Fanner's Department. IMPORTATION OF WOOL-A HINT TO SHEEP RAISERS. It is a fact worthy of nolico that whilo tho increased demand for tlio sorts of wool needed for broadcloths, cassimors, etc., is being partially mot by increased produc tion, as yet little has been done to furnish supplies of tho staplo required in goods substituted for cotton ; that is for tip warps of worsteds, dolains, etc. Tho wool needed for this uso is that which will tnako tho smallest and strongest thread with tho least nap from tho smallest amount of stock. This U furnished in tho great est excellency by tho Leicester, Cotswold, and kindred breeds, and as comparatively very few of theso sheep aro raised in this country, tho great bulk of wool ntcded for manufacturing purposes hero, must bo im ported. Accordingly it is found that tho importations during tho present year have by far exceeded those of any previous pe riod. Tho amount received during the past six months has very nearly if not quite equalled tho wholo quantity impor ted in 1802, and is .greater than that brought in during both 1800 and 1801. But owing to the demand upon the other side of tho Atlantic for a similar article the prico has advanced to an unprecedented figure, and ouch wool now commands, and must for some timo continue to bring a prico far boyond its actual rolativo worth a3 compared with wool of finer staple. In other words, a larger amount of monoy can bo realized for wool by investments in theso breeds of sheep". Now it behooves American farmers to reap a akaro of tho 1 advantages thus offered. Heretofore, tho raising of tho coarser bodied sheep has advocated on tho ground of producing su perior wciglh and quality of mutton, and tho advantage, if any, in this respect, is Kot less now than formerly, as any one will find who indulges in the luxury of this meat at present prices. Tho matter is worth thorougly looking into by thoso who aro about stocking their farms with sheep. Somo enterprising men will reap a good return from importing improved flocks of these breeds, and wo shall bo pleased to chronicle their succes. American Agriculturist. LESSONS OF THE DROUTH. How ofton have farmers read of the im portance of draining ; deep plowing, thor ough pulverization of the soil, and other elements of good husbandry! And they havo said to themselves, this is very good theory, and it is very well for others to practico, but my land don't need such fussing over. Yet almost every year, in tho of drouth, wo hear them wonder why their corn rolls up its leaves so much worso than that of more careful farmers, and why nfbst of their crops dry so badly in mid-summer. Has not this been the experience of some tho present year?- They complain bitterly of tho season, of Providence, of everything except their own management. Now and then they visit other farms where tho land is well drained whero subsoil plows are owned and used where tho rntuiuro heap is constantly build ing and no part of it is suffered to waste, and whero all tho farm implements aro kept. bright by use ; and here they find tho orops almost unaffected by drouth. Their eyes aro opened a littlo, and thoy begin to eco that thoro is something in thor ough farming, possibly in hook farming. We havo no (doubt that an inch or two deeper in plowing ofton repays tho farmer a hundred ot woro dollars annually, in the crops saved from drouth, or increased in amount. Remains of Oioantio Animals. Russian geologists are makin preparations to promoto tho discovery of concealed re mains of mammoth animals in Siberia. It is stated that during tho last two centuries at least 20,000 mammoths, and probably thrice that number, havo been washed out of the ioo and soil in which thoy were im bedded by the action of tho Kpring floods. Tho tusks only havo been preserved for for their commercial value in ivory. An effort is now to bo mado for tho discovery and preservation of one of theso oaroajscs as perfect and cntiro as possible as it is con Bidercd that microscopio investigation of tho contents of its stomach might throw a powerful light on a host of gcologioal and physiological problems. EviLSor Idlkness. Nine tenths of tho miseries and vices or manhood proceed from idloucss ; with men of quick minds. to whom it is especially pcrnioious, this habit is commonly tho fruit of many dis appointment and schemes, not so much for tho want of strength, as tho ill direction of it. Tho weakest living creaturo, by concentrating his powers on a Binglo ob ject; can accomplish something ; the strongest, by dispersing his ovor many may fail to accomplish eomothing. Tho drop, by continued falling, bores its pass ngo through tho hardest rook tho hasty torrent ruthes over it, and leaves uo trace 1 ohiut, ' Miller's Store. FRESH UHlllVAL OP Spring & Summer GOODS. TUT. aubafrlher tias Juit returned from (ho Cltlca with nnutlier large nnd select naaortmet of Siitiiitr mad Summer Woods, purclinncd nt 1'Iilln.tclpliln. at tho Inweat figure, nnd whldi they aro determined to tell on na modorato tcrma nt rnn bo procured In nioomsburg. Ilia stock comprises ladies' .. noons, of cholrest styles nnd latest fashion. vnr ooods, awd inoci:niES, n mnw inn . pk wv ware, CEDAn WARE. HOLLOW WARE mo.v, MILS, HOOTS If SHOES HATS y CAPS, Sic., tfc, In ahort everything uaunlly kept In country Etoree o which ho Invito the public generally. Thu lllghcat prico paid for country produce. S. II. MILLER. Bloomau'jrg, April 18, 1803. New rOds FOR EVERY BODY. TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. Juat como toC nnd W Kreamer'a Store, In Jcreey town, I'a. yihoro you wllli'.nd nil kinda of Dry Coudat such as Ladies Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Ileiscry, Shawls &o. Groceries, Qnccnswaro, Hardware Ccdarwaro, Tin-ware, And Drugs. Fish, Meat, Salt, Flour, Tobacco, Scgars, Hats, Caps, Boots, & Shoes, IRON AND NAILS. In short, everything that la generally kept In a ceun t ry store. Wo lll sell you goods at fair prices nnd tnko nil kinds of produco na pny such us flutter. Eggs, Ornin, Lumber, Shingles, Oak plank, and in fact anything that any hotly else will buy nnd sell na cheap nacau ho sold in tho country. Wc will notba undersold by Jew or Gcitiles, Como then ono and all, judgo for your selves. Bring your trade, but don't ask for trust. C & W KREAMER. Jcrscytown, May 2, IBM. 9 Latest stile lowest prices. JUST Received a now assortment of latest styles of Wall Paper i nelud'mg Bantering, and Ceiling Taper, nnd a general variety of material In his line, which will be found on tho SECOND l'l.UO mmeiii ntcly over tho store of Mr. I. T Sharplcss, entrance one door cast of I.utzcs Drug Store in the Rupcrl Illnck, where nil persons wishing goods in his line will ho attended to, in person' at at oil times. Cy Pvpor Hanging executed to order and best style, at short notice. 13. J, THORNTON. Illoomoburg, MnyO, 18C3 3m TIN.WARE & STOVE SHOP. Tlin undersigned respectfully Informs his old friend and customers, that ho has purchased his brothers ntcrest In tho nhove establishment, and the concern veils hereafter be conducted by himself exclusively. us nas jusi received aim oners or sale, me larg est nnd most extensivu assortment of i'ANCY STOVI1S over Introduced into this market. Ills stock consists of a comnlcto assortment of ho best Cooking nnd parlor stoves in the market, tocolh- or with Stove Fixtures of every description. Oven nnd IS ox Moves, uamaiors, uyutiuar moves, uasi iron Air Ticht stoves, Cannon Stoves, &c. &c. Stovepipe nnd Tinware constantly on hand nnd manufactured to order. All ktnus ni repairing clone, as usual, on snort notice. The patronage oi oiu iricnus anu new cusioninr rc peclfnlly solicited. A. M. RUPERT. Ulnomsburg. November 3d 1PC0. tf. BLOOMSBURG SKYLIGHT, PICTURE fEEBY THE undersigned informs the citizens of Eloom. and neighborhood, that he lias taken the large room in the Exchange Block, extending over Messrs. Stoner & Fox's Bakery, nnd tho llookstore whero ho has put In n large Skylipl t. It is only by Skylight that good pic ures can boti Jen especially groups nhcro each person nn be takcuj tst ns well ns separate. llohasgnn to considerable expense to make his os ahliehmont first class one, mid ho tli"refure solicits n bcralpatro ago to enable him, to constantly introduce tho mode .1 improvements of the art. By Coun -y produco taken in I'.xchangc for pictures lin.VltV ItOdENSTOCK. liloomtbnrg, Nov. 53 1601. Nov. 0 'i2 GREENWOOD SEMINARY. MiUvittCy Columbia County, Pcnn'a. This well knowli Pchool for both sexes will oncn NOVI5MI)UR3d, IBM. Tho recent additions to tho buildings; render occcm odatians for morn than sixty boarders. Tho course of study will embrace three department tho Normal, the Scientific, and the Commercial. The Principal will bo assisted by experienced teacL ors, f.illy qualified for their respeclivo positions. Parents und others may rest assured that no cubits will be spared to make tlio School worthy of patroimgt nnd that tho welfare of the students, Intellectually phvsicnlly, and morally, will receive ourconstantraru For application, circulars or further particulars, nu press the undersigned, at Mlllulllc lliimbin county i. T. MAXWELL, I'OITB. JOHN D, rATTON, A.M., Mlllville, Ta., Eejit. 13.1602. Principal. FORK'S HOTEL. Btoamsburg, Columbia County, Penna. SLAS DODSON) Proprietor. rpnhcsplcasure innnnouncing to tint public that he J has taken and thoroughly refitted tho Forks Hotel fcrmctly occupied by Itobert Ilagcnbuch, llloomsbure, and is prepared to accomodate travellers, teamsters, drovers and boarders. Ills table will bo supplied with best products the markets atrord, nnd Ills Uar will be constantly furnith'd with the choicest liquors. y-f A largo ami commodious stable has been erected, 4,11 ivnvciiii-iit buium uuucneu. Aiicuttve ostlers will a ways bo inaltcnUuuco.nnd he trusts his oMnln attention to customers will secure him a liberal share ef liloomcburg, Pa.. Nov. 23, 1PG2. WI3W I'AWCY CSOOJIS. THE subscriber has just received a lot Hosiery Trimmings aud New Goods, such as S E P El V IB s sim-xii Aim YQQtiS ALSO; GLOVES, DOLLS. faTAYS. SATCHEL!,. HOOP SKIIiTS, rouTMONins. AND OTHER NOTION'S. 03-IVheclcrt Wilson's Sewing Machines far sale. Also-Bundnv School Hooka and rubles. Also-Mr. Allen's Hair Itestorer. which will give to gray its natural color. b'-.u a. D. wnnn. .Next Door below Court House. Dlo.omsburg, May 30, leC3. Attorney at Law. RLOOMSBURG, PENN'A. Office the Ezchhnge Hotel, Main it, Refresh to Hon. John Walls, Lcwisburg, Pa. William Cameron, President or tho Lewisburg Hank. J. II. Packer, President of the Northumberlahd Bank. Blooiutburg, Juno 27, 1003. ly. JOHN 0. YE AGE R, MANUFACTURER U WHOLESALE DEALER IN 64.HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 257 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov. 20, 1802. JOHN S. LEE & CO., No. 40, NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia, It OPE JtlAKJtillg AMD SHIP CIIANE LER S, Bpun Tttlonfir Caulking Ropes, Twjnts.'Jer, rttch, Oakum Ulocki, and Oats, ace. Aiijmt t, Id'VJ-lJin. Trials dusait tEtssatstDr FOR THE OOWSTiTUTSOW AND THE rou DIABETES AND DISEASES OrTIlE rAMe Dangtrens and Troublesome Diitattt, whlthkatt tSutfar leiltttd the beil tlirecttd Treatment canbl CmftcHh Controlled by tho REMEVYnou lefort uil THE CURATIVE properties of tho tncdlclno diicct themselves to tho or gans of secretion, nnd hy so altering tho condition of the stomach and liver thatthe starchy principle of tho food is notconvcrted into sugar solonj ns the system is under Ilia influence of.tho CONSTITUTION WATER, which glvn thoso organs time to recover their kenllhy tone and vigor. Wo are able to state that the Cotictitu , tion Water has cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given. STONE IN THE ULADDFR, CALCULUS, ORAVEL 11RICK DUST IILPOS1T. AND MUCOUS Oil I MILKY DISCHARGES A ITER URINATING. Diseases uccurlng from nnonnd thoaamo cauao will bo entirely cured by the Constitution Watar. If taken foi any length of time. Tho dose should vary with tho I severity of the disease, .from twentv drnns to n ten. spoonful threotlmes a dny, in water. During tho pas sage of the Calculus, tho pain nnd urgent srmptnms should be combated with tho proper remedies, then, fullowcd up with the Constitution Water, as above di rected. DYSMENORRAfXA, OR PAINFULL MENSTRUA TION, AND IN JUENORRHAGIA OR PROFUSE FLOWING, Iloth diseases nrislng from n faulty secretion of tno menstrual fluid in tlio ono case being too little, nnd accompanied by severe pnln ; nnd tho other a too pro fuse secretion, which will bo speedily cured by tho Constitution Water. That disease known as FALLING OF THE WOMU. which is thsrcsultofa relaxation of tho ligaments of that organ, nnd is known by n rensoof heaviness and dragging pains in tho back and sides, and at times ac companied by sharp laclnating or shooting pnins through thu parts, will, Innll cases, bo removed hythoincdlcinc. There is another class of symptoms arising from IR RITATION OF THE WOM1J, which physicians call .Nervousness, which word covers up much ignorance, and in nine cases outof ten tho doctor does notrcally know whether tho symptoms aro tho disease, or tho discaso the symptoms. Wo can only enumerate thciu here. I speak moro particularly of Cold Feet, Palpita tion In tho Heart, Imparcd .Memory, Wakefulness, Flash es of Heat Languor, Lassitude, and Dimness of Vision. SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION. Which in tho unmarried femalo is a constant recurring disease, and through neglect the seeds of more grave and dangerous maladies are the mult; anil as month nfter month passes without an chert being mado to as sist nature, the suppression becomes cluonic, ihe pa tient cradually looses her annctltc. the bowels nro constipated, night sweats como on, and eonaumptiun finally ends her career. I.CUCOHIttEA OR WHITES. Tills discaso depends upon nn Inflamatlon of mucous lining of tlio vagina and womb. It is in all cases nc- coinpanicd by revere pain in tho back, nccross the 1 bowels nnd through tho hips. A tcaspoanful of the tncdlclno may bo taken three times n dav. with an in jection of a tablcspoonful of the mcdicime, mixed with nuaii-piiiiui sou water, morning nnucvening. IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF T"u BLADDER, INFLAMATION OF THE KIDNEYS AND CA TARRH OF THE BLADDER, STRANGURY AND BURNING OR PAINFUL URINATING. For these diseases it is truly a sovorelgn remedy, nnd too much cannot bo said in its praise. A single docs has been know to relive the most urgent syptoms, Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the small of Hie back nnd through the hips? A tcaspoonful a day of Constitution Water will relievo you like magic. FOR DYSPEPSIA, It lias no equal in relieving tlio Most distressing smp torns. Also, Headache, Heartburn. Acid Stomach Vom itlng Food, &c. Take a tcaspoonful after dinner' The dose in all cases may be increased if desired, but should bo dono gradually. PHYSICIANS Havo long since clveu nn tho uao of Imrliu. cnhelisnml Juniper in tho treatment of these diseases, andonlyuse monitor want oi a ueticr remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER Ilaspiovcd itself oqual to the task that has devolved upon it. DIURETICS Irritato and drench the kidneys, nnd by constant use soon lead to chronic degeneration and confirmed dis ease. Mead. Mead, Bead. Danville, Pa., Juno 2 1803. Dr.Wft. H. Greoo Daer Sir: In Fcbuary. leci, I wasurllicted with the sugar diabetes, und for live lnotttliB 1 passed mora than two gallons of water In twenty. four hours. I was obliged to get up ns often ten or twelve times during ths night, and In five months I lost about fifty pounds iu weigth. Durniiig the month of July, lctll.l procured two buttles of Constitution Water nnd in two days after using it I experienced relief, nnd nfter taking two bottles I was eutirely cured, soon after regaining my usual good health. Yours truly. J. V. I. DE WITT. Boston Corners, N. Y Dec. 27, 1PGI. Win. II. Gregg 4: Co.: Gents: I freely give you liberty to moko uso of tho followingiTirtincatooftho value of Constitution Wa ter, which I can rcccoiiimeud in tho highest manner. My wife, who was attacked with pain in the Bhoul dcrs, wholo length of the back, aud in her limbs, with Palpitation of the heart, attended with Falling of the Womb, Dysmenorrhoea, and "Irritation of the Iliad dor," I called a physician, who attended hex about thrco months, when ho left her worso than ho found her. I then employed ono of tho best physicians I could find, who attended her for about nine months, niidwhileshe was under Ills caro she did not suirer quite as much pain ; he finally gavo her up and said : 'hercasowaa incurable." For, said he, "she w as such a combination of complaints, that medicine given for ono operates dgainst some other of lior dilficullies." About this timo alio commenced to use Constiiutiin Waveu, and to our utter astonishment, almost the first dose seemed tohavu tho dsircd cll'cct, and she kept on improving rapidly uxder its treatment, and naw super intends cn'ircly her domestic air.iirs. Shehas not ta ken any oftheCoN-TiuTios Water fornbout four weeks aiidwouru happy to soy that it lias produced n perma nent cure. wm, m. van benschotun. MlLLFORD, UONH., NOV, 19, 1601. Dr. WtLlLGncoo; Dear Sin I havo for several yenrs been afflicted with that tonublcanmcnnd dangerous discaso Gravel, which resisted nil remedies and doctors, until I took Constitutional Water, and you may be assured that I was pleased with the result. 1 1 lias entirely cured me, and y ou may make any use of my name you may see lit in regaro to tho medicine, ns I have entire confidence in its cllicacy. Yours truly, POND STRONC, THESE ARE TACTS ENOUGH Thero is no class of diseases that produco such ex hausting effects upon the human constitution as Dia betes nnd diseases of the Kidneys. Bladder and Urina ry Pasaagcs, and throuchu false modesty they are neg lectcd until they are bo udvauccd as to be beyond the control of ordinary rcmcdios, and wo present tho CONSTITUTION a To tho public with the conviction that it has no eqnalin relieving tlio class of diseases for which it baa been found so eminently successful in curing ; and wo trust inaiwe tiianuo rewnraeaiii our eiiortB in placing so valuable remedy in a form to meet the requirements of patient and physician, FOR SALE UY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE $1, WM. II. GEORGE & CO,, Proprietors. Morgan it Allen, General Agenti, No. 40 Clilf St Now-York, Sept, 20. 1602. 13m. EVANS & WATSON SALAMANDER RAPES. RE- MOVED to Jto. lO&w, 1'ourth Street, Philadelphia, havo on unuainrgo ossortnient of Firu Thief proof Salamander Hares. I so, iron doors, for In. makes of locks equal to any madu in tho United States. Eiee Safet U one Jlr. All eamt out right l with ton tent in pood condition, Tho Saluimiudcr Safes of Philadelphia against the world. EVANS & WATSON, have had tho surest dcmostrutlon in the following cer tificate that their mnuiifucturo of Salamander Safes 'hni, at length fully warranted Ihe representations which have been made of them as rendering un utidoubtcd security against the terrific clement. Philadelphia April 12. 1850. Mctert. Erant If llation; Gentlemen It ufforda us the highest satisfaction to atato, to you, that uwinglta tho very protective qualities of tno of tho Salamander, Safes which we purchased of yau some five month sincv wo saved a large portinri of jewelry, and ull our books, ice., uspoicd to thu ealaiiiinous.llruinltuustead plnco on the morn nc of the 11th Intl.. ' mm Hill When wu reflect that theso anfea were located in the fourth story ofthe building wn occupied and that they fell subsequently Intou heap of burning ruins, where the vast concentration of the heat caused the brass plates to melt, we cannot but regard thoiirescrvatlon of their val liable contents as moat coinlncing proof of tho great se curity ullorded by your sales. Wo shall tvko great pleusureiu recommending tbcni. men of business ns a sure rellancu against tiro. GEORGE W SIMMONS k 1IRO., Jtvd'.cri. tp rhey have imte pntchaied all large Safes, July St), ISO!.1, AniWItSOl THHProprictorof this wcll-kpownnnd centrally loca tail House, the ExciiAMor IltiTki.. sltnnte on Mai. I Street, In llloomahurg. Immediately 'ppoalto tho Cnlum bin County Court llouae,roapcclfiiliy Informalila friends , nnd tho public In general, that his House Is now In or tier ror the reception nnilcntcrtninini nt ni travelers wno may feel disposed to favor It with th Ir custom, lla has spared no eipcnao In prcpaling thu Kxriunnc, for tho entertainment of hta guests, neither shall there he any. tiling wanting (on ins part) to minin t to tncir personal comfort. Ilia houao is spAclous and enjoys nn excellent business location, E7" Omnibuses run nt nil times be. ween tho Exchango Hotel and tho various Hall Itoad Depots, by which trnv clers will bo pleasantly conveyed H nnd from tho ro spcctlvc Stations in duo timo to meet tho Cars. WM. 1). KOONS. llloomeburg, July 7, 1800. 6,000 Hrams writing Paper, Including of note. Letter Fool i cap, Sermon, lllll, to Drawing papers selling at Low rmcts for cnih, Wm. G. PEPKY, Stationary. 8. XV. cur 4th, At Ituco Philadelphia. t.n I "9il.ra2lLUaS.Tl'- 'PHE iinderilgni-iris ntso extensively engaged Hi tno -s- Undertaking Hmlncts, nnd keeps constantly on hand t'd for sale nt his Warcrooms, n largo assortment of FINISHED g-s COFFINS, Ily which ho Is enabled to till orders on presentation Also Keeps a good Horso and Ilcarso, nnd will at ul times bo rcudy to attend Funcrcls. SIMON C. S1I1VE. Illoomsbiirg, January 2D, 1650 LJlllGE ARRIVAL OF New 8prii)g& Summer AT FETER ENT'S STORE, M LIMIT STREET, COLUMBIA COUXTV, TA, HAH Jtut received from Philadelphia, nnd is now o.nening lit tho old Btnnd lately occupied by Martz & Eut, u splendid assortment of which will be sold cheap lor CAPII OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills stockconslstsof LadiCB Dross Goods choicest styles and latest fashions Oahces, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Sharfls, Hosiory, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimcrcs, Satinets, Cottouadcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &o. Groceries, Quccnswaro, Ccdarwarc, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c. ROOTS & SnOES. HATS & CAPS. In short overy thing mnnliy kept in a country store The patronnge of old friends, and the public general ly, Is respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid for country produce. I'ETLR ENT. Light Street, May 30, 1603. FRESH ARlllVA L -OF- raw HW!iIM' -FOR Tf nn unncrsigncii, grniciui lor nn a-rn. resnee i fully informs his custumers nnd the publicgcncrally Hint hu has lust received from the EaBturne eitiea. Hi largest and most select stock of Spring and Bummer, That has yet been opened in lllonmsburp, tn which he invites tho attention or Ills friends, nnd assures them that they nru offered for sale nt great bargains. His Stock comprises a large assortment uf GENTLEMEN'S WEARING APPAREL, Consisting ol Fashionable Dress Coats, of every dfs criptlnn; Pants, Vests, Shirts, Crnvats Stocks, Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, fcc. GOLD WATCHES AND J EWE LEY, Of every dcacrlntlon. fine nnd clican. N. II. Remember " Loutenberg'a Cheap Emporium call and see. No charge for cxnming Goods. DAVID LOWEXIIERG nioomsburg, March 2. 16C3. (June 1859.) Lackawanna nioomsburg Huilroad ON AND AFTHR APRIL 0, 1303. PASSENGER TRAINS WILL RUN AS I'liLLOWS: MOVING Leave Scrantnn, " Kingston nioomsburg " Rupert, " Danville, Arrivo at Northumberland, MOVING Lcavo Northumberland, ' Danville, " ltupeit, ' llloouikburg " Kingston, Arrive at Scrauton, SOUT II. Vattenger, Jlceom. 5 30 A.M. 11.00 A. M 11.40 Arrivo 12.30 P J) 8,50 e.55 0.21 AM 0.53 N O R T II 4.30 I'. M. S.10 5.45 5.51) K,5 1,15 P. M 0.10 P. M. 3.30 A Passenger Train nlsolenvcs Kinestou at f 'JO A. M for Scrauton, to connect with train for New York. Re turning, leaves Scrantou on arrival of Train from New York at 4.20 P. M. Tlio i.acKowatmn anu ninomsuurg Railroad connects with tho Dclawaro, Lnckawanna and Western Railroad at Scrantou, fur New York and intermediate, tiointu enm At Rupert itconnecti with thoCnttattissaUaiirnud.for poinia uniii casi una west arriving ut ruiiaiiciuliluut 7.00 P.M. At Northumberland it enrvnects with tho Philadelphia ti ErieR. Il.andN.O It. It. fur points west uud south rassengera urriviug ui iiarrisoiirg -i ou r ill, ; I'liu udelphia 10 P, M Laltimoro 10.20 1'. M. GEO. II, HUNT, Sup't I C. Wells, Oen'i Ticket Agenl. Kingston April If. 1M.3. PHILADELPHIA. PAPER HANGINGS HOWELL & IIOURKE, Corner fourth and Market Slrccta, Philadelphia, lmvo nuw in kiutiv, u iiuu variety wi WA I. I. PAPER S, Got up expessly for their Spring Trade. WINDOW PAPER OP EVERY GRADE, o which they invito the ottentiouof Storekceners. fx7 In their rctalleparlment, will bo found the choicest stylos oi ino uon, March 7 IS03 3 mos.scas I SCIIOLAHSIIII'S F011 SALl?. Pittsburgh Commercial College, lliiighaiuptin " " Crittenden's " " Philadelphia. Siratton.llrvant it Co.. " " Theaa Scripa, are iiiainounts of 315 and 850 mid ara 1 io much cash, by the Student on entring cither ofth v above Colleges. Young mdn desiring toobtalu a finiili, I cd collegiate i;aurntion, win ncro unci a good specula tion by applying ut the oflice of tlio Nov J.IWJ. COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, 1 1 ' Kf ECON OMY IS WEA L T H I OU11E YOUlt OoVdH FOR13 0ENTS The best ani cheapest Household remedy in the If 'arid. MADAME ZAIJ0C POUTER'S MADAmI! ZAUOO I'CR. TER'S Curatlvo llolsam Is warranted If used cccordlng to the directions, to euro In nil cases Coughs. Colda, Whooping Cough, Asthma nnd nil nficctlons of the throat and Ldngs. Mndnmo Zadoc porter's iiaisam Is prepared Willi an tho requisite skill, from a ccmblnati on of the best rem edies tho vegetable kinndom affords, its remedial quali ties are bared on lis power to assist tho healthy circii latlon af the blood, through tho L'tngs. It la not a viu- lent remedy, but eutollcnt warming, searching nod off cctivc; can be taken by the oiucsi person or tuo young cat child. MndamZndoc Torttr's bah sam has been In uao by the imiiiic tor over ia years, and ins ncqrlred its present rnlo 'imply iy ocing recommcn ted Ij v those who havo used lt to their nflllctcd friends and others. -Most Important. Madame Zadoc Porter's Curative Balsam ia sold at n prico which brings It in tho reach of every ono to keep it convenient fur use. Tho time ly uso of n slnglobottlo will prove to bo worth 100 times Its cost. NOTICE. Save your money I Do not bo persuaded to purchase articles nt 4s tn SI which do not contain the virtues of a IHccut bottle nf.MndatnC' Porter's Cu- I rntlvc llalsntn, the cost of manufacturing .which la ns great as almost any oilier medicine nnd tlio very low prece at which ft 1 Isold, makes t lis- profit to thu sell, er nppa. intly small, nnd iiuprinelpnled dealers wil sometimes recommend other medicines all winch their profits arc Inrger, unless tho customers lnsit upon liivliu' Madame 1-Jitcr' nnd nouo other. Ask for Madame Porter's Curative Balaam, prico 1:1 rents, and n large bottles nt SAocuts, and tnko no other. (jy Sold by all Druggitsand Storckccpcrcat !3cts. in. 4 Inlnrger bottles ni 25 cents, HALL & RUCKLE, Fr;prletore, Now York. January 21, 18CX Nos. 0,11,13, 15, 17 Courtlandt Street, NEAR BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. Thla old-catablished nnd favorite resort of tho Busi ness Community lias been recently refitted, ami is rum- ilcto in everything tnal cm minister to the comforts of ts nations. Ladles and families are specially and care fully provided for. It I' centrally located In tho btt'lneaa part of the city. and Is continuous to the principal lines cf steamboats, cars, omnibusscs ferries, &c. In conscouenco of theprcssuro caused by tho Rebel lion, prices have been reduced tu One Dollar ai d iiftu C cuts per Dav. The table Is amply supplied with all tho luxuries of the season, and is equal to that of nny other hotel in tho country. ' Ample accommodations aro offered for upward of 400 gucts. I no noi nenovc runners. nacKinen, and others wno may say "ino western lintel is lull." 1). D. WINCHESTER, Proprietor. TIIOS. D. WINCHESTER. I'eb. IS.IPG'J. JXcntfittig' liail Elonri. SUMMER ARRANGE MENT, GREAT TRUNK LINE 1'ROM THE NORTH AND Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, rottsville, Lebanon. Alleutown, Eastnn.&c, &.c. Trains leave llarrishurg for 1'hilailctphia. New York Reading, l'ottsvllle and all intermediate stations, at 8 a. m., nnd 2 p. tu. New York eiptcsa leaves llarrishurg nt 2.15 a. m arriving at New York nt 11 .15 the same morning. Fares from llarrishurg i To New York 85 15 J to Philadelphia 53 3J and S'J 69. Baggago checked through, Reluming, leave New York at 0 a in., 12nnon, and 7 p. in., ( I'iltFliurg Express). Leave Philadelphia at 8.15 a. m and Xliu p in. Sleeping cars in tho New York express trains, through to nnd from I'ltuburgh without change. Passengers by tho 1,'atawissa Railroad leave Tamamia at 8.511 a m., and 2 15 p m., for Philadelphia, Now York and all Way Points. Trains leavu I'ottsvillo at 1.15 n. m ami 5.30 p. m,, fur l'hiladelhla, llarrishurg and New York, An Accommodation passenger train Icovcs Reading at0.e0a. m , and returns from Philadelphia nt 5.UU p.m. 03 All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. A tmndny train lcacs i'ottsvillu at 7,30 a.m., and Philadelphia at 3.15 p.m. Commutation, mileage, season, and excursion tickets it reduced rates to and from all points. G. A. NirOLLS, Mny 23, 1603. General Superintendent. Tllli F0U11 ACTS OF 1)ES1'0TIS.U A NEW AND IMPORTANT WORK. uy d, a. miio.w, or iowa, Author of "The Trhon of State." Price 50 cts; in paper covers, Hound in muslin, 75 cts. This work contnlns full nnd official copies of four priitcipnl Acts of tho last Congress, which will forever fix n stigma upon that body : 1. 'Iiie'I'ax I.ill. bv which all thu property and re sources of the peoplo nru mortgaged to the present Administration. 1. Tn I'lNAscB IIicl, which places nll.tho currency of the country in tno nanus oi me occieiury vi lue Treasury. 3. Tub CnNfinir-rios Giu, by which nil thu bodies o poor men who aiu not worth 300, aro placed in the hands of tho Administration, 4. The lsnKMsnv Act, (filling climax,) which pre sumes to indemnify the President for all the wrongs he has committed in the past, or may commit in tho future. Theso four acts nro each preceded by a cnrelul an nlefcU. bv Mr. Mnhntiv. and ihclr imlust. owires&lvo unconstitutional and odious features pointed out. As n for reference, it will be invaluable to the l ax- met, the Mechanic, the Politician, tho Laborer in fact to every person, for these acts reach from the loftiest mansion to the humblest cnblu iuthelaiid, Theso four acts nro not nublishcil tntrethcr in any other form. '1 hey make n largo octavo pamphlet of UiO pages, in good Hzeu type, nnd aro sold ni ino low prico of ni'ly Cents iu paper, and Bevcnty-l'ivc Cents in muslin binding. In order to furnish thoso of our rendars wliomay da slro this important work, wo have made nrransomonts wiili ilia nublUliors to suiinlv it through our oltice, uud nil who wish copies can urdcr from us. Wo will fur nish tliem nt 1'ublUher's rates. 1.7" geud on tho orders at nnco. Fifty Cents in paper binding. Beventy-l'ivo Cents iu muslin. Address Editor Columbia Democrat. May 'JU, 1C03. Wm. 13. BRADBURY'S PMNO-FOR TEESTADLlSUMEJSi T No. 427 Brootuo Street, New York. Tho subscriber rcsmctfully invites the attention of his friends nndtlie public generally to his I'lanu.l'orto Establishment at No, 427 Drooino street, conor ofCrosby Slrcet. Having withdrawn his Interest, HoeK and material from the latufirinofLightck llradsburry,"whieli firm wns dissoiveii onino.iist January, uu.. ami naving rurchusea tue cuiiro eiock oi I'lano i ones nun I'lauu 'urto Mulerial owned by his brother. Edward O. Ilrudbury, in the said firm, lie Is now preparped to supply the increased demand for his celebrated Piano Fortes. Employing the mont skilllul and eiperlcneed workmen, with a large nock of Hie bsst aud most thor oughly seasoned mutcrinl and an abundance of capital lie has taken iu hairiuhu personal supervision of Iho tho whole business rmTanufacturinghisiiitiimeuts nnd is enabled to turn out fiauo-l unci oi uuc'iuaueu lono nnd durablcncss. IJRADIIURY'S NEW SCALE PIANO FORTE. In tho arrangement of our new scale, drawn nnd pre pared with tlio utmost care, expressly for our new liutiumcnu, wo havo addsd every Improvement which cnu iu any wuy tend to tho perfection or I no riano l'ortu, nnd wo can loulldently assert, that for delicacy of touch, volume, purity, brilliancy and sweetness of lono, combined with thntstrength an it solidity of frame necessary' to durability, theso instruments urn une- pul''ll, "Sa.Kr-iaTii and llKii'TV" is our motto, nml wo invito the closest criticism of the beat unbiased Judges in tho land- n7" Every instrument warrnnted for five yeara, WM. II. 1IRADIIURY, 427 llroome St., cor. of Crosby, New York. March 14, ieu3. 3m VALLANDIGnASI'S RECORD. THIS work contains the principal Speeches of Hon, C, L. Vallahdioiiam, on AHOLITIOX, THE UA'IOAT, AMD THE CIVIL WAR, also narts of other Speeches, Letters, Votes, etc, It is 1 handsomely printed on good, 2IH pages largo 8vo, und , TT) f)OK.S13TiT,Ti!Tt Rlntinnnr 'Rnnlr haaiiverytli clycxccrited Heel cngrnvsd likeness of KV, , n, , , 1' Oiaiionor, IJOOls Mr Vallandlgham i S J binders, Rlank book manufacturer, nnd Dealer in The work haa been carefully comi Hid nnd edited.- ' Imported and 1 American Stationery. II. ,...,l..,.l n,,rnv, ,l l.v Mr V'nll. 1, ,lt l, n in ll bOUtll West Cor.-illl U liUCO St Fllllodclpll U. ia having a largo sale. Price, miner covers. CO cts.. Cloth, SI. 00; delivered by mall r express, prepaid, on roreipt of prico, A liberal discount to Agents nnd dealers. Published by J. WALTER U CO., Colutlibus, Ohio. r7" A copy will bo sent lo every editor who inserts thu above and this notice before July 1st, Itr'iH, and bends umaHed copy of Ilia paper to the publishers. June 0,lcG3 lm. liUUSIUlCT-H tb HUOTIIKUH. WHOLESALE T 0 B A 0 0 O DEALER? NO.IOS.NOKTU Till III) STIIICET Five dooribclowltacc, PIIILADKLPMA I! IF YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR Cheap Spring Goods, GO TO Crcasy's Store, in Light Sired, Pa. ALL KINDS OF (10QDS OALICOE, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGnAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Heady-Made Clothing Sugars, 5lolasscs, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tohacco, Separs, Hats, Boot", Caps, Shoes, Drug3, Oils, Paints, fio.) &o. In nditltlnn to our largo stock ofDry Goods, wo hnvo f largo and full nssortmont ofnendy Made Clothing nor .Men and I'.oys wear which wo nro determined to sell cheaper th in enn bo bought elsewhere. Call nnd see, nnd judge for yourselves. fc Light Street, .March 1. 1803. THE NEW GIIOCEIIY STOKE. MORE FRESH GOODS. Just 'cccivcd at Erasmus' JNito Store. Molasses, Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Rico, Spices,. Hats and Caps, Fish, Bait, Tobacco, Scgars, Candies, Razons, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great variety of notionanad ctceto ras. ton numerous to mcn'inn. E7"iluttor, Eggs, .Meat nnd produce generally taken in excuaugu lor guous, A. II, ERASMUS. Dloomsburg, May 9, 1803, Bark ! Bark ! ! WANTED IMMEDI A TE LY . QOP Cords of Bark, wanted by, tho under signed, immediately, at tliel'nnncry in IllonmiHjtirc far which the highest pricu will bv paid In Cash Lcn the Wm, SN YUKU . nioomsburg, May 9, IcC3, lm CRITTENDEN'S rillMDELPUIA t'OflMHUtriAL. COLLEGE, JV. E. comci nj 1th and Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. This Ikstitotion, which was ettabliahed in 1814. and ia now consequently in the eighteenth year tf its exist ence, nutnberMiiinoiiL' its graduates, hundreds of the mostsuccessful Merchants nnd llusiucss Men of our Country. rimOnJFOT of the Institution is solely tn afford vounr; men facilities for thorough preparation for buslines. The Branches tauuiit are, livok-keeptntr. as applica ble to the various departments of trade; Venmanthip,; Commercial lam, .Val he matics, A'aeifration Grit Engineering, Vrateiiig, I Aon- ogarphy, ana Modern Languages. 'ITbStstim or Instruction Is peculiar ; no classes or set lessons are made use of, but each student is taught individually, so that ho may commence nt nny time, and attend nt w hatever hours arc most convenient. Cataloooes nreissticd annually after the 15lh of April containing nnmos of the students for tin year, ami full particulars of terms, &c, and may be obtained at any time by addresing the Principal. InExtk.nsivk AreoMMoniTiONS, widespread reputation nnd the tengihu cipcrtcntc of ihe Principal, this Institu tion oirers facilities superior toany other in tlio coun try, for young men wishing toprcpnro for business, nnd to obtain nt the same time a MN.OMA, tehieh will jirorea recommendation for them them to nny Mcrchan tile House. K7"CKtTENOEji'8 "eric of Trcatitct nn Ilnoit-KFir-ino. now nnre widelycirculatedthan any other work ou the subject, arc for sals nt the College. S. HODGES CRITTENDEN, Altorncy-at'Laic, Principal: Jan. 25-1602 12m. NATIONAL C0M3IEIICUL COLLEGES LOCATED IN PHILADELPHIA, s,e.ccrni:r7tii and chestnut sts., IVt?Jt York City , Brooklyn, Albany, Tray Buffalo. Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, and St'. Louis. Dook-kccping, Penmanship, Commercial Arithmetic Commercial Law, Forms, Correspondence, &c, piact cally taught. Theso Colleges being under tho samo general and lo cal management, and iinitinir in each tho udvuutagu of all, oiler greater facilities for imparting iuatru&l l than nny other similar institution in the country. A Scholarship is.ued by any one is good iu all fci n unlimited timo. Tho Philadelphia College has been recently culail nnd refurnished in a superior manner, nnd isnowfl i largest and most prosperous Commercial Institution 1 1 the Slnte. Ilryant & Ptrntton's series of Text Honks, cmbrac Ilook-kcepiug, Commercial Arithmetic, und Comiucr Law, for sale, and sent by mail. n7" For full particulars send for a circular. October 18, ISl'i'J- 12m. on. Wilson Mcandlcss, Judge of the United States Circuit Court, President. Corner Pcun nud St. Clair Street, P1TTSRUROII, PA THE LARGEST. CIIAPEST AND REST. $35.00 pays forn lu'l Commercial Course, ,tr No extra charges for Manufacturers, Steamboat, nni I road nnd Hank Hook-Keeping. Ministers' sons at half prico. Students enter and re view at any time. '1 ills institution is conflicted by experienced Teach ers nnd prnitical Accountants, who prepare young men for active business, nt tho least cxpentti and shortest time, for the ino.t lucrativo uud responsible situations. Diplomas grunted for melit only, llencu tho universal preference fur graduates of this college, by butiuers men. Prof. A.COWLEY, tho best Penman In tho Union, .. 1... t.l,lu ll... I.,..,., iin.iil... nr llr.t (....n.!,,,.,. .....I . ,,,,,, flUIUO MU,O,0r, ,Ub, w ., w.ll. .., ,,,, t nvi.r ,, II rn, iilietltitrH. lt.'Wlieu n ntil III title,., u rlt 1,,'r. For specimens of Penmanship, und Cntuloguo con taluing full information, enclose twenty-five cents lo JENKINS It SUITII, Principals. 07 Attend where Iho Sous uud Clerks of llunlncss Men nnd Hauliers graduate, April 10, leUM-ly. April 1, 1603. WILLIAM G. PERKY I ' ' 1 Persons visiting the city, or sending orders will do well tu tako n iiiuiiiorandiim of the above Address. Tho stock is large ami well assorted, t'ricta tew, I'lioTourunt Alooms, Helling from Ducts to if i3 each. Thenewcat styles and largest assortment in tho City, Win. G. PERRY, Publiehur, H, W. cor.-llh&i Race sirs.. Philadelphia (Opposite Inutcnacmc Hall,) CHESTNUT BTREET.UHTWEEN I Il'TII U SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA, ITVATT fc HEIILINas. Proprietor. i Match 13, IMJ November 30, 1H61 WAR FKI0ES OVER 1 SECOND ARRIVAL o P AT THE STORE OF J J. BR0WER BLOOMSBURG, PA. ft Rhn tin Just received, nnd la now opening n prime 11 stock or New tOooda from tho Eastern markets, which will bo sold low forcnahor produce. PRINTS at 121, 10, 18, 2(1, 22, and 23 cents, Brown & Bleached Muslin, nt 20,25, 05, and 40 cents l)c Luines, ( Italics, and Dress Goods, a full supply at 18, 25, Ul, and up to CO cts XlALlJ!ia Ul'I'JHA UIjUXU rort DUSTEKS. A'so, a Irclt supply of GROCERIES, SPICES, .J-C. Aho, a large lot of QUEENSWARE. OeDAIIWAUE. IlAlWYArU', and Stoneware, Boots and Shoes , And nil kind of Merchandise usuually kept In n coun try atoro. Call and examine- No charge for showing Gooda. May I), 1603, JAMES H. SMlTHi IJUPOHTEll M'D WHOLESALE liEALEll BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKEYS, GIN'S, AND LKIUORS, GENERALLY. No. 328 Walnut Sts,, between 3d ij- PHILADELPHIA. C. n. HENRY, Traveling Agent and Salesman, Cf Onntm RtsrEcTrM.v Solicited. Novembers.', ISBS. y. Exchange Hotel, l.ATE COL, It. D. J0NCS, No. 77 Dock Street, next door to the Poit Office, Philadelphia. This well known establishment maintains Itauaua I celebrity, and its well known repuintion of bciui the best HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Shall bo sustained. ltoommay bo had at all houn ner night, 37 cents ; per week, 32 50, per month, 810, Tho liar and Eating Departments nro furnished with the best of everything the market ran produce. GAME, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, nnd delicacies of cyory clinic may be had at n monio t's notice. Meals at 12 cents and upwards, and may lie had from 5 A. M. till 12 nt night, Gentlemen may rest nsiiired that no oxpcitsj wiil bo spared to render this Hotel a model one. J. OTTENKIRK, Propr. March 7, 1803-3m. GIBSON'S DE01UTIVE EST IBM II MEN T, Ho, 125, South Eleventh Street near VI nut, Enameled Glass, Fresco, Oil and Encaustic Palntlii John Gtnsov. G. II. Gidon. January 12, 1801 3m.. P I TUR E S FO R. ALU UM. Over 000 different varieties selling from75cts to SITi per k'o.sii. Wm. G. PERRY, Publisher. S. W. Cor. 4tli & Rnce Philadelphia ELI IIOLDEN INVITES tho attention of every rendo this paper, which includes many lhoiis of his old patrons ami ni piulntances To unusually large nnd b iiitifut varity AMERICAN nud IMPORTED WATCHES, CLOCKS and elegant designs of JEwEI.RY. Silver Ware, Uc, ELI IIOLDHN. 709 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA March 7, lr?G3 13tn JOHN DOLL 502 Market St., Philadelphia IMPORTER nf Toys, Pipe and fancy Articles. Tho largert variety of I'ipoa, Toys, llaskets jn FANCY GOODS TO HE FOUND IN IDE C1TV. Pleas call and Exaimnc, March7, 1803 I8G3. Phil.Klclpliia & 1803. ric Hail Itond. Tills great lino traverses tlio Northern nnd Nnil'j- vest counties of I'euiisilvania t ilia , iivi,r r.r-ui, l.nke Eric. It lias been leased by tho Peii'isylraula Itailrnal Company, and under their auapk-es is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It Is now in uso for Passenger and Freight btisiuesa from llarrishurg tn Driftwood (2d Fork) (177 miles) m the Eastern Division, and from Shelllold to Erie on lha Western Division, (78 miles.) TIME ur eASSEMlEll TllAI.SS AT .tOnniSMOERI.AMl. Mail Train leaves, Eaat 0 53 A. M. Express Train 11 " 10 Si! 1'. M. Mail " " West A " Exprcas ' " s 5j a. M. Cars run through with ctUNor both ways nn llie.a trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and llaltiinorc and Lick Haven. Nuw and elegant Sleep ing Cars nreomp.iuing thu Express Tram both ways between Williamsport and Ilaltimore, und Williams port und Philadelphia, For Information respecting Passenger business, ap ply nt the S. E. Cor. Ilth and .Market Sis. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents ; K. II. Kingston, Jr., Cor.lJth and .Market Sts., PhilV J. tV. Reynolds, Erie. J M. Drill. Agent N. C. R: it., Ilaltimore. 11. II. Houston, Gcn'l. Weight Agt . Philadelphia, Louis I.- Iloupt, Gen'l, Ticket Agt. Philadelphia. Joseph D. Potts, Gcn'l. Manager, Williiiinspuit. January 17, 1803. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Patrick Tool, deceased LETTERS of Administration on Ihe Estnte f Pat rick Tool, late of Centre low nship, Columbiu co,, deceased, havo been granted by Ihe Register of Colum bia cn to the undersigned t nil persons having claims ngainst the estate of tho decemieiit nro requested t pros-cut tlifiu tn tho undersigned, at Ills rcsiiUnco in Mild township, without delay, and all persons indebted tu make payment furthwl.h. CHARLES TOOL, Adm'r. May 01, 1803,-Cw. &wmmE HOTEL 1 pun lic sQUAia:, ivilkes ha hue. ri-iitE tinker sisncil, having taken litis well-known stand Jl (Tonne rly of .Major fiiterliaugh), respectfully solii its the patruiiagn of tho public. No pains will be spared In any of its departments, to render satisfaction tn all guest. Thu TAULE uud tha IIAll will always bo supplied w i Hi tho REST THE MARKET AITORDS. K7 Good r'tabllng for Horses and attciitlvo Hostlers. Tho "Excliango" Is eligibly situated on tho Public Square, and has therefore peculiar advantages toper sons attending Court or doing business in tho public Ulntcs. ii,ui,,:d jmwmu, mi. N. tl. Whenever you como to town, please call. II. J. YAPLE. Wilkea-llarro, Nov. 13. ISC2I WW JEUSEY LXi)S FOR SALE, ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS, Suitublo for Grapes, Peaches, Pears, Raspberries, Strewberries, Illackborriis, Current., &e., of I. i.'l.'i, 10 oa '.'0 acres cuch, ai the following prices for the present, via: "0 acres lor S.W, 10 acres for SI 10, S acres for &n0, i! ucres for t IU, 1 acre for !$'J0. Payable) by one dollar n week. Also, good Crnnbury lands, and village lots In Cheat wood. 25 by I0O feet, at $10 each, payable by nno dvl !nr a week. 'The above land nnd furinx, nru situate a i.'licntwood, Washington township, llurlingtoii county New Jersey. For further Information, upply, villi P. O, Stamp, for a circular, to B. FRANKLIN ''LARK, No. 00 Cedar Street, New York, N, Y. Jannary 17, ltb3. WALNUT JflOTflifi, LIGHT STRIiET, Columbif, county, Fn qIIE undersigned has located nt tho above nairf'1 X hotel, formerly occupied by Peter Schug, and iclic its a sham of public patrouago. Good accommodations for man and beast. 7l'.f best kind af liuuors ut Ihs bar. J. D, ItlCE, Proprietor. April II, U03- BUNDS AND SHADES. P J. WILLIAMS. No. 10 North Sixth street, rhlla- delphla. manufuclurer of Ynilian IlIindH mill Window Slindvs ST The largest and finest nasnrtmonl In tho city, a) the loweit prices. Iiliuda pslntud and trimmed I'Hual to new. Store Shades uiadeaiid lelteicd, April t, IFKI-lin