sV Ail Important Caso. , , tiii: coxscnii'TioN act. An importont oaso came up yesterday in tho Supremo Court in tins city, before Justice Ilarnartl, which deserves notico and commoiit, iu this exigency, at our hands. It seems that a respootnblo citi zou, Dr. James B. MoCaiilay, of Brook tin. was arrested somo timo since, by a Provost Marshal's Guard, under n war rant issued by United States Commissioner Bolts, on the chargo of resisting tho ex ecution of tho Conscription Act, by re fusing to givo his n runo to tho enrolling officer. I la was taken before tho Com missioner, and tho examination Micro re sulted in hi3 discharge Tho United States District Attornoy thereupon imme diately went before another Commissioner, Mr. Newton, of No. 74 Wall street, and swore out a now warrant for tho samo of fice, with which tho Marshal again arrcstod i it m ni miMftnn Am UUMJlUMil uniuuuiwu JSMUKMSESUIKG, SATURDAY MOHNINO, JULY 25, 1863. " Judge Woodward is a citizen of uu im peachable character, an able jurist, and a patriotic gentleman." Philadelphia Inquirer, June Mill. The I Ha It. fcmcor,Ait no 47. War Department Provost Marstut Gen eral's Officc,Waskiiton D. '., July 17. First, Dralted men becomo soldiers in tho service of the Uuited States by tho fact of their names having been drawn in D Mc0buUVi Tho jBtt i10wevcr, wa3 . . it. rtl .1 1 " ' ; tlio ciratt. xuo notuication scrvcu upau them by the provost-niarsliitl is merely an i announcement of tho fact, and an order for them to report for duty at a designated l time and plaoo. Second, Tho following opinion of tho lion. William Whiting, solicitor of tho War Department, is published for the informa of all conccrnod : When a person has boon drafted in pur suance of tho Enrollment act of March 3, 1SG3, notico of such draft must bo served within ton days thereafter, by a written or printed notico, to be served on him perso nally, or by leaving a copy at his last place of residence, requiring him to ap pear at a designated rendezvous to report fir duly. Any person failing to report for duty .ifter notico is loft at Lis last place, or served on him personally, without furnish ing a substitute or paying three hundred dollars, is pronounced by law to bo a de serter. He may be arrcstad and held for trial by court-martial and sentenced to death. If a person after being drafted and be fore receiving notico deserts, the notice may still be served by leaving it at his last place of rosideneo, and if ho docs not ap pear in accordance with tho notice or fur nish a substitute or pay tho three hundred dollars ho will bo in law a deseter, and must bo treated accordingly. There is no way or manner in which a person once unrolled can escape his pub lic duties, and, when drafted, whether present or abscul, whether hochangos his residence or absconds, tho rights of the Uuited States against hint are secured, ami it is only by performance of his duty to the country that he will escape liability to bo treated as a crimnal. W.M. WiriTiNo, Solicitor of the War Department. James B. Try, Provost-Maraliul General. Onndldalo's Department. Printer's Fee $2 00 each invariably in advance, deleoate v.LY.eWoxTbrvM)W SENATORIAL. To 'III Democratic VJcctors ef Columbia Caunti j t mrxM asd I'.uow.Citusss, - (lintcful fur your for tner partiality nud gonctims tniiflniie, I would re spectfully nnitotinco. thnll will In) n cunillilnta tha Democratic County Com cnllon. for ib tininlnnl inn at n candidate for statu senator, to represent tho Thirteenth Semtorlnl District ofl'enn (ylvnnln, composed of tho counlloi of Columbia, Mon tour, Northumberland ami Snyder. And respectfully solicit your siill'rnge, . , .. LEVIL.TA1E. nioom township, July -i, 1803. Public Sale I mOTHONOTARY AND CLERK OF THE COURTS. To the Democracy ff Columbia. .A'.! BfJ nill"orld to announce, that JESSG COLE MAN, of Orange- township, will lien candidate for tho olrlco of Prolhonotnry nnd Clerk of the several Courts nf Columbia County, subject to the decision of tho Dent- utriiuc comity iouvcnitun, Orange twp.,July, 4, ieC3, COMMISSIONER. THOMAS J. V'!. Ni,,t.t, .,.. we nro authorized to nnnounce will bo a candidate I hi s fall for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, subject to tho do. cislnn of the Columbia County Ucmocratlc Convention, iiuiuiucK iwp,, juiy 4, ieuj. REGISTER St ltECORDEll TJPON consultation with many friends iu different parts of tho County, I nm Induced to offer myself to tho Democratic Canvonilnn. nn,i m.m I.. i. action, ns n cnndldato for the ollico of Kcnislcr if- Ihcordcr. In and for tho county of Celutnbla j ami I hereby solicit iho favorablo consideration of tlio Democrof y at iho Primary Delegate Elections It will ho my aim toper rorni tno dutios ef tho ollico promptly, efficiently nmi courteously. ' John o. rnenzn. Illoomsburg, July II, 1803. OF VALUAHLE HEAL VA I'A'l'E. rpilE undersigned Executor of tho last J. Will etc,, c,l John I'olk, Into of Anthony township, nenrtho Exchange, Montour county deceased will full at public vendue on snld premises, nrt Tuesday August iltli, 160IJ, nt 10 o'clock, n. ii, . nil that certain nicsfingo and tract 'nflaml. silniituln Anthony township, .Montour county, adjoining lands of Jos, ph Lever s Heirs, John J Craig's Estate, fluorgo Smith, Levi Loeo ami Austin Mohr, containing i Ono lliiuilrcd anil Tlilrly-ono Acres ' nnd forty perches, moro or losi, nearly nil cleared nmi under a good state of cultivation, on which ure erected n largo l'raino llouic. Hank Uaru nnd uthor fiutluilldimis. an excellent w Itti grnned fruit, a good Well of water, and running water through said properly. At the same tlino nnd place, a lot of ground, sltuato in tho toivnshipnnd county nrnrcsnld coiitnlnlug TWO ACRES AND F1FTVT PJUU'IIES adjoining lands of Jttscpli Lever's Heirs. Austin Vlnlu and Ustato of John I'olk aforesaid, whereon are erect- eu a HOUSE, taken heforo Commissioner Newton, as required by tho warrant, but was suffered to go on his parole, to bo forthcoming when roquired for examination. Ho was mcanwhilo tendered tho oath of allogianoo, and informed that ho could bo discharged by taking it, which he very decidedly rc rcfuscd. Thereupon, ho was directed to report himscly daily at tho marshal's of fice, which ho did for several days. At last, howover, Dr. McOaulay deter mined to froo himscly froa this potty ty ranny, and employed counsel to test tho legality of his imprisonment for such, in contemplating oi law, it clearly was. Ac- cordengly, a writ of habeas corpus was brought before tho Supremo Court, which came up for adjudication yesterday. The question involved being the constitutional Uy of tho Conscription Act, necessarily excited somo interest among tho legal pro fession and with tho public generally. It was cspcclcd that the United States Marshal would fall back upon tho so-called inacmiuity Act passeU by the last Con gross, which uudertakes to deprive our State Courts of jurisdiction in all cases involving tho liberty of our citizens arrested utirlor nlnim rtf militnrtf n,,fl,.lf nrA In "7rJ. ' l" EDITOR OP DEMOCRAT, Dear Sir :-VI,h your traUSfor It tO the UnitCU StatCS Courts. pernnsjlou I wish jou to my to the render of your mi. . . , ,. ,. , , . ! paper that I will send by return mull to all who wish UllS act IS also Claimed to bo clearly UU- it, (free) a ltecipe, with fu'l instructions for in-iking J ami using a simple Veeetnblo will eir.-rn. Constitutional, ami, it pleaded, that flUCS- Hy remove, in lOdays, pimples blotche-i, tan, freckles , , , , , i , , a'.li "" Impurities of tho skin, leaving tho samo soli, tion wonld nave had to bo first decided by dear, smooth an,t beautiful. ., r, n i t. ! l i, ' I will also mail free to thnso having Ilild Heads or the hupreme Court. It IS Simply tllO qilOS- Hare faces, simple directions nnd information will .. , ,, .en t i- i enable them to start a roll growlh of Luxuriant Hair, tion whethor an act of Congress Can abolish WhUkcrs, or n Moustache, In less days. Alt tfi'liumuuiiB uu8i ii;u uy reiiiru man w iiiiout iliurge. ltespuctfully youia, THUS. 1'. CUAl'MAN.Chcmitt, July 2J, I803-3m No. 831 llroadwuy, New York- STABLE & BLACKSMITH SHOP. J1LHO; At the snino tlmo nnd place, n tract of land situate In the township nnd county aforesaid, mlloiiilng lands of I'ellx Reed, Thomas Adams' Heirs, Andrew Acor, Andrew Ellis' llclrs ainlThnmn Low, coutnliilug ONE HUNDRED AND E1VE AOKHS, with the allowance, ha the snmo more or Icsi; about thittyncrrs are tleareil nnd Iho rciniinderln timber; the land Is under a good state of cultivation, Sale to conimenco ut 10 o'clock, n, lie, when terms of I sale n ill bo mailo known by ! rtnoiir.NT. roi.K, July 11, 13C3. Kxcculor, I HOll ItATH. M I CI', ROACH t;t!l, A NTS, IH'.D I1UOH MOI'IIH IN I'l'llH WOOLLENS, tc. INHEUTD ON l'LANTS, IOWI.S, ANHlAI.S&c. l'ut up In 5.5c, 50c. nnd SI W lloxcs hottles nnd flasks, 83 nnd ?5 for Hotels, 1'ublk Inntltutlons, iic, . "Only Infnlllblo remedies known." "Tree freni poisons." "Not dangerous to tha human family." "lints come out of thell ho'es to die." Sy Bold Hhulesalo III nil largo cities, rC" Sold by all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. UT" I II He warn I IP' of nil worthless Imitations' CL" Su that "Cnstnr's" name Is on each lh, lloltlo. & I'lnsk, heforo sou buy DO" Address IIUNRV II. COSTAU, K5" I'llnclpal Depot V2 llrnndway, N. V. C7- Sold by & MOVER, Wholesalo tint no tall Agents, Illoomiburg, I'a. Mny'J, 1F03 3m, Friends and Relatives. OP THE BBAV3S S0L?JirR3 Aft SAILOR;; First Great Arrival. FI'RINO f!OOI)S IN OHANOEVILLE, Tho undersigned, has, Just repln nlthe 1 o.'i IHititc ill Orangovllle, ultli a ucll-selcclcd nsstrolmcnt SPUING & SUMMER GOODS. j Consisting In pntt of Cloths, Silks, Muslins, Cnssl meri', (lllighamt, C.illrocs, Shnwls, Hosieries, Carpets nod Laoifh' 1'anty l)ai:ss (!non, generally, from l'Jito ( uiki i riois iroiu la f lO 4.iClS. I READY MADE CLOTHING. 2b the Democracy 0 Columbia county , PROFOUNDLY gratefully to jou for your repeated oidencc of rnnildciim In ,, -n,. city i at tho solicitation of many old friends, 1 inn indu ced to otfer mvsoll' to tho lh'lUfirrnti, l?nii Hon, and subject toils action, as n candidate fur tho ollico of Prolhonotury nad Clerk of the Courts. in ami for tho County of Columbia Should I ho nominated, I pledge myself to execute tho duties oftha ollico to tho best of my ability. JACOfl EVERI.Y. niooiiisbutg, July ii, w,x COUNTY TREASURER. )ANIEL McIIENRY, Esq , of Fishing creek townbip, wo nro aiithorieil o pnuoiincc, trill be a candidate for Tnasura of Columbia Countu, nt tha approaching election, subject to tho usages of uiu uiuiuui.i i,umuy iiemocnuit lonvcnilou, July II. COUNTY TREASURER. LIENUY HIT TEN BEND ER . Ecq., of rishlugcrcek twp.,ue are authorised to hhhouiic will ho a candidate for Ticasurcr of Columbia County, at the approaching lilec. ion, subject to Iho action of the Columbia County Democratic Convention. July II, 1S03, ESTATE OP ALEM MARR. COLUMBIA CUUKTV,ss: In (lie Orphan's Court of said county, Inter alia, It i) I lints. Hoots St Shoe Mackerel Molaasscs, Sugar it thus contained i ' 1 Salt, Writ of Partition and valuation oftho llcnl nstato of , GROOERIXS GENERALLY. A l'now Slav ;th.'ie03. return of limiest confirmed Willi all other nrtllc. usually kept in country St res, rtwiitK t?"i"c" "B 1:,,vll,'!" u,,'"!iil?.ru7.!i,",i nf.,"1'1 .'"i",1 rY grant n rule on Chester C. Alarr. William Mnrr, Cln. lU'to"'"". Having been lit the City In he right l ino, , m... hi u , i, i,. 1 Inn s it low and na d cash ho w be nblo to com leto ,,uirr, Al'IRini ',urt, iiinuu itiurr, .tin-, i.yuim ii, . , ,! ,i f- ,M,, r,Vi ,,.! late Rachel Matr nnd Harriet Vnu Llew. lato Harriet "j'1' V,1 t , ' i . " : .'V , , - , i , 1 ' VSl Slarr, children ofAlemMarr, late of Scott township in Columbia county, deceased, to appear at an Orphans' r?,,rt Inlm hnl.l nt lllnnmclnt rtt in ntirt Citr tttn rntliitv tifColambia, on tho first .Monday to wit: The "th day 1 of September next, nmt accept or refuse the several i imrmirts nftliu said estate nt tho valuation nlnced iinou tho said purparts by th Inquest or show causu why Iho , same should not be eoliJ agreeably to tho net of As- ' sembly in such cases made and provided. Personal notice of thu rule lo be served upon alt the parties re siding in tho county, nnd six weeks publication of Iho rills prior to the return day thereof, to ho published In one of tho newspapers published in ISIoomsburg, In said county : n paper containing the publication to ho vent to each of the parties out of tho county, enchwerkdu. rijig tho publication of tho samo wheru tho residence is known, lly tho Court. Ccrtilled from the Records. May HI, IFf,3. JACOW T.VlUtl. V, Cl'k of O. C. Per MitiiAEt. V IIvehi.v, Ass't. Tho rattles above named will lake notice of the above rule. J.II.I'UUMAN. Dhtnj!, Sheriff Omen, lilnomsburg, I July II, IPtlS. . ( pay. II s friends nro invited sights, flrnngeville, May B, lE03.-3ni pop In and sea the W.M PR IT'.. SPECIAL NOTICES!. our State Courts. Rut, to the surpriso of everybody, tlio United States officials did not set at dcQ s nco the authority of our State tribunals, MA DAM II PORTCR'S CURATIVP, IIAI.SUI has long lesion iff' iruiii tnat there nro first principles in Ate. icniu n llicre N In Kriittico m, ii.j i..,i.. I..,, i. New Clothing & tore. LATEST SYLES OAEA'P GOODS Informs Ills friends that In. has lust received from the Dasteru cities, a large assortment of rr 111! undersigned respectfully .1 and tin- public generally, iMedicmu as there is In Science, nnd iM. lt ,u, Inn i but avoided and succeeded in evading all ?ureTSi "iZrc qucBtions upon which the constitutionality UllVui b'neTuM'e'dimn!. Tis'r",!";! question may arise. Contrary to expect, a'ndvlgnrocu tation, tho United States District Attorn- attf'Stt CV. tllO official local rrnvpcf nf-itivn nf tlm K'Htly throwing oil" the wa'sto tbPtniico"fioin the sur uiu umi.iji ttai repiOSCIltailVO OI tllO t.icn uf the body. It is not a voileiit reuicdv, hut emiil . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Peter Whitenishl .deceased. F ETTER'S of Adinieistration on the H A Itate of I-Lter Whitenlght. late of Hemlock twp Columbia to.. Pa., deceased, have been granted by the Register of Columbia cu., to Amsy Whiteubht, Mnry Whitcnlghl, of Hemlock township, Columbia county, ncrsnns hai i jg claims against the Chtato of the dte'd. nro reipiested to present them to the Administrators at their residence in said township, without delay, and nil persons indebted to make payment forthwith. AMSY WlllTHNIOHT. MAKY WIIITUMOHT. .idmr's. Hemlock twy., July 1, 1FU3-6W. EXECU'roit'S NOTICE. Estate oj Henry Umilh, deceased. LI'.T'i'P.RS Testamentary on tho estate of Henry Smith late of lluuton township, Columbia county, deceased, hyo been granted by the Register of Wills, lc to till undersigned also residing iusald township, nil persons having claims ngsiust the estate of the do rudi-nt arereipiestod to present them to thuuxecutor at Ills reiiik'iict. in said township, without delay, and all nervous ilidibledtu make navuient forthwith W1LLIAJI SMITH, Juno SO, ISCl-Gw. S- HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. AND OINTMENT. -- -.-- . All who have I'rlemls nnd ltelnlivca Iu the ArnlJ- or v,ivy Hiouldtako (ispetlnlciiro that they be nmply slip piled with these Pills nnd Ointment j nmi where tho brave Soldiers and Sa lors hiit-u uralerted t, nrnvlile themselves Willi Ihem, no better present can be sent them by their I'rlemls. They have been proved to be uiu roiuicr never lulling iricnii in tno Hour or need. COUOHS AND COLDS APriX'TINCl THOOIV, Will be speodly relieved nnd cliWtuhlly cured hy using these ndinlrnblo medicines, and by paying proper atientlnu lo the Directions which arc ntlached to each Pot or Hot, SICK IIHADACIins AND WANT OP ATPCTITE, INCIDIJNPAL TO SOLDIERS. 'I hose feeling which sn sndden u usually nrlsefrnm trouble or annoyances, oh.trui.led peispiratiou, or eat Inguml drinking w hatevtr Is iinwholesomc, thus dis turbing Iho healthful action of tho liter and stomach These organs must bu relieved, if you desire to bo well The Pills, taken according tn the printed insrttirllons, will quickly produce n heallhy anion in both liver ami stomach, and, ns a natural cont,c'tieacc, a clear head and good appetite. WIIAKNLSS OR DKMI.ITY INDUCT!) I1Y OVER l'ATIUUi: Will soon disappear by the tiseof these Invnlualilo Pills, nud tho Poldicr will quickly acquire nddltlonal strength, Never lit the. limvcls bo either confineil or unduly acted unon. It may seem strain.',-, that Ilnl. t lown.v's Pills stioulil ho recommended for dysentery .on, . ,ua. iimn; vi.mii ni.uaill llliU I'tUJ WOUIU Increnso the relaxation. This is a great mistake, for these Pills will correct the liver and stmuach, and Ihus remove nil thu acrid humors from tho svstein. 'I'bl. medUIno will give tonu nnd vigor to the wholo organic system, however deranged, whila health and strength follow ns a matter of course. Nothing will stop tho re laxation of tho Uowos so sura us this famous medi cine. VOLUNTLTRS, ATTL'NTIOM I INDISCRLTlOXj OP VOUTII. Sores and Ulcers, lllotchcs and Swellings, can with certainty be radically cured, if the Pills ure taken night and morning, nnd Ointment bo freely used ns stated in the printed instruction". If treated in uny titer man ner, th )' dry up In cue part to break out in another Whereas this Ointment will rumove tlio humors troin tho sytciu, nnd lenvu the Patient a vigorous ami healthy man. It will requlro'n llttlu perseverance in bud ca nes to insure a lasting cure. l'OR WOUNDS niTIILR OCCASION!!) I1Y Till! HAYONTT. BAIIRi:, OR THU I1ULLUT, SOdU3 UR iiuuii:h. To which every Soldier and Sailor nro liable, there are no meuincs so saie. sure, nuu convenient, ns llol Inway'a Pillsaud Ointment, 1 ho wounded ami almost dying sull'ercr might liava his wounds dressed imme diately, if ho would only providu himself with this matchless Ointment, which should bo IhrUst into the wound nud smeared nil loimt it, thou covered with n piece of linen from his kunpsark nud couiiirusced with HauuKcrcuiei. raiKing, incut nmi morning, liors THE DRAFT IN NEW YORK New York, July U2. Thr Ex -this evening contains a ruraor t' on tho coiistiludoiiality of iln d will bo niado beforo the Court of Cor Pleas on Mombiy nnd bo carried iinui alcly to the Court of Appeals. Hl'ECIAli NOTICE. ONAndrinerJULY 1st, 1363. the privilege ef verting the present Issue of Ll'OAL TF.VI NOTPS INTO Till'. NATIONAL BIX Mil CK LOAN (commonly rnljad "l"-n-Twenllo") will e All whnuiih tri luvnst In tin five Twenty . must, therefore, apply before tlio J.tof July ur Jill l.uwr ' Pubscrlptini No. 114 8 THIRD tit., rhl!ailn. April 11. HS63.-3m AND SUMMER CLOTHING. l'ri-sh from the seat of fashion, of all sorts, s tea qnaUtlos, which will bo sold cheap for cash or oil produce, HATS' k CAI'H P.OOTS k SIIOHS. Together with a variety of notions and things too troiiblesoni' to enumerate, to which he invites th" al" tcntlou of purchasers, Call ami examine. ,,, A J LVAMJ. Illoombiirg, May 2, 1P63, THE GREAT CAUSE 0 TTTTT K AT flTIPmin Jut published in n sealed Envelope : Price tts. A Lecture by Dr. Culverwcll, on the cause and cure of spcrmarorrhoea Consumption, mental and physical debility, Nervousness, P.pilepsy; Impaired Nutrition oflho lloily ; Lassitude, Weakness of the limbs and Iho back. Indisposition and incapa city fur study and labor, dullness of apprehension, luss of memory, nversiou to society, love of Soliludc, tim idity, self distrust, dizziness, headache, all'ectlin oftho eyes, pimples on Hie face, luvuluntary emissions, and sexual Incapacity, the consequences of Youthful iudU crctiou, &c &e. rr'J'llila .'iilmir:ililii lertnrn r.lenrlv tn'nveit tint Iho above enumerated, often self-alllkled evils ma; bo 1 disorder are atlixed to each box. rlllj. to cool the system and Prevent lull, mixtion. livery Soldier's Knapsack and r-cnnnin's Chest should be provided Willi tncsu aiuauu uemeuies. JOSEl'II FUSSliLL, Mniiufaclurcrnf jgv UMRREI.LAS, SUN UAIDREL- LAS and l'ARASOLS, Nos. 2 Si 4 N. 4th St., PHILA'P. March 7, 1803-Diii. reMoyalT Zi A L B'j E3 T IE Bi. riMIE uilderslgncil respeclfully luforins tils fii uds K. and the nubile irenerallv. that ho tins reitu.vrd ttr. Iho "Ulllon Until" In the "IIAOLP HOI HI,, in boiongh of Muiicy, whoro ho will be happy to en nlu iu n satisfactory uiaiinur nil wlm may f.ivor . will their custom. Tho In st stabling In the ounly wthnmplc accommodation fr travelers ni.i ,ii. No pains will bti spareil to rundcr tha stay f iplensat and comtortuMii n, hi. s.'itT Muncy. April II lsr,3. A T TORN E Y A T L A V , ni.ooMsiwna, pjt. Office in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Ch.a . iiuchniuw. Illoomsburg, Dec. 1, IrWU. FrdriiAnTtK0N3rrD'r WOULD rcspertrully Inrgrm the cltlnens nf , , m burg, nnd vicinity, that he rnnlinutthe pi u mi:iicim: jxo suitomr, ml solicits n share of public patronage. X iw" ueiow UIU u 1 limine, nioomsburg. icoriiary a, 10.1 it. PETER YOUE & SON, n AVI! II in L1CIIT recently opened n ROOT AN!) S 14011 a HP IGII'P riTllCi;!'. Columbia rnuntv. Ta.. no, I n prepared to do the best work on tho shortest notnear at the lowest . rives, Uivo Haul a call. Apm . iroj. CAUTION ! None are genulud unless the words "'lolloways. Now York and London " arc jllscernablc as a utp-inark in every leaf of the hook of directions nround each pot or box ; the same may plainly seen by no uing tnc eat tn I no il- it. A iinnasomc ruwaru will I be given to anyone rendering such Information as may t lead to tlio detection of any party or parties counter feiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to b! spurious. I Sold at manufactory ot Professor Holloway, 80 , Miadcn Lane, New York, audbv ull respectable Drug istsnud Dealers In Mcdicim-, throughout thu civilzed i wo.-ld, tnboKcs atSi cents, nml$l each. I E3'l licru is considerable saving by taken the larger I sizes. N. II. Directions for the guidance of patients In every Lincoin Government, condescended to WCsei'Cevs, CIIICULAII NO, 49 First. Hereafter a reward of ten tlol lira will be paid for tlio apprehension and delivery of a deserter. Paragraph 2!), 1' the bureau of tho provost-marshal general of tho Unilod States, as well as paragraph 2 of circular No. 23, from the provost mar shall goncral's office, arc amended accor-dimily. Paragraph 33, pago 7, samo regulations ' liberty, is amended so ai to read as follows : The members oftho guard may bo al lowed for the lima actually and ncccssa- cm ployed en tho trip, a per diem of not moro than one dollar and fifty cents and their actual expenses, provide they accom plish tho duty assigned them. j James B. Pry, Provost-Marshal General. mako no return to tho writ of the People Lol the State of New York. Ho first went limit, warming, searching nud effvrtire. Sold by all drugliists at 13 and 2j cents per bottle. July dj,'leti3-:iiu- Tn Nmvons SmKREns or hoth Snts A reverend f.nlillfinll, bnvlnr. hnnn rnetnri-il in l..,..t,i. !.. .. ,..... before tllO United StatCS Commissioner, 'lays, after undergoing all the usual routine and iircg , ' ular expensive modes of treitinent without sueiras, trieil Dr. lUCUaUly in UlS absence, nnd considers it his sacred duly to coininunicatu tn his . , . nllhctid IVllow creature.) the means or ,,rn. Ilonci-, WltUOUl prOUUCing him bclOl'O tllO UommiS- " the receipt ol an aildressed envelope he will cnd ago 01, regulations for the government of,sioucr' 'lisniisscd tho warrant against him, johv m. dacnali., imi imho,, n,. uauiauu tuu uuiiiitii&&iuiic;t lu inuuiftU mo . , LXl'UltlP.M'i: OP A iMAN. Piihlithi'd as a war mug and lur thu especial biiielit ol jniing men, an those wliu tu lid r with Ncrmus Debility, lo.,. of .Mem ory. Premature Decay, .e by one w ho has cured him Self 111 sillltlle nil-.-lll-l. l,lllr iw'w.i' mil In limit i.vxciiai. McCanlay was no longer deririvod of his f"'1 neon vuiiu-iice, titronsh ihousoof worthies mod- ... . J L i irines pre-.cnbed hy learned riottori. Single copies may no nan iin-pj 01 tno autiior, t;. A. Lambert, l.sq., (' IHf'llllOillt. I.OII'r fwlllllil. 1,1, ,-nrlil.itor ,,,, n.l,l.....nJ tiommeiu upon this plain statement of 'yciovo. Address charlus a. lamijhgt, crecu- , . 1 point, Lnng Island, Ncu York, facts is unnecessary. Two thing3 arc Junu go, lsiu-im. ,.i . i ... i ouuwu . nisi,, u mail may DO irietl Cmt-nnm oh o much of their sickness to colds. No EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Solomon Eckrolh tlcc'd. II'TTLRS Testamentary on the ei-tnto nf Solomon Ki kroth late nf Heaver towntdiip.l'niuiubiu county, decen-ied, have been granted by :ho Register of Wills &c., to the iiudcrsigned al-o residing in said Reaver township ; nil persons having claims ugaiu-t the es tate of the decendent are requested tn present Ihem to the Hxeeiitor at his re-,ideme iu -aid township, with out delay, and all persons indebted lo make payment forthwith, PC'ITR L'CKROTII, Juue 13, 18fi3-0ts, Lxecutor. dismissal nnnn f Iln wnrrsnt .i,1 M,r.n nlnn T,ll1-..'ONPi:.-SIO.S AMI i J "'""b JU NLRVDUS YOUNfl with his return to the writ, he produced tho disehargo in Court to provo that Dr. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. J state of John E, Sha()r, dte'd. ETTEHS of administration ou the J llstnts of John P.. Fhalferi lato of Centre two., Columbia county, ih-ei'aM'd, have boon granted by the Regi ter nf t'tilunibiu county to the undersigned i nil perMiu-i having i laiius against the eslatu of the decc drill are requested to present tlieln to tho admiuihtrator at his resideuro iu said township, without delay, and alt pcr-.ourt indebted to mako pavmoiit forthwith. 11UNRY SIIAP1TR, Adm'r, Juno 11, 1?b3.-Cv r'uinvcd without medicine and without dangerous surgical peraiious, nod should be read by every youth nud every man iu the land. Scut under seal, to any address ill a plain sealed envelope, ou the receipt of six tents or two postage stamps, by addressing CHAS. J. C. KLINE, & Co; 107 llroadwuy, New York, Post Ollico box, 450. May .'J, leb3. (Nov, I, IdiiM.) MOUNT VERNON HOTEL No. 117 and 119 North Second' Street, PHILADELPHIA. The above well known estaolishment has been leas bv the klibsrrilicr. lllis lioiei is couvenieniiy'u ju ,1 ceuirai nnd June 20, leb3,-y, THE subscriber has just received a lot Hosiery Trimmings and New Uouds, such as 8 OS tP El ft S illoililicitlion. ClHCULAIt No, 0. Tho fourth paragraph of circular No, 44, issued from this office July 12, 1803, is hereby modified so as to correspond with tho opinion of Hon. Wm. Whiting, luolioitor of tho War Department, which will hcrcafier govern in all cases to which it is applicable. on.NioN. A person drafted into tho military scr- Ivieo of tho Union States under tho provis- ion oftho act of March 3, 1803, chapter 75, for enrolling anil calling out tho na tional forcc3, and for other purposes, claiming eseiuptiou from draft by reason of jtiny disability, ns provided in said act, has tho right to have the question of his disa Ibilily submitted to and passed upon by tho jboard of enrollment, whose decision thorc- lon is final. If thu board shall havo deci Idi .'1. ' it,i tho claimant is liable to servo, he iLi right after such decision tn pay his icommutation money or to furnish his sub- iBtilulo within such extended time as may bn fiscd by tho board of eurollnicnt for his appcarauco for duty. AV.M. WiirnNa, Solicitor of tho War Department. lJamc3 B. Fry, Provost-Marshal General. origin may be traced to suppresxed perspiration, or a or in rliin firn it1imit Lie eirn 1-n r,nln,ln cold. Lrainpn .Hid lung couipluintB are direct produits or, ID tlllS Llty WltUOUD HIS, Own kllOWlCllgC 0f colds. In short mldtnru thu harbingers of halfthu nrllip fnintrmr nnipinn nr iinir-ilinn nfnnv diseases that alllict huiiiauity, for ns they ure caused 01 me lamiesi suspicion Or llim.ltlOll 01 any ),., chcru; perspiration, and as five-eighths of th" oorlion of the nroppiulinn- mil Kopntiillv I matter of the body escapes through thu pores, if jioiuoii 01 iul. proocLuiug , aim scconuiy, tlle?0 8 ,,, C0se, Ullll rmw,r,im, 0r,ii,r.ttiCs necessarily follows, Keep cltar, thoieloro, of colds und enugii-,, tlio ereat recursors of disease, or if coil' MADAML' PORTi:il'4 CI'KA'l'lVP, IIALSA.M. Sold by nil Druggisls, at 13 cents and '.'j cents tier bottle. .March 11, Jfiiis. rpo CON'rilJMI'TlVr.. Tho ndveitlsci having been .t- restoreit to neailli in a lew weeks, by u very niniplo and acquiited beforo a U. S. Commission that tho federal Government does not in tend, if it can heln it. that tho Sunrcmo "af'",J'"'aKiU!'P.',l',.,d'"H:'V.-,J' . nciy uo f Court of tho Stato of New York shall do cido on tho constitutionality of the conscription. 'PI.- 1. it r i , j. , 1 remedy, utier having siiireri d beveral j ears with n so 1110 lattCl' lact appears. alSO. from tllO vcrc Inns nllection. nnd that dread ilUease. consunn. failure of tho federal officials to appeal he'Jm"'!;: "''""v-su.rerers from Judge McCunn's recent decision bj'fttftn which tho Act is declared unconstitution-! ESKSar'iKSilllJ'K 'Plinr (lpfiqinn tinro snnrln i M,o lotn. i Tho only object cif tho advertiser iu sending the pro Uil1 UCCIS.OII now SianUS as tllO law, scriptinn is to benefit tho mulcted, and prend mfnriiia. lion which no cnureives tone invaluable and he hopes every eullerer will try his remedy, us it w 111 cost them nothing, and may provo n blessing, Rev. UPWARD A. WILSON'. Wllliamsburgh. March 11, leti3-3m Kings Cuunty, Now York. ADMINISTii ATOR1S NOTICE. Estate of bamud R. Axe, deceased. rirri'ljl'.Sof Administration ou tho Ustate of Samuel J R. A.xe, late of Madison township, Coluiuhi i cutin. ty, deceased, havo been granted by the Reirister of Co lumbia county, tnthe iimlorsigned, residing in Anthony towiibhip Montour county, nil persons having claims against ll'u I'.stnlo of thu decedent ure requested to pre sent tlnini to tho Administrator, without delay, ami all perbuns indebted to mako payment forthwith. JAM US MURPHY, Jidm'r. July 4, 1?03.-Gv$2(lu. al. and tho Justice of the Supremo Court will bo likely lo endorso it, whenever it comes before them. The peoplo havo now tho law ou their side, and tho Administration must either obpy or trample upon our tri bunals of justice Which? N. V. News. Where the Gold Is. During tho panic at Pittsburg, to prevent capturo by tho rebels, the bankers and others of that city transferred to Cleveland, Ohio, 15. 000,000 in gold, and on tho succeeding day 805,000. Siiprcniler or Port Hudson. Wo havo tho important uows that Port Hudson tho rebol strong-hold, surrendered to Gou. Ranks on tho Oth instant fivo days after tho fall of Yicksburg. This clears tho banks of tlio Mississippi of tho rebel fortifications, and opens it to com nicrco. Doubtless tho rebels will endcav- lor to rc-cstablisu themselves upon us banks ; but our gunboats will kcap a vig- ilaut cuard over it. The first news of tho Icapturo of Port Hutlsou, was recoived from Iho Riohiuocds paper?. It is sinoo confirmed by despatches from General Ranks. CS?" A lovo smitten young man sent a lady a rose as declaration of lovo, attach ing a slip of paper on which was written, "If not accepted, I go to tho war." In return alio ucut him a pickled mango (man.go.) ADMINISTRATOR'S NO I ICE. Estate of Henry Schcll deceased. rP.TTnilSof administration ou tho Estate of Henry I rkhull, lato of Heaver twp., Columbia rn., dee'd., havu been granted by the Register of Columbia co., to the undersigned ; all persons hn iug claims ugaiustthe estatu of tho decedent nrc ropicsted tn present them to to tho Administrators, nt their residence in said town ship without delay, and, all pcisous iudebtedto mako payment forthwith. EDMUND Pf'HELL, j . WILLIAM SUI1ULL, l-"1""? May 10, lf.C3.-0w SJ uu. DRIOK FOP. SALE I Tliniidderalgncd has on hand n lot of vdl Curued llrick of great variety for sale. All persons who wish good brick should apply at once. ROI1ERT U. ARTHUR, nioomsburg, July, 25. 1603-3t. AD MINI STRAT OR'S NOTICE. Estate of Henry Wankh, dee'd. ETTERS of administration on tho cs- .state of Henry U'anich. lata nf lllnom township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted hy thu Register of eaid county tn tho tho undersigned who ro sides in the -nine township j nil persons having claims against the rstnto oftho decdenl aru reiuestod tu pre bent them to the administrator ut his residence with out delay, and all persons indebted to make payment forthwith. JACOR WANICII, Adm'r. June 20. ieC3-Cw. S3 business part oftlie city, It is large ami commodious, and well fumis'-oil throughout. Persons visiting lie clly are respectfully Invited to call and patronize this establishment, as nothing shall Iu wuiitnig to make tno guests comfortable ami satis lied. T Kit MS ONE DOLLAliS PER DAY. Citizens nud visitors can bo accommodated on reas onable terms by the day, week or ui.iuth. J. UTTUNKllUs., Proprietor. No 77 Dock S?t.,Phila- of Ilaltiniore, Mil, and Muilisnn House, Second tH. Philadelphia. .March 7, leWi-Dm. OATTAWIaSA Rail-Road COMPANY SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. Williamsport. April 111, 1M13. Ou and after Monday, '.'Oth iust. Passccger trains will pass Bu pert a follows : Phila. Mail, Pass Rupert 10 37 Arriving at Phila, at 7 Phliu Evpress Pass Rupert 12,50 Arrivingnt Phila at 1,50 and ntNew York at !.4j Niagara Express. Pass Rupert 1U.33 nrriviug at williamsport at Elmirn Mail pass Rupert arm iug at W illiauirpurt nt (Signed) 1 1. STANLEY 3,3.' 5,53 ' COODW1Y &upt. nm, pm. urn, pm, pm. pm. nm. pm, pin. WANTED July 18, lefiS. Hay ! May a few loads of Hay T ? immediately, by TIIEEIUTOR, Iu Orangcvillc, on tho lSth iust., by Rev. Josiali Forrest, Mr, Samuel P. 1'ealeii, to Miss 0- M. Pealeu, both of Columbia co. On tho 21st inst., by Rev. M. P. Crosth waito, Mr. W.M. II. Kimiiel, and Miss Maktiia Zioleu, all of Franklin twp. inwuni JDEATflllS. In Rloomsburg, on tho 19th inst., Mrs, Reheoa, wifo of Reuben Hess in tho 30th year of hor ago. In Espy, on" the 18th inst,, John Wes ley, son of John G. and Fanny M. Ja coby, aged 1 year, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the Orphans' Court for the county of Columbia, Estats of Christopher' II, Smith, late of Hemlock twp,, dee'd, ALL persons interested, will take notice. 1 hat tho undersigned, appointed Auditor by the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, to report distri bution of tllu balance iu thu hands of Aaron Smith. Ad ministrator of Chnstoplur II- finith, dicca-ed to and anions thu legal claimants ami representatives of thu decedent, will meet tho parlies interested, al thu Re corder a Ollico, in Illoomsburg, on Saturday, the fill day of August, lt'O.'l, fur thu purposes of his appoint ment. All p-irous interested uru required to present their claims beforo the Auditor or bo debarred from coming in for a share of the luuds. JOHN G. FREEZE, Illoomshurg, July 11, 1C3, Auditor, AD M IN ISTR ATO R'S NOTICE Estate of Elix'abtth Mastrllcr, dee'd, SETTERS nf,niliniiiiatrntion n the Estato of Eliza helli Mastcllcr.latc ofMiltlin tn p Columbia en. .tfrc'.., havebcen granted by the Register of Columbia cn to the undersigned ; all persons having claims ngulusl tho es tato of the decedent nro reipiesteJ to present them to the undersigned, at i is residence ill said township, without delay, and ull persons indebted tu make pay ment forthwith. JOHN MASTELLRR. June, If03-Cw $2. ORANG EVILLE ACADEMY AND ftOjR m.A: IS K 0OfS Prof. II. H. Wlllkcr A, M. Principal. Tha next term of this Institution will conumnco on Wednesday, April 15th. Students desirous nf being admitted tu oi thcr nf the Normal Classes should bo present on Tues day at 10 o'clock for Examination, Tuition trom SI tu .?d per Term of 11 weeks. Hoard lii L'ood families. SJ tier week. Oood Rooms for students wishing to hoard tlicni selves. For further particulars inquire oflho Principal or of JUL UUUO, Gect, of Trustees. .March S3. 1S03 ALSO: CLOVP.H, DOLLS. fcTAYS, SATCIIELL. HOOP SKIRTS, PORT.MONIP.S. AND OTHER NOTIONS. Wheeler & Wilson's Sowing Machines Car sale. AIo Sunday School Hooks and Kibles. Also .Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer, which will give to gray its natural color. A. D. WEIin. Next Door below Court House. Illoomshurg, Mny 30, lfi3. Printer, Ilookbindcr & Bankbook .17 AN U FA VTURE il ; lYnoi.r.s.aii AND ItETAir, DEAtEll in PRINTINO, WRtl'IN-i AN!) WRAPPlNO PAPER AIIEST fOtt Till! CAT.VWIBSA VXtm MlLtS. Main Street. firt doorb"lnw tha Public Spuarc. WILKESBARRE, PA. Nox-,23, 1501 12m. RAUGAINS IN STATIO.VEKY. 2,500 Gross Steel Pens, 600,000 quires Blank tool 850,000 Envelopes, Slates, Ink, Curtain Sc. Wrappit, paper, buoki). Lcnil-l'rncila, (loId.Pens, verv ilnr School book- vlsitiiip 'nrIs, fee, a larirc pnrtfnn r which it stock purchase.! befure tho rise in prices atrr now selling tow rOR Cash, Wm. G. PERRY. llnokscller& Stationer. S. If. cer. 4tn, .y tict Vhitadtlvhit. March 7. 1E03-3 uios. STILZ & IIARTLLY, 03!S!ri(gHrf!lir &Qkfi3 Consolidation Rank lliilldi ns, 329 North Third Street between Vine Callowhill, P II I L A D E L P II I A. Juno SO, 1803-ly. LEATHER ! LEATHER i ! THE undersigned would nnnounce, that he lias on hand nthis lint and Can Emporium, on Main St.. Illomns- burg, uu assortment of ditl'erent kind of leather, such as lino calf skins, morocco, (red nndblacR)nud linings, all cf which he will sell cheaper than can be had elsow here in this market. Call and exemine them for yourclcs. juu.y k. u 11.1 u. Illoomsburg, May 21, 1802. II. C II O W E R, SURGEON DBNTIST. Rl'SrECTI'ULLY oirors his profess ioual services to tho ladies and gentle men nf Idonnisburg and vicinity, lie is nrenared tn attend to all tho various operations in the lino of his profession, and is provided withtho latest improved I'OUCV.LAIA TF.l'.TIl; which will he inserted uu gold, platiua, silver and rubber base tulnokwell us the natural teeth Mineral plutu and block teeth manufactured nnd all operations on teeth, rnrelully nnd properly attended to. Residence nnd otlico u few doors above the Court House, same sido, liluouisburg, Juno li. 16G3, ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. I Est'ite of Sarah Stevenson, dee'd. ETTERS of adininisir.nion on tlio, ' 5 1 Estate of Sarah Sttcmon, lato of the Slate of New I I Jcrsey.the properly Iving in Columbia co., P.i dccias-' I cd, havo been grunted by the Register of Columbia to. , to Ricliard Demott, of Mudisou township, Columbia cuunty, persons having claims ugniust the eslatu of 1 the deceased aro remiestcil to pru-enl them to the udl 1 niiniitratnr at his residence Iu said township, wl then ' delay, una ull persons indented to iii.'iko piiyuieui lonii I with, RirilARD DEMOTI , Adm June su. jfii;t-tiv s no (1 ISQ. feyO SS! li Mi el Wslk Attorney at Law, BLOOMSRURG, PENN'A. Office ;M the Exchange I Mel, Main St Etrrysn io Hon. John Wnlls, Lewlsburg, Pa. William Cnini-ron, I'resldent of the l.nwlrbutg Hank. J. II. Packer, President of the Northumbcrlahit Rank Illoonisburg, June 57, leii3 ly. HID HJAiS A Monthly Journal, devoted to the Priu- jTSL ciplcs of J"7li ami 17i?T, Dcslsiu'il to unmask the Ufiurptuioii, iiop(iiim aim (.riincu ot tin s AliOLITlON ADMINISTRATION, And to defend the doctrines of States Riehts. nnd n Constitutional Liberty, as hild by our Revolutionary i aiiiers. Published by C. CIIAUNCEY I1URR fc Ca, 1 l'J Nas sail Btrect, New York, PiticE. Singio numbers 15 cents, rorwarded by man or repress loan parts oi ine uniteii Ktatcs at M n year, in advance. Any person sciiuing ten subscri hers will receive un udditiunsl copy for one year. Jiny ii, iMJ.i, PRESII ARRIVAL ov New Millinery Goods. rpho undersigned respecfully announio to the citizens a oi iiinoinsnurg nuu viciniiy mat eiiu lias just re cuveii iroui mo L-usiuru ciues uer SPRING AND SUMMER nil of which shn is prepared to make and sell ni a vi-ry reusouniiiy low iiuuru, uer assort- lii llli-lll ill uiu it limo tlln-ror in puuu IH f dural illlv U9 xvi II ns tnstcfulncss. ao ouv off. vJ ored in Hits section. Pile returns thanks for the lib oral patronage shu has received, and rejpectfully so Ileus a louiiuuauco oi tue same. MARY 11ARIU.EY Illonnnbiirg, A prit 23, 1863, 3t Latest stile lowest prices. JEST Received a new assortment of latest styU-s oi" Wall Paper including liardering, and Ceiling Paocr, anil n general variety of material in his lint which will be found on Iho SECOND I'l.OK u, edi itely over the storo of .Mr. 1. T Shnri .. ... e an nuu door caFt of Lutzes Drug rtoru in the iiupe lllotk, where nil persons wishing goods In ln'4 liiu win tic aifuucit to, in psrsoir ntai an unit EST roper JIansina (xccuted to oult , and best style, at short n'tice. l j, i iiui.r, i 1 P.loimoburg, May 9, 18C3-3m GREENWOOD SEMINAL t. Ulillville, Columbia County, I'l. This well knowh School for both "es will NOVUM IIEIt 3d, JEW. The recent additions lo tho buildings, r.- i drr odiitlous for mnrntl'.un sitty hoarders Tho courso of study will eiiibr. i il, nr thu Normal, the Sclentltlr - i- 1 lie Principal will ho as-, -1' , o crs, fully nualiliedfor their rosnculvu posuiou Parents nud uthers luav rest assured that no etl will be spared to mnke Iho School worthy of patron, nnd that the welfare of the students, intellectual physically, and morally, will receive ourcons tnnt, r Por application, circular-, or forth -r particular 1 press the undersigned, at Mi..i ,:i u .ibia cnu i'. ,na.n .i i. ; i'. JOHN II. PATTO'. PriuciPut. Millvlllo, P.I., Sept, 13.1EC2. JOHN C. YEAGER, MANUFACTURER WHOLESALE DEALER IN .HA.TS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNE I S Avl ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS No. 25T North Third Street, Plniu d. Nox-. S'J, 1862. 1! J, ! EVER, I. N. MOVER, CIGARS & TOBACCO. A large assortment uf choice Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes' I'ruils, Confectionery nnd Notions generully, togeth er with it full slock of HATS und CAPS, constantly un hand and for sale cheap, at the "Illoomsburg Hut it Cap emporium." JOHN K. GIRTON, HoouiBburg, March 10, IStil. " LAST NOTICE." T may bo found at tho old stand until July 1st. (lo ll ol my deslrn orxtish tn uiaku any cost on my cujlst mors. All 1 n.kis to coma ami settle. Alter thu lis of July mybuoks will be left al Illoonisburg for collec Hon, Those who have settled and gave their notes will find them at tha ollite of John Smith, Esq., wucre they can pay them per artaiigement, 11 NEALMCOY. Jcrscytotvn, June 18, ICC.I-lf (Late .'hlto Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVE THIRD PHILADELPHIA. D. 0. SIEGRIStT PnorniETon. Fartaerlif'Oin Ele Hotel Lebanon, Pa T. Y, RIIOADS, CiEr..(, March SU, Wb3-lSm, ' SIXTY D VYSlf 6f 10.3 ! I have loft with .John Smith, Esq., a memorandum of all unsettled accounts that were due me on the Ut day July, Also notes that is due. Any person wishing to seltlt them up, carl do to by calling on Mr. Smith, N .Mt'v'AY jcrseylown, July 11 1E03. 1m. New Drug Store, I WHOLESALE & RETAIL. rpHE undersigned would inform Ihelr friends and Iho ' J public geuerully.that they tiavn taken the stand for merly occupied by Ceo. M. Ilageubuch, iu Iho Exchange Ihiililing, on Main street, in Illoonisburg, xvhero ho lias just received a full supply of 1 IPi-iisi,, Paints. Oils, . Willed xvlll be sold on moderate terms for ready pay. I Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sort and , site. I Physicians' prescriptions carefully coinpodmled, at all times and on short notice, tCT" Confectioneiy uf tlio best selections, and Sod,t , Water in season, I Lf A share of the public custom is respectfully so llcited, EVER ii MOVER. I Illoonisburg, April 11, 1803. CHEAP MILITARY CAPS ! MILITARY CAPS, of every sort, fine and quality WHISKERS 1 1 1 Polatrcau's Siimulating Oncuont,ur French Cream for Bald Heads and Hare Paces ! rpIIIS celebrated artlclo warranted ta bring out n full 1 set of Whiskers on the smoothest face, or a fluu growth of luiiron n bald head, In less than sit weeks, and will in no way stain or injure the sktu. The French Cream Is manufiK lured by Dr. M. Pklatbeaus, uf Paris, and is the only reliable article nf tho kind. "Use no other." Wariunkd im evekv case, One Hot xvilldq hie work, Pine Sl.uo. Imported and for sale Whole sale and Retail b. T1IOS, P. CHAPMAN, Chemist and Druggist, 831 llrondway, Now Vnik. P. S. A "05 of the Ongunt K'ut lo any address hy return mail, on receipt of piice, and IS cunts for Post age. Juno 27, lPo.1 Iw. " PAUL & THOMPSON, General Coininisslou Mc.'Cliaiils, DEALEHS IN Fish, Provlslnus, Plour, llutter, Checso, oils, Dried I'ruils, drain, Seeds, Menus, Whiskey, Wool, Co-ulry Produce und .M.ercliaudise gencrully. Nil, 31 NuMII WlUllVEs, PlilMPELl'lIIA, STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. 'PHI', undersigned would inform thn citizen J Rloomsburg nnd xicinity, that he haajust rn i&fW clveu nnu oners lor ?.nlo one ui tno most .isive assortments ofCDDKINC and ! NCY fc ,'0 ever introduced into this market. Th Chritoi umbus, James Robb and Olobe lire among thu llrst t. s cooking Stoves, all of which are air-tight and gas h i His Parlor stnvec are liaudsume nnd Iho .-srtmi - ried. Al,aO Particular attention is paid tu 'Pin i u nnd House Spouting, upon short notice. All k repairing will bo clone with neatness nn.l ' i IE" Country produce taken in exchange for ' .- . Bloo msbure. May 10, 1802, JOHN " sTTiliE Yi C 0 . , No. 10, NOP. i ll Wl' ' I Phila. U'lplni AND SHIP CH A ND L E R S, Spun I'otton fur Caulking, P.opes. Twines, Tar. Pile' Oakum, lllocl.s, and Oars, lie August -I, Iddil- 12iii. GIRTON'S CHEAP HAT STORE REMOVED. Another Arrival of CUhmIs. Noio is Your Time lo Bwi, I NOW SELL CHEAPER THAN EVER fTMIE undersigned having bought out the l.'roceryo 1 llaxld Slroun, has removed his Jlnt nuil Cap Storu up to Stroup's old stand, where Iu addition to a supe rior assortment of SIMH.MJ AX!) Hats and Gaps, plf Comprising every sort, slio nnd lunlity, which w III Iw sold at unusually Inn- prices, he will continue lb" tiro, eery and Notion business ns curried on by Mr. 6troup, Aln-A fine lot uf KID-', MOlid' P.OSniu! LiMStuto. which ho invitee the si eution uf Shoemaker and thu nublic Consignments' of Provisions, Plour nnd Country iiinn,,., Mav'lii tMA JCHN K (1IUTON. Produce solicited, nmi returns promptly made, Cusli """"''"" -"ay auvaiiccii xvneu iiesiruu. ORDERS for ull kinds of Pish, Provisions, Plour, Dried I'ruils, .tc., tilled itt thu low est Cuth Prices. I August I, lriai-PJin. 5,000 Reams xvntlng Puper.includlng of note. Letter K.rmnn Hill . AV n ,.-l,,re ...,. .Alll-.. 1 for sale cheap oi the Illoomsburg Hat it Cap Emporium uw rKtcts for cash. Also-Orocerles,eonfectionarlo.lCisar,.tc nr r. ppppvr JoiiNK oikton, i u- Dtationary ctmibari-, Ecpt H, l?tl F 4'h, & Hats PhnarltlrhU M. & T. 1 JiiiiH 7 v ouse. WATSON LIVERY STABLE ATTACHED, ikmii g.trMDit Lri truVAMTil 4. ArfH.rv.A Kev 55, 1st? I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers