COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, rfM. hdi'it.d dy r.Evi i.. tate, rnontiirron liLOOMSBURG, PAT Saturday, July IS, ISOit. DEMOIKATIC STATU NOMINATIONS. FOR GOVERNOR, ClEORttU W. W001VAK1, OP LUZEltNK COUNTY. JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT, WALTER 11. IsOWKIU, OP ALLEGHENY COUNTY. ftcjiiMammuni.iiiJMi ' ufw i. . ! mim r""Ct.ln to Tin: constitution, as tiii: .iiirwiincKP) maiunt.u eMxns to tiiu last 1'I.ANK, Wlir.NTflOIlT AND TIIH TUMPIHT CLOSU AllUUNU J1ISI." .Daniel II litter PURPOSES OF THE WAR! COXGHESJ, BY A VOTE XEAtlUT UNANIMOUS, TlSSin THE rni.LowiNO mtsoLimoM, nmcn EXHums the voick or tiik Nation anbistiietrck standard or loyalty : "That tlio nroont iL'nlnrnblo civil war lias licrn nfced upon tho country by I ho dli'lnlonlBtii of tlio nouincrn mntos, now in arum against tno uonsiiinttonnl l!nvrnmoitt, Slnd In nhnn ntotiinl Hie Capital; Hint In tills National cinercciicy. Cuiizrust. tianlalilnz all feci- Inj of llioro passion or resentment, will recollect only Ha duty to tho wholo country ; that this icarlsnel waged en their part in any spirit of oppression, or for any pur' Hint Of eonouest or MUbiarralion ornurttosrof orerthroiriuv pose of conquest ors cr inlirfMnp KitK the rights or istablished Inslituthnt of those States, butto defend and maintain the supremacy of the Corstltktion, and tt preserve the Union, vith the dlg 7ill!, tiiialltn.andriphtt of the several States unimnairtd: aid that as soon as thest oljecti arc accomplished the tear- ugniio ccarrv AST A young man named Charles Cole man, in carelessly handling a rcvolvcr,ouo day last week, in Jackson township, re ceived 1I3 coutcnts through tho palm of his right hand, and lodged them in tho arm of Mr. Richie. 6T Well Dr. who ia tho agent at tho Lackawanna Station, any how ? You havo been blowing hot and cold and mak ing a fool of yourself generally for a couple of weeks nml all tho town is laughing at you. It is a question of a few Daily pa pers "That's what's the matter." ICPWc arc under many obligations to the Misses Amelia and Maggie Bom- hoy, daughters of iMr. 13onj. Bomboy, of Hemlock township, for tho presentation c f a boquct of beautiful largo black cher ries. Sentenced. Tho threo persons who wcru tried a! the reccat term of Court in V:l n county, and convicted ol riot in . ? j'..itg Mr. Leonard, tho District At- t ' oy, by tearing a copperhead badge om his watch guard, wcro each sentcn i;cd by Judge Barret to pay a fine of twen ty dollars and tho costs. Lackawanna County. An Election will bo held on Tuesday next, tho 21st instant, throughout tlio county of Luzerne pursuant to the Legislative enactment, for the purposo of deciding by ballot,tho ques tion of erecting tho proposed oounty of Lackawanna out of part of old Luzerne. Patriotic Tnos. Chaltant, Esq., the Editor of tho J)anville Intelligencer, lias enlisted and is oif to tho war. This is tho man tho tories call a "Copperhead." The two abolition editors of Danville, with tho Toad-stioking and Nigger-loving Divino, of Ibat place, lay at homo to abuse loyal citizens. Dr. J. D. Mendenuall, tho hulcfatiga bio Editor of the Doylestown Democrat, paid us a social visit on last Tuesday. Ho is a fearless Editor, a sterling Demo crat, and very intelligent gontleman. The Dr. conducts tho Democrat, during tho absonco of Col. Davis in tho army, and under his administration it has grown to influonco nnd popularity. JtK3" Tbo Smut Machine is very fond of alluding to Democrats as being of a "cop- perish tinge." Wc do not understand tho senso of tbo allusion, unless it be the dc- Biro cf its abolition disunion editor to t bring the Doraocraoy, who arc white men and for tho rights of whito men, as nearly as possible up to the hue of its own black ' powor to quoll the rioters, and before now uey, the editor of tho Ilarrisburg Tele fckinnsd party. , by tho aid of troops, ho has doubtless sue- graph, skedaddled to Philadelphia, and Wo observe by the late speech of Wen- dell Phillips, who is tho cat-ncp Dr.'s filo leader, that tho Abolitionists aro going,' .itn Mm fnllosi. nvinnt..1 into the inanufac- turo of porsona of a "ooppcrish tinge." Hurra for tho woolly copperheads. EOyTbcro has been no trouble with tbo enrollment except in thoso town- thips whore tho party of which Cols. Tate aud I'ueeze are tho leaders. Theie. men aro responsible for it. If they would teach their followers loynlly and obedionco to tho law there would bc no trouble. Smut Machine, Dr. John, in the foregcing brief extract, is as usual, belying tho record. Tlio first named individual, about ano month ago, addressed a largo Democratic Meeting in Centre in which bo urged upon tho pcoplo tho imparativo duty of all, and especially Demoorats, to obscrvo and oboy all consti tutional laws. This will bo readily ottos tod by every man iucludiug tho rcpubli c.l1s wi,o wcro present. Such bo has dvaya done. Tho second gentleman I -.u.od, on Batur :ay last in Jaokson did . a inc. Nay, more. Ho demonstrated the plam duty of good citizens, to obey tho laws and uot even attempt to resist the tnrollmont. Tbeso aro truths. The Dr. added' (be lie. Rov. J. R. Dlmm'a Locturo. I Jaoksou Domooratlo Mooting This goBllomnn delivered a lecture, on ' A Mass Meeting of Domocratto citizens, Friday oveniug of last week, before tlm of Jackson and adjacent townships, Col Bloomsburg Loyal Leaguers. Hearing umbia county, convened in tho Grove, that iMr. Dimra was expected to address ' near the rcjidouco of lram Dorr, Esq., in that Order, wo followed llitn into tho Court House. It was the first and th la&t time, we ovor knowingly cntorod a meeting composed of disloyal citizens or encour aged secret associations. Wo understood tho speaker to say, most distinctly, that Abraham Lincoln had been elected by a majority of tho voters of the United States. Tlio election returns show -tho proceedings wore enlivened by that he lacked about 005,000 of a major- martial musio aod patriotic soligs. lty,and with the (subsequent) vote of South ' After the arloption of tho following res Carolina cast against him, he is a minority olution, tlio meeting adjourned, amid en President by more than a million votes, tbusinstio npplauso and vociferous cheers This is tho truth of historyi for tho "Union and tho Constitution, the We pass for tho present, his uncondt- right of Whilo American citizens, anil tho tional approval of tho acts of Mr Lincoln, cleotion of WootMVAiui and Vallandiq his suspension of tho writ of Habeas Cor- 1iamV' pus, tho Confiscalsou Act, and his Emanci-1 pation Proclamation. Also tho suppress- tbo resolutions, in all heir parts and prin f , i . .. ciples, adopted by tho lato Democratic ion of newspapers and certain citizens.- snte 'convention, and will use our best These, wo bcliovo, aromattcrs of taste. cirorts to carry them out at tho ballot-box, His efforts, however, strike us as lamo and , for the euro of existing evils and the polit- imbecile. Ho sorely deprecated the ex- iuteneo of slavery denounced it as a sin (which is not found in his Bible) and favor cd tho irreprossiblo conflict, by urging the impossibility of our country's existenco part slavo and part free. This is iu vio lation of tho provisions of our glorious Con stitution, rind nnainst the neaeo and order ' o r i man and a full-blooded Abolitionist. 1 Hn nvml n nnmrnmulnhlo .Wrnn of holy horror, at tho imaginary existence of associations and strongly i p ii . inlimifnil Hint- tpiM nrtin nntni I r tlm3n nl IUUUJUVl'11 IUIJ W VVUIj'U-j.U w. v ii w - of the society ho was addrtssing, This WaS disingonious. We bcliovo that Mr. Dimin linn otint 1'ltirv In tllrt nnlv " SIfirrrt. im .... , . ,? ,, ... ... htical organization" now existing in tho 1 of society, and ho who disregards tho "a"" amu,uS UBfu ' 'o p--cnnrn,lno nf ,t, fWtiiniinn I. ,1 i. ll cr uo deliberately arrays himself openly County of Columbia. I a,nd tl03lrcU n I Many other points, assumed by tu0 'the preacher a tool in the hands of a few speaker, wo regard as untenable and cr. I designing politicians, until like Judas, his . , . . ..i I groat exemplar, he too, for a fow pieces roncous. That ho made a grand mistake , fa ., , r ' , ' ... in throwing his influence into tho scale of, of sr botra-8 ho .au,sc Chr'st' . political abolitionism, is our decided opin-l . Truly. ost truly is ho "an abomina . . . . i . tion unto the Lord. ion, aim iiud upuiiuu ia cuppuimu uj many worthy oitizens. Wo await the in exorablo logio of events Mr. Diinui, who has heretofore stood high in the estimation of this community on that occasion, disappointed tho reason-' bio expectation of every constitutional tho Democratio party. Ag they Jt i'oiT countrTwhoso citizen who beard him , and wo fear has cspect to 0ppera0 upon tbe credulity of Ucdom aJ iQtegrity they will maintain done much to distract the Uhuich of which the masses, insulting, by their conduct, the against all enemies whatsoever, and be he is tho Pastor. Other churches havo 1 intelligence of tho pcoplo they bopo to foro tho oyes of all the world, been disrupted nnd tho usefulness of thoir 1 deceive, thoy do not hesitate to manufao- ! 0 B. WILCOX, Brig. Gen. Com'd'g. Pastors almost intircly destroyed, by tho ture and givo publicity to rumors which Official: faiutical zeal of men, afflicted by tho thoy know have not tho slightest founda- j 1ob'fc A. Hutching Capt, and A. A. G. naniaot ''Nigger on the brain," who deem tion in truth. It is almost uecless to at-1 f, " . it their first duty to preach abolitionism 1 terapt a denial of theso slanders ; be-1 Kcl)C" Allies, instead of tbo moro wholosomo precepts of caU30 no sooner is one of them nailed, like ' Tho Richmond Enquirer, gives tho fol tho Gospel. But we read, that tbe time ' baso cojn to the countor, before another is lowillS "pinion of the Democratic party i will como, when "tho Shepherd shall be smitten and the flock scattered. 3()emooratic Sentiment i barnraising in Greenwood tow Atabarnraising in Greenwood township, on the 20th of Juno, the news of the nom ination of Hon. George W.Woodward, for Governor, was received. It was agreed to tako a vote on tho question, The fol lowing was tho result: For Woodward, 43 Not vot'intr. 0 iillOtUer geniicman lniorms US luaias a .. .1 . . townshi 30 w s 'P' i raising recently in the same men wcro engaged in carrying a log, when ho carefully classified their politics, as follows : Democrats 27 Opposition 3. Good for Democratic Greenwood. jyA most terrible and destructive riot has been going on in tho City of Now York, during tho last few days, and was etill progressing at tho last -accounts. The Draft was tho ostensible cause, but that seems to have been lost sight of by tho mob. Hundreds of lives havo been lost and thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of property destroyed. Wo cannot even pretend to givo an abstract of the facts. Gov. Seymour has done all in bis cecded. We shall try and givo an account 0f it next week. Tho Draft has been post- ponea for the present; and the law has1 ninr.,i v,w .Tndnn Vin tin-1 ' constitutional. It does not matter what was tbo cause of riot, nor whether thc Conscription law is pack Up and leave, and then havo tho itn constitution al or not, thoro is not and can- pudenco to ask the country people to como not bo any excuse, palliation or detenso f . . t It u , bfl col)demned by all ... . . , .. limnc mid nn mnn lint ait to all 1 . . . 1 1 ...1... !ll ' sense ol what is duo to law anu oracr, win defend or even excuso them. Wo think of tho riot in Now York as wo did of tho riot in Bloomsburg It is without causo or excuso thoso originating, aidinf? or abetting it, ought to be arrested. nnrl if nnnvinlnd ml mull ndl tint pardoned. TIII5 FOUR ACTS OF DESPOTISM For salo at this Office. Prico 50 cents per copy. Licut. Daniel Boweii, formerly of tho Williamsport Press, died at tho res idonco of his brother, Jesse Bowcr,m Nip penoso Valley, Lycoming county on the 21st ult., of wounds roccived at tho battle of Ohnncollorsvillc, His ago was 31 yrs. He leaves a family. Jackson township, on last Saturday. Win E. Robert, Esq., in tho Chair. Tlio meet ing was largely attended and comprised over ona hundred Ladies, Col. John G. Freeze, Col. Levi L. Tato, Daniel Mcllcnry, Esq., Lieut. Alom B. Tate, and tho vcncrablo John MoIIonry or., respectively, addressed tlio meeting. Ilcsolvtd, That wo cordially approve of ical redemption ot i'onnsylvunia 187" Among tho seven things spoken of by the authors of tho book of Proverbs which aro 'an abomination unto the Lord,' is ''He that soweth discord among broth- crcn. And undoubtedly tho greatest abomi- . ., . ... l t nnd FubIicl ono l't of his Chargo taking tllO fltump in favor of tho politi ,oal P'"iplca of tho other. Ho wilfully I s'clh d'soord ong brothren," not ' only according to tho flesh, but between JO ' . . . l,IUUJUI lu aul 11 uu V "uua luaoiu in that body ot Urctuton whicu siioutu bo tho very pattorn and perlection of har mony.a discord which has dlvidod churches . V ESF Since tho invasion of Pennsylvania by tho rebel forces, the Jacobin journals including tho "Smut Mucliinc," have been cneaced in ciroulatinc all kinds of absurd amj rjdiculous stories for the purposo of fabrioatcd and given to tho public. Ono ' of tho current reports staeted for political effect by the unscrupulous Jacobins, was i as lmacinary conversauon ooiweon tne .i. r i ...i .1.. ii: .!... At. .. ' ot l'ranktin county. J. his story is dis 1 posed of by the latter gentleman in a letter which we lay before ous roaders wfti groat "J o pleasure: CilAMUEnsnuno, June 22, 18G3. Editors of The Age: I notico iu sever- al papers what purports to bo a convorsa-! tion between Gen. Jenkins and tho Dis- tuinl AftirniiiT nt innnlrlm nnnnru rliirinrv . ... n i t i I . . .......-.-., " , . , " 7 , .1... .nnnnl nnnnntinn nf , n nnn hr tlirt 'ho recent occupation of this place by the rebel forces. it is alleged, mat, nmoug otucr tilings, T. 1. , .1 . . .1 .1 . uiu uuuurui auiu ; xuu uju u luiruiui wuu ...i... i t: . i i,..i i n ,B11,,u-uuu t,,LlUM O ,uutru und tho rest ol tho Copperheads long aeo. Wo would not tolerate any such men'in tho Southern Confederacy. Wo respect 1110,0 wno aro againbt us m uio ionu much more than tha Copperheads. I am tho District Attorney of Franklin oouuty. I havo never spoken to Gcnoral Jenkins, nor has he to mc. To tho bost' of ray knowledge I have never seen him. 1 All the slanders hurled at the Democratio .1 I i . 1 . T 1 1. party cannot prevent its success in I' rank lin county, nor in the State, in October. Yours, very truly, Wm. S. STE.sacu. ScAnED, It is positively assorted, when tho report camo that tho rebels wero I' rn 111: . marching on Ilarrisburg, that Wien For 1 that Bergner, tho Hessian proprietor, packed up his typo, and left tho town.- Ho issued no paper for two days. Thcso' nM t. fi.itnrr ntinn. writ M,n l.lnnd. I (and-thundcr articles for the Telegraph ; but when tho danger really comes they to Harruburg and defond their proporty. Major Knorr. Capt. Samuel Knorh, son ot our lcllow-citizcn ileury u. Knorr, of Centre has been promoted to the iMajorship of the 35th Bcg't. of iho P. Y. M. This is a judicious arrange ment. Wo havo no doubt, that Major Knorr, will niako nn excellent military Officer CSyDiarrhcca & Dysentery will decimate the Volunteers far moro than tho bullets of tho enemy, tborcforo lot every man seo to it that ho carries with him a full supply Holloway's Pills. Their uso in India and . 1, a P.imAi ciimil rliiM.Qnlld nf Tlrtllali Sill. aiorBt 0nly 25 cents per box. C7Capt. Wm. Srr.vEits, tho Deputy Provost Marshal, has opened an offico in tho room immediately over tbo Drug Storo of E. P. Lutz, on Main street Hlooms-burg. RfSf We are very glad to obsorvo that everywhere in Columbia county, tho De mocracy aro forming Clubs Under the Con stitution submitted by tho Standing Com mittee taking their stand oponly and boldly on tho rights guaranteed by the a Constitution, and iu tho face ot clear day declaring their principles. Thus they challenge cutiaUm and descrvo and secure tho publio confidence In this thoy differ wldoly from their op ponents the ''Hoyal Leaguers," who havo regular sccrot meetings; and aro bound by oaths to do some things, which wo pre- sumo they daro not openly declare. I hoy do cot come out upon tho platform offho "Constitution as it is, and tho Union as it was," but havo sccrot and ulterior objects whoso purposes conflict with the program mo above. Upon tho subject of such organizations as they have, Gen. Wilcox, commanding in the Department of thu Ohio, says! GENERAL ORDERS NO. 5. Headquarters l)is, of Indiana uml Michi gan, Department f the Ohio, Indianapolis, Juno !)0, 1803. The peace of Indina has lately been dis turbed by violcnoo, murder, and other nets contrary to law, and having their origin in certain secret political societies, clubs or leagues. The Common safety now de mands that all such associations should bo discontinued, no matter to what political party thoy may belong. Thoy aro a con stant souroa of dread and mistrust they divide and provoke hostility between neighbors, weaken tbo dignity and poWcr of courts ot justice, exposo tuo country to martial law, aud diecourago tho people 1 from enlisting iu defence of the nation. ' Mr. ttinttnr hnur Anrnoat. nr wni-l hv mnv have bocn the reason for such societies in tho beginning, their very secrecy aud the oaths they impose do cnablo wicked men to uso them unto unlawful ends, and con vert them into public nuisances. All good objects can bo accomplished openly, and none but the enemies of their country over need disguises. It is perfectly plain that such secret or ganizations are both dangerous and be yond the ordinary grasp of tho law ; they arc thcroforo declared to bo hostile, and will bo put down by all tho military power of the District, if need bo. I invoko against the said secret societies tho good influence and active aid of all men who arc friendly to tho Union to discontinue and peaceably break up such organizations ritlun tho limits ot the tits trict. and 1 call upon tho members thereof 6pccdily to withdraw from their meetings, nnd openly show that their intentions and "That tho Democratic party was our worst enemy, anu out lor its poisonous . nmhonrtn triAin N(n(nn i'-im 1 s It M Vrt hn mi ""'. .." ..." tt:." nlnnr nf flin nnnnhirnl TTnlnn 1 twenty years atro. It is not the Scwards. . r, . . ... tl- i ti ii . i Ahnto.iii h t,nm hurt Ti.n, Abolitionist, who have hurt us, Thoy were right all along : thero was an irre- P.r!ibI,! c0"flict betwc,cn tw.. diffcrc,.U. civilizations, two opposite social organi-1 Nations ; they were no more ablo tc Tlivo ! peaceably together in one government than two hands can wear ono glovo." v , i ,nr vnrtlnn -.;. wn.npa I.lin li'ni In.lrr 1 1 1. 1.( " t- 1 I . iubuio. nun ,u i wwirt i itiitv miu the rebels. Sec whero your praiso comes, have talked "nigger, and the i from. Acknowledge tho compliment paid 'slavery," uutil the land is ret ., i a , flirt ron.ilc Son nrlinrn vniir npqitA inmoe by your (Hsuion nka ;,, ti,0 Soutb, and , . . e i let us hear no moro of your hypo vour hvnocrilical ...,r. i...ii. -m..Tw. rf t "'"g3 auum, vupjimuunua. iiium- ocratio party, the rebels say, was their worst enemv. Its embrace was noisonous. bcoauso it prcvcnted thorn from getting ' . D out of tho Umon twcnty ycars aS- Abolitionists and Blaok Republicans did not hurt them, they wcro right all along, ror thoy taught tho "irrcpresiblc conflict" ,i,.:., ;., ..i . ,i;,- .. . ' ' doetrino. Thoy have bcrn playing into ... 1... ..i. .r.i.. 1. .1 .1 ...:ii ' viiu iiuuus ui iuu tuucia, iiuu il win rvquiiu the best efforts of the Democratic party which is bated aliko by these co-conspirators tit defeat their bullish machinations. Do you hear this, Oh! Dr. lohn? The Philadelphia "orgau" of tho Ad ministration, in commenting upon the tcr :t.i :.. t. v...i. i . - .i u. ""'u " "7 7, "u"" luu 1 . - , 1 . ,hc shoulders of tho Democratic party 111 1 lllat oity This Pveron of the truth was, of course, expected from that journal but what will the publio say of tho editor of tho Press, who in an address delivered at Lancaster, uttered tho tho following inflammatory sentiments I ''What is there in our happy country to mako men afraid of tho light of day; or of! honest inquiry ? Havo wo a conscript law that tears tho husbandman from bis plow tho fathor from his family, tbe son from his widowed mothor, to go forth and act as gladiators for tho amusement of a few ambitious kings! Havo wo a gang of hired tax-gatherers to drain the substanco of tho pcoplo I Is onr President an Attila or a Caligula I is our benato a Council of Ion? Is our House of Representatives a body of tyrants, armod with power to ray. isn and destroy I feccret usurpation agaunst such wrongs would bo justifiable and right, for wc arc taught thc groat les son 'resistance to tyrants ii obedienco to Uod !" Ilia Age. 1 eST Our farmers aro gatliortng a muni ficcut crop of Wheat and Ryo. .It has not been surpassed for many years. May Providcnco favor them with continued good weather. COMMUNICATIONS. ror tki alumna Demttret. Bkuna VisrA, July 3, ISOa. ( Mn. Emion : l notico an arncio ia K . . ... . . i J lis ml very much exposed Ins ignorance oy re- forenco to tho pooplb as savages. His eor- nionwm no n oro Palatable to an intelii- mon w.ih no moro paiataoie to an i gent community than sour sw, 11. I took for his text tho following rtords : ' By tlio grace of God I am what I am." Ho np- p ied t to himself, literally giving the imo and place of h s extraordinary birth ; timo and place ot niBcxtraoruinary u , his father's name, ho saul WM sracl nd uis momcrs iiziiueiu, m-t ..u.v. man that ho studied lor a lawver anu doctor, but was disappointed, and that he stood before them through disappointment. The people I suppose, presume that ho was still disappointed. The Divine thought ho was preaching, when ho was only talking baby talk. If this should succeed in awakening him, ho doubtless will feel dis UtYUnVIIIUU 111 Ui I UV UUUUIIlM. ,111. .vw uio- . . , . ,P, i t i ii . i appointed again. Tho people had collected . V e .7 , ,. .,, f.,, to hear of tho dealings of a merciful God ings with fallen man, and to hear such baby " o "J o--o tion. As to his being an uncompromising Union man, wo think the grace of God hai nothing to do with that. Union im plies the concurrouco of the wills of two pirtics ; so it Is clear to bo uncompromis- ing Is to be no union at nil. Union men of t,j3 j0 uot rco0anizo Southern rights . . , . , ,, i .i o .i rebellion, and now they want tho South , . , ,, . . . jAt nAttriK til ft 'I'li'lf fO f IA Anilflli J-it tltld Mn. EniTon 1 notico an arncio in yractle crcuitcaine to Savages' school 8tli, otli, and lutn under tho auspicos of latn number ol tho inw Mucmnc, puu- deliver his first nddress nt that the Monroo bounty -Agricultural Society. lied at your place, and signed iNcwKos- n0 wds abooinpanicd by two sap- Tho following premiums are offered ; Vot nan." x iuiiik uio uov. guiiiiumuu - , . A..,.,.,., ,.,(. .., iii,ri,rrf. onti tuo uesi uiibiiois oi miuutvintor toldaliototl.cir children, no, not even a ?,.,,, ,,ir(nT o(T tho r-arb For tho Second Best 10 ..... ...... niumuir iiu uuvui iiu nui vit . , , ,,..v... white lie. Ho said that ho could read n iq , Competitors for these Prizes will be re rs LnmiiniKMinf im wan n colt.mndn ii o , , - f . i i i i . . luui -- - .(.f.aincd.bvsayinclhathcwasforsup- quirca to lurnisu samples oi mo wncat r .i . mi ' t i ii . i mado cither willfully or iguorautly, and as of that will in the government. Honest . , , , V , i c ; t i such can be proven by several who were mon Gay thero has been enough of such XT , ., , iii. present. If this is doubted, let it bo lest- vll'iauy. No wonder that pcoplo do hiss r, , . , , , ,. . , . ... . T ., . , . , ed.that it may bo known who' the rascal is. nt such statements. I think a nigger s ' , . . , , , . , , , ,. ... r . 1 If wo did not bc!icv3 mm to bo too igncr head must havo been dazzling his vision , ... . ,. , . , , , ., n t T? .i ant to comprehend the trioaning ol the eiiii- nud obscured the grace of God. If the 1 , ., , , b ,, in .. i ptcst prayer, wo should endeavor to pray gentlenan should continue in such a courso 1 , ,. , , ..... ... . , , ,, for him, but believing that little has been until tho expiration of iho year, ho would . ., , ., r , .... . rivcb bun. and therefore little will bo re no. havo outside of the abolition party, b . , ' r i i.t. i-:ri i ii quired of him, wo feel it hardly worth friends enough to bury mm, if he should 1 ' it n die. The pcoplo of this county expect to hear tlio gospel of peace from preachers, in stead of referring to questions of discord. I happened to be at Asbury on tho even ing of May 30th, referred to by ''Ncw cosnimon," at which time tho Rev. Thos. M. Recs.P. E made his great effort. It was indeed a masterly effort, and quite astoun - ded the people. Perhaps if his loyal soul could not havo given vcut t ) its emotions, the very stones would have cried out, "nig-' gcr," ''nigger." He said this was God Almighty's war; and I suppose he pre - fcrcd GWuifr his sharo at Asburv. II tho pcoplo of this couu'y were not used to seeing gentlemen who wear blaok cloths thoy might have been frightened, and when bc eln he couid scar0 a full of them, i wo thought he ought to bc arrested for cowardly tureals. I am sorry ho has so f.. .:...!.. i.: , ..lit . . amalgamate parties and religion. I was nhvava lamrht tlmv worrt twn ilifTurnnt ,m.iMM.(ll . J ...i:..: t... things, but somo of our preachers havo ' ' idea, and that is abolitionism.- Snch men have brought on this war, havo ! broken the Union and trampled tha Con- 1 Riit,.tinn nnrlnr font. v.. -...i. mnn lliltl. ivninftri .v...n, .. n I . . I : . u.wu, miu-uiuiuuM ouuuii3i.iiiai UU11L1UIUU3 , . ,1 , n , 1 linvf tnllforl 'tnirrrrnr nn.l Mia nl.nlirlnn nf d with blood The Rev. gentleman, was present at the liaranmio at Asburv. and was sn nlnlnil . e , . - 'i I....:..:. t... . :.i ...'shot. am niducwcuuiuiiiuu., tw ug mi ub , felt like lying down and rolling, if he only I had :t nlnno In do qo. Tlmm U n .rn;n creature that always rolls after being chaplains bo appointed. Thrco of - "i.if... ... ii. i I.. caught at dirty work. I havo boon informed that a certain Di vine who graduated away up at Willianis port, preached a harangue at Asbury, on the 21st ult. His text was, "Let tho op- pressed go free." In his discourso be said ti 1 . no man could do a christian wno was not an abolitionist. Wo read that Abraham of old had slaves, aud tho Biblo says that they shall come from tho North, South, East and West, and sit down with Abra- ham in thc kingdom of Heaven. The lovo of nigger must have eclipsed his vision so much that he is not a competent iudgo to know what constitutes a christian. Thc effects of tins babling was to set tho pcoplo to quarreling, and raUc Old Nick amongst members. This samo gentleman, born and reared iu Fishingcrcek, is ashamed that he was born in Columbia county. Poor fel low I What a pity ho could not have been born in Africa. Nigger furnishes his munitions of war, nigger is , . 1 1 blS Whole JUSTUS. Cor,. Tate, Dear Sir i It will bo no less gratifying to tho Democrats of Fishingcrcek, descry-1 ing their position; to havo a truo state ment of affairs in tbis Bcotion mado publio. Wo therefore ask permission for spaco in your valuable paper for tho insortion of a fow remarks. We havo been scandalously misropre Bonled through tbo Tory smut machine of your town by somo evil designers, who it appears aro determined on mischief of tho most repulsivo character! and yet who wish to buye tlio respect and right treat- stook in trade, and when ho goes to bed cmiurcn; iarcweu, motuer, no cogged idlloa vtl!,nKli by ir'mi nonuri. mm r,.iw he lays his head so near bis woolly-hcaded . thoso near by to excuse him, nnd turning li'oint. (m'!S.nllp'Snio;,-.)i:',!;rir.f;.lj;;.,,i brother, that but ono set of linens is re- a t into tears. Flinn said he bad SXfi vtK" lamueut, oruc- ouired for them both. uo lettcra to 1vrit0 nnd only "anted a Juun su. isua-u... moiil duo aood honest and peaceable oitl- ..o nniilintl tllCV SO HialieliaUll V ...1 Soiilo timo sinee tho young pruaohcr of , ronr;tlv. U known to noiscss but " 'iir.f iniMloct who horc'lv ft vory ordl "ar 1DftollOCl " y (q & , pr0. of hcarnft .g & . M thoro,lglly etailvi. , mmo tban ft " f r00ntinr ir Tibu first nart of (lulck' Tho 10 ' , PJ. ; hia p0i,ll0ai opinions, Q ? u . nl, r.nnlr,V,rtA porting this Administration, making no ( the cr and with the straw attached, (say exceptions. Said he, also, "If being in, CO ears of wheat and straw,) also to fur favour of supporting this Administration . nish a written statement of the naturo ol causes you to withhold your support from tho sell Oh which tho whedt grow, method me, do so ; I do not ask it of you." Thus 1 of cultivation, timo of sowing, quantity of dcclairing his support in favor of abolition seed pown, manures (if any used,) and " . . . , .. . , A , ... ...If.... purposes. Ave as a body aro resolved, til at, - .111, there ehal bs no moro such abominable doc- "-cc""u trine advanced in our section. Ihcrcforo ... . , , . , . ,. . ... "clievo 1 10 oa U1S UL" P"0 ' 7" 'purposo than tu iuculcato abolition doc trine. And wo wish it distinctly under stood also, that those Abolitionists at Rohrsburg, if thoy know what is good for themselves will also stay away, or como on soma other purpose than to aid in spreading tho abolition principle. The writer of tho smut mashine says "Micro was nothing political in all tlio preacher .... ,. . "... ,. said. " This assertion i a positive ho, while liitoreedina tor him. 11c calls us rebels and secessionists. If being in fa vor of tho Constitution and tho right ad ministering of it coustitules a secessionist, wc arc secessionists and hail the namo. A DEMOCRAT KUKUfi KETAIi 1ATIOIV.- , 'j'wo Union Officer to be shotCupt, Sawyer , of 'N, J. and Capt, Flinn,of In- i thaita,the tictims. from the Ilichmotui Dispatch July 7. ! nl !. i llftiritirr I 1c r.i ItAttli , "Ul-U -"' At the Libby prison yctterday, by or der of neral Winder, tlm Captains am0DS tho Yankoo prisoners, numbering seventy-four, drew lots for two to bo shot in retaliation for tho shooting of Captains Win. F. Corbin and T. J. MrGraw by General Burnsido at Sandusky, Ohio, on i! iiv liwt . 1 bo prisoners were assembled in n room nt twelve o'clock by Captain Turner, the Tlm oris commandant of tho prbon, aud after being r i i n i . ii formed in a hollow square around a table, were inlornicd ot the order ot General Winder. A slip of paper, with tho name of caeh man written on it and carefully loidcu up, was then deposited in a box on tm ttlilo Hid f!intiin 'I'urnnr -U laUIL, JHU Irapialll J.tirilCr initiriUCd 1 "ie men tuat tbc ms select whom they pleased to draw the names out the first two names drawn to indicato those to be Captain Sawyer, of the First Now Jor scy Cavalry, suggested that one of the the Chaplains were called down from an up per room, and Rov. Mr. Urown accepted the task. Amid a silence almost death like, tho drawing commenced. Tho first name taken out of the box was that of Captain Henry Washington Sawyer, of tlio li'Irsr Vitro .Tovcnir nMrnlnif nml flin -" .. j v,u,u..y, uu. ei300,,(1 tbat of Captain John Flinn, of tho ''ty -first Indiana, I Whon thc namC3 wcrc ai Sawyor hcanl 'lt with no apparent emotion, rcinar- tUat some onu had lo bc drawn, aud ho couhl Btand h a well as any 0110 else- 'iinn was very white and much deprcs scd. T IC nrisonors wore then dismissed and xuu puauut-rs mui uismisstu, auu the condemned ...en sent to General Win- der's cilice. On arriving there they were permitted to writo letters to their friends. , Sawyer wroto a letter homo, and read it aloud to the detectives standing near. tt ...i.i... . i, . . . upon coming 10 uio lasi pari 01 it, say- inn "K-irownll mv di'nr wiln firownll n,v 1 ,DS 1 Jrcwcil, my ULar WHO, iareWCII,my priest. Both men wero returned to tho Libby Prison, and will bo kept in closo confine ment uutil tbo day of their execution, which is not yet affixed. Sawyer is a Pennsylvanian by birth, and Flynn is an Irishman. Tho Confederate officers shot by Burn sido wore executed for rcoruiting in Ken tucky, and that Gcnoral, when appealed to by tho sisters of ono of them to sparo his Iifo, refused, with tbe brutal reply, ., . , ,,ii .. , a . , that he "had quit handling tho Rebellion with gloves." CSJ'Nassua, is on ihc islftd of New Providence, one of the Bahamas, off Flor ida coast, ii-ii n 11 .t it t 1 nun 1 rirnni'i'ii mi irt in rniitn inn iuh hi umi mhju inmi. Great l.llcriialloiial Wheal Show. A gicat international Whoal show will ho huld at Rochester. N. Y., Seplombcr Wheat.. 8100 00 1' or tho Second Best '75 00 For tho Best W Bushels lied Win- J0 Vor tho icat 2 Busnels White Win- tor Wheat. 00 (,(, l or the Second Best j ,2,-) 00 For the Best 12 Bushels Rod Winter Whoilt &Vcd Mt . . I . . . 1 1 ... . JS 00 Vor I ho lost a Buv Knrinr. Wlit !!) im 00 ill moue aim umo oi application ; atso me time of ripening nnd harvesting, and tho yield per ncrc, with such oihur particulars as may bo deemed of practical importance ; also the namo by which tho variety is known in the locality where it was grown. Tho Wheat must bo ore variety, pure and unmixed. The prizo to bo awarded to the actual grower of the wheat, nnd tlio wheat which takes a prizo is to become tha property of tho Society. It is hoped that tho farmers in all sec tions of the Uuitt d States and Canada, whd havo good examples of wheat, will compete for thejo prizes. Wu have never yet had a good Wheat Showiu tho Uuitetl States. It is highly important that tha wheat growers of the coiiutry should meet together and compare C.imples of wheat raised in different sections. Wo under tand that tho money for these premiums has been raised by stibsciiptiou, among the ftiendii of Agritulturo iu New i'ork, and tho timo ot holding tho Fair has been fixed so as to onablc fa f in 6 ia to purchase their seed from the wheat entered for coin petition. A change cf seed is always do- sirablc, and it ii bclivvetl that all the wheat of good quality sent to tho fair will Gnd purchasers at a hiyh price. Full par ticalarc can bc obtained by addressing the President of tbo Society Joseph Harris, Editor Vnrnuf, Rofficster, N. Y. At Cattawissa, o'n tho Kith inst., n't tlm residence of Judge llaldy. by the Rev. J. V. Wampole, Dr. D. II. Donnsifk, of Kingtctwn, to Mis3 P. E. JJayuukst, of Caltawiesa'. At the Lutheran Parsonago in Orango viile, July lib 1803, by Rev . A. Shar rets, Geo. W F.viiVEU, of Jackson, and Victouia Davis, 0. Bentou, Col. co. At the stuno place aud by thu came, July Otli, Tnos E HtdiiES, of B oouu burg, aud Miss Anna Diuesuacii, of Hem lock iwp., CqI. co. On the Otli inst., Mr. LloyoI. Ridei:, to Miss Esther A. Bucheii', all of Eater Furnace. At Providence, on tho 2d inst., by Kev. 0. II. Blcakeiley.Mr. II. U. Giiotz, of Bloomsburg, aud Miss Soimiia 15. Mil. laud, formerly of Town Hill. On the Otli ult, by A." Auimcrman, Eeq,, at thu residenco of Wm. llaltfa brand, iu Fisbiugcreuk Twp., Mr. IIak mo.n IIahtman, to Miss Jane Yonki.-J, both of Sullivan co., Pa. On the 12lh iust., by the Rov. Wm. J. J-Iycr, Mr. Even Elms, to .Miss Hau KtET Kleis, both of Locust twp., Col. co. DEATHS. In Mount Pleasant twp , on the 29tli of Juno, of Dyptberia.son of Henry and Mary Ann Kitchou, aged 8y, 11 111 and 'i day?. At Espy, on Saturday July 11th, 180:i, j Ai.heut, only child of Samuol .. and Martha M. Worman, aged about 1 years. SPECIAL NOTICES. BCTIm Ouiniiii'rriul ('nllt'cc ivlll lio cniulncti'il fiy tin: l'r I), W- l.uucll, nlm l;iKw thu iipurtu nily nf turning Ii i s lira r t y llinnkn m tli'i uihlic fnr tlair lililintl p'itriii.i.'(! Iii'ie twluru Ih'fiuivciI n 1110 hihtituliuii, nml lnvi'fcL lln ir nltriilicin In ilic imprnv iin.'iiu boon lu be iuiiuducvtl iiitu ttic tcvrral ilip.irt- lllflltB, II. W, l.HH'illl. To Xenvoiu ScKKKiii'its or iwtii Purs , rnveren'l cciitlciiitMi liarhiL' buuii riflnn-d tu hinltli in n fur iay. " ""6"iS '.n!iu iimai mutnm anil in-g nr iXpoiiivc moilfa uf treatment uillmut uc-a., l!"" tiu .... f,"N!rM- uagnall, it-o fUiih .trcn. iirunkiu. VHrk- Marili H. " - - j TXAS ' nine uiul for tho i'miccuI Iiiu lit af i tiuus ihmi ,18() n0 nuiiVr wiih Ni-rvmu iKbiiuy, i6. r.i ai..i 'b J'remoturo Decay. &c by nuo wlm liue rurrd Mm suir by siniiile nicam, nltur hchig pm tu urrM ixpfim I.'iiildbin nuc intlfli of tlicir slrkncmi to c(i!i!p. No liuillL'r wIh.tu thu illvoaao may niKnt tu Im vnitnil, lla orinlii may Im trncoil la riipiirouM'il perspiration, ur n ci ild. Crainpii nml luni; runipluiiite nro ilirccl pn'ilnru nl' cuIiIh. In cliort rnlils nrv Ihn linrliiiiucrH (if half tlio ili.uiisi.'d Hint mil ut liinuiiiily, fur 11 1 li.-y nro iimtcU by ilicckvil pcrtpirntioii, nml nt livo cighths nf tlm wnbtu iimtlcr nf tlm lioily i'M-.;ipc llirnueli tin, porci, if tlic.o porim nic cocil, that proportion of dirai' lioccunrlly followi. Kn'i clear, tlisrclore, nf colila uml couclit, Uio front rrtnrmrj nf uiseaHc, nr if con trnctcil.lirunk tln-iu up iiiiinuili.nclv, by 11 timely uo "t MAHA.M1I I'OKTElt's C'UUATlVi: HA1.SAM. I'uhl by all Drun'.'iiitii, ut 13 mt untl 'ii cuutk per bottlu. March II, 1SI1J. rpO COVHUMI'TIVr.-'. Tlia ndvertmur having Iwen X restored to licnlth in ntvvt wctk, by uvury p.'i.plu remedy, urtir kaviis millVred nevvrol )cai witlrs vitu lune nil. ! linn, ami drend dl.i'.im. l onniiinn. tho nuam r euro. To nil ulio 1I1 .iff it.lro will it'Md criuiun u.ii, ro uf cimreu! wit tion. ia miiliMin tu iiuiko kiioivn to Ms fillow-tuHurcru d a enny nf tho lire 1 tho ilircitiuin lor pruuiriuii mid u.ini: the iohiu. whitli ibcv ill llud n nun euro for cuntuoiptiou, nslluin, bronchitis. Le. Tho only object u( thu nilvcrli.iT in aendini; til-' i rcriplinn is to bonrlU the nlllittcd, mid spread 111 u:. tion which lift conrclvds in he iuvaln.ihlo. anil Iiu lioprs very miH'orer will try liis,.reniril), as it will Ibmu uotliiiig, uni iiuy prove 11 lili.'.inr. lior. EIIWAKI) A. Wll.hO, William. hurKb, March ii, 1cC3-Jiii Kinfi County, Now I'vik.