1 94 COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, KKjOOIHSltlittlii, si.T.iunAV tinntjiMri. thi.y ii. inrn. i frai-jir:iWTuri.i;.ii.iunm f3T Tho July " Avitriean Agrieit'tur. (W," that good mirt great ngricu'lural Work of New York, is on hand and in lBccllcnl condition. IdyTlio Statu Democratic Editorial Con- u'cntinn will m?ct at Lancaster, on Thurs- day, the 10th of July. iS?" M. & E. W. Wvskoop will com mence tlicir second term of school, on tlio COth of July. CCiT When Abol tionits now charge Democrats with being "disloyal," we have only to point to New York and New Jcr- ftcy to ri'cnco them. JG7" Wo are renuoited to announce that Jlcv. G. W. Scott, will prcarh in Uic Ijjaplist Church of 51oonisburg, on Kab HJiath lr.orning at 10 o'clock. Also, at jiiilf past two in tho afternoon, and half past s2vcn in the evening. JCST We see fome alilo-bodiod young piicn still lounging about our streets who could well be spared in this emergency, having neither bufines-s nor family to de tain them. If they were strong enough to Rarry wido awake lamps two years ago we should think they could carry a mus ket now. 0ST As one of the evidences of tho ut- tor unfitness of (lencral Hooker for the petition from which he was so recently tlichargod, wo U"ti a rcmaik lnail'1 by iiim to somo of hi-! officers while 'the battle of (Jhancellorville wa going n. lie said lC!oi) AnrifiirrY cannot l'ltnvu.vr my CAPTiiitisa Iiin: and ins aumy, Coin incut if unncccsary. tSf A IS'ew Pot Dfliee, is l'otitioucd for at Hycr's Drove, in (.iri-cnwood town- tbip, (Joiumbia county, to bo on titled i'Eycr's Grove l'ost Oll'n'o,'- aj-king (or the appoiiiiment of K-sv. J. Jiianklln Hycii. Ins uepuiy 1 osi lU.irtiei'i u is louatuu on -. ii i ni i . i . Jsloomsbtirg ami Iillville mail routo, In an important hu-iurss section of the coui.try at (Jul. Jacoii Hum's new vil lage aijd will not incrca'o tho expuineK ol lbs 1. 0. J)oi.'irlmi'iit. We thitik this ollice bhould In- cruuti-d. C-D" The .'Snimri.iil lb , published !at bliniuoKin, hrrololoru a Kupubliuan Ippcr, lias passfti into llic hands ol Jlr. Kjami llfj li. Sisi'Y, and appr-ars with tho D'-mocratie Flag waving at it.s lnal-hcad. Mr. Si. sty is a pr.iulieal pi inter, an ener getic yoiing.iii.in, and a thorough Demo crat. Wo o ii into ii ( 1 tho Herald and it' ! Editor, to the liberal mpport and confid ence of the noble Democracy of North uuiberland. TSS?- Mr. 11i:nuv Zui'i'iNCii;!!, has our Rineere thanl;s for a large lot of his beauti ful and dclie'ous Dluuk Mounlam Jta-p-iberries. Mr. 'A., is a m-acliea' Ganiener and Scientific Ilortieullusist. Those who may wish 'to witness the perfeeiion of neat G uiieuiii;' and 1'riiit-iaiaiii'', and the na- Qural rotulu of honesty and industry, can realize it oeeular deinou-.li"ition by Jpaying a vitit to Mr. Zuppiugor's Garden liu lMoomsbui''. Ilomombet' tizo Soldiers Di.dOji.sr.uuii, J uly 7, ISO:). wEdkur of the DuiiociaL. As the season of ripening fruit is at hand, W would reeomiiiciiit that all persons should prep ire, kiiiiic of that abundance, ffwilh which a bountiful Piovideneo id tup jplying uj, fur tho sick and auiloiiiig in ' fur hospitals. Jla-spberry, blackberry, xoldor and currant jellies, wine or vinegar, ".jail making refreshing thinks for tue lever jparchcd lips. Currant jelly and blaek Itberry syrup or cordial is particularly ffceded ; also, pickles and all kind of dried "ffci'iit, dried bucuit, &c, ie. . ' JIakuikv UurKaT. ' .M Hakuikt ijiiAiii'i,i:s. tjgi' The ladies' aid .Society is reqULS Kud to meet on Saturday, July 11th, will . ., bo Iiapnv to receive and forward all hos- ' r ' - . . .... jjiital t',oia oufiuslod to tlicm at tlicir room 1 .ar above Mr. liiitz'a Ihv.? .Store. Tun following slatdnoiU was received iu -ft Jctter from llarriaburg, sayslhs Age, in .VcfercUCO to a matter upon h-n:h wo arc iglati our corrospondent lua cnliyhtcncd ;thc public. It has fi'i-rpfjmly happened 'tii'at attempts of this kind have .been mado ' fSy the Jacobins lo induce tho belief that 'tiicro was chcGritiA? for Ji:it. Davis a.' 53eniocratic assciublagos. Hut tlio dodgo not answered the punviso intended, '5nd, as iutlio case referred to by our cor-...-.respondent, it is always found that it, ib "lUo Work of tho Jaeobius to mal;o political ,'lolfpltal for their own cause. Our cories poildcnk (.ays : t'& '''At tho Uuclilor House, in llarrhburf ' on tlio night bul'orc llio Into JJeinucratio -''Convention, a numbir ol'aoldiur:' and J)om corat3 wcro cheering fur McClclla.11, when 'nff individual, rising on a chair, proposed Ih'rco theers for J kit. Davis. Ho was taken out o.tho liouto to protect him from .assault, and upon investigation it was found ,lc' rami) llicio to throw odium upon the illcmocratic nartv br his proposition, and flfavo it said llic Dumoctaoy were chcoriug Jlbr Jnri'. Davis. The individual was . 'onu of Lincoln's payniasttrs in the army ifeby iiaino Alexander McDonald Lyon and a son in 1 i'.v of Morrow ii. Iowry." Wlml a Dosoouatlon. Messrs Ayor & Co liavo received from Alexandria n cargo of rags to pay for tlicir medicines, Thoy , , faro CVIUCOtly gnthcroil , , lUd quarters of il.o Pa- fiom nil classes Mid nlm's .In. ..!,(.. li. ....). (T e xnc uwiiiiuiuua iuu v.-ujiv-uii y miliums ui ,,nl1jis alu1 Howadjis -white hncn turbans ii-.i;!.. it i! tt cs-j,h,c. -. of their bulk is cloth in . which uotucs were ciiiu.iimcu nnu woiinu I lor iiroscrvation threo thousand years ago! : They aro now to bo mado into paper for A '.. .1 ....1 r. i. , jivui s uiiuiiiinua , uuu luusi liuur nuvinrr wrapped llto doad for thirty centuries arc I used to warn thu living from tho narrow j house which they have so long inhabited. Exchange, Shades of Isis and Oairh to the rcscuo 1 unu.t.o Uiinio out. vown iu .liu . uuuu I Will you suffer tho dcspoilcr to distmb your subjects' names without in some way Will your subjc way visiting him with your displeasure? And you, 0 Sphinx? and iMemnon, and tho sacred bull Apis 1 open vour lips of stono 111,. . . . . . niui hurl licrco wrath and denunciation at """so who unron tno nanuages trom your kings, and who perhaps removed the swaddling garment from Cleopatra herself to furnish uintcriul for a Yankee pillvcn- m Hiutuiiuu. iwityiv vi if.i ((.'I'll -t3 ty- Mr. F. V. Dlair, father of tho Post master General and of tho Missouri Con gressman, wo.s a Democrat and a gallant champion of popular freedom. Had ho not neon such lie couia nut liavo retained the confidence of G fack-on. While ho edited the G folic and was battling v.-ilh wonderful power and energy ngain.it the ideas controlling the Govcrmucu ho said: Under no imssitifc cicrzrrt. nol tvin in inmorcctioitf or amid Ihr luosc orir!l war, ran this Government j"s!if)j offieiul iitcijhrm ivi'lt. 'tic font of nircch 0) n lic -. ' . . ims, any more than it. can with lliv free dom or Vie ballot. The, liirntiiAistic of the tongue and of the pvn Is a minor evil comHired with the fieentioitsatss vf ar bitrary power: fif Wo have tho llochcstor, " Genesee. ' Farmir," f.ir July, richly laden willi choice ugricultural intornialion and pcientilie de vclopmcnts. iWAS8RBBAff5S. 'i-iih ult,, "by II. ti. J)il,"ftir On the I'liAlUC l,n,l. ..I ,,. .. , ,f. t, ruin:, and iMifshAliAii J!iain'i:it, i)Oneyille, Col. CO. IJUIH I ' I iji'uiii tiiiu, On the Ud inst.,by the same, Mr .1. If. Vandiiiisi.h'i:, to Mis3 Jii.i.A J. Wiirri:, I hula Ol Uol. CO On the 11th insl., by Kov. 1). 0. John, .Mr I-.AA'' Ji ivnrnr.x Uld illl.SS OAUAIl Gtusi'N, nil of JJIooinsbuig, Col. co. At Tov,n Will on the Hh in.(., by llev. K, Wadsworth, Mr. Josli'ii llou.ji:i of UutitiiiLrdon to MUs AcAr.Ainu Dodk.v, of i;air iMouiit. ji A'fl' sas. III lluiuluck tviwnxhip, L'oliinibia co., on the 16th of June, .Mr. Wiiiri:Ni(!iir, aged about (il) years. lvECElPTd FOR JUAE to tiii: Junius ihumm;esat. :o: The following payniruts hao been nrjdo l-i thu (uhiiiiliiu Drmuerul oJltco, during thu nionlli of Juno : .1 S. r.ihrini' r, Willi. mi ( n, IM of I! M.lte T, William llri i-lu,i h, A. M. Mni"ll r. Win r. Alln-il-oii, Win. It. Kraun.1, 5,; 00 'J Oil 'J 0:1 I .'10 I 1 u'l 0 U.A S.-lnvcjn nliiiibi'r - Mi 11 J1' . n., o ; 1; Klin John K. Il'-r, 1 t. of Hi ny H11111I1, J. I'.. Wliileiii'.'lil. (I' o. W. l-'diuaii' I'pt. of H. t"v eiison, I'lulip Mill, r, (i I'. Dieirliuih, A. Itiltjliluvipe, 1 a-. l.iviuir.tou Kli'iiie. 1 on - 01 :i .'.11 1 .1 M I -j on I 1 10 1 1 17 1 a. Ilaih"rl. hy W M. 1: J.irol) ll.irle. , CI 1 Huliliin, O Joai s Oo.fl S on H on f on it. Joy. Cii", : ( 'n. I Iiim. W. .Malt-on, I 110 H 00 I S. .M, I'ettengill H Cn.17 .'.-. .Mather .t Co. (' V .)'.'() on jiini iinii, 1 Ji.m 'i ru-ell, U 00 I'riihiimih li Urn., ,'. on J. li. l'cll. IU ., -I Oil VViillaiu ii. I'irry,- 1 7.'. Paniuel I'.irvi 1. I On T. I'. l.auli.ieh, 'J 0.1 Wj.itt Si llm liuz. II o'J K.t.nnieiiiyri, h-ll, ' 0.) Capt. A .(.', Tliuruioii. 1 ou l'. itluther, V.r i M 0.'. TI10111 ip .Mill, r, I O'l Ceo llilli, 7 ra S ii!ipuu Kill 4. 1 7.'. I'ruderiekllasenli'irli.'t 01. Willi-im .1. nei.lleuutn, yiu rilfl'iirm in, t ..II 0(1 I l'i ter H. Ilaiimin, Charles ThiniM", l'hiuens Welpli, t'.ipt John (Iruver, Wei-lev llnl Ip-ii, IM. of r. I!. Axe, John llni'jler, 01.1,1:. fh iif.'r, Anna .viilh r, i:iiap l.'r"a , (ieoriie .I'dill, William Idler, Na.r- Kepler, Ke,ior A: Oman, ll.iiin I Neyhnrd, 1 II) I Oil I 1 m , .'.() (Ill 'J 01) 1 73 'J 0(1 :i Sii a so 1 on 'j i n 4 on t! on y ou Cfflf'Tliankful, friends, for your support. It is ynui,j to su-'t.iin and outs to uiniiit.iiti a FUEI-: I' 11 ESS, Keep the ball in lno- tion and lilicily will snrvivf TIIE MARKETS. Jil.OOMsllUil'i, July 11 1 603. heat x?. hus.Sl Jtyo.." " Corn " 1 Oat..' ' liuckwlioat 1'otatocs " (.'lovtTsccd " Tiiuotliysccd -Onions " lili' Orcou Applod 8u Diiwl 1 00 Jricd K-auIiiM !! 00 Jluttc-r lh 7.r Jiuvtt f)0 Tallow " f)0 (III i 00 1 10 10 13 13 00 ' 35 . . '(. doz. " ton. I a iitl ay. 00 Chiulconi " pair SPJilClAL KOTICJDb. f --'I he roiiiiueri Kill 'ollec" will h' I .illdilrleil hy the rrini'ipal. H. IV- l.nwell, whoiaUv!. Hie opporm. niiv ol ni'iiiep ln I" an- Hi .uka I" Hi" piildn- for Hi. ir lihhral palrouiiae In rrinloie l,.-,iiv .-,1 on Hid iii-IiIiiiii.ii' mnl nivei.i'. iImi all. utinii to Un improv menu m.oii tu he inuudiiiul into Hie m-v i r.il di-p.ut. i,ieni, l U. lenvvll. 'ioNt.ivouri-ii-nu'i:iii- .?" I-kju-A r'vr"i.,l (leiilleiiien havinv l.een i. -lurnl l h'-nllli in nf. vv U)t. all' t mid. ist-iiBii all the in.ual rni.liue ami int ulnf t rpi-iiMV" inodes of H. aliiieiit vvithoii! cucirtm, onci'trr. it hid au.d .liny (n roiumuuit ule i,,' his al'lldeil lidl w i lentures Hie inenm, nf i-uru- lleiire, ou tlio reei pl of mi nihil" i-"-d i iiv.l'ipe I." iv 111 html free a eopy of the piesnlpllnu iicil. IVirei I to 1)11. JUIIV ,M. DAU.-.AI.f., Jru 1'ulioii Uect, llrool)ii. New VorK- iM.in-Ii JI. Tin: ((iVFiisHiiiNs ami nM'imir.M'i: or a I. . M'.KVOIJH ()l'.(i MAN.-l'iihliheil n a war Iiiir,' anil lor Hie . petiiil 1mm lit oi .vi iin).' men, mi 111 who biill'.r Willi Nervous In hililv , n of .Meui i my, l'n maluie Dcrav, Ut hv cm who ha Hired him self l.v bimple iii'-anw, nl'. r heing pui to 2ie.il evpi me and lilLnmeniellii-, thli.l'llll til" Iim' "f WOitlih-a nieil- 1 ii-iii." prci nix il hy learned iotioi. Muahi copies! mil l.i had (fii-e) of thu aulliur, I' . l..in,l.i it, Ht.'.. (1 itennoint, I.iur; 1-iaii I, lip em uiii!! an iiililisw-cii euvtlove Addre.H I'll Mil, He! A point, I.n2 I si iii.i. New York, Juno IV, I via-1 in. i.a.mui:i;t, dicin- ('HU putN owe itiueli of their f-lekneii lo i o'dii. No mult,. r where ihu ill.e.ise in. iv appeiir in he e.ited, iu oriuiu iiiay hu liaced lo Mippriul eicpiriitinn, nr a , eld. Or.iiiip and lune eiiinplrinli are direvt produiu of tiiUl.i. In short ml Id ar ihu hurhiner "I halflho ,lii,ea(.ca Unit alilicl linii.aiiiiy, I'nr a Ihey arc taunit I hy theiUed nerbi'lialiou, ami lu five t-iuhllu of llm vvakte innllor of lle ho'ly Qfiapo Ihinujli thu poriM, if llieto piuen .no (In.ed, thut pinporlinn nf dirrn.o necetbarily follow Keep cliui. Ilitreloie, oftoldii and t-oiijh, the neat rccur'ors nf lUjnaw!, or if ton. iiuited.hrenk I hem up iniiutiili.itely, hy a timely uw of MADA.Mi: 1'OIlTKR'ri ClIKA'l IVU BALSAM. Mil, hy all Di,'f Ikls. at 13 itnli auJ 95 cU pel boltU. i Marvh II, IMJ. List of Dialers In Columbia Counly, rottTiinYt'.An a ii hm. OP floiil, Wares, M"-rrhmidU & , I)htilb rn, drew erij. Killing llnuso Keep, r- within tho t nutty (if .-...,, i,ii, iiiii Mill milt II M Blll' II Ml (P "ONI Willi thoneicrnl aria of Assembly hy the npprn.-er (if Mercantile. Tntvt orsald Cuiinty as folluWMn v H V,N01.. lnViM tUft. ,.. 111 nnni.l.nr n " .Y"- IJIOiim H ti 11 in 1:1 11 it 11 it it 14 11 14 11 ji !! n 14 11 II II 14 II II II . II II II 12 II II II II II 14 II II II II It II II l 111 i:i 111 11 II 1 1 II II 1 1 III II II It II II III 11 II II It 11 II 1 1 II II 1 1 ia ii 11 11 i.i 14 J4 1 I 11 II 1 1 l:l 1.1 III I I II II 1 1 14 n 11 14 1 1 II 1:1 1: I "1 14 II li 11 It 11 U It II 11 $:u) cm :m liu 13 (41 ia mi in (i 7 Id 7 00 7 110 . 7 011 1 7 on ' 7 (HI , 7 (H) 7 1)1) ii ' w Harm,.,,, J 'am a n iimitum I'.llns .Mciiilciihnll joIi'iVr Moycr H 1' l.ttt 7 (VI 7 01) 7 mi 7 .'.) 7 fill 7 00 7 Oil 7 OU 7 Oil 7 00 7 OH 7 CO 7 00 7 OU 1.1 (III Oil 14 H) 7 (10 7 Oil 7 Oil 7 (III l tor .t Moves II flohncr ' A M Rupert (Stovon) " Oliver A Jaroby ' Hltnoii U Plilvn Miss Amelia Webb ' Henry Kltliu . ' William Rabb Joenh W lloiii1erlmt " Joseph Shatpleis il'iiiiiiJaryl" ri.Dlpf M cr ( Kln.O-l "rnnffrimifai ,','".l,'mH otter 4t llukcryl jiihj llcrvvirk Alinili mi Jllllor Jackson &l Woiiilln Jiuk.nn k tViifiilln rr..Ti...t.iri !Vi1!l'-;r,""!3,.s1,,"r:' , .V. e. , ''visniniiifniiio luinrtreck (- 11 fCl'llHll. ' l',ti r MTrnueii (t'innr Mi.i) ' 00 00 ' Ol) William I riiiD ( i TmhjtIi A. Tlinniaj ( I'urtiii M.islcn S.imni'l llciii'"i !i 7 00 7 (HI llcnlnll ii ri':iur I'nttnn Itsa 7 00 7 00 7 Oil 7 Oil 7 0(1 III 00 III Oil III 0(1 7 00 7 00 7 (HI 7 Oil Jir. it Ao.iu mamv w'S" .i r, iirmin (.-en IImbM-i) . Bom (Hltnix) " P I) Uln.iril (Htnvcij " J.iri'b II Trciisy " l.i'Vl K"llr " I' W .MiKi-liov tt.f " Willi iiiiJhIiii ittnu Kf) (iillnrt II I'urtliT Onlio f. W M l,n w IJiolIi5r " Jaroh HKmlfr ' (' II Hog Ulla " Ul'lllll DKrMwui , " Mrs M (.'otnll ' C'on nsti.Hii J J II11.11.I.1111I .1 II X II Klllltll! 11 l.nlior k. McWIIIi'iin 1 PrituM 111 7 Oil .,, . - 1 .' nu 1 011 ' 7 on 7 on 7 en 111 Oi) 7 on 7 oil 7 00 7 00 7 on 7 IK) 7 On 7 on 7 on 7 01 in 1.0 ' on 7 en 7 in 1 0 00 7 Oil 7 ) 7 oil 7 oil 7 ou 7 00 7 00 10 ou 10 0') 10 ou ahiiii!lnu e.irr rinumi .Ui ihUiiIkiIi (rinir vim m llmi n'"1,.?u'wl' !.- f ' "' I'mms't " Ii Ahiiucrtu'ili II AhiuicrMi'iii Holiflllnll I'll-H Ui'iirsu .M a1 -1 h ; Sen Cri rmwioil Jnlm l.i'tjiill " Jufilll film) li-r . " H111J i Ch i I'.vi-k " SI (i W II Hh'. .iko llviulii'li 'I..iil-K Ni-yli-.ut J.iiuli llitrri.4 ' 11 1 W.ivlinii'lim Vi-ajji'i J,',''"1! ' "X' ' Alit.Lll.lhl H1-1! "1 J?.,',r 'i., V V 'i-' In Mill r.V ShI-Ii r M.nli"otl O !i W Kri ji in -r I lr.-.1-v .V. l!pi 11 Itriilii 11 .Mill; r 1ki.ii: Si liwi piii-iilii-Wnr Ml 111 1 11 7 (!) 7 0,1 7 On 7 Oil 7 00 7 0,1 7 00 7 II) 7 Oil 7 m) III 00 I i ;:l 7 III 7 (0 7 on li .',0 7 00 7 (0 7 W 1.7 00 Vi 00 1.' oil jr. 01) v ;ttti-iin.-iii!.-r lh l.;i. itih tc ritn'r A II filinv.ut ,Mimi I imi t Win i ril. " A 'oil-man (Mi-rili'istTallor) raiiiN.-i in ii.-iin.ti 11 - i.mi n kiu,,- Jml.ili niminsloii Ki.ailni(; tctl. ' v " ''''I'y,' r.rnllii-r " ! 11 r la-iL-n.-irt iiroiimr n.1111111'1 firiii.ii. C .s I'ow I .'r ,t t,'nn I J HIT " .(I'lonr .Mill) ! f ,:l-i-'tXi!!" rJ , ""' IViiiiiiiginii Hlmjniliiaf ins ri 1.1 r,i:s Itulir Mi lli-niy IJ.'iiton Ii. iil.-ii .Mill, r Pilar k Hi- li.iril I'ltini.-r lllnoin lMur i; .Mull, my t'l-lilimnck j Win 0 Knnni i.AHiu; inn IiIimi.-: IIHtuhii" .1 II llemlprslii.t (lilrey I'ox llllll-n llietll'-rd William t-rnil l.'-vi Keller ('iinii.'r ic Hrelher J .1 i-Mumpf Ilfrwirlt Citllaw ijsa Montour i:ieiiard n.irr W llillelllien.il r li c.-illaw la Coiiyli;liaiu .Mllh.lel ll.lliuall Hlt-pliui Thi'iii.ta All p r-nns who may feel acri.wl hy the ahnvu ct.ti4iil(-ntioii e'lii have iim oppniiiiujiv id nppi-.iiiiii; hy nl 'in.! upon III" iimleil?il"il al Ins UIIii-l in MiOHnv ill", any (line oil or h. lur.-Hi" liilh ilayof .Inly A li l.:i or et Hie ('oiiiini -Mil, in i i nli"e i i l.iuiiiilniri: on Hi ' Jl'th day nf July Ifi,:) after w Inch nonpu, ., ill l.j lu'.ud. June -JI, inc. JmIIN KIH.I.nit Men inlile A pi,n 'r. J. !'. V ViR. I. N. Mn,'i--i:. New Drug Stork, wholesale & keu xl. 1 Till ih.l. isiiin .1 woul.l uifuirn Ui-ir (u-wl mclili I lliiililiiiL-, 011 .Main ptui t, in ItU.uiiishiui', where ho hap jii-t ie. uv en a lull Piipply nf W&'iiys, its i'l if mi";. E:siitls, tllsl.s Which will h" ,old on mmlprat t. rins fur ready pay. AImi, NOTION'.-' Keiicrailv , of ny yarn ly, mil ami MZ". l'hyiciaiij' pre-rriptlonp earefully conipouniJed, nt nil tim.'piind on -hort n-itice. U l.'oufectinneiy of the heft selections, and foda Wnter in penson. . " A jh.iru of the puldie. custom is rcspottfully to lliileil. r.vr.a & MOYr.it, Dloonishiirs. April II, EllESII A lilt EVA L or NewMillinciy Goods. tyo iwi'ti'iMiiii'Hi1 iiin (fully .uitnHincc lo thu r 1 1 1 7.' n s I of HlofiniIiiire .unl v itnry thnt t-Uu linn just fo rt IVCil Irnin I Ik- i ilU ru tMhr, her briiXG .'IN!) SUMNKll Mrs 0 lr ia1- nil of which i-ho is prepar"d lonioke and sell lit a v i ry r a.t'nal.lv low (ir'uie, 1 .-r assort ment ol'enoiU -ire a little hi. ri ir in noiut of tin rahi lit v as Will ,ts t.ihtelnluos an auv "If vU.; cred in lhi . li'm. rlie i"innir than!.- for lie- III. r ral p.il runner. h" has i.-et iv ed ami r.'spetlfuUy m ih-ltu .t conliiiuaiiee ot ihe iauiv. MA11V IIAKKIXV. Illnnml.uri.', April '.'.7, let.:!, -St WIIlSKIillSII! rolatreau's Siimulating Oncuentjiir French Gieam lor 15a Id UcaiUauu Har6 Pacos f p I i I c-1 hr il. d iiili.-l" warranted lo hri"K "' a full .1 t.,'t of v In..:,, tit .m Hie tiiii.iitheit lai-e, oi a hu einwih of li.uron a I aid head, lu lrv th'in i wei-l, and vv ill in in. vv -iv Main ,.r injur Hi" rMn, Th" I lem h ('leant u lu'imil n mud In In. .M. l'i laiiii-ai h, i I I'.iih - mnl i Hi" "lily reli.ild'i inli, I of Hie hind. "I'm1 nn ,ilh"r." Wmiitisinii EvmviVft, Hm: l!o vvni.no I nn- woitK. I'r.u i: 61.00, linpoiled mid for tulu ',ltoe 1 tale and JUtail b.C Tiiut. l . i.u ir.vi.w, l.'heuiUI and l)riit'2it, F'Jl llio.iiHvuy, Sim nil,'. P. ,1. A TSuv of Iho Onjiuiu Kent to any mldieFb hy reiuru mail, nn rciaipl ol piuc, anil u tenia lur net nf. Juan iT, l5o3 - lw. ADMINISTltATOUS' IS'OTICK. J.'fitite of Sarah Sleivuson, dte'tl, '4 I'VI'Tllltri of administration on tin 3 ll.tiilu nl'.yiji Sta-usmi, lat"ofllij r-lal'l of .New "in... - .the lir"l."rlv h in" in ('..I'linhia rn , I'.l.. (I oil h.iv .'."'en sruulid l.v Hu-ILumer ol Colanilu i m. In Itiili.ud iV.-ni'lt. "I ""ilir.ui mw iitlup, Loluiiilua i'.iiiiIj ii.ii'h ii,.iuk ila'iu" u-,'aini Hie eftale of tho ile.-a.ed are re'U". 'I'" pre.eul ilieiu I.. Hi mll nuiii.trati r at I... le-nleiuM i" "--li'l '"-'"I1- l H'"'i delay, audall persoin ind.-liied i" i"" pajm'-ul fviili with, . , KlLli VI.il III.. vi v i .mm nn. Jlllie III m,:i(;w iritlL.0Ti3a Cinisolld.'ilioii ll.iuk llulldl ii;-, :iyj North Third Street, lictticcn Vine Callowtill, I'll 1 1, a nr. i. rn t a June SO, 15(13-ly. i . ii) a mm i Fu" LP ATimTTi rvill', uiiilerr.i3iiei would aiiiiouiice, lit il hehanou hand L athinllatainli.'ap Ilinpoiiuiu, ou .Mam r-l., IIIooiik- i hiiiii, mi aiBorliueut of diil'iiieiil kind of lealher. nuclt an 1 lino tall' skin, mororeo, (n-il ainll.lark)aud liniiiKX, all tf vvliieh tin will ielUliciiportliiiii tan he had elevvheie in tlin in.iikti. Cull aiidi A-minu them for yourclvea. J011XK. CHITON , l.iooiintmiE.Miiy :i, itc:. Friends and Relatives.' 01 Till BRAVE S0LW1EU3 AND IIOLLOAVAY'S PILLS. AND OINi MENT. Alt wholinvo I'rlointi nml llolntivci, In llm Army nr Navy ttitmtil Itiku njiiuclalfiirn thattlit-y be ninply ui.. tilloit Mil IIioko I'illa nml Dlnliniot ; nml wlitrc (liu liravo Suiilk-ri nnd Snllor liavu iipsUtIciI l iitovliln tliniiiMlvriultli tlirm, mi hi Hit pruKciil tan lio rent II10111 l.y their 1'riciula. Tln-y liavu Occn ptovi.il to hu tho folillot'n never fnlllnst frlcml in llio linur nfnrcil, COl'dllSANI) UOI.D9 AITIX'TIXC TItOOlV, Will bn ppoilly rcliutul nml cftudiially inrnl l.y tKinn there ailnilrnlili. iin-iliciiiesi innl l.y paying propi r utirnlinn to tin- Dlrettlonii which nru ntlaclicil lu wjrli 1'nt nr llm. uti , . t , ,1 r.i , ... t ........... . 11. v. .. .... i' 'ii i... niui ...., 1 i 1 .ii ri.i 1 ix. 1 IN'Cll)l:-AI.TOt!Ol.nii:il.-4. ...... j . .... I . tune leu iii 1 mi an ?aniii-n 119 11 sun v nr veirniit troiililu nr 11111111) niic'-'i oli(rialoil peplrutluu, r eat- liiL'iunl itrinkiiin whalevtr Ik unwholuMinio. IhiiK ill. turWnp the liealtlirul iitlinn untie liver mnl sliimaih I Tliei.e iirgiuiK most Ii" relieved, II jnii iliiro In lw well Tliel'lll-, taken auurilinir t llio priliteil IiifiIiu lluni., I will Miikkly n r ml utc n healthy iictn.ii in Lot Ii llw r nml ! tniiiiirh, nml, na 11 ualuriit couac.pn.Ki'e, 11 tlear In ml nml gnuil appitite. wi:akm:bc( on diiiiimtv lxnucnn nv ovijk I'ATKIUli Will ffton iliappenr l.y the 111.0 nf iheno Invalu.-ililn I'IIIk, nml Hie fnlillur Hill quicltly ncquire iiihlith.iinl ulr' unlh. Neer let llio llinve'i hu riiin.r ri.nil iii.fl .11- ' iiiiihtly inleil upon. It may neeni slrauie. Hint llnl. I l,mil'' ''I'll fhuilhl h'J ret.iiiiiii. ili nr lljnillul y nml l'lu. many jiermuia Mippnuiicr Hint they wnulil imn life the relaxation. This mn creat inlninke, fin . ii,.lu it . .ii, , r. r. i,, 11. 1 I inn 1. 1.1 .11' -M'llill, Illlll III remii e nil the 111 ri'l huiuoru rrniu Ilia kvhU-iii. This nieilii Ine win oiie time 11 ml i-or In the Imln orj.niic fteiii, Imwever ileinnfipil, whtlu he.illh mnl Hreugtli fi.ll.iw ns .1 iHiilt.-r nl rinirse. Nutliina will ftnpiho re I.imiIIuii of llio How on so biiru a this famuiis incill line. voi.tJXTi:i:iitt, ATTiivriov i ixdisukktioxs or VOL'TII. Pnie nniiriperp, llluli lies nml Pwelling. pan wlih ii-iliiiiily I..- rnilirnlly riip il. ii tile I'illi , 1 . tal. n niahl mnl mi.riiiii;, anil Ouit.iejnt h- tu -lv uo.'J n. -ut.-.i ,n the prmt' il iiHlriirliun-. ll'tr'TO il in nuy ither imimi iiit. 1I1 y tlrj up 111 1 nr-part 111 liri-.ik nut lu uin.ilii r In-ri n lliii. til iluieni ill rem v ide hitiiu.r rum the p) .li'in, anil leav die Ciln nt n l.'i.rnii nml hrnllliy in. 111. It will re'iinrc a liitle ptreverani 0 111 li til c.-i-m tn i 11 ii 1 1- a l.uuti!.. eure. rim woL-.Miii i;ii-iii:ii oci.-Apiovr.n uv Tin: llAVONUT. HAIJlil:. Oil Till: HLI.I.i:T.JdlH 011 iiuuisns, Towhirh rery SnMn r ami .'.ilmr nro liahlo, there are un nieilmi' mi cafe, uure, nml crrivi nient. in Nut. nw ay' Pilleiiml Ointnn nt. 'I he winiii'loil nml nliiint il; Iiil' tiiu'. cer inialil have Iiin w.uiuuk ilre.n'cl liiimo. ill Ui-ly. il lei wnulil only pruM.le IniiKelf with tln in. Kclilru 11111I mm nl. uliirli .-liouhl be lliiu-l lulu the weuinl mnl 1.111 -.iro I nil rnjn I il, then covered with n piei-e nf linen I'riini hi kmiMarl; and cniiipieRied with 11 hnmlkerihief. T.ilkini;, niulit mid mnriiiuz, G or I'illa. I'.ci'i'l Hie y.t.'iii nml l'r vent lull. iiuatinn. IA "ry Suldn r'B 1 1 1 .-1 j -; 1 c k and !-i .unan's L'liuat rhoiild he prHti.lcil with these valu.il.lo llmiiilies. CAUTIOI! Nene nre genuine unlesi the wonU "llullnwiij a. Now Vnrknnd I.niiilnn " nro dirernalilc in 11 Waoiiiiark in erer l'-.il nf Hi" hook of directions mound inrh pi.tnrbov : thcinme mav plainly feen hy holmiig I lie I'.'.ifto Ihe A hniidkoiui. lewurd w ill he piveii to any nin reuileimg gindi iufiirmiitiiiu ai may lend In Ine diti'i'tliui of ii ii v party or parties rr.iinler feilin? the 111.j1li1.lnja ur vending tin i-ain-, know-in" tli'-m tu h 1 hpurio'is. Sol I nt nniril'.ii lory 01 I'rofenor Itiillnw-av, fn Mii.len 1.1,11 ... i vv Vork. ami Ii) till re'in-etalile ilrus lt.i;nd D--iUriiii .M.'dirine, tliroiii(hoiil tho tivilzed vvo.-l.l, 111 huii h at n i.ir nml i I 1-1H li. W'lh-re it? roiui l.-ruhl : saving hy taken tho larger fcl.ei.. N. Il.-l)irntin,is fur tie- rui 'mice of patients in everv ilh""ld'l arealliv il In eai Ii In v. Jillli- sM, l.-till, y. 'J'O ("ON-.-UMPTIVi:-!. Tha advertiser havln? heeii S tetnred to heallll ill .1 few- Wii.k-i. Iivn verv shiuilii ri Hi" dy, tilt'. r Inn lijr i-utl. ted t-everal iar with a ru vrc Iim; rifle, iim,, and Unit dread dif-ase, consiiinp. tiou . in aiuiou lu iiiako known to hit, fellow. julIWcrs the ineaim of eur". 'I'oiill who de'r.' it, ho will send a eopy of the pre- Bcription Used, free of ( lurne". with 111.! ihrertlmm lor mp.irin? mnl iifin; llm aamu, vvliieh thev will find a tune euro fir roiiimplinii, nslhiua, lirom'hiti, i:c in- i, my noierl nl Ills llilverll-er III mmhIiiil' Itie ore utiiiIiiiii h to hem lit the allllLted. mid kiir,.:i.i mfnru,.-,. lieu whii-li In coili tlves lone iiiv.iluahli!. mi l he linoi-a v ery uir, r -r will trv In leinedv. n Il w hi . iki ilirm iiollitu.', ami may prove a hle-im;. Ilev. I'.IJWAUli A. U'II.S.)N, IVlIliaiinhurah, Jlareh II, e(KI-:im K intra (.'utility, i w York. Uhlforinity nt Prices ! A .New realtirn in llusliieix i:v.-rv one hh own Salesman ! JuM'.b & L'U. of tins t.-re"ittl)ue I'rico ClnHiiiii. Moie.No. 201 .Markctatrea iilmv " r" , i. 1 1 1 , I'hil'idi Iphia, In ad liiinti to h.tviin' Hie larrreH. most varied and fii-linm.il.le flork i.ri'li.tluiti; lu l'hil.idelphia. inadeev. prel fur mail tal", have i oii(.tiiuied everv- one lux own -.ikiiian, l.y h.ivnie marked in usurp. i,n nm.h arliel'-at iho very lowest pru-eii i.ut he mjI.i fur suthey ta'iHi.t p,iihly vary nil mutt huy alike. 1 it fcooria aiovv-lf i-pi need ami prepar"d and jrrent paiasl iki'tt with the m ikiiii; to Hint all ran huy with the full naaiir.inrn ol iim; i ood ait ii 1 al lite v ery low, bt piii e. AlfO, a larae ttoi k nl pii-iecooda tin Iiand of llio latent style and h. t .u.iltiieii. whii It vv HI he tnadu to order, in the most I'.ithion.ilile and hen manner, 3 pi r ei nt, h -lovv' credit prn-ea. Ili iin intier Hie Creceitt. in Mathetahnvo Hith ftrect No -"I, JUMIM 4c i;u. KXF.cin'uirs NOTIOK. IhUilc oj Solomon 'Jehroth, dcr'd. tlVrrilliS Testamentary on the cvtate of Solomon I'.i krolh late of Heaver tuwii.liip,roiiitnhi,i. cniiuiy, deeeaned, liav o heen itrailteil hy .In- ik'HUNr of 1, ill &-e., lo t liu un,!erii!;ned aUo ri-rfidiiiu- in ntd Keaver towthip ; all per"iitn hav my elainia auanist the es lateof Un- deceud.-iii are reipiented to pn gent them to th" i:e.-uti.r at his rctidciiie in aid towilttp. with out di hiy and all p.-rsons ludthted to make payuie'tt lorihvvilli. l'lITBIt HCKIIOTII. Juno 13, 1C1 -CtJ, Uietutcr. A 1 ) .M T N I S T 1 1 A T 0 J I S ' NOTICE. J st.nfe of' John K. Shaffer, deed. T ETTHRS of adniini,i-ation ou tho i J Mate of John I'. -li.tiler, lale of Centre twp., C'ltumhia ei.tmiy, il,ii,is"il, have Ifon cr tilted hy the lliv-i I t of (-olinnhi.i e.iiuitty lo lite undersigned ; alt per.mis iiaviti'.' elaiius aaatnt Hi" estate of the de.-e-ilelll are re,pt,.-t"il topreseul th nil tnlhn adiiiiuihtralor at Iim retil'-tit" tu said tow uship, vvithu'tt ih-l.iy, and all t.eisons iiulehted to mak" p iv nient fiiriliw iih.' III..NKV HIIAITIM!, Ailm'r. June l'i, l t',:i.-(lw ADMIN 1ST KATO ll'S A OTIC E . Pslata of Samuel A'. Axe, deceased. Jr.'ITCKHof duiinisliatimi ou the IlBtitte of Walnut I J It. Av. l-tl" of Vl.tdisoii township, Columbia eouu t j , deceased, hav e liP"'ii srnuti'd by th" l.ocisler of t'o Iniiiliia coiitit) , Inthe uudiirMLiied, lest'iiu in Aulhi,H,v (nwiishiit Montour toitnly, all iers..ns li.-iviu? (Iiiim ti.iuisl Hie I'. flute rf Hie ill cedent are ri-'PU-'ted to pie sent I In 111 lii 1 hi.- .Vilmitiislral'ir, without delay, anil ell nelsons indebted to luaKo pav nient forthwith. jA.Mr.s.Muariiv, MmT. July -I, 1efi3.-fw S:ou. ADMIXISTHATOR'S i0 HOE. P,talr. of Henri Stfttll deceased. t l'"l'i:i!S of ai!mini.alion on the Hslitie of Henry 1 i rieliell. lat" ol lb-aver lw p.. t'n Intnl. in t... il e d , bat" 1 11 euiiited l.v tho llivn-l'-r nl ('oliimhia r,,.. lo tit" un lerr-uiied ; .ill persons hav tue, 1 liitiu-" icmii-t He. est.lt" of Hi" tiei.'it, nl are 11-' i,-..l"'l l" pi' S' l.l He III to t'.lhe Adiniiiitr-itors, lit tin ir 1, Mdi-tie" lit said li.wu slnp Willi, ml d. 1 iy, .ml, l.l I pi it. ,111 indebted lo niaku payiueiii lurltivviih. i.i.t.t mi r 111.1.11, 1 Wll.l. tiJ l). a.m ecu 1:1.1., i- .May Hi, lfl.-fiw LAST NOTluE. r may be found at th" eld si, ml until July 1st. Ilia I nut 111) tli site or vv ish 1'iin.il.d an cost nil my cuto i.i'TS. ,M 1 ask is loioiiie.ia I seiii,-. All'-r tho lt j of J nl v iu) hoiks will bclelial llb'iuiisburi: for foiled, Hun. 'Those vv In. hav. stitleil nml u.iv ilhen imK-B will liuil lln'iii ut Iho oll'n-e of John S1111U1, V.f., vv litre Ihey , 1,111 p.iv them in r niiauyeiiteut. NIIAI. M'COV. I .1, rsi ylowii, June IS, Ir-iLI-lf. Attorney at Law,' , IlLOOMSBLTvG, PENN'A. Offko .'.It the L.ir-hange Hotel, Main bl I!irn.sR -lo'llon. John Walls, I."Wihur. I'a. William ( 'mm rot), IVsi'lent of III' l.uw ist.iuK Hank. J. II. I'.u kcr, I'rndeui of Hi - orUtiiuiberl,ihd II.111K llliiniii.linti;. .Inn" '.T. lfi.3 -ly. (Late Whito H-aitO IIAUE STIEET, AROVS THIRD I'tlll.AlllCI.l'llIA. D. 0. SIEGUIStT Pnorniivron. ?.i rr.w-1 r-,-.,- i rot wvtiuj io n irs siuui muuttvn, r T, V. RHOAfiS, Cit-tin. .Mirvli J, 13-ISM l-OHPATS Miri!, ROAf'lir.S, ANTf . 111'.!) IllOf MOTIIH IV I I IIS WOOl.T.r.Nrt. bo IXUnUTd ON ri.ANlrl, 1-OWI.H, AMUAI.S&c. l'litiipln 05r. Mr nnrt 81 00 lloics liottli-n ntnl (!!, 5'.1 nml $. J1C9 for llnlrlf , l'uhllc InMitullnna, he, "Only tnfnllllila rcmeillci knon." 'l'rPii frrni polsniif 'Not claiicroiilo. tholiimi.ni family." "Ilnli conio nut ortltclt linles to die." K7" folit uholciialo n nil Inrcn elder, D7 Hi.lil hynll VtnggM nml llclnili rn everywhere. & I II llounrc I II" of nil W0MI1I.1M liiillnllnim ly Ho that "Cnlnr'" nanio I on each lloi, llottlo, ic I'lnfk, licfuto jou huy C7 AiMrcM IIIINRV n. COSTAIl, (T Trliirlpal Depot 4'3 llronilu-ny, Ji. V. iy- Hnlil hy DVlill & .MOVlUt, Wln.lcsnlo anil lie (all Acent. niooiiiHiiirg, l'n. MnyS, lefi3-3iii. First Great Arrival. UMIINO (10ul)3 IV ORAXrjr.Ylt.l.i:, Tho tiinlcrl!iii'il. Imp. jiut reph- 111, hr 4' 11 . , ,. - . . . - . r - "" ulnoraiigevlllc with uucll-sclcctuil in.rolincr.t f V SPKINO k SUMMBll GOODS. Conllini In purl nrt'lollx, tfllk,., iMimltnn, Onnl-m"ti-,(!lin:liiiiiii, Oallrno", CliauU, lln,ierii, Cnrpelt mnl LAMin'TANnr I)km (Iiiiiih, (,'incrally, from lJl to uctiiinJ Trims from l.' loSicU. READYr MADE CLOTHING. Nats, Hoots Si HIio-MnrKcril MolcnffCBt Sugar & nil 1 1. OriOOElflES OENEnALLY, Willi nil other nrllh-i.. usually kept in country f I ren, tnwhlih he Invite lliernrly nlli iitliin of nlil mnl lew r.tiiiiiiipr. Ilavlnit hoen i.t the (,'ily in the right time - Iiiiia-ht Imv nml lini.l eafh-hu will h" nlilo In council' witli Hi" ht, innl fpII for email pinfii nml pri'Opt pay. liu lriuulii uru Invited lu pup in mnl n:a ho flgllH. w ji rnii-z. (irnnevlllo, May 2, l.3n.-.-nm New Clothing Store. LATEST SYLES CAEAP GOODS Till-, undersiirned r. -pectfnlly Infnrniii liu friind? -iii.i ih" puhlic f.'i ei'r.illy. Ihat he has jurt received fmCi tlio Jlaati ru tin. s, u largo (iscnrtineiit of AND SUM ME II CLOTHING. l'r"i.i from the peat of fashion, of nil ports, 1 ic 0 .n.iillli". vvhith vvlllhu sold cheap fur cash or ed produce, II ATS i. t'Al'ri HOOTS & BllOf.S. Tngdher Willi n vnritty of lictinus nml thing! too IroulJieMine to enumerate, to which ho invites thu in tention of piirchaiem. Call mid examine. a j nvANa niootiifharg, Jlay 2, lsf.3, nar.'i- 'J'nK cheat cause of sk& HUMIN MISE11S. Ju-t pnhllaltod lii a realcil Knvclnpo : 1'rlcc ,1s. A Leclttro by Dr. Culverwcll, on tho -t- caue and citp-nf (.prrntarorrhoea. Consumption, mental mid pity. leal ih-liilny, N. rvniiatipsa, i:ptli pay; luipairid N'ulriti'Ui ol'ihe lliuly ; l.af iliide. lVeakiu.a of the liiiiloi and Hi" liatk', ludipn-ttioti and ineapa. city for slndv ond lal"t, ilullii"ssi f appreliennion, in of memory, aversion to soen ty, lov- of Snliiude. tint IditT, s -If di tru-t. diiiii s. headai he, tit"i-f tic olthu tyes, pitnplfa ou the fare, luvtiiiiutary eniiasiona, and S'-xiuil iurap a ily, the cuns'j'pteinoa oi' Vouthlul nulls creliou, fie. it,-. P.," I his ndiniralile lerture clParly proves tint Hid above etiiim -rati d, ..lieu eelf-atiltrii.il evils may h.i n moved withn it tnr il iei ii.j and without ilniiserniia siir.-ieal . pi rulions, au.l should he read by ever) joulh and every iii.iu in Hie land. r-i nt under seal, to any addresa in a plain sealed envelope, ou Hi" rer"ipt of nx cents or two poslaeo t-tamps, by adilressin' CIIAP. .1. ('. KUN'R, ti Co; 137 Ilroadway, New Vork, l'ost Ollico box, -l."I"-r,. May S3, 1-U3. (ov, I, lrb-J.) MOUNT VEHNON HOTEL No. 117 and 119 North Second Street) PHILADELPHIA. The nhnvrnvcll known cslnolishnient lias lit 1 11 leas hy He- subset ibrr. Thia llolel is ronvetiient'y located in a central anil business part oftlie rily, Il is largo and commodious, and well lui-nis'ifd thioiili'iu, lVrwini vtsiiiu,' he city are r.,)'lftilly invited to call and p.itroni." tin- i.-l ililnlinu iil. ;i n-.tlihn; sli.tll let waiitiiis tu make the guu-ta to.nlorliil e ami sttis- TElfMS ONR DOLLARS PER DAY. (liUi'iia ami visitors can !- iiroorntin.l.ileit on r-'iii-ouabU terniH hy tlio day, uvtk nr ni.inl'i. J. OTTENKIlvK, J'roprietor. No 77 n.ick i:t..rhlla. I.atc of naltitnore, Md, and Maili-on House, Hecottd St. I'liiladeiphia. .March., IsiU 3ui. CATTAWISSA Ptail-lload COMPANY BUPEitiNTEsnnNT's ourrcn. Willlmnsport. April 11, rf,3. On and after Mnaday. 2utlt in.-t. r,isecger iraitis will pass Sit pert as follows : 1'iiila. .Mail, I'.tss liupert Atriv iu; at I'liila, al l'biia Htpross I'asa llitport Arrivinir at I'tnla at and at evv York at Niagara llvpros. l-.iss Hiipcrt nrriviiii; at VVilliiuusport at lllmira Mail pass Itum rt 10 37 l-'.flO 1.1 1 0,5.1 1,1.1 3,3.1 am. put. 111, 1. I'm. pm. pin ant. pm, (irrit-ing at U illii.uirpurt at put. (MgllCll) n.dTANi.r.v coonwiN, OPwANG E VILLE ACADEMY AM) Ti a UMAX: iS il 'h;o o rrnr. ll.D. U'lilber A. M. rrineipal. Tin ne.u term of Ibis liittituiiou will conimeuto 011 WedneFilay, Apttl Mill. S-tii'lcuts dtsiroit'. of bein' admitted lo i'. ther of (In- Normal Classes should be present 011 Tu-s-dav at in o'docl, for i:aiiiiti.ttion. Tuition Ironi 51 to ij i per Term of 11 weeks. lioard in food families, $i per we(dv. flood Itoiuus for students wishing to board them s'lvcs. l'or luiiher particulars i n iuirc of the I'rinripul nr of J t WOODS, fleet, of Trustees. Marrh 25, I'f.'.l EJIiNTBSTKY. II. C. 11 0 W J It, SURGEON DBNTIST, (-ttt"r,r, l!l'SI'i:t"IT'UI,l,V ull'. rs his profess f'V)-ir.tS5 ioiial s' IV lees In lb" Iniln s mnl pr-nll.--tjf'sfV? men of l.lootusburi' and v iciiutj , lie is -l-J--' prepared to nth ml l'i all Die various o,"r.'.li"Us 111 Hie Inn- 01 In profession, anil is prov-nb-d withihi I. it. . 1 improved ri)HCi:i.1l. Th.I'.Tll; vvhith will hi insert -d on jjolil, plalini, silvei and rubber base to I'.dkwell as the u.iliir.-l tetth Mineral plate and hloct, f-elh manufactured ami all operations 011 t"i th, ( ar'lully and prop, rly nilend.'il to. 1,'eMileniu ol'ic" .1 li.vv uoors above the Court House, same snie. Jilooiiili 11, June (. 1- ,3, AD.MINIS'rRATOPt'S NOTICE. Estate of Henry Wanieli, dee'd, 1 ETTJ-HIS uf administration on thn og. S Vsl.tto of lletiiy Wiinlrh, latD of I'.loom township, Columbia county, deceai ,1 have been prattled by tho lleyisterof said eoiiuiy to the llto ttmlersiL-ued whoro sides ill tin -atne lew iil.ip ; all persons hav inir el-nuts iiEiuiisl tho estate of Hu- decedent are requested to pru si-lit litem lo Ihu ailuiinistrnlur at his n si.lt 11c" wnh out delny, and all persons Indebted to make pa) ment forthwith. JACOll WAN1CII, Ailm'r. Junn SO, IrTd-Gw. 93 A DM IN J HTitATO ll'S NOTICE Estate, of Elitahith Masttller, dee'd. I l"l'l'i:ilS oi adiuiiiislr.ilioii on lite llslalo of I.I1.1 .jhelli Masl'-llcr.lale ol'.Milllin Iwp Cuiiiiil,iaro.,dri;'., havebeeii j.-r J. 11 1 1-it h) the l!eijiter ol Coliiiulii i en.. In Hie nude rsi.'iii'il all persons h:',v nr.- iliiim, nuaiiist llio es tale nl thn tli-t t il. ut am re'iucsieJ to present llmm In Hu- uuileisitied, at 1 is residence iu said township, without delav, and all persona indebted to make pa) mint forthwith. JOHN .MASTBM.Un. June, ItKI-fliv l'AUL k THOMPSON, (iciior.il Com miss ion OIcrcIiatHs I tiHit.i.ns t. I I I'ish, l'lovlnions. l'tour, Itittlur, riiepje, 0IJ, Hrictl I rrutts, (.'rain, tie,lif, lleans, U'Uisld-y, Wool, I Co.t.tiy I'rodiicu and .MiiiliaiiilUe I i Keutraliy, I N'o. 31 Noam WiiiKi t., l'tiiL t l.tLvin.v. . 1 fTT" Coiniantnonls nf Provision!. Dour and Cotinltv I'roduco solicited, iiitd returns piotupily made. Cash . ailvaneetl when ttaaircii u oitlil'.RB for all hinds of fish, l'loviilon.. rioui. ' Dried 1'iiiits. &e tilled at ttc lowest Csih Filttl. ' Aujutt I, lSt0-Hm. Tim Point acts or dim'otism Avthorol 'The Prnan ol Stitr " ' I'tic M cti In mp. r r trrj, Hi uml in nmlun 'u (I' I Tlim "tli conl inn full irn.l ' pllii' ipnl A 1 iiftin last I oi.Bi 1 . nl copo tit fuir - vvlin Ii will foe icr fit n rtmina upon Hint in.ny . 1 I. 'I nn Tix 1:11.1., hy whirh nil llm properly mm re- f oiirres nr lli" pnla nru nuttgngeu tu 1110 prcioiu Ailiiilnlnlrntlnti. 2, Tins I'mtntr IliU., wlilrli Mtt nil llm rnrrenry of the country In llio linmla or tin.- s'ctrclnry or the 'i'rcniiiry. 3, Tub (;u(nirTir.- nut, hy which nil the hndimn flat, hy which nil the hndimn Poor iiipii who uro not worm 5.1'ju, nro pmccu 111 1110 li.inili nf llio Adiuinlnrntlnn. , I, Tu iNnr.MNiTV Act, (filllns ctlninx.) which pre miiuealo Indeinnlfy die l'realduiit fur nil thuwronin liohaatoimulttcil In thu pant, or may commit lu th j"liee'fourncl nrocncli preryued hy ncnrclut nn- itlyl, hy Mr, Mnhotiy, mid Ihrlr iinjii'l. nppreafivf, oiiconttitulionnl nml oilluiiK fenlurea pointea nut. An a took fur ruference, It will to Invnliinl.Ie to the I'nr. uier. th .Mechanic, the I'ldlticlan, fhe l.nborvf In fart Incvi ry peron. lur these nets renih fruiii tho loftiest mntulontoiho liiiinhlertinlilu In Iholnnd. 'I'lnne fnur ncl nro not publti.heil losethor In nny other f'Tlil. 'Jhey make n Inmo nctnvo pamphlet of II. 0 ncc, In pood fl.odlvpo, mnl nru cold nl the low jiriceof Fifty Willi lu paper, mid Kevcnty.l'ivo Cents In ordi r to foruMi ihne of our rendars whoinay cle lretlii Import. nit work, We have inndo iirrnnri nieiilH . Willi toe puniirnera to supply 11 iurnu;n our nmr", mm nil who wlh cople ton rrdor fiom u. Wu will fur-iil-li theni lit I'li'liidn r'A rat'-K. I r1. ml on Hi - nril.-ra at nnco. I Illy Onia in pnpi r IniidliiK, Ki vi 1 1 1 y -I I v m t em In liiualln. Ail.irem lMltur Cui.umi.ii HtMoCHAT. .May :iu. lsU.t. iCcadiiii; H:i Hloail. SUMMER AIlllAXGKMENT, finis vr tiu'NK i.inij it.om Tim north and ii.TAM Truiut leave llarrlsl.uri: fur ITillniletnhtn. Vew Vork Iteudiinr. l'nttsvlllo nud nil iiiti rmi iliuto slatioiu, nt ti 11. 111., nud 'i p. in. New York umleM leaven Itarrialmrs nt 5.15 n. m . ' .'nr'frnm llaUhur. , ' To New Vnii "lS ; to riiiiadeipiiia s'i 3J nud i en. lingn.-igo chocked 1 rone . 1 litturiiini:, ivr i-n New York- nt n a m., 2nnon, ami j lhpies). l.eavo ritllail".lphia at e.13 i p. 111., (ntt'ouri! l.vpiei). 11. III., Illlll ,.'t p 111. Plei plurnra in the New i ork e-spres trains, through to mid fiom I'ltlshureli witltoiit tlianiie. I'assensera hy the 1'itavv la.a Hall road l. aveTamaiti.1 nt .'..'.D a. iu., ami J l.i p in., for Philadelphia, New Vork ami all Way l'ointa. 'I'ralus leavu futlnrilto at 11.15 n. in., nn,l 2.30 p. m for l'lilladel.lila, llnrrlsbiirc and New Voik. An Acroiiiiuodation paasenu"r trtiln leovoa Heading ntllDiln. in , mid returns from Philadelphia at ,.UI) p.tu r,J' All the above trains run daily, Hinnlays exr.-pied. A r-iiinlay train leaven I'otlsville at7,3U it. in., and riilladklphl.i al 3.13 p. in. I'oiumuliiioti, milemre. seanon, and excursion tickets at reduced rales to mid from nil points. (.'. A. NITOU., May 23, leil3. Ctcncml Supcrlattndnnt. CJIIITON'S CHEAP HAT STORE REMOVED. Another Arrival oi Woods. Now is Your Time to liu;. i now sr.i.t, cin:Arr.u than i:vr.n, rrMW ninlersljiioil liaviiiR butisht out the Crnreryo j nnv id f trout), lias ri inovi u ins nnt ami -np pmro up to s'troitp's old stand, where in addition to a supe rior assortment of .(! AM) SUM3IF.IL 5 ITats and Cnps, Cotnprl"ins every fort, sij" and inality, which will ho rold at unusually lovv prites, lie will runt i ml" Hi" Urn eery and Nolinu hiiMttess na earrl'-d on hy .Mr. fctrnnp, Also-A fine lot of Kll.-, SIOUOi i:o.Smnl I.ininos to vvhtelthe invites the at eutiou of HinemnUrrs ,tnd the puldie JOHN K filUTON. Ulnomtliurc. May 3n, l?fi3 I Exchange Hotel. I ft.ATi; ol, 11. n. jont.s, ' No. 77 Dock Street, next door to tho ' Post Office, Philadelphia. i rphls well known establishment maintains Its usual ' X celebrity, and Its well known repiiiation of hemy ' tho best j HOTEL ON THE EUltOPE.YN PLAN I Shall he sustained. Ilnonta may be had at all hours inr nielit. 3i cents : per wo k. 5 I, tn r mniith, 8IH Tho liar and Ilntini; Departments are furnished Witt the hcbtnf overytllimr the market can produce. CiAME, P11UIT, VJ3GKTA1JLHS, nml delicacies of everv tlinie mar be had at a momo l'& j notice. I Meals at 12 cents and upwards, and may ho had from 5 A. M. till lj.itnis.'1't, (ieiiileiucu may rest assured I that 110 expense will be spared to render this Hotel a model one. .T. OTTENKIHK, Propr. March 7. lSG3-3tn, fTIIE subscriber has just recived a lot f, Hosiery Trininiin;s and Now Hoods, such as A I. BO: c'Lovns, 1)01.1.3. toTAVS, tJATCIIRM.. 11001' riKIU'lP, 1 OliT.MOMi:?, AND OTIII'.n NOTION?. Zy' Wheeler li Wilson's Sewing .Machines lor tale, Aln Huiiilnv Schuol Hooks mid iltbles. Also .Mrs. Allen's Hair Iteotorer. which will civeto gray its natural toior, a. n. wnnn. T.cxt Door brlow Court House, nioomal'ttrg, M-ay 30, ldt).). !. Mf J. 1 III 'A ,l.'t ,H J ( f W ( I f. I nil 13 rrni'tn tnr of tliii ll knou n ami cjiit rally Inra i letl limin'j, tin; J:iiuv t: J f 1 1 r , -ita;it fii Mat, ri 1, in Ulnouichiirt iniTiic.'i.it.-ly ;;noMt.' liu- Culum Iii.i (,'nin.ty Court KuUj, rrn tttullv i iturni'- lua t'lwutls nml tli'i jiiihlir in i: ultmI. tli it IiU lfmtm ij now iti tir '!) t't'i tin' reel ilum mnl L'litcrtniriiiK'iit uf ir.tcli rs wli'i m;t l-i.'l iiifcjuj-iMl to t'.tvnr it with their c n nn, liu has $p;m l mi cxpt-ii"!' in pre put ins tli" l.t n N(.r, f.ir the fiit-Ttiiiiitnctit ot lii.t xuot. nuitlhT fliall thnif ho any lliiii!, uaiitin 'ii liU pirtj to iiiinii'ti'r to their p-n,tui.it rninfurt. His lioiieu i sp.iuuus ami enjoys, uu uxccilLnt liu mu i loratiou. i Oiimil)U'''fl run at all tiiwnp W'twrrn llio VArhau;i lintel mi tl tlio arioiirt U'jiI llo;ul Dcpotii, y wlntli trav ult-rs itl p1ean'intl Lomoyuil t ami from tlio ro fpLttivu tftatioiiB in due tunc tu meet thu Cars. VM. it. KOONS. nioomslnirs, July 7, IffiO. IMPORTANT NOTICE 1 to 'run i'atiiovs or Tim STAill B? '.'ESSE a'ORTil. "iVfoTifi: is hcroliy given, that tlio sub 1 striplion and udverliius aeeotttits duo the Tub liaher of the s?TAf. oi- iiii. ,mini, ore pliieed in the hands or Mrs. Win. II. Juenby o lonuisburu, for iiiini" di. no rollettiuu. Tho Udiior of said paper bavin; been dr.HXi-d, nml nblijted to tfo I., wnr.il is iietcssary that prompt payments hu mad., in order that his family may liavo uie.ins of support. Vour early attention to this mailer may save costs and prove advantageous to hiy latuily. H'.M. 11. JACOIIV, Putt. 4!ar of the .Korth. January 10, 1503. CHEAP MILITARY CAPS! MU.1TAIIV CAl'S. oft-very sort, size and quality for sale cheap at the llloonisl.itrs Hat it Cap llliipotiiiin Also Oroceiies,Cotifeitioiiaries,Ciirars,&.c. JOll.N K. CHITON. ooittsburg, Sept. 1 1, li-'Oi. .11. O a S K '3? 51 A Tj K. T Printer, Rooklilndcr & Uaiikbook M A N U PA V. 'PURER; WiioirsviE vn lliir.vir, DAiru in rRiXTiNis, witiii.No AM) wiiAiTixr: r.n:u? AOENT toRTIIU CTVVVIB3A I-APFIl MIIXS. Main tfln ct. first ,inor below tho 1'ubltr Fpnare, WU-iKESlJAIUiE, PA. Nov. 21, 1S01 13m. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate oj llcnri Smilh, dcreasrd, T i:TI'i:ilS Teslatucnlary on the evi tie nf Henry l-J Piuilli. late ol iieitioti lowiisinp, " on. ml, la county, ; ilef f need, h.iv boon I'r.iuted hy Ihu K'ihui if Wills, 4-r , In tho uuilersiii",! nlsu roidin' ins.ild toivuship, all persons havitiK ilaims ngsin-t Hi esl..M ,of the de-ii-deiii tiro r.-'Piested In present thein In Hie tctitoi ,,t : Ills reside nre Hi said township, without del.iy,, nud all persons iliiltbtcdto t..al.u pav-meul foriliw iili.tit, . William avmi, June '.M. 13'13-ftW. S3 E STRAY. fi.Wll! nn tho ireiniff of thti k'thm-iilifr Henton O wwuluii L'ulimhia cuuiity. 11 thu JUtlu-f uy an I HON tiliAV .MAUI', C'UI.T Ivvo cr three vests old, liaviucona hiller and ftrlh. Tho owner or owners I aro rc'iuenen to tome hhwhiu an, rmvu ptori:y. ray nnrge. and lane oer away, otharvviiu ih will Siiip l ot trareirij J, M.PEisausc .an0. 1565- 31. ii 00 .Siu'rcnilcr oi'VicIiMbiiiv;. Arickburg Burrondorcd unconditionally, 011 tho l'ourth of July loGcii Orant. 'Jin- , . , ,, , , , , , ML-igu ui 1 un iiuueuu, wunnuui-' ii u, (in t, . , JJ.VnKJ, 13 proi?ros.ling GMROUrtlginji'ly. .... ' , . ... , .J ... ,, . , VllCll tlllS IKSt strong hold of tllS llCUcls, shall haVC been tal.'OIl hy tllO Union Arilly , 1, , , . ' .' 1 . . WO shall liaV'O nil UtlOhstrUClCll Uavia'lon , ... ...... Of tllC Mississippi JUVCr . , . , . . T. , , Gen' Sload", lias driven tllC UobCl ID- , , - a . . 1 c . . . e VUdcrS OUt Ol OUr btntO, .111(1 it llOt Out Of - ,. , Maryland, Will glVC thOUl fight SOIllCwIlerO UCaf HllgCrslOWU. .,M,m, The success ol" our Army. Early last week, tho Now York Times, stated that ''all communication by Hau Koad and Telegraph, was cut off bclwcni tho Washington fabinot and the Army of tho Potomac." 33v this fortunato circum stance, Gem Mn.l)E, vraa permitted to maungo the great Hattlo of Gettysburg, t0 juJgomcut-rvithout 1 Cabinet interference and lie most hatid- 'somoly licked out thu Hebol invaders. Oilier UCllCrOW, UCOn lull 10 manage icir 0Wu business in their own wav. wh ) liau otner ucnerals, ucon lull to mana- ' could doubt moro favorable and very lif- fercnt results. " Judge Woodward is a citizen of unim peachable charades', an able jurist, and a patriotic gentleman." Philadelphia Inquirer, Jttiic 20t m,ip.(.' . l'i1 "..wHiM idiiP iWit,n i. iiU'IWm iff 'llifi'i pi I rli ft IS63. IPCS. riiil.Klrliihia & i:ric Hnii Ro.nl. This prent line traverses the Northe'ti nnd N' t. West counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Hrn .on l.nko Crie, It has been leased by thn r.-nnsylvanla Hallro.vl Coiiipany, nud tttidi r lh 'ir nuspiers is l.oirty rapidly opened throtiahnut its entire lenslh. It is now in use for Passenger and rreicht hilsinosr frnitt llarri'buri! to Driftwood (Jd l'ork)(177 miles" 1111 th" Il 1st' ru Division, ami from rthelheld to Hriu 01) the Wetti rn Division, (7rl miles.) TIMfc 01' rASSIMII.lt 1K.VINS AT ttonTIIEMBCtltiAXD. Mall Train lenves, lint 0 .11 A. M l'.prers Train 10 Si V. M. Mail " " West A !3 ' I'.xprcsa ' " S S3 A.M. Cms run thrniicli with nivNOF belli ways on thesa trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and ll.iltimnr'J and I.ot Ii llaveti. New nml etcjm.t Sleep. 111' Cars itceoiiipaiiitnt the I'.vpres.-t Train oo'.lt wayg between Willi. uinpoit ami JJa I :.' 1 in.r"' , and Williams' p( rt and I'lnladelphi.t. I'nr lnf.tr, nnlioii resp-rtlnt: raaetic,-r li-tli-c, np ply nt the . I.. I or. lltli and vlarKct Ms, .VIIU l.r 1 roiglil oiisiue .s. 11 ine c'.iop inj o .K' u.n t3. II. KliiKstnii, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market Sts 1'ftll ,1 J. VV. ltev nolils, i.rio. J M. Drill, Agent N. 0. K: K Ilnltlmore. II. II. Houston, r.'-u'l. l'miclit Aet . l'hil.idelphia, l.cvvU I.' Ilnupt, Cen'i.Tiiket Ant I'hil.iilelplna. Joseph I). I'otts, (leit'l, .Manager, Williiiitispoit. January 17, lei3. Wall Papei LalCFt ttilo lowest prices. JPSTItcrelvcil a new asorttireiil of latest styles of Jl'uit Paper including Barderins', aiid Crilintt PnrtT. ami a nenrral varietv nfnialori.il In his fine. which will be found mi Hi" ri;i'HN) l'l.OO' mil' 1 ately ov er the store of Mr. I. T !-lnrples, entrance one doi'r east of I.ntzes Drns ftore in He :u, "rt l'.lotk, vvlioro all persons vvishms Eoods in Ua lino w HI be vinculum to. in person nt ai nil times. tST Popcr I Ian gin p txecuted lo oiacr, and hest stole, al shon wtice, v., J.TIIOUNIOX nio-mobtir;;, May!), lPC3-3m GREENWOOD SEMINARY. Millc'dlc, Columbia Count), Pain'?, This well know h Frhnnl for bollt sres will open NOVH.MIlBlt 3d, lii. The ree'nt ndditions tn the hitildltic; render ncccr.l odatinns for more than sixty boarders. Thecoitraeof study will embrace three dspartn.r." tlio Normal, Iho ritleiillflc, and t'iu t'ominerrtal. The 1'rlncipal will be nssisi.-I by exp"rienced rervflri cm, fully iualineiIfor their respective positions. I'areula and others may rest assured that no eflnrt? will he spared to iiialvetheprhnol worthy of p.ttronat and that tho welfare of lb" Huileiits. intellectually physically, mid morally, will recciveoureonslantraro l'or applirntion. circulars nr further particulars. ni press tho undersigned, at Mllluillo Columbia county In. T. MAXWHl.l.l'O'i'Ist, JOHN II. l'ATTON-, A.M., l'rtufinal .Miltvllle, r.t., Pept. 1H.1EK. W ATC II ES,'i E W VAAl iT&SILY ER' "WAIJE. fi? rTho untlrr.-iie;iiO(l would rrspect- $7 $2 h ful'y invite yn'ur ntlentiutt to his w 1 se vfil'.iO fl. led' .1 stock ofrine (fold an I Pilver ventcli se rin a del I Jewelry, of every kind nud van i "f vtvl.'s - comprising all of the newest and most beautiful (leslSlls. Also, Jolid Hilver Ware, oquil tn Coin and the lie-t .Make ol Silver 1'lated Ware. I'.ach article 13 war ranted lobear repre-etited, I Watches and J.-vrelry carefully repaired and satisfaction KUiranteod. j rn iiai:i.i:v. (Successor to Mtauiler ii llarlev No. 1,-jj V Mlicnr Street, l'llil.Air'A Teb'yS? , 1503,-amos, Columbus filalo and Femalo Academy, VV II It Normal and Commercial Instrnttlcn. PUOl'. li. ti. 11INH1I AM, Principal, ami .MItJ. t. II IIIVOIIA.M, I'rereplrtss. Tho next term of this institution will comincneel" MOVI1AV, tlte Will of Al'IUI,, iiifl. Tuition, fiom SI m g( per term, ?J- l"ir l fioin pi "5 to S! I'll per week, C 3 1 rooms lor those wishing to board themselves, l'or further particulars inquire of tho Principal. JOHN KOONS, Kec'jr of Trustee, JfffW Columhiis, April 11. ISOU. ELI IIOLDEN TNVITHS tlio attention of every ream- J. this paper, vvhith includes many thnits V,nn,i. ni.i ..n.i i ... , .. I'll.C'lls ,li, ,." ,(... ,,,,,,, t ,S ' unusually largo and beautiful vari'ty,. AMERICAN and IMI'ORTIUI WATCIIKS, CI.'ii'KT ntnl th anl designs of JUuULKY. Pllvtr '"nr f.r EI.I IIOLDEN. 70S Market Street, PlllLADELl'IIIA March 7, l-ii'.l- lJui JOHN S. LEE k CO., No. -10, NORTH VIIAUVi: l'hiladtlpiita AND SHIP CHANDLERS, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Ropes. Twines, Tar. I'ilch, (lakuiti, Iduiks, uud Oars, &c Alijusl 4, lcTsl-l-Jm. JOHN DOLL 002 Market St., Philadelphia, IMrOI'.'I'l'.Uof T.iyi, l'i pa nml fatioy Articles,-. Thu Iar4'rt variety of I'ipes, Toys, llatkeu ,-niJ l'ANCV OOODS TO IIC I'llUMI IN 'iIU CtTV 1'leascall and I'.vaiiiine, March 7. 1S03 DI NK DEEDS k. MARRIAGE CEK- TIFI0AT!-:S. A Superior lot of tlio sbovo ariiulrs, with nil other Kind of Dlniil.s, fti ?alc at the oflico of tlio Columbia Democrat. NEW BARBER SHOP, hi Uitirt tlnto Alley, TII0MjS D1J0WN, limber rj,t ijxu toiHi minor Tfct utiiMi rei .ici.Ai M Ug'e,tffne- r Julyl,18.J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers