Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 11, 1863, Image 4
SOWINO 0011N FOlt FODDER. In iiuswor to nn inquiry tho Country Gen tlcman saya : Wo havo cultivated corn fodder for many years j and find it all things considered ,tlio most profitable crop wo can raise. It may be sown daring tbo comparative cason of leisure, just alter cdrn planting, and sccur ed nt the next season of leisure just aftor baying and harvesting. After ropcatcdly cropping the same ground, wo are satisfied that it enriches more than impoverishes tho land, no grain being formed, aud n vast bed of root3 romauin Nothing is equal to it for reducing rough, turfy, weedy land, to a stato of elcaulinoas. and good tilth. Wo believe it tho best fallow crop in tho H'orld, to prcecdo wheat. It should never be town broadcast, The imperfections of this mode arc tho chief reasons that tho crop lias not become more generally introduced It requires more seed, and leaves the ground in a fouler condition than when sown in plowed drills. Wo havo tried both ways to our entiro satisfaction its to tho comparative value of each. Ihc following U tho best mode for sowing, cultivating, and scouring tho crop : Plow and harrow the ground as for any other crops 5 furrow it with a one plow, three feet apart ; let a man pass along one of those drills with a half bu?hel basket on his left arm containing shelled corn, and strew tho seed in the furrow at tho rate of about 10 or CO grains to a foot, which will bo about 2. or 3 bushels per aero. IIo will do this evenly with a little practice, as fast as he can walk. If sowed thincr, tho crop will be smaller. We havo found by accurately weighing aud measur ing, that 20 grains-to tho foot yielded only two-thirda tho crop afforded by 40 grains to tho foot. Immediately aftor the sower, follows a man with a oni-horsc harrow or cultivator or with a two-horso harrow, Icngllnvise with the furrow, and covers the sccu. 1 wo men will thus plant sis or seven acres in a day. When tho corn is six inches to a foot high, run a ono horso cultivator between the rows. ThU is all tho dressing the crop needs.. No hoeing is necessary, for the dense growth soon smothers down all else ; and iu tho autumn, when the crop is cut off, the earth is left as clean as a newly plow- fiuld. It is to bo harvested about the first of autumn. If the crop is very heavy or much ''lodged," it is cut by reaping. If titraight and even, a common scythe will answer tho purpose, a little practice en abling the operator to throw it smoothly with the heads in one direction. After partly drying, for a day or two, tbo best way is to tic it iu bundles and put it up in large shocks, although raking by a borss into reveral winrowsfor cooks, might answer well for large fields. It must dry Bomo weeks. It can never bo safely put into largo stacks. The most perfect way would bo to place it in small stacks or long upright rows, under a large shed. Even if the stalks appear perfectly cured after several weeks exposure r they will certainly heat and spoil if stacked iu tho ordinary way, Hence, the st cks must be quite small, freely salted, and well ventilated by means of them or four poles placed upright iu tho center. Wo have found tho stalk to retain a good condition when loft in large, well made shocks on tho field, till wanted in winter. Curing is tho only diflieulty J with this crop, and this ceases when unde rstood. Land that will yield thirty bushels of corn to tho acre, will afford about five Ions of dried fodder. Moist laud is better than very dry, as it is more affected by drowlh than ordinary corn crops. Wo havo not found the cost, lncludm? interest nn tho ! land, to exceed 1 50 per ton for the dried fodder. For soiling, or feeding green, corn fod der often proves of the highest value, when pastures are burned by drowth. For this purposo, it may be sown at different peri ods till mid-summer. lillEUBARR WINE. Trim off the leaves and grind and press tho stalks in any cider mill. To each gallon of juieo add ono gallon of water and six pounds of refined sugar, and fill the casks, leaving tho buugs out A mod erately cool cellar is tho best place to keep it. Fill up occasionally either from juice kept on purpose, or with sweetened wa ter, so that impuritiss which riso io the surfaco while fermentation is going on, may bo wotked off. When sufficiently fer mented, which will require from one to two months, buug tightly and let it remain uu til Winter, when it may be racked off in to other casks, or bottles. Some persons refined it beforo bottling, by putting into caoh barrel two ounces of uiuglass dissolv ed in a quart of wiue. TO PREVENT CHICKENS PROM SORATOIUiNG. G. W. KiUcrinmi, Wapello co. Iowa, writes that all troublo may bo proveuled by tying a forked stick 1 or 5 inches long upon each leg. "Ilavo tho stiek long uuough, so that tbero will bo more weight 011 tho hind part than ou tho fore part, and when the ohickous go (0 scratch they will find themselves walking away, if tho sticks .iro heavy enough behind-" iresh arrival or Spring & Summer fPIli: tins Jut returned from llio f'illci .- Willi another large nrul select nnoriuicl of Sriii- and .Summer 4ools, purchased nt t'hilaiMphin, nt tho Invest figure, rind which ihoy nro determined tu n il on ns moderate tcmu ,n ran ho procured elsewhere. In Ulooinsburg. Ilij stork comprises iidu;v uithss noons, of choicest styles ntitl Inlet fashion, unr goods, M' aitouiuur.s, 11 iimiMiu: iiur.EJtou.mK, mini:, nor.r.oir ijvjkk inox, mils, noons snor.s 1I.1TS ,y C.U'S. fie., Ac , .ye., In short uvi'r) I lilns uiunlly kept In country Storon i) whlrh hu luvilu tho public generally. Tho Highest price- paid for country produce:. S. II. MILLKlt. Munmalmrg, April la, 1FG3. FOll EVERY BODY. TERMS CASH OR I'RODUGti. Jill ronto toll and W Krooninr's t-'loro, Iu Jersey tow n, l'u. wheru j 011 wllliiuil nil kinds of Ury Uoudst tiirli.ii Ladies Dress floods, Print!?, Mucins, OinIiains, I'hiniicld, llaisory, Shawls &o, (rocciiou. Qnccnswaro, Hardware Ocdarwaro, Tin ware, And Drugs. Fish, Meat, Salt, Flour, Tobacco, Sogats, Hats, Caps', Boots, ii Shoes, I HON AND NAILS. In "hurt, everything la generally kept In a caun I ry store. IVu will m il yon good nt fnir priced nml take nil kinds if'ii.nliii... ;ih p.iy-siieh in Itullcr, Lggs, l.rnia, Lumber, ("hnmles, 0.1k plunk, nml iu fact anything tint mi) len.yel.-o win buy nudsil! ngi limp ns run ho sold Iu llio country. Vo w III not b iimlcroltl by Jew or Ce:. tiles, C'omo then ono and all,judgo for your selves. Bring your trade, but don't ask for trust. u& w kuiiamlt.. Jcrscytown, May 2, IfcCS. SAPONIFIED 0 n COXCKNTHATED LYf, THE FMILY SOAP MAKER. Till; public xro cautioned against t tie spurious nrt ic. fes of lt' for making soap, &.c, now oll'ered for snlo. Tho only genuine uud patented lye is that made hy tho Pennsylvania sail luanufiiitiiiiug company, theirttndu mark fur il being "fc'apoiullor or runcciitratod lyo." Tin1 great suecoss uf this urtirlo has toil tinprJucipalcd partn'Bto cmlcuvorlo iniitalo it, in lolutioti of tho t'oinpauyVp.iliints. All iii.iuvi t'arl ii rcr a Luycranr Pcllura of tho spurious lyes, uro hcrtby notified that tho company hat u cm ployed us llit'ir Aitoriiojs, George Harding. Esq., of l'hila., and William Bakcwell, Esq , of Pittsburg. And that all inuniif.icturcrK, users or fellers of lyo, iu violation of ihc rljhta of the Company, will be pros ccutud at once. THE SAPONiFIER, or concentrated lye, is for sale by cers and Country tfiorca. all DraegUts, Gro- TAKL NOTICE! The United Slates Circuit Court, Western district of l'ciiiis)lvania, No. 1 of May term, in IMS. iu suit of tho Pennsylvania tnlt manufacturing company. v. Thou. (!. Chaso ilcrrccd to the Company ou November 15, 1 Mi1-, the llxclunive rlaht (.'rallied by n patent owinl by them for tho faponitler. Patent dated October ill, icou, lcrpeiuai injunciion nuariien. THE PENNSYLVANIA O F FED SJS: 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pitt St. and Duqucnsc Way, Pittsburg. May 2, l!l,-3ni. P.II ILADEL P II I A.- PAPER HANGINGS lIOWnLL & 1I0UHICIJ, Corner fourth and Market Streets. Philadelphia, have now in block, a lino variety uf WAI. I. BAP Ell S, Cot up expessly for their t'prin? Trade. wi.vuow r.u'Mtt or Kvr.ity nn.i)i:, o which they invito tho atteniii,n of f torekcopers, O" In their rctallopartment, will ho loundtho choicest Ftles oftlio don. Marrh 7 liti'J a 11103. seas SCHOLAKSIIU'S FOU SALE. rittsbureli Commercial College. lllnshamptiii " Crittenden's . ' " l'hlladolphia. t-tratlon.Ilryant c Co.. " Tlioso Scrips, are liiainouiitu of 513 and .ell) and nro insomuch cash, by tho titudunt on 1 ntrinirc'ither ofth e hvo Ciillcoi. Young mdii d'siirimr louUaiu .1 liiii.l!. 1 Collesiato llducatloii, will here liuJagood tpecula Hun by applying ut thu olllco ol'iha Nov. 1.10.'. COI.UMIIIA DU.MOCK'AT. TINWAHE & STOVE SHOP. mill! unilerslciieil reBneclfollv inforins ..i.i r,in,,.i J. r.nd cin-tomera. that ho has purclnaod hii brothe'rn nterest in tho above entablirhuient.niidthi. concern wild iieiuaiirr no coiuiucieo ny nim&ell exclusively, Ho has jut recelvcil ami offers for 1..1I0. tho larir ct and most cxtenvlvu nortnient 1 f i'ANCV a'J'D V JJH ever lutrmlULi d into ilii. Ilia stock consists of a complcto mmnrtiiieiit of iicsi. v'iuiin iinu iiuriur iiove 111 ine 111 irui-t, ti'Ketfi. cr'witli Hlovo l'ixtures of every dccriptimi. Oven and llox Stoves, Uadiatom, Cylindar rlovos, I'ast Iron Air. '1'isht ttove, Cannon Stoves, tec, ice. flovcpipo and '1 iu",lu ' "rl?""o "11 nnim nun mauuiai iiireu 10 order. AH kinds (if repairing dune, as Usual, on short nofiee. Th patronage of old friends and now curtomors re pcafnlly solicited. A. M. KUTUltT. HloouiKburg, November 3J ISCO.-tf. TEE DISEASES OF 'ERROR. (Lu Mahvlka tVEmur.) JOHN B. 00 DEN, M. D author and publisher of (he above woi k, do lion by piomiseA; q aunt to si mi Ireo nl'rhari-'o tuanv oiin.r m.,ti ,v o.. will write for it, a copy for pirusal. The pre per uf mui'kind is Man. 'Jliis vulualdu work is insuoil ,c sent forth for tho bonutt of Riiil.-nuir huiuauity, if itlli 111 iinple lamuace 011 all the ilucasei of llrror, iiiiIii 1I111K soiiiiual Weakness, Nervous ikbiliu, iiiilijjeetiun Jlelaiuholy, lii.anily, Wastnig dimy, lmpot uey, Kr. lliMiiff safe. I'vuily. ami ollVitual proeriploin for their pentunuut i iirc, together w ith much ah able iu. formation. All who favor mo with 11 iksire to road my work bhall receive u tamplo copy by return mail, free of ciurge. Address juit.v u, oannv, si, d. , . , .V CO Nassau at.. N. Y. .May S3. K-03-3m. ELOOMSPURCi SKYLIO UT, rTMII! undersigned informs the rill.eiiB of llloom. X nud neighborhood, that he has lain 11 the largo room in tho llichuugo llock. extending over Moors. Mom r 1 tc i'ox's llakery, and the llookstoro where he has put in n largo fikvllfl I. It isouly by Hk) light that iiood pie-I ores cun heti ou especially groups where each person uu be lakenj 1st as well us separate. Jluhasguu to considerable expense o uiako his ca I iiblislimeut first class one, ami hu tin refine solicits a herulpalro auo tin liable him. tncoiistnutly iutrodiico 1 llio mode a improvements of the art. r" Cuin .7 produce taken 111 I'.nchaugo for pictures 11UNRY JtOiDNSTOCiC. liloouisbarg, Nov. '.'3 lcCl, Nov. 0 'Si mi.UAM G. PERRY, DOOK.SELLER. Stationnr. 71001;- O biiiJers, Ulank book maniifiieturer, nnd Dealer iu Imported ami American Btallouery. Soulh West cor. 4lh & Ituco 81.." riilladelnhla Persons visiting tho city, or sending orders will do well to lake 11 iiismoruinluiu of the noove Address. Thu slock is large and well assorted, f rices Utm. i'llolocilurn AcuuJsi. Selling from liticluloiji) each. Thonewcst tlyles and largest asiorliueiit in the City, Win. (J. PERRY, Pnblishtir, 3. W. cor. UU L llacc ttu., I'liilailUiiUla mm nn mm wmm wnu m t i wl inn uu K3 lir5 mrnaiita m-i,,tiintni Ti rJLS QdiSAV OliiuVyLEuOV ' uu.uu u-jiujt-iuy u FOR TITTi. D ., m , - . 5t f 1 T SI T i f) 5J V -J J 3 J UJ a J V AS AND Till! rou D I A B E T E S AND 1)1SI!ASI:h OI'TIIH These Vangtroitf ami Troublesome Diseases, whltMiace tmsfar Insisted IU hesl directed Treatment can fo Cimj'ltljly aiitrolteil lythe HKMV.DYttou liroreutt Tin: ciniATivr, properties of llio tneitlrlnc illicit tin mselvcs loiho or- ir.iusol sirret 011, uiidbv so alteriiii the rniiilliiii 1,1' 1110 Momnru nn.i ner 1 11:11 1110 starcliy prlm lplu erthe mm. u i 1, hi L-niivt;rieii nun sugiir so lung as llio s) stem is under the iulliu ncc of tho t'u.Nsmtmo.v WATi'.it, which itlvn thoso orenns lime tn recoicr their knnliin, tonii nml ijror. Wo nrenblo to state that tho Constltii., Hon Water has cured in cry casuofDIabelesin whiih it lias oeeu given. . STONIS IN Till! llIiAIIDl'It.CAt.Ct'M'r', (UtAVlll. IIUICK DUST Iint'OdlT, AM) .MUCOUS (lit Mtl.K V )Ir!CIIAI!(U:d Al'TDll L'KINATI.VU. Diseases oirurluit from one and the same i.iusn ultl lie entirely cured bj the Conslltutlon Watnr, Iflnkrn I'm any lentth of time. The dose should vary with tho Hcerily of thn disease, from tweniy drops to a tea. spi'onlul three times u day, Iu water. During the pas niKooftlij Calculus, the pain mid urueiil stiiiplums should ho combated with the proper remedies, then folloueil up with tho Constitution Water, as above ill ret mil. inriMIINOUIIArUA, OU I'AINrUI.t, MllttsntUA Ti ON, AND IN Mi;.Ul!llllA(IIA Oil Woman fl.OWIXO, lb. Ill diseases nrisin from u fliully secretion of inn mcii'lriial llaid -111 tho one nine hciiiptno little, and! hy severe pain ; aul Ihc other'.! loo pro- nise scrreuou, Miiiu win 00 speeuiiy cured by Hie Coutililtiou W.ller. Tl'.u ilik- ae known :h I 'A M.I Mi til' Till', Wi (Ml!, whirli Is thuresult of.i rolavaliou of th 1 lieameuis of tiiat organ, mid is known hy a si usool he.iiiie olid ilrat'iiU't; pains In tho bark mid fides, and at times mA comp.iuii:d by p l.'u iiiniinjr or shootliii: pains Ihrouiih the inits, w III, leull r tes. he removed hi ihe modleim'. There is auiither class orHympl s .iiI-iiil' from III- Itl l'A I lux lit' Till; WUMII, which physicians (all Nerxousuess, wllicll word covers on nun ll ienoranre. nml iu nine eases oat of bm tho doitor does "not really know w hi ther llio symptoms are the dic.'ii.c. or the disease the syieptoim. Wo enn only eliumerale them here, t speak more pan.cularli ol'Coldl'iet, t'alpila tiou In the Heart, liup.ired .Memory, Vakefiiliies,rhih ea of Ileal Lanjuor, Latitude, aud lliuiue.sof Vision. HL-iTi;i:st?i:D mi:xstiiuatkj.v. Which iu lb" uuiii.iriied female is a ronstaut rerurrinj: disease, and through neglrct the n'eds of moru t:ra and d.'iuiierous maladies arc the result; and as month niter month passes without an cll'ort briny made tn n. sist nature, thu suppression becomes cluoiiie, ihe pa tient uradiiallv her annetiie. tlie liinvets nn. consiiputcd, niriil sweats como ou, and 'cuiniaaj'liiin iiuaiil ciius III I kiiiuer. " .i:ucoitittn. on wnrrns. This diseafc-dcpcuih upon nu iatkimatlon of mucous linini: of the vagina and w omb. It is iu all casus ac companied ,y pain iu tho haik. nrrross the bowels and thrnuuli thu hips. A tensimunfol of the mcilicinemay hu taken three times a ilav. u 11I1 1111 in. Jietlon ofa tablesiioouful of Ihe medicinn!, mixed With auaii-piuini sott water, moruiugnndeculu. lltltlTATIUN or Tin; ni;ckoi' thu iu.auoix ini-i.a.matiov or Tin; kidnhyh and ca TAituii or Tin; iiladdiu:, strancuuy AND lllfllNlNfj OU 1'AlNl'Ul, UUINATINC, I'or these diseases It Is truly n sovorci;u remedy, nml too iiMiclr cannot ho said iu its praise. A single doeshas been know to relive the mofct urgent syptoms. Are vou troubled with that distressme 11.1I11 in Hm small of tho back and through tho hips! A tenspnont'ul a day of Constitution Water w ill relievo you like magic. roll DYSl'UPritA, It has no cnu il in relieving the Most ilistrcs3iii; sinn- I01113. Also, llead.irhe, Heartburn, Acid Ktmu.ich Voni ltlns I'oo.l, &c. Taken teasphoaful afler dinner' The doso in all cases may bo increased if desired, butehould be done gradually. PHYSICIANS Have Ions since given up tho use of Imchu. rubrbsnml juniper iu thetrcutmcntnfthese diseases, audonlyuse luemiot iuiu 01 11 oeuer remeiiy. CONSTITUTION WAlTlt . Has proved itself o'lunltotho task that lias devolved upon it. munrrics Irritate and drench the Kidneys, nml by constant use kuou lead toclironiu degeneration ami co.ilirnied dis ease, Mead. Read, Read. Danville, l'n., June 2 l-n-3. Dr.W.M. 11. (;nr.nn Dacr Sir: In I'tbuary. ihiji, I wasalllicieil wtth tin- sugar diabete,aud for l.vo luimths I parsed iiioro than two gallons of w utT 111 twenty-four hums. 1 was oh'ij,'eil to set up as often ten or twelve times diiriu;,' the nielli, aud iu Ih 0 months Host about fitly pounds iu weiftth. Durniuc llu liiunth of July. If tit. 1 procured two hottles of Constitution Water and iu twodays aftor it I experienced relief, and after taking two hottles 1 was entirely cured, soon niter regaining iny usual t'ood health. Yours truly. J. V. I, Di; WITT. IIo jton Corners, N. Y., Dec. S7, leni. Win. II. Orcgg Co.: (Juuts: I freelygivo you liberty to make uso of the follow nig t'irtilleate of tho value of Constitution Wa ter, w Inch I can reccouuueiid in the highest manner. My w ife, who u as attacked with pain 1 11 tho shoul ders, whole length of the back, mid in her limbs, with Palpitation of the heart, attended with falling of the Womb, Dysmeuojrhoea, aud "Irritation of the Iliad dor," I tailed a physician, who attended her about three months, when liu lelt Iut worse than he found her, I then eiuplo cd ono of thu best physicians I could tlml, who aamided her for about nine months, and while she Alas under his euro she did not sillier ipiite as much p.iiu ; he liually gavo her up ami said : "her case was loanable." I'ur, taid he, "she w as such II combination ofcoiniilaiuts, that ni'diiiuo civen for one opor.iles dgriiitsl some otlu r ol her difllruities." About this 1 imo bhe cumiuemed to use Co.isinuri 1-4 Weicil, ami to our utter ahtoui.hment, almost tho fir.-t dose seemed to hav 0 the dsireil effect, aud site on improving rapidly uder us treatment, nml now super intends en'irely hi r domortic nlf.iirs. !. has nut ta ken any 01 the Cos- ituims W vi tn for about four weeks uiul ut uro happy lo say that it lias produced a perma nent cure. W.M. M. VAN KnXSCHOTHN. Millkoud, Coxn., Nov, 19, 1EC1. Da. W.'i.II.Ritrnn ; kvif I huvofor several years been afflicted with that tooublesomaaud daasorou disea.o tirav" I. w hn h rctUlcd all remedies ami dm tors, until I took CoNsniurioxAi, AV.m ru, timl you m.iy he assured that I was pleased with thu result. II h is cntin ly cured ui". nudjou may make-any uso of my iiami'jou may seo fit in regare to the medicine, us 1 havo entire coullilenee iu Ut ellicucy, Yours Irnlw I'OMI sflioNU, TlinSU AUK l'ACTP I'.NUL'fill Thero is iioclao of dicniies tiiat produce such r. hailing etfeets upon the liuinnii i iim-niutiiiii as Dia betes and ill.ensi s of the Kidneys, lllaildernml Urina ry I'aasagos, and thrnush u false modi-bly ihoy are neg. IcctLd until they uro soadniuceilas In ho bcyoiul thu ceulrul uf ordinary romedi is, and wo present the CO.Vtf lTTUTiO.V WATi;it To the publlowith tho ronvirlionthatilhas nnriiial iu relieving thu class of dircai-os for which it has been found so eminently successful iu curlu, ; iiud wo trust thatwo shallbi) lonardodiu our eil'urts nt oluiiim so aluublu rcnedy in a form to ?m.ct tho r -'iuirumeiils uf patiiui nud plij .man, roil BAt.iuY Aj,i.Mii'i:i;ir,Tri. rinccsi, W.M. II. OKOUiJi; .'i CO,. I'loprieiors Morgan & Allen, Ceneial Agents, J-.'o. -IU C'llll' M', New-York, Hept. SW. 1bU-.. Jim. EVANS & WATSON K.l,.MAMli:r. H.M'Cri, It 13 MUViUI to .V11. IHAuirfA l'ourlh tjtmt, Vhilatleliiktii, havo oil und a huge nssortment of i'lro Thief proof ralam.iudcr H.if. s, l-o, iron doors, for hanks nml slores, iron shutters iron sinh, ull iiiakts of locks eipiallo any mudu III the Vnllcil State. lee Safes 111 oun fir), .111 came out right; tilth con ii.m IH 1-...'., ivfoi.iiun, Tim rialamaudur tkifes of Philadelphia against llio world. EVANS & WATSON, havo had llio surest doiiiiistrnlioii lu the following cer tificate that tlHr inauiif.ti ture of Hnlaiiianiler Hates 'lint nt length fully warranted the representations which hac been made of them ns rendering an undoubwd necuruy against the lurillc element, t'liil.nlelphla April 12. l".',S. Messrs .Vans ll'dtion: (ieiiteuen-li nll'orils lis the highest satisfaction to state , to you, that owing M the very iiroleilivo qualities of two of the ralumaiider, Bafos which we purchased if yen some live luouih kinre wo saved u large portmn of Jewelry, and all our books, tec., exposed to tho calumnious, liro ill Itaiutead placo uu the morning nf the 11th lust.. hen wo rellect f list tbeso safes were located in the t0!1'"' ,""'"r n'!'"i luiltlne wo occupiod and that Ihoy I '' " sl','""l'enlly liilon heap of burning ruins, wherw the vast cmiitntrut 011 of tho heat caused the lirnss oltttes 10 nieli, xve cnniioi but regard the preservation of tholr x-al niildn contents ns most coin inciiig proof of the grout se curity n denied hy your sates. We shall teke great pleasure in rocoiiuneiidiiiB Ib'iui. men of business s a sura lelinuro against lire. (JDUIiCj; V. HULIIONS K IlltO., Jil.rj, f-'i'hoy have mine titirciiujcil ;u largo Hafea. July i'l), Jill.', Anjujt i. hUi il OTATIJ vrEAE:i? as it nn rnAciiEn is tiibim rTATH hy rtcc- i urivn AssutrrioN anii nxini mi: or nn run v rewtn jjy n. a. maji'jjny: 1 OSR Of ITS VICTIMS "It Is importntit that llio lialilts 01 Uilnklug lllti free comitiy lin.1l,l In.plrecnution in 11 entrusted with ll iidmlnUtratlon, lo confine them Ivos wllliln their respective spheres, nvolillntf, Iu . excrcioo of tho pnnrrsof onn ilcpatlnicnt to encron li upon nnothi r. The spirit of encroachment tend ti consolidate tin l"wcm of nil the depmtments in in . nml thus to ere- nte. whatoverbe tho form or novo lent, a real Iks- potisiil."-VASiiiNuios. "CllnjtStho Constlliitlou, ns tb tier cliuits to thn last pl.iuk, wli 1 pest closo around hlin," Dankl CAtir.ETOM, l'nbllihnr, 413 T' li'y" .Mr. Mnliony'a hook With Iu tnihlislied this week, April 1, 1HU.I. -hlpwricked marl ileht and thj tern- IISTCB, way. New York, ubuvo lido will bo .5 VI s;. -;...It!,-7,;1 lrAS.l. rTSi ,--!Sjj.!it'ic' jV-a-.-.S w mhwj I., -j:.- T'lll! under, Ishe.r ti ,1150 extensively engaiied In Hi" -I UHfltrlaUiip Vti.triixs, aud keepscou-taully 011 liautl lid for sale ut his Wurcinoms, a Luge iissiulmeut of FINISHED (ggai OOFFLVS, lly who h he is euiil.leil to nil orders on piesentaliou Keeps a eon, I llnrsoiiih! Ileorso, mid will at III times be reuly to.ilfml l'uueriN. r'IMliN C. BIIIVK.'rg, January U', lJi'.l LJlIiUli ARltlVAL OF New S j)ring& Summer f O O M S AT FETEll ENT'S STORE, ix i.irtnv sTitr.v.v, ch.vmm,i cou.vrv, i'jj, rj AH just rceh ed Irom l'hilmlelihi,i, nml is univ J mil uing m the old si.iinl l ite.v occui'ied bv MurU ti l'.nt, a i-ilcnilid n'sorlmeut nf 1 wi; ftVj eM g& ga,; M 5; j whifhwill bo sold (heap lor OA.ylI OR COUNTJIY PRODUCH. Ills stockconsltsol"I,adii!s Dress tlooils choiceslslj les and latest fashions C ui ices, iMusliiw, Ciiiighatns, Flauuel:", Carpets, Bliatvls', ' HoMisry, NtlLs, RKADY MADE CLOTHING. Casbimerc?, Satinets, Cottoiiado, Kor.tuchy Jeaus, Threat, cVc. Croeories, Qticcnswarc, CciLirwaro, Ilardwaro, Jlcilieincs, Drugs Oils, Paints, Arc.' LOOTS ci SHOES. HATS k CAPS. In short .5vcry tiling u'tstiy Kept in a country store 'Phe patronage of old fiieuds. aud tho public'gencral ly, is respectfully t-o.itiied. The highest market price paid for country produce. i'i;ti:u i;xt. Light Street, May 3D. wa. FILES II AllR IV A -or www &MT-mimrm 0 iffW EVERYBODY 1 iuii 111 1 ur ui" iiitiiMiiiii'i iinti in'' illuiit'lfCm.r.'tliy that In Inn Jtit-t ri rcivoil from tho JJitstcriic tititib, tli liirretiuul most solett ttuck nf Spring and Siuamcr, That has y.l been opened iu lllnomfhurg, to which h invil"s tho ntteiitiou of his. f.i.'ud., and as-ures then Unit they an; olleied for sale nt gnat bargains. ID rUutl- compiises a large assortim ut op ciiNTi.UMK.Vri wi;.i:inc APi'Ai:i;r Conristiiig of i'.vhiiiriNAm 1: Diu.s Coa-js, of eierv tie criptioii! Pants, Vi sts, Whirls, Cra.its rUocl.s, C0II011 llaiiUKercuicis, i.iov es. r:ut-icnt!Lr, ,ve. GOLD WATCHES A N I) JEWE HY, OfeverydeierlptUui, flue and eiie.ip. N'. II. Uememljer " J.otet tibcr's ,Vhrap llmnorium call and sec. ftu charge for ex.imiiig UooiN. DAVID J.UVVlIMlllUlt: lllooliii-burg, March '.'. l-i;3. (June- ldj',1.) Lackitw;miiu a tiioomsbur Rai!rontl Ox ami Ai'pr.u Afini. i, ifa, i'As?rft;(iui; T1IAIXJ3 Wll.l. Ut'N Art l't;i.l.OVis: M OV1K (J I.ciivo r-cranloii, " Hiiifrslou " lanomsbitrj' " liupert, " Danville, Airivu at riurthumborlnnil, M O Y 1 N (! I.eavo Korthtimbctt.iHd, " D.inlllo, " lliin rt. ' Mouinsburg " Kingston, Arrive at r-eranton, H O U T II. l'aisci'gcr. Jlrcom. :i.u.l : A.M. II.UIIA.M o.lo Arrive Iv'.ai v si IVU V.-li A.M l.H NO it Til 110 V. M. ft. I II 5. t.j S..VI . f.w i.r. p, ,m ti.w r. M, :i:n A I .o-scuger I tain nlrob ives luugslou ui c.'UA.M for . iuiiioii, to eouiiei t xvilh Irani 1 ir new York. U- turning, le.u-i s m-iuhioii 011 urrnai ui Tram lim.i iSeiv York ni 4.V0 1'. M. The Lackawanna nnd lllonnuburg rnnneits Willi Ui" Heine, are, l..ii'Kaxx ,11111.1 ami l rn Jl.ti I ro.'i .1 lit r-crnnioii, tor rexv x orK nn.i iiiicriueiiuite puinls xi unpen 11 coiniecis xviin me 1 aiiawtssa lliinro i l.lor poiui,, both east and xiest arriving nt Philadelphia ut 7.110 I'. M. At Nort.iuinberlaml it run-north xx III) tho Philadelphia fediill. 11. nud C It. It. for ooiuis nl nml hooiIi I P. t.-eiigers arriving at llarrisburg I SU P M. i'hil mklplu.i IU 1'. M baltlmore IU.-.11 P. M, (;r.U. II. Ul'T,i'n' J C. Wells. Oen't Ticket A-Lflt. Kingston Apn! If. lti.3. fORO HOTEL, Rlonmsburg, Columbia County, I'cnna. GLAS DODSON) Propriclor. ri'akespleinuro in announcing to the public that he .1 has taken and thoroughly refitted tho Turks Hotel li rnierly occupied by Hubert llugenbui h, Ulooauburg, nud is prepared tn uccomodute travellers, teamsters, drovers and boarders. Mis tnhlu will hi supplied with host products thu marki is all'urd, nud his liar will bo constantly furnished with tho choicest Inpiors, I 'A largo amlcomiiiodioiis stable has been ererted, with 11 convenient stable iitlachid. Attcntivn o. tiers will alwa) s he luiitloiitinuro, and he tiu.u his obliging aiieni 1 nn to customers will a. euro him u libsrul share cf pali linage: riluoiucburg, I'u..Nov. i!9, WI. JJLA.N1C IS! LLANKS! ! Qf every ilcbcriptiou, for sale ut litis oHio mm ECONOMY IS WEALTH OU E YOUH GOUGII FOR in OENTS The lest uni cheapest H(utchoM remedy in the World, MADAME ZAD00 PORTKIl'S madahi: .a doc rcrt- TI'.ll'H I'linillVd llnlinui Is (vnrrnntcd if used in thu direltlnlH, htl Coughs AVhoopln' t.'onxh, Astltiua nml all Mtectious of tho throat and l.dngs, Mndaino X.ndnc porter's llnlsam i prepared with nit the rcqiilsllu skill, from a cciiibinalinu of the bet rem edies tho vegetable kliiadom nlfords, Its remedial quali ties arc h.irod on li power lo ii'sl.t the healthy circu lation nf tho blootl, through tho 1. 1111:11. It Is not .1 vie. lent remedy, but rmoilcnt warming, searching and elf citivcj can ho lakcn by tho oldest person or thu young cat child. MndaiiiZaJoc Porter's bal sam has In en iu tic by tho mblic for over le years, and ns ucirlreil Its prusenl siili; -imply nyneing reionimen. led lit tho-e w ho have used -it to their utlllctcd friends ami others. Mot Important. MadamnZailoe Toner's Ciiratlvo llalsam is sold nt n pile ' wliirli brings it in the reach 1 of every pile tn k. .p it convenient for use. The tliun ly uso of ,1 single boltla will proto lo bo worth KM times IH cost. I NO PIi !;. Pave your money I Do not bo persuaded 1 10 pi,r. ii ne nrliib s at t to 91 whlih do not contain 1 tho Irtit 'S of 11 111 cent holllo of Mailaoio Port, r's ('11. 1 ratlin llaNnm. tbecnsl of lii.inuf.icturlnj w I1I1I1 is lis great n almot any ollmr medicine i and the very low prer.e 'it which ft Msold, in Pens th" profit to the sell or uppi.ntly sinnll, nml uiiprlnnlp ile.l ileali rs w H somen mes recommend other medicine-, nu w birh I heir proiits are larger, linles Ihc cuMmuers insist upon bn Ini' Madame Porter's and none other. Ask for Madame Porter's Curative price 13 cents, and n largo bottles at 'it neuts, and take 110 other. 1 'Hold by nil Druggists and Htorckecporc at I3cts. at. J in larger bottles ni 'J.i cf nts, HAM. k ItUCKUi:, t'r prlttors, Now. York, Janutry 21, lJi"l. WES'J'SJ US K ESO'J C;Bi, Nori. 9, 11, i:i, 15, 17 Couitlantlt Street;, N'D.Ml IlltO DWAY, NKW YOUK CITY. This old-esl ibliihnd and favorjto retort of the Ilusl ness f oiiuiiuuit has been recenlly r"liiti d, ami Is plele in ctcr.l thing tli'it enn iiilhiner to the lolllforts of its patron I. idles and lauiilics arc specially and care fully provided for. it i centrally locale. I in the bu limss inrt of the 1 Hy, nud is conligiiieis lo tho principal linos of steamboat's, ears, oimiibusses ferrier, A.e. In rons.'vienco of the pressure caused by tho Itebel Don, prices lute been reduced to One Dollar at d I'ifty C cuts per Dai, The table is amply supplied with nil the luxuries nf IhcH.uson.oiid iscpiul to that n any other hotel iu the couiiliy. Amplu accommoilatious are ulcered for upward of -It'll "l.M. I j Do not believe ru nners. hackmen, and others w hu may raj "thu Western Hot' I i foil.'' 11. 11. wi.cni;3Ti;r., froprirtor. runs. n. wixciiutsTi:!!. I'eb. I."., IKO'.'. 'Ihe New ommrreuit Ruitdings arc locu led opposite ' Court House, corner of Court and Chcmmo-Strcets. This College is in no wav connected with aim other Institution. the energies of thij entire lacultv arc exclusively do. voted tothis. riiude'ign ofthls Institution isto alien! to Ynom .Men nu opportunity for acquiring a Thorough 1'raclteat asuicss jMucniiva 'ihe Hooks and bonus are rarefollv,l l.e Practical Accountants, epresly for this Institution, ami the course of Instruction is soch In combine Theo ry and 1'iaclKC, cni.T.KfiiA'i'i; couitsi;. This Course cuibr.iCLs Ihioh-Ki.eiiiug n all lis de partments, I'eiinmausbip.Commi rcial .Vrilhmetic, Hits Iness Ciureppoiideiae, Commercial I, aw, Po'itieal licoii umy, I'miimercial lithics, Partnership eillemeuts, llu tciliug thiunterfciled and nlurei! Hank-Notes, Jtc ine rpeoceriaii rsysii.-in 01 reikuoiaii-uip is taught in ill its varieties, hj the most skillful iiinriers of the art. The I'ook-Keenlug department is under tho ,iie,.i,,i pupirvislonund inttrittlion ol thu Principal, 1). W. I.UWMX. f! I'A P. I! A I. 1 f . I'O It M A T I o N'. Simlents caiicuter at any timo ; 110 varation. ITsual timo to coiupletethe C,iure, fromCto IgwieKs. Avr-is-tance rendered to graduates iu proiuriug situations. Cradiiates arc pri aonted with 1,11 elegantly cnjrrat ed Hi- pluma, CT?" l'"r oatalogue of to pages, specimens of penman shlp, &.C., em.lo-.e two letter htaui.s -nod address D. IV. liHWllI, I., Principal. August 3U, Iffe. MayH, t-l. lain. CRITTENDEN'S PmLiliELPlIM VOIUIUEKCIAL. COLLEGE, A7. E. comci i 7th and Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. Tins ItsTiTHTinv, which was established. In If II. aud Is now consi-iuoiitly 111 the enthtcmth iicnr f its exist once, miuib -r among its graduates, hundreds of the iuotsuccessful Merchants and llusiuess .Men of our Country. TunOiuiiT nf thn Institution is solely toallord young men taeiuiics inr iii"iimii preparaiiou lor o.isincss. The llRANXiirs TAi'mtTare, JlLcli-heephr, as iipplira hie tothe vaiioiis departments of tr.ido; I'etimansliiii; Cvmmfiu:! lam, M.i'I.e vl'tttes, .V111 lisatian Cinl J'uliiccrliig, JJrutciit'', J hull. to.nrpi.w, mi .ljacri j.aiiiojrcs. T11: iSvsTKM or Issruicrriox is p'cullar ; no classes or set lessons are made 11-u of, hut each student is taught Individual!!', hoihathe may couimem-eat -iny tunc. anil aiieiio ui w uiuever uours are 11101 cou uiiieui. '.coiiuES areissiieil ai(i'after the l.tth of April containing namas of the student for Ih 1 year, and full paiticul.irs 01 terms, sr., ami may hu ohlniucd ai any 011111 oy iiuoresniij ine 1 iiociiai. Is CvrnxsivK Ai iomiooi'ilons, tri'lc-siirctid repittitioii and th- leutlii trperleutr of ihe 1'ri'ir'pnl, tbi lustitu tlonoil'i is facilities superior toauy other in the mini, try, forMiung men wishing toprip.tro for business, ami to obliiiu at the 1 itine timo a mei.n'tij rrhirh itll jirori it ricommcmlotioii for them them to any Merckau tile House. fl -Cnm sii's-Cfrif. 0 Treatises on rnntcKri I' ISO. now noro wiilelycirctilateiltliaii any other tvotk uu Ihe subject, uro fur sale nt tho College. s, uummd cuiTPiixDnx, .'Htoriieij-al-I.ttK, l'litNCtrAt.; Jan. '.M.ISO'J I Jm. NATIONAL C03I.1iEIHl.lL COLLEGES 1 H l.dCATHD T.N' PHILADELPHIA, . Ik CCilN r.ltVTII AND Clir.STNCT STS A'tiy York City, Rrco.lyn, Albavtj, Troy RvJJ'ulo. Ue'roif, (Itvcland, Chicago, and Si, Louis, nnol;.keepng, Penmanship, Commercial ArltlltiielH Commcrriai Law, t onus, Correspondence, &c, piuct cally taught. 'I liesu Colleges being under the same general and lo cal management, nml uniting in each thu advantage of all, oiler greater facilities for imparling linlrucl 1 th in any other similar institution in tho country. A riihol.irshlp issued by uuy one it goad iiinll fci it unlimited lime. The Philadelphia College has been recently cnlait nud n llirnisheil in a supi rior manner, nud istinwtl I largest nml uio.t prosperous Coiumcirlal liuiitutieu 1 1 the h'tnto. l!rant k firatton's series of Text Hooks, cmbrac llnnk-kceplng. Commercial Arithmetic, uiul Coniluer for sale, and sent hy mail. LO"" l'ur ful 1 pniliculurs8ciidfor u circular. Uilobcr 1c. leuJ P.'ui. Slmciicau g loijcL (Opposite Inufenuenic Hall,) ciii:BTNUTSTitni:T,nr.Twi;i: t utii&hixtii, l-IULJMKI.I'lll.l. WYATT d IICUI.IXOB, I'roftltlm t. N'ovcmber SO, IHftt, tMnrch 13, 1851 DISSOLUTION. The pnrtner.blpliorctuforo existing between tho un iler.iued, in llio Mercantile llusiuess. was dissolved upon tho 1st day of April, IHKt, by mutual content. All persons indebted tu thu l.ile firm, uro resur .led tu mike early srlllemeiit. Tho books are iu Ih. hands of V. V. Uyer.Kl the t'lore. f. II. Mil, I, Ml, I' C EV12U Jilovinsburt', April 1 ', 1Ui3.-3iii. I IF 0U WW'S TO BUY YOUK Cheap Spring Goods, 00 TO I I'rcflsy's Store, iu Light lilrccl, Pa. mm KINDS OP GOODS!: cabiooe, JlUSilX, SILKS, 0 INGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, liefitty-M'-iclo Glotliing Sugars, Molitsrcs, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, . Fish, Salt, Uacou, 1, i i Hums, jiuiu, r 1.1,.-.. .'rcpars, lJoot", J- UUUVUUi Hats Cap?, ti., Shoes, Oils, I'llilltS, iVO., iVO. In nilditlnn 10 our large stmk of Dry floods, wo havo f large and full assortment of Ready Mudu Clothing nor Mi 11 and Hoys wear whirh wo nro ilelermlued tu sell cheaper Ih 111 ran he bought elsewhere. Call and see, and jui go for" j ourselves. ' II. V7. CltUASY ti CO, Light Utroet, March 1, 18lin. AVAR PRICKS OYER I SECOND ARRIVAL 0 r AT THE STORE OF J J.B OWE 1 1JL00MS15URG, PA. ij' Jhn Ins jii'ii rectived. nml I- now npening a prime SrV stoehof N'ew IJoods friuii the Da.tiru maikels, which w ill tt s'dd li w fo't-ash or produi e. l'P.INT.Vat Kl, id, If, '.HI, 2:, mill S3 rents, Rrown cv Rleai'hcd JIuslin, at "0, 2, 33, and 40 cents I)c Litiiirs, 1 Italics, and Dress Good's, a Jidlkitpph nt is, nr, anil up to 50 ets liAL'lJ'.cj' Ul'l'U.A L'JjUTil rou DnSTEIJS. A'so. a lre-h supply of GROCRRWS, SI' ICES, j'C. Alo, a leirgc lot of QuisEXSWAUE. Cr-DAUWAUt;. HAllDWAItn. and Stouowarc, Boots and SIiocs , And all kind 1 trv store f Merchandise u.-mially ! pt 111 a coitn- Call and cenmino .May li, lfi.:i, No charge for showing Ooods. MRd'H'lE THE 1)0('U.UK.TS the Dcriiocnilie Leader, A double sheet weekly Democratic Journ al, oj Eight posies and I'orly Eihs Columns ol reu d'ui'j: m iticr. Th? attention of the Ilemorracv of Pennslvanii and of cth.r Mati s, is called to tho iiiinurtancu of extend ing the li iculatiou ofllio Wlir.KI.Y DllMOCIJ.VTlC I.I'.Alir.H. Ily so 1 Mi nsively 1 Irenlatiug in-wspipers. (while the I Democrats hu e been e.nnp.ti.iiui ly imlitlereni to this ! method of iuileenciog th p ildic lui'iid,) the rtboliiioii- j iM-.11.iYu Miiii.ii.-o ui 10. nuiii; in. ir iiiono.r 110 110 few Xew I'.nglauil fau.illet-to a parly which now con lr'ds tho nation! 1 it not tune tor the deuioi r.d-. to n wako Ion seuee 1 1 theuecus.lty forreaching Ihw' i.iiuds of the people THE DEMO RA TIG L EA DEll K nml win nmliuuo to In a Hrm ;iml fcil"9B mlvoi if! of t iiinirntt pniitiplfH mnl o' Hi" mtcnht- -l Ili' I ji p.nty. tin: ln--t in-an- rl iri mn'Miji the inl'T ti of th i iriuilr. It w i'l nuiiit tin 11 huld iippn fcith iu t' fill i-ii' 111 1 1 - nt 1I1 prim ipli-s t' tint N'aliuiml (JoiiftliU.liun ni tli nlils i l' Hi" p pU-, nml will itibibt iipui; tlh liiiiitilaiiKiiici il th i,u-iUiti.ii an it is, ami tho jrcttoratiuii 1 1 lliu Vuu ns u.iruUias lift it. Tin! lcai!rr, ht'tlilcs furiiihliiug Political News, and expressing its own xiews thereon, xx ill contain all the General ncivs of the Day, Together with Miscellaneous reading, Poetry, Stories ' .vuei uoius, Agrtcul'ural Jlultcr, Religious Iulclligonco, Ooninieicial lntellicnep, IMarki't Reports, ami all ciitti matteras is requisite to coiiFtitututu a Pirst Class Family Newspaper. It will he contri led by no elhpie, nor will it ndxo cato thn claims of any r.iuilid.ito for nllico until ho shall hive b"eonie the regulaily n.noiuatid i.'imlidnte of the liemoiratlr parly ; Hut it will ex or ndvoiate tho decisions of party, as to hoth m -a 'tiros aud men. Ucidi t 1 ontaiuiiig a weekly Minnnury of all tele graphic and genera iioxvs, the weekly leader will hi eiiriclied hy oilginal rru.luilious hy some of thu best writers iu the country. it istiii' rouTiii; r.xUAir.n it i.-s'i'in; p.M' l'uiiTiii: rii!i:-ii.. it ik Tin; con tiii; p viunii', i p is i'iii;i'APi;it I'uii'piii. mi:i;ii.n'i, 1 p is tiii; t'Ai'i'.it rou Tin; .xit.ii v. 1 r h tiii; papiiii i mi am. I'l.AStfiis. No 0110 should ncglec t lo subscribe fur it ut once. T 11 li WEEKLY DEMOCRATIC LEADE'i, W IJ I bo furnished to subscribers at tho following prices Singla toiii'js, ono via? 2 ()( U 50 5 01) S 00 two " " Three " l( Five it ic IS ( K It c: 11 '.'wrnty Tliirly FilHy SO 00 42 07 Of)! 150 All paynteulsto bo mndo invar! ibly in ailvaiiro. 'I ho friends uf democratic principles and iho Auieti c m Union, it is hoped w II interest thenisi Ives In he piu? lo give llio i.LAUMIta largo circulation, liu up ilubi immediately Address .'IN1J& J.r.WIS. r0. 103 f3. Third St., l'hila. .May 211, l?0n. THE m' WUOCEWY STORL'. MORE PRESII GOODS. Jitsl received at Erasmus' JSuv Store. Molasses, Sugars, Teas Uofico, Rico, Spires, and Caps., Hats Pish, Salt. Tobacco, Scgaia, Camlics, Razcnn, PEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with n great varietv oriir,tion.t,,i Itis, too numerous to mention, iu SCforu!"111 """ 1,rU'"" S"nm ,alicn mooinsburgtMayu.lPC:!. A-n.WMS.lirs. S1()0,000S,S5,'8. I III exchange (or good J r;'-) tow 11, Mjv.'i wild ii W KRI.A.M Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYniQ THE BLOOD. And fir tho speedy cure of tho followlnf con-i 'ulnN Hcroriilnuiul S( riifiiliiim An'ccl lims. H , j. im Viiiiidis, UlerrH) Moi-es, I - -itlm,. l'liniilc. I'usliilcs, lllote. , Hun,' lllnlns, nml nil Hlili. Ulscnsis, Iii.l,. tin jue .. 1 - i J. C. Attn A Co. dents 1 1 feel It my duty t l'nnwhdgo what 3 enr bar.npnrlll.i has done fir 1, iluilni iiihciltcd 11 Pciofuluu.'Jii, I lino sulbi ; fii.iu It In vutlous hhjs for Couiclhues It l.u cut Iu Ulcers 011 Iny hands mil arms) somelhuei -turned InwiiiU and dliticssvil tuy at tho fctomuch. Ti, Jen is ago II btcho cut on my hind nml eound luy , , , an 1 ems with cue sole, which was painful and hu'th. .n,. beyond denci IptloM. 1 tiled many uiedlchns nml nm .1 plivdrl n, but without mm la lelhf from any thing, iiicf.lbo dlwidcr Riew noise, At length I win lejolc.j to lead In the. flospvl Messenger that yoit had piep.'i,d All nlleialiie (S.ii.ip:iiilln), for I know from jour lepulu tluu th it any thing you miulo most be good, 1 tent tu Cliiclun.illaiijgot II, nud used It lilt It cuicd me. 1 ,..,tt It) as ) 1 11 mil ho, Iu small doses of n teapooiiful oic: , -jiiuntli, and used almost tluvo hollies. .New mid healthy TT1I11 sisui begin to fuim under tho scab, which nliu'e while toll olf, My skin Is now dear, iiu.l I' know by ti.y feeling. Unit llio iH'cimo li.ii genu from my sjslcm. ,m can well bvhevo tint 1 reel what I mil sajln Win n I M' you, that 1 hold joii to lw one of Ihe npostlej c'f the it ... and leiualuoiergraU.fully. Yours. ai.fim;u n.TAl.f.KV. !3t, Antlinny'si Vive, Hose or lSrytstiirlns Teltev unit l-nll Itlieiini. Srnlil lleiul, llliigxviii'iii) .'31110 IJyes, Ui'diisy. Iir. Ilob.'it M. 1'iebb) writes from Palem, N. Y 1'.' Fept,, he'J, that ho his cured on linitefulp f."i if Jroi!, tthli h threatened to trimluato falnlly, by II, pet severing use of our Ifarsaparllli, and uNo n datigeron MdUjivml Vriislp'lJit by lngo ibises tf tlm s.imoi ssyi )io eules tho cum men l.'rui'Uinl by It conMinitly, lliniu line le, f.nltro or Sxvt-lleil Nerk Zebiilon Sloan of 1'inpni,, willes I "Threo I tins i f your Sirsiipai Ilia mud ins from n f " ic 11 In eons S'telllu on tbo nvck, ulikh 1 had mi lb-re I fi .1 01 vr tuo xr-'irs." f.iMirnrrliien arlVlillrf .Ovni'lnn 'f'timor t'teilne Clecrnt Inn, Winnie Dlsrnses. Dr. .1. 11. P. Clianiilng.of Now York City, wtllvs . most fheciriilly couiply with lbs m-piest cfynur agent b foxing! bus fiund your fs-irsriparilbi a iii"l excslb ei rdtistlre lu llio mutinous coinplsluis for v l.j. h tt rnipbiy so h 11 ruid.r, but esiicei illy In Mia , of the fc'orefiilotn dl iili."l". 1 hxto cuis .1 tunny llixcti nts of I.euroiilics. by It, sml soiuo whom tho 1.-. plaint xtsi cstised by uherntwn of the ti'i'W. 1 he ti! -ullon itself xiai sosn cursd. Kolhln xrlthm my ki, -cds ('plats It fir lli fsi iuls ilsrsngi'intnli." UJnsid S. Mnnow, of Ken bury. Al strllcs, " I t(V return etvriVifi tmnfr ou oris of I hi f.nmlci In rsy fiit: which hid drflcd ull th irmtdisi xrs coulJ suiilov, , ot length bfcu eoiiiplitcly curs.l by jour Kxli art cf npiiilllJ. Our li!klaii thought nolklug I i.t fit. 1 lloll colli 1 uflird lellef, but lis slrls'd tlis lllnl ( f 1 t'n 1 hi p.u 11 It. nj Ihe last irsott bsfors cols'iu:. sin. pron d effectual. Afler'your lcisciy flht iv .1 lie S)inptoiu of tho discuss lcitixlui." Syjiliills nml .Mercurial Illsense. Nrw Oaicisi, I.'th Angu.l, ' ' Pa. .T. C. fir, I rhtci roily comply with I niiest of i-ourairctit, nnd leport to jon soiur of t lie 1 true tfullzsd wllh xour naiapaillla. I have ruled with It, In my purllre, most f II, . plaints for xvhlch K Is recomninmlcd. nuJ hsrs 1-111. . cfTeets duly Welidi 1 Till lulhocmccf rcnalinl cun'el ins -ate. One i f my patients hsd Hypblllllc 1, hi his throat, whlih xveie consuming his pnlale ni tup of his mouth. Your Parsiparllbx, steadily li ml oil blm lu flo weeks. Another xrtts syniptcms In his uoss, on J thouhrialic. ' . e.iteu away a coni.der.i'.le part of It, so Hint I bsli;r 1 diftorth'r weubl soon uach his hr.i)u nnd kill htm. !'. , lt.ltle.1 to uiy ndiiitolsliatioii of xour r'ursspnriHx . nice! henlud, and ho Is lull ngnln, not cf course xo i-ointi illsllgiiiullon to his fico. A woman who had I 1 lieited forth samo diirdcr by mercury xtbs sufT fiom this poittoii ti her home, 'i'l icy hs 1 hcismn so tltlio to tho weather tint on a damp day tho siiflest ' -crml.itiinc pahi la her Joints sud bones. Mir, too ' cured entliely hy your jraisapaillhi lu n fuxr xirtks know fiom Its formula, which your agent riavo me, 1 J. this i'lcpaiati. (i fiom jour l.tboiutory must ben f luiiidy; eciiseiiucutly, theso liuly umtti Lulls let , with It linx 0 not Ftn 1 rl-e-J lac. I'ralcinally jours, O.V LAKIMKH, M. . Rliciinintlsni, Clout, T.lror Conntlii! 13 1 Nr.rrraDSMT, 1'icslon Co., Yo., fji July, l1- tlr.. .7. C. Arm: Sir, I haxo bocn al'dijlcd ifllli a j fill cluoiiie llfinimaliciii for a lone; ttui9,x bbh bufthd skill cf phjs hi ins, mnl etijrlc to me In rpllo of nil 1 remedies 1 could Hud, until 1 tiled your Siranparlllii. 0 -huttlociired 1110 In tuo woctts, nnd lcstoied luy gciiei ) lie.ilih ro miiih thut 1 am far bctU-r II lu butoio t w attacked. I think itirxroudeifulmcdlilut). J. TltllAM Jules Y. CJotchill, of SI, Louis, willesi "I liars be -nllll-t-d for .xiaiswllh an affection of the J.iitr, xxhl destioyed my health. I tried every thing, and every lid fnlled to riliuxo me; and I haic bieii 11 hiokcn-doxvu ui for Foino xtnrs fiom no ether cause than dtrjiiynii J thi .tier. My lK-lovrd pastor, the Her. Mr. Kspy,a.t ' t pie lolly xour fiiisopiu Ilia, because ho raid ho knew - ml any thing y 011 ma lowita xrnith trying. Hy tho !' lug of (fci it has cured inr, ami Iias i-o piuHird my bb- ' as to 111 iko u line man of inc. 1 feel xumig ngiiln, 'li best can bo said of you ks not half good enough." Helili'rii,Cimorr Tumors, nnlnrfjrmcnsi. I'lccintloii, C'arlcH act JiifuIluUou c2 UlO ItUIlt'8. A great xaih-ty cf cases haT.obcnR rcporlcd to nsxrl.r -curis of Ihtso foi uiphblo criniJatiits haxn ii'sultrd ftMs. tho hsc of this lemedy, but our ppnro heioiill not ah '. them. Fomi of them may bo hiun In our Anui-i Alorune, xvbbh tho agents brlow nnim-d sro pleaded furnish giutH to nil who call fir them. Ij'opcinln. Ilenrt Dhcnse, PIIn, Kpll- j hj-, -Hi liuicliol j-, Ix'i iiinlln Many remaikiiblo cures cf tlicso nfTectioiis havo 1 made by Ihe nltfintliopoMf r of this mrdielnc. Its! kites the xlt-tl functions Into xUeious uctlrn, rnd 1 oxeiremi'S 1I1..011I. rs which would bo suppe-cd Is-y.r-. .. leii.-h. rns h a letiudy has bmg teen le-oi'. -. ly tin ces-itit. of Iho eipe, and no nru tonnai r-. that this . do for them oil that incdlchio can do. AyeT's Cherry Pectorf ron thu lt.xrii) cuna or Coilfxlis, C'nlils, Inllucnrn, Ilonroelit Cuiiip, III 11111 h II Is, Iii-I)lrit 'Ceie kuiuptlnii, nml fur Iho lli-llcf uf Consumptive l'ntlcutis lu iiilx-iiurMl Stnge. of (lie Ulscatc. This H .1 remedy fi uiiixcrrally known to rnrrits other sr tho cme of llnoat ami lung complaints, tl Is u'eless here to publish the cf Its xliliu s 1 umixalled excellence for coughs nnd (olds, and lis 1 r xietiilerful cuies of pulmonary lUstase, Iiiixh ma known tbioiigbout llio cixlltzed nations of the ir W uro the comiauultlc", or eien fanillles, among who haio not somo pel somil feilencenf Itsclfe oum IMng Irnphy lu Ihiir midst of its victory ove suUlo and dingcious disorders of the throat and I As all know tho ilrendful fitallty of tin to dlsorihrs . ss Ihey know, too, thoeirectsr-t this U'mody.xwt mr. do moro than to nssiiie Hum that It I. rut now nil tie taes that ft did haxo x licit maklu tbo enres xrhhh I. -won so strongly upon ttu confideiiro of mankind. Proparcd by Dr. J. C. A7EB & CO., Lowell, SI. Hold by I'. P i ' n M llagenbuch.nn-' .1 It ''lo sburg; J h iyb r, llohr.burg: Masters & I .Millxille; P Masterf, Ilenton j I.a.nrns &. I'i-her 1 nnceville; (i 1' l'owler rowlersville ; A Miller, I xyi.k; Low fc llros., Coutorx illo ; 11 1' ltiighart & I I spy; Mt; HhoemaidT, Iluckhoru ; Ileighalt ie. 1 Mainville: J rih irpless, Cattawissa; Creasy , Light r-'treet : and dealera ex .ry where. jittj .ti, tru. ly, WALNUT SaTEffi,' LIGHT STREET, C'olii.iiliia county. ' HMIi; undersigned has located nt the ahoxe n X hotel, fornnrly occupied hy I'eter Schug, and . -its a share of public patronage. II.-' tiood iireommoilations for man nin( b-osl. best kind of Ihpiurs ut thu lnir. J- 1lc-'l l'roprict April 11, ItCIV JJI.LX)S AN D SlUl I) E' f J. WILLIAMS!. :.'o. IB otlh S-'iIh Hreci, 1 ilelphi 1. iiutti'ir.ii turer nf VeniJiati BiHssds nml Wisitt' SIkuIcm H7 ihshirgenand finest nssnrtmrnt In tho-. the loweM prices. I limls iiaiutetl and iriiuuioi. . to new. tstnrn flMrica madeaiid letteted. April 4, lM.:i.-lm KKU' JJiUSLY UailS SMI. A 1.10, GARDEN AND PRUIT FARM " Snililble for Crapes, Peaches, I'earB, hasp 1 firewberrks, lll.11 kb. iries, ('urn 111., fee., 0. , 1U on 111 res each, ai tho following prices 1 . present, via: sn ncrvs lor S.'nil, IU acres for acres for Si 0, SI miej fur Slu, 1 acre for SJu. 1 by ono dollar a xveuk. Also, good Craiibury lands, and village lots In ' wood. W by ion fei t, ut $111 f nch, payable bv lar n xvevk. The above land ami furms. nr 1. i.llcntMuod.Wiishiuginiitowiikhlp, Ilurlii.ul . Ncxy Jersey. I'or further infonuation, npplt. . I'.U.htamptforii circular, tn " 11. rr.ANKMJf CL' ' Nn. po Cedar ritrcit, New York. January 17, Iix:i. A DWINISTRATOR'S NcFflC : . Estate of Pat rich Tool, deceased 1" .,;l'i1',M1!S, .f A'liliinitratioii on thu Ilstate t f -.rick iool, lato of l uutru township, Colunibi 1 deceased, haxo been granted by the liigislir oft bta co lo llu uuder.igiail .dl per.oiis iiaxin" against tho estuto of tho deceiitleit are re.o preseut them to tho linden Igned, ut his rus' raldlownship, v.jthout .1, t,,y, ,imiau .a.r,os , . tUllllllvO ttnVltlellt I'l.rtl.ii II. ' HI cd ClIAl'.LCHTOOL, Hi May Ml, 1BC3,-Cw, A GOOD TEAMSTER. Will nay UoluCbircoun,"'lt.,r A"'ly M 1 April JB.-3w8,W. ""'"''.V Bark ! Bark ? V WANTED IMMEDIATE l,Y. gOP Cords of Dark, wnitcd by tlio nn r '"'''''""lely. at thi. 'iunucry ill lllooms I iinucrv 111' for win 1 uiu iitgne 1 priet Will b natd 1 1 I'usb Uu 1 1 Win, IJ.W DLi. In Id cm May , l.W,