Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 25, 1863, Image 4
If? jjpfWMsAVpMMVf Farmer's Department. CURE OF FOOT ROT IN SHEEP. I havo repeatedly used the following treatment for foot rot in sheep with com plcto pucceBs. Prepare a solution of blue vitriol as strong as It can bo made, liy pulverizing and dissolving in warm soft water. Each hoof should then bo cx ninined, thoroughly cleansed with a knife, and if too long, cut to the proper dimen sions, If no infection bo found, let two men tako tbo sheep with n leg in each Land and dip every foot into tho solution of vitriol. When an infected hoof is found, carefully pare it until every par tjlolc o( tho infection is exposed avoid bleeding tho foot if possible. Then thor. oughly saturate tho foot with spirit!? of turpenlincfrom a viao with a quuTinscrtcd in the cork ; pour on aa much fine powder as you cao make adhcro to the foot or the parts infected, and apply n lightod match to tho same ; after which dip the foot in tho solution as abovo directed. The sheep should then run on. a clean floor until tho remedies have had sufficient time to take effect. I havo cured an entire flock with a sin glo courso of tho above treatment. But to bo safo, tho same should be repeated in five or scxen days, and if any cases of in fection bo found, repeat again. Should an obstinate case bo found whoro the rot haB penetrated into the centre of Iho quick, tho sheep should bo put into a pen or small yard by itself, and subjected every second day to tho prescribed treatment. Thor oughness is tho great secret of success in treating tho foot-rot. Tho knifo is the principal remedy, if sharp and skillful handled. American Agriculturist. WARM CLOTHING FOR INFANTS The exposure of infants to a low tern peraturc, whether from deficient or im proper clothing, will prove injurious to them. It has been ascertained that out of one hundred children born in winter, six ty-six die in tho first month of life, but of one hundred born in summer, only scxen- tecn die during tho first month. Also that tho mortality is greater among chil dren born in Northern than in Southern climates. From' these faots it is evident that insants should be furnished with a greater amount of clothing than adults. Nothing is moro common, however, than to sec children with their arms, necks, and UDncr portious of the chest bare. When wo reflect on the close sympathy between tho akin and intcrnel organs cf tho body, wo may easily decido on tho probable causo of diseases in tho liver, lungs, stomach, bowels and brain, and henco croup, ca tarrh, fever, diarrhoea, cholera. Rural American. HOLES FOR NOSE RINGS. The Blaine farmer reccommends "bor iug the noses of all domestic animals of the ox tribe, cows, steers, or bull,' and remarks : "It is very easily done, occa sions them but little trouble, and ia often of great service when you wish to handle or control them, by putting your finger ; ' . .?. , , . in, or a rope, or a ring. The best waj to do this is to tako a carpenter's gouge about half an inch wide, with its edgo parsing up the sides a little ways, thus, 3. Make it sharp. Tako hold of tho nose of the animal with tho left hand, holding the lower part of the cartilago between tho nostrils with the thumb and finger, and then place the gouge a littlo abovo, against the gristle, and with a littlo pressure turn tho gouge arouud, and it wil' cut a round smooth hole through easily, and without BDy pain to tho animals. ALLGERIAN SHEEP. A writer in the Mark-Lane Express, speaking of tho sheep husbandry of Al geria, says : Tho sheep of .Algeria aro by no means of a uniform typo, in the same flock as well as in tho same locality and neighbor hood, will bo found numerous varieties which tho war and the razzias have tend ed to introduce, nncL the various crosses arising from these, tend still further to in crease this confusion. Generally their size is large, their shapa good, except that their legs arc long and their bodies thin and lank, and thoy aro clothed with wool on the head, limbs, and belly, The great er number havo two or four horns, and somo six. In the provinco ol Constantino we meet with many of tho. fat-tailed sheep, called these Barbary nheep. The weight nf theso tails is niuc or ten pounds eaeli nnd form a fat ban Louche which the Arabs eat with great zest. In certain of the cases of tho South, the sheep of tho Tell nro replaced by a breed with horns, called Demman, which havo tho skin speckled with whito and black, and the hair short. like that of the gazelle. They are execs sivcly fat; tho ewes yield an excellent milk in abundance, and their flesh is eaten equally with that. of tbo wcthurs. In the distriots of the Sahara and tho Tell the n .. .1 f 1 !.l 1.1 .-.I .. UUU&a 01 BUcup uru uuuaiuuiuuju, uuu vuu- etituto the most important wealth of tho paetorol tribes. Buy fair, sell fair and lovo the fair. By bo doing, you will ttasd a fair chance ef leading a lair life. Miller's Store. fresh "arrival OP Spring & Summer GOODS. THE subscriber tin Juki retnrnstl from Iho Cities villi Another late nnd select itMortmct of Siu'ing- ami Mimnicr iools, purchased nt rhlladclnhla. at tho Invent floure. and Which they nro determined to sell on ns moderate lernn as ran no nrncuriut ciscwnero in uiooinsourg. ii is stork comprises ladies' uithts aoons, of choicest rtylos nnd Intent fashion, diiv aoons, am) aitocKniKs, iHitmviitK nvKFWirxnii, cnn.m wake, hollow h'ahk inox, amis, y?oors siiot.s HJITS sy CAPS. tic , He., ft.. In short everything umnlly kept In country Stores o whii Ii ho Invite thi nubile generally. The Highest price paid for country produce. S II. MILLER. Bloomsburg, Aptll IB, 1P03. New d8 FOR EVERY BODY. TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. Just come too and XV Krenincr'e Store, In Jersey town, l'u. where you wllltlnd all kinds of Dry Goods: such as Ladies Dress Goods, Prints, - Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Ilaiscry, Shawls &o, Groceries, Qnccnswaro, Hardwaro Ccdsirwaro, Tin ware, And Drugs. Fish, Meat, Salt, Hour, Tobacco, Segars, Hats, Caps, Boots, & Shoes, IRON AND NAII.S. In short, everything that Is generally kept in n ceun t ry store. Wo will sell you goods nt fair prices and take all kinds ofprnduco as pay such ns flutter, Eggs, (.rain. Lumber, Shingles, Oak plank, nnd in fact anything that nny body rise will buy nnd sell ns cheap nsenn ho sold In the country. We will not be undersold by Jew or GcMllcs, Come then ono and all, iuuVo for your selves. Brine your trade, but don't ask for trust. t' it w KltEAMEIl. Jcrsoytown,Mny2, 1W13. SAPONIFIED O ft CONCENTRATED LYE, THE FMILY SOAP MAKER. THE public sre cautioned against lha spurious nrllc. les of lye for making soap.&c, now oflercd fur sale. The only genuine nnd pntcnted lye is that made by the Pennsylvania salt manufacturing company, llioir trndo mark for it being "r-npoiiifier or cunccntrateil lye.' Tim great successor this article lias led uuprlncipaled patties to endeavor to Imitate it, in violation of the Company's patent. All manufacturers, bujersor sellers of tho spurious lyes, nrc hereby notified that the company have em ployed ns their Attorneys, George Harding. Esq., of Phila., and William Bakcwell, Esq , of Pittsburg. And that all manufacturers, users or sellers of lye, in violation ef lire rights of the Company, will be pros ccuted at once. THE SAPONiFIER, or concentrated lye, is for sale by all Draggiits, Gro cers and Country Stores. TAKL NOTICE ! The United States Circuit Court, Western district of Pennsylvania, No. 1 of May term, in 1M12. in suit of the Pennsylvania salt manufacturing company, vs. Thos. G, Chose decreed to the Co'i pany on November 1A, lr-G'2, the Exclusive right granted by a patent ownd by them for the r-aponiller. 1'utcnt dated October -1, 1630. I'erpetual Injunctiou awarded. THE PENNSYLVANIA 'qmjs fiBiaLiniDiPAS'iriDiBQsa OFFICES: 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pitt St; and Duquense Way, Pittsburg. May 2, ie03,-3m. PHILADELPHIA. PAPER HANGINGS howell t nounKE. Corner Fourth and Market Streets, Fhiladelphla.havc now in stock, a line variety of WAL I. PAPER S, Got up cxpessiy for WINDOW r wbich they invite their Spring Trade. rU'EU Of EVERY GRADE, the altentimi nf Hlorekepners. fCr" In their retail. iMrtment. will ba found iho choicest Ply Its of the don. Murrh 7 IM3 3 num. seas SIlllOLUtSMII'S FUR SALE. Pittsburgh Cominrrclnl College. niughaiiiptiu " " Crittenden's " rhlladolphia, Biratton, llryant & Co.. " ThcSit Htriix. are inninnunts nf SIS and SSI) nnd urn s so much cash, by the Student on cntring either ofth novo i.niieges. louu; muii desiring tuubtain ntiuisl', d Collegiate Education, will here find a good specula on by applying ut Iho oilicc of tbo Nov. l.ltflM. C0I.UMI1IA DEMOCRAT. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. npllE undersigned respectfully Informs his old friend J. ono customers, mat lis lias nurr maml ,1 i,. mi. merest in the abovo establishment, und tlie concern wilt uciuuuKi vu ciimucieu uy iiimseii nxcnibiveiy. ue-nas just received anil o lers for mi . t ho li,. est and most cxtentivo assortment of FANCY BTOVEB ever introduced Into HiIm ntnrlfn. tX. Ills stock consists of a complete assortment of he best Onokimr nnd uarlor stoves in tliL. niDrkpi. tm.n,h. erwitliStovn I'ixturea of every description, Oven and u'u dwiu,, i.uuiuiurs, laminar moves, i.ji&t iron Air Tioht stoves, Cannon Stoves, ic.. lc. Htovnnln n,i Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kiiius vi repairing ooiie, ns usual, on snort notice. tub patronage 01 oiu iriouus ana new cusiomursre. pectfully solicited. - A. M. HUrEltT. Itloomtbiirg, November 3d 1HC0. If. THE DISEASES OF ERROR. ( Les -Maladies df Err cur.) I JOHN B. OGDEN. M. D.. author and 1 publisher of the above work, do hereby promise & I agree to send free of charge to any young man who will write for it, a copy for perusal. The proper study , of mankind is Man. This vnluablu work is issued & I sent frth for iho benefit of sutrerlng humanity, it treat I in simpl-' language on ail the diseases of Errur, iuclu-1 ding seminal weakness. Nervous debility, Indigestion I Melancholy, Insanity, Wasting decay, Impotc ncy, Slc. I (living ipi-cuy, uuu 1'iieciuni prescriptions lor their peiraanent euro, together with much valvablo In formation. All who favor me with n desiro tn read my work shall receive a sample copy by return mail, freo of charge. Address JOHN II, 00DEN. M. D. NO CO Nassau St.. N. Y. May 23, IBffl-3m. ULOOMSRURG SKYLIGHT, P1TUBE GALEE8Y I .,,.1 n.,l,,l,l,nrlir,r,,l. Ilin, 1,a lina ,!, I...n ......,! iii tho Exchnnco Block, extendlnir over Messrs. sinner k i ox's naRery, aim tno iiooKstoro where lie lias put in , ulnrgcSkyllfll. It isonly by Skylight that good pic-i urss can betl en especially groeps whero each person an be taken' lit as well as separate. 1 I lu lias gun to considerable expense to make his as . first clnss on,, and ho therefore solicits a heral putro age toenablo him, toconstantly introduce thomude a improvements of tho art. I tXCoii) -y produce taken in Exchange for picture! HCMtY UOriENfl'fOCK. Dloomsborif, Nov,S316fll. Nov, 0 'Si 'he very protective qualities of two of tho Salamander, . I Bsfes which we purchased of you some rtvo month since .TrT1.w i,,-,t. we saved a lorgo portion of jewelry, and nil our books, WlJjJjIAlM U. I LKKV, I &c, exposed to thocalamluuus.tlruiiiltuiKtcad plUcc on Bnm our t i-n o. t , the morning of tho 11th inst,, (.lUiV-brjlyLLli, CtatlOner, HOOK- When we reflect (hat these sores wcro located in the binders, Ulank book manufacturer, and Dealer in fourth story of tho building wa occupied nnd that they Imported nnd Ainerirun Stationery. 'cl1 subseiuently Intoa heap of burning ruins, whom the Couth West cor. -1th & Pace t)t Philadelphia. vast concentration of the heat roused tho brass nlotes to Persons visiting the city, or sending orders will do ""'It, wc cannot but regard tho preservation of their vul well to lake u memorandum of the above Address. """i" contents ns most convincing proof of the greot so The stock is large and well assorted, Prices Loie, curlly nirorded by your sales. I'Hoiooiurn Aiboms, Belling from ISUctstosjiS each. 1 We shall tske grvat pleasuroln recommending t'J0n Thonswest styles and largest assortment in tha City, otba'i!l'""t-u'S.'.eii''SJi'1 ,' .. Wm ti Pri'UIJV PnfilUlmr OEOROB YV, SIMMONS 4c llitO., JevUUrt, . ... ' . u'. iiliX KtH1 BIl,er' ET-Thsy hava sines pnrrhand six Urge Hafts, r W cof, th It Hits sirs , rhllsdflpkls JulyW.JWV f Anguirt SO, 1M Tm IBIS AIT JBESBOSIDV FOR THE AND Till! . FOP. D-IA BETES AND DISEASES OF THE Tkt)t Dangtrcui end Troubttlomt Dlltastl, vhithhatl thvifur lltititcd tht Ittt dirnttd Treatment can is C. mplttll Ccntretlid by tht HKMEDYnoK ttftrt Mil THE CURATIVE properties of the medlilno dlicct themselves to the or gans nf secretion, and by f n altering the condition of the stomach andliver that the starchy principle f tho food is not converted into sugar snloiig as the- system is under thJ influence of the CONSTITUTION WATER. which give those organs time tn recovrr their keallhy tone and vigor. We are nblc to state tli ,t the Conslltu, Hon Wntcr has cured every case of Diabetes In which it has been given, STONE IN THE IlI.ADDrR, CALCULUS, (IRAVEL BRICK DUST nnrOdIT, AND MUCOUS OR I MILKY DISCHARGES A ITER URINATING, Diseases occuilng from onnand thesaine cause will be entirely cured by the Constitution Wntar, Iftnkcn fm any length offline. The dose should vary tilth tho I severity nf the disease, from twenty drops to a lea. spoonful threonines a day, In water, During the pns sago of the Calculus, tho pain .and urgent srniptums should be combated with tho proper remedies, then followed up with the Constitution Water, as above di rected. DYSMENOKRAtXA, OR PAINFULL MENSTRUA TION, AND IN MENORRHAGIA OR I'UOrUSU ri.OVVINO, Doth diseases arising from a I'nnltv rccretlnn ,f tno menstrual fluid" in the one case brine tu lulle, ami nccumpnnled by severe pain ; anI th" Mlura toi'pr'i fuse secretion, winch will bo speedily cured by tho Constitution Water. That discaso known ns VALLING 01 THE W0.MI1. which Is thu result ofn relaxation nf Urn ligaments of that organ, nnd is known hy a sense nf henviuess nnd dragging pains In tho hack and sides, nnd nt times ac companied by sharp larinating or shooting pains through the pat ta, "ill. in all cases, be removed by tho medicine. There Is uiioiher class nf symptoms nri ing from III ni'I'A'I'IONOl'Tllt! WO.MU. which ihysicinns call Nervousness, which word covers up much ignnranco, ami in nine rain, out of ten the doctor doea not really know whether tho symptoms are tins disense, or tho disease tho symptoms. We cm only enumerate them here. I speak more particularly of Cold I'ect, Palpita tion In the Heart, Impnrcd Memory, Wnkefnlncss, Flash es of Heat Languor, Lassitude, and Dinincssof Vision, surranssED menstruation. Which ill the unmarried female is a constant recurring disease, and through neglect the seeds ol moro crave and dangerous maladies nro the result; and ns mouth alter inonin pascs wiinotii an euort ocinj maun to as sist nature, tho suppression becomes chro ic, Die pa tient gradually looses her appetite, the howi'ls nro constipated, night sweats come on, and contumptiun finally ends her career. I.EUCORRIXA OR WHITES. Tills disease depends upon an Infl.imatlnn of mucous lining nft"c vagina nnd womb. It is In all cases ac companied by severe pain in the back, nccross the bowels mill through the hips. A tcnsponnful of tho mcdicinemoy be taken three times n day. with an in jection ofa tablospoonfnl nf the lncdicitne, mixed with a ua i'piiH oi son wnier, morning nun evening. IRRITATION Or THE NECK OF Tl'L HLADDER, INFLAMATION OF THE KIDNEYU AND CA TARRH OF THE BLADDER, STRANGURY AND BURNING OR PAINFUL URINATING. For thesodisenscs it istrulya sovorelgn remedy, nnd too much cannot bo said in its praise A singlodoeshus bocn suow to relivo the innt urgent syptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain ill the small ofthc back and through the hips I A teaspooiiful a day of Constitution Water will reliovoyoullkouiagic. FOR DYSPEPSIA, It has no eiual in relieving the Most distressing smp toms. Also, Headache. Heartburn, Acid Stomach Vom itlng Food, tc. Take a tcnspoonful after dinner- 'I he dose in all cases may be increased if desired, but should be done gradually, PHYSICIANS lluvc long since glvcu up the use of huchu, cubebsnnd juulper lu thetreattiieutuf tli'sc diseases, audonlyuso tuein lur wain oi n ueiter remeuy. CONSTITUTION WATER Has proved itself o'lual to the task that has devolved upon it. DIURETICS Irritate and drench tho kidneys, and by constant use oon load to chronic, degeneration and co illrmed dis ease. Read. Read, Read. Danville, Tn., Juno 21802. Dr.WM.II. GRtnn Dacr Mr: In I'cbunry, UI31, I wusafllic.ed wtth thu sugar diabetes, and for five months I passed more than two gallons of wnter In twciity.four hours, 1 was oli iged to get up as ol te u ten or twelve times illiring His night, ami in live mouths I lot about fifty pounds iu wrigtli. Ilurniug Ihv month of July, letil, 1 procured two bottles of Cuustitiitiim Water nnd in twodays after using it 1 experienced relief, nndnftcr taking two 'bottles I was entirely cured, soon after reguiniug my usual good health. Yours truly. J. V. L DE WITT. Boston Corners, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1S0I. Wm. II. Gregg k Co.! Gents: I freely give you liberty to make uso of Hie fnllowingfirtiflcatonftlio value nf Constitution Wa ter, which I can rcccouiiueiid in tho highest manner. My wife, who was attacked with palu in the shoul ders, wholu length of thehnck, uud In her limbs, with Palpitation of tho heart, attended with Tailing of the Womb, llysmeiiorrhnea. and "Irritation nf thu Iliad Jer," I called u physician, whu attended her about three months, when he left her worso than lie found her, 1 then employed one nf the best physicians I could Hnd, who attended her for about nine months, and while she was under his caru she did nut sufier qiiilii ns niiuli pain ; he finally gavn her up nnd said : "hie case was Incurable." Tor, said ho, "she wns such a combination of complaints, that medicine given for ono gperate-dgaiust soiueothcr of her dlinculticR." About this time she commenced to use Con-ii iuii in VV'.tkb, and tonur utter astonishment, almost tho first dose seeidi'd tohuve the dsired effect, and she kept on Improving rapidly indcr its treatment, nnd now super Intends entirely he domestic alf.iirs. Phnhas not tu. kin any of thoi.'oi Tiunoi, Watbk fur about fourweeks nnd we are happy to say that it has produced a perma nent euro. WM. M. VAN BENSCHOTtN. Miti-roRD, Conn., Nov, 19, 1601. I)B. Wm-ILGrsoOj Dear ir: I havo for several years been nflllctcd Willi that tnoublesouiunnd dangerous disea-e Gravel which resisted nil remedies mid doctors, until I took CoNsTtlUTiONAL Waieb, and you may be assured that I was pleased Willi the result. 1 1 lias entirely cured me. and you may make any usu of my name you may sec fit in regare to the medicine, as I have entire confidence in its ctlicacy. Yours truly, rnvn STRONG, THESE ABE TACTS ENOUGH There Is no clnss of diseases that producn such ex. hausllng effects upon thn human constitution as Dla betes and discuses nf thn Kidneys. Bladder mid Utinu ry Passages, an I throuch.i falsi mod si thy are m's Irrted until lliey aro siiai'vaiirtd ns In be beyond the control of ordinary ri medias. and we present tho CONSTITUTION WATER To the public with the ennvictionthnt hints nneinnl in relieving tho class of diseases for which it has h;ou found so eminently successful Incurliuil and wc trust that we tliall bo rewarded in our efforts in placing so valuable remedy in a form to meet tho requirements of patient and physician, TOR SALE 1SY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE SI. WM, II. GEOHGT. CO.. Proprlr iors. Morgan & Allen, General Agents, No, 4ti Cliff St No W.York, Sept. 21), 16(32. ISm. EVANS & WATSON rth on and a large assortment of Tiro liner proor Salamander Safes. Iso, iron doors, for banks nnd stores, iron shutter iron snih, all inuKes or iocks equal to any made in tho United Stales live Snfet in cue Jin, All cams out right; teith eon , (("( III COOlI eotldMOn, Th Salamander Safes of Philadelphia against tho world. EVANS & WATSON, have hod tho surest deraostration in tho fallowing cer tificate that their inauufucturu of Salamander Safes .has at length fully warranted tin) representations which have been made of them as rendering an undoubted security against the terrlllc element. Philadelphia April 12. l?5l). .Venrt. Eran$ h ll'ationi Gentlemen-It affords us i the highest satisfaction to state to you. that owing to wmm v, OK a it ntt nrc nucnutD m rat UKitrn sTATrs nr nrc- UTITl ASSUMPTION AMD LXtRCISCOr ARBITRAKT fOWtR JJY 1). A. MAHOAY, ons or ITS VICTIMS. "It Is Important that the habits of thinking in a free country should Inspire million In llioto ciitrustad with Its administration, to confine themselves within their respective spheres, avoiding, in tho exercise of tho powers of ono department to encroach upon another.--The spirit of rnrrnnchment t uds to consolidate tho powers ot nil tno departments In one. nnd thus to cre ate, whatever be the form of government, a real lies- pOIISIII." WAIniNOTOM. "Cling to tho Conslltntlon, n tho shipwrecked marl tier clings tn tho last plank, " lion night and tl. tcin pest close around him," I)Ai .1. Weiistss, C It I.ETON, l'ntillslier, 4 1 Broadway. New York, D7 Mr. Mahony's book mlh tho nbove titlo will bo ptilrlihed this week, April 4, 1bu3, TIIEunderilgn.vnunrso extensively engagefl in tno Undertaking Himtnett, and keeps constantly on hntiJ nd for satu at his Warcrooms, a large assortment of FINIS" RD f-OFFlNS, By which h Is ena'iled i , nil orders on nrestntation ALso -Keeps a pood Flurso and llcaisc, and will at el times be ready lu ultuid Fmicrels. SIMON C. SH1VE. Bloomsbirg. January 2.1, lru!) LrfflGE ARRIVAL OF New Spring & Summer AT PETER ENT'S STORE, IX LIOIIT STtF.ET, COLUMBIA COtWTl", PA, HAf Just roceived from Philadelphia, and Is now opening at tho old stand lito y occupied by Martz tc Ent, a splendid assortment of which will bo sold chtap lor OA.0 II OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. His stockcouslilBuf Ladles Dress Goods choicest styU'B and latest fashions (Jaliees, Mulins, Gingbaras, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiory, Silks, READY MADE.CLOTIIINO. Cas-.imcrcs, Satinets, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &e. Groceries, .t Queenswaro, Cedarwaro, Hardwaro, Mcdicinae, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Sec. ROOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS. In shnri rery thing ti-uotiy kept in a country store Tho patronage of old friends, and the public general ly, Is respectfully snicited. The highest market price paid for country produce. PETER ENT. Light Street, May 30, IBM. FRESH ARR1 VA OF- L HI es? mi lIMti -ro li EVERYBODY- r? lit, unuersignen, grateiui lor pa age, rcspec i fully informs his custumcrs and thepiiblicgenorally lhat he has iuit received from tho Easiemn riilr-u. ,1, liiiKUB. uuu muab suieci siuin ,11 Spring and Summer. ML JSSiXSi riiat has vst been oncned in Rloninehnrfr .vi.ui. . invites me attention oi inn iriends, nnd assures then tiiai iney ore onen-u iur saie ut great bargains. Hi Stock comprises a large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S WEARING APPAREL, Consisting nt Fashion ablc Diiies Coats, of evurv ,li criptlou; rants, vests, blurts, cravats Sleeks, Cotton iiauuKcrcuieis, uioves, cuspeuuers, ecc. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELHY, Of every descrintlon, flue and cheap. N. B. Remember " I.oucnlerg'8 Cheap Emporium.1 call nnd see. No charge for examing Goods. DAVID LOWENBERG lllootneburg. March 2. 18C3. (June MM.) Uckaw;iiiiu & Blooiuslmrg Railroad Oi AND A IT I It APRIL 20. .iG3. PASSENGER TRAINS WILL Rl'N AS Fi',LI,tlV3i MOVING BOI'T H. Pattmgtr. Aeeom. 5 31, A.M. 11.011 A, M 0.40 Arrive 12.30 1' SI Leave Scranton, " Mugsinu " II oomsburg '" Uu pert, " Dunvillo, Arrive atNurtbumberland, MOVING Leave Northumberland, iianvillc, Rupert, " Plnomaburg ' Kingston, 8.S3 I'.ai am l.35 N O It, T II 4.30 P. M. S.IU SA5 3.50 8.UJ 1.45 Arrivn nt scrnuton, r. m, 3.30 A Passenier Train nlsolcavcs Kineston ni V.2II A. M for r'crunton, to connect with train for New Vork. Re turning, leaves Scranton on arrival of Train from New York nt 4.2n P. itl. The Lackawanna and RIoomsburg Railroad connects with thn IJelawaro, Lackawanna nnd Uesicrn Rniir,vi nt Scranton, for Now Vork and liiieriuedinle points east At Rupert il connect" with tho Cattawissa ttai road, for poims Imtli cast and west arriving at l'hlludelphluut 7.00 P.M. At Nnrlhumborlaiid it cmsnccts w It It the Philadelphia 44 Erie!!. R.andN. O H. It. fur points west nnd south Passengers arriving nt llnrriiburg 4 50 P M, ; l'hn, adelphla 10 P, M baltlmore 10.20 P. M. GEO. II. HUNT, AW. J. C. Wells, Oen'l Ticket Agent. Kingston April lr). 1H.3. PORK'S HOTEL. j Eloomsburg, Columbia County, Penna. SLAS DODSON IVoprielor. rinkcs pleasure In announcing lo tho public that lie I has taken and thoroughly refitted tho I'orks Hotel fcrmerly oecupied by Hubert Hagenbuch, llluoiusburg, and is prepared tn accomodate travellers, teamsters, drovers and boarders. His table will bo supplied with best products the markets utford, and his will be constantly furiiislwd witli the choicest liquors, 0A largo and commodious slnblu has been erected, with n convenient stable attached. Attentive ostlers will alwats be iiiatlendanco.nnd ho trusts Ills obluinir attention to customers will secure him a liberal share cf ' patronage: I r.iooirieourg.ra.. uy,'j, tw. BLA.NKS! BLANKS! I Of every deflcriptlon, for sale at Hilsoffio mi ECONOMY is WEALTH. , CURE YOUR COUGH F0R13 CENTS nsV -W . Tht ttst uni cheapest Household remedy in the World. MADAME ZAboc ponTEa's .rt it i-, T..-n i .Ari-i rrmr.r,ir?3rr7 itj Uisffiir isujiLiiQuy ujmatJLiiiy u MADAME 'A HOO PCR. TER'8 CurntiVo Ualsnm Is warranted n nscu vtcuinnii, to tho directions. Is euro in nil cases Coughs, Colds, Whooplnj Cough, Asthma nnd all affections of tho throat and Ldngt. Madame Zadnc porter's Balsam Is prepared with all tho requisite skill, from n combination of the best rem edies the vegetable klnndnin affords, Its remedial quali ties aro bared nn lis power to nssist tho healthy circu lation af the Mood, through tho Lungs. It is not n vio lent remedy, but cmollent warming, searching nnd off cctlvoj can bo taken by tkt oldest person or tho young est chliil. Madftni7.ndne Purler's bal sam has been in use by tho I public for over 18 years, and ' lias acorlrcd us present sain imply by being recommen. led b) thnso who havn used it to their aflllclcd friends and others. Most Important. Madame Znrtor. Porter's Curatlvo Balsam Is sold at n prlco which brings it in tho reach of every one to keep it convenient for use. Tho tlidc ly mo ofn single bottle will prove to ho worth 100 times its cost. NOTICI.. Savoyour money I Do not berersiioded to purchase articles at U tu SI which do not contain Hi; virtues nfn 13ciut bnttlo of via Initio Porter's Cu rative Balsam, the cost of manufacturing which is ns great ns almost any other medicine ; nnd tho very low piece at which ft Msnld, inakns th profit to tho sell. t appa. Mitly small, nnd uuprlncipaled dealers wi snmi'llmcs recommend other medicines on which their profits are larger, unless Iho customers insist upon having Mndatua Totter's and none other. Ask for Madanio Porter's Curative linlsnm. price 13ccnts, and n large bottles at 25 ocuts, and take no other, E7Sotd hy all tlrugghtsand StorcKecpercnt 13 els. r,.1 in larger bottles ai 25 cents. HALL. c RUCKLE, Tr prfctors, Now York. Jnnu,lry2l. ieC3. W6". B'S-iSft." HO . R'.li, Noa. 9 , II, 13. 15, 17 Courtlumlt Street, NEMl BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY, This old-established nnd favorite resort nf I he Bust ness Community has been recently refitted, and is rum nletc lu ovorvlblng that can minister to the comforts ol its patrons Ladies and families arc specially and care full' provlden or. It i centrally located in tho bulness part nf the city, nnd in contiguous to the principal lines (.f steamboats, cars, omnlbusscs ferries, be. In consequence of iho pressure caused by tho Rebel lion, prices havo been reduced to One Dollar a d 1'ifty C ens per Day, 'I he table Is amply supplied with all the luxuries of the season, and is equal to that of any other hotel iu tho country Ample accommodations arc offered for upward oNM Sy Do not believe runners harkmon. nnd others who may say "the Western Hnt-I is full." II. I). WINCHESTER, Proprietor. THOS. D. WINCHESTER. Ih. 15, 1202. 7hc New ommcrciul Buildings arc loca ted opposite Court House, corner of Court and Chenango-Streels. ThisCollegeis 111 no way connected with nnv otbsr Institution. The energies of tin entire I acuity are cxclus voir de voted lotbis. Tliudcui.'ii oftliis Institution 1 to nflnrd to Ynune Men an opportunity for acquiring a Thorough VracUeal Rusincsi Education a The Books and forms are cnrcfullv nrranoed bv Practical Accountants, expressly fur tills Institution, and thu course of liistructinu is snch t combine Theo ry and l'racticc. COLLEGIATE COURPE. Thla Course embraces Hook-Keeping in all its de partments, l'cnniuaiisiiip, uommcrciiti -trillimctic, Bus incss Coirespoudeiicc, Commercial Law, l'o iticnl Bcon oiny, Cni...mercial I'.thics, Partnership settlements, Du tecting Counterfeited nnd altared Hank-Notes, tc. 1 ho Spencorinn System nf Pciuimausbip is taught In all its varieties, by tho most skillful masters of the nrt. The liooK-ueeping department is under tho special supervision and instruction of the Principal, V. W, Lowell. GENERAL INFORMATION. Students can enter nt nny lime J no vacation. Usual time to cump'etu the Course, from U to 12 weeks. Assis tance rendered In graduates in procuring situation. Graduates are presented with an elegantly engraved Di ploma. E7 for ontalngue of 7U panes, specimens of penman ship, kc., enclose two letter stamps and address 11. W. LOVf J .Principal. August 30, IJG2. niayt), 1802 12m. ' CHITTENDEN'S I'lIlL.DKI.PIIiA C0";,11i:it(lAL. COLLEGE, N. E. coma rj 1th and Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. TniB iNSTITl'TIOV. which was tslabltlhcd In IP14. nnd is now conseiuently in the eighteenth near f its exist euro, uumbcramnng its graduates, hundreds of the mnsisucccssful Merchants nnd Uusiness Alen of our Country. Tiiisil.ojrcT ofthe Institution issolely to nfTord young men mcnuics iur iiiuiouii (irnpiiriuion lor misinfrss. Tub Bbanciiks T.foiiTnre, Hook-keephig, ns applica ble totho various departments of tradoj Penmansiii, both plain and nmanivnlal; Comnt'eial lam. Ma'hc inatic. Mitigation Vieil Engineering, Drawing, i'hon ogarphy, and Jllodcrn Longnoges. TteSvstkm oi lNsTrtrcTios Is peculiar ; no classes or set lessons are made il.u of, but each student is Inucbt individually, snthnt he may couimenceat any time, and attend nt w hatever hours aro most convenient, OATU.nnuEs areissind miiiua''yaflcr tho 15th of April containing unuiDS of tho students for thn venr. and full particulars of term,&c, and may he obtained at any time by addrcsing the Principal. In CxTBNsive Aciommooitioss, widespread reputation nnd the lengthy aperient of ihr I'rine'pal, this Institu tion ntfers facilities superior toany other in tho coun try, for young men wishing to prepare, for business, and to obtain at tin samctlmu a uii-loma, which Kill pmtta recommendation for them them to any Merchan. tile House. ttyCaiTENiien's "sriM of Treatisei an Pook-Keep-inh. now noro widelycirciilntedthan nny other work on the subject, are for sale at thu College, S. HODGES CR11TCNDEN, Attorney-at-Laie, Principal: Jan. 25-1802 12m, NATIONAL 03I3?ERC1AL COLLliGES LOCATED IN PHILADELPHIA, B.E.CCIlr:il7TII ANDCHCSTNUT STS iVfJf York City, Rrooklyn, Albany, Troy Jivffalo. Detroit, (IfUeland, Chicago, and Si. Louis. llook-kecplng, Penmanship, Commercial Arlthmctlt Commcrrinl Law, Tonus, Correspondence, &c, pinct cally taught. 'I hesii Collegos boing under the sumo general andlo. cul lunnngoment, and si as 1 ti ii tr iu each tho ndvniitago nf all, olt'-r greater facilities for Imparting instruct 1 than iiny other similar institution iu Ilia country. A Scholarship issued by any ono Is go jd in all fc I n unlimited lime, Thu Plilludelphi.i'Collego has been recently enlni, and refurnished in n superior mauiier, und is now fl I largest and most prosperous Commercial Institution tl the Stato 1 llryant icPtrnttnn's scries of Text Hooks, finbrac Ilook-kceplng, Commercial Arithmetic, and Coinmcr Law, for sale, and sent by mail, 1X7 Tor full particulars send for n circular. October It). Ico'J-'l'.'ni. dmcxicau J iljoJjcL ( Opposite Jnuvenuenic Hall.) CII ES'i'N UT S'J'il C UT . II CT W E EN F 1 FTH U H I XTII , rniiiur.uruut. V Sf ATT ti lEIJLINaS, Proprietor t November 30, 1801. Mutch la, IBSe DISSOLUTION. . The partnership heretofore existing between the un ilerslzned, in the Mercantile business, was ills olvcd upon tho 1st day of April. 1603, by mutual consent, - i All persona indebted lo the lato firm, ar requested to - mua.v csriy seiutiiiuiii, ino oooxs are In tut hand F, U. Eyer, Rt tlio Btoro 8. II. MILLER. r O EVER MocniVuri, April 19, im WOK HJSE1 IF YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR Cheap Spring Goods, GO TO Crf.isy's Store, lu Mglil Street, Pa. ALL KIM OF GOODS OALI00E, MUSLINS, SILKS, OINOnAM, ELANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-Mado Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, l"isli,v Salt, Uacon, Hams, LarU, Tobacco, Scpars, Hats, Boot-, Caps, Shoos, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c. &o. In addition to ourlargo stock orilry Goods, we have f large ami full nssortmcnt of Heady Made Clothing: nor Men and Boys wear which wo nro determined to sell cheaper th in can be bought elsewhere. Call and see. and judge fo, your.c,. y & QQ Light Street, .March 1, 1803. WAR PRICES OYER I SECOND ARRIVAL o p AT THE STORE OF iJJ.BROWER RLOOMSBURG, PA. ft njhn has" Just received, and N now opening nprimo VV stock of New Goods from lh Eastern innrksts, which will bo sold low for cash or produce. IT. INTO at 12, 10, 18, 20, 22, and 25 cents, Drown k Blenched Muslin, at 20, 25, 35, and 40 cents Lie Lames, ( liulits, ana Dress uoecls, a JUH Sllj,j,hj at 18, 25. 31, and up to 50 Cti liADU'JS' UJMKA UiiUTU ion DUSTEHS. A'fio, a (resh supply of GROCERIES, SPJCES, rj-C. ylAo, a hrge lot of QUEENSWARE. CeDAHWAUE. HARDWARE, and Stonnwarc, Hoofs and Shoes , And nil kind of Merchandise usuually kept in n coun try sioro. Call and examine No charge for showing Goods. .May 11, lcill, I R 0L..TI3 THE DOCUMENTS the Democratic Leader, A double sheet weekly Democratic Journ al, oj Eight pages and lorty Digits Columns oj rea udifig milter. The attention ofthe Democracy of Fannstlvanla nnd of, tlur .-tales, Is called to the importance ef extend- 4 log rue ci rcuiaiion ni mo WEEKLY DEMOCRATIC LEADER. By so extensively circulating newsnipers, (while the Democrats have been comparatively imllllcri-nt to tills , method of infleeucing the public mind,) the abolition ists hnvo sucoeeded in increasing their number fro-un few New England fanatics to n party which now con. trots the ualion! I it oot time for tho democrats to n f wake ton fence ofthe necessity forreachiiig the minds . of iho people 7 ) THE UEUOLRA TIC LEA DER Is, and will continue tn be a firm nnd fearless advocate j of Democratic principles nnd of the interest' of Hie lli'iuncrntlcp.irly, as Hie best mentis of promoting the interests of Hie country. It will mi.ltitiiiii n bold oppo 1 sillon to nil ineniir ofthc principles nf thu National Constitution niii' of Hie riulits of tin- penpie, nnd will J insist upon me mniuiainntico oi uiu ijonstiiiitiou as it is, and the restoration of the Union as our fathers left it. The Leader, besides furnishing Political News, and expressing its own views thereon, will contain all tho General navs of the Day. Together w ith Misccliancons reading, Poetry, Stories Auccdotos, Agricultural Matter, Religious Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Market lleports, nndnllcuch matter as is ren,uisite to constitutute a First Cliis'.-i Family Newspaper. It will be contrnlnd by no clique, nor will It advo. catc the. chums of any candidate for office until he shall have b-iinuic the regulaily uninitiated cuudidnto of tlie lleiuocrntic party ; Hut il will cter advocate the decisions nf that party, as to both measures nnd men. besides coiilniiiior a weekly summary of ull tele graphic an.t genera news, tlie weekly leader will ho .,- l, ...I I.., ...Ii.llinl l,..tln., 1..- .1.. I..... billikllU UJ 1l. ., MUUUlUUllAUj SUU.U VL ,IIU UVS. writers iu the couutry. IT IS TIH5 PAPEIl rOHTHE I'AIlMnR. IT 13TIIE PAI'I.II Villi THE 1'lllEiHE. IT IS THE PAPI K I'Olt Til 15 PATUIO P. IT Id THE PAPER FOU Till'. .MECHANIC, it is Tin: I'Ai'r.iirou the mhiy. I f Id THE PAPEIl FOR ALL CLASSE3. No one should neglect to subscribe fur it at one), Tli E WEEKLY DEMOCRATIC. LEAEEU, will bo furnished to subscribers at tho following prices sinslo i'oiiii'S, ouo year $2 00 TWO Thrc ii n ii it oo oo oo oo Flvo Twrnty Thiriy Fifty 8 S() 42 67 50 All payments to bo mode Invariably In advance. '1 lie friends of democratic principles nnd thn Ainerl can Union, it is hoped w II interest themselves lu he! ping to give the I.UAUElla large circulation, (Jet up clubs Immediately Address TINE 4: LEWIS. No. 103 B. Third tit., Phila. May 2.1, 1S0.1. '1IIU NEW tlUOHEKY STOKE. MORE FRESH GOODS. Just 'ecciucd at Erasmus' Nnu Store. Molasses, Sugars, Teas, ColToo, Rico, Spices, Hats and Caps, Fisb, Salt. Tobacco, Segais, Candies, ' Razcns, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great variety of notions and etceto. las, ton numerous to ineininu. Vj" Butter. 5gg, Meat und produso generally taken in CXrhHIltfn for .,in,L I '"vn a .... o " ' l A, 11. EUASMUa, llloomslmrg, May 0, 1BI13, "AWAKIi-l n.( nr.r.SIlINGL'S. Q10 Conls otlvl- wj,ii...i,.,.ii.,' r ki!hdiCwelchtl, hl'h. ' VU -itet of all "signed, immediately, at iheTauncry in Ihe-in '. S K;hYny:K foruhichthahigho,. I'ric, Will i ...1. ' OYER'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Ami for ths speedy euro of-tho following CoinplaWil,, Scrofillnniid Scrofulous Aireitliiiis,llrs. ns Titiitors. Ulcers, Mores, ICi uiiMnna, I'ltniiUs, I'ustulri, lllotclies, lol,' UlaliK, ami nil Hltlu Ulssuscs. OAStASDInJ., Gill June, 18. 3, C. Attn k Co. Dents t I feel it my duty t, , knowlcdgo what jour arsuinrllla has 1i:s Ut m, Having Inherited n Scrofulous inflation, I havo suf,aj fiomit In various ways fur jests. fVuetlinos It .wti out in Ulcers on my hands and nuns) somtdimM u turned Inward and distressed tno at tho stomach, In years ago It broke out on illy heud nnd coicied my scnln and cats with cue soli', which was painful and li,atli ,tu beyond descrlitlon. I (lied many mcdklncs and ssieral phyilcbiss, but without much relli r from nny thing, fact, tho dliolder grsw Woise. At length 1 nas I rjnlcs I to lead In tho Gospel slcsscngsr Unit you had nparn-1 mi ntteiatiro (Saiinpaillla), for I knew Iran your ispuls. Hon that any thing you mndu must ho good. I sent t.i Clnclniiatlaudgut It, und mnl It till It cured tivn. 1 tool, It, as jtu sdvlre, In small doses cf n teaspooiiful oiera nionlhi und used almost tin ua bottles, -New and healthy kin soon began to form under tho scab, which nfkr a whllo fell ort. My skin Is now clear, and I Know l,y m feeling,s that tho disease lias gone from my tjstun. Yon till wall believe that I fuel what I am s.ij Ing whon I tell you, that I hold you to be one of Iho apostles of tho mc-i, aud remain over gmurully. Tours, ALl'lffill 11 TAI.LEY. 81. Arillioiij-'s Fire. Roto or I'i j-hIiu Ius, 'i'cttcr nml Hnlt ltlietiiu, Nrnld Ilonil, Itliigivoni), Hoko Kjrcsi, llroiisy. Dr. Robert M. Prello writes from fc'alcin, N. Y,, lCiV Sept., lsitt, that ho has cured an iiiveteiale caso of Dropsy, whhh thicatencil to terminals fatally, l,y Ibi perbercring mo of our Sarsuparllla, und also u tl.ingeroiM Malignant Erysijvlas by largo doses of thu anno; Says ho cures tho common Eruption! by It conrlniitty. llroiicliocclo, (3 o lire or Bwcllcil IVccl,-, Zobiilon tloan of Prospect, Texas, writes t "Thive hut lies of your Sfarsapnillla ctiicd mo from n GU're nldd tons swellluj on tho neck, which I had sulFoiid fKln otsr tuo years." I.ritcnrrlirrn orAVhltos, Orni'lati Ttitnor, Utcilno Ulccrntlon, Fcmnlc Ulsensis. Dr. J, 11. S. Channlng, cf Now Yolk City, mites ( " I mot cheerfully comply with the retpicst of your ngtut In raying I have found your Sarsaparilla a Inrnt excellent nltcratlro In tho liumcreus comiilaluls fur which v cmpl.iy such a tcmsd.v, but CHisclally In lmulc Dittaitl of tbo Scrofulous diathesis. 1 liaro cmud many Intc'.ir nlo cares cf Leueorrhon by 11, and somo whero Iho com. plaint was earned by u'wraCutt of tho utenii. 1 ho ulcer, atlon Itself was sosu cmed. Nothing within my kuovrl dgo equals It for Iheao fenialo doroiigcmcnls." Bdward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, "A dan. gcrous ovarian tumor on ono of tho females lu my f imllj, Trbich had defied all tho remedies no could ctnplsj, Im. lit length been completely cured by your Extiact cf si . snpaiill.i. Our plijslclm thought nothing hut exth. tlou could afford relief, but ho ndtlse.'. tho trial i f s ur Sarsaparilla as tho last resort before cutting, sud it piovcd effectual. After taklnyour lomody eight uik-'.i bo symptom of tho dlsonjo rernalns." BypliUIs nml Mercurial ntsense. Nnr OnltASS, 25th Augmt, 1 n,S Dn. J. C. Avtnt fir, I cheerfully comply wlih lb,. ,. Juest of your sgent. and report to you sowo of tlu ii'.-t i havo roilliod with your Barsoparllla, I havo cured with it, In my practice, moit f u plaints for which it Is letomncndod, nnd b ve , iftticti truly wondi-rfiil in tbo euro of IVnr e il euriul IUteate. Ono of my patlsnts hnd Syi-h u, u In his tlnoat, which wcio consuming bh p.ii.ito nnd In top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily tnkti cured blm In fiyo weeks. Another nas nlt-icked by si ondury ejmiKoma In hit nose, nnd tho nlivnili,.,, eaten away a couslJeraVlo part cf It, so that I b.heve lb. disorder wuuld soou loach bis brain nml kill him. Bm yielded to ray adinhilsliallon of your gaisapnr'l ulcers healed, nnd bo is vtcll again, not of ci u sr. . some disfiguration to his faoe. A woman iihu h treated for tho same disorder hy incicury ns h'.IToikij finiu this potion W her lionc.1. Tlicy had bccvuui fo sen sitive to Ilia wealhor that on a damp day sie sullrrcd tf ciuclutiui; pain in her Joints and bones. She, teo, cured cntiicly by jour Saisapaillla In af w ks, I kuow fiom ItH formula, whldi youi agent .ve n this Preparation from your iBbornlory tuii.r V a t remedy; consoiuoutly. these truly leuurkublo reulla with It have not surprised mo. l'rateruolly jours, O. Y LAUI1IE1'., M. p. niioYimatlim, Gout, Ijtvor Cdiv.jiIiiIiiI. Vri Indefsnhcxcb, Pieiton Co., Yn., Dili July 1' Da. J. O. Sir, I havo been aflllekd wlm . (,v.i. fill sbintc lihcutnalimi for a lon(t llnie, hlch I allied ti,u trt.llt of phjilibins, slid stack to me In ij.ite of all lbs remedies I could find, until I tiled ymi fi rea pari 1 a. Oi.o bottle cmed mo lu two veeky, and restored my (. health so much (hat I am fir letter II In luff! I v attacked. I IbhiklttuvoiidorfulnicJMup. J. Ill J-uIcs Y. Octchell, of ft. I,cul, wrllesi "1 ' ire W a aflllcled Tor jcais with an atftdloit'nf .. I. , destroyed my health. I Iricdeirry tblng.nndeery t,i -rnllod tu lelieie mo; and 1 havo been n hroueii-dovu tiu, fr some j ears fmm no oilier came tbsu drrunv. . ot t Vis Liver. Jly beloved pastor, (he Bev. .Mr. Espy, n.1i -I inoojo try jour Sarsaparilla, hcenmo he raid ho know j ,u, and any thing you mado wa woith trying. By t!ii blrM ing r.rfto-l It baa cured me, nnd litis so puiili it r y M1 as lo lnttko u uew man of tno. I fist youn uphIii .i j best tint cjii be said of you U cot half good tnou?'f. Srlilrrtis, Cancer Tumorn, n?nrr;ei'ii-iif. Xllrriiitlon, C'arleu nlV.l I3zIoiliit.ii .1 u (lie IJuiicsi. A great varjdy cf cnJM have been reo'l,' lovswhm surds of tbse fjinildablo coihiJisIiiIs luvo it-mlti 1 r, m tho his of this remedy, but our spru) here will tiol, I tivm, Somo of them m:w lu luuni In our Aui -i Almanac, wblchlie ngeufi, Ixilow iiauicJ are pktu, d t furnish gratis to ull vho call for them. Dj-k jiciiiln, Heart I)lsnsc, Fits, T';il!ev ny, Bli lnmliol y, Jiivivnli' Many reuiiukablo litres of tbero aflei lions h made by the nluiativo poicr of this lmdii Inr. r lites tho illil fuuclions lulo villains nrtlt t rt ovcreoiiiH difniih-rs wlilth wonM besupjuv rc.iib. Null a icnitdy has long lien rciitilr,-1 cssill'-s 6f the pc.iple, and o tun conSdent th-., I dj for them all that medicine run do. Ayer's Cherry Fectou, ron the ittrm cunn or (.'oiirIis, Cnlils, Ii.nuoiizn, Ilonrifiicss, Croup, III onrlill U, Iut-lplciit Con umait ion, nml for the Itrllcf of Coiimimiiltve I'ntlents) In nilviiiiretl Sti(c of tlio Dlscnso. Uds Is a remedy so usheisally I.nown to mrpM var olber for tho cure of tlnoat mid lung cuntplaihti, Ibat U uiehss brie to publiih the eldeiicn of its iiiuit, J uiiiivalled excellence fjr roughs nnd cold., nod t limy wonderful cure of ptilnvnary disease, hum ntnie I hnoivn throughout the civilized nations if tl, o Pew aro Ibe communities, or oven famiUe, ami -who havo not somo yerconal xpcrien'uof U t b t sinto lllng trophy lu llulr midst or Its ill-tor) v n i subtle and dsngmous dlsor,lis of th11! throit mid Ion As all know tins dreadful fatality ef lbie dl"ontirs. ,nd as tliey kiww, too. Hie effects of lids unirdj-, w meai ,1 do moro than to asrnro Ihcm that it has now nil thn v' tucs that It did havo when making the .'nrc. V uh l si j Men so strongly upon tbo confidenco of Mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowoll, Kase. Sold liy 15 P ; iitz, a M Ilngenbuch, ani J 11 Mn)!1' Ulnnmshiirgi J Sihuylcr, liohrfburg; Mnsteri k. rim, Mlllvillej P. Masters, Ilentntii l.owirtls fc r'isli r ' nnrcville; O r Fowler Tow lersville : A Mllh-i r',r wickj Low & Ilros.,Ccntorilloi IH' li.ighai t eV Nu t l'spyi M f! Hhoomakir, lliickhorn j lleigliarl h X'l". Mninville: J Pharpless, Cattawissa : Lrtasy It Cci. ' Light Street : and dealers everywhere. f .t.. ,Q1-C1 ,.. ' July mi, I8C2 ly. WALiWP " HOTEL, LIGOT S'l'IlliUT, Columbia county, Fn ri'IHJ uuderslgncd has located at tho nbo c nan f i I hotel, formerly occupied by i'elor Bchug, and biIJc its n share of public patronage. HZ" Cnod arcominodatlnns for man and bead 'V best kind of Ihpiors at the bar. J. 11, RICE, I'rpprlcter Apill II, IfC3- ' BLINDS iND StlJl DE b. RJ. WILLIAMS. No. 10 North Fixth street, l'bl'a ikipliia. manufacturer r( Tcmitian IBIiimN and Windoiv C7 Tha largest and finest assortment in the city, tho lowest prices. Illinds imlntod nnd triuiiued cr.u to new. rilnro Shades madeui.d lettered. April I, 1HVI.-I.iii KKW .JUttSliY lii)S FOU . ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FA i Suiliible for Crapes, Ponchos, Pear a i fltrow berries, lllackbcrries, t.'mri" ., , f 10 on 'JO acres' each, ni tho following price present, via: tin ncros lor S'.'OO, i'l ucren fur ncros for 8i.ll, El ncrea for $10, 1 acre for S II, 1 ayaoi by ono dollar a week. Also, good Cranbury lands, nnd v II I .if"" l"'r ' woud. 2,1 hy 10i feel, ut 810 each, p v ( - , Iur a week. Tlie above land and f . i ;heatwood, Washing ton township, Uunuigtnn Cm if .New Jersey, I'or further information upply with P. O. Stamp, forn circular, to U, FRANKLIN ('LAI'C o. HO Cedar Street, New Vork. N. V January 17, HO.'l. A DMINISTRATOK S iNO'JI Entate of Patrick Tool, deceased T 1;TTEltS. nf Admlnlstratmu on thu Estate ef Pt uricn inoi, intr oi l.enlro township, foliiiiilini deceased, have been granted hy the llc gis'-'T nf i-duw-bia co to the undersigned oil persons having cl i ngnlnst tho ertato of Iho i aro reuu I'1 present them to the underalgueil, , t liis ri'.ideuej u suid township, wlihout delay, andull poisons ,udi J ., ,, CIIAr.LEB TOtSL, 'un May SI, I8tl3.-fiw, . GOOD TEAMSTER, Wilt rnv?13 A per inoulh und hoard. XviAy at .Mamuvlllo n'u iAMbia county. Pa. pill '.'5, l?03.-3w 81 00. J' U" JAMi:S"N Jttark ! Bark ! I WANTED IMMEDLV TELi