' ii , .Jim mMmn. L . . ' it i i-"i " ' " ' r iiiii n inn wrr if - imn nn mirnii n nniiii i iim i i n m i mi n innnn urn iiTMinnr'rTiTi fimnn-riT I in rn' " r ...... ..... 1 1 COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT BJiOORKSJlIIIKC, SATOHDAV MORNING, JUNE 27, 1863. " Judge Woodward is a citizen of unim peachable character, an able jurist, and a patriotic gentleman." Philadelphia Inquirer, June 20t. Such is the character and qualifications of our candidate for Governor, written by one of tlio lending opposition, Attministra tiou organs. It is timplo trulh in a nut shell and dcGos contradiction. No odds wo may expect to hear Judgo Woodward yot abused and unmercifully traduced by the wholo kcnnol of Abolition whelps atid ( Union-'crceching toadies of the Stato ryid N itional Administrations, - 4V - Itetnocraltc Hatillcaliuit Reeling. Out pouting of the Centre Democracy, Pursuant to notice, the demgertitic cit izens of Centre township, Columbia co,. met on Saturday evening last, in public meeting, afc Capt. Jno. Qrover'a Hotel, known us the Half-way House, for the doublo purpose of crgaiiiiciug iu Demo crntic Clubs, and of ratifying tho nomin ation:) of tho Democratic State Conven tion. Tho attendance was very largo tnoro than could gain admittance iuto the house and the utmost harmony aud uti nuimily pervaded their proceedings. Mr. Isaau Hess, who two years ago inado the groat mistake of voting for "Old Abo," acted as President of tho meeting, and gives the mott reliable assurance, that ho will never again bo caught in doubtful company. Tho following were its officers : ISAAC III5SS, Pkksident. William Hoffman, Daniel Hagonbueh, Peter Miller, Joseph Poho, Jcr. Ilagcu buch, Elias Greasy, Andrew Froas, Win. Shaffer, and John Hill, Vkc Presidents. Levi A. Hutchison, and Samuel Noy- liart, zccrcta-ites. Cor., Levi L. '1 atk, was invited to auurcss tuo meeting, ami responded in an i ablo and patriotic speech of over two houis' length, to tho entire ratisfaction of the audience. Ho boldly and truthfully crit icised the actions of tho State aud National Admiuistrrtions exposed their venality aud corruptions, and plainly evinced hU determination to maintain at all h awards, wliitemcn's lights and democratic prin ciples. The speaker maintained tho sup remacy of the civil over tho military pow er in Peace aud iu War tho right of every man to the inestimable privilrga ol ''Free Press, Free f'peech and Freedom,'' and exposed in terms of eloquent indig nation, the modem but nionstrnu-i petty acts of tho brainless tyrants who control the dangerous do-jinis of tho Curtin-Lin-coln pusillanimous Administratioss. The questions ol the day W3i'c thoroughly can vassed and the remarks received with rounds of applause. Col. T., also announced the nominees ol the Democratic State Convention, Messrs. Woodward and Lowrie, and spoke biiclly of their respective merits and qnaliOca tton3. Showed from the admissions of the opposition papers themselves, that our candidates were eminently qualified, and that their legal ability, moral characters and patriotism was above auspceion. In conclusion, ho urged upon the democratic party, tho high duty of efficient organiza tion, energetic and united action a war RECEIPTS FOR MAY. TO TIIH ttOI.UJMItlA JI2.1M0UAV.-. : io: Tho following payments havo been mado to tho Columbia Dsmoeiul office, during tho month of May : rotmiiMn Cnunly, $5(1 73 . Hon. rtrtibcn Keller,! linen ilcl'.-hie. 3 AO Jnlia t). i;ilt, Jehu Jones, ftr 1 -A"i I A. II. WlilMuirc. 1 nu i ii.'iiry i . mil". !t 0(1 Win. 1'rllr,. i;i i so ' r.t. i.r tii'hi. Join . 1 (10 I Est. el Pntrl'k Tool, i Friends and Relatives ot'Tim HAVE S0LD1ETJ3 AND SASLOBS. Ili ntv Y. Water, Col, Notil Mt('y. Mnduou Minol Dlst. I. ui.l Ih 1 1 1 p !-. Et. of John Heller. Thomas linker, lien. W, fcleiliiHin, 'riiiimnii Davis, l'et.r lluse, Ill. li.r.i Kile, flndey S. Slater, John Kline. (Mt r.) Haniue.1 Power, A. K. Hcncock, Hs1., II B, llrnnn. Hnlomnn l'cltcrman, John C. U cimor. I'nl. Hiram tt. Kline, J li rt ll (in), k, I'.i'i., I iiuiiii'i y.igier, i Ml nun lli'M. William 11. (Horner, Andrew IV-us, Es , Daniel Mcllinry. Ilcnj. Wtntor.tccu, John Lor.. i llnlir Mclli'nry, Es CHIlll' 1HII .1 .50 I l S (l S (o 1 is 1 0(1 1 1)0 a oo l ir, 1 "fl 2 OD 7.1 2 00 :i io J no 2 (10 a so l . a ."o n ni s oo i r.o 1 75 i no American Mine Tip Cn .1:1 Elijah 11. Ikclcr.lis'l, t 7.1 John Dunk, Esq , I III) ll. nfC'.C. Ilrueee, ' 1 00 llnoiili I'iit, l!q., 1 7.1 Vim . lit I : I c 1 1 .1 1 1 , 1 73 Wni. II. IVl' nnmi, ! (HI ,ilnm Hull, l,si., 1 00 l.iml liiilcrlck, 3 CO I). C. (lonthiitt. 1 7.1 l'.t. Dr A. II. Wllion.2 00 Jorph Mnrl. i 00 1 (I1! 1 00 (i 01) 2 1.1 1 2 Oil Ali xniuliT lliiatioa, Jaiiiua S. iltinirli, lllrnm Fit tcubjn Jur, (leorsn (Iil, Jnlm Knrris, r.. M. c. Wi.i ilrtorU, y-jniupl Druglcr, 13 Oil 1 7.1 1 00 1 00 4 7.1 3 00 I ( llun. Mm. Mirrllleld.!! (10 M.Curknr. M, II., -I 00 1'rtor llinlrr. II 00 W nri C. Ilrcon. I (II Jnanili II. Ktilltlc. Hsi.n 7.1 Jnlm n 0 .Miixwi'll, n III) ChnrliK r.ltliorli.iil, I 00 II II. Illlti'iihciiikr, John Urniirr, rttrr jacony, J..M. Il.iwcr. J I). Illcc, S.fci l'urrcl, l'ctnt Volio tcSan llriiiry DclonK. H.iiiiin.l IIuiiciiIiihIi, Ji'lm Kilchnrr. It a in y ('. Uclrlin.'.r, llllllllll i tchh, IVIrr lliiciiiillcli yii .... IVllllnin Dili. R. Iliulitnii Hilton, lmlil C. Alhi'tlton. John A, I'tinlon, 2 00 7.1 3 02 3 (10 7 7.1 1 7.1 1 SO 1 to 2 00 a or. 2 2 Oi) 31 2 no .10 1 7.1 00 1 .111 , 2 Ol) I 00 i II 30 ' I ii. m. Hunnoin, untitle Atli. Iloliett II. Arlliur, 'A. 3 r.vnii", John I'.rolist, A. I), (iooil, Tlioiiian II. l!vc, J. II. I'fillon, A M Itrlt ii'i" N nt. (-'Ircns, J, 1). Knrrinnn. Jnmli Kyi'il), Ili1.. Jur. II. Vniiiiii, Peter i. Ilnrmnt. Kt Jojlnh llnjonbticli 1 13 y. Atinlln Kilter. 2 00 J. II. I'lirhmn, fliff., 10 oil Ur. M m. A.Cmn, 4 00 HOLLOAVAY'S PILLS. AND OINTMENT. All ulio 1m vn t'rlenitu nnil Itolnlivoi In tho Army or Nnvy ihonlil tnko nrpcelnl turn Unit Ihcy bo nmply nip' pllml Willi lliosu I'illn nml Uiiitiin iit ; tiilil Wliuril tin brave Holiliem nnil S.illnm liavu iivbIccIoiI to prnvliln llieniolvrn itli tlimii, nn better present rnn be ent llicin by their Prlcmla. Tliey hnvo been prnvcil to bo tho foliller'a never fiilllii frirml in tlio hour of need, COUGHS AND COI, IIS APPIXTINO Tiioors, U'lll bo rpecilly rcllsvoil ntnl ellctttmlly cnrcil by lis Inir tlieno iiitinlrahle inr.tlci nen, nnil by pnylng proper utientloii tu tho lllrecllonn wlilcli aro attached to cut.li Pot or llox. HICK IIIIADACIIP.S Alii WANT 01' APPKT1TK; inciuiiniai.to soi.ninus. fl I.Ocn fpettt.if U'lilrli n f..l.i.i ,, .......Ii.. .iu..... i Oi, Iroi.l.lf, te niiiiiit'iiiirn.. nla.l r... ,...1 ........I.... ... . 21(, w ......b- ....r.i... .v.. 'UI.I.II,.UH ..f fill OH Inir ntnl ilrlllKinir uli.iteir r la iitiwl.i1l..ao.,.n .u- InrbliiK tlio hi'nllhfiil ncliim oftlio liur nnil utonmcli TIiuiiu nrgnni must lio relievtil, if yon ilesiru lube Hell I Ii" PllK taken necur.liiig to the printed Insrtucltun , will 'pilckly prmlticu n hetiltliy action In botli liver ntnl slmiiacli. and, ns a natural coiiscjiicmcc, a clear head u.i.i Ku.nt uioeiuu, 1'OUIIATH. MU'II, P.OACMP.3, ANTS, HP.D 1111(18. MOTIIH IN nuts WOOL MAS, &c. INSKCTd ON PLANTS, l'OWI.H, ANIMAi.S&c. l'utnpin 2.1c. .10r and SI 00 lloxes liotttts1 niiil lln.ks, $J mid $.1 slr.i'ii for Hotels, Public Itiillfutlons, he, "Only iiifnllllilo remedies known." "I'reo ftetn poistms." j "Not daiiReroos to tliofilinmn family." "Hats collie out of Iheii linlca to dlo." ft Sold wholesnlo In till lorpe illlcs, , Dv" Sold by nil IlriiBdjfls and It6(atlcrs everywhere. L HI Puwnrct II" nrnll woMnl.isi I niifnttunn' I y So Hint "l'olar'" nnine Is on cacli Dox, lloltlo, 4c Plunk lioforo you buy BT- Addresn 11 CNIIV n, COSTAU, r Prlurli.nl Demit 42 llrimdwnv. N. V. Ly" fold by HViill & MUVUIt, Wholesale and Uo lull Acfliti". lllonintbiirg. Pa. May2, ie03 3nl. a 00 4 00 2 .10 .1 00 1 7.1 12 el) 7 00 .1 00 mimm AND COMMISSION MEKCIIANT, In Dloomsbttrgy Pa, Mill nt Plielpsville, Sullivniicounty, Pa. May 2, l!C.3,-3ni. SAPONIFIER. OR CONCENTRATED LYH, , ' THE FMILY SOAP MAKER. Tlir.tiiJblrtre eantloncd sijalnt lh spurious nrtlc le of l! for nmkliu snap, &.C., now onorcd for sale. The only Rcnuinn nml pntentetl lyc Is Unit made by tlio Pennsylvania salt inanufarlutlin company, tliolr trnds mark for Itbctnir "Saponiner or cuncenlrated lye." Tlio f real surcoss oflhls artlelo litis led nnprlncipaleil patties to endenvor to Itiillato it, In violation of thu Company's patent.. All maiiiilactiirers. biiycrsnr seller of tlio spurious lyes, nt u hereby notified that tho company liavo em ployed ns tliclr Anoints, Gonrgo Harding. Ksq., of l'hila., and William Uakowcll, Esq., of Pittsburg. And Hint nil manufacturers, users or sellers of lye, In violation ef liio rights of tlio Company, wilt bo pins ccutt d nt once. .TOE SAPONIFIER, 1 or eoncentrntod 1ye,lfnr saluby nil Drngglsts, Cro 1 ccrs and I'outilry Stores. mm Sffl J THE LATES' By Telegraph. WlIAKNUsOR Dnntl.ITV INDUCIU) Bi OVHIl l'ATIUUJl ."Thankful, friendf), for your support. H U voiiri to sustniu and ouri to mniiitniii a 1MIEE P11ESS." tiou and liberty will survive SPECIAL NOTICES. rpiin roNritfsi'ixtJ and LXPnmtxcis op a I NnnVOKH YOIJXO MAV.-PiiMIsIkiI nun wnr nlns and for tho especial bciicllt (ifjoims men, tin tliose who still', r Willi Nervous Hi bllity, Iosm of Mem ory, Prematura Dcrnv, kc liv onn who has cured him self by simple menu's, nfler beinc put to gnat expense and I iicoiienience, through tho imc of worthier uiod. jellies pre'eribi'd by learned lloitnrs. r-iiisle copies m.iv b had (free) nf Iho niithnr, C. A. Lambert. lis I., (ir.'Ciipoint, l.iua Uland, bp iiiiIikIiiv an nllllrscd onvdovo. Aildre-s CIIAIII.IIS A. I.A.MUKliT, tiruen point, l.fiKg Island, Now York. Jinn) VO, 18',:i-ltn. (D"Tlie Cominerrlal Olkco will bo conducted by the Pritiripnl, D. W- i.owcll. who taks lite opportu. li It r nrtii'liliie Ills hearty llinnks to Ilia public for till 1 r lililiru! palrnnnjic lictetolore bestowed mi tlio ittnltsitic.il. and itiM'stx their attetillott to Iho iirprov inenis mim tu be introduced into the crr:il ibparl liienls, D- W. l.owtll. Ili-.soi.cTioN.or PAitTRCiwinr.It will be seen by a notice in enr colitiuns that Jlowell U Wnrncr liavc (IihhoIvuiI partu '-rli I ji in Ihn Cniunurrinl Collet'c fllr J.owen coiiiiiiiii's in eoiiillici tins ceene'lil tinil ' noiirishlut! iiistilntlon, nml Is Iik'lny rpinhlied for the 1 tak. Our bui non relations Willi him linvs nlways been of III nn.t plea-aut and -.atisf'.n Ir ry charatler.l ami wo coiiii-iiil him ntii! his Collegu tutlii- I'oiilinucii cnufnli'iice and p.itronajre ol tile public liiiiltnmtan liauij licpuuiican To Nlrvo'is r.tTH'atRS of iioiii Prxfs -A reerend pentii'iui'n lunitii,' iiemi re.Iorett to In.iitii in u lew day., oner iiiii.-rftoiri: an tlio imuai ruiiiiiio ami uri-g ular i Miens ivu uiodeii of treatment without miccsih. I cutiFideri. it his sacred duty to eominuiiicato to his ittitrt"i It llow crt-.ilurcs the means ol cure- llrtiee. on thu reei ipt of an uiIdregKCd envelope, he will tend . free n copy uf Iho j;rcscti.tlm used. Direct to 1)1!. I JOIIV'.M. UAGXAI.L, Ji-ii l'ulto.i street, llrooKlyu New York' March 1 1. 11111 soon disappear by tho usoof those Invalualilo Pills, and the .-oiiiiur will ipilcMy arquiio ailillllotnil streiiBth. Net er le't tho lltmuls h ltlirr cotillui d or uniluly ticteii niioii, It tuny mem strung.., Hint llol loway'n Pills sliu-ilil In- recoiiuiien.leii lor hysontery and I'liix. inaiiy peiKons supplying Hint tln-y would iocri'ii-r tlin r. I 'Xatloii This is u print mistake, for these I llh will eorr-it tli liver anil Mvinaih, ami thus -, .till ,. ........ ........ mi. iioio in- pyFIcill, 'I'liix i.iw uai i iii iiiu- ( ii" '.in , , Hive ioi.u iliiii vipor to mo wiuilo orir.itiie rj.vi.f, uu l'i lltTinifril, follow ns a matter of course 1 l.iMiiluu uf thu Itunos so suru uu tills laiiioua ineili- lllli . j VOLUNTr,nR3, ATTKNTIO V I INUISCr.lnTOX.1 OP I Cores and Ulcers. Matches and Hwcllinijs, can with i certainly bo radically cured, iftho Pills are taken nicbt and mornlne, anil Olutiiiuiit ho freely used ns stated iu I tlio printed Instruction'. Iflreated in any titer main ' ner. tin y dry up Iu i in-part to break out in another hirens this Ointment will remove the humors Onm the sy-tem,aitd leave the Patient a vigorous and heallliy man. It w ill reipiiro a lllilo pertcvtraiieu in bud ca hj to I ii sure a Instills cure. poii worxus uiTiiini occasioncd iiy pun IIAYONIJT. MAIIUI., Oil TIM! UULI.llT, ou niiuisns, To which every Solilier nnil fnlior nre liable, there nra no iiii'dines no rafe, sure, nnd convetiiunt, as llo. loway's Pills and Ointment. 'I Im wounded mid almost (lying suif-ri-r mielit lime his wnitniis dn-sseil im ilU'Uly. lflio would only provide himsi If wilh this i iiiiilL'Uiess uiiiimciit, which siiount i,a thrust into tin! j wouni and sni'arol all lojnd it, tln-n cote.ed with n plec.j ol'llii''n from liis knapsark and compressed with 1 ii lianilker.' hi' f Talking, ulglit and moruliii!, (iorS rills, toii'i.i tu.) sj-t 'iii anu rrevent Inllam.ition. i;eiySnliln r's Kunpsark and Setunaira Chest should bo provided Willi thesu valuable P.euicdies. First Great Arrival. ppiuno ooonaiv onANonrit.MJ, The nndcrsl.'ni'.t, has, jiijt repla i ! Store Il .''i-c in Orai'scvllle, Willi it well. selected asssrotiuct.t of SPUING & SUMMER GOODS. Consisting in pnrt of Cloth. Allies, .Muslins, Cnssl mi ri'.dinahni'is. Ciill'iiiis, Hlmwls, lingeries, Cnipi ts and l,Anii-s' Pan.-v Duku ijooii', generully, from 1JJ to Kjiisaini iinin iron) i 10 V .CIS. S;SSS MA DE CLOTHING. JIackcrl .Mflaasses, Sugar & Hats. Hoots h Shoes Salt. GnOCEMES GEI.'Sr.ALLy. With nil eth'-r nrlitos. uualiy ki nt In conutrv St res. to u hii h h int Ites tint i ally ntli ntioii of old nnd lew cu.tuiuers. Ilavini! heiti altliu (,'ity In thu r I till t .into boiinht low and paid r.ish hu will be aide to com 'etc with Uu- b.'-t. ami s' ll for suinll prolils and pri opt ' pay. Ills IrieuiN uru iujtcd to pop iu and see ho splits. I iv .ii run-.. flfigevllle. il'nv 2. l!6t, -r?:n TAKE NOTICE I Tho United Stales Circuit Court, Western district of t'eiinsjlvanla, No. 1 of May term. In lifi'J. In suit of the Pennsylvania salt iiuiiiufnetiiiinp company, vs. 'I hns. (I, Chac decreed to Iho Co ii pany ou November 1.1, ISO.', tho exclusive right prnnteil by a palentownd by llicin fi r Iho fapoiiihVr. Patent dated October SI, ' 1SJ0, Perpetual Injunction awarded. I THE PENNSYLVANIA . ! sAkir us AliOTAOT mum s 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pitt St. and DitqucnBC Way, Pittsburg. May S, l?3,3m. L.1UGE A1UUVAL OF N e w S p r i ! i g & S ii i ii i n e r IE YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR Cheap Spring Goods, GO TO Crcasy's Slorc, In Light Slrtcl) Pa. AIJi KINDS OF GOODS !' CALIOOE, MUSLINS, SILKS, QINOIIAM, FLANNELS, OAltPKTS, U0SIE11Y, SIIAWL, Picady-M-ulo Clothing Sligara, Molasses,' Wrrups, Coffees, Toau, . Fish, Salt, Uaeoti, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Sffars, Ilata, ' Bool", Caps, Shoes,' l)rug, Oils, Paints, &c., &o. In addition to our lamo clock nfDrv Cnmls. wo n.ivc flarito and full assortment ofltcndv Alnda Clothliic nor .Men and Itoyn wear which wo nrr1 drtcrmlned In sen ciionpcrtuan can lie boiiEllt elsewhere. Cull and see, mid Jnrigo for yourselves, II. W. CHI1ASV X; CO. Light Street, Jlnrcli 1. 1SC3. CAUTION! Xotiu tiro gcnulnu tnileKs Iho words "llolloHays, Xeiv Vork.and l.omlnn " nre itisrernnble as a Wnlertuark Iu every ,'rnfuf the book of dirertion urouiid i aeh pot or bux ; llienamo may plniuly seen by hoMini? the leaf id thu liulit. A hamlsnniu leuard will b' iiivin to nnyoiin renderi.iK such information ns mav lend to Hie detection of any party or pailli i, count, r fjiiinsth" medicinal or vctiilin llni smri, l.in.iviur th ..i t In- spiuious. ,Solliit iti.t i 'I i' t rv ot 3'n-'--.r (lolto.vav. -tl MiU'lou Lain-. N. w Voik. .in.l by h 1 1 ni-. el ildo liritK ihtan'l l)."ilers iu .Miliemi' I'lr.'ittihout tho civil..:.! wo.-ld, mlioves at-.l cents, and f$l etu-h. Ijp'i h ru is lotinideiable saving by taken the, larger si.ei. K. I!. Directions for tho guidance ofp.iticnts in evcrv disorder lire alhxed to each bin. June a), iAkl.-y. New Otothing Store. LxVfEST SYLES GAEAP GOODS rrtlP, iiiulf r--! nel respectfully Informs Ins friinds I and III'' ptihlii generally, lint la Ins Jurt .received from the llt-leru cities, n largo nisortiieut of AND SUMMER CLOTlllXG. Ypt fmin the srnt nnn,,liinn, ofnll orls, vizea. qMadlii'. nliiclt willbj euld clifup fur cash or a iruuaLC. Eli Tne-th-tr-.T, I. n:i- HATS A'cAl'f I'd' ITS k SIIOK.". r vilh a varietv o( notioiiN and tltlncs too in. to r iinin r.iti , t hi . ii h j i ii v Hi's Ihn i p'jrchas r.i. Call ami exiimln illootiisbiirff, Slay ELI I10LDEN at- A I PA'AXS. rrndo Clllt.mtlN owe iti'iih of their sieltness to cold. No matter where tint disease nniy appear to lie seated, its onsiti may I." Ir.iei'il In suppressed perspiration, or n cold. Cramps and Inn;' complaints aro direct products of olds. In short ml, Is ar the harbingers of linlf thu diseases that alllict humanity, for as they are cau-.-d b c'U'Cked perspirtitiou, and ns livc-elBl.ths of I'n' w aste loi.t-er of the body cenpes thrtmah the pores., if thei-o poret. rue closed, that proportion of tlipea.i's necesmr.lv follows. Keep clinr, th'-ielorc, of colds and cnut'h-,, the sri-at reiur.'ors of dh-ease, or if con tracti'd, break th' tiiup immediatelv, liv a timely use of aiADA.Mi: PdltTint'B CIJitATIVP. IIAI.aA.M. Sold by all llrue'ists, at 111 cents ami i cnts. jier bottlu. March II, IV:. TO ("OXHUMPTIVi:-'. Tho advirtivr havlni ln-en I restored to health in .1 few weeks, by a very simple renu'dv, i.fl r li- tni; nillered several i ais w nil a su vere liinu' allerliwi. and that ilre.nl iliftise, rnnstiuip. Hun- is an .ion- to make known to hiifi liow-Mitlerers the means of cure. 'l'o all who di-iro It, he will send a copy of the pre scription used, fr 'e of chars''! with tlio directions for preparint' and ut-iiij (he same, whiih lhe will find a I'trj 1'iti" for consumption, aslhnia, broni'ltitls, uc The nnlv object ot Iho nilverti-er in FeuilliiK tlio pre- t-eriptioii is to betiellt tho nlllirled. and spr.'iiu informa tion whii Ii Im conceives tolio invaluable, anil he hopes t cry en ll'i rer will try his remedy, as it w III cost them nothtti, nnd may provo n blessing. Il.'v. IIUWAIMi A. Wll.SDN, WlllinmshiirBh, JIarch II, ru3-:im Kings County, .New Vork. Uniformity of Trices ! A New realure in llus'lness P.v "ry ono his own ft.-il.'sni m ! JO.M'.S ,ic CO. nftho CrcsentOiie Prion Clothing Store, Xo. '.'Ill Jlarkctstreet above Sixth, Philadelphia, In ndititioii to Invitn; llni lartrest, most varied and f.ihiouiiblu stock of Clothim; in Philadelphia, mtuloev prcssly for retail sales, have constituted every ono his own salemtin, by having marked in I'niures, oiieni.lt articlvut tlio very lowost price it can be sold fur solhey ratiHot poibly vary-ill must buy alike, J he coo. is nre well spoiij-ed ami piepar".nnd (.'rent piinst.il.en with th" iiiakini sn that nil can buy with thi'l'inl asjuranca ol gi tuns; tt itood nrli'Ie at the ery lowest price. Also, u i.-.-ia .tork.f piece roo.Is on hand i nftliu latest stvleaml In .t nitaliliee. wlnrli wi'l lie made Of acaressioil upon the common enemies to order, in the most f.ithinnbla nnd lust manner, -i oa 4 I tier e'Mlt. li. low er.'ilit nriees. anil free Iteiuember thu Cr-jsceiit, In .Market above Kilh street l0. -Ui, JU""i o- ADMINISTllATOR'S NOTICE of Eliz'ibtlk Maileler, rcc'V. LP.TTP.P.S of adiiiiiii.tration nil the Ilstnte of Plia belli .Masteller.lntc of Mlflliii twp Columbia co.,iV., hnvebei'u trranted by the UeyMer of (Tolttmbia co., to tl.e under! piled ; all persons hatintrilaim- ae.'ii'istihe es tate of the decedent are ietieste.l tu present iliei 1.1 the undcigipuc't, at I is residence iu said township, without delay, and all porting jiiij.il.tcil to iake pay ment forthwith. JOHN .'..lASTEU.nr.. June, 1SC3-CW JJ. EXEOUTOll'S NOTICE, Estate o Solomon Eccroh, tfee'd. Iin'TPRSTestiimeiiinry on Ihn e-tiite of Soloiot' jl.i kroth late of P.i-ivi-r township, I'oiiimlila con itv. deceased, liavo been irnuili-il by :he Uenistwr of Wills Ice, to Hie ituderi!iie,l aln residing iu said Kcavcr townslnp ; all persons haviuir claims atramt tlio es talu of the deci'tldeut are requested to present then, to tin Ilxi-eiiior nt his residence in said township, with out d lay and all person indebted to mako pajine'il forthwith. PCTCIl KCKr.OTir. June 1", ISfiH-Cts, Ku'culnr IWITI'.S the ntli'iitlon of cverV I .1.: - .. I.ll. !...!... I .,. l Itm.lu 1. y f his old patrons ami in qtiaintances T BvUidluiiu.ually largo and benutiful varitly A.MIlKtCA.V and I.MPOISTP.I) WATCIICS, CLOCKS and elegant desifjiu of Ji:-UI,KV. Silver Waro.JiC, ELI II01.DEN. 703 Mavlcet Street, PHILADELPHIA Mttn h 7, lf.:i- Utii ADM INISTJ t AT Oil S' NOT ICE. J tint r of John E, Shaffer, th c'cl. ETTEKS of administration ou the J llstate of John II. Shaller, late of Centre two.. Coliiiiitna county, deceased, linv. been granted by tin.' Iti'Ki ter of Colutubia co'.i ity to tlio undjrsli.'iicd ! all persons having claims aitaiiint the c,l ite of the dcec denture requested to present tliotn tothu administrator tit his resideiin' iu said township, without delay, and all persons indebted to make pavineut forthwith. I1I..MIV tilIArn.il, Adtii'r. June 1, ISC3-- Ow IMPORTANT NOTICE ! TO Tlir. PATRONS OP THE STABS OS? 'i'BslB n'OUSTJia. TVoTtri:ii horeliy given, that tho sub si'rlntlon and adverllsni" nrcoutils dun tho Pub 1 1 -1 1 p r of iho Stas or riiK Non nt, are placed iu the hands of .Mrs. Win. II. J..i''iy el llioninslriri;, for inline itint.' rollectn'ti. Tin- liilitorof said piper havlus been ,ir ,n. .i i.o.t olilieed toco to wiir.il is tieri-iis.iryth.it prompt payments be m.ide in erJer that Ids family may lime in.'.ns of support. Your eatly ntteiiliou to is is m ill. r may save costs and pruve ndvautngenus to his rainily. W.M. II. JACOIIV. rub, iVur of the Xorth. January 10, lrfiX AT PETER ENT'S STORE, ix umtr srnr.r.r, Columbia envxrr, r.i, HAS Just received from Philadelphia, and is now npcuinz nt the old stand lately occupied by .Marl?. i.ni, n spicuuiii assorimciu ot which will bo sold cheap for OAPII OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills stockennsitts of Ladies Dress Goods choicest styles nnd latest fiuhlons Calicos, Muslins, Oinghains, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Ilosiary, Silks, . READY MADE CLOTHING. ' Casinicrcs, Satinets, Cottonaues, Kontuehy Jeans, Thread, Sco. Groceries, Quccniwaro, Ccdarwaro, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &C. BOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS. In short rery thins rf-tmliy kept in a country store The pnlroiiaso uf old friends, and the publlc'gcneral ly, is respectfully sn iciled. The hijliost Market price paid for country pro-lure. PUT nu i:xt. Light Street, .May t'O, l?0a. WAR PRICES OYER I THE NKW (iROCEHT ST0K13. MORE FRESH GOODS. Jits! received at Erasmus' Ntw Store. Molassts, Sugars, Toas, Coffee, Rico, Spices, Hats and Oapsj FisL, Tftbacco, Sogars, Candies, Razonsj FEED AND PHOYISIONS. Together with a urcat variety of notions and etcete rns, ton numerous to mention. E7" Putter, Ejks, Jlcat and produce generally token m ',... A. H. KIlASMtrS, niontnsburf, .May !), 18611, DEFEAT AT PORT HUDSON. The llobols report our defeat nt Port Iudson,---with 4,000 killed, wdundjd nnd missing, and say that our Torccs wtro re pulsed 27 times ! Mem $l8 FOR EVERY BODY. TE11MS C A Sir OR PROD WE. Just cone toC and IV Kremlin's stmre. In r..- iucii'is "1't"1 yU " "' k""1" f 1,rr Uo0''' Ladies Dress Goods. I'r'ite. iMuslIiifl. Ginghams, Flannels, Ikisery, Shawls fcc. Grooevios, Qnccnswaro, Hardware Ccdarwarc, Tin ware, And Drugi. Fish, Meat, Salt', Flour, Tobacco, Scgara, Hats, Caps, Boots, fi Shncs, IRON AND NAILS, In short, everything that Is generally kept Inn ceun- WO Wll SClI Vnll ponds nt A.tp ti.t,... ..... j . i.i i . r- , i'..i. .iim mnu r.ll kinds Of nrodore nnf..nM na (I...... t.-. Lumber, tihineles. o .k nlnnk Vn7i i.VVV ..f.M'. any body else, will buy and s. p aschenp ns can b? soid Oe-tTleT' y' "111 not ba undersold by Jew or Conio then ono nnd MI, jtidgo for your selves. Bring your trade, but don't ask for trutt. Jcrseytown, May2lM1, & W kMnn. Miller's Store. FRESH "ARRIVAL or Spring & Summer & & O M 0 LOST NOTE. T ost, some time since by the undersigned J JresldltiK In P ishlnscreek twp., Columbia county, a Nolo of hand, for 82.-0 (10. ilnu.1 An.n nt. iven tlireo nioiitus.nisned Daniel Ash, with Andrew llellis for bull. A liberal reward will ba paid lor the return of said note. Payment having been secured to the sub. kcriberonly, on said note, it can ba of no value to any other persDli. ' May J.iecJ. 3w FRESH ARE TV A -or rpili: stibscriber has Just returned from the Cities J- with nnoiliar large and select nssortmct of Spring' .-iitcl SuiiHUev ooIs, purchased nt Philadolpliln, at tho lowest figure, nn.t wlilcli they aro determined to sell on ns moderate terms as ran bo procured elsewhere In llfoonifliurg. Ills stock comprises MUir.s' nithss noons. of choicest styles nnit latest fashion'. vhy avnns, jim) anoci:niF.s, njinim'jini:. eiuiZKmn'jiiu:, ci-.n.m ir.iiiK, miu.ow twits: moa; Aiiir.$, hoots swobs It.lTS Ci'S, .W , $t 1(0., In short everything usually kept In country Stdroa o w hi. h ho invito the public generally. The Iligltostprlre paldfor country produce. S II. MILLER. P-looinsbttrf, Aptil 18, 1PC3. -ron- EVERYBODY- TUP. nndcrslcncd, frntcful for pi nio, respec fully informs lilscustnmcrs nud IheptiblicBenerally that ho lias Just received from the llaslerne cities. Hi largest and most select stock of Spring and Sinumer, m, m m in m fed M CHEAP MILITARY' CAPS ! MILl TAIIY CAP?, of et cry sort. i7.e and nuality I f.'r sale e.'tenp til the P.ii.oiusl.urs Hat -- np l.mporium (it Ocerics, uoi'ieciioiuiriea iuiii--. a" ' J6I1.N K. UlllTO.V. oonubitrr, Pept- H-1''61- SECOND ARRIYAL o r i of our Constitutional Liberties, suffrages and blood bought prerogatives by which alono the present dynasty could bo hurled from power and place, and the country again, under democratic rule, be LAST NOTICE. Tieav bo found at the old stand until July 1st. It is m, l iny desire or wish to make any cost mi luyeusto- liners. All 1 a-k is to eoiiiii ami seine. Alter mo isi uf July my books will bjlefutt lllouiiisburg for colli e- tloil. J nose who nave semen auu cave ini'ir ii'i-a ... rostoreu to houor, peace anil independence, nud thorn at tho otiice of Juim unmii. i:s-i., wneru they can pay them per urrniiseuieui. Tho thanks of the inoo'.ing were tender-, cd to the Speaker. On motion, it was unanimously, j Rcso'vcd, That a meting of tho Demo crats of Centre, bo held ou next Saturday evening Juno 27th at Sloan's Storc,atid nt Ilcidlcr's Churoh. in said township, fur tho purpose of orgrnizing two scprrato Clubs for the Gubernatorial crmpaigu. Hearty cheers were given with a will, for the Union, McClellau and tho Con stitution. And nine more, for "Wood ward, Lowrio and Yallaiidigham." Ou motion tho meeting then adjourned. ISAAC HESS, PreUilcnl. L. A. Hutchison-. Saji'i.. Nuviiaut. Jersey town, Juno 18, lc'KI-tf, rCP.AL M'COY. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Henry IVanich, ilcc'd, ETTEKS of administration on the es- .state of Henry W.inich. late of I'.looin inwnship. Culuinbia ruiinty, deceased, have bceu granted by the lln.r'..i.'r of said eniintv to the tlio undersigned wlioro sides in the amo township ; all persons having claims naiiist the esliite ol ttte in reiii-ni nro rcnujicu 10 pre tent ihem to the administrator nt his resldeticn w ith out deliiy, and all parsons Indebted to mako pujineiit furthw itli. JACOtl U'ASICII, Ailni'r. Juno 20, ISCS-fiw. S2 Scc'is. tST-The editor of tho Bloomsburg lie publican who now goes in for war to the last man and last dollar, refused a few years ago to pay a militlu tax of oUeu up STILi & HARTLEY, CotisDlidntion llank lluildins, iV2Q North Third Strict between Vine Callowhilt, pii 1 1, a n i: i. p li i A Juno CO, 1fC3-1y. L AD M IN ISTR ATO US' N OT ICE Estate or Sarah Stevenson, dccl. UTTERS of ni ministration on the ADMINISTHATOR'S NOTICE. Estate oj Henry SchcU deceased. 1 r.TTr.llctot administration on tho (.state of Henry I J sVhi'll, late of Heaver two., Columbia to., dee'd , have been granted by tho ll'glster of Oluiuln.i co., (o tlu titiderslgiied I all p.-rsous having claims ugniust the estate nt Ihe decedent aro rcptestoil to present them to to the Administrator, at their residence in said town ship without ill lay, and, all persons indebted to mr.!.o payment forthwith. 1.IM1U.MI m lll.l.l., i ,,,.. 1Vll.LlAMf-C'iIi:L.I 1 .May 16, 1M33.-GW S- U- Pr'Htcr, Iiflc!ci,iiiIer & Bankbook .I ANU FA r 'PURE R ; IVlK.IJfUD AND 11'. ''.r. ltTM.tr. IN PUINTIN'tl, Wlil'l IV AM IVKAPPINO PAVEK3 ACt NT TO TIIK TATAWISSV VKITR MIU.S. Slain Stieet, first door In low tin Pub.'ic Ppuaro, WILKESBARRE, PA. Kov.51, 1! (11 I'.'hi. 1863. 1803. Hon. Wilson McCandlcss, Judge of the United States i-ircuil t.ourt, rrestiteiit. Corner Penn and Mt. flair r-lrett, PlTTrillUltnil, PA THU I,AIllii:iT. CHAPIIST AND IIKoT. $35.00 pays fur a fni (Joinmcrclal Tourse. AT- No e.trii ih nges for V.inufatturers, Steamboat, llnilroad and llank Honk-Keeping. .Ministers' sons at half price. Students enter and iu view at any tune. 'I his institution is con-lucteil by experienced Teach ers and prnrlKnl Accountants, who prepaiu joiing men fiiraelivu business, nt the least n.vpeiise and slu.rlel time, for the limit lucrntivo and responsible situations, lliplnnias granted for merit only. Ilenro tho tiniversnl preference for graduates of tills college, by business men. Prof. A. COYVI.r.Y, tho host Penman in tho Union, who holds the I.irge,t number of llrst premiums, ami overall competitors, tenches rapid business writing, Pnr spi'eiiueiis of Penmanship, aud Catalogue eon taiiinig full information, etu lose twenty-five cents- to JKNKIXrl fc cIMlTII, Printipnls. C7" Attend where the tvns and Clerks of llusiuess Men and Hankers graduate, April ID, IcOM-iy. April I, 1803. ritii.'.(.eli.(iia. & Eric Kail Ro;i(l. This great lino traverse, the Northern and North west counties f Pivnsyltatiia to tho my nf llrie, on Lake Prlu. , , ,, i It has been leased by tho Pennsylvania Iluilronil rninpanv, nud under their aits pi -es Is being lapidly uiiriii'.ltlirntiehoiit its enliro length. ti is now Hi U3e for Passenger and I reight huslneri from llurrisbnri,' to Driftwood (5.1 PnrkltlW miles) nil Hi,- Bam m Division, and frntu Sheiheld to l.rio on the Westirti lllilsinn. (T8 mll-s.) Tutu o.- PAsi:sin u -titAi.vs at KoaTm.Miicni.ASii. Mail Train leaves, Past '' p A- JJ- i'.i,r.-ss Train " Id '- I - M.nl " " West 4 -! AT TnE STORE OF J J. BR01 PLOOMSRURG, PA. Jho hag just rereived. nnd is now opening n prime stork of New i.'oods from tho llnstern inarketB, which will he sold low forensh or produce. PUlNTSnt 1JJ, 10, 18, 2(), 2'J, and "3 cents, IJrowu it Bleached Muslin, at 20, 23, 35, aud 40 cents De Lainrs, t holies, and Dress Gcods, a full supply at 18, 25, 31, and up to 50 cts LADIES' OPERA CLOTn roil DUSTERS. A'so, a (rcsli supply of GROCERIES, SPICES, tJ-C Afco, a large lot of QlJEnNSWAt.E. CnDAUM'AUK. IlARDV.'Ann. and Stoneware, Boots and Shoes , An I nil kind of Merchandise utuually kept in a coun try store Cull and exatnino No ihargofor showing Roods. May . 1W'3. Thnt has yst been opened in P.looinsbitre, t" w hich he invites tlic attetitiRn of his friends, and nsstiren them ! that they are offered for sale at great bargains, ills I Stock comprises a large assortment of I (HlNTUEMCN'S AVlIAIlING APPAltCT.. Consisting ol Fasiiionaiilk Dress Coats, of every dee cription; Pants, Vests, Blurts, CravatR Sticks, Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, See. GOLD WATCHES AN I) JEWE EY, Of every description, fine and cheap. N. II. Kemeiiihor " .eissnfts r' Clitap Emporium.' call and sec. Nn charge for examlng Goods. DAVID LOWP.XiinilG Illoomsbtirg, March 2. lffiS. (June ld59.J all P.BpOT I w I FRESH ARRIVAL OP New Millinery Goods. The undersigned respecfully announce to the cltincns of nioomsburg and vicinity that sho has Just re ceived from the eastern cities her SPRING JiND SUMMER all of which she Is prepared to make and sell nl a very reasonably low figure. Her assort ment of (,-otids are n little superior in point of. durability as well as lastefulncss. ao attv on"- . tired in this section. Sho returns thanks for the lib. rral patronago sho has received and respectfully so licits n continuance of thu same. maiiy BAniany. IHoomsburg, April 23, 1S63. 3t Exchange Hotel, litc col, n. v. jom:s,J No. 77 Dock Street, nest door to thu Post Office, Philadelphia. rphls well known establishment maintains its usual Jl celebrity, and its well known reputation of bum; tho best HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Shall ho sustained. l!oom may ho had at all hours per night, 3? cents ; per week, ii 0), per mouth, SI The liar and Eating Departments aro fnrnirhod wlt the best of everything Ihu market ran produce. GAME, PRUIT, ArEGET.ABLES, and delicacies of every clime may ho had at n tnonio t' ncticc. .Meals at 12 cents and upwnrds. nnd may be had from .I A. M. till 12 nt night, Gentlemen may rest assured Hint no expense will be spared to render this Hotel u model one. J. OTTEXKIRK, Propr. .March 7. IS03-3m, llvpress .1 52 A. M. i t:tnto of kitmh freinen. Into of ihn btnla cfM'tv .1... nrr,.,...!.. tvlii'. in Columbia co.. Pa., deci-is ' i .... ..-.'... ,. ,,...,,,, I l,i llin Iteelster of Collllnliill I o, on the ground that it was against hia con-j hmot.. Mams.,,, townsbm. .ji-. I In n SO for a ' ' " deceased ar3 ron ten t pre-i iu uiein ,., -- MU .linu IUI I n.tni.tr.'itiir nt Ins renlilellce 1.1 said tow tlslll 1, without loner lime kent Standinr; at tllO head of his ..y. mid all persons indU-ted t make uaymcnt fur th a i w Wll 1. paper ''free press and freo speech, now ho upholds the destruction cf both by mobs and tho administration. Northumberland Co, Democrat.- RILTlAlli; DIIMOTI', Adltir, juno 20, i3T,n-r,w 2 OU. THE MARKETS. Bi.ooMSiiuna, Juno 27, 1803. Wheat $ bus, 1 30i Green Applet llvii. . i' Corn " " Oatj.. " Buckwheat Potato-es " Cloverscd ,( Tiniothysccd Onions " 8l Diicd 00- Dried Peaches 00' Butter 75 Lard . . . CO Tallow. . Egfis. ... doz. 50 Hay... " tou.Ul I'liHy ikons ' rair (i CO 00 (10 01 10 12 12 00 25 EXECUTOR S NOTICE. Estate oj Henry Smith, deceased. rl'.TTP.P.S Teslnniemary nn the estate of Henry j finitti. Into of llenton township, Ciduiiibia county, decensi d, havo been granted by tho lie;ilor i f Wills. lc to the undersignoil also residing inntl.l towriship, nil persons having claims ngslnst Urn estato of the- de cadent nro requested to present them lo the cer.uiur i.t his rosidetici in s.ud township, .without delay, nud all persons jhdebted to make pa) mrjit forlliwith IVH.t.lAM rllllTJi, June 20, 1803-Ow. 3 BLOOMSBURG SKTi.IUHT, rpilll undersigned informs tho citizens of Illooni. i. am.' neighborhood, that ho has t.iki n the large room iiitlie Kxchango lllock, extending over Messrs. Hlun.'r (c Po'h llakery, and the llookslore w hero ho has put m u large rik)li;-' I. It u only h) dkj light that good pic ures can botl tun espeelnlly groups whero each person an lie taken 1st as well as separate. Iliahasgon In ron,iderable etpenso to make his es nhlithnif nt lirsl class iiiii-, and he lli"refurc solicits a berut pair" )go to enable him, tm onstnully introduce tluiiiinilc 1 improvements of (he art. VJ- t'oun -y produeu taken iu i:vch itigo for pi tures IIIINI.V Itii.-sllN'I'iii'K Illoo in-bnrg. Nov 'j ' '.' y, Ka 5X1 a :&. Jj '3? 'Jt -fi iji ATTORNEY AT LAW, luooMsnuna, pa Once In Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charles llloonisbiire, Dec. -I, i'ii.i run through with ciianup both vns on Iheso trains between I'hilai'olphta and Lock ll.nen, ntnl llaltiinoie nud I.ivli Il.it, n. New and leg'int Weep ni" I'nrs aeroiiipainiiB lln- llvpress Train both ways b. t teiii U'llli.imsport nud l.altimoru, and Wllliaisis port ntnl Philadelphia. 1'or information icspertlng Pnssrnger business, lip ply at the l. 11. Cor. litis and Market r-ts. Ami for Preigltt biisiin'ssuf Ihu l'o'nviny'i Agents : H. II, King-tun, Jr . Cor. IM and Market r-ts., 1 hil if J. IV. Iti ynolils, lira-. J M. Dillt. Agent .. C II., Il.iltimore. II. 11. Houston, ll' ii'l. Pri'ieht Ant . Philadelphia, Lev is I.' Hnupt, (1 'ii'l.Tn k. t Agt. Philadelphia. Joseph D. Pulls, lieu'!. Manager, Willinmspoit. J.iiiiitiry 17, lbi.:i. Public Sale j -OF ! VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. !N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court Pf rolunibiu county, on HATl'llDAY, JL'I.Y lllli, i l-cn, nt 1(1 o'clock iu tho forenoon, John pt.illh. Admit i tslratnr cf Jane (iiniiles, latu of Madl-on tuwnshii I iu suit! county, drr'-nied, will ejpose to sale by public vendue, nt lln.' public iniusu ni it. it r .t s-iuiiu, in jiti seylnwii.u certain inessuago ur tenement jjnd ?, O T GaOHSff, silur.ti ill Madison township, Coliimliin ciiiuiy, ml Joining lainls of Ieniider l.ovo on the Smith nud I'.ist, .Mar.lui Gin,'les ou tlm North, and the Heirs of Jaeoh triitler oh (he Wist, containing T II I R T Y-P I V E A C R E S, inoio or lors There Is on the premises an old LUG HOUSE, and about Iwenly-llvn acres cleared land, I, ate the estate of said deceased, situate in III" township of Madltonutid luiiiity ,il Ti'sniJ. I K'O'l nVI'.P.l.V, ' l.-ik, -Ten per c lit. of lln-purlin p. i - In- r t ' tin diein 1 uu i iirtti ot Hie inirehasj nt. as limn sai l I" b. paid u.t Latest ttilo lowest prices. JlTSTIlcceivcd a new assortment of latest styles of Wall Paper i minding Barriering, and Ceiling Paper, and a general variety of material iu his line, which will be found on llm tfUCOXI) l'l.OO i.nneiti alely over the store of Mr. I. T Hharpless, entrance ono doir east of I.mzes Drug More in tho Rupert lllock, w here all persons wishing goods in his line will bo attended to, iu pvrsoti' mat all times. E Popar Hanging tzecuted lo order, and licst style, at s'wri nrticr, II. J, THORN ION. Bloomobure, MayO, 16C3-"m j. p. t-VEn. x, it. Movcn. New Drug Store, WHOLESALE & REI5AIL. Till! undersigned would inform their friends and Ihe nubile gcni'rnll v.that they havo taken the stand for merly occupied by Ceo. M. tlngciihuih, iutho llxchnngc lluiluiug, on Main street, in llluomsburi', where he has just rccciveu n full supply of Bfssss, I7EcIitit'S, Faints, 4lils, JCstlEUifS, &iC , Which will be sol 1 on moderate terms for toady pay. Also, NOTION'S generally, of every vtiriety, sortaud vi7.e. Physicians prescriptions carefully compouinlcd, nt till llnii'S end nil short notire. BT?-t'nufectlonciy of the beet selections, and Foda nter in season. Lr A share of the public custom Is respectfully SO' tidied. EVKR. & MOVKPs. Comprising every sort, size nnd nunlity, wlilcli will bo filooinsburg, April 11, lt'('.3. told ul unusually low prices, lie will cnntluiie the Cr"-1 eery and Notion business as carried on by Mr. Mroup, ,,,,co , ,, , , f10,ll),.TV aisoa duo lot or KiiM. morw I'.osnnd i.imnosio OATPAWIsSA Rail-Road COMPytNY whii li ho invites tho at tnliou of Hhoemakcrs and tlio 1 , ,,ubl,o SUI'EUINTENDUNT 6 OrriOC, 1 JOHN K. CIRTO.V. m. M3i). iPfCl Williamsport. Anrll 1(1. 1SC3. b' ' . 1 r-... Hc.nu rrt.,.ln.. on. I. I.., I. ...lna lUDM'l .((. .a BXSHMSIB E8m '"PHP. Proprietor of this well-known nnil centrally loci L ted House, thu Hauianuk llnttl., situate on Mai, street, in Ulonnifburg, inunnJIatily opposite the Colinii Inn Count)- Court House, respectfully informs his friend and the public in genernl, thnt his House is now in or der for the reception nnd entertainment of travelers v nu may feel disposed to favor it with tin Ir custom. Hu h j spared no i xpi use in prepamig tho I'.iitiAse.K, for ' nntertainment of his gnosis, neither Bhnll thcrc he au thing wauling ("n Ills part) to minister to their p r- e i comfort. His house is spacious nnd enjoys an tic lb nt busi in ss location, IV Omnibuses run nt all times between the Eschango Hotel and the various Hail Iload Depots, by which ttav elers will bo pleasantly conveyed to nnd from thu re. spective btatiuns in due time to meet the Cars. W.M. 11. KOOXB. nioomtbur;, July 7, lSf.O- CilRTOiN'S CHEAP HAT STORE REMOVED. AiBolfrcc Arrival of tKoods. A'oio is Your Time to Buy. I NOW SULI, CHCArEU THAN I'.Vl'.Il. n'llll itiulersl'.'ned huvine bought out tho (Irocery o i David Ptruiin, hasrimoved Ills lint nnd Cup Storo up to Stroup's old stand, where ill addition tu u supe rior assortment of SI'ItlM AND SOiaiEPi J0g Hats and Caps, D y (V.sniTios or r'. chase oi"ii. y lo h p u I st. ut r i 1 1 ihe itny nf i u .1 . y less thnt' n p ' I in-1 on Hi in it i.ni of sal money to Uj paid iu n.' 1 sale, with interest ! j iluser tu pay for Hie . Mndison twp , June ' Thu r.'si'liieof ihe nuruliaso year frmn t lie rniiilrmnihm of ii Ihu coiilltmatii.u, The pur avcyanco or deed. JOHN SMITH, Adui'r. . I, m. KB5W FAWCY fTIIE subscriber has just received a lot H Hosiery trimmings auu iev i.uoug, sucu as S B5 f M Hi S o Al. SO: 6I.OVlll. DOl.l.S, fcTAVf. s.viriir.i.r.. HOOP SK1UTP. I'UllTMON'lI'.f, AND OTIII'.rt NOTIONS. CV Wheeler fi Wilson's Hewing .Machines fur bale. Also-Siiiidiiy Heboid Hooks and Kibles. Alsn-Mrs. Allen's Hair lleslurer- which will give to gray lis natural color. A..WRlin. Nest Door below Comt flousu, . ninomsliurg, Mny 30, letKI. J On and oftcr Momlay. SOih inst i will pass Uu pert as follows : Plula. Mail, Pass Itupcrt Arrit iug at Phlla. at Phlia P.xpresH i'ass Rupert Arriving at Phlla ut and at New Yurk at Niagara Express, pass Rupert arriving nt Williamsport at i;imiru iiiau pass unpen arriving at Williamrport at (fc'igucd) 10 37 am. 7 pin. l'.'.M am. 1,5') pw, .45 iin. l(),2a pm 1,1.) um, :i,:i. pm, H.STANLnV GOUUWIV, iu;i(. THE GREAT CAUSE OF siV HUMAN MiSEllY. Just published in a sealed Envilcpo: Price ,ts. ALocture by Dr. Culverwcll, on the rait'O and curu'of spermarnrrhoea. Consumption, mental and physical debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy: iHinaired Nutrition of Ihu liodv : Lassitude. IVcnkns of the liuihi nud tho back. Indisposition nnd iuenpa- .iy iur slimy nun luuor, iiiiiiness oi uppreiiensiou, loss of meinorv, aversion to society, love of Solituilc, tim iditr. self ilistrut t. dizziness, headache, nfleci.tn ortti.i eyes, pitup'es on Iho face, Involuntary omissions, .Midi suAiiai iiicupiti'iiy, mo cousoiucnces ot i ouinttti indis crctlon, tc, tec . K" I his adinirnblo lecture clearly proves thnt tho above enumerated, often t clf-ntllicled evils ma) b reninveit witnout medicine nnd without dangerous surgical .iterations, and should be rcaj byever youth and every man iu tho laud. r-tnt under soal. to any nddress In n plain rented envelope, ou the receipt of six cents or two p.utni stamps, by addressing CIIAS, J. . KI.WC, h Cos 137 Broadway, New York, Post Office b. i. i.,B, Mny'.'j. lfcifl. (Nov. I, - ) Iliickaletv, li.VJ. LEATHER 1 LEATHER! 1 rplinunderslijneil would announce, that he has on hand i X at liisllat and (-'ap Eiiipotiiim, ou Main HI., liluouis- i liurg, nu assortment of dllforent kind cf leather, ittcli as flue calf skins, morocco, (red nudblacR)aud linings, all cf wlili h Im will i ' llcbeupur Ihuncaubu had elscu liero , lit this market, Call and exeninio theni for yourselvei, JOIINK, OIKTON El'oraiaurr.MtySI, ieaj. . JI. Si T. P. WATSON LIVERY STABLE JITTJ1GDED, iiortii Bscdms Sr, IlJ.Twr.tx .ViHtitT It Akeii, Pun Nov W, IfcCS, E STRAY. CAME on the prciut 'S of Iho subscriber, iu llenton tjwnship, Colunil.i i county, on Ihu Unhof .ny, uu 1". iN URAV JlAllll CO I.T, two (hreo years old, having on a I ..... . . ..i.l..lril. 'I'li.imiiiiir nr ..uiirt. lS- J nro r nuened to comu forward and nrov nroperty, pay charges, and take H'T away, otlirrwise e will ce disposed of according toliw J, M, flt.ISiil.IN V. Junoe, Efi''3l 51 II. c. II O W E R, SURGEON DI1NTIST. lU'SPP.CTPin.I.Y infers his nrofess -;ttw-t luual services to th.i ludle and geiitlo lifiOTl ien nf Iduomsburg nud vicinity, lie is I T ,Jr iireuured to utlentl to all the vnrioii. operations in the linu uf his prufussion, and is provided with the latc.t Improved PUhCrjtlA Ti.imix which will be inserted ou gold, plutiuu, silver and rubber base tulookwell as thu natural teeth. Mineral pl-itu nud bio 'k t ''Hi manufactured and all oiterntinus ou teeth, ru totally and iirunerlvattuniled to. Residence and nliicu fen- dooi. nlovo the Coutt ll ur,e, same iiue Dloomiburc, JunoC. 1303 ORANGEVILLE ACADEMY AMI Prof. H.D. Wnlker A.M. Priueipul. Tin next term of this lustilillioii will conimenco nil Wednesday, April 15lli. sjtmieiits desirous of being udmitled to ei llicr of the Noriunl Clnsscs should bepnsuiil on Tues day at 111 o'tluck fur lhaniiuatinii. , Tuition troni SI to Stl ner Term nf 11 weeks. Hoard in good families, Spcr week, (lood Rooms for students wishing to hoard them selves. Por further particulars lnnulro of lite Trinripnl or of J 8 WOOD.", fleet, of Trustees, March 23, 18G3 BLANK S! BLANKS! ! Of every description, for salo at ihisoffio " JAMES H. SMITH-, iMronrnn jia'd mwLEi.ir.E nr.jiz.rn BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKEYS, OiXfl, ANU LIQUORS?, GCXUHAM.Y. No. 328 U'alnul Sis., between 'id i)'- ith riiii.Aui:i,i'iiiA C. P. IIEK-RY, Traveling Agent and fiaUsuiiin, C7 Onnens UesrcoTrrit.Y Solicttep. November SJ. Ilj6l!.-y. F, 0. LIGHT &, CO., ( Lato Light k. Hiadburys. ) Piano Foatc l;uiuihc(tu crs 421 Broom St., New York Second Block East of llroadttuy. O. LIG UT, tho oricinal founder of It St I 1 ' . SPECIAL NOTICE. ON nnd after JULY 1st, 18U3, the iirivllego or rrr verting the present issue uf I, KUAN TEN IU H NOTES INTO Till! NATIONAL SIX PfiU Cilvr. LOAN (couiiiinnly called "1'ite Twenties") will eeesf. All whowlsli to invest in the, Five Twenty l.tU must, therefore, apply before thu 1st of July next. j y cuoiu:. 'ib. Irtjc Ajui', so. ut s laini) t ,,rii.uaiti'i.i.., Ann ii roj.-sm tins wen Known ttstiin lis liilienl. Hetilor i-nr'ner. Itld osly Practical l'inno f'errc .lVlerof tin lit Ini.inf light llradburys,' having retained hu Tv, ollilrds interest iu the wiiule busines stock, m-ti rials tc , and solo proprietorship ill his Valuable Patouts. imliislve nf his eilebrali-u PATENT INrULATTU H ON PRAM IJ-S I' the only one who can make thu superior Pinuo i'crtes for w lib l this house Ills been s . popular All Infringements onlils lights will hu prosecuted, uccnrdiug la law. d.e'All Piano i'nrtoa from this nintiufjrtoty are war ranted peri.ii.uu eveifre-pecl for .-.vi years. Liberal tiruis to Hi-aleis. I ' , ' 4i. . I.irenis . t Jftn rlt it, ' . ,
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