COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT KOVTGD BT LEVI L. TATE, FROmtETOR -381oonifll;urs:- 8 ATI! Ill) AY, MAY 23, 1803. cr'cr,iNa to the constitution, as tiih HIUrWKP.CKED MARINER OI.INfia TO Till'. LAST n.ANK, WHEN NWIIT AND Tlin TEMPEiT CLOSE AllOUNtl HlM."-WaitleJ H'tb$Ur. TUIIPOSES OiTtIIE WAR! CoNOBESI, T A VOTI NEARLY tJlUJIIMOUS, PASSED THE roi.tntKO keolvtio!, wutcn sxrRtssts the voice or the Nation anibtiietrde standard or txiv alty : "That the present dnplnrnblo civil war linn born orecd, upon the country by Iho dlsunlonlils of the Southern States, nowln nrrai ngnlnsttlio Constitutional tlovcrnmcnl, and in mum around the Capital ; thit in this National emergency. Concrete, banishing all feel Ing of mere passion or resentment, will recollect only III duty totlin whole country ! that this war It nl xcagtii e tactr part In any f nlrft of opprtsiion.or for any pur potl efconouett or tubjugation orpurpoeeof overlhreiclnp or interfering mi me rtcnte or tiiaoitineu institution Ikoee futet, butt dtfeni and maintain the tuprcmac :v of tht CanttitttUnn, and U present the Union, tcith the dlg- nllv, etualilv. nndrLrAfi of the teteral Stout unimpaired, and that at eoon at then object are accomplished the war ouithtto eeatt." Mr. Matthew F. Tate, a mom borof tho84th Rog. P. V., son of Geo. P. Tate, of Clearfield, who is brother to the Editor of this Journal was shot on the 5th of May, at tho great slaughter beforo Frcdoricksburg. Tho Danville Hotel. Wo arc pleased to observe, that the 'Danvillo Hotel." under tho supervision of that Princo of Landlords, Gen. Geo. W. Freeze, is doing a prosperous busi ncss, On Monday last, being tho first day of the Montour Courts, over one hun dred and fifty guests dined at the Danville Hotel, and a better dinner, few of them perhaps ever discussed. Mr. Freeze is an unconditional Democrat, loyal only to tho Constitution nnd Laws of our country, and henco his IIouso is Dcmooratio Ilcad Quarters. Our correspondents this week acraiu. draw heavily upon space. Their productions will bo perused with interest Wo welcome them to our columns. Wo declino publishing tho lenghty ar- tiolo, signed ('A Poor Man." Not for want of friendship to tho Poor Man, but1 because his articlo is too long and a little J too Bovero upon this poor, driveling Ad ministration. Mr. Christian J. Asn, sends us a long letter" from one I. L. a fantical aboli tionists, to whom he replied in our last number which letter wo deem unworthy of perusal by one at least who has no time to sparo. Follow Your Leader. Wc observe that a few of our supcr-royal-Loyalists have been getting up a "Union League" in BloomBburg. Have they forgotten how they used to sneer at Democrats as "Union Savers" ? Wo won der what kind of Union Leaguers they are I Stay at homo Leaguers, no doubt. The same kind to whom Parson Brown low in a letter to an Abolition League meeting at Chioago,used the following plain language.- 'You citizens of Chicago call yourselves loyal; you glory in your loyalty, you proclaim it upon the streets, and herald it in your press, and deelaro it from every platform , but it costs nothing to he Coyul furc in Chicago, so far away from danger. Loyalty leads to the field." Abolition Arguments. On Saturday morning last, wc received through tho Bloomsburg Post Ofiioo, tho subjoindo billet-doux. So important a communicauon anonymous, a not bo lost to tho country. We puohsh it verbatim : 'Levi LTato Tn nnir rT mftv 0. Vrttl l mention what the Democrats mean to do when thoy gt into power. Well it looks well on papor. But I will tell you what I iWink vou had better do boforc that time. J.U vuui -J J - you had better advise all all tho democrat- ic traitors to make Pop Guns to shitlc tbeir grannies. Kemember Gen Hooker, Grnl Butler Gonncl Burnsidcs. they know what to do with suoh men as you. And this is abilition argument, in rc- ply to a plain declaration or Democratic Principles. Shamo on all such Jirty' sneaking cowards. afraid to moot a man face to faco, beoauso unable to rciutc log- ical argument, but would gladly btab in tho dark or incite tho revenge of tho sol diers upon loyal citizens. Wo unhesita tingly denounce all such vagrauts as pit iable poltroons, beneath decent contempt. Ed Col. Democrat. wifl Retribution .' Tho people of Dayton, Ohio, on Tuesday of last week, became eo incensed at the cowardly net of tho minions of Lincoln's Administra - tion, for tho abduction of Air. Vallandig- bam, under cover of the midnight dark- nr.ns that thev cutted tho Abolition Journal office, and then burned tho build ing. Theso abolition niser-heuds, liko all tuoh cowardly sneaks throughout tho country, havo done much to excito civil insurreotion among noighbors, and now, tba thing roeoila upon their own guilty beads. How true it is, that "thoy who bow to tho storm will reap of tho whirl wind." hi ' 4Wk-mm "" Fun for the Boys. Tuesday tho 26th of May, the groat Cirous of 0. Brien's will arrive in town. This will, doubtless be'oneofthe bost "shows" over known here. A sight at the Clown alone, we should euppoie to be worth the price of admission, Arroatod for tolling tho truth. M. M. Pomcroy, editor of the LaGroi so Domocrat, who has forsomo timo been army correspondent of tho Milwaukio Nows and Chicago Times, has been order ed tolcavo the Department of Gen. Pren tiss for giving the facts as ho saw thorn, without gloss or transformation. It is only necessary to say that Mr. Pomcroy liaa beon of tho "war Democratic stripo," and a slcrnuous supporter of a "war for tho Union " . I Cominoncing cn his arrcst,and exclusion from the lines, Mr. Pomcroy says; ''Our ofTcncowas simply this: wo had told tho truth. After months of observation and close investigation, we dotorminad to givo our readers facts leaving lies to be spoken by official reports of victories nover won, by commanding officers like Prentiss, and the telegraph. The idea of writing facts, startled, as with tho sting of lightening, tho willing, tools of tho Administration, and it should not be allowed. Tho truth of our letters tho existence ol evils and wrongs still greater than any wo havo written of, is still in tho army. Wo asked Gen. Prentiss if we had writ ton a word which was not truth simplo and uncontrovertible. Wo dared him to deny it gavo him prool to substantiate tho ar tides, no ono can contradict. His reply was this: "Mr. Pomcroy, I want you to un dcrstand that tho truth shall not bo written from this district to discourage tho puoplo of the North, so long as I am here." So long as wc remained silent to the dishonesty and corruption among officers in tho army, wo were a princo of good fel lows. So long as an editor endorses every movo of tho administration, or writes up a hero of every ignorant, theiving and cow ardly General, cursing tho army with his presence, and the country with his cxis tencc, it ia all right. Just so long as wo soc fit to romain silent and sco poor pco pie plundered men deprived of all their legal or political rights tho flag of the North marking tho depository of stolen coods Generals stealing cotton : Colonels stealing horses ; Captains stealing mules; Chaplains stealing negroes, and privates stealing laces, jewelry, clothing, bedding. pictures, and loved mementoes of friendship from innocent women and children, with out our writing a word of protest and de manding that such damnablo vandalism be stopped. So long as wo could witness the persistent efforts in tho army to crush Democrats rather than the rebellion could sec the Union residents of the South robbed and insulted by the men they once prayed to God might reach them quickly. So loDg as we had daily evidence gleaned from picket post, camp fires, suttlcrs' tents, and hospitals, that the army was becom ing demoralized, and the men that were not afraid to speak, weary and disgusted with tho life of plunder and idleness they were leading, and mention it not, wo were a loyal citizen. Nine months siuco Ilelc na was occupied by Federal troops. Thirty five thousand men pitched their tents there in the rich cotton county of Philips, and the work begun. In nine months eight changes of commanding offi cers over that post have shown tho unsta blcness of tho government, and tended to demoralize the troops. Six out of the eight commandors there have mado independent fortunes in cotton, mules, and other speculations, hut the enemy has nover been n?et! Extensive Advertising. On the 4th of April, Messrs. Bryant Stratton & Co. occupied an entire pago of the New York TViilv TVirinnn with nn Arlvnrlicnmnnl nf . their Intorrjationai Commercial Colleges ; . , . . , , . . tisemcnt appeared in tho New York Her aid ; each of those papers also giving an . .. .., , . cxieuueu suiwnu uouw oi me unurpruo. Again, on May 7th, they took a whole column of tho Daily Tribune, the adver ;snmint l.mnr nlsn inserted in tlin Weclt. . w-, j editorial notice. These " I lusiituuuua iiiuai uu uujuj uig uujuuuuumu- cd success to warrant such an outlay in advertising, while they are conferring lastinc boncfit upon the public. The jem(lruh, Bays. "Tho results ol their laborg arc olling iarg0y upon tnB j,us;. ncs3 capacities and usefulness of our own mon .. And tho Tribune adds. "Their lan scomg to us eminently wise and practical, and wo arc confident that near ly every one who purposes to conduct any sort oi commercial or industrial buriucss hereafter will derive signal benefits from devoting a season to ono of those Colle ges." Tho Philadelphia Collcgo has just been rofittnd in a siinorinr tnnnnnr. mid nniv , 0(rors rarc a(lVantagos to young men who desorc a thorough preparation for business. , t&r Erasmus' Store. Mr. A.B.Uius- mus, has quite ati excellent grooery Store, in Bloomsburg. Ho has just received New goods, and keeps a variety of articles to sell at moderate prices. Mr. E. has put up his sign-board and will always bo ready to receive and servo his friends, KDr. John says tho persons who wear tho "Copperhead" badges wore trea ted with contempt, Of courso they woro by tho Dr. and his friends ; and when wo remomber that tho motto on the "Copper head" badge is "Liberty," it is perfectly apparent why it should meet tho contempt of tho defender of despotism and his hang ers on. He who preaches war is a fit chaplain for the devil. Horace Mann. Army Correspondence. CAM!' Oot.llMMA, 1 Williamsburg, Vo., May 12, 1803. Col. Tate, Dear Ai'r; Tho position of a nowspapcr correspondent is not to bo envied ; it is neither pleasant or lucrative; and I would profor not being placed in that "rank.' Yet 1 would claim tho priv- ilcgo of communicating tho whereabouts and proceedings of tho 178th l'cnn. Reg iment, of which 1 am a humblo member, i'his rogimcnt, as you will soo by my heading, lies at Williamsburg, on the saorcd soil of tho "Old Dominion," whoro it has boon linco the lltli of April, doing picket duty. Tho rebel Wise niado a raid upon this placo, as you havo been informed, somo four weeks ago, drovo our pickets out of town, attacked Fort Magruder, and in tho moanwhilo scut a regiment around on our loft, through a deep raviuo, getting in our roar and cntiiely destroying tho Camp of tho Pcun. Cavalry, capturiug and kill ing several horses, besides carrying off a considerable amount of cqiiippago, and to cap tho climax made safe their retreat the samo way thoy came in. This has been considered by all a bold dash, although it certainly benefitted them but little, more than a grattlication n any. it may lie said to pretty well balance off sonic of tho raids our troop3 had been making in Glou cester countv a short time previous. I am not an advocate of theso raids ; as my im pression is, it only tends to create and stir up still greater animosity and bittor hatred towards our caujo. I cannot sec the pro priety of destroying property, such as grain, houses and barns, in communities composed only of negroes and helpless women, dependent entirely upon what grain thoy havo and the ooming crop, for their support. Theso things huve boon practiced to un enormous extent. Women and children, besides slaves without num ber, havo beon deprived the necessaries of lifo, by these parties sent out to commit such depredations, and this not being suf ficient, tho very shelters have been des troyed from over their heads, thus lcaviug them to seek rcfugo and safety somewhere else, or remain subject to the pelting storms and perish. This is onlv some of the results and doings of this rebellion. What a blessing will our country enjoy when this accursed war shall cease beliovc there is not a soldier who does not wish to tbo innermost cells of his heart lhat this rebellion was over. There may bo a few unprincipled men iu the higher ranks who delight in tho continuance of tho war. and who aro makinrr out of it their thousands 1 But there U a day of retributive justice awaiting these scoun drels. Since my last letter there lus not much of interest transpired in our regiment, henco my long silence. Wo aro in tho front now and aro liable to smell powder almost any hour. Although from tho weakly be stowed oastigation upon me, by my ex 1st Lieutenant W. II. Reinbold, iu his corres pondence to tho Republican of your place, one would suppose that I was not willing to hazard myself so much as to smell the irenit.tliln iriin nnwdnr. If T was ennsidfirnd i.pnn.h" lm .tnfe.1 "tl.n W n11 n,n."i I should think my Captain would not allow mc to do picket duty day and night, as 1 1 havo been doing. This same would-be- patriotic Lieutenant was cited before a board of examination, his abilities being questioned for the position ho held. He knowing, or perhaps some one told him, that ho was greatly deficient iu military discipline, and bciug hard pushed for a substantial eauio to found a resignation, ho onco owned and acknowledged the truth, by sending to our corps commander a resignation of incompetency. It was im mediately accepted. Further, this same Lieutenant belonged to that class of officers to which our chaplain mado an allu-iou some few days since, in tho following lan guage as nearly as wc remember: ''You have elected somo officers in this rogimcnt who do not possess a sufficient amount of brains to fill tho quill of a humming bird, and if blown into the eye of a gnat would not injure it. ' Yet this ex Lieutenant sets himself up as a chief magistrate to decide on the loyalty of his "privates." Ho will return to his nativity ere long, if not there already, where ho may stand goo l for the next drafi, out of which ho will not bo able to extricate himself so easily, and enter tho army in a different channel as he did in tho former draft. I will give a short history of his formor draft. Ho was dratied in Columbia county on tho 10th of last October, claimed and procured ex emption a3 a teacher, after whioli ho sold himself as a substitute for two or three hundrod dollars ; this done, he next pro cured a First Licutouanoy in Company I, whioh company I havo the honor to bolong Tho honor comes in since ho has been dis missed from the company. Our Captain, W. II. Shuman. is a worthy and respectable man ; as well as was our Second Lioutcn ant, Daniel G. Eut, who procured a dis charge on a certificate of disability. My not much esteemed ex-First Licu teuant ltcinbold, took exceptions to a few remarks mado by mo in a communication rolativo to somo suggestions offered by a Pennsylvania oditor who was on a tour at Yorktown. Tho editor I thought out of balanco, or at loast uet in bounds of humanity, and was treated in my letter accordingly. This was take up by my ox First Lieutenant, and failing to sustain Ijio Abolition editor in Ins assertions, turn, upon his humblo privato with opithots and insinuating remarksi doubting my loyalty which no man had ever questioned boforo. So far as this goes, ho is not a competent judge, hence it availcth nothing in tho least, Tho health of our regiment is excellent. Tho boys arc counting tho days they yet havo to remain in Undo Sam's scrv'ioo. Very fow, in my opinion, will rc-untor tho servico. Tho weather is warm, but not so hot as ono might expect on tho 13tli of May. Wheat and fruit look lino in this section, what thcro is cf it. The crops aro ahead, far, of thosa in Pennsylvania, t . . ...,.. -i i receivo your papor rcguiariy, piouso contiuuo it. No more at present. Yours truly, LOYAL. BQyA subscriber in Hemlock township, has handed us tho letter below, from his Brothor, in tho Army of tho Potomac. Editor Columbia Democrat. Near White Oak Chuhgm, Va. Mav Otii, 1803. Dear Brother : Your kind letter came to hand last evenintr. nnd was read with p'casuro. I was much pleased to hear voting and aiding others to vote for the that you were all well, my health is not Democratic ticket iu that etate. Tho very good at present, owing to tho expo-1 reason alono was alleged nllcgcd by Ad sure of our last move. Wo havo had a jutant-Gcncral Thomas, whoso loyalty ho hard Battle, and came off second best. It , llas ,,ow probably protected against qucs scctns that this army must suffer defeat , ''" TIlc aot of th'13 high officer has not every timo, wc fought for seven days, wc had rain nearly all tho time, and tho mud . w.-ia lrnnn ilncn. Our loss was vorc lmnvv. ! 1 j j i I do not know the exact number, but it was somewhere between eight and twelvo thousand. Tho report is that the cue ray's loss is much heavier than ours, 6,' I can't sec it. I think that tho Grand ! Army of the Potomac is about played out. I think that our nigger loving soldiers at home will soon be satisfied that the great Republican administration is a failure. I am satitfied as far as soldiering goes. I would like to play quit. 1 think that "fighting Joe Hooker" as they call him, is also about played out. We have but one man in these United States, that is able to accomplish anything with this army, and that man is little Georoe B. McCIjEllan. But he was a Democrat once, aud also a Pennsylvania, anil for those reasons he n:iniot have com mand of this army. The reason is simply this : lie wa3 gotting too popular, aud they began to fear that if ho would ac- compusn many more victories, that lie would bo a candidate for tho next Presi-1 dency, and once there, they could not J bilul llim as "' Pleascd to accomplish these Black pvinriplcs. Now, they arc bringing up bad repoits about htm to slan- tier his character but the only accusation that they can bring against him is, tbatv he was a Democrat, aud now must be a "Copperhead." I tell you Frank, I believe that if tliero is a hell, and if it docs not get crowded with abolitionists, they must soon change their mind. Upon whose heads will the blood of our murdered comrades fall? Why, Horace Greeley, and hii followers. The battlc-iicid is an awful sight, but wllcn J'ou think what they arc fighting for I almost wonder that the leaders aro not struck dead whilo they aro filling their pockets out of tho public Treasury. But 1 will drop the subject for it makes mo mad to think of it. I hope that I will be able to get a fur lough between this and harvest. I am on guard to night, it is now ten o' clock, I will have to bo up all night. Please answer soon, givo my love to Father, Mother, Adam and all (he rest. But I forgot to tell you what a good dinner I had to-day. It was hot coin, bread nnd butter, milk and throe eggs, I got it at a farm-houso for seventy five cents. 1 remain your Brother. IIILE. For the Columlia Democrat, Four M.uiiiUPErt, Va, ) 1 May Kith, 1803. $ Dear Colonel Tate: As I was looking over a ' copy pf tho "Smut Machine," of your nlnco. somo timo aco. 1 seen a letter from l . - a , I tho Gist Lieutenant of Company I 178th Rest. P. M , in answer to ono signed "Loyal," written from tho same liogt. 1 found out who this man Loyal is, and think lhat Iho Lieut, slandered and lied about him. Hut sinco I Cnd that tho Lieut, is tho man who was tried in Court for Slander and could not corroborate his slanderous lies, thcU I think the people 1 ' 1 will Know tnat no lias uccn countcu uy tno court as a man that will nottell Hie truth. . , . i:i i r ,i . ..: iJUt iiu ia nuw uisuuiiiguu iruiu niu auiviuu el II Q .. ,,,,, ,lnn,wl !, .....a of tho U. S., and you may depend it was not for any biavcty or patriotism lhat it was dune ; but, for other acts which I will not mention unless ho should attempt to publish moro of his slang and falsehoods thon ho shall havo a history of his lifo. Sueh men aro only fit to correspond with tho ''Smut Machine," for they aro both aliko. I About tho corrcspondouco concerning tho papor that was sent from Wattstown to James Hill, by his cousin. It can bo ' ni-nvnn Hint Air Hill never received it piOVCO lliai iur. Illll UOLT n-OUVl-u it. The said Lieut, did get tho mail somo limna nnrl Riicnininn rnst vnrv stonrslv on .... j ..... . .j OJ !.! L..i lirt rr,nt it Cn trtsilil inn I ftll Tin. u.u,, ,Dv DUm .. .w. 1' - DO- foro giving it to Mr. Hill, ho also stated that ho was a domoorat of tho Douglas stripe, but UU own words puts the lie qu that, for ho says tho torch in one hand and ; tho sword in tho othor, whilo Douglas said tho suro and only way to a strong and lasting poaco was by Compromise. Nowi 1 think thoro is a difference in their senti ments, Tho boys, as a general thing, are in good health and spirits, but do not like 'tho way that things aro used that the friends at homo send. I was told yesterday by a man who just got a box from home, that thero was a Can of Butter and a Can of Tomatoos taken out beforo it roachctl him. Now, tho largest part of them aro .sober men and aro willing if thoro is any M i- i, . i r.. . 1. i nquor munu m iiieir uoxes iur mum " have it taken out, but they do not want them to take tho provisions out. That is a good way to mako Democrats and you had better believe that this Hcgt. is quite Democratic. I will now close by wishing you well, and I will over remaiu yours, fcc, Union for ever. ABRAHAM KLINE, This is Rebel Paper on which I write. Democratic Orrcr.its to hi: Cleared Out. The War Department recently dis- 'sscd Lieut. Edgarly from the army for I been disavowed. It is, therefore, to be tal;on as muicating tlio policy ol the att tnilllStratlOU. But not merely lieutenants and captains of Dcinoorrtlc pr'nciplcs arc to be kicked out of the army. Generals themselves, of that faith, aro to bo deposed. The Tribune pronounces tho edict. The ques- tion of competency or incompetency is not now to decide the matter. It is not gen eralship or a want of it which will deter mine rank and place, or expulsion there from. Noue but abolitionists to lead the soldiers will be the new cry. It takes time ic has taken too much time to get the baton out of the hands of these military Copperheads; but the need cd reform will bo effected, and the rosult will be Victory, Union, and Peace. Tri- uunr- Wendell Philips, at the Cooper Institntc, had as usual, sounded the note to which, with more or less delay, tho llupublicau party have always marched : Cromwell never succeeded until the Long Parliament sloughed off every man that bclievau in tbo House oi Lords, ami Mft othi but Democrats behind. We shall never tucceed until wo slough oii everything that believes in the past, and uruig to me ironi cvcryiiung tnas urnevcs thero U but one purpose that is, to save i the Union on the basis of libeity. (Cheers.) To this he added tho prayer that wc might have defeats till abolition generals and an abolition policy led the soldiers aud guided the war : God grant ns so many reverses that the government may learn its duty ; God grant us that the war may never end till it loaves us on the soi'id granite of impartial liberty and justice. (Cheers.) Vallandighani is court-martialed, Phil lips runs loose. ME ATBHS. Iu Center twp., Col. eo., on Tuesday last, Mr. Jonx E. Shaffer, in tho 71st year of his age. THE MARKETS. HLOGJisnuita, May 23, 18C3. Wheats bus. 1 '10' Green Applci 50 By 90" Dried " 1 00 85 Dried Poaches H 00 00 Uuttcr 20 75 Lard " 10 55 Tallow " 12 Eggs.... $ doz. 12 50 Hay... " ton. 15 00 50 Chickens " pair 25 Corn " " Oati. . " Buckwheat '' Potatoes " Clovcrseed " Timothysccd Onions " Nciu SVDuctliscmcnts, MEDICATION. rpll I', Evangelical I. uthern Church nt Mnrdansvillu, I Cnlunihia en,, Pa., Mill he solemnly dedicated to til c wnrthip of Uod on Kuiiday, the tilth lust., at 10 o'clock A. M. with nppropiato services. The public general Ware respectfully invited to at. end. E. A. rill ARRETS, Pastor. May 23, lt0.1. , WII,L bo sold at tho Store of the sub ecriber, m Jerseytown, 1 oaiuraay, June out laiia, 1 ffj-,nriM rr e lYfilKW JJULi IX MJfSLO fZ-'IM.K FAIHliANK'S PLATFORM SCALES, f.t.X.KKift.K ""'i , thairs, I'esks. bureaus, corner cupboard iiiiil contents, two eight-day clscks, two coal stoves, one new coaxing iovc, 0NE FAMILY I10RSS, one open nnd ono top buggy spring wagon, truck wagon, doutilo uml single harness, together with a largu assortment of books, and a variety of other ar' ucics tootodious to mention, mur wU win poi, , tlTEJiuH!-8um. under ss oo. cash: funis over $3 uu, six uinniiis r rod n ; Hums over $10 UU, one year credit- NEAU McCAV. Jcrscjtown, May 23, 1803-ts. THE DISEASES OF ERROR. (Lea Maladies d'Erreur.) I J JOHN 11. OGDEN, M. D author and publisher of the above work, do hereby promise ic atrree to scud frco of charge to any younz man who wj n-nto tor It, a copy tor perusal, The nrooer studv sent f'111 fur 1110 bencflt of suffering humanity, it treat r,V.i,niulani!uaeo on all the discuses of Error, inclu. of maiiMuu is ni an nils viiiuauiu wnrK is issucu sc. (iivlnE safe, speedy, nnd effectual prescriptions for nprmanent euro, together with much vulvablo In " r;;.Va ;SmnIo co .v hv return nalL tiVc ntlrtn All l llO frtVOf 1110 Wit ll R llfiti ftt ta FL'nil 111 V 0f charge. ' May S3, i863-3m. Address joiin n. oonEV, m. d Na CO Nassau St N, Y. GREAT NATIONAL CIRCUS AND 9IOI3I SHOW- UNDER THIS MANAGERIAL DIItECTION OV M.US- G. WAttaBtt, FORMERLY i J, 7 - 'V MRS. DAN RICE, Will Exhibit at Berwick, - Monday,Moy 25 Bloonnbttru - - Tuesday ' 2Q DanAllle, - - Wednesday " 27 Admission - - - - !23es. NO HALF IMUCE. Scats fur everybody. No extra charges for choice plnccs. . Verformanx Afternoon and Niyld. At 2, nnd 7i o'clock. This newly orgiuihcd Ctn-ert tircsonts MOUK AND BETTER HORSES, Srrmllcr and Finor Pnnios, ureal number of Mules, A BETTER SELECTION OF Trainer Amiimnl.i, A lnrcer troupe of Performer, A MOKE CAREFULLY , nrriingod programme, A more unexceptionable I Entertainment, J A MOie complete Onheslia, i A more perfect outfit. ' A more eomfcrtnbly conslruecd interior, More cosily Dre.n, A greater variety of appoint ments nnd tho evinecmcnt of a A more correct anil refined la'le and tone of rclinrment than have hitherto been ofiVrud to tho people for their patronage , aud support. THE MANAGERESS will, in person, perform tho marvelous blind "W'hito Horso" SURREY, and the proud spirited war steed CHAMl'WX. and will also hare tho honor of introducing in a profussional capacity, her daughter, miss Nibble Elicc, iu superb manege excrciso on liar spirited young palfrey Fpiitig Violet,. Among tl.o performers engaged Is tho celebrated WIsitily E'aiiiily, Consisting of JIR. HARRY WHITBY, (formerly of Cooke's English Circus who will introduco hi elegant Eiuine "Arsciisionist" DfOllOW. MAD'LLE ELVIRA, the chnruilnx Eiti04trieniM', and MASTER JOHNNY, wliu on his twin ponies, ".p. polio aiid Adonis," will ppear as tho lntr phi Hurdle Hitler. Arrangements havo ulso been made with Ma. fiSuu-IcH 5Emm3, the ltetru-Eiuc!trinn and Som incrsaulter Mr George Derious. tho impcrsouatur of the Mon. V3 Key race. Mr. Frank Whittaker, formerly Equestrian Director of. Welch's (Ircat National Circus THE imOTIIDUS CON It AD, the best and most grucoful gymnasts of tho day Mil. 0. KING.Tlir. CHAMPION LKAl'KR and a largo Aerolatie and Eiiie.lrian fori-o, not lorgeitin.,' the popular CLOWN AND COMIC VOCALIST, M. William Kcsscdy, wlio if justly styled us tho most amusing man of tho times Thoso laughablo Assiuino chap3, THE.COMIC nvrXJIjES will bo brought into tho Arena at each per formance A GRAND PROCESSION of all the great resources of tho "Show," People, Wagons, Jfoiscs, Ponies, Mules, if-c, preceeded by tho TKIUMPIIAL MUSIC CAR, containing EIUTNl'R'S KEYSTONE CORNET BAND, will bo made daily at tOJ o'clock CHAS WAUNEIl, Treuiursr C II CASTLE. Agent 1)11 R 1' JONES, Director of Publications. May 21, UG3 Public Sale OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. N pursuance of an order nf the Orphans' Court of Columbia countv. on 3 VTI.'KDAV. THE TWENTI ETH DAY Of JUNE, next, lit 10 o'clock in the fore ii.nii, Ca-iiiakikc Klink, Administratrix of Abraham W. Klino. late of Pishiiigcrwek township, iu said coun ty, deceased will txtiosu to ,ale. hv public vendue, tin the premises, a certain LOT OF LAND, lying and being In the township of j'ir-hingcreek. in tnid county, hounded by lands nf .Mo-es Mclleiiry, nnd lauiisnowoi James . u noils, late oi jniiu i.uiarus, dee'd., and by the public road leading through Still Water, CONTAIN! XG ONE ACRE, morn or less, u hereon arc erected n two story ngi niAAlE DWELLING HOUSE, l'llAAlESTADLE.A TANNERY ilSSiilt and the necessary fixtures of Dark Mill, ic. I, ate the estate of said deceased. situate in till! town ship of rishingcretk, and county aforesaid. J.VIAJI! 1, k L.1.1, i , ,,n:in. Condition's : Ten n.-r cent, of the purchase money to be paid down on tho day of sale j one-third ofthe bal ance on the linal confirmation ; nnd the remainder on tliefir.t day of April, loUl.with interesi on whole sum unpaid from datj of sale. Possession given immedi ately on payment of the ten per cent. Iiioomsourg, .v,ny vj, icu.i. yffTWs THE GREAT CAUSE OE M HUMAN MISERY. Just published in n scaled Envelope : Price tl itJ. A Locturo by Dr. Culvenvcll, on tho causo and curo'of spcrmarnrrhocu. Consumption, mental aud physical debility, Nervousness, Epilrpsy Impalred Nutrition of lli i Rudy ; Lassitude, Weakness of the limbs nnd lilt- hack, Indisposition and intana clly for study and labor, dullness nf uppralieiitioii, loss of memory, aversion to society, lovo of Hnliludn. tim. idity, self diktrutt, dizziness, liendarlic, affection m ilm eyes, pimples on Ilio f.u-e, Involuntary emission, nod sexual incapacity, the coiiscpiciiccs of Youthful nulla cretinn, &c Sic. (L Ibis admirable lecture clearly proves that the above enumerated, often self-nlllieled evils mas ho removed without medicine and without dau-crous surgical pi-rations, and should be read by every youth and every man in the land, Hcnt under seal, to uny address in n plain scaled envclopo, on Hie receipt of six cents or two postage stamps, by addressing , CIIAS. J. 0. KMNE, Co; Hi nroadway.Now York, PostOflico box.-iseu. May S3, lc03. (Nov, l, leb'j ) ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Patrick Tool, deceased LETTERS of Administration on tho Estate of Tat. rick Tool, late of Centre township, Columbia co., deceased, have been granted by the Register of Colum against the estate of the dece bia cn to the undersigned i nil persons having claims iidcnt aro requested t prcseutllieintotlio undcrsijned, at his residence in said township, without delay, uudnll persons indebted U UlUKU JlillllVII, lUIIIIWI.U, , , CIIAKLCSTOOL,4iIi'r, May 31, 1603,-Cw llllll CHttULATH TUB DOt'UiWKNTS the Democratic Leader, A double sheet weekly Demo cratic Jout w al, of Eight pages and Forty, Eigl'is Columns ofrca ding miller, TUi ntlenllon of the Democracy of renii)lvnnla and ofilher Ptate,ls called to the Importance of eilciut Ing the rl reflation ortho WEEKLY DEMOCRATIC LEADER. I Py socxtonlvelyclrctilatlni?ncwpapor,(Klill(j tin Democrats have been comparatively indlfl'ereiit to this 1 method oflnflecncinKthopaLllc mlml,) the abolition lata have succeeded In Increasing their number fronn few Now England fanatlcsto a patty which now con trols I lie nation! Is It out time fertile demorrats to n. wnkc to a sence of the necessity for reaching the minds of the people J THE DEMO OR A TIC LEADER Is, and will continue to be n Arm and frarlnss advocate 1 of Democratic principles and of the interests nf tin Democratic party, as the best means of promoting tin Interests nf the country. It will iiinltitoln nboldnppn eltlnn to all enemies nfthe principles of tho National Constitution end of thu ri;lits or the people, and will Insist upon tho maiiitninaiico ofthe Constitution as It Is, and the restoration ofthe Union as oar fathers left i The Leader, besides furnishing Political News, ' and expressing Its ow n views Ihcrcon, will contain nil tho General ncus of the Day. Together with.Mlsccltancons reading, Poetry, Slmlei ' Anecdotes, ' Agricultural Matter, lteligious Intelligence, Commercial Iutelligenco, Market ltcports, andallcneli matter as Is requisite to constltututo a First Class Family Newspaper. It wilt be conttolcil by no clique, nor will It advo cate the claims of any candidate for ollice until lie shall have become the regularly nominated candidal of the Democratic party Hut It will eer advocate Iho decisions of thai party, as to both measure and men. HeiiMea toHtalniiig a weekly summary nf all t i-le graphic and genera nen-, the weekly lender will (e enriched by original rroductiousby some ofthe bust writers in the country. it iaTnnrAi'nnii'oiiTiin iwitJinit. it istiii: r.M'i'.it for tiii: FiiiiiMin:. it is tiii: pa nut for the patriot, it is tiiu paper for tiii: mechanic, i p is tiii: paper for tiii: i:my. IP IS Till'. PAPER FOR AM, CLASSES. No one should ni-glcit to subscribe fur it at once. Til E WEEKLY DEMOCRATIC LEADER, will be furnished to subscribers at the Inlluu'lng prlioJ single Copir?, (inn year - $2 !0 Two 3 50 - 5 00 - 8 00 '80 00 - 42 00 - 7 50 Three Five Twxnty I hlrsy Filly it a ( it All payments to ho made invnrialily in advance 'I li-' friends nf democratic principle and the Ameri can Union, it is b.ped w II Interest tlwmselvcs in hel ping to give the LEADER a large circulation. Kt up iluhs immediately AddrusH PINT. & LEWIS. No. 103 S. Third St., Phils. Mnj -53, !f(13. fScnlu. linil Etonri. SUMMER AHKAXC E M ENT. pHr.1T TltCN'K LIVE FROM THE NORTH A V.T Northwest f-ir Phil.idiilphia, fSoiv Vork, Heading, Pottsvilh-, Lihanon. Allcntnwu, E.Mtnn.&c., Vc. Trains leave llurrisburg for Philadelphia. New Vork Krading, Puttsvillu mid all Intermediate Btntiom, ut .4 n. tn., and 2 p. in. K--w Ynrt ripti-s leaves llarrl-hure nt 9.13 a. in . arriving at New Vork m !t 1.1 the saiiu- nrnmiug. I'.ire.i fin n llarrMiuri; Tn .New Votlt ?5 15; to Philadelphia $.1 3J and SJ Ml. Ilaggagu rln-ckud I UUurnlnj:, leave ,-w- Vork ,-u li a m., ISnnnu, and 7 p. ui.,(Pmtiurg Express). Leave Philadelphia at 8.IS I a. m and 3.4M p in. . Sleeping rars in the New Vork impress traiiij.throusls to and Ironi Pittsburgh w ithout climgr. Passengers by tlial.'ntawissa Railroad li-avcTama'pn at e.50 a in., and S13 p in., for Philadelphia New Vork iiiiii uu ay minis. Trains leave Pottsvillo at !,U a. in., nnd 5.3(1 p. m for Philadelphia, llarrisburf and New Vork. An Airnuimndatiori pasi-engi-r train h-ovi's Rending utU.OJa. in , and returns frum Philadelphia nt S.uiip.m LT All the nlmve trams run daily, Sundays i-xcrptud. A Miudiiy train leaves Potlsville at 7.3U a.m., and Philadelphia tit .'LIS p. in. Oiiiimiilatioti, mil.-aie. season, and excursion ticket at reduced rates to and from all points. ., A. N'ICOLI.f, May 23, 1303. General Superintendent. Bark ! Bark ! ! WANTED I AIM E D I A TE I Ar . QOP Cords of Dark, wanted by tho under- "signed, iinnicdiati-lv, at thoTatinory'in Illoomsburir, for which the liighe.t price willli.- paid in Cash or LenlM" Win, SXVDEU. tilumurbiirg. May'.), IdGa.-lm ADMlNISTHATOli'S NO I ICE. Estate oj Henry Sckcll deceased. IETTERSofndininii.tratlun on the Estate of Henry J Hchell. late of Heaver tw p., (..'olunibin ro., dee'd , have been granted hy the Register oftjolumbja co., tn the undersigned I nil persons having rlaims against tho estate nf the decedent aro rcptcstcd lo present them to In tho Administrators, at their residence iu said town ship without delay, and, nil persons indebted to make payment forthwith. EDMUND SrilEM,,) Wit LI M SUUEEI., j .May in, IFCI.-Gw $J UU. SMVQS'ffGiV- REMOVAL. II. C. II 0 W E R, SURGEON D E N T I S T KK lUENCE. ISiiilding opposite Miller's Store on Mlin Street. illooniEbiirg Pa. UI'SPECTFULLV offers his profess ional services to the l.idii-s and gentle men of llloomsburg and vicinity. He in prepared tn atteml In all tl, .-,..!,. operations in Dentistry, and is provided with the latest Improved, PORCELAIN TEETH, Which will bo Inserted on pivot or gold plate to look as well as the natural, IrimT A supcrior a'"cl0 of Too Hi Powder ulways on lllonmgbiirg. May!). 1PG3, AVAR PRICES OVER 1 SECOND ARRIVAL 0 F AT THE STORE OF J J. BROWER BLOOMSBURG, PA. Who has just received, and is now opening a prime ,,,0f.l'.or -'ynoniU from tho Eastern markets, which will bo sold low for cash or produce, PRINTS at UJ. ltt, 18, 20, 2i, and Si costs. Brown & Bleached Muslin, at 20, 25, 35, and 40 cents l)e Laines, ( holies, and Dress Ghods. a Jull supply at 18, 25, 31, and up to 50 cts LADIES' OPERA CLOTH ion DUSTERS. A'eo, a froili supply of GROCERIES, SPICES, J-(7. Alto, a large lot of Queensware. Cedauwaue. Hauowarh. and Stoneware, Boots and Shoes , Ami all kind of Morcliaudlao usuually kopt in a coun try store. aU iln,!x.omino No cliargfor showing Goods, may u, JtOJ, NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that spplicntlon will be made to tho Governor of Pennsylvania for a par. don for Jeremiah Overdorf, of the county of Columbia, who was convicted Iu our Court of Quarter Sessions of. an assault and battery nt heptember term, IM'l. , . . J. CI. I'REEZE, Atty, fo Overdorf, Bloomsburg, April 11, I8S3.