Farmer's Department. ritEFAKE FOR THE BIRDS. If you wish to secure tlio nssislonco of Uio nicest llltlo garden, liolp in tlio wo-ltl, put up plenty of bird boxsg. For tbo sake of good tasto uialto tbo boxes l!ko liltlo cottages, bavo tbcm with, doors or holes of different sizes, so that tlio'miu tins can got in at somo, the blue birds at others, and tbe littlo wrens at others still, then tbo big birds will not drlvo off the little ones. It is a very good way to fix tbo bird box upon tbo top of a fctout post, so that it will stand about eight feet high wbon tho post is set in tbo ground, and teach tbo ohildron and focls not to disturb the feathered folks in their cottage homes. Thoboxosfor martins should bo placed higher and more retired than for tho nmaller birds. On tho top of tho barn or carriago bouse, or upon a post twenty feet high, aro good locations. Iho mar tins will keep off the hawks from tho chick en yard, and tbe blue birds and wrens snap up myriads of pestiferous insects that would prey upon tho fruit ; and all will cheer you with their grateful music, and repay your pains a thousaud fold. EXPERIMENTS. Tbo Cultivator s own interest and that of tbo whole farming community will bo promoted by oarefutly conducted experi mcnts in tbo various departments of bus bandry. ,If, for example, ono thourand difforcnt sections should this year endeavor to ascertain tbu relative merits of planting potatoes in bills or in rows, and report their success, tbo question micht do almost infallible- sottlcd. So of different modes of treatment of other crops vapious manures, etc. Such trials need not be upon a largo scale in any individual case. Experiment upon some point con ncctcd with agriculture, carefully note all the circumstances, rnd communicate for tho benefit of tho community. A strip of land through every crop left unmanured, and another double manured, for compar ison, will often afford much iuformation. So of other experiments in preparing seed by Bouio special process, etc TIMELY HINTS. When the fruit of your Strawberry beds is swelling, they should bo plentifully watcacd in the absence of rain. It has a marked cfiect upon tho perfectness and tho of tho berry. Rub of all tbo sprouts upon the fctock which you have set with grafts this spring. It will help to push along tbe growth ol the scion. Not unfrcquentl7 grafts, after they have started, die for want ofsap to tuitain thetu from the parent stem. The trees transplanted this spring should now be mulched. For this purposo gra is as good as anything. Don't put around tho tree too much at a time a'id reptat the mulch when it gets dry and thin. Remov ing tbe mulch once or twico during the Burumer and stir up the ground well j then replace it It will save many a tree, if the season bhould be hot and dry, which wo think it will be. Your Raspborrp and Blackberry beds fchould also be well mulched. Any quan tity of dry stuff about a plaeeo, specially leaves, is excellent. An application of the coutents of a hotbed is very bonofieial. A few radish scotl planted around your cantelope hills will protect tbe vines againit tho striped bug. This dangerous enemy of tho nieloV prefers the sadish to tho melon leaves; and thu3, while feeding on tho radish, the other gets the start of it aud pushes on-out cf reach ol danger, as, tbo leaf ot the melon is attacked only when very young and teudor. When vour flower plauts cot (rom an inch and a half to two inches high, they, cau he thinned out and transplanted.. It, should be dono after a rain, or the ground from which they are taken and wiihei they! aro put should bo thoroughly moisteued. j Radishes always do better when plaud , . , . i , OU ID now grouuu.or at, luusi, grtmuu wiiuiu thoy bavo not ben trforo been. Old gar dens are tho vor.t plates in tbo world for radisbes. Ycu.will rarely obtain any sound ones. Toraatoe", Egg aud Cabbago plants, nllcr bt'mg set out, generally become some what wilted in their leaves, and lose sorao of them from tbe effects of tbo sun, before they beoonso established. This can bo , prevented by tetting over tho plant, say from 8 or 0 to 4 or 5 o'clock in the day, boxes in tho shape of dones about fourteen inches in height, opin at tho top. Thoy also protect tho plants against frost. By tho use of theso boxes a week is gained iu tlrao, and sometimes thu plants saved from severe or fatal injury, Wo havo had a set fully that length of time. If you find any of your evergreens to becomo lichtorin color ihan is natural for , " b . , . , , .) ttiem : or. raiuur uu ,uu wiou vuo uuciivaii , groin attainable, give them a thorough dressing of good bardyard manuro, extend ing aa far out as tha oxtremity of tho branches, and you will accomplish tho wish. If shrubbery or fruit trees transplanted this season look ttokly or backward in crowing, prune them sharply. It is tho only way to savo them, their Betting out and other things bring tluiy attended to Ceman'own Ttllegraph. NATIONAL MOTEL, (Late Whlto Swim,) . RACE STREET, ABOVti THIRD l'liii.AniaiaMtiA, D. 0. RIEORISt" TnorrtiETon.. Formerly f i om En&le Hotel Lebanon, Pa T, V. Rt'lOADS, ClKHK, March 59, IgmlHhn. MOUNT VERNON HOTEL No. 117 and 110 North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. Tho aliovo well known cstnollshmcnt has boon teas by tho subscriber. This Hotel I conveniently located In n ccntrnl and buslnoss part nf the city. It In largo and commodious, ami well fiirnU'icit throughout. Persons visiting he'cltynto respectfully Invited to call and pntronlio tills establishment, its nothing -ntinll In) wanting to muke the guests comfortable and satis fled. TBKMS ONE DOLL AUS 1'Ell DAY. Clllxens and visitors can be neemnnioilatcd on reas onable terms bytlia day. week or month, J. OTTENKIRK, Proprietor, Nn77 Pock t.,riill.v I.ate of llnltlinoro, Md, and .nautson House, Second St. I'liliade'piiia. .March 7, 1HG2 3m. JOHN DOLL 502 Market St., Philadelphia f Tovs. rinos and fancv Articles. 1 Tho Inrgcrt variety of ripes, Toys, Daskcts ant FANCV COOPS TO ttC FOUND I.V THIS CITY. Pleas call and Examine. March 7, leOS WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVER WARE. lto undersigned would respect -ni g iukj iiiviv'J 3 tiiir luiriiuiiii 10 nip ne I bi.'- JL lectcdttockufFlnnnoUnndHllvcrwatch- r..,l ..... . -. ... ,.l ...... so Finn Celd Jewelry, of ovory kind nnd variety of style- comprising all of tho newest nnd most beautiful Also, flnlld Silver Ware, equal to Coin-and the liot Make of Silver Plated Waro. ISach article is war ranted tnbons represented. 17" Watches aud Jewelry carefully repaired and satisfaction guaranteed. JAUcilt 1IAELEV, (Successor to Staufler tc Hurley,) No.lSi.M UtKEF Street, l'USl.AU'A. Fcb'y 23, IfG3, Hmos, PAUL & THOMPSON, General Commission nicrchauts, HCALER1 IK Fish, Provisions. Flour, Hotter, Cheese, Oils, Dried Fruits. Uraln, Seeds, Ileans, Whiskey, Wool, Country l'roducc and Merchandise generally. No. 31 North Wuarvgs, PniLADELrnu. C7" Consignments ofFrovlsions, Tlour and Country Produce solicitod.and returns promptly made. Cash advanced when desired. ORDERS for nil kinds of Fish, Provisions, Flour. Dried Fruits, Sec, tilled ulllio lowest Cash 1'iices. August -1, 18CU-13m. P II I L A D E L P II I A. PAPER HANGINGS HOWELL tc IlOUttKIS, Corner Fourth nnd Market Btrcils, Philadelphia, have nnw in stock, a Hue variety uf WAI. I. pap nn s, Got up cxpessly for their Vpring Trade. WINDOW PAPER OF EVERY ORADE, to which they invito tho attention of Storekeepers, 07" In their- rctalleparlineut, will ha found the clioiccst styles ot tne uon. Murch 7 1S03 3 mos.seas JOHN S. LEE & CO., No. 40, NORTH WIIA11VF.S, Philadelphia. ROPE IIIAKJBKS AIND SHIP CIIA NJD L E 11 S, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Ropes, Twines, Tar, ritch Oakum, Mocks, and Oars, &x August 4, IHiiO- IQui. LEATHER I LEATHER ! ! TIIC undersigned would announce, that he has on hand athlsllatundCap lhnporium, on .Main St., Illonms bur?, an assortment of dllfercnt kind of leather, such as flue calf skins, morocco, (red nudlilacK)nnd linings, all cf which ho will sell cheaper than can be hud Uscwherc In this market. Call audexeiuinc them for ynuri-elves, . JOIINK. CHITON. liloomsburg, May SI, 135.'. FK1SHMCTH UUOTllKRS. wiioLnsALr. TOBACCO D E A L E R F au ios.xoimi tuiud suubet Five doursbclowltare. l-IUI.Alini.r.-.IA SrilOLAilSliH'S FOR SALE. FittsliHrgh Commercial College. Illnghainptln " " Crittenden's " Fhiladolphla. StMtton. Ilrvant & Co.. " " Tlics-i Scrips, are inaiuounts of 315 nnd S.'iO alH are ns so mucu easu, iiyiuo biuueiit on cntring cither oft i i obovo UolloKes, ouii2 mdn desiring tuobtaiu ailuish. d ijnlleglntc I'.'luc.'itl ni, will lietu Hud a good specula -nil by applylugut the olfico nftho Nov. l.lbOJ. COI.U.MUIA DF.MOCUAT. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. TtHF. miderslzned resneclfullv infnnna l,l ni.i r,i... X and customers, that ho has purchased his brothers ntcrest in the above establishment, andthe concern wils hereafter bo conducted by himself exclusively. 111 has just received and offers for sale, thi larjr. J2 vrl "ml '""si uai'-iiuivu uhsorimeni oi rANVY trwra STO V IS S ever introduced Into ibis n,..rki "2 Hi" stock consists of a complete assortment of in: ucni t',iviiiL' .inn ,uriur sioves in nie luarKet, togeth erwithStovo Fixtures of every description. Oven and Box Stoves, Hikliators, Cyllndar Stoves, 1,'nst Iron Air Tight stoves. Cannon Stoves, &c Ice, Stovepipe nnd Tinwnro constantly on hand mid manufactured to order All kinds of repairing done, us usual, on short notice. Tlio patronage or old friends and new customers re nettfully KOllciled. A. M. KUl'ISHT. UloOinsburg, November 3d 15liO. tf. JOSEPH MJSSELL, Manufacturer of iSk UMBRELLAS, SUN U.MBREL LAS and PARASOLS, Nog. 3 & 4 N. 4th St., PIIILA'D. March 7, IS03 3iu. A LECTURE. uust jjuuiinntu m a srmcu r,nv(i x tents, t T i. .1 T . a jjrciuro on uio iNnturo Treatment ci Ita lical Cure of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness Involuntary lSmlssioiH, HovimI I) 'blllty. an I Imne.l.u1 mcnts to Marriage generally. Nervousness, Consum-d i tli.n. F.pil.-psyuud Ht: Mention and I'hy.iral Incap-i city, resulting irum aett nuuse. fcc Ily Rob, J. Culver well, M, I).. Author of the Oreen Hook tc. Tho world renowned author In this ndml ruble Lecture clearly proves from his own cxperienra tha awful consequences ofgelfAbusa may bi elf.Mtually removed ,-ivuuui jiii-uiiiuv, uou .vmioui Dangerous surgical operations bougies, liisrtuinents, rings or cordials pom. ting out a mode of euro nt onco certain and effectual bv which every snlferer no matter what his condition may b, may rttro hiuiselfcheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thou sands, Hunt under seat to any address In a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or postngu stamps by addressing, ' CHAS J.C. KLINE & CO.. 127 Rowerft New York, Post oflic? llox, 4380 Fcbuary 2d, lBa, P, 0. LIGHT ii CO., (Late Light illradburys.) Piano Foi'le tfluniifihcltirci's, 421 Broome Si,, New Vork. Second lllocfc East of llroadway. FO. LIGHT, the original foundvr of a this well. known Establishment, Senior Pnrtner. Iiu onij vraeucai runo tone .Vakervl the lata llnu of " Light tc. Dradburys," having retained his Two thlrd's interest in the whole buslnes clock, materials &c, uud sole proprietorship in his Valuable, Patents. Inclusive of his celebrated PATENT INfULATISD It. UN t ka.mes. is ttieonty one who can make the annfirlur Fot'cs ror which this houso has been so popular All infringements on his rights will be prosecuted ..uiumi, . ILAII Piano Fortes from this mauufactorv arc war ranted perfect In every rerpectfor Ave yours. Libcrul terms to Denlsrs, F.O, Llghto 4: Co., 421 Ilroome St. Now York. Aprilyi8C3-3m. 1 RESIOVAL. E A Ii E MO T IS Bi. milP. onler.luiifl.l r . tin. I f 1 1 V Infnpm. 111. r.i.nri. X. and the public generally, that he lias removed from 1 the "Union Hotel" to tho "EAGLE 110 PEL," in the borough of Muiicy. where he will be happy tointer. ain in u satisfactory manner all who may favor hi in win tneir custom, tho nest siauting in no county, 'w'li ample urronunoduttons for travelers and drovers, No pains will be sparod to rendsr the stay of guests . Ipleasat and comfortable 1 I ,,, A M, SMITH. J Munry, April II lf3. 1 69 FOR THE AND THIS Fon D I A 11 E T E S AND IltSUASISS OF THIS mmm'sts Ann k.asE; u These llnngercvi ami TrcuHciomc Mttattt, iAicAJmi I thuifcir lltiiilrj Hie Itti directed Treatment cants ComptcDl) Controlled b) the llh'JIIluUYneui iefort usl . Tiin cun.mvE iiron.'nlcs of the mcdlrlnc dliect themselves to the or- cans of secretion, nnd by so altering the ronrlltlun of the stomach nnd liver that the starchy principle rflha food is notronvertcd Into sugar so long as the system 1 is under tha liulucnco of the CONSTITUTION WATISIt, wlucli give thuso organs time to recover their kenllhy tone and vigor. We are nblo til state that tho Constitu-, 1 tion Water lias cured every case of Diabetes In which it ; has been given. j STONIS Iff TIIF. IlI.ADDFit, CAI.CUMJS, (ir.AVISI, i llllKMC DC8T IllSroSIT, AND MUCOUS Oil MILKY DlSCIIAItaiSS AFTISR UHINA't'INC, fllsenscs occuting from nnn and the same cause will bo entirely cured by the Constitution Watar, If taken foi any lenatli uf time. The dose should vury with tho severity uf Iho disease, from twenty drons to n ten. spooninl Ihreu times n day, In wnler. During tho pns s.igonftiu Calculus, tho pain and urgent srmptums should be comb.iti'il with the proper remedies, then fidlortcd up with tho Constitution Water, us above di rected. DYSM ISNORn AQSA, On l'AINFUr.r, MISNHTItUA T10N, AD IN MISNOUKIIAOIA Oil I'UOFUSK PI.OWI.V0, lloth disenses nrlslug from n faulty secrelion cf tno menstrual fluid in thu one case beiugtuo Utile, and accnmpniiled by severe pnln ; nul the other a ton pro fuse secretion, which will ho speedily cured by thu Constitution Water. That diseasa known as FALLING t)F THIS WOJIII. which Is Ilia result of a relaxation of tho ligaments of that organ, and Is kiinun by n sCnsuof hrnvlncss and dragging pains in the back and sides, anil at times ac companied by sharp liicluatiug or shouting pains through tho patts, v III. In al . cases, lie removed by the medicine. There is another class of symptoms nrling from III I1ITAT10N 01' THIS WOJIII. which physiclnns call Nervousness, which word covers up much ignorance, nnd in nine cases out of ten Hie doctor does not really know whether tho symptoms are thu disease, or thu disease the symptom. We can only enumerate thenl hero. I speak more particularly of Cold I'cct, r.ilplta tion in the Heart, Inip.ircd .Memory, Wakefulness, Flash es of Heat Languor, l.nssitude, nnd Dlmncssof Vision. SUlTltlSSSISl) MlS.VSTItUATION. Which in the unmarried femnlo is n constant recurring disease, and through neglect thu seeds of iiioru grate and'dangcrous maladies nre the result j nnd a month after month passes without nil ulfort being made to as sist nature, tho suppression becomes chronic, ibe pa tlent gradually looses her uppetite, the bowels nre constipated, night sweats como ori, tutd cousuriptittit tinallv ends her career. i.nucouiiasA on whitfs. This disease depends upon un Inclination ofiniicous lining oft'ic vagina and womb. It is in all cases ac- companion ny severe pain in the back, nrcrnss tha bowels nnd through the hips. A ti aspuonful f the t meuiciui' may oe laaen inri i- tim.-s u day. w itli an in- . Jrction of a tablcspoouful uf th uh.iuiui.'. inuuil witli , nii.i'i.piiiii'i bou wuier, inorniug ami evening, IIluITA J IO OF THIS NlXKliF Till' IlLAliniSR, INI'I.AMATIO.V OF THIS lUDNISYS AND OA TA11UII OF THIS ULADDIlU, STRANUUIIY AND BURNING OR t'AINFUL URINATINO. I or these diseases it Is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said in its praise. A single does has been know to rellvo the most urgent syptonis, Aro you troubled with that distressing pain In the biihiii ui i:iu u.iciviiuu iiiriMign llieiupsf A tensllooilflll a day of Constitution Water will relievo you like magic. FOR DYSl'ISPStA, It lias no equal in relieving the .Must distressing mnp toms. Also, Hcadacho, Heartburn, Acid Stomach Voni itlng Food, &c. Taken tenspoonfiil after dinner- 'Ihe dote in all cases may be increased if desired, hut should be dono gradually. I'HY.siCrANS lluvo long since given up tho use of buchu, cubidisaud Juniper in the treatment of ihsu diseases, and only use them for want uf a better remedy. CONST! I'UTION V Has proved itself o'ual to tho task that has devolved upon it. niumsTics Irritate and droiuli the kidneys, nndby conitaiit use soon lead tochroiilo degeneration and coiliruied dis ease. iicad. Read. Read. Ujinvillk, l'a Junes isfia. Dr.Wn. II. Obeoo Daer Sstr; In Fcbuary. 16(11, I was alllicicd with tho sugar diabetes, and fur live months 1 paused more than two gallons of water in iwnnir.n,r hours. I was ob'iged to get up as ciltou tenorlwelvu times. during Hi., night, and in'fivo montlis Host about fifty pounds iu weigtli. Ilurnlng tlu month of July, leUl, I procured two bottles of Constitution Water and in twodays alter using it 1 experienced roller, and niter taking two bottles I was entirely cured, soon after regaining my usual good health. Yours truly. J. V. L DI1 WITT, lloatou Corners, N. Y Dec. 27, IM1. Wm. II. Gregg k Co.: Gents: I freely give you liberty to make use of the follimingfirtlflcatooftho ntuo of ' Constitution Wa ter, which I can reccommend in the highest maniur. My wife, who was attacked with pain in the Blioul. dors, whole length of Ihe back, aud in her limbs, with l'nlpitatioii of the heart, attended with Falling of the Womb, Dysiuonorrhoen, nnd "Irritation of tho Iliad dcr," I called n physician, who attended her about three months, when he loft her worsu than he found her, 1 then employed ono of tho best physicians I could dud, whouttonded her for about nine months, and whlleshe was under his care she did not stiller quite us niiirli pain ; he filially gave Iter up and said : 'her curb was Incuiable." For. said lie."lin wnuunri, a combination of complaints, that medicine given lor one operate iigaiusi some niuer oi ucr Ulinculties."- Afloul tills timo she commenced to use Cons'iiiutiin WtTKB, and toour utter astonishment, nlniost the first dose seemed to have tho dsirod effect, nnd she kept on improving rapidly uxdor its treatment, and now super- iiiiuiiuncii'iirij nuf lion, cm,; 1111, lira, C-U0II3S llOt ta ken any of theCo-i-riu'rios Water fur about fuurweeks audwearu happy to say that it has produced a perma nent cure. WM. M. VAN UF.N'SUHOTrSN. MiurntiD, Conn.. Nov, 19, 1801. Ty. WK.H.Onroo; Vear iir i I have for several years been afflicted A'llh that tooublesoinnatid dangerous disease (travel which resisted nil remedies ami doctors. until I took CoTiTimouL Water, and you may heassurcd that I was pleased with Iho result. It has entirely cured inn. and you may make any uso of my nnmoyou mny o fit in regaro to the iiiedicine. as I have entire condjenee in its ellicacy. . Yours truly, l'ON'DHPRO.Vi;, Thero is no class nfdise.ises Hint produce such i 11 1.OI, .III. 1 i B I, ,MI I l.l haiisilng cilects upon the human constitution us Dia- betes and diseases nf Hie Kidnevs. Illadderand llrin ry Passages, and thruuuh a Inlso modesty they aro neg. lected until they aro so advanced ns In ho beyond the cMitrol of ordinary remedies, and wo present the CONSTITUTION WATER ' To tho public with the conviction that It has no equal in relieving thu class of disenses for which it hus bseii foun,l so eminently successful Inciirlngi nnd Wo trust that wo shall ho ronarded in our efforts in placing so valuable rci.cdy in a form to meet tho requirements of patient and pli)inuu, FOR SALE UY ALL DRUOGISTrt. PRICE $1, WM. II. OEOIUSIS U CO., Proprietors. Morgan & Allen, Central Agints, No. 10 Clin" Bf, New.York, Sept. S!0. 1E02. lijin. : Jt "fi LAW, ATTORNEY AT ni.oo.vsBur.a, p.i, Ofllce in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charlon I! ISucknluw, Uloomsburg, Dec. f, 185'f. JOHN 0. YEAGER, MANUFACTURER It WHOLESALE DEALER I.V mil ATS, CAT STRAW GOODS, BONNE I S AND ARTIFICIAL FLO WE US, No. 257 North Third Street, PhhVd. Nov. 20, ieo'.. CHEAP MILITARY GAPS ! MILITARY CA VS. rfovcry sort, slie and Quality' for sale cheap at tho lllooinsburs Hat ft Cap Emporium Also Groceries. Coiirectlonarics.tCigars.&c. JOHN IC. OIRTON. oorasburg, Sept. II. 1801. PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING. fiIE subscriber would Inform his friends, that lie Is j now prepared to put up, on short notice, and ill a scientific manner, the be .t PLITItM POIXTK1) .t77VY.VO ROUS, at 121 ccntsperfoot. Al work warranted. E. ll.DIDLEMAKi , Bloomiburs, May 21, KM. ' Aiiii, .1 tin is it ins lent ra (ctisicd ty inn Usitko st.u p.s nr txec VTivs AnuHrno. ixn sxeaewtor arbitrary rowsR 1JY I). A. MAI10NY, ' OMR Of ITS VICTIMS, "It is Important that tho habits of thinking In a free , rnitniry shinild Implrr cnutloii iu those cntrustod Willi Its administration, to confine themselves within their respective spheres, avoiding. In the cxit'Iso of the powers of one department to encroach upon another.--The spirit uf encroachment tends In consolidate the pnwors of nil the departments In one, and thus to cre ate, whatever be the form of government, a teal lies pollsni." WAsniNOToN. "Cling to tho Conslltutlnn, n tho slnpn recked mnri tier clings In the last plank, when night nnd th tem pest closo arouuu nun," iuniei. webstip C MtLETON, l'libllsher. 413 Croadwnt New York. Mr. Mnhony's hook with tho nbotc title will bo published till week, iprii icuj, rpHnun,;erilSne.,.n,so cxn-nsiviiy engaged It; the 1 VnSerMin limine,,, nnd keepsconstaiitly on han't lid for sale at his Wareroo n large assortment of FINISHED gj COFFINS, Rv whlrh ho Is enabled to till orders on presentation At.o Keeps n good llorso and Hearse, and will nt al times be ready to attend Funcrels. simo.v c. suivrs. Illooinsberg, January '.M. 1659 AW JOB TYPE, And Fancy Printing Paper Wrs nre now fully prepired to print the neatest awl ohoapc3tJOjK H'0llK,h iho country. GIllSON'S A N I) DECORATIVE IIST.I liMSHIHCST, No. 125, South E'oventh Street near V jiut, nmitneicri (ilaci, I roo, Oil j:..! incii-'i I'll'i'iri; J'lIfX f!lDV. Jun Jtiy t'J, T- i -'im . NEW BAFIBER SHOP In (ourl 1oi:m; .lik-y, .NEXT LOOU TO TIIF 0m U OF THE "COtUMIUA nCMOCUVT,' u i.oo.Mfii una pa. November 8, 18GS. Columbus ilia I o ami Fcin.-.Ie Academy wint TTormal and Coinineiclal Instruction. )ROF. R. 8. 11INGIIAM, Primipal, nnd .MRS, J. III.VOIIA.M. Precentreos Tho next term of this intltutinn will commcnceC .MONDAY, the '-'Dili of APRIL, int. Tuition, from ?l to gfi per term. By Hoard from SI 75 to ?j no per week, Coj rooms lor thoie w ishing to board themselves. Fur further pnrticulais iniuiro of Iho Principal. JOII N KOONV, icc-y of TrustecE New Columbus, April 11. Is03. f. o. rr arkison , si. WOULD respectfully inform tlio citizens of Illoo burg, ami vicinity, thntlio continiicsthc practice .MRj)iei.'K .ixi, nd solicit n share nf public patronage. Ornru. on Mam .Street, first house below the Court lloue, Itloomsburg. February ;t, lf55-tf. PETER YOI1E & SON, H AVIS recently r pencil a HOOT AND SIIOIS SllOf Iu I.UillT STRI'.F.T, Coluuihla county, Ph., and ti"-' prepared to do the host work on thu shortest notice w at Uio lower! prises. Cite them a call. April II. I?ii:i. NotSCG. TO TAX COLLECTORS. Totico is hearby fivcn, to all collectors or t'ounly Tax, holding nnpai.l duplicates for 1802 and previous years thin lliey nre striitly required to settlH and pay to the County Treasucr on tlio Uth day of June next. Win. LAMON, C. II. IllSS UOIIR Mclir.NRY Commisioncr. office liloomsburg .May 7, ltwi Lackawanna & Bloo-msuiirg Railroad AND AIT PR APRIL 20. L'Ki. PASSEXOr.n TRAINS WILL RUN AS IT.LI.OWS: MOVING SOUTH. Pdsnener. Aeeom. Leave Feranton, HO, A. M, 11.1111 A. SI " Kiugsloii " ll'oonisburg " Rupert, " D.uuille, Arrive at Northumberland, M O V 1 N tl Leave Northumberland, ' linuvillu, " Itupcrt, " lllnom.biirg 11 Kingston, (i.4ll Arrhc li.3U P JVI v.r,a 11.2 1 AM ti.M N 0 It T H 4.S0 P. M. .'..10 a. r 5.50 W LI.'. P. M rtrrivo at Hcrautnn, n.lll P. 51. 3.3(1 A Passenger Train alsnlenvcs Rlnestou at f.Sll A. .11 for Hcranton, to connect witli train for New York. Re turning, leaves Serauton on nrrivnl of Train from New York at l.'Jii l'. M. Tho Lai knwannn and llloomsburir Railroad ennneris with the Delaware, Larkawanna and VV esieru Railroad at hcranton, fur New Vork aud iutermcdiiito points east A Kiiperi iicoiinect4 wiih tne i.attawtssa Kaprnnil.for points both east and west arriving at Philadelphia at 1 no I' , . At Northumberland it connects with tho Philadelphia i. Erielf, R.andN. C It. R. for points west ami south Passengers arriving nt Harrlsburg 4 50 P M. : Phil. adclphla IU 1'. .M Kaltliunu m.'.'u P. M. liliU. II. I4U1V J , supt 3 C.Wells, 7cii7 Titktt ,lent. Kingston ApulliS. im:i. iuiUJU.V- I.V STATIOMKBY. 2,500 cVrojs Ateel Pen,, 6CO.O0O quire, Dlank look, 8SO.U0O F.Htrlopet, Hiatus, Ink. Curtain 4c Wruppiug paper, Pass books, Lcail-Penclls. (Sold.Pens, very fine. Sihool books visiting (Snrds, tec. u Inrgu portion "of which is stock purchased before the rise in prices nnd now selling i.o ton cash. Win. G. PEHRY. lookseller& tntioner, A IF. cor. 4(A, .y llact Philadelphia. March 7, lf03-3 inos, 5,000 Rbams writing Paper, including of note, Letter Foolfcap, pennon, Hill, At Drawing papers selling nt low hikes for cash, Win. G. PERRY, Stationary. S. W. cor Itli, Si Race Philadelphia. PICTURES FOR ALflUM. Otcr MU diirorcnt varieties selling frnm75cts to SI75 per ,'uzeii, Win. G. I'EHRY. Piihli-her. H, W. Cor. 4th & Hats Philadelphia. WILLIAM G. PERRY, POOK-SELLER, Statiouor, Rook- l) binders, illank hook iiiunuf.icturer, and Dealer in Imported und Amerirnu .Stnlioneiy. South West rnr.itii Ac Itnrn HI.. I'lilljiilel nliln. I Persons visiting Hie cilv. or sendiiiL' orders will do well In tnko n iiiuinornnduni of the nbovo Address. Thu largo und well assorted, Price, .. iTIiunuwcst styles nnd largest ussorliiicnl in the City, I Win. . PERRY, PubllBhor, I H. W. cor. 4lh tc, Race sirs,, Philadelphia .ituiuun.i-H ,vi.uvn., ..viiini; Hum uucis iu a I'llcll NOTICE. A meeting oftlm Stockholders of Iho IHoonuburg Iron roinpany will bo In iduttheir oilier at Iron Halo, on Wednesday, May 20, jrt)3, fur Ihe election of officers an other business. C R, I'AXTON, FrMlisnt. . Iroa Dele, May 9,lfM. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. CU E YOUR COUGH FOlflS'OEiSTS The beat uni cheapest Household remedy in the nor Id, taADAMn zadoc roRTEa'a ,Af AiiAni. s.nuvu run TLll'8 Ciirnlivo Holinm is warranted If used cccordlng to tho dlrcrtlon. to euro In nil cares Coughs, Colds, Whooping I'ntigh, Asthma nnd all affectinni of the throat nnd I.dngs. Madame Zadoc porter's P.ilj.iiii I prepared with all tho requisite skill, from a combination of the bestrcm cdics the vegetable Mnndnm nlfords. Its remedial quali ties arc bared on Its power to nsslst the healthy circu lation af the blood, through the Lungs. It Is not a vio lent remedy, but cmolleiit warming, scutching nnd cir ccllvo; can be taken by tin oldest person or the young est child. MadamZndoc I'orttr's bal sam has been iu use by thn public Tor aver Id years, ntiri . 'ns ncorlred It present snln i imply by being reenmmen-, led by thoiowho llfivn used I it to their oUliclcd friends nnd ntliers. , Mnt Important. Mailnmc Zadoc Porter's Curatlvo Palsam is sold nt n prlcn which brings it III the reach of every ono to keep it convenient frr use. Tho time ly use of a single bottle will prove to be worth 1 DO film's It enst. NO I'IUI.. Pave your money I Do not bo persuaded to purcfinse articles at Is to $1 which do pot contain l lr vtrtnn uf n l.'t rent bflltln of tin Intni Porter's Cu I rntivo Ualsain. thocost of manufacturing nhicli is as greo", n almost any oilier meiiirinc ; ami tun very low prece at which ft Nsold, makes the profit to tlio sell orappa. 'ntly small, ami uiiprlneipiled denier wl'i ROineiimes recommend other medicine on uhirlrthcir protlts aro lnrger, unless the cu'tnmcrs insist upon havlnr Jlailnmo rotter's nnd nnno other. 'sk for ftlailamo Curler's Curatlvo I alam. price Flccnts, and n large bottles at ?. neut, nnd take no other. tr7Snld by all l)ruggltsand Storokccporcat IDcts. n..d iniarger mtiie, ni -Jj cent.. . HAL- fc UUOKLL, l'r .prletors, New ork. Jnnii,tri Jtviei..i. Nos. 0,11,13, 15, 17 Gout Street, SlS.Ml BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY, This old-established nnd favorite resort of the llusf- nes Community has been recently refitted, audi cum iilrlo iu everything that can minister to the comforts 6f its patrons Ladies and families arc specially and care fully provided for. j It i centrally located Iu thu I hi incus part nftho city, and is contiguous to the principal lines tf steamboats, cars, omiiihusscs ferries, &c. In consowenco of the nressure caused bv the Rebel- Hon, prices have been reduced to I One Dollar a d l'ijtij C ents per J)ai. The table is amply supplied with nil the luxuries of the season, nnd is equal to that of any other hotel in tho country. ' Ample accommodations are otfercd for upward of 4C0 guests. no not nciicvo ru liners. hai knien, and others who may say "the Western Hotel Is full." D. I). WINCTI1SSTI3U, Proprietor, THO. D. WlNCHHSTiSR. Feb.l5,lelii!. 'Ihe New ommr.rchil Buildings arc loca ' led opposite Court House, corner of Court and ChenangoS'rcels. TliisCollcge is in nowny connected with any other Institution. The energies of tin entire Faculty are exclusively de voted tothls. ' Thedeslgn ofthis Institution isto afford to Youii" Men nn opportunity for acquiring a Thonngh Practical llusinas lUlitcation Tho Hook and Forms are carefully arranged by Practical Aocemitauts, c.prcssly for Ibis Institution, ami Uni course of Instruction is such tcombine Theo. ry uud Practice. COLLECIATF. COURSE. This Oourso embraces hook-Ketping in nil its de partments, Pcnniuiiiicliip, Commercial Arithmetic. Hus incss I'airespnndeni e, t'ommercial Law, Political Ucon oniy, Coiiimercial Ethics, Partnership settlements lie terting Coiinteifelled and altered llank-Notes, &c "I lie Spenceriau System of PcHnmanshlp is tftueht in all its varieties, by tho mo,t skillful masters nftlio art The Ilook-Kceplng department is under Ihe speclai supervision nnd instruction of the Principal, D W Lowell. ' nr.NERAL INFORMATION. Students can enter at any time ; no vacation. Usual time to coinp'etethu Course, from 0 to 12 weeks. Assis tance rendered to graduates in procuring sltuatirin (Iraduati.'s are presented with an elegantly euraved Di plnmn. By For oatalogue of ?ii pages, "peclmcns of penman ship, tc, enclose two letter stamps uud nddress 1). W. LOWELL, Principal. August 30, I8C2. r.uay.1, itos-lim. GRIT T E N D E N ' S IMIILiiDEMMIM CcailHERCIAL. CO L L E G- E , N. E. corner of 7th and Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. This InVtitctiov, whirh was cslaUlshcd in 18J4, nnd is now consequently in the eighteenth near f its exist ence, numbers mining its graduates, hundreds nf tbo mofctsiiccossful .Merchants and lluslness Men if our Country. TiieOoject of the Institution is solely toafrordyotini. men ficllities for thorough preparatlonfur busiiuss. THE DnANCIIESTSUOIITIire. lloak.lrrnlnit. na ll. lite to tne various department of trade j Penmanship, both plain nud ornamental ; Commexctol late. Mai he matia, A'aefoatto Ciril lltwluecrin. l)m,ri.. , i vgarpny, anu .tioucrn Lnngnoge,. Ttk svsTtM or Instruction lsn.-cullar : no rh.. nr sei ii;m,.iib lire lllltlio 11c ni. Ii II enrli Btn.ln,,, iu ....... I.. Individually, snthat ho mnv cnmmeiirnnt mir ,i,n .....i nttend nt whatever hours arc most convenient. Cataloocks ore issued annuallunticr ihe 1.111, ni- i.,:i containing llamas of the studentsfnr tin year, and full particulars of terms, ftc. and mav l, il,ml,,n,i ,,, ., .. time by nddresiug the Principal. In EvTKNSIVG AcrOMMOlUTIONS. iriile-nnvfaJ nA,,A.. nnd tho length ciperlcnte of ihe Principal, tills Institu- ,,, in. ,u-m i.i i lies mi peiior 10 any niner in the coun try, fur young men wishing tnprepnro for business, and toobtain ntthe same timo a iui'loma, iihieh trill prore a reconmcudatlc-n for tlietii them to any Merchan tile House. tL7"ORiTFNPEN'sycriM of Treatise, on Pook-Keip-ino. now nore Midelycirculati'dthan any other work on the subject, nre for sale at the College. S. HODOES CHITTENDEN, .UtorneU'at.Lau, I'Biscit-At; Jan. 25-1802 15m. NA TIOXAL C0ai3IEI.Cl.lh COLLEfiES LOCATED IN PHILADELPHIA, S.n.CCRNr.R7Tfl AND CHESTNUT STB., Hew York City, Brooklyn, Albam, Troy Buffalo. Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, and Sc. Louis. nook-kerning, Penmanship. Commercial Arithinclit Coiiiincrrinl Law, Forms, Correspondence, ftc., piact call)' taught. Theso Colleges being under Iho snnio gencrnl andlo. cnl management, uud uniting in each thu advantage of all, oiler greater facilities for imparting inslrucil l than any other similar Institution iu the country. A Scholarship issued by any ono is good iu nil foi n unlimited time, Thu Philadelphia Collcgo has been recently enlnil nud refurnished in n superior manner, and is nnwrl I largest and moat prosperous Commercial Institution hi the State nryunt ft Ptrnttnn's scries of Text Hooks, cnibrno llnok-kc plug, fomiueri'iiil Arithmetic, nnd Coininer Law, for sale, and sent by mail, 17" For full particulars send for nctrculnr. October 18. Ieii2-12m. SlnuiiCuU Opposite Inui'cnttemc Hall,) CII E8TN OT STU F.E'P .11 1ST IV EEN FIFTH & SIXTH, WYATT ti IIEIJLINaS, rroprtetori November .10, 1801, March ta.ieij DISSOLUTION. Tlio partnerahiplicrctoforo exUting between the un. dersiiiied, inthe Mercantile lluslness, was dissolved upon the 1st day nf April, 1H03, by mutual consent. All persons indebted lo the lata Arm, ore requested to make early settlement, Tbe books nre In thu hands of F. U, Eyer, t tlio More. B. II MILLER, r C EVER I Blocmsburj, April IP, lE03.-3rn. if ii tTL'ii. i 1 Rcntllug Iinil Band nut:, itir. "S"M V .... ... ,,,,iin VA t.t.HYH. TUB NORTH, NOI.TIIVVI.ST AND THIS CANADAB, l'ABSn NO Lit TRAINS ... I cave the company's depot ntthritionl h ami Cnllon hnr.treot.C,l'hllaJclp.ili m pit A. M, for Rending, Lebanon, Harrlsburg, rimlrn Ilothcstcr. Niagara, Falls. Ilttiraio, niii uron n, Wilkeibnrre, I'lUstoti, Yotk, Carlisle. I hambersburg, "infiVlral'n'connerts atlllSAtUNn with Fast I'cnrj. ti.o j..rta"!5..:? r.. ""'".ft'. 'l".'ft.S IlSs.s 't i t'Oin t I, IN T Ofl Willi viuiiMifp" - .- Wilkelbarro, Wllllamsport, Lock Haven, lllmlrn, fee, ,U 1 1 A llll IS i; ri 0 1th ,M crt 14 rc ii Central. 0 .mberland I vVi ,,V nn.l Sc'iuvlklll nnd Susquehanna trains for I Vork, t.'hnmb.rsburg, ""'"'""", 'rvesriillpbiaatnM ; rg w B V .n .' i wl Ceminl Railroad train, lor, ! I'l'.t'lbMrg c, NeUron Cen.ral Ral road ,ln. r cnMrh'catawita.iroad train, for Milton W,ll,M,nifc!SMSl)ATIOM.- Leavs. Reading at 0.30 A. M.. s t"PPlR t H way stations arrives in 1 1; ladclp h lant '.,,,, lit ttiriitngi leaven rjiunuuiimu. laX:tillffiJA lv. Harrlsburt:- 'A .V and I'ottsvllle ntll.15 A. M arriving In I lillad. , la 1.50 1'. SI. AlU'rnooi! trains leave narrisburg lit V" " JL, and l'otlsvllleat2,30 1. JL arriving at l'iiiladi l; B nt Market train, with a passenger car attached, leave J Philadelphia at 1 P. M..for Reading and nil way sta tions! leaves Heading at IS, noon, anJ Downlnglown nt 1 P, M. for Philadelphia and all nay stations. All tho nbovo trains run u.u y. 11 "L 1 ii Siindny trains leavo i'ottsvllle at 7,3U A M and Phlla- .n,l.l.. .1 'I Ji v i. ' VALI.1SY RAILROAD Paisengers from Downlnstown nnd Interinedi.ite pnlhtstako thorj.15 A M and 4,30 P M trains from Phil idelpbla, returning Irom Donnlngtown at .,00 A .M N.JW VOBK IJXPnK89 FOR PITTtiUURO AND 'rin; ivr.rf r. ' Leaves New Yotk, at 7 I' M, passing Reafing at 12.07 inldnight, nnd connfrtiiig nt Harrlsburg with Pennsylvania Railroad ISxpicss 1 rain ror fittsuurg. i i,.., i ...... 'ivntu leaves llnrrl-bnrir an nrrl i ..-i nri..,t1vnnln ISxnrcss from l'lllsburg nt 11,15 A it ,.n.,i,,,. i',.-,,llir r,.M a M and arriving at New , York at lu.Wl A M. Sleeping cars accompany ihese triilinthrinigh httwscn Jctsey Citynuu t'lttsuitrg witu OUl CIHIIIKi:. .... ., ,, . o Mail train for Now Vork leave Harrlsburg at 8 A H and i!,00 P M. .Mall trains fr Harrlsburg Icavo Now York nt 11 A M and rJ noon. SCHUVI.KII.L VALL1SY RAILROAD. lentn Pntlsrllln nt 7.15 A M and 1.30 P .M, returning froinTuscarura at B.O.i A SI, und-1,45 P M. riCHUV LKILI. AND SlISCUISIIANNA RAIL ROAD. Trains Icavo Auburn nt 3,42 A M for Pinegrevo nnd Harrlsburg, nnd nt t',40 A .M, nnd 7P .11 for pinegroto oniy i returning from I'nrrlsburg at I.3U P M nnd from Pinegrovo nt 8 A Mand 4 and 5 P M. TICKETS. ! Through first class tickets nnd emigrant tickets to all the principle polntsin the North and West and Cnna- 'fiie following tickets aro obtainable only nt the office of ft. Hrailford, Treasurer, No. 227 south F-iirth st, t'hllailelphia, rr ofO. A Nicslls, Ccneral Superintend, cut, lleadiug. COMMUTATION TICKETS, , At 23 percent, discount, between any points desired, tor fa.Mllies nud llrin, M 1 1. II ACE TICKETS, Rood fur 2001) miles, between all points, at$lG35 ench for families and Urns. tfEA&OV TICKET. , For three, slv, nine or twelve months," for holders only, to all points, at reilKcedratcs. CLUIH! YMEN Residing on Ihe line oftho road will be fnrnished with cards i ulitlod themselves und wires to tickets at half fare. EXCURSION TiCKETL From Philadelphia to principal stations, gon.l for Sat- f urnay Sunday and .Mnuday, nt reduced fires, to ho nail only nt the Llckct Ofilco, atThlltccntli and Oaltuwhlll streets. FREIOHT. Condsof nil description forward to nil the above points from the conipan'sucwfieight depot, llroad and Willow streets. FREIOHT TRAINS Leave Philadelphia daily at ii A M. 1PM; and C, P M. fjr Rending. Li billion, llnrristurg, I'ottsvllle, I'ott Clinton, aud all points beyond. MAILS. Close nt the Philadelphia fust ofTihc for all places on the road und its branches at 5 A M. and for the princi pal station" only nt 2 1.5 P M. Illennisbitrg Feb. 14 l-0:i. LIGHT STREET, Columbia couuty, Fr 'VlllS uu lerslgned has Ineated at tlio nbovo nn:v I hnti l, fiirinerly occupied by Pelor Schug, and fo'.' its n sliare of public patronage. Ity Hood accommodations for man and beast, 'il . hen kind of liquors at Ike bar. J. D. RICE, Proprietor. April 11, IEC3- BUNDS AND SN1DES. J. WILLIAMS, No. 10 North Sixth street, Phila delphia, manufacturer fcf R. Vcnitinn 1215 nils ami Window Slijiiit'.s C7" Thi largest and finest assortment in the city, nt the lowest prices blinds pai.ited and trimmed C'iuuI lo new. Store rhades inadeand lettctcd. April 4, leli3.-tni ISO'S. 1803. riiilAik'lnlii.i & Eric Rail Komi. This grenl lino traverses the Northern nnd Nnrih. west counties of I'oniisylvniiia to Hie city of Erie, on i Lake Eric. . It has been leased by tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and under their niisplios is being rapidly, opened throughout its entire length. It is now iu use for Passenger and Freight business from llnrrMiurg to Drlltwoo,! f,l 1'nrOiHT mileslnn1 tlioF.aslrru llivictnu, nnd from Khelucld to Erie on the ! itesicrn iu ininn, (ir mites ) TIME OE ritSCNCCR TRAINS AT NOIUItl'MCKraAND. Mail Traill leaves, East 9 S3 A. M, Ezprets Train " " in 52 P, M, Mail " " West 4 2:t " Express " ' " S 52 A.M. furs run thrnush with imianop both wnva no ilieo trains between Philndelplila and Lock Haven, and llalliniorc and Lock llnrru. New nnd elenant Slcen. ' lug Cars accoinpanlng tho Exnress Train both wnv I between Willianisiiort and Unltimoro, and Williams- , port ami Philadelphia. - i or inioriiiaiiiiii respecting rassenger business, ap plynttho S. IS. Cor. litis nnd Market Sts. And for Freight husincs of the ifmnpany's Agents : S. II. Kingston, Jr., Cor. Kith and Market Sts., Phil'a J. IV. Reynolds, Eriu. J M. Drill. Agent N. C. R: R., I!nlllmnre. II. II. Houston, tJcn'L Freight Agt . l'hiladelphla, Lewis l.-lloupt, Ceii'LTiikct Agt I'hilndelphia. Joseph D. Potts, fJeii'l. Moriagcr.Willinmspuil. January 17, lt'13. AW JEHSEV LlMIS Fyii SALE, ALSO, GARDEN AND EltUIT FAItMS, Suitiible for Crapes, Peaches, Pears, Raspberries, Strew berries, lllackborries, Curri nt., &c of 1.215, 111 oa 20 acres each, in Ihe following prices for tho present, via: 2u ncres lor 8200. 10 acres forSUO.5 acres for S'oO, 21 acres for tu, 1 ncre for 21), PaiaLIu by one dollar n week. 1 I Also, good l.'ranbury lands, nnd village lots in Client- wood. 25 by Ion feet, nt S10 each, jiayable by una del. ' lar a week. The nbovo land and larms. nru situate n I :lnn!u r.n.l. W'n.l, i ttnt,,,, n ...I.I.. I ... New Jersey. For further Information, nimlv. win; , , P. O. Stamp, for a circular, tn j II. FRANKLIN I'l.Ank". Nn. 00 Cedgr Street, New York, N. Y. January Ji, itua. ADMIN ISTHATOH'S NOTICE. Estate of Uenj, Jones, deccasid. II I.TTfiltS nf Adinlnlslration on ibe It.mio nf pnni ILc Jones, lute of Oraugo township, CoIumLla county, deceased, bave been granted by the Regiater of Coluni. bia county, to the undersigned ; all p-rsons having , claims ugninst the catato of the decedent are reuues ed " iiresciii iiie uioino Aiunniistrator at his rcsidencu , lnuli toiviishlp, without delay, and nil persons in. ..vm.uu iu muKe payiueui loriuwilll. JAMES JONES, AanCr, April 4, ie03.6v. $2, JAMES H. SMITH, jMPoimm mioLi:s.tLi: healfm BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKEYS. CINS, AND LiaUORS, GENERALLY. No. 328 Walnut Sts., between 3d j- -Uh -..., ,r ,. , PHILADELPHIA, C. II. IIENrRY, Traveling Agent and Salesman. O-ORDEIU lUsi-ECTtVI.I.Y SOLICITED. November 2.', Ibb2 j-. Tlio iilagic iimo Observer, Tuu Peitrtcnuv ok .Mi:citiNUM, Being n Hunting and Open faco, or Lady's or ficn. tleiiicn's Watih Coiubliinii " 111 a!!? rl.V'J.'V1 . e1, ,"0't C'lvenicnt. and decided thobest nnd cheapest tiuioniecu fur eenemi n, . .i .1.. i . . ......,.,,,lli,, ii hub wiinin It unit roil. ...... ,,u Miuv.iuivr, us own windiiM, ,.;; incut, renuoriiii n kev mir,.iu. , ...." i TTnONK LINIi l liuji '"'"Si VV "t e INTLHOIIl OF . rt.ii . '."V,V'VV f t Ulldnt ' ANKA. LLi lIUHll" cases of t il. Watch afo composed of tw o inctuls. the outer onu being 0 io carat gold, lt , ,", j j, "' ud ruby uc Ion ever inove.uont, mid is wnrra, ted an accurate liiueniece. Price, superbly cngrnrcd IV "it ,'l0"n' 82u uu' Hniiiplo Vati his! In neat morocco bnncs. for Ihoso proposing to "mv at K;y!eiirm!;rarH J.nutry 3I,1eK"1U ,0hn Bu" Vcl , LX'ixi a&rerr Sarsaparilla. FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. And for tho speedy euro of the following complaints I Scrofitlnnnil Scrof ill oils Affect lulls, sit els ns Tumors, Ulcers, Hnrcs, Kruiitloiisi lMinplcs, I'ttsttlle, lllntoHt'S, Uolls, lilnliis, niltl all Skill Oakhnd, Ind., Otis June, WX J. C. Ann A Cd. Cents I I feel it my duty to ss- Know ledge itn.u your entsepaiuia nas nous lor mo. Hating inherited a Scrofulous infettlon, I have suffered riom it In varloui w.y. lor tears. Bcmeiimes it tmrsl out In IJIocll on my liands and arms) soinetlmes It yeais ago it broke out on my head and eourcd tuy sculp and ears tilth t ne eore.tthlch was painful and loathaouie lieyend dwilpllon, 1 tiled niRny medicines and seteial iliyi!cl:in., but without much relief from any thing. In tact, tho dlwlder grow worse. Al length I was trjelcsl to lend In the tlosptl .Messenger that ou had prepared an alterative (Sart.ipnrilla), fur I knew from your uputi tlon Hint any tlilni you made mint bo good. I sent to Cincinnati nnd got it, and used it till it cured Ino. I took It. as joti mhlse, In smalt doses of ft tcitipooiiful oms. month, mid used almost Ihroe bottles. New and heallhy skin soon began to form under the scab, which after a uhlli fell oh. Mv skin Is now clenr, and I know by my feelings that the ill cl.-a has gone from my system, You can wsll believe that I feel what I am saying when I tell, you, that 1 hold uu lo be ono of Ihe apostles of Uio ng, and remain ever gratefully, Yours, ALl'ISUD D.TAMT.Y. St. Anthony's Five. Hose or ICryslimlnj. Tetter nml Hnlt Kllelllil. Heal. I lleatlj llliiyivui'iii, Sore lSyei, Urojis)'- Dr. Robert M. rrttlo writes rrom Salem, N. Y,12th Sep!,, 1S59, that he his cured nn tnvetcrato case ot lUopiy, which thteatcnod to terminate fatally, by Hi pcrreverlng use of our Harsntnrllla, aud also a dangerous. Mtllgnanl Erytlpdcis by largo doses of tho sumo; soyi ho cures tho common Eruptions by It constantly. Ilrniichocclc, Goitre or Swelled NccJt. 'cbiilon of Pmspect, Texas, writes t "Three lot lk of your S.irs.ipnilllft clued ino from n GUlre ft hid eous swelling on the neck, which I had sulloiod frota over two j ears." Ijeucorrlicen. or1VliUe,Ovnrlmi Tninor, Utcilno Ulccrittlon, J..'cinulo IJIscuscs. Dr. !. 1). S. Chaimlng, of New York City, writes " I moit cheerfully comply with Iho lequcstof jour ngent In saying I liaro fiund your Sarpopsrllla n most excellent alteratlre In tin) numerous complelnts for which we employ such a remedy, hut specially In female Diteaset of (bo Ecrohilons diatheils. I have cuicd many Inretcr to eases cf Leuc'ribcc! by It, and some whew Ilia com plaint was caused by iifeei'iifien of tho uterus. Uio ulcer ation llielf was soon cured, Nothing within my knowl edge ermals It for Ihoso female derongemenls." Ednard B. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., wrlles, "A dan gerous oran'an fnnior on cue cf tho females lit my family, which had deflod Ml tho remedies wo could employ, has at length been completely cured liy your Extinct of fiv enparllla. Our physician thought nothing but extirpa tion could sfTord rcller, but he ndvliod Iho lihil or jmir Farsapaillla as tho last resort before culling, an! It proved eirectiial. After fnlilngycur remedy tight wesLs Uo sy mptom cf the dlseaso remains." Syphilis nml Ulercurlnl Dlscnso. Niw Oitmxs. 2.'ilh Aucii't. lEta. Dtt. X C. Arrn : Sir, I cheerfully comply with the re quest of your ngent, nnd report lo you somo of tho cfloiu 1 nave leniizcu rtiiu jour carsnpaniia. I have cured with It, In my practice, most r tbe con- pl.ilnli for which It Ii roconimcnded, nnd Iimo fjuiul Its effects truly wonderful In the euro of t'.no tulnnil Mer curial Disease, line cf my pallsnts hid Syphilitic ulcers In his, which wero consuming his palato and tbs top of lili mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cuicdhlm In flyo weeks. Another was attacked by sec ondary symptoms in hll uose, and tbe ulceration hud eaten uwny a considerable part of It, so that I bclleix the disorder would soon leach his brain and kill him. Hut it jleldcd lo my administration cf jour Farsaparilla; tha ulceu he.ilo.1, nvul he h well again, not of course without somo dUtlguiatlou to his face. A woman whn had bcoc treated for tho same disorder by mei enry was snlfeiltig from this tiolson In her bones. They had become so sou sltiio to Iho winllicr that on d damp day she sulTei.ed ex cruciating psln In her joints nnd bones. She, tco, vu cured enlhcly by your tjarssparllla hi ft few weeks. I know fiom lis formula, which your agent gavo me, that this Preparation from your laboratory must be a great remedy; consequently, theso truly rcasikslls rssulu with it haro not surprised me. Fraternally yours, Cl.V LATIMER, M. D. nhctinintlstn, Gout, lilvcv Complaint, Ed ItnwtXDrxcE, Pieston Co., Vn., eih duly, 1853. In. .7. C. Ann: fir, I havo been nflllc Vd with a pclo ril chronic Jlheumalism fur a long time, l hlch bafllcd tin skill of phi sichus, and slink to me In rplto of all tha remedies I could find, until I tried yourfixeaparllla. Ou bcttlo ciiu'd tne In two weeks, and lctored my riieia) heallh so niiirli that I am far tatter tl m Ktoro I was attacked. ItblukUawondeiminiedUlm,. J.FREA3L Juhs Y. 0tclill, of St. Louis, writes: "I hato len atlllcleil for years with nn ejection of the Liter, which destroyed my health. 1 trlod eiory thing, andnvcry Ihlng fsllid to rcliavo luo; nnd I haieU-eli a broken-down man ftrsonie Jems from no other causo than tlavrremeht eif Pie llur. My beloicl pniitor, tho l!ov. Mr. Erpy.odrlsed Ino totry jcurSarsnpaiilln, hecausolio saidheknew jou, and nny Ihhu oil m.iduwai woitli Hying, lly the blo Ing rf tlol It has cmed me, and l.m so puilCed my blood as to m.iko a new mnn of mo. I feel joung again. The best that can be said of uu Ii not half gojd enough." l-elih rtlB.Cnileer Tumors, ISiiInrrinent, lllrcrut Inn, Curlca ml'.! liSnfollulton oi" the Hones. A sreat vaiHyof cuis hr.7eliccn repcrted to uswliere curescf tlirse foreilihljle c u.ilnls lino lesulted fii-m the ue of thi, rFiucly, but uiir apace here will not ndmk them. Somo of tbcra inay lia found in onr Amerlfau Almanac, which Iho agents below named mo pleased to furnish giatls to all who cull for them. Dj-sjiciisla, Ilenrt Dlscnac, Fltt, ICiUUp-8-, Hfclniirltoly, lVniiiilf;ln. Many remarliahle cures of Huso nflectkiiis have been mvla by the alteratlre power of this mtdlcluo. It stimu lates theiltal functions Bto vtjrrous action, and thui oiercomes disorders whhh would ho supprfcd heyoinTIU reach, fc'uch a letnedy hns long been irrjulred by tho ns rcssltles oftho enple, and wo nio confident that this will do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ron Tnu rapid cvue op Coughs, C'nlils, Iiifluciizn, Ilonrsoncss, Croup, llionr h II U, lutlpleilt Cou Sllliilt Ion, unit Tor tho Itellcf of t.'oiixiiiiipt tvo I'allilitK In ndviturcil Stngcs of tlio Ulstnsc. This Is a remedy as uulvcrrally known to suipass any other for Ihe cuio of tin oat and lnng' complaints, that 11 U useless hue to publish tlio eiidcnco of its virtues. Its unrli ailed excellence for coughs nnd ctdds, and its truly wonderful cures of pnlmonnry dlseapw, haio inado it known throughout tho civilized nations of the enrlh, Few aro Iho communities, or oren families, among them who haio not some personal experience of Its effects some tiling trophy in their midst of its llctory over the Buttle and dangcious disorders of the throat and lungs. As all know tho drenlful fatality of thesn disorders, nud as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, w o need rol do more than to assure them that It has now all tho vir tue? that it did have when making the cures which haio von so strongly upon the confidence cf mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., lowcll, Kas, ,'"' ") '' Ijqoiusburg i . uu, (1 M llngfubiich, nn.J J R Mnyor J firhuyler, Itolirsbiitp j Masters i: tiou. Masters. Rentoni Lazarus & Fislisr. Or. MUmMe nncevillc ; 0 T Fnwh r Fowlersiille: A Sillier, llsr. Iiyiek; Low & llros , Centervlllo; II F IUIghart Ic Nusn I rspvi Ml! fill ne maker, Duckhorn ltcighcrt tc Nuss, I Mnlnvillo : J Mnirpless, Cattawlstai Creasy tc Co, ..,., i nun ueuiers evvrywiiere, July 2(1, IPCS ly. EVANS & WATSON-- .SK'&fS iv4iaSK stores, Iron shutters Iron sash, all mi'fuSfkT' tk'c,3'10 a"ymi,d9 rirc .Safes in one fin. .VI came out ri'ht: vitk ce tent, in pood eonditlon. " ' Tlio Balamander Safes of riiitsdelnhia acninst ih. world, iiiiuOdpnia against the WAVC! S. r a enc?-M !'AiNb WATf"ON, Vi,vo '""! "IC dcniostratlon in the following ce,r. ,V',cn,c '""Ithelr mauiir.icturo of Halamander Safes has ,cnR'h fully warranted the representations which have llCf! nnuiiist the terrillc clement. t... . . vu. , . ... .i,l-,ii u, rL'iiiiuiiiiu nn iinnniir,TP,i .,, rit. Phllade Iphla April 12. 1P50. .i . i . ' .'i "": tionticmcn-lt nllords us tho highest satisfaction to statu to von. n.nt ,.-ini,,, i 'lle,verynrotectivoiiialillesoftio of the Salamander, -afes which we purchasid of you somo five month since - I'uiunii in jewciri', nnn nil our tiooks, sc., exposed to the rnlamlnotis, fire in Haustend place on j thy morning of tho lltli mat.. r i eii we reneettliat these safes were located in the "i hulldins w occuniod and that lhcv ! lf"M'2 f J'Vfr... ?.lu'.up f "'""''tr ruin. )icr4r the ! v . , . f cn,l:";'1 ",u l,ras Viai" " ,.' i " "f "i rnri1 "efJ",,c'VB"Dn "f r , ,, m, ' i m " 1,1 """'"""S I'toof of the gnat so- ii- 1 Vi V.i.. ' ' " . "' , men or iMi.i . I ke 8r(;1" l'lsure in recommending Ujcc. t men oi nusiness us n sure reliance against lire. it-5-ti U''UKU1 H1MMUN8 6c IIRO., Jra ii., iiu,ii!a,vo Bl"c,! l't'tchased six large Safes. July SO. if .. August 20. 1K GREENWOOD SEMINARY. Mllvillc, Columbia Count, Perm's, TIiIb well knows School for both snas will oprm NovisjinEU ad, The recent additions tn the buildings; rcnd,.r artcn odatloiis for tiinro Ihan siuy boardi rs. u, smiiy win embrace three drpnrln'.cnlt "T oprh,'eii,'0if1c,k'min,c' l-uimnircial. rs fultJ '., ,if,a,,rw 'r b""Itea by experienced fcatiV Pare ts in I 'm '' f"r ""-'ir ro'l-'Tlivu 'positions. u III i . . ... Ti , " 'isaiiei u nun no cuuru ii l ilf,,!' n f.,l!"i,'n,lk0 '''"Pclionl worthy e.f pntiona. ' r. v.iii,. .. ""i "ur.ents, iiittiteciunili- .'iWDVtM .,...... i. . . a . 4n j ii ui in u'o i r . r inn. , T'i, .wA . .'. n. n.iiij, incln. Millvlllo, Pa., Hcpl. 13, IFM. tZ, fi'WS'HS SALAMANDER fiAFErl, RK rilT t'5i54T!K4toj?J! MOVED tn M,. Ill .,, r..,t Lyi22iWJ Street, Philadelphia, hava ou tfi,!-li3i5KtrQr .and a larco ussortment of Fir., IMabison m, oim, M. & T. P.W AT.70, Li VERY STAB LB J1TT.K 1 1 ED itoRTii flsr.t'.tD Sr. litYvrtti: ,Vii e At k T k i Nov 'A, tBK.