Farmer's Department. GARDEN. WORK FOR MAY. Aa no timo is now to bo lost, and wo havo no spccia auggestions to inako in re gard to preparatory labors, wo proceed at onoo to Etato what yctronituns to be dono. Setting out Cabbago plants. Prcpnro 5 bed by mamircitig it heavily i dig tlio manuro in dooplo, rako tlio soil very fine, and whan this is accomplished eot out the plants in n row, three feet apart, tho plants being two feet apart in tho rows. Sowing cabbago Socd. Early during tho month sow cabbage seed, for a supply during the winter. Tor this purposo the Savory is ono of tho best varieties. Parsnips, Carrots, and Beets. Drill in a aupply of theso early in tho month for whiter use. Radish Seed. Sow raddish seed at in torvals of ten days for a ijiicccat-ion of crops. , Lottuco Plant out young plants for heading and sow fresh seed at intervals of ton days or two weeks. Peas. Drill in a few rows of peis every few weeks to provide for a regular progressive supply. Aa thoEoason advan ces ohooso tho cooler anil shadier portion ol tho garden for this purroso. Beans. Plant a few rows of bunch beans. Mellons of all kinds Thoy should bo planted during tho first week in May. Squashes Cucumber. Plant these al go oarly in the month. Corn for Roasting cars. Mature, dig and plant a sufficient space of ground for an early supply of corn for tha table. Cauliflower. Sen out cauliflower plants for early use, and sow sauliflowcr seed for a fall supply. Lima Beans. Those should bo sown as early in tho mouth as tho ground is wary enough to receive them. Small Salading. Sow tho seeds of all kinds of small salauing at intervals often days. Celery plants. Sat theto out, and sow colery seed for a lato supply. Onions Keep the onion sets free of weeds, aud water freely in dry weather. Egg plants. Such plants as we have raised in libt beds should now bo planted ont. Tho seeds or plants to come in later may now bo sown in the open air. Red Peppers. Preparo a bed in a warm, southern order, and sow the seeds or the red peppers. Tomatoes. Plant out tomato plants raised in frames, and sow the seeds in the open air for a further supply. Raspberio3. New plantations of this fruit may bo mado early in the month, but in setting out, tho ground should bo mulched about the plants. fitrawburry beds. In dry weather, af t4or sunist, freely and frequently water strawberry beds. By observing the pre caution never to apply water whilst tho sun is shining, no fear need be entertained of injuring the blossoms. IIFLIEF OP NEURALGIA. 'Aa this dreadful disease is becoming -more prevalent than formcrls ; and as the doctors have not discovered ans method of medicine that will permanently cure it, wo , fimply state that for some time past a member of our family h3 suffored most intensley from it, and coald find no relief, until we saw an article which reccom mended the application of bruised horse radish to the face for tooth ache. As neu ralgia and tooth-acho aro both nervous diseases, we thought tho remedy for tho one would be likely to euro the other, so wo made tho application of horsh radish bruised and applied to tho side of the body where the disoaso was seated. It gavo almost instant relief to tho severe attack of neuralgia. Sinco then wo have applied it several times, and with tho same gratify ing results. Tho remedy is simple, cheap, and may be had within tho reach of evory one. SOILED UARPETS. Whon soilcilj carpets may be cleaned, after beatening with tho fol!o5ving mlx : Two gallons of 5vatcr, with half a pound of toft soap dissolved in it3 to 5vhich add four ounces of liquid ammonia , this may be rubbed on with a flannels and tho carpet then rubbed dry with a coarso oloth. ASHES Every bushel of asho a applied to the .corn crop is worth ono dollar. Tho truth of this assertion has been demonstrated by .the result of experiments accurately con ducted. On light soils, tho actiou of ashes is highly onergclio and salutary ; they exert a warming and invigorating influence and promoto tho rapid growth of almost srery specios of production, PATIENCE IN MILKING A writer says that a 005V was oured ol holding up hor milk by paticutly milking nntil she csed to hold in, nnd by contin fng the practice sho haa bcconio on easy, regular, and a good co5V. A Happy man th? Tanner. i I I I NATIONAL HOTEL, (Lato Whlto Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVE THIRD, PIIlIiAUISLntlA. D. 0. SIEGRIST7 1'nomiKTon. i Formerly fi om tia&lc Hold Lebanon, Pa T, V. niioADS, Turk, March 89, JOH-lIm. MOUNT VERNON HOTEL j No. 117 and 119 North Second Street,1 PHILADELPHIA. I Tho above well known cstnblltlimcnt hoi been Ivan l,v tint Kiilt.crllinr. I Thin Hotel lii conveniently located In a, central anil hualnoaa patt eiftha city, It l largo and cumuioJloiia, ami well fiimls'ied thtouphnut. Person vlaltlng hocltynre respectfully Invited in call nnd patronize this establishment, ns nothing shall ba wanting to mako tho guosta comfortable ami satis fied. TBHMS ONE DOLLARS PER DAY. Citizen and visitors can be accommodated on reas onable terms by tho day. week or month. J. OTTENKIRK, Proprietor. rtnn tloek Vt..Fhlln. Late of Baltimore. Mil, and Mndlsnn House, Second St. Philadelphia. ,vnrcii7, liBV :ini. JOHN DOLL fi02 Market St., Philadelphia IMPORTER -sf Toys, Pipe and fancy Articles, Tlio largcrt vanity nf Pipes, Toys, Ilaskcts anl FANCY COODS TO IIP. POUND IN Till C1TV. Pleas call and Examine, March 7, lJo:i WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVER WARE. hp undersigned would rcsprcl- d&t'iS X lectcd stock of Pine Cold ondPllvorwatch' so line Oclil Jewelry, of every kind nnd variety of tyli:s comprising all of tlia newest and moil beautiful designs. Alsn.rinlll Hllvcr Ware, eriml to Coin and tho bet,Mako orHiiver I'latod waro. rnnted to bo ns rL-nrOMi;iitcd. Each article is nnr-1 07" Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired nnd satisfaction cutrnntccd. JACon IIAP.I.P.V, (Successor to Stauflor c llarley.) Nu.tW.iAl tUKUT Street, PIISI.AU'A. Peb'y , IP3, n mog, PAUL.ifc THOMPSON, (Jcutrnl Commission HIci-c!iaii(s, IBALl'.R3 IN Pish. Provisions. Plour, Mutter, Cheese, Oils, Dried Fruits, (Irnln, Seeds, Henna, Whiskey. Wool, Oxntry Produce and Mcrchandiso gcneraliy. No. 34 Nortii Wharves, Pmr.ADtLrmA. C7" Consignments of Provisions, Plour nnd Country Produce koliclted, nnd returns promptly mado. Cusli advanced when desired. OIUH'.ltS for all kinds of Pish, Provisions, Flour. Dried Fruits. Ice, filled ut luu lowest Cash Prices, August 4, liCO 13m. P II I L A D E L P II I A. PAPER HANGINGS iiowni-i, & noimui:. Corner Fourth nnd Market Streets, Philadelphia, have now in stock, a line variety vf WA 1. I. PA PER S, Cot up eipessfy for their Vprlng Trade. window PArnu or p.vmtv oradi:, to which thoy Invito tho attcntleu of Storekeepers, By In their retnlleparlmont, will bs found the choicoft styles of tho don. Alan li 7 3 nios.scns JOHN S. No. LEE k CO. 10, NORTH WHARVES, I'hilailelpliia. ROPE ffllKEKB AND SHIP CHANDLERS, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Hopes. Tu inns, Tar, Pitch, Oakum, lllocks, and Oars, ice August 4, 1i'i0- 18m. LEATHER ! LEATHER 1 ! Till! undersigned would announce, that he has on hand athis. Ilatand Cap Uinporiuin, on Alain St., islooms hurg, an nvsortiucnt of dilfercnt kind of leather, such as tine calf skins, morocco, (red and ulacK)and linings, all cf which ho will tell cheaper than tan be had elscnhcrc In this market. Call and csomino them for ynur-olvcs, JOHN K. OIltTON. Uloomaburg, May 31, 1S0J. ntlSU.H XJTII &. UllOTIlKUR. W II 0 l i: tf A I E 0 B A 0 0 0 DEALER f AO. 105, NORTH TH1IID STREET Five doorsbclowRaee, PIIII.ADni.PHIA SCHOIsiVRSUirS FOR SALE. Pittsburgh Commercial College. Illnghainpllii " " Crittenden's " " Pklladolpbla. Stratton, Ilrynnt & Co.. " TliesH Scrips, aru inaiununts of ?I5 and $30 and aro asaoiuueb eah, by the Student on entring either oftli i nbnvo Colleges. Young indli desiring toobtaln a llnislu od Cidlegiatc Education, will hero find a good specula jion by applying ut tLu office of tho Nov. I. ISM. COLU.51IIIA DEMOCRAT. TINWARE & STOVE SHUP. rpHF, undorsigncil respectfully informs his old friend X and customers, that ho has purchased his brothers merest in tho above establishment, nudthi) concern wila hercaflPr bo conducted by liiiusclfuxUusively. lie nas jusi received nnu oners lor sale, two larg est and most extensive assortment of FAJfCi "c His nk ,. ,J. Vnf l Z : ;V:,r, o, r' a ru v i;h ever itiirouuceil into this market. ho best Cooking mid parlor stoves in the market, loscth. er with Stove- Futures of every description, (Hen and P.ox Sto-es, Radiators, Cylindar Stoves, Cast Iron Air. Tight stoves, Cannon Stoves, fee, c Stovepipe mid Tinware constantly on hand and maiinf.ictured to order. Ail kinds of repairing dune, ns Usual, on short notice, Th patronage of old friends aud new ciislomnrs m- pcctfnlly solicllc-d. A. M, RUPERT. 'ijloornsburg, November 3d ISCO.-lf, JOSEPH l'USSELL, Manufacturer of .UMBRELLAS, SUN UMBREL LAS and PARASOLS, Nos. 2 & -1 N. 4th St., PHILA'D. March 7, lSi)3-3m. A LECTUUE. Jail yabllshed it unrated Kneel rents. Treatment it A Lecture on tho Nnturo Radical Curo of Spermatorrhea nr Seminal 5Veakness t ..unliitiln ,1) PltllaulOt, i .1 I,.,.!,!... . t "'' J , !,-uimj, iiiiu iiiiuuu.u ments In 51arriago general v. NVrvnu.n..,. rnn.nm..i timi. Epilepsy und Fit; Mention and Physical liicap-f 1 betes nnddi.eases of tho ICidneys. lilnddcrund Urinn city, resulting from Self Abuse, kc lly Rob, J, Culver- j ry Passages, and throimh a false modesty they nro neg- i ii, ii., .luuut ui um i.rcen iiook kc. Tlio world renowned author in this admirable Lecture ' cluarly.provca from his own evpericiu-o that tlio awful I ronseiiuenceaofSelf-Abtuemayboeirectualiyreiuoveil without incdiilnc, and without dangerous surgical operations bougies, iiisrtiluionts, rings or cor.lials poin- ting out lUiioduofcure at onco certain and effectual bv which ovcry sufferer no mnttcr whailiis condition nmV bo. may cure hlmsclfcheaply, privately, and radically. Tli la Lecture will provo u boon tu tliousauda and thou-' sands. , j Sent tinner seal to any addrers in ;i plain, scaled cnvclnpo, on tho receipt of six ceuts. or iio.tnirn sliiiniia ! by addressing, CHAS J.C. KLINE & CO, 197 llowerv. Vow 5'ork. Post iiinpn iinr .IUR r enuary a, iooj, V, 0. LIGHT & CO., ( Lata Light & llindburya. ) i'iuiio IFoi'le ITfiaiiiilliic(iii'ct'H) 421 Broome St., New York Second Illock Uast of Broadway. 1 fJ. LIGHT, the origiuaj founder of this well-known establishment, Senior Partner, ind mfy Practical Piano Forte Makeroi tho lato firm of I iglit & Ilradbiirys," having retained Ilia Two tlilrd'a interest in tlio wholo busines atock, matcriala tec, and sole proprietorship In his 5'alualle Patents, inclusive of his celebrated PATENT INSULATED 1IION FRAMES, ia tho only one who can makothu auperior Piano Furies for which this linuso lias been so popular All infringements ouhu rights will be prosecuted according to law. C7".ll Piano Fortes from this manufactory arc war ranlod perfect in every respect for live years. Liberal terms tn Dcalcra. V V, Lights It Co., djl Uroomo St, Now York. April II, IBlU-a in. REMOVAL. JI2 A ft li EO II O T Ei. TIIU undersigned respectfully inforuia Ills friends and the public goncrully. thatlie has removed from tho "Union Hotel" to tha "EAGLE HOTEL," in the borongli of Muncy, whore ho will bo happy to enter tain in n satisfactory manner all who may favor Iiiiu with their custom, .The baal stabling in the county. wllh nmnlo nrirointnon.itions for truvclttr mail liva,d No pains will be spared lo rendar tin stay of giicsta pleasant and cornlortablei A M. SMITH Mumy, April Jl, 1663. 1 FOR THE CONSTITUTION ANT) TIIU FOR 1) I A B E T E S AND diseases 01' Till! XXBMSSfS AH Eft ABB Ml These Dangerous and Troublesome Diseases, lehithhan that far lienhted the best directed Trcalmtnt eun bi Complttit) Controlled by the It I'Ml'.OYnoir before ml Tlir, CL-UATIVIJ properties of the medlrlno dltert themselves tn tho or gans f so ration, nnd by so altering tho condition of tho stomach and liver that the staichy principle of tho food Is notfoii otted Into sugar so long as the system Is under llu induence of the CONSTITUTION WATER, which give those organs lime tn recover their kenllh toni! and vigor. Wo arc able to stale tint the l.'oiiMilu-, Hon Water has cured every casucf Diabetcaln which It has been given. STONP. IN TUT. III.ADHPR, CALCULUS, CiRAVF.t. UIlIOIv Di;ST DEPOSIT. AND MUCOUS Oil MII.KV IIISCIIAIinES AFTER URINATING. Diseases occurlng from mm anil the samo causo will ho entirely cured by tho Constitution Wntar, Iftakcn any length of timo. The dose should vary with Iho severity of tho disease, from twenty drops to a tea spoonful threonine j a day, In water. During tho pas sage of the Calculus, tho pain and urgent srmptnms should bo combated with tho nrtmrr remedies. Hmii followed up uith the Constitution Water, as above di rected. DYS.M IINORR AO!A, OR PAINFULL MENSTRUA TION, AND IN JIENOI1UIIAOIA OR ntOFUSE 1'I.OWINO, P.oth diseases arising from a faulty secretion cf tno menstrual fluid in tho one case being too little, and accompanied by severe pat ; anal the other a loo pro fuse secretion, which will bo speedily cured by the Constitution Water. That disease known as I'ALLINC. OF THE WOMH. which is tlu result of a relaxation of tho ligaments of that organ, and Is known by a sense of heaviness and dragging pains in tho back and sides, mid at times ac companied by sharp liiclnatlugnrshootiiig pains through the p.uts, w ill, in nl i cases, be removed bythoincdifine. There i another class of symptoms ariilng from I R RITATION OF Till: WOMII, which physicians call Nervousness, which word covers up inurh ignorance, and in nine cases out of ten tlio doctor does not really know whether the symptoms are tho disease, or tho disease the symptoms, We can only enumerate them here. 1 speak more particularly of Cold Feet, Palpita tion in the Heart, Imputed Memory, Wakefulness, Flash es of Heat Languor, Lassitude, nnd Dimness of Vision. SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION. Which in the unmarried female is a constant recurring disease, and through neglect Iho seeds ol more grave and dangerous maladies are tho result; nnd ns mouth after mouth paso without an cfl'ort beiiip; made to ns slet nature, the suppression becomes chronic, iho pa tient gradually looses her appetite, the bowels aro constipated, night sweats come on, and eonsumptlun llnallv ends her career. I.EUCORRCEA OR WHITES. This disease depends upon all inllamation ofmucous lining of tno lagina ami uomli. It is in all cases ac companied by severe pain in tho back, nccross tho bowels and through the hips. A teapoonful of the medicine may be taken three times a day, with an in jection of a labb'sponiitiil ol tin medicine-, mixed with a na'i-piiu ot sou water, morning unit evening, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF T"U HLADDER, INFI.AMATION OF THE KIDNEYS AND CA TARRH or thi: iiladder, stranoury AND UURNINC- OK PAINFUL URINATINIi. For thesodlseases it istrulya sovereign remedy, and ton much cannot bo said in its pralsu. A single docs has been know to relive the inot urgent syptoms, Aro you troubled with that distressing pain in Iho small of the back and through the hips ( A teaspoouful a day of Constitution Water will relievo you like mugic. FOR DYSPEPSIA, It has no equal in relieving tho Most distressing smp tnins. Also, Headache, Heartburn, .cid Stnmnch Vwn itlug Food, &c. Taken teaspoouful after dinner' 'Iho dose in all cases may beincreased if desired, butehould bo dune gradually. PHYSICIANS Hat o long since given up tlio use of liuchii, cubebsaud juniper In thetreatmcut of tluso diseases, and only oo them for want of a bcttir remedy. CONSTITUTION WATKU lias roved itself oqual to tli3 task that lias devolved upon it. DIURKT1CS Irritate aud drench tho kidneys, nnd by cniislnnt uso soon lead to chrouie degeneration and confirmed dis ease, Kcatl. Read. Mead. Uamville, Pa June i 18(H. Dr. Wn. II. Canno Dacr ilrt lu Feluiary, 1SUI, 1 wanutilic.ed wttli tho tug'it diabetes, and for live nioiillis I passed morn than two gallons of water ill twenty-four hours. I was obliged lo get up aj often ten nr twelve times during th night, and in live mouths 1 lost about hfty pounds in weiglh. Horning the month of July, lelil, 1 prucuredtwo bottles of Constitution 55'atcr and in twodaya after using It 1 experienced relief, and niter taking two bottlesl was entirely cured, fcooil after regaining my usual good health. 5'ours truly. J. V. I, DE W ITT. Boston Comers, N. Y Dec, 2", led. Win. II. Cregg k Co.: Conts: I fre'ily give you liberty to maka uso of the folloivuigfirlillcatoofthe value of l.'oitiluiiou 5Va ter. which 1 can reccoiiiiucud in tho highest manner. My w it's, who was attacked with pain in tho boul ders, whole length of the-back, and in her limbs, witli Palpitation of tho heart, attended with Fulling of tho ivoniu, iiysiuuunrruncn, aim "irriialiou or the Had ' r" !l. I'"?'"!-'"": w"" '"''"b'd ller about worse linn, l, f' uur, itueii employ cu ono ol uio host physicians I could 9ud, who attended her for about nine months, mid while shs una under his caro sho did net suffer Uito as much p.iin j he finally gavo her up and said : her case was lucurubli-." For, said he, -tho was sin h o combination of complaints, that niedicino gncu for jiui.u. uK.iiusi sumo oilier ol nor iiiuicuities." About this time sho commenced to nso Cossiiiuiiin 5VatR, and toour utter aotonishment, almost the first uos-- sueiiieu ioiiuvu inn osireu eiieci, and she kept oi improving rapidly uxder its treatment, nnd now super intends entirely lice domestic all'.iirs. ShM,,,. , ,.. ken any ofthuCoN tiuuon 5Vaii;r foraboul four necks uiiununro nappy to say mat it has iiroclucod a norma tout cum. 5YM. .51. V.N UENSCHOTtN. . .. Miluord, Cunx., Nov, 10, 1801. rjn. 5Vm. H.Cncr.o ; JJear Sir: 1 havo for sev ral years been afflicted with tint tooiiblesomonud dangerous disca.v Gravel which realstcil ml remedies and dntlors. until I look CoNsrnorioni 5'atck, nnd you may be assured that I was pleused with tlio result. Ithuscntirely cured inc. and jou may make any uso of my numeyoii may see lii in regaru tu tho medicine, as I have entire confidence in its i llicacy. Yours truly, POND STRONG. THESE ARE FACTS ENOUGH I here is noclass ofdisenses that produce such ex hausting nllects upon tho human cnnstitulinn n Din- lotion uuui inoy arc anailvauced as to bo beyond Hie control of ordinary reinedijs, and wo present the CONSTlTHTfiiv vv vi-rn . ., , . , , 1 ,UN W A ' Ul ""i pul', "'" ro"vietionthat It has nneomnl in f'Doylng the class ordiseasos for which it lias bjen !',"""' s" einlnently successful in curing ; and wo trust inatwo snail no rewarded in our efforts in placing bo valuable remedy in a form to meet tho requirements of patient and physician, FOR SALE 11 Y ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE $1, 5VM. II. GEORGE k (() Proprietors. I Morgan t Allen, General Agents iNfw-Yurk, Sent 30. 1?G3. No. 4tl Clitf Kf, IZni. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ni.ooMsuvnn, p.i. Olfico In Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charles It I1ULSU1UW Illoonisbiirg, Dec, 4, ISJ'I. JOHN C. YEAGER, MANUFACTUItEmt5YIIOI,ia.5LE DEALER IN .HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, RONNETS AND ARTH'TOIAL FLOWERS, No. 257 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov. 23, iecj, CHEAP MILITARY CAPS ! .51IMTARY OAPS, of every sort, sine and inallly for aalo cheap ut tbu Illoonisburit lint k. Cap Emporium AIo-Grocoriea.CoiircUiouarics,lCi!iara,.tc. JOHN K. GIRTO.V. oomsburg. Sept, 11, 1801. PROTECTION FRO LIGHTNING. rplll! subscriber would inform Ills friends, that lu I J now prepared to put up, on short notice, und in i 1 .,l...,m. ....n, 11... 1....1 I 7wJ7'MV roiATUn J.iailT.Yt.Va ItODS, 1 allJJ ccnlarerfoel At work warranted, ! Er CUIULLM AN, imonuljutg, May U, itW. in m or klatk, OH ;a:Es0trXSB&7 iRfcHrEAXeE as it ius nitKH rnACTitan is Tint bsitcd states bv nro uiivf. assumption Ann ixuRciseor AitnttnAH row in i I UY ). A. MA HON Y, , OMR Of ITS views. "It Is Important that tlio lialill of thinking in a free country should Inspire caution in those will) Its administration, to confine Hi iuelvci v, llliln their rcspcctlvn spheres, avoiding, In tho exercise of tho powers of ono department to enrr utcli upon another.--Tho spirit of encroachment tcir. to cunsnlldnto tho powers of all tlio ilopnitmenta in one, and thus In cre ate, whatever bo tho form of government, a real Dee potlam," WAsmmiTin. "Cllnjto tho Constitution, a Hie ahipiv recked marl ncr clings In Iho last plank, wh it night and tl.i tem pest rlnso around Ijlin," Uahif i 5 naTti, 0 MILETON, Pnbllshor. ll roadway. New York. 1 H7- Mr. .Mahony's book w 1 i the above tlllu will bo published this wuck, ' April I, W.U fT'IlF, iinderilgn,'et!i nrso om-nctvety engaged In tho JL Undo taking llunlntsa, and keeps constantly on hand lid for sale ot his Warcrooiua, a largo assortment of FINISHED 3) OOKFINS, fly which he Is enabled to till orders on presentation At.o Keeps a good llorso and Hearse, and will ut al limes bo ready to attend Fuiierels. tJIMON C. SIIIYE. llloomsburg, Januiiry 2D. 1S20 JOB in AND ti rr fry, Taney 1 rinime! v apcr CJ t mil? i) Wl' aro linu fnllv nvr-nirril In nrint ll.o ! ,'' he table is amply supplied w lib all tho luvurioa of 55 I. aro 110 55 1UII5 picp.ired 10 print tllC the season, and iscpial to that ofany other hotel io tho neatest and cheapest JOE WO tl K, in' couniry. ,, , 1 ' t Ample accommodations are offered for upward of ll'O tllO COUtltry. Iguesti. GIDSON'S A N D 1)E( OIIATIVE. I'STAIHslSHiWfiN V, No. 125, South Eleventh Street noar VJ ant, J?EEB8iAE':8ia.BilLll, Euaineled Class, Fresco, Oil aud Encaustic Painting John Cinso.v, (I. L dot in. January 13, Idt;i -3m . NEV BARBER. SHOP In Court Utilise Alley, xexi uooa io tin omen of -iiik "coi.iian nEMoiiivr,' n Loo.vrn una v.i. November f, 1SCS. DISSOLUTION. The co putnerrhip hen toforp i.istlu bolween D. 55'. LoHL'll mid A. J. 55'nriier, under the naino of'-Low-i ll c 55'arner." ofthn llinghamtou Commeri inl College waa dissolved oa the Dili day of January, lSuX II. 5V. I.U55T.I.L. Iliughamtoii April 3, lcT,:t-d!.'t, JAMES IMPOJITIUI -.7 H. SMITH, ii twu.Mi.r. i..iu.:i BRANDIES, WlXEfJ, WHISKEYS, GINS, AND MUCOUS, CENEI! LL5. No, :)'J3 Walnut Sis , between :! ij- PIIILADF.LIMIIA C. II. HENRY, Traveling Agent aud Salesman. CT7OaiiEns Ktsrecinji.i,v SouciTKti. November 'Jl, ISta.-y. Tho Ulagic Tijuc Observer, The PmFtcns or JIkiiimsii, Being .1 Hunting nnd Opc u face tinmen's Watch Cumlnm-d. ir Lad) or Gen- One of tho prettiest, most convenient, and deiidoil ly the hist and cheapest timepiece for general and rollablo use, ever (ill'tred. It luia tviUtlii it and con nected with it machinery, lis own w Hiding attach ment, rendering a key entirely unnecessary. Tin.' casen of tills Watch aro composed of two metals, the outer one b ing lino Hi carat gold. It has the unprov ed 'Uby action lover movement, and ia warranted an e tiuieiilece. Price, sllnerblv riii-raved. nor caso of u half do.en, 'WI.OO. Sample 55'ati lies-, in I neat iiioroc,.'1 boves, fur Ihoso proposing to buy al I wholesale, S35. ',,1 by cspruss, with bill payablu on delivery. Soldie ' must remit pavmont in advance, . as wo cmuot colloci from Ihoso in the Army Address 1 JlL'liUARD IHIOS. 4c CO.. fjntu Importers, j Cor. Nassau t- John Sts., New York. ! January ?,. IrfiS Jw. DISSOLUTION. The p.irtner.hlplierrtoforo exis'lfB bcltvecn the ml derl:ned. in iho Alerc.iiitil luisiiis "'as dis-ulved upon tho 1st day of April. IHftl, by mu""al consekt. All persons iiuklili-d lo tin.- lato llrm, aio e'lueste.l to ni.iko early settleiiii-iit. The books are in thx bauds uf F. ly. Eyer, -it tha Store. S II. VII.r.u'1!' F. C EVER. ninomsburg, April Ir1, I-T3."-3m. ta m tolrl. J2iiU'. ' (Opposite Inai-enuciic Hall,) CHESTNUT STREET. RET WEEN FIFTH &SIXTII, PIUL.0I1F.I.PIIM. 55' Y ATT It I1EUI.1NOS. Proprietors. November 30. lft',1. f 51urch Hi. Irjg F. 0. IIAllKISON, 31. 1). WOl'l.D rcpcctfull) inform the citizena nf lllvo bJrg, and vicinity, that he riuitiniicsthe practice .vMHci.vt: suiiar.itr, nd solicits a share of public patronage. Omen on Main Street, first bouse hclnw Hi,- rnn House, llloumsburg. February 3, 1S55 tf ADMIN ISTHATOK'S NOTICE. Estate of Oenj, Jones, detcisfd, LETTERS nf Administration on Ihe Estnto of lieiil. Jones, lato of Orange towiishio. Col n 11,1.1:1 ,nnn deceased, have been granted by the lligistr of Colum bia county, to the undersigned 1 all rsous having claiinaagalusl tho estatu of tho decedent nro rcpii'sted 10 present ineiiiinuu Ailiiiiiiistrutnr n.t Ins residence in said township, without delay, and all persona in. debtud to mako payment forthwith. . JAMES JONES. April I, ieU3.-0w. g. .loiiCr Elysbuug Academy FOR AND BE MALES. MALES REV J. F. 5VAMPOLE, A. M Principal and readi er of Languages, STEPHEN W. OWEN, Teatlur of Miithoinalics and i.ugiisu uruiciies. rplll", SI.'MMER SESSION will commence jn MON- .1 DAY. Al itlL'JUih. Instruction will be given in all .ho I-iiuiuoii and Higher English llrauilica, l.aliu. "' lenuiiii miisuiiges, i nsiiumeiiini nnu vocal Music. Good boarding can bo had in privnlo families 111 uio cuuuiiy 111 ii,u a wcea, anil 111 1110 iit.igo ror 9. TER.51S PF.It (I CARTER OF 11 5VEEKI1. Elementaty English branches, .-$! 00 Common " 1 . . ,-f ctl Higher " 3 110 Latin, Greek ur German, 7 00 Alusic 011 tho Piuuo or .5lelodcon. (e.tra) - dim 'ocal Music, fculral I hi llook.Kevping, (extra) . t 1 DO I contingent linpenses. ... 05 Addreas RE 5'. J. F. 5YA.5IPOLE, Principal. Elysburs, Pa April I, Iir03.-Uiv ColUIIlllllS Hi II 1(1 .TIlll I'VlIl'-' II) , P ,'llt C 111 V LU1UU1UU3 illitiu itlltl JltailUUlJ , WITH Normal and Commercial Instruction, rjlior. It. H. IIINGIIAM, Principal, and MRS. S, I! 1 IIINGIIAM, Preceptress, Tbo next term of this institution will commence CP a MONDAY, tlio '.lull of APRIL, iml. a Tuition, from 44 lu $upor term, fjy" Hoard nom 81 75 to s. uo per weak, Co I rooms for those wishing to board themselves For further particulars inquiru of the Piincipal. JOHN HOONS Sic'yol, New (.-Hiinbu Apin 11 I t, ECONOMY JS WEALTH. CU E COUGH FOlfia CENTS v The. best tin i chiapest Household remedy in the World, MADAME ZAOOC 1'OtlTEa's ibsm mm mumx MADAME MUUU Tl'.lt'st (hiratlvo llalsain is wnrranled ifuacit recording In the directions, tn cure in lire III all cases Coughs, Colds, M'ffl, Aof "tho I throat and Lduga. j , Madamo Zadnc porter s l alsain . prepared with a the ro'pilflle skill, from n combination or the best rem- edicslhn vegetable kltiadoni i,Kr!,.;b,;re:.0:;,C,1i,':1 to assist Iho healthy clrcu lallon aftho blood, through tho Lungs. It is not a vlo. lent cinollont- I warming, searching and elf ecllve; can be take,, by thn oldest person or tho )ouug- MndaniZadoc Porli r's bah . snm has heenln use ny inn p.i'dle for over It! years, and h i. nrrired its present sale Imply by In iug recninnien. led by those who havo used I .. I in n Mm fr m U and others. .Most linporlaiit.- Madame Zadoe Purler's Curatlvo l .old ill a lirleo whic h brings It III the reach of every ono In koop it convenient far uso. Tlio time Iv uso of a singlebottle will prove lo b worth 1 III) times Its cost. NOTICI.. Fnvoyonr innneyl Do not bo persuaded tn purchase article, at Is lo if I which do not contain th" virtues of a Flc'iit bottle of Madame Porter's Cu rnllvo llalsain. thecost of mmiifncturlng which Is na great aa almost any other medicino ; and Iho very low prece 'it which Tt lssobl, makes th' prortt totho sell-i-rappa, 'ntly siuall. and nnprlnelpnlcd dealers wl' aoiuei lines ri iMiiimond other medicines on winch their 'profits aro Inrger, unless tlio customers insist upon "having Mndamu Potter's and none oilier. 'sk for Madame Portcr'a Curative' liulsam. prko Elccuts, and 'n large Imtllus at oeiits, and take no other. I u7-Soldbyall Druggists and Storekecporc at 13cts. iw. fin Inraer bottles ai '.'5 cuts. ! HALL k RUCKLE, Pr prletors, New York. ' January 21. ien:i. '08.0,11,1:1, 10, 17 Com tliinilt Street, NEAR IIROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. This old-established and faiorito resort of tho Uusi- ne3 Coiiiiiiunlly has been recently relltted. and is com i pkto In everything that can minisfr to tho comforts of its patrons Ladles and families arc specially and tare I fully proi ideil for. I It Is centrally located in tlio bu incs part of the city, , nnd Is contiguous to tho principal liies i.f steamboats, cars, oinuibiisses ferries, A c. 1 In cnnse,pu nip of Hie pressure caused by the Rebel- ,''".i"'" t qiw )0u- a, (i J'ifii r ens per Dai, il no uoi iiencvu runners naeiimen, unu oiiicrs w no may say "tlio 55 cnern Hotel is full.' D. I). 5VINCIIKSTER, Proprietor. THOS. I). 55'INC1IESTEP.. Feb. IS.lPUi!. T. 7 he New ommereitl lhtVdings arc lona led opposite Court Ilou&r, corner of ( ouri ana ctenttnsro"Africls, Tliis College is in no nay como'cted itli any other I Institution. The energies of tin entire Faculty are exclusively de moted totbis. I Thedesign oflbis Institiilion isto mrord to 'oung I Men an opportunity for acpiirlng tt Thorough I'raettcat j Httiinets Kducatiott I Tlicllouhs and Forun arc carefullv arranged by Practical Aeciintunts. cprcslv for tiiis Institution, i and llin course of Instruction is s-ich t combine 'I lieo- r and Practice. I ('(JLLEci.vrT: cni.'ti.-i: I This Coiir'e cuibr.ices Hook-Keejnng in oil its de partment,!. IViiiimansbip, (.'oninieriial -Mithmctii-., Ilus ', I in roirespondi'in e, (.'oiutni-rrinl Law . I'o itical Hcon omy. t oiuiii-reial I. Hues, 1'aitni.rship s 'Itleoiciits, lie teillng (.'ouutei foiled ,tnd ultaied lluiik-Noi. s, kc. 'I lie Kpenc-rian Syst-m of I'i'nnm.iuship is taught in all its varietur. Iiy tb,- most skillful ui.-i'ti rof iho mt. , The Itook-Kicplng department is under Ihe spe. iai i supTvisloii end Insiriiition of the, H. W. Low Kl.t., GENERAL INFORMATION. Student ran eiiler at any lime ; no vacation. K-.unl time to compi to III- Caurse, from li to IS weeks. I (.nice r'nilernil to gi.'iiluntes ill procuilug situations. i Gradual, s are presented w illi auelcgautiv engraved Di- I plollt.l. I ID" For oat.ilogui' if Pipages, specimens of penm;in- stilp, kt oiiclosu two loii'T stamps im, addn s I !' IV. l.mvi'.LI . Prln, tpit. ' AugiKI 30, I5S2. IMny:i, liC'.'-l'Jm. CHIT T 13 N D E N S rmLuiELPiia I'DsmiEnriAL. COLL E G E ,. N. E, corner nf,ih nnd Chestnut Slicets PHILADELPHIA. Tins Ii-inurm.y. uliiih was eatahlhhrd in ISI 1 and is now consequently in this eighteenth near of its oxist-i-iire, nunibi rs among its gradual'1, hundred of the mosisiicccssful M.riiianta uid Men of our Country. Tin. Oiurrr of the Iii.,iiiiiiion is.ioLy toairordycttn" 1U"H facilities for thorough prepaialibiifor biniiuss. " Till! Bit ii itK-t TtUmiT nri, Boot-lerplgf, ns npplica. bio totliu Various department of Ir.ule, I'tnnatwhip both plain and ornaninifjl i Commercial ,t,o. Mvhe' matict, A'atigatlon Clrll P.tiguiarinx, JJrntring, I hvn ogarphy, and , Modern Lannecs, J -lEMY-TESt Or INSTUfCTtOV lap- CUliar 110 cl.i'SC i'.' l ivssoiis urti iiiiinc uso I'l, i-iicli slllifcnt nliv, 'dually, sothat lie may comine.icont any time. a,,',i attend at whatever hours are must inn renlenti Csruoi.ix lireissiiod iiniiaaii,fter tho 15th of April I containing naiiiifa of tli- students for th i venr, and Villi particulars; nf term', &c . and may bo obtained ni any I time by nddr09ing Iho Principal. In Kvibssive ArcoMMOinTiONS, vidc-tread repetition nud the lengilnj tipiritme nf ihe Principal, this Institu tion lifters facilities supoiior loany oilier 111 iho conn, try. furyoung men wisbinsf toprep.iro fur business, and toobtaln at the same time a diploma, which trill prore n reconimtniamw lor them Ilicni to any i v House. IT7"CaiTtXDE.s'o "cries of Treatitei on Pook-Kem1. ixn nosv nnro widely circulnti il than iiny mher work oil the subject, art' for sala ot the College. S. HODGES CHITTENDEN, .1ltorncy.e,il.air, Pkincipai,. Jan. e.5-I50: Um. NATIONAL COM.iiEilMAL COLLUGCS LOCATED IN PHILADELPHIA, S.E. 7TII AND CHESTNUT' STS., New York City, ErooUin, Albuin, Troy Di'JJ'ah. Detroit, CliVthtiul, Chicago, and Si'. Loufo. l!ook-keenng, Pf iiinaiiship. Cortimeiclal Aritlimilii CoMinernal Law, Forms, Correspondence, Sit., pinct cally laught. Theau Colleges beiii" under Iho same ecuerul and lu. I inl iiiunageincnt, and uniting in each tho udvantngu I of all, oiler greater facilities for imparting iustruc I 1 1 than any other similar institution 111 tho country. A hill.'! mil I n , c ii 11 in I l.c ...... 1 - .... .. I 1 . .. 1 1 V . I unlimited lime. Tim Pliil.idelphiaCollego lias been recently cnlatl and refariii.lii d in 11 superior manner, and is now li I largest nnu must prosperous Commercial Institution 0 ' tho Statu Ilrynnt &Slratton'a series of Text Hooks, i inbrao Ilook kceping, tJomnierciul Arithmetic, and Comincr Law. for sale, nud sent liy mail. ey" Fur fui 1 parlirulnrs send for acircular. October Ib, lew- J-Jm. TO THE MUSICAL. ' 'Tls Sweet to bo Itciucmbcrrd." rpllIS NOTED SONG haa Jurt bucn set tn music, L udapted to Ihu I'iuiio, and Uio aiilhur has bad it opyrlshlcd. He is rcaiy now In llll ordrra tn the sliorle.l notice, by mall, lo any part of llin L'nilviJ Slalea, Price Si cunts per copy, sent prepaid tn any nd,)rUkBi To uSeiit a liberal ilcductioii w III bo made. Address II. .51. ROGERS, I Selinserove. Snyder county, Pu, I Ajiril II. lisCI. B' Any paper Riving Ihe ubovo one insertion, und aiiudiiiu li marked copy to the "Scliusgruiu Times," shall receive u ropy by mail, For two insertions two copies j uud for three insertions three copies will bo ent, BLANK SI BLANKS! ! Of cury deacrirHioD, for salo al tbieoffic mm I Hearting Hall Road. ! . onlSANK .MN I'KOM M" A T,, TtsATAN,, PA8SENOER TRAINS t ...... th coniiianv's depot at thrltecnlh and Callow- Liu .e.t.. '-1'5'IA,a"i?.r,,,,.,win I,0,,", I ...... X C.r llnn.llllff. LchMAn. 1 1 B f T I b l fS TV'"!,"; T. u.,,,l,.v. Wllllnmsnrtt ottsvi I ; " f ' n.,.'i-a Is. ilutlalo. Allenlown, ttttSuitSnv.,!.. Carlisle. Chamber.burg, 'aS;..S. "fiJ'V,'!: sylvaiila I ai ""r , 'r Harrltburg, fcc.jat ho , U-l a luilroad train, lor ! A S. 4 1 S. x V 11 1 1 n 1 1 sport, Luck Haven, Klmlrn, Ac. W Ike. l;aH' I l yb Colltrn,, Uuinberland a '"u'" ,,UJ" ,,v kill i and Hiisquehaniia trains for iSilUilS!:w!n.l!n.Vr. Virk, Cha,ber,burg, I'lncgrovo lc. . rr..,lN0(,j uxi'RESS rulldc t'hla at 3,30 P, M. for Heading Potts- Lea I'J I J , coni.eition at llnrrls He, infS ; , , ' ulln' Rallroail train, for burg ' ' ilirrn Central Railroad train lor Pi ' ' c ft" rlh" t h S n ib ry, rinuiiir ,,,, trnlitn for Milton . tnntlla t ,l way i.eavss iiuikhiib , . ' . ,f ,',,, station, i arrives In I I lade l ' 1 -''p, j, , arrives itrinrnlng. leave, Philadelphia at 4,ju i . In Reading ut .,. u 1". Ilnrrislmr ti 'A..V Train, lor 1 h a lol jih a l ' "'"X.H, la', n lui l nil by 1 1 It- 111 " ISO P. M AUer'noon trains leave narr.sbnrg .s v ' JL, and PottsvilleatS,:ii) P- M. arriving at Piillai;..i "SVark't", a passenger car attached, leave j Pli! lidptrtiutl P.M.. for Reading and all ay sta ll ns leaves Heading at I!, iwon. and Duwnliigluwn nt I P. M. for Philadelphia and all way stations. All the above Irams run dally, Sunday eXcepte.L Sunday trains leavoPottsvlllo at 7,311 A Maud I'hlla- delphia nt VlVtS'r till VALLEY RAILROAD MilphU. returning from Dow ningtown at 7,nu A M '""VnW YORK E.XPRRS FOR PITTSUURU A VII THE WEST. Leaves New York, at 7 1' M, passing Reading at i 117 midnight, and connecllug at llarilsburg wllh Pc'nnsylvaiii.i Railroad Expiois Train for Pittsburg Returning, l.xprcss Train leaves Ham-burg an urrl valofl'eiiiisylMinid Evpr.-ss from Pittsburg nl . I, L. A M. turning Reading S.ii i M nnd arriving at New York at 10.20 A M. Sbepiiig cars accompany these trainsthiough bttwscn Jersey City and Pittsburg with- ''''MallTraiiisfor Now York leave llarrisburg nt H A M nnd --Mill P M. .M nl iralns for liurrisDiirg leave Njw Vorkatf, A M and I' noon i SCIIUV LKII.I. VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pnttsull.. at 7.1.5 A M ! l.'l'J P M, returning Innirruniirora at tS.l. A M. and l.l.i P .51. ' SCIlin I.KILL AND SUiC.UEIIANNA RAIL I KOAI). , I Trains leave Auburn at 3.4J A M for Plnegreve nnd llnrrisburg, and at U.J II A M. ami 7 I'M for plnegrovc ouiy; returning from I nrrl-burg nt 1,30 P .51 and Irom Piiu-grovo at a A .51 and I and j P .51. TICK BPS. Through firat class tuki ts and emigrant tickets to all tli i.rilitlt-lo J.i.lutsJtn tlia Nortii ana cai un.i 1.1111a- das. , . ,-i;,".lr,'".,;"ii"s-r ."rT ""7 -JISii. r-uVti. ol S. Uradford, 1 roasur. r. No. -27 soutn I uriu si, Ihil.idelplna, or of ti. A McollJ, Oneral snperintjiiil, cm, Heading. I-MM m ifr ATII1M Tli!K IVi'S. I .5125 per tent, discount, between any piduts desired, , tor f.iMllies and firms, I I Mli.HAGE TK'KEI S, I Coo 1 for MOW) miles, boiueen all points, al SUM eacli I fur families and llrns. ' i SEASON TI'.'!CETJ, I For three, six, nine or twelve months, for holde's oiilv, to all points, at redm-.t'trntes. , I'LIIRGYJIEN I , Residing on the line i.f Ihe road will he furnished with ' cards eulitUd tltenmliea and wives t i tickets at half i fare. I j . ) I From Philadelphia toprini'ip.i sutmua, gnu I for Sat- 5 uraav Suud.iv mid Monday, nl redii.'sd fares, to ho nnd I only at tho l.ickct Ollice, atThilteentli and l.'allowliill ' striets. I FREH'.HT. Goods of all deseriptpin forward to all tho above j points from Hi conipaii'sneiv freight depot, UrJduud V5iIluW' streets. . FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Pliiladi dphla daily al li A M, ! I' 51 ; and t'. P M. f ir lleauing. Li b iiinn, llarrisburg, Pultst ille, I'ott Clinton, and nil points beyond. t VAILS. ! Close tit lite Philadelphia Post offl'js for all places on ' the road and its branches at 5 A .51. and for the princi ' sl.nion- on'vat ' 1.5 I1 5J. 1 Illcouisburg Feb. II If 0.1. E S T U A Y. "asib into th-enclosure of Ihe undersigned in Fish- 5 ioereek township. onTiiosdiiytlieTth day of April A lurg.i Ulai k mala w itli a star o" tt'- fiec and whii st. It"- niiiiiin:- down inward th end of llien,,,, and a small w inl it ,m the under Hp, Hie i? nhtut l-J or 1 1 yi-ai s ol I The owner is rcpirnte, to coin" and pmvi- pn-peit) pay cluiaed nnd t ik ln-r away or she w ill bu disposed of aciordiiig to law . GEORGE KELLER. April K, 16C3. 3 ill) I LIGHT STUKET, Columbia county, ? 'I HE nyder-iiue'l i-as bieiited al the alone nan I In-1-1, foieierly orenpi-d by IVtsi Sihug, and rc ' it a - li-i r ; of public '.itronn.1i'. ij ' Gooit uf-roiii'iio.htiitMH for man and beast. 7i best kind of l.'pors at the bar. J. II. RICE, Proprl't 'r April II, IfiiJ' BLINDS AN1J Sfi.'UJEs. I J. 5V1LI.1A5IS, No. lOVr.rih t,x,j, street, I'liiia I ill 1 phi i. maiiiifaeturer of Ycnilinu JStimtS sxiul Whidoiy (T7 Th larg.vt nnd finest assortment in Ibn cltv, at th.-lowe-t priees Iliads paUt.-d and trimuicd c'iual to new. t'lnri1 r-tui-ii's maileaiid letteicd, Apiil f, 1-1 :i tm lf-0:?. U.U3. riiiKnIolpliia k lurk nail lioad. j This sienl line travcrs-s the Noithirn and Nonh west counties of Fcuiif) It aula to Ilia ell il Erie, on Lake Erie. I It l..r. b eii b ased by lha Com pan', opened tliroushout its ei.tjro length. . '"'u'-1 ni'-n .lusoiees i,clH! rnj-nily I I' - for j assengKr nnd Freight business from Ilarristm. " v JJiimvoo.i I'nrk) (177 iiiilesm the East' rn Division, Uflln isliellicld lo frit on iho Western Division, (76 miles) TIME Of lUsSKMibR IRtt.SS AT .VOUTl.t'Jf Dkt1 HSn, Mail Train leaves, East n 51 ,. M, Uzprcra Train 11 la flj P M 11 " 55'cst 4 -.'d F-Mresa 3SSA.M. Cars run through wirit cuvsur lioth ways on theso trains hvtweeii I'liil ub Iphia nnj Lock Haven, and ii.iliiniuru nun k uaveu. rtow anil cleglut ? iug '.urs arriuiipaiiiiig ma express Train both way between 55 illianisnnit and ll.iliimnre, and 5Villiama uort and I'liilailelnhla. For information respecting Passenger business, an ply nt the S. E. I.'or. Illli and JIarkvt Sts. And for Freiglit business of the roinpiny's Agents : S. II. Kingston, Jr , Hor. 13th uud Market Sis., Plnl'.v J. IV. Re nolds. Erie. J .51. Drill, Agent N. C. U: I!., Ilaltlnioro. II. II. Houston, Gen'l. Freight Apt . Philadelphia, Lewis I.- Ilniipt, Gen'l. Tu ki t Agt Philadelphia. Joseph I). Polts, Gen'l. MuuugoMVilliiiinrpoit. January 17, 18d3. rjHIE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, n.ixnu.i:, A.'o.v'otvi covwrr, p.i. EuUrtaininent for Man and least, in good rtjlo and at moderate rates. CII5ltl.ES N. SAVAGE, Pro netcr. Danville, April I '.I, lef,-.'. JliHSEl' I,i5i)S i'oii"Li ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS, Suituble for Grapes. PciiLhes, Pears, Itaspbeirks, Slrew b'-rrii's. Illiitkhi rries, Curri nt., he, of i. II) oa '.'II acres each, ai Ihe following prices for Iho present, via: '.'u acres lor S-.'lltl, 10 acres tur Still, A lien's for SOU, UJ acres lor 411), J aire fur 3 JU. I'nyublo by ono ilullur .1 eek. Also, good Ci anbury lands aud village lots in Cheat wood. SO by lll'i feel, at $10 each, payablu by 011,1 do. inr a week. The above liunl and larius. nro situate a Cltcatwood, 55'asliington township, lliirliugtoii county New Jersey. For further information, apply, villi P. 0. Slump, foru circular, to II Fit 5NKI.1N ''LARK. No. 10 Cedar Street, New York, N.Y. January 17, 1-Mi:i. ST11AW STRAW !1 ' ' STRAW' Til" TONS SI'K 555',of all kinds, Huikwjieal e ccpled, ia wautud imiiieiliately, at Iho Mil d'rovu Paper 51 Ills, near Light Hlreet, for w huh cjsh will ho paid. .,. , , , THOMAS TRENCH. Mill Grove, August 0, leflj. PETISR Y0I1K & SON, rtAVE rrrrntlv rrpeneda HOOT AND SHOE 8IIQP. ' TREET, Columbia county. Pa., and nj! j . boat work on thcil,ortu.t nottcet.(V I I 1 ill LIGHT rt'l'lli: prenareiiiu no tin 1 ut the lowest prices Give tbeui u call "I'M! 11. icnj NOTIOR. TsOTiCU la hereby Blven that application will ha 11 inaietutboGoteriioroi'lViinsyfvnnia ,-or ., don lor Jercinlah Overdnrf. of Iho county of (oliimW, who was convicted in our Court of Quarter Weailona Jr an anault and battery nt September term, lee . . J FRLUF, All) frr Oi-e'tdeif bieoiatbt'i; Apnl II e3, I i AYEE'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIEYINQ THE BLOOD. And for tli e speedy euro of tho following romplatnlN ycrnfiilnninl Scrofiiloua AfToctlniia,iiiiiili ns T n in n is, Ulcers, Sores, !Oruitlniis, I'liiiilca, 1'tistulCs, lllotches, Ihills, lllnlns, mill nil Nkln OtKUNn, Ind.. Otli Juno, lS,1f, 3, C, Aim k Co, Ccntst I feel It my duty to s. knoIcdgo liat jour i-'srsaparill.t haa dono for run. Hating Inhciltcdn ctofiiloin Infection, 1 havo sufTsrul fiom It hi varlousTraya fur )enrs. Sometimes It burst out In t'lceia on my hands and arms) sometime U turned Inward nnd dlsticssed too at tho stomach, 'ln jean ago it brolto out on my head nnd cottrcd my scalp f ml csis nlth cue loie, wlilih nas painful and lontbsoiixi beyond dcscripllori. 1 tiled many medicine) and isrerirt idiyslcl ins, but without inuih relief from any tlilntr. In r.ict, Iho dlsoidcr K'ow worse. At length I was lejclco l to lead In the (lospel Messenger Hint you had prrpatel an ulteratlio (Sarsjp.nilla), Tor 1 knew from your reputa tion that any thing J-uU muiln luiivt t'O good. I Sent to t:iiiclnnallandBvt it, and used It till It cmod me. I tiok It, as )ou adiise, In small doses of a leaspoonfnl over a inoiilb, and used almost lines bottle". Now and healthy skin soon hegnu to loim litider tho cab, tvhlcli nfler, whllo fell oh". Jly thin Is now clear, and I Know by lay Mings that lha iliscuau L.uj toao from ruy stni, You can well Ik-IIovo Hint I fM what 1 nm siiylm; svhin I i dl )uu, that I hold you to bo ouo or the upoitles of tbu ute, and icm iln oer gratefully. Yours, ALFRED II. T ALLEY. ftt, Anthony's Vli'c. Uoo or Kryaliirliii, Tetter anil Hnll Itlu nin. Sinlil Ilinil, unit, Horc iycsj, uropsy. Dr. Robert M. Pri-blo wiltcs from Sidem, N. ., 12lli Sept., liil, that ho. Ins cured an luvctnatii caso of DrcW, which threatened lo tctmlnato fatally, by tlo IKTamilnjinn of our Siirsaparllli, and also udaiigiioul Ihligmnt Vrtitpcln by hrgo dntis of tho samot rays ho curea tbo cennnon Priijillcnt by It constantly, llionclioccle, Ooltro or Svvcllbtl Xoolr. ubuloii Sloan rf Piasprcl, Texas, wrlti t " Three bt lies of ycur cuu-d mo Irom n a. i'rr n bid. coin SMsllhijt cm llu ticcl(,v,bUh I had sufTeica fiitij over two j ears." Iintcori'lirrn orWlillcK.Ovnrlnii Tumor, Clcilne Clctintloii, rcnmlo Discuses. Ur, .1 II. S. Channlng, of New Yoilt City, writes ( " t most ihcei fully comply wllh Iho leipicstcf your iigontlii snjhigl havo found your Sarsapaillln a most nxcellont ulteratlio In Iho iimiiermis comt.l.dnls for which wn employ sorb a remsdv. but cspcchlly In Tsmnla MtcttH ,r tlio Scrotulnus illaikesls, 1 hsvo cured many Inroli r ntn rases of Lcucoiihot-a by It, and s&ine wl,eio Iho com plaint was caused by ticividi of tho nVri1!. 'Um iitot. ution itself was soon cured. Nothing within my kuul idee cuual It for llieso female derangements." Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, "A dan ceroiH marhm tumor 011 0110 of tho females In my funstly, which had dulled nil Ihe remedies wo could unploy. Iisn at length been completely cured by your Extiiut of Hai iiiurllln. Our phjslrlau tliouglit nolblng but cxllrpn. Hon could afford relief, but bo advised the Irtil 1 f jvu Snis.iparill.i a.s the last icsoit bcfoio cutting, and It proved effectual. After taltlngyonr icinedy cljhl wrokj HO sympleui of the dlicasn icinalua." Syiilillls mill Itlct-curlnt Dlsenae. Krvr Oat.1 in, 25th August, If-c). Pr.. ,T. C. Attn! Fir, I cheerfully comply wllh tbu i-. ynest of jmiragent, nnd icport to you some of HiaiflnU I h no re.dl7ed Willi jour Saisnpnillia. I haieciuid wllh It, In my pinclke, mut f ll.o c-tn-I'liilnts for which It Is iPi-omtnendi-d. nnd I1110 foiin-t Its ilTects truly nondcrfiil lu tho euro of Yrvmul and Mer luiinl Vitoisr, Ono of my patients lnd Syphilitic ulcer In his Ibioat, which wcro consuming hi nlito and tbo top of Ids nioulh. 'our parsapnrllla, ftosdlly taken, ciued li 1 111 In (no weeks. Another waa attacked by ft I'lidary sjinptoms In his nose, nnd Ibn ukoiutlon had stiten'aw.iy n considerable part of it, so Hint I 1 licr Hi disorder iionld K-on lencli ids bruin nud 1,111 htm. Hut it yielded to my administration of your Siirsnpurlllaj tbo ulcus healed, and ho Is well ngnln, not of ciuso without eoino disflmalioii to his Pico. A woman wlio had Ik-uii treated tor tho r.iiho iliaoiilcr by lueicniy was sufleilng fiom tliis poison in Iter Ihuics. 'Ibey laid becs-mo 10 hen sttlio to iho wiatlier lint on a damp dny sho suffew-d fa rrueiiting palu in her Joints nnd bones, fcbe, tro, una cured cntiiely by your Snraaj oilll.i In 11 foir wks. I know fiom Its foimula, which your agent gavo me, that this I'lepiualion from jour hiboinltuy must be a great iciuedy; roufeiiurntly, these truly itiniiknble lrsulla with ll haie not ruipilsed me. I'latciually joins, 0. V l.AI.IMETt, M. D. Ithcuiiintlani, Gout, I.Ivcr Conipliiliit. fci'CNPri.ci1, I'lestoii Co., V11.. C'li July, DM. lm. .1. C. Arcn: Sir, 1 havo beta atlllc ed wllh a p.iin fui . bii-iile It'iiumntteht for a long tituo.i lib It Wtlb'd th" skill of physlil in, and stuelc to me lu 'plto of all tbo re'M'.liel 1 could llnd, until 1 Hied jourFi r 'iipul Ilia. Onn bofile ruii'd 1110 III two weeks, and irstotcd my b-nlili so much that I nm far lo iter II 111 I n, re 1 waa alt.itked. 1 think it n wend -i lift mcdMn--. -'- HII'AM. Jules 5. Cvtcliell, f.r St. Louis, wilteai " I bawi Ib 11 afllietid fur jiniswltb an uffalimnf fit I.irtr, vlilch di'slioyid my health. I tilid every tl.lng.nivl norj tiling failed lu u-llevo me; and 1 havo been a luokt 11 d Am uiuu for s'lane Jems fi,.iu no other causo than I'liiii'icinei'f .t Vie .ii, r. My b'-hiiod 1 iMnr, tbo Riv Mi- i:spy,ndbi-l 1110 tolly sour Salsnpaillla, bceniiso bo said lie J.rew oil, and nni tfilng Jon nuidowiis worth tiyiug. lly tin- bik inis' of Ibid II hits ruled lue, and he so piuifed my hl'i",! ns'lo tn-ike a n- w man of me. 1 C-el joitiig nguln. 'fl.e Wst lint cm 1 e said ofyou li not lmlf f;ood 1 noogb.'' Sch li'i'its.Cnnerr 'I'mnnrH, KnliirKi iik lit. Ulceration, Cm lc iwV.1 lCxrollittloii uf the llonesj. A gruit lailely f cr.sps hav.'-l.een iciwrte-I fo u when chips of ibr s forinldiild'1 it mpl.iiiits lian- rosiilted fiom llu- use of lids h lui'dy. but om spmo hero v III not admit tli'-t,i. Soiiih ot tbeui limy lo luund In 01.1 Ameilciui Aim in. 1 niie b llu .ivii1 b"1 w iistni J mo j'leasi-I to fiinsi-li gi.itU to nil wltoutll f"i tbeui, I)y sjii psin. lii.. u t Oisf.i -e, T-'Usi, 7IiilIi-ny-, iflelriiis-lioly. ,-tii-rtlf;ln Mmy itres ol tbi-e aiTeclk-ns hire bom 1-1 el by lb- iilti-iatliepnwiT if lliislni'dlcltie. Il stimu I t--s llu- iltd fun, lion into ilgoioiH aitlon, and tbos I li-ltlllli-s llHolilelH W 11 U tl Would h'1 hUppoSCsl lnjl'lld U ii-ai'b. r-111 Ii 11 remedy long been 1, quired by the m ,., hsIii oi'iIm- icopb-.nnd wo ate .-iiulidslit tlml tldi will d 1 fi- lie In ail that inedktuc tan do. Ayer's Ghorry Pectoral, III"! Till' 11.5 I'll) I I in: OP ('misfit, t'nlil, In Ihicii7n. II 011 i'c i C'i nini lli'iini tl It I. lm lIrnt t'mi hiun pt Inn, mid fut- the Jtrllcf or Cmisiitii pt Iv l.i(l'ii(a In ml 11 iiceil Miir;eis of t li u lllsiiisie. Tld I a reir.'dy -o uhIm isutty 1 now il It Mnpr.w ir- rtibi-r for tbo imiiii of IbisMt end lung r. mplsliits. that I h useless heie to publish tbo lidetuM i f its lillms. 1! llllllllllled etcellenee f .1 1-OllgllS Slid cold, nod ils tin'y wond-rfitl cute oT piiliuoiiniy dbiase, 1no nimle ll known tbroubout tin- iMIIri-d Imtl n of the curtb Few aro the inminuniilcs, or erru lamlli, s, mm ng t ci who Inno lad roiue pHsonal e.i-iktirn ot 1 1 t (tec onii, tiling trophy In Hie ir mid.t of its lln-iy our th sulit'c nod diinnious. illoid.i rf llie ihroal nod luhs- Mi all know tin) ilnadlnl t.itsnt.v "I no-e ru-oini'rs, on ss lliev know, t -, I! i IT et , , f ibb r, l .,ty. we 111,1 d i nioro tliiin to iii'iiro litem lluit ll liui n 'i ell lie r,r tin' that It did bun- when muLIng lUj cure nbl.h bt wm ij sli'.ps'y urvu th c i.fid.iieu tf ti;p,i:i.:ilt . rreared by Dr. jr. C. A2EE CO., IcII, ' oi.!.; I; E P : nil, C. M llaiTubucli ami J R Mnytt Rlnnmsliurs; 1 Prlitiyler, !u,!.."'"ri-' ' Musters A. Sou Alillvilbi; p Masterr, Ponton; LatSiUs .t Tishen Oi--inrrville; G F Fowler Fowlersi Illo : A Sillier. 5lJr wiik; Low . Urns . Cunttrv illo ; li F Ittiph.irt IcNuss I spy; 51 G Shoomnker, lliickborn; Ueiphart t Nuss, Miiinville : J (."li'irplcss. Cattawisra; Lrcusy ti tti, l.icht Street t and dealers every win tu. July -.'i;, laGQ ly. EVANS WATSON- stores, iron shntt,,rM Iron !,. nil JSM'h inakia of locks emaliu any mado Hi lha Cnlted States. f'iif Saf tt in one frj. c&nr rut right; irltK reir fcufs in good condition. Tho Salamaudcr Safea of Philadelphia1 against llu world. EVANS & WAT5-'ON, hnvp had Ihe surest demostrnlion In tho following c-r. tinnite that their manufacture of Salamander Safes I as at leiiflh fully warranted the rcpri-sentailons which havo been lunde of Ih.-m as reiidcriii(! mi unduubtod security against the terrihe cleiiu nt. ,. , Philadelphia April 2. IsM. '' Watson: tiuillemen-Il atlbrda us the liiuhcst satisfaction instate to you, that unine I'" llu- very protective 'pialitiia of two of tier Salamander, safea which we purclias d of ynu rome fuo month sini we saved a larre poriion nf Jewelry, nnd all our bocks. k c, evpnsed to tho . alnminnuj, fire in llanstead place on tile inoriiinj ofthe 11th nist.. ' When we rolled (hat these rafea were located in the ruuitli story of the biiildini! wu occupi.-d nnd that Ihey fell subso'iuently mtoa hi np of burninr; ruins, wliero llu1 vast i ouci'iitration of the bent caused Ihe brass plat it to well, wo cannot but regard Hp preservation of their lal liable contents as innat runt inciiie proof i f tha aroat turityatrordedbyjuursuloB. ub"-i'- 55'e shall luke (-real pleasure in reconimendinr tlTtl, ' men of business as a sure rclianru iiiruiiKt fire. 'I.UHli 55. HI M.5IONS& HKO., .ckUs. July yd, jfiP. , .,. . I'oiciiiiseu ti iart'0 rsarei. lAllSllstSO If'!" GREENWOOD SEMINARY. Millvillc, Columbia Coumi, Penn'a, Thia well knowhScliord for both tenc will ppen novum nun 3d, is, Th recent ndditiona Hi tlio buidina, render ucn.. oda . ion. for morn than rlxiy bonnier. Ihecoursoof ,tudj will embrace tSreo dinartctD VbeP;.r,i!l'i,',c.k'l',i,1,':' """ h fwwitc' Ibel rincipal will benaaibted by ejprrienred (frtitb era fully ,uu .fled (or Ib.-ir respwiive poVitlona. win ri "'"'"Jl'era may rest aaiuted Ihot no cfoits L 1 i?. f p!',rc"' l",'"llk f-clii-ul worlby of poironap , 1 L m "IU Wl;lr"ru 01 ",B 'ludints, .uiellectuall; physically, mid mo,i,ly, t receiveourcoiislautrj.ti ' J a pp 1 icai ion , circuinra or furlhi r particulars sti- rrC" mi",f "l TtKV y' jon i V V l' 'i (iv A 51. 1 ' 1 A 1 llcl$!& Allllville, Pa.. Sept. J.t, M3. M. & T. P. TtrTTr'' LIVERY STAf rr7aX, ATTACHED -iia. ,, ' CTfi osrifT'ivlsi " '''"'i.ii t:a, an feill 9K;L1J It'VED to Xo. Uiionth lvrth lA,.&ji.l'reet, PiMnlelpMa, lini'j on SliSiMMfBij-Sll and a larse assortment of Firu I" K:iWSs..i-itiaWr' Thief nraqf Sal:nnanilr sfst s isi.i,MKRii!ii'Jw.i i.n ,,s. a,..,,: v.,: v.. . i.r .