Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, August 08, 1863, Image 2

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II h '
in -
CDirun by luvi 1.. tate, rnoniiEToti
Saturday, August S, ISO'.C.
trr-'ouNo to tiir coNtmi i'tion, ah 'rut:
piurwnrcKnn maiiinimi ci.iniwiotim: last
riiANK, wiir.NMioirr ami TiinTEJirnsT li.osu
AUOUNl) HIM." Vttnltl llibster
- -
roNORUI. BY A VOTB WUtll.Y t'N N1M01', PHtEtl TUB
rUAWimt resolution, umril ummum Tnit oiik ut
HIB 1V4TIOS AMU UTIIk'flltlK orAfiiiARnor I.IKII.TY : I
"Tliat the present ili-plornbio civil unr tins won
ncfd upon tho ccmiilty liy lliu ilivitilonlsln of Iho
hoiithcrn Blntoa, now in nriin n?,iliitl ilioConrtUiilloiinl
UuVfrnmcnt, nml In tirnn ntmind llio Cn.ltnl , thnt In
tills National emergency, Congrins, ImiiIsIiIhb nil feel
ing of mcro paaolnn nr roenlment, Hill recollect nuly
Ita duty totho whole country , lhat this tear in not vagal
en Inetr part in any spirit oi oppression, or jor any pur-
post OJ COO
or in! trfert
nquest cr subjugation or purpose of overthrowing
ring tsith the rights or -.staUlihrd institutions of
es. bulto defend and Maintain the supremacy i
Host Hales
the Constitution. and to preserve the Union, milk the die
nitu, equality, andrlghts of the. several Mates unimpaired; j
ami thnt as soon as these objects are accomplished the tear ,
ughtto eeate."
OP IjUzKHNK county.
Democratic Mass Meetings.
Democratic Meetings will bo held in
Columbia county ut tho following named
times and places :
Saturday Aug. 8th. at Stuekcr's Grove-
loth, in Centre township.
loin, in buL'arloat "
22nd, iu Beaver Valley,
Speakers will bo iu attcudanco.
The McClellan Guaids.
Thomas Ciialkant, Esq., who some
timo ago voluntcorcd to resist tho rebel in
vasion, has boon unanimously elected Cap
..?.. - C dlfntii n ... .... .
uuu oi vuu "iucuieiian uuarus. ' this is
a sensible move in tho right direction.
Capt. Chalfant is a bravo soldier, a loyal
Democrat, and a Patriotic gentleman.
Promotions in the Army.
Wo havo neglected heretofore to an
nounce tho promotions of several soldiers
from Columbia county in Mead's Army :
Major Wellington H. Ent, son of Hon.
Peter Ent, of Light Street, has been pro
moted for bravery and patriotism to tho
Lieut. Colonelcy of tho old Cth Pennsyl
vania Reserve Regiment. Col. Ent is
one of the best officers in tlio field. First
Lieut. R. B. Rickctts, of Orangcvillc, has
been promoted to tho Captiaucy of Battery
P., 1st Pennsylvania Artillery, for meri
torious and gallant conduce on battle
fields. Second Lieut. C. B1 Brockway,
of Bloomsburg, has been commissioned
First Lieutenant in Mathew's Artillery
Battery. Lieut. Brockway ii a soldier
well versed in Military tactics. Ho is
bravo and daring iu battle.
Soreno Democratic Meeting
A Meeting of tbo Dcmocratio Club, was
held on Saturday last, at Leggott's Hotel,
in Greenwood township, this county.
Hundreds were in attendance Ladies and
slrangeri and tho Grove was alive with
Tho Editor of this Journal, and Col. .1
G. Freeze, by invitation addressed tho as
sembly. In turn, tho speakers defended
the Bible, expounded the Constitution and
explained the Law, not forgetting to ex
poso tho conduct of sonic of the political
prcaehcrg of our country, exhibiting them
in their garb of wolvos in sheep's clothing.
Judging from tho interest manifested by
tlo meeting, it would seem that tho peo
ple appreciated tho remarks made, and
duly understand their duties iu the premi
ses. Greenwood and Pino townships aro in
motion. Tho Democrats will carry there,
this fall aB they havo not always done
heretofore, bv very largo majoritcs. Look' , , , . ,,, ocrats have always lioen for the prcscrva-
1 1 1 - ,J . , . , , I ho had done both the things vou alledsje, I . it n ... .. , ., .
out for Democlatio thuudcr from old Co-1.. . ., , , . , Hon of the ConMitution and the rcstnra-
u ; it would bo infinitely mors to his credit,,. , ., TT . ., , ,
Innirna I . ...... .. , 1 tion of the Union, con-cfi'ieutly the rcbois
. -y - i I
What GOV. Curlin did Do- j
What business had Andy Curtin to go
.incoln for power j
our" State from in-
malice.bat indue '
I U i?10 tiofc ,
begging to Stanton or Jjiucolu
to call troops to uetenu (
vasion? Col. Democrat
nr i .,
waKiBiior-iiBou. u,-,,wu ...-ui..
rA l,n nrv in nsk th s fir CstlOll ? ,
fJov. Curtin never annlicd lo the National '
authorities for permission to call out tlio
militia. Republican.
Piomincnt Pcnnsylvauiaus say lhat
Gov. Curtin, forsceing the invasion from
which the Kcystono Stalo is suffering,
asked authority weeks ago, to call for fifty
thousand incu to defend tho State, as ho
has sinco, for sixty thousand ; and that
his request wa3 refused by tho Secretary
of war ; who coupled
his refusal with a
tCliZ ofohiSa"tlra!o !un!ed!
character lhat her chief niagisti.iio luructi
unon his heels and left tho dscorteous !
' . .. Ti ' .. ' nr v n'ri,o
preienco without a word. N. V. Tribune
What has Pea John to reply to tho N.
Y. Tiibune, which is tho authority for the
remark! He knew ho was deliberately
falsefying tho fact, yet for tho baso pur
pooo of covoiiug iho recreancy of Curtin
ho has no soruplo to do so. Go on, Pee
John, go on.
fcSr Parson Brownlow and Mr. Pryne
havo been debating, at Philadelphia, tbo
question whether Slavery is, or is not,
auctioned by tho Biblo. The reports say
that the Tcnncssco Parson had been ef
fectually taed up. Col. co, Republican,
Sept. 23, 1808.
Dr. Poo John has quito a different opin
ion of the Parson eiuco the braakiug out
of the present war. Bah !
A Mass Meeting was held on Tuesday
last at M liuvillo. CitAB. 11. Hkss, Estir,,
1'rcsdiont. Tho mcotinir was largely at
tended and spiritedly conducted.
Levi L. Tato, John Q. freeze, E. It.
Littloi J. S, Sanders, and Daniel Mo
Henry, Esqr's., each in turn, addressed
tho meeting on tho state of tho Country.
Locust Democratic Meeting.
Another Mass Meeting was held, tho
snnio evening, m Locust, at Col. Hurst's
Hotel. Elias L. llclwig, President of tho j happen to bo engaged in them, Oh ! hor
Democratic Club, in tho Chair. Messrs. 1 riblo. '.L'hoy ought to bo burned at tho
Freeze, Little, Tate, Sanders, and Mo-
Henry, talked tollio pooplo. Hurrah for
lliiioll aild tllO DciUOOraoV.
A New Select School.
Miss Emionoua .l.LnsciiKit.tho accom
plishcd daughter of our worthy followoiti-'
ZCU, RcV. Jollll W. liOScllor, declares Iter
, ' , ... ,. .
IlltOlltlOIl, through tills paper, ot OpeniUg '
a Solcct School, next Monday, in the
Basement of tho Itofurmcd Church, in
Bloomsburg. Miss Lasoiieu, is well
qualified for her position and is deserving
of liberal patronage. Wo wish hor great
CSf" Resistance to the laws is rebellion.
Pec John.
Then when the Abolitionists in Lancas
ter county a few years ago, resisted the
execution of the Fugitive Slave Law, and
iu that resistance committed murder nn
Dr. Gorbucli,
wore guilty of "re-j
And when the abolitionists of Massa-
ehusctts resisted, with an' armed mob, tho
return of a fugitive to his master, and
killed Batchcldcr, and forced the authori
ties to call nut tho U. S. forces to execute
w I I
tho law, thoso abolitionists wero guilty of,
And when tho Northern abolitionists,
through the Legislatures, passed Personal
Liberty bills, annulling and selling at ,
uoueht the act of Consrcss. thev wero thus
resisting tho laws, and wore guilty of "re
bellion." Ttn: Administkatio.v vs Tub Gov
i:knment. The Abolitionists make a most Wilr lu "cleau out"' tI,u rubul Ii:,VB co"
tremendous howl over tho opposition ; eluded not to uso broomsticks, but pro
.Democrats to the policy of tho Admiuis-; llosc to ll7 tor Oil ; its "cleaning out"
tration ; and pronounce every mau a trai- FPortica being far ahead of anything in
. , , . , ., , . . . the broomstick line,
tor who Uoos not support tho admimstra-, ,...
tion, right or wrong. If tbo position is cor-1 A Coi-minnAD Rkiiukiii) A gontlc-
rect then tho whole abolitiou or Republican
mriy are .cii ucciarcuirauurs. uii me
7th of Deo 1857, at Washington, they
,,,,. , .
adopted the following resolution :
Resolved, That tho Republican mom-
hers of tho IIoUsc, deem this a proper
casion to re-afiirm out adhcranco totho
principles announced by the Republican
iNational Uonvcntton, held at .Philadol
phia in June 1800, and ire will cohtimte
T WPf Mon to ainj ADMINIW
110JS that docs not pructicallif enforce
lim? ilnrt, inr . .V.
uiosc aouunes ; y. ,
J- In 1861, when Dcmocratio News
paper Offices were being "gutted," as it
was termed, by Republican Mobs, the
Tribune spoke of their doings in tho fol
lowing patrouisiug terras :
''Tho righteous indi'.ntion of the peo
ple, at tho treason of tho northern presses
which have been for months stimulating
the slaveholders to rnlicl nrrninat the Union
was very strongly manifested in various'
parts of the country yesterday." i
But since the ''indignation of the pco-'
pic," a few days since, was so "strongly !
manifested" toward its own establishment,
,1m 1'riliiiin ia 4r.t!lili, cn..rn n n hiaIl. !
It is not uucommon that doctors dislike to! It is the determination of the Dcmocratio
. , ., . ... I.i.. .i.. .i. ti..:.. .1...11 u i
tauC lllOir OWn mcuicinc.
Mr. Btickalew, U. S. Sonator, has been
to tbo Clifton House lo sec Yallandigham
the traitor.
Wilhcsbarrc Record of the 'limes.
A deliberate falsclioo:l neighbor Miner.
Senator Buckalew, has not been lo tbo
'Clifton House," this summer, nor has
, uv, nuo
1. tr..ii i-i a .1 i
or any otner patriot, tuun to no noticcu'
hy your tory disloyal machine.
Dr. Pkk John, givessome evidence . of llclr Jty, iavo just ben, the reverse,
this Wcek, of the improved character of"' ron
,L IlrPuUia'- W notice, however, two , "'th tho rebels Ae bcl.cvetha iftho
i tLo M'c!10 which demand , 'n ,ilko, 0!' AJ a'"1 C'e:':
; , . L Machine which demand
correction. Uno is,
tho assertion that
" Old Abe" has not drawn his salary, tho
past )car, and the other, that S. S. Cox,
of Ohio, has admitted the probablo defeat
of Mr. Vallaudigham.
Wo demand tho proof iu both cases.
W. H. J.uouv, Esq. Wo are happy
.1 i .1 . 1 1 j . fit .. It Ct . .
I ..., ,-,,. , ,,
lo auuouuce, mat uio rjuitor oi mo "otar (
HSth Reg't.' P. M. nine month i tho ArJ
o . I
my, has rcturnod to his friends and home.
,i ':. ii ivi Li. r. . I
Ho is lookinj! well. May h'n future bo
more pleasant than the past,
Col. J. F. Fiunk, general Agont for tbo
New York Nurseries, advertisu them in
our columns. Thoy also havo a branch
establishment in Selinsgrovo, Snyder co.,
Pa. Col. F. is a very gentlemanly Agent,
aud will promptly uttend to all orders
sent him to Selinsgrovo.
CQr An election was hold in Luzerne
county on iho 2lst ult., for tho purpose of
erecting a new county out of part of Lu
zerne, to be called Lackawanna. The
voto stood 3,450 for, and 7,187 againtt it,
being a majority of 3,737 against the new
Human hurrahs for Vtillaml iliatn , lio
is called a traitor by "uiiconstitution Uir
Son men," but nn Abolitionist can say that
lio is glad John Morgan mndo his raid
into Indiana, and is called a patirot
That's the difference.
Mobs, when composed of Abolitionists,
and devoted to outrages upon Democrats,
arc lawful assemblages, and ought bo en
couraged. But under any other circuin-
stances, and (-'specially if any Democrats
stake That tho diireronec.
To bo iu favor of prosecuting tho war
for Iho Abolition of slavery, and to pre
vent tho restoration of tho Union as it was
is to bo a "Union man of the first water."
To bo opposed to tho war and in favor of
adopting measures that will reunite tho
Country Ullllcr Oil V old Coilf tllUllOll, 13 to
, . .. ,. . . ,
bt! a VIIO Sympathizer With treason.
That's the difference.
A man who preaches Abolitionism in
the pulpit, and cucoiragos the taking of a
brother's blood, and reviles his neighbor
bccanso ho cannot agree with Lim in poli
tics, is "a holy man of God," and "fares
sumptuously every day;" but the minis
ter who eschews polit er, and preaches tho
truths of tho Gospel, and aJvocatcs "poac
on earth and good will to man," is a child
of the dovil, nml is kicked out to starve.
'.That's the difference.
' The Goddess of Liberty, who left this
country some two years ago, will return
about the fourth of March, 18(11. It is
j proprr to remark that the chains that were
I forged (oi her by the Abolitionists, will
it is thought bo used lo uraeo the forms of
those who ;ol them up.
It is said that the Germans and others
'10 g"1 tllcir 100 ares ' land in the
west, by electing an Abolition PrcMUont,
arc getting rich upon the products.
Tho time once was when a man could
carry five dollars in his pocket book and
hardly know it w-m there, But now-a-
days, it takes a two bushel bag lo hold
that amount of the needful.
Tho twenty old women, who wore go
ing South, at tho commcneomciit of the
man informs us that ho as present at an
e prominent Republicans at Chanibers -
, burir, 1 ennylvauia, during tho tune tho
rub,, occupicd lhat ,ou.n. Aftcr (iisguis.
ing matters connected with the war for
oe-'somo time, a prominent office-holder in
Franklin county Meppcd up and introdued
himself to tho ltebel General. Jenkins said
that ho oui-ht to refuse bhakimr him bv tho
hand. The office-holder desired to know
tho reason of such treatment. General
.lunkius asked the question. "Aro you
.1 ta . 1 , .!
the D tA y Irom this coun-
'try.'" "Yus," was iho reply. "Then
vou aro a regular UopperhoaU. "11ns
is what they call inc," replied the ollicc-
Jo which the rebel Ueucral re
plied. "Lincoln ought to have hung you
and the rest of the Copperheads 'ong ago.
! Wo would not tolerate any such men iu
the Southern confederacy. We respect
thoso who aro against u in the North much
more than tho Copperheads."
Hurrhburg Telegraph.
'i,Iia alj0 wc find in tho Danville
Democrat, an Abolition tory organ under
a disguised name. This for onco is an
honest confession, for of course a rebel
General would hob bob with Republicans
n fwl snub moflrfifs itl lust. llmf. mnminr
p.mjf wi.n iu uuhni tu.iii no jhusui vuu
which so embitters tho rebels against every
mm nf 5U mniiibum. Tlinw IW nnll.imr
ffom Ul0 jopuv,Hcan8, because they know
! well enough that that faction U contending
1 for the ascendency of fanatical ideas which
must untimely lead to dissolution. Wc
havo a bettor opinion of Jenkins' honesty
llinn I'vpr v,- h.fVri 'I tin lli.m.
. , ,., ,., ., ,
,1a tint lil.-n Mipm . vi-liilt. tlin nl
do not like them ; while the abolitionists,
on the other hand, with loud professions
I i,Jiciia" J'""nora mat u.u nuiucr woum
. .i . ii .... ... " ..
rni'n v ih i. iiitinni' I rnnrmoiir. nun a
" -s -t ;
because the latter never aided the Soiith'f -I
vtu cour.o by issuing an cm .uoipalioiiy
.... ... . .... .
jiroclaination Thoy like their real lriouds
best. Tho Danville Democrat will thus
sco that it has not mado much on this is-
J9" Tt appears that Andrews, a prom-
!UCI,t ?l'.lho rio,ora J" Kow Vorl;
a not a V rg n an, ns has boon asserted
0 -,.,
but an old and well known resident ul tho
'city, ami a Tiltouiaii abolitionist. His
I practical application of the Revcrciid Til-
ton's theory is manifest in Iho subjoined
extract from the New York Tribune ;
'Andrews was arreilcd by detectives
McCord, Farley, Radford aud Dusenbuiy.
Thoy found him in bed with u colored
Htr Mr. Lincoln hiuoclf set the bad
example of disobedience to tho Courts.
In his Chicago speech, July 10, 1851 he
said :
'If I were iu Congress, and a vote
should come upon a quotion whother sla
very should ho prohibited in a ncw-Teiri-tory,
in spite of tho Dred Scott decision,
I would voto that it should."
o urait. A
In Now Jersey no draft has been made,
and it, is delayed until it can bo altogether
avoidod by volunteering or by payment by
mo a.a to o tuo ,.uu penally or every
i ,1 II 1 . 1 . 1 Ti. T - . TIkI.ihI.iMA
111. Ill YiU M UUUiU,
ii ivniv nnninGiirn
the draft has boon nostnoncd untd tho
many pending legal nucsns aro dotcr-.
mined, In New York it has boon sus-
ponded, and if tho. Courts shall not declare
thoeouFoiiption act unconstitutional ami ,
void it is proposed to pay the community
A. .11
iur .ui pool men. I
I.. Pennsylvania tho act is enforced ,
promptly and rigidly. Every man, not
otherwise tlisqualifiod, who has not 300
to purchaso exemption, has to too the
mark, nolens volcus. The Old Kcystono
is ulways foremost iu the discharge of her
duty to the whole country ; but wo think
uo invidious distinctions should bo made
by tho Govcrninont. If tho draft wero
sus-pomlcd hero, and a liberal bounty off
ered, Pennsylvania would very soon fill
up her puota with bravo volunteer.''.
'I he Slalo Interest. ,
William V. MoG'rath, Esq., tho.' State
Treasurer, on last Saturday, commenced
paying the semi-annual interest on the
Stalo debt at tho Farmers and Mechanics'
Bank. Tho whole amount In round num
bers about otic million dollars, will be paid
in coin. Thils, through the exertions of
Air. McGrathj Pennsylvania remains true
to her pledg'S to her creditors. Wo con
gratulate our fellow citizens on tho excel
lent management of the State nuances by
tho Treasurer, and on tho maintenance
of our credit throughout all tho trials of
the war.
JC" Tun radicals havo just discovered
that it is not so ea"y to "bag ' a whole
army as they tried to make tho people be
lieve. They used to speak of it as tho
simplest thing in tho world, and could find
no milder term of reproach for a (Jcnoral
who failed lo do it, than that he was in
heart a ,:traitor." But, after Burnsidc's
inglorious defeat at Fredericksburg, and
Hook cr's disastrous failure at Chancellor
villc, thoy havo become more moderate in
their demands, and aro now satisfied with
a General who defeats the enemy iu a hard
fought battle, although ho may not bo able
to ''Lag" them afterward. What was
'treason" in .McClellan at Antietam, is
not allowed to detract from the glory that
jjoft(0 achieved at C! -Hvsh
Snow. Notwithstanding the injury wheat
has sustained in some sections fioiulhe
midge and from rust, it is thought that the
International Wheat Show to bo held at
Rochester, N. Y., September 8. 0 and 10,
180!), will bo a great success. Competi-
tion is open to the world. Picuiiu.ns aro
.,. , , r , , , ,
ollcrcu amounting to fivo hundred and
" in-
1U"J "u"a'a) iu uuik m uuiuina un:
show has been fixed so that the wheat
exhibited will bo in demand for seed
On the last day of tho exhibition a public
auction will bo held on tho ground at
which the exhibitors can oiler their wheat
for sale.
We arc requested to state that parties
from a distance who cannot attend tho ex
hibition may forward their wheat and
have it entered. Full particulars can be
obtained by addressing tho President of
the SocHly, Josui'ii Hakius, Rochester,
n. y.
, l!"UaY " J uc"cscc f irmc''
for August says that muco the advent of
t - -
the midge tho great aim of tho wheal grow
er has been lo get a variety that will como
into flower a few days before the midge
flics make their appearance. The reason
why the Mediterranean ij so much Icjs lia
bis to injury by the midge, ('erroneously
called the weevil,) is its carlincss. But it
What is wanted, tho Farmer says, is a
variety of whito' wheat ''as "ood a's tho
Soulcs and as early ad the mcilitcn'n-
nean, it sucli a variety cau bo lound, it
. ! i -.
is hoped lhat it will be exhibited at the
Great International Wheat Show
to be
h ot jlooLogt N y Be lclubBr 8, 0
Such a wheat, the Farmer
Uwouhl bo worth milliaus of dol-
Iars to wWcrn New York alone."
JSSaT" Tho miners in tho vicinity of Pitts
I,avu !1S!liu bccn 011 btriko tlio past
TttnV' nn ( nt1 Cn 4 ni1ii,.n C
wek or two for an advanco of waea
Thtwclaiin ten cents per ton additional,
which tdcflittiitl tho operators thus far have
aulusedwjhcse Ircquent strikes arc ma -
tcrially-TlTTmagitig tho coal interest of iho
valley. Canuot operator and workmen
mutually hit upon tomo plan by which
their recurrence may bo prevented !
SF An official dispatch from General
Gilmoro states that his aggregate loss iu
killed and wounded during tho three ao-
lions of tho 10th, 11th, and 18th ults., on
Moiris Island, was six hundred and thirty
fivo, and thoro wore about threo hundred
anil fifty missing, Many of tho wounded
would return to duty iu n week or ton
dayi. Tho health of the command was
Tho Cleveland Vl'i indcttltr , ono of
the oldcnl and most picminrnt Dcmocratio
papers in Ohio, two years ago wont over
to the opposition, and mpportcd the Tod
abolition ticket. This year it comes back
and hoists the Yallandigham fljg
'Mm Hr Ut Wlrt( I)tmtrtU
Blbbillg ail Abolllloil I'rcacllCr.
pon5o a(visfl m,cr8 of n inci
... . . . . ...
ilnnf. tvliinli rnflnnllv nnfitti'ml ill Krntlkllll t
r VZ" 'V .", T..."
" f iZIZ
nn Abolition Screeching Preacher was most
nffrpdirtll v snnlilifiil.
A vhc.Acn Proaohcr n foW
0( on gumlay b LfjJ
congregation, that ho was about to deliver
;.;; ,;n)1..,r. n,l rnmorl.-ml. that
m Mt ,o hou coM
leavo tho houso. A "loyal Lady," a mem
ber of his church, aroso and informed his
rcvcronco, that thoy paidtni preach
tho Gospel, and thoy wanMprcar noth
ing from him in relation toTolitics. So
saying, tho cntiro congregation, excep
ting nineteen persons, left tho hnso, and
j ho wont on to exhibit to a solect few, S'm
lio (tnd Dinah !
j Mr. wisc-vlrcc camo back last Sabbatl
Ho found a very largo assembly of people,
and lie soon "smelt, not a nigger, but a
big mice.' Deeming discretion tho belter
part of valor, lib tremulously hurried
through his discourse, loaving the nigger
out in tho cold, and mado tho best of his
way out.
On entering the gato of the yard, Mr.
Uc-Acrc was met by a delegation of citi
zens more loyal to God than to iho nig-'
ger who promptly informed him, that he;
must never again polluto the houso or des
ecrate the t-'abbath there by attempting to
glorify his negro friends. Instead of b;
ing admonished in meakucss, lio evinced
intiro of tho spirit of tho d 1, than an
humble christian. Thoy however duly
notified tho ''apostle of abominations,''
that if ho over attempted to repeat tho in
sult, ho would bo sure to get iu this world,
what awaited all such fellows with ,(;it'g-gir-oii'tliC'brain"
in tho world to come.
Sword Presentation.
RoHitsiiuiici, Pa. August 1st 1803.
Dear Col. Tate:
Thinking that tho
following may bo of interest to you, and
tho readers of your Journal I will respect
fully submit it to you for publication :
Tho members of Co. A. (Capt. Bucka
lews) 178lh Reg't. drafted Pa. M., on
the cvouing of the 30tli while at Harris
burg, presented their 1st Lieut. Jons J
Kauns, of Benton, a splendid sword as a
token of their esteem for him
was ritcd on behalf of the Company,
by Corporal Win. Comstock, who accom-
panicd tho presentation with a few well
limed remarks. The sword was accepted
by Lieut. Kauns, in a becoming aud
uruooful manner. Lieut. K. goes out of
.., , , -n r , .
the service with iho good will of bis men,
, . -f i t :. .i i
and conciousncss of having done his wholo
1 .it nniintrv.
. , , , , . , i , - 1 cvitaly lead to tho defeat ot the pa
neither shunned duty nor danger, and Ins J
r., .... .i.:..;.; J!m!w ,." btato next October. Wo look
IIIUH XUlb lUUb HIUll JJIUti l 'Hl"j3
.share with them the hardships and dan-
r, , .
uers ota soldiers Hie1 oucu conuuet
among our officers is as raro as an oasis
a desert, and iu order to show that wc
' . .
i niinpfpi.i(o Itnnnr.nliln trn.itmprir. WG
' I I" '
onn nnnrppi.itn hnnnrali Q treatment. WG
ii'ivn Iiim lhr n . linmrr wnll awarn Iliac
o o -
it will never be drawn except in a just
and holy cause.
Yours, &c.
A llcccipc Jor making Boot Ulacldng.
Take two cents worth of Pee John's
character, and one half pound of white
ning, and mix them up with two ounces of,
Gooso Grease. This is said to bo far su
pcrior to J. S. Mason's Ckalleugo Black
ing. P. S. In applying it, use the ' Colum
bia county Smut Machine instead of a
Anotnor iVDOntlon Uutrage.
We loam that on the L'Sth ull., at about
threo o'clock iu tho morning, under tho
shelter of darkness, increased by a denso
logi a gang oi armou somicra anu cmzons
Iirnlo ift Arry t tun 71 71 1) 3 IT nittnn nn.
"u" "v vU
lcrod aml troyed several cases of type
uml u pui tiuuui iuu iiu iinuru. a uctuuu-
1 i- A I.. I.
mcnt of a military p
'proceedings, and rail
011 a l
i flcd without finishiui
patrol discovered tho
Hied their comrades
but tho depredators
fled without finishing their work, and
without detection. It will bo rcoolloctcd
that iu tlio former attack there was an en
tire destruction of all tho material of the
The paper will appear without dc-
cgy Tho extensive tannery of Forbes &
, Clements, situated at Bushvillo, Sullivan
j 00., N. Y.was destroyed by fircon the 23d.
It is understood that tho firo originated in
tho cngiuo houso, and was oomuiuuicatcd
to tho tannery building adjoining. About
ono thuosaiid tides of leather wero drying
iu tho loft, of which only threo hundred
were saved. A portion of tho loather in
tlio vast was also Injured. Tlio entire
j building was soon a pilo of ruins. Tho
firo communicated with ono bprk pile of
somo ono hundred and fifty cords which
burned tho olhor being saved with great
effort. Tho total loss will roach about
i ixa i'litcou iiiousanu wounucu sol
diers in all havo been taken from the
j Geld at Gettysburg, aud sent to the differ
j cut hospitals throughout tlio country.
About 5,000 still rcjuain there. Of those
removed, 3,000 wore rebel's and 12,000
our own men.
While wo aro engrossed with our domos
tio civil war and' aro agitated nbout the is
sue, our attontion is attraclod lO'tho throat
cninc asncot of external affairs. A nation
oan be destroyed by cxtornal ad veH na
j -
. j i v. -r !- !
l'lcru!l! cirouuin..o. '
T"."' or por s aro
filled with innumerable vessels of tho al-
llwl nAini.H nC ltiwirt tint rnrtf.1.- linl'n'
libit JIV. bio V. UUlV'b , rvi.w " I v
solemnly dcclaro her an Empire; her
power udder tho Juarez or constituted
Government has been (suspended by the
protectorate rule of the French. She is
divided by factiont and threatened by in
imical armies. Tho expedition that has
caused this was one of tho French, Eng
lish and Spanish Governments, to cnfoico
tho payment of certain claims alleged to bo
duo their Governments. But Napoleon,
with that cool, cunning strategy, has crca
ted a differenco between the government'
and tho church and thus effected his groat
purpose. Maxisialiau of Austria is spo
ken of for Emperor.
Thoso things intimately interest our
Government. The Monroo doctrine, sup
ported for nearly a half century, is assailed
and it remains to he seen whether out
Government will resolutely claim an eman
cipation of tho continent from foreign in
tervention. Wo have claimed that foreign
irans-atlaiilio powers shall not interfere
twith tho several Governments of this con
tinent. Will Mr. Lincoln turn his eyes
from tyranny and corruption and watch
our foreign relations ? Will ho realize
tho magnitude of the difficulty and prompt
ly avert it! With England's power in
Canada and France's in Mexico, wo might
bo overwhelmed with hostile armies and
suffer such disaster, that a bit of diplomacy
will now save. Our nation's honor is at
.stake ; her precedents to be vindicated ;
her interests to be secured ; and, probably
her nationality to bo settled. Although
wc aro enervated by consuming war, and
tljp flower of our couutry is fading on bat
tle, fields, yet wo havo might sufficient to
defend our rights and preserve our cunti-
ncnt from foreign invaders. No Empire
for Mexico; uo Maximilian for Emperor
uo interference by foreign allies with the
affairs of this continent. This thould he
our policy. Wo havo hope. These for-
cign secret cnimics of our Government one
day shall sadly know its power.
Tr cubic in the Wigwam.
A decidedly bitter fight is now pro-
, j grossing among tlio Abolitionists ol this
i a. .... mi.- i!,...i n ... t.i-
ot"lu- ,lsuu,S sieving
that 0ov- Uulm 18 doi"S 1,13 utlll0ft t0
oltain a nomination, is engaged in the
I ver lauill'bl "d delightful task of venti-
luting the action of his excellency since
i L.'? "StKn, which ventilation is any-
tiling but crcuitabio to t ic Uovernor.
i it charges him with al manner of rasca -
f . .
, i-J, www aufi tliat ilia uuiiliu.1 LIU 11 Vlll 111-
rty iu
1 " li 1 ' I
S" cm.rc umuierencc,
lor tho reason that it is immaterial to im
who is nominated by the Abolitionists. -
tr, . , .....
! " " . ' " M,t "J
, I CniWllVama ! Tlnu-nvor. rn minimi rr,
1 . -
' .
oaf Mm mn).l C ...... . ,
1 J o'
there same charges were made against
Gov. Curtin by the Democratic press, tho
opposition journals and men now engaged
in giving them curreuey wero most vehc-
mcut in their denials of their tiuth.
-" -
tSTTho good citizens of this county
will bo highly gratified to learn that a bat-
tcryot l.iglit rtilery, with about six bun- oral other valuablo building.. The firo
drcd Infantry reached this placo yesterday broke ont in tho cellar of Mathew & Gil
morning, and aro to be used for tho pur- more's drug store, and extended to a :ur
posc of enforcing tho draft, and suppress- story building on tho north, owned by
ing any attempt to resist the doctrine of a John Koch, and from thence on the j-uuih
''military necessity." This installment Koch's building was badly injured, han
of troops, wc learn, is to bo followed bv dcrson's buildimr was totally dcf-troved.
.. .
otticrs, wlio were expected to reach Poits-
villu yesterday or to-day. "Tho more the
i merrier." Wo desire, with duo regards
. ov tll exalted position aud tho awful ma -
wiwi fcu wusl luarauai ui
this District is clothed, to call his attcutiou
to tho following lines
rJio King of Trance with fifty men.
fllarclicd up tlio lull, and Uicn-MarchoJ down ncnin."
Wo aro satisfied that tho people of this
county never contemplated any resistance
to tho laws. What effect this array of
of military may havo on them wo are un
blo to say I Democratic Standard.
Narkow Escape.--About sis miles
abovo Berwick, aud on tho eastern bank
of tho Susquehanna, is a famous cliff call
ed Council (!lin cnnin ftfin ft.of
.-.v. . . ...i,., .....uo uy a projecting
tpur 01 mo mountain. Un Saturday, tho
11th ult., as we learn from tho Scranton
Republican, a littlu boy, tho eon of Mr.
Gruvcr of Hollenback township, was driv
ing his fathers team hauling wood on tho
crest of tho mountain . Ono of tho horses,
a colt, got stubborn and tho liltlo fellow
could not movo him. Ho applied to a
mau ploughing near by for help, but was
told to try it again. Ho returned, mount
ed tho colt, nnd whipped him until the
team startod and right for tho edgo of tho
precipioo, but tho boy sprung off just in
timo to Bavo himself, whilo tho horses,
wagon and load wero precipitated below,
killing tho animals and dashing tho wag
on aud wood into splinters.
Berwick Gazette,
JGS?-William V. MeGrath, Esq, Stalo
Treasurer, paid the semi-annual State in
terest on Saturday last, iu gold,
The Slaves cf I'njiitllcc.
Tliero aro queer pooplo iu tho wor'd j
nconlo with tho most absurd, uurcason-j i
nMti Imlcranaibto prejudices. For examii'j
, Up, mnf u-illi iiiflivttliinttf vtn UnA r
morbi(1 nnlipatIiy lo al,,lIlillg that w
oxtensivcly advertised, no matter wlm
might bo its actual claims totho confidence
of tho public. Thoso cccontric looked'
with especial disfavor on advertised uicdi
eiucs. Thoy could not tec, for example,
iu Dr. HoijIioway's magnificent system 6
advertising, covuring, as it tloas, all the
mediums of publicity which tho world af
fords, anything but a gigantic tchemo or
mere speculation. True, they could imi
gainsay tho testimony pouring in spont.i-
ncously from the highest sources, in f.ivo.!
of his incomparable Pills and Oiutmont.
but still thoy shook their heads and mut
tered "humbug." Of course, there is .n
possibility of arguing with men who v: t
icason. The- best way is to let them aLn .
Fortunately, such specimens of stupid;
are "few and far between" in this cnllght
cned cs"a. Tlib gcricfal fColiiig is that if a
thing is in itself excellent, its viitues
should bo proclaimed to the four winds
of heaven, for tho general benefit of man
kind. Hence, tho proclamations made by
Dr IIoi.eoway, through the cntrio news
paper press of the world, of the proportici
and operation of his remedies, meets with
the cordial apyroval of thinking men. Thu
value of tho preparations as specifics for
tho various internal and external com
plaints peculiar to different climates, or
common lo tho world at large, is conceded
not only by the masses, but by govem-
monts, men of science, and candid obser
vers iu every walk of life. Oan sucli rem
cdies bo too widely known ? Impossible I
Cm. "JMlttr Columbian."
Important from Mexico.
By the arrival at New York a few days'
ago of the steamer Roanoku, from Ha
vana, wo learn that a council of notabi i.
til,3) mct itl Convention at thcCiiy
0f Mixioo, tho Arch Duke Maximilian, of
Austria, was declared Emperor. Should
he decline tho throne, the Emperor Nn-
noloon ia employed to select a suitable
pL.rsolI to occupy it, in whom lio has full
confidence. This proclamation was im
mediately mado public, and was forwaid
cd by couiicr to Vera Cruz, from whence
it was sent by a French steamer to u .,u
na, shortly before the Romaic left.
Admitting the truth of tho abovo im-
portaut intelligence, it will bo easily im-
agined that it wi.l give ibe to hi:'.
complications with our Government, ml
may ba tho mcau3 of olnliroUinf ua j
a w with IWo TUo AdminUtrati(m
at Washington must either resent this ac
tion of tho French Emperor, who, doubt
lass, controls the whole movoniuui i:i Mex
ico, or it must abandon at onco and foicver
tho Monroo doctrine to which we have so-'
strenuously adhered for tie last forty
nr. ..... .. .. .. ... .
jkuis. u o sunn aw.tic its action witu in
tense interest, trusting that tho President
........! b, uai
will be equal to tho
Finn A'i Scn.i.Nmv. Wo regret to
learn that a destructive fire broko out ou
Thursday night last at Scranton, which'
destroyed a large amount of property on
Lackawanna avenue the most populous
part of the town. Wc could Itarn but
few partieul irs except that Gcorcro San-
dcrson & Go's fino banking houso, with
contouts, was consumed, to"ctcr with scv-
, . . "
with its contents
The propcrtv of Ji. it
' J. F. Fuller and Mathew & Giin.oro, and
tho Union and Peter Williamson Masonio
' Lodgco was totally destroyed. The firo
uni;maiou irom Dcnssiuc. xuz Union.
JK5y Ex-President Buchanan i3 now ou
a visit to Bedford Springs, his placo of an-
1U lul"'er years.
In Mainevillo, at the residence of Mrs .
Sarah Shuman, ou the 20th of July, by
Jacob Brown, Esq., Mr Eiustus Shu
man, to Miss FiiancesJ. Pknaiibckki,
Ol 1UI1UIU IWp,, WOl. CO., l a.
On tho 8th ult., in Wilkes Barro, by C,
Bennett, Esq., Mr. Wji. Rodgkks, tc
1 Berwick, Pa
j mo ivuv. uuuu owanu at mo ras
torago cn the 29th ult., Mr. II. F'. John,
to .Miss Mauy E. Johnson, all of Locust
twp , Col. co.
At tho Forks Hotel, ISloomiburg, ou
tho 3d ult., by J. M. Chomberlain. Esq.,
Sir. TiifouoitE Menceii, of DliUvillc,to
Miss Anna M. Hautman, ofOraugo
villo. On tho 30th nit., at tho residence of tho
1( tl.a Tr.... T..1... ci . . .. '
n rides lather, by Rev. W. Goodrich, Mr.
w. iv ui.uwei,!,, to .miss Amelia .ma
both ot Cattawissa.
In Bloomsbura, on the
th ult., G. M
Suooi', Infant son of 1). B. and Mnrgurtt
E. Froas, aged 1 year and 10 mouth;.
On the 5th inst., in Cattawissa, Mrs. E.
Scn.MEt'K,agCd 47 years.
On the 3d inst., in Light Street Wji.
let. eon of Peter Schug, aged I years.
"Surtor little cliitdipn to coroo unm mu inn! foil), 4
them not for of until n lliu Khisdom of h aven tei