1 iiiiSSfKtfK' COLUMBIA DBHOORAT isii6oniniiu, SATOHDAV MORNING, JUNE 1J, 103. jcqpTIio nbjcnco of tho editor must bo i tin apology for.nny sins of commission or omtssiou in tho "Democrat" Hi i s week. fiSP'Tho Solin3gro70 Literary ttistitu tious hail their Spiing closing exercises tbe beginning of this week. ESyWo notice by tho "Carbon Demo crat," that Dr. J. G. Ohl, of Summit Hill, lute of this county, is dead, Ho was a young man of promise. C" Our Devil says there is an Abo liiiouitt in town who has such a hatred against Copperheads and Liberty, that he refuses to receive copper pennies in ex change for goods. fSfA counterfeit five dollar noto on the Bank of Northumberland county, Pa. is now being circulated. Also one on tho Northumberland Bonk; both are well executed. JSSTTlio Farmers' Bank of Lancaster is about to scttlo its old accounts, preparato ry to banking under tho now national law regulating such business. This is ono of tho oldest institutions in tho Common wealth. V6&Vulunblc Property for sale. John Smith, Administrator of Jano Ginglcs, dee'd,, offers a valuable lot ofground, sit uato in Madison township, this county, at public sale, on tho 11th of July next. Sco advertisement in another column. CWc call attention to tho speech of Henry Clay, on our first page. How true n prophet was he ; and how certainly the country seems to be going in the path he forrtold. Pondor,oh! yc people, pon der tho words of Henry Clay. CSyEcLirsE. On Monday evening of Juno 1st, at twenty mtnules past 0 o'clock n partial eclipse of tho moon was visible, which continued for over an hour. This may have had something to do with tho sudden cold wcalhor and wind which set in about that time. tSyThcro is one institution which is badly needed in this place at the present time, and that is a Street Sprinkler. Will not some clever individual fix up an npa ratus and undertake the enterprise 1 We feci certain that it would bo liberally sup ported. 2rA New Postack Stamp. The rate ofpostage fixed by tho new law for local or drop letters has rendered it nec essary to provide a new stamp of tho prop er denomination, namely, two cents, Tho portrait of Gen. Jaeknon has been adopt ed ns a design for the postage tamp above mentioned. Stamped envelopes of the namo rate for circulars, aro to bo provi ded. - cay-Tho Act of Assembly in relation to the graduating and valuation of unpatcnt cd lands by the ComniL-bioufri of the sev eral counties of Pennsylvania, will expire by its own limitation, on the firt day of August, 18G3. Those interested had bet ter take advantage of it in time, and have their lands appraised by tho Commission ers, and patented, beforo tho date above given. CST'TLo Juno number of tbo Atlantic Monthly is received, and it is exceedingly readable. Several articles arc most cap ital. With the July No : a now volumo be gins, and the usual attractions aro given. Among tho expected good things is one of Hawthomo's papers, the best, tho pleas nntest, ami most genial of tho Atlantic writers. The country Parson also con tinues his ndmirablo essays. Published by Ticknor and Fiulds, 13oston, Mass. Sfflr Harry II. Davis exhibited his cele brated Panorama of iho rebellion at the Court House on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of this week, to largo audiences. Wo havo uever before seen anything iu the Bhape of a Panorama so much entitled to publio encouragement as this. Tho exe cution of the paintings is excellent, and the battle scenes, fortresses and strong holds of tho country appeared to good ad vantage. t&'The Weather. The spring season, so far, has been rather backward on ac count of the dry utato of tho woutber. AVilhin a few days, however, we have had sonio refreshing showers, and nil vegita- tion is advancing rapidly. Tho fall grain wo aro told, generally, looks very promis. ing; and suoulu tho remainder ot the sea sou be propitiojs, an abundant harvost wj.ll bo rewarded of our farmer.". CtarToo Skvkiu:. Walking up Main 6trcet tho other day we overhoaid tho fol lowing : Young America, No 1. I toll you, Sammy, what I'd do with these infernal Abolitsonitts if I were tho boss. Youug Atactica, No a. Well what would you do, Johnny ? loung AmeiicaNo 1. Why I'd draft 'nm nil Mtlfl lllnn m.l.n 'nm ll.n.. -m. ... .,.. t,,.U UUI fayj. Ullll uiuii I'd make each ono inarch ami fight along eitlo of a big niggor. Young Amerioi, No 2, Ah, now I wouldn't that would lie loo severe on the poor nigger ' IGIRTON'S CHEAP HAT STORK REMOVED. Another Arrival of floods. Now is Your Time to Buy, i now sell cheaper than hvr.rt, frill! undersigned having bought out the firoceryo Jl Pnvld Strotiti, lint removed Ills lint and Cap Flora tip to Stroup's old stand, whtrc In addition to a supe rior assortment of Bl'IHStt AM) SlhlhMIt Hats and Gaps, pH? Comprising every sort, slfco mid quolHy, which will la sold nt unusually low prices, Ik will continue tho 0 To re ry and Notion business ns carried on hy .Mr, Stroup, Also-A fine lot of KtlW, MOHOt. EOS nnd Lmsasto whleli he Invites the nt cntlon of Shoemakers mid the public JOHN K.atRTON. nioonisbtirg, May 30, 1EG3 C1IUUMT13T1IB IIOl'UMIOTS the Democratic Leader, A double sheet weekly Dcviocralic Journ al, of Eight nages and Forty.. ' Eighs Columns of rea ding matter. Tin attention of the Democracy of rcnns)lvanln and ofether runtes, Is called to the Importunes of extend ing the circulation of the WEEKLY DEMOCRATIC liCADUB. ny so extensively clrcnlntlngncwspipers, (whllo the Democrats have been comparatively indifferent to this method of Inllccnclugthe pabllc mind,) tho nholltion Istshnvo succeeded lu Increasing their number from a few Now England fanatics to n party which now con. trols the nntionl Is it oat time for the democrats to n wnkc ton soncu of the necessity for reaching the minds of tho people 7 THE DEMOCIUTIC LEADER K nnd will continue to ho n firm nnd feorlcss ndvocnto of Democratic principles and of t lie interests nf tlic Democratic party, as tho hot means of promoting the interests ofthe country, It will maintain abold nppo sitlon to all enemies nf the principles of the National Constitution and of tho rights of the people, and will insist upon the mnlutainance ofthe Constitution as it is, and the restoration of the Union as our fathers left it. Tim Lender, besides furnishing Political News, and expressing its own views thereon, will contain all the General nexvs of the Day. Together with Miscellaneous reading, Toclry, Stories Anecdotes, Agricultural Matter, lleligious Intelligence, Commercial Intelliganca, Market Itcports, and all cuch matter as is requisite to constitutute a First Class Family Newspaper. It will be controled hy o clliue, nor will it ndvo catc the claims of any candldato for olllcu until ho blial I have bcrniuu the regularly nominated candidate of tho Democratic party ; Hut it will ever advocate tho decisions of that party, as to both measures and men. Resides containing a weekly summary of nil tele graphic and gonpra news, the weekly leader will bo enriched by original rroductious by tome ofthe best writers in the couutry it iSTnr.i'Arr.iiironTiin farmer, it is tiii: paper for tiii: fikemuc. it is tiii: paper roii tiii: patriot, it is tiii: pa ran roit tiii: mechanic, it is tiii: i' a ran run tiii: army, i v is tiii: paper roii all clashes. No one thou hi neglect to subscribe fnr it at once. Til E WEEKLY DEMOCRATIC LEADER, will be furnished to subsciibcrs at the following prices Single Copies, one year' - $2 00 - 3 50 - 5 00 - 8 00 - 30 00 - -12 00 07 50 TWO Three Five Twctily Thirty Filly if it IC It (( (( It (l IC All pnyinentstn he made invariably in advance. 'J lie f riciids of democratic principles nnd the Ameri can Union, it is liwped w II interest themselves In liel ping to give tho I, I, AUDI! a I a rye circulation. Uct up clubs immediately. Address pine & lewis. No. 103 S. Third St., I'hila. May 23, IM',3. II. C. HOW E 11, srac-roN DENTIST. . iirjtPr.CTrur.LV oflra his profess ional i-ervlcea to tho ladu s and gentle men of l.loiiitubiirg anil vicinity. Hi: ii urenaied to ntlcud to ail tint v.iriims operations in the lino nf his tirnn'btnn. n ml w mm i,l,l witlitliulatot improved l'OHCEl..1IM TKV.TII; which iMjiii-eneii on poiu. piaiina, silver aim rutiber uaio tolnukuvll as the natural teeth' .Mineral plate and block teeth manufactured and all OIK rations Oil tl( til. rnri-fulll nnil nrnin.rlv :i ll..mli-il tr Koi.leuco unit oihce a few doors ubovo the Court iiouse, same smo. Bloomsburg, JuncO. ie03, Bark ! Bark ! WANTED IMMEDIATE LY. Q00 Cords of Bark, wanted by tho under- signed, immediately, at thcTnnnery in Illoomsburg, for which the highest price will he paid lu Cash or Loathe- Win, SNVDUll. loomburg. May 9, ISGa, lm ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Estate of Henry Sckell deceased. Lr.TTr.RSof ndminihtialion on the i:tuto of Henry i-chell, lato of Heaver twp., Columbia eo dee'd., havo been granted by the Register of Columbia co., to Hie undersigned ; all persons having claims nsain.t tho estate of tho decedent lire requested to present them to tothu Administrators, at their resilience iu said township- without delay, and, all persons indebted to make payment loithu ith. LDMUNI) SCHULLi j ., . WILLIAM SCIIU1.I., j May 10, 18G3.-Gw 5J WAR PRICES OVER 1 SECOND ARRIVAL o p AT THE STORE OF J. BROWER ULOOMSRUlia, PA. 9f Iho has Just received, and is now opening a prime wV stock of New Goods from tho Lustern markets, which will bo bold low for cash or produce, PRINTS at HI,, '" 18- . nnd 5S cents, llrown it Rleaehcd Jluslin, at 2(1, 25, 35, and 40 cents De, Laincs, Clialies, and Dress Goods, a Jull supply at 18, 25, ai, and up to 50 cts LADIES' OPERA CLOTH i-or DUSTERS. Also, a fresh supply of GROCERIES, SPICES, tJ-C Afro, a large lot of QuKEXswAitE. CiniArtw.vnE. IlAnnwAitr. and Stoneware, Boots find Shoes , And nil kind of Mcrihandlsc usually kept in a coun try store. Cull and examine No thnrgifor showing Roods, .May SI. lt-1,3, VAI-LANDIGHAMS RECORD. rpllHI ork contains the principal Fpctclieaof Hon. J. C. L. Vailamuuiiam, oh .1II01.U lux, 'inr. UAo.v, .7,v) 77: civil ir.m, also paitd of other Speeches, Litters. Voles, etc, it is haudomi.ly printed on good, 21s pages largo r!n, and has a v ry linoly executed steel ciiurnvtd likeness of Mr, VallaiidiglMin. 'I'hc work has been caiefully compiled and edited. Also icvincil and approved by .Mr. Vullandighaui. it is having a large sale. i'tlco, paper covers, CO cts.; Cloth, Sl.nri; delivered hy mall or express, pripaid, on receipt of prico. A liberal discount to Agents and dealers. I'ublLhsd by . J. WA L'l'l R & CO., Columbus. Ohio. I C7" A copy n ill be sent In every editor who inseits the above snd this notice before July 1st, Icu3, and . if nils a mckid copy o hn pupcr to llm FuHltlrrs 1 Juni IHJ J m SPECIAL NOTICED. .. tc"Th0, t?nmcrclal Cllrcc will ho conducted by tho Principal, I), H' Lowell, who taken the opportu '.' tr, !m,"".,Iii( la ficnrty thanks to tho public for their llbhrul patronngo heretofore bestowed on tho Institution, nnd Invests their ntttntlon to the Improv mcnti soon to bo Introduced Into the several depart. "ont- !) W. Lowell, nttsoruTioH.orrARTurniiitr.-ltwIllbn seen by o notice In cur columns thnt Mowell i Warner havo dissolved partnership In the Comtuetclnl College 2" Lmtcll rsjutlnufi to conduct this oxcellont nn.l flnurlshluir Institution, nnd is highly qunliflcd for the task. Our business relations wllh him hnvo nlwnya been of Ilia most pleasant nnd satisfactory charnoter. and wo comond him nnd his Collcgo to tho continued crinfldenco and pntronago of the puliMc.-Ilinghamton Daily llepublltan. To Ninvons Smrntns or nont Btxt A reverend gentlemen having been restored to health in n fow days, aRer undergoing nil tho Usual routine nnd irreg ular expensive modes of treatment without success, censlders It his sacred dutv to commiinlrnin m 1,1. nmicicu iciiow crenturcs tho means or euro. Hence, on tho receipt of an tiddrcssed envelope, lie will semi freA n ennu nf llm nm,lh,lnn ,...., mi i .... I JOHN M. DAONALL, lrd rulton street, llrooklyn. NowVork Matthli. ClIlt.Dni owe m'ldl Of their lrkni- In enM. Nn mnlter where tho dlscnso may appear to bo seated, its orliiin may bo traced to suppressed perspiration, or n . . f-fnl"l" and lung complnlnts are direct products of colds. In short colds are tho linrblneers of linlf tho d scascs that nnhrt luimmiliv. fnr by checked perspiration, anil ns flvo-clghths ofthe nnsiu mailer 01 inn iinnv p.rn in titrnnt, , I , nnm. ir these pores nto closeil, thnt proportion of discntcs iLUBnitiii iuiiiiwh. ieep cicnr, incrciorc, 01 coins nnd coughs, the groat rccursors nf dlseaso, or If con tracted, break them up Immediately, by n tlmclyiiso nf m ADAMI; I'OIlTi:il'8 UIJIlA'J IVn MAI.SAM. Bold ' by all Druggists, nt 13 cents and 9J cents per bottle. I March 14, ler.3. rpo CONSUJll'TIVLS. Tho ndvertlscr having been X restored to health In n few weeks, by a very slmplo I ii-uivu,, uii,riinviig euui'reo several years wnn a so vcro lung ntlcctlon, nod that dread disease, consumption- Is anxious In iimko known tolilsfcllow-suffercrs the menus of cure. To all who deslro It. ho will send n copy of tho pro. scription used, frca of charge! with tho directions for preparing nnd using the same, which they will find n sure cure for consumption, asthma, bronchitis, &c The only object of tho advertiser in sending tho pro scription is to bene lit tho mulcted, nnd sprend informa tion which ho conceives to ho Invnluablo, and ho hopes every suirercr will try his remedy, ns it 111 cost them nothing, and may prove n blessing. llev. r.nWAltl) A.WILSON, Wllllnmsbtireh, March 14, 1603 -:tm Kings County, New York. Uniformity of Frlcca ! A Now 1'eaturo In nusslness nvcryono his own Salesman I JONLS u. CO. of tli CrcsontOnel'rlco Clothing Bloro.No. 204 Markctstrcet above tfixth, Philadelphia, in aiuiiion to naviug tno largest, most varied and fashionable stock of Clothing lu Philadelphia, made ex prcssly for retail sales, havo constituted every ono his own satcman. bv having marked in tletires. oncnoh nrtlilont tho very lowest prico It can bo sold for so they cannot possibly vnry-.flll mUBt buy alike. tiio goous are wen sponged ami prepares ami grcai painstaken with tho making so that nil can buy with tho full nsuranca of getting u good nrticlo nt tho very lowest prico. Also, it Inrgu stock of piece, goods on hand ofthe latest stylo and best qualities, which will be mado to order. In tho mot fashionable and best manner, 25 percent, below credit prices. Remember the Crescent, In Market above Sixth street No 2UI. JONI'.B & CO. wia.o.iUiuu.. -ii.ix ..in SAPUN1.FIER. o it CONCENTRATED LYE, THE FMILY SOAP MAKER. Till', public sre cautioned ngainst the spurious artic les of lyu for making soap, &c, now offered for sale. Tliu only trenuine and patented lye is that made hy the i'enn;lvanla salt manufacturing company, their trade mark for it being "Saponitler or concentrated lyo." Tho great successor this article iias led tiuprincipalcd partii-s to endeavor to imitate it, in violation of the Company's patents. All manufacturers, buyers nr sellers of tho spurious lyes, aro hereby untitled that the company have em ployed ns their Altornwys, George Hording. Esq., of I'hila., and William Dakcwcll, Esq., of Pittsburg. And that all manufacturers, uer or sellers nf lye, in lolatioti of Hie rights ofthe Company, will be plot ccutvd at once, TOE SAPONIFIES, or concentrated lye, Ufur sale by all Draggists, Gro cers and Country Stores. TAKli NOTICE! The United Slates Circuit Court, Western district of IVnnsylvania, No. 1 of May term, in ICiW. in Miit of the Pennsylvania suit unmuf.icturing company, vs. Tho?. M liaa decreed to thi Compan on Novemhrr lPiii, the inclusive right srantcu by a patent ovvnd by tli cm fur tin; Faponillcr Patent dated Octubur lc'oO. Perpetual Injunction awarded. THE PENNSYLVANIA SiilL? 02 AfiiUD'O'lUIBllSSlS S(D )E?I',Bt!E.,!: 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pitt St. and Duqucnso Way, Pittsburg. .May 2, 1803,-3m. SPECIAL NOTICE. ON and nftcr JULY 1st, 1FC3, tho privilege of icr vertlne the present issno of Ll!(JAI. TLNDLT NOTi:s INTO THU NATIONAL SIX I'UR CUNT LOAN (commonly called "rive-Twenties") Hill ccue All who wish to invest iu the rive-Twenty LuC! must, therefore, apply beforo tho 1st of July next. JAY COOKU, Subscription Agent. No. Ill S THIRD sit,, Philadelphia. April II, 18G3.-3m KE3W FAWCY ''piIE subscriber has just received a lot " Hosiery Trimmings aud New Goods, such an 2 S IP tKI H Hi S o 'ii&'iS Wool ALSO: fcLOVr.S, DOLLS. fcTAVrt, rJATCIir.LL. HOOP SKIRTS, I'ORTMOXir.S, AND OTIIHR NOTIONS. tCP" Wheeler k. Wilson's Sewing Machines far 6alc. Also Sunday School Honks and Bibles. Also Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer, which will give to gray its natural color, A, D. wnnn. Next Door below Court House. Dloomsburg, May 30, IctW, LARGE ARRIVAL OF New Spring& Summer AT PETER. ENT'S STORE, l.v Lianr sTitr.r.r, coi.umiiia cou.vtv, r.i, HAS just received from Philadelphia, nnd is now opening nt the old stand lato'y occupted by .Marti Unl, a splendid assortment of MSM EMM whlchwill bo sold cheap for OAPII OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. His storkcnnslsts of Ladies Dress floods clioicest styles nnd latest fashions Oaliecs, Muslins, Ginghams, I'Tamiclis, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. CassinicrcB, Satinets, Cottouados, Kcnluoky Jeans, Thread, &o. Grocories, Queenswaro, Ccdarware, Ilardwaro, Medicines, DruKS, Oils, Paints, .vc. ROOTS Si SHOES. HATS & CAPS. tu short very thing utualiy kept in a country storo The patronage of old friends, nnd Ilia public general, ry, is respectfully solicited, The lilehe t market prico paid for country produce. i'ETER 10 NT 1 ighl Street, May 30, l'C-3 I . FOItnATfl, MICH, ROACH ns, ANTfl, llllt) 1IU03. MOTIIU IN runs WOOLLLSS, &c. INSLOTcI on l'LANTrl. FOWLS, ANIJIALSfcc. I'itt tip In Sue. . 10c. And SI 00 llnxcs bottles and flasks, 93 and S3 sizes for Hotels, Public limtltutlons, Uc, "Only infallible remedies known." "I'rco frem poisons." "Not dangerous to tho human family." "lints come out of theli holes to die." ftT" Sold wholesale In nil large cities, ITT" Hold by nil Druggists nndllctntlcrs everywhere. f7 lllllewnrnlll'rof all worthless Imitations' ty Ho Hint "Costar's" name is on each llox, llottlo, k l'lask, heforo you buy ttT" Address IlliNUY It. COSTAtl, By Principal Depot 492 llroadwav. N. V. O- Bold by UYUii t jiuvi;k, wiiolesalo and no- tall Agents. Illoomsburg, l'n. May 2, lB03-3m. AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Iii Bloomsburg, I'a. Mill nt riiolpsvlllc, Sullivan county, I'a. May 2, ie03,-3m. First Great Arrival. srniNG noons in onANonriLLn, The undersigned, has, Just repln nl.li Store Iloiifelii Orangcvlllc, with n well-selected nsssrotmcnt or SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. Consisting in part of Cloths, Silks, Mucins, Cassi mcre, Olngliams, Calicoes, Shunts, Hosieries, Carpets nnd LDits' TANev Dtttss (loou, generally, from 12 J to Toctsnud l'rlnts from 12 toSjcts. READY MADE CLOTHING-. Hals, Hoots & Sho Mackcrcll, Molasses, Sugar Salt. GROCERIES GEIfErtALLy. With all other artlles. inually kept in couutry Stores, to which he invites the early attention of old and new customers. Having been nttlio City in the right time bought low nnd paid cash he will be able to compete with the best, and sell for small profits and prompt pay. His friends aro invited to pop in nnd seu the sights. WM FRITZ. Crnngevlllo, May 2. lSf,3.-3ai . WANTED-1 A A f tnnSHIXOLK S00.000 feet of 1 fJJJJ Lumber of t klndsfnr weich the liighes market prices will be paid in uciiiuiKu lur Kouus, u ii,i.n.iii.ie. Jcrseytown, Mays, 1303, New Clothing Store. LATEST SYLES CAEAP GOODS rr'Iir. undersigned respectfully informs his friends L and the public generally, that he lias just received from tbo Iljtlcm cities, a largo assortment of AND SUMMER CLOTHING. l'resh from tho seat nf fashion, of all sorts, si.o and onalities, which will ho sold cheap fur c.nh era oil produce, hats & caps iiooTS u siior.s. Together with a variety of notions and things too troulilcMini! to enumerati.', to winch ho Invites tho at tention of purchasers. Call and examine. A J EVANS. Dloomsburg, May 2, 1PC3. ORANGEVILLE ACADEMY AND IOSM.A.'x.; lsc::h60-h rrof. H.I). Walker A, M. Principal. Tin next term of this Institution will commence! on Wednesday, April 15th. Students desirous of being admitted to ei ther of the Norm il Clae should ho present on Tues day at 10 o'clock for Exaniinatlon. Tuition trom SI to Sd per Term of II weeks. Hoard in good families, .'jper week. Cuod Rooms for students nihhing to hoard them selves. For farther particulars inquire of the Principal or of J S WOODS, licet, ot T(Uluc. .March 23, lfKl ELI 1 1 01. DEN TNVITE'3 the nllititloil r,f every felide x tins paper, wmcii lueniiies many tuous (Mis of his old patrons and iMmtaintances To iiiiiiumifiiiilly large and beautiful variety AMEUICAN and I.MPORTEl) WATCHES, CLOCKS nnd elegant designs of JEwELItY. Silver Wnre, fee, ELI IIOLD15N. 708 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA March 7, ir03-12m CATTAWI3SA Rail-Road COMPANY superintendent's omen. Williamsport. April Id, 1603. On and after Monday, autli mat. l'jsecgcr trains will pass Hupcri as lonnws ; I'hila. Mail, I'ass Rupert Arriving at Thlla, at l'hlia Express i'ass Rupsrt Arriving at I'hila at and at New York at Niagara Express. Pass Rupert nrriviug nt Williamsport at 1'ln.irr, Mull in.. I!ni-rt 10 37 15,50 1,511 5.4.5 10,55 1,15 a.35 am, pm. nm. pm, pin, pin am, pm, nrriviug at WiTltamrport at 5,5-J pm. (Signed) II. STANLEY COODWIN. rwffM-m THE GREAT CAUSE OP W HUMAjNl M1SE11Y. Just published in a sealed Envelope : Trice G cts. A Lecture by Dr. Culverwcll, on the caueo nnd rtircof speriuarorrhnen. Consumptinii, mental uud physical debility. Nervousness, Epili psy Impaircd Nutrition of the Hody Lassitude, Weakness of the limhs nnd the hack, Indisposition nnd iuenpa city for study and labor, dullness of apprelieiuion, loss of memory, aversion to society, lovo nf Solitude, tim idity, self distrust, dizziness, headache, alfuetluii of tlie eyes, pimples no Hie face, Involuntary emissions, and sexual incapacity, the consequences of Youthful nidi crctiou, &c., &c. C7This admirable lecturo clearly piovcs tint the above enumerated, often self-nlllicled evils may be removed without mcdicino nnd withuut dangerous snrgical cpcralions, and should be read by every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, to any address in n plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six centd or two postage stamps, by addressing CHAS. J. C. IILINE, & Co: 127 Broadway, Now York, 1'ostOthre box, 45:fi, May 23, ltJIKI, (Nov, 1, Wti.) Exchange Hotel, UTE Cot,! It, D. JOSE3, No. 77 Dock Street, nest door to tho Post tJilico, Philadelphia. mhls well known establiehnieut maintains its usual JL celebrity, and its well known repuiatien of being the best HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Shall be sustained. Rooms may bo had at nil hours pur night, a cents i per week, 82 .V), per month, 10. The liar nnd Eating Departments are furimhcd will the best of everything Ihu maiketrnii produce, GAME, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, and delicacies of every clime may be had at tt mome t's I nutico. Meals at 12 cents and upwards, and may be had from 5 A. M, till 12 nt night, lientleiueii may re.t as.urcd that no uvpense will be spared to render this Hotel a model one, J. OTTENKIRK, Propr. March 7, 16G3-3m, TllEI'roprntorof this well, known and cuntrally Iocs ted House, tho Em immie Hoiei., situate on Mai, Street, in llluomshurg, 1 'Jiately opposite Ihu Colmn lua County Court House, i vcetfully informs his friends nml ilin iiiiblie in eenerni ,hat his llouso is now iu or der for thu reception an .tortalnnient of travelers uho mav teel dUnosed lo fu . it with their custom, llo has nnred mi cxneiKO ill nr iiaiinc the Exuhkoe, for the e ilertainment uf Ills cm sis. neither shall tliero he nny. i thing wanting (on his p rt) lu tuliiister tu their personal I enmlnrt. Ills house is spacious and enjoys an excellent business location. U" Omnibus? run a all times between Iho Exchange 1 Hote l nnd Iho various li nl Ruad Ilepots, by which trav elers will he pleasautlv ennvejedtn and from the re 1 snectivo Stations ill ctu time to meet tho Cars. WM, II, KOON8. Uloomsburg, July 7, I'-'i'O. OIGAR S & TOBACCO. A large assortment of choico Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes' Trulls, Confection, ry nnd Notions generally, toeelh er w ith u full stock of HATS and CAPS, constantly nn hand and for sale cheap at the "Uloomsburg Hat k Cp Einponuin." JOHV K OIRTON, lioomtturg, Mt.na Jt let! Public Sale OP VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. TN pursnnnco of nn order of the Orphans' Court of i Colitmhla couiilV, mi HATUHDAY, TUB TWDNTI LTII DAY OF JUNi:. nctt, at 111 o'clock III the fore V.10!', 1 ''"'"' Kmm, AdmlnlMrstrU rf Ahrnhiim 1 Kline, late of Flslilngcrck Ion tmliin. In said coun ty, docensed, will cjposo to sale, by public vendao, on tho premises, n certain LOT OF LAND, lying and being In tho township f I'ishlngcrcck, In said county, hounded by hnds of Mo'Cs Atcllsnry, ami lands now of Jamci 8, Woods, lato of John Laiarus. dcc'd.,nnd by tho public road leading through Still Water, CONTAINING ONE ACHE, mor or less, whereon aro orectcd n two story FKAME DWELLING 110IISK. FIIAME STADLE.A TANNERY and the necessary fixtures of Hark Mill, he. Late tho cstatoof said deceased, slluatn In the town ship of Flshlngcrcek, and county aforesaid. JACOII I'.YCItLY, Clerk. CoynlTlovs! Tfln nrrnnl.nC Hin n.t.nA h.n,,..!. bopalitdown onthodnyof sale; one-third or the iial nnce on tho final confirmation i and tho remainder on the first day of April, 1BU4, with Interest on whole sum unpaid from date of sale, l'ossesilon given Immedi ately on payment of the ten per cent. iiioominurg, xay ifcO.J. Hon, Wilson McOandlcss, Judge of the United States Circuit Court, President. Corner I'cnn nnd St. Clair Street, I'lTTaBUIlfiH, I'A Tlin LARGEST, OIIAITHT AND REST. $35.00 pays forn full Commercial Course, ns No extra ch.irrns for Mnnt,rnr,i,.nr. s:,nr,t,n. Railroad aud Hank llook-ICccping, Ministers' Sons at half lirlrn. Kfmlnnfi .mlor nn.l rn. view nt nny tlmo. 'ibis Institution is convicted by experienced Teach ers and practical Accnuiitants, who prcparo young men for nctlvo business, nt tho least expense aud shortest time, for tin; most lucrative iiud responsible rltuatloiis. inpiomns grnuieu ior merit only. Hence tho universal preference for graduates of this college, by busiuess iii-ii Prof. A.COWLEY, the best Penman In llm Itnlnn. who holds the largest number of flr.t overall competitors, teaehes rapid business writing, I'nr specimens of I'ciimanslilp, nnd Catalogue con mining iuii f iiiuriiidiiou, em lose iweniy'livo CC1IIS to JENKINS U SMITH, Principals. D7" Attend where tho eons nnd Clerks of iluslness Men nnd Hankers graduate. April 111, lefc!-ly. April -1, 1SG3. DLOOMSBURG SKYLIGHT, PiCTUK rpnu undersigned Informs the citizens of Illoem. X am' neighborhood, that he has taken the large room iu tho Exchange Illock, extending over .Messrs. Stoncr fc Fox's llnkery, and the llookstoro where he has put in a larccSkllpl t. It Is only by Skylight that good pic ures can betl ion especially groups where each person an be takehj ist as well us separate. Ilu has roii to tontideroble expemn to mako his ns nblitdimcnt first class on,,, and he therefore solicits a bcralpatro ago to enable him, to constantly Introduce Ihnmodo .1 improvements nf the art. s- Cohii produce taken in Exchange for plcturos HENRY ROSEN3TOCIC. nioomihnrg, Nov. 23 1601. Nov. 0 'S2 IMPORTANT NOTICE ! TO THE PATRONS OI' THE STABS OF 'OttK rSOBSTM. OTlcr. is hereby niven. that tho sub scrintlon and mhcrtisinimrrniiot ,tnn ii,n pi, Usher of the fa car or tiik Noktii, lire placed In the handsofMrs. Win. II. Jarnbv ofltinoiiKlinrir fn. i, diatc collecti'in. Tin Editor of said paper having been drafted, nnd obliged to go to war.lt is necessary Hint prompt pa) litems be in id iu order that his family may have means of support. Your early attention to this matter may save costs and prove advantageous to his family. WM. II. JACOI1Y, rub. Slar of the .VurfA. January 10, 1EG3. PORK'S HOTEL. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Penna. SLASDODSON) Proprielor. 7akespleasurelnntinonneingto tho public that he I has taken and thoroughly refuted the Forks Hotel, fcrmerly occupied by Robert Ilngenbuch, Illoomsburg, 1 aud is prepared to accomodate travellers, teamsters, i drovers and boarders. Ills table will bo supplied with ' best products the markets atTord, rend his liar will be I constantly furnished with tho choicest liquors, &VA large and commodious stable has been erected, with a convenient stable attached. Attentive ostlers willalwajs he in attendance, and lie trusts his obliging attention to customers will secure him n liberal share cf patronage: I Uloonieburg,l'a..Nov. 2D, 1FGJ. I I ruuLiO Siqif.mt:, u'ilkes-dahri:, r.i. Tncun-'erflgned, having taken this well-known stand (formerly of Major l'uterhaugh), respcctfufly solic its the patronnge of tho public. No pains will he. spared in any of its departments, to render satisfaction to all guest. The TAULE and the I: All will always be supplied with thu I1E3T THE MARKET AFFORDS. T flood e'tabling for Horses and nttontivo Hostlers. The "Exchange" is eligibly situated on tho Public Siuare, and lias therefore peculiar ridvnnt.i'.pg to n,r. sons attending Court or doing business iu the public otnees. i.nargcs moiicrate. N. I!.-Whenever you come to town, plenso call. 11 J YAPLE Wilkcs-Carro. Nov. 15. 18G2I ' ' ' - STOVE AND TIN -WARE SHOP. THE undersigned would Inform the citizens 0 Ulooinsburg and vicinity, that he hasjust ro eived nnd oilers for sale one ofthe moslexteiisive i nstortmcnts of COOKINOnnd FANCY STOVES ever introduced into tins market. Tho Christopher Ce umbo?, James Robbnud Globe aro among tho first elas cooking Stovcs.all of which aro air-tight and gas burnc: His l'arlur stoves are handsome and the assortment vr ricd. ALSO Particular attention is paid to Tin-Wan. nnd House Spouting, upon short notice. All kinds of repairing will be done w ith neatness aud despatch. Country producu taken in exchange for work. PHILIP S. MOVER. nioomsbitrg. May 10, 18G2. BLANK DEEDS & MARRIAGE CER TIFIOATES. A superior lot of tho above articles, with all other kind of Blanks, for sale at the office of tho Columbia Democrat. Wrn. B. BRADBURY'S PIANO-FOR. TEESTABL1SIIMENT. No. -127 Rroomo Street, New Yonic. The subscriber rcspsctfully invites the attention of his friends and the public generally tu his l'iauo.rorte Establishment at No, 42? Hroome Street, Conor of Crosby Street. Having withdrawn his interest, stock and material from the late linn of "l.ighte it Uradsburry," which firm was dissolved otithclilst January, ult., and having i purchased tha entire stock of Piunn i'ortes and Piano j t'ortc Material owned by Ills brother, Edward R, Hradbury, in the said firm, ho is now preparped to supply the increased demand fnr his celebrated Piano Fortes. Emplo) ing the most tkilllul and experienced workmen, with a large stock oftho hist nnd most thor oughly scusoncd material und an abundance of capital lie has taken ill hand thu personal supervision of the thu whole business uf manufacturing his instilments and is enabled to turn out l'iano-1'ortes of unequalled tone und durableucss. , IIRAUUURY'S NEW SCALE PIANO TORTE. In tho nrrangement of our now scale, drnwn and pre pared with the utmost care, expressly for our new instruments, uc havo addml every improvement uhlcli can iu uny way tend to t lie perfection of tho 1'iano l'urto, and wo can confidently assert, that fur delicacy uf touch, volume, purity, brilliancy and sweetness uf tuna, combined with that strength and solidity of frame necessary to durability, these instruments urn unc- ipjaimt, "SinENaTM and IIe.i'ty" is our motto, and we invite thu closest criticism of the best unbiased judges iu tho laud' ID" Every instrument warranted for five years, WM, 11. HRAIIIIURY, 407 Rroomo St., cor. of Crosby, New York. March 1 l,lgG3.:im A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Patrick Tool, deceased LETTERS of Administration on tho Estate of Pat. rick Tool, lato of Centre townshil), Columbia co,. deceased, have been granted hy the Register uf Cnlum- ' bin co lu the umiersigneu ' ult persuns Having ciauns ugaliist tno estate ol l no ucceuueii. nro requested residence preseuitiiem to me uuuersigiieu, ui nis rusiuencu in said township, without delay, undall persons iudebtcd I to make payment fortliwi.h, CHARLES TOOL, Mm'r. May 21, 18G3.-GW, COAL FOR SALE. TJAMUA COAL, Iho very best In mark!!, for nit . on application to the Editor of this Journal GOOD TEAMSTER. Will paySlO per monin anu uoaru Dolumbia county. Pu Apply at Matnille Forge J H UMliON April 15 Jt63,-3w $i CO mm mm mm latest IP YOU WANT TOUUYYOUR Cheap Spring Goods, GO TO Cre asj's Store, In Light Street, I'a. ALL Kim OP GOODS ! OALICOE, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, iVLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Heady-Mado Clothing Sugars, MolnfvSos) Syrups, Coficcs, Teas, Pish, Salt, Bacon, Haras, Lard, Tobacco, Sugars, Hats," IJoot, Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c., &c. In addition to our largo slock of Dry Coods, wo havo f large and full nssorlmcnt of Ready Made Clothing nor Men and Hoys wenr which wo nro determined to sell cheaper th in can he bought elsewhere. Call and sec, nnd Jodgo for yourselves. II. W. CREASY U CO. Light Street, March 1, 18C3. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of William Rhone, deceased. Notice is hereby given thnt lctcrs of ndminlstratlnn on Iho estate of Wm . Rhone, Into of llcnton twp., Columbia county, deceased, have been granted hv tho Regisler of said county, to thu undersigned, who re sides in said llcnton township Columbia co. All per. sons having claims or demands ngainst the estate of thu decendent ate rcpmitcd to present them for settlo mcnt, nnd those Indebted to make payment without do lay. Win. AITLKMAN. Adm'r. March 2?, 161)3.-4w 93. THE NEW GROCERY STORE. MORR FRESH GOODS. Just received at Erasmus' Ntio Store. Molasses, Sugars, Teas, CofTeo, Rico, Spicos, Oats and Caps Fish, Salt, Tobacco, Scgarfl, Candies, Razcns, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a grent variety of notions and ctceto tas. too numeiou- to mention. E7 Duller, Eggs, Meat and produce generally taken In exchange for goods, ' Illoomsburg, May 0,1603. A. n, EUASJIUS. LOST NOTE. T ost, some time since by the untlcrsinnctl JJreBidlng In I'Uhlngcieek twp., Columbia county, n Note of hand, for $2eii 00, doted April fllh ICOi nn three months. aigned Daniel Ash. Willi Ami rmv Itnl II. for hail. A liberal rcwnnl u-lll lm nni.i i... salil TlOln. IVirm.nl I I .. ' -. " .' V r'""l'l other" ?"'o ' " Sail1 "10' " C!"' b f " Valuo 10 n,'y other person, SAMUEL ASH. May 9, ieG3. 3w FRESH ARRIVA L OF www mmwmEWi -ron- 53VERYBODY- f? HE iinderslsned. erntefiil for nn 4 fully informs his cuttumers and the nuhlicrenernllv I that lie hisJiiM received from the Eastcrne cities Hi largest und most select stock of Spring and Summer, 3 That has yst been opened In Bloomsburg, to which he invites tho attention of his friends, und assures them that they are oitereii tor sale nt great bargains. His Stock comprises a large assortment of , ui'NTLEMEN'S WEARIXO APPAnrr ' u , a " AulJ"' Al 1 AnnI" Confining ol Fasiiionablk Datss Coits, of every des criplion ; Pants, Vei.ts, Shirts, Cravats Stocks, Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Susiicuders, Sec. GOLD WATCHES AND T17,"Xn?T 13 "f t) Hi VV iijiJX , Of every description, fine nnd chenp. N. II. Remember " I.outnbcrg's Chtap r.mpirium.' call and sec. No charge for exnmlng (inods. IJAViU LOWENRERO nioomsbitrg, March 2. ieG3. (June lasu.j "Wall Paper. Latest stile lowest prices. JUST Received a new assortment of latest ctylcs of JPall Taper i ncluding Bardcring, and Ceiling ' fMJOT 'iLinedi0: ntely over the storn of .xir. 1, T Sharpless, entrance one dour eau of l.uues Drug Storo in the Rupert Uloek, where all persons wishing goods in his lino will be attended to, in person' at at all times. TZ5T Popar Hanging ixccutcd to ordlr, ' n.nl hfiit sttiir nt. xhnrt untTpr I .....v E. J, THORNTON, Bloomoburg, MayO, lFG3-3m New Drug Store, wholesale & retail. THE undersigned would inform their friends and the public generally, that they have taken the Stand for merly occupied by tlco. M. Itngenhuth, in tho Exchange lluildlug, on Main street, in illoomsburg, where he h:is just rcceivcu a full supply of ji'iigs, Mdliciiics, Paints, i!s, JiHifijis, &c , Which will be sold on moderate terms for ready pay. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sort and si.e. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded, nt all times and on short notice. rC" Confectionery of the best selections, nnd Soda Water iu season. U A share of the pabllc custom is respectfully so licited. EYER & MOYER. , nioomsburg, April 11, 1BG3. ISiiailing' Kail Itoail, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, -IRRAT TRUNK LINE TROM THE NORTH AND x-J Nortnwestlor rniiaueipnia, rteiv vrK, ueaJin l'ottsville. Lebanon, Allentown, r.astoil. fcc S.c. Trains leave llarrisburg for l'hiladctnhia. New York Heading, I'nllsvillo nnd all Intermediate stations, at ti a. m una v: p. m. New York oxpteis leaves Ifarrisburg at 2.15 a.m. anivittgnt New York at '.1 .13 the same morning. Faros from llarrisburg i To New York ii 13; to Philadelphia (3 3J and 5 J M. Uaggugu checked to j in ,,?, lltttirnine. lenvn New York at 0 n. in.. 12 noon, and 7 p. in., (Pittsburg Express). Leavo Philadelphia at 6,15 a. m., nnd 3.110 p in. Sleeping curs in the New York exprnsj trnins.througl to nun irom ritisuurgn w nnoui cnange. a Passengers by the Catawissa Railroad IcavoTainnqin at did atfd a 15 ,, m for Ph.lade.phla, New York and nil Wnv Points. - lua i ivay rnin s. ,o fo ', 'iladehVula. Tlarr . iarnl N wYoMc:- ,"n'" An Accominodatiun passenger train leoves Reading ntlltlUa. in. ami returns fruni Phi adc nhla nt 5.UU n an All the above trains run dally, Sundays cxietitcd. A Sunday train leaves Potiivlllu at 7,31) a iu., and Philadelphia at 3.13 p. m, Commutation, milrage, season, and ex-urslontrkcia at reduced ratfuo aud from all rriM il A Nlt'OLI 't, Miy il, IH3 ifincroi fupcrMirnts' By Telegraph noaiBAHim.lTT OP PORT HUDSOft. OFFER 10 SUR RENDER. New Youk, June 11. The gunboats bombardetl Port Hudson day nnd night on tho aoth ult,, without meeting with nny response. It is reported that Gen. Gardner offered to jurronder lho.plaeo if allowed to match out with their guns, provisions, &c. Cicu. Ranks declined. No important news from Viektburg. hjiinjwjujiM.sijumsuiji ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Luduig Young, deceased, I LITERS nf Administration on tho Estate of luj. iwlg Young latoofMadisnlt twp. Columbia co dre'd. hnvo been granted by the Register of Col. co.to I evl Wrights, who resides in Hemlock townihlp, nnd Abraham Young who resides in said Madison town ship. All persuns having clallns ngnlnst the tstatn of the decendenlarorcquc'lcd toprcscnt them fsrsct tlemcnt.nud nil thoit indebted to make payment without delay LEVI WRItSHTfl. AliRAIi AM VUIJNC Jidmr'i April 25, 1SC3."GwJS00 Printer, Rookbindcr L jlaiikhook MANUFACTURER; WltOLESALK AND RETAtt, DKAt.trt 1M printing, WRti iNo ANo witAPi'iNo rArEha AIIENT rOllTIlK CATAWISSA TAfEIl MILLS. Main Street, first door belmv the Public Fpuaro, WILKESRARRE, PA. Nov. 23, I8GI 12m. THE DISEASES OF ERROR. (Lcs Maladies d'Errcur.) I JOHN R. OGDEN, M. D., author and I publisher of the above work, do hereby promlso & '1 agree to scud free of charge to any young man who will writo for It, ncopy for perusal. The proper Btiidy of mankind Is Max. This vuluablo work is iSsned &. sent forth fnr tho benefit of suffering humanity, it treat in simple language on nil the diseases of Error. Inelu ding seminal weakness. Nervous debility, indigestion Melancholy, Insanity, Wasting decay, Impotency, fce. Hiving safe, speedy, and effectual prescriptions for their permanent cure, together with much valvable In formation. All who favor me with n desire to read my work shall receive a sample copy by return mall, frea Address John h. ooden, m. d No CO Narjrau St., N. Y. May 23, 18G3-3ul. Wew floods FOR EVERY BODY. TERMS CA SII OR PROD UCE. Just come toC and W Krcamer's Store, In Jersey, town, Pa. where you will And all kinds of D ry Uoods : such as Ladies Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Iliisery, Groceries, Flannels, Shawls &o. Qnccnswaro, Hardware Ccdarware, Tin-ware, And Drugs. Fish, Moat, Salt, Flour, Tobacco, Hats, Cap?, Roots, Segara, Is Shoes, NAILS. IRON AND I In short, everything that is generally kept Hi a coun t ry storo. ! Wo w ill sell you goods at fair prices and t.iko nil kinds of produce ns pay such as Mutter, Eggs, drain, i Lumber. Shingles, Oak plank, and ill fact anything that anybody else will buy and sell nschenp nscan ho sold in ine country, wc 1,111 nu.u, uuutrsutu vy ui lie:. tiles, Come then ono nnd all, judge foryour sslves. Bring jour trade, but don't ask for trust. C L W KRF.AMER. Jerseyiown, May 2, ltfC-l. Millers Stoic FRESH "ARRIVAL or Spring & Summer THE subscriber lias Just returned from tho Clllcs with another large nnd select nssortmet of Spring- anil Siunmer Wooils, purchased at Philadelphia, at tho lwest figure, and which they nro determined to sell on ns moderate terms ns ran be procured elsewhere in Uloomsburg. His stock comprises LADiKb' noons, of choicest ttylos and latest fashion . vur (wons, m-d aiiocKiiiES, UjiimiMtlK. HVKRXin:iHK. CKD.Ill li'.inF., WOi.OIK IVAUH mOX, .V.4.S, J007VJ S; S110F.S HATS & C.irS, cVcc, 5-e 5-e III short ever) thing usually kept In country Stores o which he invite the public generally. The Highest price paldfor country produce. S. H. MILLLU. nibomsburg. April 19, 1F03. FRESH ARRIVAL New Millinery Goods. Tho undersigned respecfully nnnounco to tho citizens of nioomsbitrg nml vicinity that thu has just re ceived from tno eastern cities ncr SPRING AND SUMMER nil of which she is prepared to make und sell nt n verv reasonauiv low neurc. ncr nssou ment of goods nrc it Utile superior in point of t ilnrnMlilv a,, well as tastefulliess. no nnv Olf ored in this section. Site returns thnnk.9 for tho eral patronage she has received, and respectfully so- llllll U VUIIIUIU4IIW U ,IIU S.IKI.I MAltY UAKrVLiIiX. Illonmiburg, April 23, 15C3, 3t A NEW AND IMPORTANT WORK. THE FOUR AcftTor DESrOTISJI. UY II, A. MSIIOYT, or IOWA, Author of "The Prison nf Slate," Price 50 clsi In paper covers. Hound in muslin, "3 rts. Tills work contains full tnd ofllcinl coplc of four principal Acts of Iho last Congress, which will furever fix n nicina upon that body : I '1'iieTax Ilin, by whicli nil tllo ptoperty and re sources of tho people nro inorlgiiged to llie present Administration, The Fin encR Hii.1., which places all the currency of 'the country in the hands of iho Secretary ofthe 3 TiiK,lUiirnirnoN Ihtx. by which nil tho bod! 3 u poor men whoarn mt woith SJUU, are placed in Ihu hands ofthe Adinlnislrnliou. - 1 The Ispi'mnitv Act, (lilting climax,) which pre ' sullies to Indemnify Hie President for nil thu wrung ho has committed in the past, or may commit lu tho These four nets aro each preceded by a carelul nil nlysis, by Mr.Mnhony, nnd their unjust, opprcmlvo . tinconstiiutionnl nnd odious features pointed out. A a book for reference, It will be invaluable to the Par tner, llie Mechanic, the Politician, tho Laborer in fart tuevery person, for these nets reneh ftoui tho loftiest mansion tothu humblest cabin in the land. 'I hesu four ieli are not published together in any other form, 'l ney make ' U large oc'"" up r. ,i , 100 pagc.. h, goo. Ui i d .'..K.RviSX n i "r P"i ot ' !'.') .V I"V'. ' In orderto fur.TisI, thus, of our readar. whomay de. ! te litis important work, we ,ae made nrranirc.wnls m Willi llie puuusners w ..ifpij .,i.uurii v,uir. .,u all whn wish copies can order tiom us, W will fur nish them at Publisher nUt. O" Sent cn the orders at oucj. lifty Cents in paper binding, t'evcety I'ivc Ceuls In U JsIm ,'dtets t iter IcirMtu Uiki,. l.T Ma "0 till. lib, id