Farmer's Department. T1TT3 PEAOU (?URL. 'i, J. Kirlpatriolc,iu n Into number of tl. Ohio farmer cosmnunicntcs (ho follow ir.j. views od lh"s Biibjoet : Mat year a species of aphis occurred in considerable numbers on peach trees nfiVctetl with the curl, anil tho diseased Laves poraeoutcd many small discolored Bpots on tho inidriil evidently resulting from tho punctures of this insect" This vcar tho curl did not occur until several leaves wcro divclopcd, and tho wood had t rown four or five inches in length. Thio older loaves were loft unhurt, but tho young ones just growing wuro much j curled and will soon fall. Tho cause this year appeared to bo tho sudden odd im mediately succeeding tho warm weather of May, chilling tho sap and producing a dis eased stato of tho vegetablo tissues. Tho ouil has bcon known for a long time in England, and is discribed under diil'ercut names. When the loaves aro said to bo "Llistcred," the cause is supposed to bo cold weather after warm ; but Aborcrom b'o, in 1791, discovered a species of ourl which ho snpposcd was caused by au ap his. Wo know that insects olten causo unalagovs diseases of tho leaves of various plants, and it is probable that poach ap his may producoa certain hind of curl in the loaf of this tree, and also that sudden changes of tcmpcraturo will produce a dlosely resembling tha other. Should it bo shown at Rome future period that wo havo more than ono kind of curl, the of fjols of different causes, it will go far to explain why thcro has boon so much divcr silo of opinion on tho subject. Tho aphis has not appeared this year ; at least I havo Hot observed any of them. TO SWEETIN RANCID BUTTElt. An Agriculturist, near Brussels, having nuci;ceding in removing tho bad smell and d'sagvceablo t:3io of somo butter, by K ring or mixing it with chloride of lime, ho was cncouraircd by this happy result to continue his experiments, by trying thurn upon butter so rancid as to bo past uso; and ho has restored to butter, the odor and tasto of which was insupporta ble, all the sweetness of fresh butter. Tho operation is extremely simplo and practi cable for all. It consists in beating tho butter in a sufficient quantity of water, no which, had boon mixed 25 or30 drops of chloride of lime to two pounds of but ter. After having brought all its parts in contact with tho water, it may bo loft for an hour or two afterwards withdrawn and washed anew in fresh water. Tho chlor ide of limo used, having nothing injurious in it, can safely bo increased but after verifying the experiment it was found that 25 or 30 drops to two and a half pounds of butter, was sufficient. OUllltANT JELLY. Pick Quo red and largo ripe currant3 L m tho stem, bruiso them and strain . juieo from a quart at a time through in muslin prossiug it gently to got all the .Iquid. Put a pound of whito suar to ach pound of juieo ; stir it until it is all dissolved; set it over a gentle fire ; let it become hot and boil for fifteen minutes ; then try it by taking a spoonful into a nauccr. When cold, if it is not quite firm ouough, boil it for a few minutes longer. It may bo made by standing in tho sun, without boiling, if put in a very warm place, and is generally of a much better color than when cooked by the fire. HOEING CABBAGES. Wo were recently in a garden of a friend, who is an early riser. On allud ing to tho vigorou.4 growth anil healthy appearance of his oabbagor and coliflowers hu remarked t If you want good oabbagor, you must boo thorn ovcry moining before five o'clock. rI Lis was intended as a gentle hint that he thought wo did not get up in tho morniug as carloy as a good gardener thoulil. But bo tfils as it may, there can bo no ; doubt that cabbagos and nil similar plants aro greatly benefited by repeated hoeings. ' ADVANTAGES OF A SMALL FABM In a recent number of Little's Living Ago, is an i.lustration of this. It is not j noocssary to repeat tho namc3 occurring in this account. An English fanner own - j iog ouo thousand aores of laud and a small capital, was just ablo to live com-i fortublo. He had three daughters. On the marriage of tho first, ho gavo her 250 acres of his fram and cultivated the rest. Soon the second was married, and hu gave bar 2G0 acres, leaving 500 to be cultivat ed. However, ho got along as well as be fore. Nest his third daughter was mar ried, nnd (die took half of that, aud so ho bad but 250 acres for a living. At lirtt t.- n.ii .! 1 ., """ '""" T . . v'V Y t ho doubted hl UlllgUIICO J llliprovcd his mode of culture; applied all hu capi tal to it j and greatly to hi.s surprise, found that tho profits of tlioso 200 aores wcro xuoro than doublo what was received fiom tho t-ntiro 1000 aorou. Ercry year thoy jiiri'CUBt'd, :ud ho laid uj nionuy, fco I It at hu had becoruo a rich man, an waa found on hia den h Exchuiii; Miller's Store. FRESH "ARRIVAL 1 of Spring & Summer f O O MM 8, rTMtli subscriber lim Just returned from llio Clllcs. J. Willi another Inrg nntl select iinurtnir.t of Sluing and Summer oo(l, piirclinved nt Philadelphia, nt tho Imwpm figure, nn, filth thoy lire determined to sell on ninio.lor.ito term na can ho procured clsowhero in Uloomibtirg. Mil flock comprises LADIES' OOODS, of choicest Ktylna and 1atet fashion. vur noons, a.vd anocEitiEs, iimnivAiin (ivekxhvark, ciwah hauk, not.wn' ivaiie MOW XAII.S, BOOTS ,- SllOt.S , HATS CAPS, Sic , .ye , eft., In otiort ovcryllilngusiinlly kept In country Stores o which ho Invito tho nitbtlo generally. The Highest price paid for country produce. . S. II. MILLER. Illonmihurg, April 1?, 1PG3. FOll EVERY BODY. TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. Just come to C nnil W Krcnmor's Btoro, In Jcrscy li'ttit, I'.i. where Jtiu uilltlud all kimli of Dry Coodsl such 111 Ladies Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Hanuels, lluisory, Shawls See, Clroccrics, Qneenswaro, Hardware Cedarwarc, Tin-ware, And Drugs. Fish, Moat, Salt, Flour, Tobacco, Scgars, Hats, Caps, Roots, & Shoes, IRON AND NAILS. 111 short, over thing that la generally kept Inn conn- tr y smro. Wu u ill soil vmi cncuN nt fair Trice nnil tuko nil of proline. i as" pay such a flutter, Kails. (Itnlii. I.uinlirr, Shingles, Oak plank, ami lu fact niiytliiui! that tuiv bodv else will buv iiihl pell nschcap nscau ho sold in tho lountry. We will not bu undersold hy Jew or (ieutilea, C'omo then ono and all, judgo for your selves. Bring your trade, but don't ask for trust. C & W KIUIAMEl!. Jerseytown,Mny2, 11:113. SAPONIFIEE. 0 R COXCEXTKATEI) LYE, THE FMILY SOAP MAKER. TIII5 public re cautioneil ngalnst llio spurious artic les ul'lye for making soap, fcc, imw oll'ereil for Mile. Tho only gt imino nn.l pntcntoil lye is Hint ma. lo by tho reiiusylvaiila salt uiaiiiifaituring coiupnuy, thelrtrailo mark Inr It being 'r-aponifler or cunceiitraU il lye." 'Iheercat f ucceps of this article lias leil unpriiicipaU'il '1 he great success of this article lias leil unpriiicipaui I patties to endeavor to imitate it, in violation of luo ) 1-rtMitinll V' IHll. I Company s All itianu atturers, htijcrsor sellers of tho spurious Ives, are hereby notified that Hie company have cm ployed as Iheir Attorneys, George Harding. Esq., of I'hila., and "William' Bakcwell, Esq , of Pittsburg. And that all manufacturers, users or sellers nf lye, 111 violation of the rights of the Company, will bo pros ccutud nt once. TOE SAP0N1FIER, or concentrated lye, Is for esleby ur8 and Country fc'lures. all I)ragglsts, Cro- TAKE NOTICE ! The United States Circuit Court, Western district of IVniisylvnnla, No, 1 of May term, in 16oi!. in suit of the Pennsylvania salt uiaiiufacturing company, vs. Thns. (J, i.'haso decreed to the Company on November l.'i, lroM, tho Kxcluilvc right granted by a pateiitownd by them for tlio fnponiller. 1'atent dated October ".I, 1S5(j. Perpetual injunction awarded. THE PENNSYLVANIA Jir. OPFICESi 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pitt St. and Duqucnsc Way, Pittsburg. May2, 1603, 3m. P II I L A D E L P II I A. PAPER HANGINGS iiownLL U iioimici:. Corner 1'otirth niul Jlarkct Street". I'liiladclphla.Iiavo now in biock, a lino artciy ot WA L L PAPER S, f!ot up expcsily for their Spring Trade. window r-.u'cn or dvdiiy, o which they IhviU tho attention of Storekceners, BV In their retailepiirtuieiit, will bo louud Iho choicest styles ot tnu .ion. ,Mnr' h 7 idOH 3 uios.seus SCHOUKSMPS roit SALL'. Pittsburgh Commercial College, lliiighaiiiptin " " Crittenden's ' " riillndolpliia. titration. & Co.. " " TIiosh Serins, nro liinmounts of SIS and SM nnd nro is so much cash, by Iho Student on cutriug cither ofth l above colleges, luuug in. In ilesiriug tunbtain annuls oil Cnlli'giato lMiication, will hero fludagood tpeculu Hon by applying lit tliu olllcu nftlio Nuv. 1. mi. COLU.MIilA DCJIOCllAT. TIN WAKE & STOVE SHOP. rplll". undersigned resncctfiilly informs his old friend X and cu.itomrr. that hu has lmrcliased his brother? merest in the uhovo inbli!htiiciit,nmlthc coucoru wils liereuuer bo completed by niin.el( exclusively, k. He has Jiiit received and oll'ors for sale. Hie larg rrS est aful innt i xtcnilvn assortment of FANO V wrt. B i ll V n.s ever Introduced ntu this market. His slock coimists of a complete assortment n hu b'Ht Cuokiiig ami parlor stoves in the market, togoth it Willi tftovo futures of every dercriptmu, liven and Ilox SKue-, Uudiatiirs, (Jyilndar r-luvos. Cast Iron Air Tie lit slovot, Cauniiu Stoves, tic. dc. Htoveiiino and 'jiuWare coutaiilly on hand and nuntifauurcil to order. AH kiuus in repairing none, as usual, on snort notice, putronagu of old friends ayd new cuslonmrs re. pi'Clluny suiieilfll. .V, ,H, UUlhlil 'llliiiin.biirg. November 3d lSOO. tf. THE DISEASES OF EUR OR. ( Lea Maludica il'Errtur.J .TOIIN B. OGDEN, M. D author and publisher nfthe above work, do hereby promise & iigree m tendfreo of charge tniiiiy young mini who will wrilu for it, utciy for perusal. 'Iho proper Unity ot munition i""ia. j ins vuiiiiinto wore, is ueil (t sent forth for the hem III of sutl'cring humanity, it treut in simple Innguagu on ull llio diseases nf 1'rrnr. nu lu lling seminal weakness. Nervous debilitv, indigestinu Melaiuholy, Insuuily, Wasting decay, liiipotency, &c. t.iviug 'ii-t i-vii, .inn .-nudum prescripiiuus lor llieir permanent euro, together with much vulvablo In fiirinntlnu. All who favor mo with a desiru to rend my work thull receive n sample copy by return mail, fric of cnarge. Address joiin n. onnnN, m, d. No CO Nassau St., N. V. May S3. l?03-3ui. ' BLOOMSBURG SKYLIGHT, 1P1CTUSE 'PHI! undersigned informs tho citl.ens of llluoui. X li in' in Ighborlinod, that ho has taken Hie lurge iuuiii iullio Licliutigo IllocU, l iteiuliiig over, ritouer ti. 1'ni's linker) , uud the llonksloro where hu has put in u large Skylijl I, It is only by Skylight that guod pic li res cm bell cen especially groups litre cuch person uu bu lakenl tstns well u separate, Ik lias gun lu considerable eip eii60 to make his cs nlill.liineiil first class one, uud ho th"rcforo solh its u b 'nil palm i- toenablo him, tncuuslaiilly Inlrodueo tbniiiodu i improvements of the art. Zj" Conn ,-y produce: tuken In llxchaugo for pictures HUMtV UOdl'.NciTOCK. Illoonikbnrg, Nuv, S3 lfcT.l. Nuv, fl M WILLIAM G. PERRY, T) 0 OK-SE LLE R , Stationer, Uook - It binder., Illauk hook ;nanul'acturcr,und Dealer in Imported nud American Bliiil.inerv t-'uulli West cor. -Ilh & iucu III,, Philadelphia. I'trsi.iu viiltlng tbo illy, or sending orders will do well to takou memorandum of the nbnvu Addros, The kt'u k is lurgo uud well u. sorted, Vncei Low. I'llurouKii it Aluuiij, Helling from Mb u to Jil curb. Tliuucwi'tt stylo and largest uisoilmeul iu thu Cilv. Will. U. i'UKRX, Pllllllhlior. H W. cor. Ilh &. Ilacc (Irs., 1'hllmlelphU hi, llacc trs.;i'hllinlelpl.U BLANK Si' BLANKS! ! ' j Of every description, for sale at Ihinofficoi CONSflTCTlON WATER FOR THE SOWSTITUITtlOW AND Till! I'Oll DIABETES ANII DISKASUH OF Till 7'ite Dtngtroui and Troubttsomt Vitcaict, tchUhhuiC thus far UcsliUJ the till ilirccltJ Treatment can, be Cmiilctilil Controlled by the IttiMCDVnvn Itforc nil Till'. CUKATIVn properties of tho ineillclno iliiect Ihcinsdvcs lo tho or gans of accretion, anil by so altering tho cnmlllion of thu stomach nuilllver lliatthe starchy prlmlplc of llio fnoil Is notcoirt erleil Into sugar stilong as the system is miilcr tho Influenco nftlio COXSl'ITUTIOX WATHIt, h Inch give Ihoso organs tlino to recover their keatlhy tone anil vigor. Wn are nblu to stato Hi it tho Constltu-, llmi Water lias cureil every casoof Diabetes In uhichit ha been given. ston'i: i' Tiin ni.ADiirit, cat.cum:p, kavui I1I1HJU IIUST DCroSIT. AMI JIUI.'OUH Oil MIt.KY MriOIIAItrinS Al'Tl'.ll UlilN.VTl.VO. lliscnses ocrurlug from oncnnil thosnmn causo will ho entirely tureil by tlio Conntitiitinn Wntnr, If taken foi any length of limo. Tlio ilono slioulj vary ullh Hio severity nf th illscaso, from twenty ilrops tiiutca Rponul'iil three limes ii ilny, in water, nnrliiglhn pns sngc ofllio I'aleiililH, the pain nnil urgent b iiiptoms slinulil bo cuiiibale'l with tlio proper reni"iliCH, thou fulloweil up with tho Constitution Water, us ill recteil. uvmi:noiika(i:a, on rAiNrui.i. sm.vsTitiiA- T10.V, AND IN JIIINOUUIIAOIA Oil ritUfUtJU l't.OWINO, Until illsensi's nrlsiug from u faulty serretinii of tne 1 1 1 c lit-1 r il n I IT u 1 . 1 in tlio ouo enso being Inn little, anil nLcoinp.iiili'il by revero pnlnj unal tho oilier a toopro fusu necretlon. which will bo speedily cured by tho Constitution tvater. Tbutdlseasu known as FAU.IiVC! Of Till! WOMII. wliall la tho result of n relnxntininfthc lignments of that organ, mm ts mioivii ny n senso oi Heaviness miu dragging pains in tho buck and sides, a nil lit times nc cninpained by sharp liiiinaliugor shooliiig pains through the puts, will, in all cases, bo removed by tliomcdieiiie. Thcro is another class nf symptoms urMtig from IR. IUTAT10N Ol'TIIU WOilll. which physicians call Nervousness, which word covers up timrii ignoranc nnd in itineeases out of ten tho doctor docs iiotroully know whether tho fyinptoius nro tho dl'icnio, or tho disease tho symptoms. Wo can only rnuincratn them hero. 1 speak more particularly or i.oiii t eot, l'nliitu Hon in the Ilcnrt. Imiinred Memory. Wakefulness, riash cs of Heat Languor, Lassitude, mid Dimness of Vision, BUrrunssnu jiunstuuation'. Which in tlu' unmarried female is a constant recurring disease, niul through neglect tlio seeds f moro grme and dangerous maladies arc the result; no. I ns mouth anrr niuiuii pnavs n iiiiun. uu i i.uiv ui:i..(j miiuu in uy siit nature, tho supiirossion becomes chruuie, iho na tieut grndiially looses her appetite, tho bowels arc ciuistlpnted, night sweats come on, uml conntmptlun liuaiiv enus ncr career. LUUCC-mtlXA Ott WHITES, This dlscaso deiiendi upon nu Inn.iiiintinu of mucous , , jf , ja ,, ,.,,, Itjs , JJ , hy ,vuro , j ,hu h;ilk nccrSB Uie . 1 .i. f - . . j. . . ,'nc.n.. and throiiiih the bins. A tciiMin.iul'ul of Hi medieiiic may bo takou tbreu times a duv. w ith nu in jectlou ofii tablespooiifiil ofth" iiiediclui.;, mixed with itunii'piiuoi feoiiwaicr, morning nniicvcniug IIIUITATION 01' 01113 NCCK 01 THL, llUAUDUU, INIT.AMATION OF TIIC KIDNI'.Vrl AM) CA TA1111H Of Till" lll..l)l)i:il, aTUAN'CUUY AND lltiUNlXG Oil l'AlNl'UI. UKINATl.N'fl. Tor tliesodlscascs it istrulya snvoreigu rciuedv. and too much cannot bo said m lis praise, A hinglo does lias been know to relive the mod urgent svploms. Are von troubled with that distressing nain in thu snrill of thu back and through the hips ( A tenspnnnfiil u day of Constitution Water will relievo j oulikc tnagic. ron Dvsi'Ui'riiA, U lias no equal In relieving tlio .Most distressing suip- tnuis. Also, lleiulaclie, lleurtliurii, Acid Hoinnch Vnni iling l'ooil, tic. Tuko a tvaspoouful after dinner- Tho .loan in all cases may be increased if ilctircd, but should be done gradually. rnypiciANs Have long silica given up the use of bucliit, cubcbsnnil juniper in the treatment of thso disenbos, uudouly uso lliem tor w am oi u uciier reiiicuy. CONSTITUTION WATl'Il lias proved itself o-jualtutlio task that has devolved upon it. DIUUT.TICS Irritate and drench thu kidneys, nnd by constant use souii lead lo chronic degeneration nnd coitlnned dis ease. Read. Read, Read. Danville, Til., Junes 1?G2. Dr.Wji. II, CREon Dacr bir: lu rtbuary. lctll, I wasalllicted with Iho sugar diahctcs.nml fur live months 1 passed more than two gallons of water in twenty-four hours. 1 was obliged to get up as olten ten or twelve times during tin night, uud in livu months Iloktnbout lilt- pounds iu weigth. Homing the mouth ofjuly, ltMil, 1 procured two bottles of Cuuttilulion Water and ill twodays after using it I OApnrieuced relief, ami ntli r taking two buttles I was entirely cured, smut alter regalnius my usual jjood health. Vours truly. J. V. L. Ill' WIT'I'. Uoston Corners, N. Y. Ucc. -7, lc'GI. Win. II. Crecir Co.: (louts: I freely give you liberty to inako use of Iho follottiugfirlillrntooftho value of Constitution Wa ter, whiih 1 can reccomuieiid iu tho highci.1 uianiicr. My wife, who was attacked with pain in the tlioul dere, w hide length of the back, uud in her limbs, w ilh Palpitation nftlio heart, attended with railing of the Wniiib, Diiiieiitulline.i, ami "Irritation nf the Iliad der," trailed u physician, who attended her nbtiut tbreciuoiillis, when lie left her worso than he found her, 1 then employed ouo of tlio host physicians I could find, who uttondeil her for ubout' ninu months, nud while sha was under his euro she did not sillier iiiti) ns pain; ho litiully gave licrup uud said: dier casu was liicuuibte." I'or, said hc,"tdiu was biich a coiiiliiiialiim of complaints, that mediclnn given lor one operates dgiiiust some oilier of her ilitlicultics." Aliout this timu sho coiuuienccil tu uso (,'iiNrnuii-iN Waii'.k, and tonur utter nstnnishiiient, ulmiist the first dose beemed tohavu the dsired etliict, uud she kept on Improving rapidly iikder its treatment, and now super intends cii'lrely he,- domestic nir.ilm. bhohas not ta ken any of the Cos iiu iion Wau k fur alioul four wceki. ami euro happy to say Hint it has produced u perma nent cure. WM. M, VAN lmNMCHOlXN. Miuiurd, Cokm., Nov, 19, 1EC1, I)n. WM.H.OnEou; thar tin I have fur several years been nlllictcd w ilh that tunublesoiiiiiaiid dangerous dlsene li ravel, w Inch resisted all remedies and to.-t orx until I took CosinurioNt. W'AThit, and you may beu. .sure. I Unit 1 was plu.incd with thu result. 1 1 linn entirely i lire. line, nn.l y on may niaku any use of my name you may m o Hi in regare to llio medicine, as I have uitlro cuulijenei in its cllUacy. Yours truly, l'OMI Hl'UO.VB, Tiir.rir. Ann i'acts r.Noucii 'fhcre Is noclass ofdlseases Ihat produco such ex haiisllug elfeels iipuu tho liuiiiiin roiistitutioii as Dia lieli s mid diseases of thu Kidneys. Uliiddcr nnd Urina ry r,iages, and tlirouu'h a f.ilsu modesty Hiey aro iieg lectud until they are sondiuuced as In be beyond thu control of ordinary remedjas, and wu present tho CONSTITUTION WATl'R To the public u Ilh the coiivi. ll.iiillnit it has iine'iunl in irelleting the tlass uf diseases for which it has b-en liiiinilsu eminently buccessfiil iu tiirtug ; uud wo trust that wo .lull be' re.i urde.l in our ell'ortd in placing so i a1uablo remedy in a form to meet tho requirements of patieiil ami physician, 1'Ult SAI.IUIV ALL imUGKISTri. I'RICHSI, V,M, II. llLOUCi: t CO,, I'mprleiiirs Morgan k Allen, Oeucral Agents, No. -IU Clilf Kt Neil - York, Bept. ), Iclii. 12m, EVANS & WATSON- ha its, nr.- Hi iot.h fourth Philadelphia, havo mi iil-u assortment of 'ire Thief iirnnf sl.-tlii i.ciuj... S!..'.. No, iron ilnurs, fur banks uml tJok tm, 1 r """ 'nuuers iron s Kh, ull 'flM25ii.'W)jffl uiakcs of locka cual lu uuy in the I'liitrd h'tates. FiceSafetin one Jin, AU came out right j with eon lentt in good ioudithn, Tho Halamauder Safes of Philadelphia ngain.l the world. EVANS & WATSON, havo had Iho surest ileinostrTtiou iu thu following cer liliiute that their iiniiuf icturo of rSilnmniider Hales Miui, at length fully warranted the representations w hlrh hum been Hindu or them us rendering uu undoubted security ugains, the tcrrilic ( lenient. Philadelphia April 12. IKS'. Metirt. I'.rani - ll'ntion Cenllemeu -Il nttnriU us thu liigbcst satisf.Ktion In slain .to van. II... I nil illr flu ! VaK'J I ue'saved u Inrgi ) the very lin.lecllve iiinlities nftiMi of iho H.ilumandcr. i e iiircuaseii ni you some nvo innntii siiim large porlinu of luiu lrv. uml nil our bouks. lie., exposed to the culiiiiiinoiis.liruiiiUaubtead place on III., ...1'lllll.u il I III' Hill lUHl,, When v reflet t ht theso enfes wore Inrnled in Hie fimrlh miry of ihu building we ocrupieil nn.l Hint they fell tubso.piciitly iutnii huup of burning rums, whore the vast iiuiceiiliiilinii of thu heat caused thu brass plates to melt, wo cannot bin regard the preservation nf their val iMiblucoiilentsasinost imsi convincing prool or tliu greet to- "'!l. 'f.S f H 'L .' 1 .tiiir sinus. Wu shall take en ul l.leasuro III recommendim llietn men of bu in. ftsin- a -me reliniicu amiln-1 tit v UKUIIUJ' U fclMMU.VH 4: IlltO. Jei, U'i. rf-'l hey have binci iuiiliased tl largo Hub i, July M, Ictti, fAiigust 2t), lEi9 .rpill.rropnetorof thin wc'l kp ..anile ulr My luc.i I JL tod limine, tho Lxcminiik II sitiint i on Mni, I Slreot, In llloomsburg, Immcsliib y 'pnoslt Ihololiiui i bin County Court House, tosnoctfii nnil tlio puonc in general, mat in- utilise it now in or i ilcr fur tho reception nndcntcrtnlu uent of traveler who , may feel disposed to favor it with i.iclr custom. Ha hai pnreil mi expenso In prepatlnn t'10 IIk iianiic, for tho ontcrtnlnnicnt of his guests, nclth r nlmll thcro ho any. thing wanting (on his part) In nili.ntcr to their porsonal comrort. His hoiiio is spacluui t ml enjoys nil excellent . business location, ' Uy Omnibuses run nt nil times 'tween tho Exchango lldtol nnil tho vnrious Kill ltoail li uols. I.v which trav elers will ho pleasantly cmivcyi- to anil froiutliu re tpcLtlvu Btallons In duo tlino to 1,1.'. I tho t.'nrn. WAt. II. K0ON8. Dloomsburg, July 7, It'CO- fi.000 rUMS writing rapor.lnrliiillng nf note, t.ettor Fnnl-rnp, reruinn, llill,&Dra 1 1 -r papers selling nt Low runts fur insh. Win. O. PKIMtY, Stationary. H. W i or 411.. u Unco l'hllailetplila, o !! .! irn i" - .'f -1 1 1 . a'lin undcrslgn.'irn ntso cutensivety engnceit In the UndertaUnir llntlncst. nnd keeps constuntly on hand nd for snle m fiis Wnrcrooms, n largo assortment of FINISHED COFFINS, lly Aihiih ho Is ennhlcd to till orders on presentation Also Keens a con.l llnre and lleurso. mid will ill al times bu to ntteud I'linorels, U. Dill VI.. Illoouisbiirg, January SI). 1P33 LARGE ARRIVAL OF New Spring & Summer AT PETER ENT'S STOItE, IX IJdllT STREET, COLVMHIA COUSTV, PA, HAS Just roceived from Philadelphia, and Is now opening al tho old stand lately occupied by Marlis & lint, a splendid ussortment of which Mill bo suld cheap lor OAPJI Oil COUNTRY PUODUOE. His stockcousUtsof l.adios Dress Goods ihoiccstttjles and latest lashiuns Ualiccs, Miislina, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shaft-l-1, Hofiory, Silks, RI'.ADY MADE Ll-OTMlNCi. Cas'iiniurcs, Satinets, Cottonades, Konluchy Jeans, Thread, kz. Groceries, Quconswarc, Cedarwarc, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs Oils, Paints, iS:c, BOOTS A SHOES. HATS & CAPS. In short eccry thing UMintiy kept in a country storo The pair. innce of old friends, all. 1 the public general ly, is respectfully soMclled. a. Tho highest market price paid fur country produce. I liTUli .l.A 1 Light Street, May 30, 1G3. - -t FRESH ARR1VA L -OF- Miff Hi'lflllMfl I'OR EVERYBODY Till; uniler,ilcneil. grntelul lor pa ago, tespec fully iiilorms lilscustiimers ami the pulilicgeiierally that ho linijust recoil ed from thu Lnslcrue cities, Hi largest nud most select stork or Spring and Summer, A. MAAVSiUv: That lias vl been oncned in llloomtluirg. to which h his friends, and nisures them that Ihey are otfered fur sale lit great b irguins, His Stuck tompiii:t u largo afcrortmeut of UIINTLU-MENVS WLAUIMJ AlTAIillL, CoilFlstllig oi rsill0NVm.K Diilss Coats, nf every lies criptiou; runlb, Vests, Hhlrls. (.'ravulK rltockt, Cutlnu llandkerLliiclb.liloves, Husjiouders. ic. GOLD WATCHES A N 1) JEWELHY, Of every dosrripliou, line and cheap. N. II. Uemcinber " Lotecnbcrx' Cheap Emporium. call uud see. No charge for cunning Coods. II.VV11) LOWnNlll'.IK! Illunuibbtirgi .March 2. liKl. IJune 18.VI ) Litckawauna &. Dloomsburg llaiiruad ON ANII Al'I'l'll APItlL 20, I'ta, PASSUXUUIt TilAlXd WILL IlL'N AS I'ULI.IHVb: SI OV1XU fi O U T II. 'asscii'Tf r. Arcoiti. Leavo Hrranton, " Kingston iPoiimshurg u Kupert, " llanville, Arrive iitNurthiiniberlnnil, MOVI N ( Leave Nortliitmberland, Hanvillo, " llupert. " Illoouisbiirg " Kingston, SHU, A. M. 1I.IHI A. M ll.Ki Arrio 12.M 1 ,M f,M ri.j.l 11.21 A.M y.55 NO 11 Til 4.30 1'. -M. 3.10 5.1.-. vm i. is r. .11 Arrive at s-iruitt in, ti.iti f. n, :i.:m A Passcnuer 'J'raln iiUolenves Kiimstdii al F.'Ju a. M fur rlcranton, lo i unnci t with train for Nmv Vurk. Ite turiiiiig. leaves Hcraiilou uu arrival of Tram fimu New York at I.2U 1'. M. 'J'lin Lackawanna and lllnomsburg llailroiul rniiuiits with the luiinvare, Liitl.awauna nnd Wesirru llaiiruad nt rtcrautnii. fur New Vork nnd interiiiediiilo noiiils euki At ltupett 1 1 connects ith thu Cattuwissaltatiroail.i'or points n. uu casiiiuu wese arriving in iiiuaueijuiiuut ,.l)U l'.l. Al Niirthiimberland it eniMiects with the Philaib Ipbia a i.rien, it.uuu r. i. 11. h. inr poiius wist uini soutli I'.issung.'rs arriving at HarrLburg 4 5tl 1' iM. j Phil udelplua 111 1'. ,M Maltliuuro lU.'.'U 1'. .11, if,0. II. IIIINT,4i;' J (', Wells, (len't VicAtl Agvni. Kingston ApillJC IH,:i. PORK'S 1I0TBL. Doomsburg, Columbia County, Pcnna. SLAS DODSON) Proprietor. (1 Vikcs pleas me In announcing to the public Hint he I has taken and thoroughly t. tilted thu 1'orkn Until fcrmerly oerupied by Hubert llugeiibiiih, liloi.msburg, i nun is prepnreil to accuiiiouuiu travellers, teamsters, drovers and boarders. Ills labl,' will bu supplied Willi best products tho mnrki ts all'ord, and his liar will bu j tiifti mm Lonsiaiiuy liiruisueii Willi inu iiioicest ippmrs, i C f large and cninniudi.iu, stable has been erected, 1 with areiHcnleiit stnblu nltailnil. Aliuutlio ostlers will always b luiilteiidauce nud heliusts bis obliging ntteiilioii lu cu. turners will secure him a llbuiul sliaie tf patronage: j llloumcburg,I'a..Nov.2'J, lfcC2, WANTED- I AA ()f)nSniNfJLT:S. Zilst.lHK) fi el of lVVV Lumber of all kinds for weHi tin hlghes7. market prlres wlllbu imid in eichango lor foods, O L W JiltLAM Lit. lJerseytoivn, May'.1, 1J 03. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. OLltE YODlt COUGH FOR 13 CENTS The bat uni cheapest Household remedy in the World. MADAAtn zadoc l'ontr.u's itrAIIAMt. y.illU i-uii-TI'.ll'H Curatlvo llalsatn Is wnrranlcd If used ecconllng In tho directions, to euro In nil inses Cousin, Colds, WlinopliU Cough, Asthmn nnd all nllections of llio throat nnd l.dngs. Madamo Zniloc porter's Unlsnui Is prepnreil with nil tho requisite skill, from n combination oriho hestrcm cdlcstho vegetablo klnndom nlfords, Its remedlnl qitoll ties nro bared on lis power, to assist the healthy circu lation nftlio blood, through tho I. inns. It is not n vio lent remedy, but onioHcnt wnrmlng, searching nnd off ctllvt't enn be taken by tlni oldest person or tlio young est child, .Mn.lamZailoc I'urttr's bal sain has been lu use by tho j iuuiii; nil ...... ins ncirlred Its present salo imply ny neing recoiiiuieu. .led by tlinsowbn havo used v. ji':7t to iheir nlllicted friends nn.l others. Mint Impnrtanl.-MadniiicZadne Porter's Curative. 1 uni. i. .,.i.i ,,. ,, i,rin lirlni-s It In tho reach I nf every one to keep II convenient for use. The time- I ' ly ue of a single bottlo will prove to bo worth 100 1 I times Its cost. , . , , , ' I NOTK'I,. rMvo your money I Do not be persuaded to purchase articles nt Is to ,1 which do not contniu . Ihinlrlui'sofa 13 cent bottlo of Mailauu I'orliT's til I rntlve llnlsnm. Ihorost ofiiianiifncturlngwlilch is ns I great ns nlinni-l ntiy other medicliie i nnd the very low preie at wiilcu It issuiu. m inn ui" pruiii. m tm- u. n i.rnppa.Mitly small, nud uiiptlnelp.ileil dealers wl' soinellines reromiiien. I other medicines on wlnrhtlieir profits nro larger, unless thu customers Insist upon linvlni' Madnnio Purler's nn.l nniio iitlmr. Ask for M.nlaino I'ort' r's t'urntivn llnlsnm. price 13ccnts, nnd in inrv.. Iiniitos nt a. octits. nud tuko no other. i 07 Bold by nil llrugcits nnd Storekceperc at l.lcts .ii.'l iuliirger bottles ni '.'." cents. II AM. IIUCKI.C, l'r prlotors, Now ork. Jniiii.try 21. ler.j. WHITES BS ft SSO 3 KB. Nos. !), 11, 13, 15, 17 Courtlandt Street, IS NIlAllllIlOAinVAY, ni:w voui 'Pills ol. .estiiblihil and favnrite resorl of llio i!iuiiiuiillv has been reeenll relitle.l. and li plete in every tiling that can ininUter to thu comforts of it b pa irons i,.i.iiusiiiii.iuiiiiiuff.,De.,u.. uuuiot fully provided for. .... It l centrally located In Iho biiiness part nfthe city, and is cruiligiioiis lo Iho principal lines i f steamboats, cars, niiinibiises lerries, .vr. ...... In conse.pienco of the prossiiru caused by tlio Rebel lion, prices have been reduced to Ono Dollar- a d 1'iflij C ents jicr Dai. The table is amply supplied with nil tho liiMiries of the season, and Ucpial tu that of any other hotel in tlio country. Ample iiccoiniuo.iaiinns aro onercu lor upwnru oi 'ii-u guests. I'" "o not bellcvo runners hni kinen, nnd others who may say "tho Western llol'd is full." li. II. WINCIll'S'rat, Proprietor. TIIOS. I). WI.CHL'Sl'i;i!. I'cb. 1.1, 1W. 7ic New ommercinl Ihuldings arc (oca led opposite Court House, corner of Court tnitl Chciwiigo-Stncls. This College is in no ivny connected with any other Institulnm. The energies of tlw entire I'aculty aro exclusively de voted tulliK Tliuden 'ii oflhls Itistitulion Isto afford to Voting .Men an itppnittiuity fur acpiiring a 'borough Practical llustiicis education 'I'll.: Ilnoks and l'orms nro carefully arranged by Practical Accountants, exprosty for this Institution, niL-l ttie rnurso of lnstriictiMii is such tocumbino Theo ry and Practice. coi.Li'.ciATi: coonsn. Tliis Course embraces Hook-Keeping iu all its de partments, l'cniniinn-hip, Commercial -Irilhiuetic, Hits iiiess Coirespoudeiii e, t'limmcrcini Laiv,l'o'ilical Ccnii omy. Ijoniini' reiui i.ui.u., . ii...i ir..i. ki-ihuiiii-iiis, uu ti lling Counterfeited and allured Hank-Note, &c. 'I hu rlpeiicetlan System of l'eiu'iiuausbli is taught In all its tarlctb's, by the most skillful master nf the "rt. Tho l'00k-lcepiiig iieparimeiii is uiiiier niu specini supervision and instruction of thu l', D. W. J.UULl.l.. fi r. n' i: u a 1. 1 x r o n m at i n n . Utiidenls rnn enter atany timu ; no vacatjnu. Usual time in iittiinlele th. i Cuiirco, fromlilo 12 weeks. Assis tance ruiiuereu in grauuuies in prntiiiiui; biiiiaiious. (iradiiutes are presented w ith an elegantly engraved 1)1-1 ploma, li I'or oalnlogiieof .Upagcb, peciinensof pcuman hhin, &.C., cncloe two letter stamps, and address 1 1). IV. LiJWI'l. I., Principal. August 30, 1 8G2. IMay-a, Ic02 12ui. C R I T T E N D E N ' S riUUDKM'lUA (Uimi:ilf!AL. COLL E G E , TV. E. cor nc? of 1th and Chestnut Sticcts PHILADELPHIA. Tins Institution, which was established In 1P 1. and is now i ime.iieully in tho ilgklerath near ".f its exist euro, number amoiK! its giaduates, hundreds of tho niobtsuccossfiil .Merchants uud Uusiuess Jleii of uur ('i)iiuiry. TiikOiiject nftho Institution is solely to alfurd young men fnrilitiesfur thorough preparationfur busiiuss. Tin: llRANciii.sTni'iiiiriirc, Hook-kerning, in applica ble to tho varioiM deparliueiits of tradu; PenmaHghip,; Commercial laio. .Valhc muticit. Xnrirratfon Cicil Engineering, Drutriiig, I hon. ogarphy, and .Modern Jangnoges. TiEr-YHivn oi I Hi'tTi.ei isprcullar : no classes or set lessons aru made u-e of, but eaih simlunt is taught liulii idiially, sotb.ithe may tomtiieiiceat any time, uud attend nt wliutut er hnurs aru must cnuvuniuiit. Ca'i fciur.i i:-i areissued mi nuallit after thu loth of April cniiluiniug 01 ttie niu year, anil lull pailii-ulars of lerui, Kc, nnd may bu obtained ni any mm: by uddrceiiig the Principal. In Cvrtssivi: AcuiMMoniTinss, iridc-rnrcad reputation nud llio Irngihii eipcrlcute oj tne I'l inciiai, tins instiiu tinn infers facilities siipeiiur loauy other iu the t nun try, for young men wisl.iug topreparu fur business, ami toublalii at Iho same limo a iui-miMa, irAirA trill prore a rccomintiiditini for them them lu uuy .Meichau. tlio House. C -Can imiin's Series of Treotiie on HnoK-Ktci'-i mi now imro widely circiilatedihau any other work on thu bubjcil. arc for eaU nt tlio College. s. iioncKri ciiriTLixnr.N,, I'lllMni'AL. Jan. 2o-lc(i2 12iu. NilTIUXAL I'OaniEIlCUli COLLEfll'S LOUATIID IN P11ILAUELPHIA, S.i:.CCltNi:il71'll AND CHESTNUT STS., New York City, Jirnohlyn, Albuiii, Troy Jiujfalo. Detroit, (Irveuud, Chicago, and Si'. Louis. Ilook-keetiing, lVumaiishlp, CoHinscrriul ArithmuU t'liuiiiieri nil Law, I'or in i . Correspondence, &.c piact cully taught, 'I'heso Culleges bnlng under tho siime general and In cal management, and iiiiiliuir iu each thu udvuutugu of all, oll'.'r gri at r laeililies fur iiupartiiig iiistruu i 1 lhaii anv other similar institution in the country. A Scholarship issued by any ouo is good in all lot n unlimited lime. Thu Philadelphia College has been recently and refurnished in u superior manner, and isnuwfi I largest and iuol precocious Coinmoiciul Institution ,o Iho Statu. Iirniit & trillion's series of Text Hunks, inibruc 'Hunk-keeping, Commercial Arithmetic, uud Cummer La, lor sale, and sent by mail. IT" I'or full particulars send for a circular. October IH, IbU'J IVui. ( Opposite Jnueenucnit. Hall,) ' niirsTViri STIll'I'M1 Itl'TlVI'I'N i n-rii , ii vn-n W'M" blilV Viri rVn, 11 "'fa'X'iH, W V ATT & limiLlMIS. Propiieton. .Mimli IU, ie36 November 'M, IrJGl, 1 11 DISSOLUTION. llio partneishiphcrettrore cxlsiiug between the uu ilernine.l, In llio Mercmitilu lliisiuess, was ilis-olved upon tlio 1st day of April. Je03. by mutual consent, AH persons indebted lo I lie lulu firm, utu ie'iie.le.l tu muku i oily si ttlenu.iit. 'Ihu books uie in ih. hands uf I. i.. nyer.Ht tho Store. H. II MII.I LK, r. c uvcu Cloouisburg, Apul 13, Ic03.-3m. LOOS IE OV WANT TO BUY YOU It Cheap Spring Goods GO TO Crensy's Store, iu Light ALL KINDS OF OALICOE, Street, Pa. MUSLINS, SILKS, OINOnAM, ELANNELS, CARPETS, IIOS1EUY, SHAWLS, Eeady-Mado Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups', Uoilccs, Teas, Eish Salt, Hams, Bacon, Lard, fn 1 t. . n u-. xouueco, tjii-f;uio, Hats, Boot", Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c, &o, In ndditlon to our lnrge stock nrilry Goods, wo hnvo f largo and full assortment of Heady Jladii Clothing nor Men nnd Hoys wear which wo nro determined to sell thenper thin can ho bought elsewhere. Call and see, nnd Jmlgu for yourselves. II. W. CIU'ASY fc CO. Light Street, March 1, lf03. AVAR P1UCI2S OYER I SECOND ARRIVAL o r AT THE STORE OE J J. BROWER BLOOMSBURG, PA. Who has Jusl received, nud Is now opening a prime stock nf New C.oods from tha lbtslern markets, whan will no sum low loriasu or prouuec. lT.lNTSat 12 J, 10, 18, !0i 82, and 55 cents, Brown ii Bleached Muslin, nt 20, 25, 35, and 40 cents Dc Lubics, LhulieSf and Dress Goodsa full supply ot 18, 25, ai, and up to 50 cts LADIES' OPERA CLOTH ion DUSTEKS. A'so, a Ircsh supply of GROCERIES, SPJCES, J-C. AkO) a large lot of QUEEXSWAHE. Cl'DAUWAUi:. HARDWARE. and Stoneware, Uools and Shoes , And all kind of Merchandise u&uually kept in a coun try store. Call and esamlno No charge for showing G'oods. .May '.), Iclill, Yikcdla'Fe tiiVuVuum.ts the Democrftlic Leader, A double sheet ivccldi) Democratic Journ al, of Eight vuges and Forlij, Eighs Columns of rea ding vi'tttcr. Th7 attention nf the llemoeracy.of I'ennsj H ani. i and of ithur states, is called to the importauco of extend' iug the rlreululiimnrtlii: WIHIKLY DI'SIOCKATIC l.CAIIl'.K. lly so cMeusively circulating newspapers, (while tho llcmocrats have been comparatively imliflereut to this i mill ml of Inlleeiicing tho public iniiid,) thu abolition ists hnvu succeeded in increasing their number fro'iiu few New Ihiglnud Iniiatics to a party which nmv con trols llio nation! Is it not time for Iho democrats to a- wako to a seuce or the necessity fur reaching the minds of llio people 7 THE DEMOCRATIC LEADER lit. niul will continue to be n fir fit ami fearless advocate df Dcmacrnttc principlus and ut' tin- Jnt(rctt cf the Democratic party aw the bun incniin of promoting tlio inliTt-sts of the loiintry. It wUI tnnintnin a hold oppo fitlon to nit cue ink-3 of llio prinripU'8 of thu National Constitution and of tha riulils of tlnMicinlc, nnd will insiut upon tha ianiiitainancj of tha Contitulioii a? it U, and thu rcbtoratiou of Ihu Union as our fat hem left it. Tlio liCadir, bcsidcrtfurnieliing ; Political News, and expressing its oun views thereon, will contain ull the General news of the Day. Together with Miscellaneous reading, Poetry, bturies Anecdotes, Agricultural Matter, lieligious Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Market lleports, nndullciKh luatleras is rciuisilo tu coiibtitututc u Ii'rst Class Family Newspaper. It will be coutrolcd by no eli.pie, nor will it advo cate tho claims of any candidate fur ollico until ho shall have becomu the regularly nominated taniliilnte ofthc Demncrntie party -, Hut it will ever advocate Iho decisions or thai pally, as to both measures and men. llesides containing a weekly summary of ull tela graphic and genera news, Iho weekly leader will bu i nriched by original rroductions by tuiuu of thu best writers in thu couutry. it isTnr.i'Ai'iiiiiroiiTiii: rAitMnu. it irJTiii: l'APtiii ron Tim riui'.Miic. IT IrlTlli: I'Al'Kll I'DIl Till' 1'ATKIOT. IT IS Till: I'APl'.ll I'Oll Till'. .MLCIIANlf, it is Tin: fAiTii ron Tin: akmy. i v is Tin: l'Ai'Lit rem all classic. Nu one should neglect to subscribe far it at once. Til i: WEEKLY DEMOCRATIC LEADEU, will bo furnished to subscribers ul thu lullowiug prices Single Copies, ouo yc - $2 00 Two " - - 3 50 Tlueo " " - - 5 00 Five " " - - 8 00 Twrnty " " - - SO 00 'I'liirty kt " - - 12 00 Fitly " - 07 50 All payments to be made invariably in advance. Tho friends of drmocrutie principles, and the Ameri ran Union, it is Imped w II interest themselves in he I ping lo give Iho Li.ADCIl a largo circulation. Gel up clubs immediately. Address piNi: & Lr.wis. No, 103 H, Third St., I'hila. May 21, 1PCT. THE NEW GHOCEUY ST0U1S. MOKE FRESH OOODS. Just 'cceived at Erasmus' Nuv Store. Molasses, fcugars, Teas, Cofieo, Rico, bpil'CS, and Cap Hats Fish, Salt, Tohacco, Sogars, Candies, Razons, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great variety of liotiotunnd elceto- i us, .uu iiuiueruus io iiicuiioil. BTllulter, l"ggs, Meat aud produic generally taken in etchaugu lor goods, A. U. i:iias.mus. llloomsbiirg. May 3, 1803, JSark ! Bark ! ! WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Qui Oorda of Dark, wanted by tho under signed, immediately, at IheTannery In Dloomsbuia for which the highest pries wlllbu paid In Cnsli o. Leathe; Win, QNynfiU Iiioomitiirs, May ', IC03,- jm 1 0. LIGHT feCQ., ( I.alo Light k UrailbSryiV) 1'iiiiin 1'Wtu niaiiiilhc(iivcri) 421 Jhooinc St,, New York, Bocoiul niock Uast of llroadivay. T7 0. LIGHT, tho original founder of this wclbknnwn Establishment, Senior Parlncr, ind only Practical Piano I'ortt Maker ot tlio Into linn of ' Light It llradburys," having retained Ills Twn-thltd's Interest In tho whiiln Innln-s etnek, materials &c , and anlo proprietorship In his Valuable Patents. Inclusive nf hi. cele lirnte.l I'ATKST l'DCt,ATP.II lliliv I I'll AM i;ri l the only on who can make tlio s upctior il'lnno I'artcs for which this hoiiso has been so populnr All Infringements onlils rights wilt be prosecuted according to law, I C?" All I'lnno I'ortcs from Ibis tnnuufactiiry utc war . rauicii icrioct in every rcspcci tor live years. i.mcrni terms to iicnicrs. I' C, l.lghto h Co., -131 Broome St. New Vork, April II, 1BKI-3 in. JAMES H. SMITH, IMPOHTEIl AXO lillOLUSAlK UEAIXIX t N BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKEYS oins, and Liauoita, or.rfmiALLV. A'o. 328 IFaltlut Sts,, between litt ilh rillLAIIllLI'IIIA' C. II. III'NrllV, Traveling Agent and HaUsmatw IO" Orhers llEspEcTrt;bLY Solicited. November 22, lKC2.y. Exchange Hotel, lite col, it, n, Jowrs, No. 77 Dock Street, next door to the Post Ofiico, Philadelphia. This well known establishment maintains lis muni celebrity, nnd its well known reputation of belli the best HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN filial I Iw sustained, dooms rnny bo had at all Iioum pur night, 117 cents j per week, 32 All, per month, 8lt. Tho liar and Dating Departments aru furnished witlc thu best of everything llio market ran produce. GAME, ERUPT, YEGETABLES, nnd delicacies of every cllmo may be had at a ninmc l' notice. Meals at 12 cents nnd upwards, nnd tuny be had from .1 A. M. till 12iiliilgbt, (Icntlcmen mny rest imure.l that no OApcnau will bo spurcd to render this Hotel n model one. J. OTTENKIRK, Propr. .March 7, 18C3-3in. DEOIUTIVE ESTAUM HillENT, Mo. 125, South Eleventh Street near VI .nut, I'IHKLAIUXE'IhE,!, Lnainclcd Class, Fresco, Oil and ihicnustic Painting John Cihson. G. H. Ului.i.v. Jnnuaryl'.', ISlil "lm.. LOST NOTE. Lost, some time since by tho undersigned residing in 1' Idilngcreck tu p., Culiiiuhia county, u Nolo of hnitil, for $3cll 00, dated April Mb 1 nu three moulus.iiigUKil Daniel Ash, with Andrew Mollis fur ball. A liberal rewnrd will bo paid lor the return of said nolo. Payment having been secured tu tho sub scriber only, on suid note, It can be of no v.iluo to any other person, BAMUI'.L ASH. Mny 9, ie03. Hiv. WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVER WARE. io undersigned would rrspr-ct- Call,, !..! ....! t.l. ...Tl. i-r- u inii iiivnu jiuir iiiii-iiii.iu ill ins ivoil Be- &LiiJd5 JL Icctud slock iifriue Cold uud Hiliorwnlch sc 1'ino Ucld Jewelry, of every kind nud varlelv nf styles comprising all of tho newest uud most beautiful designs. Also, Hnlid Hilvcr Ware, equal tu Coiii-and tho best .Make or Silver Plated Waru. Ilach article is war ranted to bo as represented, tCT" Watches niul Jewelry carefully repaired and satisfaction guaruti teed. j.icun iiAiiLnv. (Successor tu Htnuffur I- llarley No. b'-'J.MAUKHT Slrect, PIl'.I.AD'A l'eb'y 23 , ltb3,-3 inns, PI TURKS FOfl ALliUM. Dvor (.00 diircrunl ari(.tic belling from 75cta la 51Tj pur ozoii. Win, G. PERRY, Piibli.shcr. 8. W. Cor. Ith tc Ilacu Plnladeliihia ELI IIOLDHN INVITIH the nttention of every rrado tins paper, which includes mniiv Hums or his old patrons nud m 'pinliitaiices-To unusually largo and beautiful nritv AMLIIICAN nud LMPIJllTIll) WA'ICIIIIS, CI.iicKh' nnd elegant designs of JHwl'.I.UY. Silver Ware.&c , ELI I10I.DEN. 703 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA alarch 7, liCU- Uni . JOHN DOLL C02 M'irhct it., Philadelphia I.Ml'Oll'I'lHtiif Toys, Pipes mil limey Articles. -The largert variety of Pipes, Tojs, llaskcts an i'ancv coons to in: i'oiimi in jiiio citv. l'leaieall uud Lxaiiuue, JlarchT, 18G3 18C3. 1803. riiiliidcliiliia & Erio Hail Komi. This great lino traverses the Northern nnd Nmth -.vest cuuuticd of l'eunsjldiii,i to thu city of lUie, on Lake Hrio. It has been leased by tho Pennsylvania Itailn n I L'onipnny, nud under their uuspi-i s U being niinilly opened lliriiughuiil its entiru loiigth. It is now iu uso fur Passenger and I'reiaht business rrom llnrrisbiirg lo DrillHnoil (Sd Fork) 1 177 mileslnu tbullastern llivinlnn, ,-iud frnm SheHield lu Cm: on tho Western Division, (58 miles.) time of PAssesacn 'iiisir,s at r,oiuiit;Mumi.!ii. Mail Train leaves, East j ;, . Impress Train " " 111 I' ,M Slail " " West 4 '.'.I Lxpress ' ' 5i3AM. Cnrs run through with ciiAMir b.ilh ways on tlieso trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and llaltlmoru nnd Lock Haven. New and elegant Sleep ing Cars nrcompniiing the Hxpress Train both ways between Williamsporl and llaltinioro, and Williams port and Philadelphia. I'or Information respecting Passenger business, ap plyutthu S. 11. Cor. 11th and .Market .ts. And for I'reight busiuessof the Company's Agents . H. 11. Kingston, Jr., Cor. I Jill uud Market Sts., PhilV J, IV, Uuynolds, Hrio. J M. Drill. Agent N. C. 71:11., Ilaltlmore. H. II. Houston, Ccn'i. I'reight Agt . I'hllailoljihia, Lewis L- Hniipt, Oeii'l. Ticket Agt. I'liilu.lelplna. Joseph I). Polls, Ceu'l. Maiiagcr.Williaiuspoil. January 17, 1SU3. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Patrick Tool, deceased IKTTI'.IIS or Administration nu tllu Kttnto i-f Pat. -rick Tool, late of Centre township, Columbia co., deceased, huo been granted by thu licgls'.cr of Colum bia co to llio undersigned i all porsuns having claims ngaiust tho estatu of Iho depeiideul nro requested to present them to tho undersigned, ni his residsnco lu mid township, withoiitdolay, undull persons Indebted lu make payment forllml.h. , CIlAKLUSTOOL.iwV. May 21, 18G3.-0w, F1USUP1CTII & IIKO'X'llEUS. WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEAL E It p AO.lOS.NOllTII TI1IUD STKEET Five doorsbelowliace, l'HILADLLr.-.IA REMOVAL. EAliFiE llO'V K ij. nmv, undersigned respectfully informs his frtunrta, L and the public generally. Unit ho has removed from tho "Union lintel" tolhu "LACLK HOI 1!L," in thu borough of Muncy, where hu will be happy to enter alii iu a satisfactory manner ull who may fjvurhim will theircuslom. Tho best stabling iu the county, wlh ample nccoiuuiuibillous for travelers and drovers. No pains will bu spared lo under the stay of guoets jplcasat and comlurlublc A. M. SMITH. Miincy, April II IS63. CHEAP MILITARY CAPS ! MILITARY CAPS, of every sort, siio nnd iualily fur sale cheap ut the llloomshiirg lluti. Cap Hinporiuin Also-Orocerics,Conrcclionarics.JCigurs,.Vc. JOHN K. CHITON, nioomsburg, Sept. II, jeiil. GREENWOOD SEMINARY. Millvillc, Columbia County, Peitn'c. This will knowh Pihool for both sexes wjll open NOVI'.iMlli:il3d. Idil'J. I r'i" rceont nddilloin to lliebuildlngsi icnjer ut l:i , ouiiuous tor luoro tiiuu sixty boarders, Tho course of stuilvwill embriu-n lbren ilriiniliven'. llm N'nrnml. Hi,. Hplui.i I Cl l.l.u I ........,,. I Tlio Principal Will bo llsslsteJ hv esnerti.i.i eil rem It. GIBSON'S cis, fully iiuulifiedfor their respective potilious, ' Parents and others may rest assured that no cll'urt will be spnrcd lo make the fchnol woilhy of patrcnai.1. : and that the welfare of the Undents, iiilellecluull) physically, and morally, will receivo.ourininluulca.-u I'or npplirarion, urrulars orluilhei pjirlieiilais .nl press Hit undersigned, al Mlllnillc ('nliiuilu.i county l',-; T MAXWI.LI Pons. , JOHN U, I'ATTON'.A M 1 .. .. rruiclpal. 1 .Millville, r.i. Sert I3,lcb3,