Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, June 20, 1863, Image 4
Farmer's Department. . WIVES' AM) CARPETS. Tho Chicago Journal thus learnedly philosophizes to tlisso themes. There is n largo streak of senso in tho reflection : In tho selection of a carpet you should nlway profcr ono with small figuros, lor tho two wobs of whjeh tho fabric consists nro always moro closely interwoven than in carpeting where largo figures arc wrought, There is a good deal of true philosophy in this that will apply to matters widely different from tho selection of carpets. A nvm commits n sad mistake when ho selects a wifo that cuts too largo a figure on tho carpet of life in othor words, ranko much display. The attractions fade tho web of lifo becomes worn and weak, and all tho gay figures that socmod so charming at first, disappears like sum mer flowers in autumn, Many a man ha3mado fiimsy linscywoolscy of himself by striving to wcavo too largo a figure, and is worn out, used up, liko old carpets hanging on tho fence, before ho lias lived out half of his allotted das of usefulness. Many a man wears out like a carpot tiiat is never swept, by tho dust of indolence ; like that carpot ho needs shaking or whip ping; ho needs activity something to think of something to do. Look out, then for tho largo figures, nud thoro are those now stowed away in the garrets of tho world, awaiting their final consignment to the collar, who had thoy practiced this hit of carpet philoso phy, would to-day bo firm and bright as Brussels fresh from tho- loom and every body exclaiming, 'It is wonderful how thoy do wear.' GRAY'S ELEGY. Tho variations in a single line of this extraordinary poem, have been often ad verted to, but as many have forgotten them, wo furnish a specimen : Tho weary plowman homeward plods his way. Tho ploughman homeward plods his weary way. Tho plowman weary homeward plods his way. The ploughman homeward weary plods his way. The ploughman weary plods his homeward way. Homeward the weary ploughman plods his way. Homeward tho plowman weary plods his way. Homeward the plowman plods his weary way. Woary tho ploughman homeward plods his way. Weary the ploughman plods his homeward way. SHOUT HINTS. Graft3 should be carefully inspected, and wherever needed rewascd. Owiug to tho growth of tho tree and the action of tho sun and wind, grafts which may have been waxod with tho utmost care will some times require a second application. Budding, a very simple process when onco understood, and which is very easy to understand, must bo attended to in June and July. Cherries, ospcoially, aro much moro successfully budded than grafted ; but all other fruits can bo propagated iu this way. Kcop your strawburry beds thoroughly frae from grass and weeds of all kinds. Now is the time to mulch the beds, in or der that you may cloan fruit. Spent tain is vcrj good, but straw cut six to eight inches iu length, is excellent. It should bo carefully placed about the vines with tho hand, Asparagus beds aro more benefited by a good dose ol salt, (ilia commonest kind will answor, or even meat pickle,) than nny other application. But it kills every thing else. Young asparagus beds thould ! , ... t ,. , . . , never DO Baited t'V'Cll in tho Slightest do- c ,. , . . , I grOO. bait, straUgO to ay, OU VOUng beds, , . . i , 13 almost certain destruction. Pl.ttt Vnn nsn n,M,,. nt n ;rl .mu jwu. ww.. ,.uww.wm . .p(. . i,i.. ,i ,, , -,i r Ol ton to tWClVO days Up to thO end Of , Juno, and you will havo com up to tl.o first of November. Stouwcll.s Evergreen 18 tho best Gnrden-walks wliioh aro trnnlilpil widt uarucn-waiKS wuitn aro ironuiCll Willi Kn nD nl An nn a nennv hv a nlcntiful annlioation of nieklo from tho meat tubs, tho contents ol a mackarcl barrel, or any coarse salt. LICE ON FOWLS. Tho Field and Fireside gives tho foh lowing remedy from a correspondent Ho had tried everything ho could hear of, ; . 'Jo Willi lUUlUCrent BUCOCSSi nnu Was aDOUC , .. , , ' ., . despairing, wken ho heard accidentally, , , , V i that Clay nOUllI not harbor them as muoll . ., TT , ,1 as a sandy soil. Ho says : "I soon had ... . , , . uijr jiuuiuj uutuuj uug uunu tutuo uf four feet, filled up with clay, a layer of beaten briok, on tho surface, and tho par titions of tho nest made of briok. This was two years ago, siuco which limo I haVO noitber SCCn, felt nor benrd of tbo ' insects, and tliareforo think I bavo got . , entirely Ha Ol tllOm.' ' I n 1 ii 1 , Tho use of tbo eoldUr's "drill" ake a bole tbo euouiy, 1 to I I NATIONAL HOTEL, (Late Whl I o Swan,) RACE STREET, ABQVX THIRD rillliADBtiPIHA. D. 0. SIEORIStT PnorniETon. Formerly torn Uncle Hotel Lebanon. Pa T, V. Rl'lOADS, Clerk, March 39, lSM-lQin. MOUNT VERNON llOTEL No. 117 and 110 North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. Tho above trclt known establishment lini been Icaa by tho subscriber. Tliis Hotel l conveniently loentod In n central nnit business tiart iifllic city. It li largo and commodious, anil well furnished throughout. Persons visiting ha city nro respectfully Invlteil to rail nnd patronlzo this ostnbllshmcnt. as nothing shall bit wanting to make tho guetti comfortable ami satis tied. TERMS ONEDOLLAHS PER DAY. Cltlxons nml visitors can ho accommodated on rouj onabli terms by tho day. week or month. J. OTTENKIRK, Proprietor. Nn77 nock St.,riilln- I.ate of llaltlmorr, Sid, and Madison House, Second St. Philadelphia. .March?, 18C2-3in. JOHN DOLL 502 Market St., Philadelphia IMPORTnilof Toys, l'lpes and fancy Articles, Tho largcrl variety tif l'ipes, Toys, Ilaskcts an! FANCY GOOHS TO UK FOUND.IN Till: CITY. Plea call and Examine, .March 7, IPGS WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVER WARE. Cfyfi. 'Ilto undersigned would respect- JV TO I f"ily Invito your attention tn his Well so iiuSS JL Icctcdstocknfl'InotJoldnnJSIIvorwntch so I'ino Grid Jewelry, of every kind and variety uf stylos-comprising nil of tin newest and most beautiful designs. Almi, Solid Silver Warn, equal to Coln-nnd tho host Slake of Silver Plated Ware, Each article is war ranted tu ho as represented. Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired and satisfaction guaranteed. JACOI1 HARLHY. (Successor to Stuitlfer k Mnrli'y.) No. CJ2MARKET Street, 1'HILAd'A. I'ch'y23 , IfKI, 3iiios, PAUL &, THOMPSON, General Commission Merchants, UUiLL-lt.l IN Phil, Provisions. Dour, Iluttcr, Cheese, Oils, Dried Fruits, Grain, Heeds, llcaus, Whiskey, Wool, Country Produce nml Merchandise generally. No. 31 NOIITII WlIAKVES, rmLADL-M'IIU, ID" Consignments of Provisions, Hour nml Country Produce solicited, nnil returns promptly made. Cash ndvanccd when desired. ORDERS fur all kinds of Fish, Provisions, Flour. Dried Fruits, ic, lllled ultuo lowest Cash Prices. August 4. leGO 12m. P II I L A D E L P II I A. PAPER HANGINGS iiowi:i.l k liounui:. Corner Fourth and Mnrkct Streets Philadelphia, have now in btock, a line variety of WA I.I. PA PER S, Rot up ctpessly for their Spring Trade. WINDOW PAI'i:R OF EVERY GRADE, to which they invito the attention of S torekecpers, Vt l their rotnlleparlinent, will be found tho rnniccsi styles oi me iiou. .March 7 18C3 3 mos.seus JOHN S. LEE k CO., No. lG, NORTH WIIARVF.fl, Philadelphia. ROPE ITU fiJEESS AND SHIP CHANDLERS, Spun Cotton Tor Caulking, Ropes, Twines, Tar, Pitch Oakum, lllocks, and Oars, kc August 1, IcWO-IUm. LEATHER 1 LEATHER ! ! THE undersigned would announce, that he has on hand athls IliitandCan Emporium, en Main St.. Illooms- burg, an assortment of ditl'ercnt kind or leather, such ns lino can sKins, morocco, ircu anumncKjuiiu linings, all if which he will sell cheaper than can bo hud elsewhere in this market. Call nndcxciuine them for yourselves. JOHN K. GIP.TON. llloomsburg, Slay 21, 18G2. FIUSllfllOTII &, UUOTI1I3K.S. WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER F 10.105, NORTH TI1IUI) STIIKET Five doorshclow Race. PHILADELPHIA SCHOLARSHIPS FOR SALE. Pittsburgh Uoinmercial College. Iliughamptin " " CriUeiideu'ii " 1'hilndolphiu. Rtratton, llryant k Co.. ' " Tiles', Scrips, urn in amounts of SIS mid 3 " n and are n so much cash, by the Student ttn fairing either of III above College. Young imlu desiring toobtaiu a tluislb d Collegiate Education, will lioro find n good specula on by applying jt the office of the Nov. I. Ion.'. COLU.WHIA DEMOCRAT. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. Till: undersigned respectfully Informs Mi old friend and customer, that he has purchased his brothers merest in the nbovo rstnLliliini'iit, iin,l Ihv concern uili hereafter be conducted by himself excliisivi ly. ,c nt.a jut, Ullll .murt IUT SJIO, llU HTg- est and most extensive assortment of FANCY STOVES ever introduced Into this market. His stock consists of a cninnletn .isnorttiiptit nf no wesv ij.iumiib unu parior siiivi'-i in ine unirs.Pi, tngeiii. er with Smvu Fixtures of every description, Oven mid Rox Stoves, Radiators, Cylindar Stoves, Cast Iron Air Tight stoves, Cannon Stoves, kc, kc Stovepipe und pinwaru constantly on hand and mmufacturcd to order. All kinds of repairing done, as usual, on short notice. The patronage of old friends and new ciislomiirs re pcctfully sohcited. A. M. RUPliR'P. Uloomsburg, November 3d 1SC0. if. JOSEPH FUSSELL, .Manufacturer of .UMBRELLAS, SUN UMBREL LAS and PARASOLS, Noa. 2 fc 4 N. 4th St., PHILA'D. March?, )SG3-3ui. A LECTURE. a, a u vsm ue; fcaj fivaj jss-Aaj a Just pulilished iii a stale J Kuril t emit. A Lecture on tho Naturo 'I'reatmont Si Curo of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness Involuntary Ihulssion., Heual Dcbilii, and Impud-u ments to Marriage generally, Nervniibiiesi, Corisum.d tiun, Kpilepsyand Hts .Mention and Physical Incap-i city, resulting Irani Self Abuse. c lly Rob, J.Culver. wHI. M, n.. Author nfllm Green Hook ic. ..7'!?' 1 1 fu 1 1 , (l V V O I Ol Ml II I 9 ,J V II V A H1 HC U "0 I III! I HI 0 U 1 11 1 j coinoquencc of SelPAbuso may he eflcctiially removed without inedirlno. and without dangerous surgical .Tgr. iS:'?VVr.Wi?KX Tins Lecture will pruvu a buoiilu thousands and thou-, Suni unocr feat to any address In a plain, scaUd , envelope, on tho receipt ofsix cents, or po.lage siampa ' by u.UrcbiiiiLS i .'-I iT.?- Nw "' ''o-t o'mciiox. lsao F, 0. LIGHT & CO., ( I.ate Light & Urndhurys. ) Piano Foi'lu il-aniiiacdii es'S, 421 Jlroomc St., Ncio York Second Illock Hast of Uroadway. T? C. LIG HT, tho original founder of . this null known lUtabliahmeiit, Senior Partner. 'i,!W'r,n'''c,a' the late tirm of " Ught St llrudburys," having retained his Two third's nueresi in ine niibtu uusines stucK, materials &e., ami solo proprietorship in his Valuable Putents, inclusive of his celebrated patiint incui.atud ihon FRA.MKs, Is the only onu who can make the miparior Fotts for which this liouse has been sopopulur All Infringements on Ills rights will be .protccuted according to law. u"." All Piano Fortes from thin manufactory arc war rauiea perioci in every respect lor nvo years. Liberal terms to Dealers. F U. l.iglitu U Co., 4S1 Broome St, New York. April Il,le03--J m. REMOVAL. E A C L K 91 O T E I,. i rpiIB undsnlgueU respectfully informs his friends II lltlil lint wnnr.snllu !., I... ha. ,1.. .1 f- the "Union iiotei- to the ''Eaglk hotel," in tin, porougn oi aiuucy, wuero ne win no nuppy to enter- nin l a satisfactory manner oil who may favor him will their custom. Tile best stabling In the county, I wib ample nrcoinmodution for iravelrriamldroveri. no pains will be (pared to render Ihe btay of fc-uojts ipleaiataud comlortablei A M, SMITH Muncy, Aj'til 11 1563. 09 POR THE AND Till'. FOR 1) I A B E T E S AND DIBUA8LB OF Till: Then Dangtrw nml Tnubltiomc Discatct, ulilchhmc lhu$ far Ittsltteit the but directed Treatment can le Ctmptctily Controlled by the HKJUUDYnon before till tiii: cuiiATivn properties of the medicine dlircl themseivos tn the or gans of secretion, nnd by so altering the condition of the stomach and liver that the starchy principle tt tho food is nntconverted into sugar so long as the system Is under the Inltueiicc of the CONSTITUTION WATCH, which give those organs time to recover their ketillhy tone and vigor. Wo are able tn stale thu Coutitif, Hon Water has cured every iasu of Diabctus In which it has been given. STONE IN TIIC IlIiADDFIt, CAI.CUMJS, GRAVF.t. UltlOIC DL'ST DEPOSIT, AND .MUCOUS OR JIII.KY DISCIIAKHUS AFTHIt URINATING. Diseases occurlng from onnnnd thosntno cause will buentin ly uiredbytho Constitution Watar, Iftakeu foiuiiy length online. Tho dose should vary with the severity nf the disease, from twenty drops to a tea. spooulul three-times n ilay, In water. Diiriugtho pasi sago of tho Calchliis, the pain und urgent srmptotna should bo combated with tho proper remedies, then followed up 1th tile Constitution Water, as above di rected. DVS.Mi:NOr.RAO:A, OR PAINFUM, MENSTRUA TION, AM) IN MENORRHAGIA Oil UtorUSi: FI.OWINt!, Ilulh diseases arising from n faulty secretion t.ftne menstrual lluid-ln tho ono rasa beliieton llttl... i.n.I accompanied by sewrn pnlu i unj tho oilier a lonprii fuso secretion, uliuli will ho speedily cured by the Constitution Water. That disease know tins FALLING OF TIIC WOMI1. which is the result of a relaxation of tho ligaments of that orgnu, nud is known by a senso of heaviness ami dragging pains hi tho hack nud sides, nud nt tlim ac companied by sharp I. M inatiug or shooting pains through the parts, will, in all rases, he removed by the medicine. Thero is another i las of svmptoms atl-ing from R. IllTATKINOFTIIi; WOMH, which physhians call Nervousness, which word covers up mm h ignoranre, and iu nineensps nulof ti.n the dnctordnes not really know whether thu ejinptoms nro the disease, or tho disease the symptoms. We r.m nnlv enumerate them hero. I speak more particularly of Cold IVrt, Palpita tion iu the Heart, Impared .Memory, Wakefulness, Plash es Languor, Lassitude, and Dimness of Vision. SUPPRLSSHD .MDNSTRFATION. Which iu th." unmarried female Is a rnnttant rccurrlii" .11, ease, and through neglect the seeds nf inoru grave and daimcrous maladies nro the result ; nnd ns mouth after mouth passes without an cn"ort belnb' made to as sist nature, thu suppression b,'coms thmuic. ihe pa tient gradually looses her nppetile, the bowels are constipated, night sweats come on, and coasumntiuti finally ends her career. LF.UCORP.a:A OR WHITES. 1 Ills disease depends upon nn Inflamatlnn of mucous lining of lie vagina and womb. It is iu all cases ac companied by seveiu pain iu the back, ncero.s the bowels and through the hips. A tcapoonfn of the ,ii-ii,i;iiiij may no i.mcii wire,: limes a nay, w itu an in. jection ofa tablij.poonful of III,) ineditiine, mixed with aha'f-piiiuif soft water, morning nudi'venlng. IRRITATION OF TUB NECK OF THU I1LADDER, INFLAMATION OF THU KIDNEYS AND CA TARRH OF THE UI.ADDEIt, STRANGURY AND RURNINC OR PAINFUL URINATING. For llieso diseases II istrulya sovureign rcmedv, and loo innili cannot be said in its praise A single does has bjen know to relive the must urgent syptoms, Aro you troubled w ith that distressing pain in the small of thu back und through the liios ( A teaspounful a day of Constitution Water will relievo J ou like magic. FOR DYSPEPSIA, It hasnn ciu.ilin relieving tho .Most distressing smp tnins. Also, Headache, Heartburn, Acid Stomach Vom tins Food. &c. Take a tca.poonrul after dinner '1 lie dose in all cases may 15 inertused if desired, but should be done gradually. PHYSICIANS Have long since given up tin) use of buchti, cubehsnnd Juniper iu the treatment or Huso diseases, aiidonlyuse theuifor wunt of a better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER Has proved itself oiualtothe task that has devolved upun it. ' DIURETICS Irritate an-1 drench the kidneys, nml by constant ue soon lead lochronic. d. generation and co illrmcd dis ease. Read. Real. Read. Daivilu:, Tii., June 2 IS-TrS. Dr. Wm. II. Gannn Vacr Air: Iu Fcbuary, 18BI, I wasatlhcied utththe sugar diabetes, and for flvo months 1 passed more than two gnllnns of water in iwenty.foiir hours. 1 wus oh iged tu gel up a, cliun Ion or twelve times during ths nmht, nnd in five mouths I lost about titty pounds iu weigth. Hurtling III month of July, lt-01, 1 procured tw o botllus uf 1,'unstitutiou Water and in two days after using it I experienced relief, and utter taking two hottlesl was entirely cured, soon after regaining my usual good health. Yours truly. J. V. L III; WITT, liustnn Corners, N. Y Dec. S7, 1661. Win, II. Gregg & Co.: Gents: I freely give you liberty to innki? usn of the follow iugrirtltlcatenfthe value of Constitution Wa ter, which 1 can reccoinmeud iu tho highest manner. .My wife, wlm was attacked with pain in the shoul der, whole length nfthehack, and in her limbs, with Palpitation of the heart, attended with Falling of the Womb, Dysmeuorrhoea. and "Irritation of the Iliad iter," I called a physician, who attended Iter about three months, when he left Iier worse than he found her, I then employed one of the best physicians I could tind, whoattended her for about nine months, and while she was under his earu nIiu did not sutler piito as much pain J he finally gavu her up and said : "hi-rcase was Incuiabl"." For, said he,"she was such a combination of complaints, that medicine BlVPti fur one operates ilg iliut souieother of her dilliculljcs." auoui mis nine sue comiueiiceil to use Cossriii'Tm WariiR, ami toour ultur astonishment, ulniost the first dose seemed to have tho dsired ctfect, and she kept on Improving rapidly u.ilcr its treatment, and now super intends cu'ircly lief domestic alfairs. Hhelias not tn km any of the Com iiuiion Waifr for about four weeks and wearu happy to say that it has produced a perma nent cure. W.M. M. VAN BKNSCIIOTlCN. Mtu.rnRn, Conn.. Nov, in, 1601. Ilf. WM.II.Grtrooi ' Dear Sir: I have for several years been afflicted y.'ilh that tooublesomcniid dangerous disca-e Gravel which resisted ml remedies und docinrs. until I mot. Cosshiutional Waier, and you may beasured that I was pleased with the result. It has entirely cured mo nnd)oii may maku any use of my name you inayseu fil iu regaro to the medicine, us I have entire contldcnee iu its cllicacy. Yours truly, POM) STRONG, THESE AIM". FACTS ENOUGH 'I'horo is 110 class nf diseases lb:it nrniliien curt, ... hailsling eflelts IlliOn till! human rnnstllntloii n. 11,.,. betes nnil diseases of the Kidneys. Illadderiiud Urina ry Passages, and throush a lalsu modesty thoy nro neg lected until tliey urn soiulviiuccd ns to bo beyond the ctntrol of ordinary reiuediis, and wu present tho CONSTITUTION WATER To tho public with tlm conviitioii that ll litis normal iu relieving the ilan of diseases for which it has been found so eminently kttcces.fnl iu curing; nud wu trust thatwo fhallbe rewarded in our ell'orts iu placing so valuable remedy in a form to nieit Hie rf'iuireinents of patient and physii tan, FOR BAM) UY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE $1, W.M. II. GEORGE C(i Propriemrs. Morgan Allen, General Agents, No. IU Clilf Sf, New-York, Sept. i!0. mi. i'im. sf ,. . t ?: x t. x s ATTOUNHY AT LAW, IlLOOMSIWItU. 1'JI. Ollico ill Court Ally, formerly occupied by Chart's U lluekalew. Illoomeburs, Dec. 4, IMO, JOHN C. YEAGER, MANUFACTURER t WHOLESALE DEALER IN HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, UONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. M57 North Third Street, l'bila'd. Nov. i"J, 180'.'. CHEAP MILITARY CAPS ! MILITARY CAPS, nf every sort, size und quality fur sale rheap nt tho llloomsburg Unit Cup Emporium AIo-Grocories,Courecliouarii.lCigars,4te. , JOHN K. OIRTON. oomiburg, Sept. 14. 1601. PROTECTION PROM LIGHTNING? ' rillE subscriber nnitld Inform Ills friends, that h Is J. now prepared to put up, on short notice, and in a vcjciitillc manner the best I'Mrwi roifnr.n uaiiT.vjtiv hods, at It! I rents per fot AI work warranter), V. v. UIDLE.MAN, Ciocmjlutg, Meyni, JSiO. IU OAiTIJ on aii it has nsK PBACTnen t.r the untTrs states bt mc UTtVK AisuMriion Attn Bxt.ncinor armtrary rowttt UY I)., A. MAION V, j OSB or ITS VICTIMS, I "Ills Important that tho habits of thinking In n frco counlty should In.plrp caution in those cntrustad with Its ndininistrntloti, to confine themselves wllhln their rcsncctlvn stdieres. nvoidlng. In tlio exercise of tho puweri of otio department to encroach upon nnbthcr. Tho spirit of encroachment tends tn consolidate tho powers of nil tho departments in one, and thus to cro nto, whatever lie tho form of government, a real Des potism." Wasii'nutox. "Cling to tho Constitution, n the shipwrecked marl ncr clings to tho Inst plank, when night and the tem pest dose around hlin," Danifi., O MILETON, l'nbliihcr, 413 Erondwoy. New York. KT Mr. Muhony'a book with tho nbovc title will be published this week, April 1, leiiJ, 'IMIE iinderslgnfif is nfso extensively engaged Hi the Undertaking lluilncts, and hccpscnnstnitly on nan nd for sale at his Warerooms. a largo assortment of FINISHED eg) COFFINS, r.y which lie is enabled to till orders on presentation Aim-Keeps a good Horse and Hearse, nud will at ai times lio ready to attend Fmiorcla. SIMON C. SI11VE. Dloonitbiirg, JanHnry 2i), USD HEW JOli TYPE. -AND Fancy Printing Paper "j: arc now fully prepared t" print the nentcatriml chcapc3t JOB WORK, in tbo country. CilDSON'S AND DKrORATirC ESTAni.ISllillliNT, No. 125, South Elovcnth Street near VJ jiut, Enameled Class, Fresco, Oil and Encaustic Fainting Jous Giosnv. G, II. Ginnx. January 12, 13U1 3ni.. NEW BARBER SHOP In Court House Alley, NEXT BOOK TO TII OrnCL OF THE "rOLf.MnlA DEMOCRAT," d Loo.vsisuita pji. November P, 18C2. Columbus Male and Female Academy, with Normal nnd Commercial Instruction, PROF. II. S. DINGIIAM, Principal, and .MRS. S. F. II1NGIIA.M, Preceptress. Tho next term or this institution will commence r" MONDAY, the 'JOtli of APRIL, insl. Tuition, from S4 to jG per term, Ey" Hoard from SI 7S to 8J 1,0 per week, Kou rooms for Ihusu wishing to boanl thems'dves. For further particulars inqniru of the Principal. JOHN KOONS, Sec'y of Trustees. New Columbus, April 11. ldG3. F. 0. IIA11HIS0N, M. D. WOULD respectfully inform tho citizens of Illoo burg, nml iciuitv, that he Loutiniiesthc practice Miuncixr. jixn nmoKitr, nd solicits a share of public patronage. Office, on Main Street, first liouse below the Court limine, illoomtburg. February 3, ld03-tf. PETER YOIIB & SON, HAVE recently opened n ROOT AND SHOE RIIOC in LIGHT b'I'REE'P, Columbia enmity. Pa., and n'f prrpard to do the best work 011 the shortest notice nri' at the lowest prises, Give them a call. April II. 1M.3. Notice. TO TAX COLLECTORS. faJotico is honrby uiven, to all collectors of County Tax, holding unpaid ditplirntes for 18IJJ and previous jenrs tiiat they tire Mriclly required to settle and pay to the County Treasuer on thu l.'tll day of June next. Vm. LAMON, C. II. HESst ROIIR SIcllENRY Comiulsioncrs ollica Illoomsktirg .May 7, lcl3 Lackauanua & Bloomsbuig Railroad 0 N AND AFPHR APRIL 2d, i-113, PASSENGER TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: MOVING SOU T II. J'aisenjer. .tccom. S 30 1 A. M. 11,00 A.M 0.40 Arrne IJ.30 P M Leavo Scranton, Kingston 11 u uouisburg e,;u " Rupert, " Dauvillo, Arrive at Northumberland, MOVING Leave Northumberland, " Danville, " Rupert, ltloounburg " King.ton, Arrive nt Scriiulon. P..1J H.2I AM a.M N O R T H 4.30 P.M. 2.10 3.4. 5.SH s.o,'; 1.43 r. m 0.10 P. M, 3.30 A Passenger Train alsnleaes Kingston nt H.S0 A.M for Seranton, to connect w itli train for New York. Re turning, leaves Seranton on arrival of Train from New York nt 1.20 P. M. Tho Lackawanna nnd llloomsburg Railroad connects Willi the Delaware, Lackawanna nud estern Railroad at Seranton. for Now York and intermediate points east At Rupeit it connects with Hie, lor points both cast and west arriving at Philadelphia at 7.00 P.M. At Northumberland It mif lefts with the Philadelphia Si EricR. . nml N. C R. R. for points west and soiith Pas.eugers arriving nl llarrli-burg 1 30 F M. ; Phil adclphia 10 P. ,M Kaltiiuuru 10.20 I'. M. GEO. 1!. HUNT, Sau't J C. Wells, acn'l 'nckctJlgcnl. Kingston Apullf. Ien3. IMUGAIA's IN STATIONER V. CSOO (lrom hlecl 1'tm, 600,000 euirtj Maul, looks 850.000 Umlijin, Slates, Ink, Curtain k Wrapping paper, Pan books. Lo.ul-PeniiU. Gold-Pens, ve ry fine, SlIiouI bonks visiting Curds, &c.. a large portion nf whirh is ,101k purchased before the risu 111 prices und now selling i.nw roa iAt,ii. Wm. G. PEKRY. Ilooksellcrfc Stationer. -S. II'. cor. 4A, If Jtace ntludelahia, Maich7, 1EC3-3 1110s. ' S.OOOReams writing Paper, including ofnole, Letter l'ooLcap, Sermon, Rill, & Drawing papers felling at low raiCES lor cash. Wm. G. PERRY, Stationary. H. W.cor 4th, & Itaco Philadelphia. PICTURES FOR ALllUM. Over (SOU different varieties selling froniitti to 173 per k'oicii, Win. G-. PEHRY, Pnblisber. B. W. Cor. 4th k Race Philadelphia, WILLIAM PERRY, " T)OOK-SELLER, Stationor, Rook J binders, lll.tnk book manufacturer, aiitt Dealer in Imported nnd American Stationery. South West cor. 4th 4. Race St Philadelphia. Persons visiting tho city, or sending orders will do well lo take a memorandum of thu above Address. Thu stock is largo and well assorted, j'Wefj .eic, rnnioQiurii Aluums, Selling from bOclstoSM each. Theneweit styles and lurgest assortment In tho City, Wm. O. PERRY, Publisher, S, W.cor. 4th k Itaco tra., Philadelphia Is'oticeT A meeting oftha Stockholder of tlio Illooinsbttrg Iron Company will ho heldnt their office nt Iron Dale, nn Wednesday, May SO, lti3, for the election of officers an 4 oilaei business, C, K, I'AXTON, . . .-. HrutttHt, Iiou Dale, MyS, leM, , ECONOMY jSVVEALTH- OU E YOUlt'oOUGlI F01U3 OENTS The best ani cheapest Household remedy m the ftoTld. MAIIAMIi 1AIJ"U I OU TER'S Curntlvo llnliam is wnrrnntcd If used t ccordlng tn the directions, to cure In till rases Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Asthma nnd nil nfloctlons of the throat nnd Ldtigs. Mndumo Zndoc porter's Hal. am Is nrciiarcd w Ith all the requisite skill, from n combination of tho best rem edies the vegetable klnndnm nilnrds, its rcnieiitai qunn tics are bared on lis power to nsslst the healthy clrcu latlon nfthn blond, through the Lungs. It Is not n vio lent remedy, but rmollcnt cctlvei can be taken by o nld.t nersnnnr I in vounir. i warming, senrcinng nnu en .ill, i est child. MadamZadnc Potter's ba. snni ha. been In use by the ' It to tl.elr allllcted friends . n.,,1 .,ll,nra I ' Most Impoitant.-Madnmo Zndoc. Porter's Curative Ilnlsant is sold at n price which brings it In tho reach ni every nnu iu icvi' i v,, wit.,,,.. ... .-. ly use ofa Ingle bottle will prove to bo worth 100 Union IU cost. . . , , , ....-.,,,- Cn..n..n,.w 1AMAM I 1 1 A n l I ,A ,0 t U tl f, ,1 ,l to purchaso articles at 4s to SI which do not contain : ii, n ..irinns rn 1 i rein inuie oi ..I 11 nmn i nner s i.u- . ttu .. " - - 1 ......,.( .,. I 1 rativc lialsani, tno cost 01 iiiaiiiiiacuiriiiK which is us great as almost any oilier nicuicine , nnu 1110 very miv iircce nt whicli ft Is sold, makes the profit tn tho sell ernppn.ntly small, nnd unprlnclpnlcd dealers wll someiimes rerotuineud other lnedlclncs on which their protlts nro larger, unless tho customers Insist upon linvltif- Madame Porter's and none other. Ask for Mnilaino Porter's Curntlvo llalsnm. price 13ccnts, and Ml large bottles at 'ii oeiils, mm inuo no oincr IT Soiit oy an uruggHts uggi.tsand Storokceporcat 13cts, at S3 cents. ICKLE, Pr prletora, New York. ai.d iu inrgcr Homes at HALLfcRUCi JanuAry 21, IMKl. Nos. 0,11,13, 15, 17 Courtlandt Street, NEAR 11ROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. Tills old-eet ibli.hed nnd favorite resort of tho Uusl- ,, r -a, on to 11 IK' liiid tir-iiii ri,rint I J rntlttpd. nil it 1 ruin. plcto In everything that can minister to the comforts of its patrons. LaJiesand families arc specially and tare - 1 lutiy proviueit tor. ii"""', . , , It is centrally located in the liu-lnoss part of the city, ' Trains lenvo Auburn at 3,42 A M for Pinegreve nnd mid is contiguous to the principal lines t.f steamboats, llnrrlsburg, nnd at 0,10 A ,M, and 7 P M for pinegrove cars, oiiinibiisn-s ferries, ke. only i returning from I'arrlsburg nt 1,30 P iM nnd from Iu eonseiuuuee of thu pres. nro caused by tho Rebel- Pinegrove at B A Jlaud 4and 3 P M. lion, prices have been reduced to j CT1"I'3 f9;iC Dollar at d I'ifty- Cents per Dat. Through first class'aiid emigrant tickets to nil 'I he table is nmply supplied with nil the luxuries nf the principle polutsin the North iiufi West and Cana II, c seasnii.andise.pinl to that of any other hotel in the uns. ,.t.,ni,.nl.l.. onlv at the olHeo eountrv. Ample accommodations are offered for upward of 400 gHi'sH. ij Do not bidievn runners, hackiucn, nnd others who may say "thu Western Hotel is full." I). I). WINCHESTER, Proprietor. TIIOS. D. WINCHESTER. Feb. 13, IFlM. 'I he New onvncreiul Buildings are lorn led opposite Court House, eorncr of Court and Chenango-Streets. This College is In no wny connected with any other limitation. The energies of tha entire Faculty nro exclusively de voted tolliis. Thedesigu nfthis Institution istn nh"ord to Young Men an opportunity for acquiring n Thorough l'racticol lluslncia Jldiccation Thu Hooks and Forms nro carefully arranged by Practical Aecmuntnnts. expressly for this Institution, nndtho course nf Instruction is snch tncotnbino Theo ry und Practice. COLLEGIATE COURSE. This Course embraces llok-Keeping in nil its de partments, Pcnnmttnship.Cniiimeruul Arithmetic, Hits iness Correspondence, Commercial Law, Political Ucon omy, Commercial Ethics, Partnership settlements, Dc telling Counterfeited mid altered llauk-Notes, kc 1 ho Spenccrian Syitem of Pettiinanship is taught in all its varieties, by the most skillful masters of thu att. The Rook-Keeping department is under the special supervision and instruction of the Principal, D. W. Low'bix. GENERAL INFORMATION. Students can enter nt nny time i 110 vacation. Usual time to complete the Caurse, from 0 to 12 weeks. Assis tance rendered to graduates iu procmlng situations. i.rnuuaius arnpresenieuwiiu an elegantly engraved Di pluuia. u- 1 ur inn, uuniuwi .unices, specimens ot pemnan- tuiip, etc, enclose iwu leuer .lamps, ami ailuress D. IV. LGWEI.L, Priucinil August 30, 1602. t.Mny3. Iij2 12m. CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA COilllUEKCIAL. CO L L E G E, jV. E. corner of 1th and Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. 'i Ills INSTiitiTios, which wns established In 1814, nnd Is now conseipicutly in tho eighteenth year .f its exist ence, numbers among its graduates, hundreds of tho inostsuccessful .Merchants nnd liusiuesa .Men of our iuuuiy . TiieObjcct of the Institution is solely tonflordyouti" men facilities for thorough preparationfor business. " The HitANCiiPTACiiii rare, IlooL-heeping, ns applica ble totho various departments of trade-, Penmanship both plain nnd nrnniiuiital : CoramercfoZ inm. jri.. matics, ffarlgalion Cn il V.nguteerivg, Drairin, I hon ogarphy, and .Modern Langnoges. " T'IbSvbtcm OFlNsintcTioN Ispjciillar ! no classes or set lessons are made use nf. but enrh tnili-ni i i,,i,, Individually, so I hat he tuny commence nt nny time, and attend at whatever hours are most convenient. CATAi.ntn.-ES nr-issued amii(onfter tho 15th nf Anril containing nniiios uf tlio studcutsfor tlm year, and full particulars of term-', &e., nud may be obtained at nny time by nddresing the Principal, IS EXTEVSIVE AcrOMMODlTIOSS. vlde-SUreml rrnutntinn and the lengthy eipericvie of ihe Principal , this IiifIiIii. tinn otrers facilities superior tunny other in Hie coun try, for young men wisl ing toprepare for business, and to obtain nt Ihe nunc lima a utri.oiiA. vHch in; procea recommendation for them them to nuy Merchan tilo House. C7Ci:iTrN-noK'aSfriM of Treatises on Pook-Kefp. iNti. now iioroSidelyclrculatcdthnn any other wotk on the bUbject.flto fur sale nt tho College. S. HODGES CRITTENDEN, Jlttornty-at-Laio, Prtiscii-Ai,: Jan. 23-1602 15m. NATIONAL COlllEKClAL COLLEGES LOCATED IN PHILADELPHIA, S. E. CCRNER7TII AND CHESTNUT ST3.. flew York City , Brnokhjn, Albany, Troy Buffalo, Detroit, (levrhmd, Chicago, and Si. Louis. liook keeniiie, lViimausliin. Commercial Ariihioi tit Cnmiiieriini l.uw, Forms, Correspondence, lit,, Piuct i cully taught. I Tlieso Colleges being under tho snmo general nnd lo. I cat management, nnd uniting iu emli thu advautngu 1 of all, oiler greater facilities for imparting Instructl i ' than any other similar institution iu thu country. A Si holurship issued by any ono is good iu till I'd 11 I unlimited time. Tho Philadelphia Collcgo has been recently cnlatt und refurnished iu a superior manner, und is nnwri largest mid most prosperous Commercial Institution ', Hie Stato. llryant k Stratum's series of Text Hooks, cinbrac llnok keepiug, Commercial Arithmetic, und Couiiner Law, for sale, and sent by mail. VJ" For full particulars send for a circular. October Id, lcoa-lim. SUncximu g oIjcL (Opposite Iniuenoenit. Hall,) i'l'N UT STREET. II ETWEEN FIFTH U SIXTH. CHEST PmLJUiRU'lllJl, WV'ATT k IIEHI.1NGS, i'roprirforj. November 30, 13C1, Jlarcii 13, 1854 DISSOLUTION. The portncrnhlpherr tofore existing between the un. clerslitied, in the jviercanHlo Uuslncss, was dissolved upon tho let day or April. 1603, by mutual consent.- All llGrsntIS lllllphrfsl In llin lnt firm urn rrim.n.l.rl Btoom.burj Art 1 13, H&3,- 3m. C Heading ltnil Kontl. e'nXr'lM NK UNEFROM rillLADELPIIIATO U I t'll- lNTlMlOl OF rENNHYLVANIA, THE LAND AND WYOMING VALMA S, THE NORTH, NOIITII WEST AND TIIFi CANADAS. rAfiSENdER TRAINS Tenvn the company's dopotntthrltccnt h ami Callow rai Rocl."efr. Niagara. '"' ""''''ITg: WllkeBbarrc, Plltston, York, Onrllsle, Uianiuuiuurg, "I'hiVunin'comtect. pt UEADINO wilt. East Penn. ejiTai.lannfoad tralii fr Allontywii. c., niul w th f i,n i nlisiiou Valley train for llnrrlsburg, &c., at "'"8"' apternOON EXPRESS, Leaves rhllde phla at 3,M P. M. for I on. I ". 1 1; vl e Pinecrnve, llartlsburg.&c, connection nl (Inrlis r bu'lvHIn -ylvanla Centij. for L'V.hury. NotlHunibcrland, Elinlrn ke, nnd at Por '.' " ur' ',.V. llnllrnnd trn ns for NiltOIl (.lltllOll WHO,,,, " ivininm.nnrt. Elm rn lluir.ilo&c. n't-.A I ACCOMODATION, . ,, . m .innnlm. nt all way Loavss uea j . ' J,V A M ?nd 1 oltsville at I, .Smnlxi'' ; ' ., .,! nt l'l, 1 1 it) ji am I oiiBViuoaiiiiJu i-, o - - ..inn P.M. , ,, Market train, wltli n passenger car attached, leave J 1 illlailcllillin ni i i. hi,, iim .,t,..0 ......... .ong . ,!avi;, Reading nt l'J, noon, and Dowliinglown at 1 P. M. for Philadelphia and all way stations, Ui...V. . . . .. . 1 1tl.f ,1 ,1 H V A YriMltllt. ' jjlln,,.,y trains leavo Pottsvillo nt 7,'JttAMund l'hlla .in,..i. n .1 1 1 Utll'lllil u, - -; uti,.,.,. u..., ; ...ittinAn Passengers froni Dowiilngtown and iiitermcdlato pnlhtstakc thoe.13 A M and 4,30 ! M trains from INilt adelphln, rtturnlng lrom Dowiilngtown at 7,U0 A JI , ""'nEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBURG AND ' Tlll: U'l:rir- . n Lenves New York, at 7 P M, pass ng Reading nt , tn 117 ,,,i,ii,ri,t. 11 n,l connecting at Ilarrlsburg with Pennsylvania Railroad Hxpiess Train tut Pittsburg, I Returning, Express Train leaves llarrl-burg nn urrl- vul of Peiins)lvunla Express from Pittsburg nt 3,15 A m .,n.t, itAmtiii'T .. id A .M and arriving at New York at 10,30 A M. Sleepiug enn accompany these trains through between Jersey City anil Pittsburg with 1 out change. , , , . 0 , I Mail trains for Now York leavo Hattlrburg al 8 AM nnd 2,00 PJI. .Mail trains fir llarrisbitrg leavo New York tit B A M and i noon. SCIIU VLKll'L VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Potts illu lit 7,13 A M and 3,30 f ii, returning froiiiTuscarora nt 6. 03 A M, nnd 4,13 I' M, . SCHUYLKILL AND SUSC. UE1IA.NNA RAIL of S. Ilradfurd, Treasurer, No. 227 south I'Mtrlh l, t'hll idolphia, or of G. A Nicolls, General Superintend, cut, Reading. COMMUTATION TICKETS. At 2.1 percent, discount, between any points desired, lor l.i.M llios and firms, Mil. E AGE TICKETS, Good for MOO miles, between nil point.?, at S 10 33 ''Ht'1 fur families and tirns. KEASON TICKET., For three, six, nine or twelve months, for holders only, to all points, at rediuedrntii. CLERGY J'EN Residing on the lino of the road will be furnished with cards entitled themselves and wives tu tickets at half fare. EXCURSION TICKET!. From Philadelphia to principal alatlno. gnnd for Sat urday Sunday and Monday, at ri-diti ed fares, to bo nnd only nt the LilUt Ollico, iitThiltcenth and Culluwhill streets. IT. EIGHT. Goods of nil description fortvar.' to all the abov." points from thu tomp'iu's new freight depot, llrnadaud Willow streets. FREIGHT TRAIN'S Leave Philadelphia daily at OA M M. fir Reading, Li banon, llarrlaliurg, ! P M i and G P Follivillo, Pott Liiatun, ami ait points ucyonii, MAILS. ("hue at tho Philadelphia "ojt otlibu for all places on the road and its branches nt 3 A M. and for the prion pal station, only at 2 13 I' AL lilcomsburg Feb. 14 le'03. LIGHT STREET, Columbia county, !c, -"IHIl undersigned hnB located at tho above natrf.i I hotel, formerly occupied by I'eter Schug, and soli' its a share of public patrnmijo. Gouil meoiiiiuodations for man nnd beast. Tl, best kind of liquors ut Ihe bar. J. D. RICE, Proprietor. April II, IeC3- BUNDS AND SHMDES. J. WILLIAMS, No. 10 North Sixth street, I'liila delphia. manufai Hirer ef R. TcBMli.-ua Bliwfc aisl Wtmlow 17 Th" largest and finest nsxnrtment In the city, nt the lowest prices, lllinds .tinted and triinmed e'Uul to new. Store Chades made and l.ttered. April 4, leu3.-lm IS63. 1803. Pbibiilclpliia Tc Eric Rail Road. This great line traverser, the Northern and North west counties of Peuiislvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the PeiiMsylrania Railroad Company, nud under their iiuspn is is being rapidly opened throughout Its entiru length. tl is now iu use for Passenger and Freight business from llarribiirg to Driftwood (5.1 Fork) (177 inilcslnn theEnstcru llivi.ion, and l'rnm Sheffield to Erie on thu Western Division, (78 miles.) TIME OF I'ASSEMlLll -IltAHlS AT NOHTIU.'.Mricr-.I.AN!). Mail Train leaves, East tl 53 A. M. Ezpret Train " 111 Hi P. M. Mail ' " West 4 S.I " Express ' 5 St! A.M. t'ars run tliroueli wirn cii.nof bntli w.-ivn nn iinr iraina uciwceii riniaiicipiiia and Link Haven, and and Link Haven, und New nud eleg-mt Sleep- j iress Train both ways Ilimore, and Williams- i tiiiiiimore ami l.ui K llnveii, ,eu' lug Cars aeconiiiauintt tlio Evnnsn between Willinmi-port uirl Ualliinore Hurt and Philadelphia. For liiforimilion respecting Passenger business, ap plyatlhu S. E. Cor. Ilth and Market Sts, And for Freight businessof the Company's Agents : S. II, King. ion, Jr , Cor. 13th and Murkct Sts., FluFa' J. IV, Reynolds, l.'rie. J M, Drill. Agent N. C. R: R llnltliunrc. II. II. Houston, Gon'l. Freight Agt . Philadelphia, Lewis I.- Iloupt, Gen'l. Ticket Agt. Philadelphia. Joseph I). Pott., Geii'l. Manager, Willii.inti on, January 17, ltu3. NW JEKSEY Lii)S FOlt SALE, ALSO, GARDEN AND PRUIT FARMS, Suitiible for Grancs. Penihes. Prnrs iii,B,i,Ar.i,a Strewberrics, lliaekbcrries, Ciirrintf, tr nf l.i'js, 10 oa 'JO acres each, ai Iho following prices for thu present, via: 'Jo ncrcs lor S.'oo, 10 ncres forSllO 3 ucres for SbO, 21 nrres for Sill. acre for sou I'.n-ni.i., by ono doll ir n week. Also, goo.t i-ranlmry lands, nnd village Ints in Client w ood. '.'3 by ion feet, nt 11) eneli, payable by ono du. lar a week. The above land nml lann m,, iiimi- i-'liealwood, Wnshingtou townslnp, llurlingmn county New Jersey. For further information, npply, with i P. O. Stamp, for a circular, to II. FRANKLIN CLARK, Nn. (10 Cedar Street, New York, N. Y. 1 January 17, 103. J ADMIiN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate nf Vcnj, Jones, deceased. SETTERS of Administration on tho Estnto nf Eon, j Jones, late of Orange tow n.hip, Columbia lounty, eccasi'd, havo been granted by tlio Rcgistvr of Coluin. h a county, to tho undersigned; nil persons having claims agaiurt Ihe estate of the decedent are requested tn prisent Ihomtothu Administrator at ills residencu insllid township, without delay, nud all persons in debtcd to make payment forthwith. . ., . , JAMES JONES, April 4, IKn.-fiw. 52. WdmV. JAMES H. QMlTHi iMPOitTi-.n jixu mioLi:s.iu; aealvm BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKEYS, GINS, AND LIOUOR3, GENERALLY. No, 328 Walnut Sts., between 3d iy 4tli n ii iii-vpt- n. I'HILADELPIIIA. C. II. III,VR , Traveling Agent and Salesman. tT7OanKRj Rrsi'tciiuLLY Soucirtn. November "J, Ibb-J, y, The Magic Timo Observer, The PmrEcriex or Mechanism, Being n lliiHtlng and Open face, or Lady's or Gen tletnun's Watcli Coiublncd. , ""c llB prettiest, most convenient, and decided ly thu best and clieapest timepiece for general and reliable u.e, ever olloml, It has within it and con necied with its machiiiery, its own winding uttatl . incut, rendering n key entirely iinuecosu?y. Ti n cases of this Watch nro composed of two mctaU. Iho outer ono being duo 10 curat gold, a has tho improv. ed rubyuctloii ever movement, and is warranted nn nccurato tlnicplcio. Price, superbly engraved, per case of a m l' dnnn coin no ' u.. .i. 'I.' neat morocco Loxct. for Hi. so iironosinr in i,,, J ' . I wholesale, 835, sent by express, wh h b II pavablcon .Inll.,.,., u.t.ii 1 ' "HI pujUUlO OU I . - "--, 4.w..u, --,lll,U .VULI'IIL-B. ,11 Jsnuaty 31 IZuL&V Mm Sl' ' "w MS'MI..IPW.jr'JSMISgthCli OATHARTId Aro you sick. fcetil tnr coroplninlngl Arejoubutoi order, with yani system d langed, nnd your feellngi tr.l. comfortable! Those sj soph-ins are often the prxtude to fcrloiH Klticiu. Somo tit nl sickness lscteeplngiiioti you, ami should le averted by si timely nao of the right tut, city. Tnko Ayer'11 nils, owl clcatiss out the disordered Hu mors purify Iho Moad,nnil let the llulds InOTO on ItuidV etiHcted In henllli again. They stlmul- a tho fnncttoif of the lodv Ir ' rigorous ar llvlty. pun ',- th astern frout the obstrm tlr. h wliltli iruvke dlieajo. A cold settles potuowhcio Iu th . body, nnd olr strticts Its natural functions. These, If not relievo, react upon themselves ruul tho snrrotiiidhin organs, pro duclnB general nggrarallon, rnlTeilng, and dlsonso. AVhllo In this condition, oppressed hy tho uWangcmoilt,' (also Aycr's Pills, nnd seo liovf directly they restoro tha liaturnl action of tho system, and with It tho buoyant feeling of health agiltt. What Is true nnd sunppaicnt III this trivial and common complaint, Is alio Hue tn nirmy' of the deep sentcd and d.vngtrous dlstompers. The samo pmgallvo cir.ct expels them. Canted by similar oUtrno tlons nml dcrangoincnts of the natural functions of tho body, they nro rapidly, nnd many or them surely, enrol by tho sxmo means. Nona who know tho virtues of theso l'ill, will neglect to employ them when sulTerluu from' tho dlioi'ders tliey euro. Statements from leading phyflcl.ini In eomo of thrf principal cities, nud from other vrcll linown publlo p;rr eons. Tiom a nmardfoi; Ittrctianl rfS. iMtlt, Hi. 4, 15Jo Drt. Ann! Your I'M nro tho paragon of nil that (3 preat In modlchto. Thsy havo cuted my llttlo daisghter of ulcerous sores upon hor hands nnd feet that had proved Incuraldo for joan. Hor uothor hai been long grlov ously allllcted w ith blotchus and pimples on hor skin ami In her hnlr. After our child was ctticd, sho also tilo' your Pills, nud they havo cured her. ... ' ' ASA MORGIElDCm. Aa n Fnmllr plij-nle. J"Voth Dr. K II. Cirlu:rij,nt, J'ta Oilcan,'. Your Mil nro thupvlneo of puiges. Their oxcetlent finalities surpass nnr catlmrtlu wo potsess. They nro inlld.liiit very certain and cITecttml In their action on the bowels, which makes them iuvuluallo to mi tu tho dally treatment of dheaso. lIcn(laclic,BlcUIlnilnclic,Poul Stomach. JVoin Dr. Viivatd Uoyd, Baltimore. DitAnllRO. Avrn: Icamot answer you ie,'iu( cotnplnlnrn I havo crI with your PI.1) btttT than to sny rr7(7n( v tver treat with n purfjnlivn vwUcitte. 1 placo gient depeu deuco on an rffuctunl tnlhutlo In my dally fonteit with disease, nnd bellcvlug n. 1 il i that jour PilH utTuiul us (ho best wu have, 1 of couiso value them highly. I'msnnno, Tn., JIar 1, 1S.U. PR. ,T. C. Aim. Sirs I have been repeatedly cured nf the worst hmdacht any body can havo by n doo or two of .vom- Pills. It seemi to nilso from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. Youis with emit icspect, ED. W. ntr.nLE, Clerk fSteamtr flat in. Illllou IJIsorilcra I.lrcr Cnmilnluta. Vom Vr, Theodore. IhV, tXrw York C.ty. Not only are your Pills ndmhnWy adapted tn their pur pose ns mi aperient, but 1 tind thh hencllelal effects upon Hi ) Liter very niaiked Ik-deed. They havo In my prnc tlco pioved inoio elfectunl for tho etito of hdimts cm tiliints than nuy one remedy I cnu mention, 1 slnieteiy lejoico Hint wo 'have at length a pmg.ntlrc vrhhli is vvor thy th'i confidence of tho i ml the people- DiPAtilMrsi or tut Isrsnton, t WiMbhu-liai, D. C, 7lh Feb., ISf.U. J Ptr.i I havo mod your Pills In my geiieinl and practice i'Tci since you inado them, and cannot hesitate t, say they mo tho best eallmitlu woein loy. Their legis lating nttlnii on tho liver is n.iih-1; mid derided, coui, (jtieiitly they me an iidmhiiMo lemcdy for deiangA'ineuts of that organ. Indeed, I havo seldom found n cue of bilious disease, so obstlnnto that It did not readily jlcld to them. Iratcmally juun, ALW.N.O HALL, M. D., Vhysician nf the Mai ine Hotp&iK Dysentery, Dlnrrlioen, llelux, Woi'itm. J'lim Dr. J. tl. tViun, J Vhiavji. Your PUN havo had u long trial in my pmeHco, rnd I hold them in esteem as one nl the best npei leiits 1 lmvo over found. Their ultti-ativo ifleet upon the llrei- nukes them an excellent teniody. v?h.ti given iu small doses for bilious dysentery nml ttiairhiru. 'ilnir rngai-coutim; makes them very acceptable and iiuvcnhut fur the Ufa of women aud chlUteu. r)-Ki)ci.In, tin pit illy of (lie III o oil. Prom JCiv. J. I. Iliines, JUstor cf Advent CViUic'i, i.Vs'en. Drt. AVERt I havo u.ed your Pilli with extiaordlnary micron in my family and niuoiig tliosj 1 am called tn visit 111 ill-tlexs. To li'i;lltille tho olg.UD of dlK''.tion aisl puiify tlie hb'od, tln.y mo the very best lemedy I hava ever known, and 1 can eoulidviitiy iccomtncfcd them to myrilunds. Youis, .1. V. 1II.MKS. Waisaw, Wyoming Co.. N. Y Oet. 21, 1BS5. Prva Sin: I nm nshiic your Cathartic I'illi In my ptni lice, nud dud thim nu excellent puigiithe to cieauso she system nud vuril'y the Jimutaivs of the Uad. JOHN C. MEACHAM, M. ?. Const Iprttloii, Colt Ivrucns, .SupprcsshMi, ltheiiiiintlsiu, Conl, ",'cunilglu, Droji sy, I'ninlysln, L'llx, etc. nni Dr. J. J'. Vaughn, Jlmdretl, CXineida. Too much cannot bo said of jour Pills for Ihe .-ire rf totllmi'ss. If otliQts of our ftateiulty havo fuiuid fbem rh elllcniloin ai I linve, they should J.Iu me Iu piuclulin Ing it for tlio benefit of tho multitudes who siufer fiom that CKtnplalnt, wlilch, nllhoiigh bad cough In itself, Ir tho iirogenitcrof otlieis that aro roiso. I hellevo csi fivfiiMi tnoilglnato in the liver, but yoia- PlHs afl'ect Hint Organ and euro the disease. from Mrs. V. Filial t, Physician and Hidieifr, DuleiK I find nno or two lugo doici nfyonr Pills taken nt Sio piuper time, nto excellent pruiuohvcHiir the to(ivi( irnr dell when whollyor piu tl illy suppto'wd, und also very to cleanse, the reinoci and ertl lesreir, Tb nro to inuih tho best physio wo linve that 1 lecomuict.J no olher to my pat-lents. Void the fee. Dr. IhwUt.ettht .VttM't! Tjiis. Chtmh. Pt'ltsr.i Ilov't:, Snvnnimli.Oa.. Jan. f, 1S50, HowttED Pin: I should In, ungiatelitl for tin rcWuf your tbiii lms brought mo If I did n-t inpoit my cn.i) t'j yen. A cold Kittled iu my lfinlHiind brpiio-bt oh rrru eluting ,ir-i(i-ul,i'c;,iiiii,.w'lilc!i fiiib-d in rhroinc r'rninrt final. Notwithstanding 1 lmd tho bet of phjsM m, the dNeaio glow worse nn,' w( r . vutil ,v the ediln' ofj"tir exeilknt agent In RulUi-ioru. Dr. MnrkeusSj, 1 tiled sour Pill,, their ( fleets woto slow, but ture. lly ferscreili.g In tho use of them, I am r.oV i nlhely well. Fi.vatc CiHMnrn, Pnton Rouge, Ln.. 6 Doc. Ift5. Dr. Avrn: I havo been entliely cmd, by your I'M", it llheiimuiic Gouln painful dlsen.o Hint had atllhled too fryear. VINCENT ELI HE LI.. 3-Moft cf tho rilli In market contain Jlereury, uliich, although a valn.illa lemedylx skllAil liaui'1. U dangerous in a public pill, fi-nm the dn-icKul cw epionoes that fiwineully folbnv Its lu-,intinns ue. Th:sii contain no mercury or inlueial t.iilist.iii.o vilnteier. Price, 25 conta por Box, or 5 Dssos for $1. Proparcd by Dr. J. C, AYER tu CO., lowoll, Mbsj. ,,, ol" ,"' '.'J i',ln,','"!f,I",r7.; J S Mllh W." : W.". nntrovllle ; O I 1 Sold by E P . itlz, G M Hngenbiich, nn,-: J It Mover J scnuyier, llohrsburg! SIaters k Sail, Masterr, Ilentoiii Lnzarua k Fisher, Or F Fowler Fowlersvitln: A Miller. Iter Lk: Low k liros.. Cnnteri i I In It IM.'itntnirt XlVJnss Fspy: ai (i Shoemaker, lluckhnrii ; Reigh.irt & Nuss. .Vainv lile J Sbnrplrss, Cnltaw issa i Creasy k Co, Light Street : and dealerscverywhcru. July 'JO, lFO'J-Iy. , EVANS & WATSON ANUI'.R SAFES, Rl to JVd. Ui South Fourth SIOVED I ii).'WjlfL!fo'5vt Street, P. tlSfjSK' und a Ian Philadclohia. have nu Sr . und n largo ussnrtment of Fiw 11 'ri,tr.,r.r.i-uin..,-A.i .-i.e.. it", iron doors, fur banks and CWLiTAri.d-'tos o.wii d, ,in miiui'-'im iiou susii, till V.TllV.fyig iimkvr) ef locks uiual to any niado in the United States. Fict Rafts in one firs. .Ill came out right; Kith ec-n fenf, in uood condition. world Halalnan,lor Blltl'B r 1'liilU'ltlphia ngainst tho EVANS & WATSON, havo had tlio surest detnostrutinii in the following cer lllli ate that their manufacture of Salamander Safi h Ii.i fit length fully warranted tho representations which havu been made ol iheni as rendering nn undoubtud sccmiiy nguinsl the terrific element. Philadelphia April 12.If.VI. Xtsrsr.i. r.rnns f Watson: Gcnilenicn-lt nlitirds iu tho highest salistaction lo stato Id you, that nwlngltl thnvery protective iptalitb of two of tho Salamander. Bares which we purchased of you somo five inoiith since we saved n largo portion nrjuwilry, nnd nil our hooks, kc, exposed to thu cal.iniiuous.llri. in Raiutead plate oil the morning of tho 11th Inst.. hen we rt'flect Hid these safes w.-ro located 111 tin rourlh sfory nfihe building we occupied und that the) Tell sitbsoipiently inton heap of buriiing ruins, w iters the vnst conceutratfoti of the hent cuu.ud the brass plaits to molt, we cannot but regard the preservation or their al uuldo contents ns most iouvim.iiis proof of tlio great se curity nllorded by your stilc-i. ,.,:.'; !l,lall,,lilt0 Bfoal pleasure iu recommending their. . ... inisiiirss ns n sure reliance ugulnst (Ire. rv.n-, 010"il- SI.M.MONS k 1IRO., ,lcacllir3. i.iV i, , .r!'?J' si"cu I'lTfliased six lurgu Snfen. July ad, IM-.'. r August 'JO, 1FI0 GREENWOOD SEMINARY. Millvillc, Columbia County, Penn'c Tills well known School for both seet will opu) NOVEMBER ffd, 160'J, The recent additions te the buildings; render art Cl.i odntlons for morn than sixty boarder. i he course of study will nnbrnco thrco clcpnrtmi.mj -Iho Normal, the Scientific, and tho Cnuiinercinl, I lie Principal will bonssUted by experienced (elicti crs, fully ipiulifiedror tluir respcctiv posilinns. 1 arenls nnd others may rent nsstirt d that no cirortc will be spared to inriko the School worthy of pntronntt nud that the welfare of din nudents, intellectually physically, nnd morally, will receive ciiircnustanlruio I or application, rirculnrj or further particulars, ad. press tho undersigned, ut Milluillc Cnlumbin county IV.. T. MAXWELLPO'lTS. JOHN II. PATTON.A.M,, Principal. Millvlllo, Pa Sept 13, IfCJ. M. & T. I'MVATSON LIVERY STABLE ,1TTJCllED iior.m BecuMD Et, L'wwtLM .Vaukut it Ar.eti, r Nor 93, 1WB