Farmer's Department. THE RED COW JUMP'D INTO THE RYE. Air Myivifc is a galloping thing, Tho ted cow jtunpM into iho rye. Hcigho heigho ; Now I'll just tell you tbo reason why, For I and tho rod cow know Street pasturo was poor and mean, Tho ryo field look'd tempting and green, Tho fenco wns of brush aud that very tin? So tho ret', cow jump d into tho rye. Tbo red cow jump'd into the rye, Hcigho hoigho ! Johnny M'Clashan fat down to cry Tho red cow sho bothered him so. Q Jonny don't cry, but go along, And build up your fences high and strong, Qi? the cow good pasture and do her no wrong And she'll never jump into the ryo. Tho rod cow jump'd into the rye, Hcigho hoigho 1 For tho fence was weak and not very high And tbo red cow could jump or go thro' A hungry beast into mischief will go And a bad fence to slop her will never do ; So do your work belter not blame the red cow If sho often jumps into the ryo. GRAFTING GRAPES- Now, just as tho grapo is beginning to curst into leaf, is tho time to graft. Tho Delaware! Rebecca, or any other valuable or slow-growing1 variety, can be stimulated in a gigh degreo by inserting sections on such rcmpant growers as the Fox, Isabella, Garrigucs, Clinton, Franklin, &c. It is tloubtlcSS tho best to graft pretty closely , - . i iu mi yiuuuu, say irum uuu iu mruo mciics in the usual way of setting pcur or apple scions, and wax iu tho same tuanucr. If ii i ,i i.... i ,. , ., AVCU UOuO lUCrC IS Utile tiauger OI lailuro Grapevines can bo grafted at almost any point where they aro thick enough, with pretty general success, though it is -not adviscablc any more than gralting a pear or applo stock would be two or tlueo feet from tho shoulder of the stock. There IS 00 SCOret in nrUC-crrtftini!, as gOUlO Drc- , ., , . , .tonu to hold, and it can bo done with but littlo moro difficulty tbau other graftiug. , Germ an town 1 'clegraph . I IIEJIEDY FOR THE CUT WORM. Seeing in tho columns of tho Telegraph that in y brother farmers complain oflo s to their oorn crop by injury from the brown cutworm, I will offer an effectual remedy, if followed according to direc tions. IVLen iho corn has been up about a week, examine it ; if it shows injury by itlio cutworm, gather the common mullein root and all, and place about every third or fourth TOW and hi'l ton down illllm' ur luuriutuiv.auu m.t top uoun, initio -afternoon; in tho morning following take a larcro lirrht basket and s in ;o t hum off u O --- itho mulleins into it. and feed them to the 1 poultry. Two morning are sufficient to' U - r 11 e 11 .1 l i i . i i ClOar a held Of all that Iiavo batched. 1, . i , . Uut thO corn O'Op has a greater CnOlliy in 4t, i i , i thO Wire llCd Web Worms, whlOll prey 011 th9 root of tho corn, and for which I know no remedy better than perfect culture. ' Germontown Telegraph. ' I '-"""- 1 RULES FOR WINDOW PLANTS, j From the German Watering Prac tice tells the cyo whether or not rp(niircd, ,The collar of tho plant shows if. Better etill knock at tho pot. II it sounds liol-: low, water, if it gives a muffliid sound, don't. viri ; ...i . .!. i utuiing iviiuu nui ii'ijiiiicu auurs mu earth, and the fibres of tho root will rot. j To correct sourness pour hot water --10 or 60 dog. Iteanius if that won't do, repot. Worso than too often watering is too sel dom watering. Onco ncglcoted water littlo and often till normal health i re stored. In Warm days, tho Surface may appeal' I " ' moist and the root may bo dry: plunge in water. Water in the morning in preference, with rain or river water. Let tho water bo of equal temperature with tho air: the plant should bo IVcpt from gas, keep the soil looso. A New Stkep" for Corn. A cor respondent of tho Country Cicntlcman adopted last year the plan of wettiug or oiling his seed com with kerosene uing about a quart of oil to a bushel ol coi n, Tho oorn wa placed in a tub ni.d iho oil poured upon it not enough to swell it. but to moisten or oil tho outside of all the kernels. It remained in this .condition mm Bix to twelve hours. It was then dried off with flour. Plaster, of oourso would have been better. The object in viow was to prevent tho crows and birds from pulling tho young corn. Tho expo riment was successful so far as their eating tho corn was concerned, for tho strong aud repulsive odor of tho oil rendered it en tirely unpalatable to tho birds. JtayToiigucs aro apt to bo unruly, for as wo cannot sec them, it is impossible to imp n watch on thorn. NATflONAlL MOTEL, (Lale Whlto Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVE THIRD PIIIIiAUISI'FIIIA. D. 0. SIKORISt" PnorniRTon. Formerly f i qjn Enlc Hotel Lebanon, Pa T, V. nilOADS, CWRK, March SO, ldG3 12m. MOUNT VERNON HOTEL No. 117 and 110 North Second Slrcot, PHILADELPHIA. Tho above well known cstaullshmcnt lint been lens by the mbacilbcr. . , , Thin Hotel I ronvenlenfly loentc.1 In a central mid business part nftho city, It Islnrguniul coiiinioilloiii, ninl well furiil B'lmt UiruiiRliniM, Pcrnm visiting lie city art" respectfully Invltcil to mil nml pnlrmilz" thli establishment, ns nothing shall ba wanting to mnko the guest, comfortable ami satis fied. TEKMS ONE DOLLARS PER DAY. Cltir.cns nml visitors can bo nccoinmoilateil on reas onable terms by the tlay, week nr nnntii. J. OTTENKIHK, Proprietor. No 77 Duck Vt..riilla I.ato of llnltluinro, Mil, anil Mii'llsnn House, Fecund gl. Philadelphia. March 7, ito'i :im. JOHN DOLL 502 Market St., Philadelphia r MPnnTV'.ll at Tuva, rtiie nlnl fnnrv Articles. I The largcrl variety of Pipes, Toys, Baskets mil fancy noons to nr. found cn the city. Picas call nml Exaimac, March 7, IPCS WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVER WA11K. Tho undcrsicned would respect .'..ii., i..i... .,,i,. , IS'.iCiJ B. leclcd stock of PliieCnld nut Hilvematch- e Finn field Jewetrv. of everv klll.l nnd varirtv of vtyles- comitising all of tho newest and most beautiful designs. Also,rfn, silver Warn, equal to Coin-and the bet Mako of aiiver Platod Ware. I'.ach article is war ranted to bens represented. (t7" Wntchcs and Jewelry carefully ropalriil anil satiafuctio'i EU.irantced. JACOB IIAUI.l'.V. (Successor tn StaufTer It llarley,) o. 62 M UKCT atrcct, l'HSI.AU'A. Peh'y 23 . lfG3, Snios, PAUL & THOMPSON, General Commission ilh'rcliants, HEALERS IS I'itU, rrovltlous, Vlour, liutter, rhecse, Oils, Pried fruits, (iraln, Seeds, Ilcans, Whiskey, Wool, Cooitry Produce and Merchandise generally. Xo. 34 North Wharves I'itiLDEi.rr.iA. tiy Consioiimcnts ofProvisions, Plour anil Country Trodncc solklloil. anil returns promptly made. Cash advanced when desired OKDP.IIS fur all Unds of fish, Provisions, Flour, Dried Fruits, &. iillcd tt the lowest Cash Prices. Ausutt 4, lcCO-Uin. P II I L A D E L P II I A. PAPER HANGINGS nowui.i, & nouitKi:, Corner Fourth nml .'Murket Slrcits, Philndelpfcia, have 1 "otv stock, a tine variety of . IV A P A P E II S 0ut ex,,,. f( ,,,', .;prIlli. .rr,,Jc. I window paper op i:vi:iiy crahe. tn vt liich they invito the attention of Storekeeper.", , fry- In their ritallcpartm.-nt, will bi found the choicest styles of the don. March Irfti3 J mos.seas JOHN S. LEE & CO., No. 10, NOUTII WHARVES, Philadelphia. E5E3 tflASiJEBRS AND SHIP CHANDLERS, sr" ''olton for Caulking, Uopes, Twines, Tar. Pilch Oikum. Illmks, ami Oars, isc August 4, lfmi nw. LEATHER ! LEATHER ! ! Till; undersigned would announce, that helias on hand athis Hat aud Cap Emporium, on .Main St., Illnnuis liurg, an assortment of ! liferent kind of leather, such as Hue calf skins, morocco, (red linings, all cf which lie will sell cheaper can bo had elsewhere In tilis market. Call aud fxeiuinu them Tor voiuclvcs. JOHN 1C. CHITON. nioomsburg. May 21, 1302. FUISI1 JltJTII Si I1UOTI1EUS. WHOLESALE TOBACCO D E A h E R F AO. 103, NOUTII THIRD STllKKT I Five iloorshclow Rare, PIIILADKLP.-.IA SCHOLARSHIPS FOR SALE. Pittslurgh Commercial College. lUiighampIln " " Crrvtenden'8 Philadolphia. Siratton, llryant k Co.. " 'Fhis Scrips, are iumnouuts of ,j and .$50 and arc .,g mUch cah. hvtko Student on cntrii.seiiher "iffi'UMlftr'A".. igood specula on i,y appiyingat tne onico orti,.. jfov, . lam. OOI.UMMA DEMOCKAT. '-TINWARE & STUVE SHOP. rpHF. undersigned respectfully informs his old friend J- nml customers, that ho has purchased his brothers merest in the above establishment, and tho concern nils hereafter be con.liuted by liiin.elfexclusively. .i He has Just received and oilers for sail, the lar". 4 est nnd most extensive assortment of FA NOV llockS.of1 i'M'iSJ;. r ehrffi SraSti Tiiiwaro cmistnntly on hand mid manufactured to order. All ot repairing done, as usual, on liurt nntirn. The patronage of ..Id friends aud new I'listn.imr,, ra. peclfully koliclted. A. .11. RUPERT. Illnfliiisburg, November 3d 16CQ. tf. JOSEPH FUSSELL, Manufacturer of UMBRELLAS, SUN UMBREL LAS and PARASOLS, 2 &4 N. 4th St., PHILA'I). IPoS-llui. A LECTURE. mm. -'-- ..-'.v- ,,,nr. stents, A L-cturc on tho Naturo Treatment & Ita lical Cure cf Spormatorrho'a r Seminal Weakness Involuntary l.uiissioni, Soxu il nihility, mil luitie.l.u mcnts to Marriago generally, Nervoiisncsi, Couum-il lion, Lpll.-psy and r u; Mention mid Physical Incap-r city, renilling Irom Se f Abuse. A.e iiv iim. i i- ' w. II. M. ii.. Ami.,.. ,r ,1,,. ii . . y .., v.- 'Fhe world ronownedaulhorintliisiidnilr'ablo Lecture ctenrlv nrove Irniu l,ld nu'i, n....,! .,. .. .V . , ,. - -"" -.ptiii.'iiro iiiiii inuaw i.ll consequences ; of belf.Abuso may hi eireitunlly reinoted without medicine, mid without danporoiis surgical operations bougies, insrtuiuents, rings or cordials poin. tingmitninodenfcuro at once certain and rireeiual bv tvbiih every suirjrer no matter what his condition ina'v be. may rnro hiui.circheaply, privately, and radically. Ihiii Lecture tt ill prove a boon tu tliouiaudii and thou, sands. tfent tinner eql Jo any address In a plain, enl-,l -nvc op... on tho receipt olMx cents, or postage stamps by addressing, ' CHAS 1.1! KMVM 1. c. "J ",0aw."r-. Now Vork, Post.ollico llox, li'tO Fcbu.iry S3, lera. I', 0. LIGHT & CO., ( Lato Light k llnidburya. ) 1'iano H'o.'ic Jiaiiiiihctiii'ur -KM 700IC .SV New Vork Second lllock East uf llroadwny. j ('. LIGHT, tho original fouuder ofi I'1' wcll.known E.iablishincnt. Senior Partner. ' l,'""Zal larle ot the lato firoi of I ight k. 1 radburys," having retained hi. Two-thlril's ....... ... ..... ,,,,, iMi.mrs siocK, materials arc, ami sole proprietorship Iu his Valuable Patents, inciu.lvfl J c.el''uri,'1l I'ATUNT INSULATED II.IIN f, ' '."" ""'y 0118 nll " aku Ihe superior I lano I rte for which this house has been so piipulur All infringement, on his right, will be prosecuted according to law. ' 7"AII Piano Fortes from this inauuraclury aro war rallied perfect in every respect for live year.. Liberal terms to Dealers. . ,', '' I'jghto k Co., Uroomo St. New York. April II, lbtUl-3 m, REMOVAL. E A fT. m BI O T fli iu I P'!? ",'erl(tneI re.pectfully informs hi. friend. I and he public generally, that ho ha. removed fr 1 ' .h "Union hot.. ,u ,hu ..EACLK 110 I EL," I, 0 I oiongli of Muiicy, where ho will bo lmppy locate,., III. in a .ati.factory manner nil who may' favor I im "ill their cu.toni. Tlio bvtt stabling in the coui v, 'li ample accoiuuiodaliomi for travelers and drover. - f u n.areu iu rciiuer iii nuy of guutt. plcaiantand coinlortablei ' M-nV I,-,,.!, 3. A M'W',' 1 j No,. March , 009 Ll I FOR THE e in e .1 i u a J 1 ii SJ i a i SJ i i J M J V JJ XJ S a l M 1 J V 'J 1) I A 1$ 13 T H S AD IIISP.ASCH Of TIII1 These Dmgtrtiu and TrovbU'tmc ltittaltf, whUhhorc thin far HtiltlCil the bctt directed Treatment etin bt C',vl'letili Controlled Itthe nRMKDVmultftr' "3l tiii; cuitATivi: prnp.'rtles of the meitli luo dliect Ihcinselves to tho or gans of secretion, and by sn altering the condition of tlic stoinnch ami liver Hint the starchy principle ofthe fond Is notconverteil Into sugar solong as the system is HUdcr tho liilluencc oftha CONSTITUTION WATCH, ' nlnch give those organs lime to recover their Vonltli tone and vigor. Wu are able to state tint the Constltu. tion Water has cured every catuof Ulabctes In which it has been given. , STONi: IN TIIK III.ADDl'lt, CALCULUS, ttRAVUI. llltICK DUST DIIPOSIT. AMI MUCOUS Oil MII.KY HISCHAll(5i:d AlTKIl UltlN'ATIM!. Diseases occurlng from ouo and the same cause will he entirely cured by the Constitution Wator, Iftaken foi any length of time, The doso should vary with tho severity of the disease, from twenty drops to a tea spoonful thrci'times a day, In water. Diirlngthe pas 8,130 "fill!! Calculus, tho pain and urgent srioptnius 1 sniniiu no coinnaieu wiiu mu iroper remeuies, tiieu ' follow eil up Willi tho Constitution Water, as above di- I rectud. DVS.MF.NOnilAUJA, OP. PAI.NTULI. MKV3TI!IJA T10N, AM) IN MIIXOKUIIAGIA OU PUOFUSU FI.OVVIXO, lloth diseases arising from a faulty secretion of tno I luenstrual fluiil in tho one case beingtoo little, mid I accompanieil by severe pain ; aiii the oilier n tnopro fuso secretion, which will bo speedily cured by the Constitution Water. That disease Mio n as I'ALMNR OF TIIK WOMIl. which Is th'' reult of a relaxation of tho lignmeuti (if that organ, aud is known by a sense of heaviness nnd dragging pains in the back and sides, and nt times ac coiiipanltd by sharp Iticiuatiugor shooting pains through the paits, will, in nil cases, be removed by the mi'ilieiiie. There is another class of symptoms ari-ing from III- I KlTAI'IONOFTIIi: WD.Mll, which physicians call, Nervousness, whiih word covers up luiuh ignorance, 1 and in nine cases out of ti n the doctor does uotTtally ; know whether The s.vinptoius are the disease, or tho , disease the symptoms. Wo can only enumerate them I here. I speak more particularly of Cold Feet, Pnlpita ieaK more particularly ot (.'old rei t, Pnlpita- llearl.Impared .Memory, Wakefnlne - s.I'lasli - Languor, Lnsitude, mid Dlmnessof Vision. SUl'PltKSSKD MKNSTItUATION. lion in mu es of Heat Which In the unmarried female is a constant recurring disease, and through neglect tho seeds ul more grata and dangerous maladies arc the result: and as mouth after month passes tt ilhout an etf.irt being made to as sist nature, the suppro.siou becomes chronic, iho pa tient gradually louses her nppetile, the bowels uro constipated, night sweats cume oh, and cuuuirjitiun finally ends her career. LEUCORI'.aiA OR WHITES. I his disease deiieudi upon uu luflmnntlnn nf mucous lining oft' o vagina and ttomb. It is in all cases ac companied by sevulo pain in the baik, nccrons Uiu bowels and through the hips. A tcnsnnoiiful of tho medicine may ho taken threu times a day, w itli an in jection of a tablespomiful ofthe inedicime, mixed with aha'f'piutof soft w'tcr, morning un.l evening. IRRITATION OF TIIK NECK OF THE III, ADDER, INFLAMATION OF THE K'lDNF.Vri AND CA TARRH OF THE 11LADIIER, BTRANUUKY AND BURNINC OR PA1NFUJ. UIUNATINC. Far thesedisenses It istrulyn snvorcigii remedy, and tno much cannot be said in its praise A single does has been know to relive the uioH urgeul syptoms, Aro you troubled witli that distressing pain In the small of the hack mid through the hips I A tenspnoiiful a day of CuusUtutluu U'aler tt ill rclievayou l.kemagic. FOR II YSPEPrilA, It has no oqnalin relieving the Most distressing smp tnms. Also, Headache, Heartburn, Acid Slomath Vnm illng i'ood, 4;c. Taken teinpoonfiil after dinner 'I he dose in all cases may be increased if desired, but should be done gradually, PIIWICI.1N3 Have long since given up tho usa of buchu, couch ami Juniper in the treatment nf llito diseases, undonly use them for want oi'a better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER Has proved itself oiualtotlu task that has dcvoKcd upon it. DIURETICS Irritate and drench the kidneys, mid hy cor..laiit uc soon lead tochrouir. degcucratiu., and cu lfinuc.i dis ease. Read. RcaJ, Read. D tm iti.K, Pa., June 2 ler'. Dr.WM.II. (.amni-Macr Air:4u I'cbiiary. p(ll, I tvtththi! sugar diaheies.nnd for live mouths I passed more than two eallons if water in iu.n,i.r. huurs. 1 was oh iged to get up as ufteu ten ortwi lte timcj diiting tlx uiglit. and in live muuths IloFtnbout tilly pouni'sin tti-ictk. Iluriiing lliv month of July, lebl, I procured two buttles of Constitution Water mid in twnilays after uing it I experienced relief, .indafler taking two bottle. 1 was entirely cured, mm.ii alter regaining my usual good heultli. Viiurs truly. J. V. L DE WITT. Iloston Corners, N. Y Dee. -.'7, It'll I. Win. II. ;n-gg & Co.: ieuts: I fr.'. lv gite y.iulibertv to niaku use of ihe follow iugrlrtllleatuoftho taluo nf Cuii.titiitinn Wa ter, which I can recommend in the highest m,tuui'i . .My wife, tt ho wn mucked witli p,in in thu h,m. dcrs, whole length f the baik, au.lin herlimbs, will. Palpitation ofthj heart, uttcndeil with Falling of the Womb, llysmenoirhoea, nml "Irritation nf tho Ul.ul .lor," 1 called a physician, tt ho attended her about three mouths, when he lelt her worse than ho found her. I then employed nun of tho best physicians 1 could find, who attended her for about niuu months, and wliile she was under his care she .lid not suiter uiiilo ns much pain he llually gavo her up and said : her case was Incuiable." For, said hivhu was suih a combinutiou iiiu.lirm -.,. uno up. i.uus og.iiiisi some diner ot nor dilliculties, -iiM,u. .ui.-, ..uiu uu comu.eiiceu in uso Uon-rn cu is Watkr, and Mour utter iislonislimeut, ulmnst the first doso seemsd to have the dsired effect, and hhe kept on inieudsciniri ly lie,- dome.ll,: nllairs. Shelias not la- mu'."-. iiuiii) tt .ii (.k loraliout four tteehr ...... , ,u ii.ippy iu say main lias prouueed a pornm- lictlt cure. ' W.1I. M, VAN IIENSCIIOTtN. h , MiLi.roRD, Coax., Nov, 19, lfc'r.1. f)B. Wm. II. itntnn ; pear Mr : I Iiavo for several years been nflliclcd with that tnouhlesomeand dangerous disca. Csut . l which resisted ml remedies: mid doctors. until I took tns.riTunn.i4b Watbb, mid you may heassurid that I was pleased with thu result. It has entirely cured me and you may luabo any u, of my naineiou may see fit in reg.ire to the mediiiiie. as I have entire confidence in its rtlicacy. Yours truly, ,'"0' There is noclass nfili.casos that produco such ex hau.ling elferts upon tho human constitution ns Dia betes and diseases of the Kidneys. Illndderauil Urina ry I .ifc.-iges, and throm-h a false modesty they aro neg. lectcd iintiltlieyaresiim.'vaucedns to bo beyond iho control of ordinary r.'iuedias, un.l wo present tho CONSTITUTION To tho public will, Ih.iconvi.tloiithntithas nneonal in relieving the class of diseases for which it has bten found so eminently successful in curing ; and wo trust thatwo shall be runnriledin our cirurts in placing sn valuable roi.tcdy in it form to meet Iho rcnuircmeuts of patient aud physician, FOR BALE UV ALL DliUCG ISTS. PRICE 81, . ,)YM- " '"lOltOU " CO,, Prnprleiors. Morgan & Allen, General Agents, No. IU Cliff Sf, .,, ,1-1 Ulh Sept. iM. lc'6J. U'ni. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BLOOMsiivna, pa. Office ill Court Ally, formerly occupied by Chnrlo Iluckaiew. Rlnoinsburg, Dec. -1, 1M!. R JOHN 0. YEAGER, MANUFACTURER ti WHOLESALE DEALER IN SSUIATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, RONNEI'S AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 257 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov. '.VJ, led, CHEAP MILITARY CAPS! MILITARY CAP.l. of every sort, ilr.o and minlliy " auo-c Ai.o-u,octrlc,ioniectionaries.i(. gjrs,.tc. oomsbiirg, Sept, 11. Icfll, "wt(,i t, UIHIU.1, PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING. riMIH subscriber would inform his friends, lhal Iw Is i now prepared to put up, on short notice, I11U in a tcicutillc manner, thu best p.rnx.i poi.vpKn iiniiv.yi.xa Ron's, at 121 cenu per rout. Al work warranted. E. H. DIDLKMAN. Blounrturg Slay 21, lSOfi. Till? I) 9 firnimia as it has rut PRACTISED tK HIE STA1M BY fXEC utive assumi-tiok akd iiercisi or arditrart rotvm JJY I). A. MAHONY, ONE or ITS VICTIMS. "It Is Important that I ho habits of tlilnkl ig in a free country should In-pHr caution In those ciitustad with Its administration, to emifino thcnurlvos within their respective spheres, molding, In Iho exer'isu of tho port ers of olio department to encroach upon another.-- The spirit ru cncroiiciinieui in con- .mini., inn powers of all the dcpnitnif nts in one, and thus to ere- ntc. uhalcvor bo tho form of government real Ucs- putlsni." Wasminiitov, "Cllnutotho Conslltutlnn, n the shipu ri'ckod mail ner cllnxs to Iho Inst plnnk, ulien nllilit and tl.i. '.em pest close around lilin," Danikl iBSTF.r C MII.ETOV. Pnlillnlier. li:i Brnailttay :rw Yorl(. U7" Mr. Mahony's bonk with the ab' i title U bo iiub'lshed this week, AprlH.lgGS. HI1K undersign 'tt arso cxii uslvciy engageit In lh' i- Unttcrtalivi! Iluniuess, mid keepsconstautly oil hand u.-l for sale at his Warcroouu, a taru asortmeut of FINISHED COFFINS, fiv which he Is cn.iMei! tn till orders on presentation Keeps a gooil Horse and Hearse, and will at times be ready 10 attend Fuuercls. SIMON C. HIUVF.. IHomnsbiirg, January an. 1ES0 mw job" WwoT AND Fancy Printing Paper! ... , ,. , . . .1 I . V arc I10M flllh piTJ)lircd (() print tllC nnntr and clioinat IO It H'dtiK ii ' l OattStailll CilC.TpC3t JVli UxA,!!!, mu cQumry. Gins ox's A D DKfOKATIVG liSTAIll.ISHniJ'ST, No. 125, South Eleventh Street near VJ nut, piHSHriAfi5G':a,&BE-ia ( Knanielcd Olass, Fresco, Oil ami Encaustic rainling I Jonx Oibsox. Q, 11. Gi v-. January P.', ISlil -3m.. MEW BARBER SHOP la Couri Utilise Alley, .NEXT POOR 10 TUP. Ori'lCKW CXK ttii.e.'inu ni'M.HR.tT," r.i.oo.Vfiiuna pa. November P, lff.2. DISSOLUTION. 'Phi rn p irtnerlilp heretofore i xistiu belween II, W. Lowell and A. J. Warner, un.l. r the name of "Lntt ell fc Warner." nfthe lliiichauilnu I'nniiniri ial Uullege was dissulved 01 tlu I'th d.iv of January, Ir'liX I). V. l.xWELL. Illrgkamlnn April n, lt-i;:i iet. JAMES IXPOKTLU M-J) H. SMI I H, iviiut.i:tLU.y. Kjiu.n BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKEYS, ., v , ut,,,,,,, ...v,. . . , ' """'I .' ..uii-, .L. tt Ih.t I.I. 1 , .Vo. '.Y2-i Il'uluut Sts , letwcvn :ht ij- 4lh PI1ILAIIEL"IIIA C. 11. HENRY, 'Prat , ling Agenl and n"ORncin Rtsi'trniii-bv Solicitld. November "i. 18:'.' y. The Magic Time Observer, Tub PtnriciiHV or Mcni.tM:i. Being a llunling and Open face, or Lailj -s or Ci n tli men's IValch Coiobitied. One of the prettiest, luott convenient, and derided lytlieb'st and cheapest timepiece for general and reliable use, I'ver oll'ered. It has within it and i-nn-necied tvilli its inarhinery. iu own winding allaih iiient. reii.lering a key eutiicly uiiuecessary. The cases of this Watch are composed iiftwo metals, the outer one b'ing liuu Hi raiat gold. It has the improv ed ruby a.ti. iu lever movement, and is warrant, i an arm rule tiin.'jiiece. Price, sup.'ibly engraved, per cms or a linll dozen, $ Jul hi). Sample Wat. lies, in neat inorrHi n boxes, for those propo.iug t buv at wholesale, .$,1.1. sent by express, with bill p.ijable 011 delivery. Soldiers must remit pavmeut iu advance, ns tve cannot collert from thus" in ihe Army Address 1IUI1IIARII IIRDS. ,t O'l..o.- Importers L'or. Nassau & Juhn Sts.. Sew Vork. January III, .-l',:i Cu-. DISSOLUTION. Tlie partner.hip heretofore eiiing between the uu dersi'iicii, iu the Mercantile 1 iifiness, was .lis olved upon the 1st day of April. Hi'.ll, by mutual consent, All persons indebted 10 Ilia late firm, are relucted to m.iko early .eltleiuent. 'I lie books are in Ihe hands of F. u. Eyer, n the f tore. S. II. VIM, nit, F. I.'. EVER. nioouisburg. April li, I-i'i:i.--3iu. Slmaicau J ioUl (Opposite IiHir-eatinitt. Hall.) CIIESTNU'l STREET. II ETWEEN IIFTII Si SIXTH puu..inr.uiiM, Wl'ATT & IIEULlVfiS, .... . Proprietor t November .10, I8111. ll.inli El, IDS: V. C. IIAUHISON, M. I). WOULD ri'-prctfullv inform the rlli.ei.'. of l it o burg, and vuiniii , that he continues the practice Mr.nicixr. Axi) iuitaimr, nil solicits n share of public patronage. OniCK 011 Mam Street, first linos., 1, il, 1-.,,,., House, llloomsburg. 1 ouruary 3, icoj-ti. ADMIN ISTUATOirS NOTICE. Estate cf Ucij, Jones, decastd. LI 'ITERS of Adininitr.itiou on tlio Estate of Iteuj. Jnuus, late of Orange Inwukliin. Cnlumi.n, deceas.d, have been granted by the I!pgUt.-r cf (-..Iniu. bin county, to tho und. rsigued ; all p rsous in claims against th.i ostnte of the decedent are rc.jui eted ... ,,.r. ,,,,,,, i,.,iiinii.iraior 111 Ills renilencu iiiMiid limn-liip. without delay, nml all persuus in debted to make payment forthwith. t 1, , , . JAMES JONES, April I. leuX-Ow. Atm'r Elysbukg Academy FOR MALES AND I-EMALES, KF.V J. F. WAMPOLE, A. .11,, and Peach er of Languages. STEPHEN W. OWEN, Touch English Urnuhes. of -Mat heniatirs no.l 1 -'""uiuaucs mm , ... . 'I ''.V1'.1. :'!." BLsnlON will coninience on MON- , i ."fu 'inigiiersMi-atii-L:;,?:' M,.ic.U.;lK in Iho country lit 8L5U a week, and iu thu village for $J j I TERMS PER 12 CARTER OF 1 WEEKII. ' Elementuty Enulisli Hrnuclies. - . . a . nn 1 Common . :iiu , lligucr " . 3 110 1 Latin, Creek or (.erinun, 7 iki , Musicon the Piano or Mclodeon, (ejtra) . d on Vocal .Music, (extra) 1 po lIuok.Kecpiug, (extra) . t , 00 .,.. iiiigent i.ipeuses. ... . 1 I Addrvs. REV. J. F. WAMPOLE, Principal, I , Elysburg, Pa., April 4, leua.-liiv 1 , foltiiubiis fllalc ami Female Academy, ) Normal and Commercial Instruction, PROF. R. S. 1IINGIIA1I, Ff, ami MRS. S. E IIINiJIIAM, J'rcceptrcus. ' The ncx, term nf this ilut 1 tut ion will coinmoiico MONDAY, tho Sllth of APRIL, lust. Tuition, from $llo super term. P3 Hoard from l 75 tu 5J W per week, (!o, I room, lor tlioso w ishlng to board Ihe inselves For further particular Inmuie of ihe principal. John koons, Eec'y 01 Tiusttic New Columbus, Af nl 11. icO.T ECONOMY IS WEALTH. OU E YOUR OOUQIl FOR 13 CENTS The lcst anl cheapest Uomelrold remedy in the I for Id, M All A ME K.1D0C TORTtltl'a MADAmK ZA 1)00 PCIt- ' TP.It'B Curative linlsani Is wniraiitedlfused cccordlng throat nfld l.dngs. Madame lToc porter's Palsam is prepared with all thu re'iulHte skill, rrom a comblnatlnu of the best rem- .dies tho vegctubli' kliindnm affords, Its remcillal -inall. lies are bared on lis powr to assist tho hea thy circu latlonaflho blood, througli the imnis. It is not a via. lent remedy, but cmolleiit w nrmiiig, senriiiing nndi'lT ccllvej can be taken by tin nl.lest person or tho young est chllil. MailamZailoe I'nrt.f's bn. sam Jsas been In usu by Iho iuliHc for over Id yenrs, mid Mias iicirlr' U il preseui saio Imply ny n.'iiig recnmm. ii led bv those who have used it tn thelt afflitlcd friends and others. i .Mod Important. Mndame Zadnr. Porter's ("urntlvn Is sold nt n price which brings it In tlu reach of every mil to keep It convenient f'r Use, The time ly usu of a single holtlu will prme to bo worth 10(1 times its cost. . . I NOTICE. Have your money I Do tint he persuaded tn purchase articles tiUs to Jl which do r.nt contain the virtues of a III cent bottle nf Ma lame Porter's Cu rntlvellaisam, tliecot of manufacturing which is as grea". as almost .my other medicine i and tho v.'rylow precr at which ft Is sold, makes til. prnut to tho sell. erappa.'iitly small, aud iliiprlnclp'.Ied dealers w!' ., . i,o r,.,:,iiii,ed other mi'dlcliies on whirhthelr nr.ulls are Inr-er. unless tho customers iniist unon iiavlne Jlndami) Porter's mid none nther. Ask for Mndnine Porter's Curative lialsam. price IMcents, and n tarao hifltles nt neuis, and take 110 other. CSoliI hy all Druggl.tsand Storekecperc at IHcts. a,. 1 In larger hottl". ai . cents. HALL. & UUCIil.i:, Pr priJtors, Now York. January 21. ISIKI. iNOS. 'J, 1 1 , 1 .(, 10, 1 UOU tlillHIt Street, N'liAR UllOADWAY, NKW YOKK CITY, j Thlsold-estalillfh-d mid f.norlle r.'ort of Hie llusi ' ness Comiiiunity lias been recently c'riltcd, mul isi om. plute in ovcrythiug that can minister to the comforts nf ' it patrons Ladles and families are specially and care 1 fully pruii.l.'.I for. I It i centrally located In the I111 in.-ss (i.irt of tfce city, ' and is contiguous to th: principal lines eft teanibnal's, 1 tars, uiniillnisss (Vrries, i.c. In con.t"H.'iice 1,1 tlu pr.Hfiire caused 1,5 the lli.bel lion, prices kave been reduced to One Dollar a d a l'ljvj 1 cns per JJai 'I h,-luble is amply supplied with : the season, and isnpial to that of any country. a,,,,, ,ccommodatv,i,s a .ill', red table is amply supplied with all the luxuries nf utlier hotel in the for upward uni'O Ls" Do ml b.-lievo runners hacki.i"ii, nn J others who mat' say "the Western llotl is full." D. D. 1VINCIIF.SPER, Proprietor, I TIICH. I). WINCHESTER. 1 Feb. 15, JBCst. ommei ci' I llni'dinan arc foctt ted opposite Court House, conur of Court and Chciumgr,-Sirict. This College i i;i noway cnuuett.-.l with miy other lll-tltlltillll. 'I'he energies of III 1 entire 1'arulty nro cxrliisivelv de voted tntliK ' Thide'ign ol'lhis tiiHtittiljuti If in afilird In Yinui" Men an opportunit) for ac.iilring a ,,,, Piaetical iiasiiic r.,litifttiini The ISiuiks ami Firm canfullv arrmii:i'd bv Air summits. oprcsly Cir tliis lii-tituti'in' auitlh"rour! nl ln.tiuiti m Is uich Lcombi.-ie 'I h.-o-r an, I Practics. CDLLECIA'I'E Clin: 'E. Tliis I'onr'.e 'S I'ook-Ki!' plug in all it, ,c partni. nts. Penniiiaiiship, 1 '.1,11m 'ii 1.1I rilhmi lie llu iuess l'ojrip',n,P n, e. I 'iiuimcrn 41 1. a it . I'n jim, 'ri,n liny. Cinniii -ri nil l.thic-, Partnership sellle niy nc -tiM(r ited il Hl.irt-.l l!n:ik-oi.'..&r. ' .". ten'!. i ".f :"'.'.'!."!",su,p i- tan. . alc. taiiL'ht iu illl Ill 'll 11 r. It IUU UI'IVI Ml III I all its vnrl ti .'.lasiiT-oniu' art. under III, .perial, I). W. Tin- ltnnk-Kepliig r1-i,.-irtiii.-iit mpi-n ision mid iiistruitiuu of the 1 Low Mb. j (SEVERAL INFORMATION. I Students can enter at any time ; no t.icnliou. ' I ini to ...imp ile Hi.' ('nurse, fnuuliln I-.' week". Usual Avsi, t.llice rMUih'rei to L-l.llIltnli.R II, nrni-,, rl,i .;..,: , , . , - r. ,u .11, in,., 1 r.rndiial. s are pr. s -ut-.-iI tt itli uu elegant 'y engraved Hi , ploina. ZJ- For oat.ilngiietf 111 pages, specimens of p.-nman- i,i,., u.iiiu.,-1, ,, n-u,-r ...imps ami ail.Ir.'ss , " 'V. I.OWl'.LI ,1'rlniipal. August .11), AC2. t Hay 3. IJii.m. C 11 I T T E N 1) E NS I'UILsU.KI.PIII.V COSIiMUKflAL. (OIL E G E , V. E. comer of'ih t,nd Cheshiul Sticcis PHILADELPHIA. Till Is-nri'iiov, which tva. rstat.lisknt i 1 a t-1 and is now tonsequently in Ihe eifhtreuth imr of its nut. .lire, numbers anion; its graduates, m the inosisuccessl'iil .llerchints nid Ihifiness Men r.f our Country. TiiKtiiinui' nfthe Iiiftltuiinii isoeIy tn air.ird youiie men facilities for thorough preparalionlor biulntss. Tim llii.tNriits Ttuoin are, llval.-l.ern.iii;, as annliri. hie toth-various deparlmeiits of trade; l'rnm,,Ll,i,,. both plain and ornani.'Ulal 1 LViamerc,,, tnlr .in'f! mnttct, .Variation Citll r.nglncerilig, Draul,,.., 1 1,0,1. ogoriihy, and Modern Mugiiogis. " Tn. Hv-tfm or l.ssTiiic ri.iN Is p-cullar : mu lasses or set lessons are made iwe of. hut , ach nuilenl Is lauglil individually, snthatlie may coniineucent any time, mid attend at whatever hours arc mot conv miei.t. (.'Tti.ooi'K nrcissiiedrtiiaoiafier the 1.1th of nril conlainlng iinnias of Iho students for th year, and full 1 parlirulars of term'. &e.. and m:,v 1,. ,,1,1 .1 time by ail.lresing il,c Principal. ' ' In I'VTFSsifK AuoMMiint rinis, teide-tprrod renutntion I nnd the tti'nili'i tiptrlrmt of ihe 'WrW, this liiMitu tiouoirerfariiitis'.uperilirtoaiiy ntli. r in the roiiu try, for young men tt LI ing topreparo f,ir business 1 aim looui.un .11 in" hnilH-llm,! 4 nil-bfiMt. trhirh trill Vrn-ex rttommtiMim for them them to any Mercmin til Hnilsc. ' n7CsiTrsn's CcriM of Trtmhtt on Pook-Kih'. i.i now uor,i wlihlyrlrculatedlh.iiianv other work on the subject, are for i-alc nt the C..e'ge. H. IIOIICiES CRITTENDEX, ittorneiiULair, Pninm-tr,. Jan. S5.S,1.' Um. NITIOXAL COJniEiHUL COLLI'fiKS LOCATED JN PHILADELPHIA, , 8. E. CCUNr.RTl'll AND CHESTNUT STri., I Ntw York Ul', L'r'.oUin, Allium, Troy', Ih'ffuto. Hc toit, (I'Viand, Chiaip, ' , awl S. Loan. nook-keening, Penmanship, L'liaiiuercial Arithnuti, ( or.iuieriiiil Law, Form.-, Correspondence, A.c piuct tally taught. ' 'lliesu Colleges being uudci the same general and In. 1.1. .a.iageiuoui.Hiiii iiiiitiu: in each thu nilviintngo . nt nt . 01 .,..,.,... r... :.. ,.. . ., ." . '..' - ...s iHipnruiig ...".rue, than unv others 111 ar iistltm 00 lo Ho, v 1 ' I A Si'holarship issued bv unv uno iseoid iu all IV. 1 nnlimiied Ijiue a,;vr: fu,:!!is1;:!u,'!!.,,.!yi w,s ssttv; , .arges,au,,,u.lpro.perou.Co ircuVllulSa:'.,! Hrynnt & Stratton', series of T.'t Hooks cu.brae Hook kcepiug, Coiumcrcinl Aritl.iuilic, ami Cuumcr '"''"i.''.1' al111 nt by mail. "j' '"rfuli parlirularaseiidforucirculor. Ottober If, leO-J I'.'in. TO 'J HE MUSICAL. ' j ' 'lis Sweet to bo Ilcmemliorci.'." HMIIH NOTED SONC has Just baen set to 1,111, jc, J. n.lupted to the Piano, mul tho nuilior has hud it c pyrlshted. Ho I. reait- now lo mi irr. r i, shoitcst notice, by uiuil, 10 any part of the United ! i-tic.. m rem. P-r rn,,y,' .'e, pro.,id to,;,,; address. To agent. .1 Hbcrul deiliicliou w ill bo made. ' Address II. .11. ROI3ERS, Sellliserove. ftot'ilcr rnmilu P., April 11. m. ' SJT Any paper giving the above one insertion, an.l snniling 1, marked enpy to the "Selinsgrnve Times." shall nceive a ropy by mail. For Iwo insertions two COnles : and fur tliron In.i.rllnli" Ihr .nnli,, i.lllkn sent. ' RLANKSI BLANKS!! Of every description, for salo at thisoffio if if i I lie New IteniUng Ball Uond. I'll I A TO ORKATTRUNK i;.i ' " " .V t a N I A , TUB I'ASSIlMimtTltAINS ,oovc tho company's depot iii ir i - - ,V,,, ,ucct, Philadelphia at the f. Inwlng Hours, "'" 1u,?NIh U.W i f L.n.n Ilarrlsburg. Ilagerstowti, ic, !A)1!( Wtti East IVnn. pyM " .C, n Valley trai l for I ar I'bi (, !!'JR. . 'oMNTON Willi Ca n w ssn a I '"'" ' w'i,k'c;ua,re. Wllllaiuspot . .oik J at u . L ra . c . " ( AltlllriKU lifiitl I roi ten ; ' ' 1 ''' 1 .y ami Hfhny kill nii.l t nsttch .in 'j1 ?, inberlan.l, W llllainsuirt. ork, t-hambirsuurt, isnrernve c. ... ,,vtnr.t ArTI'.llNOON IAI KHSa ,lCVe. PlilUclP h l?kXn X& xille. ,le, 1 V !'Sm ,,,,,vi,. ...I,. Oentinl K.iHroiiil trains for vr,8,:,' c N.rt '"" u,,l"M,, 'v";..1" !. ;.' . No'rthuifferland. KMnht, ami at For burg 1,.,,. 'jrcrte for Hilton ., nea.llii" nt .:) A M stoppiug at all way Inlleadinir atT;;'" f,, ..,. tinrrlsb'T I.' ''V- ., P.Uv Hen .lf l..nriirliilii .hlta.l... ' ? .1 I M Utcrnoon trains leave narrlsluirg V " " Mnn'd Pnttsvmeat'J,30 P- JI. arrlt .ng nt PlillaJeli 1,1 Market t! V'fns" "r nltyclie.1, leave ' i.i.ii.dV'l.di la tl P.M.. for Heading and all way ta- hilaihl 1 ui , , ,tJ i,ni,!iown M for P hi ipl iaan.l n" )' stations. l the nbovo . ns Mil. dally, tluu.l.iyejc-pted. L. , ! , in leave Pottsvlllc at 7,30 A M and flilla- dilphla at :i.15 F Jj; ..... .... ., . ., ..nAn CIILS 1 Lit A'' ' '' ncme.llate Passengers rrom " ' 2'! J' 1 ' , i,v, iii I' pnihts take Hie ?.! A M j A j ,.l,..,hln. returnliiK Irom Djwulngtown at , ,wu A ""'iv 'vuiik PUFrim nr. and Leaves New York, t'7 P ', 'pinf Heading at 1 t)7 .nn:ctliig at llarrisburg with Jisy'ivn v 'of P?n"ny n a Fxpres" Plttshurg n :t.K A pas' J Heading J.IS A M and nrrlUng ill .New ' '.!' . ... ii,-,,. a M stem, in: car acc.u.ip.iny these , trmustimmsn '" Cltyn'i.1 Pittsburg wl'.n- d""" us . , Mall trains fr New Vork l.'avo Ilarrlsbuv nl 8 A M mul S.0I1 P M. .Mall trains tor iiurnsuiii, leave ,uw Yurk'ntU A M and Ii noon. iuriu .... , ,,,, , .... ,, mi i.riAn Trains leave ' Pottu'lli.i at 1,1.1 A M and !' ..niui, rrni.i'l'iin.irr.ra nt P.O.. A M. a id 1,45 I' M riCllin l.Kll.l. AMI tilliT.tJF.IIANNA P. ML liO.VH. Traiim leave Auburn nt3-IJAM fnr Pinrgrrvo and llarriihurg. ami at t'.IU A M. a "1 ' P M f-r pin. grove ou'yi return!!'.,! fr.'i'i I nrrlburJ at I.HJ P .VI and trom Piuegruxe at fi A .ManJ land i P.M. TICKUPS. , n . , . ... ... i,i tLVrtiu all Throupli first l, s Ilcl''y';; f P"." r.x l"M '" tin a principle points n, m .t.... " - The following tlrkels are obliii.i il.le only at th i oihro ofS. Hr.i'lfi.rd, Tr-nsiir -r. No- 227 south t aitli st. I hil.ilelphi.i, or oftl. A Meolls, I' ?uurint.'ii,. "'""""""cOMMCTATI'lNTIfKim.. , . , At S3 prrc-nt, discount, b, tween any pi.lutsi.esiriJ, lor t.illllles and, MU CACE TII'RE PS. Cool for 'ja.W MII1--4. t -jw vn al! point", nt $Ui'-l" each for families 1:11.1 linn. tfP.lrlOVTi:KET.- For three, six, nine or tw. Ive iinmths, for li.ilJn'S only, to all points, lit rednri-'lrntes. ' CLERCVMI.N Residing on the Hue nf Iho ro id tt III be f,irnihed tt Ith r. rds cnlitl-M iheiuelvc and v. it'.s t.i In k. ts at half fare. EXi UII.-AlOV TK'KEIL From Philailelphla lo priuri,i.i st itlou". goii.l f .r Sat- ur lay Sun.luv and II lay. at re. In :.-d fares. 10 hound only lit tlu I.lcki-t OMice, atTllilteellth anl l.allowl.ill streets. FREHillT. fl'iiiil of all description forward to all the nbote p-ii,ts frn.n thi couip in'" u-'W I'rei.-ht depi.l, llr'id aud l illotv streets. t iir.niii r 1 Leave Philal.lphri daily .it Ii A M M ReniMui;. I.' li.iuou, llarrisburg, Clinton, and all points b.-y.iu.l. I p M ; an.l I, P Poltst ille, Pott MAILS. Clo"e at thu Phil.'n'elphi.i i"t Ihe road and lis braurli'-s at .1 A fi.uin n y nt J 1.1 I' M. iliibe for nil plarrs on M, and for the priuci Illeonisbrfrg hell. II IKi'l. 1 E S T 11 A Y. ; amk Into the en. Insure of tic umli r.-iwi! iu I'ih- ingcici k low 1. -1 1 1 1 . on Tu.'sday Hi 'Hi day of April A l.-nge mar.-with a siar on the face and small tt hite -tripe ruuiuui; .low n lo.var.l th" end of therto.- , and a small w hit sp it .,11 the irid' r lip, he is ah-eit I.' nr It jeais ohl. The otvoi'r Is 11, p .ti-d 1,1 coi'ie and prove properl.t pnj . lurged anl t iki. h-r aiv.1.1 i.r slu will b.-.!i"posftl ..j'.irioruing to law. (ii'.oitni: Keller. April ', l.-Kt.-tw l I) WAE,iWa.' Mwmi, LIGHT STKKET, Oolumtia county, It I HE U'lil.'rsiuue I las liirafd nt the nbote uaiw ! hot. I. formerly rciipi-.l by I'etr-r Srh'i,', and h :J its a share ,f public I'.itrou.i.'i-. , (ino'l ari'Oiiiioo.liiiioiH .,r nun and b".ist. T liel kind ul K'pinr.s al Ihe bar. J. I). RIi'E, l'roprii t. r April 'I, IflilP SUXJJS AXl) S!l.dI)E-. J. WILLIAMS. No. Hi 1 itelphi.1. ln.iilill';i.l;irrr Vorlh Sitlh blreet, Phila . f Vsitsitsnss ESljntl't :m Wicsiiow , ITT- Th-large. t and fn n a.n rlirent in the cite, at III.' Imvel prie s 1 Minis p.-.i tt.'d aud trimmed ci.ual to new. t lore Hmdcs inadeainl litleied, , April -I, 1 -lilt.-tin 1 18G3. 1803. niil.t(!cljiliia f; ICric Hail Uoad. Tills great line tratir "s Iho Northern and Noith west counlies 1 f Peulifjhaiii.t to the ,,it f ;rK. ,, Lake Erie. It h,-en leased by the Pen SMlvnni.i Railroad Couipanv, and iiudrr Ih. ir auspi , , ,jg iiimi.Ii opeiii'd throughout Us .'.Him li-ntli. Ii is now 111 in,-lor Passenger 1 Freight bus in. ks Irom llarrib irg loDrillitood (,-M Fork) Hi; iuiIcm on III.- Last, ru Hit i ion, and from hh.'lh.U lo r.ricon Hi,. rn Hit Mini. (Th mil,., ) riMt or iMsr..i.m insi.M, it sunn i-jot:ri.tvD. .tian 1 nun leaves, i;ari j, t' ,s Trail, " Hi ,VJ P, Mail " " 11 ct 4 ..m .11. .11. impress " .', j.j . Car. run llirotigh wiiii n,iM,K ,t, a,, ' h,,'fa trains hi tweeu Philadelphia ,,,,,1 Lock Hateu, and llaltiiuore and k llavin. New andelegnnt Merp. ing Cars accouip.iuing the Etpress Train both wais between Jl illiamsjiort and Ham,,,,,,,., a, Vj I ti.i m.. port and Plnl.i.lelpliia. 1 nr inioriiiaiion respe, ting p.f 5,.nger business, . ap .i in mu n. 1,. i or. mu ami .Mark-t Sts. And for I'r. igln bii.inessof the 1 oiupanj-s Agents : S. II. Itiugslon Jr . Cor. I3ih and Market Sis., Phil a- ii . ti'ij 11111.19, i.riy. I.'."M' A"-'e"t ,V- '' 1: 11 llnlllinore. I. 11. Housiuu, lieu l. Fr i'jlit Agt . I hlladelphi,,, Lewis ,- lloiipt. (i.u'l.Tiiki-t ,gt Philadelphia. Joseph I). Poll., (i.ii'l. Miimiger.U j 1 1 1 c. n. r 1. 1 ,1 1 . January I,, pi ;i, 1 rJIIE PENNSYLA'ANIA HOTEL, lhlSTlU.r., MQ.KTOVR COU.Vl'Y, P.I. Enterlalnuicnt lor Man and lleast, iu good nt 0 mul at nioderate rales. til Mi.. I D inville, April III. l-lij N. SAV.K;i:, Pro riclor. iKH' JEIISI.V L.i)S roil SALUT" ALrSO, ' GAHDEN AND FIIL'II' FARMS. SiiltiibL' for llrapi'S. Pimhis, Penis, lliispb-irl.s Strewlerries, Hlackh-rri. s. Comm., Ar.,.f . i ;' HI oa ill acres .aili, a. Ihe following piire,. fi r Iho present, via: -.'u .nK., r fj-.tio, It) acres for Slid 1 arres for tfO, SI acres lor 8 HI, I m re for i X Put ub'to by 0110 ilolliir a ttei k. Also, good t raubiiry Inmls. ami 1 illage lots iu Cheat. ' '-Why Ib"teet. at HI, ach. payable bv una ,:" . lar a week. I lie aboie I11111I and lanii-. nre Mini t. a ,- iinh',11 iow iisuip, niiriliiglou 11.1 New Jersey. ,0, fu,ther iiil'oruiatiiiii, apply, w P.O Slmnp.forii circular, to hj." 11 lily. Illl !' FRANKLIN ('LARK. Cedar Street, .MV Vurk. N. V. i January IT, l-W, STRAW STRAW!! STRAW!! l" inn 1 iun niKiiv.nrii kinds. I L'i,,.i ... cepted. is wanted ii.iuieiiia eiv' 'at a 1 ,, rov raii'-r VI ll. ,i,.,,r I iin ,W .... . i.i. ,n i. , ' "l"r 'IShiaireei, lor wlmh w ca.h will he p.i . JIHICroie, August (i, It'G2. TIIO.ll AS TRENCH. PETER YOHE SON. M in :lG'HplT!!!;:, ..x.. nrennn.,1 m ,i :'... V"" ".' " " 1 " and 1,3 at tho tow..., , . nonce rx April II, If 1,3, !. .. .. ' "nt .iieiu a can - -- . .. NUT I OP v 1V1 ( IT!(;P. 1 l.a..i... n, . l . 1 u,,.T, o,i, . A'"' "" "I'.PI'f'-.tion ! i;, rl" I'". 0'rno, if K: ; ila0nir a nar Bloom.buir Ar.J.i', ,l31''r' M,'f-Ovn.lo,f mm Aie you sick. fteUe, sol couiphilulnjil Arayoucutct orJtr, will, your lysKm cV laugul, aud your feellngi un ton.luitablsl Thcjo cyinp 1. iii are often the tncluds in ferleiH llliieri. Soma tit ti Uciecplngupuii you, "Hum ii ti ha rllibt K,tn. cr's 1'ills. sn.i cleans) out Ilia disordered l.i inuis purify tho blood, arii lit Hie lluldsinovo on uuoV stl.icted In health again. They stlniulalo tbo futictku of the body Into lgnrou s (UltV. nUtirVlllO SlSlSlll rrnm ajag-. iii .!,(, cl,tructloiu wklili maka Jl-ease. A cot.l scltles noinculiero I i ll 0 1 0 ly.ana cU structs Us natural funtllons, Ihese, If net rcllorcO, react upon thcmsclres nnd tho snrroiiu.llng organs, pro ducing general aggravation, muTer ng, nn.1 dlsesw, V bile Tin this condition, oppressed by Iho .leinngemcn 1, tsko Aiei's Pills, nnd See how illicc t y they res ore th, nnturaf action of Iho system, mid wltli It tho bnoyAjt feelliK 1'flie.ilHi "InilH tiuoan.1 10 apparent In till nml eoiuinoii compl ilut, ,1s also tiuo 1 In n.nny of tbo deep suited and .lis eixpers. Tlio eima purgatlvo cITect expels llieni. Cnuwl l.y olntrnc lni and ileraugenienls or U nilniaf ruuctlons cf II,. they aro rapMly, and m iny or llieni surely, cur.l ythos!uii.i.nean.. S.nte ,.hUiiow the Irtuo, of the,. Pills, ttlll neglect to employ Ihem it hen suuvrlng Trora tho .llsoiileis they cure. fitali'inenH lions ImiI1ii I'liJ'L 0"io c,f tin illljs,au.t fioia olhif well kuown pullls fcr S.IUS. Tiom a nrvmrlhj Moclmnt if St. TMiii, Rb. 4, 1850. Da. ATtnt Your Pills aro tho pniagon of all that Is great In medicine. Tlwy liavo cmed my llttlo daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and Toot that had proved Inuir.ilile for years. Her lnotbor lias bceii long grlov. ouily nlllletc.t ttllli blotches and pimples cm her skin and In hur b ill-. Artec our chil l win cured, elm also trtoA. your Pills, and they latvo cued 1,. uonaBIMa As a Pnmll... Physic, Teon Dr. - IF. Oiiiti..., .Yen tWrato, 1 Your l'llli nio 111. ,-lnei tl purges. Their ctcclfont qualities surpass un.l r.ilnnlle we possess. They art mil l, but tcryceitiiju and in their nctlou on tbo loKelf, nlilrh '.allies them Inruluablo to Ul In tho daily ticatmeiitoC (tlsrase. llcn.ln tlic,SleIiircni1ncIie,Foiil fitomncli. JVwii Hi: IX'omd Ilallimeire. l)t in lino. A irui Ican.'ot answer ton what complutnti I Into curat tilth youi-l' Is-ttoi- to lay nil that u ertr tre it with a)iffiri nwlklne. I place great depep. ili-nroou an enertiuil .athaitie In iny dally contest ttllli .llsr.iin, 1.11 1 liellevln as I do Hint your Pills mTurd ui th bcit tie h.ite, I of coium, in tbuiu highly, Pirrsnrro, I'n,, Jtay 1, 1S5J. rm. .T. C. Atrn. fir: I b".'n repeatedly currd tf l!i worst h'iuliih'. nnt- body enn hate by a dose cr twj i,r..,nr I'llN. It seems to aiiie fiem n foul slonmcl,, ttlik'h lliey rh'i.iHO at ouco. Yoiiu Willi gieat ittprct, KD. IV. rnnilLE, Clerk nf Xttamtr CVaiiwi. liltlmm IJIsorilci-a Iilvev Coinplulnti. lW.ilir. TlttMlort li.ll, 'Alio 1'ul- Cty. M.t nnlv a.o torn- 1'IIU i,,lmlml,l v adaiited to their Mir- pni 1.1 an I'pcTll'iit. 1 lit I find Ihtli'lienellclil f fleets upon tho 1. 1 er very iiiarkiil I ilei'.i. nicy nato in my insi tr .,,0Ved niain HfeLlunl fr Iho uno of l.lhut pin- WWud than i )Mti than any oiw remedy I tan mcnticn. 1 i.'joico 1111.1 ttn mite m it-u.u 11 piiiifiiii.u iTiucii 1 iter thy the luiifidentu of the pmf.'stioii niid Iho 1 cnple. InnniMt!i or nic JXTCr.ior, I IVnihlligten, U. I'., "th Feb., 1S515. Ria: t Into used your Pills In my g.inial and hnsplttl 1 i.irlfceeter since) oil 1 m.le, lli,'iii,iiud cannot hcsilntQ tu my they me tho best . i.lhuitl'j we employ, 'lhtir regn lining iictlouox tlio liter Is 'iiihli and decided, cous .liiLiitly they nio an iidinhnblo inuedy foi'dpinugriiiuut. of tint oi(;an. lud 1,1 hare seldom round a case i,f lidimis ili.m.f, so obstinate that It did not leadlly yield to tla-ui. Iratiinally jours, AI.O.V.0 HALL, .M. U, JVijj'c.'uii nZ.c Murine llorj Uul, Dyseiitpt-y, Dlniilicnn, Ilclnx, "VVoruia, ). J. (. Viecn, nf Chicago. Your Fills Iiavo ha 1 a long Hlul hi my prarllco, and I hold them iu esteem a one of the bi-st apeii.-nts I l,tiT4 eter found. 'J heir aller.itlto ilfei I upon Ihe liter makes them an excellent 1 tvhen giieii in minll doso-. fu yio'i.i t'ymtrj ami ilitnrlitr.i. 'J lie Is- siignt-coatm,; makes them teiy nccept.iblo and cuuvuulciit Iji the i.m, of women and chlldlul, Dyeix psln, linptii-Ky of II10 Tilnnil. JVem l.'iv.J. F. tlti'ics, r.isk.r if Admit Chmclt, ll.ili.n. Da. Arm: I lmtcuscd ,t..iii Pills ttlt-h extnieiillna.y surci" in in) family nud innoug tlcihe 1 ntu citUe.1 to ti-it 111 listless. 'J'o r.'gulntii thu olgillis uf digestieti mid 1'UI ify Iho bb'iul, Hi.'.' nut Hi" Ul) best lelueily I lint iter kiin.tu, and I tan ienli.l'iilly icconunciid Ihwn ts luyfilcnuN. Vuui", J. V. IIIMre. V.'tnUT, Wyenilug Co . N. V., Oct. 21, IMS. Tictn Fir.: I am utiiig .tour Ctilli 11 tie Pills in my pt .le tter, .tad Ini-l an cm'. Il.-'it pini'titlve to cleanss il, si stem and uiiifu the f.uiid'iiut .. ll. Ihml, JOHN 11. -IIEACIIA.M.M, P. C'oti.! Ipnt Inn, Contlvciiesa, KiiTiiirmslr.f , Itlivmitiit Ism, (lout, IS't'iii nlgtn, Di op--, I'niiilj Is, I.'ils, cte. l.ia Pr. J. r. Wuiijliii. I, Car.ftcla. Too ran. h rannot 1 e s:,ld i.f tour Pills fur this cvro if p(i'iti. Ifclheis i.f fiateriilty haro iitnd flier as einenueii" a, 1 have, III.'.! stiottld J.u in,. In pirrlniiii. ing It IU- Ihe !'!U'r the iiiultlludes nhn suH.'i' f,(,.,i that c.'inpl ilut, wlili h, nllh'.ii'l. bi.l enough In Itulf, ti the progenitor of ellicis tint ai, tvorse. I l-rlU'to c timifti toorfgiiiite in the liur.l.ul your Pills sllcct tint i'1'.in und euro the .liieae. f'ir.u Mit. 1:. Huatt, 1'1,1s;. tin owl .V.'Jmfr, J-k. I find one or two brgu il.if.r, ot 3 our Pills, taken nt lb pr.pcr Inn.', me smvII. nl t.'lin lives i.f Do- iiiimn icnr liwi wh"ii tt holly or p.utl illy suppii-wd, and slso tr.ry tlfectiiul to clmmr thu 1'nuint.h and rjod icinin. Tin are so much tho best pbjvlj tic Imtu that 1 i.cuuabiei.1 uo othur to in) p.illinl,. Tioi.l the Her. Vr. llmlts.i.fn, t.(l.IU. fyii. Pi t uki Hor-r. .nain.i.h. fla.. .Tnti 0. 1KB. H01nnr.11 Mn: I should be ungiat. r.d v th, nlkf your tklll has bnuiuM nn- If I did not 1 my cai- ti )ru. A r.-I.l s.'ttle.l hi i.iv limt,snu. biougbt 011 ixrrt: cliitlng tintni'ui'' jiit'itr, tvldih end, d iu r.'uv.nti- lltriita uii. N,,tivllh,tnndliis 1 h id tbu be-t uf pbt -.Ici.ins, lbs dl,eao gictv worse ami w.ue. until by I In- ndiloe of)our erellent agunt in llultii ions Hi . Mac'l.eia-!,', I tiled ) our Pills, 'ibeli- cITert" tv. le .lutv, but sure, Hy porsett'ila In Iho mo cf them, I nui now tuilirl) well. Senate riit:inrn. Puton Rmige, I,s .', Her. IfX. Dr. Aver: I have bren eutli'. iy ruled, by jour l'I!l, Hh'tiwdfc Cuut A painful dLensn thst bail attllcled u. Lryeais. MNCI'.NT II.1HEI.L. I DTT-Moft of the pillt n ni.n t-.c t contain Mercury, I ttlildi, ullhough 11 In renmilyls tkilful liaudt, ll d.tngeious In a public pill, fiom the iln-adml CIII1S1--iiuenees that fi.iui'iitly fn,,n- Its lucnutlous use. Tksui contain no mercury or mini nil siililnuto tthatever. Prico, 25 cents por Box, or5 Boxes for SI. Prepared ty Dr, J, C. AYEit &, CO., Lowoll, Hasa. Sold by E I' . ul. (I .11 llngenbiich, an.l J 11 Mn.t,r I louui-liure: JSiliujIer. Ituhri-burg : Masters It Son, .llilltilb'j P Musters. Ili-ulniii Laarils tc. Fi.licr, Or niiii-t ill. 1 O I' Fow I. r Fmt h rst ille : A Miller, Her wiik; Low A. Ilros . Centert ille j II F Rcigliart &c Nuss I PV ; .11 (i Shoemaker, lliii kliorn ; Rcigliart & Nuss, M.iluvill" : J sharpies.", Cattatt issa ; Creasy 4c Cu, Light Stre. I : and dealcrjet erytt Iie,e. July til . leo'.'-ly. -pi, .4 vo 9. ltr t nioi-itt . " iui.5 cv u t 1 ouix I J's "T. rCiTr-' Tiiief liroof Iralamander clsfis. .Till "jLli., 1.J Tv -j. r, 1 . r . -.' lsn, iron doors, for banks and t.fJ,r:.--:l!?.',; r-tftfJr. makes of lucks ennui to any maJe , in Ihe I'nite.l Smtes. Fiic.VfVsia anr j,n, .111 came out right; tciiA cox tenlit in pood ran.lilititi. 1 wJj Ailauiaiiiier Sail, uf I'lnlailelpliia against ikj EVANS k WATSON, hnve had the surest ib in, .nation i the following ret tillinti' that tin Ir inauuf.iilur.' ofH-ilaiuainler Safes lia. lit length fnllt warranted the repr.'sentations which haw b"ou ia, 9 in th.'iu as rendering an undoubted sccuut) against Uu. terrific ileuunt. Phll.'Hlelphln April 12. l?5ii. .1 1 ' f '""' y Hilon. (iinil 'men - It atlords us th'' hiem st sat isfattiou lo stale to you, that owlng'W the very protectiw Miinlili' s of tun ol Ihi Salninandri, . al.'s iihii'h in- purdnis d of you some five iiioulh sinrf w. niveil a large porliiu ..I'j. iiciry. and nil our books, fti- cxpi sed 10 the I'liiaii.iiious, fi.e inRaiittia.l place oa ihe morning of th.. mi, him.. 1 ll hiii we relb-tl ihvt tbi h.. saf-s were located 111 the I'urtli nory ofih buiMiiig ',vi .irciipieil and that they tell subse.pii mi) into:, le ap r. liiuuii.g nuns, win re thi vast cone mint f th heat caused the brass plats to in 'it. we CM,,,, 1 hut regard Hi -pr.-bi rvallon of their val iriiile couti'ii ,i mi-si coin lining proof of the great w curily allnr,! -,l by .tour sales. lie shall tel.- gr. ul pbi.siii,' in r roininendlnr' UlCB. men of Lukini's-s us a sur.' n liiine,' against tire, -.., CIUOi: U.SIUlH,,NS&IIRO.,.c,c;:cfj, C7"Ibe) hate since pnrchi.s'd sit large Safe;!. HLHIlI ; 1 August '.u la'.u G R E E N WOOD S U M IN All Y. Millvilc, Columbia Covnlij, Pcnn'u, This, well kiiowh School for both sexes will upon NOVKMIJEI! :td, I6G2. 'Pile recent addiiiona to he buildings: render ncf T.1 nilalioiis tor inor.illi:insi.Mv hoarders - ! V 2 '.' , "l1!'"'.": '" HcparlircrW in ,. '."" ' ' ull,ilc' uuu i-io Lo uinerrini, I he Principal will he nsslsteJ be .,,.H,.en,l (eciU. irs, t ,y .unlllie.lor Huir ri'spcclive poiitiotis. I aienl. aiid oiliers may rest nssuri'd that no ctTorU win i.c p,ireil inmabeiher-chnnl worthy of patroiioti nnd lhal the welfsre of ihe students, inlellccluiilly pnt.ii.iiiy, ami morally, m III reccivoourconHantroni I r application, ririulars or furlher particulars, r.d 1'iass the underiigneil. nl .llllluille I nlunibia rnuiityl'r, T. MAXWELL PMTS. JOHN H, PA'ITON. A, Mi MU.tlllc.r,.. ,-,. I3.ICC2. V,i'Hi! fliaiiison pt H)0ii5C, M. & T. I', WATSON . J VEIl Y S TA ll L E .1 TTJ1CHED ii'fTii ?irri(KSlT Utv.,u V4igiT4i ArrviF"1' ka,Mi?iSoAoi r'ALAMANDI'.R SAFES, IU rT,'''-: rfV-; CHIVED lo 10 Vvmrl t- -l . ; vt3"s er Snrt, phila Ulphta, liar, on J'-fhS-.'ir.-rrt Ul?.A, and u larce nssorlineiit of Flrj I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers