Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 11, 1863, Image 2

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Suluiriny, .Inly 11, IS055.
von GOVKitNon,
or i.uzeiini: COUNTY.
THE Nation ANBHTilETm-EBTANDAnDcrtOYAtTV: lauu i.uuui in ..iij, ui-givu uuiiuiiuuni i jmo. o. in inc ititurc, mere nro 10 uo
That iiio present dopioraMo cioi war im- i.ern Illinois or Missouri voters, wo might hopo two candidates, liutl'er is (o be one, some
SrS.c' tbis in.V8lory ola up ; but it is 1 thing iikc Seymour, and iMcClollan is to
ifOVl'Tiiinuiit uim lit mi"BMmiiu my v (Mini , i u.u in
wiii "SMy
itmluly tothu wholo country j Hat thin icarii net uagid
on fjclriiiut in any ;,iril if vpprcsttvn, or for any ,mp.
intcoftofiqucst cr tvbjttftatwn orpnrpottrf ocerlhroiriiir
the ooruiiiMiion.oiui uprturn the umon. uith a dig-
ueMio ccatt."
vn-'Tuvn 'to tiuVcon'stitiithw as tup.
AllUUNU HIM" UanM mosltr
mi. . t i..:. r ' T.
will hail with satisfaction llio ending of tho c,cutl0U of ,lic IIon- Gi.emunt L. Vallan
war, whenever that can bo dono upon the diokam is a foregone conclusion. Mr,
ba3is of a restoration ol the Union. Rut,
it will not consent to separation of tho
Stales. Upon this platform it stands, pre
pared to resist every assaitand to advoeato
pcaco with a restored Union.
E. II. Little, Ecq., is gone on a tour,
and cspects to return in thrco or four
have been on an excursion to New York,
the past ten days, and intend visiting Ni
agara Falls, bofore returning homo to
"J5S?Wo havo missed tho "Ohio Crisis,"
and tho "Clearfield Republican" for sev
eral weeks from our exchange. This is
.. .. n
unfortunate as thoy aro to us invaluable
democratic papers.
Gentlcnion bo punc-
USTho Democracy of parts adjacent,
in Columbia and Luzcruo, held a Mass
Meeting, on tho 4th near Cambra. Ira P.
Mitchell, Esq., of Luzerne, addressed tho
meeting. It was a tremendous out-pouring
of the Lojal Democracy.
Wo hail tbo plcasuro of attending ono
of tho regular meetings of iho "Orange
vttlc Democratic Club," on Friday even
ing last. It was a full meeting, and wo
C,r.n nrorln Avn1.-n nn,1 fnllv nr"!
....uu, ... - . - j --IjH-
ized for tbo Fall Cainpsigniaf!ri:,j0l,rna)
llcjFsq., and thcJBd:Mjy""turns, and in
addressed .ibr
Jl mistake. Dr. John again speaks of
the CcLnjinrA Democrat, as the "Tory
Oigan.r Now, that is a great mistake.
Wc insist that thcro is but ono paper o1"
that class, published in Ploonisburg, and
that is tho thing called the Columbia
County Ilcpaia, , u, .i. VmuJ
Machine,' conducted by ono Palcinou
John, a full-blooded and lineal dcccndanl
of ft Revolutionary Tory.
Will you havo the documents ?
The Columbia VoJuulecr UliJili.i.
Our people in Columbia County have
nobly responded to the emergency rcotii
sition for the suppression of tho late Robel
Raid Invasion. The first call was re
sponded to in the raising and sending for
ward of Oapt. Clark's Company. Tho
accond oall for Volunteers resulted iu rai
sing Capt Ent's Company. Another Com
pany was sent off last week; of which
wc havo but lillo dufinito information, ex
cepting that the Company aro denomina
ted the ''f.owcnlurg Guards," in honor
of ouv fellow citizen, Lieut. David Low
cnborg. Wo publish elsewhere a communication
from Co. II., 28th Regt. P. V. M., of
ivhich our excellent young friend, U. II.
Ent,is Captain, with a list of tho Officers
and Privates. They were, when the let
ter vfZB written, at Marysvillc, nbovo Har
risburg. Sineo then they wcro ordorcd
Front, and stationed at Carlisle.
' - T 1 T 1
Judge Woodward's Speech.
We lay before our readers to-day tho
admirable specoh of Judgo Woodward, tho
Democratic nouiineo for Governor, deliv
ered at tho great Union mooting in Iudo
pondeneo Squaro on tho 13th of Decembor,
1800. Tho calm, sensible, and patriotic
remarks of the distinguished speaker will
bo read with great interest at tho present
time. At tho period they were delivered
thoy elioited tho warmest commondations
from all who listsncd to them, and thoy
aro now invested with increased interest
uu "0'" mo position in wnion Juugo
vy mo j;cmoc-,
raoy of Pennsylvania. Wo bespeak for
Ihom tho careful persual of all who aro 1
.IS. -r i ! -.1
uvonuuB ui tcnruiug jiik real viows onu
opinions in roforojico to our national troub
lesf which havo been so studiously mis
represented by tho Jacobin p.ress of tbis
Tho Missouri Republican (AtlminUtra
tion) contains tho following interesting no
llco, rather stiggestivo than explicit, of tho
financial ingenuity of the Republican can
didal! for Governor of Ohio :
''This gentlemen is, somewhat mioxpeo
tcdly, brought forward as a suitable Re-
puuueau cauniuaio lor uovoruor oi unto.
Ho was familiarly known iu this quarter
soma years ago, having distinguished him
self by his connection with tho Mississppi
and Atlantic ltailroad,projected to connect
St. Louis with Terro Haute. At a public
meeting held in St. Louis iu 1851, ho as
sured his hearers that this road should bo
completed and in running order in one
vcar. Tho road iunuediatolv took his
name, the "JSrousli Mail;" yet lrom cicany as any m.iu m m a uunj ui m
some motive which remains still iincx-) Europe how good it has been that govern
plained, and to tho surprise and dismay of lont has been composed of tho most ob
iho Western stockholders, ho abandoned 1 stinato and ignorant men iu the country.
Ids post as President of the road before I (Applause.)
I tho vcar was un, and the work remains1
! unfinished, and tho motivo for his defection
unexplained to this day. Were this prom-
. !.1 I.AIIA. .11111 .1 .lnHK.l..
ucilUUliy "II iUUUSINlI lUlfa II lliugtui it
,may prove to be a veritable ono, that this
, same L'Olltk'nial), HOW Put forward Hi
I !?. . ,. , , 1 . .
' CXCrCUIUgly SUltUUlO person lOT UOVO:
fls an
1'" been considered, for the last
tw'clvc or fifteen years a resident of tho
TLoroJs not the least
I harm in all this, yet tho intelligent Re -
publicans of Ohio can scarcely fail to ask
if 110 ",oro s,,i.tubl ti,,,l,.cr n,?y bu founi1
I to fill the chair of State in their namo.
tl .i .i . M.,- ,..i.i a l.,.
I lition Jacobins employ in Ohio
Lincoln willed it so.
CST Wo should like to see tho official
roport of that Smelling committee which
last week huutcd a poor old begger man
and woman for several days; up and down
the creek.
Did thoy find out that tho ono woaring
petticoats was a woman iudcod and if
they did, how ? How many maps and
charts did they find in the bundle of bro
ken meat, hard brcad,and mouldy cheese?
Anil how about the shoes and stocking?,
cap lining, and various other lit tlo matters
not necessary to mention ?
Como let us have tho testimony upon
which you concluded thoy wore not spies,
so that a inostdosccrning public may know
n '
if you are equal to your position. The
eyes of tho world aro upon you, you can
not escape history) and it is in your own
hands to make at least ono very enter
taining chapter Tho Campaign on tho
JCSomo Abolitionist with more zeal
than sense, a few days ago took up a poor
insano fellow who had been wandering '
bout thocountry, almost naked, wool:
Or two t and ImaJU 1.1." w HQ Pl'OVOSt
olino aud
aB a rebel.?-'' ' 1 Ul-i"
trous.- 'aU 111 Bloomsburrof
that ilk, !' 1 J
'.natie, and no doubt extracting most
finnn .1M ...'..'.a tn
Valuable illlformat'lOU
The pwr prisoner,
who in tho Keeping of Sjriff Furniau,
tears tho bed clothes to iaccs, aud strips
himself, and travels rxfiul tho 'room, gaz
ing at the ceiling ar conversing with im
aginary persons, hardly more demented
than his hourly risitors.
What may Love crazed him it it impos
sible to tell; the others havo ''nigger on
tho brain."
CS7 When wo seo Abolitionists raging
ad foaming about Democrats wearing
bullcrmu emblems of ''two hearts united
in one," and copperheads of'"Linci:TY,'
wc aro reminded of tho vipor iu the circle
of fire stinging itself to death. Now who
applied tho terms "Butternut," and "Cop
perhead" to Democrats ? Most assuredly
not Democrats themselves ; but these samo
Abolitionists. And when Democrats, in
stead of getting angry at tho blackguards
who thus try to insult them, take it in
good humor, and quietly assumo tho re-
proach, they chooso to get mad at us for
not lighting with them obout it. Thcso
belligerent individuals seem to bo in very
much tho same fix as tho bellicose Irish
man, "Och, bo Jabcrs, after tin o'clock,
tho second day of Donncbrool: fair, and
nivor a fight. Won't some gintlcman bo
kind enough to tread on tho talo of my
coat !"
TiFB. F. Meyeus, Esq , Iho fearless
Editor of tho " Betford Gazette," has
been nominated for the Lcgislaturo. Mr.
Meyers is an accomplished gentleman and
will make an energetic Legislator. Of
his election thcro can bo no doubt, as
Bedford county is a scparato Legislative
District, and is good for over a thousand
democratic majority.
Just Liko It.
Tho New York Tribvne of Friday last,
lias tho Bhamelessness to rojoico that "Leo
has crossed tho Potomao in forco and
seems to bo threatening an ndvanco into
the heart of Pennsylvania," and to "hopo
that ho may not bo divcrtod from that pur
pose" jJSrTho Royal Leaguers, of Philadel-
ph,a number 530 of whom FOUR volun-
tccrcd to defond tho stato from tho lato
rebcl invasion. Our Royal Leaguers hero
(urncd out in ahont tl,n m, nrnnnrt;nn
Chas. A. Wickliffo has accopled
tbo Demooralio nominaion for Governor of
Kentucky, ou the platform adopted at tbo
Ohio Democralio Convention..
From WcmlcH Hilllip'.-i Fourth of July
Oration, at Framlugliaiu, Mass.
No. 1. Tho tinioiMvithot't libn-ty is
tenfold to-day tnoro tacursutl than it was
any timo tho last quarter of a century.
( Annlnuso.) Union without liberty 1 snit
' upon, as tho subjection of the North and
the eclipse ot the ninetcontu coritury.
No. !). 1 believe, at the saino time, that
milled by his ambition deluded by nrtful
counsellors, tho govorninont at Washing
ton to-day, instead of boing a machine to
carry on this war effectively, is nothing
but a national committed to matingo
tho next Presidential election.
No. 3 When I look up and
into tho designs of Providence,
I see as
No. 4. Tho Cabinet is uuredecmod
t iucflicicncy heavy ns molten and doubly
hammered iron.
I T I 1 - .1 - 1 1
Q flin OUlCr. liHUICtUlnlll 13
ono point :
poaoo democracy is the other.
cauisin. spccilically, has sunk below any
: nnint tli!it nlmiimal ever soiiiidcd Cnn.
piatl80)-nml in the future a radical man
jxnQ a peace democrat are to hear up rival
banners. This speech of tho Postmaster
j General is Abraham Lincoln's cfibrt to
run between the parties a compromise
1 candidate. Again, I have no objection to
that mark you I l nave so sublimo a
contempt for tho level of Washington
oflico that I am willing the very men who
noiu tucm suaii noiu mem iu perputuuy
themselves and their heirs and assigns
forever (laughter.)
Nb. G. Now, what 1 want to say is this.
Mr. Blair Fays tho author of tho Declara
tion of Independence and his associates,
declared equal righls impracticable iu a
society constituted of different races. It
is a very grave charge I am about to mako,
but 1 say remembering Judgo Tanoy's
bad law and falso history in tbo Dred
Scott case distinctly, that that sentence is
tho most stupendous lie of the century.
(Applause.) Let no man hereafter charge
tho Cabiuet at Washington with want of
courage. The man who made that speech
is the boldest liar on tho continent.
(Laughter and loud applause )
No. 7. Tgnorant as the Cabinet is, it
is not so ignorant of tho nineteenth cen
tury as not to know that the basis of that
speech is falsa in history aud falso iu
philosophy, too.
No. 8. Now I am going to say some
thing that 1 know will make the Now
York Hi:uAr,D use its small capitals and
notes of admiration (laughter) and yet
no well informed mau this sido ol China
but bsliovcs it in the very core of his,
heart. That is, "amalgamation" a ...
I).nf. flir Vnrrlinrn nnrilniTil fnr. .
has always used so eJm-amJZ
never licarcl lrom a bo'- .!, , ,r
...,: , u, tllu youngest of
Z , i . ".'""'iiday of July, 1803,
yui X"'ry'hlu thci!slit o
all hi" ' ' Vlr 0 ;VOry page llc ovcr
..f, he was an amalgaruaiionist to the
utmost extent. ( Applause.") I have no
hope for the future, as this countiy has no
past and Europe has no past, but in that
sublimo iningliug of races, which is God's
own method of civilizing and elcfat'tDg the
world. (Loud applause.)
Jacobm Shuffling.
Tho Jacobins try very hard to repre
sent the Democracy of Ohio ns willing to
conclude peace on any terms, and to lay
thcic words in the mouth of tho Democratic
candidate, the Hon. Cli.ment L. Yal-
i-ANDiaiiAM. They know they utter a
falsehood when they make this charge,
for thoy know that Mr. A'allandiqiiam,
in all his speeches, declared the restoration
of tho Union as the solo object ho had in
view. Tho truo issuo between Vallan
DiniiAM and Biiourin, tho candidate of
tho lacobins, is tho Consittutional rights or
tho citizens and of tho States on ono sido
and arbitrary rule, suspension of habeas
wws,supprcssion of Iho freedom of speech
and of tho press, and suspension of jury
trials, on the other. That's the issue, !
and the Jacobins cannot chango it. j
Ou this subject tho Louisville Journal
(Administration) contains tho following'
irumuii suggestions :
, "TlIE Nomination of Vallandiqiiam. '
The nomination of Vallandigham for the
Governorship of Ohio by tho Ohio Demo.!
cratio Stato Convention is tho product of.
revcral factions, the greatest of which, as'
wo conceive, is tho feeling of mingled in-'
diguation and oompasaion and distrust ex
cited by tho unlawful treatment he has'
received at tho hands of an odious Ad-1
ministration, and tho very least of which '
is the approval of his viows respecting the '
war. Indeed his viows respecting tho war 1
appear to havo out little or no figuro in tho-
procedure. Ho was nominated in suite of '
tliem rather than In conseminnen nf tlinm
anih if ho shall bo elected, ho will bo dec-'
ted in like manner. Tho proceedings of'
tno lonvontion ovinced in this particular'
uuuiiui; eavo ncrsona svinnnt hv it . !,;.,
u ucup-icn wratn at the Administration.
Iho platform adopted by tho Convention,
which wo will endeavor to mako room for
in Iho Journal of to-mor-ow, does not
approve his views respecting the war j and
the speech of tho Hon. Georgo E. Pugh,
who, after tho dclivory of tho speech was
nominated by aeclamatiou for the Licuten-
.-.I .1. r i ......
ant Governorship, expressly repudiated
those viows. Tho truth seems to bo, that
tho question tho Convention intended to
raiso by nominating Yallandigham is not
iiiu question ot poaoo, but simply tho ques
ti on of tho right of tho freedom of discus,
The Four Acts of Despotism.
Written by A. D. Ma 7IOXY. and null.
lished at tho oflico of tha Caucassion, New
York, at CO and 75 ctn. per copy, aro for
salo at tho oflico of tho "Columbia Demo
orat." A Democratic Mass Meeting will bo
hold to-day at tho residence of Esquire
Derr, iu Jaoksou,
Lottor from a Soldier. Form 'a. i
Voliuitoor Militia.
Point of Hoiks, opposite
ItoiKVoiiT, l'a., Jul Ud, 180:3.
Colonel L. L, Tati; :
Dear Sir , It may perhaps bo in
torcsting to our friends in Columbia county
to know of our whoroabouts.-and to know
what wo have boon doing sineo wo left
homo. Wolofthomd on tho 18th ult.,
aud arrived In Ilarrisburg, on that oven-
inn at about 10 o'clock, marched into1
Camp Curtln and wore nuartcrod in Bar -
ricks for tho tho night, On the 20th ult.,
wo wore comnlctolv organized and enuin-
ped and that day crossed tho River and
went into camp behind the tortificatious
opposite Harrisburg. On tho 27th, wo morning the. main body ol our army, uu
again struck tents and were marched , ller Gcueral Meade, arrived in tho vicinity
about a thousand yards beyond tho Fort, "f Gettysburg, and was immcdhtdy put
and again pitched tents. That night wo position, tho formation of tho ground
had a detail of about two hundred men to ucing sucli as to aitoru ucnorai lueauo mo
work iu the Fortifications. On Sunday ' opportunity of selecting positions of signal
morning about 8 o'clock, orders wcro re- advantage. Late in tho day, nbout half
ceived to bo ready to march in ono hour. , P' four o'clock, tho enemy again offered
Wo marched about a half milo from camp battle, and for several hours the contest
aud then "about faced," and marched into j was kept up along tho whole lino, with no
camp again-. Put before wo wcro dismis- decisive result. The loss of Thursday on
sod, three Companies of us, A., II. & E ' both sides was fearful. Tl.o enemy made
wcro detailed to bo ready to march in ono' several vigorour ssnult, in some cases
, ... . , , , ,. .... approaching to ho very mouths of our
hour with two days cooked rations. 1 ho H u 1 h
, .. .. J n,. , ,. luuns, but were da often driven back,
destination was up tho River to relieve lb" " . , x,
. . . ,.t On Kr hlav ih cncmv renewed tho as-
somo men wuo wcro on i'ickci. wo
inarched to this place when Company E.,
was halted and relieved tho Picket.
Companies A Ss II , moved on about a
half milo further, and our Company (II.)
was ordorcd up a Ravino whore wo reliev
ed a company who were on Picket. Wo
remained thereuntil Tuesday, Juno 30th.,
when wc were ordered to this placo.wl.ich , 'uu
is about halfamilo below the Railroad fthe awu t, for early in the cay
, . . ... . i, i mi r. wcneral Lee withdrew his Torcc from thd
bridgo, which crosses at Rcckvillo. Co.' , , , , , ,
IT r , . . i i t .i r .t ' town o Cicttysburg, falling back about a
II., is encamped just behind the formica i .. . ., ,; ' c , , , .
. ' , ... . . , , ' mile iu the direction of Cashtown.
irons and w.thm twenty yards of o, Genoral Mca(Ji at onoa tonk posscsjiou
I ivcr. Companies A. and us')f Gettysburg, which he now holds, the
not more than live hundred yards.fom us,
,, . . . to the south of the towu. in the positions
for that is as far as wc ean see. . , . .,, . 1
i. ..,,ia selected or llmvsday.
The mountain runs right ur towatus ,,,.. i .. n i
, tt i 1 Our two is found in Gettysburg largo
tho Heavens, and somo say t'J men up : ' . . ,b
thcro tyo themselves fast t t-'o trees for minibo ot tho rebel wounded, and also
fear of tumbling down. 0- work. aro ; reeov-red many pnsonen captured by the
across the Publio Road aI Railroad and , cncU '
i i 'l un,,rr nn minll fu every case tho cnomymado tho at-
arc strong, and it willquirc no small , ... , , ,
, . i . ( 1i vrnnr(n,l ' ck' aUtl WIt" a valor anJ desperation
force to drivo us awar- it w lcportoct, .
- . -, i i f rarcly. if ever, equalled in warfare: but
that General Yatcs.ho ha command of ,. ""''""''
, ..l.i.,, were met by the Federal troops with a gal-
us at this place -V3lr3 us o stay, althouli J 1
our Colo- us back co the Uogu't. la,ltr'' "ool co.irago and endurance, that
1Tpv.uo Ucnorai) has w?ut so far h to
'say, wo aro the best comnauv ho Jas in'
his department.
Our Major, Wm. n. JEisuilias
mand of us, and ho is a splendid officer
for one who never before sa.v active scr-
vice. lie appears to haw all tho good
qualities necessary to .Make ono of tho
best officers in the service.
Lieut. Jesse 0. Tate, with some two
dozen men, wan ctetaihd to act asl'mvost
Guard, at the General Head Quarters, and
reported there at 3 1'. M., this day.
Below 1 scud you a list of the Conimis-
sioucd, non-commissioned Officers aud
Privates of Company II., 28th Reg't. Pa.
Yol. M , which is C.ipt. U. II.
P. S. Capt. Clakk's Company (C.)
is wiui iiic Jteg t. it is rcportcil tliat thev
had a slight skirmish, but there has
no oasiialitics in the Regiment.
Yours Respectfully, E.Mi:itai:!iCY.
Cap't. Usai. II- Ext, Light Street.
1st Lieut, J D ILsMi'To.)Oian"Cvilic
do. JussE U. I ate, Bloomsburg,
1st, J C Iliekson, Delaware couutv
Ud, John JI. Bates, Columbia eountv.
t,i n Tr c...!.i. ii., J
3d, C. II Smith. Del couutv.
4th M B Hughes, Col co.
1st, J S Hayman, Columbia county.
2d, M J Klino, Light Street.
3d J A. Aiman, Delaware comity.
4th Charles Mullly, Light Street.
Oth J T Harmau, Columbia county.
Musicians, Charles Alabaoh, John Fort -
uer, Columbia county,
0 W Andcrsou, Philadelphia
W F ilodino, Columbia couti
G II Iiidleman,
'X A Uowman,
Benjamin Urooks,
E Cadnian.
J Corns ock do
FEvoland do
T Fedder do
H Floyd d,,
J Fowler. do
G Haymaii, do
J J IlcfS, do
H Ilowcr do
N B Loo do
I Mears, do
J M Moars, do
F Pcalcr, do
S T Pcalcr, do
B Paidcn, do
II. Prentiss, do
U W. Shaffer, do
A Tonkin, do
C iM Yandorslico, do
S 0 Williams, do
Wm Yontz, do
I Yost d0
T J Brinton, Dc'awaro county
J Gristwold do
0 C Carboum, do
W Crawford, Light Stroct
Fllicks do
Isaao Muflly, do
R ODrum, Luzeruo countj',
James Foster, Bradford county,
R it Yargason, do
T Nico, Pliihidolphia county.
OBWobstcr, do
A Domooratio Meotiurr. will be held
at Moorc'o School House, iu Susarloaf
lownEhip,on Saturday evening, 16th of
Tlie latest from the scat of War. Result of t
thru wti s Hat lies, '1 he l.nuni) retreat
tuff, 'i'trrific slaughter on llo'.h Sides.
'10,0U0 Killed and Wounded.
Tho fighting at Gettysburg, on Wodncs-
"" J"""",
fri I... I rJi.l... .....1.
wnsonoouuo most uospcratc etiaracter,
aml l" losses on bot 811103 ,0!U1U1" 1,10
rcsults mny 1,0 ll,u9 8umlnci1 UP-
On Wednesday the enemy attacked the
, advanco of our army, under command of
' Generals Roynolds aud Howard, driving
lllom from Cashtown through and to tho
sol,lh of tl,c town of Gettysburg.
'nS Wednesday night and Thursday
- . ,
'iaultsoou aftordaylight, and after noarly
! twelve hours'esporato fighting was driven
(from Gctt'-iburg, leaving his killed and
' wounded 'ii the fiold.tho who'c of
the endJf tbo engagement, was iu the pos
Bcssio'ol'tbo Federal tronps.
0! Saturday it became apparont that
' .. 1.-.1 I.--- . 1.. !!.. 1
mauc mem luvmcioio 10 every assault.
1 ho slaughter was terrible. The killed
(and wounded on both sides will nrobablv
rcaec jornj lliousana. J lie enemy cap-
turcd :bout thirtv-Gvc hundred prisoners,
mostly in the battle of Wednesday. Tho
Federal have taken about fivo thousaud
j Tho rebel? lost heavily iu their general
and fwld offioers. General Archer aud
Armistcad arc prifoners. General Garnet
is reported mortally wounded, and General
Barksdalo killed. Tho latter was buried
by our troops,
Genoral Hancock, Sickles, Zook. Gib-
bona and Warren wcro wounded. Gcn-
oral Reynolds, Paul aud Weed wcro kill.
Gecoral Sickels was comfortably for-
waruee bv rai road to B.i timm-n
i Tho report respecting tho death of Gen.
Longstreot aud (he capturo of Gen, Hill,
I of iho rebel armyarc not confirmed.
Vatlandigliaiu in Oalifornia.
"Tue Yallandigham Case in Cali
rorsxiA. Tho Sonora (California) Union
' Democrat, of May 10, iavs :
"No news of what husbcen douo in tho
! 0 th' gallant Demouat has been ro
t ecived since the first announcement of his
arrest. Thousands look, with anxious
eyes for his release and frbinphant vindi
cation at tho hands of the people of Ohio.
I "In giving an aeeouni of iho DemnnmCn
. "lccti"S 'bat city, it sajs :
"iho meeting then adjourned with
lurcc rousing oiiocrs for YahandMiam."
Mr. Yallaudigfiam'a fame, ever Mnen
Mr. Lincoln ordered his deportation as a
convict without lawful trial or conviction,
is spreading everywhere, and with it goes
the crushing condemnation of Mr. Lincolns
unconstitutional, lawless and tryranical
Mauk the Coxthasi'. Wm. II. Sew
ard, our Secretary of Stato, in conversa
tion wuu .Lord Lyons, uttered tho follow
iug language :
t "My Lord, I can touch a boll on my
riguu hand, aud order the arrest of a citi
zen of Ohio ; I can touch tho bell a-rain
and order tho h:isourf,cm of a citizeii oi
Xsew lor!;, and no power on earth except
that of tho President can rdeasc them.--Can
the Queen of Ecgland do as much?"
Lord Chatham, ono of tho ablest of
England s statesmen and jurists, once
so id :
. "Tiic poorest man, in his cottage, may
bid defianco to all tho forces of the Crown
It may bo frail ; its roof may shako : tho
wind may blow through it ; the storm may
cuter ; tho rain may enter; but tho Kiiur
ol LRgland can not outer it. All his pow
er dare not cross tho threshold of that
ruined tcnomout."
Attention Company ! Volunteers,
w ho expect to retain their health uuim
paired during tho campaign, must seo to it
themselves, do not trust to tho Army Sur
geond, supply yourselves with Holloway's
Pills and Ointment. Every English Sol
diers Knapsack coutains them- Only 25
cents per box or pot.
Tiir Nkw &tamp Dem. On tbo first
day ol October, tho now law In rotation to
flnmp duties, Uiulor tho act for Internal
important law, lastly observes tho l'utsbiug
;nirti nn ivnn linn nnnrnu i. 11 iiiut.
Jiispaititi nuecung avviy uuu ub-iiiiiiy
mmlniiMl. Ianl IvtitS. l)?.llk cl.CCkS.
... . . rr ..... . ...... i,.
pollcloj of Insuraneo, custom hoilso papers
.i.i.. .i.n,ln, nr n inn.-i iiiis no!8
character. All thoso Inslrornonts linvo to
ho stamped or thoy become null and void,
nml fnr ovcrv Slatnn there 19 a specific price,
Thcso stamps will be supplied by iho Post
master, as well as by tlio Internal Uovenuo
Collectors, nl (lovoniment prices, in
amounts not exceeding S100, Tho law,
however, will not bo enforced until stamps
aro provided,
A law liko this, affecting so many inter
csts and going into every Individual's busi
ness, will raii-o a groat many questions dif-.
ficullof solution upon llu? iiK'tatil. M.iny
of tho questions cannot I o resolved in ad-
. . ... .'II .1 ..
vanco, out mint wan un muj- uusu, iui ,i
nroner official solut'on. Tho authorities at
proper official soliiton. j no iiiiiuoriiios ai
Washington, however, should as fur as abio
imm,,llnl V mVO Dllch instructions to ll.OSO
appointed toadminisicr the net, as will fa-
cili.ato il.Hr operaUons and explain to the
public when and how the aw nppl,, and
in what ineianco it does not. buch mstruc-
..i.i i. r .,! iMr.,.. nn.l in .
formation. Tho law requires tho following
articles to bo stamped :
I'or a bank check or a sight draft for an
amount exceeding iwcnlv dollars, a two
cent siamp will bo required ; for a promis
sory noto,or draft (other than siylit,) stamps
of various amounts, from fivo cents up
wards, aro requited ; a ccriificalo of stock
in an incorporalcd company, twenly-fivo
cent stamp ; a powor of attorney, twonty
fivo conts ; a pasfayo ticket to a foreign
port, fifty cents to one dollar; merchants
and shipper have lo pay duties of from ton
cents to ono tlnllar.on bill? of lading, mani
fests for onlry or cloaranco, certificates of
damage, entry of gooJs at custom house,
kc. ; for a protesi ol note, or'rnnriiio protest
tho stamp duty is iwonly-five cents ; on a
deed of grant, from fifty cents upwards ; a
loaso on protest, fifty ceMs to ono dollar ;
a policy of insuraneo on life or propetty,
will havo from twenty cenls to one dollar
added to its cost iti tho way of a stamp ;
telegraph despatches aro taxed from ono lo
threo conts cjcIi ; bonds and mortgages
havo to bo clamped according lo their
amount, the bnvcM denomination (or stamp
for litis purpose being filty cents ; probate
of will, or li'ttcr of administration, pays a
stamp of fifty conts, upward, proporiionale
to lite amount involved; while an express
company's or ''common carrier's" receipt is
taxed from ono 10 five conls. Tltero are
heavy penalties for ' making, signing or is.
suing any instrument, documents or paper
of any kind whatsoever, without tho samo
being duly stamped," and ttio instrument
or paper becomes invalid and of no effect
from the want of such a stamp.
A Hard Wind.
The Western Slates havo been visited
with numerous hurricanes of lato year,
sometimes demolishing enliru villages, lev
eling forests, and doing immeiuo damage
generally. Tho lown of M . in Iowa,
was once visited wiih ono ol theo pqualli ;
and, among oilier nniiei perfiiriuo.l on that
occasion was told mo ; und the leader cm
attach any degree ol ctedenco lo it ho
deems proper.
Old I'eier II lived in a ono story
wooden homo of not very eMoiiBiTO dimen
sions; and when it was subjected to iho
force of winds itspowen were
insufficient to withstand so great a pressure
and it yielded tho point without a struggle :
however, it was not upsot or lorn lo pieces,'
but merely moved a low rod, lit ihe
courso r,f tha iournev. tho sioro ira n,,cn
and the fire spilled out, and tho danger of I
a conttagratlon was imminent. Old Poior
was too much e.oiled to noiieo the remov
al of his houso ; and, seeing tho neces'dty
of immediately applying w aicr to iho burn
ing embers on the floor, ho seized a bucket
and darted out behind Iho houo, whoa
great was his astonishment to fimt all traces
of his well obliterated. Alter looking in
blank astonishment to find all the traces ol
his well obliterated, he '.lien called to his
wife :
"Sarah, I'll bo blamed if tho wind hasn't
blown the well clear out ol tho lot I Thero
is not so much as a siono left !"
Not long sineo a lot of tis-1 am on H. P.,
' high private," were quartered in several
woadon lonemenis.and in an inner room of
ono lay tho corpse of a young foccsIi ofii
cer.awaiting burial. Tho news soon spread
to u village not far off, and down came tear
ing a sentimental, not bad-looking speci
men of a Virginia dame.
" Let tno kiss him for his mother ! sh0
cried, as I interrupted her proarojs. ' J)0
let me kiss him for It la mother !"
"Kis3 whom V
"Tha dear little Lieut, tho one who lies
dead within, I never saw him but oh !"
I led her through a room in wltigh "'
Lieut Philadelphia ,
out on an upturned trough, fn5t aseop.
Supposmg h.m t0 ,ho arlic,0 g0 , 'f
BUo rushed up oxclaiming,-
apnrnaelinil lnr V"' .. ' . muKibsinni for his mother," and
,,; , " " lu ii'tuiiuau. tvnat
Was hoar nmn-r.m.,i ..,!... ,i. ...!
eloped his arms around her and exclaim- 1
Si U i
"Novor mind the old lady, Mi..s. go it on
your own account. I haven't tho slightest
objection." ot
ontoon lliuuGKfl.-l'ontoon hnais aro
fU boi.ninud, tinny lee. long, lwo ,, u
wtde ai Ho bow.itnd livo f,.ol wido
a II to sicrn swelling ,lt iU lho fii,lt.a 0 ,
widih o six eel. Fad, fl,, 0.i a r.mi. "
Koaroffuiir W l.,nl ,,.! ! . """u
gago wago for the n'on m, i,V .. ..?,.. . 'I?;
proportion of ttnuS pieces and of pi.tnl; -
Ou reaching a nyer I0 boats are utiloa InH
Heated across hv pnl.i,,a ,n.i.. i '
then in sir nr. ni., ..... ., , ' Piruwu lu
. -a iiiu i a l (I across Irmn
one boat ,0 tl,0 noxtlnd on iheso nrenlS
rr."' Cw??1 fea loilB, Wliicl form
ll"U f; uimwny 0 Ihal W l Ill Ii ta r
JllJl to Jo re8!, nol t0 1 r v'ar
Mth a pontoon ifttin, unload and launch
Word 11 ia i'i ij ni.. l " iiiu
"'.'J1? 11 J'8 Riven, havo d blid0, 6av
ariliv erin lafnli i .. ' ""-'i an
m'f can ialel pase w,n, BrUury a))d j);ig
Cniullflalc's Department,
l'mdtri Fee l b(Scni h invariably In
. .. .. -.
HtiUMiajlutiriM H srvnnAvXZni:
To pit DemntrnHe VJecloti tf Columhh Ccvnty .
uwr nj
i iu. nw. r ., mi i ur , b,-u rnienii lor yotir for
iiirr pnttlnllly nnd gentrou. cmitMenco, I wnuld
.n,.rtrlltf IIMIIOItllfn. flint I Hill t.n n .1.... . ..
.7.: I,., s...; ; i n , rno;..ViV... u"10. ,,r''
n,ft ci,m"'ln,c rorHTATR snxATon
.o r
umr, Nnttlmmbrtl.nnl rinl Snyder. '
Anil rcipcciriiliy solicit ynttr Riirrniri.
...... . L.TA'E.
rnoTitoN otahy and oleiik or the courts
To thi Dtmotrntu nf Columbia,
Wpnninnilinrlzpil tonnuoiinrc, Hint JEESR COLK.
MAV' nl """ire ton-nililn, will bon fnr ttn
oiSco or I'rotlioiiotnry nml Cli'rk of tliu n.'vtrnl Coutli
ol Lnliimlila,y, jul.jnt lo iho ilcclflon ul lliu Il,.t
i crnllo liiiiinty Colivi'nllnii.
llrniii!!! tu p., July, I, Bt)l,
1 TIIOMA3J. V.JWimiSUct:, l:,.,r,ritcin0.k tw ,
wm nro nutliori7.M tn nniiuiiiirn will lie n caiiill l.if n '
fal lor)I.Ni;V(;().iniHHI()Ni;il, .uWiq I "
''iiciiS't'rCM-oi1' I,c,noc",ie c"icmifi"-
IMi'nTR'lHi'Tl -C. livnninin,,'
i irjjiuiiii.
TJPON consultation with many friends in
,7, 'feCi VlLVl'i.L"1"11!'1""-! olli r
j ". nc.mthinto inr ti.a -iiiico ,r
1 in al, fr JToULSZniy ,M(k
ft. fa"' j.,, Bl
rnrm ti .luiiui f the oiiice nroniiMiy, Sniiu 1 1 J ?, I
t courteously. ' . ' ,c"-''yil
Blooiiisuurf. July II, Ison.
John (i. ntiiiizr:
To the Democracy of Columbia county .
PROFOUNDLY gratefully to you for
your ropcitu,! evMtm-c, of ,rmy t,1pf..
city .U tile of many old ',k-u,l, 1 am Imlu .
red hi oiler iiiy.oirtoilR. 1,,. fralc Coin tv Comv", .
t llll.nntl Vlttl lift tn ltd nnll.m - 11 i.i -V."
riotfwnotury nad Clrrh of the Couna,
In mid fur thu i.'ounty of ColumMa Hl.oul.l i,
Jjloomrtn.,... Jtnyu, J3C3. CYKn,'Y-
COUNT YlTllKlBintBnr" "
nANIRL McflENltY, Esq , of Fi.,hino-.
creek ton ii I.ip, u nro mitliorized to ai'nnm.rp
will bo a Ci.udiilatu fur
Tnasurt? of Columbia Countu,
nttlin nppronclilns r.Iccllon, tuljict to tl.u luacea of
tlu t.'ol.iiiiiii.t County llcinocr.iti'L Convention.
July II, lSUII.
C 0 UNT Y 'i'REA S U RE R.
.in p'MW tp.,we ars i.utliorijod to ,,0.c
will be r caudlUuto fur
Ticasurcr of Columbia Count)
lit lliu npnrnnchm 't:irr ion eul.Ji'ct to tlm altloti of
111- Culunilil.i I'otinty lleiuo,'rntlc Uivventlnu
July II, Hull,
sixty'davs notice."
IT havo left wiih John Smith, Esq., a
i me. of all mini-tiled ncrnu.ita Hint wrr
dui' nit on the tt day July. Mt uutj that is Uui-. Any
P"rsot w lulling to tittle them up, can do so hy calllnz
on .Mr. siiiiitli. '
Jemej town, July II, lFCl Ini. N. Mc.AY
Estate oj Pitrr Whitenight , deceased.
I -ETTER'S of Admiiiistration on tho
V ) IJit.ite of Teter Wliitenlfl.t, late f Hemlock tn ii
l.ouimlii.i co.. l'a., ilfceam-d, 1. ive h.-eii cr.ulted by the
Ili L'iili r of Coluiulii.icii., to Aiihv Wlnteiiielit, Slnry
Wliltcnljhi, of Itemloik ton-imliifi, ('ouiul,..i county
p ffi iin havl'ig claims ngnimt tin, etatc of thi dec it
are re'iueted to present them to the, Adiului.tralnr at
tli-ir ri'nidenco in ai.l toun.liip, without delay, and
all perona indented to make payon-nt furthwitli '
AJiav WlllTIIMCIl'l'.
Hemlock twy., July 4, l?C3-tw Jdmr :
A Monthly Journal, devoted to the Prin
I a. cipiesot i,,t, and i.e., Ilcsisni-d m unniak tlu
i Tl rtiilf
IJsllrt1.llir.ll 1 I .l .
And to defend the dortrincii of t-'tates Kleins, mid o
' Liburty, at. Iild l,y our K.volutlunar)
1 allier". ' i,y c. (;hau.v.t.v iii'r.u i c, 119
fil l itreet. New Vork.
ruitt. Hlngle'r. 15 renti. ronrnrded v
mnll orr ipress to. .11 pam of thu Unit.i.l atate nt i'l
a year, in advance. Any periio.. neudlng ten subun-Ill-is
will receive an ndd.tio'Jil copy fur oiu ear.
July II, IsR:i,
fa the Orphans' Court for the county of
Columbia, Estuts of Christopher 11.
Smith, laleuf Hemlock tirp,, dve'd,
A LL persons interested, will take notio",
'I hat the unilerclKucil, nppuntu.l Auditor l.y thu
Orphans' Courier Coin... Ida county, tn report distil.
uutinoith balance iu the hinds of Aaron Smith. Alt
on. of Cliri.-toidur II-Smith, deci-med tnaud
anions tliu l' clam, tuts ami reprehcntatives of lie.
,.,ii,iuui in,.- p.-.rifes inu r.-si.-ii, nl tno n.
cunler's OIUco, in Kloiiin.liuii;, ou t!nlur!.iy, tie!
day of Ausust, 1.-.13, for tin purpuses of Ills appoint
ment. All per.ous inter. sted nru ifpiircd to iresent
their claims before tl.o Auditor or bu debarrcJ from
coining iu fur a rharo ofthe I'll nils.
nioomslmry, July 11.1SG3, Auditor.
' In the Orphan's Court of naid county, Inter alia, it In
thus contained :
Writ of Partition nnd valuation ortha Ileal L'rt.ito of
Alem Marr, deiuased.
And now, Jluy 7th, 1PK1, retuiii of ln'iuost conllrmei:'
nl.olutely, and ou mi.tiuii of John (I, I're.z-,'oiirt
(.'rautarulu ou Chester U. Jlarr, William Marr, t'li.i
Murr, e3on Jlnrr, Hiram S. .'Marr, lliicl.el Ilierh rt
Into Knrliel Marr atnl llarriul Viiu l.iutv. Into lliiini i
.ilnrr, children of Aleni Alnrr. Into of t-cctt torn, lin,
in Coiiinil.ia county, deceased, to appear at an Ortihai.,
court, to bo held at llloou.sbur;', hi unit for the county
id Columbia, ou the first .Monday to wit: Tho "III d.iv
ot September ne.u, mill nccepl or refsse lw ijecriil
jmrp.-irta of the said estate nl thu valuation placed upon
tliu said purparts by tl.j nuiuesi u hlow causa why ibo
ami- should not bu fuld lurocabiy to lliu ncl of As
nuiddy iu such case sw'u nml provided. I'eraonal
i.otlcuof the rulo to be (.erved upiui all the parties re
B""'S! in tho county, and us iu-lt, uiibltcation of the
rwi prior to Hi! return day lliereof, to lie iiuhlj.litid in
one of tlionoutp.tpers publislvid ui IHognistiurj;, in said
county ; a paper containing the public iliou tu In pent
to omit of the parties out of iho '.oui.ty, each week du
ring tl.u publieatiou of the tattig ivltero tha rcbtdjtitt
is known,
lly the Court,
Curtilioil from the Rernnln. May IU, 1SCH.
JACOB I'.VI'.itt.y. Cl'k of 0. C.
l'er Micnu-.i, I-'. Kieklt. Ass't.
Jin) parties abovu tiamcd wili take notice oftlie above
bligrins Office, nionnisburg, )
July ji, leas.-ut, .
Public Sale
rp HE undersigned Executor of tho last
. """t'i o of Anthony toivn.hip.
. , ' """.. niuntoui county i eecabcrt will sell
at public veinlua on said nr,iu; 1 " 111 8t"
, ,J'lmkl "'$t 1"h 1603,
!"r .,?"i'Cl0f " cettain lucsJiinae and tr..c.
Olio Hundred ,unU Tliii ly-o;to Acres
nnd forty perchs, more or I -as, neailv al' cl, are I , ,i
under ii ,;ood stato nri.,l at.uu ,, , , t ll
iinuei'ent ll0U'';'1'J''1, "Jr" u,"
snualui V.:
l,,'W,'in '"'" f JM'it r i nJir a, sn, Ii 'i
?'!" ,'Jlal" Joint I'oii; afoiesiti.i.
STABLE A HT.,Hf SMl.r'li cm,
Ann Y. ., ushiuoiiui,
gSpfi Miltf X.
SaSniL', l10'"''11' llfi
' ,iiint, iii! inc tn no mora or 1
''"V'1"" Ocared and th,. ,e,n"j,"e,
lanu is under ugi-oj nata of cultivation
less i about
111 II1.U' i
nateio comnieuci: al 10 o'.
M, w,n b, mdAu kn
July U, 13
uunus r i oi.:.,
ft. t '-