Columbia Democrat. BRPTBMDBK 13, loC3. I - I SATURDAY M0IIM1NG, JC Splendid portraits of .Tudgo Wood ward, tlio Democratic candidate for Gov ernor, for sale by Col. Freeze, nt Thirty cents cacti. Call and buy one. lJji.t.8 arc out for a Polo Raising and Mass Meeting on next Saturday, at Jonca' Hotel, in Mount Pleasant. Good Speak ers will bo there. Democrats, roll up tlio column and maintain the structure of our Common Liberties. Tticc Crops in one season. Our Sybo riau Crab Tree, which vc somo lime sinco noticed as having had a second crop, has haw nroducod a third crop of bruit. . Three crops thii season. 'Jruly " rare occurrence. WSrOharloy Shriurr, in order to tho moro effectually deceive his bearers, took special caro tho other evening, to reiterate tho story that ho wa3 u Jaeksou democrat. The Devil was once an Angel of Light, but they have both fallen ! Wo pity all poor devils. CSr John Fiircira, the well known-Fur ricrt of 71? Arch St., Philadelphia, is now prepared to furni-h his patrons and tho public with a largo and vaiiod assoitmeut of Fancy Furs. His stock is supcrb.whilst 1 1 id prices arc really low. Read his ad vertisement. Who toitUi il S u.itor Shcrmau Cllcpublic.nO oi Ohio, in a speech at Day ton, remarked thai 'A great deal is said about tho Presi dent's Emancipation Proclamation. My idea of it is, that this war would have been proiccuted more successfully if the Prcsi-' dent had not said anything about the negro Ni:v Military Distuict.- Wo notice that Maj. Gen. Couch, who commands in I he eastern dWtiict of .Pennsylvania, has treated a new military distiict, compris ing the counties of 1 Jerks, Schuylkill, Le high, Northampton, Carbon, Monroe, Lu zerne, and Columbia, and placed it under Ihc command of Maj. den. Siegel. What the nccessit j for thi.i is we cauno' divine. C3y- Dr. John ttics to excise Clus. Shriuer's gient failure at the abolition meeting, on Tuesday evening on the plea of ''bronchial affection of the throat I" This Abolition tatlgc wont answer. Who ever heard helorc, that Cameron's old horse-leech, in addition to being sj:tvin(l bad tho ''heaves," atid that Lincoln's de funct horse contractor, was too delicate to snuff the evening breeze ? Preposterous. Admith;) 'io Law. Our talented young friend G. Dauki.i'.y, E-q., County supciintei.dt nt, passed a creditable nnd examination at tho hands ol of a commitiee appointed by the Court for that purpose, and was duly admitted to practice iu the tevcta! courts of Columbia county on Tuesday last Mr. Harkley i talented, houe-t and energetic ami is des tined to make his mark us one of tho fu ture legal' men of noithern Pennsylvania fe?" Ask any blatant '-Union Leaguer" ihc question : "Aie you in favor of a Union with Slaveholders!" and the an- :n i, nv " tiA.. ..mi in fnvnr ,. I I ol a Union with the institution iircserved and protected by tho J ; ( l.HlfltH. i -lion, as now," and the auswer, ol course, nVn " nnd i't thov have the uublush- is "jNo, ami jet me) to accuse Democrats of I ing impudeiKO "Disloyalty." " AST The Pittsburg Gazette, tho leading Republican paper iu the West, says that dm "ELECTION of UUKTIN "is 1M-1 POSSIBLE." It brings a long list of, charges against him, which we shall lay before our readers at au early day. When leading papers of their own paiiy are thus compelled to como out against their candidate, whero aro tho voles to come from to prevent his utter and complete defeat ! tor Huston, in proportion to Uer pop ulation, is reported to bo the richest city in tho United States. The total wealth of that city, as recently valued by tho asses sors, i3 three huudred and two million five hundred and tweuly-.-cveu thousand dol lars: Tho expenso of carrying on tho alfairs of the Federal Government is said ous. Cut down in tho piimo of lile, and to be four millions per day. if this bo iu tho midsi of her usefulness, thu Master true, and ivc think il is, tho whole weallh n nd callert her. She has gone Io , ' ', . that blessed world where there nosiilTer- of Boston would not defray the expenses iuRi arrow nor ,,.nth, -''where the wick of the Goveiument for a singlo year., cd ccaxo from troubling and wheru thj . Only think ol it ! ' weary be at rest."' i """"" , 7 ., Tho die used hud many excellent traits Cor.. Fueeze has for salo, at the Re. of clmruc,ur Killll ami afl-eotioimto in cotdcr's Ofllce, llloouisburg, Fitty Copies il0r family, benevolent to Iho poor and of 'Shcnnards'b Constitutional Text Book,' needy. Mild in her dinnsition and even recommended by the best judges and law - " yers of tho country, for tho use ol the public, Different editions como at rom 75 cents, to 81, '-iS. Ho has been iuducjd to sond for them because they have boon so frequently in quired after. They aro ihc same edition ho uses in his speeches. Call and buy ono. iu want ol money. Maximilian Accepts the Throne or Mexico. Tho Meiuoiial Diplomatique of tho 15th says : llWo aro happy to bo able to announce that his Imperial High ness, tho Archduke Foidinand Maximilian, accepts, with tho coiucnt of his nug'.tst brother, the Emp ror of Austria, the ri'jwu of 'ho uevv MoMcau Empire." OTA 1MK I A Mite. SatUttltiy ('Veiling, Sdpt. Gill, nt tilt- nf .TnnM, flirlnh, l.y '' 11, OnoMi.nv, both of L'oopor twp,, Montour county C0U11! x a:A 'a1 saw. In Ronringorcck, on tho lid insl , Mahy Jane, datigthcr of David Kase,uged about li years. In Roaringcroek, 011 tho 21th ult., Em ma E., daughter of .1. T. Knse, aged U yra , 1 1 1110., and 11 da. t Oraiipcvillc, on tho 123th ult., Mrs SaHAII Ann. wife of Dr. Jacob Sohuvlcr. I ill Imp .I"(ll vr.n,. nf nan. l. ,1i.l i .. , tho in iMnioo tVi., (Joi. co., on tun CO, ,011 tlin 128 t., , Mj l..litr.. Ml r ,t, ...if.. C IJ.. Mill.... Esq.. aged about 01 yeas. ' Al r. oil. .,!. r.. T,,o.i,lnv 1..K, fl. '!!! of a . , ... , n boverc wound r ccived on tho fiit (lay (Wednesday, July 1st,) of tho great i battle at that place, Sergeant Luuoy S. ! W AiuWoinH, ot uoinpany v , I lUth I'enn-1 sylvania tcgin.eut. He was the only sou of 15. A. Wa.lsworth, of Town Hill, Lu- zerne county, ami at the tune nt Ins death was aged !i years and ten month. This young man was one whose merits ! and iitues l-Lquirc soiiicthiug more than; the auovo lo.miai notice oi ins depaiture i from among the living. 1 lie opcniii'' oi i'i . .. -t. .. his life was one of much prumi.-u, and if ho had lived he would doubtless have fill ed au honorable place among his fellow men. 11 is alloc. tons as a son and brother were true and strung, and were steadily shown in i ho domestic ciicle. lie had a most kind and genial temper, uud a sin- Mil t t 1 I cere lienrt. l ne;e neuig untied witn goon , sense and intelligence, gained for him the complete respect and warm attachment of his associates, and attracted to him the j good will and coiiUdeuec ot tlia entire community where he was known. About a Near since moved by a spirit of patriotism he choaa to leave the fond em braces of a weeping mother a kind father and dear si-tors and loved fiit-uds to peril his life in iic public cause. His steady conduct and faithful perform atiee of duty, sonii commended him to the euiilideiieo ofjiis officers uud comrades; by whom he was irreatly beloved. lie was wounded on umucsuiiy stiortty ait.-r tue battle opi ned. Happily while still in tho ambulance, after reaching tho hospital his personal appearance and voice attracted the attention of a kind Catholic lady a Miss Harriet Shilluai - who had come there upon an criand of mercy, to admin ister relief and comfort to the wounded and ding. Ho remained in her care un til his death, and she administered relief io his wants both bodily and spiritual. Piously im-litiod , and religiously educated among Methodists, he received with a ready uiiiid wonls of exlioi t.ition and cn couragi iiunt from his kind attendant, and was enall'd beloro hi.-- death to rejjiee in a good hiipa of eternal lite. His la-t words were. "O, how 1 s flVr 1 but I would be willing to sutler a thousand time. moie to glorify n.y Father iu Heaven." lie died at the residence of the lady above mentioned, and his body was brought home by his lather for interment. On the '-'lid of Auu'Uat, near Orango ville, Columbia county, Mahy Ann, ;vifo of Cornelius liollos, and eldest daughter of Jacob Fitzgerald, of Town Hill, aged Ul years r3 months and Ki days. Iu the death of this c-timablc ladv, the ; husband has been dcniived of an aff'-c- .tiona'c and amiable wife, tho four children (of a dear mother, iho parent-" of a lovcls (laughter, and the church and community have sustained a serious loss. ,. . , , i lie nu , niei ous concourse oi nei'iiuors ami ll rela tives attending her lait remains to their fi nal restim,' place, on the occasion of her '""' fvitl'd '"!' '"J tikeu upon their afioclions while living Tho silent tear (lowina down tin; cheek of those who united to her by no oilier lie tiK1I) f, i, ndship and christian love, showed that though deutli was to her gain, her loss was deeply felt. The deceased was born iu Newpoit, Luzirue con ty, and was united in holy matrimony, to him who now mourns her o-s, ou the Mth of August, 18-19. About 7 years ago, she, in company with her hu-baiid, removed to this place. Soon aficr they look upon Ibcin a profession ot the religion ol I hrii-t, and united w'th the Ocrinan Reformed Church of thi.i place Hie lived a devohd christian life, and died in tlio tiiutnplH nf :t living faith. Her (li.-o.iae assumed different forms, and fact a ehiiin of disea-es, which finally baf (led medical jkill. In her last hours she eujoyed her coii-.cionsne's, and made her arrangements for her lin il leavo of her children and family as one that calmly de parts ou a jouruey. Tho was of Hoi aro tin1 inysieri- , i her temper, always calm she had en- I limnm iiiHJnlf n frvil till til ! II It lt o Kill1 twined herself around iii'iny heartf. But all theso traits of character received iheir ' peculiar chu'in and power Irom the hold i the christian religion had taken upon her lile nmt cliaraeter. I'laf her surviviug friends imitate her, as she did f'hnst .... ...,.! , 0.11111 VHll-T HI1' I'tl.H.'Q l.U.U fWl. uw a h- i i... .....,:,., :,, t. ,..,.,, iiilluvvL-u u) agn iuimu-uiueu . ..V....U.., Farewell. Early lost, early saved Asleep in J 'stin' lilem,ed al'rpl I'rnni which none ever vvnU is tu weep ; A calm nud uuilitilil"'il repnsn, Unbroken hy 111" dr.aJ of fm a. Ailocp in Joins' 0 for uio May such a blissful irfiiao fan , Sacrod shall my ash -s It -, And wait tlte summons fioiu on lugli ' fci' Cyurt Proceedings noxt wctk find. m M i I I I'M iI . II litllir.M Alio t, ,, .t i 1 1.. ' - ' 'iti in pin--.' viurni, .'in vi.t. tv i-u-a, x,l0 Uu-wnic iiavnicins nave wen umuu h. i.t an , n,tun. t.t m. iimu (.t .m iiur.ui. k Ann Pkuuy, all of Woom-burg, Col. eo, , ,ho Calambia Ih moeutl office, during "ife V'tU, T.rTnlA mi',1 ,,t,v, ,'ft, .wi ;r; ,l';ytir' ",0 lno,lth of Aii!t!- TAS-MrTi' s-ii.r,-.,H,K.,s:i -..iii.Ti'.'i-: 1MNIEL II1,I3I1JACK, to iUISS JAMA .1. . iv,,,. ii. !.,... an ,-,u. II w HoMilus. 83 0 tlciiton nt Ih-nloit, Oct. II i Hiiitwlotf nt Colo's Hrlnm RECEIPTS FOR AUGUST. to Tin: COMJflliuiA , IisI1EC?It AT. - iOi- ,N,,1""5.,Vptcu"' AiiiiihI llngatl, Allium A Mine, 1 OU in TIHI4 II LDtU. 1 u 1 .VI I .Ml 1 li I All I ;a Win l-'i.le, lio-l . ,? TO Jomi IKim,(i'nruici)l 0(1 l'llltlli on dipt J It Jrllllami, Jliroh llrillllll' ll' T. Mil, berry Snyder, Ji 1 1 r I'.vuliuul, i m U evi'iunlilcr, H II Kennedy, nt . RcV J W I.I.IHT, list of John I'nulk, i Levi A llutrhinn, H.nn'l It Hutchison, I IVilcritk MuMcy, i'tit J .M HrUifv-, 1 A 0 llelilleiiim, I I saic Wngu r. Hs-p, i Win. J. Nephew, ! J'H-oli llciitott, Es1 . I Win. Mullrldo, Eso . ,Mr. f. Knlnl.tull. I TO himi w ai.miz, ? pj JiiIiii Kclrlmcr, Ailnm Keller, I'lililtifhrlilnmii, S TO Ciimniiil Mill, S AlnJ JiiIiii -'ui Iiim", "U list (if Alex Mnti. -f 0l A U Ulllntil. 1 ,J JiiIiii llrowii, Kr., BHD Hinn'l Swi'iifiililj'r, a no IVIit (Icailintt. ft,, I ult A II I "5 lllchard & ln. ! Aiikk Tort imtMnl. 1 CI ,M W Jaiknuli, 4 tW J SI Hower. '1 5 i ui 3 ,M Hull-, 5 "S JhihiIi MIiI-r, I " Iminr Iki li r. '-' 41'. 7.. 4 do 3 (Id :i in, l ;o l v.l I liu T III) 1 .VI 1 (III :i .vi ninhi lieu l.-tat,; ofJucoblllihllo.i 0" I'li - ll.ird l'lll't, !.. I 50 "wk- li (III Uinlali Cliiniliorlln, 1 (HI Ii (HI Col Kual Mcl'ciy. ! mi 73 MnJ fi.ilnu I Knurr. 1 U) I 3 Jumu (;ooiunii. Ilfc'l, S (H I, 00 Win J K r.i lu.-r, S (HI I Ih) A J I'olk, ,M. II., I 7'. 11 I'lilllp I' C), r. 'J II I III Jnini'i. Froi.u. OH 1 OD John Keller, I CO Win linrltcr. .M'lll" iii'iiuor nut, Iv'mfi & Juni'li U 1'nrkcr. few J ll.ilil.uil, illl'liiia, lui iw' Duijiw. i. ,. ; . ' .....:.,.:.. 11 in vi.11113 lu nuaiiiiu iinu uui-i kki ii"hih"hi n yitEE PltESS." Keep the ball in mo- ti0n and liberty will survive JM Sv l CiU -U Ul I U5 UlU 1UU ESTUA1. Illl'lnlh. ,,r. till.., nf I tin iin,lrrlpnrwl. Ill Mnll. fur timnniiip. oiumiiiu toumy, niiout tun wcnu AyTT!7$ti '' 'j'Ey SHEEP. ip. 'I lie ownrr "1 fulil cmktp lire ri-liK'a- twy-au lu'i tu cnnii- furw nrd. provo priprtjr, ii.iv'ii mid Hike tlioin iiwnv. ottii-rwluc llipy will ho pilil lis (lie imv iiirriK. Hi-pt. 1-.', I?C3'- SI DISSOLUTION OF PAnTNEUSHlF 'pill! pnrtr.i'rjliipli'-rctnriirn rnilna li-.twcnn llif mi I ill r : i i' i ' I , mi-ri linnili.iiiji timlrr tin- iniini.- nnd llrni of MUltr 4-in-nirr.iii JrrJi yloun, a dlolvi'd liy miitn il coin -ill on Ikn llli or M pti'inliir, lctia. All per rnn liiili-liti'd to tll! Inti' linn will pli'-M' ('.'ill nlnl act d". Tic l.'ooks, &i'.. M ruin.iln In tlio riloro, for a slioit llmu for tcttlrinciit. j .v Mii.t.r.n, a. awisumt. Jirnojtortn, s-it. li, l"C:) Sin. NOTICE. rpilll tiit,lorlutH"l. rctci-lfntlj n fnrnu his old frlcniU X ntnl 1 1 1; v cujliimi rn, thai hu will cunlinuo lliu Mercantile Hitiiutss, nt Iho Ol t Slnnd In Jitji'S town, to hirh ho has added il.l.KW MUCK Oh- xr.ll' (lOOI)S, Inwliirh tlio .MUntion of cusloinoia .mil tho public ii iiivit,,!. J.N. .MIM.UII. J.-rc)timn, P.-pl. 12. 101-310. Agriculltiral Notice.. 'PHE Agricultural, Tfoiticultural and 1 Mi-ihaiiicnl troLioty 111 liol,t tlioir UiijlMh Annual l'.nr, on TiiLiisnAY, Fit i day, t Saturday, tiiu i.iih, lotii & i:ni days or ocronni!, i-i;:i, on tlio groiiinisot (lu Soni'ty, near llloiniihlitir:,', l'.i. I'.y order of tho t:ocuiiv- t'uuiinilti-o. I,. 11. , Kecrilar). Illnnni-djnrg, Sojit. 12, Ifill ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. L'siatc of J(rntrfi A. Ucss, deed. j ctters ol admiiiLtrution dr. Innis nnn on lj on tin- estate of Jeremiah K. Ilesi, lata of (Voire lounship, Columbia CMimty, th-cvas'-d, have li-'iiifgit-n-I'-il by tlio ilogut, r of (.aid i-o-iniy to the ; ad person having rlmm against the estate of tlio rie- edenl aro ri-'plt led io proei,t tin in to III - . ! nti n I - -li, i lor . i tl bout del ty, an 1 all p.-r ous ltnloljtod to mat., payiuouti. torthnilh. (H'Oltni'. K. HUSH, Centro, j on .v w. iiiusnii. .-01,11, .I'liiwiiatraton d& loujni.i von. Kept. 1-', Idl'.a fiwSJ ROSEMONT UEMi: TRY. " Time i'y Money. HAH It not been full) it is groat fu. y tu wait until you h.'n o a friend dead, beloro jou coin look alter a place of au rial ; then ara j ou le:it pro pared to solvit, your ii, in, 1 1,,-ing ju adi-trartoil tt.ito.) on will a lik, ly g.t i had shape or had i. lotas good and iloidr.iblo one. Ilix, moiiiii Ceinetry company otl'.-r-, a oroat man) nil o I'-tated low lor alo ; ami now- whilst )ou ami your lamity aro hi health la th t tin o t . po! -i t a I, tntnl put it in i.r,l, r. by calling on Iho tiuilorsiiMioil j ou i au h..-,-if'-uuipmiieil to (lie ground, oxauniio them ami ap pertain tile CQ3t. I. W. IIAIIT.MAN, Trcnmrcr. lilomutsbiirg Sept. I J. liii.l. am Niitionai Foil! I5LO0MS11UUU, COLUMBIA CO., PA. Min Milii'tribiT, propii-i'r of if 10 nliovi iiamcil o I triif-ii cbliiblisliiiieiit, h nmv prt'imruil to rcccivo i r ttrs lor All Kinds of rdarhiuery, for Cu'k ri, s, l'tirii.ter-s, Stalionary Engines, 31ills TIlliESlllNU MACHIN I.S, k.V . &C. lie is also prepared to make Stove, all sizes and loitterns, pluw -irons, and Lvtr) thing usually Hindu in tir-t-class I'oundri'-s Ills uvtttisive faiilities nnd praitical workmen, wnr jaiitt linn in recviving Ihc large.-! contracts on tlio '''CinTlirdsw.ilhetakenineschansoror, L.-lstllllTH. IT" 'I'll is e-labli-hnieiit is lin-a.ed near tho Lackawan na lllouiiiaburg Railroad Depot. I'EIT.R IllLLMEYim. lll.olllib'lrg, Sept. 1.', Ir03. Sixeciiior's sale 01-' VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. -pll n uliseribeis w ill oiler nt Public Sal", on the pro 1 tnis'-h, near llielil's Hon I, iu Uust ltiill'uiu ton n.ltip, Union tounty, l'.i., on S.VTl'UDAY, OCTOIIKII KTIl, ISOit, at 111 o'clock, A. 31., one half lie iittcrlst in the viitlivl. tUd farm of tlm l.ito Aiuitew llageiiliaili. coiiUiiini'; IGO ACRES, louie or leii, ins sill v lnnetono soil, cleared all rxrept- ill I lug two or tim e ai i. s, w u,l liuieil, and iu a good .uio o CIIII1V aiioil. I lie iniiiruYfiiienia .1 nut u Si TWO STOKV llllltli HOISE, A DANK DARN 15 In .5 f ( l. together Willi nil Iho necesmry nutbuild i i.ig. tor the t'ai in . There aru two guu I Wills I on tho premitis also a V.'va young mi D w nil goo I fruit of all kinds. Persons wishing fiirth.-r information, may inquiru of Samuel L.indback, on the If ih-i-ii'-d l'i in her party, tlio wltulo farm will Ih put ' ut, TVkms nude known al sal". .vr,iini,vv i . i;.Mtiii;ii, BA.MUUh IIAOU.MIUCII, Kept 12, 1-03, litetitvrj. '," J)cmi'c'al, Hlonni.hiirg. copy three wvika. unl send bill tu I.ewtsburg VI.iohicU: FANCY FURS ! FANCY FURS I I John Farcira, 718 Atclt Strict, below 8th, EOUtll illlo, PlIII.ADELl'IIIA. Importer, Mauul'acturer of and Dealer in all kinds of J''A,YtT fVIISI for Ladies' and Children's Wear. I to ii turn my thanks to mv friends of C'luiu- ui.i .111,1 uiu . i - patronage eAteui.odiu uio g ' V" ' ' . ... .!.,?.,. , ,1 in.inula.turo a very exton.'ivo as own importation linn in.iniitaiiuro a very kiirlnlelit ol all tlio lliueroni imiiiis uim 'tnaiiiies oi j ancv Pi us for Ladies anil Children, that will ho worn .i.,.i,, h,,. r.iit mni Wiut, 1(lrl,.r of all my Purs from Pu rope, ttllt! Having men. ai. iiiaiiiiia.,,ii.-. t.,..iv, iu, u, ii suiierv i.ion-eii.iblos nn- to oiL-r my cuslouier nnd Iho public a much hand.oiuer Su of Purs fur tlio mine lunacy. I.aili" please giv e tuu n i all heforu purchas ing 1 1'leaso rcuieniber Iho nuineiinmbe.ind street. Nn. 71S Amu Sirittr, PutLvum-uu. N lil. 1J, IP03 -5uius. TEACHERS WANTED il VM) good Silioi ) Tearln rs inCunynglnuu township, I Columbia ruiiiily . S"ii' but ilium Willi gotul u r iiin at' - need apply , I" sin Ii eood .nlaiies will bo paid .lihooli to loiiinieiac about the I'll t of Sepleni'iri . " J J HO.U1I AND, if.f ' oiivotlliiu ltp Auj kOj JW 41 00 1 TEAOIIKKS1 EX MINATTON3 ri'UIS Pxninlnntinti af T'Orh'r i Tir l luinliiit e-uiily, J vvHI Hike place nt tho folh ,. in i tlri s tin I pi Ccnlrii nt low! rvif' Si 1 1 Id r Jl In,,, lit rntnulrcn, wiit 9t r rivl. kl i , i i nt house, Oct till Bcott nt l.if lit Cfri'H, Oil U I Mndinftil nl Jcneyioivn, Ut. I'll litinliMk nt liiak llurii, Ui I. i!0i Montiiiirnt lllcti'rlrk'a Kilinnl I bun!, Utt VI ; Mnnlil ; I'll ns.nnt nt Jnni,' Hcliunl Imuio.Oi I. '."J t lltlnri revk nt Mnilr.'a Btlioul limiio, Oct.i;:); (!rf i.ii ou.l nt ltnlin-t liiltg, Oi t. ill) i Jnrk.'iii nt II' M' Jclimil homo, Oct. '17 I'inn nt Wnrimmvllli'. Oil. Ml I Tho rxcrcic'i. ut nil tint tilmrc nlnces lu cinni!iicc at 10 o'clock, A. M 1 Toncliura tt III picnic lin punclnnl In nltnnilnncc. Ill- , rctlcr nru rcpetlfully riniii'flcd lolm prmi iit ; i iIiii.i;s o. Iiahki.i y. I lllooinnburi!, Sept. IS, I'lill. Va ii;f. I 'ntn.'. nni.'A'i' si vi:iisi:v Hritrxr. NinvsoiiK; Uln.flll. ...Hllnllml I.t. .nn(,t .. , i Ii. hutory or liuIo(tallliti;TiuliiililMf)Uiitfy. 'Ilioy I Illlt '""1"""'I '" p' " ' """B Ul urr mUiiig tliciii nt not ovor two cciit-(0J i.riiinj por pouii'i ini ti totii, in vor no- 1 viiiUiitf Irom the olio pilcr n' oil. , Annllior pociilinrlly of Ih" Cniiip.iiiy l tlnlr TV.i 'J'n.ti-r not only ilcololil linn.- to iho silciinu of, tin Ir Tt-im into 'piallly, viilui-. mid ii.irllcutur rtjh-a fur partlcu'iir locilillon of country, lint lie hr-lps tin- I'o.i huyor Io ttiuo-o out of llilr unnriuoua ttock ench Tons ns lire liont mloptod to his particular uantu, and not only IhUhul polnta nut to him tin! In.,? I linrciiiliit. It la i ny to kic tho iucnlculaldu ailvanta,'o u To a lluycr liaa In this clalliliinciit un r nil oilier, It' ho la niijudfo of'i'ou or tlio Mnrkct, If Inn titno la 1 viiluablc ho haa nil tilt In ticlita of a m il orcalil.",! )' toui of doing baslui-aa cf liuintiiio' capllol, ut'tlio.linliu-1 i tne n t of a profcatltiual Tea Tuetor, nnd tho knnnloil-c of aitpi-rior aaloauiaii. ', I Thia oualdoa all Ton liiiyrra-nn niallrr If thry nrc ! tliiiui.iinls of miles from tills market lopurchasu on as I good terms hero nallic New York merchants, I'arltos can order Teas n nil will ha mirvcil hy u m , well astlioiull they iiiiuo tln uuolvoa. being suretngi t original packages true ui-ijihts and tarca ; ami lit j Teas nrn Wnrrauleilna reprea-nleil, I wo issue a I'rlcu Ida of tlte I'ompany's Teas, whlih I will tu sent to'all who order it , coinpruiui! I Ilisou, Young Hyson, Imperial Gun powder livunlavj and iSkih. ooi.ono,, OIlAN'dn & n vsox immcok. Lilian Tea nfevcjy d'"-criilft'i. rnlorcd and uin-olof oil. Tltla list haa no li kind nf Tv.'l divlilod into four Classes, liniuoly Curgo, lni;li Cargo, I'lno, overi jiio may uiiilcrtluuit from description uud tlio pricoa nnnoxcii that tho Company ara ditoruiiiteiVdi il ndor-ell tho wholo'JYv Irailo. Wo guarantee to helt nil our tins nt not over two n il's ( II.' con ts) pi r pound nbnte m.-t, lu lii v nig tliia (ul,,., altr.ii.tivo to tin- many who have itcrtlufiro h-oii pay intr ciioriuous prints. Oil HAT A.MlUtlUAN' TIM t;OMlNY. iMi-iinjtrus sn joDari-.s, Xo. 51 Vosoy blreet, Nuv.- York. fept. is, lc-ja jino. Public Sale t"l7 I I.I. I" oxposeil In public Vendue nt tlio residence V V of l'rnuklin 111 llriilo. Hcceatcd, ill Uouiluck town ship, Col ii nilil, t county, l'.i., ot: Thumdni,. ScpUmler 17, ISO!), tin- lolljwmg valuable personal propenyto wit Tim HOJHiBES, THREE GOOD MILCH COWS, Two Head of Young Cattle, a llotk of choice rih.cp, and a lot nf Coi 60,.(Vin and I'.ye by tho loi.-hcl, also a lot of Corn in tin. ground, hay nv 'inn ton. Our Two-llorsn Wagon, three t?t t of potiblo Harness, Sled and Slt-iglis, l'lo ilan.iw Wind .lull, ic, iu ciuding Ins entire fariiitug utetisilx. Mto. REDS AND REDDING, TAR'.ES, logetlierw itlia arietyof liousi.liolil.ainl kitih. nfiirui. tun, wool by tho pound. ri'Saleto rominoncoal 10 o'llock, in tlio fo? noon of said day, when terms uud lundiiimn will bo mad lin-m u iicuii u Murium:, ,ugutt iV, isu.l i .iumr. Holism and Lot !iHl iiiivtorfiU'-d ollVr.s id s II hi privali' t-iilc, n ill Htralilti mill plfiifinit n siilfim- lucut.'il In Light Streti, Coltimlii to., ulnmt -i iniUs Xorlli of l!lmin hur', on liiin Htn ft. anil m -;n J illayu. Tliciu FH.VJIH illVClaLlMi HOUSE, i'ii'jjji with a w ell-fitied Htoro I Ion -a altailo d, with l-i'illi- au euoll"u well of wat r at tin- dour, .tatiie and Irml trees ami all ettur nei-,:jsary conveniences, iu a ptale of caliivatioo. 'I'll - L-t"io 1 lull -. and t.tau.1 at',.-i.1' Iho fust order, and promt no ece!li-ut and .lieilile opom.ig for tho .'.Rriantili bunuofs. Tho Imi lit hnr hai au open -las Irmit, innler Handsome awn ing and oin in led hy iliri ing i-liado ln-t s K-iid properly will be Mild at u l,ar;;nn, or exchanged for a email farm or other real estate. Al THUD MOOD. Light s'trcct, Aug. C.l, lsKI. L N. ."loVEll. New Drug Store WIIOES'Ui & RETAIL. TM1 li utiili'ri'UM' "1 w Mit'l in Porn tti'-ir frioud" ami tliu X juililir yi'ii(-rall .llt.ii liu y liavi taUuu tho iU;uitl fur iin-rlv (M'ctniifil hv (iLit. A!. Hiijt'iili n li. Vi llic l'. haiu upied by (Jlo. A!. Ilii.-eiihiih, iiilho Evihange !tnil'iiii2, on .M.iiii htr'-d, in Uluuiunbur:.'i wliuro Jiu liu jiit n'tcivcd a full upp.y t'f ji'iigr,, Mt Ssfisat'!5, Faints Clils,, &CC , Wliii h w ill b mid on mo lerat" terms fur ready pay. Aim, NOTIONS gein rally, of i very variety, sort and si. '. I'hybiri. His' prescriptions carefully compounded, at all t nn.--' and on -hurl notice. ' 7 - Ci,uf,'ctioiioiy of tiiu best selections, and S'oua Wat' r in season. ' f A sluru of the public custom is respectfully so limed. EYElt Si. 3IOYER. r.loonislmrg, April 11, Is'ii3. Wilson's Albany Scr.Hi.igs. 100,000 STRONG NEW PLANTS, - w oi muse ion- new inn uni iiieii.u v,i- , rtnlv iireiloelll Sttawbernes irom 1 lu 11 inihc In I : ,t-r,.,,,, .ieliliiio uit-r two hundred hustlils to I au acre, 1 will sill ntlhc extreme low price of sjl.oilpi r hundred, or ,ii,0il per Ihous-ini' plants to any one ad dresr, as the'bo.t tune for planting is lieru. I Orders should he soul immediately, w Hit cah, or it I can he colleiteil at any Ixpri s. Ollico j Address JOHN-P 1 RANK, fUSItCtllAVN Ni'tisi.nns, opt 1H'3-Iin. belina (Jnve, Pa. I Jewdry and Silver-1 fare. ' rpllE ittn'.erslsnod wnuld rr.piclfully invite your at I trillion t" his well selected stork of Pino (lold and i Silver WiiIlIios. 1'iuo Cold Jewilry, of every kind 1 mid varn ly of ttylos-coiuprising all of the newest uud liio-l heailtll'ill designs. Also, ri did Silver Ware, c-minl to Coin-mid tho best niiko of Silver I'l.itod Ware. Each article i warranted , "ii li- i as represent, -ii. J Waulies "I Jewliy car -i illy repaired and sat isfauiou guaranteed. j.,,,, ,kU:v, (Suciessnrs e Siaulfor It llarlry.) I No. OJJ 3I.HIKLI- Sr., PtiiL-A, Sept, 5, l-,ij:i-3m. A 1 T! I D ii' iJ 7 I t W W V I II AXU GIA'L'ItAI, COMMISSION ME R C II A N T iii.oo.Msuuiin, conniiiiA co, pa. lt7PAKTItUI.AK ATTF.STION II1V L 10 fATENT ntUltrS.2i Septeinbor 5, li'ijl-.lm. SAMUEL KNORFl, BLOOMSllURG , PA. .Mrurvr.Y llrsaiNnas ai ibmieii to 1'r.oMrrt.v. OFFICII-In Court Home Mcj, unilcr Ucmoirat VJiec Augurt 'JJ. ifb'3-t'iu. Iiiforma!lt!i is IVontcil, r V the wheroaboiiis rf n littlu hoy. tinned Jambs VJ .Mi (lii.'iii. aged ahnut 1 1 years, fair h nr. spare lig ..: i .i.,.i,.i., r,. Ul.l i in l.n,. S.n , l.,jv is -nn " " , H ,hV ,.;,:, as u lloat Hriver, - probably between Pulsion and H.iuv ill,., ;r perhaps on iho West llranrh Canal. A liberal reward will ho paid lu anv person who will giv o information of his present whereabouts, to his .Mother, tlm nuib r.lgned, nt Espy tow ii. Columbia countyi or tutku Editor of this Journal, atlllootnsburg. CATHARINE KEMPTOX, Espytowii, Aug. 2J, ls03.-3iv 3R, o n E R. X Si A U .IX v Printir, HooKliiudcr A; I!;iiikliool. .17 A NU FA (.' TUU E II ; WllOLtS.U'. ANU IL-,-'.. I. HtlALtlttN l'RIN'Tl.N'd. WRIII'-'. A-"" ' WRAPPINU PAPERS AUe.M' 10 l HI, I Al VVVISS V I'AI'IK MILLS. Mam Street, first doorbelmv tin- Public Spuaie, WILlvESBARRE, PA. Nov. 'Si. K'bl 1-Cui Minll.ii.llln U. .. . It, . i. i 4' I. . OAItllNftlt As lilniliW.N GRE4T AQBRIOAN CIROL'8 i,,.,. J,.,,., ... ,,, , nMenmn u- If 111 UAHl'flL 111 ljj'VJiUtJljU JkUl I tilt on SATURDAY, SUP T. 1801). Itlll-tlAAII ntitl Iri'nhlllll- Doors open at 'I and 7 o'clock, P. M, Performance to commence half an hour later. ADMISSION, 20 CENTS. NO HALF PRICE. After n Thorough liciiov.ition, Overhauling ntnl lie fitting this (-stiibllnlinient lomes once more to furnish I heap k Innocent !iinils"inoiit to their country frl-uds, It has boon fitted out fur tlio trailing season of 1BS3 In a most SUPER STYLE, The IIOIIHKM. POS'IKS AND MIJI.KS arc Iho best Iraiuoil, hi in thi country foremost niiiung which is tho tlrent Tat.kino House, Washington, Who will bo intrndiiri-il in nil his (Jrent Tricks and Kxploils at each exhibition, by hla Trainer. Han Gard ner. THE C0M1CJ MULES, DAN mi.I DICK, will lc fomul tlio moil launlnMa pair I LOOK AT THE NAMES. Illilinnl lloiutnliig, iMisa I'.l.a (lardiior, llati Oardner, J hn l'mtor, The 1'oliih llrothcra, Moan. Do I ouii. Mr. T. Snyder, .Ilr. John Xallor, Together villi William II ill, lie, rgo King Handy llrunson, .Motis. Iliildwiti, Mad. Cinnllia, I.i I'otite Camilla, Young Dan (inrdiier, Atnl n host of othois, not forgetting tlio Educated Dog j j: .v A' r , .v Look Out lor this (it'iini) i'rucrssiun Whicli will cnlor town upon the morning of exhibition lien, led by ll.irltu.itrs rn-., Ilatnl, siatodiu Hi, -ir beau 1 1 1'u I Hand i or, drawn by a line of beautiful Cream Colored Horses, gaily raparisoned, and followed hy all tlio Horses, l'onic-,( arriages, U.tggago Wagons, tec. JJon't forget tlte day an I dalej'or the Dig Show in coming. CT" Will alo exhibit iu 1) A VVI 1,1,11, l'nil.iy, sScptoinbui I'th, CUUWICK, .Holiday, " 14th. W. II OAIIDNRII, .li'tnt. Septoinlier 5, I5M -et. ADM LNISTRATO It'S NOTICE Estate of Uenncvillc K. Foil;, dcol. LUTTKlia o( tut mill i-t ration on Iho Kstato of llenne. lllo K. rolk.late oflloniloektwp Columbia co.,.ctW., havelieon granted by Iho Kiei-ter of Columbia tho iiuilerigued ; all persons hat ing claim ugaiiiittlie es tate of the dcredeiit are re, piloted to present them Io the undersigned, nt I is residence in said towiislilo. without delav, nn J all persons inilitted to iniiko nay Hunt forthwith . JACOU IIAIlItIS, .Um'r. Aug.'-'J, l:oa-Gw $i. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Alexander Ahars,ilcccascd. rETTEItrinf Administration nn the IMato ol'Ale'an j der Menr, Into of Locust township, Co luiiibia coun ty, decrareil, have been granted by the Register of Co- luniliia enunly, lu the unilertigned, residing iu I.omst I township Ci'luinhiu county, all persons having claliiis I against the 1 stale of the decedent are ro.piostetl to pre- 1 sent them t,i the AiliiiiiiMrators, without delay, and all persons iinloblod to make pavioeut forlhw ilh. i I'ETEIl K. HEItllElV, I . JOHN YEAHEIi, Jr., Aug. '.'S, lSG:i.-Cw JO0. Mm'n. ' ADMINISTHATOR'S NO ITCE. Estate of Frunlilia Nclh idc, dee'd. T r.TI'EKS of niliuiui-tralinii oil the Hstate of Franklin 1 l.lleniiile. lat" ol II -ono ol M -iiloeii tw p.,co!uiuhia io., dee'd. nave been grunted tiy the l.egister ot ( olutnbia eo.. to tho utiilcrsigueii ; nil pert-ens having cliinns aeatio.t tlu estate of the tleeeib-ul an re'l loi-te-l to pres.-nt Ih ui lu tin- Aduiini-ir.itoi s at their lo-ideiiL" in sanltowu--liip w ithntit ih lay, j.ud all porsutib imltliteii to make payment forthwith. IllJfill D.3ICI1P.1UE, Adm'r. August S, lrl',.1. nw $JJ OU. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Fhtatc oj 11. 11. Hogawl, die'd. ETTERS of administration on the J estate or it, ii. iiogciami. inle of Lon.t twp Coluinliir. nuinty, deeeased, lnvo been granted hy the liegi tor ol Coiuiniiia county Io tho uudorsigued ; all persons having i l.iims ug:iiu-,l tho estate of tlu Ueco-d'-iit are ro'pit-tt-il to present them lotl.e iidnitiiii-trator ti, hi .,,hi,letii, in u.'ti.l 1,., ii sin i,. u ill., mt , I, ,l..i. H...l i .,n t.r!.niis indebted to muku p.inient fortliwith. ' I- i. IILKIIUI, Aittn'r, ,tigu. t 8, l-Cll-f.w. i-i UO. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Est Uc of Sarah Stevenson, dee'd. i ETTERS of administration on the 1 Edatu ofS'dra'i Stmuon, lute oftlia Stnto ofNew- I Jersey, lite properly Iv ing in Cnlumbrt Co.. l'.i., dec-as ed, have b.-en granted by Ih,- Register of Columbia co. ' (,. l'l.linr.l llimitl. .Mn, II. on t.iw t.slilt, I 'nl 11 inlii , couuiv. pi rsons having claims against tho estate of tho deceased are ruuue.teil to present thorn to tho lull- mi ti i -t i lit, r at his rosi'lonce In said township, wltbo delay mil all persons imljlite 1 tu make payment lor with, RICIIARU IIE.IIOTP, Adin I ou. Juno J". 1-113 - fiw EXFCUTOR'S NOTICE. j " ETTERS Testniueutary on th" estate of Snlor.iou i I-I'.ckroth Into of Heaver tow'iiFliip.Coiitiubia county, ! deconsod, havu been granted by :ho Regintor of Wills i ,Ve., tu tlio uudorsigued al-n residing in said Heaver township ; all persons having claims agant the es- ' tato ol Hie decendonl aro reuucstcil to present them tu the Eveeutor nt his residence iu mid tuwindiip. with delay anil all persons indebted Io make payme'it foithwilh. PETER ECKROTII, Juno 13, l?(13-0ts, Executor ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Entitle a) I'clc.r Whiteitight, deceased. f ETTER'S of Adsiinistration ou the i j E.t.iti of Peter Whttetiight. hue of Hemlock twp Columbia co . Pa., dti-earnd, havo been granted by tho Itegitter of Columbia ro to Amsy Wl.ileiiitjhl, .llary WhilenUht, of lleiuloik township, Coluinbi.i couuly, persoui. havi ig claims neaiust tho cttato of tlio dee'd., are reipiested to pres.-iil tliom tu the Administrators at tin-1 r residence iu mid towu-hip. without delay, and all persons indebted tu make payuu ul forthwith. AMSY WIIITIlNllillT. 31ARY WlilTEMCIIT. ,'Umr's. lieiuloikiwj., July I, Ir03-Cvv.ii EXEGU'i'OR'S NOTICE. EUate of llary Smith, deceased. r UTTERS Toflainentary oil tiiu cjtato of Henry j Muilli. Into of lleutou township, Columliia county, del eati'il, have been granted by Iho Register of Wills, A. e., In tlio undersigned also residing insald tuwnsliip, nil persons having claims ngsinsl Iho estate of the tie. rodent tiro reiptesteil In present them to the executor nl his residence iu said township, without delay, uud nil persons ihilLbted tu mako pav uienl fuitliw ith WILLIAM SMITH, June CO, 10!-Cw. SJ A 1) M IN I S' 1' RAT OIl'S NOT I CE. Estate of Henry Wunich, die'd, f ETTERS of administration on the es- yslato'of Henry Wunich. Into of Dlooni lovviikhip, Colutnbi'l ruiinty, ilereasod, have bJen granted by Iho Register of said county to the tlio undersigned who ro sides in Iho iiuio town.hip ; nil persons having claims again. t tho estate of Iho decedent are ro'pie.te,l tu pro sent UieiA to the ailiuiuiitrator at his resilience Willi out ilelny, and all persons Indebted to make p.'ijinoul forthwith, JACOll WAN1CI1, Adm'r. Juno Si), l3-0w. ?J ESTRAY. CiAME into tho enclosure nf iho subscriber, some three mouths since, ill .Miflliu township, Columbia county, a .'-TitfSin u,rse mte nSi . trrlil siiuiviseil t weieh about 150 lbs., nnd Is in VAtV.u&Sc good toudilinii, Tho owner is ri'Ploste tu provo properly, pav charges and Inko him away or he will bo sold uccuriluig t" law. THOri. U. SWEPPENIIISER Aug. , ISiiS. CIGARS k, TOBACCO. A large a.soitinetit of hole I'ig irs, Tobacco, ripfs' 1'ruils, ConlVclioiiery mid Notions goncrally, togeth er vv ilh, i lull slock of HATS mui CAPS, criust.iully on liauil and for salo cheap, at the "lilooiiikburg Hat It Cap Emporium." joiin k, uiiaos, Uuoiusbutg, March 10, UC1. IVcw York Weekly 'Vcws. Tlio Choapcflt nnd ) at New York News paper' Only one doll .r p r annu i Eight pages lorty ci .. uiis A eo n pb'te record of event-', U nj uniu Wood Editor and Proprictoi Published nt No. 10 City Hall Square, Daily News Ruilding, New York City. Tin: ni:w voiik wi:i:ia,Y ni:wm i imtivisd In its ability and enttiml.c ns a tiublie louriial. ant In ivory III partiiienl la iuot ( llli i"iilly co'iduMeil, ana, tofuini ii weekly record ofrti nts fn, miclal ami literary llnoiir Imnl the woild. In ml dltloa to this It cout.iiiK all Iho lluuiesllc Intt-lllgciiii) of each week nnd full repoils of erry Inilh r of pub lie nil, rr si. ,i ti roinn at Jottrnul lliu weekly news Will In found nil Iho ilile of Iho Constliiltinii of tlie (niinlry aa It was fraiuod nlnl cstiilillshed hy tin- Pnlli 1 i ts i f tlio ll'-publie, nndvMll n nn with i are ami 11,1, 1- 1 lly i very piiMIc may tend to liu- l,,iti.,n of tlio I. Iter nnd spirit of thai liittrutneiil of our llb. rtlus. ' it prn rs unu nuvvcuo, in u POLICY OF PEACE ton rulnoua and exhiiiiillng system of War lii'lutlng upon tho (mill, of the ptinrlple iinbodleil In tlio lie. clnralinii of Indenenre, Hint the Jim poweis of Hie (luverninetit lire u.-riv. d from the consent nf Iho Rov er it urges Hi" presernitlon of tlio piluclplos ol liberty, iiiMi latn, as of morn, I liu owtniico ihnn national ar-inileui nr consol'ilal,-d nnw-i-r uit'lor derpotit ruin, without (h pale of aw. iin a i ' .1 ous oi national i in nominee it is tile lull'-xlldo cliaiupion orth rights of citizen,, a, guar ntitoed tinner the liistriliuent, hy whirl! they have di -cldcd tube Ro"rnod, It then fori! hohlly awow, its purpose to sustain Hi" freedom of I Speech and of the I'ress, Willi Hie view tu pruteit tlio people from tlio encrnachliig iloimas of lli"oritH who lontcniplato u moiiiiication ot mo uemocruiic principles which to tills tliui' have ben sit.tniin d ng.iin-t everv clHut tu overthrow them, Iu nil matters pertaining tu (lovcru- ineiil the piirtioso it this newspaper la to protect Ilia eopiu iron, iiirousiner.iio ami ran legl.latlon, ntul to lold our nubile servants tu a sttltl accounlabilliv for their conduct while carrying on the machinery ur power 'l'o tills end tho must rnref'il attention will bs given to all I'ederal nnd l.i gislativa laws, inula Ilr in and Im partial examination oi every now politita1 proposition inay no expected as tin! only means of prutciliug tho people from an abridgement nf their rights. THE NEWS DEPARTMENT la suntilloil by a corns ofronortera nn, I cnrresuondeiits that I, nni surpaseil by any other Journal, and tlio telegraphic Intelligence will bo full, complete ml re Halite, nnu irom every point to wtilrli the electric wip a extcn,l, COSIMEIICIAI. ANII MARKET miPOBTa nre given in tho mnt sucoinct yet complete manner lhcy claim particular notuo for llioir lldellty nnd truth, nud all those who ,1,-iro to i-oinprehend the act 111111111-1-11 condition of Hi country should not fnl I to ot, iniine tlio views wliirh will be fuuud Iu this dep-iit-iiiout of Hi,- journal. In all other resperts the weiklv news will bo found tu meet Hie public ib-mmd. It is the espud il object of the l'ropnetor to render it n valuable uud entertaining FAMILY NEWSPAPER, pure In Its moral lufhi'-nce, ennobling In its character. ami salisfailory to tli,i liire rlass In tho community who lb-sire to s"o Hie Public 1'ross treat all public ques tions with urgnnieiits expri-aiod lu courtesy and can, lor though, at tlio mine time, with the spirit due tho til-mej, dl-cilssed. lly refer-ftico tu tho terms nf tho Xcw York Weekly News it will ho notiood tint it is by far Hie cheapest ncw.paptr in the woild, and tlio l'rnpiii tor feels that ho may invite those who approve of Us principles and conduct to uo tin ir iniluotioo In adding to its present largo circulation. TT.11M3 : NEV YORK WEEKLY NEWS. I'.imiT I'Aciw. roifrv coi.u.Mxa. Issued Every Saturilaj , I'ur One Year Onn Hollar. Eleven r.jpijs to oiu A Jrfreca Cno Venr Ten Hollars, fciiiglo Copies. TilllEE CENTr). THE NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. A first cl.Ts Milropolitan Jonrnal. devoted to Pence end Coiislitiitionul Liberty, and containing. -ill tin; news of tlin day, Political. Tcleuraplile. Coiniuerrial and Local, is the cheapi st daily paper in the metropolis. TiinM-t.-Ono Copy, due Year, BIX H0I.LA1IS. Ono Copy, Six Months. THHIli: HOLLARS. Single copies. TWO CUNTS. IT? AddrokS HEJAM!X WOOD. Editor and Pro prietor, No, II) City Hall SJiiare. X Y. Mew Yurk, August 1.5, ImS.1. tf. NORTH CENTRAL RAILWAY. Summer Time Table. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the North nnd west iiratun oi the Mis'iuehauna, Northern Ni w York. Llinira, mid allot (H and afler Motnlay, April '-'nth lfiiH'the Passenger - Trains ot tlio North Central llnilway will arrive at and depart from Sunbury, llarrlsburg, and lJaltiinaro I as loitows, mi-.: SOUTH WAR 11. ' .Mail Train leaves Sunbury dally (ercopt Sunilav) " leaves llarri.-bnrr, ' " arrives at llallimorc. lO.lrt a. in. 1 la p 111, 5.:i. " 11.07 p. tu, C 00 n. in. 0.15 ' 0.30 " Eitiress Train leaves Siiuliurv dallv fexcetit . snti'lay.) ' loaves Ilarrlsburg (except .Mon.laj,) " arrives at Ualtiuiotu dally (ex cept Moihlav.) Ilarrlsburg Accoiiituodatiou loaves' Harris burg. X O I! T I) W A R I), .MnilTrain loaves llaltiinnre daily (i.cept Sunday,) " leaves Ilarrlsburg l.l.'i p. in. ' arrives at Sunbury. - -l.u" " Express Trains llaltiinnre daily, ti 15 " arrives at Ilarrlsburg. 1.35 a. ni leaves IIarriburg(oxcept3Ionilaj) 3 nil " " arrives at Suuliury. 5.33 " I'or further iiilorinatluu applv at thuOtlico. "1. X. nellAURY, Supt. Ilarrubitrg, Aug. S, 16U3. GIRTON'S CHEAP HAT STORE REMOVED. Aiioihu i' Aiivnl o 1' ftoods. Now ii Your Time to Bui. I NOW SEI.I, ClIUAPEll THAN EVER, nlIE underslgni'il having bought out tho Orocery o I Hav id Slrouti. lias ri lnov d hi-Hat uud Can Store j ul to Stroup's old stand rior nssurtunni ol Where lu addition lu a supe- I SI"'MiJ flVfi QnTillK't Hats and Caps, gElf Comprising every sort, size mid iptnlity, which will he sold at Hiiiuually low- piiers, lie will continue tho (!ru. eery and .Notion business as carried on by Mr. Mroup, Alsu-A due lotof Uin-J, MOltOi COS and I.imnos to vv hiili he invites the ut eittiun of Shoemakers and the ptilllc. John ic girtox. I'.loonisbtirg, 3Iny30, 161,3 MANHOOD Iloto Lost! How Ih stored ! ! Just published iu a sealed Envelope : Pries 0 da. l.ri turn on tin- Vatiir.;, Treatment, and Radical "A Curo of Sperm Hon Iiil-i or Seminal Weakness, S"Xiie! Hcbillty, Xorvoiimoss. au I Invuluntarv Minis nous, inducing Inipoten, y, Cun.ituiptiuu. uiid" .Meutal Phvsical lielniily, by Rub -it J. Culvi-rwell, M. I). th awful cunsoiieueus or solf-abifs may lu .tr.-itu.iHy r. ve, withutit inieriial ui 'dirines or the daiu'eruils applieatiou or caustics, in struments, uic'lleal Ii.iiiiiiks, an, mh r ilevi cos. is II. r. clearly donn.uxtrated, mi 1 tlio entirely n.vv and highly surcesst'ul lr atmunt us iidol'ted bv Iho eel- ebrai.-il nutliur. 1 ul ly .xnlaiueil. bv means nf which every ouo is enabled to cure himself perfectly, mid at tho least possible mat, th roby avoiding all Iho or- liscu iiosirnius ot tue iinj , leiture will prove a boon tu IhujsauJs nud tlioits iu Is, I'll AS. I. C. KLINE, & Co. 107 llroailway.Xevv Y, rk, PuttOllice hur, 45-li. AuJI'i I SKI. (No, 1,1-i.J) MISS ELEONCRA J. LESOIIEIt, VT7II.L open n Select s'cliool in tho Ilasciuent of tho W Uefurined Church, In llluoin.hurg, ou 31ond.iv. the Tenth of August, IC03. Tho School will be dividud into three classes, vu: MUMMY- Including ilnldrcn Just commeucln per lluarti r of 11 weeks, gj OJ. prija .W.'i.WEJ.-fV'J.'-lucluiling Rending, Wilting, Spell, ing, and tlmso rouiuieui ii.g Oeogr.iphy, Cramniiir, ami Written and .Menial Arithmetic, prlco per (luaiter, 63 00. ' 1 7i77J.7;-lucluilnig ReaJiug, IVrltlng, Spclliue;, Oram, mar, Coography. History of Hie United ritutci. ami Written uud a.eiital Arithiu.'tic, s (,j. Lessons in tho Ornamental branches, lr.: Italian and (iroeiatiOil Paintiiig, Drawing, Needle-work, etc., at extra cliarg.s. Pirsous wishing tu havo Halr-Wui!. dune, audi as Hub uud (luard Chains, Kings, r.r Ear-l),op., etui bo accoinmuil.ilod. nioouisburg, Pa.. Aug. 8, 1G3 5m ROW TO AVOID THE IrJUFT. 'T'llE undersigned wants a few more guo.l Ai-eitts to L canvass Columbia, Luzerne ai..' .Mentuiir counties for the Susquehanna Nurseries local d nt s. lln-iirove' Snyder county, Pa. Anil fur tills urposo he mil ac cept of ii few volunteer Agents to "till tho nuola." All necessary Iat'oriuaiioii, hooks, papers J.c , ran ho had by nJdrosBlns j, f, l-uank, Hi liusgrove, Pa. 17" Applications must he iiiade nni loiiiatuly, boliiisjrove, Pa Aug. el, pii3-;iw 41 in. BRICK FOP. SALE I 'lMIE uildersiguod has on hand n lot of well Hunted Jl Uriek of gr ut variety for snli. All persons vvliu vviali good brick should apply nt otieo, J TEK.MS CASH. KollEItT U. ARTHUR. Illooiuiliurg, July, '.'j. ISG.I-31. t'oi'Siitlu Cheap A first rate B ol: Case and Secretary eoinblneil-npply lu J. C. 1 liLEZIl Uloomabntg, rtusu.l 15, 1S03. FRESH ARU IV A 1, PMAXDWIfflRGOODS AND i on- EVERYBODY 7111. undersigned, grnlcful for past patronage Ksper, fully Informs hlsriislunicrs mid the piibllcgrnrrally Hint he lias just r,-reived from tlm Eaiterne cities Hi 1,1'gest nnd most si lei t stock of F all and Winter -s I Tint has y.l hern openeil In llloonnljiirff, to which hn Invites Ilio alt' iili-ui of I, is filends. nnil. ossuros them ! Hint they are oil, n , I for sale ut great barjalni. Ilia ' flock comprises a large assortment of I (luNTi.'iMEN'ri WEAittNd ArrAnr.r,, l.'ouristing nl t'i.mrx am.p. Co.ts, of every dra rrlptlotii l'aiils. Vests, Shirts, Cravnta Htockt, Cotton iijuuhcrcuieis.i.iuv'.s, rsurncuuers, ttc. GOLD WATCH A N t) s JEWELHY, Of every descrltdlon. flue and clictp. i,"int;iiiii,'r i.uKznuzrji m v.r. -.Hiyifrisn. call and aee. ,'o chargo for examiiig flnodr. DAV1U LOWENIiEltO llloo tiiahii rg, August St). ieG3. (Jrtiie lestfij "sTrONIFIEB,' ' o R V Ii ii .. , i. . . r . , CO('Is.TIMTEI) l.YV i THE FMILY SOAP MAKER. THE public ,re eautioiiod against tho spurious nrtlc lea of lye for iiiRklug aoup, A:c. now otfered for sale The only genuine and patented lye la that made, by tlio Peiiui) Ivnnli suit tin ing company, thoirtrndu innrk lor It heltig "Snpoultlor or lye " '1 ho great success of this article has lod uiiprlucipalrd piiilii-s tu onilenvor to imitate, it, in violation of tho Company's patents. All lu liiularturers hujersor sellers of lie" spurious lyes, are hen by notified that the company luvo i-ui ployed as llioir Attorneys, George Harding. Eq., of IMii'a.. and N llliam Dakcwell, Lst , ot Pittsburg. And Hint nil riatiuf.ictiiriTS. users or sellers of lye. lu v lolatloti of Hie rights of the Company, will b ptos t-ciited ut once SAFONLFIE R, or coi'ccutrated lye, Is for sale by cers and Country Stores. nil Draggiita, Gro- TAKh NOTICE! Tito United Stiles Circuit Court, Western district of I'einisvlvaula, No. 1 of .May term, in Ifiotf. in suit of the lViins)lvmna salt luuutifncturitig company, 'I hos. (J, Chase decreed Io the Co i pany on Nnvoinh,r I.i, lrii-2, the exclusive right grunted by a patoiitnwn.l hy thrtii fur Iho Sapoititl, r Patent dated Uctobi r lc.'iO. Perpetual iiijunctlnti awarded. THE J'E N N SYLVANIA 1-27 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pitt St. and Duqttcusc Way, Pittsburg. Aug. 15, liKl, 3in. 13. & II. T. ANTHONY, M A X U l' A C T U It E RS OP P II O T O C 11 A P II I L M A T E I! I A I, S, 501 liroadwuy, New YoiL. CARS PriOTOSBAPHS- Our iratalnguo now embraces considerably ovor four tlioitMind dillcreut siilijocts (to which additions nre roll tinually being made) of I'ortraits of Eminent Au.t rl Colonels, el Lieut -Colonels. U17 other (JuUers, nil Navy Otllcors, .1M Slato.iuen. 107 Divines. I Hi Vuttmrs ) Artts, lit! Stage, Hi Prouiiin tit Wumeii, 147 Prom- I iuent l ur -ign I'ortraits. 2,000 6.i;)Va of Works of Art, I m lu Jitis reproductions of the mot celebrated Engra viugs, Paintings, Statues, &c. Catalogues sent ou re reipt nf stiiiup. Au order for on : doiuti pictures from our Catalogue will be Illicit on receipt tf 51 ell, nail sent by mall, free. piiotograTiTc albums (Il those we iBasiifaittire a great variety, ranging In in, i. "u ul-iiis c-.,, e.itn our Alliums nave tiiu reputation or being sup- rior in beauty and durability to any others. T!u smaller kinds ran bo sent sately by mail at a posture rf stt rents per 02. 1 he more evpensive can bo s-ul hy ox press. IVo also keep a laro asiortmeul of Ftereserpcs and Stcrescopic views. Our Catalogue of the.e vvi'lb. sent to any ai'dro-s ou receipt of stamp. I'. A. II. T Authuiiy, Jlaiiufacturers of Photograpliie -Mutinalj 501 llroadway. New- Yurk 1'ileiids or relatives of promiuoul military men will rotifer a favor hy sending us their likenesses to topy They will bo kept caicrulljr and rrturned uninlureil Pino Albums made to order for congregations tu pre sont to their Pastor, or for other purposes, with suita bio Inscription, ice. August Ifc03-0r.i. II. C. II 0 W E R, SURGEON EBNTIST. Ul'SIT.CTl'UI.I.Y olT-rs his pn f ional services to tlio Indies an, men of llloomsburi; and vicinit . -r lirenareil lu ntlelnl to all lli v r operations iu the line of his profession, mid i- with the latest improved I'UUCl.UII.S TUI Tu . w will beiiiM'rted ou cold, platinn, silvurnnd rubh r lolookwi.ll ai Hie mitnral tottli Mineral plsto and block teeth inanuf.ictin ! n operations on toelh, rarclully and properly all, I - l.cndeneo and ollico a few doors above tin. Hons,-, same sldo. Uloouisburg, JtinoO. l.C3, S'l'OVE AND TIN-WARE SI ever lutiodlti oil into this mark, t The ( hn-t iiialni., James Robhntid ('.lobe nre cooking r.(ov es,al of w hich are air-th.dit and gas burn, l is Parlor Moves are hands,,,,,,, mui ,. , ,,t r nod. ALsO-Particul,irattoiitioiiia pid to Tin U r. and llniiso.-puutmg. upon short ntice. All k,a In roymugvvill bo done w ith neatness and despatch -1D Country produce taken iu exchange for w,k Blooimbure. .May 10, itas. l'lnLlV '' M0V"LU auioiig t,t, n t UAltGAIXS IX STATIOXABY. .Per Pass boo'ks.' Lead. eVilnt'co u! It v 'Wt? kM '"tJ!'"y n large inriiM! ,,;' which is stuck purch.iaeil befurctiio rise in p, it t.uu ..w,, avt.nij, wm ll CASH. Win U. PEURY. P.ookseller A- Pi. turn . .March T, IiOM-3 moa, cor. KA, Sf llico VhtiM-lphu JOSEPH FUSSELL, 3Innufaclurer of csUMRREl.LAS, SUN U.MBR1JL LAS and PARASOLS, Nos. ii N. -1th St., PHIL AD. 3Iarch 7, ISUI-Jiu. PETER YOHE & SON, TAV!:.r''t'c",!'Pl'",''la ROOT AVI) SHOR n 1' ui LllllPf.vrK'i:i:T, Uuluml,,.-, nJ,, ,y .a ''a. Pi imred io .In the test work on th i .1 o 1 ,,ot? STILZ II All TLIvY. Consolidation ll.tnl; Huiiai 309 North Third Street betwtia Vine Callowtill, JM.W.IBa-ly. I' II 1 1. A I) E I, C H 1 .1, (Lato White Evvan.) 11 A CE STREET, AjJOVJi TUlhL IMUK-AnKl.lMIl A. D. C. SIEGHISr" Piioi RiETOit. Formerly fom Eutc Hotel Lebanon Pa 'P. V. RlltiAIM, runt;, .Marohgi, lrt,3"l j.n. BLANK DEEDS & AltlUAGE CEU T1FI0ATES A cup, rior lot of tho abovo artielet wiih a I oth-1 kind of Blanks, for salo a th T- ul the Columbia, Democrat ! I'V "mlBr3ljrn..a wnulil inform tlm rr rVXt I lllnuinsliurg and vicinity, that h I igaq clvcd and "llorstursiileoneof tli.-mns, i. nssortnients ofcooicivr:.,,..! v iv , tf-