nnjra EDITED 6Y LET! L. TATE, morRICTOR BLOOMSBUKG, PA. Saturday, August SO, I8G3. - - ----- The PnESEtiVATioN of tlio Constitution, J HE RESTORATION OF THE UNION, And the Supremacy or the Laws. DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATIONS. FOR GOVERNOR, CiEOROE W. WOOiWAI, OP LUZERNE COUNTY. JUDGE OF TIIE SUPREME 0OURT WALTER II. LOWICIE, OP AI1I1EQIIENY COUNTY. fjr " I INTEND, FOR ONE, TO REGARD AND MAINTAIN, AND CARRY OUT, TO THE FULL EST EXTENT, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNI TED STATES. WHICH I HAVE BWOttN TO SUI'- FORT IN ALL ITS FART3 AND ALL ITS I'RO VISIONS." Daniel Webster. BS-'CLINQ TO TIIE CONSTITUTION, AS THE HI11PWRECKED MARINER CLINGS TO THE LAST FLANK, WHENN10HT AND TIIE TEMPEST CLOSE AROUND HIM." Danhl Weisler. "NO IIODY OF TROOPS IN THE ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES, OR OF TIIISCO.U.MON WEALTH SHALL BC PRESENT. EITHER ARMED OK UN ARMED. AT ANY PLACE OF ELECTION WITH! THIS COMMONWEALTH, DURING! THE TIME OF SUCH LLUUI ION." D47A Sec, of Act of .isiemUy of Pennsylvania, inj July, Democratic County Convention. TVTOTI0E IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT TH LI Democratic Electoti In and for Ilia several llor ought and Election Districts of Columbia County, will meet ni uie respective pmccs 01 Homing said Election ON SATURDAY, TIIE 23T1I DAY OF AUGUST, Between tlio hours of 3 and 7 o'clock, P. M., of said day, fur the purposo of choosing two Delegates from cacti Election uisirjci to nicer m luuw i y now, at tlio uourt House, in uiooinsburs ON MONDAY, THE 31ST DAY OF AUGUST, Al one o'clock, P. M., of said day, for tlio purposo of manioc me usual Democratic nominations, to bo sup ported by the Electors of Columbia County at tho cn suing uencrni c-iecuoR. nun tor uie tninf action oi ouie Business pertaining to tno interests oi tno lJemocrati party. junft u. l lll.t.L,, uwinnan ALEXANDER MEAI1S, J. S. PANDERS, WM. G. QUICK, GEO. MACK, SAMUEL EVERETT, HUM DERR. Democratic Standing Committee. Bloomsburg, August 13, 18G3. Curtin and the Tonnage Tax. When Andrew G. Curtin canvassed this Stato for Governor, in 18G0, he announced from every stump that ho was opposed to tho repeal of "so just a tax as that impos ed upon tho tonnage of tho Pennsylvania Railroad." Yet no sooner had ho taken his seat and sworn before High Heaven to protect and defend tho interests of the Commonwealth, than he approved a bill, passed by a Republican Senate and Houso of Representatives, which deprived the State of a just and equitable revenue to tho amount of three hundred thousand dol lars a year ; and actually released tho company from the payment of Seven hun dred thousand dollars, already duo tho State. 'With nil this heavy load of iniqui ty upon his head, this man Curtin has been renominated, against the earnest protest of tho honest Ecntiment of the Republican party 5 and ho now again asks the suf frages of the poople ',of Pennsylvania. What think yc of his "brilliant and faith ful rcoord, whioh triumphed at Pittsburg," :::o i freemen of Columbia County? "Marts'.. tho perfect man, and behold tho upright 1" Is ho not "chief among ten thousand and ono altogether lovely I" jJSy- It is somewhat singular that tha opposition stick to tho samo lies year af ter year ; tnd are silly enough to suppose tho people forget and will believo them. In 1850, to go no further back, a great cry was made by them that Buchanan would withdraw Tho samo thing w&s said of Governor. Packer and tho story is now'rovamped and repoated of Judgo Woodward and Mr. Vallandigham. It is a standing electioneering dodgo with those soft patos, and is well under stood. Tho friends of those gentlemen know thoy aro tho men for the times and tho plaoo and they will bo elected. J3S?" "It appoars that tho Tory Valan dighamwas not always opposed to war;" says the Muncy Luminary ; (abolition) and it refers to a resolution offcrd by him upon tho subject of tho Mexican war. A rofercnoo to tho history of the samo war will also mako it "appear" that tho Tories, of tho stripo of tho Luminary, wero "not always" in favor of war, and advised tho Mexicans to welcome our sol diers, with bloody hands to hospital graves. It is only when tho war is a civ il war, and against our own citizens that they aro in favor of it. Queer, aint it T Dr. Pec John occasionally refers to us, as the "Tory Editor." Wo repeat, this is a gross mistake. Mr. Pee John, Editor of tho uSinut Machine," is a lineal de cendent of Revolutionary Toryism, and that fact can be substantiated by hosts of Hying witnesses in Columbia county and tho truth of history. Tonnaqe Tax. Remember, tax-payers of Columbia county, that A. G. Curtin after declaring ho would act for tho host interest of Pennsylvania, signod the act of tho repeal of tho Tonnago Tax. Reinem bcr, too, that you will bo taxed to make up tho enormous deficiency that bill cro ated. We direct attention to tho advertise ment of our friend, David Lowenburg, to be found in another column. Ho has a largo and beautiful assortment of Summer nnd Pall Olo lung. Thoso in want of good and cheap clothing will do well by giving htm a call, MOUNT PLEASANT AROUSED. A largo nml rospootablo Domoorntio meeting was hold on Saturday afternoon ast, August 22nd, 1803, in tlio pleasant and beautiful grove, noar Thomas Jones' Iotcl, in Mount Pleasant township, Goluw bia county. Pa. A largo number of ladies graced tho meeting with their prcaonoc. Tho lollowing wero tho officers : , President William J. Ikeler, Esq. Vice Presidents, William Howell, Ja cob Meliok, Daniel Ziglor, M. 0. Wood ward, Qeorgo Apploman, Joseph R. Pat ton, Jacob Evans, Philip Apploman, J. D, Rice, and Peter Ent. btcrclarits, Elias Howell, Mathias Gilbert. Liout. Alem B. Tate, boing called up on, addressed tho audionco in a brief and spirited address. Ho was followed by E II. Little, Esq,, in an able spoooh of two hour's length. Mr. Little showed up the Abolition Administration and its followers in corruption, to tho meeting iu an ablo and oloqucut manner. Dan l McIIenry Esq., of Fishingcrcok township, was uoxt oallcd on tho stand. Ho spoko in his usual and happy way, in favor of tho great causo of Dcmocratio principles. Tho meeting adjourned, after the s'mg iug of somu patriotio songs by tho Messrs Dorr, and cheers for Woodward, Lown and Liberty. Beavor Mass Meeting A Dcmocratio Mass Meeting, was held on Saturday last, in tho Grove, ncarth Hotel of 1?, L. Shuman, Esq., in Beaver township, Columbia County. Thcro was quite a large gathering of Ladies, S trail gcrs and Citizens assembled. At 2 o'clock tlio meeting was organized by tho election of tho following officers : Hon. GEORGE SCOTT, President. Peter Gcarhart, Samuel Cox, Henry Lchr, John Shuman, David Johnson and 0. P. Mann, Eiq., Vice Presidents. J. W. Hunsiuger, and J. P. Sohlickor, 1 Secretaries. James S. MoNinoii, Esq., by request, read tho Address of tho Democratic Cen tral State Committee, in a dear and dis tinct tone of voico, occupying just 0110 half hour's time. Col Levi L. Tate, was then called upon for an Address. Ho tit. r- f- U.. r , , ,. , , i ono anu a iiau nours, on tno poi.uoai is- sues of the campaign. Tho thanks of tho Meeting wero tendered tho speaker, with rf.no.ttf.fi fliff.ra for "Wnnd w.trrl. Lnnno 1 and Dcmocraoy," when tho delightful ex- ... V r, . I creises in tno nicasani urove wcro tcrini-. natcd. Ordered to bo published. . Geo. Scott, Prest. 'JaS Secretaries. Let it be Remembered. w vtr it t-: -Mi f t-i. ...... ti. xav, cuuoi ui tuu Jw8-'0M0ofinabjiitytlJ attcDd tho meeting of town Democrat, and who has held tho po- tho conferees or any meeting of said con sition as Colonel of one of tho Pennsyl- forees, to appoint substitutes in tho placo vania Regiments for tho past two years, ! or placet ofsueh as may be unablo to at- m a late i?suo of that paper savs : "Let , u romemoerou, mat Anurcw u. uurtin, me Abolition candidate for.Govcrnor of Penn sylvania, forgetting cvory consideration of j 111 t i VI, uuu4 uuu..v,auuu4UjjuiUgUDu.u oungation as uovernor ot a sovereign btato anu uommanucr-in-i.mei ot the JUintia,j juago oi tno supremo uourt, meets tbe asked permission to call out the Militia of,entiro aml hearty concurrence of the Dem- tho State, to defend tho Commonwealth from an invasion whioh he know was about to be made; and whon that permission was refused by tho Abolition Adminisira tion upou tho ground that it would inter fe're with tho draft soon to bo levied by them, carried his slavishncss so far that ho permitted tho Stato to bo cvorrun nnd devastated without taking a singlo step which his constitutional obligations, his State prido, and his personal roputation, exacted from him as the custodian of tho honor of his State, and the lives, proper ties, and homes of its citizens." Defeat Predicted. The Pittsburg Dispatch, (abolition) in ti issuo of the Oth inst., said : "With any map of ability, clear record and above all honesty tho triumph of tbo Union party is secured ; TIIE NOMI NATION OP CURTIN WILL BE TAN TAMOUNT TO DEFEAT TO THE PARTY, and for this result tho Union men should hold this Convention person ally responsible. JSSyLoyal Leagues aro quite a vener able institution in this country. Thoy wero organized by tho Tories of tho Amer ican Revolution, and their secrets and principles have been revived by their descendants during tho present Administra tion. Thoy wcro spurned and repudiated by tho patriots of '70, and they will sharo tho samo fate at tbo hands of tho patriotio nnd Constitutional inen of 1803. Tho ad vocates of English tyranny and usurpation can never hold power in tho United Statos Wo aro a band of frcomcn. A Siuth Itbm in a Bio Bir,i.. It may interest tho public to know that the cost of maintaining tho seventy four major gonerels and two hundred and eighty four brigadier generals in tho Federal army, with their staffs, amounts to the nico little sum of three millions of dollars per annum. It has been said that this sum and tho number of generals might bo reduced ono half. Such generals as Fremont might easily be dUpensod with Tho Domocnatio county convention of Montour county assembled at tho Court House in Dnnvillo on last Monday, for tho purposo of nominating candidate for tho different county offices to bo filled at the ensuing oleotion, and appointing Sen atorial and Keprosontutivo conferees. When tho townships wcro called tho fol- owing Delegates appeared and took their scats, viz : Anthony John Dcrr and Josoph Kco dor. Oooper Adrow Wertman, Jesse Crom- cy. Derry Nathaniel Britain, Samuel I'ol ock. Danvilto N. W. Jacob Soidel, Peter McOanu. Danville S. W. B. K. Rhodes, Oliver Oraig. Limestone Peter Wagner, Joseph Gibson. Liberty Huh R. Montgomery, An drow Billmoyor. Mayborry Not represented. ' 1 Mahoning Hiram Antrim, Samuel Morrison Valley Cyrus Childs John Bcddow. West Hemlock Jeremiah Winterstcen, William Crossley. On motiou B. K. Rhodes, Esq , was elected President of the convontion, and Hugh R. Montgomery and Jeremiah Win- tcrstoen wore elected Secretaries. i n 1 i , ,1 vu iuoiiuh was rcso.vcu mat iuo , convention proeacd first to the election of Senatorial and Kcprcsontativc conferees. On motion Paul Leidy and Adam Gcr- ringer wcro elected Senatorial conferees, to ' tics composing this Senatorial District to ! 1 .1 P C?i CI 1 t nom.ua a camtiuau: ormaw oenacor.- On motion William A. Decn and Hiram Antrim wore eluctcd Representative con- forces to meet similar conferees from tho other counties composing this Ropresenta- tiro District to nominato tno persons as . r .1 tt ! I was not stronsr c nough to do til s. 1 did candidates for membcts of tbo House of t ,, .1 1 fc e n 1 '.not like 1 10 idea of flociring the nibn, and Kepresentativo. Un motion Ueorge i) JJuttlor was unan- imouslv nominated a3 tho Demooratio candidate for Prothonotary and Clerk of1IaS"b.v MoIIcnrv'B orders and bought a several Courts of Montour County. On motion John Dcrr, was unanimously nominated as tho oandidato for county Commissioner. On mo' ion Pctor Wagner, was unani- mnnatw nnminnfnrl a fl.n nuniliilntn fn ... ... ciu.y Auu.N., On motion it was unanimously resolved that tho representative conferees from Montour countv. bo and thov are hcrobv instructed to voto in conference for, and 11 i. li . .i uso an nouoraoio mcana 10 suuuru mo nomination of John C. Ellis, of Montour county and Gcorgo D. Jackson, of Sulli- van county, as tho Democratic candidates' for members of tho Houso of Rcpresonta-! , lives from this ltoprcsentativo District, -r.. . . . j Resolved, That both Senatorial and i Representative conferoes this day appoin , ted be and they aro hereby authorized, iu , ienu bB0B '"""g or wcoiiDgs The following resolutions wore thon read and unanimously adopted. Resolved, That tho nomination by tho I "-uww inv wimi vuuiwuuun unu uu iiui 1 Inw t ti Nn a n nnM ti ah I, nlrl I J rj8bir of Geo, W. Woodward for Govor- , nor and Hon. Walter II. Lowrie for ocrats of Montour county, and wo pledge ocratio ticket, State and District as well as ' county, an increased Democratic majority at the election in Octolor noxt. Itesolvcd, That wc fully ondorso the resolutions adopted by tho Dcmocratio taio uonvcntion iiciu at uarnsnurg June 17th, 18G3, and also tho resolutions on tho 'Stato of tho Country" passed by tlio Houso of Representatives on tho 13th of April 1803. Resolved, That our late representatives John C. Ellis and Gcorgo D. Jaokson by tlieir iirm consistent ana upright oourso have justly merited tho fullest confidence of their constituents and wo earnestly recommend their re-nomination. Resolved, That tho following named porsons bo appointed tho Domooratio standing committee of Montour county for the ensuing year viz : Anothony, John Carey ; Cooper, John Crossley ; Derry, Robert Bloo ; Danville N. W., Patrick 0. Murray ; Danvill S.W. John W. luilos ; iiimcftnnc, Daniel 1 Gougor; Liberty, II. R. Montgomery; Mahoning, W. W. Pinneo ; Maybcrry, Jacob bhultz ; Valley, J. MoMakan ; West Hemlock, Joromiah Winterstcen, Resolved, That tho prooeodiugs of this convention bo published in tho DanviIiLi; iNTEriLiaCSCElt. On motion adjourned. B. K. Rhodes, Pios't II. R. MoNxaoMuitY, Secretaries. A Voico from Alleghany. Mr. Peter 0. Shannon, of Pittsburgh addressed tho Abolitionists in front of tho Continental Hotel last evening. In the courso of his remarks ho said : "Amongst tho publio men of Alleghany couuty,I urn almost alono in defending Governor Curtin." Mr. Shannon is evidently a leaky ves sel, or ho would not havo oxposcd tho disaffection which exists in Alleghany to Govonor Curtin, By tho time the election takes placo pretty nearly tho samo thing will bo said of Pennsylvania that the Pitts burg orator says of Alleghany. Age, Hon. John B. Beck, has been re-nom-iuatcd by the Demooraoy of Lycoming county, for tho Legislature, Mr. B is a faithful and worthy Roprosontativo. Uis election is certain Ail Abullllou Outrage by llio I'ltlshmg rrovost Marshal A WHITE MAN FLOGGED. It is already known to many of our readers that on tho 11th, Captain J. H. Poster long ono of tlio editors and pro otors of tho Dispatch, and still proprietor, but notwithstanding has been acting under Lincoln as provost marshal for Allegheny county on tlio plea that a certain whito man, named Hngon, had sold himself as substitute several times beforo, without form of law, did have the man lashed with a cowhido until his back was liko a piece of raw flosh, and bo sank down in utter exhaustion. Tho fact will bo found substantially em bodied in tho following statements mado by witnesses present : Dn. Kino's Statement. Tho first I know of this affair Captain McIIenry cntorcd my offieo, which adjoins tbc provost Mar81ial8 offic0) and soizing tbo man Ilaecn, who was sitting on u chair near mo, said, "God d n you, wo want you ; conio out here," Hagau was then taken out to tho foot of tho stairs, whero MnMnnrv nniil rn lin onrnnnlil ti'l'nlrn him up Btair3 and bim twontv uvo lashes," and, after a pause, added, ' les, God d n him, givo lifty." Ho also told tha sergeant to put tho baud cuffj on him and get tho cowhido. I followed to tho head of tho strirs, but could not boar tho idea ofsooinu a white man whipped, so I turned and came down. I saw tho man after ho was Cogged, and drosscd his vouds yesterday and to-day. His back is all cut up, along ana across. I Bhould BJ from app;arcnoo 0f bis back that ho received from sixty to sevonty lashes. 1 here wero seven! persons by when tho flof7KDg tok place, and Melloiiry told me h,imS? t0day ,h.nt. Lo h9ld th This is all I know about tha matter. s Morrison's Statement j bo, ,0 Vt0VQil Guar(, aQj had .QSt oomo down fro( tho lQ.mi Uwk ,y)jorj Captain MoHcnrv told mo to nut tho hand-cuffs on Hagcn and lake him up stairs and give him twentyfivo lashes. 1 8aid thi" 1 M not v.crv ?cl! ond that wouid n,thcr leave it to somebody else. ,(apt JMcllcnry then told Corporal Pal mor to flog him. I put tho hand-cuffs on wag ,bon tBkcn up 8fairafa Thcf0 w a 1 PiUar neariy in the centre of tho room, aud J ho was plaood standing with his arms around it. Tho hand ouffs had by this time been taken off. Ho was strippod of ' all DUt 1113 pints OHU Sllirt. A SOIUlCr named Alfred Fogle was ordered by Me , u ,Q hoU - hand8 arQU id tho t jjjio palmer flogged him. Foglo seized his hands as dosircd, but after tho first 1 welt, Hagen broke loose, and thou Mo- Henry seized him and held him till it was all over. 1 ho man cried out while he wan Ifoin-r l.-iahnd. nnd uiadn a frond tmnl 0f noise. Before he was flogcd, he beg- ged that ho might be shot rather than whipped. I did not count the lashes, but 1 sbo"ld BavT ho "eiyod between forty nnu nity. icar tno oiose no tuutc uown by tho post, but ho was not unconscious Palmer did the Hogging, CoiironAL Pai.meu's Statement, Captain MoIIeury orderod mo to give tlagcn twenty five laahus, I got a now hido from Soreant Morrison, and Hngen was taken uutairs and his nana cutis re moved. He was then put standing with his arms a.ound a post and a soldier hold his hands, but after receiving a stroke or two ho broke loose and then Captain Mo Henry held him. I do not know how . 1 I. I , I. . I ... J uiuuy insuco l uutu uiiUf io x. naa iuu ka cited to count them, but ono of the men who couutod them says I gavo him thirty seven, l thinK l must have given him betwoen thirty and forty. I flagged him under orders. Tho above is tho testimony of tho very men wiio, nbovo all others, know most about tho affair, and upon it wo are content , to rest tho truth of our report. If Captain Foster wants further evidnnoo in tho mat tor, wc can supply him with it. Wc need not, of course, repeat what wo taid yestor; day ol the tyranny and brutality whicl characterized tho cntiro proceeding. Tho publio understand this fully, and it needs no denunciations of ours to add to their abhorrenco of tho deed. But tho end is not yet. Hagcn, wo arc informed, is dc-. lirious (o dio from tho effects of the vio lcnco dono him, and serious rosults are apprehended. Ho is confined at tho Gir ard Houso, whero thoso who want to seo the effect of Captain Fostor's discipline may havo their ouriosity gratifiod, The Difference. Wm. H. Jacoby, Editor of a Demo cratic paper, 7 he Star of the North and William Burgess present editor of an abo lition organ, both of Columbia ccuuty, wcro drafted last fall. Mr. Jacoby sus pended tho publication of this paper, shouldered his musket, served through his time, and has now returned to rcsumo its publication. Billy Button who had m&do all his arrangements to conio to Wyoming and tako obargo of an Abolition organ, was let off by trirkory, falsehood and in violation of law; and now cackels out his hackneyed epithets of k( Copperhead," "Southern sympathizer," "traitor," &o,, in speaking of Mr. Jacoby and his politi cal friends. Political knavery and favoritism may savo this Draft sneak from taking his ohances in tho conscription with Democrats; but no kind of long faced sanctimonious lies will conceal his hypoorioy or shield him from. the contempt which attaches to a sneak. 'Ihinhhannock Democrat, Tho Doinocraotio and consortivc men of Ohio, conoedo tho oleotion of Vallandig ham as Governor of that Stato, by from fifty to tixty thousand majority. Hurra, I for lha noble democracy of Ohio. M'ooihvard and tlio Foreigners, Tho Franklin Repository, in its first is sue, "hopcu in us uoxt tssuo to uo anio to do justice to both tho platform and can didates of tho Demooratio party." Whon tho second numbor appoarod wo wcro sor ry trr loam that "tho roviow of tho Dem ooratio State Convention, its candidates and platform," had bcon unavoidably post poned, Wo wcro anxious to know what tho editor's pcou jar souso of justice would prompt him to say. Tho long expected arlielo appeared in last week's issuo, a'nd as a fair sample of this desperate attempt at justice, wo quoto irom it tho following exploded libel upon Judgo Woodward, which, after boing successfully refuted on several previous ocoasions, has boon again trumped up by tho Repository, for uso dur ing tho present campaign. Its chargo against Judge Woodward is in tho follow ing languago : "Judgo Woodward is a man of conco- dou ability, and as subtlo and dangerous l. LI- TT! ..IV ' I uu it) uuiu. His umciai career com menced by his election as a Delogato to tho t-.onsiiiutionai uonvcntion in iau7. in which body ho was ouo of tho youngest luuiuuui a. uu tuoK cuusiuerauio part in tno aoic ucnatos which characterized its proceedings, and mado his mark csnoeiallv in his carnctt efforts to disfranchise all for eigners iu Pennsylvania. IIo mado one oi m noiosr, spoeoncsin lavor ol incorno rating tho denial of suffrago to foreigners with our organio law, but ho failed, so that tho Irish and Germans who voto for him in October, can do so with the satis iactory assurance that if Woodward ha succeeded in his efforts to araond our Con stituton,-thoy would now bo without oven iuu rigui io vote at an." It appoars from tho published proceed iugs of the "Reform Convention," whioh assembled at Harrisburg, in May, 1837 that Mr. Woodward, thon a young man of twenty-eight, was a dolegato to that Con volition from Way no county.. In tho course of tho deliberations of that body a resolution was introduced by Mr. Thorn as and seconded by Mr. Konismachor both Wina delegates, directing "that committee bo appointed, to enquire into th expediency of so amending the Constitu tion of Pennsylvania, as to prohibit th future immigration into this Stato of for eigners, frco persons of color, and fugitive slaves, from other States or Territories.'' This resolution was sustained by a large number of Whigs in tho Convention, and probably would have passed, had not Mr. Woodward, with a view, as ho himself has sinco stated, to bring out tho truo charac ter of tho measure, and at tho same time defeat it if possible, proposed aii amend ment, which oompcllcd tho withdrawal of tho original motion, and thus saved thv foreigners from disfranchisement by their pretended frionds, tho Whigs. Tho re marks imputed to Mr. Woodward, in sup port of his amendment, wcro not taken down by tho regular secretaries of the Convention, who recorded tho facts we have just given ; but by a stenographer, who gnvo him no opportunity for their re vision, but incorporated them, garbled and perverted, into tho "published de bates." His truo position on this question may bo learned from his reply to Mr Earl, iu this samo Convention, on tho 10th of tho ensuing January, whon ho mado use of theso words : "I never did propose to exclude the for eigners now in the country, from politi cal privileges ; nor thoso who should at any time hereafter come to the country ' My amondment was to a proposi tion made by tho gentleman from Chester, (Mr. Thomas,) suggesting an inquiry into the expediency of excluding foreigners al together from our soil, and the amount of it was, to give the proposed inquiry a dif ferent direction from that proposed by tho gentleman from Chester." And it may still furthor be gathorcd from tho following letter written by him to tho Wayne County llcruld, in 1801, in which ho said : "I am not going to profess any new bom zeal for foreigners nor to flatter their passions or prejudices. I am going to treat them as 1 havo always treated them as. American Citizens, entitled to equal rights I to i r It invQA F niir nri m n n nn( 1 1 tt r nl-A i war on mo for sentiments imputed to mo by political opponents, and on accord ing to whioh I havo never acted, than I havo to mako war on them, I am no Na tive American, and I never was, oither in sentiment or action, I havo no hostility to foreigners, and I never had. They and I havo always lived in peace. I have many warm frionds amongst thorn whom I value- abovo all prico, and no intriguing - . w politicians or unscrupulous editors aro to bo permitted to array ua in hostile atti- turln'' Again, in 18-15, Judgo Woodward was promised tho voto of tho Nativo American delegation of Philadelphia to sccuro his election to tho United States Senate in easo ho would pledge himsolf to support the twonty-ono years' naturalization law. no spurned tho offer, nnd in conscquenco thereof was defeated by thoso samo votes. Did this indioato hostility to foreigners ? Not only this ; during tho existence of tho Know-Nothing party, Judgo Woodward was open and explicit in his denunciations of its principles and designs ; and in num bers of private letters, and iu all his pub lio oourso, he has ropcatodly condemned tho proseriptivo spirit which would deprivo a man of his political privileges on account of tho placo of his birth. In view of thoso facts of history, whioh can not bo refuted, is thoro any political justice, or truth or honesty in tho declaration of tho Reposi. tory : "If Woodward had suooeedod in his efforts to amend tho Constitution, tho Irish and Gormans would now bo without eyen tho right to voto at(nll t" Ho wai tho very man who preserved that right fori them j whilo, even at that time, and dur ing tho later days of Nativo American ism, tho plitlcal frionds of tho Repository wcro socking ovcry opportunity io siukq deadly blow at that and every other sa- ired right whioh tho Irish and Gormans lad fled to this country to secure. This bol on tho record of Judgo Woodward, which U intended to projudico tho Ger- maifand Irish voto against him, will have but littlo effect, when it is rcmcmborcd that it is mado by a party in whoso platform proscription of foreigners has for years been a cardinal principle j and who, thro' their recognized organs, aro this very day denouncing them as "tho offscourings of tho earth," "tho vomitings of tho jails and poor-houso3 of Europe, who aro sent to this country to brood dissontion and riot,'' of whoso barbarism and ferocity tho JNcw York riot is but a filing cxhihition." 'I uis effort to injure tho standing of Judge Woodward amongst tho 'adopted oitizons of tha Stato, will fail as signally as it has dono in times past. Thoy will shun tho poisonous embrace of thoir old enemies as they would tho touch of a leper. Uli'imucrsuurg ruuey oft. Tho Earthquake at Manila. A friond, to whom wo hero express our thanks, sends to The Age a copy of tho Overland Chaina Mail, (llong IS-ong Juno 13,) from which wo copy tho fol lowing account of tho tcrrlblo disaster by which the city of Manny was almost to tally destroyed, Manila, Juno 4th, 1803. On tho 3d instant, at half past seven in tho evening a circumambient flaino was seen to riso from tho earth and gird tho city of .Manila, (tho "Beautuous Flower of the East," ns sho is finely and poetically designated by her poiscssors,) and at the same timo a most terrific quaking of the earth took placo. It lasted scarcely a minuto, but in that short space nearly tho wholo of Fair Manila has been rjduccd to a heap of ruins. The abomination and desolation has takon possession of her palaces, her temples, and herdwclling-places,and death and destruction havo ridden triumphantly over tho land. Wo believo that upwards of a thousand have been killed, and many thousands wounded, but it is impossible to say or to estimate. Scarcely an edifice has escaped without dead or wounded. Tho good priests, their choristers and sacristans, and'tho faithful who wero hear ing tho vespers of Corpus ChrUti, havo been nearly all buried and suffocrated un der the ruins cf the Cathedral, and other ohurohes. The only church that has es caped wholly is San Augustiue, tho same that withstood the tremendous shook of 1045. Tko Palaco and nearly all tho public and private, as well as commercial edifices, have either been thrown down or shakon from tlieir foundations. Thank God ! not a singlo foreigner has been kill ed ; but two, wc hear, have been suriourly hurt, though not dangerously. Tho Rod riguez property, left to tho British nation, and whero the British Consulate was, has been entirely destroyed, and is nothing but a mass of ruins. Wc must felicitate Spain on tho conduct of hor subjects hero of all classes ; during this groat and sud dcn trial, they aetcd admirable. The Gofernor General and tho Archbishop set a brilliaut examplo, which has been cop ied nearly by all, of calmness, fortitudo, resignation, and energetic t-ynipathy. Tbo city is deserted nearly, for the edifices threaton to fall suddenly, and thcro may bo (though heaven forcfend it ! ) a repo tation. Beforo tho earthquake took place, sulphcrous odors wore perceived, rumbling liko tho fning of ordance,and then.liko tho approaching of an immenso locomotivo aud train I Tho flamo that surrounded tho city was seen from tho Bay to ascend to wards tho sky ; and another, a triple snaked ono, came from tho land over tho water to tho shipping, and threw thorn up j , , or fhrco fecl hilc 0Q sli0ro ' tho earth has overywhoro sunk at loast two feet. The Age. Slick This in Your Hat aud Keen it There. CSy"I declare upon my responsibility as a Senator.that tho liberties of this coun try aro in groator danger to-day from tho corruptions, and from tho profligaoy prac ticed in tho various donurtmcnts of tho I t Government, than thoy aro from the cnomy ; tlm onen Hold J. IMIai.e. llonublioan o i. e M, Hr,,,,oli;,. i ogumui uuiu iiQn y If theso infernal fanatics and Abolition ists over get tho power iu their hands, thoy will override tho Constitution, set tho Supremo Court at defiance, ohange and mako laws to suit themselves, lay vi olent HANDS ON THOSE WHO DIl'FEIl IN opinion, or daro question thoir fidolity, and finally bankrupt tho country and del uge it with blood, Daniel Weusteu. The Contraband System. A letter to tho Chicago Times, dated Helena, Ark., August 13th, tells a pitiful story, as fol lows : Emancipation in this part of tho country has already proved a sorry thing for llio poor contrabands, Thoy havo cotno with in our linos, somo voluntarily, somo by force of armed guards sent to bring them, and lhon left to Btarvo and dio of cvory diecaso to which indolence and oxpoauro render them liable Thoy havo not had onough of tho plainest necessities lo sup port them in health, and, when siok, no medical attendance whatever, has been furnished. As a result, duriug and sinco tho administration of Gen, Curtis, cinbt thousand coutrabands havu died at ndena, BSyWivcs, Mjlhcrs and Sisters, whoso Husbands, Sons and Brothers aro sorving in tho Army can not put Into their knap, saok a moro nccccstary or valuable pift than a few boxes of Hollowny'a Pills and Ointment. They insure health oven under tho exposures of a soldier's life. Oily SO cents a box or pot. wiiiwTnwTTTMim urn n .1 imiiii 1 1 in mm i imi miu ITIAUl&IAUES. At Berwick, on tho 10 th, inst., by Hov". W. W. Case, Mr. Llhwelyn Puosseb, lato of Dloomsburg, and Miss. Saiiaii E.. daughter of tho latu Rev. Isaiah Dahl., of i .... ' uerwicK. . At Dloomsburff, July 30tb, by Thomas J. Morris Esq., Mr. Geohqe Tanner, of Jiispy, Columbia oo,, to iHiss 1)1. D. iUajoii ot Lohigh twp., Oarbou county, Pa. At Bloomsburg, August 22, by tho satna Mr. David WniaiiT, and Nanoy A. Ba KF.it, all of Danville, Pa. SPECIAL NOTICES. A Gentlemen, ctiro'd of Nervous De- lilllly, Incompetency, l'remaluro Ducny nml Youthful Error, nctimtcd by a .Icslru to bcncllt others, will ba happy to furnltli to nil who nceil It (frco of charge) thu recipe and directions for making the simple ltcmcily tiled in till case. Thoso withlng to profit by til a ex. pcrlcnce and possess a Valuable ltcmcily will rccclvu tho same, by return mall, (carefully scnlcd) by nJJrci- iiiig John ii. onm'.N', No, LO Nassau tJtreet, N, Y. New York, August IS, 18133. Kin EDITOR 01' Iin.MOC'llAT. Ilonr Sir !-Wltli your permission I wish you lo say to the renders of )our paper that I will scinl by return mail to all who wish it, (free) n liccipe, with fu'l instructions for making and using a slmplii Vegetable Dal m. that will ctlcctu ally remove, in lUdays, pimples blotches, tan, frecklot nml all impurities ol' the skin, leaving the samo soil, clear, smooth mm beautiful. I will nlso mall free to thoso having li.ild tlcirls or Hare f.iccs, simple ill recti oils anil Information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair. Whisker, or n Moustache, iu loss ihan 'M days, All applications answered by return mall without charga. Respectfully youis, TnuH. P. OHAl'MAN.Chcinlst, July iS, 18C3-3IH J No. K31 Uroadwny, New York- MADAMB rORTEH'3 CURATIVE HALS AM h.u long tested tho truth that there nre first principles Iu Mcdiclno ns there is In Sciunce, nnd this Mcdhinui, compounded on principles suitod to thu manifold 11.1 turo of Man 1 Thu euro of Colds is In keeping open the pores, nnd crcntlug a geiitlo Intcrnnl warnuh, aiul this is caused by tho uso of this .Mcillcln". Its remedial qualities nro based on its power to ns.lst ilic hrullhy anu vigorous circulation oi uinou inroneu mo mugs, it enlivens uie muscles ami assists tno sKin to perturm its duties of regulating thu heat oC thu system, nml iu penny throwing oil" thu waste substance fiom the sur face of tho body. It is not a vtlleiit remedy, hut rmol lient, warming, senrching and rffectlvc. i:old by ull drughi.tx at 13 and S3 cents per bottle. July .'j, JSUJ Jiu- Dniformltynirrlccs ! A Now Feature in Mus.lnosi Every ono his own Salesman I JUNKS At UO. of Ihu CrosentOnoI'iicu Clothing Sture.No. 201 Markctstrcct above Sixth, riiilailelphia, in uuilition to Having tno largest, most varied ami fashinnnblo slock of Clothing In I'liiladelpliia madoci- iressiy ror retail sales, Havo constitute,! every one lis own sutcuiuu. by hnvim: marked in liiiurrs. oitcnnh articlont the vcrylowost prico It can ho sold for sothy raiinoi possimy vary an must Diiy uiikc. l lio gnous nru wen sponged nun prepares ami great oninstakcii with the makiiis so that nllcaubiiy with the full assurnncn of getting n good article at the very lowest price. Also, a large stock of piece goods on hand of the latent style and lu st qualities, which will he made io orucr, in ino uinsi laelilmi.iuie nnu ncsi manner, -j per cent, below credit prices. Remember tlio Crescent, In Umkcl above Sixth street No. SOI, J0NJ:S & CD. Nau Si&uertisemcntSo SAMUEL KlMOR.Fl, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBUHO, PA. MrLlTAUY ATTCNDKU TO 1'UOHrTLV. OFFICE-la Court llouto .lllty, uudtr IJcviceml r, August 2J, lblid-fiiu. NOTICE AND CAUTION. ALL persons nrc hereby rnutinned against tropins ing upon the premUes of the undersigned, in M.ilno township, Columbia county either by llshiiig. hunting gathering fruit, dcMroyiug timbor, or otherw ise, und r tho pains and penalties of the Laws of reuiisylvniii.i in such case mado and provided. ccoiicn MiLi.nit. ano. LONuu.s'uiuicua. August S9, ieC3-3w31. House and Lot FOR SA BiGJ CSIEA fi, TDK undersigned oilers io sell at private tale, a d sirable and pleasant residenco tncnti'd In Light Street, Columbia co., about i$ miles North of I'Looins burg, on Main Street, and central lu said village, Thcro is erected upon said premises a good FUAMi: MVELMAU HOUSE, with n wcll-fllted Store House attached, with an excellent well of water nt thu door, wtnW.i and fruit trees nnd all olhsr necessary conveniences, in n high statu of cultivation. Tno Storu Houso nnd stand am of the llrst order, and pretcnt an excellent and eligible opening fur the Mercantile busiuoks. 'llio building has an open glass front, under uaiidsomc uv n iug nnd encircled by thriving tliudo trees. Said property will bo sold tt n bargain, or exchanged for a small farm or uther real catate. A I FBKD MOOD. Light Htrcot, Aug. SO, ISC:). Public Sale WILL be exposed to public Vendue at tho residenco of Franklin tlcllride, deceased, in Hemlock town ship, Columbia county, I'n., oi: Thursday, September nth, 1803, tho lollttwlng valuable personal properly to wit !WQ HOfcSES, THREE GOOD MII.011 COWS, Two Head of Young Cattle, n flock of clioico Sh.rp, TWELVE IEQGS, nnd a lot of Geese, Cnrn nnd Rye by the bushel, si so a dot of com in th . ground HAY BY TUE TON. aaM"; ?f KliH1II,cn:fi: eluding Ills entire farming utensils. AIo, BEDS AND UEDDING, TABLES, together with a variety of household und kitchen furui luri', wool by tho pound. U i. al" m nun nit; i said day.wiun term ', byA ,... oo .r.i qj-caiuto cninuiencuut iu o'ciock, in tno forenoon or s und conditions will bo mnde known 11UU1I U MclilllUU, FRESH ARRIVA L 7 Ull undersigned, grateful for past patronage, rctpco fully informs his customers nnd the nubile rcnemllv that he has lust received from tha Easterns cities, tii lurgcsianu uiusi select biock oi Fall and Winter I 5" That lias ysl been opened lu Illooinsburg, to which ho invites tlio nttentien of his friends, nnd nssures them that they aro otl'ercd for sale at great bargains. His Stock comprises a larga assortment of OUNTLEMEN'H WHAU1N0 Al'i'AItllL, Consisting nt Fashionable I)nt:ss Coats, of every dos criptiou; 1'ants, Vests, Hlilrts, Crnvats Sticks, Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, tiuependers, &c, GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, Of every description, fine nnd cheap. N. II. Keiuenibcr " l.ouenberg'i Cheap Emporium.' call and see, No chargo for cxamiiig Hoods. DAVIti LOWF.NIlF.nn Ulooiiisburj, usuil V.9, Iff!!, IJuim ISili.J FALL AND WUMTBR GOODS I EVERYBODY