Wit I -1 IlLlIMIlll BBHflflRAT SPECIAL notices. , i m urn SATURDAY jGtOrtNlNO, MAY 9 1863. pCpItcvM. il. W. Soot, trill ptcach in the Enjjlisli Haptisrt Ohtirch of this placo on ncxliSaLbdth, at 10 o'clock in tho uioming,ialf past two hi the iiltor noon, ami hilf past SoVch In tlic evening. 1 Kl t6T Scveiiccn negroes- in Geneva, N. Y., enlisted jr the Massachusetts colored Ircgimcut, bill they failed gradually away on tho routil to camp, so that only two remained :i lat, and now one of tlicm has cut stioi. They mast have hern fu gitivo ncgwea. i A CauAou McCiiKLLA.v.- A incmher of tho OUu recently wrote to a friend at Lebanon "Qivolus General McOlcllan and wo "will fight every battle over again from Villiamiburs to P redcrichsburg, and do t bcttcW than ever wo did. Take this army to Fair Oaks and glvo ui 'Littlo Mao,' and W will go to Kichmond. He is the man wu want, and he ia the man who will bo President of tho United States if -soldiers have anything to say. Old Abe was down to seo UJ, but wo all would 'sooner tec General McOlollan. Tub Coxaciui'TloN. Tho Cincinnati Inquirer aays: Mr. Arnold, of Illinois, in a recent interview with tho Secretary of War, ascertained the terms of tho forih ''ooming conscription. Tho action under tho law will b fust to return to tho army all absentees and deserters ; second, the 'draft will bo made, first in thoc States and diatriats whith have failed to luruinh their quota nudes culls heretofore sadej 'third, such of thu States and districts which have funiMieil more linn their proportions of volunteers heretofore called 'for, will be credited with such success, and 'no draft will probably be ordered in such 'States until the number of troopi fuininh 'cd by the several States shall have bicn Equalized by drafts in those States whirl "a'ro behind. Tiijs 'OdriSciiU'UON. A Washington 'ili.'fp.itch to the New York Hen Id says ; 'TIhto is reaped believe that the ''execution of thu '!oiiri:Ji(iti act will lu 'indefinitely ,poS.poiif4l. li was adopted liis-ti'luttMuro'ofi precaution to meet omer 'rfJijiJi. Tim "'Opiiiioii !h'as been openly cxp'tWaed, by 'tho 'highest authorities ol 'tlic Government, llr't tlio inniks Already in tho field aro amp'y MiHVclunt, and that nl! ih.it will be iicoestiry Will 'bo to fill up Jtbe depltled rcg.uR'ntsibyrci'riii tg." 1'ho Patt iat)i9x of 't)Jio iiour. 'Gen lC.M"rbii'lultJSnfre ifh'TW.-day, (having made :fu amic.iblb -.ii'ni'ogciiient 'with tlie'friamta of (iov. I'lir'iu 'ftir a di. ttribUtib'n of offices U ii'! er the Conscription Act. Tho Governor 'i?' lo re 'e ve a South Amciican uii-ioii, mid one of Gun.' ('auie 'ron's friend is to 'be iioiuinati d n the tUnion candidate for '!ov('ruur of Ponii nylvinin. coinUiuintr'thc frii'uds of the two elillemen. ll.iU'nol tho fi'iuliils of Gov. ( Mir.tin cou-ii'nted to 'thN argument, Gen 'C'alliL'ranHi Ifrunirs would have accepted fproposals from 'tho People's paity, as they arc detcrmilicd to pfovent the election o! John Covoile." Thu abovo paragraph'; from the Wash 'ingtou correspondence of a Sunday jiurn 'nl, published in this city yest. rday. Mere wc have a simple tory, plainly lold. '.Scratirbfiiig foi o'lico and wrangling for 'place aro now occupying the time ofth" "''unconditional loyalists," iimtuad of cf forts to bring lbaek pcaOc to our unhappy 'uod distracted country. When the nation "ii -writhing in the agomm of a revolution 'brought on by the crimes of these mad 'fanatics, they coldly turn away from its 'great sufferings, and trade with e;-.ch other the offices which they created for themselves during tho last Congress. 'General Cameron and Governor Cuitin havo hado an umicuLlc distribution of tho offices uudcr the Conscription Act. Governor Curtin is to rccoivo a foreign mission, and olio of General Cameron's friends is to receive the Abolition uotniu.v . tion for Governor I Wanted a Ciiicrlieal ! Tho hour has come, but where is the man ! Where is the Democrat with the touragc, the prestige, the manhood, to rise with tho dignity of this occasion, and drive tho tHaves null the money changers from tho temple of tho Democracy J This is an hour full of precious fame. This is a time that may bocoino immortality to the eorragcous anO. virtuous leader. Wo cau pcak for thu niatscs of the Democratic party. They only ak sonic one to give ttho inspiration to bo their leader and their friend. This is the duty of tho hour. Wo trust that Providcuce will give us tho mat). limey's 'rcis, 27tlt inst. Well has It been said that the "Ho publics nro ungrcatful," After all, it turns out that Van Uuren, llrady, Dickin son, Brewster, Ncndiick li Wright, and even the Silver Trumpet, Dougherty, aro nono of them tho man. Hold up your heads', Copperheads, you aro appreciated at last. Tho reigning dynasty feels tho want of you, the greenback demoorats they havo got thus far avo uot tho puro copper ; thoy have, on trial, turned out to bo iiiuss merely sounding br.iss. Let us givo thanks, tho powers that be want us. Well, they'll got us alter a Jiilo ! rSTTlio bark of a willow tree, burned to ashos, and mixed with strong vinegar, applied to tho parts, will romovo all warts, porns, or excrescence of any kind, J MJXJ LI A At MIX U At ll.l l 1 111 II 1 trJ7The Commcrdnl Ollrco " III bn cnniluclcit ly the i'llnrlpnl, I), W- l.oucll, nhu tnkm tlio t'ortii ijly (r tiitiilng M liiiifty tlmiikg In the pulilic fur tliclr lllilitnl jiiitfniinpi' In ttlolntc lflnM il mi lliv limltulliiii. ninl IniiHf llit I r nllculoii to llic liniriiv mc n In tooh tu be llilidiliici il llilollic ftvftnl ilimil iiMinta, I). IV. I,ni.. ninot.UTinM.or PRTfirli inf. tt III lip urn liy n notice In cur column Hint .Mnwoll k W'nrner liuve itlticlvi'il mrlncrlill In tlin (.'oimuptcIuI Cullcct" Mr Lowell cull II mien tu comlilct tills nscelluiit nml flourinliiuir Ittnti tilt Ion. nml Is lllgfny iinlillcil fur I he talk. Our !nialuea.i t IntluiH Willi film linvo iilny liei'iloflllo litnul pU'n nilt nml niillnriirtiitj' rlinniitcr. ninl we cntllritil lllni (itiil I'M (.'nllcfin In the cunlluiicii inullilcnco nml imlruhnji! uf tlw Inilillc. lllngknmton lo NkKvoih Si-m.mmt or iimn fun-A rrVrMnl KcnUciiicii ImivImk licll rrrtoreil to linillli In n feu dnyn, niter iinilcrtuln); nil tlio iiunl rinillnu mnl If rrfr Ular expensive moili'i or trrnttnent wlllimit i-urcei.., cmnliler; It lilt mcrtil iluly tu roniiiiunlciitu In lil.i nlllli toil fullmv cri'iitnrc Ilio iiieaim of elite. Heuru, on tlio receipt of mi nililreeil nuelniiu lie ulll semi froo n copy of tin prencrlptlim iiumI, lllri'it Iii tilt. JOII.V .M. l)AQ,NAlit.i iMi 1'ulloii trcct, Itrouklyn. Neu-Vork- .M.ircli N. Cinl.IitUN ouu iinirli of tliclr lrkni' In ro!.l. No matter where Ilia illii'.no tuny iippenr In he unt.-il, Wii orliflu nuiy he Irnceil In Kiippremil pi'mplmtlon, or n ' cold, C'rnnip nml linn! I'oiiipliilntu urn illrei I proilnilK 1 of colli. In short inlils nru the h.irhliiiii.rs ol liall'llie illscnses Unit millet Immunity, for us tin y lire i.iiisimI 1 liy ihcckcil persplmllon, mnl us livc.olKhlln of the wnstc iimlter of thu hoily e.rnpes lliroiuli the pores, If ' those pores mo cloaeil, that propiutlon of iliin.eii necessarily follows. Keep clinr, therelore, of coMs mnl cniioln, the urent recursnri of illstii.e. or If cole I tructeil.lirenk Iheiu up iuiiueill.iti'lv, hv n timely u-u of MAIIAJli: I'dUTI'.lfS I-'I.IIA'I IVi: ilAl.jtA.M. Mohl by nil llrui.';:lsts, lit IS cents nml M-i ceul (er bottle, March II, isiia. 'pODONSU.MITlVr.-'.-Tli.inilMrtin'l li.ivlns been : X restoreil to health In ,t few uieln, by n very simple ( remeily, aftvr lnviig suflereil several years with a s veru img alleitlon, anil that ilreml iIIvhi..., cniiviiiiip. tion- is nnloii tn make known to liU rttliMV-KiiIIVrerij ' llic means ol cure. 'I'n nl I who ileniru it, lie will seinl rnpv of the pre. srriptlon used, free of ch.irgv! Willi Hi.' iilretllons for preparlnit anil ulii the same, wIiIlIi Ihey will llnil u sure euru for tonsuniplion, asthma, brum hltM, fcc Tile only object of the uilverll.er lu seinlliiK the pre scrlplloti Is to beuetU the alllli leil. im.l spreail infiiriua. tion which ho conceives tube lut.iluable mi.l lie hopes every snll'eref will try hi' remedy, as II w el inst 1'join nothiiii;, nud utav prove a bh,4.iu''. lli v. UDWAltll A. Wll.aoN, WIIILiiiKlmriili, March 14, Ieu3-:im. Kings Count-, ,ew ork, Unlformllyt'lFrlccs ! A New lViiliirn In Ihis-iiiess llvefy oile his own cA.tl en iii-s it t JO.VIIH t I'O, of Iho (JresenlOiU'l'ilre Uluthiiig e'lnre, No. '.Ml M.irketstrcct nbnvu Sitlh, l'lill.ideldiia, III .nl lillun In having Ilio larsot, uin.t vailed and f.KhloiiabU slock of Clolhing lu I'lnladelphia. mmluo pressly lor retail snlcs, h.ivu couslitnieil every one his own saleioau. by haling marked lu lliures, mi enoli aiticluat the very low '.'si juice u c.m be ml. I f, t roth, y caii.iot pnlily Vii ry ..-ill must buy alike, 'I lie iroo.ls are well spooled au.i m i'..ir.' ! :ui I great pains taken with tint ui. iking so tli.it nil can liny Willi the full n.nir.iura ol getting n good ml ii I al the iery lowest price. Also, a large aim k r.f pp-re gooils on ll'in'd of the late'l style and best qualities, w hli'h w I Ibouuide to onbT, lu Ihu iiui.l f.i-liMiialile mid b ti manlier, '.'.i ier cent, below' credit firires, Iteiiieiuliur the Crescent, In Maiket abnve Klttll street No "Jill. JUM.rf ,t t,'l). BB'CK! BRICK!! BIUCK!!! Good Krick, ju.t maunfacturo .ii.i r..p .ni i,...r. l,,ii.....i . .. - i MK. Ult l.I.IMI!?lllir 1)111 Ii 1 iiril, pply the cuscrilnjr. Miller's Slorc. FHES:i Till. RIVAL or Suiiiincr Till) fill)., rib t has ju.t tet.irlted floiu l lie tin with miotlier large ami m Ii'i t iisi-i lluiet of purchased at riiilailelplila, al the limesl llgiire, and hii Ii lhy are dileriuiued Ids II on il n!ili!entr l.fnis as imi be procured elsewhere In lllooiuhitig. Iih stm k i omprHes LWir.v Diii.ns noons. (filmic t ktilesaud latest f,illloli, j)HY aouns, .ia'i) (Uwi r.iiir.fii n ntnir nr. (jl'r.i .'-n.iitn. cr.D.m mini:, ii(i,i.nr mun 1H0X. .V.7., HOOTS .y zllOf.3 MATS ,y C.1VS, ifcr , .Vr , .Jr., In nlmrt ever) thing usually kept In inuutry Inres oubi'li he ini ite Hie publi - gu. o rally The Highest pri'e paid lor i ountry pfo4ure. S 11. MiLLHlt. laneiiifburg, Apiil ", l.-lj:l. " E S T ll A V. f 4MB iiitu lh eiiiln.-iire of the I'ildi flgiied hi Pish, v iiii rei k low uhip. no 'j'i...il'i t'te Tl h tiny of Afiril large III, ii k mare w nil a star on' tlie Imeand small w lute trlpe rutin lug dow u toward III., end id' tl" nn.r ii ii il a miiuII w bite .pni on the undid lip, Hie is almiit IJ or 14 e ns old. The own.. r is ri .pu rted in mine and proi. property pa) clumed and lake her uwa) or sli: will lu i!iioseil ot'meori.liig to law . oiiiiiiiiil Ki:i.i,t;i:. April i. i."i;;i.-:iw i u flOOD TKAMSTMH. Will pay Sin ll per oinnlli and board. Applj at Maiuei ille 1'erge Uolumbi.i county, l'.i. J. I!. JAMK.SOV. April '.'J, le(',:i.- 3 iv .? on. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTI' H. EbUiic of Licdtci Young, tlrcai.wf. 1 nT'l'llltS of AiliiiiuUtralinii on Hit. H-tate of I lid. w ig Voitug late of .MudiM-m tup Columbia en tlf t I. hive been granted by the Hi gtsi. r ol I ol, m to I e i rights, who resides in ilemlotk touhip, ami Abraham Young w ho reMile j t mii-I MatiNiot town shin. All person having ilanus n.'iihist Hie Chtntt of the tlet-eiiileiilure re.'itiestetl to fire sent th.-ni for n't tieoieut, attil all tlloo ilidtbtii tn ihlil.e pajuiint without delay I.IIVI Wllltitl'I'S, AI.ICS II AM Vol'.Mi, April ii.7, h-('.:i. f.w $'. Wl l-'KESII ARRIVAL or New Millinery Goods. r hu HHilmltfHi'd rriju'c fully iiniintinrc In llic i ili.m 1 of HltHiiHr'Uurg iind irimiy llinl hu has jut-l iu crivud JVtJtit (In,1 ctii'tt ra tilii-H Iter j SPllhVU JIN I) SUMMER T AS all of whlcli she is prepur"! toi'inke nml sell at a very reasonably low I'.gure, Her ns ment of L'ootls are a little sunerlor in noitit durabilitv as well as l.-istetulni ti. an ouv otf. nted ill this surliou. She teliirus thanks for Hie lib oral pat rnnai'u she has received and respectfully u Ileus a coiiiinuauru ui tue same. .MAKV HAItKl.liy. lllnomburg, April i'J, If HI, :it - ADMIN 1ST R ATOR 'S N OTIC IC. Estate of William llh one tlcccusnl. "V'-nlice is hereby given that letrrs of nilinin jsir.-itlmi i ' on tho eslitte of Win . Illinne, late of lleutou tw p., Columbia couniy, deceased, tunc been -auled be tho Itegisu-I- of said county, to the undersigned, who re sides iu said lleiilou township Columbia r, All per. sous having laims or demands against the estate of the decendeul are reipi1ed 10 present Ihem lor siille lilertt, and those iudebtcdto make p.i incut wilhout do lay. Wm. Al'l'I.I .MAN'. Adm'r. .M.nrrli 2J. IJB3.--lw SJ. Public Sale i OF VALUABLE ItEAL ESTATE. Tho undorsignnd, Exocutow of the last will Uc. uf Jacob lliddle late of Autlnny township futour C'sunly, dcc'il, will sell al publir vendue, 1 11 n proiuices, on .Monday the l.t day 1 f June, lfisy, 1(1 o'c lock in Ihu forenoon. All Ibal lerlalli mess c, nnd tract of land situate iu Anthony towii.lnp, .Montour county, adjoining lauds of 'J'hns, Can y, W, It lliirn. James .McVirkcr, nud nlher lands belougin.l tn the estate of Jneoh lliddle derinsed. rnutuliiing nbout 'JOll acres nf land about 1711 whirh is denied laud mid :10 acres of limber laud, On whlih ate, A FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, friunn bam, and out bultdinge, Willi a good nppla ur chard. ALSO, On Tuesday Ihe 2d day of June, If 01, on Ihu pretuis. rs nil Hint certain met of land situate 111 .Madl tup Columbia county, mlloiuiug lauds of Mary U ub. r. Jt cob Mills. John Smith nud others, cntaiiilng 11.11 nrres nbout 113 ncreii of which is ilcared laud and liactd of timber laud, 11 hereon lira creeled a PRAME DWELLING HOUSE, Triune, barn nnd outbuildings. There, is nUn nn tho I premises a good apple orchard. Late, thu estate nl Ja cob lliddlo dec'H , , I SalotncDiuineiicontlO o'clock in Ilio, forenoon when tetms o'dlu will bo ouolo known by JACKSON IIIDDI.i:, I i-.0.uto,k Wll.Lt.Ul McUKlUH, I L"kl0,k I April KMiOX-t Spring &y Mh M.J.i VUV ,a& rg, 't $ M i New r&ds, l'Olt JOVHItV BODY. Tltimis ca sit oil prod ban. Just come joO nml W Krenuier's Rlnre, In Jersey, town, I'n. wllcto you wl'Jilinl nil lilidli of Dry Uoods t tilth nj Iiiidicfl Dress Goods, Prints, , Mtlslins, ri .t .i. t uiiignauu, I'litniiDls, lloisory, Shawls Ac, (rocpiies. (inccn.'iwitrb', llardwafu Ccdarwaro', 'J'ifi ware, And Driij3. Ush, Meat, Salt, Flour, Tobacco Regius, Hats, Cap?, Boots, & Shoes, IKON AND NAILS. In short, everything that Is generally kept Inn conn I iy store. Wu will sill you Knoils nl fair prices and take nil Minis oi prociure as pay-siirh as duller, Units, tlinln, l.utnbrr. Shinnies, Oak pl.mk.nnil In fnit mi) thing llnil liny binlyilse will buy mnl sell as cheap as can bu sold In the louiitry. Wu will nut bo undersold by Jew or liU..tllos, Come then ono and all, judge for your selves. Bring your trade, but don't ak for trust Jerseytmvn, May 2, leOI. llECKU'TS FOB APBU,, to tim: COLSJillBBaA WKiTBOCStAT. :o: The following payments have been m-.-de to tho Columbia Ikmoc id office, during tho month of April i T J Thornlou, S3U 11(1 list Nunc IVnjner. t.'O 47 Ilcv. 3, I'. Wmiipnle. I (HI I). It Appleiuan, lien Keller. a III! Wm. .Meusiuier. y ,iu; l mi n 7.7 1 7.7 1 7.1 I 7n I ll.iiikof ll.inv il 13 1 Jmoll lless, I II W Creasy A. co, I Louts rnliiiilger, I'lnlip Kistler, , J a I i.ius. to ) Isaac Yelter ' I'llell ft hug. 5 HO , :i cTv 18 on, l ."i :i (in . 1 w . fin ! Capt John (irnver Jidiu Mill, tr, I tn. I. Krlchuer. D W Armstrong Wm.'llllev Val. Wlnler.leen David Miller Ihu I.niibucll, "'aiuni I II Vnrks l.awrciico Waters Julin iirown, r II J lleeder, llso Na.ic Mcllrlde Ki'.sli-ll I - III n 1 1: iy , Aaruti Smith Itrv John riiitlnii Wm I1 .Mcllrldu S TKeli liner I'.ll ICiiihen I .In 1 All no '.' on !! I Id l mi 1 mi J en a en C (III I (III 1 (III ."II 1 i m 0 II' I 1 nil l n.i 4 .111 :i on mi mi ' .1 II I'.ilton. A At. J dm llirtuu (lli'inloik' lid Jn.itdi llagerinau, 1 A l emitn, r II White, lis... Jnhll Plllllt., Ill li.ir.l I'luuimer, II. n I. llltupi it, Julin (i JaDdiy; l.eu I'ettUrniau, IMi ol'd'eo tftlll!, Dull I Mine (' pi J. dm lliiuibny Ii v C'H, 1 1 r. II ll lieloog, ! Jlli'iih M (iittou', .5 ,Kl I mi i :s i i. n I T.) (ID J IK) '.' Oil I 75) Miss .Mary Ihrklcy a linf I'liiui-ri filler a I (I Sainted Kvcrett I 7.V i: J Mclleiiri J i h ii ii llriuk. Almas Cole INq. .Mrs. Sarah tjole, Joseph O lless , Samuel Hogart. M Uil i Daniel U'rlliver, 5 nil I llr T J AuMier. I 75 Al i Ier k -w nher, I ' Wm II Wellii er. II nil C Kr aini'r I 7" , John I'rult, Jr 1 Win Snyder, I Oil luiil'd Shuuiau I 7.1 Aaron lleuih'rlmi, e nil 1 II. II, Anion j .111 llnil den D Jackson 1 .111 Hon. John C I'.llii ,vi ' (led II HllHl.lllll. .".II .1 WooiU llro'.vu 1 7.'i a in l on Joshua ti. Il"ss i;s). II n ry lles(Siigaro.if;.1 I'eter lless llsq Wm .1 lless .-anniel lless, .1 S ll ss V.. kn I i 'oil' lillhert (less Win Kile 'J II 1 411 (7 I f H III! 1 117 "ill ,1 I'll I 7.1 S It Kline, I II 1' I'.'lill "I J .1 Stiles l. 7 7.1 linn sfd Asin l.itloii -J 00 lln.'li di.C,Mliln 'J .'.1 tilt Il.tr Noil's Aill, lltMKe, I (III i: ii Snider, a mi II l.arbli 'J ill II ('Mills :m III till -il llaniu.'lll. 1 7.1 Hani 'I W. lliv r, I ll Daniel . K,-ii,l ' I II. Il-l of Audi' w III tlllle I 7.1 Saniil.d T K".t Inn r, 1 .1(1 l-aie K Dlldlim 1 I'd i " M. I ho.iMmou ' J ll.-il.uk, ' J II Hoik A. C Itaiuey " I) A Klin.-, '' II (Iraluioi, ' III!, Hv ' II IV St. in. tll,.jh..r i', uier Dr V l'i iininer, I'.- er li.i.iin.., i bf .1. h. I.'eo lli.'leiu.iu. I'SilUoll. .111 .In .10 SI (III oil .".ll .11) ,11 1 .'ill S mi .in : mi 1 .In C-su'-Ou" di.-tant fttl'.sel'ibcis will greatly oblige us by r cmi tt i n lt their sub cr:ntinn through the iiuils. THE Philiuiclpliiii Inquirer Do ibk .Sliiil, lo.l;, C' lamns, Pttli.l.snri ccinj illuming (ccct, .Vi'f.,) bij W H,. I AM W. llAUDIMi, No. South Tl.iiid St., riiila. Tin- rciil itw.pnjicr t)i Plislac! 'IplDa. q- III; tr) ing limes uf the nation's In -ttiry in whith 1 we die. render thelite n -paper, an iiiilispeii hlble liec-'sltv tn ev.-ry man. w bu wtnlhl keefi bint sell well iiil'.ir i ol the important events which me dully trau-piritlg. To lurni-h a paper w I ieh will met t the Jii-tep...ati'tn-. of the puplic lu such a tiine in. th pr-'sent, u .purei.au aiitouut ol lalmr anil of e traordin ary expi'iiM; of w hu h tile t'oniiunnit) at large halt oaception. Tile uibli-h.'r ol Hi" I'lnlnpel- ihta lii'piirer h. i-spared no iiiimey or ell'orts lo tii.tk. it nil it toul.l be made. Ibieer improuug .tun rtri'Uglheiiing Hie Iiotue loree tltiriiig Hie pai-t )' nr .el eial ol'tlie ben npnrters iind litter writer in Hi I'.tlllllrV hal e bet n sent tit a grt tit I lpelle, wltll tin Aim and i'av),au.l line fr lit l- giv 'it the public Hi - lir-t ami full' it ttiioutils l' trlegruph mol h m ill it luipnit.iiit event al Ille M'at tu'n.tr. What the I it .ptiri'i has iloae It, bill It rt earnest ol wll.tl Will In' lb II in ord.r toi(ie Its re.nl-r Hi ' carlie.t and Ii -t at counts of, ! 'iv evunl o I il tr.'si iunu,.U"d with Till) G HEAT HHUELLIUX, fl'id et tit ff-.ti" time ll iv II maintain its reputalimi n. Hi -ha I grm-ral New -i.ip.. m the conn ry. 'I'll iiii re.lM- in Hi ! circulation ol Hi - lii'i urenluring Hi lear i Hi - l"-t evi l.-uee of Hi et -tit to wbiili tin-1 ii til it rdy upon ii f.ir lite smi- if .he tl.ty lli liriulatiiiu has aier.igi-il fm ..-.ei.il 1111111111" p.-o-l Cvcr T ic Hi ti'littl mnl bix'ti 'lltOU.i- unit Coj'jiic; a week, or slMv Hiutis.ind a tin), Olid il lias during Hie i .-nr. in tunes i f 1 sell, nienl, lent hetl m er si-vent) 1)1. .11, .111, 1 a day-t.-t-liiig I'.e taiatil) of our fa-l tres etoiht utiiiosl liii-upplylh" ileniaud. Ily lite me id theuewlv invenleil ryr t-01 1 f Sterot) Hllg - Ihe 1)1'" I s used wilii thci-.imceilYit as if lh )' were new eiery tlai'. The In-ptlrtV i liiihie-Udi tit in to'Itlrs. V, rices ai wiin 11 tn run-lie ipnia iu-itirer f -i,-i, l ifllel'nl carrlersevervw Ii re or " t't I')' mall twelve nl.iaweek, and -nld Ii)' all News .tgems. Daily Paper . ilh Is lor mo mtn. ia)(tlde iu at.Miuce Daily pap r, l fir tun months, lu J Ivauce. .M.i) IroJ. SAPON1FIER. 0 11 'OXCi:tTRATK l.YB, TIIK I'M ILY SOAP MAKER. 1 , , . 1 TlU'.publir ue eautinned ngainst Hie spurious art ic ..ri. .. -,,r iiMikliie soao. 4tc. lloW oll'ered lor sab'. Tim mile gcnuinu an i p.nienieu lyo is 111.11 ui.iur oj 11 n ivinisi Iv.iiii.i sail iiiauiil'iituiiug tuiup.iiiy, llieirtrudu inark i'nr 11 being "Saponiller or concentrated lyi 'Ihecreat success ol'lbis nitirle has led unprini ipaled patties 10 endeavorlo iniilal' it, 111 notation ol ine Company's pal-'Ut.. All mauiilat'lurers, bu)orstir sellers of thi spurious lyes, are In-riby untitled Hn't the company I1.1t u run ployed as llieir Atlornejs. Goorgc Ilfrding. l'q., of l'hi'a., and William Dakcwell, K-4 , of Pittsburg. Anil lint all niauuf.ictiirers, users or sellers of lye, in violation uf Hie riihts ofthu Ctuupany, will bo plus ocuU'd at once. THE SAPOiWiER, or concentrated lye, i for sale by cers nud Country Stores. all Druggist, f.'ru- TAKL NOTICE The t'nited t-liitcs Circuit Court, Western dl.lricl of I'eunsilvania. No. I of .May term, in loi.'J. in suit of' the Pinusjlvanin sail inaiiufai luring company, vs. Tbos. (i, Chase decreed tn Hie Cm pauy nn November l.'i, lelij, the lixcluslic right grained by a patent nu ml by tlieni for Iho Saiinniller Patent dated Uclnbcr '.'I. leili. Perpetual injunction awarded. THE PENNSYLVANIA SiiELtf" KlATJlDfF'AtyiiVjyjtG so V 15 S: Vi7 AValnut Street, Philadelpliiii, Pitt St. ami Duqtiensc Way, Pittsburg. May 2, ISrci,-3ni. NOTICE. A merlin ofth Stockholders of Hie llloonuhurg A Iron riunpaiiy will be livnl.it their olllce at Iron Hale, nn Wediesdav, .May olliccis ani otlicr business. ton Uulc, May '.', Iced, lH.3, for the slecliou of C It. PA.VION 'ruiiiiul. r.ORItATS, Midi, ROAflir.H, ANTS. I'I'.I) llljll-. JIO'J'IIU M I'CUrt WtlOI.I.UNH, A.c. I.NNlXTd ON i'l.AN'M 1'OWI.!?, ANIMALS hz, Vitt up in air. .V)c, mid 91 nil llnxes hollie' (ml Masks, S.I nud ?i sir.es for Hotels, Public liKtitnti ms, Ut, "Hilly infallllde rciuedles klinvii' ' "t'tt'l! Iretu poisons," "Not ilnngctous tu the huuiall f illy," "lints cbiue outoftllcil lloloj til .lit)." 0.,-' Bold w holesnlo III nil largo cllk-J, ll y Solil by nil Druggisl nml lletaileis 1 1 .rywllelo. .! 7 I II llewnre I II " of nil worlhloss I in II n.uu- , f.y Hn that "Cnslnr's" iiainu Is nn each . . Ilottlo, it. 1 lask, before you buy 07 Address llllNIiy It, l.'OSTAit, C7" rrlnrlpnl Depot H2 llroatlw iy, N. V. U Sold by tlVLIt k .MUVLlt, Wholis..lj ami He tall Agents, lllooiuiburg, l'.i, .May 'J, lP(ir)-3ni. TtfTf AND COMMISSION MEHCIIANT, In Bloomiiburg, 'a. Mill at rht'lptvllle, Sullivan couniy, I'a. Ala 'J, Idia.-Sni. First Great Arrival. prniNfi coons iv oaANtiuvn.i.i:, The iimlcrslgtied, has, lust renlenlslietl Flore 1 1 . tl - e in Orangcvillo, with a well-suleiletl iKssrolmeiit of SPRING k SUMMEll O0OI S. Couitlng In pall ofClollts, Silk", Mnllns, l.'assl niere.tiliighaiiis, Calinies, Shawls. Ilii.lcrl..., Carpels and Linus' I'tst v Dkisi C. generally, from I'Jl tu 7,lLtsmnl Prints from IJ( to'.'.ict, KiiADY MAD 111 0L0TlTliTG. Dais, Hoots: Slioea-.MmkerLlI, Molass'-s, Sugar k Salt. anOCEIUES GENERALLY. With all other nrtlle. iimal'v kept iu eo.intr)' rftorus, to w hit Ii lie Invites llieeaily altenlioii of old anil new t'iitiiinrrs. Having been tit the ( 'Itv In the right time huiigbt tew ami paid cash he ill b nbb to compete Willi the he. t, nml si-It for small prollls and prompt pay. His friend nru luiiled I. pop iu and see I'm sights. tt .M riiir.. tin geviiie, Mm- 2. lra -a.u W A. NT KD- r,:l)-i nn (innsniNGLHs. (eet of It MVJVV I tber of all snii.onn I. ki nls for w'.'lrh the higli-s t market prices will be paid in exchange Mr good. i; At W KliJJA.MiUl Jers .ytow u, .May 1 1 c,:t. New Clothing Store. LATEST SYLES 0AEAP GOODS I HI', uiiili-rtlgtii'd repfi tfully Informs lit- friends I ami Hie public generally, Hint In has Just teieivcd from III' I'.ast -ru fillet. . i lare assuttutt lit of in AND SUMMER CLOTlUSa. l'r'--h from th i seat of fahn jf nil suits, si, an I iK.i IU'". which w ill bu sold clkap lor tash or upptin -eil prnducc, v.viti k caps Mini') & siiui'.e. 'I'ligi'llfr with a varii ty of notions and tiling's to" troiibliMiuu. to euiiuo-r.it1, to w hirh he iuiltis the at tention of pun h.isers. Call and i xauiiue. A J I'.VAVS. l:iiiiinlnirg. May i, I -(SI. AD.M INISTllATOl'.S' NOTICE. J si.ntr nf Unrriu Vnimt, deceased. I ETTE'tS oi' iidiiiiiiisirntioii on the 1 j i:lat of llarri t Voiinl. late of Pun: tow ii-Iiiii. t Coluiubi. i county, deceased, luv- h-en granted by Hie iti-gi Ier of ibduiobia rouoly lu the undersigned ! all i.-rnns li.n iug i laims a.iiu-t the c.titeof Ihe ileru. lent ar re.pie-teil to present lli"iu tnthi! adiuiui-tialor it his rei. lem-.i iu aid IniMislnp, w'lth ml delay, and ill piTsni-.s jndi bted to in ik" pal ment forthw ith, llllt .M SIICI.T., Adin'r. March II. 1.-C..I i'.iv AG It IUUL1T lt. L SOOIh; l'Y NOTICE Pill! eleitioll oflllllei rsoflhe Columbia lOlllily As- J ricnliur.il n n ty lull lalv l.n .-atiirduy, .Mae lull. IriKI, nl Hi' Couri Hoiisi' in lllnn'osburg, (it J i'i lock P. ,M. Ileiob 'i nre ru.pu-st.'d In an -nil by order of tin- l'.X"( nine Cniinuittee. A AI.UHfttJ.V Secy. Apiil :: len.'l. ORANGE VILLK A' AD EM Y AND Pn.f. II. D. Walker A. tl.Vi ip.il. Th. next term nf tbi. luslituttou will loiiiiueuce on Wed.-iesday. April I .".I Ii. t-'iutieuts. di i 1 1 u - of being ailui'tleil lo i i thcr of Hie Normal Cla-ves -iiuulil be present mi 'Piles. lay at lil o'i luck fir nxamiuatinn Tuition Iriini SltoS'i per 'I'erni of II weeks, llnard iu gimii lanulle, $''ier ueek. (iiiuil lloiuus for students wishing to hoard th''iii. s di es I'or r.irlh T particular'' iii'iuire of Hi" Priniipal or of J S WOuliS, fj.-rt. of'l'ruslees, March I'l.:t KLI 1 1 OLDEN ,"i TVITIIS the attention of every v"7v J tins pain r. 11 llli ll ill! Illiles n render tlinus.i i- oi iiis inn patrons .'lllil fir mi. I i III ll l', l ll . . . . . . ' in iiiinrii.il iy large auu uaiitilul vnriity AMllltU'A.V nml I MPdlt'i'HI) iVATCIMM, Cl.(ll-Kr5 and elegani designs uf JKh HI.HV. tilver Ware, lie, KLI IIOLDKN. 708 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA .March 7. IHia- Uni SPKOIAL NOT1CK. OVanilnft' rJIH.V 1-t. IfW, Hie vrlvilego nf ff r 1 citing the prevent i-sue ol I. Ml .Al. 1 I.N 'I I NIITUrf INTO Till'. NATIONAL IT.lt t!l '.I I.OAV (coiomouly called rivi-Tiventles") ulll Mil ,l iiliimisli In invest in til i 1 lie Tiventy III' uiiirt, Iha'ifure, apply Ih'I'oio tlio 1st id Ju y 'mi xt. JA I OOlvli. filiiM rlillou Agi id. No, 11 IB THlltll St,, I'lnU'lclphh April 1 1. W'a- EXKCUTOlt'S NOTICE. Estate ol George State, dtcUl, i rrnjitrt Tctainenlnry on the estate or l.eorgfl tine, tale ot l.ncu-1 uiwubiimi, i onu ni"i"iji .i i i....... l..., i.rniLli.,1 he :ne l,e"lbiur oi i.ii" uinbia einiuly Inthe iiiider-igned al -o reMdiug in said lon'Uhli'PI all iicri-oiis haling claim-against Hie es tate of the deceiideut are requested to present them to Urn llxeeulur ut hu residence In said tuniisliip. with. mil delay and all pjrous indebted lo make payment rrllmUh' r.ANli:L Kl'IXI!. April II, IfKI-lts,?: r.xecutor. OAT TAWISSA Piail-l.oad COMPANY sui'KBIntkndc.nt's orrici:. Wllli.nui.iott, April Hi, 1-I13. On and after Momliiy, -jnih inst. 1'ss.eeger trains ..11, U ii tirrt ft. fnllutvs : I'liil.i, .Mull. Pass liupetl IU !17 nm. jim. .im. Arriiiug at I'liuu, ui Phiia l'.iiress Pass Uupert Arriving nl I'liil.i ut and nt New York at Niagara Hxpress. Pass P.upert arriving at Williamsiurt al I'.lmira .Mail piss Rupert arriving ut W ilii.iturpurt nt (.Siiued) Il..iTANLl!Y 12.5(1 1.51 0.4.1 pin, pm. iiii am. pm, l,l' 3,33 S.3-1 pin. UOOUWIN, A';t. imnaix- ix statioxeuv. 2 600fJi Wtf' t'em. 600.CO0 quires Wank book) 050,(100 F.urtlopc, Hiatus, Ink, Curium k Wrapping puper, Passbooks. LeadPuucils, liold-Pens, very line, richool books visiting l.'nrds, &e.. n large portion of which is slock purchased before Ihe rise iu prices and nnw si-lliug Ism- toll dash. Win. 0. PEHltY. llookscllcr&. rilalinner. S. H. cor. Ult, $ linen PhilatlttpMa. Marill ". leC3 3 inns. S.OOOHeams wrillnz Paper, including of note, Letter Tnol-cap, tterniou, Ulll, k Draw ing papers telling nt i.ow i-niiis for cnsli. Win. Ci. PEltltY, Stationary. B. W.cor llh.fc Itace Philadelphia. NOTICE. TvTll'I'ICi: is hereby given that application will be IN made tn Ilia Oovernur of Pennsylvania for n par. don for Jeremiah tlverdorf, of Iho couniy of Columbia, w ho was convicted in our Ouitit of Quarter Sessions of an assault Jtirt battery at September term, IfiW, J (i I'ltl'.LVUi.Alty.furOvcidorf Ulouiii.bui: . f I i I II. U'isJ, HON. 0. L. vaLl-Andigham's ittfcontf on Abollllnn, Slavery nnd (lie Civil Wm. 'pillh. WOIIK is In prcst nml w llf ?W W ready. It , ..,iii,iiIi.ii,-ii-,iii.i uLLiirutt i . ;i:ip oi nr. val l inillahitlll'S ntll.tio.tl sb'ccchcs, nil the .llblrrlk I, ...... named, AIo, parts of inahy "the spet rhi s, xvllh let. .cis, iiiiiintitis, voit-s, cic, i ue wttrK nat iie,-n curp, fully edited mid Is believed tn present, fnlrly mid mr, rettly, the political rerortl nh.l poslllbii uf niibtu wlmse . iu.n, in ii:iiiiijii in tiiu causes oi our national tronb les, mid the rlfthl feinedlcs rtjr.lhcm, nib ntlmtllug tin estrnurdlnntJ'niiiuu'iitorpublcritlcnlltiii, The work f on goo'd, sub'ataiitlul pupcf, SOii pages, largo Hvti. Price I'nnor envois, .tl) eao'lit rintli mini. tlin'len1111 hy "' CJI',!",' I''P"1'1' " receipt of '!" aelld nfdern: w llll lltk i,initl ,,.,,t..t Iiimbus, Ohio, mldressed to J, II. KII.V k CO., or tu eJliecttui 10 0 1 U,'l" A larB" II. 7" livery iioivsnntter Hint gives ihenbnt e ihn.n In. sefllous, aim this noUcn, nud sends luajketl eoiiieii ad dressed ..ix nw Columlus, Ohio," will retell u throe cojilesoft'rto wofR, rtpril I, lf(i:i -3iv Hon. Wilson McCandloss, Judge of the L'nltoil States , Circuit Court, President. Corner I'enn nnd Ft. Clair Ftreet, I'lTTSIIinttlll, I'A Tllli I.AIHillST, CIIAl'lIST AND IIIT. $35.00 pays fnrn fi'l Conuuerclal Course. TJ- Nn extr.i charges Tor Manufacturers, fttonhibnat, llalltnadand Hank llonk.Kei.plng, .Ministers' sons at hair nrii'i, sii,i.tnij ,...t... ....i view atany time. Tills liKtllutliui la con burled be ers nud prartirnl Accoiiiilants, who prepare joung men ....... a. iii.i ii-iisi expeo.eumi sllnrte.l line, for thu most lucrative uiid responsible lilii.itluus. Diplomas grntifd fnr merit only, Hence the uuitersal tnen r(i"C'! Sr"llll:"es of this college, by butiucss l'rof. A.COWLnV, the best Penman In thu t'nlon, who holds Urn Inmost number of first premiums, nnd . .... s, i, .lend rnpin uuMuess w riling, lor Slierilllelis Of l'.l0inlitili,. nn.l fi..l..tn ..... talntng full Infurtualloii.enilose twentv-ili n.m. i h . , , JI'I.VUIN.1" k SMITH, Principals. 11. Atleml wkr,. tin. sl.iia n.i.l ei. .t.. nr n... . . .. . . ..-.. un, ui lltSllll.'S Men and Hanker graduate. xprn leui-jy. Aln tra DLOOMSDUltG SKYI.IG UT, 'P'"5, jeisisned InforiiH the tlllilens of IHorui. JL aue ui' L' b lorbo'nil. Ih.-it I.,. I,-,. ...l... .i In the ..Uhanco llloik.eMeiidlugover .Messrs. Sumer it I ov s Itakery.und Ihu llookstore wliern In: has mil iu nlnrgeskyllf I. It Isonly by tfkvllghtthat goo.l i,c- ures ean ii.iti leu especially groups where eatli person an be lakenj ist ns well as separate. He has gun to loiulderable expense to make hs rt ablishmeiit nr8t o,i on-, and he Hi-rd'ore sulk It, berul palro ige to enable him, tn constantly Introduce the mode i linprovenieuts of the art, B"t'o'in ) produce taken iu llxihauge for plrtiires iir.xr.Y noriiiNSTocK. Illoom. burg. Nov. f.'l lfi'.i. fNov.B '4S IMPORTANT "N OtTc E to Tut: PATiioNrt or Tin: Joricnis hereby given, that thu sub i siriiitiou mid adverii.iti!. nrrnniila .Inn ,1,,. I...I. Iiher of the Sr i u oi- -in,: Noinii, are placed iu Hie haudsuf.Mrs. Win. II. Jacoby ofltinonisburg, fur imme diate eollecll m. 'I'lie H.lltnr of mill ,,,,,., in t drall.-d, mid obliged logo in war.it is necesnir) thai jirnmpt iayuieuls b.i m id" in orikrth.il bis family mav have means of support. Vour early ntientinn to ibis matter may save tints imj prole advanljgeous to his ' """J'- W.M. il. JACOIIV, , . , . , l'nb. Star of the Ver(A, JnnuarJ' 10, i.jr:i. NEW GIlOt'tiKY STOKU. Tito (inderslgned Inrorius Ills irleitds and tin! public generally. Hut he has upenud n New (.'rorery Mure nn Main Street central in lllnmusburg, where he has Jnl rereiveil all kinds of (lrocefie, Alolaases, y,,t Candies ami Notions geuerilll)', whkli will be .old verv c'li-ap lur ready pay. ' ALSO, A PtotNion Htore Is allatlled tn Hie s.ild evi.ii.lt. I. I'U'ilt, lu wltlrh w III (ilnayn bit kepta gnod supply of Chop, Trail, Corn and I'eed generally, to w hiih allcntion I-. I o 1 1 n n. Country Pfoduce taken In ctcllange for goods. , . , , , 1ILNJ. UKAt-.MUt!. Ilb.iomsllurg. Jail.. SI, 1S0.1, ill Donmsbur';, Columbia County, Pcnna, SLAS DODSON) I'roprielor. 'pakeplinsure in anuuiiniing lu the public thai he I hastakeu and thoroughly ri lilted thu l'urkx Hotel fcrmerly nciupiud by Hubert llageubuih. Ulor.msbiir'.', and is prepared tn accumodaU travellom, lemuslers, druvers and boarder-. II. s table will Ic: supplied w'lth best products Hie markets ntl'ord, ami his liar will bo constantly furnished w ith thu choicest lienors, -'A large mul eommoilioiis stable has I u ereitid, w ith a convenient stable attached. Atteutixe ostleis I will anvii) s lie matte nuance, mul ho trusts his obliging attention to customers w ill sucuruhiin a liberal share if patronage: llluoinchurg, l'.i. Nov.!!!). IfijJ. XSHAWfiE HOTEL, vubi.v iqu.utr., ii'ii.Kr.s-ii.utiu:, r.i. i cpuKiito'cr-igned, having taken ibis h cll-knne, u siand J (f.irinerlj' of .Major I'uterbuugh), resjiectfufly soli. its mo pairoua-rn ni ,ni. pumic. No oains ,p sua red iu any ofits deiiarliuents. tn render salW.utinu to all gifest. TheTAiSl.i: and Ihe IIAIt Milliiluays be supplied it ilh thu IIUST-Till! ,MAIll.i:i' AITUttDt!. "T fiiiiid .-'tabling for Horses and nlteutivo Ho-tb rs. The "1'ixchange" is eligibly situated on Ihe Public S'piare, mnl lias therefore inruliar advantages toper, vmis ut ten (1 1 ll s Court or doing business In Ihe public olRees. I'llarges moderate. N. II. W'nwiever you enmo to town, please call. II. J. YAl'I.i:. Wilkes-llarre. Nnv. 1.1. IHM! SKKD POTATOES KOll SALE. I HOPf bufhl'ls of CI HOC ItlCII ' seeding, UJJ comprising the follow ing varieties: ! ti ...... ........ . ...... .... . . ... . ' .tllarn cti.'liili, Cu.to, Central City, Cullao, and l'luk- " luuiyeoai Also 50 bushels of Early Junes. Price S3 nilp.'r bid. ilellveaed .it ilm I'lltstnn Ilejiot. i ue inn. iu couiaiu as many oi ine boris as you i house. r.ukages of eacli sort sent by mail tuist paid ut ?5 I (Is eaill. 1 .r-l.'nsh to acioiupauy nil ordera, reference, given , Ifde.lred. I'.' SL' l TeiN, Itatnom, I.U2. co l'a. April IS. IWl.-lin, STOVE AND TINMVAltE SHOP ' I -II 1 undersigned iinnld inform the liti.ens o I llloiuuburg and Meiuity, that lis liasjil-t rn JSr&V ClVt ll auu uurrs inr sail' one in no- oiosi i-Mi-osiro 'ti) assortments of ciililxlNiinuil r.x.M V H'l'ovr.: n er introduced Into this market. The Cliri-tnpher I'i uiuliii,, James linbbaud lllobe are among the llrst il.is looking Stoves.all ofwhlrh ate alr liglitaudgns biitnei Ills I'arlur .tnies are li.inil'iune and Ihe ussurtiueiit v( ried. ALSO -I'.irtienlar ntleillloii Is paid tn Tin-Wan nud lloiisu Hioutiug, iiinni ibort notice. All kinds of repairing w ill be done mill ucutuess and desjialcli. jO" Conulry iiroducu taken iu exi liange for work. I'llil.ir d. Muvmt. Illounitbiirg. May 10, ItG'.. 15 LANK DEEDS & MAIUUAGK OKU TIFICATKS. A superior lot of tho abovo articles, with all other kind of Dlanks, for salo at tho ollico of tbo Columbia Djinoorat. Win. D. DHADDUIIY'S P1J1NO-FOR TEE ST A 1IL1SUMEN T No. 4'27 Hroomo Street, Nnw YoitK. ' Tlu Mibscriln r reap elfully Invites His attention nf j Ills friends and the public generally to his I'iann 1'orlo i;i.l,ibtishmeut ut No. I.'T ilroame Btrcet, Conor of Crosby . tilreet. Hat ing ii itlidrawti his interest, fl'uk nnd material' frnnilhe lale llrm of "Lighte fc llradkburry." xx lilt ll tlrm was discolved outhnaisl January nil., and haling purchased Hie entire slink of 1'iaiio I'ortus nnd t'lano i'orte .Mateilal oiiiu-d by his brother, l!du ard l. i lir.ulburs , In Ihe said llriu, hu is now preparped to, supply the increased demand for his celebrated I'iann I t-'orles. Ilmploying ihu uio.i skilllul and expeileneed ( uuikuicn, mill u luruu stock til'tliu bust nud iuo.liho. ouglily seasoned material and nn abundance of capital hu lias taken iu hand ihu personal supervision ufllie the ivholubusiutss of iii.iuuui'tiiriughisiutliimf nt nnd is euuUled to turn out 1'lanu.rurtns of uncjualled tone and durableneas. 1IHAU1IUKV3 Nl'.W HCAL1'. PIANO 1'OKTI!. In Iho urrangcincntofiiur new scnle, drawn and pre pared with the utmost care, expressly fur our new instruments, we h.wonddwd every Improvement ivliich can iu any way tend tu Ihn pcrfcctiun of thu Piano I'orte, and wo can conlidcnlly nsseit. Hint fur delicacy of tuuih, volume, juirily. brilliaucy and sweetness of tuna, combined with tliat ilrenglli and solidily al Irauie necessary tu durability, these instruments nru uue- ,,nl..,l SxiiENnril inii llEttiv" is our motto, nnd xvo Invito the closest criticlfiu of Hie Iwsl unbiuscd judgis in the land- Uvcry instrument warranted fnr nvo years, VM II, IIKAIIIIUIIY IJ? llroomo til., mr, of CtuJby, New Yoik. Maii.i IL.ieuJ. -Uui mm mi! IF YOU WANT iOCUYYOUU Cheap Spring-. Goods, GO TO I'rrasj's Store, In LlglU StCtirf, Va. iU KiM 01 GOODS ! UALICOE, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, b'Ji ANNE liS", (JAIU'ETS, , IIOSIEUT, .SHAWLS, Rc(ly-jrfTo Clolhilig Sugars, Molasses, Nyrups, GofXces,' TcdS, Fish', Suit, Habdii, Hams, Laril) Tobacco, Strpar'.i,' lints, Doot", Cops, Shoes, Drug?, Oils, Paint?, Scc.jkc, In addition to our large stoi k of Drv tfoods. we have f large nud full assortment of Ite.nly .Made Clothing nor Hen and Hoys wear whlih He nre delermiued to sell rhe.ipnr linn can be bought clsw here. Call and see, midjudgfc for ) ourselves, ii. iv. i;ui;asy ic co. Light Street, .March 1. l?(i.1. LJ1UUE ARRIVAL OF N e w S ) r i Dg & S u in in cr AT I'ETElt ENT'S STOKE, .V l.Uiiiv si'nr.KT, cot.VMiihi cw.vn: t:i. HAS Jn-t received trnni Plillndelphl,!, Ami is now opening at the old stand lite y occupied by .MarU k lint, a spleildld nsBottuieiit of which "III be sold illeap lor CAf-'II OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills stoi kcousl.ls of Ladles Diets Hoods ihoiccstsl) les and latest I'a.llluns Calices, Mtf-lins, Giiiyhnns, Flannels, Carpets, .Shawls', Hosiery, Silks, HEADY 3IADE CLOTHING. Cas.-iineros, Satinets, Cottouailcs, Kuutucliy Jeann, Thread, Sos. Groceries, Qilccnswarc, Ceil arwaro, Harilwarc, Medicines. Drugi, Oils, Taints, Ac. I500TS & SHOES. ItAT k CAPS, In slmrt nrery thing usuntiy kept in a riuiiitrv store The patronage ofold frieuils, and tho publie'gencral. Iy, is retpeittully so iiited. Tlio lllfheit market price paid forcnuhtry produce. PIl'l'LIi IIN'P. Light Street, Murch 1, lfiiX EVERYBODY TIM', undersigned, grateful for pa ngr-, ic.per fiillv iuforiux hi" cu.ininers and lbtiubliegenerallv Ili.it hi' has ju. t receiieil frnin the Ilanterns cities largest and mot select stoik of Hi Spring and Summer, ti :T.YV'WV''yv i -si w - if.irw 0 ijci.jf" i;.'--.:- TIi.it has y.t been opened in I'.lniunrlmrg, to nbiih lr nil Hi s the attention of his friends, ami aures Hu m tlial they are oll'ered for sale lit great bilrgdlns. Ills Stock enmpri-es a large nsMirlmeut uf lll'.NTI.UMr.N'.S WIIAKIN'ri AI'l'.Mtr,!,, Join.ii.iing ot ''aiiiis Uit.r. Ditiss t'mrs, of every des crlilion; Pauls. Vettf, ,-iVlrtj, fraiats Sucks, t'olvsn lluiidkcrclilefs, dim es, Suspenders, tec. GOLD WATCHES a y ii JEWELKY. OfeVerydescrlpllun, line and cheap. K II ll,.,...,,t...r .. I .,.,.,...1.. ....... fU.nrtn t'.. callandsce. N-oibarseforexiroiiogltoods. , . ,,,.., "Avl" ''owl I!!, .mil .tier... Xljrih i. 1M! Mil Jj'.l' umaMss Horn riMIl! Proiirietorof this well. know n nnd centrally Iocs 1 toil House, tin llxuiivjiii: Hon:!., situate on Mai, Street, in lllnnuii-burg. inline stately pnui-ito thu ("iilnin bia Cniiuty Court llnue, respectfully informs his friends ninl ine punuc in general, inai ins House is now lu or , dtr for Ilm receiiloii uuileuterlalument .-flraiclers win. may I' el dirpni-eil lu favor it wttli their custom, He has spared no exiene iu prepaiiug tile HxiittMiR, for the i-ntertaiuinent of his gnosis, neither shall there be ane thing Hunting (ml Ills part) to minister tn their personal ruinturt. His liousy is spacious nnd enjoys an excellent husincs Incatinu. (iy Omnibuses run nt nil liises between Hie l!xilinnr lintel nnd Hie varinus It iil I'.o.nl Depots, by which truv elerr will be plcusautl) eunieyedlo and from Ihe re speiliie rt,ilions lu due tune lo meet Ihe Cars. W.M. II. UOONS. lllnonisburg, July 7, ISfO. I Tho Magic Timo Oliscrrer, Tin: PernicTiisi ok .Mfuunhm. Reiug a Un iting and Open face, or I tleiueii's Wntili Combined. idy's or (Jen One of the prcttii't, inui-t convenient, nnd decided Iy lite Ii ji.1 and cheapest timepiece far general nnd reliable use, ever oil-red. It bus w itliiu il and con iieciedwilh its m.irhluety, its own v hiding ait.nb nieul, leiiderlng a key entirely itnnecesf ury. Tlio cases of this Wall ll are cnuipused oftivo mi tats, the outer one liem 4 1I11.1 ilicarul gold, il lias tho iinpioi ed ruby action lei er movemeiit, and is warranted an accurate tliiieileie. Price, silpvibly engraved, per caso of a hilf do.en. SJUI.OO. Sample Watches, in neat luoroceo boxes, for those proposing to hu) si w liolesale, j:i,1, sent by express, with bill p.ijalilo on ilelivury. Soldiers must remit payment in advance, as wu can not cnllect from those 111 the Army. Address HUIIIIAHD IlltOrt. A. CO.,aSnlc lniinrti rs. Cor. Nas.au k John His, New ork. January 31, lSB3-fitv. :n o jK s r 7 a, a u ji t Priiitrr, liunkbinilcr & Kiiiikliooli M A NU FA C TU R E R; Wifot isti.c ami Kvr.tit. Dealer 11 PKINTINi:. Will I IN'. A.S.I WRAPPINtJ I'.M'Kllf AIIFST loll 'IIIK TATAW ISS V I'lI'lR MILLS. M.'liu Street, llrst door below llu Public Spiliire, WILKES1JA11UE, PA. Nov. S3, 1561 12m. CIGARS k TODACCO. Alnrgo assnrlnu'lit of tlioirc Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes' I'riilts, Coufertionery nnd Nuiious geiiFrully. togeth er w ilh n full slock of HATS and CAPS, constantly on baud nud for sale cheap, al the "lllooiusburg Hat U Cap Uinporluiu." , 1 JOHN K. CIUTON, Ilootiisburg, March 1(1, If CI. DISSOLUTION. Tim pnitner.hliiherrt-iforc cxisllug bcliveeii the 1111 tlersUned, in thu Mercantile business, ivns ills nix ed upon tim lit day of April. 113, by 1n11tu.1l consent. -All persons indebted In tho late tlrm. lire requested to make early srtllcuicut. The books are iu Ihu hands of V L. r.yer. n tlw bturc HU Mil. 1.1:1.. ' I' l IALK liljumsbur,', Apiil If. 1 o3.3m FRESH ARR 1 V A L C'JLtTMBIA MMOCKAT Later from tho Army 1 Wk learn (lint a DUpiitoli w'ns received" on Thur.'day, in Uloomsburg. to tlio effect, that oifr Arm) had returned to this side of liapjiahnnnock ? It is lmown that our brnvo nirn havo AtiiTcrud anotlicr slaughter and wo frar a disgraceful tlcfoalt. Wo ti wait file result! in bopo of our sons and fiiends-iib fearful anxielyr Arrost of Mr. VallandigTiam. Holi 0. L Yallandiqiiam was Tues day niornineraircfted in his house nt Day- ton, Ohio, by a detachment of foldiers stent up for that purpose front Giiicinati, and taken out of tho town, ntnid tho tollinc of church bells. Had Mr. YallnMtlin-hmn died hi his bed, nnd tlio Dells bad pcftlctl loriir a tiirgo or requitm m ctirnso was slowly conveyed to its final resting place, the solemnity of tho scene would not havo been as itnpres.-ivo as when the measured (read ofsoliTicr accompanied his body to military dungeon, to ba immured nlivo with thw corso of civil liberty. Tf Mr- f Yr-llandigliam has committed any oiTonso against the laws, there aro iu the Stato of Ohio several federal judges in tlio fall, plenary, and unobstructed exercise of llieir fuuetions, before whom sworn com. plaints could Lave been nmdc and a war rant prorurcd for his frrrest. There are good Democrats who would not be sorry to nee Mr. Vrtllandigbara tbo Demoeratic candidaic for governor of Ohio; but if he is lyintr in a covernincnt ba-tilu uext October, nothing but the tipprosion of free voting can prevent his triumphant election. N. 13 ",Ye learn tln. Mr. Yallandii;. ham is at the National Holed, in Wasbiur;. ton City, ufidcr a strong military guard, ami that lie utterly refuses to acknowlodgo the .minority of '.ho Lincoln Dcsp llsm,but demands a trial before the Civil authori ties of the State of Ohio. EST" Docs any one in his ordinary sonses suppose that tho vast heard of contractors, sutleis, government agents, tax collectors, and other officers, whoso purses arc grow ing fat of the war dojirc it to cease I Not one of them. The longer it continues,the better for their interests. Let the contest stop, and the occupation of most of them is gone. new Barber, shop lu lour l House Alley, I NEXT HOOR 10 THE OmCB Or TUB "COU'.MDtA DEMOCRAT," 1) LOOMSB URO M. A'olembef P. im. DISSOLUTION. Tit- rn pirtn-r-hip beietofore flitting between II, w- Lowell nud A. J. Wainer. under the name of "Low. ell k Warner," of the llinghaiuton Commercial CollcgB una dissolicd oi the Sill day uf January, lrll.1. , , , I'. W. LOWELL. Ilingluinlml April .1, l?(ia-dit, JAMES H. SMITH, iMroin-FM .1x1) iriwi.t:&.ir.r. ir.ii.KD J3IIANDIKS, WINKS, WHISKEYS, uiNS. ani) i.Kiuoits, (i'i;.vi;hai.i, v. Xo. ,TJj IValnul Sis , between 3d ij- 4th rillLADHLI'HlA C. II. IICNKV, Trax'fling Agent and Salssnian. ID On limit IfFsrii ficLLY SuiaciriD. Not smber Si, IBs2. J-. CIltTON'S CHi-AP HAT STORE r"lll! iludersijueil haling b..ught out the (,'roccry n I Hal id Mroiiu, has teumved his Hat and Cap Stora U to Stroup's old stand. ulire iu additiuu lo s supe rior assortment of Winter Hats and Caps Couiiriing ever) t. -dee ami .pinlity, xx lilcli xx ill he sold at unitMially nx! juices, he will cuutmuc tho (iro. eery unit Notion husiucsi as carried 011 by .Mr. .Mroup, Also line lot of Kills. MOKOi.'KO.Sand Ltsixas In xx tilth lie lilt ites thent ention of Shoemakers and till public JOHN It rJIUTOtf. llloomsburg. April 11. 181 3 j. p. ivm. 1. , moveii New Drug Store, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. 'Pill! underMgued would inforie their friends nnd iho 1 piildic generally lli.it Ibex have laken the stand for incrly occupied by lieu Al. Hngcubiidi, iu the Lxchangu ll'iililing, nil .Mam slreet, In llluonii.burr. where he has ju-t receiveu a full supply of L:titii.', iVu , Who It will hi sold 1111 inodiinte ti-rnn. fnr leadj' in)' Also, NOTIONB g.-iierally, of etery varkly, sort an si'.". I'liyfieitntK' tirrsrriptltxlsi carefully compounded, at all limes and nn hnrt uutice. H.f Conf .rtioueiy of the heat selections, nnd r-'odn Water iu season. A share uf lllo public rotoni is ictpttlfiilly 10. unit; tit I!YI:k & MOYKIt. ninonisbnrg. Apnl II, IFl'i.l. Exchanfto IJolcl, I mi: COL, K. B, JON'IS.J No. 77 Dogk Street, nest door to tbo Po.t ODicc, Philadelphia. (pji.s well known establi.hniciil m.i) ttt-( I na Its Ushiil I cob billy, and its well knnw 11 ripuiatlen ei bi.ni 2 Ihe be.t HOTEL ON THE EUKOPEAN PLAN Shall lei siislaineil. liooni. mav be had at all hours r night, 37 cents ; per week, S'J All, per month, 51&. Thu ll.irniul r.aiiug Depiitmenis are furnished wltr Ihe best nl everything Hie market tan produce. (SAaMK, PllUIT, VEGETABLES, and delicacic of every 1 lime may be had at a momo I notice. Meals al I J cents and upu arils, and inky be had from 5 A. M. till l.'aluigbl, lieiitloinen mav re.t as.nrrd thai no xpeusii will tn spared to render tills Utcl a model one J. OTTENK111K. Pionr. Mnrrh 7. ieH3-3in, " WAffitlit'T BaJTUffi, LIGHT STKEKT, Columbia county, Pr rplll! iiuderlgned bus Incated nt Ille abnvri narrrit I hotel, formerly occupied by Peter Schug, and tlio Its n share of public patronage, 0 y" lluoil accniuinodatious for man and beast, Ti-C best kind of honors ut the bar. J. D. IIICI!, Proprietor Apiil 11, U63 ELINDS ANU 'SIIJIDE' ) n J. WILLI AM3. Nn. Ill Ninth flxth street, Pltila I 1 ilelphia. mauufai Hirer of ,t'iii(ian Sllinds ami Vindow Shades ITT- Tli' largest an J finest assortment in the rlty, at the lowest iirici s. blinds painted and Iriininid xuul luncw store t-li id. . uuifeand ImtlU Apitl I, 1503. Im