Columbia DedIookat. "BL00M3BUlta, PENN'A. SATHHDAY MOnNINCJ, AUOUST IS, 1BC3. imui in iiiiw Oouivr comtnonocs at Wilkes-Darrc, Wornc county, on Monday noxt. TitE proceedings of the Abolition Stato Convention, as hold iu PitUbuvg, will bo Tound ou our outride pngo. Oun woaltby citizens can display tUcir boncvolcnco and generosity toward tbo vroithy and honest poor, by assisting them 'to rellove themsolves from tbo approaching draft. Thanksgiving) Day. Thursday of last week was appropriately observed in this lacc, as a Thanksgiving Day. Tho Stores wcro cloned and appropriato ser vices held in tho Churches. New Yonic News. Wc direct atten tion to the Prospectus of tho New York (Daily and Weekly) News, which will bo found in anothcr column. riho News is Edited by Dknj. Wood, ona of tho ablest political writers in our country. By a decision of the Provost Marshal General, tho District Provost Marshals are required to publish the names of thoso who aro cxouipted, with tho cause of such exemption. This is right, let tho pcoplo eoc who the lamo and blind aro ! Ouu FuiiiNl) W. Wiut, Esq., who lias been Berving his country, in her darkest hour of rebellion, in the capacity of a sold ior iu tho Drafted Militia, has returned to his homo and family, after an absccuco of nine months. Wo welcome Lawyer WtKT to our midst. Kich and Spicy Tho speech deliver ed by Ezra Eves, in front of the Court House, on Thursday last. The old gen tleman is more honest, than his Republican associates, as ho freely acknowledges him self a rank abolitionist. Dr. John, was noticed iu tho crowd. The clergy failed to come to time. More anon. Hetuuned. Wc believe all tho Draf ted Militia and ''Emergency men," of Columbia County arrived at home during tho past two weeks. They came in squads and without sufficient notice having been given, which of course precluded anything liko a proper ovation or handsomo rcccp tion, as thny deserved. Tub Drai'T. Upon this subject much interest is manifested at present, and there is much enquiry as to tho limo when it will bo mado in this district. Wo can give no information on tho 6ubjeot, as the Provost Marshals appear to be working iu scorct, giving no notice as to a draft biiug made or not. The townships in the coun ty, wo understand, havo all been enrolled, except Conyngham, without trouble and no earthly need of a tquad of soldier.-!. General Bl'unside, who met with a tignal defeat at Fredericksburg, has rc stored himself in the coufidence of the President and Cabinet, by the overwhelm ing victory achieved by him in Kentucky. The willing advocate and SWOril tool of ., ... , . .. , , a worse man AUsirin uespousm, ue nas Buccoetling in robbing the people of an election. What could not bo c.Tceted by tho cormorants of public Plunder, i3 done at tho point of the bayonet. It is not at all improbable that within the short period of his own life, his laurels may be trans formed into a crown of thorns. We have a copy of the llecdrd of Hon. 0. L Vallandighain, tho patriot, tho states man, and the martyr, to the cause of hu man liberty. Wo hope our readers will avail themselves of a copy at tho car.icsl possible moment. It is ono of tho best Records of tho present generation, and will compare favorably with that of a Pat rick Henry, a Jefferson, a Madison, Clay, a Webster, and a Cass, and ought to be in tho hands of every freeman, Published by J. Walter & Co., Colum bus, Ohio. Price, paper cover 00 cents, doth SI 00. No War News. There is no news of any importance from our armies. The Biege of Foil Wagner, Charleston haibor, is still progressing favorably under Gil more, but its reduction is not expected for some weeks, as much has to be accom plished by tho shovel and ifpado. The A-my of the Potomac is in its old position along tho Rappahannock, and Loo's robel army immodiatnly opposite. Every regi ment in tho field has men detailed to take on drafted men to fill the ranks, and until thus recruited it is not probable that ag gressive movements will be undertaken by Gen. Meado. Esvv. If there is a malicious fiend upon tlio faco of this earth, it is this same miserable, malicious envy. Ho is as omni present and as uneatchable as a flea, You can't tell from whenoo ho comes or when you havu hint j but there ho is, trying to torture every ono iu turn with his pois onous beak and sharp fangs to lcavo a wound which he thiuks may smart and fester iu his victim's flesh for days. No one escapes tho poisonous reptile. Uu goads the bcauli'ul blushing bloudo to hate her rival, and so contemptible is ho, or she as to hint that tho blondo color is "all paint," nnd hor bust ''all cotton." Envy is truly a malicious fiond ; will roske a lie i servo the purpose, " Jiuigo Woodward is a citizen of unim peachable character, an able jurist, and a patriotic gentleman'." Fhilailcli h'ui Inquirer, June 20th. K5r "aOVMtlKM miUTttf CAN NUT SECURE THE SUPPORT 01? EITHER HIS OWN PARTY Oil HIS OI'FiOE-IIjLDERS.' Speech of Alex, aiuler Cummin gs before the Rcjn blican State Convention) Aug.G, 1803, ' k - s. Camp Mco tings. A Camp Meeting for tho Oatawissa Cir ouit will bo held in tho woods of Iliram J. llcodcr, two miles south of Catawissa, commcnoing MONDAY next August 17, to continue until tho lollowing Satcrday. Another Camp meeting will bo held on tho around of Mr. Worden in Lccusi twn. 2 miles cast of Boar Gap, ou the roid load-1 . . VT ,. . . . lug iu iiumuuiu, uoiuiuuuuiug of August, and will continuo on tuo ill st until the 8th of September. 8 Tho Boston Courier snys there is a good deal of alarm lest tho skill of our Generals and tho valor of our troops should bring tho war to a termination much soou- or than is ngreeablo among tfto John Brownitcs and shoddy patriots, who, in tho words of Gcu. Ewing, aro "stealing themselves rich in tho namo of Liberty." Dark and Heavy. Tho resolutions of tho lato Abolitionized Republican Con vention, approving of Lincoln's Nigger policy. BLOO.MSUUHG MAHKETS. Wheat "(J bus. 1 ltyu.." 41 Com " " Oats..l " Huckwhoat Potatoes " Clovcrseed ,c Timotiiysecd 2 Onions " 30i Green Appte-i 8lij Dried " 00 Dried I'eaches 3 00 Butter lb 75 Lard ,l CO' Tallow Eggs.... doz. flOi Hay... ' ton. 13; 00 Chickens " pair no 00 0(1 10 10 1 it; '00 muammwi RECEIPTS FOR JULY to Tin: COLUiTIBIA iffli.llOUfiSAT. Tho following payments have been undo to tho Columbia Dcmociat oiliee, during the month of July : Columbia County 23, in nu 1 on Miss 1! Pi'Wrman 2 00 I'lia Peal,-r 1 Ail Judge Knolls .1(1 Jeremiah Il"? 5 .In Jw.-i'ph il. P.itlun 2 11 1 lucob Muunon 7.1 James Mannon 2 00 A J Alb.TtKon 7.1 Jacob Similars 2 (in William l'lsher 1 7.1 Abr'm Kline (Orange) 1 75 Clijah Shutt 1 .10 Samuel Jactiby .10 I'. Armtrnng 50 Joseph Mauser 3 73 IM Peter Applcgato 7 00 Jofrph II Sla.lon 1 U0 Alr'ui Kliuo(.MilhilN)3 00 Samuel Parks (III i:-t of II II llugelund 2 00 David Phillips 3 75 A J Kvaiu l'.sq., 2 00 Columbus Academy 4 00 J u ,,cr c in., J M Pry list of John l'ollc llit Peter VVHteniglit Col J icnh Hyer John l.uzariia D.'iniil .Mcllriuy Ilwlof John Anilerson Dr. Tims llulliiway, Henry l lttenbender l.i' iit I) l.owi'iilierg John Keller, William Law Ion, Samuel lteml y Ulias Krum Win Ikelcr John J Mcllcnry Isaiah Crevcling 5 no I I tin ti r.o! 3 on 10 1)0. J 00 10 ou 4 10 1 I (III 2 411 2 00 4 M 1 SU Jacob I,, i.nrey James Mclleury 3 47 , 1 cl i: v i ano Hon D 1, Chapin 1 All 2 00 yTliiinkful, friends, for your support. It is yours to sustain and ours to maintain a FREE PRESS." Keep the ball in mo lion and liberty will survive. SPECIAL NOTICES. A Gentlkmev, cured of Nervous Du- hilily, Incompetency) Premature Decay and Mouthful I'rrnr, actuated L, a desiro to bcnelil others, wi l be happy to furnish to nil who need it (free of charge) the tec'l,u ani1 directions for making the simplo Reined, uicu in his case. wifliing to profit by his (j- nariencu-und hobho.j i.iuabiei:eme,iv wi II rei i.ii the same, by return mail, (carefully sealed; by addres sing JOHN II.OUDUM. No, 00 .Nassau Street, N, V. Kjw Vork, August 15, lcC3. 3ni I'niTOn or nr.MOCUAT. Pear Sir:-Wllli your permission I wish you to say to the renders of your paper that I will s-inl by return mail to all w ho wish it, (free) a Itecipe, wi'h fit I inMnutioin for nun iibiug n simplo Vcgelnble ll.ilm, that will ellVctu ally remove, in 10 day. pimples bloiclies, tan, freckle nuil all Impurities of tin; skin, leaving Ilia same oft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will aleo mail freu to lli.xo having llald Heads or Ilaro faces, simole direcliuus and iulVirmiition that will enable them to start a full growth of l.iixuiiaul 1 1. air. Whiskers, or n Muustacho, in less ilian 30 days, JM1 applications unswered by return mnil w itliout charge. Uespectfnliy youis, THUS. I'. CHAPMAN. Chemift, July 2.5, I603-3m j No. Ml llroadwuy, New York' MA DAM II POUTEIl'ri CUItATIVE IlAI.SUl lias long tested tho truth that theru nro llrst principles in Mediciuu ns there is In Science, nnd this Mcdi' inu u compounded on principles suited to tlio manifold na ture of .Mao I The euro of Colds is in keeping open thi pores, and crenllug a gentle internal wnrmlli. and this is caused by the use of this .Medicine. Its remedial qualities aro based on its power to ai-Ul ilie healthy and vigorous circulation of blood through the Iiiul's, Ii enlivens the muscles and assists tho skin lo perforin its duties of regulating the heat u tlie syntem. nnd in gently throwing oil" thu waste Hihstnucc fiom tlie sur face of the body. It is not a vcllent remedy, but emol lient, woriiiiug. searching and rtieitivo. Sold by all drugfiits at 13 ami 23 cents per bottle. July 23, leHi3-3m To Nint ons Si'HEncas 0 both Stxcs A reverend geiilleuien Inning been restored to health in 11 few days, alter undergoing ail the usual routine and irreg ular expensive modes of treatment without success, considers it Ills sacred duty to i-oiumuiiicnte to Ins atllitted fellow creatures thu iiieuus of eure- Hence, 11 the receipt of uu addressed envelope lie will send free a copy of thu prescription Used. Hireit to Hit. JOHN M. DAGNAW., lr-b l'ultou street, llrooklyn. New Vork1 March 14. TUG roNPESHIONS AD nxpnitir.Ncii or a I. NERVOUS YOUMi MAN.-Published ns 11 war nine and for tho especial liilicllt of lounu men, an those whobiiller with Nervous Debility, loss of .Mem ory, Preuuture Decay, &c, b, one who lias cured bint self by simple means, after bi lug put tu gn ul expense, nnd incomenieiice. through the uso ui woilhless med icines prescribed by learned Doctors. Single copies may bo had (free) of tlio uuthor, C. A. Lambert. l.jq., Creenpoiut, l.uug Island, bp i-nrosing nu udoisssed uvtluvu. Address CHAItl.US A. EA.MIIEI.T, Green puiut, Uland, New Vork. Juno 20, ldb3-lm. Uniformity of Trices ! A Now I'eaiure in Ilussiuess Everyone his own Salesman! JONCS K CO. of tho CresiiitOnoPiicu Clolliing Store, No. 201 Murkcl.liect above Sixth, Philadelphia, lu addition to having tho largest, most .iriedand futliiimahlo stuck of Clothing ill Philadelphia madeex piessly for retail sales, have constituted eery one Ills own salemaii, by having marked in flguii s, 011 oat h urticloul the very lowest puce it can be sold fui mill' y raimot possibly vury--a must buy ulike. 'l'hceools aro well snomred and prepared and grent p.iiustaken with tho making o allc.ui buy Willi tlio full assurunci ol guting a good article at tho very lowest mice Also, a largo stock r,f piero goods on hand of Ihu latest style nnd best qualities, whiih w 111 bn uiadii to urder. 111 tue lousi lasiiionauiu nun uosi muuiier, j per cent, hi low ciedit irn'i's. Remember the Crciccnt, In Maikct aboie SiMh slrce t No aui. JOMES t CO. C7"Tho Coniuiercial College will bo conducted by W Lowell, who takm the opponu nlty of turning his lieurty thunks to Ibo ublie In llielr libhrul iiaitonagu livr loloro In .1 anil mi thr lutitutlun. and invi'Hs their alteniion to the iioprovo menu toon to be introduied iutothu s-everul dipurt ments, 1). W. Eowtll. WANTED- I AA AnnSlllNGLKS, SOO.000 feet of I 1 1. v J Lumber cf all kinds for welfh tlw hlghei7. nisrkci price will bo paid in exchange lor goods. C U W KREAM UK Jefsoytawn, Mayf, 1363. CautlhinCc's Department. Printer's Fee 1 00 each invariably in udi-imc. i)i!i.i:ortTn election, Saturday, auo. rn, " I S:i;ATOniAt 7b tht DtuttrfJU l.ltriort tWumHi Omnia i I'mraM am, rku;ow.t.',TiiKk'.,-(l(.teri1 for your for , Iner pi-rtlaMty ami generous confidence, I would rc 1 iii-ui""; iwiiiuuiico. mm i win oe a candidate, before i.niiiiurnuo ouniy uonvonuoii, lor the nomination as a candidate for STATU HliNATOR, to represent the Thirtecntli Hon itorlnl District of I'enn. jylvania, t-ompnsnil of the counties of Columbia. Mon tour. Northumberland anil Snyder. Ana respectfully solicit your suifrage, nioom lownilil p, July 4, 1803. "TAI''" mOTIIONOTAIlY AND CLERK Or THE OOURTS. To the Dtmocraty tf ColumlU. W nro authorized to annnunco, Hint JHS8P, COLE. MAN, of Orange township, will ban fan.liilato for tho ojico ofl'rolhnnotory nnj Clerk of the several Courts nf Columbia County, subject to tho decision ol tho Dem ocratic County Convention, Orange iwp., July, ., ISG3, COMMISSIONER. THOMAS J. VANIU'.R? I.ICII, Rsq . of llemlo-k twii., wo nro autlnrlned to nnnounco will oe n candlilate lliln fall for CtJl'N TV COMAIISaiONllIt, aulijrct to tho dc rltlnn of the CnlumUa tiouniy Dcmocrntle Convention. Hemlock tp July 4, ldC.3. REGISTER & RECORDER. TU'ON consultation with many friends in I, 'llprcnt parts of tho liunty, I am Induced to uflcr myself tf, the Dcimlcrntit'.Convnntlnit nti.l nM...t . u Ettlon, ai ii candidate for tho office of Register (j- IlccorUcr, In and for the county of Oluiiildu j nnd I liercliy nollclt tlie favorabln roii.ldcMtlon of tlie Ilomocrary at the Primary DHepnto llliilloin It will bo my iiiiii to per form the dutlo. of the ollico promptly, efficiently und courteously, JOHN 0. Vl'M'MU Illoouuliurj, July II, I6C3. To the Democracy oj Columbia county . PROFOUNDLY grateful to you for VOIlr rencntod evidences of r-nnndftirn It, ,.. i. ..nun. city i at tho solicitation ol' many old friends, 1 am Indu ced to oner myteirtn the Democratic County Conven tion, and subject toils action, ns n candldato for thu UlUll' n I'rothoiiotarii aad Clerk of the Comts. in and for thu County of Columbia Should I bo nominated, I pledge myself to execute tho duties of the ollico to tho best of my ability. JACOU EYimv. llloomsburg, July II, 1603, COUNTY TllEASUREU. HANIEL McllENllY,Esf( , of Kisliinc XJ creek township, wo aro authorized to announce, will oe u riiiiiiiiiaio ior T'tasurit of Columbia Countii, at the approaching I'lcctlon, subject to tbo usages of Die uonimoia iuuniy liemocraitt, convcniioii, July II. 1B03. COUNTY THE A SUli Ell. . EtfKi; UlT'l'lSiNHraDI'ilt. J-;pq of risluiiiTr renk twn, ,q ure authorize 1 to unnouuen will to n canilidati! fur Ticasurcr of Columbia Countii. at tho approaching i.lcr Ion nulijcrt to the action of tlie UDiuiiiiiia uounty iicuiocraiic woiivoniion, July 11, ldi!3, WANTED. A Journeyman Blacksmith IS wanted lintn"ilintclv. by tho underslginxl. at his Shon in Muck Horn, Hemlock township, u good Jt'iir nr man lilacksmith, to whom loUntaul employment nnj liberal wages will lie given. A1IOH 11. IIAKTMAX. Puck Horn, Aug. 8, ld03-3w.l UO. lIiS0!.ll'i'I0. OF I'AIl'JWMHSIIII. rrtllt; co partnership Iicri-tuforo eni-ting between Ihc X undersigned, trailing mid Merch.iudil'ig iu 'uiu ville, Columbia county, iimlei tue liriu of Hi igliaid Nuss, u.i a disMilvul on Ibe istli of June. ISii.l, by uiu tunl riiuceut. The liooks. Notes. Account,, &.C., of the late firm nro now in the hands of Mr lteiubard, in tbi Store, for,.' ctt'emeut. All porous inieres ted will plcuie cull a ml scttlo. OHO. P. liniGIIAItl), CIIAUI,i:.-5 MISS. MnUIIIe, Aug, 8, ISfiJ-Ow .?2 00. ADMIN lSTlfA'l OU'S No'lToE. Ehlalc oj Franklin JHclfride the' a". I HTTURSof ailmlnittrattoii on tho I'.slate ofrrnuMIn I MclliiUu, late ol Hemlock tu p., Columbia Co., dee'd have been granteil by the Ilcgisler of Columbia Co., to the undersigned : all persons bavinc claims aeainst the estate of the decedent nre re'juorle i to prcbdit them to too uministrators at tneir rtsiueiico in said town ship Willi, ml id-lay, an, I all pemous indebted to mab payment lorlliwiiu. ill'Oll Il.McUIlinn, Adm'r Auguet 8, IHVI.-liw S2 00. EST RAY. CAME Into the cnclouro of the sub-criber, some tlip'o months rlnce, in Millliu tomithip, Columbia comr.y, a .JfJTifj! stipl. ns 'd to weigli about 1.10 lbs., rind is In good i ondition. The owner in P"piestc4 to pri'Ve prnp-rir, pay eiiam 's auu taKe linn away or will bo told according to law. TIIOb. U. SWKPPENIllSP.n Aug. P, leT3.-3wSl."0 (oliiiiiliiis ill a 1 c anil Fiwlc Academy P.. S. 1UNCIIAM, A. M , Principal. MP.-1. S. 11. II1NGIIA.M, Prcci'pircsj. rTMlll nrUTcrm of this lublltiitiou will commence on .L tlie Third Mouilny of August Inst. Students will fiuil it an udi aulagc to ha preteut ul thu commencement of the Term, Tuition, I roin SI In $(ipor term. H7" Hoard fioni gl Jo to 1 00 per week, tiood rooms for thoee wihing to heard thcuis-clves forfr.r'.her particulars inquire of tho Principa', or II I,.CH.PIN,Treii'urrr, or JOII N KOONS, Secretary. New Columbus, Aug 8. ldiKI '.'m ADMINISTRATORS' NOTlCEf" JJi,lac of 11. 11. Holland, die'd. 1 ETTEKS of administration on the li Estate of II. II. Ilogilaiid, late of l.orust twp, Cnltinibia county, deceased, hive been granted by tlie Uigi ter of Columbia county to the undersigned i all persons having claims against the estate of the dece dent uro requested to present th 'in tutlie administrator ul Ins resilience iu said township, Willi,, at delay, and all perrons indebted to make pa, incut forthwith. P K. lli:UUUIIS, Ailui'r, Auguit S, leU3-!nv. 5J (0. ASSlGNEEiS NOTICE. Estate of Ei'ias Wtrtman, of Gnenwood. rpllH creditors and nil other persons interested in the .L estate of Hliu-i Wert man, late of tlrecuwoo I tow n ship, Columbia county, will tako iioticu that Jnhn K tirol. und John Muley. Ibe assignees, have tiled their first nciouut iu the Protliouutary's Ollico in tlio said county, and that the said uccouut will be presented to thu Court of Common Picas of said county, for allow unci) and lunllriuutinu on Wedues 'ay, tlio ninth day of September next, ul winch all parti, n interested win ta.e notice. ALSO: Tlio uccouut of Wm. Piatt, committee of person und estate of John Piutt, 11 l.umitie. JACOU EVERLV, Proth'y. llloomsburg, Aug, S, 103- Iw. SfiiLflYiT SCfiiUWfii. MISS ELEONCRA J. LESCHER, WW A. open a Select ScUuol 111 the Basement of the Reformed Church, in llloomsburg, on .Monday, tho Tenth of August. 1 ct;.'!. The School will be dmded into three classes. iz : rni.M.iltl'- Including ibildieii Jil.t commencing, price per Uuattor of 11 weeks, 0). ATi.'ft.VEJW7'E-lncludiHg Rending. Writing, Spill ing, und those coiuiuencii,: Hi ngruphy, lirauunar, and Written und Mental Arithmetic, price per (luurter, S3 01). 01.7(-lncluding Reading, Wrillng. Spelliiig, Oram mar. Ceugr.iphy. History of the United States, uud Written und ., eiitul Aritlimetic, 1 1)0. Ecssous iu Ihu Ornamental bruuilics, il Italian nnd (Jicciuu OH Painting, Hruwiug, Needle-work, etc., ul e-Mra charges. Persons wishing to have llair-Work done, such us Hob mid Guard Chains, Rings, 01 Ear-Drops, can bo ucroiu modalcd. lllooiiisburg, Pn.. Aug. 8, ier.3 m RRICK FOR SALE I rplIU iidderslgued lias on hand a lot of well Rurued J Uriel; of greut variety for sale. All persons who wish good brick sliould apply al once, liy- TERMS CASH. UOUEIIT U. ARTHUR, llloomsburg, July, 25. 1603 "Jt. fTo. ii ak kisonTm. " WOl'I.ll respectfully inform Hi" citizens of llloo. burg, uud i icinilj , tliat he eimtinuesilie pint uco .ur.HWJ.YK .wi), id solicits u slitire of iiuidic nutrouaee. Oku. on Main Street, lirst home below tho Court lloiisi', Rluoin?ourg. IVbruaiy 3, lr53 -If. HUH' TO A, 011) TIllC 1)11 AFT. ipilll uiiderrlgiicd uuiitsn few iiiuiii good Agents to 1 cuuv.iss LnluiiibiJ, Eiueino and Muuloiir cuuuiies, lor Hie Susquehiiuiiu Nurseries located ut Seliuggrove, Snyder i utility, Pu. And for this purpose ho will ac cept of a few volunteer Agents to "till tho quotu." All necessary information, buokj, papers , can bo had by addressing J. l FRANK, Eelinsgiovs, Pa. Kj" Anplicationa mutt b4 made Immediately. Selinsgrove, P., Aug e,lS03-3w$l 00. NORTH CLKTJIAI. RAILWAY. Summer Time Tabic. TWO TRAINS DMI Y ti ond from Itio Nntlh nni Wcsl llrnmli ' tho SusuHchnnna. Elmlra. and all of Nirtliutn New York rU ami after Monday, April 90th I603'lli Passenger J Trains or thu Nnitn Control Railway will arrive at Knii depart Bunlifcry, Ilurrliburg, and lliiltlmoro " tMovi: viz " .tf B O U r II w A II I). Alan Train leavoa Hunbury daily (except Bundav) 10.10 n.m. I 15 p in, fi.33 " 1 1 II? n lenvc llnrrlflniiR. " urrlvci at llaltlmore, i;prci Train leave. Runkury dally (otecpl Kutiday,) ' loavco Harrlnliurc (except Monday,) " arrlvciat Iialllmoro dull;' (ex cept Monday,) Ilatrlatiurg Aceoinmodatlon I naves tlarrla burc. 1 200 a. M. I 0.15 11 0-33 " NO RT II W A II I). Mali Train leaves Iialllmoro daily (except Puitday,) n.lSa. in. 11 Ic.ivea Harrlnburg 1.1.1 p. m. " arrive, nl tiuiilniry. 4.0t " Kxprcea Trnlna Ilalthnoro dally, 'J 15 " " nrrlvea at llnrrtthiirg, 1.3.1 a.m. " leave. llafrlbiiti(excopt Monday) a Oil " " arrives at Sunbury, 5.33 " For further inlorination applv at llioOlTirr. I.N. UullAIIUY.Bupt. llatrlsburg, Aug.e, lfC3. PltOCLAMATlON WIII'.aRAB, tlin Ilo.v. WatUM lltWELt, Prcalilcnt IiiiIltu of the Court ofOjer mid Teriniiicr and (len- eral Jail Dellxery. Court of lluiirtcr Be.slons of tho Ponce nnd Court of Common Plena und Orphan's Court, In tho 80th Judicial District, composed of the counties of l.'iilumhln.riiilllvali andWyniiiiiiit, anil tlie Hon, John M'Jlc nolilsHicplien iiaiiiy,Asociati:jiiniicsoi i uiiiiu bla county.lmvu issued tlieir prrci'pt.bearing date Urn (.Hi day of May, iu tun year of our Lord one thousund ciiflit liundred and sltty-tlireeniid to mo directed for linldinirii ourt ol I'ycr auu ktimiiht nun iiouerni juii iii nvcry, Icneral Qunttcr Sessions of tho Peace, Common Pleas nnd Orphan's Court, III llloomsburg, In tho county ef '..I it mill n. on llm first Mntidav. (belnu tha ?thdailuf September next, nnd to continue ono week. I Notice is hereby given, to tho Coroner, tho Juttlces of Hid Pence ami Constables of tho saiTcounty of Columbia i that they bo then and there in their proper persons at Ill o'clock In tha forenoon of said day with their records, Inquisitions nnd other remembrance; to do thosu things , ... . '. ... I... .) A ...I WHICH IU HO I r Ullltea ,il'(,ur in ill iiu ui.iiu, t nil iu,i;u , tliat nro bound by recognizance, to prosecute ngnliist tho prisoners that are or may be In the Jail of said county ol Coluinblii to bo th 'ii nnd thcro topro.ocute theuiasshnll ' be ust. Jurors nru runueslcil to nu punctual in uicir at- tendance, narccnbly to their notices. Doted nt lllooms burg, the Uth day of August, in tho year of our Lord onu lliuusnnd eight hundred mid mxl) three, and in the eigh ty eighth learoflhu Iiidciiendencu of thv United Stales 7 .7 ,11 l.'TTI, ! A T 01 iMIieril..!. J . .VH.'n.nt Aug. 8. ItlW. cueriu. LIST OF CAUSES l'Oll SVI'TUMIIKR TCHM, 180:). 1 I'liilip Wlnterstei'ii vs Valcnlino Wintcrsteeil. 2 Henry Wells vs Ceorge Kinley, Jr 3 Jacob l'.yer vs Abrabaiii Klase, 4 Abraham Klasc vs Jocob llycr, 5 Day id Lee i t al vs Samuel 1, llcttlo 0 Daniel !' Bovbert vs Joseph Ccnsil. 7 i:iljah Me.Murlrlo ctol v Christian Wolf. H John II. Drown ct a! vs Leonard II Iluporl, 0 Samuel Vitlenbeiider vs Silas I) KJgar. 10 James llnrding vs I'.llas llcerc. 11 l.oui'U (iowan vs Klizabctli Ilalius. 12 Jacob Harris vs I'etcr Jacob, l.'l Jacob liuiid m l ilm.iu Nagle. It (ieorge lluglies et nl s J V't'rlswcll ot al. 15 Daniel Reiubolds Michael Grover. Hi l-usscl P. Stoker vs Wm Ikelcr. 17 W A Kline s (1 W lloll'man el al. 1H ltebeicn Vanderslice vs George liodsou. 1:1 N I. Catlipbell vs Samuel Johnson 2d David J Wuller vs Win J llaecnhucli. 121 rraukllu l.ougenbergar, Adm'r, Is Christian Wolf ct ui. 22 1) 1-' Suybortvs iiciiben Nicely. 21 II I' rvi'ighard Pro. s Silas I) UJgar. ti David J Care, u Marlz lint. 23 W A Kllno vs (1 W llolluian. 20 Joseph 1' l.nug vs Isaac II Patton. 27 Uuos Ii Adaimvs I) PSeyb"rtet al. 2 ) Char! 's II Hess el al vs Stephut Wolf. 30 Joseph llartman vs Ueuben I. ins. 31 John (Jigger a lilihard U .Meuagli, (I RAND JURORS Fon Septemuku Tep.m, 160. llloom Charlos (J. Ilarkley. llinton-Si'itl U. Colli , . Iii-rwlik liorougli Mitiiael l'rantz, (Jeo. A, lleam. Itri.i r Creek -tjenreo .M. (lower. Ephrami Evans. Centre-Dai Id K. Sloan, rhlllp .Miller. Ciitaw isu Jnsepn Uri isrh, Isatlun llclwig. Conuigliaiii-Johii H. Kline, jr. rraiikiiu -Ueubt-ii Uiiiltl'i. Creeiiwued-Samuel 11 Alberts!. Ilemloik -Williaiu Cyerl . I ncutl John Meiitth, William llelwig. Mnutour-I'.maniiel Lazarus. Millliu lleni) IIi.-tl.-r. Madison Jacob Cutoii, .Mjiiu Wathinplini 1'nher, William .Miller. Orange James 11, llarinan. Pine llirnin Miultz. Sugar loaf Alexander lies'. TH AVE USE JURORS. Eon Sei'temueu 'J'erm, 18li0. Ulnnm llirnin C llower. Peotnti David Vociim, Samuel Hess. John C Doty, l'.riar Cre.-k Josepli Ithmnu, Adam Suit. Reaver iMer P.ckioatJoi I ilredbender. Il-rwick Rorouh lnuali llower. Beth II Rowniau. CalawisfnMiij berry lluglies, Abel Thomas. Ha 'uEli.tB Cremv. i'r Jtl(r-laae lleudershot. rislitiiffCreck William Wliitenight. Greenwood William 11. Patterson, Samuel Kisncr, Robert Rohbins, Caieli .Moure, John lllark. Ileniloi k Dr Josepli It Evans, Jackson Eddy, Wm. 11. Shot maker, Jackson Daub 1 Poust, I. ocut Solomon Veager, Win Erwinc, Eiias llclwig, J'dia V, ager, Henri Gable. .Muiue-- Samuel Pitdicr. Mailiso'i John 1'ruit, Sr., John ftcllcr, Rethtlel Whipple. Millliu Juhn 11 Hftller, Isaac Snyder. Sam'l I. lit. Orange Alex. Hughes, David AchcnbaJi, Daniel Keiirer. Pino l-rnel Heath. Hi, Clock JelU-raon V.'in;.'ri:cn, Adam Gabl.i. 1'i'tir l.nvan. Scott Daniel Snyder, Henry V. Creasy, Peter Ent, Joitu Cut. Sugurloaf Samuel Kite lion. Hay ! Hay yy ANTED i July IP, 1803, few loads of Hay, immediately by THE EDITOR. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. hi the Orphans' Couil or the county of Columbia, EUate of Christopher H. Smith, late oj Hemlock twp,, dee'd, A LL persons interested, will take notice. 'i hat the undersigned, appointed Auditor by tlio Orphans' taunt of Columbia couttly, to report distri bution of the balance in tlio hamU of Aaron Smith, Ad ministrator of 11' Slilitll. deceit. ed tnuud nuioU4 the legal cluinmnts nnd represcntntiics of tho ueceueui, w in uicei inu parlies iiiicresieu, ai ine ne crder's Olhce, in Rlnnuisburg, on Saturday, thu ttli da of August, 1M,3, tor tlie purposes ol his appoint ment. All per-ous inter. sted uro required to present their claims before tho Auditor or ho debarred froui cuiuiug in for j share of tlio funds. JOHN G. FREEZE, llloomsburg. July 11, let',. I. Auditor. Cmi.DRiN owo luitrh of their sickness to colds. No mailer where tin- disease may uppeur to bo seuted, its origin may be traced to suppressed perspiration, or a cold. Crumps and lung complaints are direct products of colds. In short colds ari the harbingers of halftlm diseases tliat nlllict humanity, for us they are caused by checked perspiration, and lis fivC'Cighths of tho waste mutter of the body escapes th rough the pores, if tliesti pores mo iloscd, that proportion of diseares necessarily follows. Keep cliar, thereloro, of colds and coughs, tlie great recursors of disease, or if con tracted, break llieiu up immeilialelv, by a timely use of; roKi t;ii B uuiiajivu ii.xi.s.vni. Sold by nil Druggists, ul 13 cents uud Jj cents per bottle. March 11. JUuJ. '1 O I'OVSUMP'I'IVI',''. Tho advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks, hy n very siniplo reined,, alter Inning suuereu several years Willi n su vero lung udcclinu, nnd that dread disease, cniisump. Hun- is liiutnii- to inako known to lilsfeliow-eutrercrs Hie menus of cure. To all wlm desire it, lie w ill send n copy of tho pro scription used, free of charge! with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will rind a suro euro lor consumption, asthma, bronchitis, &.C The only object ol the iu sending the pro scription Is to henellt tile mulcted, nnd spread nilornia tion which he conceives lobe invuluuble and ho hopes every suirerer will try his remedy, as it will costlbcui nothing, and may prove, n blersing, Rev. HOWARD A. WILSON. Wllliamsburgh, March 14, leC3 -3ui Kings County, New Vork. The Old Guard. A Monthly .Journal, devoted to tho l'rin ciplcs of 1(1 ami ITH;, Designed to unmask thu Usmpution, Despotism and Crimes of this ABOLITION ADMINISTRATION, Aud to defend Ilie dudnnes of Stales Rights, and Cnnstitutiuiial l.ilejity, as held by our Revolutionary Put he is. Published by C. CIIAUNCEV IlURIt & Co., 1 19 Nas sau street, New York. Pmu - Single iiumbars 13 cents. 1'orwarded by mail or c ipress toull paits of tbo t.'uiti.d St iles ut SI a year, in advance. Any person sending ten subscri bers will receivu un uddiiiuiitl copy fur ous )ear. July II, U03, Mis iiCa Ii X' T; 'X. 3c 5p ATTORNEY AT LA W , llLOOMsnUKO, FA Office m Couil Ally, formerly occupied by Uiail44 lluckalcw Cloomoburg. Die. 4. US') giuton'3 ouiiAP hat sTojiEj REMOVED. Another Arivnl ofCJooiIs. A'otw is Your Time to Buy, I NOW BHtli CHDAl'CIt THAN KVllU, fpill! undor.lgned liavlng buuetit out tho Orocery o .1 llavld tlliouo, lia. removed tii Hat and Cap Flora up to Btroup'a old etand, whue In addition to a au pa rlor atiortmcntof shii.m; and summit Hats and Caps, Comprising cvrry antt, alr.a and quality, ntilcli will t "'1 fl ununually low pilcea, lie will continuo tho Uro. eery ana notion nusiuc.s ns enmeu on uy fir. Dironp, Also-A fine lot of Kll)., MOIIO.L03 and I.imaoato ivtilr-li lie invllna tho at cntlan of Shneinuker. Mnd th. public. JOIir; K. (JIRTOM. Illoomiburi,', May 30, 1EC3 ESTATE OF ALUM MARU. . 0 OL UMBM CO UNTV, sss I In tho Orphan's Court of sanl county, inter alia, It Is , thus conlnliicd ! ( Writ of Partition nnd valuation of tho Ileal Citato of . Alrm Jlarr, deceased. And now, May 7th, 1603, return of Inquest confirmed I absolutely, nnd on mot inn of John (I, Freeze, tho Court . grant n rule on Chester C. Marr, William Marr, Chas. I Marr, Nelson Marr, lllram B. Marr, Itarhel Hverhart, late Rachel Marr, nnd Harriet Van Mow. late Harriet ' Marr, children ofAlcniMarr, lato of Hcott township in Columbia county, deceased, to appear at an Orphans' Court, In be lii ld nt llloomsliurg, Iu nnd for tho county of Cnlambln, on tho first Monday to wit! Tho Ttli day ofricptimlicr next, nnd incept or refine tho .evcrai Iiurnart' oi uiisaiu csinieui me vniuaiion piaceu .puu the said purparts by the in-iuest or ahow cause i why tbo i .nnllj driukuig whatever Is uiiwhulesomo, thus ills same should not be solil agreeably In tho net of As-1 ,?,,,. ,i,. henlibful action of tlio liver and stomach sembly In such casus made and provided. Personal notice of III,-rule to bo served linen all tlio liartles ro siding in Ihn ruunty, and rlx weeks publication of the rule prior l tlie return day theienf, to be published In one of tho new spapcrs published In llloomsburg, iu said rouniy -, n paper coniniiiing ine 1IUUIIC3II00 iu no sent to catli of lh nuitles out of tho county, each week du ring the publication of thu aauio whero tho residence is known. Hy I he Com t. Certified from the Records, May 10, IP03. JACOU llVKiir. V, Cl'k ofO. C. Per Miciiaii. V llvrnLY, Ass't. .r, Iln. nt.An .1 III lab. ..... I. ,.C . I.n . nu kii in: a iii.wv v , im .o... ... .u ... me n..-. w rule. J. II. l'URM AN. Uurtf. 8licrlir Office, llloomsburg, I July II, 1803. tit. j - - -- ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Instate of Peter Whilenight, deceased. ETTER'S of Administration on tho J Estate of Peter W liitenight. lato of Hemlock twp Columbia co.. Pa., deceased, have been granted by tho Ilecitter ot t.oiiiiuuiacn., 10 msy wniicnigiii, .nary wi.iiniilslil. of Hemlock tmvn.hin. Columb a county. persons liaviJg claims against tlio cstato of the dee'd.. ore reqiiffcivii ii,i--,' . ...... ... ..... ........... -v, s ... ineir resilience in pun, luivusui j, nnuuui ui-i,i, ui.u nil pcrnis liidcbtod to inako pa)inentrirthwiih. ,,,v a iav- ivn I'ri.'Wt nil'i- MAKV WIIITEMOIIT. Mmr'i. Hemlock twy., July 4, lPC3-6w. EXEOU'l'OR'S NOTICE. Estate of llcnrn Smith, deceased. T Il'I-rnttS Testnloonlnrv the estate of Henry I a Sniitii. late of Itrtiitou townshlo. Columbia county. deceased, have been granted by the Register of Wills, A.C., to the undersigned also residing in said township, nil persons having claims ugsinst the i-slHlu of tho de cedent nro requested to present them to thu executor nt Ills resiileiicu in saiu lowusmp, wuuoui oeiny, uuu uu persons ihdcbtedto maku payment forthwith I, Jl.lJKklll O.U.&II, Juno 2d, lil',3Gw. $i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of ttumutl R. Axe, deceased. r E'lTUllSof Administration nu tlio Estate of Samuel Li K. Axe. late of Madison township, uominiiia toon IS deceased, have been granted by the llegistcr of Co luinbia county, to Hie undcrsienci ml, residing in Anthony tow nship Montour coiintv. nil persons having claims neal11.1i the llstute of tho itecedi'iit me requested to pre- sent tn tin to Uu Administrator, without delay, und all persons indebted to niaku payment forthwith. JAMES MUISPI1V, Mm'r. July 1, 1SG3.-CW $2 00. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. JLslutc of Henry Wanich, dee'd. UTTERS of administration on tbo cs- stale of Henry Wanich. Into of llloom township, Columbia county, deceased, havu been granted by tho Register of said county to tlie tho undersigned whoro sides In Ihu ume township i all persons having claims against thu estuto of tlie decedent are requested tu pre sent them to the administrator at his residence with out delny, and till persona Indebted to make payment f0r"m,t"- JACOB WANICH, Adm'r. Juno 20 1R03-OW. SJ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate oj' Elizabiih Mustellcr, dee'd. fET'lT.US ot adiiiinistratinn on tlie Elnlo of Pllxa ibeth iMastellcr.late of .Millliu twp Columbia coiccV., iiavebeen granted by tin) Register of Columbia co., to the undersigned ; all persons having claims against tlie cs into of tlio decedent are requested In present litem to lite undersigned, nt I is residence in said township, without delay, anu uu persons inonoieu 10 maao pay ment forthwith. JOHN M ASTEI.I.liR. June. If03-Giv ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. EstAtc of Sarah Stevenson, dee'd. I ETTERS of administration on the I Estate orsirnA sttmmn, lata of the State of New Jersey, the properly King in Columbia co.. Pa., dccois ed, have been granted by tho Register of Columbia 10. to Richard Ilemott, of Madison township, Columbia county, persons having claims against tho estate of tho deieased nro request-d to prernt them to thcni't ininiilraior at his resilience In said township, wl thou delay, and all pers'jus indebted lo make payment forth niCHARD UEMOTP, Adui Juno 20. 1503-Cw 2 00. (Lato Whlto Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVE THIRD PIllI,ADRliPllIA. D. 0. SIEGRISt7 PnoiniETOH. Formerly f i am Eagle Hotel Lebanon, Pa T, V. RIIOADS, CLEnK, Mareh 20, lP03-12m. SIXTY DAYS NOTICU:. Thave left with .T"hn Smith, Esq., n meuiorandiim of all unsettled account thai wero due ino on tho 1st day July. Also notes that is duo. Any person wishing totettlo them up, can doso by culling on Mr. Smith. N. McAY. Jcrseytown, July II, !fG.1. 1m. SPECIAL NOTICE. ON and nfter JULY 1st, If03, tlio privilego of irr M'rllng tho present issue of LEGAL TENDIi NOTES INTO Till! NATIONAL SIX PER CUNT LOAN (commonly called "I'ivc-Twenties") will com' All who wish to invest in the Five Twenty Lea must, therefore, apply before llio 1st of July ' nut. JAY COOUL., Subscription Agent, No. 114 S THIRD SU, rhiUrfelpUi!, April II. l?03.-3ui JOSEPH l'USSELL, Manufacturer of UMBRELLAS, SUN UMBREL LAS aud PARASOLS, Nos. 2 & 4 N. 4th St., PIIILA'D. March 7, l?C3-3m. PETER YOUE & SON, T-f AVE recently opened a HOOT AND SHOE SHOf. LI iu LIGHT STRUI.T. Columbia county, I'll., and of prepared to do thu best work ou the shortest notice (ICC at tlie lowest Give them u cull. April II. Io03. LAST NOTICE. r may be tound al tho old stand until July 1st. lio net my desire nr wish to maku any cost on my cuslsl piers. All I nskis to come and settle. After tho lis of July my books will be left at llloomsliurg for collec tion. Those who havo settled and gave their notes will llnd them nl Ihn uilicu uf John Smith, Esq., wucru they tan pay them per uiraiigouienL ..,,. NLAL MLOi, Jcrseytown, June 18, 1863-tf, CIGARS & TORACCO. A largo assortment of choice Cigars. Tobacco, ripri' Pruits, Confectionery nnd Notions geuer.ill) .togeth er with n full stock of II ATS uud CAPS, constantly on hand and for salt) cheap, at tlio "Uloonitburg Hut ti Cap U"lt,0'""n' ' JOHN IC. GIRTON, noomsbtirg, March 16, 1E0I. STIL55 & HARTLEY, it1 Consolidation llnnU Cull Ji ng, 3'J0 Noith Third Street between Vine Callowhill, PHIL a d i: i, r II 1 A. Jun 20, l3-ly. u'x,iendsand Relatives.! Ol'TllIi BMVE S0Lt)SnS AND HOLLOW AY'S PILLS. AlVfll riTVI'Af T.'MT All who have I'llcnds and llelative. In the Amy or Uvy should tako urpucinlraro that they bo amply aop- i Navy should tako uspueialraro that they bo amply sop plied with these nils ami oniiinuii j nn.i wuere ma bravo Holdler. and Bullors have iii'glccteil to provldo i ! i u sent them by their l'ricnds. Tliey Invo been proved to bo 1 tho Soldier's never fulling friend Iu tho hnur f need, couiiiis ANi) coi.ns ArTixTiNo Tiioopu, Will bo spcedly relieved nnd oirsitually cured hy using these 'admirable medicines, nnd by paying proper j ticntion to the liitcctious which arc attached to tadi 1'bick MBAnAciiia and want nr AiTHTiTti 1 iNcii)i:NPAiiTosoi.i)ii:iiri. i 'JliosO feeling which so sadden uins'liilly nri-lfrora j trouble or annoyances, olutru, led paispirallou, or eat i turbine the lienllliful octinn of tho liver nnd stomach These organs mint bo relieved, If ou deir.( to bo well Tlio Pills, taken according to tho printed insituctlons, will quickly produce n healthy anion In both liver and stomach, and, as a natural conscqucxcc, a clear bead and good nppclitu, WEAKNESS OR IIEP.II 1TV INDUCED UV OVUR I'ATIOIJE Will soon disappear hy tho useof theso Invaluablo Pills, nnd the Soldier will quickly ncqulro additional strength. Never let thu Howe-Is bo either confined or unduly nctcd upon, It may seem strange, that Ilol loway's Pills sliould bo recommended lor Dysentery nnd l'lux. many persons supposing that th"y woulJ lncreae the relaxation. This is n prcut rulstnko.fur these Pills will correct tho liver and stomach, and thus remove all the acrid Humors rmm the systcr.i. Thin I medicine w ill give tone and vigor to the wiiolo organic system, however deranged, whlla health and strength follow as a mutter of coarse. Nothing will slop tho re-, iaxation of the Haw us so sure m this famous m;dl- cine. VOMJNTEEIIS, ATTENTION I INUISUKE1TON3 OK VOUTII. Eorcs nnd Ulcers, lilotrhes and Swellings, can Willi certainty bo radically cured, iftlm Pills are taken night and iiiKrulug, nnd (liutiiiciit bo freely used as stated iu Ihu printed instruction-. If treated In any other man lier, they dry up in cnu part to break out In another W herons this Ointment will remove the humors from the ay .trui. and li-nvo the Patient a vigorous and healthy man. It will rcqtiiro a little perseteranco iu bad ta scs to Insure a lasting cure. l'Oll WOUNDS I.11 111. K UleVAHlUKlilJ ii i Tin; IlAYONllT. HAUlll:. OH Till! UULI.ET, SOSIld OU 11IIU1SE3, To whidi every Soldier und Snlir.r aro liable, there ore no medliies so safe, sure, and convenient, os 1 1 ol lowul's Pillsand Ointment. 'I lie wounded mid almost dying r-ulterer might liave his wounds dressed hum. dlutely. if ho would only pro ido liimsi lf Willi this matchless ointment, w hich sliould be thrust into the wciiinl and smeared nil tound it, then coverod with n niece nfllncii from his knapsack and compressed with u kan ikercliicf. Talking, night and morning, Oortf Pills, t" cool tbo hvsteui nnd Prevent Intlamatlon. Eveiy Soldier's Knapsack and Senman'9 Chest should bo proUded with theso valuable lieinodles, CAUTION ! None nro genuine unless thu w ords "Holluwas, New York and London," uro discerniiblu ns a Wnter-inark In every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box ; tho same may plainly seen by holding tho leaf to tho light. A bandsouiu reward will bo given to any one rendering such information as nitty lend to Hie detection of nn party or parties counter feiting the. medicines ur vending Uu same, knowing them to h.- spurioui. So!dnt inantirictory ot Professor Holloway, 80 Mladen l.uue. New York, und bv all respectable Drug ists mid Dealers in .Medicine, throughout the clvilzod world, tubuxesat'.'Scents.iindSU'Uih. TX5V1 here la considerable Baling by taken tlio larger N. I!. Directions for tho gtiiJ.incc ofpationts In every disorder areulllxed to each box. June'-'0, 1603, -y. I'ORRATS. Miru. ROACHES. ANT!!, RED HUG?. MOTHS IN I-'URS WOOLLENS, Uc. INSUCi'd ON PLANTS, FOWLS, AN1M Al.S 4-c. Put up In !Jjc. 5Uc. and SI 00 Roses bottles und flnsks, $3 uud 53 sizes frr Hotels, Public Institutions, tc, "Only infallible remedies kuuwn." -'Free freni jioisoii6.'' "Not dangerous to the human foully." "Rats come out of their holes to die." K7" Sold wholesale in Ml large rules, fSy Sold hy ull Druggist and Retnilurs everywhere C7- I !l Rewari' I II " of all worthl.isi linltalni' s' i .... ., t I. 1... It, .III., Xr ' j?r lll.ll t liciiir s ii.init- is uu iumi v, Flask, hefore you buy 07- Address 1ICNRY R. COSTAR, Cj" I'rimipal Depot 4.-2 llroadwuy. N. Y. SO Sold by DYI.Rit .MUYER, Wholesalo ami Re- tail Agents, llloomsburg, Pu. May 2, l?C3-3in. o r. CONCENTRATED LYE, TUE FM1LY SOAP MAKER. THE public ire e.autinned against Ibo spurious artic les of lju for making nap, ttc., now nlfered lor sale. The oiilv genuine nnd patented lye is thntmndc by tlie l'ennsji'iunla mil mnuufuctuiiug company, their undo mark lur il being "Saponificr or fuuecntrnted lye." Tho great success ofthis article has led unpiincipaleil partu s to cinleavorto iiuilutu it, ill violation of the Company's pat"iits. All manutai Hirers bujeraor ellera of the spurious lyns. nie htriby notilled that thu company havo em ploj ed as their Atlurneys, Georgo Harding. Esq., of Phila., and AVilliam Uakewell, Esq , of Pittsburg. And that all manufacturers, users or sellers of lye, ill violation of the rights of Hie Company, will bo pios ecutsd at mice. TOE SAPONIF1ER, or concentrated lye.isf'r saleby cers und Counlr Sture. ull Draggists, Gro- TAKh. NOTICE ! The I'nited States Circuit Court, Western district of Pennsylvania, No. 1 nl May term, in Ksi-J. iu suit of the Piiiiisylvnuia salt manufacturing company, vs. Thos. G. Chase decreed lo the Co i puny on November 13, lSUvi, the inclusive right granted by n patent owml by them tor the Snpoiiifler Patent dated October '-il. leob. Perpetual Injunction awarded. THE PENNSYLVANIA satyr MAMiDCFAS'iTiDEiiT m OFFIC CS: 1-27 "Walnut Street, Philadelphia, I 'itt St. and Duqueuso Way, Pittsburg. Aug. 15, 16(13, 3ni. Aug PAUL & THOMPSON, General Commission ftlcrcliAuts, lIlwALLKS II, rill). Provisions, l'lour, lltittci, Cheese, Oils, Dried Fruits, (.ruin, Seeds, lleaus, Whiskey, Wool, Co.ntry Pioduce and Merchaudisu generally. No. 34 Noktii Wharves, Piiihulli-iiia. i IT7 Consignments of Provisions, Dour aud Country i Product' solicited, and returns promptly imidc, Cash, advanced when desired. I ORDI'.RS for ull kinds of Pish, l'rov isions, Flour. I Dried t runs, &c., nneu aiiuoiowcsi v.a:u i tucs. AllgUbt I, lfebU-l-Jlll. I) EIVA' B ST Bt Y . O. II O W E R, EUflGEON DENTIST. II. sv iuDi i.i.u uia,i cii rs ins lilon ss raa ional services to tli i luiliea uud gentle- ?if-i uicu i f 111 oouishiirg mill vicinity, He is LI.r nrepared to atliud to all Ihn various operations mil: lino of his profession, and in provided Willi 111 laiesi unproved i,(iict;L.n.; whicli w ill ho inserted nu gold, plalinu, sill er uud rubber base luiooKwi'ii as ma natural leein Mineral pltitu und block teelh iimiuif.ic luroJ nnd all operulions on tooth, inrclully and pruperly ailmidcd to. Rvsidence uud ollico u lew uvu nbovo tho Couil House, same side. llloomsburg. June fl. Ifci'll, R LANK DEEDS & ARR 1 AG E CER T1F1 GATES A supprior lot nf tho tthovo ailiek's, with ail othtir kind of Wanks, for &alu at the oiliee of tho Columbia Democrat A i iny IVcw.s. FCrattEfS Mo.NrtOK, Aup: 10. Tho stea- , uitr City of Albany arrived horo yesterday from Beaufort. I All tlie iebul ofiicors and surgeons con ! lint J p.- pri.orrs of war iu l'ott Norfolk, upwaiu-ol' ono hundred and twenty-live, are bii ig transferred to Fort Molloury by th utoauior CJeorg Washington, iri 'charge of M-ijor Mulford, j Clr;t, Aug. 11. llepoili irtiiu (lie trout indicate that all is quiet on tilt budcr. Tho rofuprcc from East Tonnestoo ro- rinft flint li1AiAjtr tnnifiituA f.,isA i. Ia - ... r, I eilUCiVUUJ ill JVII1LI31UII ui UUUUUIU, A rebel bncado, under Arinstroiifr, lud arrived at tlio former nlaco. nrvcu ai UIO loriuer place. Ocucral Iluriisido arrived at IjCXItlgtOn 5uny. Tho niovcinents of troop iu tho direction aro vory active; ARREST OF COL. DE EOltltEST. The Draft in JScw York Revision cf the Enrollment Lisls in nine Dmncts. New York, August 1. Col. Tor rest, of the Harris Cavalry is under air-u charged with having defrauded the gover nment to the amount of SSOjOfO. OiA.niinitractmKsvsutVBTXsaasa teMi until New Giolhing Store. LATEST SYLE8 0AI2AI' GOODS fJMIE iindcrslgutd respectfully Informs tils frp nds I nnd the public generally, that he has just rccuicd from the Euslurii cities, u large nssortincnt of AND SUMMER CLO Till JSC. Eresli from the seat of fashion, of all sorts, it a qna'llle-, which will bo void cheap for 'cash or cd p iduce, Hats caps hoots & shops. Together with a variety of notions nnd thing" In tr luhti-soneto enumerate, towlilrh llo Invites tho al tentluu of purchasers. Call and examine. A J EVANS. llloomsburg. May '2, lt-C3, OATTAWISSA Rail-Road COMPANY SUI'ERINTENDENT'S Ol'l'ICK. Willlamsport. April 1(1, la03. On nnd after Monday. '.'Uth inst. rns-ceger Ira.nS w III pass H u pert a follows :--Phila. Mail, Pass Rupert W 37 am Arriving at Phila, at " put. I'hlln Ilxpn-ss Pass Rupert 1S.J0 am Arriving at Phllu at l.S'i pui, hnd ut New York nl 5.4.1 pin. Niagara Express. Pas Rupert 10.5o pin arriving at Willlamsport nt l.H am l'.lmlra .Mail pass Rupert 3.3j pm. nrtiring at Willianirport nt 5,5S pm. (Signed) II. STANLEY GOODWIN. ORANGEVILLE ACADEMY AND 5 O LB $. O O r. Piof. 11. D. Walker A, M. Principal. Th' n. xt t -rnJ of till Institution will commence- on We. i -lay. April 15th. Students desirous of being aduiiltid I U tlier of tho Normal Classes should bo present ou rutu day at 10 o'clock for Examination Tuition from SI lo $0 per Term of II w oek' Hoard in good families, S'J p;'r w. vk. Good Rooms for students wishing to boir . .i Tot furtu'r particulars inqtiire t,ri,',ai,'w10,1';j.0 CocCof Trusses, Marches. li'03 New Drug Store, WHO ES ALE & RETAIL rplIE undersigned would inform their ii. .. '" i i public gcnerally.thnt they tune taken tin sta stai., i , merlv occnided bv Geo. M. llagelibilcll, iu the Hi hangJ lluildiug, ou Main Urcei, in IHoonibburr. where Uu lias Ju-t received n full supply uf fl5r, I2i'(iicic,fi,nil'5i iLnstips, &c, Which will be pold on moderate t;nus fur ready pay. AM), NOTIONS generally, of every variety, toilunrt flpi.rlcians' procriptlons carefully compounded, at all times anil on short not ice. , KT" Confi'itioneiy of the best selections, and toda Water in -eitson. c - A slnrn of the public custom is respectfully so- ,1Ci1-''- EVER L MOYL2. Ploontsburg, April II, let'3 Y'IIl.sKliRS!ll Pelatrcau'j Siiuiulathig Oucucht,or 1'ieneU Cream for Raid Ueada aud Dure Paces ! rTiHi'' celebrated uiticlo warranted to bring ouia full J pet i f Whiskers on the uno.ilhest face, c a lino growth of liairon a bald head, iu less tlian riv wcks nnd will in no w ny stain or injure tlie ckln. Tin Ire cli Cream Is nianiilactured by Dr. M I i:i 1beaos, of P ri, nnd is the imiy reliable urticla of tho kind. "Use no I titer." W ARK AN 1 11 IN I'.V tUV I.ASK, OjullOJ WILLIIO hikwork, PkiikSI.OO. Imported and for sals W holt; sale and Retail b.ti TII03. T. C IMP. MAN. Chemist and Druggist. 831 HroaJway, New Voik. P. B. A Hov of tho Oncuttt ten to any idlrussby return niuil, oil receipt of piicc, aid 13 cents fur Fovl ago. . JunoST, 1S03-4W. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. I ETTERS Testamentary on the estate of So' . jEckroth late of lleuvel township, Columbia - deceased, have been ginuted by .ho Register of v tec, to thu undersigned ul-o residing in said Rc. , township ; all p-rsons having claims against th a tale of tlio deceudeut are requested to present them t tho Executor at his resilience in said township, with ont delay and ull p'jrsous indebted to inako paenie'lt forthwith. PETER ECKROTH Junu 13, 18C3-Cts; Hxeculor & O ;b, & Jl, ' B; A U J -,- I'rintei, liookbitiilor & Uaiikiiook M A N U F A C TU R E R ; WltOl.rSM.U AND ItrfTAlt, DEALER IN PRINTINO. tYP.1 1 IMS AM) WRAPPING PAPERS AOEST FO.l '!!!! CATAWISSA l-AlLn MILLS. Main Street llrst door below the Public Spuarc, WILKESRARRE, PA. Nov. S3, 1SC1-12M. R.VHGAIN; IX STATI0.MIY. 2,500 (iron Stetl I'ens, 600.000 yilrcs Meat bue i CSO.UCO Knttloptt, Slutes, Ink, Cmtuiii & Wrapping paper. Pass books. Lead-Pencils Gold.Pens. very tiuv, Uciinol books visiting Cards, &c n largo portion of which is stock iii r hused before the rise in Jiricc uilri uoiv selling low Inn cash, Wm. G. PEKRY. llooksier& Statiahsr S. If. tor. 41. Sf Unci, I'Maiiliihia March 7, ItC3-3 litos. JOHN C. YE AO fall, M AN U I' A CTU U IUI & WHOLES 1.E DliALl'k IN JB1HAT6. CAPS, STRAW GOODS, DONNE IS AND ARTIFICIAL FLO WE US, No. 257 North Third Street, Phiia'd. Nov. '."J, lcCJ. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. .l 'pllE undersigned would inform tho cltly nso, ftw I llloomsburg uud vicinity, that lie has lu,t ru iax civi d uud ortersforsalooneof the mosteAteusivo tTK? nssnrlinenta nfCOOlLINU und TAN' Y HTOVlft t over intnidiii 'd into this market. The I 'liriliil"r Ct umlitis, James Robb and Glube ate ninoiig III lUst clat 1 rooking Stoves, nil of which nru nlr Huliluuilgns bitlnci His i'arlor .unci nr' liandsume a.nt lb" '.ssurtiu, "t vr rlcd, ALSO-Purliciilar attention i-paid to Tin Wan. nnd House Spouting, upon short imlice. All kinds uf rnnairliiK will ho done v. ith neatness and ih -pnlell.-- - . &v" Uo,"ltr' pJu w i 0V!!:i,I,1r" V.'Xr llloo iniburg. -May 10, If ft!. RLA.N1CS! I.LANKS! I Of o very description, lor snip at thin oftife
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers