i iTHDTA mminnn ItJLOOlHSISIIUU, SATURDAY MOMJINO, JULY 4, 1B3. " Judge Woodward is a citizen of unim peachable character, an able jurist, and a patriotic gentleman." Philadelphia Inquirer, June 20tr. Sucb is Ihc olmrnolcr and qualifications of our cnndidnlo for Governor, written by ono of tlio lending opposition Administra tion organs. It is simple truth In a nut shell aud defies contradiction. No odds; wo may expect to hear Judgo Woodward yet abused and unmercifully traduced by the wholo konnol of Abolition whelps and Union-screeching toadies of the Stato and National Administrations, JDgr"A Domoerat," sonal for our columns. 13 a little too per- SSTCapt. Ar.r.x.I. Fmck has declined tlio appointment of Deputy Provost Mar shal of Montour county, which was kindly tendered to him by Oapt. Manvii.TjE tho Provost Marshal of this District. Desiinontal Hostor, 28th Pa. V. Militia Colonel Jns. Ohnmborlin, liOwiburE. Lieut Co?. John M'Clcery, Milton. Major Vm. It. Jessup, Monirese. Surgeon George Lotz, Now Uerlin. A 'ijutunt Jacob I) Mfllliel', Lycoming co. Frg. M.ij. Alb. J.. Iiarnos, l.owisborp;. iuarlcrma.ilw 'P. 0. Ilvnns, Lewisburg, Com. Scrg. J. T. Sulilopoy, Luzerne. Inlma3tcrJ's. M. IIoiiscl, l.owisburg. CAITAIXS AND I.ir.UTn.VAKTS. Cinnpany A, Lowisburg University Ouurdu, (Jnpt. T. 11. Jonos, Company D, Snnuelinnna co., Wm. 11. Post, 1st Lieut., 15. S. Uentlcy, jr. ; Und, l V. Atborton. Company C, Colninbia co., Uobt. F. Clark ; 1st Lt., Kd. C. Grceno ; 2nd. T. Wcmior. Company 1), Union co., 0. (J. Sliorkloy ; Company E, Northumberland co., Clias. II. JJutigitl ; 1st Lt., Clias. C. Norr'uj 2nd, James D. Strine. Company F, Union ca., 0. W. Furreut ; 1st Lt A. II. Hill ; 2nj, Jainna llavnea. Company G, Delaware co., I!en. N. llrooke; 1st Lt., Yi. Fonnimoro j 2ml, S. L. Crai. Company II, Columbia co.. Uznl II Knl ; 1st Lt., Jos. I). Hampton j 2uJ, J. 0. Tato. Company I, Nortbiiinborland co., Joa. G. Hutchison ; 1st Lt , Jos. M. Urvin ; 2nJ, II. C. Dontler. Company K, Lvcomin co., .Top. W. Graf ins ; 1st Lt., S. lirynn ; 2nd, J. T. Wilson. EStTIio lying eov-dot:tor has the im pudence to Gay, iu bis latt paper, that he went to Ilarrisburg "to defend tlio capital ngn'mst a threatened rebel invasion." Now it is well known that he did do no f uch thing. It is truo that he went along on Wednesday, at the Government ex pense, but when ''smelling danger from afar, he returned in great haste, not "mi nus his biz," but so awfully Ecarcd as to become very offensive to thoac who were in close proximity to him, by tho odor proceeding from tko aforesaid "'unmen tionables." Another reason for his quick return, aside from tho "scare," is said to have been that tho boys at Ilarrisburg wouldn't subscribe for his filthy sheet, having the example of tho "Danville Pencibles" be fore their eyes, whose money lie pocketed but "nary" paper ho sent. Tho contem plated dirty littlo speculation proved a failure henee his tracks lor home. Danville Democrat. JST Volunteers for the Army should n t lcavo tho City until supplied with Hoi loway's Pills Si Ointment. For Sores Scurvy, Wounds, Small-Pox, Fevers, and Howcl Complaint, these medicines aro tho best in tho world. Evory Ftcnch Soldier uses them. Only 23 cents per box. RECEIPTS FOR JUNE to run COBiUM E 62 A EM C KIT. :o: The following payments havo been made tn the Columbia Jkmociat office, during tho month of June : J . B. I'uhrlngcr, 52 00 William Cnv, 2 00 list oflJ. .M.isteller, 2 Ou William Dreitbach, 1 .10 A. AI.Mnstt'llcr. 1 "i Iaac Hess, 5 fO II.A.Hdirtepcnhciscr2 to l.uii Miller, 0 tm 1 K. Applemnn. 2 00 Jenkins & Smith, 23 UO Wni.S. Albertson, 1 flu Win. II. Kramer, U 50 Livingston Khoiie. I II I (1 Klingauiaii J Jolllt Kell'T, Est. of II 11 ry Smith, J. 11. Wlnlcnight, Geo. W. Stedmnn' 1 25 2 III) a 50 00 2 ou 1 10 I 17 U. llnchert, by W. M. 0 73' jacoii nariey, o no .i o don. no I. st. of S. Mcveiibon, l'liilip .Miller, ;. 1'. Ilreishaeli, A. lilttenhoiisc, William J. Ilenlloniau, O. Jones .fc Oo.o S 00 Joy, Coe,& Co.. B Si:. i nos. iv. niaiixon. 4 on S..M,l'ctlengillSi.('n.l7'.j S (HI 50 Mather& Co. (N- Y.JilU (ID Sherilf 1 iiriuan, dter S. Il.irmau, Charles Thomas, I'liiueas Welsh, Cujit John Gruver, Wesley lloldreu, Hl. nl S. 11. Axe, J( hu llrugler, i:t, of J, II. Shanor, Mrs Anna Miller, Hti.ts Creasy, George John, William Idler, Isaac Kcslcr, liester k Oman, liauiul Xeyhard, 5 III) joiiii noil, i oi 4 10 1 00 1 til .Ml 2 00 2 no Joceiili l'usfcll, 2 ou I'rMimuili k Urn.. 5 Oil .'. G. 1'cll, t., 4 00 William 11. I'erry; 1 Samuel I'arvcr. 1 M T. I', l.auliach. 2 00 1 75 2 00 3 50 3 5U' 1 00 i 2 00 4 00 2 00 , 2 CO I Wyalt &. Iliicliugs. 1 1 tw I'M. if Henry Hcli.il, 2 00 dpt. A.G.Tliorulon. 1 Oil C. Jlalher. l'.sq., Tlwn..is .Miller. I do G o HiIIh, 7 (i.l Wminon Hills, 1 75 l'redenck liagciibucli.'J 01 OgyThankful, friends, for your support. It is yours to sustain and ours to maintain a FREE PRESS." Keep the ball in mo lion and liberty will survive. New Sifcucilismunts. ADM IN 1ST it AT 0 R'S NOTIC E . Estate ol Samuel R. Axe, deceased, TETTERS of Administration on the Estate of Sainiicl J lt. Axe. late of lludisuii township. Columbia coun ty, deceased, have been granted by llio llegisterut Co- uintiia county, to tne uuuvrsiguuii, rcsiuiug iu .luiunay township Montour couuly, all persons having rlalms ng'ilnst llio Htlalo of lliu decedent are rC'pictcd to pie a ut th'iui t'i the Admiuislrator, without delay, and all persona indebted to make payment f"tthith. JAMES MLKI'IIY, Mm'r. July 1, UM.-Civ 8JO0 NEW BARBER. SHCP. In Court lloiisi! Alloy, THOMAS BROWN, liarbcr, M!XT DOOE TO Til omCC Or THE "COLI'MHIA UUMOCF-AT. BLOOMSOURO r.i. July 1, l?63. SPECIAL NOTICES. MMIE CONFESSIONS AND r.XPEllir.NCri 01' A .1. NERVOUS YOUNG MAN.-Fubllrhcd ns n war iilngiiitd for the especial benefit ofoiuiR men, nn thoso who sull'or Willi Nervous Debility, loss of Mem uty, Premature Decay, &c by mio who fins cu red Mm self by ilinilo menus, after being put In grout expense nnd I iicnnvcnlpiicp, through llio use of worthless mcil Iclncs ptoirlhcd bv learned Doctor PI'. "I" rep.us Imiiv in' Im 1 (ii ") 'film nuthor, C. A I. uibi'ti, I ,, llri I'liiioint. Lung ml. bp eurolnir mi ndiirsssrd unlove. Ad IrcsH HAIII.LS V I.AMIIEKT, Green point, I. ng I kI.iihI, Nciv Vork, Junu 20, ISull- Im. L"Tlie Commercial College w ill lie eomlilcteit by llm Principal, It. W Lowell, who takes tlio opporm. nlty nf turning Ill bcnrly llinnkii to the public for Ihcir llhhrat patronage liiretnfnru bcstowi'd mi tlio Institution, mid Invests tlirlr attention tn llio Improy mcnlri soon to be Introduced Into the soi-oral depirt. incnle, 1). W. l.owull. DirfOt.UTios.nr rAlfn,TRinp, It will be seen by a nntlcalnctircoluiiiiiiitli.it Moucll & Wnmcr have dissolved partnership In tlio Coininorcl.il OollPgo .Mr Lowell continues to conduct this excellent and flourishing liullliitlon, mul In highly qualified fur tlio task. Our business relations with him hnve nluays Iicpii oflln most pi on -nn t ami satisfactory character, alld WO COIIICIIll llllll mill his Colleen In tlm rm,ltm,il I confidence mid patronage of the public JUngXctmton uauy lltpviilunn, Tn Nettvoni BcrrERtna nr noiti BttPd A rcvprpinl Ccntlciiicii liavliin been rrrtorcd to health in n few dnyp, alter uiiilorclnt fill the usual routine aud ling tilar expensive modes of treatment without success, considers it ills sacred duly to communicate to his mulcted fellow creatures the means of pure- lltnce, on tho receipt of an addressed envelope, ho will semi i run n copy in ine prescription usee. Direct to nil, JOHN M. UAGNALb, IN) l'ulton street. Ilrooklvn. eworli March li. Cint.iititN owe miirli of their sickness to colds. Nn matter where the dl'imse may appear to bo seated, Its orlsln may be traced to supprcsied perspiration, or n cold, Cramps mid lung complaints are direct products of colds. In short colds nre the harbingers of half the dlseasis that millet humanity, fur as they nre caused by checked perspiration, and us flve'Cichths of Hip waste matter if the body escapes tliroucii the pores, if these pores mo dosed, that proportion of diseases necesrarlly follows. Keep cliar, tlicielorc, of colds mid couplis, the rjreat reeurors of iliseae, or if con tracted, break tlioiii up Inimi'iliatelv, by a tiiuelytlso of .IIAIIAillli i'ciui;its ULii.vrivi; iiai.sa.ii. Bold by all Unik'Sifts. at 13 cents and '.'o cents per bottle. Jlarcli II, ltl.;i. n-0 ("OVHIMIPTIVi:-. The advcrtlrcf liavlnj; been J. restored to hPnltli in nfew weeks, by nvcry slinplo remedy, niter haviiiR "iiireri'd sccrnl years Willi u so vnre lung nllpctl, nnd tint dread disease, cftiisiimp. t'mii-is anxious to make known to his fellow-suirercre the moans of cure. To all i ho desire It, ho w III send a copy of llio pro scription used, free of charge! with the directions for preparing and utiiis the same, which Ihcy will dud a sure cure for consumption, asthma, bronchitis, Uc The only object of the advcrtler In sending tho pre scription is to benefit the unitcted, and spread Inform.! Hon siliicli lieconcclvcH tube invaluable, nnd hu hopes every sull'erer will try his remedy, as it will costtuein nothing, and may prove a lilcs-diir;. itcv. i;in 'Aim a. tvii.sux, Wllllamsliursh, .March 14, leKI-Ilui Kinss County, New York. Uniformity of Trices ! A New roalurc In IIus-iIiipss Ilvury one his own Salesman! JO.VUri it CO. of the OresentOno I'rlco Clothing Store, No. SOlMarkeUtrcct above Hiith, rhilndclphu, In nil lilion to h iving the largct, mo.t varied and f.tfliinnnlile i-lock ofUlotliing in l'liilaili.'lphi.i. mailoex pressly for ri tall sales, have constitutud every one his own salPiiian, by bavin:- marked In lisures, on eaoh articleat the very lowest price It can be sold for sothey caimot poislbly vary m must buy alike. 'I'Iip goods are well sponged mid prcparc-land great painstaki'ii with the making so that allcanbuv with tlio full nssuraiic.i of getting a good article at the very lowest price. Also, a large stock of piei p goods on hand of the latPiit st) le ami best o.iialitics. which will lie made to order, in llm mot fihiouablu and bc-t manner, Si percent, below credit prices, lteiucnilicr the Crescent, In Market above Sixth si root io. uui. JONi:s Jt CO. Lis! or Dealers iu Columbia. County, rORTlin YfiAR A 1) 15(13. OF Goods, Wares, .Merchandise &e.. Distillers, Ilrcw ers, Hating Ilouso Keepers, within the county of Cnlumlii'i, r.-.tiirii"d and claxnll'id iu accordance with the several arts of Asio'inhly by the !ipprnicr of Mercantile Tuxes ol said County us fuliuws to wit; VNSDEH5. 10WS1 11'. CLi't, AMOUNT. lHonmshurg Iron Co., Dloom M'Kelvy, Neal Co., II O & I W llartinaii " II Miller " A J sMoan " 8 CM 00 B ao 00 11 1", OH 13 10 00 1 i:i io oi) II 7 CU 11 7 00 n 7oo 11 7 00 1 1 7 01) 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 ) i 7 OU 1 1 T 00 1 1 7 00 II 7 50 14 7 00 J I 7 I'll 11 7 0,) 14 7 Oi) 11 7 00 11 7 UO II 7 0(1 11 7(1) 11 nun 11 .-, no 12 12 l-o 1 1 7 00 II 7 00 I I 7 OU II 7 00 14 7 00 I I 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 OU ii 7 no II 7 00 11 7 00 21 7 HI) i:t in oo 13 lo on 13 lo oo II 7 OJ 11 7 I'O 1 1 7 1)11 1 1 7 00 II 7 oa U 7 00 13 10 fl'l H 7no II 7 0 14 7 oo II 7 00 II 7 Hj i.i lo on 11 7 00 1 1 7 0,) II 7 00 11 7 oo 1 1 7 00 M 7 00 11 7 00 1 1 7 oo 1 1 7 00 II 7 00 13 10 to 1 1 7 (HJ 1 1 V 00 14 7 (in 13 1 II 00 U 7 o) II 7 0) 11 7 00 11 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 I I 7 111 I I 7 Oil 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 III) II " IM 1 1 7 00 1 1 7 I II 1 1 7 00 1 1 7 00 13 10 00 IJ 12 r,i 15 7 00 1 1 7 00 1 1 7 00 12 12 .'.() II 7 00 1 1 7 OO II 7 00 II 1.1 00 I 25 00 II 15 00 11 J5 00 I, T Miarpless " J J llrou er " John K (,'irtoli " A II Urasmiis M It.ivid l.oHenbHrg " Hlias .Meiidciiliall " Drl'Johu " John It Moycr " i: i- i.ntz llyer & .Moycr " II Stohner ' A M llupert (Stoves) " Oliver A Jacob- '" Simon C Sliive " .Mi-is Amelia Webb " JiHoph W llender-'hnt " Joseph Sharplcss il'ininilary)" I'hilipS Mover(Storus) ' (iilroyfc l'ox (Conl'tclioner & nakery) l.loyd rnxt iti (1'lour .Mill) " Unuim.M f. Owen llerwick Alir.ih.iiu .Mill, r " Jaeksuli .ti Wundill " Jackson & Woo.lin (FoitnJary) A Miller (Drug Store) A I' r.vnns -I II Uodao'.i (ast Ding Store) I.i vl Sumiwrvillc llnarcieik i! II Scesholi. " l'i ter .M Traiigh (riour Mi. I) William Freas I Tr.iugh A Thomas ( ' I'.trvin Mast rs Samuel lleaLiick lllram I' Everett Mr. II A Coin 1 raukliu f-lnimnn Emanuel Shumau Jesse K Shiirplcsd Denton 11 caver Caltau iiisa .101111 Miarpiess J S llrobst " Geo Hughes Soi (Stoics) " S I) Itiuard (Stoics) " Jacvb II ('n asy " Levi Keller " C W Mclielvey (t en " William John (Stove i:c) ' Gilbert II I'owler Centre r. W M Low & llrotlicr " Jacob Spousli r C II Hess & Uo " t-1 Hill 1) K Shan " Mrs M Gorrcll Conyngham J 1 lloaglaud " J II & It Knitlh! " Labor A McWirlaitis I'mnMbi W.'i'hingtoii li.irr " Clinton Moinlenhall (I'lour Mill) Haniil iMelleury I'lthingCreck Georgu M llimell " I! & A A P Unuugst " It Ainimrmaii Sololllnll Ittiss j',mT1' George .Maclers Son Giccnwood eggoti Jaiob Dchuyler " lleuj ti (.'has ICves " M (i t VV 11 Sh'ieiiiaku Hemlock Charles Neyl.eait " Jacoii Harris Wushingtou Ycagcr Jacob Vi'ilger Abraliaui Ulso Mark Williams Xeighard Ac Nuss Miller ,' Swisher (J 4c W Ureaiuer Locust ."Main Madison Milllin Creasy & Drawn lleulii 11 Miller Isaac Si Imeppcnliplscr iv (iiii-niii inter icco Lazarus 4c ri.her Montour ur.ingu A II M' watt " Win I'nlz " A Coleniau (Merchant Tailor) S.imiii I Achi iibaih ' " . lsajc N Kline Jnihih Cherrington Iloaringcreck l'i ti r Hut Scott W II Creasv fc lirothcr " S.iiiiuel A Worm ill " II 1' lleighait 4c Itrolher " C S I'oii lir Ac Crev. ling " (flour Mllij Pavid Whituiyre 1 T t'revi'iiig Jesse l'euuiiigton Ruhr Mcllenry Reuben .Miller Richard I'luuicr Shugarln.if DISTILLERS Ilelltoll llriariuvk lllnoiil I'i.hlngrreek Edgar Ac .Mcllenry EATING HOUSES Wm II K'Oiins IJIoom llSlohner " J II llendersllot " Gilroy & I'nx " Hiram Snietliers Ilerwick William (.'rang Caltau issa Levi Keller " Conner Ac Urother Montour JJSlumpf " W liillenbendcr Ac co " Richard li.irr Caltau Issa Muliacl ll.uman Con) liyliam Stephen Thoiuas " All ni'rsons uho mav feci ncrieved bv llio nboi'i classillcation can have an npporlunily of appealing by calling upon tho undersigned nt his Ollico in Millllui ill'', any I lino on or before lliu loth day of July A D lt03 or at lliu Commissioner Otl'n o in tlloouisburg on the 10th day of July I Mil alter wliliuiioappeal will lie iitaru. Juno 21, IfOJ. JOHN KELLER iiurc.ininc Appraiser Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBURG, PENN'A. Ofjlee iM the Exchange Hotel, Main iit, Ucrrr.sK to Hon, John Walls, Lewuburg, fa. William Cameron, I'rsiiJent of Ihn Lcwisbuig Dank J II Packer. Frssid-rit of ths Northumbsrlahd Dank Illoomiburc, June 27, IfioL ly , ; Friends and Relatives or Tin: BBAVE SOLDIERS AMD SAILORS, H OLO WAY'S PILLS, AND OINTMENT. All wlm havo Friends nml Relative In tlio Army or Nnv i, i i,i, ..,.i,.... .. ' ...i.i. ...... nn,1. "' "' . ' V. ... ,!'"" ""nmeiu; nn woero lie bravo Hohliors and Hallors have Ifglerted to proviile iiicmseivpswiiii tneni, no hptter present con In onf; thorn by Ihcir I'rlcnds. Tin y lime been proved to bo the Holdler'snticr lulling friend in the hour of need, COUGHS AND COLDS AITIX'TINC TllOOl'd, Will bo speadly rclisvcd nnd cireitiially cured by using these ndmlrnblo medicines, mid by paying pioner attention tu the Directions which are attaiheU to cull i 1'ot or llox. sick nuAnActins and want or Ai'rin-iTC, INCIDDNrAI.TOSOI.ninilS, I 'I hose feeling which snsmJdeii us usually nrliofrom! trouble or annoyances, obstructed peispirntiou, or eat- j Ingand drinking whatever Is unn liulusome, thus dis turbing the healthful action of the liver and stomach These organs must bo relieved, if you desire to bo well ' ThoI'llls, taken according to tho printed lusrtuclloii, I will uuickly produce n healthy nctiun In both liver nml stomach, and, ns n natural coiigcpicxco, n clear head ulul good appetite. wbaknks? on ur.nn.iTV iNni'ci.n nY ovnit rATioL'i: Will soon dlsann.'ar by the usoofiln' o llivnlual.ln l'llls, and the iSolillcr will quickly iiinuiie aildlllou.'ii strengtli. Never let the lloliels ho either confined or unduly acted upon. It may seem strung,', that Hid. lowa's rills should bo recommended lor Dysentery and l'lut. many persons supposing that they would increase inu reiiiAiuiiiii. i ins these Tills will correct the liver 1s n great mistake, for 1 and stjiuach, nnd thus . om llm system. Tills 1 remove nil llio ncriu humors Irom llm -.vnteni medirllio wl' c vc tnnu nut -.Ivor to the uin.ln nrir.-nilp system, htmovor deranged, while health and treiiglh lollow ns a matter of course. Nothing will -top the re laxation of the Done s so euro a this famous medi cine. voi.uxTi.nns, attention- ixniscnnTioxa or YOUTH. Sores nnd Ulcers, lllotchcs anil Fwelllnes. ran wlih curtniuty bo radically cured, If the I'llls nre taken night and morning, and Ointment be Ireily ii-O'd as "tateil 111 the printed instriicIiuiH. irtreuted in uuy titer man ii' r.thej dr) up in i no part to break out In another l lierens Ibis Ointnient w III reinovo lliu Iiuiunrs frmn the sy.tem, and lenie the Patient a v igorousand healthy man. It will reiuiro n little perseverance In bad i.t- ten toiliFUie a lasting cure. run woi viis i:i rni:u occ.fuovi,n hy tin: 11AVUNI.T. rJADKi:, Oil Till! HUI.l.llT, eosu-s on nuoiHi:u, To which every Soldier and duller nro liable, thero are no m"dines so safe, sure, and convenient, ns Hoi lowny's I'illsand Ointment. '1 he wounded and aliuoit dying sull'erer might have his woiimls dressed imme diately, If hu would only provide hliMnll'wIlh this matchless Ointment, w hieh shiuhl bo thru't into tho wound ami sim-arc I all lo'Jiiil it, th mi covered Willi a piece nf linen from his knapsack and eomprci-snd with a handkerchief. Talking, night and morulng, Curb rills, to eoi'l tho system and 1'rcvuit iiillamation, l'.very Soldier's Knap-iack and Hi.. 'man's Chest should be provided with these valuable Ueniedleg. CAUTION ! None nro genuine unless the words "Ilolloways, New Yorkand Loudon " are iliee-nnlile as a Water-mark in every leaf of the book of dire, lions around each pot or lion I thcsani" may plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A handsome toward will lu u ii mi lo anyone rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counter feiting the medicines or vending the .ante, knowing them to hi spurious. VHoldnt manufactory ot rrof'sor Hullmv.iv, PO Mludeu Lane, New York, and by all respectable llrug istH.iud Dealers iu Medicine, thioughout the civil.ul world, in boxes at Jj cents, and $ I each. C-'lhere is lonaldciablc sal iug by taken the larger sues. N. II. Directions for the guidance ofpjiient-t in every lisorder urcnllixcd lo each boi. Juno 20, 1SUJ, y. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Solomon Erlroh, drr'd. E'r i'KRS Testamentary on the estate of Solo.-ion JLEckrolh late of Heaver ton n-liip,r,iiuuih!n rouiiiy, deceased, have been granted by die RcgisUr of Willi Ace, to the undersigned nlo residing in sold Meavcr town-diMi; all persons having claims against tho on- iteot llm dependent are rciuesti-d to i, resent them lo thv Eieeutor at his residence iu said township, with out delay and all persons indebted to make pajuu-'it forth uitli. I'l.TI.R ECKI.OTII, Juno 13, 113 -Cts, i:cnilor. AD.MINISTRxVTORS' NOTICE. itntc of John E, Shaffer, dee'd. r E'i Lj es UTTERS of administration on tho slate o John 13. Shall'er, late of C, Mr- tivp.. 'I'liiinlna county, deceaied, h.ur h-eu g: uit"d i.i The jl-terol i;oiiiinnia couuiy 10 ni" iinueisigiieii : .ill -oils having claims against to ' lie . r Hi J .it-ill ari' re.piestoil lo present tiu'iu toino .'niunui-tinlnr ,lt llis resi.I.-nee III said lolllsllip. 1VILI"UI d lay, t.nd nil persons indebted to make paitoeo; fi'itliMith. HENRY uIIAlT'Elt, Adiu'r. June 13, lcf,3 Hiv ADMINISTIATOR' NO I ICE. Estate of Ilenrij SchiU deceased. tr.TTERSol adnunistratiou on the I. state of Henry J Si-hell, late of lleaier tn p., Columbia co., dee'd., have been gi.inted by the Register of i.'olunilii.ipo., to the undersigned ; all persons hai iug ilaiins against the estate of tho decedent are rc'iuested to present them lo to the Administrators, at their resideiKe in sai l Iomii slup without ih lay, and, all persons indebted to maku payment forthiiith. l.ll.MUiMI III. I.I,. jj.,,.., WILLIAMSUHULl.. May Hi, ISCH.-Gw S2 U'1. LAST NOTICE. miy be found nt the old stand until July 1st. Ilia not my ikuro or wish to mako any cost on my custo mers. All 1 asMs locomoanii seine. Aiier inn 1st of July my books will boleftat Rlooiiisburg for uillep- lion, rniisi! i no n.uc semen nou gave no-ir ina'-s i in I'niil 1 h " i u atlhn ollieu of John Smith, Esq., win re tiny can pay them per arrangement. Jersejloiin, June 18, lar,.1-tf. STILZ & HARTLEY, Consolidation Rank Rulldi ug, 329 North Third Street between Vine A- Callowtill, I ii 1 1. a i) a i. r ii i a. Jnno 20, IE03 ly. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Estate of Sarah Slcvemon, dee'd. UTTERS of administration on the J Estate of.v.iraa fterMon. Into of th.- Siato .f New Jersey, the propel ly lying m Columbia co . Pa., deci is cd, hue been granted by the Register of Columbia i o. to Hiuiaru lienioti, ol aiuiiisuu -.ouiisuip, ,'iiiiuoia county, por-ons having ilninis against llio cstatu of Hie dei eased lire reipiesied to ptc-ent lie in to tile ndt- niiniitrati'i' at Ins resulenro iu sulil tmvusuip, wituoii delay, and all persum, in.lchted In mako payment lorth mill, uiutiAiiu in.aiwi i , iiuii Julie 20, lri!3-r.w 2 00. LEATHER 1 LEATHER! ! rTMIE iindersigui -d would announce, that hehasoi, hand I'm, I'Minorn, in oil Malum I1Ii,mib. ,1; KSiii X:; .:;;:; ,.,..nrt ,..! ....,i..unti....i ii .11 X nthisllat and ( tiuri,. an asorlllieut tine i all shins, morocco, ireu .iiiuuiacM ami miiiiys, an cf u Inch he will selliheaiier than can bo had Leivln re In this market. Cull nud uiciniiio tl i tor joursclves JUI1.N Iv. UIIITUN. I'.Iooinsburg.May 21, 18GJ. NATIONAL HOTEL, (Lalo Whito Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVE THIRD PIlIIjAniSIsl'HIA. D. 0. SIEGRISrT PitontiKTort. Fomerli fiom Eagle Hotel Lebanon, Pa T, Y RIIOADS, Cierk, March 20, Idti'J 12m. WHISKERS ! ! 1 Pelntrcau's Stimulating; Oncueiit.or French . . . n ' Cicain for Bald Heads aud Hare Faces! riilllS ci'lelirated nrticlo wnrranti d lo bring nut n J. set nl Whiskers on tlio smnollmst face, or a line growih of hairoii a bald head, iu less Hi in six weeks, and will III no way stain or Injure Hie kiu. The French Cii'um Is iiiaiiuf.iitured by Dr. M. Pi.i ini aps, of Puns, and is the only iclliiblo arliclu nf Hie kind. "I'se un other." WsnniMBoit t.i ntv cise, One llnx wiLi.ri 'in,: work, l'H ic i. $1.00. Imported and I'm sale Whole sale and lUtail b. THOS, 1". Cll M'MAN. Chemist and Druggist, 31 Ilrnuilnay New Votk P S. A Sox of the Ongunt sent to any address by return mall, nn receipt of pike, and IS cents for Pott age JuneSr, 1503-lw rouitATs, mice, roaches, ants, nun hugs. Morns in rens woollens, Arc. insects on PLANTS, FOWLS, ANIMALS (tc. Put up In 25c. 50c. ond 81 f0 Ilexes bottles nml flasks, (.1 mid SI cUp fur Hotels, Public Institutions, he, "Only infallible remedies known." "I'rco frpiu pojtnn," "Not dangerous tn tlielimunn family." "Rats coma out of tbcli holes to die." . (17" Bold wholesale hi nil largo cities, tij" Hold by all Uruueist" nml Itctntlcri everywhere. I 0"7" 1 1 1 Iteware III'' nf all worthiest Imitations- tSj" So that "CortnrV naino In on each llox, Uolllc, Ik I Flark, hefura vou buy it Au.iress y Address IIUNRV It. COSTAtl. n - I'rlnclnal DphoI 42 llrnmlu'iiv. V. v ,r j- Kl,i 1,7, ,.v '.11 h lllivi'l v I tall AftPnts. I!lo(,ni?burpr. I'a, May!!, ieG3-3ui, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, In Bloomsburg) Pa. Al 111 nt riielpsvlllc, Sullivan county, l'a. May 2, 1403,-nni. First Great Arrival. Fl'RINO ooons IX on angi:vii,i,u, The undersigned, has. Just reple i I " Plore lloufolit Oruugovlllo, with n wcll'sclcctcd aissrotment SPUING k SUMMER GOODS. Cnnilstlns in part of Cloth". Silks. Muslins. (?.il- mere, (iingliann, Callrnos, Shawls, Ho.crle, Carpits ""' I.mt"' Vxwx IIbkh tiooiw, generally, from 1'Jl to T-JCtnutuI rrlntn frnin IJJ 1o2jct. READY MADE CLOTHING. Hals, llools & Shocs-Mackcrcl Molaasies, Sugar & Salt. GROCERIES GENERALLY, With nit othi r nrtilcs. usually kept In cnuutrys3! re. towhhh ho invites th" early mteiilion of old and .lew cnitoiners. Having lie, u nt the City In the right time bought low and paid cash he will be able to coin leto with the In t, and sell for small pri'hts and prnpt pay. His friends uro invited to pop in and see ho tights. wm rnrrz. fi'i-gpyjlle, Mnv e. I'l'.a. Hni New Clothing Store. LATEST SYLES OAEAP GOODS rr-HE undersigned respectfully Informs his frlpnds I and the pulilii generally, that In lm Just reieivcd from tin Ea-l rii cities, a largo .nsjitiiieut of if AND SUiVMEI! CLOTHING, Ticsh from the seat of fashion, of nil sorts, ie a qnalilles, which w ill ba sold cheap for cash or ed produce, II ATS Ac CARS ROOTS Ac SIIORS. Together wllh n variety of nullum nnd things ton Iroiilitcsone to enumerate, lo which ho Invites llio at tention of purchasers. Call and examine. A J EVANS. r.loonisbiirg, Slay 2, 1?!3, ELI IIOLDEN NVITI'.S the .Ulentinn of every rcado thous vr? C"8 l,;,Pr. which im hides many -' flof his olil patrons am ClUi3 unusually largo and mid ai 'pialntanceR To lieautilul varieiy AMERICAN mid IMl'ORTEl) WATCHES, CLOCKS luid elegant designs uf JEwELRY. Silver Ware, Sec, ELI 1IOLDEN. 708 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Jlarch 7, 1J(I3- lliu MP ORTANT NOTICE ! TO THE PATRONS 01' THE Notice is hereby given, that the sub scni'linti nnd advertising accounts due llio 1'uli liher of the Srin ol iiif Noiiiu, are placed in llio hands of Mrs. Win. II. J.icnhyof llloomidiurg, for imme diate (ollei.iniii. The Editor of said paper h n log been ilralt d, and "Idl'.'ed lo go to ivar.it is necessarj that prmiipi pa on ul l ' m oln iu order thai his family m.iy have nieniif of siipp irt. Vonr i arly ntti iilion lo Iku in. tin I- mav save cods and prove adi anlagi oua 1 1 Ins immly. W.M. II.JU'nl'.Y, Vh'i. Star tj tJu Jan u-i 10, 1.C3. CHEAP MILITARY CAPS! MILITARY CAPS, of eviry soil, si.e and quality fur salo clmap al the lliiiiirbuig Hal Ac Cap Einporiuiii AIo Groceiies,C"iil 'iti'niarn-s.e 'ii-'..rs, Ace. JOHN K. GIRTON. oonilnirg, S"Pt. II. 1.-II1. ;b o :bj ,e. r, j .a, u .k rj, rrlutfi', Kookbiiitler iV liaiikbook .1 A N U FA U TU R E R ; WllOl.rSll.K AMI Kt.T.Ut. IIKILLII IN PRINTING, WRI1ING AND WRAPPING PAPERS jim: v lo t 'I im iT.uvissi imi kr mill. Main Stieet. firt dour l low the Public Spuare, WILKESBARRE, PA. Nov. 2.1, lrl'il 12in. IS63. I'liil.KktlpIi 1803. a & Erie Rail Rond. This great line traverses tlio Northern mid North .vpst counties of Pteiislvanin to tho illy of Erie, ou Lake Urie. It has li.-cn leased bv tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company, nnd under Ihcir mispi-es is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in inn for Passenger mid Freight business from Ilarrisburg to Drlllwiiod (3d l'ork)(177 miles) on Hie Eastern Division, and from Sheffield lo Eric on tho Western Illusion, (7S inll-s.) KM i: OK I'AsSKMlhll TUUM AT XORTHCMr.ERI. IND. Mi.il Traill leaves. East 9 51 A. M. Ezpri-ws Trnlii " " 10 52 P. M. Mail " " AVest 4 2d " Express ' " " 5 51,1. JI. Cars run through with iirivop both wajs on these trams between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and llalliinore mtd Link llaien. New and elegant Sleep ing Cars iieioinp.iiiiiig the Express 'train both wuys liPtui'i'ii Williainsiott and llalliinore, and Williams port and Philadelphia. For loforu' ition respecting Passenger business, ap plvattbuS E. Cor. I llli and .Market Sts. And lor Fr. ight buriu"sof tlm Coiupiny's Agents : S. II. Kingston, Jr . Cor. 13th and .Market Sts., Fint'a- J, IV. Ri nolds. Erie. J M. Drill. Agi nt N. C. r,: R IlalllmorP. II. II. Houston. Gen'l. Freight Agt , I'liiladclphia, Leu is I.' Iloupt, Gen'l. Ticket Agt. Philadelphia. Joseph D. Polls, Gen'l. Munugcr.Williamtpnil. Jmiuuiy 17, Icii3. Public Sale -OF- VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. I pursuance of 'mi order '? 'Vlla,'!?', ' " Ulnbl,l I'OllUty, Oil SIIJKI)A, JI'Ll 1 1111. -"t iv;ciK1!1,,'!i,' (,i:":r h'Lois isiratur of June Liugle., lah of Madison toiiiislur Court of isiratur of June Giugle-, lah of Madison toiviislup in said county, ilrrensed will epise to sale bv public viuluc, at the publn leui'" of Ki-ih r A. Siuilli, in Jer seyloA u, u pertain lues-uagp or teuei.it nt and situate in Madison township, Columbia county, nil- . seul them to tne .iiiiuinisiraior in His risiilcnco nun Ininiug lands of Alexander Love ou llm S.iinh nod out ik-lny, and all persona Indebted to mako payment I'.., Mr.l,. f!..,li.s Ihn Nnrlli. mill , 1... 1 1, iss nf forlllll ltll. Jacob ar It. tli r oh lliu West, containlii T II 1 R T Y-F I V E A C 11 E S ; 1 more or less. There is ou Hie premises an old LOG HO UE, and about Iweulv-nvn acres cleared land. Late the i estate of said dece-ou'd. situate in tlm township of 1 Mailisuii and count; .fir' said. I JACOII EVERLY, Clerk. CT" C'oNnmoN o r" mcb : Ten per cent, of the pur- 1 chus9 inniiey to ho p ' liythopiirchnor to lliu Admin ittrator nn the ilu) ' iale. One fourlli nf the purchase money (less Ihelen t"r cent, as aforesaid) to bn paid on llis riinririMHiiii, ol -.iln. Tin, reunion of llio ouri huso "",""7 to be paid iu .mo year fiom iiio l oniiriuaiioii of unlii iiilh liitnriiul Irmn (Uii i-i Ii II r ln:i I Kill . 'l'lut tinr. lii.ucf to pay tor H ' convuyam-t' r ileo.l. full 1 jwh.v d.hi in, aunt r. iMmluoi. tup , Ju o 13, 1?H'J. ESTRAY. CI A ME nn the pp niiscs nf the subscriber, 111 Ileiiton J tjuntlilp. Coliiuihhi cnuiity, on lliu luthnf May, nil Af., IRON GRAY MARE CULT. a? ' tt "r ""o0 years old. having on n jsjtiw nail, r aim giiiu. i no on in r oi on hi is I.J arc requested to como forward und 'p-ci.rn pr n ptoneity nay charges, and lake hi r away, otherwise she will be disposed of according to law J M, UEI3IILINE. JuntjO, ISO! -St. ?1 00 SAPONIFIER- on CONCKXTIMTI) 1-YI2, TUH PMUiY SOAP MAKElt. Till! pulilic ire cautioned against llie piirlnus attic. Ips of lye foi' making tonp. &c, now oirered Tor sale. I hc nntv gouulno ami patented lye Is that made by the rciiiisyl'vanla salt mnnnfurluilng company, lliolrtrnde mark for It being "Saponltlcr or concentrated l)o." 'llio great successor this article has led iinprlnclpaled patties to endeavor to Imitate it, In violation of the Company's patents. All manufacturers, biiycrsor sellers of tlio spurious lyes, nro hereby notified that the compuiiy havu cm ployed as ihcir Attorncs, Ooorgo Harding. Esq., of Phlla., and Villiam Uakcwcll, Esq., of Pittsburg. And that all manufacturers, users or sellers nf lye, in violation of llio rights or the Company, will bo pios called at once. THE SAPONUHER, or conconlrntpil lye, Is for sale by all Dragglsls, Gro- cers aim country mores. TAKE NOTICE 1 The Unite! States Circuit Court, Western district of Pennsjlvaula, No. 1 or May term, in Wl. in suit of the 1'ennsylvnnia salt manufacturing company, vs. Thos. (., Chase decreed to the Company on November la, lfO'- the Hxcluslvc right granted by n patentnund by them for llio Hnpnnlller. r.itcnt dated Octubcr !H, leM, l'crpclunl I nj unction awarded. THE PENNSYLVANIA s&tLir Qa i mid Fixcsir toiau kicd m 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, I'itt St. and Dtiqucuse Way, Pittsburg. May 2, nra.-.lm. LARGE AIUUVAL OF New Spring& Summer AT PETER ENT'S STORE, ix i.initv usTir.r.r. coi.vmuia cau.vrr, fa, TTAS lint received from riiiladelnhla. nnd is now iJ opening nt the old stand lately occupied by .Marti ac l. in, a spieuuiu iissurtmeiu oi 31 1ST OT! which will be sold cheap (or fiAPII OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills stockcoitslsts of Ladies Dress Goods choicest nt)les and latest lashioui Culices, Mublin3, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks READY MADE CLOTIITNG. CasHincrcs, butincts, Cotlonados, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, Ac. G roceries, Qtieensware, Ocdurwarc, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oil?, Paints, cVO. BOOTS it SHOES. HATS & CAPS. In hon -ri ry thing 'intiy kept in a country store Tho patronage of old friends, and the public general ly. is respi i il'ully solicited. The highest market price paid for country produce. PETER ENT. Light Sliecl, May 30. IS03. WAR PRICES OYER ! SECOND ARRIVAL o r AT THE STORE OF BROWER BLOOMSBURG, PA. ftriiho has jusi received, and is now opening n prime H i stork of New Goods Irom Hie Eastern markets, whiilinill be sold low for cash or pirnlnc, . PRINTS at 1J1. 10, 18, 20, 22, and 25 renin. Brown & Bleached Muslin, at 20, 25, 33, and 40 ccnt3 Dr Lumen. Indies, and Dress Goods, a pdl supply at 18, 25, 31, and up to 50 cts JjADIJ'JS' Ul'l'UiA t'LUrlt ion DUSTERS. A'so. a (rosh supply of GROCERIES, SPICES, ,)?. Alto, a large lot of QUEENSWARE. CeDAIIWAKE. ILVUDWAUE. and Stoneware, Boots and Shoes , And all kind of .Merchandise iisiiually kept In n coun try store. Call and examine No charge fur showing Goods. May 'J. 1-J.3, UIRTON'S CHEAP HAT STORE REMOVED. Aisoihei' At'i'ivnl oi'CJoods. How is Your Time to Buy. I NOW SELL CHEAPER THAN EVER, THE undersigned having bought out the Grocery a Dm id Slrouti, has removed Ins ll.it and Cup Sloro up to Stroup's old stand, whero in addition tn u supe rior atiiirlmtnt of srmxu xsn shhdieu Ei Hats and Caps, Coiiinritlns pyprv Fort, sito nml quality, which u 111 bo sold al unusually low prues, lie will I'l'iitimm th,- Gin. (cry and Noliuu business as carried ou hy .Mr. Stroup, Also A lino lot of KIDS, JIOISOi COS nnd I.isimis tn whii li he ini itcs the ut entiou of Shoemakers and the public JOHN K. GIRTON. Illnonijliurg, JIny30, IciH ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Henry IVanic'i, dee'd. ETTEBS of administration on the cs- 1 Jstate of Henry Wiinich. lain of llloom tow inhip, Coliiuilii.i count . doceased. Ii.uu been grant' d by the Register of said couuiy to tin) llio undersigned who re i sides ill the nine luu iulnp ; all persons hai lug claims I against tlio estato of llm decedent urn re'picfcted to lire- Juno 20, 1FC3-CW. S3 A D M I N ISTR AT 0 R'S NO T I0U Estate of Elizabilh Mastcller, dee'd, U HTTHRH "( ailniuustration mi the Estate of Eliza Sjhcth Mus.tcller.lntc of Milllin twp Columbia ta,,dte'd., havi-beeii granted by tho Register ol Columbia Co., to the undersigned ; nil persons having claims against lliu es tate of the decedent uro reiiieste.l tu present them In tho undersigned, nt I is residence iu said towurliip, withuut delay, nud all persons indebted lo make pay ''''tl'urlliivuh. JOHN MASTELLUE. June, lifi3-0w $2. WmrVTBSTitY. II. O. II O W E R, SURGEON DBNTIST. ni'srECTFULLY oilers his irofcss inunl services lo the ladles and gentle men nf Illoomsbiirg mid i iciuity, llu is nriiuri'd to utteiid to all ihn various oneratious in the line of his profession, and isnrovided w nil the latest improved FOICi:U1l. TKUTIl ; w liich will iiuiiiscrieu on goiu, piatinn, silver unu ruuucr nuso tolookiiill as tho natural teeth, Mineral plato and block teeth inanufartiired and all operations on teeth, caiefully and properly attended In, Residence and othco a few doort above the C'outt House, same tide Illooinibuig, June 0. l;t3, mm. mm W YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR Cheap Spring Goods, GO TO Crcasy's Slorc, in LIglil Slrccl, Pa. AIJi KlilS OF GOODS ! CAIrlOOE, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, OAUPETS. HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ucady-Mado Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups', Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, liacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Segars, Hats, Boot", Caps, Shoes, Drug?, Oils, Paint?, &c.j &c. In addition to our largo stock nfDry Goods, wo have f largo nnd full ussortmcnt of Heady Madi Clothing nor .Men nnd lloj s wear whlrh wo nro determined to sell cheaper Hun can be bought elsewhere. Call and sec, unu juugo tor yourselves. II. W. CK1IASY K. CU. I.iglit Street, March 1, 1SC3. TU NEW (.ItOCItV STORE. MORE FRESH GOODS. Just received at Erasmus1 fltw Store. Molasses, Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Rico, Spico.t, Hats and Oafs, Fish, Salt, Tobacco, Sogars, Candies, Raznns, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great variety ofnotionsand etcete ras, too numerous to mention. tC7 Ihilter. Eggs, .Meat aud prodiico generally taken IU VAl!,U'lU IUI jJWlIB, A. 11. ERASMUS. r.loonnburg, May!), 1P0. LOST NOTE. T ost, some time since by the undersigned i 'residing In 1' ishlngcrcck twp.. Colunitiia county, n ' Noto orhiind.lorSyJrOOO, dated April 5th IM12, on I threo lunntns.n gnnd Daniel Ash. with Amtrnur iimh.. I threo montns.iiignnd Daniel Ash. with Amlrow lloliis for ball. A liheral reward will be paid lor tho return of said note. Payment having been set nnd tu the sub scriber only, on said nolo, It call bu of no value to any other person, SAMUEL ASH. May 9. 1503. 3iv FToESII ARE IV A -OF "l -roit- EVERYBODY THE undersigned, grateful for pa age, respee fully Informs his custiiiuprs and the publlcgencr.illy that ho hasjun received from tha Easterns cities, th largest and most select stock of Spring and Summer, 3 That has ycl been opened in Illoomsnurg, to whlrh he invites the attention of his friends, and assures them that they are oll'errd for sale at great bargains. His Stock comprises u large iissorliueni of GENTLEMEN'S WEARING APPAREL, Consisting nl I'.istiioNi!it. Dress Coats, of every dps rriplioii; Pants, ests. Shuts, Cravats Sl icks, Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloies, Siisiiei'ders, Acc. GOLD WATCHES AN I) JEWE EY, Of every description, fine and cheap. N. II. --Remember ' f.oieaib(r'3 Ctrap Emporium? call and see. No charge for exanilng Goods. DAVID LOWI'.NRI'.RG P.looiusbitrg, March 2, 1PC3. iJiiuo 1B5'J.) Latest stilo lowest prices. JUSTRpccived a new assortment of latest styles of Walt Paper i ncludins Barriering, and Ceiling Paper, and a gonrral variety of material in his line, which will bo round on llio SECOND FL0O wmedi ntely over tho store of .Mr. L T Sharplcss, entranco nnu door oast of Lulzcs Drug Store in tho Rupert lllnrk, where nil persons) wishing goods in his line will bu attended to, i n person' at at all times. CS5 Pvpcr Hanging izcculed lo order, and best style, at short notice. Li. it, 1 UUIW lO.l. Eloomoturc, Moy9, 18C3-3ra . f. fcVER. t. N. MOVER. New Drug Store, WHOLESALE & ItEHAIL. THE undersigned would inform their friends and the public gcnerally.that they have taken the stand for merly occupied by Geo. .M. ll.igenbtirh. iu tho Exchange Iluildiiig, on Mum si reel, in llluouisbiirg, whero ho has just received u full supply of Drug's, nSedicincs, I'tiints, Oils, Which will he sold on moderntu terms for ready pay. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sortand size. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded, at nil tiiui's and on short notice. IS.- Confepiioneiy of the bes't selections, and Soda Wat' r in seasun. Lz- A tlmie of tho public custom is rcspccttuiiy so liuied. EYER & MOYEIt. IHoomslitirg, April 11, isea. CATTAWI-SSA Rail-Road COMPANY EUl'EUINTENDENT'S OFriCE. WlllianiEOort. Amil 10. lffin. On nnd after 'Monday, 20th lust. I'assecgcr trains will pass mi peri ns unions : Phil.i. .Mail. Pass Rupert Arriving ut Phlla, lit Plum Express Pass llupatt Arriving ut Phlla ut nud at New York at Niagara Express. Pass Rupert arriving nt Willinmsporl ut Eluiira .Mail pass Ruoerl 10 37 15.50 1,50 5.13 10,55 1,15 a,:).? 5, OS nm. pin. am. pm. pin, pm. mu. pm, nuking at Williaiurport.it pm. (Signed) H.STANLEY GOODWIN, AHir. ORANGEVILLE ACADEMY AND Vrnf. II. I). Walker A, M. Principal. Tin next term of this Institution will i eminence on Wednesday, April 15th. Students desirous of being adiinlted tu ei ther of tho Normal Clam's should be pieseul on Tues day at 10 o'clock for Examination. Tuition Irom 1 to SU per Term of II weeks. llnurd In good families, &2 per week. Good Rooms fur students wishing to board them selves. For further particulars inauiro of Iho Prinripol or of J S WOODS, Beet, of Trustees. Jlarch 23, 1SC3 SPECIAL NOTICE. ONanrtnflerJIJI.Y 1st, 1.-H3, tho privilege of err verting llio present issno of LEGAL TENDti NOTES INTO THE NATIONAL SIX PF.R CEN'I LOAN icoiiiuionly culled -Five Twenties") will ceust. All who wiili tn invest in lliu Five Twenty Lol! must, therefore, apply before the lit of July next. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent. No. 11 1 S TI1IUU St.. rinUdelplili:. Aptll II. lE0J.-3ia THE LATEST By Telegraph. War Itoms. Gen. Hooker has beenrcmo7cd and Goil. Mead appointed lo tho command of tha Army of tlio Potomac. Gen. Milroy, tho abolition bravado, who thrcatoncd to crush out the capporhoads of tho Northmean ing tha loyal dcmocrate--and was inglori ously defeated at Winchester and skedad dled has becii removed and is Bucccfdcd by Col. French. Thoro is no truth in tho report, that Gen. McClcllan had been ap pointed toeomraand tho Union Army. Ilarrisburg has not becu invaded. Tho rebels arc retreating. A fight 13 expeoted near Hagcrstown, Columbia county has sent two Companies of Voluntcen to rctisfc tho Invasion of Pennsylvania. JPostsevi Desperate Battle NEAR GETTYSBURG, IN PBNN8TLVAN New Yoke, July 3. Tho 1st and 1 1 tit corps, engaged with Longstrect and Hill. Capture of General Archer and Staff, and six thousand Rob ots. Death of General Reynolds, Com mander of the 1st corps ; heavy losses of the 11th Army corps. Reports of a fierce battle and Union victory yesterday. Oc cupation of Carlisle by our troops. Tho town shelled by the Rebels, who arc com pelled to retreat. The dclcncn3 of Balti more manned by 10,000 armed citizens. THE MARKETS. Blogmsbuiio, July 4, 1803. Wheats bus. SI 30i Green Applet Dried " 1 Dried Peaches 8 Butter 'pb Lard " Tallow " no 00 00 1G 10 12 Ryo.. " " en Com " " Oat? . . " '' u,,.i.,.,i,.i ,( uui.kiwil.dl, oo GO 75, 00 Potatoes " Cloversecd " Timotbysccd Onions " Eggs.... $ doz. ltf 50 Hay... " ton. 1300 50 Chickens " pair "25 FOR EVERY BODY. TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. Just come to C and W Kreamer'a Store, tu Jorsoy toivu, l'a. iiheru you liillliud all kinds of Dry Goods, such as Ladies Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins , Ginghams, e'lannels, Iloiscry, Shawls ifeo. Groceries, Qncenswaro, Hardwaro Ccdarwaro, Tin-ware, And Drugs. Fish, Meat, Salt, Fluur, Tobacco, Scgars, Hats, Cap?, Boots, & Shoes, IRON AND NA1WS. In short, everything that is generally kept lua csu j. t ry store. We will sell you goods nt fair prices nnd take oil kinds of produce as pay such as llutler. Eggs, Grain. Lumber, Shingles, Oak plank, and in fact uiiything that nny body else will buy aud sell as cheap as can ho sold in tho country. Wu will not bu undersold by Jew oc Gcr.tilcs, Come then ono and all, judgo foryour salves. Bring your trade, but don't ask for trust. C Sc W KREAMER. Jprseytoivii,Mny2, lfc'fi3. Miller's Store. FRESH "JRRIVAL OF Spring & Summer THE subscriber lias Just returned from llio Clllco with uuulher large and select nssortnict uf Suriiis and Summer (floods, purchascd.it I'liiladclphia, at the Imvcst figure, and which they aro determined to sell on n moderate terms ns ran hu procured elsewhere In Dloomsburg. His stock comprises of choicest stjles and latest fashion . dry auous, ixn anocmiF.s, ii .ni D 1 1 : i k i ui: km ii w u i;, CRi).m ii'.iIik, iiou.oir U-Jinr, tnox. x.iils, iwors ,v suoks IIJITS ,f CAVS, .Vc , -e., ie In short eicrything usually kept In rounlry Stores o uhirli hu iuiile the public generally. Tho lligheslprico paid for country produce. S. II. MILLER. Illoomsbiirg, April 1?, 1P03. Exchange Hotel, LITE CO!., R. D. J0.SKS, No. 77 Dock Street, nest door to tho Post Ofiico,. Philadelphia. rphis well known establishment maintains Its usual X celebrity, and its well kuuivii reputation i f being tho best HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Slr.ll he sustained. Rooms may bo had at all h mrs pur night, 37 ci nls i per week, 62 50, per month. SIO,- Tho liar and Eating Departmints are furnished IMIV the best ol everything tlio uiarkcuau produce. GAME, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, and di I cade of every clime may he had ut.a inomeni ' llltice. Meals nt 12 cents and upward,, and may he had from u A. M. till 12 lit night, Gciitl'-ineii may rest assured that no pspensa will bo spared to render this Hotel n luod.'l one. J. OTTENKIRK, Propr. March 7. lFu3-3m, ms&Mm Hem njHE Proprietor of this n ell-known and centrally locn L ted House, the Elriusuu Hotci.. ciluale on Mai, Street, in llloouisburg, immediately opnosite llio Colum bia Cmiiiti Court House, resiicctfully lHforms his friend nud ilie public III general, thai his House Is now ill lor tier for the reception nudeiitertnliiuieiit of travelers who may fei.1 disposed to favor it with their custom, lie has spared no expense iu preparing the Hic-iiakue, for tho entertainment nf Ins guests, neither shall there be any. thing wanting (on his part) tn aiiuister to their personal comfort. His house is spacious and enjoys uu excellent business location. ii -Omnibuses run at nil times l,0twpti iho Exchange Hotel and tho various Kill Road Depots, by which trav elers w ill be pluiismtly conveyed tu and from tho re spectivu Stations in due time tu nU'Cl the Cars. W.M. II. KOONS. niooniBtmrr, July 7, 1?C0. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate oJ Henry Smith, deceastd. LETTERS TestaineiUnry on llm estato of Henry Smith late of Ileiiton township, Columbia county, deceased, have been grunted by the Register of Wills, A. p.. to tho undersigned also resiuing iu said tounslnp, nil persons having claims agsinrt tin t slulo of the do-ct-deiii are requested to present them lo Iho cxeeutor M his le.iilcun in said township, without delay, and all persons ihdebtcdlu make payment fonhwitli WILLIAM HM1TH June .'0, 15t33-6w 6. II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers