Farmer's Department. TEN RULES TO 13 E OBSERVED IN MAKING BUTTER. In innking good butter, tberc nrc sever al nice operations to bo gone through with which requires an oyt to cloanlinoss, fore thought and setno little experience. 1. On milking clean, fast, yet gentle, regular twice a day, depends tlio success of tho dairyman. Had milkers should not bo toloratcd in a herd ; better pay double tho prico for good ones. 2. Straining is quite simple, but it should be born in mind that two pans about half full ech witl produce n greater nrnount of cream than the same milk if in but ono pan , tho reason of this is the greater surface. 3. Scalding is quite an important fea ture in the way of making in cool weatlr or; tho cieam rises much quicker, milk keeps sweet much longer, the butter U of a better oolor, and churns in one-half the tirao. " 4 c. . 1,-1 i. oKlinming BUOUlll always be done , before the milk becomes loppercd ; other wise much of tho cream turns into wliey and is lost. 0. Churning, whether by hand or oth erwise should occupy forty or fjty uiiu Htes. 0. Washing in cold foft water is one of itb preserving qualities, and should be con tinucd until it shows no color of the milk by the uie of the ladle ; very hard water is highly changed with lime, and mu?t in a measure impart to it alkaline proper tics. 7. Saltmc IS necessarilv doilC With the 6 , , , . bestkind of ground salt; the quantity va- ricB aocordiug to the statu it ii taken from the churn ; if soft, more ; if hard less ; 1 always taking the taste for the surest guide. . 8. First n oi king, after about twenty- four hours, is for tho purpose of giving it . greater compactness. 0. Second working takes place at tho time of packing, and when tho butter has dissolved the salt, that tho brine ma be worked out. j 10. Paoking is done with tho hands or . with a butter mall ; and when the butter is put into wooden vessels, they should be Hoaked two or three days in strong brine . before using. After each packing cover tho butter with a wet cloth and put a layer .of salt upon it ; in this way the salt can ... ... .. ... easily be rcmoVCU at any time, oy Slllipiy . . . i ii c .i i ...!. Butter made in this way will keep any Jongth of time required. Genesee Fanner. GARDEN WALKS. As many persons have at this time largo hc!-ps of coal ashes, they can dipose of them in no better way to better advantago than by hauling them into their garden alleys. Remove from four to six iuohes of the dirt, and, having s.-rccned ihe ash es, or separated the core, and cinder?, first apply the coarse stuff, then oyster shell., if you have any on hand, small stones, class or pieces of bricks, and top-dress with tho ashes. Roll it, and you will have ono of tho best walks ever seen iu a garden. The ashes become very hard, and are never wet, winter or summer, if the weather gives tho water the least w ; , c .... chance to get away, m summer, m minutes after a shower there will be soarcely enough moisture to dampcu the soles of your shoes. If there is not sufficient ashes for all the walk., eommenco with the principal ones, and in a couple of years the garden will bo complete. Then, each spring af ter, give them a -light top-dressing of the ashes, which will about consume your an nual stock. Germanown Tdcgiaph. TOOTH ACUU. Sonictody cays: I h&vo been troubled more or less the past few weeks with tooth nche, and failed to Cud and relief, uutil I received the following, from a friend, which I can assure your readers is a sine. cure: Take a .mall piece of alum and burn it on the stove or shovel, mix with it an equal part of common salt and pulvcr izq; then saturate a piece of cotton with water and sprinkle the powder over it, and place it in the cavity of.thc tooth. Iu five miontcs thereafter all pain will disap pear. i. ' ANOTHER HEM ED Y. Rats and mice can bo very oasily got rid of, if peoplo will only use tho means. Get live plaster of Paris and flour, mix them dry in equal quantities, lay it in dry places and sprinklo a littio sugar among ti. - Both rats and mice eat ravenously ,tho plastr sots firm directly after it is mois tened, becomes a lump in.ido of them, and iills to a certainty. HOMINY PUDDING. It may not bo know that pudding made of hominy is quito as good as that made of rice, and far cheaper. After having cooked tho homiiw by boilinjr in the Hsusl way, add eggs, milk, sugar, and flavoring if desired, as in making rice pud ding. Wo (ayfi the American Agricul turist) bat tred it, and know it to he good. HATI0NAI. HOTEL, (Late White Swan.) RACE STREET, AVOVK TUIhD PHItiAPKIil'HlA. D. 0. SIEGllfSTj' FnorniRTon. Formerly fiom En &lc Hotel Lebanon, Pa t, v. mioAtia, cum, March 29, ier,-ISin. MOUNT VERNON HOTEL No. 117 and 110 North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. The above well known eelnullr htiiont lin been Isas by the subacribcr. Till. Hotel In conveniently lnentil In n central anil business part nf the city. It It large and commoilloui, ami well furnished throughout. Persona visiting hecltynro respectfully Invited In call nnd patronize thin establishment, na nothing shall h wanting to make tho guests comfortable anil satis TKKMS ONE DOLLARS PER DAY. Citizen! ami visitors can bn accommodated on reas onable term by th day. week or month, J. OTTENKIRK, Proprietor, No 77 Dock St..Phll.i. I. file nf llaltlnmre, .Mil, nnd House, Second si, Philadelphia. .March, ietl2 3m. JOHN DOLL ,"502 Market A'., Philadelphia I.MrottTIIIlof Toys, Pip" and fancy Articles, The Inrgcrl variety of Fipci.TToyii, llaskcts mil TANCY GOODS TO 111'. POUND IN TUB CITY. Pica, call and I'xaimne, March T, 1803 WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVER WARE. ' Hhe undersigned would respect- illiiZB X lected stock ofFlnoGold atnlSilverwatch- mv rim- V.t'lll JUIYUH), HI VYVi) lllll illlll liltlliy ,M styles - comprising all of the newest and most beautiful Also, Solid Silver Ware, j-pial to Coin .mil the bet Make iifSllvr Plated AVato. Bach article la war ranted to be as represcnlcdeMps. IL7 Watchea nml Jcivylry carefully repaired nnd satisfaction gu.irau teed. ' JACilll IIAUI.r.Y, (Rilceessnrtn SlnulTcr k Ilnrley.) No. IWJ.M MIKI.T Street, l'HII.AD'A. Teb'y , If 111, II inns. PAUL & THOMPSON, General Commission Alcrcli.iiils, lIKAl.rR. IN rish. Provisions, l'lnur, llutter, ('lieese, Oils, Dried Trulls, drain, Meedi, llcans, Whiskey, Wool, Co.ntry l'ruducc nnd .Merchandise generally. No. 31 North Wiiirvfk", I'm r. luririn a . 17" Consignments, of Provision., I'lour and Country Produce solicited, and returns promptly made. Cash advanced when desired. oitm:i(3 for mi Rind, or i isn, rroviaions, nour. Dried Fruit. &e., filled atlliu lowest Cash Trices. August 4, leuo-Km. 2 ... . P II I L A D E L P II I A. PAPER HANGINGS IIOWBI.I. ft; I10UIIKB. Coiner I'ourlh and Market Street.. Philadelphia, have now in stock, a flue variety of WA I. A PA Plill S, dot up cxpessly for tlit-ir Spring window papbr of i:v Trade. BUY OR A nr.. to which they invite tho nltentin of Ktnrtkccpc rs, . 07 In their ri tailepartment, will be lound the choicest "tyle. nfthe don, .Mar' h T IHiill a mos.scas JOHN S. LEE & CO., No. 40, NORTH WIIAKVBS, Philadelphia. AND SHIP CHANDLERS, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Ropes, Twinna, Tar, Pitch Oakum, lllncks, and Oars, &e August 4, IdhU-l-in. LEATHER 1 LEATHER! ! rplIB under. ignod would announce, that he has on hand l Titnis llal anil i, iiuunum. on iiiniu ri.. luoouiH. burg, an assortment of dillcrent kindofleatliiT, suchas film e.ilf skiiiB, morocco, (red and hlacR) and linings, all cf which lie will sell cheaper than can be had (hen here in tills market. Call audcxeminu them for yourselves JOIINK. CHITON. DIoonisburg.May 21, 1PC7. FIUSimUTlI -t liriOTIlKKS. WUOLBSAIjK TOBACCO D E A L E R F .10 1 00, NORTH Til I III) STIIRET five door she low Race. riiu.ADni.riiiA SCHOLARSHIPS FOR SALE. Pittsburgh Commercial College. tiiiiithampliii " " Crittenden's " Philadolphia. Biratton, llryant k Co.. " " Thesx Scrips, are iunuiounts of 313 anil S'H and nrc a so much cash, by the student mi entrini; either ofth shove College.. Young nidii desiriuK tonlitaiu a finish. imI Cnllcgiat IMifatinn, will here find a good specula lion by applying ut the ollice of the Nov. I. ISOi. COI.U.MIUA DEMOCRAT. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. Till! iiiuIcrrlyiKMl rexpcctrully Informs his olil fricml anil citt'inor. that hi; Itan jiurclta-t'il Ut lrntlicrt nt.Ti'ft in the nlmvit i'st;itlisliin-Mt, aiui tin- conrcru uiU horcalliT 1m; condiictPil by tiiiuelf ixiluivily. a. h.'M jut received and oll't-rit lor nalo, the Lire Cr-t n lid nioHt fxteitjiivu Kortiut'Ht of I'ANCV STOVKB ever intrnduccd into this ninrkct. Hit stock coiHint of a (oniuletu ;iMt.irtiient or h.' Ii Kt rooKint: and lmrlor titoven in tnu marKet. touein rr with Hmvo Piitnrfs of every denrription, Own ami Hoi stoves, luiiiatorn, uyuntiar wiovch, isi irnii ,iir I'.nllt i(tOVlt. 411111011 HtoveM. &c, etc. MovepiP; .itui 1'inwarr ritiii-miiy mi itnun uiiu iii.iniiiiiiuiirii v yufzi. KH'iiH 111 rupiiirin uuin-, ax iihiiui, uii mump, nmn c. Th1' patronage of old fritmds and now rnstum-ira ru ti nil y koiiciicn. a. m, huilki HI0,llK,,urB' Xovembcr 3d ISGfl, tf. JOSEPH FUSSELL, Manufacturer of UJIUREI.LAS, SUN UMBREL LAS and PARASOLS, Nos. 2 & 4 N. 4th St., PIIILA'D. March 7, ISliS-Hm. A LECTURE. Just imhliikcditi a ttllltd .'ltd x rents. A Lrcture on tho Nnturo Treatment Sc lla licit Cure of Ppcrinatnrtlin-a or Seminal Weakness Involuntary I'.inissimi', Sexual lability, nnd Impe.l-u menu in Marriaiju generally. .Vervousnes.. Con.uui.d lion. KpH'psy and Ht; Mention and Physical lucap- city, resulting Irom Sidf Abuse. &c,lly itob, J, Culler well, M, , Author of the Creen Hook ic. The world rennivneu autnor In this admirable Lecture rluarlv nrnves from his own cinericni'C thai the awful cnnscpiences of Self-Abuse may be cllectually removed willioul meiiiiiiie, nnu wiiuoui uangerous aurgirni oneratinns bougies, Insrtumcnts, rings orcnrdi.ils polil - ting out a mode of cure at once certain and eir-dual by whiih every suflercr no matter what his condition nun be, may care him.elfcheaply. privately, and radically. This l.ecturu Hill prove a boon to thousands and thou sands, Sent under seal to any address in a plain, sealed envelope, mi tho receipt ol'.il cents, or p'ottngc stamps by addressing, CIIA8 J. C. KI.1NR k CO., 12 nntvery, New York, Tost olhcn llox, mc Vtbuaty M, Ufa, P, 0. LIGHT vt CO., ( l.ate Light llradburys. ) riaiio Forte Iflauiilhcturcrs, 421 Broome St,, New York Becond llliKk liast of II road way. ? f). LIGHT, the original founder of I tliis ivill knonn llsliiblishincnl. Heninr Partner. mil only PraMecl Piano Forte Maker of the late linn nf l ight &. llradburys," having retained his Two-third's interest in Ihe whole businea stock, materials &c.. and solo proprietorship in his Valuable Patents, Inclusive nf his celebrated PATI.VT INp'UI.ATKD IKON I'll AM K i the only one who can make the superior riano K.ilesfor which this house has been so popular All infringements on his rights will be prosecuted according 10 law. ID" All Piano r'nrtes from this manufactory ire war ranted perfect In every respect for five years. Liberal terms to Dealers. V C. Mghto ti Co., U Uroome St. New York. April ll,lBo:t-3 in. REMOVAL. AGL 1: 11 O T U Ii. 'yilK undersigned respectfully informs his friends I and the public generally, that he has removed from tho "Union Hotel" to the "BAULK IIOTBL," ill the borough of Money, where he will be happy to enter tain in a satisfactory msnncr all who may favor him with their custom. The best stabling in the county, with ample aceouimmjatmns tor travelers ami urovers. No pains will bt tpatcrt 10 tender Ihe stay of guests pieaaaniantj coiniorisaic r A M. SMITH Muncy. April II, HJ63. Vic fP VISE IBEATT BSEIMV FOR THE AND Til B roil DIABETES AND DISBASE3 OK TUB Theit Dangerom anil Trovblftme, tthlehhatt thus far lUtltlcd Ihe test dlreettit Treatment can hs Cmi'lclil) Controlled by tktllKMV.DY note before net run cuiiATivr. properties of the medicine dliect llieniselies to the or gans of secretion, and by so altering the condition of thu stomach nnd liver that Ihe starchy prinilple orthe food is uotcouvctMd Into sugar soloug ns the system is under tho influence 01 me tU.ajllUILUi IVAil.ll, ( Inch give those organs time to recover their healthy tone nnd vlmr. Y are able to state th.1t tho Conslitii., lion Water has cured every case of Diabetes In liich it has been given, STONT, IN Till! IIJ.ADDrit, CAI.Ct.'I.lM CnAVIM, llltlUIt DUST DIU'OSIT. AND .MUCOUS Oil MII.KY IIISCIIAIttllltl AFTlllt UltlNATINO. Diseases occuilug from one nnd the same cause will, bo entirely cured by the Constitution Wator, If taken fm any length of lime. The do.o should vary with Iho 1 severity "f the disease, from twenty drops to n ten spoonful three times 11 day, In water. During the pas 1 sage of the Calculus, the pain and urgent symptoms should be combated with the proper remedies, then followed up Willi the Constitution Water, as above di rected. DYsSMI.NOltHAfr.A, OK paintum. MKNSTIUIA T10N, AM) IN .MUNUHIIIIAUIA Oil PllOI'L'SB n.OWINQ, lloth arising from n faulty secretion of tne menstrual fluid iu the one ense being too little, and accompanied by severe pain i uinl the other u too pro fuse secretion, wliuh will be speedily cured by thu CniHtllutuin 11 "ler. That di.i-nse known ns rAI.I.IM. ur Tilt; IYOMII. which Is tlwre.ultnfa relaxation of Iho ligaments of that organ, and is known by n sensoof heai Iness nnd dragging pains iu the back nnd sides, nnd at times nc rompanlrd by sharp liicinnllng or shooting pains through tin parts, w ill, li all c.iies. be removed by themedleiiie. There I' another itu's of symptoms nri'lng from III' IUTATION Ot'TlllS WO.MII, which physicians call Nervousness, whkh word covers up much ignorance, and in nine rnsvs oiitof ten the dortor does not really know w hether the symptoms are the disease, fir the disease the symptom.. Wo can only enumerate them here. 1 speak more particularly of Cold Feet, Palpita tlnn in the Heart, Impared Memory. Wnkefulnes, Plash es of Heat l.nngunr, Lassitude, and Dlmnessof Yislou. SUPPKI.SSI.D .Ml'.NSTUIJATlON. Which in thx unmarried female I. a constant recurring disease, nnd through m gleet the seeds nt more grave and dangerous maladies are the ri-nll; and us month after month pastes without an effort being made to as sist nature, the suppression becomes rhronlc, ihe pn tlent gradually looses her appetite, the bowel, are constipated, night sweats come on, and consumjiliun fiunlir ends her career. i.nuconitrEA or wniTna 1'his ill. ease depends upon nn luflamation of mttrous lining of t ie vagina and womb. It is iu nil enses nc companied by severe pain iu the back, nccross the bowels and through Ihe hips. A ten.poouful of the mediciii mnv be taken three times n dav. with an in Jcrllou of a tablespoonful of Ihe medlcime, mixed with aha'f-piutof soft water, morning nnd evening. I MUTATION OK Till: NIX'K OP TUB DLADDl'.R, INI'LAMATION OP TUB KIDNBYfJ AND CA TAIllllI OF Till'. IlLADDBU, HTHANfJUItY AND IIUKNINUOIIPAINFULURINATINC. Fer these disenses it istrulya sovoreigu remedy, and too much cannot be said in its praise A si ogle does ha. been know to relive the most urgent syptoms, Are you troubled Willi that distressing p.iln in the small of the back and through the hips I A teiispoouful a day of Constitution Water w ill relievo) ou like magic, FOIl DYSPEPSIA, It has no cpial in relieving the Most distresing smp tniiH. Also, llcadachu. Heartburn, Acid Stomach Yom iting Food, tVc. Taken tenspooutui niter dinner' '1 he dose in all case, may beiuereasedif desired, butshould be done gradually. PlIYr-lCIANS Have lung since giveu up the use of buchu, ru It.-1. and juniper in Ihe treatment of th -so diseases, uud only use them for want of a better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATBR Has proved it.-elf o-pial to Ihe task that has devolved upon it. niunr.Tics Irritate and drench the kidneys, and by contaut ue soon lead tOLhrouio degeueratioa and co illrmed dis-ea-ic. Read. RcaJ. Road. Dihvim-l, Pa., JuncS IrlM. Dr.W.M. II, C.Mnn Varr bin lu Febuary. Ifill, I was alllicied with the sugar diabetes, uud fur live mouths t pa.ed more than two gallons of water in twenty-four hours. 1 wa. ob ig.-d to get up as often teuurtwelve times during th night, and iu fue inuiiths 1 lost nbout fitly iiouudsiu wi-igtli. Duruing the month of July, lelil, 1 nrociired two buttles of Constitution Water and iu two days after uing it I experienced relief, and after taking two bottles I was entirely cured, soon alter regaining my iisiul good health. ours trulv. J. V. 1. 1)1'. WITT Huston Corner., N, Y Dec "7, Ic'UI Win. II. Orcci: k Co.: l!fiit: I give you liberty to make use of the foltoniugi'irtillratuofthe value of Constitution Wa ter, whii It 1 ran reccoinmeiid in thu highest manner. My w He, who wn. al lacked w ith pain iu the i-lioiil-ders, u hull! length nfthe back, and 111 her limbs, w ith Palpitation of the heart, attended with Falling of the Womb, Dysmeuoirhoca, and "Irritation of Hie III. id ler." I called a physician, who attended her about three months, when he left her wnrne than he found her, I then employed ono of the best physicians 1 could unit, who uttiiuded her tor about niue'uioiiths, and while she was under his earn she did not sutler piitu as much pain; lie finally gave her up and said: -her case was Incurable." For, said he, "she was siirh a combination of complaints, that medicine given for one operate, ilg.iiust some other of her ditiiculties." About this lime she commenced 10 use (,'ns-11 1 m 1 in Wtkr, and toour utter astonishment, almost the first dose seemed to have the dsired etl'ect, and rhr kept 011 improving rapidly u.iler its treatment. and now super intends entirely he,' domestic nlf.iirs. Sheilas not ta ken any of tbeCus tiutios Waii.ii fornboul fourwerks and wo are happy to say that it lias produced n perma nent cure. WM. M. VAN HHNSCIIOTtN. MiM.inno, Uiimt.. Nov, IU, leci. fn. WM.II.nnroii; ' Hear Mr: I have for several years been nlllicled Willi that tooubleMiiiiunnd dangerous diseue tiravel which resisted all remedies and doctors, until I took CossuiuiioNii. WriR, and you may beassured I was pleased with the result. Itliascntirely cured me. and y tin may make any use of my name you mny see fit iu regare to the medicine, as 1 have entire Lonlidciier in its ellicacy. Yours trulv, POND STliONO, TIIF.SB Ann FACTS F.NOUliU There I. norlass ofiliseascs that produce such ex hausting etrurts upon the human constitution ns Dia betes and diseases of the Kidneys, llladder. mil Urina ry Passages, and through a false modesty they are neg lected uutil they are so advanced as to be beyond the control of ordinary remedlos, and wo present the CONSTITUTION WATBR To the public, w ith III" convii tinnthat it has no equal in relieving the class of diseases for which it has htcn found so eminently succct. fill in curing i nnd wo trust that we shall be rewarded 111 our ell'orts in placing so valuable reiaedy iu n form to meet iho requirements of patient mid physician, FOIl SALF.HY ALL DRUCUISTS. rillCB $1, WM. II. fJBOIIflB k CO,. Pmpririnrs, Morgan & Allen. General Acents. Nn. -10 ClilT SI New-York, Sept SO, leTiS. 12m. 3t;K X t 7 ATTORNEY AT LAW, ji.ooMsnunn, r.i. Office in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charles IIIICSUIUIV. Illooinsbiirg, Dec. L IMtt. JOHN 0. YEAGER, MANUFACTURBR & WIIOLBSALB DBALBR IN sail ATS, CAPS, STR.VW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 257 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov. su, iei2. CHEAP MILITARY CAPS ! MILITARY CAPS, of every sort. sine, and quality for sale cheap at the Illooinsbiirg Hat k Cap emporium Also Groceries, Coufectionaries-ICigars.A'r. JOHN It, lilRTON. oomsburg, Sept, 14, 18C1. PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING. rplIB siibicriber would inform Ills friends, that lit is X. now prepared to put up, on short notice, und in a scientific manner, the best PLAT1X.1 rOIXTKl) LK1IITXIXO KOVX, I 131 cents per foet Al work warranted. 1 L B, BIULKMAN, Blootntliurt, May '.'I, If SO. ?1) nw finumn mi AS IT IUS ntltH FRACTIIRD IX TtlS UK 11 1 D STAT SS HY SAIC urivit AisuMrnoN Ann ixntcisgnr aI'sitrart rowm I BY I). A. MA 111) NY, 1 nst or its victim., I "It la Important that tho habit. "I thinking In n free country should Inspire cnutlou In tl i riitruat.iil with Its administration, to confine them -elves v. Illiln their respective spheres, avoiding, In the exercise of tlio powers of ono department to cncrnai h upon another.- The spirit of encroachment tends t consolldntn the powers of nil the departments In on and thus to cre ate, whatever be the form of government, n real lies potlsm." Waiiiikotov. "Cllnglo tho Constitution, ns the shipwrecked mnrl ner clings to the Inst plank, whon night and tU tern pest close around lilni, "--Daniel ll iii.iki, CAIII.ETON, 1'nbllslier, 413Brmi n ay. New York. K7" ,Mr. Mahnny's book wllh Ih nlmvo title HI bo published this week, April 1, 1PM, TUB iiiidertlgn.-t nr.o eiien.iveiy encageil lu the Underlaying Jlusiness, nnd keep. constantly mi li-iud ti r! for sale at his Warerooios, 11 large asortnicnt nf PINISIIED egj (JOFI'INS, lly which he Is enabled to till orders on prer. ntation Also Keeps a good Horse nod Hearse, and will at nl times be ready to attend Fuuerels. SIMUN t Sill VP.. Hlnnmsbiirg, January 2:i, It-M) OPFIOE OK JAY COOKE, BIJHtjCltll'TION AO KNT, Al Jy Coke & Co., Dtukncrs. 1H Soi'TitTliiao Si 111 f.t. Philadelpbia, Nov. I. I Mi-:. The niiilcrslgued, haling lei-n uppeinted Sub'irii lion ngent by Ihe Sei retery of the Treasury, is now pre pared to furnish al once, the New ticcutt yra Ctper cent. Ponds. I of the United Stie designated us 'Five-Twenties,' I deemabte al tin pt"aure nfthe Covernmi'iit, alter fue 'years, nnd oulhorir.ed by Act of Cnngres., uiproied i'i bruary J. iMn!' rnerotipon liouilsnre issued itisum. 01 $i'U, $jim, ginnu Tin- llrgialer llonds iu sum. of $50, ,R'0, .? .",0U, SIOUO and $:II(IU. Interest at e'ix per cent, per annum will coiumence rnm dale of purchase, and Is l'A YAllLF, IN OOLD, Snml-Arnnally, whkh I. r-ipinl, at the present preuii union gold, to about 1 ight percent per Annum. P.lrnitir.. Morrh.1 III.. .Me,li-ilitr..l'ni,itnlif.. nml nil who have nuy money to Illicit, should know and re-I lurmber that tliee llonds are in 1 llVct. a First Mnrl I gage upon nil I. ail Itoads, Hank gtnik- and Secuillies. nun in. immense prouuris oinii ine .iiaouiaci;ires. n, e., Ill ihe country, anil lual Ihe tun anil ample prnvls- Ion mnue tor ine payment 01 inn interesi anil ii' iun of priiiclpnl, by customs Dulles. i:riheFtamphaud lut.'riiai r.evenue, serves 10 mahe ineseliomis the Best, Most Jlvaihblc and vmit popular Investment in the LuitiUii. SulMcrintion. rereivedat Par 111 1, real Tender otrs or notes nml chei ks pareu bonk, in Phi adi-Ipbia. Sob seribi-rs by mail will jeci'lve promp'.atleuliou, and ev eiy facility andexi.iuatiiin ill Ii. ull''d on applu a tiou ut this otfiee. A full suiMilyof bonds will be kent on fur inline- dintedelirery. J lYOUUKI',, Suliscription Agent. Nov, 8, lc'W-am. BAUGH'S RAW BONE strEii-rHOMMiTE cp uin. BOUGH k SONS, .MAIFAI.TURUltS ,t PROPRIUnillS, No.20 South Y)eIawaro Aveuue, PIIILADKLl'lIIA. Tho nianfacturer.s lire now prepared In .upply a large demand Willi this valiublc .Manure, Thuy mmld refiirrtfiiltv aniiouiici; to Farmers and Dealers iu Fer tilizers, that the price has been advanced to $ii p.-r '.'UO lb.. It need scarcely be mentioned that Ibis 1 linage has been rendered neressary by Ihe greiilly iucreai-eil rost of materials mid labor, .is well as by the operation of Hie U S. Tax upon manufacturers. Fiery Farmer using n Fertlll.-r. may be assured that the HAW IIONB PHOSPHATC will i-till iiinintaiii its higluharacter for STHBNC I'll uud PI.'IUTY. Ihe manufacturers preferring to make a small sllinnce in the price per nou, Hither th in allow Its merits to fall below their farmer stand. ird, under increased cxpeiirct in O" Ilis prepared from Harw Hones, and warranted to contain nlllheij original organic matter- no buureil or calcined bonus are used, nnd it is said under a guar anty from the maiiutaiturers thai il is frcr (mm adul teration. 'Hie demand for llaugli's Raw Hone Super Phosphate la-t year ohaii.v i.xrinisn that of any previous cue w Inch is a siihstanliul ei i dunce of its high standard ur popularity. piuoi: sin p t .Mm i.ns : isn. Thu ubovu may ba had of ri gid. ir dealers, nr "f IIAI till k SON-!. No. 'U South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. February 7. leC3. Ilino niciicau i f old (Opposite Jnor'euunit. Hall,) CIIBSTNU'l S'l HBB'P.HB'I'WBBN FIFTH i SIXTH, l'UU.jtPKI.rill.1. W Y ATT Ai IIBIJI.INCS, Proprietor s. November 3D, trill. M.iirh III, ISiS F. C. HARUISON, M. D. WOULD ri'speitfull) iiifnrm the cilii-ens of Hloo burg, and vi iuitt . lie riiiitiiiui-s the pra elite MKhtcixr. .lxi) ivunr.ny, ml sidiiits u share of public patronage, Oitiu: on Main Street, llrsl ImilsC bcluw the Court IJoiim', Illooinsbiirg. 3, ADMIN ISTHATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Vtcnj, Jones, dceastd. J F.TPBHSnf AiIiiilni(tration on the Bslale of llenj. Jones, lain of Orange toivnshii, foluuibia county, ileccased, have been granted by the ItegUtvr of t.'olum bin county, In thu undersigned ; all p rsnus baling claims against the estate o tlie decedent are Te-ptested to present them 10 the Ailmiiiistrntnr nl his residence 111 said tow ihip, without delay, and all persons in debled to make payment forthwith. JAMBS JONBS, April 1, I3i;:i.-flw. $2, Jlcn'r, Elysburg Academy FOR MALES AND I EM ALES. RBV J. F. WAMPOLB, A. M IViiuipal and I'caih- er of languages. STBPHBN W. OWBN. Teacher of Mathematics and Cnglish Urn 111 lies, ilMIB SIJ.M.MPH HUSSION will cnuimenin an MON 1 DAY. AFHILSuih. Iiistriiclion will be given in nil ,he C nimoii nnd lliglier Buglish Hrniiclies, Latin, (iroek uud Cerniau Languages, Instrumental and Yocal Music, (iood boarding can be had in pill nto families ill Ihe country at 51,30 a week, uud in tho village for J TBHMS PBR UUARTF.R OF II WBBKII. Bleiuentaty English Branches, . 82 00 Loiiiniou " . . . I Higher " ...... Latin, Creek or German, .... I Music on the Piano ur Mclodcon. (extra) ' Vocal Music, (extra) ! llonk.Keeping, (extra) . . . . t . ('onllnceiil Bxnenses. ... S 7 1 no 1 ou !!5 Address HF.V. J. F. WAMPOLB, Principal. F.lyebtirg, Pa., April 4, 1803.-3W Columbus Male nud Female Academy, I WITH I , Normal and Commercial Instruction, PROF. It. B. BINGHAM, Principal, nnd MRS, S. B, IIINGIIA.M, Preceptress. The next term nf this institution w ill coinincnre i'r MONDAY, thu VOth of APRIL, ilist. Tuition, from St to 911 per term, tO- Hoard from 81 73 to $J UO per week, Ooj rooms for those wishing In board themselves. For further particnlars iniuiru of the Principal. JOHN KOONS, Sec'y nf Triutcce. ew Columbui, April II. J8U3. 00AI FOR SALE. IAMIIiY COAL, Iho very best In market, fn sak on appliorton to the Bailor of Ibis Journal. fnn? i) ECONOMY IS WEALTH. OU E YOUR COUGH FORI 3 CENTS ..- - The bc&l mi l cheapest Household remedy in the f for Id. M ADAMK 7.D0C l'OHTKa's iiujj.ra ,A II A mP. 'A UOH PCR' TBR'S Curative llnlsntn I. warranted If used cccnrdlng to the directions, to cure In all cases Coughs, Colds, Whoonliu Cough, Asihma niul nil Alfectlon. ..t 11, W throat nnd Ldngs. Madame mine llalsam I. prepared ine rciuisitu skiii ceinbluallonofthe bestrem edlcs Iho vegetable Mnadoiii ullords, It. K.uedlai -inall- , ties nrc Pared on 11. power to n.slst the healthy clrtu I latlou nftlic blood, through the Lungs. It Is not a lin I lent r. iiiedv. hut rm 1, i nt- I w-tirmhiL. si-nrrhlm; n lift elf . cctlini ran be taken by tin oldest person or Iho young cstihliil. ... , ..1... I,.,.., ... ii. snm has been in ue by the i.lllil.iii, .n,i"i. 1 - . iiibllc for over Iti years, mm ins ucurlreil lis present sale Imply liv liring recnmioen led by thii.e w ho hale : it to their 11 IU I licit friends nnd others. 1 Mot Important. Madame 'mine Porter's Curative ii-i...... 1. ..,1,1 nl n otli-ii w lilrh bring.. II III the rearh of every one to keep II i.ouvrnieul for use. The time ly use of a single bottle w III prove to b ninth I Hi) times it. cost, . . 1 NHTICIi. Save your moniyl Do not be persuaded to purrhase nrllcli'S at Is to 1 whiih do not contain the virtues of a 1.1 cent ImI tin of Ma Lime Porter's Cu rative Hntsam, theio.t nf manufacturing whiih Is as gri ai a. nlmn.t any other meillcine i and Ihe very low prece at which fl l.snld. make. Hi prolil In the sell er 11 ppn. nil)' .mall, nnd unpriiielp tied dealer. wil somellnies rei omniend olher ineiliiliies on whirhtheir prollts nrc larger, unle.s thu cUftomi r Inri-t upon b.ivlnp Madami! Porter's and none other. Atk for Madame Porter's I'uralive Palam rie' l.'tu nls, nnd 1 in large bottles at 'ir oeiiK. nnd take lin olher. ITJ-Solil hv nil Hruagl'lsnud Slortkeeperrnt Uils. a.. I In larger bottle, nl 'J-'i rent". KALI, k. KUCKLI., I'r ir,!lors, rtew iihi.. .I.iuiury SI. Iffill. Nos. 0, 11, K), IT), 17 CouitlitntU Street, NF.All IIHOADWAV, NI!W YORK CITY. 1 Till. old csl.iblih.-il and fainrlle re.oilnf Ibe llusl ne... t.'ommuniiy h-is been rereutly relilled, and i)i 11111-pji-le lu everything that ran mihiiter to the romlnrt. i.f lis patrun. Ladirs and families are i-pn Lilly ami inre- I fullv providrd for. j It ! centrally located lu Ihe bu Ine.. part of Ihe rlly, ' nml i. conlignnus to Hie principal lines 1' steamboats, curs, ferries, Ve. In rons.-'pienci' of th" pressure inttscd by thu Kebel J lion, pritc. hill 0 been reduced to One Dollar a d l'iftij f cuts per flay. ! The tabl" is amply supplied ith all the luxuries of , Ihe .rasxii, and is i''u;il to thai of any other hotel iu the , country. Ample accommodations are ulfered for upw nrd of 11) ' guests. ' 3 " Do not believe runner, harkm.-n, and others w ho mav sav'the Western Hot"! is full." , D. II. WINCH LSTBR. Proprietor. I'llOS. D. WIXCIIBSTBII. Feb. Li, leii'.'. J nc lCW ommrreiid BuHdinsii are Incu ted opposite Court limine, eonur of Court and Chriiuniio-Sirtrts. I I ln.l.olleg.s is in nnivay cimm-i ted with an) other Institution. I TI i-rci-'s of tin enure Fai ulty are ei liihively de- VOleil luthl, 1 'I'liJih-sign ofthls liisliluiioo tu uirord to Young ! Men an opportiioily lor acpiiring a llwreveh I'rnrtiral I limine. 6 Education I Tlinlluoks ami I'.riiK are carefully iiirauged l,v Pr.iitiral Arroiiniaiits. eipresslj- for llii. I ri t it in 1, ,i, , I .-in.l Hi., or lii.truitmn i .smli turnmbine Then. I ry uud Praitice. COI.I.HI.IATF. OH'lISi:. This Course enibraci-s I'ni.U-Ki-ping in nil its ,1c-partm-'iits. Peuumausliii. t'tiioiiu-ri ial irilhm.-tii- . iness i'i.'repi'nd' iii-'. Commt-n ial I. an . I'n in, a I F.rnn 11111V. t'liiillneri inl Llbli s, I'.irtui-i -hip s, tlli-inent., ilr tei-iiiii: Ciuiiiteifeiied and nlt.ired Hank-Voles, A;r. 'I Ins Sp rian System of Peuuiiiaii.hip i tauJht in all its 1 iirleli. s. by tin- uni.t ,-killl'ul 1 ti-rn tll art. Th" Hook -Keeping ilep-irtineiit . under the .perliil superi ision and lustruilinn of the Principal, II. W, 1 l.imti.i.. j CF.VKIIAI. INFOIIMATION I Sluiti nl. c.iu eolt-r nt .tiir time ; no vainffiu. I'siial linn to comp'rle the raurse. troiultto I. works. Assls , t.iuct-r "iidi red l irr.i.hi:it..f. in procuring situation.. , liradiiate? nre pri e 'iited w ith nut h-gautiy cugr.iieri Hi , ploina. . i- For ii.italogui' of 711 pages, peci 11 . of pt niii.m- 111 p, A:e.,eniio-.e tw o teller .lamp, and addn ss 1). tV. I.OWF.LI .Prini lpat. August 3D. I MiC. (May:i, l.-U-J IJm. 0 R I T T E N D E N 1 S i'iiii,ii)i:i.riiiv i o.mii:i.iAi,. CO L L E G E. A'. E. corner of 1th and Clustnui. Stiects PHILADELPHIA. Till. Inriri'rins, which w us established in If 1 1 and is now rouse.pieiitly in the eighteenth nior of its rxijt. enee, nunibersnniong .11. graduates, huuilriula of the most'iireessfiil .Merch nits -itul Hiisiness Men of our Country. Tue Oniirr of th ) T n-l iliition is .ulely tiinirordyeimg men facilities for thorough prrp.trntionfor liiisinvs. Tne. HitiNi hm 0111111 are, tlmhtrrpiug, as upplica. hie tothe various departments of trade; Penmanship,; Comme'eml law. .Mathe matics, viiirigflli.ti tin t.nsinecrliig, Drairin", I hon- oarpliy, and .Mmtcrn J.anxnors , Til. Svsu m of Issrnernns Is p'cnliar ; no classes or set lesMiiis uru made iie of, but each slutlent is laiisht Indii idually, so that hf may any time, and aiienii ai w uaiever inmrs are inol con veil lent. I'n u.nui'r.s nrei.kiieil nnuua.iafer the l."uli of April remaining llamas of Hie stiiileutvfor Ih war, and full liartiriilars of term, kc, and may he obtained al any time by addrcbiug the Principal, l Bxir.sslvK Ai iiimmoiiv'IIons, icidc-sircod rcyntntioa and Ihe tennihij eiycrienie of the Prme'jial, tin. lustilu liou offers facilities -ulterior loauy oilier in the roiin try. foryoung men wi.biug loprepare for biifiuess, and toobtaiu at the same time a iiii-i.oma. irhirh vill prorr a rtiomincndation fur 1 lit lit Ilium to any Merchau liU lloiiro. n-"l!niTKMirN's 'rrirj of Treatises on l'noi;-Kii'. imi. now imrn w idely riirulateil ib.iii inv other work on Ihe subject, are for tale at the College S. IIOIItiHS CIIITTBNDBN, .ftartri-ilt-,a'r, l'lUscn-u.. Jan. "il-lffi-.1 Km. j8l KATIOsXALCOaiJIBHCUL COLUMCsiT1115 "OTKL, I.OCATBI) IX PlIILADELl'IIIA, S. B.CCRNBRTTI! AND CIIBSTNL'T STS., Ntw Yorc City, Brooklyn, Albany, Troy Buffalo. Dc'roit, (liveluud, Chicago, and Si. Louis. Ilook keeiilug, Penmanship, Commercial Arilhineth Coiiiiuerrial Law, Forme, Correspoudeniu, kc nuet c.illy taught, 'I lieso Colleges being under thu same general and In cat iiianagt-meut, mid uniting iu each the advnutagu of all, otter greater farilit jes for irfipartliig instruc I 1 tlinu am otlier similar institution iu the country. A Si holursliip issued by any one isgoid in all i'ci n unlimiied time. The PhiladelphiaCollege has been rerrntly cnlaU and refurnished iu a superior manner, ami isunwfi I I till largest and must nrosneruus Commercial Institution ,i 110 1 thu Slate. 110 I Pryaiit it Slrattnn'a series nf Text Hooks, cnihrnc S 00 Hook-keeping, Commercial Arithiiielic. and Conimer Law. for .ale, and sent by mail, IL Forfait particulars send for n circular, October Id, leltl!- IU111, TO THE MUSICAL. ' 'TIs Sweet to bo Itcnicmlicnd." THIS NOTBI) SONG has just linen set to music, adapted tu the Piano, and thu author has had it copyrighted, n s rcaey now In fill orders eu Hie shortest notice, by mall, to any part nf the United Slates, Price 'J.5 cents per copy, sent prepaid In any address. To agents a liberul deduction will bo made. Address II, Al, ROI3BHB, Selinsgrovo. Siijder county. Pa, April II, leia. CC" Any iapur giving tlm above nuc Insertion, and sending a marked copy In the "Selinsgrove Times," hall recelvu a copy by mail, For two insertions twn copies ; and for tliruu Insertions Ihrev copies n ill Lu si nt, t: vTTrr r;,,rcrr. 15L.VNK SI UIjANKS! ! .... , ... . , . ., . n 01 every doscnr4iou, for sale at tliiuoflio Rcailing Rail Hoail. "J II JYI1I L'silSaUli I ANNA. CUMllEII I.AND ANI W VIJAIINO 'A''.'.y,?, Till Mil 'I'll. NOIITIIWBST AND Till'. CANADA8. PAFSI'.NtllHt TRAINS 1 ibe company's depot nl ihrilcentli ".nil Callow 110 15 A. M. fur Heading, i.ei.anno, misuiiik, ..P ncgruve.Tnina-i.ia.Hunbury.W I,-.rl I'? , f UwhSSii l. Niagara, Falls. Huff. 0. Al jiilown. York, Carlisle, LhanibersbHrg, kesuarrc, 1 iiir,.. 1 n.?.r.r ! " ..M t -it HF.ADINtl wllh Hast Peiin. v Jnola llallroad trains for Allenlown. -e., nnd w ith Hurrisburg, kt; is t llallroaii trains tor 1. 11 .......... 1. l.ofle llaven. i.iiuirn, c.. V'7,V,i Joritl wlthWortbreu Central, Cumberland at I 'S., iliiii Iklll n.l 3.t-n.i-li trains for Vn ley. ' .ft ' ,"hl;,,i, Yoik, Chamber.burg. j.. intg' IC' ArTi:nxooN B.VPHI'.SS pblldelihla at M.M P-11 fnr ltvn',in.1 ' ; ' . ,, I'ld.burg, fccr.mineition nt Mart . 1 V "I .......V., ...i,. It 11 Iroad Ifalns lor ,,. wn 1 1:11111-3 --. w--- - ... U:':: .'! Slt.m . e I ; lulm ke, and t I'-ul " ... v'.;.,l 1',-tilrnl III rnail iriiuis im Clinton V'lHi w . It 1 ' r.t 'tains for Millon Wlllian,spo,..,.:imlra..ud,Ho ';a:V " u. urnlngi lniix !" '' ! Ittl,r. 1.. 11 line nl ..all P 11 i,,J r,,r I'lilladeliihi.i leave llnriibur nt f A. .1 and I'otlsliHe nl IMS A. AL. atrivlng in I l.l.adelp h a ft I- i Alleruoon trains leave iiarrishurg a aid R?au,M'ottsillleal'J,ail p. M. arrli mg at Phlladelphlt. M Mnrk.'t tlaln. wilh a passenger ear nltachc.l, leaves Phi Ir ih a at I P. M. lor IU inline and all way sta , le vol Heading at i, " "" I owulngluwu t I P, M. for Phll.idelihla.ind all way stations. Al he alinio Irinus r it)'. Sum lay mi rple. . Hunday trains leaiePottsvlllii at T.3U A M and I hila- '',1,l'iaUlCllLs'ihtVAI.I.i:YHAIL.tOAD Passengers Irom lloinlngtown and interim dl.ile pnl sl"ke lhe,I..A H and I ..01 P M train, from Phi -lidelpbla. rt turning Imm Doiiningtown at ..(m A M "" Niiw y!ih1 i:xi'ni:ss for pi itshijiks and n TUB WBST. , Leaves New York, al . P -M. Hj ng I railing at I.- IT ini.lnight. nnd innnertlng at ll.irrHiurg w lib reiins)lianta Hailroad llxpie.. Train tor Pltl-hurg Iteiurnlug. I.ipress Traluleaies llarrl-burg an arrl i .il of Pen ns) 1 1 aiiia I'M'tess Horn Pittsburg ul .1.1., A i , pasi ing Heading fl.l-A M-an,l mriilng al New York at li',3il A .11. Sleeping mr ai ituiip.itiy these trainsiliroiigh h. iws-n Jersey Cityaml P.llsbiirg with- " 'Mall'i'rai'ns lor New Yotk leave llarri.burg at H A M and 'J.nd P M. Mall train, for Hurrisburg lc.uo New H...I .. i: A M nml I'i lunttt. , SUIIIJVI.KII. I. VALI.F.Y RAILROAD. , Trains leave Pottsvilln at T.l." A M and XV) I l, r.-tiirnlng fr TiiMiirttrii at S,u.i A M. and l.l.i P Al. SCIIIIVLKILI. ANIISIISMJBIIANNA It UL , UOAD. ,j Train, leave Auburn alll.U A M for Piuegreve and llarrl-burg. and nl '.Mil A .M, and 7 P . for piin grovt on vi returning from I nrrl.hurg at 1,3') P ,M and from Pin'egrove .it i4 A -M and I and JfJI. i I TICKLM'S. , ,, ' 1 Thrnir.'h first tickets and emigrant In ki t. In nil the principle pnitu. Hi in J .onu an-. ".! , The follow Ing tickets are obtainable nnlv at Hie mine i.fS. Hradf.ird, Tre-isur-r, No. 227 south I mirth st, I liil.idelphin, or "1 H. -V Nicnlls, Cenernl rUierinteiiil' cut. """""i;innu.rAT,N TU'KBTS. A IS.! per cent, disioiint, between any points desired, lor laMilic.s and linns, .mi..i:a:i'.tii'ki:ts, lioii'l for MO )!) mil .b.ieen alt points, nl 3 10 '.I'i eaih for families uud llrus. ji:asiivi i :ki:t-. For three, sii. nine ur twi Ive mouths, for holders , only, to all points, nt n-daredrales. 1 ri.BIH.YMIIN I Residing on Ih" Hue of Ihe mid w ill be furnished wllh cards enlilled llieniselies and wlvis ti tickets at half Lire. BXi'tlHSION TICKT.TI. From rhlladelihla to principal st itioos. gnu I f ir Sat urday Sand.i.v and Monday, nt rediiTd fire., to bn mid , mil) at tin Lie, ket lilhce, iitThiltceiith ami i.iillowbill streets. FHCII'.HT. Hoods of all ile.i riilou fiuward to all Hi" o puinis from tin comp in's new frei, lit depot, Hrnidand Willow streets. FRFK-HP TRAINS Le.ui- Philadelphia daily at f. A M. I I' M ; and fi P M I ir Ilea .ni'i. I. Ii.iniin. Iliiriiluirg. I'uttsi illc, Pull Cliiiltin, ami all p-nuts be) on I MAILS. Close nt th" Phil.i-'elphi i I'n.t ollibr for all idtires on the road ami it. briiiielies al 5 A .11. and fur Ihepriitii p il i-iations imiv .it -J lo P M. lileouisburg Feb. 14 l.-iU. .acUiiwaitiiu iV I! I iiti m si; u Jtailiond OS AND M'P II lli'.l."M. II. lefi.'J PASSBMiBIt TRAINS WILL HI N AS FOLLOWS : M U Y I N Ii SOU T II. Passenger. : nil A. M. Mil Arriu II. Hi II 4" I'M '.'..'11 7rrittii, .11011 A..H 1.4(1 P . Leave r-rrviiti-n, " Kiog-lim " It ,i,,to-.biirg " Rupert, " 1 1.1 in ill.-. rriic at Nort iiiuiberl.inil, M O Y 1 N (1 Leave N11rlh11ud.1-1l.iHil, " H.iuiille, " Rupert. " Clnom-'burg " King-too, Arrive at Srrntilnn. N O R T II .".) P.M. li.ilil h.:t.i 1...T1 e.l.'i l HUM P. M, :i.iu A Passenger Tr.iin also lent r s Kiuestoii at A. M for Si raotoii. to ouuei t w ith train for New York He turning, lenves Si rniitou on arriial of tr.iin from New York at I. I.J P. 11. The Lai )awmiiia and Hlnniu-diurg Hailroad iiinutits with Hie Helawar-'. Lai knw .11111.1 and Uesn rh ll.11lro.1d at Scrautnii. for New York mid" points east At Riiirrt itijtnuei t- with tin- f'ntr.iw is.rf Kin mad.for points both east mid west- arrii ing at Philadelphia at T.lliri'.M. At Northumberland it rm-iei Is w ith the Philadelphia k Briell. H.andN.I It. It. fur points west mid sotilh Passengers arriving at llarri.burg I .'i0 P M ; Phil adelphia III 1'. M., Ilaltimnro lll.'.'u I'. M. JOHN P. II. SI, BY. i;.'l J I'. Wnlls. (lin'l Noi ember led.'. iso. " ms. !'liil.i(lililiia & Erie Kail Itoail. This great line west roillities ol Lake Brie. tr.iterses the Northern and Norlh-i'enn--) Ii iini.i to the my of Bric.oii It has liien tiased by thn I'eiissilr.nii.i Hailroad t.'ompaiiy, mid under Iheir uuspiees i. being lasnlly opened throughout it. entire length, ti is nnw in ue lor l'.i.enger mid Freight business from llarrHnirg m Dnliiiood (d i'..rk) i ITT milesou Hn!i'..iti rn llii l-ion, and irinii Shelheld to Brie on Hi. Western Dil i (78 miles ) iiMi.oi i'isKMint rn.ias il' .oiuiii')iniri.,Mi, Mall Train leaves, !l .VI A. .l, Bprets Train " jn jt, .Mail " " West 4 .M " Bipresa 5 ii A. M. Cars run through whii iumii both ways on ihesi trains bilneeu I'liiladelplii.i and Lock Haven, nml ll.ittiuiore and Link Haven. New audtleg-int Sleep. ing Cars an palling the Bipress Train both wa)s between William. port and ll.iliiiuure, and Williams port ami Philadelphia, For inl'oi inalioi, reiertiiig Pasn nger business, an plyntlhe S. B. Cur. Dili and .Market Sis. And for Freight biisinesof Hm Coinpanv's Agents : M. II. Kingston, Jr , Cor. Blth and .Market' SU., I'hil'.v J, IV. Reynolds, Brie. J Al, Drill. Agent N. C. It: IL, llallimorn. II. II. Iloiuloii, Iteii'l. Freight Agt . Philadelphia, l.i'His L- lloupt. (.'eu'l.'l'ii ki t Act Philaileliihia. Joseph II, Potts, Geii'l, Milliliter, January IT, leo:i. ujwiLi.K, .mhvivun cou.stv, p.1, Bnterlainmeiit for Mauaiul llenst, iu good si) lu and at inoderale rates. n . . -.i;,IM!t,',:s N-SAVAtiB, Pro rielor. n-inville. April lib l?iW. IV EH' JEHShV lsilSF0U SALE, ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARaIS, Siiitiibli! for Crapes, reaches, Peon, Raspberries, Slrewberries, lllackberries, Curri nt, ic, of I. '.'j,',, 111 oa '.'0 acres eailj, ai iho follow ing prices for the present, via: '.'0 ncres lor S'.'OO, 10 acres for SIM 5 acres for $i0, !il ai res fur 8H), I acre for S'.'o, l'a)ulili by one dollar n week. Also, good Craubur) lands, and village lots in Cheat, wood, !!J by ion fet-i, III fatli, payable by ooj ,l. lar a week, The aboie land and Inrins. are silnate a i.lirnttvood, Washington township, lliirlingmu cniiuly New Jersey. For further information, apply, with P.O. Stamp, for a circular, to v , . ANKl.IN CLAHK, No. PO Cedar Street, New York, N.Y. January IT, lliH. STRAW ! STRAW! STRAW I ! f Ifsfi TON'3. s.'''-"V,of all kind., Ituckwlieat ex IIHI cPl,!l l wanted iinineiliately, nt the .Mil auu jar,r rviiiLVaid " 8,rct-'1 for wWt" ! Mill Grove. Augusta, Iff,,. '''I0' AS TRENCH. PICTURES FOIl ALHUM. Pcm" 'l"ro"'"1 vllrU'",-' "dlli'S from Tacts to 8173 i Win. G. PERKY, Publisher. a. iy. uor. 4th k Hare Philadelphia PETER YOIIE it SON, I T.lAVr, recently opened a HOOT AND RUnr. Hiinf ' A1 "' '"I'I'STnLIIT. Culuinblainuiily, P.i.,nnari prenareiUo do the best work ou the shortest iiotic,,Sf ' '"west prists, liiic Ihein u cull April n, ltla. ' tul1. Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYINaTIIE BLOOD. And for lh speodj' euro cf Mlowlng; coinpWHl BrrorlnnmlBcrofitlon AfrBOllona,iicl nn Tiiiiinra, Uloom, fltrei, Uriiilloii, IMiuplrs, Piiitulcn, Iliilehea, Ilnll9F' lilnlus, niul nil BKIn JCIscnc. OtkUKD, lid.. 0th .Inns, 1 f flf, .7, C. Arm A Co. fltntai I fl It my diity In n' linoleilg hl jour frssrlli has donn for me. liming Fnhnlled s. Pcrofuloiis Infitllon, I lint suflsrH from It In lailoiii a)s for ycais. Simlhiics It bins), out lu Ulrori on Inr hands niulhriusl Sitiiiethm-s If tnrni-d Inwsid und dlsttcs.d me njtlio stomsch. 'J'xn jmrs ago It bicke cut on iny bend nd rotsri"! my arnlp end ears with cue tore, which wns ptiiful and Inallisem lieinnd dffri Iptlon. 1 llled many nMlclnra nnd Ssrenil' physlHans. but wllhont much tellcf (ifmi any thing. In lad, tho illciriler gmw nre. At lth 1 itss lej'.dnd In lend In tho llosprl Messeng.r llin, you had prepared an alleintlre (Snisapni Ilia), for I hnesiriom your tipula tlnu Hist any thing )oil mudu niustfro gcssl. I syiit In Clnchniallnndgut lt,nnd ssl II till United rn. 1 look It. a. ion sdnlse, In small doses of n om n, piniith, nml used nlinott thiee bottles. Nw and healthy (kin sim began to form under the rub, which nfur.n while Ml oil. My rkln l now rlcar, aid I know by my Mings that Hie ImJ gone fioni )iy s)sttm, Ybit ran nail bcllsre that I feel what I am string uln-ii I till you, that 1 hold yon to be ono of Ihe iinvtles of the acV and remain ever hatefully. hl.T.U.l.VX. tl. Aiilliony's Pirn, lloac or Hryliieln,' 'I'rtlri- nml Snll Itlieuin, Stnlil Ilonil, JUhk"iiiii, Sore IC)'-t, I)ii'iay. Pr. Htdiert M. Preble utiles from ?.ibi, N. Y-, Kth' Fer-L, I.'i3. thai ho has cured nn Inndtrnte case uf ihepiy, rvlilili thiealmieil to lernilnnte Mally, ly Hm pcrseierlngnioof our HntsapM Ilia, and "1' nilsngjrmn MiUitmnt Vrytipilas b.V largo dosea of th- satiiel a)". In cures lb common f.ViipKan by II renitf lilly. nronrlioi'fle, Ooltro or Sivotltil NcrU. Zebiibm flnin of Prwpeit, Teias. wi lies t "'Hires I nf. lies of your farmpaillla cuied mo from n l;Vre 1 bid eons swelling on Iho m-tk, wbhh I had sullersd "om1 nrer tno)oars." T.eurorrlirrn or'Vlilr,OvnrlnnTiiiilor, Itleilne lllriiotliill, Kcmnle Diseases. Dr. .1 II. P. Chnimliig, nf New Yoik Clly. illss "I limit ih.-eirnlly comply llh the icpicslnf yntir ngt-rff In miIiikI lime found jour Snrsapaillla a in.-l escelwit nltriatlio In Iho niimeinus roiiiil.ilnt. for wblfh vn rmt.l.iv such n irim-dy. hut esjirchlty In IHiali Ihwd of the riciefobins I hnvocuri-il many Intelei ule ruses of Uneniilirr.i by It, and sumo where the ren, plaint was raueil by ,iI.rnii'.iior the ii'ii. Ibe ub-1-r. alien llsrlf was soon rmed. Nolhlng nllbln my knos I edge eon its II r.-r these femnln ilurangf Insula." IMunril It. Marrow, or Ncwbniy, Ala., irlltis, "A din grrniH aisiriiin iimer nn one of Iho femslr. lu my f mslls, itblrll bud defied nil the runt'll" e could rlilplny. bus at letmlh bsen ronipblclr cured by jour i:tis(tc(fi t.ipiwllbi. Our h)slrbin tlmughl nolhlng but ejtlrp' Hon ciiubl nlToril rrllor, but ho ndtlscd (be Irlnl if ,tiir rnrr ipaillli as thn Inst trsott l efoie culling, siM il prnie. clfei tint. After Inklugynur lemcly ilgbl nei)... mi s) mptmn of lb" disenso re mains," f,) ilill Is nml aicrrnrlnl Dlsenie. Nrw OBtri... 5-Mh Aogn.l, I'.TV Dv. .T. C. Arrnt Fir, I cheerfully cnmpl) tilth Ibe is, qne'l of (our agent, and report to jmi somo of tho ffl-rts 1 hue icnllrcd xllli jinir S,ir'n nillln. 1 line cured wllh II, In my practice, nml .r Ibe c-ni-plaints for wlibh It Is ifcommrndrd, and bare f uiiid Us l-rf.-rt. truly itond'trnl lu the ruin of Itnsis-if .'" ."'i nin'.il Oit'M'. Hue i f my pnllenls had Fyphillilc ubei.i In his, which ne rmisumlng his ,alif and Ibi top nf bis mouth. Your Fnrsspaillla, steadily taken, nurd him lu fno weeks. Another was nlhuki-d by s. r wnl.iiy sjniplom. In his nose, and Iho ul'stnllnii luvl f.ileu'ay a rmilderable mrt i f It, so Hint 1 b'llei'i. Ibe di'ordrr would soon n-.ich bis lmiln nnd Mil him. tint Jr. )l,-ldcd to my ndmhilslrntlim of jour aisaparllUi tho lilreis b.nled, nnd lis Is wsll flfeiiln, led of emir wllhniit some .li-lijnnclkin to hl far,. A wnlilnu who bad Isrn tie.itrd fortbe Mino dlrorder by lunrury was sntTi-rintc fiiaii lbl iisan In Irh- bones. 'Ibey had bscinc so st-ir-slllri. to the weirlber (list on n damp rtn) she snlTrsnlei rrucliiting pnln In her J'.lnls and bonis, hft,to,wnn rnted riitiri-ly by your nlsnparilla In n few wr.hs. f knim rioin its finnubi, whlrli jour agent gain m, thn this Piepniall'ai from )our biborntory ml l-e a giis I'-ine'ly; coiisciiiicntl), Ibeee linly itmaikiUds inMiltsi witii It liaie not snrpils.-d me. Internally jours, (1. V l.Af.IMDP, M. D. ItlieilMintlsni, (lout, I.lrer Compliilnr. ku LsnnsMissir, I'livlmi Co., Vn.. f '.h July. D'' lin. .1. C. Arm: Mr, I bale lis 11 nflllc ed tiIHi n pain ful cbri.ldr Mitimnft'in for a long time, 1 I1M1 baffled Ih', skill nf -b)eins, nnd sturlt to ine In plte of all Ihi li-in.dlei 1 1 mild find, until I lllrd your Ft rrspniilln. Onn Ik.m1 rmi-d mo In tun weeks, and n'terrd my genrnj be.llb su ninth Hist I mil ftir tsllor II Hi f-Af'-rn I r.'ss ntlntked. 1 Ihlnk It n oeudsrlbl linslirlli". .1. HIRAM. .Inlrs Y. (lvlrlvrll, er Ft. Iml, wrllest "1 luivn Usil nftltitvd for yenrs with nn off.elitai ff p.e I.iirr, wbi'Tt d.sliojrd my brallh. I tiled ercry Iblng, nn-1 sirr) Ihlnrt fslhsl to ii-II.ti' m,; and I hniebc-i-n n hinktn down man fri soul. y. sis fieiu no other rsnse llinn tUrovti'tnrnt if te M) helmed rwutor, tbalti r )lr. I'.sjty, ndib-stl int. It, tiy lout .111 sepal Ilia, hernus'i be raid be kren- yi-n, end siif'llilng Ji n ma.l'i ii. wi'Hli II) Ing. Hj lbs bin"; ing of (lud It Lit. mini me, nnd Imi in puiMed my bhvii s. 1.1 mnke u new man f ine. I W .1 )ung ngnln, Tim I. -st tint cnli be said i.f jm U licit half piml Hiengh." firlili-riii.Cniii er Tnmors, ICiilnrtttiiu-til, I'li cintloii, l u 1 let. nr.'.l Uxltillnlloli or lie Holies. A grint Tiirlelyt-f ruse bavclssm reperled V lis wIk-mt rut. s of these foilill-t ibl n-inplnllits burn rssnPed fn-iu II, it-- of lids ii-iio-li, lot our H-aro hrm will not sdinll 11.. 111. S ni" if 1I11111 inn) b" flaind in t.tir Ani.rlinii Ahnmi' , whl' h He. n.-nls below n-imed nre jdtaetsl C fllll-.',tl glMtis to till Mho ml! r. r tbrni. Dyi'tr plf. Ilcni-t f)lsensr, I'll., t'.iilUp ), .H tin in holy, ."Veiirnl ;in Many n-mnikiible .ni". of I lice all.itklis hare fwn made 1') lb" slniallie power t f Ihlt, mrdlrlne. It sflmn 1,1-s ili'-iiinl timrif-i,. into Tlgoiou. action, nnd tbu n,"r. rnn-s di id.-is wbbb noubl bi5 suppo.fd I-.) -.lid Pa itsib. l-ii'h n rrrnrd) has king leen t.' bylb. n re.-iiip. nt I lie 1 si j le. and r ale ii-nfiilflit II at Ibis iTl do l-r tin m all that mrditins cm de. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, inn nut tiAPtti ci'ttt! or t'oii;li., I'olil. , liifliienyn, lloi,rsrisea, Criiiipl Itioiii hills. In. Iplrut (on. silliiptton, nml for the Ilrllrf of I'oiiMiin il Is r I'ntli nU I, n il s n iit-eil rttnf;en of Die Dlsinse. I Till. Is a rrttiedy iiiiliri.nlli InnMii lo surpssf snv I other fr III" eoie'i.f tbif-nt and lung rolnplttltits. (list ft Is u.rless beis ti,'b the elldent-i- I f lis illlll", ft. nnilr,ill--il extt-llriiee for toughs nnd ri Ids slid lis truly wmid-llul rllies of tulliionnry ilinse, linsr msile It known thloilghoiit Ibe ( nnllnna of the enltb. few me 11... reniiniilillles, or evt 11 f.iinlllrs. nnn-ne lb. m who b.iio not soul" pi tsontil i-x . lit nte i.f lissfiet s- lue living tli pbv in Ibtlr midst of lis ihtol.r fin tl"" sul.llt-aiid tltiU"lons disorder, or Hi.- thrust nnd Innrs. As .til 1.mi'.v Iho dleadfnl f.ilnlill ir Ibe.s di.ordt.r, al.d ns Ih-y know, too, Hieelferts rf tbl n oird), wt- nestt ro I do more Ih.m to iue llif in Hist it ba. le-w alt lbs nr ton Ibnt It did liars win n niakieg Hit- runs, wbl, h bniV won so slrously upon the roiifnttnre t.f nintikiiid. Prcporod by Dr. J. C. AYEK it, CO., Lowell, Kit's. Sold by B P . ul.. G .M llagrnbiirh, mid J R Vn)i r rini'iushiirs; J Sibil) ler. Ilnhrsburg: Miflers A. S"n. .M1II1 ill" ; P .Masters, llenloii ; l.a.arns k Fislirr. Or auirei ille ; (I V Fow Irr Fow lersi ille ; A Miller. Psr w irk , Low ,t Urns., Centeri ille; II F Hi ieharl k Nuss Fspv; M tl Shoemaker, Horkhorii ; Heighart k Nu.., iMaiuulle; J Sbnrliless, I'atlaiMssn ; Creasy A. Co, LiL'ht Street i nml dealers ever) w here- July .'i', Il-S.'-Iy. a .in f. 1 r a i rt yi t slffjiW -M'AM-M'r.n SAFF.S, I mtM :WtV AioVBii to .ve. iiimi r WV?Ula&iVh'& Hreet, Philadelphia, have tin- Fourth Mil nml n Inrpc n f rtrt Mitnt t' Kir I Jui't r(icf H.iliuiiiinil- r Hulf. 1 (). irnii il(Hir). for linn k f fiiiil .(r.. I..,. ..I,.,. Jr....-..!. .11 V'fqttfr inakis uflncKr: t-'iniiltn any nuiJ in tlif I'niti'il ,ytatft, 'nr Snfr in one Jir9, ,111 tame out right; with to ttnt in apod enmlHiflii. Tin .ilaiuanilrr iS.if.'H uf I'lijlailrMiia aL'flinul th uorM. EVANS & YVATFON, have had the surest rlemostration in tlie fullnwlng rer llllrnle that their iiiauiifarlure of Salaiuanikr Satrs lis. at lengtli fully u nrranted the representations which bars been made of them as rendering mi undoubted security against the terrific dement. Philaih Iphi.i April 12. 1fi. Messrs llraus Watson: tirntlemrn-It nllorils us the highest sntisfartiou to state to.yini, Hint miiiigt" tlie ury nrolectivi' ipialitles nf tun of tin S.ilainnnder, Safes whlrli we purchased nf you some five mouth slur. ... riis.-ti ii inrgi. poriion 01 jeiu iry. and all our linens, e.. "i" '"! '" iui-r.ii.iiiiimiiis1nreiiinaiiste,iil p ace on. ,,nr ,, i.f ,1... 1,,l. ' Hie mnrniiiL' of the lltb i n ur When we refleit hwt Dii-hc safes were located in th" rourlh srory orthe building wa oicupied and that they Ml siibsetpuntly iiiton In ap of burning ruins, nhere the vast concentration of the heat caused Hie brass plates la, melt, we cannot but regard the preservation nf their ml liable cttnlents as uii'st loiiiiuiing proof of the great se curity afforded by your sates. ' Wv i1'11" e'eat pleasure iu recniniii"niliiir Ib-'CI . men orimsmess as a sure relianrn against lire. HlIOKtii: W. SIMMONS k lino,, .Inciters. 'mrd'asuUiIA.s.!ir-o GREENWOOD SEMINARY. Millville, Columbia County, Penn'a. This will knowh School for both grxen will open NOVB.MUBR 3d, leC2, The recent additions in the buildings; render aif i odiitions for Hinrethan sixty boarders. Thecuurseof study will eiuliraci' three ilrpnrln'cnU -the Normal, Hm Silentlfir, and the Commercial. Ihe Principal will beassisleJ by experienced (colli ers, fully tiunlificilfor their respective positions. . . , i inn) resi asKiireu mat no tiiunn w III be spared to make thu School worthy of patmnnf-t. and that the welfare of thu students, liitrlli'itually physlrally, and morally, will receive ourroiislantrnru 1 or application, circulars nr further particulars, nfl press thu undersigned, al Millullle Columbia county It. T. MAXWBLI. PO'iTS. JOHN II, PA'ITON, A.JU Priiirit-im MM. ille, r.i Sept. IS, lfCS, M. & T. I. WATSON. LIVERY STAPLE ATTACHED. iiomu Brci.Ns St, Iisnui:!iMiiKi.T. Aunt, t " Nov I'I, IfCS.