Fara'or's Department. HOW TO MILK COWS. Dr. Dndd, tho well known Veterinary Surgeon, writes as follows on this sub- jaot : Tho first process in tho operation of milking, is to niako tho cow's acqtiain innoc, and givo her to understand that the milkor npproachcr hor with nono other than friendly intentions ; for if ho swears scolds or kicks her, she is likoly to provo refractory, and may. possibly, give tho uncouth and unfeeling milker the benefit of heels, which, in my opinion, he is just ly entitled to. Beforo commencing to milk tho ani mal, she should bo fed, or bavo some kind of fodder; in tho enjoyment oftho masli' cation of tho same, her attention is with drawn from the milker's opcrartions, and the milk is not "held up," as the saying is, but is yiolded freely. The milker should not sit off at a dis tanco, liko a coward, but his left, arm should come in contact with the leg of the cow, so that she can cot kick. If fho makes tho attempt when the milkor is in close proximity with tho cow's body, tho former get a kick instead of a blow. Beforo commencing to milk, the teats aro to be washed with cold water, m the in warm weather, and warm wntor in win tcr. Tho objuct is to remove accumulated dirt, which othorwisc would fall into the milk pail, to tho disgust of persons who lovo puro milk, and hate unclcanlincss. Hero is a chance for improvement Tim best milker is a merciful man. The uddor teats are highly organized and very sensitive; and these tacts should bo taken into consideration, especially when mjlking a young animal, for the teat3 are sometimes excessively tender, and the hard tugging and squeezing whioh many poor senoitivo crcaturso havo to endure, at iho hands of somo thoughtless, hard-fisted man, aro really distressing to witness. A better milker than even a merciful man A is a woman. The principal part of milk ing, in private establishments in foreign countries, isdono by women; and in theso United States there are thousands of ca pable women out ol employment who might bo advantageously employed, in private and dairy establishments, as milk maids. Therefore, in view of improve ment in the art of milking, I advise farm ers to learn their wives ; daughters and female domestsc, how to strip cows. An indolent person slow couch should never be suffered 10 touch a cow's teat; the process, to say the least of it, is painful ; theroforc, tho best milker is one who can abstraot tho milk in tho quickest time. .Finally, milk the cow dry. Tho last of the milk is the mott Talnable, yot Mr. Hurry-up can not sparo time to attend to this matter, consequently he loses the best of the stripping?, and actually ruins the cow as a milker. PRESERVING BOOTS AND SHOES. It is a fact not generally known, I thing, but which every person, in those pinching times, would do well to remem ber, viz., that tho "soles," as well as the "uppers" of boots and shoes' should al ways bo thoroughly greased. Hence whenever you aro so fortunate as to find yourself possfsed of a now pair, rub cold tallow over the "soles" and hold them by the fire until tho grease has "struck in.'' Then give them another coat, and so pro ceed until the leather will take in no more. In doing this yon fill the pores up and double their days. Be careful and not hold them so near tho fiio as to bum them nnd bo careful also to wipe off tho sur plus grease that you may sparo the good wifo's patienco by having a decent re SDCct for tho carpets. I fear I shall in cur tho pleasuro of all tho 'Professors Pegs" in tho country, by making this publio ; but, by way of compensation, they may be assured that although it may not greatly benofit them in a ''worldly way," it will certainlv be an excellent thin'' for their -soles, A. B. 0. ROOTS OF TREES. Tho roots extcnod for a far greater dis tance than is generally imagined, J, J, Thomas has mado somo experiments to dctermino this point, and says : "Tho loots of a tre extend nearly as far on each side as tho hight of the treo; nnd heneo to dig it up by cutting a circle with a spade half a foot in diameter, outs off morothan niuo-tcnths of tho roots; and to spado a littlo oirelo about a young treo not ono quarter as far as tho roots cxtond and call it 'cultivation,' is like Falstafl'i men claiming spurs and shirt collar for n complete suit." Delicious Milk Lemonade. Dis solve biz ounces of loaf-sugar in a pint of boiling water,and mix with them a quarter pint of lemon.jUico,and tho same quanUty ' of sherry : Ihen add three-quarters of a I . . r u . .- .. , , . I pint of cold milk, stir tho whole well to- gotbor, and pass through a jellying till) -olora I Miller's Store. FRESH HrRIVAL of Spring & Summer GOODS. THE subscriber has Just returned from Iho Cities with another large anil nrlett nrsortmot of Spring ami Miinitiui' Woods, Kurchaicd at Philadelphia, at the loivcit figure, an.' ich they are determined to sell on a moderate term, aa ran be procured elsewhere in Uloomsburg. Ilia stork comprises LADIES' Dllh.SS CI OOPS, of choicest styles and latest fashion. DRY CIOODS, INI) GROCERIES. . HARDWARE QUEENSWARE, CEDAR WARE, HOLLOW-WARE MOSS, NAILS, HOOTS ; SHOES HATS X; CAPS, tTte., $e o)t.. In short everything usually kept In country Stores o which ho Invite the nubile generally. The Highest price paid for country produce. S. II. MILLER. Dloomaburg, April 18, 1RC3. THE FOOR ACTS OP DESPOTISM A NEW AND IMPORTANT WORK. DT D, A. MAHONT, or lOWXi Author of "The Prison of Stato." rrice Su ctsj in paper covert. Hound in muslin, 75 cti. Till work cnntalna full and official conies of four principal Acts of the Inst Congress, which will forever fix a stigma upon that body: 1. 'itic'j'AX hill, ov wmcn all the property and re- sources of tho people ore mortgagca 10 trie present Administration. d to the S. Tin Finance Bill, which places nil tho currency of the country In tho hands of the Secretary of the Treasury. 3. The Conscription Dili, by which nil the bodies o nn oor men wnonra not worm gjou, aru piaceu intno hands of the Administration. 4. Tire Indemnity Act. (flttlno climax,! which pre sumes to indemnify the President for all the wrongs he tins committed in tho pun, or may commit in the future. These four acts nre each preceded by a carclul nn alysis, by Mr. Mnhony, and their unjust, oppressive unconstitutional nnd odious features pointed out. As a bonk for reference, it will be invaluable to tho Far mer, the Mechanic, the Politician, the l.nliorcr in fact to every person, for thoso acts reach from tho loftiest mansion to tho humblest cabin In the land. These four acts aro not published together In nny other form. They mako n lorge octavo pamphlet of 11)0 pages, in good sized typo, and are sold at the low price of FlflyCcntsiiipapcr, and Beventy-Flvo Cents in mnslln binding. In order to furnish those of our readers whnmay de sire this Important work, wo havo made arrangements with the publishers to supply it through our office, and all who wish cooles can order from us. We will fur- Titth them at Publisher's rales. - E7 Send on the orders at onco. Fifty Cents In paper binding, Seventy-five Cents in muslin. Address Editor Colombia Democrat. May 30, 1803. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. Tiin undersigned respectfully Informs his old frlcrld and customers, that he has purchased his brothers ntern.t In thn nhovn establishment, nnd the concern wits hereafter ba conducted by himself exclusively. lie has Just received anil oners inr saie, me larg est and most extensive assortment of FANCY STOVES ever introduced Into tills market. itu itork -oni.tu of n i-onmlete. assortment of lin he 1 nnnkin? nml nirlnr stoves in the market, togeth er with Stovo Fixtures of every description. Oven and Uox Stoves. Radiators. Cvlindar Stoves, Cast Iron Air- Tight stoves. Cannon Stoves, &c., &c. -Stovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All Kinds 01 repairing none, as usual, on unm imun.. The patronage or old menus anu new cusiiiir ie pcctfully solicited. A. 31. RUPERT. Uloomsburg, November 3d I860. tf. GIBSON'S SVMSWfB fllMSS AND DEOIt.YTIVE ESTABLIiniBX T, No. 125, South Eleventh Street near W .ant, PHIIiAIMXPIXllA, Enameled Class, Fresco, Oil and Encauetie Palntin' John Gisso. G. II. Giaoa. January 12, 1801 3m.. 7 (kins BBiWf Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBURG, PENN'A. Office: M the Exchange Hotel, Main bt. RarresK to Hon. John Walls, Lewieburg, Ta. William Cameron, President of th Lewisburg Hank. J. B. Packer, President of the Northumberland Bank. Uloomsburg, June 27, 1B03. ly. ELI HOLDEN TNVITE-5 tho attention of every reado vi?f. 1 this paper, which includes many thous JC-sjlof his old patrons and acquaintances To VbiXaS unusually largo nnd beautiful vari V) . AMERICAN and IMPORTED WATCHES, CLOCKS and elegant dosigns of JEWELRY. Silver Ware, &c, ELI HOLDEN. 70S Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Jf arch 7, 1SCJ 12m JAMES H. SMI7 H, IMPORTER WHOLESALE &EALER I N BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKEYS, GINS, AND LIO.UORS, GENERALLY. No. 328 JPalnut Sts. between 3d 4th PHILADELPHIA. C. B. HENRY, Traveling Agsnt and Salesman. KJ- Orders UesrncTrei.LV Solicited. November 22, I8(i2.-y. &mextccw j okL ( Opposite Inaeenaenic Hall.) C II ESTN UT STREET. BETWEEN FIFTH it SIXTH, W Y ATT tc HEU1.1NGS. Proprietors, November 30, 1861. March 13, IB5J WALNUT HOTEL, LIGHT STREET, Columbia county, Pi THE undersigned has located at the above namer hotel, formerly ocenpied by Peter Schug, nnd solif its a share of public patronage. ay Guod accommodations for man and beast. Tin best kind of liquors at the bar. J. D. RICE, Proprietor. April II, KC3- JOIIN S. LEE & CO., No. 40, NORTH WHARVES. Philadelphia. ROPE MAKERS AND SHIP CHANDLERS, Spun Cetton for Caulking, Ropes, Twines, Tar, ritch, Oakum, Mocks, and Oars, tc. August 4, lfcB0-12in. BLINDS AND SHADES. P J. WILLIAMS. No. IS North Sixth street, Phlla' itelohia. manufacturer of Vniliaii Blinds and Window Shades. ID" The largest and finest assortment in the city, at the lowest prices, minds painted and trimmed equal to new. oiore Biiaaes inausauu lettered. April -I, ie63.-lm SCllOLAItSllIl'S FOR SALE. Pittsburgh Commercial College. Illnghamptln " Crittenden's ' Philadelphia. Hfrnttnn. Ilrv.int fc Cn . ' Thes fcrips, are in amounts of SIS and $50 and aro is so much cash, by tho Student on entring either of th above Colleges. Young mdn desiring toubtaln a finish ed Collegiate Education, will here and a good specula tion by applyingatthe offico of the Nov. l.ltMM. COLUMllIA DEMOCRAT. FmsuDitiTii & rmoTiiEns. WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER? NO.103.NOIITII THIRD STUKET five door sbe low Race, PHILADELPHIA JOHN DOLL 602 Market St., Philadelphia IMPORTER of Toys, Pipes and fancy Articles, The largcrl variety of Pipes, Toys, Caskets an FANCY GOODS TO HE FOUND IN THE CITY. Pleat call and Exaimno, March7, 1803 PITURES FOR ALBUM, P,?tt.di,rercn, M" " Wm. G. PERRY, Publisher. 8. W. Cor. 4lh & Race Philadelphia. ' BLANK SI BLANKS! I Of every description, for sale at this office VOll EVERY BODY. TERMS CASH OR PRO DUCK. Just come toC and W Krcamcr's Store, in Jersey town, 1'n. where you willtlud all kinds of Hty Ooodst such as Ladies Dress Goods, Printe, Muslins, Ginghams, Plannols, Haisory, Shawls &o, Grooorios, Qnccn9waro, Hardware Cednrwaro, Tin-ware, And Drugs. Fish. Meat, Salt. I' lour, Tobacco. Scgare, & Shoes, NAILS. Hats, Gaps, Boots, IRON AND In short, everything that is generally kept In a cetin t ry store. We will sell you goods at fair prices am) tuko all kinds of produce ns. pay such as flutter, Eggs, Grain, Lumber, Shingles, Oak plank, nnd In fad anything that any body else will buy and sell as cheap aa can be sold In the country. We will notbe undersold by Jew or Ccr-tilcs, Come then ono and all, judgo for your selves. Bring your trade, but don't ask for trust. CtW KnEAMER. Jerseytown,May3, 1803. 1UE NEW GROCERY STORE. MORE FRESH GOODS. Just received at Erasmus' New Store. Molasses, Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Rico, Spices, Hats and Caps, Fish, Salt, Tobacoo, Segars, Candies, Razcns, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great vnricty of notions and ctcrtc rns, too numerous to mention. r7 Ihittor, Eggs, Meat anil produce generally taken In exchange fur goods, A. U, ERASMUS. Ctoomeburg, May 0, 1803. Wall Paper. Latest stilo lowest prices. JUST Received n new assortment of latest styles of Fall Paper including Bardering, and Ceiling Paper, and a general variety of material In his line, which will bo found on the SECOND FLOO mmi'ill ntely over the store of Mr. L T Bbarpless, entrance one door cast of Lutzcs Drug Store in the Rupert Block, where all persons wishing goods in his line will be attended to, in person' at at all times. Pvpor Hanaina (xecuted to order and best style, at short ivtice. E. J, THORNTON Bloomoburg, MayP, 1803 3m FORK'S HOTEL. Bloamsburg, Columbia County, Penna. SILAS DODSON, Proprietor. H'akes pleasure inannouncing to the public that he J has taken and thoroughly refitted the Forks Hotel fcrnierly occupied by Robert Haeenbuch. Uloomsbura. aud is prepared to accomodate travellers, teamsters. drovers anil boarders. Il.s table will be supplied with best products the markets afford, and his liar will bo constantly furnished with the choicest liquors, Lk.v large aniicumnioainuH siaoie nas oecn crectcti, with n convenient stable attached. Attentive ostlcra will always be in attendance, nnd he trusts his obliging attention to customers will secure him a liberal sham ef patronage: uioomceurg, rn.. wov. rj, it(jJ. NEW FA HOT GOODS. THE subscriber has just received a lot Hosiery Trimmings and New Goods, such as ALSO: CLOVES. DOLLS. STAYS. BATCH ELL. HOOP SKIRTS. PORTMONIES, AND OTHER NOTIONS. E7 Wheeler it Wilson's Sewing Machines for sale. Also Sunday School Books and ftibles. Also Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer, which will eivc to gray its natural color. a. d. wnne. Next Door below Court House. Uloomsburg. May 30, leC3. EXffitMS' nnllE Proprietor of this well-known and centrally Iocs X ted House, tho Eiciunoe iloriln.. situato on Mai. Street, in Rloomsburg, immediately ?nuosite the Col urn bio County Court House, respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that his House is now in or dor for the reception nndciitertainment of travelers who may feel disposed tg favor it with their custom. He has spared no expense in prcpaiing the Exchange, for tho entertainment of his guests, neither shall there benny thinz wanting (nn his parti to minister to their nerson.il comfort. His house is spucious and enjoys an excellent uusiucss lucniiun. ITT Omnibuses run at all times between the F.ichnnrn Hotel and the various Rail Road Denots. I,v which Iru, elers will be pleasantly conveyed to nnd from the re spective ciaiioua in sue lime to meet tne uars. WM. II. KOONS, Uloomsburg, July 7, I860. VALLANDIG HAM'S RECORD. THIS work contains the principal Speeches of Hon, C. L. Vallahmgium, on ABOLITION, THE UNION, AND THE CIVIL WAR, also parts of other Speeches, Letters, Votes, etc. It is handsomely printed on good, S4d pages largo 8vo, nnd has a very flnfly execnted steel engraved likeness of Mr. Vnllandlgham. The work hns been carefully compiled nnd edited. Also revised nnd approved by Mri Vallandigliam. It is having a large sale. Price, paper covers, CO cts.i Cloth, 81.0(1; delivered oy man r express, prepaiu, on receipt or price. A liberal discount to Agents and dealers. Publi.hed by J. WALT bit & CO.. Columbus, Ohio. tsy A ropy will bo sent to every editor who Inserts the above and this notice beforo July 1st. 1SC3, nnd sends atnarked copy of his paper to tho publishers. June 0,ieG3-lm. NEW JERSEY LANDS FOR SALE, ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS, Suitublo for Grapes, Teaches, Pears, Raspberries, Strenberries, Blackberries, Currents, ice., of I, til 5, 10 oa 20 acres each, ai the following prices for tho present, via: '20 ncres lor 8200, 10 acres for $110,5 acres for 300, St acres for 810, ncro for S'iO. Payable by ono dollar n week. Also, good Cranbury lands, and village lots In Cheat wood. S by lot feet, at 810 each, payable by ona del lar a week. Tho above land and farms, are siluute a Cheatwood, Washington township, llurlington county New Jersey, l'or further information, apply, with P.O. Stamp, for a circular, to II rs AX-ITT in? l An,r No. 00 Cedar' Street, New York, N. Y. Jannary 17, -.03. GREENWOOD SEMINARY. Millville, Columbia County, Pcnn'a, This well known School for both sexes will oncn NOVUMUUI!3d. 1802, The recent additions to the buildings; render acccra odations for mora than sixty boarders. Tho course of study ill embrace threo department tho Normal, the Scientific, and tho Commercial. The Principal will be assisted by experienced feact. crs, fully qualified for their respective positions. Parents and others mav rest assured Hint nn etTmtt win uo ipnreu m mane uio ocnooi wormy or palrensgi . i .. "w.tu.v w. a .uuciill, IIHCIICClUOljy physically, and morally, will recelvoourconstantcaru For application, circulars or further particulars, ait. press the undersigned, at Millullle Columbia county Va T. MAXWELL POT TBI JOHN 11. PATTON.A.Mf, Millville, Pa., Sept. 3,'1862. Principal. JOHN G. YEAGER, MANUFACTURER k WHOLESALE DEALER IN HEATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 257 North Third Street, Philo'd. N'9V. V3t I86. WAR JL'RIOES OVER I SEO0ND ARRIVAL o r At the store of J J. BR0WER ULOOMSBURG, pa. vr ho has Just received, and is now opening nprlmo stock of New Goods finm tho Eastern markets, which will be sold low forcush or produce. PRINTS at 121, 0 K 3? and cents, Drown k Bleu lied Muslin, at 20,25, 35. and 40 cents Dc Laines, ('holies nd Dress Goods, a full supply at 18, 26, ;U, and up to 50 cts LADIES' UFJSUA ULUXli for DUSTERS. Also, a fresh supply of GROCERIES, SPICES, J-7. Aho, a large lot of QUEENSU'ARE. CeDAUWAIIE. HARDWARE, and Stonewaro, Boots and Shoes , , And all kind of Merchandise usuually kept in a coun try store. v Call and examine No charge for showing Goods. May 9, 1S03, THE undcrilgnfiMs also extensively engaged In the Undertaking Busintst, and keeps constantly on hand nd for sale nt tils Warcronms, a large assortment of FINISHED COFFINS, By which he is enabled to till orders on presentation Also Keeps a good Horse and Jlearso, and will at nl times be ready to attend Funerals. SIMON C. SI11VE. Dloomsburg, January 20. 1820 Wm. B. BRADBURY'S PIANO-FOR TEESTABL1SHMEN T No. 427 Broome Street, New York. The subscriber respectfully Invites the attention of) his friends and the public generally to his Pinno-Forte I Establishment at No. 117 Ilroemc Street, conar of Crosby Street. Having withdrawn his interest, stock nnd material from tho late Arm of "Lighlek Ilradsburry," which firm was dissolved on the 31st January, ult and having purchased the ctmro stock of Piano Fortes nnd Pinna. Forto Material owned by his brother, Edward G. Bradbury, in the said Jlrm, ho is now prepnrped to supply the increased demand for his celebrated Piano Fortes. Employing the most skillful nnd experienced workmen, with a largo stock of the best and most thor oughly seasoned material and an abundance of capital he has taken in hand the personal supervision of the the whole business of manufacturing his instilments and is enabled to turn out Piano-Fortes of unequalled tono and durabteness. MXADllURY'S NEW SCALE PIANO FORTE. In tho arrangement of our new scale, drawn nnd pre pared with tlio utmost care, expressly for our new instrument", wo have added every improvement which can in any way tend to tho perfection of tho Piano Forte, and wo can cunlldcntly nsscrt. that for delicacy of touch, volume, purity brilliancy and sweetness of tona, combined with that strength n'H solidity Jf frame necessary to durability, these instruments are unu qualcd, "SxRSNoTn amd IIiiotv" is our motto, and wo invite the closest criticism of the best unbiased Judgesin the land- Ky Every instrument warranted for live years, WM.I1. IIKAD1IUIIY, 427 Ilroome St., cor. of Crosby, New York. March 14, 1803.3ra Lackawanna & Dloomsburg Railroad 0 N AND AFTHR APRIL 20, 1303. PASSENGER TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: MOVING SOUTH. Panenger, Accom. 5 30 A.M. 11.00 A.M 0.40 Arrive 12.30 P M 8,50 8.95 0.24 AM 11.55 Leave Scrantnn, Kingston ' Uloomsburg " Rupert, " Danville, Arrivo at Northumberland, .MOVING Lcava Northumberland, ' Danville, " Rupert, Uloomsburg " Kingston, NORTH 4.30 P. M. 5.10 5.45 5.5(1 8.03 1.45 P. M Arrivo at tscranton, 0.10 P. M. 3.30 A Passenger Train alsolenves Kineston at P. 2(1 A. M for Scrauton.to connect with train for Now York. Re turning, leaves Scranton on arrival of Train from Now York at 4.20 P. M. Tho Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad connects with the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Itailroml at Scranton, for New York and intermediate points east At Rupert itconnecti with the CattawissaUaiiroad.for norms ontn east anu west arriving at i-miaueipiiia at 7.00 P.M. At Northumberland it rnrmccts with the Philadelphia ac urieu. u.anuft.u n. u. wr points west ano soutn Passengers arriving nt uarrlstiurg 4 su r 1. ; Piijl. adclpliia 1U p. M Baltimore lo.-.'ti I . M. GEO. P.. HUNT.Siiii'j J. C. Wells, Gm'l Ticket Agcnl. Kingston April 18. Ifc03. 18G3. 18G3. Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road. This great lino trnvcrses tho Northern and North west counties of Pennsylvania to tho city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company, und under their uuspiees is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from llnrrlsburg to Drift" ooa (M Fork) (177 mllcslon the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie on the Western Division, (78 miles.) TIME or PiSJENOtR TRAINS AT 0RT1IVHBIRL1KD. Mail Traiii leaves, East 0 S3 A. M. Express Train " " 10 52 P.M. Mail " " West 4 23 Express ' " 5 52 A.M. Cars run through with ctuxor both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and llaltiinoro and Lock llini'n. New and elegant Sleep Ing Cars accninpaning tho Express Traiii both ways between Williamsporl and lliiltltnorc, und Williams port and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business, up ply nt the H. E. Cor. 1 1 til and .Market St. And for Freight busincssof the Company's Agents : S. II. Kingston, Jr., Cor, 13th und Market Sts., Phil'a' J. IV. Reynolds, Erie. J M. Drill. Agent N. O. R:R Baltimore. II. II. Houston, Gen'l. Freight Agt . Philadelphia, Lewis I.' Iloupt, Gen'l, Ticket Agt. Philadelphia. Joseph D. Potts, Ocn'l, Manager,Williomsporl. Junnary 17, 1803. WES'i'fEKN HO S Eli, Nos. 0, 11, 13, 10, 17 Courtlandt Street, NEAR BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. This old-established and favorite resort of the Busi ness Community has been recent refilled, and lirnm. pletu In everything that can minister to the comforts of us iimruuB kuuivi unu luiiuiiua un- specialty uuu care fully provided for. It is centrally located In the bu'iuess part of the city, and is contiguous to Iho principal lines cf steamboats, cars, omnluusses ferries, &c. In consequence of the pressure caused by tho Rebel, lion, prices havo been reduced to One Dollar ai d I'ifty C cnts per Day. The table is amply supplied with all the luxuries of the season, aiidiseiual tu Uialof any other hotel In the country. Ample accommodations are offered for upward of 400 guests. Zjf Do not believe runncrs.haekmen, and others who may say 'the Western Hotel is full." D. D. WINCHESTER, Proprietor. THOS. D. WINCHESTER. Feb.15.ieC2. WILLIAM G. PERRY, BOOK-SELLER, Stationer, Book binders, Blank book manufacturer, and Dealer in Imported and American Statiunery, South West cor. 4lh & Race Ot Philadelphia. Persons visiting the city, or sending orders will do well to take u memorandum of tho above Address. The stock Is large and well assorted, Pritet Low, I PiiOTOORint Albums, Sellinc from UOctsto825 each. I The newest styles and largest assortment lu the City. ' Win. G. PERRY, Publisher, S, W. cer. 1th ii Race sirs,, rhiltdclpbU MM IMI IF YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR Cheap Spring Goods, GO TO Crr.isy's Store, in Light Street; Pa. ALL RINDS OP GOODS ! (JALICOE, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGnAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Rcady-AIado Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard. Tohacco. Sfgars, Boot', Shoes, Hats, Caps, Drugs, Paint Oils &0. &0. In addition to our larce stock ofDrV Goods, we tinvo f large and full assortment of Ready Made Clothing aor Alen nnd Iloys wear which wo nro determined to sell cheaper thin can be bought elsewhere. Call and ace, and Judge for yourselves. II. W. CREASY t CO. Light Street, March 1, 1603. LJMGE ARRIVAL OF New Spring & Summer GOOD AT PETER ENT'S STORE, IN LIOIIT STREET, COLUMBIA COUNT', PA, HAS Just received from Philadelphia, and is now opening nt the old stand lately occupied by Marlz it Ent, a splendid assortment of which will be sold cheap for CAPII OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills stockcouslsts of Ladies Dress Goods choicest styles and latest fashions Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimercs, batinets, Cottonadcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &o. urocories, Queenswaro, Ccdarwaro, Hardwaro, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, BOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS. In short orcry thing nsunliy kept in a country store The patronage of old friends, nnd tho public general ly, is respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid for country produce. PETER ENT. Light Street, May 30. 18(,3. NATIONAL COMMEUCIAL COLLEGES LOCATED IN PHILADELPHIA, S. E. CORNER 7TH AND CHESTNUT STS.. New York City, Brooklyn, Albany, Troy Buffalo, Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, and Si. Louis. Dook-kecping, Penmanship, Commercial ArithmetU Commercial Law, Forms, Correspondence &c, pi act cally taught. TtiCBO Colleges being under the same gcnoral and lo cal mnnngemcnt, and unitintr in each tho ndvantagu of oil, offer greater facilities for imparting instruct I 1 than any other slmilnr institution in the country. A scholarship issued by any one is good in all fci n unlimited Hum. Tho Philadelphia College has been recently enlaM and refurnished in a superior manner, nnd is now M I largest and most prosperous Commercial Institution li tho Stutn llryant St Ptrntton's series of Text Books, cmbrnc Rook-kceping, Commercial Arithmetic, and Commcr Law, for sale, and sentbymnil. (C7" For full particulars send for a circular. October 18. Itti2 12m. Horn Wilson MeCandless, Judge of the United States Circuit Court, President. Corner Pcnn and St. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, PA THE LARGEST. CIIAPEST AND BEST. $35.00 pays for u fuU Commercial Course. rj y No extra charges for Manufacturers, Plcamboat, Railroad and Bank Uook-lfeepiug. Ministers' sons at half prico. Students enter and re view nt any time. 'I his institution is conducted by experienced Teach ers and prattieal Accountants, who prepare young men for active business, at the least expense und shortest time, for the most lucrative und responsible lituations. Diplomns granted for merit onlv. Hence tho universal .preference for graduates of this college, by bu&luers men. Prof. A. COWLEY, tho best Penman in tho Union, who holds the largest number of lira premiums, und over all competitors, tcaehes rapid busine.s writing, For specimens of Penmanship, nnd Catalogue con talning lull information, etulosu twenty-llvo cents to JENKINS it SMITH, Principals. Z2 Attend whero thu Suns and Clerks of Business Men nnd Bankers graduate, April 111, ieii2-ly. April 4, 1B03. Kc.-ulmg Kail ftontf. SUMMER ARRANGE M ENT. 7IREAT TRUNK LINF. FROM THE NORTH AND V.T Northwest for Philadelphia, Vaw York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon. Allentnwn, Eastnn.&c.. fee. Trains leave llarriiburg fur Philadelphia. New York Reading, Pottsville und all Intermediate, stations, at 8 a. in., and 3 p. 111. Now York cxptess leaves Horrisbtirg at 2.15 a.m., arriving at New York at U 1.1 tho same morning. Fares from llnrrlsburg 1 To New York S3 15; to Philadelphia $3 3J aud 52 89. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave New York at 0 n. in., 12noon, and 7 p. 111., (Pittsburg Express), Leavo Philadelphia at 8,15 a, iti and 3.30 p ill. Sleeping curs in the New York express trains, through to nnd from Pittsburgh without change. Passenger by tho Cutnwissu Rnilrnnd leavo Tamnqun at 8.50 a. in., and 215 p m for Pliilailtlphia.Ncw York and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsville at 0,15 a. in, , and 5.30 p, in,, for Philadelphia, llarrisburg and New York. An Accommodation passenger train leoves Reading atCUU a. m , and returns from Philadelphia nt 5,01) p.m. XCjT All tho above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsville lit 7,30 a.m., and Philadelphia at 3.15 p.m. Commutation, mileage, season, and excursion tickets at reduced rates to and from all points. G, A. N1COLLS, May 23, 16G3. Central SuperinliuJcxt. XGMSE HOTEL, PUBLIC SQUARE, WILKES-BARRE, C7- Oood r'tabling for Horses nnd attentive Hostlers, i'e.MKufade:'"8111'' ' "' N.B.-Whcnever you come to town, please coll. ii j yaill Wilkes Dane, Nov 15. IcOJI rA. Tniindcrslgned,havlngtakenthlwcl kiiowiistand HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN t'T.AV (formerly of Major rulerbaugh), respectfully soli), j Bhi bo Vn.Yntne,! iir,n,. , . . . ,f . A" ' Its the patronage oftho public. n.r ?l No pains will be spared In any of It. departments, t. ES' 1 i& ltl Pn.'inl we.uk' ?' M' K' "!onl1'' 8B- render satisfaction tb all guestTho TABLE and tho ,1,'a nr0 ''"Uhed wiU BAR will always bo supplied wilh tho ri a mi 'W ffri n "'ii'r.P.'011"00' ' BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. W JUIT, VEGETABLES, , iFricndsand Relatives. BBAVE SOLDIERS AJdD HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. AND OINTMENT. All who havo friends nnd ltelntives In the Army or nnvy riiouiuiaKO especial cam mai incv do ainpiy sun piled with tlmso Pills and Ointment! nnd where tin bravo Boldlers nnd Hnlldrs havo neglected to pruvlde I themselves lth them, no better ptesont ran bo sent . them by their 1'rlends. They have been proved to bo 1 the Soldier's never falling friend in the hour f need, COUGHS ANI) COI.D3 AFI'ECTINO TKOOPt), Will bo snecdlv relieved and cfTorlualtv cured tu ns log these admirable medicines, and by paying proper attention to the Directions which are attached to each Pot or llox. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APFKTITE, INCIDENPALTOSOLDinilS. Those feeling which so snrfdon us usually arise from trouble or annoyances, otmruucu peispiration, or cat ingnnd drinking whatever is unwholesome, thus ills. . fiirl.lnn thA hpftlthfot nrtlnn Arihf, lltrrp nml tlnm,h Those organs must bo relieved, Ifyou desire to bo well j The Pills, taken according to the printed Insrtuctlons, win quicKiy nrnuiicc n iteaiiuy ncuon in uotu liver nnd stomach, and, ns a natural consequence, n elenr head and goon appetite, WEAKNESS OH DF.RII.ITY INDUCED IIY OVER FATIGUE Will soon disappear by the usnof these Invaluable nils, and the Hofdicr Mill nuirklv ncnuiia nilillllon.nl strength. Never let tho llowuls he cither conllned or unduly acted upon. It may seem strung,;, that llol loway's Pills should ho recommended fur Dysentery and Flux, many persons supposing that Ihey would increase, the relaxation. This Is a great mistake, for inesc nils win correct tne liver nni simnncn, and thus remove nil the acrid humors from tho system. ThH medicine will eivn tone and vlcnr to the wlmlo nrrnnlr. system, however dernnged, whilu health and strength ioiiow as a maitcr oi course, mottling will slopthe re laxation of thu Cowos so sure ai this famous medi cine. VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION I INDISCRETIONS OF YOUTH. Sores and Ulcers, illotches and Swellings, can with certainty be radically cured, lftho Pills urotakou night nnd morning, nnd ointment be freely used as st.ttcil in the printed instructions If treated in nny titer man ner. tli--y dry up in cue part to break out in another U hercas this Ointment will rctunvo thu humors from the y .triii, and leave the Patient a vigorous and healthy man. It will rcnulro n little perseverance in bud ca ses to insure n lasting cure. FOR WOUNDS UirillJR OCCASIONED IIY THE UAYONET. SAIlIii:. OR THU IIULLKT, fOSCS OR 1IKUISCS, To which every Soldier and falter nre liable, there are no niedines so safe, sure, and convenient, ns llol loway's Pills mill Ointment. 1 he wounded nnd almost dying sufferer might have his wounrls dressed lintnu dintcly, lfho would only provide himself with this matchless Ointment, which should be thrust into tho wound and smenrcd all round it, then covered with n piece of linen from his knapsack nnd compressed with a handkerchief. Talking, night nnd morning. florB Pills, to cool tho system and Prevent inllnmatinn. Every Soldier's Knapsack and Seaman's Chest should bo provided with thesu valuable Remedies. CAUTIOH! Nono are genuine unless tho words "Hollowiiye, New York and London "arc disccrnnblc as a Water-mark in ercry leaf ofthe bookuf directions around each pot or box ; the same may plainly seen liy holding the leaf In tho light. A hanilsomu reward will be given to anyone rendering such Information ns may lead to thu detection of any party or parties counter feiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to b! spurious. Sold at manufactory ot Professor Holloway, 80 Miadeu Lane, New York, and by all respectable Drug istsnnd Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilzcd world, in boxes at 25 cents, nnd$l each. IQ-'l hero Is considerable saving by taken the larger sizes. N. II. Directions for thoguldanco of patients Inctery disorder are affixed to each box. June 20, 1S3, y. ECONOMYJS WEALTH CURE YOUR COUGH FOR 13 CENTS The best an t cheapest Household remedy in the I for Id. MADAME ZADOC FORTER's MAOAkK zadoc pcr- TER'S Curative Balsam is warranted if used eccarding to the directions, to euro in nil cases Coughs, Colds, Whooping Couch, Asthma and all nITcrtiiitt of thu throat and Ldngs. Madame X.udnc porter's Balsam ! prepared with all the requisitu skill, from a cembinntinll orihi- brktrein. cdlca the vegetuble kinadoiu I ntlords, its remedial quail. ! ties are bared nn lit pnwer ' to assist the healthy cirtti-1 lation af tho blood, through , the Lungs. It is not n vio. lent remedy, but einoilent warming, searching and off cctivo; can ho taken by tho oldest person or tho young-! est child. ( MailnmZndoe Porttr's hat. I sam lias been in nso by tho I public for over 18 years, ami I has acqrired its present sain ! -imply by being recnmmcii. i ded by thoso who have used I it tu their ufllicted friends and others. Most Importnnt. Madame Zadoc. Porter's Curative Balsam is sold at a price which brings it in tho reach of every one to keep it convenient for use. Tho time ly usn of a single bottio will prove to bo worth 100 times its cost. NOTICF.. Save your money! Do not be persuaded to purchase articles at 4s to $1 which do not contain the virtues of a 13 cent bottle of Madame Porter's Cu rative Balsam, the cent of manufacturing which is as great as almost any other medicine ; and the very low pre co it which ft Is sold, makes thn profit to tho soli, cr nppa, mtly small, and imprineipnled dealers wil sometimes recommend other medicines nn nhirh their profits arc larger, unless the customers insist upon having Madame Porter's nml none other. Ask for Madame Porter's Curative Balsam, prico 13ccnts, and 'n largo hottlcs at 25 oo'its, and take no other. K7"Sold by all llrtiggits and Storekeeper at 13 cts. ai. l ill larger bottles ai 25 cents. HALL & RUCKLi:, Pr prlctors, New York. January 21. IrtlKI. CRITTENDEN'S rHILiDEJ.niIA itiHIJWEKtlAL. COLLEGE, TV. E. comet cj 7th ami Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. This Institution, whirh was rstabliiheJln 1R41, and is now consequently In the tighltcnth uiar "f its exist ence, numbers among its graduates, Iiuudrods of tho mostsuccessful .Merchants ind llusiness Men of our Country. The OnjFCT of the Institution is solely to nflhrd young men facilities for thorough preparation for huslruss. This Branches tucoiit aro, Buok-kcrping, ns applica ble to tho various departments of trade; Prnmamhip, both plain and ornamental; Commercial law. Matte matter. JYiirlofion Cirif Engineering, Drawing, I hon ogarphy, and Modem Langnoges, TruSYs-mi or Instruction Ispsciillar ; no classes or set lessons are made use of, but each student is taught Individually, to that lie luaycuinmcncoat nny time, und attend at whatever hours nre most convenient. Catalogues nreigsucilanmiafynfter the 15th of April containing namos of the students for thu year, and full particulars of term., &c, and may be obtained at uuy timo by addrcsing tho Principal, In Extensive Accommodations, ulde-tprcad reputation nnd thu Ultfihy eipericntc of the Principal, this Institu tion offers facilities superior tonny other In tho coun try, for young men wishing toprepnro for business, und to obtain nt the same time a iiipi.oma, vhith trill procea recommendation for them them to any Merchan. tilu House. CyCRiTENDtN's Series of Trcotiit) on Book-Keep, ino. now noro widely circulated than any other work on the subject, are for sale at tho College. S. HODGES CHITTENDEN, Altorney-at-Law, Jan.M.18G2J3m. V"U Exchange Hotel, l.ATE COL, R, B. JONES, No. 77 Dock Street, np.nt. ilnnr in it,. Poit Office, Philadelphia. I I mlltii well knnu'n Btnl.llMlint,. ...!,.. i- ,. .1 celebrity, and its well known reputation of bciuj sn,l .1,11 !!. ... ) notice- c"m0 1,0 81 11 momo Sr ! T rnim,,.,.,,,,,, ,, .. w t j . ijiivi, i ronr. March 7 lftjj-3iu, if A I. ill FOR THE AND TUB ron DIABETES AND DIRCABEB Oi TIII1 MtffoisrKtfs Ann ,r&mmn Theie Dangerous and Tronliltnome Dineatci, trAfrAijtl thvi far Renhtei the bett directed Treatment tan I, CutnpleUlf Controlled bij the REMEDY note before ut! THE CURATIVE properties of the medicine dltect llieinsi-fvrs to thi ei gnus of secretion, nnd by so altering the rnnditlon of the stomach nnd liver that the starchy principle oftb food is notrntivcrted Into sugar solong ns the system' is under the Influence of tho CONSTITUTION WATER, which give those organs time to reenter their krnlilif tono and vigor. We are able to state tli.it the Constitu tion Water has cured every etisuof Diabetes in which it has been given, STONE IN Till". BLADDPR, CALCULUS, tlRAvfiu BRICK DUST DEPOSIT, AND MUCOUS Oft MILKY DISCIIAIKJES AFTER UllINATINO. Diseases occurlrtg from onnnml thi'sntno rnuso will bo entirely cured by tho Constitution Watar, IftaVen foi nny Ictialh of time. Tito doo should vary with tho severity of tho disease, from twenty ilron. to a tea spoonful thrcotimes n tin)-, In water. During tint pa., sago oftho Cnlfiiliij, the pain iimbjirgent sniiptninr should he conibHti'il with the proper ri lies, then followed up with tho Constitution Water, ns nbotc dl retted. DYSM ENORI1 AOIA, OR PAINI'ULL MENSTRUA. TION, AND IN MENORRHAGIA OR PROFUSE I'l.OWINO, Roth diseases arising from n faulty ecrenn of tne menstrual fluid in tho one case being too llitlc, nnJ nccoinpaiilcd by severe pnln ; nnil the other n tun pro fuse secretion, which will be speedily cured bvlli Con.tltutlon Wuter. That illsenso known as TALLINC OP THE WOMU which Is thi remit of a relaxation nfllm ligament's of that organ, nnd is known by a sen.o ur heaviness and dragging pains In the back and sides, and at times ac conipntiled by sharp li.cinating or sliiiniiigpnin(, ihroutli thu parts, will, innll case., Iieremoved hyilie uicdlelne Tliere i another class of symptoms nri-iiia from lit.' RITAI'IONOI'Tlli: WO.MB, which iiliy.lclnns cull Nervousness, which word inters up much ignorance and in nine ca.e. oiilnf ten the doctor does not reallv know whether Ihc s)uiptnms nn! the disease, or thfi disease the symptom.. We lainmly vniimerntn them here. I speak mnro particularly of Cold I'ect, Palpita tion in tho Heart, Impnred Memory, Wnkefnlia-ss.FIash-cs of Heat Languor, Lassitude, and Dimness of Vision, SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION. Which In tho iinmnrried female Is n constant recurring disease, and through nepleittlio seed, of more grave and dangerous maladies nro the reult ; and as month after month pas.es without nn effort being made to sist nature, thn suppression becomes chronic, Ihe ps. llent gradually looses her appetite, the bowels ire eonstlpated, night sweats come on, and coajUHjitinti finally ends her career. LEUCORRCEA OR WHITES. Ihis disease depends upon an Inflamatlon of mucous lining of the vagina and womb. It is in all cases ac companied hy severe pnln in tho back, accross the bowels and through tho hips. A teaspoonful of tin, medlcinonny ho taken three times n day, with an in jection ofa tablcspoonful oftho mcdicimc, mixed with n half-pint of soft water, morning and evening. IRRITATION OF THE NECK OT TllU BLADDER, iNn.AM.vnoN or the kidneys and ca tarrh or the bladder, strangury ANI) BURNINfl OR PAINI'UL URINATINR. For thcsodlsca.es it Istrulya sovoreign remedy, nnd too much cannot be said in Its praise A singledocshas been know to relive the inn.t urgent syptoms, Arc you troubled with that distressing pain In the small of the back nud thronirli Ihchipsl A leaspnonful n day of Constitution Water will relieto you like magic. FOR DYSPEPSIA, It hns nn equal in relieving the Most distressing smp tonis. Ali-o, Headache, Heartburn. Add Stomach Vom itlng Food, tec. Taken tcn.poonfiil after dinner' '1 be dose In all case, may be increased If desired, but should be done gradually. PHYSICIANS Have long since given up tho use of bur hu, cubelis and Juniper in thetreatiiientnl tli-se dlscmei, andonli use theinfur want ofa better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER Has proved Itself oqualtolho task that has devMveJ upon it. DIURETICS Irritate and drench tliu kidney., nnd by constant u 0,111 lead lochroiiic, dvgcneratioH and coiflruicd dis ease. Read. Read. Read. Danville, To., June 2 lcT2. Dr. Wm. II, Cueou Dacr Mr: In frbuary, 1801, I wusnltlicied with thu sugar di.ibetos.nnd for five mnnlhs 1 passed more than two gallons of water in twenty-four hours. 1 was olrlged to get up as often ten or twelve times during th night, and in five mouths Ilostnbout fifty pounds iu weigth. Durnlng the month of July, IStil, 1 procured two bottles or Constitution Water and in twodays after using it I experienced relief, and after taking two bottles 1 was entirely cured, soon alter regaining my usual good health. Yours truly, J. V. L DE WITT. Boston Corners, N. Y Dec. 27, 16C1. Wm. II. Oregg fc Co.: Cents: I freely give you liberty to make use of the following Cirtillcnto oftho value of Constitution Wa ter, which I can rcccomnicnd in the highest manner. My wife, who was attacked w Ith pnln In the shoul ders, whole, length of theback, and in lierlimbs, with Palpitation of the heart, attended with Falling of the Wonih, Dysincnoirhooa, and "Irritation of the Blad ilcr," I cnllcd a physician, who attended her nbout three months, when ho left her worse thuu he round her, I then employed one of tho best physicians I could find, who attended her for about nino month., andwhilcsho was under his earn she did not sillier quite ns much pain ; lie finally gavp her up and said "her cose was lncurnblc," For, said ho,"ho was such a combination of complaints, that medicine given for ono operates dgainst some other of her difficulties." About this time she commenced to usu (.-o-ornuTi in Water, und to our utter nstonishment, almost thu first dose seemed tohuvo the dsireil cll'ect, and she kept on improving rapidly uder its trcatmunt.nnd now super Intends entirely her domestic ntr.ilrs. She has not ta ken any of the. Con Tiurto Water for about four week, and we nro happy to bay that it lias produced a perma nent cure. WM. M. VAN BENSCHOTcN. .Miu.ronD, Conn., Nov, 10, ISft. Da. Wm.H.Creoh; Dear Mr: I have for several years been afflicted w ith that tnoubl meniid dangerous disea-e Rravel, w hicli resisted ml remedies and doctors, until I took Constitutional Watch, and you may he assured that I was pleased with thu result. It lias entirely cured me. and you may mako liny use of my uiimeyiiii may sec lit in regaro to the medicine, ns I huvu entire lonfijenee in its efficacy. Yours truly, I'OMI Hl'UO.VC, THESE ARE rAOTSF.Mllifil! There is nocluss of dUcnscs tlint produce stirh ex haiisllng ell'ects upon ttin human constitution ns Dia betes and diseases of tho Kidneys, llladderand Urina ry Passages, and tliroiiL'h n tnlsu modesty Ihey am nee lected until theynre snndvaiiccil as to ho beyond the. control of ordinary rctnedias, and wo present the CONSTITUTION' WATER To tho public with tho convii tion that it lias nncqnsl in relieving the class of diseases for which it lias luen found mi eminently successful in curing: and wo trust that wo shallbu rewarded in ourotforts m placing so valuable remedy in n form to meet the requirements of patient nnd physician, TOR SALEUY AI.L DRUGGISTS. PRICE SI, WM, II. GEORCE CO,, Proprietors. Morgan k Allen, Central Agents, No. 4ti CllfT Sf, Ncw-York, Sept. 20. 1EC2. 12m. ffirsSSST--'' evans & WATSON I" !'JJ$'J8& SALAMANDER SAI'EH, RE gi,UiI4lfem S'rcff, Philadelphia, have on t7lWT!W3Sr1l an,'.1. n L""-'" ossortment of Firu &5Kri3tfr?5rf , 1M,(t 'rouf Salaiuandcr Safes. M"ttti"'', ' "0" ''"""i for banks and r;;S;7f,r3'SSJ ""f"" l'n shutters iron sash, all IC2n.V.VS makes of locks equal to any made in the United States. Fire Sofet In one jir. All came out right; icitK con tent in pood condition, Tim Salamander Safes of Philadelphia against thu world. EVANS & WATSON, havo had tho surest demnslrolioii in the. following cer tificate that their matitirurtiiro of Silumander Safes has lit length fully warranted the representations which have been made of them us rendering on undoubted security against the terrific clement. , ... Philadelphia April 12. 1PJH. .i ""' Ueiillemen-It alfords ut the highest satisfaction to stato to you, that owing !t Hie very protective qualities of to of tho Salamander, Safes which we purchased nfygu ome fivo month slute wo saved n largo portion ofjowelry, nml all our books, &c, exposed to tho colaminous, flro in Rannead plate on tho morning orihu 11th Inst., Wlien wo reflect ht these safes were located in th: fourlh Kory ofthe building wu occupied and that they Ml subsequently intnn heap of burning ruins, where the vast concentration of the heat caused tho brass plates la melt, wo cannot but regard tho preservation of their val Diible contents as most convincing proof of the gtcat se curity afforded by your sales, Wu shall tuke great pleasure in rccnnimondlne tliem men of business us u sure nllancu against lire, .-t,. "'j0'' W SIMMONtj tc BKO., Jei-l'ltn, ?'TTa5,!5;il,,Je"nterntehaMd in lirge Hif, July 16, IBM. lAnguit.yy;! IN W