Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, June 20, 1863, Image 2

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Saturday, .June 30, I8G.J.
punrosES of the war i
Cokqiicts, by a, tote keirlt ttUxtsiocs, rAssn Tilt
roi.Lowtxo resolution, wmcn tirntuni the vnuii ur
the Nation an ii the true standard op loyalty
"That the present dnilnrnbto civil war linn ticon
nrcrd upon llio country by I ho dl'inlnnlst of tlio
Bouthern Btntos, now in nrnn ngalnst tho Constitutional
(Jurernmcnt, nnil in arms nrounil the Capital; thnt In
this National emcracncv. Com-rosa. Imnlnliinir all feel
ing of mere passion or resentment, will recollect only
lit duty totho whole country ; that thlt tear It net teamed
their part in i!7ii snlrlt of ctinretthn.or for fine ir
put of eonauett er tttkittiration ornurveseof erertkrewinff
r Interfering wll tht rig kit er tf tablithed Institutions of
thtte Slat ei, but to defend and maintain tht tvprcmaey of
the Qonititutlon.end U vretcrte the Union. tcilt the dig-
nlly, equality, andrlghtt of tht teveral Stato unimpaired!
and taitat toon at then ebjettt art aeeempllthed the uar
thtto eeate,"
Editorial State Convention.
Agrcoably to a call published generally
in tho Domooratio newspapers of the State,
a Convention of tho Democratic editors of
Pennsylvania met in tho Senate Chamber
of tho Capital at Harrisburg, at 8J o'clock,
A. M., on Wednesday, the 17th inst.
On motion, the Convention was orga
nized by tho appointmcut of Hon. George
Sanderson, of Lancaster, President; Col
onel Levi L. Tate, of Columbia county,
and General James P. Rarr, of Allegheny
county, Yico Presidents, and Thomas J.
Ham, Esq , of Wayne county, Secretary.
Mr. Sanderson, on taking tho chair,
.briefly addressed tho Convention.
aue Ua.i,ca ot lUo manors representing East w Chainbcrsburg. Gov. Curtin and
their respective Journals, were then re- jjessicn Rergncr, were more scarccd than
corded. A. Business Comittce, consisting Lurt ,0 flnt sont ,)is fnniil out of
of Messrs. Sanson., 13arr, Tate, Barrett' to,vu atjd tbo )ast liko lnost of tbo
and Glossbrecncr, were appointed by tho'cownrdly Loyul .ragerS ran oway wbell
mi. . r . 1 n v .. 1
v,ua,r, uuu tuu v.ouvCmicu aujourncu to
raeet on Thursday morning,
Convention met, pursuant to adjourn-
mem, on inursday morning in the fcciiato
Chamber. The Editor of this Journal in
tho chair. Various motions were mado
and resolutions submitted, which, after full
and freo discussion, were referred or adop
ted. The best poBsiblo feeling pervaded
the Convention. I
A Resolution was unanimously adopted
appointing a General Convention of tho
Democratic Editors of Pennsylvania, to
bo held at Lancaster, on such early day (
as may be designated by Mayor 1 Sanderson.
The proceedings of the Convention,
with the able address delivered by the Hon.
rresiuent, win oc puDiisncu in tno next
Columbia Democrat.
Talk about Tories.
Tho Editor of the ilSmul Machine"
continues to apply to us, tho designation
of a Tory. We can assure Doctor Pale
mon John, once for all, that this ;s a grand
mistake on his part, as the tiuth of his
tory will seriously militate against himself.
And now to the record.
Wo commenced our political career by
voting for Andrew Jackson, and have
been voting in that direction over since,1
without tho slightest variation. Our father J
was a Chester county Democrat, of tho Act of Assembly in relation to the irradu
Jackson school, served in the war of 1812,' ating and valuation of unpatcntcd'lands
was for twenty-ono years, consecutively, bv tbo Commissioners of the several coun-
appointed and acted as a Legal Magistrate
in mo county oi uicarucia. more ins
Father oame from Ireland, where Tories
uio as scarce as snakes, and tell upon tho
T . ,.l TV .11 jl . Tl
uaiiio-riem oi mo ucvoiuiion.
Dr. John, and his ancestry have been1
uniformly and uncompromisingly apposed
to every War in which the honor of our
country was assailed by Foreign PoW'
of the Mexican war, and tho only ono they
ever favored is the "Nigger War" of thoir
own making. Wo again warn this lineal
deeendantof a 'lory to bowaro how ho '
meddles with edge tools.
Nonilitallon or Judge Woodward
Tho Stato Convention has nominated
the Hon. Geoiicik W. Woodwaud as tho
Domooratio candidate for Governor. His
well known character as a jurist and
statesman, as a lifelong, unflinoliiiig Dem
ocrat as a puro nnd incorruptible citizen,
makes this nomination peculiarly fortunato
at thi3 trying orisis iu the affairs of our
country. Tho Convention has nobly dis
charged its duty. A hearty response in
jOj favor of the candidate presented will bo
given by the masses of the people of tho
Stato,, An overwhelming majority will
ratify tho nomination.
After tho nomination of Jddge Wood,
warp, Judge Lowiue was nominated by
acclamation lor re-election to tho Su
premo Benoh.
AST Col. John G, Freeze is confined
to bis bed by an attack of the dysontary,
and will not bo able to fulfil any of his
appointments for a week or ten days.
B-Tho young Ladio's Strawberry and
Ico Croam Festival, will bo continued this
evening, (Saturday) to the Basemont room
el the Prosbytorian Ohuroh.
crs I They woro against tho Wars of the Ivcd in tho time of tho savior of mankind, ' cxUts wit)0Ut a frt,0 prcss,and tho Consti
Revolution, of that of 1812, and in 1840 they would have been among the number ' tution of this Stato, as well as that of tho
Anotlior Robol Raid iuto Ponn-
Tht President calls for 100,000 six
Months Militia,
Wo g'tvo in anotlior column what ia
knovrn up to tho timo of going to press, of
tlio rebel raid into Pennsylvania. Tho
Prcsidont and Governor Curtin have mado
calls for Stato Militia lor mx inoulhs and
for thirty days, or so long as tlio dangor
sccuis imminent, to move at once to Hor-
risburg, and wherever needed to drive
back tho ruthless iuvadcrs.
We bono and trust there may bo a
prompt response to tho call, and as wo
hear nothing or Hooker and his army,
.!. C,i ..ill l,- .!, .l,n
lUUb UIU uium lull o.iun uiak Oliu tail luav
caro of herself. There should not only bo 1 was renominated by acclamation, for the
i.s.-.t- .t s,s .i.i.i.:
no hesitation, there should bo alacrity in !
answering this thirty day call, for with
proper military stratagem it might be the
destruction of that portion of Leo s army
this sido of tho Potomac.
It is one of tho first, if not tho very
first duty of tho citizen to defend the honor
and intcgiity of tho State, and Pennsyl
vania should not permit her soil to be
desecrated by a foo that comes to ravage
and destroy. The destruction yf property
through tho lower counties may bo im
mense, and should bo early checked if it
cannot bo entirely prevented.
Col. Tato is in Harrisburg, attending
the Democratic Stato Convention, and will
probably join tho Columbia oouuty boys
from that point.
Lieut. Alcm B. Tato is now (Wednes
day morning) off with tho company from
Rloomsburg, and wo hear of auothcr from
the county which will bo oil' on to-morrow-Success
attend them.
Associate Editor.
Note. The Raid, or threatened Invas
ion, is over, ine uos were no nearer
I ITrrr!slmr(T. tlinn Scotland, four miles
-Ol J
aro tbrca.cncd witb UaDgcr.
The truth is, the meeting of the Demo-
cnUi(J gtato Convention
the onh' loyal
party in the Union at Harrisburg, drove
back tho tide of invasion, and by tho nom
ination of Judge Woodward for Governor,
restored confidence, proparatorv to saving
tho Union.
Our bravo men who marched again to
Harrisburg, to resist the invasion of the
Capital, have mainly returned, not relish
ing the idea of a six. months enlistment in
tho general Army. Ed. Democrat,
It bas bccn said tbat N(JW york
State has filkd her quota of the 300,000
,nen tbo pr0tident expected to call for
shortly, and that no draft will bo made in
that Stato. Be that as it may, tho Jour
nal of Commerce says that enrolling is
quietly proceeding in that city, and that
no difficulty is experienced, owing to gen
tlemanly behavior of the officers who aro
doing tho duty. Doubtless with the ex
ercise of tha same caro and good sense, it
would be equally orderly everywhere.
Tho Journal also says the classes into
.... , ,
which Inn nnt diviuiiR llin nnnnln nrn nhniir.1
n. - - . ' .
Qwnuus or Unpatented Land. The
tiC3 0f Pennsylvania, will expire, by its
0Wn limitation, on tho first dav of AiiL'ut
Those interested, had better take
advantage of it in time, and have their
I. ...
lands appraiser by tho Commissioners and
patented, before tho date above civen.
Kay Tho abolition party in this country
I arc mean enough for anything. Had they
..... . .. .
of thoso who cavo him call and wormwood
to drink, and placed a crown of thorns
pon hishead,-and their voice would
havo been heard above all others shouting
crucify him, cruelty him !" be themselves suppressed.
! Resolve-i, That we hartily thank tho
Fayette Nominations. Tho Democ- lionhearled Democracy of Ohio, for the
racy of Fayette county have under tho n,ailly vindication they havo given to tho
, , . , ., r ,. . , Constitution against tlio great crime com
system adopted there of a p el, ...nary the d
vote for candidates nominated the fol- of ciemenl j,, yallandigham ; and we
lowing ticket; Jiepresentaitve, iol, i.
B. Scaright ; Protlionolary, Geo W. Lit-.Uic groat struggle they aro making for
-,.,,,,.,. ti...'i. TTnmnliJ thesr undoubted richts.
. ' lT. i , m- m
.,e. 'I vcneilrvr I.,lni Tinvnnri ftppisfirt
" o--"-
S,- Recorder, Geo. Morrison; Auditor,
Job Stawn; Poor Ihusc Director, James
Qurtori '
Tax on PrtoMissoav Notks. Thoj
!..;.,.,. f in,,n..i i.,.,0 i,no
. . .
decided mat all promissory notes, whether
1 . . ...,i,...iH .1.11. ... ...l.!Ai
under or over twenty dollars, aro subject
to a stamp.
CSyTho next movement of this admin
istration will bo to issuo an order through
some of its war departments to suppress
tho constitution nnd tho Holy Biblo, for
having a tendenoy to bring their war pol-
ioy inlo ,(dlsreputo."
I. i .
US' Frauds M. Droxel, of tho firm of
Drexol & Co., Bakora, in Philadelphia,
was killed by jump'mg off the care the oth
or day.
Domocratlo Stato Couvontion.
Harriiburg, June 17, 1803.
Tho triennial Convention of tho Demo
orotic party of Pennsylvania, for tho nom
ination of candidates for Governor and
Judge of tho Supreme Court, assembled in
the llouso of Representatives this morsing
at ten o'clock.
Isaac D. Raker, Esrj., of Northumber
land co., was the Senatorial Delegate for
this (Thirteenth) district, and lion. Peter
Knt, of Columbia, and Dr. John V. Smith
of Wyoming couuty, were our Represen
tative Delegates. Proceedings nest week.
Tho Hon. Gitttiau W. Woodwaud, of
Luzerne county, now one of the Supremo
.Judges of our btatc, was unanimously
nominated lor Governor ol I'enusylvania,
linn. W.M.Tr.U II. T.nwiill' nf I'lllsliurrr
Supreme Judgeship.
t; havo only room for tho following
mirablu Kesolations i
Tkat wo approve tho resolutions, upon
the stato of the country, passed by tho
llouso ol Representatives of this Common
wealth on the l'-hh day of April last, and
in addition thereto, aud as a further ex
pression of our views upon public affairs,
do rcsolvo, as follows:
Resolved, 'I hat we again renew our
vows of fidelity to tho Constitution of the
United States, the great charter for which
our fathers struggled and fouglft, and
which was cslabli-hed, as they themselves
expressed it, "to form a more perfect Union
establish juticc, ensure domestic tranquil
ly , provide for the common defonso, pro
mote tho general welfare, aud secure tho
Ucssings of liberty to ourselves and pos
terity." Resolved, That inasmuch as tho Consti
tution embodies the only guarantees we
have for public liberty and private right,
as without it we can have no hope of pro
tection from bloodshed, spoliation and an
archy the man who sneers at "tho Con
stitution as it is" proves himself to be
deficient in the first clement of patriotism;
and any officer of the Stite or Federal
Government who swears to support tho
Constitution, and afterwards, with that
oath on his conscience, willfully violates
it, is wholly unworthy of public confidence.
Risolvcl, That among tho rights which
the Constitution provides to every citizen,
is that of being secure in his life, liberty
and property, to that ho caunot bo deprived
of cither without due process of law, a fair
trial by a competent judge and a jury of
his neighbors, with witnesses to confront
him and counsel to defend him. This is
no just in itself, so necessary to the happi
ness of the people for whom nil govern
ment is made, and so plainly written down
in the Federal Constitution, and in all tho
Stato Constitutions, any person who can
misunderstand it has not, iu our opinion,
the mental capacity which fits him for
public station.
ftcsoivea, 'lliatwcnavc heard with in
LUU3U UU1 ill Uliu UUUII IUUCIU1 lull lUUk SUIUU ,
of our political opponent claim for the !
President of the United States a power
hitherto wholly unknown in -America and ,
never exercised in Europe or Asia, except
by the most despotic monarchs, namely : 1
the power to arrest freo citizens for the I
expression ol" (heir honet opiuions on'
public affairs; and that the President
has not ouly presumed to exercise this
power himself with tlio moderation and
mercy which his own nature might prompt
but has delegated it to many subordinates,
and they again toothers in every jiart of j
iuu country, uliu us mucous presuuec is ,
secu and felt all over the land.
Reolvcl, That among the the numor-
ous officers to whoui the President has
..... -,i , .. ,
, 8 'von, t u . nu.e Fr a ws
nnd above the people, there must, in the
nature of things be a large proportion who
are totally inc.ipable of wielding it cither
houcstly or wisely low politicians filled
with partisan rancor, knaves who tlo not
care for justice and ruffians who delight
in trampling it under foot ; and therefore
we aro dot iurprised to learn that the
1 worthiest men havo been torn from their
la'"iio?, juuges miockcu uown mi me ueiicii
minsiters of the tiospel imprisoned in loath-
some dungeons mid respectable women
treated with a brutality which it would bo
indecent even to name and all this, in
I many cases, without a pretense that the
I victims were guilty even of a political of-
fo"c, much less of any ciime njrninst tho
,?', rri . r - . .
United States, has declared that it shall
, bo free. Those persons therefore in office
, , . ,...., ?,,. ...
enemies ol this government and ought to
assure them ol our cordial sympathy in
Resolved, 'I hat the plain duty of tho
. . - I . 1
(ji,iel-jjagistrato ot this Commonwealth
requires him to uso whatever power tho
law has placed in his hands to protect tho
State and tho pcoplo from lawless outrages,
como from what quarter thoy may, and
o man is fit to be Governor of this Stato
who will consent to hold his own liberties
I and let tho peo plo hold theirs at tho moro
wi 0f t10 Federal Executive,
i) r ; rri ii
Resolved. That tho Demooraov of Poun
sylvauia has been ever truo to the causo
of the Union, It was in tho nan.o, ond
for the sake of tho Union, that our parly
was made; that wc denounoo tho least in
timation that tho Democratic party enter
tains now, or even has entertained, or
oven cau entertain, tho slightest sympa
thy with the present gigantic rebellion, or
wiih traitors in arms against tho govern
ment, or would ever consent to peaco up-
on any terms involving a dismemberment!1"101100,01, Il13 spartan band, who cnlistnd
of tho Union, as utterly unjust : and in
proof of this, wo point with cxaultatlon to
the lavish contributions to tho war in
blood and. treasure heretofore and now
boitig mado by the hundrods of thousands
of Democratic citizens, who woro among i
tho first to flv to tho rcjctio of tho Union'
and peril thoir lives in its dofenco.
Resolved, That as the truo friends of
tho Union, ond feoling a profound anxiety
for its tato, wo claim, onu will cxcrciso,
tho right to considor, discuss, ascertain
and urgo in becoming terms upon tho poo
ami urno in uccom iik terms upon wiu pco-
plo and the constituted authorities, what-1
ever measures will, in our judgment, be
most likely to plcaso and keep tho wholo
..-.I T T i .....1
nation ami union lugeiuer uuuurono icu
cral government.
Resolved, That whon this war began
wo had the solemn pledge of tho federal
administration and of tho party whioti
placed it in power, as expressed in tlio
resolution passed by Congress on July
22d, 1601, that it "is not waged on their
part in any spirit of oppression or for any
piirposo of conquest or subjugation or pur
poso of overthrowing or interfering with
-- ":;p. " . : :o
- - , . . . I
,lic "uproinaoy of the Constitution and to j
preiorvo the Union, with all tho dijjiuty,
' equality, and rights of tho Severn
al States
unimpaired ; and that as soon as theo
objects nro accomplished the war ought to J
cease. Uut the ledoral administration,
acting under tho influence of a small lac-
tion of ultra Abolitionists, always opposed
to the Union and without tho consent of
tho great mass of the pcoplo, has totally
chaugnd its ground, avowing and pro
claiming its purpose to bo wholly different,
and thus it has greatly allayed our just
hope of peace.
The rcsolutionswerc unanimously adopt
ed by tho Convention amid frantic shouts
of applause.
Tho Convention then proceeded to nom
inations for Governor.
Tho first ballot stood :
Win, H. Wittc....
,. 4
,. 0
Hiostcr Clymcr. .
Win. B. Franklin
Geo. W. Woodward. ...
Jeremiah S. Black 2
William Biglcr 1
John Cessna 9
Gcorgo Sanderson G
George W. Cass 13
The eighth ballot stood as follows :
Ileister Clymer 02
Win, II. Wittc 51
Geo. W. Woodward 19
Win. B. Franklin 7
Hon. F. W. Huailcs arose, after this
rcjult had been announced and said that
he was authorized to withdraw tlio name
of William II, Wittc in favor of Geo. Wr.
Woodward, which was greeted with ex
pressions of pleasure or displeasure.
Tho ninth ballot stood a3 follows :
Ilicster Clymer 53
George W. Woodward 75
Hon. Gcorgo W. Woodward having re
ceived the largest number of votes, was
declared the nominee of the Convention,
(tremendous cheering,) and he was after
wards declared tho unanimous nominee of
tho Democratic party of the State for Gov
ernor of Pennsylvania.
Vini'ntl R. PinT.P.TT mnrnil (lint WoUm-
tt T ' 1. 1 .1 f -r
IL Jowno bo mado tbe no,I,,nco for JudSe
of Supremo Court by acclamation, which
was agreed to dinidpt the wildest applause
Mr, Lambcrton offered tho following
resolution :
Resolved, That it is the desire aud re
1 1ucsl 01 1,1,3 uonyenuon inat lion, ueorge
v . nuouwuru win uouuiiuu 10 occupy ills
scat on the bench until his inauguration
as Governor of Pennsylvania.
A motion was mado to reconsider the
,, rT . , . , , .
Mr- IIuShcs sPokc nt IcnSth ' olo-
qucnt strain. He thought that in the
present alarming crisis in our country a
lllslory,kulIl(!Sutoi5sliFpod of Lcr
sovereignty, and tho Austrian system of
provost marshals and guards, we need
just Such men as Judge Woodward on the
benoh. (Cheers.) This is the last iu-
tho rights or established institutions ofjcr to got much ol n start in case uiey 1
those States , but to defend and maintain "chano-o their base."
,1. ri.rr.i..nnt. Af ll.n c I ! t I ! n. n.i.t In P ... . T 1 lit 1
trcuchment behind which the people can ,m'no railw from Winchester, opposite
take refuge I (Cheers.) And I ask you Snicker's Gap. under Gen. McRcynolds,
to prcscrvo it. f which the 1st Maryland regiment formed
Let Judge Woodward resign, ami let ! a Part- They fell back before tho supo
the miwur no into tho hands of the Exucu-' "ior numbers and joined Milroy at Win
i t;v0 Q( this Stato : let Barrett and M'Do -
well be taken to tho ?overninoiit bastiles
from uudor his very uoso, thus abandoninc
ull Stato sovereignty let him rcsiiru ?
A'o (Tremendous applause.)
Mr. Ncbinger thought it would bo more
advisable that it should bo left to the taste
of Judge Woodward.
Tho motion to reconsider was withdrawn,
A resolution was adopted instructing i Contral Railroad, says that General Ty
tha Chair to appoint tho Chairman of tho ' lcr had retreated from Martinsburg at
Stato Central Committee, subject to the eight o'clock on Sunday evening, that our
approval of the caudidato for Governor. I force at Winchester had propably been
Adjourned, sjhc die. captured yesterday, and that the enemy
After the adjournment, loud calls were ' aro in force, probably ten thousand strong
mado for Messrs. Hepburn, Clymcr, Witto at Ilugcritown, Tho dispatch adds that
and other eloquent gentlemen, who ad- tho danger is great, as the enemy is ad
dressed tho meeting to a late hour. vauciii'' in hoavv forco.
Returned from tho War.
Wc learn Irom a reliable sourco, that
Lieut. A. B. Tate, who recruited a squad
oi men in this county lor tho luutu liegi-
Ul 111CU IU una cuuuty IU1 bllU JUU111 XVVlrl-
mcuircillia. OlUUlCCrs, reiurnCU IlOine
i ii. w.i....-, ..... , , "
wit i Ins command on Mondav ovenino -
last, and met with a grand reception byl
the citizens of Bloomsburg, irrcspoctivo of
party. J bis is right. All attempts to
make political capital,by eithor party in tho
reccptiou of these returning braves, should
bo indignantly scouted by every high
minded citizen If a proper reception,
iu which men of all partier can freely
Earticipato, cannot bo tendered, it wero
otter for ull concerned that nono were
given. Wo aro pleased to know that Lieut.
Tato has demoaned himself as becomes
a loyal citizen aud a faithful soldics, Ilo
retires from tho service having served
nine months with tho esteem of his fel
low ofiicors, and the most unlimited con
with him from this county, and who have
followed him through all tho vicissitudes
and dangers of tbe tented field,
Berwick Gazette,
ArniY Correspondence.
Oamp near Falmouth Va. i
Juno Oili, 18Q3. $
Mi Dear -Sir :
Ono Division of tho Oth Corps U
across tho river, and our pickcti extond
, , ,, .,, ,. .., n...
Wond Bowling Green road. Our
.troops nvu uuuuuuuuu iuuwouuu,
aro building rodans to flank tho lines of
earth-works. The objoct ol this move was
doubtless to keep tho enemy from sending
troops elsewhere, anil now that wo hold
tho opposite batik of the river, it is prob
ablo that wo will keep a small forco thoro,
and as a matter of courso keep tlio pon-
toon bridgos 'down. Ry this means wo
Ufa . I
aro constantly threatening their front, and ,
i it. Hti tl liAiinli.l IliniM liAti. 1
at tlio same tune put it beyond thoir ow -
... ... .......
u is nol rrobabo that Hooker will
.., ,,,, , ,nnvl.mPM. .
Some movement
of tho enemy may precipitate ono on our
part, but 1 doubt whether wo taKC tno
initiative for'soino tnno
This inaction is terrible. Tho roads
i ., 1- it...
aro ROOU, UlO weainur is uur, .iuu uiu
troops aro in splendid condition, and not
withstanding their frequent reverses aro
anxious to advance. Grant and his army
aro contending nobly, whilo overwhelm
ing numbers aro gathering in their rear,
yet this splendid body of men is inactive.
You can apprcciato our feelings by re
membering that since September, 1802,
we havo not gained a single advantage,
If our government will no concentrate its
forces for decisive blows, it should at least
use its detachments at one timo, and there
by gain some advantage, or prevent the
enemy from concentrating.
Now York Coming to tho
Albany, N. Y , June 15. The New
York 7th Regiment have offered their scr
vices to aid in resisting the invasion of
Pennsylvania and havo been accepted.
. . . T . . J
Thoy arc expected to leave for Harrisburg
U ... . ,
GOV. Seymour Will Opare no effort to
II ! V V ! n MV i .In
gu, .11 IUU nun jiuin uinuii. IU nib ivcuuL
nMmP.AVnrnnr wtor-i vnil rrwlMV n fnlorrrnm
J fa
from Washington calling for 20,000 mili
nngion caning lor zu.uuu nnu -
lately, lie has summoned the
i!or fipnoril offlie Slate militia
IJOr fa Cneral Ol the hlatc militia
tia immcdiii
tcvcral Maj
to Albany
r. . ., ...1
lur (.uiiaunauuii, ,11111 1an1.11
steps for the rapid organization of the
militia. Gen. Sauford telcgrahs that he
can bring out 5,000 men without delay,
and the General command the Eighth Di
vision promises 2,000.
A draft will be made, under the Slate
law, to fiill up to their maximum all the
militia regiments in tho State, and from
these tho 20,000 will bo supplied. They
are called upon for six month,, and will J
he credited to tho Slate as three years
men under impending National draft.
They are to serve without State or Nation
al bounties.
It is understood that all tho New York
city militia have been ordered to tho scat
of war.
fllovciucnls of the ilcbel Army in Vir
ginia. Reported Capture of Ihtgerstown and Win
chester, Baltimore, June 14. The Baltimore
American publishes tho folic win. intelli
gence, said to bo from a reliable source :
An attack was made on Sunday morning
on a small force of our men, at Bcrryvillo,
1 Chester, after a sharp engagement, of whioh
1 tho results aro at present unknown. At
' the samo timo Winchester was attacked
in frollt from t,1G south a forco Hm'(1 t0
j he under faeucral t-well, Jackson s sue
' Reported Capture of Jlogersloivn.
j A dispatch received in this ycsteiday
j day from Bolton's Station,on tho Northern
The Rebels near Chambersburg.
A private dispatch, from atrustyworthy
sourco at Chambersburg, yesterday, states
that tho rebels appeared near Chambers-
, - 1 ., ' ,,,..
. uurcr 11113 uiurtliun, anu n IS nrooau.O lliai
' t"uuu u"a nujf ouuu uuiiuuiuu uy inuiu.
Retreat of Inderal Troops from 11
1 lagers
A dispatch from Grccncastle, datod 10
o'clock yesterday morning, states that at
that timo our troops woro passing through
iu retroat from Ilagerstown for Chambers
burg. Tho officer in charge reported that
Ilagerstown had been evacuated, nil stores
and railroad material having been re
moved towards Chambersburg.
Gen. Mdroy's Rett eat.
Baltimoiik, Juno 15, Tho American
special report from Harper's Fcny says
that Gen. Milroy succeeded in cutting his
way through the rebel lines, and readied
thero this morning, after evacuating Winchester,
Tho fighting was very dosporalo and wo
repulsed tlio fobois ropeatcuiy, wmi uuavy i
lomt but, finally, they woro largely roin
forced, and Milroy mado his arrangements
nlmiwlmi wmnlirstiir. find in ir
yuwuiiuMj w ' j
that tho rebels wore endeavoring to closoly
invest the place, ilo lost considerably
como 2,000 men in killed, wounded, and
Malaucholy End.
IsAAO Walton, a nativo of Muncy
Lycoming county, Pa., and a discharged
soldier from Oapt. J. M Perkins' Com
pany I , Col. JJ. Carroll, lutn nog. xnut
ana Foot Voluutccs, and a Printer by
tradc,camoto Logan on tho 12th inst.,on his
wnv home, as he said, and without mon-
oy as he had been robbed in Cinoiuattj. Ho
nnnl cd for work, ho said ho was tired and
Jf m tQ 1)ig od
. i t . 1 1 t
. j. , tl . jtunz House, tind told him
110 might remain the baianco ol tno wcck,
but on Thursday afternoon ho left on foot
- .1 annn. net C'iV (1Q 1 ' (1 1 1 fill SVll 1 0 . tvllOrH llP
o v. .... ..
- " u. I1 1 1
and wont as far as , V7 ,1 ' Wi71f
crawled inlo the hay loft of tho stabloof
Jllr. Frank Bonner, whoic ho was found
dead on Saturday morning. A Coroner's
Inquest was held over his dead body, and
the Jury returned a verdict, "came to his
death by ways and means unknown to tho
Jury." It seems ho died in a convulsion
or spasm of somo kind. Ilo was decently
iutorrcd in a burying grouud near Pat
tonsvillo. Papers in Pennsylvania pleaso
notice. Hocking (Ohio) Sentinel, May
jCgrTbo subject of the above notico
was a son of the late John Walton, doe'd,
formerly of this place but who removed to
Berwick, Golumbia co., many years ago.
The deceased learned the printing busi
ness in the office of the father of the edi
tor of this paper, at Bloonisburg, some 25
years ago. Muncy Luminary.
ConsoUlion for the Sick,
L'onslilcrins the eiiornimis number ofyoung M. D.'fl
that our medical college turn out tverv enr, ve Lcr
t ilnlv ouL'ht (inhere he anv i Irtuo in '-regular nhysick'
inc") tooun much healthier ncnnla than we arc. Hut
thu lii 1 1 ft of mortality do not shorten at Ihc list nf doc
tors lengthened Unite llio ruveru I Hhall wo tuy,
then, with Macbnh, "I'hrnw phlsic to the dogi, 1 11
nonenfltl" No. Unit will nut ilo. Nature, when at
tached hy disease, need an ally to siittaiu her. An ally
remember I not a depleting agent, that helps the disease
and exhausts her energies, W(! verily htliuvc
most ofthedrugs administered in acute diseases hate
tins effect. Such, Initial er. Isnotllis operation of one
IIICIlllllIU HOW yrilUIilll II3UU 111 MII3 hfuiiw ll .Ulir
pinim nfthu btumacii, liver, mni imwds. Wcmcan
llnLLoivAY's Pii.i.i. Or ciiiirsu our rcali-rs nro nunrt
medicine now generally used in this country mr com
I that liotli Urn Ointment nnil Pill which bear llio ii.iruo
I ol'llut ilisllii(!iii.-lio,l phtflci.ui nnil uMluitliropisl nro
in the Indict pouililu repute all ovr-r thu wurMj but
I we have ouly oppartunity lo n ilncss t!rc (.licet of tho
, l'llli, II gives US pic
asura totcsliliy to their cllicncy.
' 'I1. "V"'"'!141'! nnu
i tuny hofk llio win niaiciiiiis curses, imij , n.ii in
ii.ft.t ,,, ft. t toils ,'iircifH. Nut'. i will
liver eoiiiinaiiiis inry .iiiuuusiioii
, ,ier;cniIl;110 ,, ir'wouu i. need h. long troun -
1 'l'i'"' is really asti,hh.g, The 'durilve ae-
lion seems to ta the same in all cases, u lllioul .reference
even go so Tar as to say that, Willi mis reniiuy wiiniu
lo aL"C, constitution, or stA
Witch, at least, Is Hie cm,
ci.,,lnll to ..i.!.,, uur ein(,riece nnd observation noint.
XV. Y. ''Advocate."
At the U. S. Hotel, Williamsport, on
h ISth inn, by tho ltev. It. U. .Moore,
Mr. Silas McIIenuy, to Misj Elmiha
daughter of Jas. D. McIIenry, all of Still
Water, Columbia co., Pa.
On Thursday evening, Juno 4th, at the
h! W
residence of the brides lather
by llov,
NOI.D3, of Buck Horn, to Mis Evelina
Bauton, Daughter of Caleb Barton, Jr.,
of Blooniiburg.
On the inst., by the Hov. II. G.
Dill, Mr. W.M. F. Uendcusiiot, to Miss
Dakcas Remley, Loth of Scott township,
Col. co.
P 15 ATMS.
At New Columbia, Montour county, on
the 15th of May, Susanaii Known, con
sort of tho late Nathaniel T Edgar, aged
about 70 years. Eastou papers please
Near Bear Gap, on the Oth inst., Oath-
AWNL' L.VNcisous, aged about 79 years.
I may be found at the old stand until July 1st. It is
not my desire nr wisli to make any cost on my custo
mers. All I nkis to come and settle. After tho 1st
of July my books will beleltat llloointburg for collec
tion. Those who have settled and gave their notes will
And them at tho otiice of John Smith, Us'i, wucro they
call pay them per arrangement.
Jerseytown, June 18, li?G3-tf,
Estate of Henry Smith, deceased.
I' r.TTnnS Testamentary on the estate of Henry
u Smith. Inlo of llenton township, Columbia county,
deceased, havo been granted by tlio Ui'hislrr of Wills,
&c totho undersigned also residing iusald township,
all persons having ilaims ngsiust tin estate Jif the de
cedent are requeued to present tliem tu the executor at
hit resideucein said township, without delay, and all
persons ihdebted to make payment forthwith,
June 20, 1503-Cw. J
Estate of Henry Wanich, dee'd.
T UTTERS of administration on the cs.
1 istateof Henry Wanich, lata of llloom township,
Columbia county, deceased, have b?cu granted by the
licgisieroi saiu county ioiiiu ino unuersigncii who re
sides iu the -nine township ; nil persons having claims
against iho estate of tjin decedent aro rcpirstcd to pro.
tent then, to tlio adiniiii.lratnr lit Ins residence with.
out delay, and all persons Indebted to mako paiinent
June 20. ieu3-0w. S3
Estate of Sarah Stevenson, dee'd.
iT UTTERS of administration on the
i aura cicviuvn, i.uu ui iuu cin.u 1,1 new
I cd, liavu been granted hy tho Register of Columbia co,
Jersey, he nroner v i ne in Co umh a Co.. Pa., i cc'i.,
lo llicluird Demon, of .Madison tnwnshin. Columbia
county, persons having claims aguiust tlio estate nf
iuu ueceuseti lire rcuuesieii to prevent iiieni in me ad
ministrator at Ins residence iu said township, without
iii-iny, aim an persona indented to lunKc payment lor til
, ' iuciiAitnnc.MOTr.AiJuir,
Juno 20, 1SG3-0W 2 OU.
Consolidation liankliulliling,
329 North Third Street between Vine f
, , l'lllLAnULPHIA.
Juno 20, 18C3-1)-,
i1 AMU on tho premises of the subscriber, In llenton
v I
township, Columbia county, on iho lUthof May, an
a twn or tlireo years old, having on
iimier uiin Kiiiii. i ue uwurr or owners
are requested to come forward aud
DIOVO nrontrlv. nsv rhnrires. nnd ImIca
hex away, otherwise the will be disposed of according
June C, 1663-31. 51 00.
FriCn and RcIaliVCS
or Tim
All who havo I'rinli Jn ntul Unlnlivon In Ilia Annv r,4
Nnvy tlinuliltaku uupculnlrnro that they bcnrnnly uiv
lln.l .t'ltli Itin.n I'lll. n.,J 111 .t .........
Illicit t. (Ill ...-.ow . yta IIU Vlll..ll(.ll. I 1111(1 1..IVIU lm
lirnvo ntiMiicrs mm naiiors nnvo li'cicctail to I'torirto
thcinsclrcfiviiii liieni, nn better present can he aunt
them hv tlicir l'rlends. Thev liave been nrov.,,1 in i,u
the Boldler' never I'nilin; friend In the hour of need.
Will be sncedly relieved nnil elTedunllv rum,! I v
ill ing these admirable medicine, and hy paying propor
ut.cntlon to tin- Directions which nro attached tu each
rot or tiox.
'J'hnso feeling which en enililcn us usually nrlsofrcun
trouble or annoyance, obstructed pispirntlu, or cat.
lug and drinking whatever 1 unwholesome, thus ills,
tiirblug tho healthful action of tho liver and stomach
These organs must bo relieved, If you deslro lobe well
The Pills, taken according to the printed' iusrtuctlons.
will quicniy prouuee a neuiiuy nciiuu in uuui liver nnd
etoinnch. and, as a naturnl a clear head
and good appetite.
Will soon disappear by tho usoofthoso Invuluablo
Pill, and the Bohlicr will .pilckly acqulro Hdditlnnal
strength. Never let the Iloivtl bo either ceiidned or
unduly lifted upon. It may seem strange, that Hid.
Inwny'a Pills should he recommended lor Dysentery
nnd 1'lux. many persons supposing thnt they would
increase the relaxation, This is n great mistake, for
these Pills will correct the liver nnd stomach, nnd thu
remove nil the acrid humors from the system. Tills
medicine will give tuna and vigor to the wholo organic
system, howeier deranged, while health and strength
follow us a matter of course. Nothing will stop the re
laxation oftuc Dowu s so sum us this famous medi
Sores nnd Ulcers, Blotches and Btvellings, enn wllh
certainty bo radically cured, If tho Pills arc taken nisht
and Morning, nnd Ointment bo freely used as slated hi
Hie printed Instruction. If treated in any other man
ner, they dry up in cue part to break out in another
Whereas this Ointment will removo tho humors fronr
the sy item, and leave the Patient a vigorous and healthy
man. It will rripilro n lilllu perseverance in bad (&
ses toinsuio n l.iMing ture.
To which every Soldier and 1'alior nro liable, thero
uro no incdiues ho safe, sure, nud convenient, ns llol
lowny's Pills and Ointment. 'I lie u untitled and almost
dying sull'erer might have his wounds dressed inline,
diately, ifhe would ouly provide himself with this
matchless Ointment, which should In thrust into tin
wouiil ami siu'arol all lonil It, tluu cove red with a
piece of linen from his knapsack and enmprussod n ith
n handkerchief, Talking, night and mnruiiig, Oorti
Pills, tu cool the system and Prevent iiillamatinn.
Eveiy oldirH Knapsack and Seniumi's Chest should
be provided with tluse valuable llemedies.
OAUTION! None lire genuine unless llio word
Ilolloways, New York aud London " aro discernublo
ns a Water-mark In every leaf of the book of directions
around each pot or box ; the saiuo may plainl) seen hy
holding the leaf in tho light. A huiiilsonio reward will
ho given to any one rendering such information as may
lend tu the detection of mi) party or parties eoiinler-
feillngths medicines or vending thu name, l.notvin?
.,,1( v., I,, .t,,,,-!,.,,..
, , a .. ,nrv , i.rn-n, ,,
i ,,,,7 , , ,. v v...i. "... i i... .u . i.' tu
, X ij'.?.'.? ''J 7," ' ffiV,? 'u !fu;
. 1 ,'" ,9 c"rable sat ing by taken the lirz-r
"i,..,,,,,, fl,r ,,, ,,, .
I ''f;''1""? .."'Ii ."'''nnc0 " 1'atlcnts la every
June so, leoa, y.
Estate if Elizabith Mmtetfer, dee'd.
n i;TTi;il8 o( adiiiiiilrtralloiinn tin-llsiato of Liita.
!L b'.dh Mastidlrr.Utc (l".MiIlliii tup Columbia co.,i'ii.,
haiebeen granted hy the Register ol'Columbia ro., to tl.0
undersigned ; all persons bat ing claim, npaitmt lite es
tate of the deiedent are r.'piestu.' Upresent then to
th.' undersigned, at I is residence iu said township,
n ithottl delay, and all persons imlo'jtcd to uake pay
ment forthwith.
June, HM-fiw S'.
Estate of Solomon Eckrolh, dte'd.
Tr.TTlillS Ti'ntanienlary on Ihu ertate of fiolon'n
jr.rkrnth late of Heaver township, C'oiuuihia county,
dereasetl, have bei n granted by :bo I'.egistsr of Wills
tec, to the undersigned al.n residing mi Biiid rtenvur
lowiihpi all prrnnis having claims ngnliist the cs
late of the decendenl urn reipii'sted to present them tu
tin i:eeutur at his residi-nro in .aid township, with
out delay nnj all p.'rsuna indebted to make payment
June 13, 1 J(5.T Oti. lUecutor
J state of John E. Shaffer, dee'd.
LETTERS of administration on the
Ilstato of Jrdm H. Slnlfer. Into of Centre twn..
Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by llio
lli'gi-ter of Columbia county to llu undersigned '. all
persons having claims ngainst the estate of tho dece
dent are requested to present them to Hie ndiuinistratar
at his residence iu said township, without delay, aud
nil persons uiueuieu iu maKU payment loruiwilh,
iievipe cu leci-rt .,.!.'.
Nlltl., 1,1,, 1.UIU I,
Juno 13, 1SG3.-Giv
Estate of Henry Schell deceased.
Ir.TTl'.HSof adiniuistiallon on Iho i:nate of Ifenry
J ikhcll, late of Heaver two.. Columbia en., deu'd .
liavn been granted by tlio llcgisler of Columbia co., to
the undersigned ; all persons hai ing claims against tho
estate of llio decedent are requested to present them to
tulliu Administrators, at their resideiicu iu said ton u
ship without delay, and, all persons indebted lo makJ
payment forthwith.
i:i).Mt'in will'.LL,
WILLIAM sciir.l
Slay 1C, lf03. Gw $2 00.
Estate of Lndwig Young, deceased.
Lr.TTr.RS5 nf Administration on the nstata of I.tnl
wig Young iatuof Jlndison twp. Columbia co dee'd.
liavn been granted by the Iligisiir of Col. io.,to I cii
Wrights, who resides in llcmlnik township, nnd
Abrnhain Young who resides iu said Madison town
ship, All persons having claims against llio estnlo
of tlio ilereuilcnl are requested topresent lliflu far fctt
llcment, and all those indibttil In muku mmnent
without delay
April 25, 18C3. Gw S3 00
Public Sale
fN pursuance of an order of llio Orphans' Court of
1 Columbia county, on HATUHDAY, JUNK 11th,
ISIVJ, at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon, John Smith, Admn
jstrator cf Jane (I ingles, lato of Madison township
in said county, dreensed, will expose to sale by puhlia
vendue, at Die public house of Keifcr A, Smith, iu Jer
seytown.ucertuiu mesiuagu ur tenement and
Bituata in Madison township, Columbia county. ad
Joining lands of Alexander Lovo on the South asd
Kast, Manila Cingles on the North, nnd tlio Heirs of
Jacob Sutler oh the West, containing
iiioro or less. There Is on tbo premise an olJ
and about twenty-live ncres cleared laud. Late tha
estalo of said deceased, situate iu the township of
Madiaonand county aforesaid.
Dv" CosniTtoN or Sire .-Ten per c m. of the pur
chase iiioncy to bo paid by the purchaser to tho Admin
istrator on tho day of sale. Ouo fourth of thu purchase
money (less the ten per cent.ns aforesaid, lo bo pnld on
thocoulirmatiuii of sab. Tho residua of iho purchiuo
money to bo paid in ouo year from tho continuation of
sale, with interest Irom tho continuation, Tlio pur
chaser to pay for tho conveyance or deed.
., , JOHN SMITH, Ailin'r.
Madison twp , Juno 13, 18G3,
Tlio Magic Timo Observer,
Tiic PEitrEc-rie or Mechanism.
Being a Hunting and Open face, or Lady's or Oon
tlcmcn's Watch Combined,
One of the prettiest, most convenient, nnd decided
ly the best and cheapest tlincpiccu for general mid
reliable use, uvcr oll'ered. It lias within it and run
necicd with its machinery, its own winding nltnch-
inent, rendering n key entirely unnecessary. The
cases of this Watch uro composed of twn mentis, tha
outer one being lino in catul gold, It lias tliv improv
e" rub;' " '"" ovcr n.?r,,K'nt' nn'1 warranted an
cn8e 0f a hall' dozen, 'JOI.OO. Haiuplo Watches in
a neat morocco boxes, proposing to buy ut
wiioiusuio, ijjj, gem uy express, Willi iilll payauio on
delivery. Soldiers must remit payment in advance,
as we cannot r.nlte.l frnni thn.a In it. AHdrp.a
I1U11BARI) U1IOS. U CO,, Bole Impotters,
I Oor Nassau It John Ut., New Yoik,
January 3J,lEC3-8iv.