f 1 I rmmmt wiiiiiiimhj 1JSI.1IU.1 'i. LiL illLL' ! ..J Lll!. ''JILL1 . mmmmm . j, . , sfcMsi I 'A wMMBIA DEMOCRAT SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 30, 10e3. tiif Preaching next Sabbath at 10 half past two S half past BOTCH la tllO DuntUt . 1 ' vllurcu 0V Ji IV . OCOll. t - - -.-- Vt5?-Wn ntlhlish phnvetinrn tlm I'rnnnpn. XJW 0 IU.U1IS11 ClaCWUOrO IUO I roPpeo (US Of tllO 1 Philadelphia Evening Journal.' It ii a live democratic paper and morita- a liberal support. Mossra. Pine $ Lewis, Editors, at SO 00 per year. l$3rftat-i fi-ui-tion I Soino woikinon employed this week in removing rubbinb, on tho promts of Mr. I. W. Mckclvy, in DlontnsburKi raptured and killed Seventy- 0 ' ' 8CV0U Wliarf llutS 1 . A nravcr of tWCUtV-fivC minutes - 1 Otlir. Ilia V bo VOrV Wt'll lor tho Hereon Ol J i I Btrcchinc it OUt. but We h'.lV VOt to learn, ' - that Mich offcting were ever very acccpu blc to a congregation. it's Will 'ram laloyd da'riaon'a oldest, son has been commissioned as a lieuten ant in Gov. Andrew's negro rcitnciit which U called the "Sllli .Massachusetts," hl'l,a .1,1 ., !.,. .r, iiiAMn ''J'lin flnii.ll. 1 'tutibu is a covenant with L'catii, nml the Union vs a knguo with Hell," has for' years been paraded at the head of his paper, isi highly pleaded with the compo titioti and aims uf this regiment. 1 I The Four Acls of Desiiolifin This' is a book of 100 pages, written by , D A. Makonv, Hsq.,ot Iowa, and pub ; lished Jjy Van Kvrie, llorton y Co., at the "l Oaucasian effiee, New York. Wo invito !; our Democratic fiiends to call and exam- inc a.copjf of the work to be soou at this oflicc. hi .procrtus wi.l be fouud in an- $ other column, and wc hav accepted tho Agency lor the saw sf tho work. Tits Record or air. Vallamllghaui. Wo acknowledge tho riceipt, from J Walter & Co., Oineiunatti, Ohio, of the above named work comprising SI 3 p;iges, prico, retail, paper eovcrs, 0'.) cts , cloth. 1 00. This book contains all tip public speeches of Mr Valhindigham, and no 'where within its lids, tiro to he found one leutonci favoring thu di.-soluiion of the Union. Every lover of liberty, and op ponent of lyranny, in all our country, .t&nuld carefully read thu "K.eord." Stay Super, Fi ur. Mr. IIiinky C KKU'HXH'tjOf the Cuntru Mill-i, near Fow- Iriviliu, la?t week, grounu us a grt.it, or ' Demorr-ilic wheat, out of which he made a larco vield, anJ the white:t and best f W I 'jjjl I'lour wo havo yet used in our family. I There i a vat difference in Mil. or and i Milling, as we have long since discovered, j Ki-'Ifi'iner'a Mills have a hih reputation for fair dealing and doing good woik, and always give geuerul eati.-f.triiuu to their. ;,s cajtoxiiefd. Pai:ou. ii. W. Jckst)n, of th'p p'aco, wo 4'c plca."o:l lo learn, has rceeiv-, ed a letter from Iih son, Lieut. 0. (! j sJ.c:ki,n. of the Eighty Fourth 1'. V. fttt-1 ting that he was taken pri ouor at the late . fight of Ghaiicollorville, and has since I been paroled, having been fO'U to Aunap- 1 o'ii, Maryland. II is wounds aro not ol n serious naltiro. Corporal A. Wvlfh, also artived at Aiuiapo'.P at ihe siiinu time, having been ihe companion of Lieut Jackson, during his incarceration in Inch tnond We are rejoiced at their speedy release; litrwick Ueizelle, Exciting 'Dkish Giiask. Early on -Saturday moTMiug last, it full grown Doe Tvas espied by a number of our citizens, tm a barren island in the river, tibout a ' quarter of a mile aliovc town. It had i beon chafed there by some men and dojis t ifrom the Nescopuck side of tho liver. Ii umdc several attempts to reach shore, but was as often driven back Mc-sr.. Dr. f Home and Charles Fowler, of this place, conceived the idea of raptuiing it alive Sjcuriug a foot boat they asciiidetl tho tivor, and getting beyond it, the cha-e 4 commenced. Tho Doe headed down the 4 Rtroam, followed by its pursuers. The chasobecaiuo csciting. Our citizens linud V tho shore to witness the capture. On sped the Doc, until i. had pased the ' alls, when becoming fatigti-d, was seized by its pursuers and secured. It can be neon alive, at the residence of Gilbert Fowler, in this place. Wc understand they were offered forty dollars for it, im mediately after its capture' Ihrwick Gazette iv , iiiMivn AllMI:.trnv. Tn rpfintnof i-sue a writ of hiiLcis corpus in tho caic of Mr. Vallandigham, Judge LcavitS of Cin cinnati si'id : I Tor the reasons which I have attenip ted act forth, I am led clearly to tho con- ' elusion that I cannot judicially pronounce J the order ol General Ruriiside for tho ar- v rodt of Mr. Vallandigham aaa nullity, and 'l must, tliorcforo, hold that no sufficient i grosud has been exhibited for grnuting j? tho wt it applied for. Thero is one other consideration to which I may, perhaps f properly rofcr,not as a reason for refusing 0 tho writ applied for, but for the purposs of sayiag that if granted, thero U no prob 'j, ability that it would bo availably in reloiv 'I ing Mr. Vallandigham from his present position. It is, ns least, morally curtain " it would not bo obeyed. And 1 confess I , nm somewhat reluctant to nuthorizo a pro '' ecbs knowing it would not be respcctt'd.tiud 'bat the Court is powe.-loss to enforce obedience." What startling admission from the riench, that its authority is already crushed ou by the arbitary hnudi of military pow- Bit SPECIAL NOTICES. C7"Tho Crunmf trial Ollcge will lm conducted liy llio l'rl iitlpnt, l. ,.W Loxvcll, who takes llic opportu nity if turning lili ninny thnnki In tlie public fur their llbhral nutromign iierrtnrnro bestowed on the Institution, and Invents tltcif nltcntlon to the Improv menu tinin to bo Introduced Into the sovernl dipnrt incuts, !) W. Lowell. MlssotliTittv nr PintKrltsltlV. ft W ill he seen liV n "Miff In our foluiuns thnt Motvrll It. Warner have dissolved partnership In the Cnmmerclnl College air i.owaii continues iu cnnuuci mis oxccifuui nun UO'irisuiUB lusiliuiinn, anil is iilKUiy 'luiiiliieii lut 111 talk, Our biisl ncss relations with him have always been of Hm mist plea-ant nnd sntlsfurtory character, nl1. WG COmrH.l lilm mid his Collcco to the continued cnufldcrico and patronugo of tlm publlc.-.iii4fAiilori in iUmuiii nuitKntg vr Bum curs.-.1 river1 ii'i gentlemen hating been restored to health In n fuw days, alter undergoing nil the usual routine and Itrrg tilar expensive modes of treatment without success, cuslders It his sacred duly to cuinmuiilcntu to his nlllfi tod fellow creatures the means of cute- Hence, on the receipt of an addressed unvclnpo he will send ''W MaY M. ..rcci.'okiV!.: w ""'h Cmt.oaiN one much of their sickness to colds. No nml lr tvl,,,.,. II,., ,11 .p.i .11 ik.iv titoim, r fn lift lentnit. Its origin may bo traced to sitppros-ud perspiration, or n cold. Cramps nud lung complaints are tiiroct prouuets ofculds. In short f olds are tho harbinger of half the diseases th.it nlllict hun:nnlty, fur as they are caused In' rhi.rkml ii-s.,,1 f tit I mi . nml 11 a ll IMi.r I illilli 4 nTtlm wasln matter of the hoilyu-cnpcs Ihrouahtlie pores, If lli.ian ,,., tun .l.,...l Itmt tirni.nrl l.il, nf ,1 I .(.ft . n l necessarily follows Keep char, thorelorc, of colds and cough, the ureal recursors of disease, or If con 11,1.1 pmln II fltn Iff traded, break Iheiii np Immcdi.itelv, liv a tlmelyiiso of madame I'(irti:u's cijilviive Iiai.haai. Boiii by all Druggists, at i:i cents and '11 cents pur bottle. March 14, HHKI. 'I O t'O.VHU.MI'TJ Vi:-1. Th;i advertiser having been restored to health In a raw weeks, by a very shuplo remeiiy, ait.r navpig suiieri'ii sevtrai years wun a so vero lung ullectlnii. and th:it dread disease, cntisump. tlon- Is niixiou to maku known loliisfelluu'.sulferers the means of cure. To all who du.iru It, ho will send n py of Iho pro scrlplion used, free of eharge! with tin- directions fur 'preparing and using the same, which they will find u sure eiirn for consumntlon. usthmn. bronchitis, fcc Thu only obieit of thu adverlier in seudliiL' the lire- serintiou is In ln'iii'lU thu alliieted, and rtirend inform, Hon wun ii no cnnciives to no inviiiu.iiiie, nun lie lime's : every sull'. rcr will try hlsTeiuedy, as It will conUuciu nothing, and m.iv prove a blessing, Iter. I'.IHVAUI) A. WII.HO.V, U'illianishurgh, .Mari.li II, lr(,3-:im Kings Cuumy, Sew Vork. Uniformity of Prices ! A New feature in lius-in.-ss Uverv one his own p.ilesm.in ! JOM.H ft CO. of the Cresent Ouu I'licu Clothing Store, N'u. 201 .Markctstrect ( above HIMh. I'hlladi Inhla, In nilMtiou to having Ilia largest, mnl varie I and f.l-hi'iiuihlo stock of Clothing in I'hilndelphia. mailuei. prossly lor retail mini, have constituted every nun ills own s.-ilemnii. by haling marked In fUures, on enoh article at the very Ion o,t (iiicn it ean be sold fur suthry niiMiil pnisibly vary ll must buy alike. I lie t'oous are wen spoueil.tuu preparenanu ereai paiustakeii with th" m iktii!! so tnat aiieauuuy Willi : thefilll a-suruuea ol getting ti gnn artirl? at the very ' lowest price. Also, a large stm L r f p.. i goods on hand of the latest stle and hot ipiaOlies. whli Ii will be mki.Ii: ' to order, in Hi ' iiiihI f.ishUnaiilii and hot manner, 23 , per cent. In'lnw credit prices, , Iti'iiiambcr tlu l,'resceiit,l.t Mnihet above Hith street , No 2111. JIJNNH & CI). Htt'CK! DRICKI! I5UICK!'.! OA nAft"00'' ''r'c':t.il'!,t manufacture .5I llllS f n'i'l tor sale chi .ip. w hnlesale a rn-ed ivIVtjV VU .,,1. At thellliiom,hnr3 llriik Vanl. n ply to the niscrilior. iii:miy Airriii-tt. lilooni-burg. June 23. I.i;2. Miller's torc. FN ES II JRR1VA L or & Summer spring fpiir. nibs rlber lias Just relurned from ihe Cltii.a X with anoth.r large and select anortmet or piirchaed at Philadelphia, at tha lowest figure, and whii h they are determined tn sell on a' moderate term" as can be proiured elsewhere in lllonm.burg. His Mork comprises uuiu:' niti.m aoons, of choir. t -tvli"i and lat.'t f.i-hinr. DHY (tliODS, .1X1) OHDVIMirS. ii mnirim: (iirr.w-ir.iiii:, CKf.iu ir.inr., "..mi' iritr. lliv.v. .vw,, umirs .- aiiui.x iiits- ai'y. Jtc , a; i-, ii.., In fli'irt eMirythlnr usually Ki'irt in rouutry Stores o nhi h t, " invite ihe puMI ci u'Ttlly The llighefl prb e paid tor i oanlry riTO'Jui'e. " S II. MILLER. nioomi-burg. Apiil IS, l-'i'i3. GOOD THAMSTKR. Will pay SIC I'ldiiutliia county. Pa. J. P.. JAMKSON'. A pill 25, 16C3.-3W SI Oil. A DM IN 1ST HA TOR'S N OT V:Z . EUntCdf Liolicij 'tnun, ilrvensril. I r.TJ'lIIlS of Adiiuiiislr.iUon on tin- Hr-t.nc of l.ud. I.WJg Vnung I.iI.mi) MkiIi,.,u ti Columbia co dfi'd have l.ei ll (.tallied 1.) till lit tl-li I ol Col. I o.. to I e i Wright", who rrciilii- in ll'-uiloil; towiLhip. and Ahrjliain Vo'iiig w lm re. nle in said Mani-nu town- i-hlli. Ail pel Aims hal log ilium- against the el.il ' "f the der.'iiili'iitarn ri!iiie.ti'i! liipiesi'iit to -in t.trsei mujil.Aiid nil Uict-. iuilil.liil to iiinue .111.) mi lit wtlliou: de ay l.HVI WIMCIITS, Al.lt ill AM VolMi. J'lmr'l. April -J5, IM.3. fi Si 00 FRESH ARRIVAL or Now Millinery Gooiis. r1 he iindi rgnld resiierfully nniioiinn-li ihe ,itir.iR J of lllnouisiiiirg and 1 ieiuily that .he has Jm-t ciived from the t-u.ti j-u cine,, her sriiixa w.v; sum jj eh 'if?! 0( JO (it t all of which she is vrepared Tomalie nnd cR nt 11 verr reasoliabl low lieure. Her ns-olt- ment of goods are a little superior ill point of ,1.,, .I.illli' 114 ll.ll.-iu lllctl'llllll,'... 1111 .HIV Olf- ored in Ibis M'ltiwt. Hie relums thanks for Hie lili eral pat ronagii she has received uid rispcclfiiHy to licit, a continiiauce ofthe .ame.MAtiv iiAuiu i;v l!ooniburg, April 2-5. lev.1), St LJ1UGE AR11IVAL O-' New pring& Summer AT PETER RNT'S STORE, .V LIMIT SfllV.r.T, COLUMBIA COU.XTV. f.1. iu.t received from I'liiUdi'lphia, and is now i'l '.ln,n.ii'i. m ilw, ..I.I sihiiiI lite v occuiiicd bv JlarU nine at the old H hi ti. I'.iil, u splendid n.tortuient o whicHWill bo sold d.eap Mr OA?U OR COUNTRY PRODUCE His stocconfLts of Ladies Dress (,'oods choicest, tylcs Calicos, Mulins, Ginghams, ElannoU, Carpets, Shawl", Hobiory, Silks, READY MADE t. LOTIIING. Cas.-imercs, Satinets, Cotlonadcs, Kontucky Jeaco, Thread, &o. Orocorics, Quecnsware, Cectarwarc, Hardware, Medicines, Druca, Oils, Paints, &o. R0(vT8 & SHOES. HATS k CAPS. In slmri rery thing nsunliykept in a country nloro Thcpatrunagn of old friends, and the public ceuerUI ly, is respectfully so'icilid. Tho highest nurket price paid for country produic. rimiii Lr Lif lit Street Ma-ao, ier.3, FOll 1SVKHY UODY. TERMS CASH OR PRO DUCK, Just coirtB.,00 and W Kreamei's Store, In Jersey town, I'a. where you willilnd all kinds of II ry (loodi I shell as Ladies Dress Goods, Prints, Muolins, Ginghams, Flannels, Ilaisory, Shawls Grocerios, Qnconswaro, Hardware Ccdarwaro, Tin ware, And Drugs. Fish, Meat, Salt, 1 Flour, Tobacco Scgarfl, , Hats, Caps, Moots, & Shoes, 1110N AND NAILS. ' In short, everything that Is generally kept In a couif t r' store. wo will sell you goods at fair prices and lake nil Kinds of produce us pay-such as flutter. I'-piis. (Itnln, Lumber, glilnjilcs, (lak plank, ami In fact anything that any body else will buy and sell usrhtiip as can be sold In the country. Wo will notbe undersold by Jew or He..tllcs, j Come then ono and all, judge for your selves. Bring your trade, but don't ak for trutt. . ffc v Kni:AJii:n. Jerseytown, May 2, lc(13, UEOEU'TS FOIL Al'HIL. TO THK :o: The following payinrnls have boon ma do ' to tho Columbia Ikmoc at office, during! tho month of April : T J Thorntnu, SIM (III! i:t Ivaac Wnsnir. tin 17 l'.i v. J. I'. U'umiiole. I HO ii. K .tp .leniau, 010 Killer. t'npt John Orftier Jolin Hill, Hr, I m. I, Kilchuer. 11 tV Arnistrong tVm.-lllley Val. Winter lecu ll.ivid .Miller i:m l.aiib.ich. Haiuutl II Vorks Law ruiice Willi. r Jnlin Crow ii. Hr II J liee.ler. Cs' Uaae Hcllride Ueahen riombuy, Aaron Hmitli lie v .lohu Hu'.tou Wm 1' Mcllridu S TKelrblli f lili Ki.ch.-u 3 1 10 win. iiieusiuier. 2 .iU , 3 HU , a s ; IS mi; 1 7.) ; 3 00' 1 (in oil i 2 en' I 00 !l 75 I 75 1 75 I 7li J 75 5 IIU llal;of I ).i n v i 1 1 3 Jarob lless, II W Creav ft. co. I.ucas r.ihilnger, Philip Kistler, J ri Iahiis. (i.i.) Isaac Ymrr .m 1'ileh Hchug, 1 50 .1 It ration. A M nu 2 Ull 2 00 Jnhii (iirliin(llii)ilock): (HI Jomipli iiagermau. A K Hmltli, C II White, i:si., Jukn !1 Slmlu. Uiiiiard l'l ii miuil r. Hum I, lllluiurt, 2 (10; I 00 1 IK) 2 20 3 tl) 2 110 1 On ' '"M 50 1 (III 5 Oil, 1 III), 1 75; 1 no: 1 75 ' 2 III) , 2 no 2 50 Jouu t. J.icim;a Oeo lYttermuii, V.'U i f (leo Stiu.-, Dmiiel Slme. Capt Jnbu llniuhor, l.ev Con, Or. I) It lieloug, 1 .Mis Mary ll.irkley 3 00 j fhines tiller a O'l 3 Ml iinucl llwr.U 75 ' 1 75! 0 J Mclleiir) Jiishua llriuk. Aim is Cole r.rJ. .Mrs. H.irati Cote, Jus 'iih O lless 4 00 ! Jacob Al liiitou 1 00 i unit' I lloL'art. 3 00 , 4 50 a on 3 II) I ll.mii I Wdliv. r, 5 00 ; , Or T J Jwisln r, I 75 ; Mi li-r ft w i.her, i 75 ' Win I! Wi Hirer. 3 nu C Kr'MiH. r I 75 John i'rult. Jr 1 75 : . Win S;n.br. I (10 ! I'aniel Shuiiuu 1 75 1 Aarmi II errhot, 2 00 ', ' III ll. All rill lless 2 50 , I Hon li ii II J'lckion I 50 ; linn. John c H lis 50 C.-'i II It.iwl ind. 50; j " J Wieiil. llrnwii 1 't-'i 1 i " S C rhouipsoii 5o ' " J II Si.irk, 50 ' " J II II i k 5o ; ' A. C liamsey 50 ' " C A Min,:, 2 00! I ' I' Oi.iham, 5') ! 1 lllt'llr 50 I " O tv Sli iu. 50 " HeisfTl'Iriiier 50 Or. i,-WTriiiiin-r, 50 To ' r lindlii', 2 no Chr J. Ash. 50 I Oeo !i:ijm.i:i. 2 HO JiiHhii.i II. Ile-sl'. t I'll Henry llt'as(tfiisarlo.if j:i 22 Peter lless Us'i i 01 1 JO e7 1 fl n oo 2 Ii7 50 5 no I 75 7 75 WmJ Hess Mlliiuel lless, "d J S Moss Kxekiel Cole (.iltiert lless Win Kiln S It Kliii", i:s II 1' IVritt JJ rttil-s i:.si. Howard Association llueli ilcCnlluui Uicharilsoirs Adv. House, ll II Snider, C II Larith II C.MIIIs lleub 'ii lliirluim, ll.iuiel Wellivi r, Daniel '. Uemley ltol'Auitrcw I it I il ii i Samuel T Kali huer, I-aac K Dil.liuu 1 0!) 3 00 2 no M 1 ,5 I (10 i (III ' I 7., 1 50 I III i rsiiituii, 2 so I &arOu.' dUt:mt cubscribers will greatly oblige us by remitting their subscriptions thro'.i"h the mails. Public Sale -OF RKAL l VAIUAlil.-: ES I'ATU. ' The iindursignrd, Executors w il.' .c. "f J.iiuk llnldle Ute ( An of the In.-t Anlli-niy township Miin i.nr i.suntv. dee'd. will sell at nubile eildu", on Slid pr'nijieis Jloll'lliy liie lt day i I Juiii', l-i.'.. alio o-i lock in '.li. I'erenoou. Ail that ifilaiii nief. ng.', nml Ir. nt "I and iiliLile in Authoii) tnwu-hip, .Montour eoiinl), ailjoiliing liiuil-nf Tho-. Can y W. It. Hart. J.iues tieViikei. and other lands In'lo'iginit tn the est.i'i' id' Jni'oii lliddle di reused, ronta g about 'J00 ii.j-e of laud .ibnul 170 w lili Ii is tleared laud and 30 i r. s oriimh-T laud. On whiih nie, A FllAME tiWM.LlNil HOUSE, s'i .tin-' barn, nr.d out buitdingn, with ii go'il'applj or- Lll.ll .1. On Tiii'sdiivlli- 2d davi.f .lune. UKl.oa Ihe premis es all Ihal eiium iriil of land -iiuute in Madi-i n Iwp Columbia ,o-mt . nljoinlng Jands "I Mary l.arb -r. J i nib M Ins.. Jnhii V.iiith and others, cntai .' 110 "ere. ab.nit 1 15 ai re. i.fw huh is ileared laud and lOacr.s ol i oilier land, w In r.oii me i rooted a N.'AM DWELLING HOUSE, frame ham an i o itl, libliuj's. Tlm' is also on tlu premii-e, a giwd aiph..nuliar 1. i.atethu esl.ite ol J.i nib l.i.ldl - dei'd. . , Hale t" eoui.iieu..-e.-.t 10 o'clnik in Iho tiirouonn wh !! t.rins ol nalii will be mailu known ny j ckson iiuiui.i:, r.xcc. WI1.I.1AJ1 Jklilll HI'.. ) , leffl,-lu April 1' - Wall PapeB Jj tc.-t ftilo lowcfct prices. Jt'i3T'?."n ivi.d a new a-scrtmetit of latest styles of ' riper i in lutlii Bantering, ami ( riling I'np-r. .mil n gei-i ral n arii ty of material 111 his line, i huh will b- found on Hie (JUCIIKU l'l.nu iiiui'di-ai-Av ovr the nor' of Mr. I. T tfhari'Iess, entianr" oue'ilo.r ea.t of l.utz.s lirug Mi re in th liiip-rl Illm k. w her . all ii"rsons w filing good, in his Hue will be sllcnded-tiviii puson' at al all limes. EST Pvpvr Hunting tzecutcil In vriln; and Unt stale, at sliori i.atice. J ' K. J. TIKUIN'I'W. Die .mo'iiirg, !:i) H. IMH-Siii TAPUNiFlER. O 11 COXl'EN THATE1) LYE, THE EMILY SOAP MAKER. Tinipuldie e eautioned a: .. !i.lni, aitnu. .m iin-l lheiinioin art ic iPa,ni l'i-.. for inniiJiig noun, &c. now oil -red nr sal ri- miiir iviinlnn and loiteiiled lye is that made by tho lv'iinsvl'vaula .alt niannfaduiiui company, theirtrndu mark for itbeiiu "."aponiller or cuncciitr.iteil lye. -Tltegrent success of this JirUcJo lias led unpriucipak'd pailieslo eudeavorte imiltite -it, jii violation ot the Coini'any's pal-'iits. All iii.iuiilai lilrers. huyersor sellers of tho spunnus twa. are heriln notllled that the company liavu em- filoyed as their Altorn.ys. n ii.... t,n i.'cr, iii in i n . . nun uiiurgu iiuntiiijj. -.j., i William Rakcft-cll, Esq , of Pittsburg, ,nd that nil uiaiiiif.iclitrers. users or sellers nf lye, il violation of me rights of Hie Company, will be plus j ecutid at once. THE SAPONIPIER. or concentrated lye, Is for sale by cers and Countfy ritoris. all Dragjists, firo- TAKE NOTICE ! The Cnited Stales Circuit (urt, Western district of I'ennsjlvniiia. No. 1 nf May tor'iti. in IU.'.', in suit of ,r... i'..iiii.tii'niii'.-i salt luaniilacturiiiir comtiaitv, vs. Thos. (!, :haso decreed to the Co r pany on .November 1J, IrW. the Exclu.ivc rfsht granteu by a pa ten ownd by them for tho r-aponillcr Patent dated October il, le'Sii. I'crpctual Injunction awarded. THE PENNSYLVANIA 1-27 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pitt St. and Suquenso Way, Pittsburg. May 2, ie03,-3fl'. NOTICE. A meeting oftln Stockholders of the BinomsbtirB Iron Company will hn h Id ut their 6!tlce nt Iron Pale, nu Wednesday, May 'JO, 1803, for the election ot officers atil olhribunncss. C, R IMXTON, I'rtiidtHi Iron Dale, May 'J, letiS. roiutAT 'ttn:, ROAi-nr.s, anth. iinrt nun. iWvTO'ni't'l'S Sai'hY' "1' ,NS,:CTd 0fJ, I I.ANrri. 1 (I 1,9, ANI.MAI,q&c. I I'ut up In 3.'e . -,11c. and 8100 lloxos bottles and flasks, S.l and $3 si. for lintels, 1'ubllc Institutions, &c, "Only infallililn rnmediea known," "l'r frein poisons ." "N I dangerous to thehuuian family." "Hal- come out of llioli holes to die." 07" Hold wind silo In nil large elites, IT" fold by nil iirugglsts and lletnilcrs everywhere, IT7 lllliowar ,rof all worlhloss Imitations' H7 Ho that "I , tar'a" lin'nie Is on each llox, Uottle, & 1 task, b lm. you buy KJ" Address IIUNIIV U. COSTAU, IT7" rrlnclpal Depot 4-2 llrnadwoy. N, V. VJ- Hold by IIYUl & MOVint, Wholtialo and lie tail Agents. Illoonuburg, l'a, .May 2, 1603-3in. AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, In U'uomisljurg, l'a. Mill at riielpsvlllc, Sulllvancminly, l'a, Ma 2, IM3,-3ui. First Great Arrival. Pl'ltlNO UOOD31V onANOKVIM.U, The undvrslgni'il, has, just replenished Slore llou-clu Orangcvllle, with it well-KClcctcd aissrutmetit of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. Consisting in part of Cloths, Hill,!, Muslins, Cus-i-uiiri'.UIngh mis, C.iliroes, Hhawls, lln-lerlea, Cnrpvti and l.ttnts' I'niv Dam (Iooih, generally, from 121 In 7.iitsauil Prints from l.' to2.icts. ; HEADY MA.DU CLOTHING. II.,, Hoots & Hhiii's Maikercll, Molasses, j-ugar & GnODEBIES GENERALLY. .ijll. Willi all ulnar atliles. uiil y kept in country Stores, to windi lm iuviles the euily ntteution of old ami new cistoiuers. Having b vu in the Cltv in the right time bought low and paid cash li. w ill be able to compete with tin. lic-t, and sell fur small profits and prompt pay. Ilia friends aru imited to pup In and sec Cm Mglits. wMrnir.. (ira.'gi illle, Mav 2. Is! 3. -3m . , WANT! I)- tkd-i aa onnsii'S. ) feet of 1 t VJ V.; J ,i,r (lf a I. . I. . J .. . I.. . .! . . ...lit I . . .VII.IIHil I kiudfiir Weith til J llisll-s , mnrkct nritts will lm n.ii, iiierJiauo loriroods. c tj. W KIIIlAMUll Jeiiiey ton n, May 2, H fill. New Clothing Store. LATEST SYLE3 CAkUP GOODS 'I III', undersigned rei"ctfully iufiiriiiH In- friends I and the public geuerallj. that lie has just rciuivcd from th; I'.isieru citt ', a large usunrlmuit of A XI) SUM il HI! CLOTUHSG. Fr "U from llir - of Cixhlmi, of .ill .inrt-, - ( no r.iul 'liaiitit'-, n1iil!i uMlb jo!tl th 'up fur mli or i p prolines HATS cAPri i.ooi & siini;?. Tiig.lh"r with a variity of notions and things ton trouble-nun- to euitiiit-rali', to w lurli ho invites the at t'.'iiliou of purchasers. Call e.n.1 examine. A J UVAN'S. I'.loviifbarg, May .', 143. A DMT N 1ST 11 AT O K S XOT IUE. J sUttc. of tlitrrkt 1'ouvf,, dcccn.sal. I ETTEUS of adlllinislnUion OU tllC j :,it- of Harriet Yniiiit. lute cf I'liir township, Cnluinlii.i nmiitj . ilccnai'tl, hiv Ift'ii (jr.mti'd by tlm K'ui tt-r tif t'ltli'iiii'Mii cutmty lit Hi.' umteriuctl : all prr-i)ii-4 liiiviii!; cl.iiiHii at,',tiii't tin otatu fit th) tloci' id ut ar" tv'ii ftr'l lo pn-sjul Ittm totlt- aHmiuistralor at In- riiwi Ii'iic in ?.n I t-viwfi t p. witlmut itcl iy, nnd ill i"'! i!!- iiidclftfil tn niiik'' paytif'tit furtliwjtli, JIUiAM tSIIUIr, Ailm'r, , M.'inh 11. leT:i - w AURlUUlii'lJRALSOt'lE' NOTICE 'Pill; ili-itinii nf Ollicrrsof lh" Columbia county Ag X ncutiiir.il Hni ii'ty will take pl.tei-oil Saturday, .May Hth. Irl,:l. at III" I'l'lltl 1 1 nu 1 ill i'.li.iril'bilrg, at '-' o'i lock I'. M. Meiiib.Ts are re-i led -tl loatti'iid by older of tn llx inlive Cm tlee. A. M ADIr-UX, rJecy. April Xi l.-o:l ORANUE VlLIiE ACADEMY AM) I'ri f. 11.11. Walker A. M. I'liin ipal. Tin IH'M Irrm of thi. latslitiitioti will comuieuru on WedneMlay, April l,"th. Muiletiis di'Mri'iiH of being admitted to ei ther of ihe Normal LlafH' rdiniild be present on Tues dav at illoMocx fir lix.iiiiiiialiiiu T11111011 ti inn SI tu 1 per Turin "I" II weeks. I Hoard in g I lauiilie-. p.-r week. (loud Itnoni!, fer .-ituileuts wishing to board them-( selies 1 l'or tilth' r pjrliiul.irs inuuire nf th- I'rinripal or ol 1 J S WUiiliS, fject, of Triolein. ! Marih JH. 1-T.:1 I ELI 110LDEN WITIW the attetitinn of 1 very reader v-t-ft J tins paper, w hn h ini'luiles in. my Ihous ir of Ins o'd natrons ami a- 'iiiniiitaiicrs To iV!iXi 11 ri 11 -11 .1 1 1 y l.irj.J ami luautiful lariety A.IIIiltlC.W and I V, I'd HIT. 1 1 WATCIIIiS. CLUCKS and eleg.iui designs of JLwin.llY. Silver Wnre,.e., ELL IIOLDEN. 70S Market Slrot-t, l'lllLADELl'llIA M - ,,,., ,,,, El, I 110 1. 1) EN. .March 7. r(,:i -m SPEUIAL ;NO riGH. ON and afler JI'I.V 1st. lJr.:i, Hie pnvileg'' ol rr verting Ihe nren'iil i-sn" if I.IKiAl, TI'.NI'li and afler JI'I.V 1st. Ijr,:i, NtUT.S INTO Till-. NATIONAL SIX 1'IHl Cll, J LOW (rouniioiily cilbd -I'iv. -Tiveniies"! will ceiM All whuwish lo iui-.t i'llli- five Twenty 111 must, therefore, apply b 'loiu tlu 1st of July hi .xt. JAY cooki:. , Hiniseiiptiou Agent. No. II I.S Tllllill St., I'hilJdrlpl.it April 11, IHUXhii EX KHUTOR'S NOTICE. A'sttfr il (kurne Stiue, ilte'tl. r LTTHliS Te.inuieiiinry on Ihe estate of (ieorge I I.i .-line, late ol l.ocu.t lovvuship, Coniuimai oiiniv. ileiea-ed.liaie tiecii granteii ny .lie i.cijismr w i.' ' iiiubia county to the iiiiilersigued al-o residing in bald ' lonuship; all p rsoiis having iLituis against the es tate of the decendeiit am requested to pieseul them to th" I.iecinor at his residence in .aid lowmdiip. with- i out delay uud all persons indebted to make pajiiiirit or nun. . DAMUL STIM1, April II, leKl-dts.SJ i'.jeLUlnr. CATTAWISSA Rail-Road COMPANY S 1 J l' II B I X T E X I) E X T' S O V F I C C . Willlauisport. April Hi, li'iil. On nud alter .Mnn.'ay, '.'illh mst. l'asseeger trains will tns 'in perl in tnllnws :--ftnl.i. .Mail, I'.tss lliipert Arrn mg at I'hila, ut l'lilia LxpresH I'ass lliipert Arriving al I'hila at and at New York at Niagara Express. I'nss Itupert arriving at Williamsport at Eluiira .Mail pass ltiinerl 111 117 b.50 1,51 3.45 Hl.o.1 1, 1.1 a.aj 5,5-1 am. pin. am. pm, pin. pui am, pm, arriving ut Williamrport at pm (riigned) 1J. STANLEY COUUWIV, AUO. Public Vendue. T ill be sold at Public Sain, at tho Into ipsiibinrn of LudVYis Young, d ;c'd, iu Madisou , .,rn.irr. ,nVit ; l0'"M i,1,,',,,, foul. 1'our Milch ' fou , . , 0r,hcp, and a lot lt"" s o-x tW'p.i ''Ol 011 1 nursilll)', mo .jbi ot .nuy, tne iuhuh cow's, Two young oi HOgj ALSO: A lot of Iron and Oak Lumber. .Ono Tw ohorso wagon, ono Truck Wagon, nno Ppring w ngon. olio grain drill, ono I'our llorsa Wagon, ono I'our Horse threshiug maililn, one Corn Sliellcr, ono ranning Mill, fircds, PLOWS, Harrows, and farming utensils generally. AI-o-R lor of Carpenter's tools, onu Grind ptnne, ri loo in, onu lirinu rmno, v by tho ton, drain tu the ben furniture besides nercat .mero, Is to mention 8 lleds ami iieuiiiug,, na erounil. Ilnifsehold rt kite x ariety of articles too numerous to mention KJ-Salotn at 10 o'clock a, m of said day, when the terms nf Halo w ill bo made known and due attendants gixeu by Al Ll'.VI IttOHTs', I A dint i lit JI YUIj.NU. ) Jlauunn M) 0 ieW HON. 0. L. VAJiLANDIGIIAM'S 1 nncono on Abolition, Slavery ami the Cltil War. rplH3 WORK Is In press and will soon be ready, It .1 contains couidcte and accilrnto copies of Mr. Val tandichaui's.tirliiilnal sneeches. mi the siiblscts nbovn named, Also, parts of many other speeches, with let I icrs, indiums, votes, eic, l no worK mis been care fully edited and. Is believed to present, fairly and cor rectly, tho politiral record and position or a man wlmsn views. In rclatlm to the causes of our n.itlnnal trmib les, and tlie right romodio,fur.thciii, nro attracting an uxtraordluary amount of public attention. I'1" " e00"1 """""' i"'P. sos pnBos, '""'-''"Per covers. SO cent.i cletl, 75 cents. Delivfrcd by mail of exprc.-, prepaid, on receipt of the price. u nrnu nrucrs, witn tno money enclosed, to Co lumbus, Ohio, addressed to J. II, flll.Y tc CO., or to tlov, MljDAUY ofllcu of tho CrlsK A largo sale is UAIVlllll, ir.7 l'verv newsh.iner Itmt elves llio nlinve lli.n 1.,. sertlnns, aim this uoitcc, and sends marked mpicani. dressed -llnx BW), Columbus, Ohlu," will receive throe copies or !,e work, April I, HOJi-nw Hon, Wilson I.lrCandlC3, Judge of tho United Statcn Circuit Court, l'resldent, Corner reun nml St, Clair rilreet, I'lTTSIlUiKiH, I'A Till! I.AHOHST, CIIAl'i:tT AMI lllT. $35.00 pays for a f.CI Comnierclal Course. tlV No extra charges for Manufacturers, Steamboat, Itailro.id ami Haul: llook-ICceping, Allnlsters'sons at half price. Sludents enter and ro view ntany time. 'I his intlltutlnii Is conducted by experlencod Teach ers and practical Accountants, who prepare young men fur active Im-lnuss, at thu least expense and shortest 1 1 inn, fur thu most lucrative uud responsible situation., Diplomas gtnnfd for merit only. Ilenro the universal preference for graduates of I Ills college, by business men, Prof. A. COWMIV, the best Penman In the Union, who holds the largest niiniber of llrt pre.nluuis, and over all competitors, teaehes rapid business writing, l or specimen of I'eniuaiishlp, and Catalogue roll taluing full information, emlose twenty-ilve rents to - JHNKIN'S & ril(TII, Principals. I Attend wViero the S-'nn and Clerks of iluslness Men uud Hankers graduate. April 111, leii2-ly. April I, ISC.1. 11LOOMSRURG SlvYLIGHT wj. i i k.. -r. ' I P 1 CI f U B 2 SAL L E "R 7 , 'pill! utiileralgneil lurnrms tu rillzeus of Illnoiu. J. and neighborhood, that lie has taki u the lafe room in the exchange lllotk, extending orer Messrs. Stoner ' k. i in s miner) , nun inu iiooKsiore win'r lie lias put in a large Sk II?" t, It Is only by Sk)lghtthat good pic urea can h.'ti tea espeiially groips wliero each person au he taker.J isi as will as separate. Iluhasgon to i iinsidcrablc expense tn make his es nlilisliinent llrst class one, and he therefore snliclls a berul (i.itro ige to enable him, toeou-lautly iutroiluce the mode 1 improvements of the art. O"0o'iu 'y pi inline tuken in exchange fur plrtures lir.N'uY IIOSHXS'IOCK. llloumtbnrg, Kov. 23 IH'1, Nov. 0 "IMPORTANT NOTICE! to tiii: PATiiovrf or Tin: STAK OF THE XORTn. "TVTotici: is hereby given, that tho fub ll scriptlnii nnd ndvnrtising accounts due the Pub ll.her of thu M ar or rim N'oaril. are nlaeed in Hie hanili,r.Mr5. Win. 11. Jaeoby uflliioHnbiirg, for Ininie- j liiatw collect! oi. The IMitur of said p iper having hi-en ' dralted, and obliged to gu to war, it is rieressarv that I prompt payments be uud" in ordi r that his family may ! have means of support. Your early attention to tliii , matter may save costs and prove advantageous to Ins 1 (anuly. WM. II. J COIIV, I 'i.!. Star ef the .Vattti. January iu. jeu.i. FORK'S ilOTIJ!,, Eunmslittrz, Columbia County, Pcnna. SLAS DODSON, I'ropritlor. I rpakespleasure innnnoiiiiting to the public that he I hast.iKeu nnd thorough')' refitted the 1'orks Hotel fcrinerly oecupied by Robert llageiibuth, llluoiiisburg, and Is prepared to accomodate travellers, teamsters, drovers and boarders. His table will be supplied with best products Ihe markets alford, and his liar will bo coii.tantly ftiruii-li 'd with the choicest Ibpinrs, , largo ami eoniinoiiiini. Elaine nasiieeii erecleH, h a cenveiiienl stable attached. Attentive ostlers with a cciivcnit-nt MahJ.- aUaclK'tl w ill alwa) s be in attendance, and hetru-ts his obliging at lent ion to customers will secme him a liberal .-harccf patronage: lllooniebiirg, l'.i..N'ov.SD. leOI. XCHAHGH HOTEL 9 rVBL'C S(IU.1RK, ll'ILKHS-IlJlIlRL, 1:1. rpim undersigned, having taken this well-known stand 1 (formerly of .Major I'uterbatigh), rcspcctl'ufly solb it- the patronage of the public. No pains will be spar-d in any of its departments, to render sati-f.ulioii to nil guest. Thn TA.ll.i; uud the IIAIl w ill always bo supplied with tlu 11BST Till! .MAIIKIIT AITORIJA e"7" (lood .-'tabling for Morses and atti'iitiv- Hostlers. The "llxchange" is eligildy situated on the Public rvpiare. and has thtrcfore peculiar adi. images toper sous attending Court or doing banners in the public olliees. Charge" moderate. .V. II, Whenever you come to town, please call, II. J. YAl'Li:. Wilkes-llarre, Nov. I.i. 1PII2' SHUD POTATOES I'OR SALE. ((f) buthfls cf U"OC wen's seeding:', OUO tomprii'iiiglhii following varietien: .(Cam eti'hili, C11.10, Central City, Call, 10, and Pink eye i!u.t)roat Also ")() btisiif Is of Early Junes. t'no 5 J .1:1 per bid. ilelii eaed at lh" I'llt-toii Depot. The bbl. to contain as many of the torts us ) ml 1 hoose. I'.u kages of cudi sort sent by mail post paid at '.'3 its eaili. I i "Cash to accompany all orders, reference given ifde.ired. 1 P. SUTTON', Uan.oin, L11.. co., l'a. April 1. liGX-lin. "STOV E AND T1N-WA R iTsTujpT '1 HI', nudersignc "SJ-J: assoitniellts ol'C Ill', uiidersigned would inform the riti.eus n and vicinity, mat n: lusjust ro lor sale one 01 mo mini e (en sn e OtlhTLNfiand l'ANi'Y STOVC- ver introduced into this market. Tho Christopher Ci iimbiw, James Itoliband Clobeiire among I lie llrst tlas I'oiikiii'' Stoves. al ot which aro air-tight anil g gasburni'! urtiiicnt w 'l'in-Wari I kinds of His i'arlor -toves are handsome mid the assortun ried. ALSO "articular attention is p.iiu to iiiul House Sooiitme. linon short notice. All repairing w ill bu done w ith neatness and despatch. Country product! taken in exchange for work. 1'IllLll' ri. MOYI.lt. liloomsburg. .May 10, ltfii. 15LAXK DEEDS it MARRIAGE CER TIFICATES. A superior lot of tho abovo arlieles, wiih ail other kiud of Rlanks, for sale at the oflicc of tho Columbia Democrat. Win. 1). RRADRURY'S P I.1XO- FOR TEESTA HLISIIMIHS T No. 4U7 llroomo Street, Nuw Youk. Tlu subscriber resn ictfullv iuiites th- attention nf his fi lends ami the piblic generally lo Ins 1'iauo-i'nrle E.taldishmeutat Nu, IJ. Uiuaiuu Street, lunar of Cro.by ritreet. Having withdrnwn Ins Interest, itnck and material from thu late llrmof"l.ighte llrailsburry,"whiih firm was dissolved mi the Mist January nil., ami having purchased thu entire stock of 1'i.ino I'orles and 1'iauo l'ortu .Material owned by his brother, Edward (. 1 llr.idhurv, in thu said firm, ho is now preparped lo I supply tlie increased ilemaud for his c lehratcd I'lauo l'ortes. i'.iupli.) ing thu most skiHIul and experienced! workmen, with a large slock ofthe hist nnd mo-lthnr-oughl) seasoned material ami au abundance ol'capital : he has lakuii iu hand Hiu ptrsuiial supervision of the Hie whole business of manufacturing Ins instilments and is miauled to turn out I'lano-l'urtcs of iiucpinllcd lone ant! diirableuess. I IIUAIIIILKY'S Nl'AY SCAI.lt IMAXO l'OHTE. I In Iho nrrangenicnt of our new scale, drawn nnd pre- pared with tho utmost care, eipre.sly for our new iu.tiuments, xvo have nddml every Improvement whii h run in nut' it'iiv teuil to the oerfeclioii of the l'l iun- I ! i'orle. and we can tonlldenlly nssert. that lor delicacy j of touch, vo'.liue, purity, iiriiliauey ami sweeiuss in tuna, coinhined w llh thai strength and solidity Jl' frame necessary to durability, thou Instruments are line pialed, ..si, ii.vnTti .-.ii llE.urv" is our motto, nntl we invite the closest criticism of the best unbiased judges ill the It'"'' . . a7 Every instrument warrnnteu mr live year- ' IV XI 11 III! AlllltlliY W.M. II. III1AII IURY. 1J7 llroomo Bl cnr. of Crosby, New York. March 11, ie03. 3m CO AE FOR SALE. TTAMILY COAL, Ihn very best lo mutket, for nh JL on application tu tho Editor of this Journul. WII-LIA.M G PERRY, OOOK-SELLER, Stationor, l3ook- If binders, lllauk book manufacturer, uud lKaler Hi i ' - - - -,,,,,-' Imported and America f1"'1 " ty. ... .. . . . routll West cor . till It- IIUKI Wt.. I llllailt'lphlll l'er.ou. vlslllug thu city, or sending orders will well to take a memorandum ol tho above Address. 'r'hlijttock Is largo and well nssorted, J'ncrs .ew. l'lfoTourtAril Aluums, rlclling from li0ctto$iS each. The newest styles and largest assortment tu the City Wm. O, PERRY, Publisher, . W cot llhfc Kacc mil, 1'hiladclphia LOOK HEM ! IK YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR ; Cheap Spring Goods, ao to Cicasy's Store, in Light Street, I'a. AIJi KINDS OP GOODS CALIC0E, MUSLINS, SILKS, 0 INGHAM, -FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, . , . SHAWLS, Rcady-Mado Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, llama, Lard, Tobacco, Sugars, Hats, Root", Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Ac,, &c. In addition to our large stork or Dry Goods, we have riarffe and full assortment of Heady Made Clothing aor ien and Hoys wear which we are dulcrmincd to sell cheaper th m can he bought elsewhere. Call and see, and Indeo fur yourselvus. it. w.cnr.Asv t co. Light Street, March 1. 1803. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of William Rhone, deceased. TVTotlcr Is hereby f Iven that lettrs of administration 1 on the e-lnte of Wtn llhunc. late of llentou ttvn.. Columbia ci'uuiy. dercn-cd. have been granted by the lleglsler of -aid county, la tin- undersigned, who re- it,!.... In uill.l 11. Oil.. ll f. livn. Ill,, f'i.l. li, l.ln rn All ,.nr sonahaingcl.iiunor deiiiaiuls against the estate of the decendent are rcqiivi ted lo present th'm for settle- 'i"?."'1 "ml ,,,,us ln'M,uli 10 ""' Vv':? !?;!! v tfys1 "u March 2J. lrCI.- iw .$3. . Adm'r. THE SEW GUOCEItV STORK. MORI. FRESH GOODS. Just 'CJcivcd at Erasmus' iY'iy Store. Molassrs, ruars, Teas. Coffee, Rico, Spit'os, and Caps, 1ATS Fish. Sail, Tobacco, Secars, Cnudies, Raiens, FEED AND PROVISION'S. TiiEPllicr "itli a Rrpat variety of noiiouaml ctcctj tn-., too niiHit'r"iii in inpii'inti H- Ihitler. l'.ggs, Meat and produre generally taker, in cxcJlaligu for gooili, ,. a. u, i:ijASML'H. i:innnn.burg, Vlny 0, 18fi3, LOST NOTE. T ost. some time since by the undprsigiol J -residing In T isliiugrreek tw p., Columbia county, n otu ol iiatiit, lor 5::o nil, iiniiu April oth on three mounts, uigned Daniel Ash, with Andrew llrllis for bail, A liberal reward w ill bo paid lor the return of said note. Payment hni ing been secured to the sub. seriber only, on said note, it can be of no value tn any , other person, SAMUEL ASH. May S. laGa. 3v FEES II ARII IV A L -OK 5pl WW Hiirinrnyiif l. trrato fill Tor v. npe, tPNpi'c tj 111 1 iv 1 in tiring 1111 1 u-n :rs auu hit puniir L'f1 tic rally that r Iriff jnt ruitiv imI fmm tlic Kantunii title., tli ;irj,re.st nud mutt tflctt stink ut Spring and Summer, rrrv 'Tft' ft-- ryrf r '"wr'' '?V That ha y.'l been opened in llloimisburg, to which he i im ites the attention of his fiiemlj, ami assures them I lh.it they are oilered for sale at great bargains. His 1 titock comprises a large a-sortuicut of CU.NTI.-.Vn.VS WIIARINC APl'AUI'.L, Coiisi.tiugoi r'AHiiOMr.i.v: IIki.s Coits. of every des ' rriptnni, Pauls, Vests, Shirts, Cravals Stalks, Cotton 1 ll.imliierciiii'is, uioves riiiMienders, Kc. GOLD WATCHES A X 1) JEWELHY, Ofeveryde.eriptioii, due and clrap. N. II. IteliiembPr " J.orenlcrg'it Cheap Umporium,' i all and sec. Nu charge for cxamiiig Roods. UAVIII LOWl'.NIli:i!(J lllnniusliiirg, March 'J. l!-T,:i. (June le5!l ri'lll'.l'roprictorof this well-known and centrally lues 1 ted House, Ihe IIxciiimik IIoim , situate on .Mai, Slreet, in lilooni-burg, iiunie.'i.itely "ooosite tile Coluin bia Cuiinty Court House, respectfully i.-.forius his friends nud the public iu general, thai his House iu now in ur der for Hie reception and entertainment of travelers ho may feel disposeu lo lavor il wun uieir riisiom, lie uas spared no expense in prepanng the I'.xt'itiMiii, for the eutertaiiimeiit of his guests, neither shall there be any. Hung wauling ("'' his pari) to minister lo their personal comfort. His housu is spacious and enjii) all excellent business loi atioll. (C?Oiniiibuses run at all times between llio l.xchangr lliilel and the Miriuus K ill Itoad Depots, by which trav elers will hu pleasantly coin eyed to nud from the re fctieiliie Stations iu due time to meet the Cars. 1 W.M. It. UOOXS. Ulooiiisbiirg.JulyT, ISfll- B OEPUlf 5? A tr ,K t Printer, Unokliiutlcr & linn .book Al A NU FA C TU R E ll ; WllOI.USI.K AND Itl'.l'.'.tt, llKAl.t.n IS l'lUNTINC, Will H" A-S.) WKAPriNfl lArKUr AOtsr roll IIIK CJtT.lUISSl PAI'EU mills. .Maui ftreit. first doorheliiw the Public Spume. WIIilvESBARRE, PA. Nov. 5J, 1801 I'Jhi. CIGARS k TORACCO. A large asortment of choice I'lgnrs, Tobacco. Piprs 1'ruits, Cbnfei liimery and Notions generally, togeth er with a lull Btoik of HATS and CAPS, constantly on hand and for sale cheap, at the "illoomsburg Hat i Cap Emporium." JOHN K. fiinroN, llooin.burg, March tn. If CI . j. i'. nm. L n. Movrrt. i New Drug Store,: WHOLESALE & RETAIL. nflll! undersigned wnulil iiiforn' their friends and the J public general!) .that they have taken the stand for merly ncutpif d by (ieo. M llageiiburh, iu the Eichnngs lluildlng, on Main itreel, iu llloouuburi', where he has iu.t receixeit a full supply of BPi-titf, flEt'dicincs, laintsi, Oils, i. a nips, $cc , Which w ill be suld on moderate terms for ready pay. Alu, NOTIONrS generally, of ex cry variety, sort an I'liysiclans' prescriptlnns carefully rcunpounsed, ull limn, unit no short ii til I rt-. icj" Coiifeitinnciy of tho btst selection!, and r'oda Water iu sesson. ij- A share of the public custom is respectfully o licited. EYl'.R k .MOYEIl. (Iloonisburg, April 11, l?B3 PICTURES FOli ALII mi. Over 60U ilill'itent x atictlcs selling frnm75cti to 51T5 pet o:n. Win, G. PERRY, Publisher. 6 W Cor. 1th U. Haos fhils Jolphia, do -ron- 1 EVERYBODY ; ARRIVAL OF MR. VALLANDI0HAM IN THE REBEL LINES. Ni:7 Vork, May 25. A despatch lo tho Herald dated Murfrecsboro,' to-day, snys : ' Mr Vnllandtgham arrived hereon an extra train from Nashville last tsight. After a conversation with Genor.il Roso crana, ho was put into an open wagon aild caoortcd by a body of cavalry to the out-pof-t?, rod delivered to tho ctiebiy this morning. A single rebel privato received him, Mr. Vallandigham saying: 'I am a citizen of Ohio and the United States, I am hero against my will. I surronder my eclf a prisonor cf war." VALLANDIGHAM SENT SOUTH. New York, M ay 2(1. The Tiibuncx't Murfrecsboro' dispatch says that Mr. Vtillandighatn declared himself to be loyal to the United States, and that his escort were taking him prisoner to the (JohfeU orato authorities. The correspondent deems it probable that the cnc'mj' would refuse to receive him. Ho was given to understand by General Roaccrans that should he arrange to return to our liaca, the President's order to carry tho original cntencc into effect would be executed. J.ATK TALLNDiailAM IN TUB' nSBEI. MM S. L'iuisvii,t,E, May 20. A special to the Journal from Murfrecsboro', May 24, midnight, says : Vallandigham arrived and was sent to the rebel lines this morn ing. The rebel pickets at Grst refused to receive him. Finally t'hcColoncl ctfm inanding tho pickets assented to his re ception, when Vallandigham thUs addtess- I ed the guards, askiug the' attention of the "ederal officers : "I am a citizen of Ohio, U. S. of America, and sent within your lines against my will. I hope you will receive tne as your prisoner." Ho was then promised to be sent to tho robel au thoritics at Shcllyvillc at the earliest con- ( veniencc. NO SOUTHERN' SYMPATHY FOR VIXAX- nicinAM. I Tlic Richmond Dispatch of tha 23d I puts no faith in the speakers at tho Val i landigliam meeting iu New York, and says , that Governor Seymour and Hunt aro no hcttor that! Sumner or ChaSC, UaV not SO ' '"J good, not even as good as Bumsidc. The , o Jiiiiurcr lias no sympattiy witn vallan digham, and says he ought to be sent bo- yond our linos I WILL' bo sold, at the Store of tho sub- sctiber, in Jcrseytown, On Satuiflay, June Clh 1803, at B o'clock, A. M the follow ing described property, vis MERCHANDISE, foinisttnc of printp, Lncts, rIioos. hats.cjpa, crocktry ware, ami numcrou other nrticlcu One of FAIRBAKK'S PL A I FOR.M SCALES. I n I ono Iron t?Rff. tnzellier uttlin prcat vnrietv nr ' lliuchulil 4.IU1 K i t c hull funillurL-. liuiSt bidding, bed ctL'.nii, chairs, -deskrt. bureaus, corner cupboard anJ conttnits, tu tiglii-tlay duel:?. to coal ttovci, on a new cocking btove, I OXR FAMILY HORSE, one open and one top buggy ipring wn;ou, trurk wagon, double i,rd single harness, together w Ilk' a large assortment of books, .u.d a wiriuy of other ar tides ton tedious to mention, all of wliich will pon tivelv be sold. Tl'.lt i.S :--Suiii9 under t-.l 00, cash ; funis oier $.', UU, six months credit, Hums over $10 00, one yeur credit- NLAL McCAV. Jcrfytown, May 23, l?0'J-ts. THE DISEASES OF ERROR. (Let Maladies d'Eirtur.) 1 JOHN IJ. OODEN, M. D., author atid publiihci of the.ahnve. Work, do hereby promise 4 agree to send free of charge toany younj man who mil write for it. a copy for perusal. The proper study nf nlnnkiuil is Man. This valuable work is issued k sent forth for Ilia benefit of sulLiring Immunity, it treat iu simple language on all thu diseases of trror, inclu ding seminal weakness, Ncrwms debility, indigestion MMiuuholy, In-unity, Wasting decay, luipotency. Sec (living safe, speedy, ami etfeclual prescription for their permanent cure, toget'ier with much valvaliln ii. fnrmation. All w ,,.ill rcccivi of ,llatKc. 1 inn i.ivor inu nun it oesire iureai:.iy e a sample copy by return mall, free Address JOHN 11. OIjDEN, M. U No CO Nassau St., N, Y. May M, lPli3-Dm. Public Sale or VAI.L AR1-E REAL ESTATH. IN pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Coutlof Columbia tounl) , on SATI'HIIAY. THE TWE.NTI ETII HAY OK JUMl, next, nt (0 o'clock in the fore noon, Caiiukink Klisk, Adniinistrulnx of Abraham W. Kline, late of Kislnnscwk" lownsb. in. iu said coun ty, deceased will esposc to .ale, by public vendue uu tne premises, a certain LOT OF LA WD, lying and being ill the township ( I'ishlngcrcck. in said cininly. bounded hy lands of Mo-es .Mcllenry, and lauds now of James S. Woods, late of John I.Marus. dic'd., and by Ihe public road leading through Still Water, COXTAIX1XG OXE ACHE, mors or less, whereon uru ereitud a two 6tory , FRAME DWELUG HOUSE, f-iie !!!' FRAME STAREE.A TANNERY uud tl.'e ti 'i-cssary tisturej of Rark .Mill, ic Late Ihe estate nf alddecccd,ituulti iu the town shin of Kishingereek, and county aforesaid. ' , JACIJ1I EYHllLY.CIeik Couiilos - Ten par cent, nf th" purchxse inutieyto be paid down on the day of sale I oue-third of tte bal aure on thu Dual confirmation; and Hie remainder on tin: first dav uf Anril, ICill.witli interest on whole sum unpaid from date"f sale. Possession given itutnedi VX' "nl- r-;a - TIIK GREAT CAUSE OP .vHUMAiNMlSEllY. Just published iu n scaled Envelope : l'rfco 6 i-f, ALoc'turo bv Dr. Culvarwcll,, pp tho cause uud cure of spermatorrhoea. Coiuumptioi;, meiit.il aud physical debility. Nervousness, EpiUpsy. Impaired Nutrition of tho llody ; Lassitutle, Weakness of the limbs and lln back,- Indisposition and Inctpa. illy for study uud labor, dullnessof npprhensiou, loss of memory, uxcrsion ta tocitty, lovo of Holiludo. tiui iilitr. self distrust, dizziness, lieadachn, ulTecllon ofthe eyes, pimp'es mi Ihe ine, Involuntary, cmisjions, and sexual iucapariiy, tho cuiise'iuer.cos cf Yt.utiiful India crellnn, &c tec. 0.7" I his admirable lecture clearly pioyes tliyl the above enumerated, olten rclf-atUicted evils ma; be removed without medicine and, without dangerous surgical i prratlous, and should lo read by cvrry youth and every man in Iho land. St ut under seal, to any uddroti In n, plain realsd envelope, on tho receipt of six cents or two po.tigc stamps, by addreiiing CHA9. J. U. KUKR, Jj Co 1S7 Qrnidnav, Kow Tork, feit Office box, 4J! Msy IX l5 . '0f 10H . at ! PtiMic Sale 1