01 tUO Uarli- rned surface has been changed boih in qauntity and complexion. From a palo, barren and baked hard pan, it has become a light, porous, dark-colored soil, rich in all tho elements of vegetable life. GATHERING POTATOES. There is a time which is tho fittest and best in which to perform any kind of work where tho elements, seasons or nature have anything to do with it. Gather ing potatoes is one of that kind. When should it be done? Manifestly as soon as they are ripe, and oidinarily this will be in about four months and a half from the time tho seed is covered in the ground. After the potato is ripe, there is no reason Tvhy it should remain in the grouud ; and , J . . ' . fertainiy, since it cannot increase tncir (size or goodness by deferring gathering, Uio sooner it is harvested the lets danscr will rise from heavy rains ; and while the Foil is dry the more easily it can bo taken from the earth. But there is an import ant consideration connected with this. The earlier tho potato is dug, the beticr opportunity there is to destroy the rank weeds that have sprung up since the last I hoeing. In digging, care hould bo taken to destroy all tho wesds and doing this , and eye should be had for the nest season. Tlin Tintntn fnna nnil nil thn wonila slmnlrl ' be buried as you pass along in digging, j Dig a hill of potatoes, leaving the hill j open to receive the top weeds ; then take tho earth from tho nest hill back to cover the tops and weeds thu3 despositcd. In ' this way you are destroying at least ono half of the seeds of weeds before they ma ture, and ore adding to your ground a valuable munuring for tho coming season. And when your lot is dug over in this way, it looks clean and farm like, and you have done as good service to tho lots a? one good plowghing would be, and bet ter. This modo of harvesting would sug gest tho practicable planting of the potato, that its harvesting may bo made earlier. And the earlier it is harvested, wo feel1 tatisCed, the better for tho health aud cleanliness of the soil and the more proOt to tho larmcr. Granite State I'unner, PRESERVING PEAS GREEN FOlt WINTER USE. j This dcsireable result has certainly not yet arrived at the tt'itc of perfection we ex pectofit, and wc have hoard of many! laillirCS ; tiUt tUO following motlo has been . i.i .. i .. . ... n i reported to US by a pciSOU Well qualified m imlml nf Biinli innttnra ., ,.,; successful: Carefully shell the poas, then i put thoni in tin canistcas, not too largo I ones; put in a small picco of alum, about1 tho eizc of a horse-bean, to a piut of peas. l'l... ....tii.. :. f nil nucu iuu liauiaiw. .3 m.i i nil uj. the interstices with water, and solder ou tuc mi periucuy mtr ugui, nnu uou inc canisters for about twenly minutes; then wniovo them to a cool placo, and tlioy will ho found in January but littlo inferior to fresh, newly gathered peas. Rottllnjj is not bo good- at least wo have not found it so ; tho air gats in, the liquid turns sour, and tho pcis acquire a bad taste. Farmer ii Gardener. "If these infernal fanatics and Abolition ists ever git tho power iu their haudw, tlioy will override tho Constitution, set the Supremo Court at defiance, change and make laws to suit themselves, lay vi olent UANW ON THOSE WHO DIFI'EIt IN cI'INIon, or daro question their fidelity, and finally bankrupt tho couutry aud del uge it with blood, Daniel Wkboteu. Millcis Store. fresh Arrival QV Spring & Summer GOOD S. lavikv nmus norms, nCrlinlpnul slvles ntlil talent fashion. mir noons: .ix aitocF.iin:s. ha mm a it k n uf. f.xs n:in t:, HWJ1K. 1WI.I.OW WARR inn.Y, xjit.s, hoots .y, suof.s 1I.1TS .y airs, itec , y-. In ptiort ever) thing usually kept In country Stores (i whirh lie Iniltu the nubile generally. The lliglicst (irlcu paid for country produce. S. II. MILJjEII. Monnnburir. April 15, J?f.3. Till-; FOUK ACTS OF HESl'OTlSJl A Nt!W AND IMPORTANT WOUK. BY D, A, Mllto-tY, OF IOWA. Author of "The Prison of Stato." I'rico 50 cts! In paper covers, llouml in muslin, ', 3 r Is. Tlil work contains full timl official copies of four principal Act" of the lastCottgrcss, which will forever , fix n sllama upon that liody : 1 Tm- Tax llitt. by which nil tho property anil re 'sources of the people nro mortgaged to the present Administration. , , , ., . .. J 2. Tub I'm inc b Hit t., wliicli pl.iccsntl the currency of the country ill tlio hands of the Secretary of the ' 3 Tiw'cosfCiurrioN Hn.L, by which nil the bodies in poor men who ur not worth $'Jl0, nro rlaccd In the J hands of tho Administration. 4. The Inoimmty Act, (fitting climax,) which pre sumes to indemnify the President for all tho w rongs ho Ims committed in the past, or may commit in the Thcso'foiir acts nro each preceded by a careful an nlysis, by Mr. Mahony, and their unjnl, oppressive I unconstitutional and odious features pointed out. As. ' a book for reference, it will be invaluable to the I nr- nier, thu Mechanic, tlio ruiiticnn, ino i.nuorcr in ia'i tocvery person, for theso nets reach from flic loftiest mansion to tho humblest cnbin In the land. These four nets are not published together In nny other form, 'llicy make a large octao pamphlet of 1IU) pages, in good filed type, and nro sold nt the low prlco of Hl'ty Cents in paper, and Seventy-live Cents in muslin binding, In order to furnish Ihosoof our rcadars whomny do sire this important work, we Imvo made arrunseinents with the publishers to supply it through our otbee, and nil w bo wish copies can uriler from us. Wu w ill fur nish tllom al Publisher's rates. L7 Send on tho orders at onco. Fifty Cents in paper binding. Scvonty-l'lvc Cents In inuslin. Address Editor Colcmiiia Hi much at. May 30, 1603. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. I THE undersigned respectfully infornn hi? oM friend and customers, that lio has purchased bis brothers , utcrefct in tho above cstahli-dnucut, and the concern wils hereafter be conducted by himself exclusively. i lie has lust received nnd oilers for sale, the larg- frn cit and most cxtnnsiro assortment of I'A NOV 8TOV11S ever introduced Into this market. I His stock consist, of a complete assortment of lie bst Cooking anil parlor stoves in the market, tngetli- i nr Wit 111 Stove I ixtures of every description, liven nnd , nox Stoves, liadiators, Cylliidnr Stoves, Cast Iron Air. Tight stoves, Cannon Stoves, &.C.. &c. Stovepipe nnd Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds of repairing done, as usual, on short notice. The patronage of old friends and new cuslomirs re. pcctfully solicited. A. Al. UUl'EUT. nioonisburg, ovembcr3d 1EC0. tf. GIBSON'S 'S Hi? '(L W, DEOR.VTIVE ESTABLI IIMfiST, Ho, 125, Soutli Eleventh Street near V jiut, JPIMIjAUKliPJmiA, Enameled Olass, Fresco, Oil and Encaustic l'aliitin Jouv (Jinsoy. G. II. GiDtw. January 12, lSlil 3m.. Attorney at Law, 13LOOMSBURG, PENN'A. Office ;M the Exchange Hotel, Main bt R",r,';f.R T JnH" "',a,Ul' 'w-isburg, ra. William Cameron, President of Urn l.ewisburg Hank. J. U. l'acker, President of the N'orthumberlahd Uank Uloomsburg, June L'7, ltfii3. Iy, liLlllOLDEN j9 TXVrrE-j the nttentinn of every reado JXmJv 1 this paper, includes many tlinus brU V of his old jiatrons nnd niqualntances T Blfja unusually large and bmutilul vnrity AMHUICAN' nd IMPORTED WATCHES, CLOCKS and elegant d'etigns of JEwEI.HY. Silver Waro.bc, ELI IIOLDEN. 708 Marhct Street, PHILADELPHIA March 7,ie03- 13m JAMES H. SMITH, jMrouTEit mwLF.s.iLi: vfjilfm BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKEYS, gins, and uncous. gen'uuam.y A'o. 328 IJ'alilllt StS , IctWCCIl A'o. 326 IJ'aliiut bts , between iy Uh I'llII.ADEI.I'llIA C. n. IICN-UY, Traveling Agent nnd Salesman. K7-ORDtna HespicTrcnv Solicited. November 2 J, leWi.-y. mcxtcanf tyokl (Opposite Inutenaentc Hall,) CHESTNUT STREET, ilGTWIJEM FIl'TII itSlXTIl, HJlJLJMF.l.l'IIM. W Y ATT & HEI'l.lNflR, I'repriclori. November 30, 1801. March la, 1836 WALNUT BBOTlEffi, LIGHT STREET, Columbia county, Fi n'HE undersigned has located nt the nnove uair.o hotil, formerly occupied by I'eter Scbug, nnd EOi: its a share of public patronage. Good accommodations for man nnd beast. Tt. bCbt kind of liquors at the bar. i J. I). RICE, l'roprictor. 1 Arril II. I'CH' JOHN S. LEE & CO., No. 40, NORTH WHARVES. Philadelphia. ElO 113 MAKJEKS AN II SH IP Oil A ND L E 11 S, Fpun Cotton for Cuulking, Hopes, TwJnss.Tar, Pitch, (lakiint, IHoi'ks.aud Uars, fee Au:ut 4, ltHW l Jui. BUNDS AND Slh'lDEb. BJ. WILLIAMS. No. Hi North Sixth street, I'hlla- liolplila, manufacturer of Yii ilian JStiuds ami Window Slinrii'.is 1 rr7- Ths largest and finest assortment in the city, at ino owcit prices, luiuus painieu nnu iriiuiucu cpim tonew. ctoro Shades niadoand lettered, April 1, lrli.l.-lm tiOUOLARSIIirS FOR SALE. Pittsburgh Commercial College. Illnghaiuplin " " Crittenden's ' " Plilladulpbia. Wrutton, llryant t Co.. " " Thes Scrips, uro iuuinounts of 13 and $10 and are so much cash, uy tnu siuucni nu euirnigi'iiuer nun - 1 nb.ivo ITofb'L'es. Youui! nidu desiiim: tooLtuin aliiilsh P, (Jollegiatu Education, will hero find u good specula 'OT PKisnncTii a uiiotiihks. WHOLESALE O 1) A 0 0 O D E A L 13 R F AU.IOS.NOKTII Till 1(1) S'I'KKKT Five dooribclow Knee, PHILADELPHIA JOHN DOLL A02 M'irlici Hi., Philadelphia a.MPOUTEltof Toys, Pipes uud fancy Articles, J Tho lurgirl variety of Pipes, Toys, llaskcts an FA NOV 0001)8 'JO HE J'OUNII IN J 1 1 1 1 CITY. Fleas cull uud Examine, March7, 1803 vrvuRES Fon alhum. Over COUdilfercnt varieties selling front "Sets to $173 per dozen, Win. G. PEHRY, Publisher. B. W. Cor. 4tli & Race Philadelphia. RLA.NKS! BLANKS! 1 Gf overy description, for fcale at this office New od FOlt EVERY IJODY. TERMS CASH Oil PRODUCE. Just conic to C and W KrCninrr's Flore, In Jersey Ion ii, I'a. where you willtlnd all kinds of Dry Goods i snthns Ladies Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Ginghamn, Flannels, lleiscry, Shawls Sic. Groceries, Qnccnswaro, Hardware) Ccdarwarc, Tin ware, And Drugs. Fish, Meat, Salt, Flour, Tobacco, Scgars, Hats, Caps, 5oots, Si Shoes, IRON AND NAILS. In short, ever) thing that is generally kept Inn ceun t ry store. Wo v,llt sell you goods nt fair prices nnd take nil kinds of produce as pay such as flutter, Eggs, drain. Lumber, Shingles, Oak plank, and In fact anything that any body ilse will buy nnd si ll nschcnp na can be sold In the country. Wc will not be undersold by Jew or (.'entiles, Come then ono and all, judge for your selves. Bring your trade, but don't a9k for trust. Ck W KUEAMEE. Jerscytown.May!!, lrT.3. THE KKW GHOCEItV STOllli. MOKE FRESH GOODS. Jitil 'cccivcd at Erasmus' JSew Store. Molasses, Sugars, Teas, Coffee, llicc, Spires, Hats and Gaps, Fish, Salt, Tobacco, Scgars, Candies, lliigcns, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great variety of notionsand etcete ras, too numerous to mention. Uy- llutu-r, Eggs, Meat nJid produce generally taken in exchange for goods, A. II. ERASMUS, Illoomsburg, Mny , 16G3, Wall Paper. Latest stilo lowest prices. Jt'ST Received a new assortment of latest styles of Wall raycr i ncluding Bantering, and Ceiling r.iner, and a general variety of material in liis line, which will be found on the SECOND l'I,00 nimedl- ately over the store of Sir. I, T Sbaridcss, cntrnncc ono dour east of I.nU'es Drug Store in the Rupert Illock, where all persona wishing goods in his lino will bo atti nded to, in person' mat all times. figy Pvpar llangii'j! executed to order and best stiilc, at short li'licc. E. J, THORNTON Illoomoburg, MayD. lPfa 3m FORK'S HOTEL. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pcnna. QL AS DODSONi I'ropriblor. ri'akespleasiire in announcing to tlio public that he J has taken and thoroughly refitted the I'orks Hotel formerly occupied by Robert llugenbucli, llloomsbuig, nud is prepared to accomodate travellers, teamsters, drovers nud boarders. IEs tablu will be supplied with best products the markets allunl, and his liar will be coiutantly furnUIU'd with the choicest liuuors, BVA largo and conimodioiH stable has been erected, with u convenient stable attached. Attentive ostlers will always be in attendance, and he trusts bis obliging nttentinn to customers will secure him a liberal share of patronage: llloomeburg, rn..Nov.2!), 1602. fpiIE subscriber has just received a lot J. Hosiery Trimmings aud New Goods, such as 8 g !P El V IB S 0 ALSO: GLOVES, IIOM.S. STAYS. SATCHEL!.. HOOP SKIRTS, rOUT.MONIES. AND OTHER NOTIONS. E7 VVliceler & Wilson's Sewing Machines for sale. AIo Sunday School llonks ami Bibles. Also Mr.. Allen's Hair lleslorer. which will give to gray its natural color, A. D. WEIin. Nest Door below Court House. Illoomsburg, .May 30, l-V.i. J L XX. SI rpilE Proprietor of this well-known ami centrally loci 1 ted House, the E.ciusoe Horn., situate on Mai, Street, in lUooiusburg, immeJiately opposite the Coluiii bia County Court House, respectfully informs bis friends mid the public in gcncrnl, that his House is now in or der for the reception nnd entertainment of traveler who may feel disposed to favor it with their custom. Ho has spared no expense in prepating tho E.xi iunoe, for the entertainment of his guests, neither shall thero be any. thing wauling (on his part) to minister to their personal comfort. His house is spacious aud enjoys nn excellent business location. OC- Omnibuses run nt all times between tho Exchange Hotel aud the various Rail Uoad Depots, tiy which trav elers will bo pleasantly coin eyed to and from the re spective Stations in due time to meet the Curs. WM. II. KOONS. Illoomsburg, July 7, lfCO- yallandigham'sIieoord" THIS work contains the principal Speeches of Hon. C, L, Vallandiuium, on AiiouTiox, rnr.vxiox.jixn un: civil wjik. also parts of other Speeches, Letters, Votes, etc, It is handsomely printed on good, i'lf pages largo tvo, and lias n very finely executed steel engraved likeness of Mr. Vallundlgham. The work lias been carefully compll.-d and edited. Also revised nud approved by Mr. Vallandigham. It is having n large sale. Trice, paper covers, CO ct?.. Cloth. 81.(10; delivered by mail nr express, prepaid, on ruccipt of price. A liberal diseouul to Agents and dealers. rubll.hed by J. WA & CO.. Columbus, Ohio. C7 A copy will be sent to every editor who inserts thaabovonud thi. notice before July 1st, Irtfl, and send aviarhci copy of his paper to the publishers, June (i, lr'OJ lin. KIJU' JEKSEV MNUS FOR SALE, ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS, Suituble for Ornpcs, Teaches, Pears, Raspberries, Hlreu berries, llbu kberries, Currenls, ke., iC 10 oa '.'0 acres each, al Die following prices for the present, via- S(l ncrcs lor Sinu, 10 acres fur Slid. S acres for SOU, 2J acres for lu, l aero for SM. Puj aide by ono dollar n week. Also, good Craubury lauds, nnd village lots In Clu'iit wood. V.5 by luo feet, ut $10 each, puynhle by i no dol lar u week. The above land nud larm. me siluate u Cheutiiond, Wnshiiigtou townshii, llurliiigton county New Jersey. For further information, apply, Willi 1'. O. Stamp, for u circular, to II. FRANKLIN CLARK, No. 00 Cedar Btrcct, New York, N. Y. January 17, 1:U3. GREENWOOD SEMINARY. Millville, Columbia County, Pcnn'c. This well known Hihool ror both sexes will opui NOVE.MIIUR lid, 1HU'.'. Tlio recent additions to the buildings; render acccm odntlnns for more than sixty boarders. Tho course of study will embrace three department. (ho Normal, (he Scientific, and tho Commercial. The Principal will bo nssisb d by experienced tend . ers, fully qualified fur their respei live positions. Parents uud others may rest assured that nu ciruits will be spared to make tlio Sibool worthy of palronngi and that the welfare of tho students, Intellectually physlcully, uud morally, will recciveoiirconstantcnru Jir application, circulars or further particulars, nil press llw undersigned, nl Milluille Columbia county Fn T. MAXWELL PO'JTSi JOHN U, I'ATTON.A.M., .. , Priucipnl, Millville, Pa., Sept. in, lfC3. JOHN C. YEAGER, MANUFACTURER U WHOLESALE DEALER l.N I .HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, DONNE TS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. i.'57 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov ifl, 150V , WAR PRICES OVER I SECOND ARRIVAL o p AT THE STORE OF J J, BROWER, fi IIT.nrfMCIll I'll T A llMIl HLO0MSRI ISO, PA. ftnilin has lust i received, an now opening n Prime WV stock of New floods f the Eastern markets, r produce, 11, nnd ?. cents, which will bo eolil loiv forrn HUNTS at lij, 10, IS. Drown St Worn In d Muslin, nt ao,Sfj, 3fj. :-nd -10 cents De Laities, ( Indies i I Dress Goods, a Jidl supply nt 18, 2" M. and up to CO cts LADIES' OPE I A OLOTII i on DUSTHltS. Also, a fresh supply of GROCERIES, Sl'IOES, .)-C. Aho, a large lot of QUEKSSWARE. OllDAIlWARE. ilAKDWAIli:. and Stoneware, Boots and Shoes , And nil kind of Merchandise usuually kept in a coun try store. (Jail and cxamlnu No ihargc for showing floods. May , 1SU3, nr-rw..YHr.SSi v, j cy T HE underslgm'ir nrso extensively engageif In the J UuJtrlaUttg lliisincu, and keeps constantlv on hand ml for sale at his Warcroonis, n largo assortment of FINISHED gssg GOFFINS, lly which be is enabled to fill orders on presentation Also Keeps a good Horsu nnd Hearse, and will at al times be ready to attend ruucrcls. SIMON C. SIIIYE. ntoonisborg, January 23, 1S50 Wm. B. BRADBURY'S PMNO-FOR TEESTABLlsmiEISi T No. 427 Rroomo Street, New York. The subscriber respectfully Invites ths attention of his friends nnd the p Iblic giliernll to bis Piano Tone Establishment at No. 427 Uronne Street, ronorofCrosby Street. Having withdrawn bis interest, stock and material from the late firm of "Liiihte llradsburry," w biili firm was dissolved on tho Hist January, ult.. and having purchased the entire stock of 1'i.iuo I'orfes nnd Piano. Porto Material owned by bis brother, Edward G. Ilradbury, in the said firm, he is now preparped to supply the Increased demand for his clcbritod Piano Fortes. Employing the most skil'tnl and experienced workmen, with a large stock of tho hist nud mn-t thor oughly seasoned material nud nu nbiindanre of capital hi. imi inki-n In hand the iieranual supervision of the the w hob! business of manufacturing his inetui ts an I js enabled to turn out Piano-l ories oi unc'iuaiieu tone anddurablenoss. .,.,., IIRADIIURY'S NEW SCAi.ii t'lAiVO iuui ii. In Hie arrnngcioent of our new scale, drawn nnd pre pared Willi the utmost care, expressly for our now instiumiiUts, wc liavo added every improvement ivhieh can in any way tend to tho perfection of the Piano- Forte, and w o can toonueniiy ussrri. imu iur u,-u..,,.j of touch, volume, purity, brilliancy and sweetness of tono, combinon with thatstreiigth anH solidity Jf Irame necessary to diuability, these instruments aru une- '' "siRENOTii ANti llW'UTV" is our motto, and wc invite the closest criticism of tliB best unbiased judges in the land- . , , E7- Every Instrument ""ljjjtfu;;; 1-27 llroomo St., cor. of Ciosby, New York. March 14, lecu.-.liu Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Ramoau nN AND Al'THR APRIL 20, i-f,3, l'ASSUVGER J TRAINS WILL RUN AS I'CLLOWS JI O V I N O Leave Pcranlon, " Kingston " lUooiusburg " Rupert, " Danville, Arrive at Northumberland, M O V 1 N (5 Leave Northumberland, " Danville, " Rupert, - l!looui!,burg " Kingston, BOUT II. FasiCHger. Jltcom, 3 30 1 A. M. 11.00 S.M Mil Arril c li!.3D 1' M S.50 P..W J."4 AM N O R T II i.:io P. m. S.I0 5.4.i .1.50 H.l 1.4.1 P. M Arrive at fc-crnnton, p. ji, :i.:io A p.nscnecr Train alsoleni es Kiucston nt H.Stl A for t' connect with train for New Vork. Re turning, leaves Sernntou on arrival of Train from New Vork at 4.'J0 P. ill. Tho Larkawnnna and llloonishurg Eallroad eonnerts with the Dcl.iuare, Lackawanna and U esiern Railroad at Scrnnton, for New Vork and intermediate points east At Rupert it connects with tlio Cattawissa Raiiroad.f'or points both east and west arriving at Fhilitdelpbiunt 7.(1(1 P.M. At Nordiuniberlnnd it roisnccts ii ith the Philadelpbla U Erie!. R.aiidN.C It. R. for points west and bouth Passengers nrriiiuir at llurrisburg -1 5U P .11 ; Phil adelphia 10 F. M Baltimore 100 p. .11. ' (.P.O. II. HUNT, Sup't J CWelN, (Icn'l riehtt JlganX. Kingston Apiilie. lti.:i. i8C3 T863. I'liiltidclpliia & Eric Rail Rond. This great line traierses the Nortberu and North west counties of Penusilvania to tho city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It lias been leased by tho Peii'isiliania Railroad Company, aud iiudi r their niispi es is being rapidly opened throughout its inlire length. It is now in uso for Passenger and Pic Ight business from Hurrisburg In Drlfluood (Sd Fork) (177 milesloii llio Ka-lern Diviion, and from Hieflii ld to Erieou the Western Division, (7 miles.) HMK or l-XSSKvr.ER 1IUINS AT NOUIUUMDi:RI.XNn. Mail Train leaves, East '.I .VI A. M. Eiprcrs Train " " HI 5J P. M. Mail " " West 4 'It " Eipress .1 5J A. M. Cars run through linn tiuNor bolh wnvs on llieso trains between Philadelphia nud Lock llnven, and llalliiuoro uud Lock Haven. New iiudLlegaut Hleep iug Cnrs nrconipauing iliu Express Tram both iwiys between Williainspnrt ami llallimoru, mid Williams port nnd Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business, np piy ui mo n. i,. nr. i iin nun .uarKci ris. nd for Freight husim sof Ho- Couihanv's Agents : p. ii. iMiigsiou, jr , j ji it an it .iiarKit bts., I'liita- J. IV. lte iiniiis, Erie, J M. Drill. Agent K. C. II: R., Ilaltlmore. II. II. Houston, lien'l. Freiglit Agt . Philadelphia Lewis I.- Iloupl. lien'l. Ticket Agt. Philadelphia. Joseph D. Potts, lien'l. .Manager, WiMiuuispuil. January 17, Ittidl. Nos. 0, 11, in, 15, 17 Courtlimdt Street, NE.n I1ROAIIWAV, NEW YORK CITY. This old-cst iblishrd nud favorite resort of tho lluti ness I'ollltuutllty lias been recelltl,' rclltud. unit io piuie in ever) limit ui.u can minister 10 uio lomtorts of I. oiitrlilis Ladies Hint fn mil i.. nrr. innrli,!!.- , . . , ..,.! , . . I ..." . J . , I It n centrally located in tlr buiness iart of tho city, and is contiguous lo tho principal lines f.f tti aittbouts, cars, omuibusses ferrn s, fee. lu cnnsconi'iicooftliopresBiiro caused by tho Rebel lion, prices hive been reduced to One Dollar a d l'ifly C cuts per Day, The tabl. is amply supplied with all tho luxuries of Hie season, nuuisc'iuai iu tiiut ot any other hotel Hi tho country. Amplo accommodations nro offered fur upward of 4W) Eue.ts. C- Do not believo riinners.linckmen, and others who may say "tho Western Hotel is full." D. D. WINCHESTER, Proprietor. TII03. 1). WINCIIEfJTER. Fib. 15, ISO'J. AVILLIAiM G. PERRY, ROOK-SELLER, Stationer, binders, Illniik book manufacturer, am Rook- and Healer in Imported unit American stationery. Boulh West cor. 4th & Race Ut,. Philadelpbia. Persons visiting Iho city, or sending orders will do well to take a memorandum of tlio iibnva Address. ,l,n ,ln,b la Inf... n .1 (.'.ill I n,n PuorooRxnt Albums, Selling from bOctstoS'-M ench, ti,., ,.,,. a !,... i n.s,tiiipnt in n.n i'n Wm ( i Il-'lMfY l'lililitlii,, W (,ur. 4lll A Race 6lr Philadelphia ' LOOK IF YOU WANT TO BOY YOUR Cheap Spring Goods, GO TO I!' lllllt'J O UIWM J III fi s-'..-j KINDS OF liOODS OALICOE, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, UARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS. Rcady-Mndo Clothing Sugars, Molafscs, Syrups, Gofl'ccs, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, St'pars, Hats, Root", Caps, Shoos, Drug3, Oils, Paints, &e., kc. In addition to our large stock or Dry Goods, wc linvo flarge and full assortment of Ready Madu Clothing nor .Mi ll and Hoys wear which wo nro determined to sell rheaper III in can bo bought elsewhere. Call and sec, nnd indge for yourselves. 11. W. CREASY ti CO. Eight Street, March 1. lECn. LJllltlE ARRIVAL OF New Spring& Summer AT PETER ENT'S STORE, ix r.ianr, cnu.wr, w, nAS Jn.l recelveil from I'liilaib'lphia, and is now opening at the old stand piteiy occupied by .Mart'. &, n splemiiii nssortmeni oi fill MM MM U 1:11 wbichwill bo sold iheap lor OAF II OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. His st"ckconsii-tf Ladles Dress floods choicest it) les and latest l.ishlous Ualioes, IMu-'lins', Ginghaius, Flannel", Carpels, Shawls', llotiory, Silks, READY MADE , LOTHING. Cas.iiniercs, Satinets, Cotlouadcs, Kcntiichy Jeans, Thread, tto. Groceries, Qnccnswaro, Ccdarwarc, Hard ware, Medicines, Diups, Oils. Paints, Sec. BOOTS Si SHOES. HATS & CAPS. Iii chnn -vcry lliinp nMinliy k''pt in a cnniitiy tiuro Tin piitroiinpo ot'oM friumU, aiul lite public icnoriil ly, i- r piTifully fco'ititcd. The Ji illicit inarkt't pricu paiil for country proilum, I'UTUU IINT. IJglil Street, May r.O. 18(13. XAIIONAL COJlJlEiltlVL COLLEGES LOCATED IN PHILADELPHIA, fi. E. crR.NERTTII AND CHESTNUT UTS.. ?!iw York City, Rrooklyn, Albany, Troy JliiJato. JJerou, iuviiana, Chicago, and S!. Louis. Pook-k'-eping. Penmanship, Commercial Arithuu tit Commercial Law, Forms, Correspondence, 4cc, piait cally taught. rJ hose Colleges being under the saute general and lo. ral management, and iiiiilin:- lu each the advantage of all, oiler greater facilities for imparting iustruoi l than any other similar institution in the country. A Scholarship issued by any one is gojd in all Ii, i u unlimited lime. Tho Philadelphia College lias been recently enluil and refurnished in u superior mnum-r, and is now fi I largest nud most prosperous l.'omincriial Institution .1 the ft.ite llryant k. Miration's scries of Text Hooks, cmbrac llook'kci ping, Comineri ial Arilbuietic, nnd Comtner Law. for sale, nud scut by mail. U a For ful I partuularsseiidfor u circular. October IC. lsbi!-12in. Hon. Wilson McOandlcss, Judge of iho United States i ircuit court, rresiueni. Comer Pcnn and ft. Clair Ftreel, ITITPIlURfill, PA THE LAIICEST, CIIAPEST AND I1EST. $35X0 i.'is for a fu'l (' Course. r,3- .No extra charges for Maiiuiattiiri.rsi Meambnat, Railroad and Hank llook-Keeping Ministers' sous at half price r1 Indents enter and re view at any time. 'this institution is cou-Micted by experienced Teach ers nnd practical Accountants, who pp pare ottng men for in live business, nt the least expense nud shortest time, for tile mni lui rntive aud responsible tituntions. Diplomas granted for nieru only. Hence the universal pn ferenco for graduates of this college, by business in en. Prof. A. COWLEY, Iho be,t Penman in thu Union, who holds thelirgi st number of firt premiums, i,iid overall eompi lilors, teaebes rapid business writing, For specimens of Penmanship, and Catalogue con taluiug full information, no Iom- (i ntv-fli r cults to JENKINS k MIITII, Principals. r Attend wberulliu fx. us uud Clerks of llusiuess Men and Hankers graduate. April Hi, Iri'-J-ly. April 4, Inn. S i; 31 M Fill AR R A NG E M ENT. r RE T TRUNK LINE FROM THE NORTH .wn V I Norlhwest for Philadelpbia, Ken Vork, Iteadiii". Pnttsville, Lilmnon. Alleutimii, Eastou.&c, kr. Trains lenve llnrrisburg for Pfiil.idetphia. New Vork Reading, Poltsvlllo nud all intermedials stations, at 6 n. iu., nud i p. in. New Vork exptess leaves ll.irrisburg at 2.15 a. in., arriving at New S'nrk ill 1 II the same mrirniug. Fares from llnrrisburg t To New York S.i 15; to Philadelphia $3 J3 and SJ t-U. Ilaggage checked through, Ri turning, leave New York at fi a m linoon, nnd 7 p. m (Pittsburg Express). Leave Philadelphia ate!. 1 3 a. iu., nnd ll.'dtl p lu. stlei plngcars in tlio Now York express Iralns.tbrougk to nud front Pittsburgh without change, I .1 Passengers by ilt-i atawis.a Railroad leave Tainaqua i m h iii ii m mid It o . '" ' . ,-' ' iu., tor I'liuaui ipuii, .auiv vork Trains li-avn Poltsvilln at 0.15 a. m.. nud !.nt) i. m for PliilailelBhla, llnrrisburg and New Vork. An Aei niumndation passenger train leoves Reading til tin) a. in , and returns from Philadelphia at 5.00 p. iu, Hi All tin- nbove trams run daily, fuudnys excepted. A Puudui train leans Potlsvillu lit 7dlU a.m., and Philadelphia ut :I.I5 p. in. Commutation, mileage, season, and excursion tickets at reduced rales to uud from till points. (i. A. NIOOLI.S, May 23, 1303. General Superintendent, EXOHAOE HOTEL s rVHUC MlV.illF., IIVJii:S-D.1l!JlF, EAIt will ult.ays ha biipliutl with tho HEST THE MAUKET AITOUDS. try Oood r'tahllugfor Horses and attentive Hostlers, Tlio "exchange" is Ulgioiy siltiateu mi thu I'ublic s lo i, , lio i utile it) puuiic ritpiarc. mm tiasiiicrcinro peculiar nuvatiiages 1 ",n unending Court or doing business iu iillices, Charges inodcrato. tut) i N. t!.-Whenever you comotu town pU-usecnll ' Wilkes Ilani. Nov 15, J C II J YAI'LI -t...n.l lin.iln.l.lnliltl, ..... It ', . . ll.tUMT XT IP TT ITTIlrtTIH 1 - T . I ".z i . i w . .1 i , ,r ii 7, j v a w, ,wi jtuiiv u t.t t Jiait p.ttes will ill we timid ts.'ti t.i y i ,f .'"'VM.rLL K . V, 1!;,u'l,)t re.cttfully soli, - ,,., ,1U ,Mniwil ,:,,.. .,., ... .. . .. , o saved a large portion of J.-V .- No iii!! ii h w ll he sua red ill an v of Its denartmen,.. P" !?". M l"'r '""III. l "J!V.rAV.Vfe.K'".,L'',,u"' rendeV satl.ta.llol. to nil guest." The TAlil.E nnd he ' "". HrI'M".. ";' ':nueitis an. rurnisl.ed will '" . " "' . ' , .' Fricndsand Relatives. or tub SSAfLCBS. IIOLLOWAY'S PILLS. AND OINTMENT. All wlio liavo Prlends and Relatives In the Army or Nnvy shouliltuke espeflnlcnru that they boniuply sup plied with llieso Pills nnd Ointment j nnd where tlio brnve Soldiers ami Sailors havu neglcc(ed to provide, themselves with the 10 better present can be sent them by their Friends. They have been proved to bo tho Soldier's never billing friend ill tho hour si need, CO0UII8 AND COLDS AFI'ECTINO'TIIOOIU Will bo spcoilly relieved and clfeitually cured by using these admirable medlrines. nnd by paying proper attention lo the Dlrictlons which nro attached to each Pot or llox. SICK IIEAIIAIMIES ANIMVANT OF API'ETITL, INCIIIENPALTO t-OI.DIERS. Ihnsc feeling wlilrh so sullen u'usunlly nrK'froni trouble or annoyances, obstrmled peisplrullou, or rat I112 nnd drinking wlintovrr Is iiiiw holesome, thus dls tiirljingfhe healthful action of tho liver nnd stomach i-i .,.,,,,. most In; relieved, if lou desire to bo well TheJ'IMs. taken according to the printed lusrtuctlons, will -inickly produce n healthy action lu bntli liver anil stomach, and, ns it natural toiise'iuefce, n clear head nud good appetite. WEAKNESS OR DEiUl-ll iMicuuu nv ovuK I'ATKIL'E tvin .nn iiltnnncnr bv the useof llieso invaluable mil. n,i,i Hi.. Suliik-r will nulcklv nciultc aiblitlonal strength. Never let tho Ihmels ba i ltlier contlnodor undulv ncted upon. It may seem Strang.-, that Hot i, . mold bo recommended for Dysentery and Flux, many persons supposing that they wmild Increase the rel ixation. This I'll grout mistake, for these Pills H ill correct the livrr and st jiuai li, ami thus remove all the acrid humors from the system. This .,,,iii.iiin u'l'i kIvi- lone noil vigor to III - whole organic system, howeier deranged, whllv health nud strength tulinw ns a mailer in i-i'ini"-". .n -i"r'n. i Imatiou of tlio Pones so sure a-this l.unous medi cine. VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION ' INIIISCRE P10.V.5 OF YOUTH. Sores and Ulcers, lllntihes and Swellings, cm with certainty be r.idnnllv cur-d. Ifllie fill" nr -tiikon night and morning, and Olnlmunt be lr. ely u'd as t.Hed in the printed instruction-. II tn-ated in any tiler mini uer tlo-y dry Ui 1,1 ui'p irt t-'br. ak nut in another - l hereas this tilntioeiit will remove tin- humors Irnin the si tem.and leave III. P.illeul a vigorous mid healthy man. It H III n-'tuiro n little pi rei eraui e in India n's toiiuio u lasting cure. FOR Wul'NDS EITHER OCCASIONED II V THE II.WONEi' SAISRI-, OH THE liULI.ET.tO.SE4 (lit llltUlSEri, To which every Bidiliir and i-ahor are liable, then arc no niodines so safe sure, anil louvi'iileiit, as llul lnwai's Pillsaiid Oiiilmeiit. 'I m- iiouinled and almo.f iliiiis siitr rer uiiglit have his uounils dressed imine diati ly. II he would only pioiide liiuisi-ll with this nntihless (linluieiit, vliiih should be thrust Intothe Mvuud and sm -.iro I all nun I it, tlru roiored Willi a pii-ce of II lien from In - knaps o I. an I louipiossi-d with a hain!k( riliuf Talking, nlirlil and morning, (iorS Pills, to cool tho svti ni ami Preii nt inllam.ition. Eveiy tfoldli-r's Knnpsaik and's L'ln-st should be provided n lib th.-e valiialil" lleuiedii-s. nAtl'I'ION! None are c-nuine unless the words llollnHiu s, N in Vnrknud London " nro dicernalilo ns a Water-noirk In eiery leal nf the book of dirertions around carh put or bm ; tlie same may pljinly a.-un by holillng the leaf to th light. A liaiidoiu inward will lie given tunny i rendering eitrh iufuriualinu as may lead In the ili-tertiuii of an) parly or patties eounti'r feitiugtlie lii'-s or v.nuiuj tile sa.n -, knowing lliciii to b spurious. ,! in inuf.iitory o Prof.-sor llnllowny, f-t) Mladcn Lino-. N.-ii Vork. nnd by nil respei I. .bio Drug- istsand Dealers in Medii iue, tliroughnut llm ciul.ed iio.-ld, in bnies at eetils nudSI each. CJ-1 bero Is cuiisiderabld saving by taken the larger N. II. Directions for the guidance ofp.itients in every disorder nr.' nllixed to each box. June sfil, IrtiH,- y. ECONOMY 'IS WHAuTH CURE YOllT: COUGH FOlt Hi CENTS The bat tint cheapest Household rimcdt 'n the World. MADAME ZUKIC l'MtTHH S m dami: mx; l-i'ii- 'IT.U'.S ( 'tii;ili . HuN.nii it w urrnntt'il il' ut-r n mnlii: lo th.- (Iir.-i iiihih. tn tin hi nil caur (''li-.. t'nl-lif, Wlmnpln I'tiiili, Afilniiu itml nil ntVi itiiiiH ol' tin: tlirtMt itml I.iIiik. Itnlnrno 'rtdor pnrtpr'n rnly.nti i" pri'):irtt itli all tlit- r sKHt. from a c iiihiu.tti on (if tin- In ft mil citii - lii.- wi't l;it.i Kiaitiluin titl'fir ts, i u r iih'ilinl 'juali 1 1 i nrr l on iii jiot-r Ik r t tit h ntiliv nrcii ! tti'n af th- Mn'1,1, t Ii ron t: Ii tilt I llll.". )t li' ;t V ! I mi i ini'ify. hut rnniiii-nt w. rinintr, Ihul' ami uir i i ti i ; can n tnkni Uy lU-i nj ii Ht jn-reim or Uiu 3 oitn- t'rt Lllltil. iMjiilnm'ndor lort- r'u Ei:iT - pain licrii in ti hy tho until i r for owr 1 yi'.'irn, ami h:if ncoriroil iff iri'fiut c.iic 111 ply liv ln'tim ri'f 01111111 it t -ii hj t!mr wliii Jri i' u-ipil it to tlii'ir alllhlod 1'riL'iiiIs qii I ntliers. jMmt Inipurtant -M.i'Iaini' Zulor Pnrt'T- ftirntivp llalfain m r-"M at a h-- hi i Ii In nig it in tho riacli of I'Vury oiip to kocp it ro'ii. ni-Mii fir ii-". Tlii limn ly iiaq nfn Miigli linttlp wilt provp to bo worth 101) turn's 1 1 h rod. N'OTHM.. Snvi' our inmipyt On not lip pnruailpl lo piirrliasn nrtit h al -In to $1 u Iin Ji dn tun fiutain Hip irtiiun of a M cut Imttl.' of .Mahun - I'urti'r's (u- rnt .si. Itnl a I lui strict (if Ms.ii..t 1 .. ... 1'1'l'tlil'llll' I'M i"i-i "I iiniu.i.ii.i.ii llllllll I iin . :im .ilniu.-t :inv iitlh-r lH" ; nnil tin vi-rv Irnv prcci' nt uliiih 11 isoM, inaki-s t Ii p rli 1 in the ncll. ti appa. ntly "mall, ami unprinpipaleil ilraliTi w' Mum-Jinn'. rrrnnimciiil uth-T mi'ilirincH nn u hirli their piufitiJ arf lart'T, niilcn- Uih cnstnim-rs iiuit npnn having Mailani'' Tortur'n aiul tump ntliT. for Mftilanie Pnrtt'r'n Tiiralivp Huliahi prire ;ici-U, ami Mi laryc bniili -a at 2a rwiti, nin) taku nn nthiT. I -'Snlil b all (Uuiru'i-iy ami torclitM-purt; m l:icts. ;ti.i inlarccr hottlei in ,'.) rcnt-, HM.4 K KUUKUU. l'r pri-'inrd, New York. JauiMry SM. 0 H I T T E X D E X ' S ruiuiU'Li'iiiA iiir.n:ii( ial. COL L E G E N. E. cornet rj 1th and Chestnut Stiecls PIIILADHLHIIA. Tiii Iks me nos. whii h wn rtleUithtd in 1HI-I nud is now- Loiist"pieiiily iu tho eighteenth tienr -f its exist, (lire, iititubersnuioug its gindu itt-s. liuiidreds of the niosl'ttccessful .Merchants -in, I lltisiiti'ss Men of our Country. TitmlniECT of Hi.- ustilutinn issnlely inntTor Ivnitng men facilities for tltorntigh prepurntinnfur hiisini'ss. The lla,v:it,in:s Tst-rmrnre. I'mol-keeping, ns applica ble toth.-wirioiis tit parimenls of trade; rmmaHthip, both pliiin uud ; Cemmcretal law. .la'ir mntiet, Xaelgatim Civil F-ugtneerms, JJraietvg, I lion carpliij, ttml .Vjilvrn ,mi-,ijcs. TtkSvsU.m o iNsrai'i nos Uprculiar : no classes or set lessons are made tin- of, hut each student is taught Individually, so Hint he may continence nt any time, and attend ut whatcer hours "re iiiottcouvvnieut. CTAi.nntis nreissiieil annua after tho 15th of April containing iiniuns of the studentsfor thu year, and full particulars of tsrni, ;c , nud may ho obtained at any time by addresing the Principal. Is EtTESstrt: AtioMMoinaioss, iriitr-sprcad repiiiqtion nnd tin- lengihil rjpirleme of ihe l'rineipal, this Institu tion oiler" I'nt'iiiliet. -upi-rloi tonny nllu rlu the roiiu try, l'"ryouug men wi.l iug toprepare for business, nnd toobttijn ut the sttiue time a iiiri.nMt, vhieh icill prort a recommendation for them them to any Merchnu tile House. 1.7CairmntN's erir. of 'Frentitra on IIook-Keip-iNti. now nnro widely i Irculatedtli in nny other work on the sulijcct, are for sale nl HiuColligc. S. IIOIlflES CIUTTENIIEX, .Ittornei'at-I.air, I'BiKrip.vt: Jan. 2.3-lrTi'.; 12m. Exchange Hotel, t-ATg cot,, R. 0. JOtS,J lO, 77 Tlnol- StriM f ,,. ,n. ( .1 IJ00L OirCl't, IlCXt UOOr to t ie 1'oit Office, l'llillldclpllia. mill, well known o.taldl.I, ,,t ,its its usual a ce.curtiy, una lis wen miowi. rtpuitition of beintr ' Uio hett nrndt A ME, I'll U IT, VEOETAULES. nnd dcllcaiies of every clime may be had at it ntoiue t' nonce. , Mt'''1." "!, 3. ;c"u "PW"'1'- "Ud may be had from S, A. .M. III! I Jntiiigl't. (.em leini'iiinuy rest iis.ured hlI ,m expens -will If spared to rcitdt r this lintel n model one. .1. OTTENKIKK, I'lopr. Ui ti 13 -3t II1L- hi'fcl I'l (JVLTVl il I ii u I iti iii.jrKCi rnu lirniinri n ie nu innii uiu u rm i c visa qjieat mmm -y FOR THE C 0 N 3 T 3 T y t I AND THE FOlt D I A 15 E T V. S AND MSUASGH OFTIIE tizrM$ Aim njAmy& 77ifse Dangcrovt ami TrciiMiseme Diieatct, trAfeA &At I thin far lletltleil Iht btst ilirrctrtl TrtMmenl fruits' Cti'lctl!l Controlled hy the IIFJIIH) Vncic lefottvtl tiii: cuiiATivi: properties of the itiediiliin illiect IhrnnHves tnthe or ' gans of sorretlnu, nndhy so Itlterlng the cnnditioii o:' the stomach nnd liver llinlthe starchy principle, i f the fond is not converted into sugar so long as mo systetv is under t!u inlliirnro of Iho CONSTITUTION U'ATI'.ii, wlurli give those organs time to reiover tlieir kealthy torn; nnd vigor. Wo are aide In slate tho Constitu tion Water hasriiredevery rase of Illaliotes In which it lias heeu given, STONE IN THE IlLADIint, CALCl'I.I-H, OUAVEL imicK HL'rtT iiEroarr, and mucous on MILKV DISCIIAllOEri Al'TEIi LIIINATINC. Diseases ncritriitg from ono nud the same eauso wilt lie entirely cured hy the Constitution Watar. Iflaken fol nny length nftlnie. Tile dosu should vnry Itli tlie si-verity of thi disease, from twenty drops to a tea spuouful three times u dny, In water. During the pas sage "f the Calculus. Ho- pain ami urgent svmptoms shiiulil lie comliated w ith tile pruper remedies, lln-u fiillnwed up with tin' iiu-tiliitluu Witter, ns ahove ill reded. DVrfMENOUIl.(EA. Ult 1'AIM'IM.I, ME.VSntl'A- TIDV, AVI) IX MENOI'.I'.IIAOIA Oil I'llOI'USK l'LOUIXd, I'li'th diseases arising from u (nutty srer. tlnn iftr. uienstrual lluld -In tin- one rase In lug ton little, and' ncciititp lined hy seiere pain: tin,1 the otiiei a ton )ir,i IYir siiri iiiin, whiih will lie spiedily cureil hy tin Constitution Water. That disease known n I'AII.INC OI' THE WO Mil which Is thu result of a ri luxation ofllie ligament's' of that hi gnu, nud is known hy a 'iienf heaviness nnd dragging p uns in the li.u k and sides, uud nl times ar riuiip.iulid by sharp l.iciuatlUL' or sliooling pains llirouali tit.- parts, w III, lual I cases, lie ri'tunved lij llieiueoii ine Tlu re l nuiither class of syiiiplouis nri'ing from III 111 I'A I'KiN OI' THE WOMH, whith physiclnns tall Nervousness, which word i overs up tnuili ignorant'-, and iu nut" cases out of H-n tlio doctor does not really know w It. Ilier the symptoms nr-' the disease, or the disease the symptoms. We ran only euitinerute them li.-re. I speak inure p.irllcutarlv of l.'nld I'i'it. I'alpit i tioti in the lleiirt. 1 iiip-i rr-l .Memory, Wakefulness, I'lash. es of Heat Languor, Lassitude, and Diiuuess of Vision,. fiUri'ill'.rfJ-l'.D MEXSTIifATIO.V Which iu tin unmarried f.-inal- Is a cuistant recurring dlsenn", nnd through n glett tlie si'eds o more gmve aud d.-iugi-rous ni.ttttdh's nr- tlo result ; and as month after mouth pns-u-s witlinit an eiliirt h- lug made to as slt tiature, tin- siippr.'-isiou li'i'iin-s ihrn ie, ilie pa th ut gradually looses her appetite. Hie bowels nr--i-iiustipnti-d. nil-lit sweats com.- on, and etnunmpti n linallv ends lu-r ear' or. I.EUCOItlKEA Oil WIIITI'st 1 his disease dcpendi upon nu iuft tuiatlnn of ut'o lining oft e vagina and womb. It is in till ti-h comp. lined by seti-ie iitiin in lite Irtck, n.-i r himiU nud 'tlirnugli liu- hiis. A ti'itspooiifui t i. un dli ine may Ik' t,ik"ii three tiiur-s a day, w it.i li'itiiin nf. 1 1. till ".piintifiil nf the loi-diciuii' mix.' .1 a It. 1 f pintut soil witter, tiioriiing nod t'iniiig. liiin i'ATioN' or the Ni'.civor Tin- iilai ih i., IM'I.AMATIOX Ol' THE KIDNEYS AM) f i TAllllll Ol' THE III.AIIDEI!. f III AXIi l it V ADiiiiit-ixt;o:ti'i.n liikinatimi. I I'or llies,'dlseuses il 1-trnl a -uvori'igu remedy, and tun unit it cannot b s;ii 1 lit H- pr.iis A single does lus , h.ten know to n live Hi - nni-t nrgi-iii syplonts. j Are on triiuldeil Willi tint .11-11 ssiug pain iu tlu small oft'i" Irtck nnd thr't'ieli th.-hipsf A ten-tM'infii I a day of t'ou.-.litulioti U u r w ill r. In .( j on 1 1 K m.i i j ' I'Oll HYisl'EPSlA, j It Ins no eiptal in reih ( ittg lite Mo-t ilistre-snie s-tip .tutus. Also, He, nl. 11 In'. Il.'ltrlliiirtl. Acid Slomaeh (.1111 Hug 1'iind, kt. Taken ti-ui-pniiutiii titter tinnier 1 hi I dine ill nil cues m,iy In 101 r used It di'slied, but , li,,i!.i I he tloui! gradu illy. 1 riiv.-iii ItllM' lung since gl( I'll lli til- lis.' i'l blli lilt. .Ill" Ii: .111 J jiiinp.-r i'l Ihi-1 r-'.it iiieut i.r i Ii ic- ,1 1 1 --rt ,i ult on I) n.j tit 'in t'.ir v n tit of. i Ii-tti-r reitii'dj . j ('OVriTITl'THiN ATI'.II jllasprotiil itsell a'pial toth i Lfk ilit'lii- .I-vo'imI ' npnn il. DIl'ltETI' r- j -to I tin ut b tin' ki.tii") t.v i iiostaii' 'u. i s ui i n Ii ad lot iiriMtic ii.g'''M an 1 i .i ifinui'il -ii ' eanJ. Read. Uua R(;rtd. Iltti il. 1 1 . l'.i.. June i 1-ti.'. Dr. Wm. II, (ilium ) .Sir: iu I i-lmary. l-t,l, I na- alllicicd wttli lit ui:.ii ili.ilt-i 's.uinl l,o lit e uiuuilis I p.i s-, 'il nmre than UMt gallons oi'w titer iu iweoty-l'iiir hours i was ult tged to net up a -iilti-u ii.u ortw.lvr tutus during thfl ui'ht. nnu in live innuths I lost ati.itti fifty piiuuils lu wtiullt. Durntug Hie month of Ju' , I -nl, I prnciireil tivn Imttb-s of I'tiii-tiiuiinii H'ati-r aii I in t oil.i s aft t itMiig it I i p-i i"iicd ri-li'-f .'itnl ,iii t tikifig twn bnitlt's I was i 1 1 1 1 r i I v tttr-d mhhi ,iit r.'gititnng m usual good In-ulth Vuurs truly. .1. V. I. DC WITT. Huston Corners, N. Y., Dec 'J7, lefl. Win. II. Cregg .- Cn.. li'-ltts -I fri-.'lv give you lib .riv in itoiki-u-.e of lb fnl low iug I l rt 111 cite ut til a I l ol Ciiiii-tltilllnu VY.t ler. w 1 can r.Tcomui.'ii.l in th huhi'st maun - r. .My wit'-, w lio w .i- attai l-d it uh polo in tin- th" ni di' rs. w ft -iii' length of I lie li.ttk, uud in h - r limbs, with r.ilpititlioti of th li- itrt, alti.-inli-.l w nil railing of th" Wotiili, Dysiii'-'inorhoi a. and "lirit.itinu of tlie der," 1 called a physician, who attended her about three iit'iiitlis, wh"ii h l-'fl lu-r wmse ilian he tound -r. I then employed en.- t-f tin- b -t pit) sict.ius I could Hud, w liuntii'iidi'd Iter fir abnut onto mouth-, and w hile she was under his care sin, ni-l inn hiitl.-r '(ittl'i as mill ii p.tin ; In-Ittt.tlly gtt h In-r up nnil i-.u.l . In r casu w u- lucui.ihl,'." I'nr, said lii-,--i-lii- irtui mi, Ii a (iituliiuutiou of einiipl. nuts, that mi'tlii.itie sivi-n f.,r one operates tlg.iiust sotitoother of her ditlii ulties' About this titue she tomiiii-nced tu use CuN-it'iorii W i v.n, and to our utter astoni-lnui'iit, ttlmust Iho fir-l do-e si-ein.'d t.i have the d.iri'tl ell'.-it, iiml , lif nu inipnu ing rapidly u der its treatitieut. nud imw Miper intends i ninety lu r ilntiiol t.- all'.urs. sthehas not ta ken it ii y of Ihet'os atuiioN V.vii-K fiiralniiit four wet k and wi-nro happy tu aj that it has produced a perma nent cure WM. M. VAX IIEXSC'IIOTEN. MII.I.FOH1, CilKK. Nov, IU, Iflil. En. Wm.H.Oriooj yisiti- ."-irs I havt'for several years ln-i-n .illlirti' t w ilh that tooiilileMimiiatiii dangerous dis.-a-e Cr.ivi 1, w hu h ro-lstcd ml r edies and dis lnrs. until I tonk l'ossiiit'iio-i, AV'a'ilh, on. I nu nitty In-assured that I was ple,i-e.l willtllte rt-sull. Il has entirely i uril nn-, anil nu luay iu;,l.'i' nny n-e nf iu name yon inny -eo tit iu regarn to tlin itieillciue. ns I hate entire conlldeuei; iu its ellieney. Yours trulv, I'l Ml SI'IIOVi;, TiiE.-it: aki: rxcTHi-AOicu Thero is noi l, iss of M,i ,ises produco such ex hausting fllei'ls upon the hiiiuan eotiFtitittion ns 1 1 1 1 belts andiliseasi solth. Kidtn ys. Ill.tdderaud IJriui iy Passages, and tlirnugli a talsi-inodest) tln-y urn neg. let te. I until tit. .y are so tn't ant el it- lo In- ln-yond He, control of ordinary reun-di is, and wu pri'setillliu CO.VKITTI'TIDX WATEIt To Hi publie with th t oiiv ii tinu Hint iihas nn r--in:il in relieving the class of ilt'eases for which it has bcii found mi eminently successful in curing ; and we Irust tlutwo shallbu rewartlediu our tirorts in placing so! remedy in u Turin to met! Hie r- pttremeiiu of patient and physician, I'Oll SALE UY ALL nitUciJISTS. I'ltlOCSI, W.M. II. (SEOIKIE CO., I'rnprieiors. Morgan & Allen, Ucnejal Agent', No. -IU Cliff rif, N'ew-York, Sept i.'J. Iffrl. j-jm. v.t, , EVANS ft WATSON ,:!''?eTX.3rxIAI''MAVI't:l1 HAI'Eti, !E 1 '-5Jl?S r-;H,fS- sMOVUIl to ,'a IOWA J.'UUr ,S .c. jiJ.U'fjifs trret, I'liilndilphia, hav.i oil nnil n large nssortiueul of Eire 'rbli.l' i.r.ujl' st-1., ,..,.. I... -:..C.. TJ HUSiiJ.. '-l----l ,.; ,,,, lm;, ,, W,!2.L-it,re2i. iron tniiii 'rs.iron sasti, alt - r,-.- iiiahesoriockse-iualto nny mad,- in thn Uniteil States, fire Saftt in one Jin. .Ill came out right; uith e rCllfS III i'l"", tVHtiinun. The tSal.iniaiidur fcf.ifes of I'ltilade Ipliia against ti, world. EVANS Si WATSON, linvo liml tho surest ilfiiiostraliou in (ho following n r titlcatc that tlii-ir maiiuf.ittiiii! of f.ilainaii ler f.if-s It i-. 1 at length tuny warranti'tl Hi,' reprepi'iitationsw Mill It In undu of t n-m .m renderd,'. i,, ..i ,.,. . I iigainsttheterrillcilemeiit. .,,. r. X- n-,,.. . ,;, MtlK,i 6:lt(r,'utio to state o Vou that .. wing "i the very tirt'letlive tiittlitlis of two of the Halauiaiuler, I smite nvu inouiii siltcv Iry, mid till our lutoks, lire in Ituii.tead plate ui) s were located in til? fotirtli story of Iho huiltliiig wo occupied nnd that lin y fell subsequently iitlou liinp of burning nuns, where the vast loiiceutrntloti of thn Ileal caused tin' brass plates to nit-It, wu citnuoi but regard the preservation of tluir vul uablo contents ns most co turity ntforded by your st We shall Hike great pie 1,'nt lining prot I oi lUB greui - sales. great plensnro in recoinuii udliiiubon; liltn of biisiui ss an a sure rellnnci- ngulust fire (EullliE flMMDSsl k IIIIO i u till' I. f.. "I'hej liat sum pur haec ,v Inrgo rtttfe i. Julys 1 I .' . ngis JO, v?l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers