Farmer's Department. NEVER PLOW POTATOES. This may scorn a strango logic, no doubt, to many of our readers ; hut if they will only try it, I think thoy will find a differ enco in tho yield equally strange. Plow ing potatoes will not answer with mo. If tho Eoason is dry thoy do not grow until tho autumn rains come, and thoy then grow eo rapidly that thoy aro very tender and soon rot after being taken out of tbo ground, if thoy do not boforo ; which is very ofton tho case, My modo of plant- Ji::S?JT3 '.r.T&BMS ONF. DOLLARS PER DAY ywe.w VI mill BiUUUlU UUU UUVUL WUH Willi barn yard munuro ; then plow deep, and plant in every third furrow, tho potatoes about ten inches apart in the furrow ; then after you bavd finished planting, harrow down smooth and roll with a light roller ; then when thoy begin to como through the Ground, harrow again in tho samo dirco tion of the rows; then when they reach tho height of about four inches, run tho cultivator through tho rows, twioo to each row. After this, tuc tho cultivator as of ten as you think proper, taking care to keep doWn tho weeds and grass and if any weeds grow in the rows that cannot be reached by tho cultivator, pull them out with tho hand. Never mo tho plow to cover them, as you form a vidgc that runs all tho water from your potatoes in between tho rows, whoro it can do no good. Po tatoes grow up in the warm, dry months, and wo sometimes havo a number of small or slight showers that moistens tho earth a few inches each time, and revives vege tation very much ; but it is only tho heavy, soaking rains that reach potatoes that are ridged up. Go into your patch, a Iter a slight shower, and examine tho potatoes that have been ridged up, and sco if they have been benefited by it much. Cor. hollar JSctcspnpcr. HOW TO INCREASE THE VALUE OF A COW. Every ono that owns a cow can seo at a glanco that it would bo profitable to in creasa tho valuo of hor, but every ono cannot tell how to do it. Wo can, and 'w think we can make it equally palpable to'crar readers. If a cow is kept for but "lor,, lit would certainly add to her value if tbeSfcirttcr making properties of her milk should ho improved. In summer or win tor this -can bo improved, just as the yield of a cultivated crop can be improved, by what is fod to each ; and it is simply a quostion of will it pay, in manuring the ono or feeding the other. Indian corn will add to the quantity and quality of the butter to a very scmiblo degree j and it is Bimply a question of solution, by ex periment, whether it will add to tho profit of tho butter-maker to buy corn at ono or two cents a pound, and convert a portion of it into butter at twenty-five cents a lb., or whether the market price of corn and butter may be, and another portion,ofii into fat, another portion of it into manure, for that is tho natural rusult of the chem ioal change produced in the laboratory of the cow's stomach. The samo result will follow anv oihcr kind of feediuir. Good pasture will produce an abundance of milk, often as much as tho cow can carry ; but it docs follow that even then it will not bo profitable to feed her with Eome more oleaginous food to increase tho quantity of butter, just as it sometimes proves profiia blo to feed bees to enable them to itorc moro honey. It certainlyjdoes not appear to us that the value of a cow, lccding,upon ordinary winter food, may be almost doubled by making that food suitable for the purposo of increasing tho quantity of milk, if that is tho purpose for wlncu tuo cow is kept. Farmers generally under Btand that they convert corn into beef, pork, and lard, and some of them know oxactly at what price per pusliel it pays to oonvert it into those, substances ; bnt; does any one know at what rato it will ' pay to convort corn or any other grain into butter, or any other kind of feed into tho dairy products ? Is the wholo busi ness a hap-liazard ono? Wo fear so. Some porsons know that thoy oan increase the saleable valuo of butter by adding the coloring matter of carrots to it. Does soy parson know tho value of a bushel of carrots fed to a cow to increaso her valuo ns a butter producing laboratory ? Ex perimental proof upon this point would f , ,, . . ,. , bfl far moro worthy Of agricultural priZCS ...... ; , ... . than it IS to SeO Who can allOW thO largest roots ; for by a few carefully conducted experiment wo should bo ablo to increaso tho valuo of a cow almost at pleasure RE3IOYING DLMPLES. It is sometimes exceedingly difficulty to get rill Of pimpUlar Outbreaks. JjCt your diet bp generous, but plain , that is to say, do not starvo but partake only of whole- somo food. Beet and mutton should bo preferred to pork and veal ; and sich soups and sauces should be avoided, I, To Remove Sourf from tho head, take a pint of water, drop into it a lump of quicksilver. Let it stand for somo hours to eettlo ; pour off free of sediment ; add a quarter of a pint of vin6gar Wath the head with the mixture. CIGARS & TOBACCO. A large assortment of eholrn Cigars, Tohneco, ripcs' Fruits, t'nufi-rllonory nnd Notion gonernllv.togcth. tr Willi n fUll flock ofllATrtiiud CAPS, constantly on In ml ami for lain cheap, lit the "illoonuburg Hal fcUap Emporium," JOHN K. GIRTON, Honinsburg, March 1(1, If 01. ' NATIONAL HOTEL, (Lata Whlto Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVE THIRD I'IIIIjADKIiI'HIA. D. 0. SIEGKIStT PnoiniBxon. Formerly fom Enlc Hotel Lebanon. Pa T, V. It I'm ADS, CRK, .March V!ll, Itf,i-I4ni. MOUNT VERNON HOTEL No. 117 and 110 North Second Strcot, Pill L A I) ELI' II I A . The ntiova well known establishment ha been leas by llii! subscriber. This Hotel is conveniently Inentcd In n central mid IiiuIiiom p.ittnrilio city. It l large an J commodious, nml well furnished throughout, Persons visiting li'i city nra respectfully Invited to call nml patronize this establishment, ns nothing shall no wanting to iiukc tho guests cotuioriabiu anil talis- Citizens nml visitors can lio accommodated on roai- onabls terms by the day. week or month, J. OTTENKIHK, Proprietor. NnT7 Pock St.,Pltlln. I.ate of Halt I more. Md, nml Madison II, in. r, Second St. l'hllado'phla. .March 7, lSGti Hn). JOHN DOLL 502 Market St., Philadelphia IMPORTER of Toys, Pipes and fancy Articles, The largcrt variety of l'lpcs. Toys, ISaskets an J fanov ooona to nn found in the citv. Pica- full and Examine, .March 7, 1803 WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVER WARE. he undcrsicnod would respect- C..I.. ...... ...I.... ... I.I- ...-II fir -II H limj III. IIU y, Mir ,11,,-llllUH IU ins wen su- ailCSa JL lected stock of Fine Cold nnd Silver watch- so I'lno (Jeld Jewelry, of every kind nnd variety of styles - comprising all of tho newest and most beautiful designs. Aln, Holiit Pllvcr War-, ci'ial tn Coin and tho hct .Make of Silver I'latuil Ware, Ilach article is war ranted to be as represented. fj Watches and Jewelry carefully renalred and satisfaction guaranteed. jauuii iiaiu.ey, (Sucrcssortn Stauffer It llarley.) No. lii'MARKEF Street, l'HSl.AU'A. reb'y S? , (503. 3 inos, PAUL & THOMPSON, General Commission merchants, DBALKRS IX Fish, Provisions, Dour, Hotter, Cheese, Oils, Dried fruit, Mrnln. Seeds, llenns. Whiskey, Wool, Co.'ntry 1'roducc ami .Mcrcliaiuilso generally. No. 31 North Wharves, Piiii.iDEL.rmA. K7 Consignments nf Provisions, Dour and Country Produce solicited, and returns promptly made. Cash advanced when desired. OIini:i!S fur all kinds of Tisli, Provisions, Flour, Dried Fruits, tr., tilled rft the lowest Cash Prices. August 4, lfOU l'.'m. P II I L A D E L P II I A. PAPER HANGINGS Howci.i, & r.ouuKi:, Corner Fourth and Market Streets, Philadelphia, have now in stock, a fine variety of WA L I. PAPER S, dot up expessly for their Vpring Trade. WINDOW PAPER OF BVHRV fiRADU, to which they Invite the nltcntitm of storekeepers. K5" 111 their rctallcp.trtinent, will bo found tho choicest styles oftliu dim. March 7 1663 3 mos.scas JOHN S. LEE & CO., No.-IO, NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. RE.E ITS ffEES AND SHIP CHANDLERS, Spun Cotton for Caulking, nopes. Twiim.Tor, Filch, Oakum, mocks, ami Oars. &c August 1, 1WU-1 Jm. FUlSIiaiOTII &. IinOTHKKS. WHODF.PAIiK TOBACCO DEAL E R f SO. 105, NORTH TIllllD STREET Five doortbelowltacc, nuLAui:i.rfiiA SCHOLARSHIPS FOR SALE. Pittsburgh Commercial College, . Ilingliamptin " " ('rittriiilcn's " " Phllndolphia. Btrntton, Ilrynut U Co.. " " TImss Scrips, aru In amounts of 915 and 5.111 and arc as ho much cash, by tho .Student on cntrllu' either ofth bovo College. Young mdu desiring towlitaiu iitinigl1 i Collegiate nducatin, will here rind a gooJ upecula on by applying at the ulllcn of tho Nov. l.litiJ. COLU.MIJI.V DEMOCRAT. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP! rrMin undersigned respectfully informs his old frloml J. and ciifctoni'-rs. that he has purchaieil his brolhem utercst In the above estabtiphmeiit.iindtho concern wils liorcalter be cnnuiicteu by liimatlt exclusively. ll lias hist received find olH-rs Tor K.-iln. t)m Inr,. Avy est and most citcnslvo assortment of FANCY S'J'O Vila ovrr introduced into this market His block cotiidsts of a couitduto assortment of ho best unoKtng nnu parlor stoves in tne market, togeth er with Stovo Fixtures of overy i!i-cription, Oven and Uox Stoves, Radiators. Cyllmliir Stove-", Cast Iron Air- Tiglit btoves, Cannon Stoves, &c, Sic, Stovepipe and puiware constantly on hand and mniufactured to order. AH kinds of repairing dune, ns Usiiul, on lioit notice, Thu patronago of old friends and new ciKtoni'ir re- .pclfully solicited. A. M. RUl'niT. rlloinsburg, November 3d ISCtl. tf. JOSEPH FUSSELL, Manufacturer of .UMBRELLAS, SUN UMBREL LAS and PARASOLS, Nos. 2 & -1 N. 4th St., PIIILA'D. March 7, 16(i3-3m. REMOVAL. E. 82 Ba O T E Bi. E A TIIC undersigned respectfully informs lit friends and thu public generally, that he lias remuved from the "Union Hotel" to the "J'.AOI.R HO I'lll,," in thu borongli of Jluncy, wheru lio will bo happy to enter aiu In a satisfactory manner all who may favor him will their custom, Tim bust stabling in the county, w th ample accommodations for trai dors and drovers, No pallia will bu spared to render thu btuy of guests ipleasat and comtortubla A. .11, SMITJJ, Muncy, April II IMS. THE DISEASES R p p. n R ( Lcs Maladies rl' Err air.) I JOHN B. OGDEN, M. D., author and 1 publlsherof the above work, do hereby promise lc M ugreo to send free of charge toaii) young man who will write for it. a copy for perusal, '1 ho proper tluily of mankind W Man. Tills valuablo work is issiiej & sent forth for Hie bein lit of sulRring humanity, it treat in Mimolo language uu all thu diseases of r.rmr iti,i. ding seminal weakness. Nervous ikbihty, inilijji-nioH Melancholy, Insanity, Wasting decuy, Impotoiicy, &(.-. fiiviug safe, speuily, and iltoctual prescriptiong lor their permanent cure, together with much vulvnblo In- loruiuii,'l- 'in iiw iv"r mo h nn u ucsire to reau my work fhall receive a tiamplu copy by return mall, freo of charge. Address JOHN n. OODF.N, M. D No CO Nassau St., N. V. May 23. lEG3-3in. BL003ISI3U11G SKYLIGHT, P J T 3J B E rpm: undersigned informs the citizens of lllooni. arkY ires can bell ion especially groups itlicru each person nn no lunerj isi as wen us neparuic, Uu has gon to considerable expense to mako his cs nblHhinnnt first class our, and he therefore solicits a bcralpatro jgo locnublu him, to constantly introduce the mode i improvements of tho art, C7"Coiu .)- produce token in Eschaugo for plituros HENRY UOSENSTOCK. Uloonuborg, Nov. 23 1801, Nov, 0 "J2 K, It &X':M&E8 A rn 'P n T M XT v . A mi r a r -i- W n A V A Jl 1 i. 11 , BLOOMSBURll, rji. Offlct in Court Ally, fbrmeily occur-M by CfnuUt K Duekulew. Bloomibutc, Dec. i, 1W, I FOR THE The spirit of encroachment tends ti eonsolidaln Iho flJITITIilTSftiM powers of nil tho ilcpaitmcnts In on .nml thus til ere V Ki KJ i 1 1 U II j V 13 ate, whatever be the form of government, n real lies- AND Til 11 roit DIABETES AND DISEASES OF Till! Tlitse nangtrens and Trevhlcsomt talis, uhlehhait thus far lli.slHrtl the bett iltrttttil Trtalmtnt canle CmilttitiJ Controlled by Ike Ht'MKUYnoa btfert till ran cuiiativii properties of Iho Incdlclno ditcct themselves to the or gans of crri'tlon, and by so altering tho condition of tho stomach and liver that tho starchy principle eftho fond Is notcoiiverted into sugar solong ns the system Is under tha influence of tho CONSTITUTION WATER, winch give those organs time to recoicr their keallhy tnno and vigor. Wo tiro nblo to statn that thu Coustitu-, Hon Water has cured every caso of Diabetes In which it has been given. STONE IN THE lli.ADDrR, CAI.CUt.UF, 11RICK IH'ST DEPOSIT, AND MUCOUS OR Mlf.tvY HISCIIARCEd AFTER URINATINO. Diseases occurlng from onennd Ihesnmo cause will be entirely cured by tho Constitution Wntor, Iftakcii forany length of time. The doo should vary with tho severity of Iho disease, from twenty drops to a tea spoonful thn utlmes u day, In water. During the pas- sago "U mo v. , ileum-, iiiu I'.iiii nnu nrgciii sviiipioms nlKiiihl lie combated with the nroner remedies, then followed up with tho Constitution Water, as nbovo di rected. DVSMF.NORIIACT.A, OR PAINFUT.I, MENSTRUA TION, AND IN MENORRHAOIA on PRorUHi: FLOWING, tlotli diseases arising from a faulty secretion oflne ,,ielni:il Until - in Ilia one caso beiiiiiton little. nnd accompanied by severe pnlu ; and the other a loopro fuo si'cretinn, which will bo speedily cured by tho Constitution Wnter. Tlsnt disease known ns I'Ai.i.i.Mi ur Tin; wo.Mli. which tho result of n relaxation of tho ligaments of thut organ, nnd Is known by n sensaof hcniness and drneeiui! nalusln the back and sides, nnd at times ac companied bv sharp I nrl nail ug or shoot lug pains through the parts, w ill, in uu cusc. uo removeii uj inc incuieiuc. Tin re i- annthor class of symptiiuis nrl-lng from 111 RirAl'lONOFTIIt; WO.MII, which physicians call Nervousness, which word covers up much ignorance, nnd liinlnecascs out of ten tho doctor docs not really know whether tho symptoms lire the disease, or the disease tlm symptoms. Wo can only enumerate them here. J speak more particularly of Cold IVct, Palpita tion in the Heart, Impared .Memory, Wakefulness, FLi-di-a of Heat Languor, Lassitude, and Ilimnessof Vision, SUPPRESSED .MENSTRUATION. Which in the unmarried female is a constant recurring disease, nml through neglect the seeds i moru grave and dangerous maladies nrc the result ; and as month after month passes without nn i llbrt being made to as sist nature, tho siippro-iou lieconn-s chronic, fhe pa tient gradually loo.-es her appetite, the bowels aro constipated, night sweats comu on, and consiimiitian finally cnd6 her career. LEUCOllllUIA OR WHITE?. This disease dependt upon nn iullamatlnn of mucous lining of the vagina and womb. It Is In nil caes ac companied by secic pain in the bark, accross the boucl-i mid through tho hips. A teui-poonlul of tho medicine may be taken three times n day, with an in jection of.i tablo'poonlul oftho medicime, mixed with a naii-iuni oi nou wnit-r, moriiiui: ainieveniug, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE RLAUDER, 1NFLAM ATION or THE KIDNEVH AND CA TARRH OF THE 111, ADDER, BTUANOURY I AND llL'RNlSfi OR l'AI NFL L URINATINO. Vnr thesodiseas-i's it istrulva sovoreinn renicdv. and too much cannot bo said lulls praiso. A single does lus been Know to relive the moit urgent syptoms, Arc you troubled with that distressing pain in the Miiall oftho back And through thelilpsf A tea'poonful a day of Coiibtilutiou Water will relievojoulikuinagic. FOR DVril'EPirIA, It has no equal in relieving the Mnt distressing smp- tnms. AIm). Ileailaclio, lli nrtimru, Ami atoiuach Vnm itlng I'ood, &r. 'I'.ikea tcaspoouful alter dinner- The dose in nil ca-csmuy bcincrcaseil if desired, but should be donu gradually. PHYSICIANS llac long iinrc giveu uu tho use of bucliu, cubehinnd juniper in the treatment of these dUeatcs, nudoutyuse tuciu ror want oi a oetter remeiiy. CONSTITUTION WATER Has proved itielf O'lualtothu task that has devolved upon it. . DIURETICS Irritate and drench Iho kidneys, and by con'tant use aouii lead tochromi: d, generation uud co ilirmed dis ease. Read, ileatl. Read. Dixviit-E, Pa., June" 1-tVJ. Dr.Wx. H. finr.nn Datr bir : In I'cbuary, Icul, I Hasutllicied wtthtli j supar iliiibeld,nnd for live months I passed moru than two gallons of water in twenty-four hours. I was obdg.-d to get up as often ten or tvele times during thi night, and in live months Ilnstuboiit fifty pounds iu wiigth. Hurtling th; month of July, letil. I procured two bottles of Constitution Water and iu twodays after ming it I experienced relief, anil alter taking two bottles 1 was eulirely cured, soon after regaining my usual good health. Yours truly. b J. V. L HE WITT. Iloslon Corners, N. Y Ucc. S7, 1S6I. M'ni. II. fire" k Co.: Cents: I fre.-lv give you liberty to make use of the folloniiig' irtitUateoftliu nine of Coiistitulion Wa ter, winch I can reccoiumeiid iu the highest manner. My wife, nhu was attacked with pain In the tdioul ders, whole length of the back, mid in her limbs, with l'alpituliun oftho heart, attended with Falling of the Womb, llysuieiiorrhoea, and "Irritation of thu Iliad dcr," I called n pliyMcinn, who attended her abut three iiiontlis, when lie left her worse than he found her, I then employed one of Mm best puyMciaus 1 could llud, who intended her for ubout nine months, and wlule she was under his care sho did not sutler quite ns inuih pain ; he finally gave her up uud said : 'her caso was Incurable.' Fur, said lie,"&lio was such n combination of complaints, that medicine given for one opeinlosdgainst some other of her dilliculties." About llus timu i-lio commenced tn lists CoN-rnumx WtTKn, and to our utter astonishment, almost the first doe seemed to have the ilsired effect, and the kept on improving rapidly under its treatment, and now super intends cn'irely he,- domebtie alfalrs. r-'liehas not ta ken nny of tho Cos. nurtos Wati.r fornboul four weeks i nml we aru happy to bay that it has produced a pernia-1 nentcure. W.M. M. VAN BENSCHOTriN. SI11.L.10UD, Conn., Nov, 19, 1801. Dr. Wm.H.Orego; Dear ir: 1 have for several years been afflicted with that tooiiblesomeand dangerous disease Cravtl. n hich resisted nil renieilien and doctors, until I took CtiNHinu nosAl. Wxrut, and you may benssured that I wus pleased with thu result. 1 1 has entirely cured me. and ) ou may make any uso of my name you may sec tit in regarc to thu uiedicino, us 1 havo entire confidence in its cllicacy. Yours truly, TOM) riPRONC, THESE ARE FACTS HNOUiill Tliero is noclass of diseases that produce such ex hnusling clfetts upon tho human constitution ns Dia betes and diseases oftho Kidneys. Ulnddcrund Urina ry Passages, and through a false modesty they nrn neg lected until they arc so advanced ns to be beyond tho control of ordinary remedies, nnd we present tho CONSTITUTION WATER To the public nith the conviction thut it has no equal in relieving the class of diseases for which it lias been found so eminently successful In curing; uud wo trust that vc shall bo regarded in our cIl'urtH in placing so 1 valuablo reiAcdy in a form to meet tho requirements of patient and physician, FOR BALE UY ALL DRUflOlSTf. PRICE SI, , WM. H. nr.ORQl! CO,, Propriemrs. Morgan 4: Allen, Gcucral Agents, No. 40 Cliff til New-York, Sept. iJ. IgOJ. ism. EVANS & WATSON HA LAM AND!. R SAFES. HP, I MOVED In Xo. t Aouth h'ovrth btrect, IVitladctiihia, hava on Iimlaliirgu ussorlment of Fire Thn f proof SalamnHiler Hafes. Isn, iron doors, for bunks and stores, iron shutters iron sash, all unkcs of locks equal to any mado 111 the United States. Fiee Safe in one Jin, .111 came out right 1 Kith eon tent in good condition, Tho Salamander Safes of Philadelphia against tho world. EVANS & WATSON, linvi had llin k urc it iv tiinw I rut imi in tin Aillmt. him . , KS!3 tificiito that their mauufactiiro of Knliunuiiiler rJdft-a'luu, Philailelnlila Anril 19. U.m I Messrs Evans ft Watson: (lentlemeii-lt affords in tho highest satisfaction tn slate , In you, that owing Ito I Iho tery protective qualities of tnn of the (salamander, Hafe which wo purchased of you some flvu iiiontli since we saved n largo portion of Jewelry, nud all our books, Ice., cAposcd to tho cnlamlnous.llre inllan.lead plucoon ; the morning cf the 11th lust., i When io reflect lhat these safes were located in Iho fourth snry nfthe building we occ pied nud that they fell subsequi inly jiitnu lieap i, burning ruins, nlieru the vast concentration of the heat caused III ) brass plates tn ! melt, wo connoi but regard Hi pr trillion of th"ir val uiihlo rimlents ns mot cunt lining lucmf oi tin guul ie. ' curlty nlforded by your sales, ' We sliall tuke greut pleasure in recouini'iidlnrU, , men of business as a sure reliance nga n.i fire. OEOUtiE Bl.M.MON'lJ lc tlltO., JecclUiv. u "' since Piucnaseu ill largo njleu. July S, IcttS, fAntust 50, 18i3 M fiiurpi !1I oit Al IT tUS nEIN r-RACTISFD IU Ut UHITI B STATVS tit MFC' UTIVK ASSUMrTIOS AND KXSnCISt Of AHtttTRARY roWttl II Y ). A. MAHUNY, OIE Of ITS VICTIMS. "It Is Important that tho habits of thinking In n free country should Inspire caution In th-sc cntrtislad wllh Its ndmliilslriillnu, to confine Ihem ,'lves within Iholr respective sihcrc, avoiding. In II. exercise of tho powers of one depattment to cncron li upon nuother - pnllsin," WasHisoio.1. "Cllngto tho Constitution, ns Iho shipwrecked marl ner dings tn the last plank, whon night and ll.u lein pest tloso around lilin," Daniel H'stlb, 0 VRI.ETON, Publisher, (l3Dron i.iny, New York. try Mr. Mnhony's book with lln- nbovo title will bo tinb'islieil tills week, April I, IWKI. 1 T$r?T-' :-.saf. THEutiiVrslcneirt-nt'O rxt-nstvciy cngaced Hi the UmlertaUnir liiines, nml keeps constantly on liaiH ml for sale at ills Warerooms, n largo assortment " FINISHED dOFl'INS, Ily which ho Is enabled to till orders on preentntion n good llrc and Hcnrso, nnd will at in limes no reuny loaucnu 1 interne, rilMO.V C. SII1VE. nioomsbi'rg, January 2.1. 1B30 AW JOB TYPE, AND H71 PTI"., :,.l, ... . Un ,. 1 'ti.lUy fi. i 1J ISIJw, - USW J j IVr 1 new ftillv nrcnnvivl to tirillt the I, are HOW lUUJ prcp.uui ill . I'r"'1 nnntnaf. nrul n innnrnl .1(1 IS 11 U L A . Ill . ' I thu country. GIBSON'S DECORATIVE 'lST.niiISHi.IEST, No. 125, South Eleventh Street near VJ nnt, nnauielcd Class, Fresco, Oil and Encaustic Painting John Rmsov. ' JL Utn .N. January 12, ldl 3m.. NEW BARBER. SHOP Iu Court House Alley, Nfc.VT DOOR TOTUE OirtCEOF TUB "lOl.VMCIl IlEHOCKAT,' j i.ooMMiviia ;m. November 8. 18b?. Columbus Male ami Fcmslit Academy, W ITII Iformal 2nd Cemraerclal Instrtietlon. nHOF. It f. IIIN'fillAM, Princioal, and MR. S. F. 1 IIIVCtlA.M, Prereptri s-. The i-extterm of this institution uil! commeiirp r MOVDAY, thu 20lh ol AI'ICI J., inst. Tuition, from SI In per torm. it- Hoard fimn 1 ;s to 82 no p r week, Ci rooms for those w idling tn board tin-ins, li f For further p.iilieulars inquire of tlm Pi inripn: Joil v KOOVt1, t-ec'y "f New Culiinibus, Aiiril 11. Jso3. F. 0. IIA11KISON, 31. I). WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Won burg, and vicinity, that he continues the practice .vniiiuixr., nd solicits a sli.ire of public pntroinze. Orticr. on Main Street, first house below the Court House, llloom-burg. February 3, Icjj tf. PETER YOUE .t SON. HAVE recently f-rened n HOOT AND SHOE SIKU in LIGHT S rill.LT. Coluinbi-i county, Pa., nnd r't preared to do Iho best work on the "bortest notice r.l i at the lowest priees. Civo litem u call. April II. ledJ. liackawaiiiiii & liioomsburg ilnilroad ON AND AFT! II APRIL 20, i-tn, PASSENCER Tll.MNri WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: M UVIKIi BOU T II, ransenaer. .Itram. Liavo Pcranton, " Kingston " I'.'oomsbur " Rupert, " Danville, Arrive at NurFjumherlaml, Jl O V 1 N I! Leavo Northumberland, " Hamille, " Rupert, " Idoouiiburg " Kingston, S3U, A. M. II. 00 A. M 11.10 Arrive I2.:ii) P .11 CJ'I e..Vi H.2I A Al P.5.5 N O II T 11 I.30 P. M. 5.I0 5. 1.i 5..jil F.O'i i.r. I'. M Arrive nt Scrnutoii, IMH P. M. 3.30 A Passenger Train nlsnlonw Kingston nt r-.-.t) A. M for fcrantnn, to conm-c t i Hi train for New York. Re turning, leaves fcranlon on urrhal of Train Irom N York at I.20 P. M. Tho Lai kawanua and Itloonisburg Railroad connects with thu Delaware, Lai kawanua and esti ru Railroad at ,-'cranton, for New Yoik iiu.i intermediate points east At Rupert II connect- with tin- Cntl.iu ia Rai road, lor points both east anil wetl-airi nig at i'liiludilphluut 7.00 P. ,11. At Norlhuniberland it cnisnects wllh the Philadelphia & Erieli. R.audN.C R. R. Ir points west ami south Passengers urrhiug at lliirrisbiug 4 50 P M. ; Phil adelphia 10 P. .11., r.allimore 10 20 P. II. (ICO, H. HUNT, Sup't 1 C.Wells, Ctn'l Ticket Jlgenl. Kingston Apiillr1. In. 3. DAKG.lli3 IS STATIDAEUV. 2,500 (Iron Steel Pcnn, 600,000 ,uirc Blank locli 850,000 Knrelopet, Slates, Ink, Ciiituin & Wrapping paper, Pass books. Lead-Pencils, (iold-l'eiis. vi-r) Hue. School book-' visiting Curds, fee. n largo portion of wliich is stock purchased before the rise iu prices uud now selling low ion cash. Wm. G. PERRY. Itooksi-ller.Sc Ftntloner. S. IF. cor, 4th, Se Jtaec I'hdadchihia. March T, 1FC3-3 mos. 5.C001UUMS writing Paper, including of note, Letter Fool. cap, fermon. Hill, fc Drawing papers selling nt low rulers for cash. Win. G. I'ERRY, Stationary. 8. W.cor 4th, 4: Itaco Philadelphia. PIC 'PUR B S FO IZ ALII UM. Over COll different varieties selling from TScts to $173 per tlczcu. Wm. G. PEIIRY, Publisher. r3. W. Cor. Ith Si Unco Philadelphia. WILLIAM G. PERKY, BOOK-SELLER, Stationor, Rook binders, lllauk book manufacturer, and Healer iu Imported nnd American stationery. Hotilli West cor. -Ilh ir. Race fit,. Philadelphia, Persons visiting the city, or sending orders will do well to take a memorandum of thu above Address. The stock i largo nnd well a-aoited, Pricet Loin Pitoionnii'it Aluum., rielllug from tlt'cls to 8.'5 ench. Thoneuesl styles and largest assortment in the City. Wm. . PERKY, Publislu-r, B. W. cor. 4lh t Raco ttrs., Philadelphia JOHN 0. YEAGER, .MANUFACTURER & WHOLESALE DEALER IN ffl.HA.TS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, RONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWEliS, No. S57 North Tliinl Street PliilaM. -Nov. eo. if WA lED 1(10 ()00sl,,NGLl,,s- J. VVVt.-'V' V Lumber of nil ll.d 1,11,1.7 .....I... .. . . .. IMC. ..ll 000 feet of kinds for wcich the hlghes , niaikit p . s will bo paid ineicnange mr goous uun IWU..V..I, Jerieyuiwn, May?, H03 i ?1 ECONOMY IS WEALTH. OU E YOUR doudllFOlllB CENTS The lent und cheapest Household remedy , in the florid, m.uiami: zauoc ronrnu's madamf. zadoo tcr. TER'S Curative Ihitsam l warranted If used eccordlng to the directions, tn cure in !!0":i,,n nd I. nil cases WlinonllU and nil affections of throat nnd Lilugs. Madnino 'adnc pntler's I'nlsani . prepared llli all the teqtilsllo skill, from ft ceiulilnnll on of Iho best rem- i dles the vegt table Unndoiit ri"ea!!n7lV pVmer to nsslst the lieallhy clrnt liitlon nf thn blood, Ihrough Iho I.uiia. It Is not it vlo. 1 1,-nl remedy, but emollent- warming, searching and eir ecllvoi cut be taken by tho oldest person or tho young. . e child. Mndam'adnc Pnrlir's I sain hasbi en In use by tho .ulillc for oyer Id years, ana las ncorlred lis present sain Imply bv being recoinmen. iled by those who havo used it to ihclr afflicted friends rs. nnd others, ,Mnt Important Mn.l.iinn f .i.tnc Porter's Curative ItaUam Is sold nt a price which brings it In the rr-nch . .. , 1. .,n..ln. tl.n 'I'll t I III ll i oi every one i-i ,! ....... ,.-...., -.-.v ly use ofu singlcbottlo will prove to ba woilli 100 times Its cost. , , , I NOTICK.Kavo your money I Do not be persuaded I to purchase nrticles at 4s to ,91 which do not contain the i Iriues of a 13 cent bottle of Madame Porter's Cu 1 rnllve llalsnin, tho cost of nianufncltiring h hlch Is n? ', great ns nlmot any other medicine! and the vcrylmv I prece it which ft Is sold, makes tin-profit to tho sell ,' ornppt. 'ntly small, nnd unprlnelp.iled dealer wl'l shnielimes reconiini iul other incdlclucs on which their I profits nro larger, unless the cusl r Insist upon ( fiavinf Madame Portcr'-i and no ither. Ask fur I Madame Porter's t'urntlvn llalsam prlco lilcents, ami i n largo bottles nt e.1 netits, nnd take no other, O""r?old by nil llrugel.ts and Storekeeper tit I3cts. 1 r.,. 1 ill larger hollies nt ceiiti. HALL ItUCKI.E, Pr prlnlnrs, New ork, . January 21, IPfill. z WtES'rJ'S'iiiS,' Mi) 3 t'.h, NOS. 0, 11. in. 15, 17 Comtlantlt Street, vn.Pitinimf v NI'W YORK CITY NEnilllO.DUA, M.H iiJI.u This oli.e8tablilii-d and fuvorito resort of thu llusl- ncss Community has been recenlly refilli-d, and Iscom. plete in in er thing that can ml ulster to Hie comlorts of its patrons Ladies and families are specially and care. fully provided ror. II l centrally located In tho bu iness part of the city, nnd l contiguous to the principal lines i.r steamboats, tars, omuibus-'es ferries, ,tc. I" cuisiqueiiceofthe pressure cause, uy uiu ueuui- lion, prices nave been reituceii to One Dollar a d I'iftij Cents per Dni. 'I lie table is nmply supplied with nil the lutnrles of u,0.utoii, and Is equal to that of any other hotel in Iho .nnnin- , .....I . ... ,l.,,n. .n nlV .n.l C. ,,,,ii'!,nl r,r.0 giie-,1-, B7" Do not bellevo runners hackmeti, and others w ho may say "the Western Hotel i fnii.y I'. II. I L 111.3 1 l.a, l li'l'in iwr. TIIOS. n. WINCHESTER. Feb. li.lSGt! 'I he New oinmcrci'd Buildhiiis are loca led opposite Court Hume, corner of Court and Chcnitngo-Strcrts. Thi-'l'nllego is in noil ay connected with nny other In-titution. Tlie enorgie of tin entire Faculty are exclusively de voted totlus. Tliedeigu nfthls Inllluton ito nfiord to Young Men nn opportunity lor acquiring a Thorough 1'raetical liutliir education The lloo'.- and Forms are carefully arranged by I'r, ii licit Accountants, expio'-ly for tilts Institution, and Ihe course of I iitruc1iui is unch iMCoinbmc Theo. rj and Piaclke. COLLEfJIATE CCURSE. TM,. Course embraces I'ook-Kei oinc In all its dp- p-irluieiit'. Penuiuauship, Commercial irilhmctlc, llus iness Cojrespondeme, l.'oinoieieial Law, i'o Econ omy, Commercial Ethics I'nrtm r'-hip .ettleineuts, lie lectin? Counter!' ;iii d and alt ired II.-.ukA'oti-s, &c. 'I lie Spencurinn Hytem o IViviiiiaii'hip is taught In nil it varli ti' , b the mo-t skillful natters of tbo art. Tin- Ilook-Keeplng ilepartmeiit is under the spciiul supervision and instruction uf the Principal, D. W. J.ounx. CES'ERAL INFORMATION. Students can enter at anv time : no vacation. Usual time to comp'ete the Cnurie, from (I In 12 wei k. Asi- tanee reuuereii toernuuates iu pioc-iiring situation-..- Crudiiates are pn-sented with an elegantly engraved Di ploma. 0.7" For oatalogue fcf 7(1 pases, specimens of penman ship, lit,,, enclose t o letter .tamps and addren D. IV. LOWELL. I'riuclpnl. August 30, I8C2. May 3, leoj-l'.'m. CRITTENDEN'S rillls.tDKLPIHA C03IIWEKCIAL. COLLEGE, 7T. E, come? nl Ith and Clicshiut Streets PHILADELPHIA. Tuts In'stiu'tion. which was ciltiblisltcil in 1841. ami is now cooseipleiitly i It the eighteenth year wf Its exist ence, numbers among its graduates, liumlrt'dg of tho mofitncccssful .Merchants 'imi tlusimas Men of our Country. Tut: iii." t of the Institution i solely tn afford young men luciiiir-s lor iiioroiigu preparationtor business. Tiik llavNruis-i ,1-oiii-are, Booli-lecpnig, as appliea ble tothe various departments of trade; Veniiianliip, tioin plain ami ornamvniai ; i.vmmerciai taio, Maine vi'ilim, Xariiralwn Ciril V.nglmcrlng, JJraicing, I lion ogortilnj, and .Modem J.nngnoge.1. Ti t r-vTiM oi- lNsrra'iiio isp-culiar I no classes or set lessons are inmle 110 of, but emli student is taught Individually, so that he may coumieiiceat any time, and alteiiu al iMiaiever uoursare inosi conviuieui. Cttooc'ks nrcissued antiiiallijiider tho 1,'itli of April eniitaiuiug llamas of the studentsfor tin v-'ar, and full puiticul.'trs ofternin, Ice., and may bJ obluiui-d 111 an. tune ny nuuresiug uie rrincipai. I ExTnsstvi; Accommooitioss, tride-nprcad reputation and the Irngihii cjpcrienie ofiiie I'rinctpal, lln Institu tion nlfers facilities -upi-r,jr tonny other iu the coun try, foryoung men Wsliug topiepare for business, ami to obtain at tho snine limit ioi-iiima, irhieh trill prove a reeommeudotten for theui them to uuy Merchau tile Douse. (T7" Chii i.snEs's tenet if Trralltea on PooK-Kitt'-imi. now uoro wldclycirculateilthan any other woik 011 the kubjeit, are for sain nt Iho Cnllege, S. IIOlKillS CRITl'ENDEN, ,1ltorncj-al-l.air, Pkisciihl: Jan. 2.7-1P02 12m. NATIOXAL (JOLLKGCS IiOCATF.n IN PlIlLADELPiil V, B.E.CCRNER7TII AND CHESTNUT SI'S., New York City, Rmoktji), Albany, Troy Buffalo. Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, and Si'. Louis, nonkdieer Commercial cally taught, ing, Penmanship, Commercial Arithnietit Law, Forms, Correspondence, &c ptnit These Colleges being iiiuier tho sumo general nud In. t il management, and uniting in each thu advantage r all, offer greater facilities for Imparling iu.lrucl , tan any other sliuilurlinlitiilioii in thu country. , A rtrholarslup issued by any One ngoid in .ill fci ill cnl of than unlimited lime 'I'hu Philadelphia College has been recently enlail and refuriii.heii iu n superior imiuner. nud Istiowri largest and most prosperous Comuierciul Institution the Plata llryant ec Hlrallnu's series of TcU Hooks, embrnc llook keeping, I 'nuimerctnl Arillituelic, nud Cuiumer l.uu . for sale, and sent by mull. For full partiiulnrs send for a circular. Oitober IS, luj- K'm. rOimomle Jnaicnuinic Hall.) fOinmsde Jmuemnmc Hull.) oiiebtnuibtree wvATTi'HBwuMiB. Noicinber 30, IFIil. DISSOLUTION. Tho p.'iilnerhlpherelforo enitiliig between Iho uu der !iicd, in tho McrcMililo lliitiuiss, wus dis'olved upon the lit day of April. 1W1.1, by mutual cot iem, All persons indebted lo the late firm, aru requested tn luiiko early settlement, The bool.o are In lh. liands of F O, Eyer it the Irtore. s, M MILLER, F, 0, liVCR, rdoonisburz, April IS, 1803.- -Jm. 1 fli 1 " n" " 'iLjT.lliT'j Reading Rail Boail. MvZtfM'XK LINE FROM "lMIII.ADEI.lMtlATO ' Hi INTEIIOIll OF rENNHVLVANIA, Till! J "cilU Yl!lILL . HI-mUEII ANNA. L't MIICIl liANH AND WVOMINtj VALLIjJ H, 1 he north, north west and the canadas. i'AssenhiwTtrains Leave tho compnny'. depot at thrltecnl i njd p"l '"' hill streets, Phlladelp ma , ino i,.im..., ......... MIIRVINOJIAI'' .. .... i. c... iiAn.Hnff.' i.Minnnn. iiarrisuurn. PoU.v'l ie. Plnegrove.Ta n qua.Bunbury. "S5a" 'ct, nt READINO will. r.n.l.Pet,n. sylvatila Railroad trains for Al''V.'Sfji' the Libmnn Valley train for llytr sburg. V t I t V ON w Ith Ci tawissa llullroail trains for UltlVniii.tKrt Lock Haven. Elnilrn, &c )) "''Yu Conlral, Cuinbcrlaiid . ARRIS IUH w 1 ' ,r8lI,ucIB1,na trains for NoTli.mhoriand, ll.lam.port. York, Chatnbersburg. I'lncgtevu e. ArTEI,NOoN nxruESB pi,il,ic nhln at 3,31) 1'. M- for Rending Potls- .."" .Jec V n'irbU,e,&c. connection at Harris e, 1 eg !;"fX ciitrril Railroad trains for 1 urg " " ' 1 c ' A"r 1 1 ir" ! i Central Ilallread trains for V,,,!, ,, v Nortliutnl erlaud, Elinlrn kc, nnd lit 'or t-'.'uulir'w lt?i Calnwiss" Railroad trains for .Milton Wllllamsport, E ub.A"l, . , n ,vv I.eavsn Rcailinr ,'; ,'J:nj " Jn A 'ATM sta nous nrr us ' ' 'X7 I'VL i. iu p. M. I arrives lit'liinuniit ii:iiui iiui.iuv.,-...-". . ,ill.adingnt7,3U 1 M., A..Y Tra ns or rn aocipuia i,.i . li. .... lit A l n.rif III, ill I'll lldll la ' M . AltenumnVraln, leev, lnrrl.b.i.; V" M., und Pottsvllloat J,3t) P-M. arriving at Pl.iladell '0 "Market Irttln.witli a passenger car nttnclicil, tenvn Pi ll lelpl.laatl P. M..for Reading ami I nil way ; sta ll, ns! leaves ISeading nt 1J, noon, uud Duu ninglonii nt I P, M. for I'lillndclplilaand all wny stations. lU,p,,,aat3,nPM.i!VALU,vnAni it crm, nu iiinttovvM iiiiil intnrmodtnte polht. taice'theM.-, A M ami 1.3(1 P M ftrtmi fV Phil ;i,iloiiin. returning Irom Duwningtottii nt 7,1)11 A M iidelphla, relurnliig Irom Duwiiinglott ""'NEW' YORK EXl'iir.SS FOR PITTSI1URO AND Leaves New York, nt'? P M, "poBsing RcniJiiig nt I' 07 midnight, nnd cniiu.-ctlng nt Hnrrisburg with l'cnnsylauia Railroad Lxpces Train for Pittsburg. Reluming, Express Train leaves llnrn-bitrg an nrri xalofPetinsilvanin Express from i'lllsburg at 3,l.i A M. pasting Reading S.IS A M and urrlvlng at New York nt iu,;ill A M, Sleeping run .i,,i,,,j ip trninstliroughhitwsen Jersey Citynnd Pittsburg with- alTtrahis for New York leave Harrlsburg al P A M and 'J.IHIP M. Mall trains for llurrisbnrg leuvo Now . !(', ,AM nnd 12 noon. HCHUVLUILL VALLEY UAILUOAD. 'j'rniin lenvu Pottsville 1117,1.1 A .M rind 3,30 P M, returning froiuTiiscarora at 8.(i A M, andl.l.i P M. SCHUYLKILL AND riUSUUEUANNA RAIL ROAD. Trains leavo Auburn nf.l.UAM for Plnegrevo and Harrlsburg, and nt J, 10 A M, uud . P M for pini grinc oniy j reluming from I'nrrlsburi! nt 1,30 P M uud from j,,negruve ut o A .lanu i auu o r ai. TICKEI'S. Through first class tickets and emigrant lic-kcts tn all the principle points in Iho Norlli mii West and Cuna- lllThc following tickets are obtainable only nt the ofiico r.fB, llrailford, Treasurer, No. 227 suulh F-urth H, I hilailelphia, or of 0. A Nkolls, Cenerul superinu n l, i1"1, """commutation tickets, , I At 2j percent, discount, between any points desired, , lor I'liMllios and firms, M I I.F. AC n TICKETS. ' C.ond for 2000 miles, K'twccn all points, at 8 10 3j ench for families and first. I til'.APOV TICKET?. For three, sit. nine or twelve mouths, for holders 'only, to all points, at rediiri-drntns, I I'I.EIIOY.MEN' iixiilin,, nn the line of Hie road w ill he furul-lied with cards entitled thcnisclves and wives to tickets at half lure. EXCURSION TICKET!, l'rnni I'liilmleliiliiatonriucioal stations, cnn.l for Sat unlay Hunday and Monday, nl reduced fares. In bo mid mil at tho J.icUt Office, nt Tliilteenlli ami Callowliill streets. l'KEIOIIT. noods of all description forward tn all the aliov" pninH from tha compau's now freight depot, llroadaud W itlow streets. FREICIIT TRAINS Leave Philadelphia daily at il A M. ! P M ; and fi P M. f r Reailiug. Lebanon, HarrUburg, Pottsville, Poll Clinton, and all points beyond, MAILS. Close at Iho Philadelphia Post ofiibe for all places on the road i and its branche-i nt S A M. nn-l for the princi pal station, oulv at 2 l. P M. Illeomsburgl eb. II 1-03. HIH UL.Vl'E THE DOI U.jLV!' S THE Democratic Leader, ,'1 dotdde sheet weekly Democratic Journ al, oj Eight ptiges and I'orli Eighs Unlumns 0 ?t ding m ilter. 'Fh? attention of Iho nomocracy of Penn.jlvania and of 1 ther Mules. i c.i'led to Iho importance of t.tend ing the ci rciilaliou oftho WEEKLY HEIincUATIC LEADER. Ry so extensively cln nlating n. w-pipi rs, (n III lo the Democrats have been eompitrativi ty imntlereui to this method of intteeut nig the piiblie uiiiiil,) the abolition ists have slice eedt-il in increasing tin ir number fro 11 a few New England fanatics to a party which now con trols the nation! I- 11 out time fonhe democrats to 11. wake to a sence eflhu necessity lor reaching the minds of the people 7 THE DEMOCRATIC LEADER U, inn! u ill runt imii1 to lm n firm nml fearless advorato ol Ui'iiiorrattc priiirnili's ami vf thu i ntirctt of Hit; iJ'jiiincriitic parly, im Hie hot nieann of pruinclhig tho iiitt-rest! (it ih. rnitutry. It will m;.iiit.iin a hold otn t ill on id all Mii'iuii o'HIh' priiiriplcs nl' thu NutKiiinl CuiiAlitiilion am' of Ihr nhlo til' Hit poti'ilc, ami insibt ti pott thu mnnitainaiiC' ifth' Cuiiflitiitinu aw it 1-, and thu reetoratiou otiliu Uniuit an our fathers Ml I It. The lender, bcsidei furniIiing Political News, and expressing its own icw s thereon, will contain all Hie Gencrvl mu-sof the Day. Together with Miscellaneous reading, Poetry, Stories Anecdotes, Agricultural Matter, Religious Iulcllionco, Commercial Intelligence?, .uai'Iu't Reports, andallcuch matlerits is requisite to constitututo n First Class Family Newspaper. it will ho controled by no clique, nor will it advo cate the claims of any candidate for utlicc until he shall have beiome the regularly nominated caiidldnln of the Democratic party ; Hut it ill ever advocate the decisions nf Hint patty, as to both measures and men, Ilesirles containing a wccMj summary of nil telo- graphic and genera news, tho weekly leader will bo enriched by original reductions by oiue of iho best writers 111 tin country. IT If Til E PAPER FORTHF. FARMER. IT ISTIIE PAI'LR FOR TEE F1IIE-1DE. IT Ir! THE PAPER FOR THE PATRIOT. IT lri THE PAPER FOR TEE MECHANIC, IT IS Till. PAPER FOR THE ARMY. IF lrfTHE PAPER FOR ALL CLASSES. No one slinuld neglect In subscribe fur it at once, a TH E WEEKLY DEMOCRATIC LEADEN will be furnished lo subscribers' nt the following prices biiiSlc topics, ono year Two " Three " Five " 00 3 5 8 30 12 07 CO Oi) GO 00 00 50 Twruty Thirty Filly a it k 11 II All pu incuts to bo mado iuvnilably in advance, .... v.r . Y. ",i ' "n i ,,;,,.' , , .. , '" f""; " " ' , ' A!:,, i , r it i . !. -1 '. 1 s.t 1 v C'B 1 1' M ",i T , , j ' tc v ' A jVLs8 c,rc"la,,0' li 'T ciuus iiunicui.iti.iy. AUclais .,., . n,Ia Ko ,u s 'it, i, p, ' . ...,.... ,wi.i.ii,t; luiiieipii-s nnu uie .vuierl MnySn, icon. BLANK DEEDS k MARRIAGE CER TIFIOATES. A superior lot of tbo abovo articles, with ail other kiucl of Rlunks, for salo at tbo ofiico oftho Columbia Dumoorat. V It il U 11 U 1 J!i I II II M II 111111,11 1 v,lu u "VlJJUi Boomsburg, Columbia County, pcnm, I SLAS D0D15OM. Proiiriftlnr. tr.. i?,V. lkt"ai u horougbly refilled thu i'urks Hotel J, 1 1 1,,, , , ,""" rl, "agenbucli, lllooiusbure, l ared to uccuuiodalo travellers, teamstcri trOVI-rh ami l.nilP. 11- ;' "'".i-l. host prodic); ihomiakeV. ' r" d, in j.'iV ar " ,H be conntantly furnisl, d will, II. chLlce.l i?p,o", ' .v.iifn'L """"''fniniodious stable lias been erected ,i M.f,!"ve."1?1" mUo ""ached. Attentive oil toil " ' " " Inatlcndunce and ho In st. iVotThViV,. pa.riVnagV cu,,omt" Wm u libsral ,ha?c cf Uloomebiirg,ra, Nsv SD IF;i AYEllS 0ATHARTI0 Am yen tick. fecMe, an t complaining! ArojottouUf Older, with jour sjslcm do inngi'd, nnd your feelings u. comfortable I Theso symp. loin are cllcti the i dude m K'llviH Illness. Penio lit of sickness Is crerplng upon you, nul should ho ntciled by n timely use t-f Iho right rem. coy. laico Ajcrs j uts, nml clcanso out the disordered hu- CiTSw-.KiSf?! wori jimlfjr tin blood, nnd WIrr?iYmK'l lc t tho HnlcU inoTO on uncib M. HvfJV;rVVti'L sltHcled In lieillli nraln, They stlmulalo tho function, of tbo body tuts Vlgoiom nr llvlly, purify Iho system from disease. A cold settle! nomowhero lu tho body, nnd oh etrueH Its natural runcllotu. These, If not rellored, react upon fhemiclvcs nnd tho mn rounding organs, pro ducing general aggravation suffering, and ilueaso. Vlitlo In this condition, epptessed by the derangements, take AVer's Pill", nml seo liotf dhcctly Ihey restore tho natural action oftho system, and with It tho buoyant feeling of health again. What Is truo nml so apparent In thh trlrlal and common complaint. Is also true In ninny oftho iloep-scatod and dangctous illstempeis. Tho eotifo rurgallvo effect C!tl'a U,fni. Caused by similar obslrnc Hons and derangements cf Iho natural function? of tho hodr, Iheynro rapidly, and many of them surely, cure by tho samo means. None who know tho vh lues of thesd Fills, will neglect to employ them when Buffering from tho lilsordtis they cure. Statements from leading physicians in eomo cf tho principal cltlss, nnd from other well Uuown public per eons. ISnm a Tbrvsttriinil iterelmnl efS. I.ouii, Ih. 4, 1S55. lilt. Aunt Vottr Pills nro tho paragon of all that li great In tncdlcloe. Thoy havo ciued my llttlo d uightor cf ulcerous sores upon her hands and reft that had proved Incur.iblo for years. Hor inolhor lint been long gtlev; ouily nllllcted wllh blotches nnd pimples 011 her skin niid In her hair. Arter our child wn3 cured, (ho nlirrtilci. your Pills, and they liavo cured ter. mimnmu As n FnmlHf Pliyglc. . rrcm Dr. li IF. Cuifimjir, A'ch Oilcans, Tour Pills ato tlm pvlnco of purges. Their excellent finalities surpass nn.r cathaitlo wo possess. Thoy ,0 riilld, but very certain In their action on 1' bowels, which makes theui Invulii.iblo to us In tho da j treatment of disease. IIenilnclic,SlclcIl'cnrtnrlo,Fotil Stomnch. J'roni Dr. Vnvard lhijd, DMimore. DnARllno. Arr.iu 1 cam tot answer yon uhat cemplalnl.1 I havo cure! with jour I' Utter than to say nil I, ( tec erer treat Kith apuriatlrt meVci'f. 1 place great dspcti. deuco on nu effectual cathartic In my dally contest wllh dlseaso, nnd believing at I do that our Pills nfloid us tho best wo hare, I of courso vultiu them highly. rtiTStii'n'J, Pn May 1, lF.f,S. Da. J. C. Ann. Sin I havo been repeatedly cured of tho worst headache, nny body can bale by n dose or tno of your Pills. It seenu to nrlso fiom u foul itoinnili, which they ctcanso nt once. Yours with great rispctt, T,T. W. PRF.''I,E, flirt nf Steamer Clm I ,rt. nilloua Dlsoitlers T.lvci- Cnmiilnliitsi, iVoni Dr. Theodore Dell, riSVie Yak Cly, Not only nro yonr Pills ndmhnbly adapted to Ihclr pur pose ns an aperient, but I find their lienellclul chVtsupcn tho Liter very inaikcd ldced. They havo In my proo tlco proved moro effectual for Iho cuto of bilious earn. plaints than nny ono remedy 1 can lncnllen, 1 sinccr, ly rejoico that wo havo nt length a ptugathe nhlih Is v.or thy tho coulldcuco cf tho profession ami tha people. DrrAimir.NT cr hie Ixmten, 1 TTiishhii,-'.on, I). C, "th Feb., Em! I havo used your Pills In my general nnd hosplt it prnctlcoctcr since jou mails Ihcnijatid eannut hesll itu lo my they nro tho best cathartic o employ. Tbeli- ii-gu-lallng action on tho llicr Is quick and derided, conio quently they aio nn ndmlinblj remedy for deiangeiucnts of tint organ, Indeed, I hate se-ldum found 11 caso of bilious disease so obstluato that It did not leadlly ) Lid to them. It aterually joins, AI.ONZO MALI,. M. H., l'liiiskiaii of the Marine 11-npitaU Dysentery, Dlm-i'tirea, Hclnx, AVoriuj. ileal Dr. J. G. Orecn, if Chicitgi. Tour rills havo had n long trial In my practice, nnd 1 hold them In esteem ns 0110 of tlm Iest npeilcnls I Imro tier found. Their nlleratlvo eflV-ct upon tho liter makea them 1111 excellent lemcdy, vrhon glvon in miall doses for lilttms ilnsenteru ami tfiniWimr. Iheli' Bugiu-coatlnR linkcsthem very acceptable aud f juieulcut for the Ubo cf women and ilililieu. Dyiicpsln, Iininullj- of 1I10 nioncl. From Jtiv. J. V. 7imcJ, ilir'r rf Advent Chuit'i, JJiston, Da. Aver: I liavomed j cur Fills with extraordinary success In my family and unions tfioso I am eulleil to ImI in dMrcs. To icgulato tho organs of digestion nn-l putlfy tho blood, they nro the very best lemeily I haeo tier known, and I can confidently lcccninu-Kd them to my friends. i'ours, .1. V. HIM Eli. Warsivt, Wyoming Co., U. V., Oct. 21, !;;.. Er.AR Stu: I nm ndng yam- Cath.-irlli Pills In my prac tice, nnd llnd'thc-m uu excellent purgatlvo lo clc.tusv tin, Bystcm nud rin ify Pic fountains of the. Mwh. JOHN U. MEiCIIAM, M. I. Constipation, Cost ls-errs, BitppresslcKi, ltlieiiiiintlsin, ;)iit, nfoui-nlgia, IJieiii ey, I'ninlynls, Kltn, t-tc. Jcmi Dr.J. 1 Vaughn, Hmilrct, Canada, Too much cannot bo said of your Pills fur tho cure of coflivewss. If others of out- fratoinlty have found flioni ns olTieiu Ions ns I hato, they should 1110 In proclatr Ing It for Iho liencllt of Iho multitudes who suffxi-fiom that cmuplnint, whbh, nllhough bnd csough In ilrclt. is tho progenitor of others that nio wcrse. 1 believe tflt thenczs tooilgln.ile In tbo liter, but yov.v Pills affect that organ and cmo Iho dlso:ue. 7Vii Mr:. V. i'luarl, rhijsicicn and HUWfi, Ristwt. I fl nil ono cr two largo doses ef your Pills, taken nt tbo proper time, nro sAcc-lleur pMiuolitcsof tae natural trerr. finn when wholly is- p.utlally uppii-."wl, nnd nl-o veiy effectual lo cleanse tbo jtVaani h and erntl Mims. Tliei are so much tho belt physic no lave 1 recommend co other to my patients. JVotT the Hex: Dr., eiflhe Mcthodisl rpis. Church, rn.l'-KI H U'sr, Savannah, tin.. Jan. 0, 1 S.10V. IlnxonrD StRt I should ba iinginte-ful r,r tlm tcllcf jonr tWiW has biougbt lao If I did nit tcport my cne to you. A cold settled In lhy limbs and b-eughf on excru ciitting funi',;ic;iniij, which ciub'd lit ehrnnr iheitma. tivn, Notwlthstandln's I had tho bc-t of physicians, Iho cliscaso gicw worse an i woise, until by He- iidilco cf your excellent agent In lt.iltiL-iore, Dr. Matvcnrlo, I tiled jour PUN. 'Jheh' elfeets wet 0 slow, but Hire. Ily orsererlag iu tho uso of them, I am now entirely lull. Senate Ciiimder, Raton Rouge, I,a 5 Dee. 1R55. Da. Avr.R : I have been entirely cured, by yonr Pi'.lj, ef Dheumatic Goulo. painful that hnd uflllcled 1110 for) ears. VINCENT SLIDEIX. Hi,- .v., ...... ....... .....nv y-Most cf tho Tills In market contain Mercury, which, nlthongh ,1 lemedy W skilftA liunls, is dangerous iu a public pill, from tho dic-idli! c n qitences that fuvjnenlly follow Its Incautloui me. lbcie contain no mercury or mineral snbst.into wliatotcr. Frico, 25 cents por Box, or 5 Bsxos for $1. Frejra?od by Dr. J, C. AYER 0 CO., lowoll, Mosj. Sold bv E P 1 ntz. C M lln-rnnborli en' J 11 Mover lllnnmsburg; J Schuyler, Rohrsbuig ; Masters lc fmi. .MHIville; P .Ma-ters . Uentnii ; Lazarus Fiilier. Or angeville ; 0 F Fowler Fini lersville : A Miller. l! r wick; Low lc llros , Cenlervtlle ; II F Ri Igha t&Nun Fspy ; M (i hneinaker. Utickhorn i Reighart It Jills". Mainvillo : J Sharpless, Cnttvwisfaj Lrcusy U Co, Light ritrect t and dealers every where. Jlliy vi,, ino ly, WAIiKDT ISTESi, LIGHT STI EET, Columliia county, Tr. rpIIT. iiuilersigned has located nt the aboienant' I hotel, fonne-rly ocenmed bv Peter fcichug. and bi'ic its n share of public patronise. U," Hood accomiuodalions for man nud bat '' best kind of liquors ut the bar. J. I). RIC E, Pro, : ' April II, IrG3- ejn7)saniT'sijji)Es. 1"? J; WILLIAMS, No, 1G North Hrect, Phll.v l dolphin, maunfattiirer f Vcniliasi Biicitls :uy! Window H7 The largest and finest nssortment in the city, nt the lowest frier Itlluds painteil and trimined equal lo now. ntoro fhades iiiailoiind lettcicd. April 1, idKl.-lui fthlV JEltSEY LiM)S FOR SALE, ALFO, GARDEN AND Eli U IT FARMS, Suititble for (Jrnpes, Peaches, IVars, Raspberries, fitreiiberrirs, lllackherries, Curn nt, See., of i. a. 10 oa 'Jli nrres each, ai the following prices for III" present, via: '.'li acres lor $:t)0, ill arcs for $1 10 acres for Soil, SI ncres for $ 10, 1 acre for .l). Pa aids by one dollar a week. Also, good I'ranbury lands, nnd village Ints in Clu nt wood. S.'j by 10o feet, at Sit) ench, pnynblo by ono l.l lar a neck. The above land nud lariu. nro situate u Uicntwond. Washington wnehlp. Ilitrllugton county New Jersey. For further information, apply, nh P.O Hlantp.fora circular, to ' II. FRANKLIN CLARK, No. ro Cedar ritnet, New York. N. V. January 1", Itull. A DSllNISTRA'lOR'S NOTICE Estate of Patrick Tool, deceased LETTERS of Administration nn the Eilnte of Pat rak luol, late of Centre ton nship, Columbia co deceased, have been granted by tho Rigister of Colum bia ro to Ihc undersigned all persons, linviiig clunm ng.iliirt the e-stnlo of the deiemlont nre reque I to pre.cullhein to Iho uiiderslgiie-d, ut Ills rosiiirne-i ia raid township, without delay, nndall persons indebted, 1 ,, , ,u CHARLES TOOL, Adn'r. May 51, 1803,-Ctv, WM'T1U8. A GOOD TEAMSTER. Will nay SI' i J'0f "'"'''ourd. Apdy ut .Mainci illu For --.q..,,.,,, uuillj , i ,. J P.. JAMEf'ON "fill 23, 1SC3.-3W 51 00. Hark ! Bark ! ! WANTED IMMEDIATELY. 300 C'ords of link, wnntvd by tbo nndf 1 X'SLJavaKi -rJ'RidWfe IjMllWAUKle.TfftK' I ft.. 7.1 .1. . 1 . " r m mi" irnni ry in ' loom oui for h kh ilien5,r t pnri will bo paid In r.wh ' Dloom.bur", May P. I 1, m,
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