COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. LEVI L, TATE, EDITOR. "TO HOLD AND TKIM TUB TOllOII OF TllUTH AND WAVE IT O'Elt THE DAItKBNBD EARTH." TERMS: J2 00 PER ANNUM VOL. 17.NG, 28. BLOOMS BURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A,, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1863 VOLUME 27. PDETRY' In Momoriam. 11 tribute to the Memory of Ftrgeanl t.iroy S. VCaiUirorlh, of Huntington, l.uxtrne county. I'a irho vat fatally uountltd at (Ac Ilattle of (Wlyiburg, By Mrs. Margaret L. T. Ilatlman. 1'hc tuittto wns funrfully raging arounil, Tlio le;lnng of treason outiiumlicrcil Iho lirHVd ; When the order uns heard through our ranks to rcfouml hmvoril, now, to the chargol cur honor to save. x!ien vnlnr wni proved, Ultli hayonct set, Flndi runhcd on thn fop determined to win i Wlillu the mls'llcs or dentil every moment were met, As tlto fo! was cudrnvorlng our forces to thin. Ah, see I there fall" Wndnworth, the noblo nnd bravo J If li ft without tarn hp surely inustdle ; feay, inny wc tint stop our lov'd coturado to save ? We'd carry him hack where In peace ho might Ho. Ill vnlru in H tVrvur wns 'pilck to implore. 'I hut onward they'd prep nud vati'piirh the fna "fin forward draw rotuiadcs, nor ever civc o'er, 'Till the base heart r.f treason receives Its death blow." And onward tiny ehnrje nnd leave him nlono, Kivo others like him, who wero wounded nr slain ; tint Mr'ougDn his Fptilt he utt red tin innim, Nor cer was heard of his f.ito to complain, tip thought then of limn-, of tlio cherished ones there, til- a father whnu kindness nnd truth ho had proved, Altd of lils loved mother n shade of despair l'lltlcd over his mind ru he called up the lov'd. lie knew Mat his sisters mutt long fur him mourn, 'Plume sisters that lie had mi olten entered ; lie aked that Ills duly lutght In III Mil he borne, To sleep with his kindred, nnd there calmly rest. Ilo thought of the prayers hu '' taught to repeat, Addressed to Our l'.illior," by loved iukm at homo j lie pr iyed that all in heaven might meet, Where parting and death should nevermore ceino. And of his lov'd country, the land of the free Whose freedom to nave hail tost liiiu his life i He asked that the friends iij h id left inisht soon see The Angel of peace bring an end to all strife. And soon his Iledecmer pan tokens of love, A love that is ft.retu teof endless delight Of Infinite bliss in tin! mantlnns above, Where pence is eternal and sin can ne'er lili.'lit. UN countenance henuilng with .aim, holy Joy, And metkly submissive t Heaven's decree. The pri'pect of death no more could annoy Ho patiently waited his Snviour to sec. Ilis flag was triumphant, he heard with ilelight 'J he pieans of virtory borne on the :,lr "Now let mo depart to the mansion of light ; i) (Joel, I'm content, 'Ihou hat answered my prayer." Wo weep for the fallen, we mi him on earth And mourn for the gm.l anil noble and hr.-uc Affection must ever remember lii worth, And tears still bedew and honnr his grave, Jlut not without hope, for faith'gildcs the tomb, Wc find our support In th" volume of Truth ; Again he'll appear in an immortal bloom, All radiant Willi gloiy and unlading youth, BIBLE VIEW OF SLAVERY- JJV I II K UT. HEW JOHN IIKNItV HOPKINS ici'iscorAii itisnoi or vkiimost. Tho following view of slavery from the lliblieal point, is from Bi-hop Hopkins' elaborate letter to doorce M. barton, Esq., and others, of I'hiladilphiu, datsd May 2, 1803. The word "sl-irr" oct-tirs hut twice in our English Hible, but the term "soivaut'.tl'oii.i'd by the Almighty occurs in the commonly emnloved bv our trnrMaiors, ' bist of tho Ten Commaudmonis, delivered J has the mcanin - of slave in the Hebrew ami the Greek rriginal.s, as a general r.ulo, knowledged by dews aim 01 Ubtiaus .is wbcri'itstands hlono. Wo road, however, ! 'niu M KAr, law; "Thou shall not rovet in many places, of "hired servants," and thy neighbor's wifo, nor his man-servant, of "bondmen and bondmaids." Tho firt ' nor his vvvl-scrvant, uor his ox, nor his were not slaves, bat the others wore; tho 'ass, nor auything that is thy neighbor's," distinction l eing precisely the samo which (.Exod. 3D : 17.) Here it is evident tbat exists in our own day. Slavery, thcro- I the piinciplc of property "anything that foro, may be defined as servitude for life, is thy neighbor's" runs through tho discenring to tlx offspring. And this ( whole. I am quite awaro, indeed, of the kind of bondage appears to' have existed prejudice which many good people enter as an established institution in all the ages tain against the idea of property in a hu of our world, by tho universal evidence j man being, 'and shall coupler it, in duo of history, whether sacred or proline. j time amongst the objections. I am equally This understood, 1 shall not oppose tho 1 aware that the wives of our day may take nrevali-nt idea that slavery is an evil in 1 umbrage at tho law which places them in itself. A phys cut a it may bo, but this does not satisfy the judgment of its more rcalous adversaries, since thoy contend that it is a moral evil a positive sin to hold a human being in bondage, under imy circumstances whatever, unless as a punishment inflicted on crimes, for tho safely of the community. Hero, therefore, lies tho true aspect of tho controversy. And it is cvidont that it can only be settled by tho IJible. For every Chribtiau is bound to assent to the rulo ol tho inspired ApoHlo, that "sin is tho transgicssion of tlio law," namely, the law laid down in the Scriptures by the authority ol God the supremo "Iiwgivcr, who is able to s ue and to destroy." From his Word there can bo no appeal. No rebellion can be so atrocious in his sight as that which dares to rise against his gov ernment. No blasphemy can bo moro un pardnnablo thau that which imputes sin or moral evil to the decrees .if tho eternal Judge, who is alouo perfect in wisdom, iu kuowledgo, and in love. With entire correctness, thereforo, your letter refers the question to tho only infal lible critcriou the Word of God. If it were a matter to bo determined by my personal sympathies, tastes, or feelings, 1 should be as ready as any man to condemn the institution of slavery, for all my pre judices of education, habit, nnd social po sition stand entirely opposed to it, 13ut hb a christian, I am solmnly warned not to be "wIbc in my own conceit," nnd uat to "lean to my own understanding." As n Christian, I am compelled to submit my weak nnd erring intellect to tlio i utlnrity of the Almighty. For then only can I hi safe in my conclusions, when I know that thoy arc in accordanco with' the will of Him, beforu whose tribunal I must render a strict account in tlio last great day. I proceed, accordingly, to tlio ovidenoo of the sacred Scriptures, which, long ago, produced complcto conviction in my own ihind, and must, as I regard it, bo equally conclusive to every candid and sincere in quirer. When iha array of positive proof is exhibited, I shall consider the objec tions, and examine their validity with all the fairness in my power. The first appearance; of slavery in the Bible is the" wonderful prediction of the patriarch Noah : "Cursed bo Canaan, a servant of servants shall he bo to his breth ren. Blessed bo thu Lord God of Shcm, and Canaan shtdl be his servant. God shall cnlargo Japhct, and he sha.ll dwell in the tents of Shcm, and Canaan shall be hts sir vint, (Gin. 0: 25.) Tho heartless irreverence which Ham, the father of Canaan, displayed toward his eminent parent, whose piety had just saved him from the deluge, presented the immediate occusio'i for this remarkable prophecy; but tho actual fulfillment was reserved for his postoiity, after they had lost tin! knowledge of God, and become utterly polluted by tho iib'jmi'.ations of huaihen idolatry. The Almighty, fore seeing this t tal degradation of ihc race, oidaiiied them to servitude or blavcry un Ider tho defendants nf Sliem and Japhct, j doubtless because ho judged it to be their ry,mn unto his posses-lion, and yr. shall , fittest condition. And all history proves return even m'tn lo hit fimily.u (Lev. I how accurately the. prediction has been 05. ij.) This enactment, however, did I accomplished, even to the present day. I not affoct t10 slaves, because it only ex I Wc come next to t' c , roof that slavery tumlcd to tho I.ralitcs who had "a posscs ' wa sanctioned by tho Deity in the case of s0f, and n family," according to tho orig I Abraham, whoso three hundred and cigh- nti distribution of the land among the I teen bond servants, bom in his own house, tribes. The distinction is plainly set forth : (lien. 14 : 14.) arc mentioned along with j tuo sa,nc chapter, namely S J those who were bought with his money, as j "If thy brother that dwcllnllf by thee proper subjects for circumcision, (Gcs. 17: be waxen poor, and be sold unto thee. 12 ) Ilis wile S.irah had also an Egyptian J t10U fchalt not cntnpol him to servo as a slave, named llagar, who lied ttom tier . i,ond servant, but as a hired servant and seventy. And ''the angel of tho Lord"aa a sojourner bo shall be with thee, and commanded the fugitive to rytiirn lo Irr shall servo thee unto thu year of Jubilee, miUnsi and sunibit herself. (Gen. 10 : !).) If the philanthropists of our aso, wi10 Irakis to believe the IJible, had been ' .. a.c t,Q counid of tbat a l , , , il' llllJlr Gu,i1l') lt w(,ulJ llavu P-t'sl-'rvcU t the welfare of the Union. ; ! thinl proof that slavery was au-1 ft"0111 Mount Siuai, and universally ae- , . r 1 m tho same sentence with tho ,slavo, and even with tho house and the cattle. Hut the truth is nono tho less certain The husdaud has a real property in tho wifo, because she is bound, for life, to servo aud obey him. 'I he wifo has a real property in her husband, becauso ho is bouud for life to cherish and maintain her. Tho oharactcr of property is doubtless modified by its design. Hut whatever, whethor person or thing, the law appropriates to an individual, becomes o( necessity his prop erty. The fourth proof, however U yet more express, sis it is derived from tho direct rulo established by tho wisdom of God for his choscu people, Isiael,on thu very point in question, namely : "If thou buy a Hebrew servant, six years shall bo servo, and in tho seventh vear ho shall iro out free for nothing. If ho camo in by himsell, ho shall go out by with him. If his master havo given him a wife, and sho havo homo him sons or daughters, the wife and the children shull be her master's and he skill go out by him self.1 (Exod. 21 : 2-4.) Hero wo see that the separation of husband and wifo is positively directed by tho divine command in order to secure the property of tho mas ter bond-maid and offspring. Jlut ihc husband had an alternative, if hn prefer red slavery to separation. For thus tho law of God proccedu : "If tho borvnnt shall plainly say, I love my master, my wifo aud my children ; 1 will not go out froo ; then his master, slinll bring him un- lo tlio judges; ho shall also bring him to tho door or unto tho door-post; and his master shall horo his car through with an awl, nnd he shall serVc h'm forever." (Exod. 21:5, 0.) With this law beforo his eycs,what Christian can believe that tho Almighty attached immorality or sin to the condition of slavery? Tho treatment of slaves, especially as it regarded tho degrco of correction which the master might administor, occurs in tho samo cfcaptori as follows t ,(If a man smite his servant or his maid with a rod, and ho die under his hand, ho shall bo surely punished. Notwithstanding if hocontinuo a day or two he shall not be punished for he is his money." (Exod; 21 : 20, 21.) And again, ir a man smile the oyc of his servant or tho cyo of his maid, that it per ish, ho shall let him go free lor his eye's sake. And if ho smito out his man servant tooth, or his maid servant's tooth, ho shall let him go frco for his tooth's sake." (Exod. 21 : 2(5, 27.) Hero wo soc that the master was authorized to use corporal correction toward his slaves, within certain limits. When immediate death ensued, he was to bo punished as the judges might de termine. But for all that came short of teis, tho loss of his property was held to be a sufficient penalty. Tho next evidence furnished by tho di vine law appears in the peculiar and ad rairable appointment of tho Jubilee. "Ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the laud to all the inhabitants thereof: it shall bo a Jubileo unto you, and y. shall return eve- and then shall ho depart from thee, both ho and his children with him, and shall mtum unto bis own f.tmilv. and unto the ,ion of his f;lhots sliaM h voturn. , . , T, For they arc my scrvrnts which I brought forth out of the lane of E,'ypt, they shall 110t be Mold as bondmen, V th thy ban I- men andbon-lnmitls, iruci thou shath-tvc, shall be oj the heathen that arc lound about y0u ; of them ahall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. .Moreover, of tho children of tho strangers that do sojourn among you, of litem bha I ye buy, and of their families that aic with you, which they begat in your land, and thoy shall be your pos session. And ye shall take them as au in hcritancc for your children after you, to inhcrit'them for a possesion : they khali, HE YOUR llONDMEN Foil LVKR J but OVCr your brothrou, the children of Israel, ye shall not rulo one over another with rigor. For uuto mo the children of Israel arc servants ; thoy aro my servants whom I brought forth out of the laud of Ejypt : 1 am the Lord your God." (Lev. 25: 40 40, with v. 55 ) Tho distinction here made between the temporary servitude of tho Isralito and the perpetual bondage of the heathen race, is too plain for controversy. And this ex press and positive law furnishes the true mcauing of another passage which tho ul tra abolitionists is very fond of repenting i 'Thou shalt not deliver unto his master the servant which is escaped from his master unto ihec : ho shall dwell with thec, even among you, in that place which ho shall choose, in one of thy gates whero it likctk him best: thou shall not oppress him." (Dcut. 23:15, 10) This evi dence must bo referred to tho caso of a slavo who had escaped from a foreign heathen master, and can uot, with any sound reason, bo applied to tho slaves of the Israelites themselves. For it is mani fest that if it wero so applied, It would nulify the other enactments of tho divino Lawgiver, and it would havo bcon an ab surdity to all ihc people that thuy should "buy bondmen and bondmaids of the heath en and tho stranger to bo their possession and the inheritance of thoir children for .. ... .11 -1 ever, Willie, neverineicss, tun biuvch should bo at .iborty to run nway and be como frcomcn when ihoy plcaso. It is the well known maxim, in tho interpretation of nil laws, that each sentence shall bo so construed as to civc a consistent meaning to tho wholo. And assuredly, if wc arc bound to follow this rulo in tho legislation of earth, wo can not bo lean bound to fol low it in tho legislation of the Almighty. The meaning that I havo adopted is th only 0110 which agrees with tho established principlo of legal construction, and it baa j invariably bocti sanctioned by tho doctors of tho Jewish law, and every rcspcctablo Christian commentator. Such, then is tho institution of slavery, laid down by tho Lord God of Idaol for his chosen pcoplo, nnd continued for fiftejn centuries, until tho now dirpensa tion of the Gi.spel. What change did this produce ! I grant, of course, that wc, as Christians, nro bound by tho precepts and example of the Saviour and his apostles, Let us now, thcroforc, proceed to tho all mportant inquiry, whether wo arc au thorized by theso to presume that tho Mosaic system was done away. First, then, wc ask what tho divine Re deemer said in reference to slavery. And tho answer is perfectly undeniable : He DID NOT ALLUDE TO IT AT Ahh. Not ono word upon the subject is recorded by any of tho four Evangelists who gavo His life and doctrines to tho world. Yet sla very was in full existence at the time, throughout Judca ; and the Roman empire, according to tho historian Cibbon.containcd sixty millions of slaves, on tho lowest prob able computation 1 How prosperous and united would our glorious rcpublio bo at this hour, if the eloquent and pertina cious dcclaimcrs against slavery had been willing to follow thoir Saviour's example ! Hut did not our Lord substantially re peal tho old law, by tho mcro fact that ho established a now dispensation 1 Certain ly not, unless they wero incompatible. And that ho did not consider them in compatible is clearly proved by his own express declaration. ''Think not," saith ho, "that I am come to destroy the law dc- or tho prophots. I am not como to stroy,but to fulfill." ('Matt. 5 : 17-) On that point, therefore, this single passage is perfectly conclusive. It is said by some, however, that tho groat principle of tho .Gospel, love to God anil love to man, necessarily involved the condemnation of slavery. Yet how should it have any such result, when wo remcm her that this was 110 new Drincinlo. but. on L t , 71., aiiviv 1 tlio contrary, was lam uown oy tlio Ueity to hi? own chosen people, and was quoted from tue Ultl Testament uy tlio saviour himself? And why should slavery be thought inconsistent with it ? In tho re lation of master and slave, wc are assured by our Soulhrcu brethren that there is in comparably more mutual love than can ever be found between tho employer and the hireling. Aud 1 can readily believe il, for tho very reason that it is a relation for life, and tho parties, when rightly dis posed, must therefore feel a far stronger aud deeper interest in each other. The next evidence which proves that the Mosaic law was not held to bo inconsistent with tho Gospel occurs in the statement of tho apostles to St. Paul,madc some twenty years, at least, after tho establishment of the first Christians church in Jerusalem. "Thou secst, brother," said thoy, "how many thousands of Jews thoro arc who be lieve and they aro all zealous of tho law.' ' (Acts 21 : 20.) How could this havo been possible, il the law was supposed to bo abohshad by tlio now dispensation I I Uut tho precepts and tlio conduct 0! fat. ! Paul himself, tho great apostle of tho Gen- j j tiles, arc all sufficient, becauso ho meets j tho very point, and settles tho wbole ques tion. Thus lie saith to the Eobcsian : Ser vants, in tho original Greek bond servants or slaves "bo obedient to them that aro your mastors, according to the flesh with fear aud treinbliug, in tingloncss of your hearts, as unto Christ. Not with eye ser vico, as men plcasers, but as tho servants of Christ, doing tho will of God from tho heart with good will doing servicers to the Lord, aud not unto mon, knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doelh, the samo shall ho rcccivo of tho Lord, whether he bo bond or free. And ye mastors,do the same things unto them, forbearing threat ening, knowing that your Master also is in heaven, neither is there any respect of persons with him." Eph. 0 : 5-0. Again to tho Colossians, St. Paul re ponts tho samo commandments "Servants," that is, bond servants or slavos "obey in all thingsyourmastcrsaccordingtotho flesh not with eye service, as men plcasers, but in singleness of heart, fearing God." Col. 3 : 22.J 'Masters, givo unto your ser vants that which is just and cquoal, kuow ingthat yo also havo n Mastor in heaven.' Col. 4 j 1. Agoin, tho same inspired teacher lays down tho law in very strong terms, to Timothy, tho first Hishop of Ephcsus 1 Let as many servants as aro under tho yoke," (that is, tho yoke of boudago,) "count their own masters worthy o all honor, that the namo ol God and his doc trine be not blasphemed. And thoy that havo beliovcing masters, let them not do spiso them becauso they are brethren, but rather do thorn torvico becauso thoy aro faithful and beloved, partakers of tho bene fit, Those things toaoli nnd exhort. If any man leaeh otherwise, and consent not to wholesome worJs even the words of oUr Lord Jesus Christ, and to the docirine which is according to godlinces , he is proud, knowing nothing, but doling about ques tions and strife of words, whereof comcth envy, strife, railings, evil sunnisings, per' verse disputins of men of corrupt minds and dslitulc of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness. From such withdraw thyself. Hut godliness with coutontincut is great gain. For wo brought nothing into this world, and it is certain wo can carry nothing out And having food and raiment, let us bo therewith content." (1 Tim.O: 1-8.) Lastly, St. Paul, in his Epistle to Phile mon, informs him that he had sent back his fugitive slave, whom tho apostle had j convened to the Christian faith during his 1 during his imprisonment, asking tho master to for give and rcccivo his penitent disciplo. "I beseech thee for my son Onesimus," saith ho, "whom I have begottan in my bonds, which in time past was lo thec unprofita ble, but now profitable to thee nnd to mo, whom I havo sent ngain : thou thereforo rdecive him that is mine own bowcls,whom I would have retained with mo, that in thy stead ho might have ministered unto me in tho bonds of tho gospel. But with out thy mind would I do nothing, that thy benefit should not ho as it were of neces sity, but willingly. For perhaps ho thcro foro t'epartcd for a season, that thou shouldst receive him forever, not now as a servant, but nbovo a servant, a brother beloved, specially to mo, but how much more to thee, both in tho flesh and in the Lord. If thou countcst mo therefore a partner, receive him as myself. If ho hath wronged thee or owcth thec aught, put that on mine accouut. I Paul havo writ ten it with mine own hand. I will repay U ; albeit 1 do not say to thec how thou owest unt0 mc t,;no own soui ($, to Philemon 5 : 10, 19.) besides. The evidence of tho Now Testament is thus oomplclo, plainly proving that tho in stitution of slavery was not abolished by the Gosnol. Compare now tho course of tho ultra abolitionist with that of Christ and his inspired apostle. Tho divine Re deemer openly rebukes the sanctimonious 1 Pharisees, "who mado void the law of Q.0d by their traditions." He spares not the wealthy, infidel Sndducccs. Ho de nounces tho hypocritical Scribes, who "loved tho uppermost rooms at feasts and to be called of men, Ilabbi, llabbi " He calls tho royal Horod "that fox," entirely regardless of the king's displeasure, Ho censuras severely the Jowish practice of divorcing their wives for iho slightest cause, and vindicates tho original sanctity of marriage. He tells the deluded crowd of his enemies that they aro "tho children of the devil, and that tho lusts of their fa thers they would do." Ho makes a scourgo of gmali cords aI1j dr;vcs ttJ0 hUyCrs and sellers out of the temple. And whilo he thus rebukes the sins of all around him, and speaks with divine authority, he pro; claims himself tho special friend and pa tron of tho poor preaches to thorn his blessed docttino, on tho mountain, by the seaside, or in the public streets, tinder the open canopy of heaven heals their dis eases, partakes of their humble faro, and, passing by tho rich and tho groat, chooses his apostles from tho ranks of tho publi cans nnd tho fisherman of Galileo. Yet ho lived in tho midst of slavery, maintain cd over the old licalucii raco-t, in accor dance with tho Mosaic law, and u'.tercd not ono word against it I What proof can bo stronger than this, that ho did not rc gard it as a sin or n moral evil ! And what contrast can bo moro manifest than this example of Christ on the ono hand, and the loud aud bitter denunciations of our anti-slavery proachcrs nnd politicians, calling themselves Christians, on tho oth or I For thoy not only set themselves against the Word of God in this matter, condemning slavery ns tho "monster sin," tho "sum of all villainies," but strongo to say they do it in tho very namo of a generous sympathy for what thoy sup that Saviour whose wholo lino of conduot ' pose to bo tho rights of man. I can not, was the very opposite of their own ! j however, raako the samo apology for those Look next at the contrast afforded by j who aro professionally pledged to undor tho insnired Anoslle of the Gentiles. Ho ' stand nnd inculcate the dootrincs of tho preaches to tho slave, mid tolls him to bo obedient to his master for Christ s sake, faithful and submissive, as a main branch of rclisious duty. Itc preaches to tho master and tolls him to be just and equal to lib blavc, knowing that his Master is in heaven. Ilo finds a fugitive slave, and converts him to tho Gospel, and then sends him back again td his did homo, with n lettor of kind rcbommendatlon. Why docs St. Paul act thus 1 Why does ho not counsel tho fdgitivo to claim his right to freedom, nnd defend that right, il neces sary, by tho strong hand of violence, oven unto death T Why docs ho not write to Ins disciple, Philemon, and rebuke him for tho awful sin of holding a fellow-man in bondage, nnd charge it upon him, as a solemn duty, to emancipate his slaves, at the peril of his soul. Tho answer is very plain. St, Paul was inspiicd, and hncio the will of the Lord Jesus Christ, and was only intent on obeying it. And who aro wc, that in our modern wisdom presume to set aside tho Word of God, and scorn tho example 0! tho divine llcdeomor, and spurn the preaching and tho conduct of the apostles, and invent for ourselves a "higher law" than thoso holy Scriptures which arc given to us as ,n light to our feet and a lamp to our paths," in tho darkness of a sinful nnd polluted world I Who aro wc, that virtually blot out tho' language of tho sa- crcd record, and dictate to the Majesty of heaven what he shall regard as sin, and reward as. duty ? Who are we, that arc ready to tramplo on the doctrine of tho Bible, and tear to shreds the Constitution of our country, and even plungo tho land into the untold horrors of civil war, and yet boldly pray to tho God of Israel to bless our very acts of rebellion against his own sovereign authority 1 Woo to our Union when the blind becomo tho leaders of tho blind 1 Woo to the man who daro to "strivo against his Maker !" Yet I do not mean to charge the numer ous and respectable friends of this popular delusion with n willful or conscious oppo sition to the truth. They arc seduced, doubtless, in the great majority of cases, by the feelings of a false philanthropy, which palliates, if it can not excuse, their dangerous error. Living far away from tho Southern States, with no practical nx pciicnce of the institution, and accustomed, from their childhood, to attach an inordi nate value of thoir personal liberty, they are naturally disposed to compassion nto the negro raco, and to believe that tho slave must bo supremely wretched in his bondage. They aro under no special in ducement to "search the Scriptures" on this particular subject, nor are they in general, I am sorry to say, nccustomed to study tho Bible half as much as they road tho newspapers, tho novel and tho magazine. There they find many revolt ing pieturcs of slavery, and they do not pause to ask tho question whether they are just and faithful. Perhaps a fugitive comes along, who has fled from his mas ter, and who, in justification of himself, will usually gtva n very distorted state ment of tho facts oven if ho does not in vent them altogether. And theso good and kind-hearted people believe It all im plicitly, without over rcmembsring the rule about hearing boln sides beforo we form our opinion. Of course, thoy sym pathize warmly with tho poor, oppressed African, and are generously excited to hate tho system of slavery with all their heart. Then tho eloquent prenbhor chooses it for tho favorite topio of his oratory. The theme is well adapted to rouso tho feel ings, and it is usm lly by no means diffi cult to interest and gratify tho audience, whon tho supposed sins of others, which they aro under no temptation to commit, arc mado tho object of censure. In duo timo, when the public mind is sufficiently heated, tho politician lays hold of tho sub ject, and makes tho anti-slavery movement tho watehward of party. And finally tho Press follows in the wake of tho loaders, and the fire is industriously fanned until it becomes a perfect blaze ; ivhilo the ad miring throng surround it with exultation, and fanoy its lurid light to bo from heaven, until tho flames begin to threaten their own security. Such has been tho perilous oourso of out Northern sontlment on tho subject of slavery. The great majority, in every community, aro tho creatures of habit, of association and of impulso, nnd every al lowance should be mado for thoso errors wbioh aro committed in ignorance, undGr Bible. On that class of our publio in structors, the present perilous crisis of tho nation casts a fearful responsibility. Sol emnly bound by their eacrcd offioo to preach tho Word of God, and to follow Christ aud his apostlci, as the heralds of "pea6o afid good-will lo mon," flioy scera to inc sirangely regardless, on nils' impor tant subject, of their highest obligations. But it is not for m6 to judgo thorn. To their own Master, lot them stand or fall. Thus, then, I havo examined the vari ous topics embraced in your inquiry, and tho conclusion which I havo been compell ed to adopt must bo sufficiently manifest. Tho slavery of tho flcgro raco, os main tained in the Southern States, appears to mo fully authorized both in tho Old and New Testament, which, ns tho written Word of God, afford the only infalliblo standard of moral rights and obligations. That very slavery, in my humble judg ment, has raised tho negro incomparably higher in the scale of humanity, and seems, in fact, to be tho only instrumen tality through which the heathen posterity of Ham havo been raised at all. Out of that slavery has arisen the interesting col ony of Liberia, planted by slave holders, to be a place of roffugo for their emanci pated bondmen, and destined, as 1 hope, to bo a rich benefit, in its fuluro growth nnd influence, to Africa nnd to tho world. I do not forget, and I trust that I do not undervalue, the missionary work of En gland and our own land, in that benighted continent. But I believe that tho number of negroes Christionizcd and civilized at the South, through tho system of slavery, exceeds the product of those missionary labors, in n proportion of thousands to" one. And ihus the wisdom and goodness of God aro vindicated in tho sanction which his word has given, nnd the sen tence originally pronounced on Canaan aa acurso has boon converted into a blessing. I have now gone over the whole ground covered by your kind application, nnd would only hero repeat that on the ques tion of slavery, which lies at the root of all our pjosont difficulties, I have obeyed the rulo of conscience and of duty, in opi position to my hnbits, ray prejudices, nnd my sympathies, all of which wduld tend strongly to tho other side. I need hardly say that I am no politician. Moro than forty years have elapsed sinco I ceased even to attend the polls. But as uChris- tian, I am bound to accept the doctrine of tho apostles for my guide. And as a citi zen, I am bound to sustain tho Constitu tion of tho United States, and defend thoso principles of law, ntid order, and friendly comity, which every State should faith fully regard in its relations to tho rest. In con-clusion, I would only say, that I am perfectly awaro how distasteful my sentiments must bo, on this very serions question, to tho great majority of my rc sperted fellow-citizens, in the region whero divino Providenco has cast my lot. It would assuredly be far moro agreeable if I could conscientiou'ly conform to tho opinions of ray friends, to whoso ability, sincerity, and zeal I am ready to givo all just commendation. But it would be mcro moral cowardice in mc to suppress what I believe to bo tho truth, for the sake of popularity, It can not bo long beforo I shall stand at the tribunal of that Almigh ty and unerring Judgo, who has given us tho inspired Scriptures to bo our supreme directory in every moral and religious duty. My gray hairs admonish mo that I may soon bo called to givo an account of ray stewardship. And I have no fear of thu sentence which He will pronounco upon an honest though humble effort to sustain tho authority of His Wonn, in just allianco with tho Constitution, the peace, and' the public wclfaro of my country. With tho fervent prayer that the Spirit of Wisdom, unity, und fraternal kindness may guido our National Congress, the Legislatures of tho several States, and tho sovereign will of our wholo people, to a happy accommodaiion of every existing difficulty, I remain, wrh great regard, , Your faithful sorvant in Christ, John II. Hopkins. Bishop of the Diocese of Venn on f. Human NATuni:.-Some wise man sagely rc-marked, "there is a good deal of hu man nature In man." It crops out oe caiionally in boys. Ono of tho urchins in tho schoolsbip Massachusetts, who wasi quite sick, was visited by a kind lady. The little fellow was suffering acutely, and his visitor asked him ifsho could do anything for htm, "Yes'' replied patient, "road to me." "Will you have a story I" asked the lady. "No" answered the boy,'road from the Bible ; read about Lazarus ;" nnd the lady complied. Tho next day the visit was repeated, and again tlio boy asked the lady to read. "Shall I toad from tho Biblo," she inquired. "Oh no,'' was tho reply, "I'm better to-day ; read me a love sloty, New liedor Standard)
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