Farmer's Department. JUNE. BY WK. U0S8 WALLACE. Ayo, thou art hero, upon tho world, And for tho spirit not too soon, With nil tho broad, bright opulenco, 0 door, delicious Juno ! How beautifnl thy rosy foot 1 How deep and rich and bright Within thy dolioato whito hands Tho golden cups of Light 1 I boo tho minstrels of tho wood On quivoring wing loan o'er their brink And with a swooning oxtstsy, Together sing and drink. Tho loaves in mystic wavo ; Tho rills in mystio song roply ; Tho very clouds on silver wings Mako clearer still tho sky. How calm tho sea 1 And should it now Stir with a Btorm tho univcrso, We'd wonder as if angles hurled From you blue heaven a curse. 0 let mo laavo in towns my oaro ! O lot mo lis beside tome stream, And from those golden cups of light Drink many a joyous beam ! O como, O coiho thou Soul of Joy, With summer's broad green Hag unfurl'd For aught but Joy were blasphemy In such a glowing world ! THINNING FRUIT TO INC RE ARE ITS FLAVOR. A very groat proportion of tho fruit that reaches our market, is not only info. rior in size, but decidedly inferior in flavor and in many cases, almost insipid Tho general impression is, that these are natural results, and that no effort of tho cultivator will remedy them. Of this wo are not so certain. Extremely unfavora ble seasons may affect the flavor as well as the size of the fruit. Thus, a wet and cloudy season invaribly produces greatly increased acidity in tho small fruity, and is particularly notieeablo in the peach, Bat in good season tho flavor of a fruit may readily be preserved if the proper means arc restored to for tho attainment of this object. A writer in tho Cottage Gardener in a very sensible article on this subject, contends that ''a olevor man can command a flavor" and tho method is to thin out severely. He assumes that if a nonoli or nlnm trpe i"i allowed in lirino- in pcacn or pium iree is auowea to ormg 10 maturity five or six dozon of fruit when only three dozen should have been per- mitted to ripen the flavor will bo decided-1 ly inferior. Ho cites a caso in point. , A favorite plum tree in 1801. bore but a I thin crop of fruit, which was all presorv od. Their aroma when being made into tarts or puddings was most delicious. In ' 1802 tho crop of plums on the same trco was so abundant as to hide tho leaves , TllO USUal quantity Was preserved, but w U J r ' tllO fijlO aroma of tllOSO of the previous year was wholly wanting From all of which he insists upon the following : "By thinning jou make indifferent fruit good, v. i . . i r . JDy CrOWUing yOU mab.8 gOOU irait bad." 'JThis thinning is torriblo work for the nmalurc, it is like drawing a tooth, and every fruit that falls to the ground creates a pane ; but it must be done. A small sharp penknife is tho best implement Jo! employ, anu is mucu uettor tnan tearing off tho fruit with tho linger and thumb." FILL THE MISSING HILLS. A vacant hill will bo found here and , there in the cornfield, at the first hoeing. I Unless many of them occur together, they are quito likely to bo passed by as of little account, but it is attention to small mat ters that marks tho difference between carefulness and neglect, and not uufre frequsntly here is tho turning p oint be tween thrift and what is called bad luck. IO m03t Sections it Will pay to replant1 , , , miSSlDg hills With corn at the first weed- mg. Tn , f .unp i Mo ariann it onma1 111 a IdVOrauiC season ll Will COIHO i to-maturity. Or numnkin SCOCL mav bo 1 1 1 J " nut in. which wilt viold choico morsels for 1 ' . ' " , animals nest Autumn. It would be bet ter to plant and cultivayc theso spots even without return, ihau to leave thorn to be occupied by weeds whioh will be sure to take possession, and ripon seed for a suo cession of troublesome crops. TO REMOVE HORSES FROM A BUILDiNG ON FIRE. Tho great difficulty of getting horses ff om a stablo, where surrounding build ings aro in a state of conflagration, 13 well known. A gentleman whoso horses had beer) in groat peril from sueli a cause, hav ing in vain tiied to save them, hit upon the experiment of having them harnessed on tho next occasion of firo, when, to his astonishmont, they woro led from tho sta bio without difficulty. CuuB roit Rheumatism. Hatbo the parts affected with water iu whioh potatoes havo been boiled, as hot as can bo borne, just before going to bed ; by tho next morn ing tho pain will bo much relioved, if not removed. One application of this simple renedy hus ourcd tho most obstinate rheu laatio pains. NATIONAL HOTEL, (Late Whllo Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVU THIRD l'lIILAUMIiPHIiV. D. 0. SIEGRIStT PuorniETon. Formerly J "i om Eagle Hotel Lebanon, Pa 1, V. IlllUAIlM, (.'LERKi March m, 1SC.2 MOUNT VERNON HOTEL No. 117 nnd 110 North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. Tho above well known establishment lina boon lean by tliu subscriber. mis lintel is conveniently lop mod in a central nnu lilmlliciiK n.irt nftlio rltv. It lalnrcannd commodious. niul well furnished throughout, I'crsans vis t ntr hoc tvnro rcsneeiruuv inv tcii in Mil and pntronlio thi establishment, ns nothing shall be wanting to mako the guests coinfoitablo nml satis tied. TERMS ONE DOLLARS PER DAY. Cltl.ens and visitors enn bu nccommmtatod on reas- onabU terms by tha dny, work or month. j. uTxismuiuv, Proprietor, No 77 Dock et..Phlln. Late or llaltlmoro. Md. and .vinuison House, fccoiiu ui. I'liiiaue'piiia. March 7, 1SGS 3m. JOHN DOLL G02 Market St., Philadelphia IMPOBTKU of Toys, Pipe and fancy Artlrloj, Tho larger! vnncty of Pipes, Toys, Iiaskcts mi J r.vNov goods to he found in the city. Ploaicall and Exaimuc, March 7, ie03 WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVER WARE. undersigned would respect- 1. 2ft u" mviic your nuciiuuu u ms wen so UliCtJ JL lected flock ofl'lnc Gold and Hllvcrwntch so Hna Geld Jewelry, of every kind and variety of siyies-comprising ailof tna newest ana most beautiful ucsigns. Also, Solid Silver Warn, equal to Coin nnd tho bet Slake of Silver Plated Ware. Each article Is war ranted tobeai represented, T7 Watches nnd Jowolrv cnrcfullv rcnaired and satisfaction guaranteed. JAIUII UAIll.liY, (Successor to BtniilVcr & llarlcy,) No. 6B2 MARKET Street, PIIILAO'A. Fcb'y Q3. 1803, Ilinos, PAUL & THOMPSON, General Commission Merchants, DEALERS tN I'iih, Provisions, Flour, liuttcr, Cheese, Oils, Diied Fruits, (irnin, rJecds, Ilenns, Whiskey, Wool, Co.nlry Produce and Alerchaiidiso generally. No. 34 North Wharves, Philadelphia. C7" Consignments of Provisions, Tlonr and Country Produco solicited, and returns promptly made. Cash ndv.mccd when desired. OllunilS Tor nil kinds of Fish, Provisions, Flour. Dried Fruits, &c., filled alius lowcil Cash Prices. August 4, le'UO l'.'m. PHILADELPHIA. PAPER HANGINGS HOWELL & nOURKK. Corner Fourth nnd Market Streets, Philadelphia, have now lu stock, a tine variety of WALT. PAPERS, (Jot up expessly for their Vpring Trade. WINDOW PAPIIU OF EVKUY GKADU, to which they Invito tho attcntien of Storekeepers. 07" in their ri tallcpartment, will be found the choicest styles of the clou. March 7 IdU3 3 mos.seas JOHN S. LEE & CO.., No. 40, NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. HOPE MAKERS AND SHIP CHANDLERS, Spun Cotton for Cnulklng, Ropes, Twines, Tar, Pitch, O.ikum, lilocks, and Oars, Sic. Aujust 4, lHi'iO 1'Jiu. LEATHER! LEATHER ! ! THE undersigned would announce, that he has on hand nthislIat.'indCnp Emporium, on Main t-'t., Illooins burg, an assortment of different kind of leather, such as fine calf skins, morocco, (red nnd black) anil linings, all rf which he will sell cheaper than can bo had elsewhere in (llia marla,t CM amCXCI11ie them for yourselves. JOllNK.OIRTON. Dloomsbiirg.Mny 24, 18G2. FI11SUPICTII &. DltOTIIKUS. WHOLESALE OBAOOO DEAL E R F NO.105.NOUTII THIIID S Tit 13 1ST Five doorsbelow Race, PHILADELPHIA T SCHOLARSHIPS FOR SALE. Pittsburgh Commercial College. Iliimliauiptlii " " Crittenden's " " Philadelphia. Firatton.llryant Sz Co.. ' " ThesB Serins, nm in amounts of SIS and SSI) and arc n"oinuch cosh, by tho Htudent on cutring either ofth, .Unvn l-nl pqg. Youne mdn desirlmrtno ,t:iln a HiiIb k. cd Collegiato Education, will hern lludn good specula on by applyin: : at the office of Ilia Mnv. i. leti- COLUMUIA DEMOCRAT. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP rpiIE undersigned respectfully informs his old friend jl nnu cuhiomurs. mai no nas ourcnneii ins i,roti.rd nteri'!.tinthenboeestnblishiiieiit,nndthoconccriMil8 liereauer no couuticieu uy iiimscu rxciusivelv. u nas juei receivou anu oners lor sale, the Ian ft and most nxtcnulvc assortment of FANCY flTOVI'H ever introduced into this ni.uket. His stork consists of a cnmnlete assorinn'iit nf lio ne liiiiiMiiB nnu panor sioves in me market, togeth er with Stove Fixtures of every description, Oven mid liox rttoves, Rndiators, t.'ylindar Ktovcs, t'at Iron Air. Tijjht stoves. Cannon Stoves, fcc, cc Stovepipe nnd f iuw uio cuiiMiiuuy uu imiiu linn mniiuiaciiirca m onier. ai$ nrtfully solicited. . M. RUPERT. 'uioomthurg, November 3d 18C0. tf. JOSEPH FUSSELL, Manufacturer of , UMBRELLAS, SUN UMBREL LAS and PARASOLS, Nos. 2 & 4 N. 4th St., PIIILA'D. March 7, IMS-flm. LECTURE. f j WW. Juat iiMUIui iu a Hilled Knc A Lecture on tho Naturo Treatment .t Itudical Curo of Fpermatorrhosa or Seminal Weakness Involuntary Emission'. Hciual Hehllitv. menti to Marriaifd conorallv. M0"' i:P1','.l,'9' 'mi1 Vlu,l ;"eutlon and Physical lncap-( c'ty. resulting from Self Abuse, fcc.-lly Rob, J.Culver. wtll.M, U Author of the Orcen llooktc. uunmr in uus aumirouio Lecture clearly proves from his own exnerienro Dm nurl eonco,uenccs orSelf.Abuso may hi effectually removed without medicine, nnd without ,l.,,.,a ,,.i,.i operations bougies, insrlunicnts, rings or cordials noin. ting out n mode orcuro at once certain nnd ctructual by mi,,, uvui niiuorBr no niniier wnainis condition may 55,.",alr c'"0 hiinselfchcniily, privately, and rartically. I i J ins i.ecturo willprovou boon to tliousaudsand thou-, Sunt under seal ta ailV nddrcss in tl nlnln. apnl.l envelope, on tho receipt of six cents, or postage stamps , CHAS. J.O.KMNE&CO.. 127 Ilowcry, New York, Post ollica llox, fifl Febunry Set, I8S3. REMOVAL. EAGLE MOTE Bj. THE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and tho public geuerully. that he has removed from the "Union Hotel" to tho "EAGLE HOTEL," in tha borough of Muncy, where ha will bo happy to enter Bin in a satisfactory manner ull who may favor him wth their custom. Tho best stubling iu tho county, wthuinplo accommodations for trnvelers and drovers. No pains will b spared to render the stay of guests ipluasatandcomlorlublc Muncy. April 1. 1663. A. JI. SMITH. THE DISEASES OF ERROR. (Leu Maladies d' Err eur.) I JOHN' n. nrniMNT nr n .1 publisherof the above work do hereby nroil. ... .....! ...... .."?' u uireuy promise & ll w II w :nta fo i acopy for .... r fi:'" . . ! i 'simpie langus 'die, , . ding seminal weaknoss. Nervous debility. Iiidigesiion Mcfancho y, Insanity. Va.ling decay. Iu. potency" ir. 1 PJ'""!"'' ':ir'.! P'r.ptionV to, 'I SfJLK'W irfclvT f charge. jniivn nrnr-v n , I A Mil nuurAi Jtnii t: x cents My:3, Xi03-Sm. aJilOMlTV"' rtytm mull' COimiTION WATER FOR THE COfiSTITUTiOfi AMI TUB roit D I A 11 E T E S and iiisnAsca or THE Thttt nangeroii) and Troublttome filimstt, uhlchhatt Ihnsfar llcilttct the leu directed Treatment canbl Cumjdetili Controlled by the tcforcuil THE CURATIVE properties of tho medicine dlicct themselves to tho or gans of secretion, nnd by so altering tho condition of tho stomach nnd liver that the starchy principle f the food is not converted Into sugar so long as the systam is under the influence of tho CONSTITUTION WATER, which give thoso organs time to recover their kcalthy tone and vigor. Wo nrenhto to stale that the Coimtltu-, tinn Water has cured every case of Diabetes iu which it iius been given, STONE IN THE DLADDFR, CALCULUS, (.RAVEL URIC1C DUST DETOSIT, AND MUCOUS OR MILKY DISCIIAItr.ES AFTER URINATING. Diseases occurlng from onoiind thosnmo causa will bo entirely cured by tho Constitution Wator, Iftakcii fornny length of time. The doso should vnry with tho severity of tho disease, from twenty drops to a tea spoonful threotimcs n day, in water. Duringthc pas sago of tho Calculus, tho pain and urgent symptoms fiiuuiu uu cuinii.iirii w iiii iiio proper rcincuies, llien followed up with tliu Conttitutiou Water, as above di rected. UYSMENOURACEA, OR PAINFULL MENSTRUA TION, AND IN MENORRHAGIA OR PROFUSE FLOWING, lloth diseases arising from n faulty secretion of tno menstrual fluid in tho ono case bciuglno little, and accompanied by severe palnj nul the other a tnopro- msu secretion, which win uu speeuny cured I) IIIC Constitution Water. That disease known as FALLING OF THE WnMll. which is the result of a relaxation of tho ligaments of inui organ, ami is Known ny a sense 01 Heaviness nnd (Irnuclna pains in tliu back nnd sides, and at times nr.. companicd by sharp Incinntingor shooting pains tlirough the paits, will, Inall cases, bu removed bylhcmcdicinu. 1 nero is auoiner class 01 symptoms nrifinz from IR RITATION OF Til Li WOMII, which phjsiciniis call nervousness, which worn covers up luucn ignorance nnd In nine rases out of ten tho doctor does not rnnllv knuw whether tho symptoms ore the disease, or the disease tha symptoms. Wo can only enumerate them hero. I speak nioro particularly of Cold Feet. Palnitn- tion in the Heart, Impnrcd .Memory, Wakefulness, Flash es of Heat Languor, Lassitude, and Dinmessof Vision. SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION. Which in tlie unmarried femata Is a constant recurring ,11. ruse, and through neglect tho seeds of nioro grave and dangerous maladies lire the result ; and as mouth after month passes without an effort being made to as sist nature, the suppression becomes chronic, Ihe pa tient gradually looses her appetite, tho bowels are constipntcd, night sweats come on, and consmnptiun miuiiK cnus ucr curler I.EUCORltaU OR WHITES. This disease depends upon mi infl.imntion ofmucotis lining nt tno vagina ami womb. It is in ull cases nc companieil uy severe pain In the buck, necrose the bowels and through Ihe hips. A tcospoonfiil of tho men ici ne uiuy i,u laiteii iiiren nines n uay, with an m Jcitlou of a tablespouiiful of tho medicimc, mixed with nuaii-pinioi sou water, morning .mil evening. IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE ".LADDER, INFLAMATION OF THE KIDNEYS AND CA TARRH OF THE 11LADDER, STRANGURY AND BURNING OR PAINFUL URINATING. For these diseases it istrulya sovorcign remedy, nnd too much cannot be said in lis praise. A single docs has been Know to relivo the iiiot urgent syplouis. Are you troubled with that distressing pnln In Ihe small oftlin back and through tho hips I A tenipoonful a day of Constitution Wulcrwill relievo you like magic. FOR DYSPEPSIA, H has no cyinl In relieving the Most distressing smp Ioiiib. Also, Headache, Heartburn, Acid StnuiaUi Vom ting Food, ic. Taken tcas,,oonful after dinner- The dose in all cases may be Increased if desired, but should be done gradually. PHYSICIANS IIuto long since given up tho use of bitchu, cubebsand Juniper in the treatment of iluse diseases, and only uso thciufor want of abetter remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER Has proved itself o'fualtothc task that has devolved upon it. DIURETICS Irrilnto and dri iich tho kidneys, and by constant use unoii lead to thronio d. generation and coillrmed dis ease. Read. Read, ISoad. Htwiu-p, Pa., Junes IW1. Dr.WM. II. fjacnti Wncr Ale: 1 it I'chuary, ldlil, I wasaillincd wtih the sugar diubetcs.iiud for live mouths 1 passed moru than two gallons of water In tweiity-l'our hours. I win obliged to get up as otien ten or twelve times during tha night, nnd in five mouths Host about liny pound.) in weigth. Durning the month of July, lebt, I procured two bottles of Constitution Water and in twud.iys after using it I cxperii'ncedrelicf.anitnrtcr taking two bottles I was entirely cured, soon after regaining my usual good health. Vours truly. J. V. L I)E WITT, lioston Corners, N. Y Dec. 27, 16GI. Win. II. Gregg & Co.: Gents: I freely givo you liberty to make uso of I lie following Cirtiflcato of tho valuo of Constitution Wa ter, which I can recconimeud in the highest manner. My wife, who was attacked with pain iu tho shoul ders, whole length of the back, and iu her limbs, with Palpitation of the heart, attended with Falling of the Womb, Dysmcuorrlincn, nnd "Irritation of the Iliad der," I called a physician, who attended her about three months, when ho left her worse than lie found her, I then employed ono of the best physicians I could 11 ml, who attended her for about nino months, and w hilo she was under his care she did not suffer guito as much pain ; he finally gave her up and said 'her case was Incurable." For, said he, 'she wns such s combination of complaints, that medicine given for one operates dgaiust soma other of her difficulties. " About this time she commenced to usa Constii utiin Watkr, and to our utter astonishment, almost the first doso seemed to have tho dsirod effect, and she kept on improving rapidly uxder its trcntuient.nnd now super intends unholy her domestic affairs, She has notta kau any of theCos tiotios Watkr Cor about fourwecks nnd wo aro happy to tny that it has produced n perma nent curo. W.M. M, VAN BEN3CIIOTEN, Miiaford, Conn., Nov, 19, 1801, DB.,WM.II.GRnUJ yieor tin 1 have for several years been afflicted with that toouble koiiicnm! dangerous disease Gravel, which resisted nil remedies and doctor:. until I took L'ONsrnuTioNAi. Water, and you may he assured that I was pleased Willi the result. It has entirely cured me, nml you may make any usa of my name you may sco fit in rcgaro to the medkiiiu, as I havo entire confidence in its efficacy. Yours truly, POM) STRONG, THESE ARE FACTS ENOUGH There is no class of diseases that produce such ex hausting effects upon tho human constitution as Dia betes nnd diseases of the Kidneys, lllndderuud Urina ry Passages, and through a false modesty they arc neg lected until they are sondvauccd as to bo beyond tha cuuiroi ot ordinary renieuus, anu wo present tno CONSTITUTION WATER To tho public with tho convktlonthat It has noeinal in relieving tno rinss oruiseases lor wiiRIi it has been found so eminently succeskful in curlii!; ; and wo trust that wo shall bo rewarded in our efforts in placing to valuable remedy in a farm ta meet tha requirements of patient and phyticinn, FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE SI, WM. II. GEORGE & CO,, Proprietors. Morgan is Allen, General Agents, No. 40 Cliff St Now-York, Sept, 20. 1SC2. 12m, EVANS & WATSON ti. Ull l,f , vnnN a , i,i n is.mis .'i,.,mn ui.iv oiri.o, iii iiiuvi.ii to Ail. lo South fourth 'treet, Philadelphia, havo on and n largo assortment of Firo -iniei proot B-tiamauiier ft J I en. i-o, iron doors, lor banks and stores, iron hiitfru irn,, en.l. .,11 "flocks equal to any made in tha Unitea Slates. FittSafttin one. fir). All camt out right I teith con tents in eootl condition. Tha Salamander Safes of l'hlladclnhla n-ralnst tha world. " EVANS & WATSON, havo had the surest demo.trnlion in tha following cer tificate that their manufacture of Salamander Safes fia at length tally warranted the representation which have been mndu of thcni us rendering uu undoubted security against the terrific clement. Philadelphia April 12. 1850. Metire. hram Se Marion; Gentlemen It affords us ''le ''ishest satisfaction to stato ,to you, that owing to : very protective nun ties of tu n of t , nlinn,i..r Sahiinauder. M ""lcl1 ue 1"' "'"". of Vou some Hvo I oxlf o'l.le'ca'mna monlli siuctf i (Hi r limilra 1 nosed to the cnlamiuoua. tiro in ltfiin.tpiiii h1i, , ' "'XZi ?l!L ttl; fourth sforv of tho IjunVlniri fe subseenl y h oi "an ltr2ii,Uno?itaeh?i tho morning of Iho 11th Intl., I ivneu wo reiietl flint these safes were located in the ling we occupied and that they - -., .Hu.v uviiN) ,,u iigum i uuiiuii- ruins, wucrw ine hev,a,tcmrofI:e,ia,,0 Weshalltgkeirreatileauroiiirecniiiniendlnctlwm, I men of business as a suro reliance against fire. July it, isa. 1 WP, I WW 'J J Oil IS IT 1119 BERN rRACTISPll IN Tll UNIT l t rTF.S flV fXtU BTIVE AtSUMFTION ANI1 KIEHCUItor ARtKMlitlY rOHSIt BY I). A. MAHOJSY, OJE OP ITS VICTIMS. "It Is Important (hat tho habits of thinking In it free country should Inspire caution In those "Mrustjd with Its administration, to confine Ihcnisclv s within tin Ir rtspcrtlva spheres, avoiding, In Iho Mcrtlsc of the porrs of nun department to enctoach upon another. Tho spirit of encroachment tends to i 'insolldnto tho powers of nil the departments in one, nnd thus to ere, nto, whatever he the form of government, it real Des potism." Wasminoton, "Cllnilo the Constitution, as tha shtnwrcfkod marl tier clings to tho last plank, when niulit and tlio Inn- . rln.nn.nnnil I, Im. 11 ml,,. IV 0,,.. tin. CUU.ETON, Pnbllsher. 113 Droadn i,y. New York. K7" Mr. Mahony's hook with the nh.ive title will bo published this week. iprn i, leuj. aIIF. iindcrlgn,-einrso cxtenstvcty engaged In tno UndertaUvg Btittncas, and keeps constantly on hand ndforsaloat his Wurcrooms, a largo ns-ortment or FINISHED pss3 COFFINS, Ry which ho Is enabled to fill orders on prcsentatln Also Keeps a good Horso and Hearse, and will at al times bo ready to attend Fnucrcls. tJIMON C. S1I1VE. Rloomsburg, January 29, 1SJU SW JOB TYPE, -AND IH HI HI i" fl7 0 n i I in. O H-fS TITlf!!' . - M. .JIWJ M. M. Dl.lH. We aro now fully prepared to print the neatest and cheapest JOB U'OllK, in the country. GIBSON'S DUl'OilATIYE ESTARMSilHKSiT, No. 125, South Eleventh Street near VI not, Enameled Glass, Fresco, Oil nnd Encaustic Painting John (Jibiov. V. II. Gict.w. January 12, liiil 3ni.. NEW BARBER. SHOP Iu Court Utilise Alley, NEXT DOOa TO THB OrriCC Or THE -'COI.UMBI DEMOCUAT," BLOOMSBUP.O PA. November e, I6B2. Columbus Male nnd Female Academy, Wll 11 Normal and Commercial Instrnction. PROF. II. S. lllN'GIIAM, Principal, and MRS. 8.15 II1NGIIAM, Preceptress. Tho next term of thin institution will commence P" MONDAY, the '.11th of APRIL, lust. Tuition, ffo.ii 61 to $(i per term, E7 Hoard Troiii 31 75 to Si (10 per week, fiou, rooms (or those wishing to board themselves. For further particulars inquire of the Principal. JOHN KOONS, Sec'y of Trustees, New Columbus, April 11. U3. 1 OrHAIUUSON, M. D. WOULD respectfully inform Iho citizens of llloo. burg, and vicinity, that he enntinucsthe practice mkmcixk akd sauar.iiY, ml solicits n sliaro of public patronage. Main Struct, first house below tho Court House, lloomburg. February 3, 1S55 tf. pet :n YOUE it SON. HAVE recently ripened a HOOT AMI SHOE SHOP iu LIGHT hTRI'.I'.T, ('nliiinhiii count), Pa., and r ' prepared to do tbu best work on the tdinrtcet notice r.E at tin: lowest nrkes. Ghe them a call, April 11, leVJ. LacUawniiua & Dioomsburg Rniiroad :7Fr55 -IN AND AFTKR APRIL 20, I'd."!, PASSENGER J TRAINS WILL RUN AS FGI.I.OWS: Al O V I N G S O U T H. Paisens'cr. Jlceom. Lcava Seranton, " Kingston 11 Itioomshurg " Rupert, " Danville, Arrive at Northumberland, MOVING Leave Northumberland1, Danville, " Rupert, " Ulnomxburg Kingston, S30 A. AL 11.00 A. Al (i.40 Arrive 12.30 P AJ B.50 8.55 '.'.24 AAI H.55 NOR T n 4.30 P. Al. 5.10 5.4.) 5.50 S.I15 1.45 P. Al Arrive nt Scranton, 11.10 1". .11. 2.30 A Passenger Train also leaves Kingston nt f.20 A. Al for Scranton, to connect witli train for New York. Re turning, leaves Scranton on nrrivnl of Train from New York nt4.20 P. M. The Lackawanna and liloomsburg Railroad connects with tho Delaware, Lackawanna and U estern Railroad at Scranton, for Now York nnd intermediate points east At Rupert i I connects with the Catlaw lsa Railroad.f'or points both cast and west arriving at Philadelphia tit 7.00 P.AI. At Northumberland it connects with the Philadelphia Iz EricR. R.auiIN. C 11. R. fur points west nml south Passengers nrrivlng at llarrishtirg I 50 P Al. ; Phil adclphia 10 P. Al Nallliuoro 10.20 P. AL GEO. II. IIUNT.AWt J. r.WclH.Grn'J Ticket Agent, Kingston April It?, lci.3. DAUGAIXS IX STATIO.VEUl'. 2,500 Gross Steel Pent, 600,000 iiirri lllank hcuhs 850,000 Kncclopcs, Slates, Ink, Curtail. Ac Wrapping paper, Pusb boeJis. Lcud-I'cncils, Gold-Pens, very flue. School books visiting Cards, &c. .i largo portion of whicli is stock purchased before tho ric In prices and now selling low roit cash, Win. G. PERItY. l!nokscllcr& Stationer. S. IF. ror. ifA, ,y lace Philadelphia. March 7, 1EC3-3 mos. 5,000 Rbams writing Papcr.includlng of note, Letter Foolscap, Sermon, Hill, & Draw log papers selling at low riuccs for cash, Wm. G. PERRY, Stationary. 8, W.cor 4tu,& Raco Philadelphia. PICTURES FOR ALBUM. Over COO dilTercnt varieties selling from 75cts to S175 per dozen. .Wm. G. PERRY, Publisher. S. W. Cor. 4th t Race Philadelphia. WILLIAM G. PERRY OOK-SELLER, Stationor, Hook- binders, lllank book manufacturer, nnd n,-ni,.r in iiiipoiieu uuu aiuericun Diniiouery, South West cor. 4th & Ruco St,,' Philadelphia. Persons visiting Iho cily, or sending orders will do well to taku n mumorai.duni of tho above Address. Tho stock is largo and well assorted, Prices Imw. 1'i.orou.ixrii Albums, Selling from titJctsto.S25 each, Thci.owcst style and largest assortment in Iho City. Wm. U. PERRY. Publisher. B. W. cor. 4lli li Raco sirs., Philadelphia ATTORNEY AT LA W , DLOOMSBUlia, PA. Otlice in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charles R uiicnuiew, DloomiburS, Dec. 4, 1B59. JOHN 0. YEAGER, MANUFACTURER It WHOLESALE DEALER IN mo ru no ! STRAW GOODS, RONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 257 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov, :3, 1332, j ECONOMY IS WEALTH. OU E YOUR COUGH FOR t-3 CENTS The best aii-i cheapest Household remedy in the World. MADAME ZAHOU jVOltTEIt's HiEAYtf eOlUQlKI IftfiSfiSlElDVo MADAME y.Airuu lull THR'8 t-'uratlvo llnlsiun is warranted Ifnsed- trccnnllnc to the directions, to cure In nil cases 1,'nughs, Colds, Whooping I'oiibIi, Asthma nnd nil niructlons of tl-.o throat and l.ilngs. f.,n..n ViiiL nnrtor'ff is prepared Willi all 1 Q rC'l'llFlIO FKIlit ITl'lll ll . I.I. . l ..ti rlin Un1 to tils edlcs the vegetable kiundom n.lords, Its rciuedlnl .uall- lies nre oareii on mvi to assist Ihe healthy circ.i. latlon nftlio blood, through the Lungs. It Is not n vlo. lent remedy, but e.nollent- warming, searching and elf cctlvej can he taken by tho oldest norson or tha young- oldest person or tho young' CStllllld. MndnmZndoc Portf r's bal sam has been Iu usa by tha jititdic for over lo years, aim in ncqrired its present snio 'Imply by being retouiuien. dcil by those who have used It to their afflicted friends nnd others. Mot Important. Madame Zndoe. Porter's Curative llalsam is sold nt n price which brings it lu tho reach of every one to keep it convenient for use. Tho time ly use of n single bottle will provo to bo worth 100 times Its cost. Do not bo persuaded NOTICE. Save your money i to purchase nrtlclea nt Is to fl which do not cnntnlii I the virtues nfn 13 cent hottlo of Mailamo Porter's Cu- rntlvellalsaiu, thocost of manufacturing whicli Is as great, us aluut any other medicine! nnd the very low prece at wnicnu isom, huu,,:b ir ,i,,,i. r,, -ei nppa.intly small, and unprlnclpaled dcnleri wll somellmes rcrnnimcnd other medicines on whicli their profits nrn Inrgi r. unless tho customers insist upon , linvlni' Jlndamo rotter's nnd none other. Ask fori Madame Porter's I'urntlvo llotsam. prlco, and n Inriro hollies at 23 oeuts, nnd take no other, trytiold by oil l)riigcltsaml lilorekecpercat I3cts. a,.'l in larger bottles ni 25 cents. II ALL & RUCKLE, Pr prletors, New York, January 21, 18(53. VvtTfI-',ti;'a'G,-E5 TO. HBCD 3 IKfL 'ill ' out change. Xni f) 11 13 15 17 (1o.irtl.indt Street 1 Mall trains for Now York leavo Itarrlsburg nt 8 AM lOS. U, 1 1 , l J, l, K VjQiti ii.wiin, otrci-i, 1S00l, j, Mail trains for llarrisbnrg leaio NOW NEAR 1IROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. York ut(i A Al and 12 noon. Thlsold-cstahlMied nnd favorite resort of the llusl- . . SCIIUVLKILL VALI,E RAI MtOAD. nns Community has been recently rclitted, nml is com- plete in ever) tiling that can mlHl.ter to (lie comforts of i. nlroim Ladies and families arc sneclnllv and Lore. ,iocn,i,iiiunityhasbcenrecentlrcntted.nmllsconi- fully tirovldcd for. - . It U centrally located in the bu-lness part nfthe rltv. and is conti'.'uous to the principal lines Lf steamboats, cars, ii i iiiiiusm:b iL-rri:s, l. In consciuenco nftliepres-mro caused by tho Rebel ) 1 1 Oil I prices have been reduced to One Dollar ( I'ifty Cents per Day. The table is nuinly supplied will, all tho luxuries of ll...n..Un n.ll. ........... llnl nff...- fttl...r In ll,u country. Ample accuiumodatinus arc offered for upward of 100 guo.N. Bv" Do not believe ruiiners.harkinen, and others who may say "tliu Western Hotel is full." II. 1). WINCHESTER, Proprietor. TH03. D. WINCHESTER. Feb. 15, 1SG2. 'Ihe New ommercial Hvildings are locat ted opposite Court House, corner of Court and ChcnungoStrccts. This College is in no way connected with any other Institution. The energies of tin entire Faculty nre exclusively de-voti-d tolhis. Tlicdcsigu nfthis Institution istn afford to Youni; .Men an opportunity for uc'iulring a Thorough Practical Dunincss Kducation The Rooks and Forms are carefully arranged by Practical Accountants, expressly for tills Institution, ami tlm cotmc of Instruction is snch to combino Theo ry and Practice. COLLEGIATE COURSE. This Course embraces Hook-Keeping in nil its de partments, Pcnmnansbip, Commercial Arithmetic, Bus. inos-s Cojrespondence, Commercial Law, Political licou limy. Commercial Ethics, Partnership seltlements. Do tecting Counte. feiteil nnd nllared, tec. ho Spencerian System of IV.uinianskip is tnught iu all its varletii's, by the mnPt skillful maslrrsol'ihu art. The Hook-Keeping department is under tho special supervision and instruction of the Principal, D. W, Lou tlx. GEN 1 1 RAL INFORMATION. Students can enter lit any time ; no vacation. Usual time to complete the Cnurse, from li to 12 weeks. Assis tance rendered to graduates iu procuring situations. Graduates are presented Willi an elegantly engraved Di ploma. r r" For oiitalngucof 70pagcs, specimens of nenni.m- hlnp, Slc, enihike two letter stamps, and address D. W. LOWELL, Principal. August .10, I8C2. mays, Ieti2-I2iu. GRIT T E ADEN'S riHUVELPUIA COJUIHERCIAL. COL LEGE, N. E, cornei nl 7th and Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. Tnis Is3T.TiT.os. wh rh was established in ISM. nnd is now consequently in the eighteenth near f its exist- enrc, milliner aiming us grailuatrs, fn.udreils of the mostsuccchsful .Merchants and Rusiuess Alcu of our country. Ti.eO.ijici nfiho Institution issolely to afford young mtii lautint'j? ii iiiuttiugii prupuriiiiiiiiior iiusimrss. The llRASn.tsTicoiiTnre, nook-licctiing, ns npnlicn hie to the various depiirlmeiits of trade; Penmanship, both plain and ornamental i Commercial taw, .Mathe matics, Xncigatton Ciril Kngmeering, Draicing, thon. ogari'ny, nun .iiourru I.nnriwgcs. Tte bvTiM of Instruction Is peculiar i no classes or set lessons nre iiiade uo of, but each student is laught i inn vitiiiaiiy , Miiuaiiio may commence ni nny nine, and auenu ai wnaiever uours nre moi convenient, Catai.ooves nreissiicd aniiuaHjafinr the 15th of April containing nnmas of the studeiitvfor the year, and full particulars of terms, &c, and may be obtained nt any time by addresing Ihe Principal, Is Extensive Accommoimtioss. v'uh-snread rrnutaltttn nnd the lengihn eiperlente of ihe Principal, this Institu tion od'ers facilities superior Many other iu the coun try, for young men wishing tupreinro for business, ami to obtain at the same tiuio a iiloma, which will prate a reeonmeniiawa or mem llicui to auy Alerchaip tilo House. tGCaiTENDts'sSrrid of Treatises on Roou.Keep. ino. now norn videlycirciilatcdthau nny other work on u.c sunject, nre ror sale tit the College, S, HODGES CHITPENDEN. lferiiry-a(-aie, Pr.tNCiPAL! Jan. 25-1602 15m. NATIONAL C03LUERC1AL COLLEGES TiOCATKD IN PHILADELPHIA, B.E.CCRNCR7TII AND CHESTNUT STS., Neto York City, Brooklyn, Albany, Troy isvjjato. jjcirou, t icvelund, Chicago, and Si. Louis. nook-kenning, Penmanship, Commercial Arithmetic Commercial Law, Forms, Correspondence, &c piact cally taught. Theso Colleircs belnc under the ecnernl nnd lo cal management, and uiiitimr iu each the advantage of all, offer greater facilities for imparting instruct I l than tiny other similar institution in the country. A Scholarship issued by any ouu is gojd in all fci n unlimited time, The Philadelphia College has been recently cnlail nnd refurnished iu u superior manner, nml is now fi I lurgestund most prosperous Commercial Institution t tint Stale. Ilrjant & Ptratton' series of Text Hooks, cmbrac Ilook-kceping, Commercial Arithmetic, nnd Coinmer Law. for sale, and sent by mail. li-? For ful I particular send for a circular. October IS. lsG2-12m. Slmciicau g Ijotd ( Opposite Inttfenuemc Hull,) CII ES'i'N UT STREET, 11 ET W EEN FIFTH ItSIXTII, PJ1ILADE1.PJI1A. W Y ATT ii HnilLINGS. Proprietors. November 30, 1801. March 13, IMS DISSOLUTION. Tho partnership hcrenforo pxiitlng between tho un- dersinid, in the Mercantile Uusluess, was dissolved upon Hie Ut day of April, 1W13, by mutual con.eut.- All person. Indebted lo Iho lata firm, uro renucsKd to make early settlement. The book nre in His hands of F. Eyer. .t Ihe Store, s. II MILLER. Heading Kail Roail. jaJHiSiiiPtB nnr.ATTIUINIC LINE FROM PHILADELPHIA TO 'i ii ii iK-rr.imtii OF rr.NMtYLVANI A, THE ui-lliivt t.-lf.l.. HltSatlF. IANNA. u,illll.ii- I, ANU AND WYOMING VALLL) H, Till NOI riV. NORTHWEST AND THE CANADA8, rABSENOHR TRAINS. Leitvolho company's dopot nithritccnlh and Callow- ',,"te,tf,,,s?ATw,B'7',-1 liiiln 11 icl ester. Niagara, Fails, llullaln. A llcntown, Wllkesiin Uian.bcrsbHrg, "ffilraln' connect, nt READING with East Pen.,, svlvnnln Railroad trains for Allcntowi., fccnud will. ?J TJEn .nn V, lltv train for llarr sburg. &c.,!nt '(HIT (. LtNTI'N with CataivLja Itallroa,! Irnlnifur PORT CLINTON witli Catawi.ja Rallroa, iraini i tor WIlkesbarle.Willlam.poit.Lock "':' i . if AiJiiiviiiiiift: ui nnniiuivii wn"iu,i w Vn .-y, nd tkhuylklll nnd eus'iuchannn trains fur Nnrlhiiinberland, Wllllaniiport, York, Cl.a.nbersburg, rincerovu c. "ncKr84u AFTERNOON KXPRnSS ,caVe Phlldelphla at 3,30 P. M. for Heniling f n - ve , pnCgrovo, llarrlrburg, fcc., cvunftl10.1' ; '""i Imr xvitli Pcnnsylvnnln Centrnl V,al.V0 i ... . rVtlsbiira c Notthren Centrnl Ral road trains for snnburyl Northumberland, i:iinlra &c, nnd nt or i-iininn with Cntawissn Railroad trains lor mihou r...... . ..i i,..nnin Lr. "''IWm,rU,UDlNO ACCOMODATION. Lenvss Reading at fl.30 A. SI.. M',".nIl way Itritirnliu', leaves Philadelphia at '"Sl;f.,!V"lW.SiU leave UMn ''V-V and iVsvilleatU.U A.M., arriving in Phlladn 1,.',0 P.M. Anernoon trains leave ijarrisuurg lit V" M and Pott8Vllloul2,3U P- M. arriving at VMaieh 10 UtMa?kct train, with n passenger car attached, leavo i Philadelphia at 1 P. M.. for Reading nnd nil wny sta tions ! leaves Heading nt 12, noon, and Dowiilnglown i t p. m. for Plill.idelnhlannd nil way stations. All the nbova Irnuu run dally, Sunday excepted. Sunday trains lea dclphla at a.M I'M. CHI'.STL sum av trains lenvoroimiuo ui t,ou u,,u . ,,n.,- STER VALLEY RAILROAD ti..,.....,. rmni linwnlnetnwn nml intcrmci.inio poliits taku tho 8.15 A JI nnd -1,30 P M tralnsfrom Phil, ndclphin, returning from Uownlngtown at ,,00 A Al ""'NEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSUURG AND THE WEST. Leaves New York, at 7 P M, passing Rending at 12,07 midnight, nnd connecting nt llurrisuurg will. Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train for Pittsburg. Returning, express Train leaves llarrUburg an iirrl val ofPcnniylvanln Express from Pittsburg nt 3,l.i A Al, pasting Reading 5.18 A Al and arriving nt New York at 10,311 A Al. Sleeping can accompany these tminsthroughbttwscn Jersey City and Pittsburg with Trains leavo rollsvilio in .i-i ,'i ni j,.iu i 1 rains tan i h ,', , , ,:' ,: rcturiiliij from! U'farora at "''V'.h ii SCHUYLKILL AMI HIJSC. ULII ANNA RAIL IlllAll. Trains leave Auburn nt 3,42 A M for Plnegrevo and Hnrrisburg, and nt 0,40 A Al, mid 7 P Al for plmgroio only; returning from Hnrrisburg nt 1,30 P Al and from l'iiiegrovc at ti A Al and 4 and 5 P AL TICKETS. Through first class tickets and emigrant tickets to nil . i .fi. i .1.. M J ll.... f,,l f'n,,-.. 1 10 i""l l"' """" "v" Uit The following tickets nre obtainable only nt tho nffico S3 .lr,lfril. Tr-:B,ircr. 227 south FUrtll St. Philadelphia or of G. A Nlcolls, General Superintend, cut, ueauing. COM Al UTATION TICKET3, At 25 percent, discount, between any points desired, lor fa.Milies and firms, MILEAGE TICKETS, Good for 2000 miles, between all points, at S1G 35 each for families nnd finis. SEASON I IlJKUTf, For three, six. nine or twelve months, for holders only, to all points, at retlureilratcs. U1.L.11U I .11 Ui. l!f-IHIiiL' on thelinuoftho road will bo furnished with cards entitled themselves and wives to tickets ut half fare. EXCURSION TICKET!. 1-rom Plillnileliihia toiirincinat stations, ffoo.l for Sat urday Sunday ami Alnnd.iy, al reduced fare, to bo nail only at the Licka Ollicu, utTliiltccuth and Calluwliill streets. i'. Goods of nil description forward to all tho above mints from tha compau'sncw freight depot, llroad and Villow streets. FREIGHT TRAINS Leave riiil.idel.ihia daily at ti A AL ! P M ! nnd 0 P Al. f ir Readim:, Lebanon, Hnrrisburg, Pottsvillu, Polt Clinton, and all points beyond. A1AILS. Close nt tho Philadeliihia tost nflibc for nil plnccs on the road and its branches at 5 A Al. ami for the prlnci pal station only at 2 15 P M. iiieomsourgi iru.l. C1IU ULATE THE DOCUiWEXTS TEE democratic Leader, A double sheet tccckly Democratic Journ al, oj Eight pages and Forty'. Eighs Columns oj'rea dins m'Uler. The nttcntion of (ho Democracy of Pennsylvania nnd of itlur Slate's, is called to tho importance of extend ing the circulation ofthe WEEKLY DEMOCRATIC LEADER. By so extensively clrcnlntinirncuniner. (whllo the Democrats have been comparaliMly iiidillerent to lliis meiiion ot iniieeiicing ine panne minu, the ulioiitiou islshavc succcedcil iu inennfiug tlieir numbir fro'u a lew ,cw i.ugiaiu. lauai.csio n party whicli now con. trols tlm nation! Is it not time for the democrats to a wake to a senco of iliu necessity fur reaching the minds of ihe people 7 THE DEMOCRATIC LEADER Is, and will continue to bo a firm and fearless advocate of Democratic principles and of the interests of tho Democratic party, ns the best means of promoting tho interests of Iho country, It will maintain a bold oppo sitlon to all enemies of Ihe principles of tho National Constitution and of the rishts of the people, and will insist upon the mniutainance ortho Constitution ns it is, and the restoration of thu Union as our fathers left it. The Leader, besidesfurnishing Political News, and expressing its own views thereon, jllcontnin ull thu General nctes of the Day, Together with Aliscellancons readinj, Poctryi Stories Anecdotes, Agricultural Matter, Religious Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Market Reports, aid nil citch matter ns Is requisite to conuitututo n First Class Family Newspaper. It will bo controled by no clique, nor will it advo cato tho claims of any candidate for office until he ihall have becomo the regularly nominated cnmlldnto ofthe Democratic parly i Hut it will over advocate tho decisions of that party, ns to both measures and men. Resides containing a weekly summary of all tele graphic and gonern news, tho weekly leader will ho lunched by original rroductionsby some ofthe best writers in the cuuutry. IT IS THE PAPERiFORTIIE rARML'R. IT IS'l'llE PAPER FOR THE FlllEMllE. IT IS THE PAPER FOR THE PATRIOT. IT IS THE PAPER FOR THE MECHANIC, IT IS THE PAPER FOR THE ARMY. IP Id THE PAPER FOR ALL CLASSES. No ono should neglect to tubscriba fur it at once, T II E WEEKLY DEMOCRATIC LEADER, will be furnished to subscribers at tho following prices Single I'oiiics, one ycur Two u .1 Three 11 " $2 00 3 50 5 00 Five Twen.y " Thirty- " Fifty IC (I (( 8 30 42 07 00 00 00 50 All payments to bo mndo Invariably in advance. 'Iho friend of democratic- principle nnd Ihe Ameri can Union, it is hoped w II interest themselves in hel ping to givo tho LEADER a largu circulation. Get up clubs immediately. Address PINE 4c LEWIS. .May23.1BC3, No. 103 S. Third St,, Phila. BLANK DEEDS & MARRIAGE 0ER TIFIOATES. A superior lot of tho above articles, with all other kind of lllanks, for salo at tho oflico of tho Columbia Demoorat. Ji Bloamsburg, Columbia County, Penna. SLASDODSON, I'ronriclor. qiakcipleasurclniiniiounciiigto the public that ha J hni taken and thoroughly relilted Ihi Forks Hole! fcnuerly occupied by Robert Hagenbtuli, lllooiusburi! Olid is tiril)lir(,l In ,,,n.l..t . . 'm nml ii prcimrud lo uccomoJutu iriivellur. iiin-ir.,-1 itrctvprii iiml ii ...i i hi . . . v"" best products Ihe markets uilorj, a. d his liar will iu constantly furnished with tho choicest biuors I IC7-A forge and cninuiodious suble hat been erected with a convenient stable attached. A tentlvc ot er. willalway. bo in attendance ai d I lie in i I, f,M,Jini , attention to customer, will iccure him a liberal .1.$" r ! I I l lu lllinmiil isl'S AYEll'S 0ATHARTI0 Are yon sick, foeble, and cmiipbilnlngl ArjjoUMitof order, with )onr S)stcm d. ranged, and your fcelliiftJ un, cemfnrtnblol These fillip. I ins l e often Iho fircln its, to (crlom lllneM. home 1,1 of sickness licircplngiipoii yen, ami should bo averted by n ' Mice LWi e MiWAUKiefl-W Lrvi imioiy sto n mo rii.u. itii ItiLI edy. Take Ayei'a Fills, nsul nt dennss out th dlwnletel lm- mors purify tho blood, and let the fluldi nioro on uirbb ttHCled In licslth again. Tl. HtnnllA II, A rlirtlr.A. SKf of tho body lots rigorous n 'S lltrllv. fOHlfff tbft vvstetl, frnt,i tho obilrucllons nklch tnalia disease, A cold icltlei somen hero In Iho body, nnd e itructs Its natural functlom. These, H not rcllerciT, react upon thcmiclvci and tho surrounding organs, prr iluclng general aggravation,' enacting, nnd dlsciwa. While In this condition, oppressed by Iho irorangcmctiti, take Aycr's Pill, and seo how Ulicclly they icatoro tbb naturnl action of Iho system, ami with It tho buoyant feeling of health again. What is Into and no apparent In this trivial nnd common complaint, l alio truo In ninny of tho deep sentod nnd d.ingeioui dlstentfe". Tho lain purgnthe effect expels tlism. Cau"ed by similar obstruc tions and derangement! of Iho natural function of tha bodf, they ro rapidly, nud many of lliom sitroly, curd l,y tho samo moaui. Nono who know tho virtue of Ibcso Pills, will nogject lo employ them when luOcrlug frcni the disorders they curo. ... , ... Statements from leading physicians In some of lb principal cities, and fioin other noil kuowu publlo rer eons. ltm a tbrwarding Merchant efS. Zmti, IU. i, IS50. I)n. Arrat Your Pills aro tho paragon of all that j Ei-oat In medlclno. They halo cured my llltle ibiujthtct of ulcerous sore lipen her hands and feot Hint had proved Incuraldo for years. Hor mother has been long g.lov ouily aflllcted with blotches and pimples on hor skin auA In her hair. After our child was cured, eho also trll'i ,our Vms, and they have cud her. mmmjtQa As n Fnmllf physic. J'oin Dr. H IE CuiiwncAf, A'tw Orlearj. Your Tills aro tlm pilnco of purges. Their excellent qualities surpas nnr calhaitlo wo possess. Thoy aro mild, but very certain nud cuVcttlll in their action on tho bowels, which makes thsni invaluable to us In Hie dully treatmont of disease. HcniInclic,Slcliireftilnclic,Foul Stomncli. iVom Dr. 1'dmid Uoijd, Baltimore. Dunllno. Attn i Icam-ot answer jcvi what complaint I havo ctirevl with your Pills bettor than to soy all that ic frcr treat with apurgatlre medicine. I place groat depen dence on an effectual cathartic In my dally lootcst with dlsoase, and believing as I do Hint yonr Pills afford UI the best wo have, I of courie value them highly. rmsnnto, Pn., May 1, 15B5. Dn. ,T. C. Ana. Sir: I havo been rcpoatodly cured of the worst headache any body can have by n dole or two1 of your Pills. It seems lo nilso from a foul etomach, which they cloanso at once. Yours with groat respect, ED. W. PREnr,!!, Ctrrfc nf Steamer Clai int. Dllloui DUortlers I.tvcr Complaints). From Dr. Tlieulore Del!, eAVie York Cdy. Not only aro yonr Tllli admirably adapteil to their pnr pose as nn aperient, but I find their beneficial emxtsupon tho Liver very marked Indeed. They havo lu hit prac tice piored mora clluctual for tha cure of bthmit cni plaints than any one remedy I can mention. 1 einreruly rrjoico that wo havo at length a purguth o which is wor thy tho confidence of Hie prufos.-lou nud Hie people. DnrAniuB:T or ritt IicTiinios, Waslilupfton, V. C, 7th Feb., lEiO. Sfitt I hava med your Pills In my general and hotptvr! practice ever slnco you niado them, and cannot hesllato to eny thoy nro tbo bust calbarllc wo employ, 'i bclr rogu Istlng action on tho lit ir is quick und decided, coiiho ijuontly they aro nu iiduilrublo remedy for deraiij.uonU of that organ. Indeud, I Iiato seldom found a caso of bm'our diieate so obstinate that It did net i civilly yl.ld to thein. 1'iaterually yours, A1.0.N7.0 HAM,, M. 1) , J'hysieian ofthe Juiiuc llviyiUil Dyacntery, Dlarrhccn, Relax, AVornio. l om Dr. J. O. Oi (, of VUicagt. Your Pills havo lied n lone; trial In my prnetlco, and I bold them In esteem ns ono of tbo best nptrients 1 halo over found. Their alterative eftott upon tbo liter mains them nn excellent remedy, when given iu small doses for tihTmi dyitntiry and liiarrhua. 3 heir sugar-coatlnu; makes them very acceptable and lonienicut for thouw of woman snd chii.ien. Dyapcinln, Imiiiirltj- of tlio niooil. Prim Dev. J. Y, Jimci, Julor eMicnt Cmi eh, Kotttin. Dn. Avzn: 1 havo used your Pills with extraordinary success in my family and among thoso 1 nm culled to ijsft In dlstrcis. To rigulato tho orguin of dlgcatlon and purify tho blood, they aro thoiYery best remedy 1 havo tiicr known, and I cau conndrutly roccmmeFil them to my frlondi. Youis, J. V. lll.Mr.3. Waiuiw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 21, 1955. Rm: I am ml. ig your Cstliartli Pills In lay piac tice, and find then an excellent purgatiio to clcauio llio eysteut end pui iV Ml fowilaiui of the Mini. JOHN O. MKACHAM, M. D. Const Ipat Ion, Cos tlrcnrsta, Suptirelci, Itlleumnl Ism, (.out, Xoiii'nlgln, Drop ay, Paralysis, Fits, etc. jTVom Dr. J. I'. Vaughn, Monlretl, Cmada. Too much cannot bo said of yonr rills for tho iuro oT toelircneis. If others of our fraternity havo found flicai as efficacious as I have, they should jln mo lu roelulm Ingltfor tlio benefltof tho multitudes who sudor frdni that cempUlut, wldcb, although bad eiongh In Itsolf, Is tlio procnlUr of stliers Hint nro worao. I belluio ce li'mmi to originate in tlio liver, but your Pills cjoct th it organ aud euro tbo disease. Fi-cm lire. D. Runt, rhytiaian mi ItiJicife, Dutton. I find ono or two largo doits tf your nils, taken nl tbo f't'oper thno,nie sxcellent innmoHvsief tho tioriim! itcro I'onviheti wholly or partially suppressed, and also vbry eUticliul to cleants tho femaci and expel uvitaj. 'iKoy aro so much tho belt phyalo vto hare tlist 1 recommend no oHicr to my paf.euts. JTrmi the Dev. Dr. lUwUt.oflht UtChvUit Dpit. Church. PlLisr.l Hocic, favaunali, Go.. .Inn, 0, 1S5-1. llo.tonr.n Smi I should bo ungrateful for tho rcliiT your slilll Iim brought mo ir I did net roport my rn-ci tb you, A cold settled In my limbs and brought on excru ciating nctiru'oicpai'ni, wfilch ended Iu cm onto rht umti tiim. Notwitiistaudlog I had tha belt of phislelans, thu dlseaio grew worse nr. worto, until by tho narico oryopr exrelleut agent In llnltirnoro, Dr. Slacken t-e, I tried jjiir Pills. 1 heir effocts were slow, but snro. Hy crsoverliii; lo tlio tno of them, I tun now entirely well. Ssmate Cn.iMBsn, Baton Rongo, !.., 6 Dec. 1SJV Dn. Asia : I haio boon eutlroly cured, by your P17M, ft Dhcumatit; CiMa painful disenxt that had utllk'ted.ruo fyr years. VIHCENT SIJDULL. tiT-Moat of the Mill In market contain Mcronyr, which, although a valuable remedy I ekll'iil liandf. Is dangerous In n public pill, from tho drcadtul cobm quences that ficqiiontly fdluw Its Incautious use. Tliete coutntn no mercury or tniocial subitum whatever, Pricp, 25 cents por Box, or 0 Doxos for $1. Prepared By Dr, J, C. AVER So CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by E P 5 utz, G JI Hagenhticli, nn.' J 11 Moyor Hlooinsburg; J Schuyler, Hohrtburg ; Masters & Son, Millvillo; P .Masters', Denton; Lazarus & Fii-her, Or' nngcvillo; G F Fowler Fowlersville : A Miller, Hsr wickj Low t Uro8.,Centcrvillej P. F Riiglinrt & Nuss I spy M G Shoemaker, Eiirkhorn ; Reighart Nuss Mainvillo; J 5liarplei,s, L'nttawissa; C'retity . Co, Light Street -, nud dealers cvsry where. July St), If US ly. LIGHT STIUiET, Columbia county, Fa THE undersigned has located nt Ilia nbovn hotel, formerly occupied by Peter Schug, nnd boIJc its n share of public patronage. OT?" Good accommodations for man nnd beast. 1l:r. best kind of li'piors at tliu bar. . ,. J. D. RICE, Proprietor. April 11, iera- 1 BLINDS AND SIMDEb,. J. U'ir.lil AMH Mn KlVArll. Ulr.1, 1M.I1'.. VemUam ISHstds and Window ITT" The largest and finest nssortincnt In tho city, nt the lowest prices. Rlii.ds painted nnd trimmed eatial to new. Store Shades inatleiiud Ictteied. April 4, lct'i3.-lui NEW JEItSEY L.IM)S T0U SALE, ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARIS. Buitublo for Grapes, reachea, Pears Raspberrlcp kjiirnuuiui.i ,,,u, rn B, ,,uriUS, KC , 0 I'll lUnn'JOncres oath, ni the following prices fori present, via: SO ucrca lor 5J00, lOuc. s acres for 6bU, '.'I nrres for SIU, 1 ncro fors.ti 1' .a by ouo dollar a week. Also, good Crnnbtiry lands, nnd village lots in ( h wood. S3 by 100 feet, nt 8I each, payablu b) ono Inr ii week. The nbuve land mid limit" nro slum Ghentwood, Washington township, Hiirlington coiim New Jersey, lor furllicr itifuriuutlon, apply, wit P. U. iilau.p, fora circular, to ll. FRANKLIN CLARK. January 17. KM Cdat B,,ll, Km Vor"' V A DiMlNISTRATOR'S NOTICE Eitate of Patrick Tool, deceased LETTERS of Adminlstrotion on thu Estate or !'' rick lool, late of Ontru lowmhip, fidunihia rr deceased, have been granted by tho Register of t'eli.n bla cn to the iiudersigiud nil pernios having claic i again.t the e.tuto of ihu dccendeiit nro reuuestcd w present Iheni to the undersigned, al hi residence H InarjiyiKiiVt'l'l'i'i;1,1:!' "nJ" ''""s ""K'llU MaySMBfCw,! CIIAULES TOOL, Adm'r WAlHTfiJI). A GOOD TEAMSTER. Will nay 81 Dolu'urcounty' M'vlll. VuV p,i!:3,,6C3.3wU00. J-"J'' Hark ! Bark ! I WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Oordd of Dark, wanted by tho undci e .Jh,1'?: l""",'!la,ely' at llicTaiiiiery in llloom.bitrg 1 1 1 1 i.' highet prlco w b paid In Ca.h or i Ari(-Ull20,l&3 woomiburgi Aptl 15, ieGfl.--3m. i Ulooniebutglra..Nov.23, Jc03
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